Risedale Review Spring 2019 - Risedale Sports and Community College

Page created by Leo Griffin
Risedale Review Spring 2019 - Risedale Sports and Community College
Risedale Review
        Spring 2019
Risedale Review Spring 2019 - Risedale Sports and Community College
North Yorkshire Working to Bring Down Exclusion Rate

  Tackling Exclusion ‘ The Risedale Way’

At a time when the rising tide of school exclusions is hitting the national headlines, North
Yorkshire is beginning work with its schools to reduce the exclusion rate.
                                                        Increasingly education and regional and national leaders
                                                        are pointing to exclusion as part of a downward spiral for
                                                        children and young people as evidence shows that those
                                                        who are permanently excluded suffer in terms of
                                                        educational outcomes and life chances and are more
                                                        vulnerable to gangs. Ofsted has said it will take into account
                                                        a school’s exclusion figures in future inspection judgements.

                                                        The County Council recently decided to shift prevention
                                                        funding from its pupil referral service to school partnerships
                                                        to help drive forward a more inclusive mainstream culture
                                                        so that young people can remain in their local schools with
                                                        the right support and curriculum.

As part of this initiative the council is working with school
leaders to share good practice such as that at Risedale Sports
and Community College, which is already taking concerted
action to tackle exclusions and for the last six months has had
no exclusions in school.

Colin Scott is not in the business of letting his students off the hook. As principal of Risedale he makes it clear
that any student thinking of kicking off to get out of lessons can think again.

“It’s so easy” he said, “for students to become awkward and difficult every time they don’t want to do something if
they know we will send them away. And it’s so easy for teachers to get rid of a kid from the classroom because they
are being disruptive. In my mind that disempowers teachers and it sends out the wrong message to students. If a
teacher is not skilled to deal with a student and removes them from class that sends the message that they can’t
deal with them. But here at Risedale we want our young people to know that even if they are giving up on
themselves, we are not. Our business is to support them, not remove them. In this school exclusion is the last

Indeed exclusions have reduced rapidly over the last two years since Mr Scott’s arrival. In the first six months of
2015/2016, 53 exclusions resulted in 173.5 lost school days. February 2019 marked sixth months of no exclusions.
In February 2016 there were 923 removals of students from class and in February 2019 there had been 93. In
February 2016 attendance was 91% and in February 2019 attendance was 95%.

“It’s easy for people to think that if you don’t exclude challenging children that behaviour in the school will worsen”,
said Colin. “But we have shown that the opposite can be true. Our exclusions last term dwindled to nothing, but
our removals from class also dramatically reduced. And attendance is improving markedly. Students here know
they are wanted.”

Mr Scott spent 22 years as a special constable with Northumbria police. He is also an Ofsted inspector. He is not
a walkover. He believes that consequences for poor behaviour must be fit for purpose. The aim is to equip
children for life; not let them run away from it.

He said: “As a senior team we are very visible in the school; we move around a lot. Kids know we will challenge
them and we nip little things in the bud before they become big things.”

Ofsted has become concerned nationally by the rising tide of school exclusions and will judge schools critically
with a high exclusion record. Evidence shows that children who find themselves outside mainstream school have
poorer life chances.

North Yorkshire County Council is currently reshaping services within the high needs budget for special
Risedale Review Spring 2019 - Risedale Sports and Community College
educational needs in order to bring down exclusions. It has agreed a range of
proposals which will help to drive forward a more inclusive mainstream
culture, create enough places to meet needs and more local alternative
provision. It will also secure some savings in an area of massive overspend.

“Permanent exclusions have risen significantly, despite our investment in the
pupil referral service of over £4.7m each year” said Cllr Patrick Mulligan, North
Yorkshire’s Executive Member for Education and Skills. “The present system is
not working.”

You could say that in this respect, Risedale is one step ahead.

Risedale College is a garrison school – 50 per cent of students have parents
in the army. This means mobility is high – four times the national average.
One student currently is on his 10th school and this is not uncommon. This
brings its own challenges and disruption. But these days, says Mr Scott, the
school is calm and purposeful. Garrison commander Lt. Col. Joe Jordan, who
sits on the governing body, concurs. “Students do very well here,” he said,
“there’s lots of great things for them to get on with.”

Currently there are 512 children on roll, but the school’s reputation for taking
good care of its students is growing and the roll is expected to rise to 540
this year– even before the expected garrison expansion. As a consequence of
this growth a £300,000 deficit in 2015/2016 has now resulted in surplus.

The school has appointed a Deputy Head who will oversee alternative
provision – a centre where students with difficulties will be given an intensive
curriculum for up to three months. The curriculum will include English, Maths
and Science but be tailored to the students’ needs. The Deputy will also
oversee the new behaviour policy where exclusion is the last resort, (drugs,
knives), not the first response.

Assistant Principal and Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), Sally
Zaranko, also points out the investment in curriculum and extra-curricular
activity.There have been trips to France and Germany and a Russian
exchange. The school is big on Duke of Edinburgh and has added Drama,
French and Media Studies to the curriculum and has retained Music -
creating a Recording Studio. Lunchtimes buzz with chess club, sport of all
kinds, theatre. There are also clubs between 3 and 4pm after school –
cheerleading and a running club, made up mainly of girls, to name but a few.

“All this activity gives the message that teachers want to give their time to
students because they are worth it,” said Mrs Zaranko. “It’s about building
relationships in a really effective way.”

Family Support Advisor, Gary Morley agrees. He is ex-army, has a
background in youth justice and is employed by Risedale to liaise with
families and improve attendance. He sees his job as building trust and
positive relationships on the doorstep rather than turning up with a list of
demands. He meets and greets students at the school gate when they arrive
in the morning, and waves them off at the end of the day. He said: “We have
a solution-centred approach here; we build trust with families and that pays
dividends. Our attendance is improving and things are definitely on the up.”

             Article/Film by Elaine Williams, Senior Press Officer, North
             Yorkshire County Council. Photos/Film by Richard Jemison.

  A parent/carer on Facebook remarked:
  “Brilliant work! Nice to see a school that refuses to give up on children.
  When the benefits for all involved are so clear I hope other schools are
  encouraged to follow the same path. Nice to see a school so invested in all
Risedale Review Spring 2019 - Risedale Sports and Community College
England Rugby Star Inspires Students

  Presentation and training session with Tamara Taylor

On Tuesday 26th March England International Rugby player Tamara Taylor visited Risedale
Sports and Community College to give an inspirational talk to Year 8 students.
The morning began with Tamara speaking to both Year 8 boys and
girls in the hall accompanied by a presentation of photos and
videos where she spoke about her achievements in rugby and her
upcoming challenge to Everest.
Tamara spoke to the students about breaking down gender
stereotypes in sport, especially rugby; how she became interested
in rugby as a child and how by having the confidence to follow her
dreams led to many opportunities such as travelling the world,
inspiring future sports stars and meeting her heroes. She also spoke
about the reality of international rugby; fitness regimes, injury,
doubt and the importance of mental as well as physical strength.

  Tamara said to the students: "Challenge stereotypes! Do what you love and be inspired. When things
  go wrong, get back up and try again. Find your next challenge, be better and grow as people."

Tamara also said how much rugby has changed in recent years. Women's rugby is now a professional sport at an
elite level and for the players this is their full-time job.
She added: "Rugby is a great team sport inclusive of all shapes and sizes and abilities, so why not get involved?"
The second part of Tamara's talk involved her telling the students about her upcoming adventure to Everest as part
of The LMAX Exchange Everest Rugby Challenge for Wooden Spoon - The Children's Charity of Rugby.
In 2015 the Wooden Spoon Charity went to the North Pole and set a Guinness World Record for the northern-most
game of rugby ever and in 2019 they're going to Mount Everest to attempt to break two further world records,
firstly playing the highest game of full contact rugby and secondly the highest game of touch rugby in history all
taking place at Advance Base Camp, 213001/6492m above sea level and Tamara is part of the 27 strong team.
                                                   Wooden Spoon is a charity that helps to change the lives of
                                                   children and young people with disabilities or facing
                                                   disadvantage across the UK and Ireland. The team leave for
                                                   Everest on 13th April and hope to raise over £200,000 for
                                                   Wooden Spoon with their fundraising challenge.
                                                   After the talk Tamara was kind enough to lead two rugby
                                                   training sessions for some of the students during their PE
Year 8 student Kayleigh Metcalf said: "Tamara was great, I'd really like to join Richmond Ladies Rugby Club now."
Head of PE, Selina Brierley said: "It was such a great honour to have England Rugby Player
Tamara Taylor here with us at Risedale; she was a huge inspiration for all the Year 8's who met
her and in particular the girls she taught Rugby to. Thank you Tamara and good luck with your
Guinness World Records attempts at Mount Everest Advance Base Camp."
Miss Brierley added, "We're already making plans to organise a charity event here at Risedale to
raise money for Tamara and the Wooden Spoon Charity. The students are buzzing!"
Risedale Review Spring 2019 - Risedale Sports and Community College
Spor ting Highlights                                             #TeamRisedale

Take a look at what’s happening in and out of school

  Mr Morley’s Thursday night Running Club
out in all weather but having a great time and
        plenty of laughs along the way.
            Keep up the great work!

                                                  The PE Department has received a makeover and in particular
                                                   Y10 GCSE PE - don't they all look so proud wearing their new
                                                 kit. Special thank-yous go to Mr Pearson for organising the new
                                                      merchandise, and also to Mr Hindhaugh and Mr Scott for
                                                    supporting the reintroduction of GCSE PE back onto the PE
                                                          curriculum at Risedale. Looking great everyone!
                                                           #TeamRisedale Miss Brierley - Head of PE

 Risedale students take part in the North East
  Regional Kickoff@3 football tournament at
  Durham University to improve community
cohesion between young people and the police

 Jess Hamilton                                   Risedale’s Y9/Y10 football            Risedale vs Bedale.
  achieves 2nd                                      team finish 5th place          A tense 5-4 victory for the
place in the solo                                  overall in tournament           Risedale Y8/9 girls football
category at the                                  (2 wins, 1 draw, 4 defeats)     team away at Bedale in March
  Legacy Lazer
  Cheer Dance

                             Some fantastic
                               photos of
                             Miss Foreman’s                                            Riley Harrison and
                           Cheerleading Club                                      Alysha Hughes-Francis at the
                            by Photographer                                            Area Cross Country
                            Richard Jemison                                        Championships in Whitby
Risedale Review Spring 2019 - Risedale Sports and Community College
Russian Exchange Highlights
                   Cooking scones with our Russian visitors

                                                                          Lana Briton
                                                                          Most Education
                                                                          “A truly wonderful activity for both
                                                                          groups: Russian students and their
                                                                          British buddies! On behalf of the
                                                                          partner Moscow School no.1231-
                                                                          UNESCO school we would like to
                                                                          express our massive thank you to all
                                                                          staff and students who helped to
                                                                          organise this lesson. Everyone has
                                                                          enjoyed not only cooking but eating as

  A day out at Beamish - The Living Museum of the North

On Tuesday 26th March our Russian exchange visitors had a fantastic
day out at Beamish with their Risedale buddies. A unique opportunity
to explore Britain's past at this open air museum, telling the story of
life in North East England during the 1820s, 1900s and 1940s.

                                             This exchange was organised by Lana Briton, founder and
                                             managing director of Most Education, a non-profit organisation
                                             which creates school partnerships between students and
                                             teachers from the North-East and around the world.
Risedale Review Spring 2019 - Risedale Sports and Community College
Chess Challenge Success
  Ben Fulton declared Risedale’s Chess Champion

A report from Mr Carter - Head of Maths and Computing Faculty:
On the 28th of January, 16 students took on the Delancey UK Chess
Challenge. These students played against each other at lunchtimes over a
series of 7 weeks in order to find the Risedale School Chess Champion.
I have been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm that all of the students have
shown for the re-launch of chess club and I would like to thank those
students who helped out with 'refereeing' games as well as the competitors
themselves. It has been a privilege to watch how the games of all of the
players have improved over the last two months.
Some of my favourite games have included the 'painful' stalemate for Ben
against Ethan, where he dropped his only points, the 4 move checkmate by
Michael, as well as the best overall game of chess played by Keira in a
narrow loss against Dipesh. I must also thank Darragh and Jamie, in              Chess tournament champion
particular, for the joy and exuberance they have shown in their discovery of a         Benjamin Fulton
new passion.
A big thank all of the players who took part and the great sportsmanship they all demonstrated. While there
was only one winner, there were many runners-up. Congratulations to Ben Fulton (8SHughes) for his first
place. Second place was shared between Brad Best, Dipesh Rana, and Dmitri Schwartz-Hall. Third place was
shared by Jamie Kelley, Darragh Reid and Callum Thornton.
Well done everyone!

                   Have you collected yours yet?
   Examination certificates can be collected on Mondays 3-4:30pm
    or call Mrs Tonkin our Exams Officer to make an appointment.
    For anyone else to collect your certificates they need a signed
      permission slip from you (you can find one on the website
             ‘Exam Information’ page) and identification.
Risedale Review Spring 2019 - Risedale Sports and Community College
Ar t at Risedale
  Arts Careers at BALTIC

Year 9 Art students had a fantastic
'Arts Careers' day at BALTIC Centre for
Contemporary Art on Thursday 7th
March. After listening to some
established Artists discuss how they
became successful, students then
created      their     own      abstract
photographic artwork using iPads,
torches, water and paints and then
designed their own graffiti lettering on
spray painted boards. It was fantastic
to see our students so inspired by the
surroundings of the gallery spaces and
engaged by the opportunities. They
had to creatively explore materials and
media while also considering future
careers in the creative arts.

         Ms Westwood - Head of Art

  Abstract Photography Competition 2019 Winners

   Well done to all
  students who took
 part in the Abstract
  The standard was
   incredibly high!
 Thank you to all the
  students and staff
 who voted and here
  are your top 3 . . .
Risedale Review Spring 2019 - Risedale Sports and Community College
New Skills for Students
  Archer y Reward Session with Scor ton Archer y Club
On Wednesday 27 March, 17 students were
chosen to take part in a positive reward
session. This involved members of Scorton
Archery Club delivering tuition on Archery in
the Risedale Sports Hall. Students were given
a brief history on the bow from the long bow
to the very technical compound bow. After
being kitted out with the safety gear and a
demonstration from the club they were then
split into groups for individual tuition. The
students took part in various solo and team
challenges, including shooting balloons. A
huge thank you to Alistair Newman, Karl
McCoubrey, Clive Kerfoot and Paul Heaps of
Scorton Archery Club for making time to
deliver this session.
Mr Thomson - Service Children's Advocate

  Y10 Food Technology Demonstration
                                                On Tuesday 2nd April, Y10 GCSE Food
                                                Technology students were treated to a
                                                demonstration on how to fillet fish by ex-
                                                Risedale student, Jonathon Craggs, who is
                                                currently a leading chef at Aysgarth Lodges.
                                                Students were shown intricate techniques on
                                                filleting a sea bass and asked lots of pertinent
                                                questions relating to cookery and careers in
                                                the catering industry. A big thank you to
                                                Jonathon for this tremendous learning
                                                Mrs Hughes - Head of Design Technology
Risedale Review Spring 2019 - Risedale Sports and Community College
Careers & Further Education News

  An update from Mrs Porritt                                   Careers Leader & Service Children Advocate

It has been a busy Spring Term, with plenty of activity for our
students and staff. I am pleased to announce that Risedale
Sports and Community College achieved ‘The Quality in
Careers Standard’ award this March. This is a national award
that all schools in England must attain by December 2020, as per Department of Education guidelines
(January 2018) for careers provision. Please note that for students and parents, the Risedale website careers
page has been updated with all the relevant information required. We are also in the process of setting up
parental access to the new resources currently available to our students and have been allocated an
Enterprise Adviser to help support the school with employer engagement, which we are really keen to
revitalise. Please contact me via email at porritt.h@risedale.org.uk , as an employer if you could support us.
Work Experience will also be back on the curriculum for the next academic year (2019-2020).
On the 8th March Risedale held ‘Flood a School Day’ which was led by Student Ambassadors from the
University of York. The young ambassadors spoke with Risedale students abouit the subjects they were
studying, all aspects of university life and possible progression routes available after gaining a degree.
Year 11 are nearing the end of their Post 16 process. Interviews were held in February by staff from Queen
Elizabeth Sixth Form College and Richmond Sixth Form College, here at Risedale for our Y11 students.
Interviews for Darlington College will continue over the next few months, held in Darlington.
On 29th March all Year 10 students completed an Employer Engagement activity as part of our statutory
duty. They spent the morning gleaning information from various employers about what will be required from
them when they enter the world of work and how businesses are run and the necessary skills for
employment. Y10 will be completing their careers module as part of heir Social Studies course after the May
half term. They are also entitled to have a 1:1 interview with K. Bowers, our Careers Adviser. These interviews
will be held on a Tuesday from April until July. Y10 students will also have the opportunity to attend two
college ‘Taster Days’ at Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College (12.06.19) and Darlington College (04.07.19) .
This term all Year 9 students received their entitled 1:1 interview with the Careers Adviser from January to
March, alongside careers lessons to support their decision making with their GCSE Option choices. An
Options assembly was held for students to gain information about each subject and what particular content
would be studied at GCSE level. Staff from York St. John University delivered a lesson on ‘soft skills’ and how
to improve them. Year 9 students were also given the opportunity of attending an 'Arts Careers' day at
BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead.
Year 8 students are coming to the end of their careers lessons as part of Social Studies. They have had
access to lots of new resources provided by NCOP funds. Their lessons have been focussed on the students
themselves being able to independently access good ‘Careers Education Information and Guidance’ (CEIAG),
where to find it and which resources/media to reference. They have also been able to identify their own
transferable skills, why it is so important to work on them and why employers value them so much.

  Message from Mr Scott, Risedale Principal:
  “On a personal note I would just like to thank all the staff at Risedale, and most notably our Careers Leader
  Mrs Porritt, for all their hard work and dedication in working towards ‘The Quality in Careers Standard’ award. This is
  a great accomplishment and one that very few other schools nationally have been able to obtain so far. A big well
  done indeed!”
‘Champion School’ Status for Risedale

  National Citizen Ser vice recognises hard working Y11 pupils

                                                                 Risedale Sports and Community College
                                                                 awarded ‘Champion School’ status by
                                                                 National Citizen Service
                                                     630 schools across the country have been recognised
                                                       as Champion Schools
                                                     Almost 400,000 students have taken part in NCS since
                                                       2011, with recent research showing that it improves
                                                       outcomes for the teens who take part, including
                                                       increased likelihood of getting into university
                                                National Citizen Service (NCS) has awarded Bronze
                                                ‘Champion School’ status to Risedale Sports and
                                                Community College, who have been recognised alongside
                                                schools across the country for their commitment to, and
work with, the flagship youth programme. The award of Champion School status has been given to those
schools that have exceeded expectations in promoting the programme as well as recruiting students to take
Open to all young people, regardless of circumstances or additional needs, NCS focuses on three core
principles of social cohesion, social engagement and social mobility, all of which have benefits not just to the
participants but to communities and society as a whole.
Parents of the teens who take part repeatedly comment on the positive
effect NCS has on their children, including increased confidence levels
and independence. In addition, the teachers at Champion Schools have
praised the impact NCS has had on so many of their pupils, and the
knock on benefits to the school more widely.
Colin Scott, Principal at Risedale said: “Senior Teacher, Jane Hailwood,
has been a driving force in setting up and supporting our Year 11 students
with this programme. NCS provides a wonderful opportunity for young
people, and a very tangible way for pupils to enhance their CVs for
college, work and life. We look forward to continuing to work closely with
NCS to give many more of our pupils the chance to get involved.”
Earlier this year, a social impact report using data from UCAS revealed that young people who take part in
NCS are significantly more likely to get into university. Higher education participation rates for NCS grads was
on average 12% higher than for non-NCS graduates, and there was an almost 50% increase in higher
education participation for the most disadvantaged young people.
Michael Lynas, CEO of NCS Trust said “We work closely with schools across the UK to ensure everyone is aware
of the fantastic benefits their students can enjoy by taking part in NCS. Subsequently, a proportion of these
schools take the partnership to the next stage, encouraging as many students as possible to take part.
This is helping embed NCS within local communities across the UK, making it the rite of passage it should be for
young people everywhere. Everyone who takes part has the opportunity to develop new skills, meet new friends
from different schools, and gain the confidence they need to be successful in life and work.”
Anna Cole, Parliamentary Specialist, Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), added: “NCS offers
young people fantastic opportunities to challenge themselves, explore new horizons, meet people from all walks
of life and in the process gain new and transferable skills, maturity and confidence. ASCL highly recommends all
school and college leaders embrace the chance for their students to get involved. Together we can help prepare
and develop young people for the future.”
There are a number of ways in which schools in North Yorkshire can work with their local NCS provider to
raise the profile of the programme: from delivering an assembly to students, to attending careers events,
parents’ evenings and delivering sessions to tutor groups. All are free of charge.
Normandy 2019 – Vive la France!
  Culture, sightseeing and adventure for our Year 8 students

           Year 8 students at Château du Tertre, Normandy accompanied by PGL staff member Jordan and
                         Risedale staff Mr Miller, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Wright and Mr Tivinan.

Year 8 students have just returned from an amazing week in Normandy, France. Forty lucky students (along
with Mr Miller, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Wright and Mr Tivinan) had the opportunity to spend time visiting this
gorgeous part of the country, while having loads of fun and, most importantly, practising their French in real-
life settings.
We stayed near Ambrières at a beautiful and historic PGL ‘château’. At our base we were able to participate in
lots of on-site sessions, run by PGL staff, which included abseiling, climbing, rifle shooting, trapeze and a variety
of sports and other fun activities, including silly competitive games and a disco night. We had great
accommodation and full-board: croissants and pains au chocolat for breakfast (naturally), packed lunches
(which students made themselves) and fantastic evening meals, including snails…if you were brave enough to
try them!
Every day we had a mixture of some amazing activities to take part in at the château, as well as coach trips to
some fantastic places, including the world-famous Mont Saint-Michel, Fougères castle (the largest medieval
castle in Europe) and visits to a hypermarket and a local traditional boulangerie, where students helped the
baker in preparing (and tasting) a variety of produce. The smell of the bakery was worth the visit alone!
One of the most interesting excursions was a visit to Flers market, where students participated in “Preparez à
manger!” (prepare to eat!). Given a budget of 20 Euros per small group, students had to explore the traditional
market and decide what was for lunch! They then had to buy a range of items using their French language
skills, before returning to the château to prepare it, which was judged in terms of presentation, variety and
nutrition. The standard of the competition was high and some of the culinary creations were fantastique!
This was the first trip to France by Risedale students in many years and is certainly something we would hope to
repeat regularly in the future. When we returned to school late on Friday evening there were some tired faces
but it was all an unforgettable experience. Students had a fabulous time and really got stuck in to all the
activities, not to mention the fact that everyone really immersed themselves in France and the French language
– Bravo!
                       Mr Miller - Trip Leader and Head of Modern Foreign Languages
Our Normandy Galler y

Fearne Curtis:
“I really enjoyed our trip to
 Normandy. The activities were
 great and it was brilliant to
 have a go on the trapeze. I
 loved visiting Fougères castle it
 was magnifique!
 My favourite evening meal was
 the pasta and meatballs YUM!”

                                                                         Hannah Johnston:
                                                                         “I really enjoyed abseiling and visiting Mont Saint-Michel.
                                                                          The food was lovely and the disco was great especially
                                                                          Mr Tivinan’s dancing!”

                                     Kian O’Brien:
                                     “The scenery and countryside
                                      was amazing and it was great
                                      to spend time with my friends
                                      abroad. My favourite activity
                                      was the rifle shooting. I really
                                      enjoyed speaking to the local
                                      people especially when we were
                                      shopping for ‘Preparez à
in Action
  Boxing News: 5th Regional Title for Elliot Done
On Sunday 24th February Elliot Done (11Laheney) entered the Junior
National Championships and competed against a very determined boxer
from Darlington in the Tyne Tees and Wear Regional Championships.
After three rounds Elliot was announced as the winner and will now
progress to the National Quarter Finals against the North West on
                           Sunday 17th March. This is Elliot’s fifth
                           regional title and his first for Catterick Boxing
                             Elliot’s Dad Simon said: “We would like to
                             thank everyone at Risedale Sports and
                             Community College for their continued
                             support whilst Elliot has been working towards
                             his fifth National Title.”
                             Risedale Principal Colin Scott said: “This is a
                             fantastic achievement and true testament of Elliot’s dedication to Boxing. Everyone
                             at the school is very proud indeed.”

  Crufts News: Another 1st Place for Er yn Williams
On Saturday 26th January Eryn Williams (9Westwood) handled her Golden Retriever Laci to 1st Place in the
Young Kennel Club Class. This placing has qualified Eryn for the YKC Handling Finals at Crufts 2020! Eryn also
handled a young Pointer named Louie to 3rd in the Junior Handling Association Class, qualifying her for the
JHA semi-finals In August. Thank-you to Eryn's Mum, Mhairi for the news update and a big congratulations to
Eryn on her fantastic achievement. We look forward to hearing how Eryn does in her upcoming competitions.

   Eryn showing her winning Golden Retriever Laci.

                                                                         Eryn showing Pointer Louis.
                                                        Certificates and prizes from a successful day of competition.

          Tell us about your ’Unsung Heroes’ and good news by sending
              your stories / photos / videos to news@risedale.org.uk
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
  Silver awards for Risedale DofE students

Congratulations to Lauren, Emily, Liam,
Hannah and Eve who successfully
completed their Silver DofE Awards this
term and were presented with their official
certificates in assembly.
DofE Leader and Senior Teacher,
Mrs Hailwood said, “I’m extremely proud of
all of our DofE students this year and
especially this particular group of very
talented and determined Y11 students who
have now completed their Silver Award.
Well done everyone, a terrific achievement

  Sharing Your Feedback from Facebook

   At Risedale we take a keen interest in the comments we receive on our own social
   media pages as well as those in the public domain. Here are a few examples of
   some of the positive feedback Risedale has received - Thank you so much!
- Year 11 please make the most of every opportunity to study and receive help from your teachers at this very important time -
A snap shot of school life

 Mr Gückel’s Y7 History group                ‘Flood a School Day’ led by Student Ambassadors from the
  produce beautiful medieval              University of York who talked to Risedale students about university
 style letters from monks/nuns                    life and what opportunities a degree path can offer
                                  Y9 Food Technology
                                  Y7 Computer Science

 Vitamin ‘Speed Dating’ in Food
Technology proves to be a great
   way to learn fast and share
      information quickly
                                  Y11 Science

                                                                                      Risedale Science Faculty working
                                                                                          with Hipswell Church of
                                                                                      England's Y2 class investigating
                                                                                        good materials for umbrellas

 Mrs Matthewman's Y7 explored
 the power of reading for World
   Book Day with some of their                          Year 7 bring in objects to school that mean a lot to them as
favourite reads. #ShareAStory                                inspiration for their creative ‘Friday Write’ session
Your local secondary
                                                         school serving the
                                                         Catterick Community
                                                         Principal: Colin D Scott BEd NPQH
                                                         11-16 Comprehensive School
                                                         Call 01748 833501
                                                         or email
                                                         to find out more
Make Risedale your first choice!                         Hipswell - Catterick Garrison
It’s your local gateway to a choice                      North Yorkshire - DL9 4BD
of great sixth forms.                                    www.risedale.org.uk

“ This is a GOOD school ”

What we offer…
 An exciting and engaging education, delivered by dedicated staff who are
  passionate about supporting everyone to achieve their aspirations.
 A great range of extra-curricular activities at lunchtime and afterschool.
 Our facilities and curriculum are expanding, enabling us to deliver a
  diverse range of subjects - now including Drama, French, Media Studies.
  We also have a new cutting edge Music Technology suite.

                               Facebook, Twitter, YouTube: @RisedaleCollege
                                    . . . and we’re now on Instagram too!
                                  Follow @risedalestudentgallery for updates on the
                               fantastic artwork created by our students here at Risedale
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