
Flexible, Powerful Fraud Defence.

What is RiskGuardian?
                        RiskGuardian is a sophisticated decisioning engine which
                        uses a wealth of technology to detect and prevent fraudulent
                        transactions in real time. Worldpay draws upon over 16 years
                        experience in risk management and a close relationship with
                        the needs of its customers to deliver fraud management that
                        is superior by design.

                                       A tailored approach

   Airline            Gambling           Video Games               Retail               Travel          Digital Content

Preventing fraud while maximising acceptance requires a tailored approach. RiskGuardian is customised for
multiple sectors including Retail, Airlines, Travel, Video Games, Gambling and Digital Content. Our expert Fraud
Managers use in-depth knowledge of your sector plus understanding of your company’s own risk appetite to
fine-tune your risk profile, aligning precisely with your individual business model and risk appetite. The result?
Minimal fraud and maximum acceptance rates.

                                 RiskGuardian: Features
                                 Tailored set-up                        Dashboards and reporting

                         Custom rules                                            Social media validation

                                                                                          Age and ID services
  Advanced IP geo-location

                                                                                                200+ real time rule checks
                                                    Global breadth

                                                Different risk profiles by                         Multiple profiles
Over 100 parameters                           geography enable a tailored
                                              approach per region within
                                                  one single solution.
                                                                                                Workflow module
Transaction monitoring

                                                                                          Global breadth
Leading partner integrations

                     Rich data insight                                           Standalone or integrated

                                 Real time alerts                      Leverage your own data

            How RiskGuardian can benefit your business

Increase profitability: maximise acceptance while reducing fraud   Market leading flexibility
Worldpay understands and enables you to achieve the delicate       Respond to new fraud threats: put profile changes and custom
balance between acceptance rates and fraud protection.             rules live in a few clicks, in real time with RiskGuardian’s intuitive,
                                                                   self-service portal.

Complete suite of tools                                            Experienced partner and advisor
With an advanced decisioning engine, Workflow module,              With 16 years experience in fraud detection and end-to-end
standalone Chargeback Management System and full Reporting,        ownership of the payments process, Worldpay is uniquely placed
RiskGuardian offers a complete suite of tools.                     to prevent and detect CNP fraud.

Tailored to fit your needs                                         Single integration for all payments needs
True fraud prevention relies on understanding that every           Access RiskGuardian and our full range of payments products
merchant’s risk profile is different. Our expert Fraud Managers    through a single integration, to simplify technical integration effort.
combine your businesses’ individual needs with our knowledge       RiskGuardian also operates as a standalone solution, independent
of your sector to create your tailored risk profile.               of acquirer or gateway.

Fraud is not just about cards                                      Global view
The payments landscape is rapidly changing. By 2019, non-          We help merchants selling to customers all over the globe,
card alternative payments will make up 55% of all eCommerce        particularly those operating in new markets for the first time.
turnover. RiskGuardian assesses risk posed by all types of
payments made online.

                                                                 How RiskGuardian works

                                                                                                           Risk Score

                                              Customer                                       Merchant                                      Authorisation
                                              Transaction                                             Stop fraud before it happens           Successful
                                             from multiple                                            with a real-time check using          transactions
                                                channels                                                RiskGuardian’s advanced              proceed to
                                              or payment                                                   decisioning engine.              authorisation

                                                                                   Accept     Reject Review*

In real time, RiskGuardian performs 200+ real time checks, protecting your business against fraud while eliminating friction from the payment experience.

*Your Relationship Manager will advise on the options available for your integration type.

Visit worldpay
worldpay.com/riskguardian                                                                                                                                                      worldpay.com

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US, UK or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Worldpay (UK) Limited (Company No. 07316500 / FCA No. 530923), Worldpay Limited (Company No. 03424752 / FCA No. 504504), Worldpay AP Limited (Company No: 05593466 / FCA No: 502597).
Registered Office: The Walbrook Building, 25 Walbrook, London EC4N 8AF and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Service Regulations 2017 for the provision of payment
services. Worldpay (UK) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for consumer credit activities. Worldpay B.V. has its registered office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
(Handelsregister KvK no. 60494344). WPBV holds a licence from and is included in the register kept by De Nederlandsche Bank, which registration can be consulted through www.dnb.nl.
Each of Worldpay (UK) Limited, Worldpay Limited, Worldpay AP Limited and Worldpay B.V. is part of the Worldpay group of companies including Worldpay, Inc. (a Delaware company).
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