Risen is - St Wilfrids Parish - Preston

Page created by Lori Graves
Risen is - St Wilfrids Parish - Preston


Risen is - St Wilfrids Parish - Preston
Risen is - St Wilfrids Parish - Preston
St. Wilfrid’s
 Welcome to

Parish Magazine

    Fr.Peter Randall SJ
        Parish Priest
Risen is - St Wilfrids Parish - Preston
Risen is - St Wilfrids Parish - Preston
Fr. Paul M. Fletcher SJ
Risen is - St Wilfrids Parish - Preston
Risen is - St Wilfrids Parish - Preston
Risen is - St Wilfrids Parish - Preston
Risen is - St Wilfrids Parish - Preston
Risen is - St Wilfrids Parish - Preston

Easter Sunday is also known as Pascal
  Sunday and Resurrection Sunday.
 The word “Easter” derives from the name Eostre, a pre-Christian
 goddess in England, celebrated at the beginning of each spring.
  The date of Easter varies because it’s determined by the date of
     the first Sunday following the first full moon after the
                         Spring equinox.
 Coptic Orthodox Churches celebrate Easter this year on 2nd May,
  because they follow the Julian, not the Gregorian, calendar.
    The first Easter Egg in the UK was introduced in 1873 by the
                Fry family of chocolate makers.
  There is annual egg-rolling on the lawn of the US White House
    on Easter Monday. It was first held on 22nd April, 1878.
  It is thought that Exeter has the most Easter-related addresses,
topping the table with an amazing 12,437. The total UK figure is
                    over 66,000. (Source: Royal Mail)
  Easter Island, in the eastern Pacific Ocean, was given its name by
      Dutch explorers in commemoration of their arrival on
Easter Sunday 1722. The Dutch were only passing through but the
 name stuck and Chile, which owns the Island, still call it Isla de
 Pascua (Spanish for Easter Island). Its native name is Rapa Nui.
 Hibernian Football club, in Scotland’s Premier League, play in a
                stadium named Easter Road.
   Every Easter Monday in Haux, France, locals gather with their
  combined 4500 eggs to produce the world’s largest omelette
 which is then served to their community of over 1000 people.

                                          Happy Easter All!









Love is come again like wheat that springeth green


-   -

Pope Francis is an
 inspirational Pope, none
 more so than during this
past Lent when he wrote the
  following encouraging
         words :-

        Fast from hurting words and say kind words.
       Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude.
        Fast from anger and be filled with patience.
       Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope.
          Fast from worries and have trust in God.
       Fast from complaints; contemplate simplicity.
           Fast from pressures and be prayerful.
        Fast from bitterness; fill your hearts with joy.
       Fast from selfishness and be compassionate.
           Fast from grudges and be reconciled.
            Fast from words; be silent and listen.
A note with the above lines was discovered tucked next to the loaf of bread,
always found in the Bread Cupboard, at Cartmel Priory but the author is unknown.

This is my body...
      those of
    your critics
     for whom
      is up to
Thinking discipleship...

   Thinking scripture...

                    Thinking ecology...


    Thinkingfaithjournal                @thinkingfaith
gseg sgeg esgg
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gseg sgeg egsg
Misprints to amuse
                         After today’s sermon: A moment of silence
                         for Prayer & Medication.

                        Do you struggle putting pen to paper?
                        Write to the Parish Office for help.

                     The recent concert was a great success.
                     Special thanks to the pianist who played
                     throughout the evening at the piano, which as
Misprints to amuse

                     usual fell upon her.

                       Tea & Toast for Lent. No charge but your
                       damnation gratefully accepted.

                     Today’s Homily will be on Euthanasia.
                     Closing hymn: “Take My Life Lord”

                       This pandemic has never been a better time
                       to invite your fiends to church.

                     During the absence of the usual clergy we
                     enjoyed the rare privilege of having a good
                     sermon when a visiting monster supplied
                     the pulpit.

                       Come to a multilingual roast chicken
                       dinner next Sunday. Sing your name to
                       reserve a place.



-   -



The Angel’s
 After the Sabbath,
and towards dawn on
 the first day of the
 week, Mary of Mag-
 dala and the other
  Mary went to visit
    the sepulchre.
 And suddenly there
 was a violent earth-
 quake, for an angel
   of the Lord, de-
    scending from
  heaven, came and
rolled away the stone
 and sat on it… the
    angel spoke…
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