Prospectus - Clonard College

Page created by Pamela Keller
Prospectus - Clonard College
Prospectus - Clonard College

The Clonard College
community acknowledges
the traditional custodians of
the land on which we educate
our students, the Wathaurong
people of the Kulin nation. We
honour and pay our respects to
elders past, present and emerging.
We commit ourselves to walk
alongside all Aboriginal people in
the quest for justice, reconciliation
and recognition through the
transforming power of education.
Prospectus - Clonard College
Welcome to   From the moment you walk through our
             gates, we trust that your family and more
                                                             Whilst we treasure and value our traditions
                                                             and heritage we are a College that is

             importantly your daughter feels welcomed        responsive to the dynamic nature of the
             and valued at Clonard College. With over        world in which we live. We actively strive

             60 years of providing quality education         to ensure our programs are equipping our
             to young women of the Greater Geelong           young women to thrive both in the present
             region, we are delighted that you have          and the future. Our past record shows the
             taken the time to inquire about our College     strong achievements of our graduating
             and considering being a part of our             students and we aspire to continuous
             community.                                      improvement for both students and staff.
                                                             Our staff are committed and passionate
             The educational experience at Clonard is
                                                             about what they do and will go above
             more than an academic journey. It is an
                                                             and beyond in many cases to support our
             education that nurtures young women to
                                                             students. We also recognise that the sacred
             embody our College motto ‘strength and
                                                             privilege of educating young women is
             kindliness’. It is an education where the
                                                             not one that can be achieved without
             spirituality of our students is fostered. Our
                                                             community support and so our partnerships
             students’ personal strengths are known,
                                                             with families and other community agencies    Luci Quinn
             cultivated and celebrated through a broad
                                                             and groups are paramount.
             range of opportunities and extracurricular                                                    College Principal
             offerings. Everybody is a somebody at           We understand that choosing a school is
             Clonard. We place equal importance on care      one of the most important things you will
             for students’ wellbeing and their academic      do for your daughter’s education. We invite
             learning success. A Clonard education gives     you and your family to ‘come and see’
             our young women a sense of social justice       through the pages of this prospectus or
             and a voice to make a difference in the         a visit to our College and consider if your
             world. It is an education where the leaders     daughter might become a ‘Clonard girl’.
             of tomorrow are formed. It is an experience
             where friendships are formed for life.

Prospectus - Clonard College
Kildare Ministries is inspired by the                                                                                                       ‘Do everything in a spirit
                                                                                                                                                 of love and you will not
    transformative vision of the Christian                                                                                                        find your hands empty
    story and our rich traditions ...                                                                                                                   at journey’s end.’
                                                                                                                                                               Daniel Delany

    Clonard College                            Graduate Outcomes
    Vision Statement                           Clonard College strives to help each student to be:
    Clonard College, as a Kildare Education    A young woman of spirituality and faith who:
    Ministries school, is a school where we
                                               •   Values and participates in rituals, liturgies and the prayer life of the faith community
    strive for learning to be collaborative,
                                               •   Lives the Gospel values including those of love, justice, peace, inclusivity and gratitude
    dynamic, vibrant and purposeful.
                                               •   Experiences faith as a source of hope and belonging
    Inspired by the Gospel values of love,
                                               •   Respects all voices, views and perspectives
    justice, service and peace, we will be a
                                               •   Nurtures her spiritual, physical, mental and emotional health
    community that celebrates:
                                               A young woman of character who:
    • Wonder and all that is good with joy
      and gratitude                            •   Values and develops her own unique voice and an independence of spirit
                                               •   Values and nurtures her physical, mental and emotional health
    • Courage by speaking and acting
                                               •   Listens, reflects, speaks and acts with integrity and courage
      with integrity
                                               •   Creates and nourishes respectful relationships
    • Hospitality by welcoming all
                                               •   Meets challenges with confidence and courage
    • Hope by bringing a sense of purpose
                                               A young woman of learning who:
    • Compassion by walking with and
      having empathy for all                   •   Seeks understanding, knowledge and skills
                                               •   Sees and creates opportunities, possibilities and solutions
    • Justice through making the needs of
                                               •   Participates, collaborates, reflects, questions and thinks critically
      the vulnerable paramount
                                               •   Invests in her own lifelong learning
                                               • Is curious, innovative, creative, resourceful and takes responsibility for her own learning

                                               A young woman of service who:
                                               •   Embraces the legacy of Saint Brigid: compassion, social justice, advocacy, leadership and vision
                                               •   Values and builds connections with her world, her community and her environment
                                               •   Seeks and promotes justice in local and global communities
                                               •   Supports the development of others through her capacities in leadership and collaboration

Prospectus - Clonard College
Our motto

Strength and kindliness

Prospectus - Clonard College
Our     Clonard was founded in 1956, after
            Parish Priest, Father John Tressider,
                                                             Brigidine Heritage
                                                             The Brigidine story begins in 1807 when
                                                                                                                Kildare Ministries
                                                                                                                In 2014, the Brigidine Sisters established

            invited the Brigidine Sisters to Geelong to
                                                             Daniel Delany, Bishop of Kildare and               Kildare Ministries, a Public Juridic Person,
            accommodate more students seeking a
                                                             Leighlin, Ireland, invited six women to            with canonical and civil governance
            Catholic education.
                                                             form a religious community in Tullow, Co           responsibilities for educational services
            The founding sisters acquired the site of        Carlow. He named them the Sisters of Saint         and community works. Kildare Ministries
            Clonard in Herne Hill and began teaching         Brigid, after the great 5th century Saint          is inspired by the transformative vision of
            in February 1956 to a student population         of Kildare. Bishop Delany’s legacy focused         the Christian story and our rich traditions
            of 40. Clonard House, one of the original        on: Priority for the gospel message of love;       from both the Brigidine and Presentation
            buildings dating back to the 1850s retained      Eucharistic spirituality; The spirit of strength   orders. Kildare Education Ministries is the
            its name and the sisters decided to call their   and kindliness and an expansive vision of          incorporated board that governs Clonard
            school ‘Clonard’ as Saint Brigid of Kildare,     education. From the beginning, Brigid’s            College and six other secondary colleges
            the Patroness of the Brigidine Order, was a      ministry was associated with deeds of              across Victoria and South Australia.
            companion of Saint Finian of Clonard.            hospitality and compassion.
                                                                                                                All schools were born from the same
            The Brigidine motto Fortiter et Suaviter,        Brigidines began the work of proclaiming           foundations, sharing a unique connection
            Latin for Strength and Kindliness was            the Reign of God through their lives and           to the Brigidine identity and now embody
            adopted by the founding sisters and              work in Ireland and then in other parts            the same core values that reflect the
            became Clonard’s motto, setting before           of the world. In 1883, six sisters from            essence of our founding sisters.
            us the virtues of Saint Brigid of Kildare.       Mountrath set sail for Australia to found
            In more than 60 years since, Clonard has         the first Brigidine convent in Coonamble,          Core Values for Kildare Ministries
            grown to accommodate 900+ students,              NSW. From there other foundations were             Schools
            expand its physical footprint and offer a        established throughout Australia. For more         Justice
            21st century education ingrained in the          than two hundred years the belief that             Making the needs of the vulnerable
            values of the Brigidine tradition.               education has a fundamental role to play           paramount.
                                                             in spiritual, personal, social and intellectual
                                                             development has engaged the imagination
                                                                                                                Celebrating all that is good with joy and
                                                             and energy of Brigidine women.                     gratitude.
                                                                                                                Speaking and acting with integrity.
                                                                                                                Welcoming all.
                                                                                                                Bringing a sense of purpose.
                                                                                                                Walking with and having empathy for all.

Prospectus - Clonard College
The Living Justice Charter                       ‘I derive great
The mission of Kildare Ministries is inspired    pleasure from seeing
by the life and ministry of Jesus. Our schools   the young women
and community works offer an education
                                                 entrusted into our care,
that is transformative, developing a growing
capacity to engage with empathy and
                                                 grow academically,
love in the lives of one another and our         emotionally and
broader communities. Kildare Ministries          spiritually and enter
offers a particular focus on outreach to         life outside of Clonard
the marginalised and an emphasis on our
moral and civic responsibilities as members
                                                 feeling both prepared
of a democratic society, responding to the       and empowered to
changing needs of our world.                     make a difference in
The Living Justice Charter grounds its           their community.’
approach to justice in the vision, mission
and values of Kildare Ministries. To read the
                                                 Dan Madden,
                                                 Year 12 Community and
full Living Justice Charter document please
                                                 Wellbeing Leader
visit the College website.

Commitment to
Democratic Principles
The programs of learning and teaching
and wellbeing at Clonard College, inspired
by our values of justice, wonder, hope,
courage, compassion and hospitality;
support and promote the principles and
practice of Australian democracy. To
read the full Commitment to Democratic
Principles document please visit the College

Prospectus - Clonard College
A young        As a school, we celebrate our Catholic
                   Identity. United by our belief in God we
                                                                   Entrenched in all our work is the rich
                                                                   heritage of the Brigidine Sisters inspired by

    woman of
                   act out the gospel message inspired by the      the person of Jesus and the vision of Saint
                   person of Jesus Christ. Our relationship with   Brigid of Kildare, Nano Nagle, and Daniel

                   God nurtures our understanding of self,         Delany. Liturgies, ritual and prayer hold a
                   others and the world. Dialogue is the key       rich significance at Clonard. Students begin
                   to the development of a strong identity;        every day with the ritual of prayer, reflective
    and faith      dialogue with God, dialogue with the
                   Catholic faith traditions and dialogue with
                                                                   of significant dates or current events that
                                                                   encourage students to experience faith
                   other faith traditions.                         as a source of hope and belonging.
                                                                   Additionally, we celebrate key liturgical
                   Clonard College provides a structured
                                                                   events with the Celebration of the Eucharist
                   Religious Education curriculum that is
                                                                   or specifically written liturgies marking
                   grounded in the life, death, and resurrection
                                                                   important occasions.
                   of Jesus Christ. Through the teaching of the
                   Gospel, an understanding of story, ethics,      The celebration of our Catholic Identity
                   ritual and symbol informs each student’s        and its cyclicity ensure our students value
                   personal beliefs and values. It is envisioned   and participate in the prayer life of the
                   that through this process students transform    faith community. Renewal and reflection
                   their learning into practise and live the       activities suitable to each age group and
                   Gospel values including those of love,          development of students are embedded
                   justice, peace, inclusivity, and gratitude.     into each year level. Reflection Days at Years
                   The journey of seeking faith and spirituality   7-11 and Retreat at Year 12 are designed
                   through knowledge, understanding                to nurture her spiritual, physical,
                   and appreciation of religious tradition is      mental and emotional health. Through
                   strengthened through discourse. With an         discussion, reflection, interaction and
                   emphasis on dialogue and openness as key        celebration students seek within to evaluate
                   to developing identity, a climate where all     and pursue their true happiness.
                   voices, views and perspectives are respected
                   is realised.

Prospectus - Clonard College
A young               Excellence combined with character is at the
                       heart of what we do. At Clonard, we strive
                                                                       We know that if students are more
                                                                       gritty they are more resilient in the face
                                                                                                                      Through our extensive Career Counselling
                                                                                                                      which begins in Year 7, students are

 woman of
                       to educate the whole person. Ensuring each      of adversity, they bounce forward after        encouraged to explore their strengths and
                       student is healthy, safe, engaged, supported    setbacks and persist when progress is          aptitudes and plan a pathway through

                       and challenged, sets the climate for long       tough or slow. Ultimately, they learn to       school which best suits their uniqueness
                       term success. Wellbeing is key here and         meet challenges with confidence and            and their future plans. The interviews help
                       underpins our whole approach to teaching,       courage. Students with this mindset are        students to hone in on their strengths and
                       learning, and curriculum structure.             not discouraged by failure instead, they see   begin to identify possible industry and
                                                                       themselves as learning.                        educational opportunities into the future.
                       There are six overarching domains in our
                                                                                                                      The interviews are informed by student
                       evidence-based Wellbeing program;               Character is about doing the right thing
                                                                                                                      data, the student Career Action Plan. At
                       Respectful Relationships, Emotional IQ,         even if no one is watching. Positive
                                                                                                                      all times the Career Counselling puts the
                       Engagement, Accomplishment, Purpose             behaviour at Clonard takes on an
                                                                                                                      students at the centre of their learning and
                       and Identity and Fitness and Stamina. These     educative approach. We want our students
                                                                                                                      encourage them to become responsible for
                       are applied throughout the College and are      to recognise wrongdoings, be accountable,
                                                                                                                      their learning journey as a result, students
                       modelled by staff so that students come to      be empathetic and our Restorative Practices
                                                                                                                      come to value and develop their own
                       value and nurture their physical, mental        philosophy promotes these ideas. Setting
                                                                                                                      unique voice and an independence
                       and emotional health. When students             this culture places value on relationships
                                                                                                                      of spirit.
                       are well-positioned physically, mentally and    and in turn sees students creating and
                       emotionally they are in the mindset to learn    nourishing respectful relationships with
                       and achieve.                                    their peers, staff and wider community.

                       Learning becomes easier when character
                       is strengthened. Our program enables
‘I love how            students to identify their existing character
supportive and         strengths and helps develop others.
understanding all      Becoming self-aware results in students
                       being responsive, not reactive. They become
of the teachers are    engaged, they listen, reflect, speak and
and I love the sense   act with integrity and courage. We
of community that      encourage the notion of a growth mindset,
Clonard has.’          placing a focus on the effort and not always
                       the accomplishment. A key component
Eve Cannon,            of this is GRIT – a mix of passion and
Clonard Student        perseverance for long term goals.

Prospectus - Clonard College
A young    Clonard offers a teaching and learning
               program designed to challenge and be
                                                                Our Curriculum
                                                                Our curriculum incorporates rich and robust
                                                                                                                Extra-curricular Programs

    woman of
               responsive to the emerging needs in
                                                                offerings across all domains and with extra-    Interschool, State and National competitions
               education. We want all our students to
                                                                curricular opportunities to extend and enrich   in more than 15 sports.

               become successful learners, confident
                                                                the experiences of students.
               and creative individuals, and active and                                                         Theatre and dance
               informed citizens. The curriculum is regularly   Core subjects                                   Tri-School Production
               assessed and updated to remain current           English, Mathematics, Humanities, Sciences,
               and appropriate for future workforce             Performing and Visual Arts, Music, Digital
                                                                                                                Choir, String Ensemble, Rock Band, Concert
               demands and the transition to further study      Technologies, Physical Education, Food
                                                                                                                Band, Big Al’s Allstars, Orchestra, Private or
               or training. Essentially, our teaching and       Technology and Languages: Indonesian and
                                                                                                                small group instrumental lessons
               learning program aims to have students           French.
               seek knowledge, understanding and                                                                Sciences
                                                                Our online subject selection catalogue lists
               skills as foundations for a life of learning.                                                    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering
                                                                more than 70 selections from Years 7-10
                                                                                                                and Mathematics) teams, Robotics, Drone
                                                                and 30+ VCE offerings. In addition, students
                                                                                                                Technology, Deakin Science and Engineering
                                                                are encouraged to further their interests
                                                                through extra-curricular activities that
                                                                provide an element of agency for students.      Debating and public speaking
                                                                Having students opt to take on additional       Debating Association of Victoria Schools
                                                                challenges demonstrates their willingness       Competition, Wynspeak and Lions Youth of
                                                                to be curious, innovative, creative,            the Year
                                                                resourceful and take responsibility
                                                                for their own learning. There are ever-
                                                                growing opportunities available across the
                                                                curriculum areas, where students are sure to
                                                                find their niche.

                                                                        ‘My time at Clonard has been nothing but positive,
                                                                      I have been lucky enough to participate in so many
                                                                          opportunities that have really helped shape the
                                                                                                        person I am today.’
                                                                                                                                      Jordan Chisholm,
                                                                                                                                 College Captain 2020

We recognise the journey of each student          We believe that every student is unique
will differ and we are committed to               and understand there are varying levels of
personalising each pathway into VCE,              achievement across each year level. In our
VCAL and VET programs. There might                pursuit to ensure all students are positioned
be a few bumps in the road but we can             in their zone of proximal development, we
work together to get students back on             offer extension and accelerated studies
                                                                                                          ‘From every
track. These are not failures, academic           and additional needs and integration              seed sown and
tenacity is built with persistence, the most      programs. When students are not under           cultivated by love
accurate predictor of success in life. There is   or overwhelmed by their studies they are          we shall reap a
something to be learnt when things don’t          more likely to be active members of a class.
                                                                                                        rich harvest.’
go to plan and these experiences create a         They will participate, collaborate, reflect,
resilience that helps students to see and         question and think critically about their              Daniel Delany
create opportunities, possibilities and           work, the possibilities and the ideas of
solutions in education and life choices.          others.

Knowing that learners thrive within a
culture of choice, students at Year 9 are
introduced to specialisation within the
comfort of a core learning area, then
becoming increasingly individualised from
Year 10. The Vertical Curriculum is a
notion that supports the autonomy of
students to have choice about their options
and undertake learning that is in line with
their ability and their interests. Students
who have this ownership over the decisions
they make are more likely to embrace their
journey and invest in their own lifelong
learning. The flexibility of the Vertical
Curriculum is targeted and makes learning
relevant and purposeful.

A young    Clonard’s rich Brigidine history linked with
                the vision of Kildare Education Ministries
                                                                 Alongside students from Sacred Heart
                                                                 College, St Joseph’s College, and St Ignatius
                                                                                                                   Our Student Leadership Program
                                                                                                                   offers all students and every year level

     woman of
                seeks an inclusive community where all           College, the Refugee Holiday Program runs         the opportunity to represent their cohort
                people are valued, are committed to              every term break for children from refugee        and be active in leading others. Working

                engage with the issues of our time and           backgrounds. Activities including craft,          collaboratively together in teams, year
                stand in solidarity with the oppressed and       sports, cooking, music and drama are shared       levels or as a whole, student leadership
                marginalised. At Clonard we look to affirm       and students learn about the experiences of       gives voice to our students and supports
                all of these aspects through teaching,           each other, forming a community built on          the development of others through each
                learning and opportunities beyond the            mutual respect and inclusivity. During school     student’s capacities in leadership and
                classroom by embracing the legacy of             terms, a Homework Club runs after school.         collaboration. Working cooperatively with
                St Brigid and Nano Nagle: compassion,            Students can volunteer to tutor, furthering       staff and through mentorship, student
                social justice, advocacy, leadership and         relationships and developing clarity about        leaders share their vision, extract energy
                vision.                                          our communities.                                  and create hope amongst the student
                Clonard’s Social and Justice focus is inherent   Clonard’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                across all Kildare Education Ministry Schools    Islander (ATSI) student group is also active in
                and aims to deepen student’s interpretations     educating others to create change. Linked in
                of issues regarding equity and fairness.         with our local Wathaurong community,
                Ingrained in the Clonard psyche and              students champion reconciliation, share
                encouraged upon all students, activities are     culture and identity and foster positive
                designed to seek and promote justice in          relationships between Indigenous and
                local and global communities. It is a call       non-Indigenous Australians. With an
                to action, that pursues students to make         emphasis on acknowledgment and empathy,
                informed and valued-based responses such         these encounters result in all students
                as awareness-raising and activities that have    valuing and building connections with
                impacts on change.                               their world, their community and their
                                                                 environment. Immersion opportunities at
                                                                 Year 9 to remote communities in the
                                                                                                                            Playing a role in their
                                                                 Northern Territory; Santa Teresa,
                                                                 Ampilatwatja and Naiyu offer a                                 growth as young
                                                                 transformative experience for students who                 women of character
                                                                 through engagement, connection and                            and service is the
                                                                 learning understand our world better.
                                                                                                                                 ultimate reward.’
                                                                                                                                    Tania Anticev, School
                                                                                                                                  Improvement Leader –
                                                                                                                                   Wellbeing (Years 7-9)

Community      Clonard strives to build and maintain
               strong connections with parents/guardians,
                                                                Clonard has partnered with
                                                                Geelong Tech School who works

               community organisations and our growing          with industry leaders and experts
               Old Collegian network. Not only are these        in chosen fields to bring the best
               partnerships mutually rewarding they foster      learning and hands-on experiences to
               the importance of community and connect          the students in order to connect them
               students to the world beyond Clonard.            to their futures.

               We invite and encourage parents to take          Clonard is a proud partner school of the
               an active role in the successful education       Geelong-Viqueque Friendship Schools,
               of your daughters. Our Parent Access             focusing on the development of social
               Module (PAM) provides information about          responsibility and connectedness with Timor
               attendance, timetables, notices, assessment      Leste. Students, past and present unite
               tasks, teacher feedback and progress. Our        with a common purpose, connecting and
               twice-yearly Parent Teacher Interviews           building strong relationships with the wider
               provide further insight into individual          Geelong community and with the people of
               progress and is an opportunity to set new        Timor Leste.
               goals together to reveal each student’s
                                                                Clonard’s over 60-year history in Geelong
               potential. Parents are also invited to attend
                                                                generates a thriving network of Old
               Career Counselling sessions and become
                                                                Collegians. Old Collegians receive our
               learning partners, contributing views and
                                                                annual Crosslinks magazine dedicated to
               also to hear what is possible.
                                                                news and events featuring Old Collegians
               Parents are further invited to offer expertise   and are invited to our yearly reunion held
               or time to College activities and events.        at Clonard. Old Collegians are warmly
               Opportunities to assist at events such as        welcomed into the College at different
               the swimming or athletics carnivals, school      times and are encouraged to share their
               productions or canteen are welcomed and          experiences and achievements beyond
               appreciated.                                     Clonard. We are dedicated to maintaining
                                                                these relationships and ensuring all
               In the local community, Clonard is
                                                                who have been apart of the
               committed to expanding opportunities
                                                                Clonard story, stay connected
               for students to ensure their skill-sets meet
                                                                post their schooling years.
               future workforce standards.

Rights and       Clonard encourages all members of its
                      community; students, parents and staff to
                                                                        Restorative practices
                                                                        The most profound learning occurs when

                      come to know and live out the ideals of
                                                                        there is a healthy relationship between
                      Strength and Kindliness. Clonard’s Code
                                                                        teacher and student. The implementation
                      of Conduct for students is based on the
                                                                        of Restorative Practices philosophy assists
                      right of all teachers to teach, the right of
                                                                        teachers, students and parents to build,
                      all students to learn and the key principle
                                                                        maintain and restore positive relationships.
                      of the Gospel, respect for the dignity of all
                                                                        Fundamentally, we believe that constructive
                                                                        relationships must come before learning
                      Personal Safety and Wellbeing - students          takes place.
                      have the right to be safe and experience a
                                                                        Our restorative approach to behaviour
                      sense of security.
                                                                        places a focus on education. An
                      In Class - all students have the right to learn   opportunity to learn about self-regulation,
                      and the teachers have a right to teach.           the consequences of actions, to develop
                      General Participation - students have             empathy and seek ways to amend
                      a right to participate in all activities and      relationships. All of which contribute
                      experiences offered by the school.                to the positive and productive learning
                                                                        environment of our school.
                      The Good Name of Clonard - all students
                      have the right to share in and contribute to
                      the good name of Clonard.

                      Responsibilities - students have a right to
                      enjoy the facilities of the school and have
                      their own property respected.

                      Communication - students and teachers
                      have a right to speak and be heard.

Child safety   Kildare Education Ministries has
               zero tolerance for child abuse and
                                                               7.   Procedures are in place to screen
                                                                    all staff, direct contact volunteers,
                                                                                                                ‘I really enjoy coming
                                                                                                                     to work and being
               is committed to the protection of all                third party contractors and external
               children from all forms of child abuse.              education providers who have direct
                                                                                                                part of the success of
                                                                    contact with children.                        Clonard. Having two
               Child Safe Principles                                                                                young girls myself, I
                                                               8.   Child safety and protection is everyone’s
                                                                                                                    can’t wait for them
               The College’s commitment to child safety
               is based on the following overarching
                                                                                                                       to be part of the
                                                               9.   Child protection training is mandatory
               principles that guide the development                                                                       College too.’
                                                                    for all Stewardship Council members,
               and regular review of our work systems,              staff and direct contact volunteers.                      Luke Keane,
               practices, policies and procedures to protect
                                                               10. Procedures for responding to alleged or                Clonard Teacher
               children from abuse.
                                                                   suspected incidents of child abuse are
               1.   All children have the right to be safe.        simple and accessible for all members of
               2.   The welfare and best interests of the          the College community.
                    child are paramount.                       11. Children from culturally or linguistically
               3.   The views of the child and a child’s           diverse backgrounds have the right to
                    privacy must be respected.                     special care and support including those
                                                                   who identify as Aboriginal or Torres
               4.   Clear expectations for appropriate
                                                                   Strait Islander.
                    behaviour with children are established
                    in our Child Safety Code of Conduct        12. Children who have any kind of disability
                    and Staff and Student Professional             have the right to special care and
                    Boundaries Policy.                             support.

               5.   The safety of children is dependent        Further information relating to our child
                    upon the existence of a child safe         safety commitment, our policies and code
                    culture.                                   of conduct can be found on the College
               6.   Child safety awareness is promoted and
                    openly discussed within our College

Our          Clonard’s indoor and outdoor spaces are
                  designed to optimise teaching and learning
                                                                 • Year 10 & VCE general purpose

                  whilst catering to specific subject dynamics
                                                                 • Kildare Theatre
                  and needs.
                                                                   260 seat Performing Arts Centre
                  Our facilities include:
                                                                 • St Brigid’s Chapel
                  • The Brigidine Centre
                                                                 • Music Centre
                    Library, ICT, careers, multimedia and
                                                                   With practise suites
                    student services including counselling
                    and wellbeing services                       • Creative Arts Centre
                                                                   Arts, graphics, digital design, multimedia
                  • Ngawirring-Tjarra-Ngitj (Learning
                                                                   and textiles
                    Together) Centre
                    Year 7 classrooms                            • Five science laboratories

                  • The Delany Centre                            • Two large multi-purpose halls
                    Year 8 and 9 classrooms                      • Food Technology Centre
                                                                   Includes two fully equipped kitchens

                                                                 • Fully equipped circuit gym

                                                                 • Dance Studio

                                                                 • St Brigid’s Garden
                                                                   Fruit and vegetable garden

                                                                 • The Nagle Room
                                                                   Indoor multipurpose area

                                                                 • Tullow Grounds
                                                                   Outdoor multipurpose space

House                        Clonard’s house system operates across the
                             whole school community. Staff and students

                             belong to one of the Clonard houses - Leila,
                             Xavier, Finian or Kildare and this remains
                             constant throughout their Clonard years.
                             The house system provides a supportive
                             environment where students can form
                             connections across all year levels, promoting
                             a sense of belonging.

                             House activities are not limited to sporting
                             carnivals but permeates school life across a
                             variety of sectors. Led loyally by our Student
                             Leadership Team, house choir, talent quests,
                             debating, public speaking competitions and
                             fortnightly assemblies offer opportunities
                             to mingle, collaborate and build a great
                             affection for their houses.

‘Clonard welcomes everyone and no
one is seen as ‘different’ because we are
all different - from various backgrounds,
families, and cultures.’
Rebecca Broekman,
Clonard Teacher

Travelling   Geelong has an extensive public transport
                  network comprised of buses and trains,
                                                                Conveyance Allowance
                                                                Conveyance Allowance is financial

     to our
                  catering to the easy access to Clonard from
                                                                assistance for parents/guardians with
                  anywhere in the Greater Geelong region.
                                                                students accessing the public transport

     College      The bus network in Geelong is operated by
                  two entities:
                                                                system and residing further than 4.8km
                                                                from the College. If your circumstances
                  CDC                                           meet the criteria of eligibility, a claim is
                  Servicing West and North Geelong suburbs.     made on your behalf and credited to your
                                                                fee account.
                  Servicing South and East Geelong suburbs,     For more information please visit the
                  Surf Coast and Bellarine Peninsula lines.     College website or Bus Coordinator:
                  McHarrys Country Service
                  Contract buses operate for students
                  travelling from outer Geelong regions.

                                          ‘There are so many things to look forward
                                                to at Clonard where you can bond
                                              and make new friends with everyone.
                                            Being part of the Clonard community is
                                                            something you will love.’
                                                                                          Bonnie Skabla,
                                                                                        Clonard Student

Our       Uniform is an important way of
          developing a sense of group identity.
                                                       ‘When I walk through the gates each
                                                         morning, I feel part of a community
          Wearing the Clonard uniform with
          pride signifies each student’s willingness                  and I feel like I belong.’
          to learn and her commitment to the                     Saskia Frake, College Captain 2020
          Clonard community.

          The Clonard uniform consists of a winter,
          summer, and sports uniform.

          All uniform items, excluding shoes can
          be purchased from:
          Bellarine Uniforms
          162 Moorabool St
          Geelong VIC 3220
          t. (03) 5221 9199
          or ordered through their online store

          Secondhand school uniforms can be
          purchased from:

          Secondhand School Supplies
          9 Star Street
          Geelong VIC 3220
          t. (03) 5229 7766

Get in touch
225 Church Street,
Herne Hill VIC 3218

t. (03) 5278 2155                                                                           Clonard College is a
e.                                                    Kildare Education Ministries                                                               Catholic School in the
                                                                                               Brigidine Tradition.
                                T ST

                                                                 N AVE



Open Day is held in March of every year.
Additional information is available via our College website.

Personalised tours or further information can be obtained
from our College Registrar:

t. (03) 5278 2155

Clonard College Geelong © 2020
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