Page created by Gregory Spencer

                                          RISE AND FALL
                      Gustav Vasa Kyrka battles high reverberation

   SCRIPTING CUES FOR                                        CONSISTENCY AT
   AUDIO, VIDEO AND LIGHTING                               EN-NAEEM MOSQUE
Singapore: MICA (P) 020/07/2018 PPS 1644/05/2013(022954)

                                                            Issue 56         January–February 2019

LIGHTING A LANDMARK External lighting on Church of the Holy Trinity            4                                              LEADER
LIGHTHOUSE COMMS Lighthouse Evangelism installs Riedel solutions               6
                                                                                                                  It’s the dawn of a new year and what better
CREMATORIUM CONTROL Full Crestron control over AV and more                     8                                  excuse than to make a fresh start? Here at
AV TEAM INTEGRATION Calvary Chapel brings AV team into the sanctuary           9                                  Worship AVL, rather than attempt to stick to
LEAPFROGGING HD Christian Faith Center jumps to 4K                            10                                  any half-hearted resolutions (it’s too cold
                                                                                                                  outside to exercise and festive food is filling
BIG CONGREGATION, COMPACT SPEAKERS GBI Aruna equipped with Adamson            10
                                                                                                                  the fridge!) we’ve taken the theme of new
TREATING SÄTER CHURCH Lowering reverberation at the Swedish church            12                                  beginnings and ran with it in this issue’s
MIXING AS IS IGODSWILL Korean church goes dLive                               12                                  KnowHOW section. John Black, Gordon Moore
                                                                                   and Ledetta Asfa-Wossen talk us through some of the different methods
DAVINCI AT SUMMER CAMP Elation lighting brightens Student Life                14
                                                                                   of scripting a service with lighting, audio and video cues, respectively, on
CATHARINAKERK GLOWS Neo-gothic church brings artwork to life with Christie    14   pages 34, 38 and 40. If your house of worship is just starting to embrace
FLEXIBLE SOUND Sarangsaem Church requires agile sound system                  15   new technologies or whether the new year has sparked the desire to
                                                                                   switch things up a little, we hope these articles and the tips and tricks
AUDIO ABOVE ALL Christ Fellowship’s new building considers sound design first 16
                                                                                   within will help you along the way.
KNOXVILLE’S SACRED HEART Jericho Horn found in Knoxville Cathedral            18    While it’s always great to plan for the year ahead, it’s wise to look back
CHERRY HILLS COVERAGE Megachurch selects Lectrosonics wireless comms          19   and learn from the past. In this regard, you’ll find a fresh set of case
SPECIAL REPORT DPA Microphones’ House of Worship Tour                         20   studies from houses of worship around the world in the pages that follow.
                                                                                    Speaking of resolutions, ours is to keep bringing you the comprehensive
PROJECTS                                                                           AVL magazine houses of worship need. To help us improve the magazine,
                                                                                   as well as online and on social media, please do get in touch and let us
EN-NAEEM MOSQUE Consistency and intelligibility under the dome                22
                                                                                   know what you think. If you have challenged yourself with a new year’s
COVER: GUSTAV VASA KYRKA The rise and fall of reverberation in Stockholm      24   resolution, I wish you the best of luck in sticking to it.
REDEMPTION HILL Practice makes perfect during service set up                  26
KIRCHE ST PETER UND PAUL Steering the course of history                       30
ST JOHN’S AND ST MARGARET’S Time for T in Singapore                           32

SCRIPTING LIGHTING CUES John Black discusses the benefits and tips             34     James Cooke
USING AUDIO CUES Gordon Moore keeps written audio cue lists                   38     Editor
WORKING WITH VIDEO CUES Ledetta Asfa-Wossen explores how to cue a VT          40     Telephone: +44 (0)1892 676280                  Email: jcooke@worshipavl.com
MAINTENANCE Frank Wells details computer cleanliness                          42
                                                                                                                                                                                            MEET THE TEAM
TECHNOLOGY                                                                                               Richard Lawn:                                  Sue Gould:                                          Caroline Moss:
EU TUNGSTEN BAN Why did the EU try to ban tungsten lighting?                  44                       T: +44 1892 676280                        T: +44 1892 676280                                        T: +44 1892 676280
                                                                                                       F: +44 1892 676282                        F: +44 1892 676282                                        F: +44 1892 676282
AUDIO NETWORKS Frank Wells outlines campus-wide solutions                     46
PTZ CAMERAS Pan, tilt and zoom through a service recording                    48        GENERAL MANAGER                      ADVERTISING DIRECTOR                                      CONTRIBUTING EDITOR
                                                                                           rlawn@worshipavl.com                      sgould@worshipavl.com                                    cmoss@worshipavl.com
BUYING GUIDE Point source versus line array                                   52
                                                                                                    Ledetta Asfa-Wossen :                     Simon Luckhurst:                                              Karen Wallace:
PRODUCTS Equipment launches and updates                                       56                       T: +44 1892 676280                       T: +44 1892 676280                                         T: +44 1892 676280
                                                                                                       F: +44 1892 676282                        F: +44 1892 676282                                        F: +44 1892 676282
THE TECH VIEW On tour with Ministry of Music                                  70

IN THIS ISSUE                                                                           MANAGING EDITOR
                                                                                                                                SENIOR REPORTER
                                                                                                                                                                                     EDITORIAL COORDINATOR

                                                                                                      Carolyn Valliere:                               Nick Smith:                                             Chris Yardley:
                                                                                                                                                T: +44 1892 676280                                         T: +44 1892 676280
                                                                                                       T: +1 562 746 1790
                                                                                                                                                F: +44 1892 676282                                         F: +44 1892 676282

                              22                                             30          SALES ASSOCIATE
                                                                                                                             DIGITAL MEDIA MANAGER
                                                                                                                                                                                              VIDEO EDITOR

                                                                                   COVER Gustav Vasa Kyrka                                        LICENCES
                                                                                   CIRCULATION circulation@worshipavl.com                         Singapore: MICA (P) 020/07/2018
                                                                                   PUBLISHED BY                                                   PPS 1644/05/2013(022954)
                                                                                   Blank Canvas (Publishing) Ltd,                                 All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted
                                                                                   17 Upper Grosvenor Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent                 in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
                                                                                   TN1 2DU, United Kingdom                                        recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior
                               32                                            44    www.worshipavl.com                                             permission in writing from the copyright owners.

 We're on social media                                                         @ProAVLCentral                                                  @WorshipAVLMagazine

                                                                                                                                    January–February 2019 WORSHIP AVL 3
Lighting a landmark

                                                                                    and switch on, the key challenges to    control room and other in the roof.
                                                                                    overcome during the installation were   Both are connected via DMX.
                                                                                    ensuring the lighting complemented        The municipality can select
                                                                                    the church’s architecture, designed     between six pre-programmed colour
                                                                                    by Marek Antoine Canevalle more         schemes: cool white, warm white,
                                                                                    than three centuries ago, and           a combination of both, a Czech
                                                                                    fitting the fixtures to the building      scheme with red, white and blue,
                                                                                    unobtrusively while preserving the      and two celebratory schemes
                                                                                    building’s aesthetic and structural     that use the full colour range.
CZECH REPUBLIC: The municipality          LED luminaires as well as some            integrity.                              The residents of Vratislavice have
of Vratislavice nad Nisou, led by         ArcSource Outdoor 4 MC Pixels. The          The ArcLine Mini Outdoor strips       reportedly reacted well to the
Mayor Lukas Pohanka, recently             Anolis brand was recommended              were installed directly inside the      church’s new lighting, which has
decided to highlight the district’s       by architectural lighting consultant      cavities of the three windows up        also drawn the eyes of tourists. The
Church of the Holy Trinity, a Baroque     Petr Kolmacka, who helped with            high on the façade facing the main      mayor and his team are said to be
church that dates back to 1700 and        the technical specification and final       road. The ArcSource Outdoor 4           delighted with the results.
stands today as a local landmark.         programming during the project.           MC Pixels, meanwhile, have been           ‘Anolis has a great range of
ArchLights was approached to              The ArchLights team made the              mounted onto the façade of the road-    products,’ commented ArchLights’
propose a lighting design to bring        final decision to go with the Anolis       facing wall, the annex and the tower    owner, Mr Rehak. ‘The company
the exterior architecture to life after   solutions due to their compact size,      using special brackets. They outline    also provides fantastic service
the sun goes down, resulting in the       making them visually discrete, and        the clean architectural lines of the    from consultation right through to
installation of various Anolis lighting   their colour-mixing capabilities. Josef   building from the ground to the roof.   technical delivery and after-sales
fixtures.                                  Valchar Jr coordinated the sale on          A pair of ArcPower DRS (DIN Rail      support. With the time pressure
  ArchLights’ lighting designer           behalf of Anolis CZ, while Radim          System) units offer power and           we were all under, that was a real
Pavel Holzknecht and owner Michal         Zlebek assisted with some of the          control for the lighting fixtures.       benefit.’
Rehak worked with their team to           technical elements of the installation.   Installed beside a pair of Hager
install Anolis ArcLine Mini Outdoor        With just six weeks between the          control switchboards inside the         www.anolislighting.com
18 and ArcLine Mini Outdoor 36            city council approving the project        church, one can be found in the         www.archlights.cz

 Covering Guru Nanak Jhira Sahib entirely
 INDIA: Guru Nanak Jhira Sahib is                                                                                           allowing visitors to be involved in
 a shrine to the founder of Sikhism,                                                                                        prayer celebrations and receive
 Guru Nanak. The shrine is located                                                                                          announcements.
 in Bidar, a small town closely                                                                                               Eight Audac HS212TMK2 full-
 associated with Guru Nanak, and                                                                                            range, 12-inch horn speakers were
 was built in 1948 with a gurudwara                                                                                         installed to deliver 360° coverage
 (Sikh temple) comprising three                                                                                             throughout the gurudwara.
 main halls: the Darbar Sahib,                                                                                              Covering the other areas of the
 Diwan Hall and Langar Hall.                                                                                                site, including the outdoor spaces,
 Recent renovation works saw the                                                                                            are 12 WX802/OW outdoor wall
 installation of Audac speakers                                                                                             speakers and VEXO8 compact
 throughout the gurudwara.                                                                                                  speakers.
   The new audio system needed            coverage throughout the Guru              Sound was to be distributed to the
 to deliver consistent, intelligible      Nanak Jhira Sahib complex.                outside areas around the temple,        www.audac.eu

4 WORSHIP AVL January–February 2019
New 2018 models

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Lighthouse communications
                                                                                 apparent that an integrated solution    know how to configure the systems.
                                                                                 using Riedel’s intercom systems –       ‘Lighthouse Evangelism is one of
                                                                                 SmartPanels, and MediorNet MicroN       Singapore’s best-known houses of
                                                                                 and Compact – was going to be the       worship,’ said Rajveer Singh, general
                                                                                 most comprehensive workflow.’            manager of Riedel’s South East Asia
                                                                                  The combination of the wired           division. ‘Our system consulting
                                                                                 Artist and wireless Bolero intercom     team worked hand-in-hand with
                                                                                 systems provides flexibility to          the technical team at Lighthouse
                                                                                 Lighthouse staff. The MediorNet         to construct a comprehensive and
                                                                                 system has simplified audio and          efficient workflow built on our Artist,
                                                                                 video distribution across both          Bolero and MediorNet families. It
                                                                                 worship venues and their classroom      is a matter of pride that Lighthouse
                                                                                 areas.                                  reposed its faith in Riedel and that
                                                                                  The MediorNet routing system uses      our integrated solutions are helping
                                                                                 fibre to cover several floors at each     Lighthouse achieve optimal levels of
                                                                                 site. All input and output connection   efficiency.’
Jake Dodson (Riedel), Kevin Yap (Lighthouse) and Rajveer Singh (Riedel)          points are user-definable in the           ‘MediorNet has given us an
                                                                                 MediorNet control software, enabling    amazing amount of flexibility, and our
SINGAPORE: Lighthouse Evangelism         systems replaced a legacy solution      the identification of each operator.     users have had a great experience
is one of Singapore’s largest            that was plagued with issues,            The technical teams from               working with Bolero,’ concluded Mr
houses of worship, comprising two        including destructive compression       Lighthouse and Riedel worked            Yap. ‘We are thankful for the system
campuses: Lighthouse Woodlands           and distortion.                         together to design a custom solution    consulting and support that Riedel
and Lighthouse Tampines. The               ‘We first approached the Riedel        for each site that can be controlled    provided and I am pleased to have
church has recently adopted Riedel’s     team to understand how their Artist     using a single control system. The      made the right decision in engaging
Artist and Bolero intercom systems       and Bolero intercoms could be           same control system manages the         Riedel.’
and a MediorNet media distribution       useful at our sites,’ said Kevin Yap,   Riedel equipment at both sites,
network for signal distribution and      technical manager at Lighthouse.        meaning the Lighthouse crew can         www.lighthouse.org.sg
routing across the two sites. These      ‘During our discussions, it became      switch between facilities and still     www.riedel.net

  St Leonard becomes contemporary
 USA: St Leonard Catholic Church in                                                                                      Lisko confirmed. ‘The T20i meets
 the Wisconsin city of Muskego has                                                                                       this need with dedicated presets for
 recently adopted a contemporary                                                                                         use with the Lab.gruppen D series
 style of worship. Services now                                                                                          amplifiers we installed.’
 include a live band with guitars,                                                                                        The Sven Pro team also installed
 drums and a piano, which                                                                                                a Behringer X32C digital mixer and
 complement the choir and preaching                                                                                      a Williams Sound induction loop for
 retained from the former traditional                                                                                    hearing assistance.
 services. To support the addition of                                                                                     ‘St Leonard’s new sound system
 contemporary music, the church’s                                                                                        fit their budget. It didn’t affect
 outdated sound system, which                                                                                            the sanctuary’s aesthetics and
 comprised a single speaker and an                                                                                       sounds great in an untreated and
 analogue mixer with no outboard                                                                                         reverberant space,’ concluded Mr
 processing, has been replaced                                                                                           Lisko. ‘The parish is very pleased.’
 with four TW Audio T20i compact
 installation loudspeakers, powered        ‘Due to scheduling conflicts, the      that can be pre-programmed with         www.stleonards.org
 by Lab.gruppen D40:4L amplifiers.        speakers needed to be available at      scenes to allow easy access to the      www.svenpro.com
   The sound system was installed        short notice. Fortunately, TW Audio     full capabilities of the system,’ Mr    www.twaudio.de
 by AV systems integrator, Sven          was able to ship the PA system from
 Pro. ‘To handle more contemporary       Germany to Wisconsin amazingly
 services, the church’s new system       quickly, enabling us to complete
 had to provide solid pattern control    the install within the church’s tight
 and clear intelligibility for speech,   timeframe.’
 but also be capable of reinforcing        Mr Lisko carefully positioned the
 live bands,’ explained senior           T20i cabinets to minimise reflections
 system design engineer, Zachary         from the sanctuary’s many hard
 Lisko. ‘It was important that the       surfaces. As St Leonard has no
 loudspeakers be unobtrusive so          technical team, the system was pre-
 they wouldn’t change the overall        programmed with scenes to simplify
 look of the sanctuary. TW Audio T20i    use for church staff.
 loudspeakers easily met all of these      ‘The client needed a system
 criteria.                               that is very simple to operate and

6 WORSHIP AVL January–February 2019

 Crematorium control over Mount Jerome
 IRELAND: A Crestron control                                                                                             close the coffin curtain. These
 system has been installed by                                                                                            preset scenes are designed to
 McKeon Group at Mount Jerome                                                                                            ensure the funeral service runs
 Cemetery and Crematorium,                                                                                               with minimal risk of human error.
 situated in Harold’s Cross on the                                                                                       Different scenes are suited to the
 south side of Dublin. This allows                                                                                       various stages of a service.
 operators in the crematorium to                                                                                           For very large funerals where the
 switch between AV sources without                                                                                       congregation overflows, each chapel
 delay and manage services across                                                                                        has an outdoor speaker, while the
 the site’s three chapels, as well as                                                                                    site’s coffee shop is equipped with
 to manage heating and control and                                                                                       a 40-inch touchscreen integrated
 monitor the lighting.                                                                                                   with Crestron’s Digital Graphics
   ‘A funeral can be a very difficult                                                                                     Engine 200 to stream the service.
 and sensitive time; therefore, it                                                                                       Skype video conferencing is also
 is essential that the service runs                                                                                      available via the Crestron system,
 smoothly,’ explained Niall Duggan                                                                                       meaning those who cannot attend
 from McKeon Group. ‘A technical                                                                                         in person can still witness a funeral
 glitch could easily cause great                                                                                         or say a few words.
 distress to a funeral congregation,                                                                                       ‘Families love how easy it is for
 spoiling what is meant to be a                                                                                          them to host funerals on Skype and
 respectful and memorable service.         The three chapels are known as          automatically resizes the images to   to have a remote family member
 The Crestron control solution offers     Victorian, Garden and Angels. Each       fit the screen.                        address the congregation,’ said
 peace of mind that the technology        contains a Crestron Digital Media          During services, families can       Mount Jerome proprietor, Alan
 will work. The user-friendly interface   Presentation System (DMPS) for           either bring their own music or       Massey.
 means that operators can navigate        the delivery of music, video and         stream from Mount Jerome’s song         The Crestron setup also helps
 the system via Crestron TSW              images. Guests are able to supply        library. A Crestron streaming music   Mount Jerome with energy efficiency
 750 touchscreens, avoiding any           visuals from their own devices via       player has also been installed in     as it controls the distribution of
 awkward or insensitive interruptions     the Crestron AirMedia wireless           each chapel alongside CD players      recycled waste heat from the
 that could occur.’                       system. The DMPS scaler then             and USB audio inputs with a           cremator to a heat exchanger
                                                                                   Crestron digital signal processor     and then onto air fan heaters and
                                                                                   (DSP). The DSP processes, mixes       underfloor heating in all three
                                                                                   and routes all audio sources,         chapels. The recycled heat helps
                                                                                   including the microphones and         to create a warm and welcoming
                                                                                   organs. Meanwhile, presets on the     environment at the crematorium
                                                                                   Crestron touchscreens facilitate      and allows Mount Jerome to meet
                                                                                   functions such as the fading of       its green credentials. A Crestron-
                                                                                   music and mixing sources.             controlled LED lighting system
                                                                                     The touchscreens are also           allows staff to monitor energy
                                                                                   used to control other aspects of      use and is preset to automatically
                                                                                   funeral services, primarily through   switch off the lights when the venue
                                                                                   a selection of pre-programmed         is not in use.
                                                                                   ‘scenes’. Scenes are set to alter
                                                                                   the lighting, adjust the HVAC         www.crestron.com
                                                                                   (heating, ventilation and air         www.mckeon.ie
                                                                                   conditioning) and even open and       www.mountjerome.ie

 Bethel Church
 goes digital
 KOREA: Bethel Church has                   Services at Bethel Church typically
 invested in a Solid State Logic          call on 64 input channels of audio.
 L500 Plus live console for the           These originate from the drum kit, a
 front of house sound requirements        bass, a pair of guitars, keyboards,
 at its sanctuar y in Ilsan, along        a piano, an orchestra, choir, soloist
 with SSL stageboxes. These               and pastor. The inputs are distributed
 were installed by the British            from the SSL SuperAnalogue
 manufacturer’s South Korean              stageboxes through an SSL BL II.D
 distributor, Hanseo Broadcast &          Blacklight II MADI Concentrator to
 Music Tech.                              FOH via a redundant optical pair. The

8 WORSHIP AVL January–February 2019

Calvary Chapel
integrates AV team
USA: Calvary Chapel Modesto                stream feeds simultaneously.
recently relocated its AV control          BPswitch’s PowerAux output
room and in doing so, installed a          provided the functionality needed
new Broadcast Pix BPswitch MX              and the church repurposed its
production switcher. The Californian       existing Granite control panel. ‘It
church captures live video to deliver      was very important to me that we
image magnification (IMAG) during           have the 2 M/E experience without
services for the congregation              the cost of a 2 M/E switcher,’ Mr
and coverage for live streaming            Abbey commented.
simultaneously.                              The engineers now work from
 The volunteer production team             a booth in the sanctuary. ‘In live
previously worked upstairs in a            production, you generally want
room with a one-way window that            isolation, but for us that’s not
provided a view of the sanctuary.          necessary,’ Mr Abbey explained.
Dave Abbey, media director,                ‘Now we have all three techs in

                                                                                           ... installation complete.
                                                                                 With a vast range of install products, designed and engineered at our

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                                                                                 headquarters in Germany, we are the convenient one-stop supplier for
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explained that the graphics and            the same room, so communication       Right from the planning stages, we support your commercial projects with
audio engineers moved downstairs           is better. It’s a night and day       individual consultation, comprehensive service and attractive pricing so you can
first, followed by the rest of the          difference.’                          maintain your competitive edge. Of course, our expert assistance continues long
production team. It was decided              Other control room improvements     after the successful completion of your installation. Visit adamhall.com/install
to upgrade the existing Broadcast          include a new pair of 27-inch         and discover what our full-scale offering can do for you!
Pix Granite integrated production          monitors, a new Soundcraft digital
switcher and other production              audio mixer and a Dante digital
equipment. Brad C Shields and              audio network. Calvary Chapel also
Associates was responsible for the         added a touchscreen monitor for
installation.                              using the Broadcast Pix Commander
  The new switcher needed to be            user inter face to switch between
able to control the three Sony PTZ         feeds for IMAG.
cameras installed in the sanctuary,
as well as produce the IMAG and            www.broadcastpix.com

L500 Plus console has an additional         Remote control was another
touchscreen connected, as well as          consideration. ‘It’s a big church,
the SSL Solsa online/offline control        but we operate with only a few
application for use on a PC.
  The SSL L500 Plus serves as
                                           staff,’ Mr Kwon added. ‘Except
                                           for Sunday worship, we often
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a digital replacement to an old            work shifts alone, which was ver y
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analogue console. ‘We looked at            difficult with the analogue console     a subsidiary of the Adam Hall Group Germany
a lot of consoles from all the main        – continuously moving from stage
manufacturers,’ said Tae Young             to FOH to check the monitors.
Kwon, chief engineer at Bethel             Now we can easily adjust the          SOUND
                                                                                                                 FOR FLIGHTCASES
Church. ‘Our criteria included             monitor balance on stage with
reliability, scalability, intuitiveness,   TaCo – SSL’s remote tablet
price and service. It was a difficult       application.’                          share the experience:
process but, in the end, the deciding
factor was sound quality. We chose         www.han-seo.co.kr                     adamhall.com/install
the L500.’                                 www.solidstatelogic.com

                                                                                                               January–February 2019 WORSHIP AVL 9

Christian Faith Center leapfrogs HD
USA: With its programmes                 Blackmagic Design Ursa broadcast                                                  entire system is now 4K-compatible.
broadcast on national television, the    cameras. Two are equipped with                                                    From the switcher to the cameras
Washington-based Christian Faith         Fujinon XA55x9.5BESM zooms,                                                       and lenses, to the multiviewers,
Center was overdue an upgrade of its     while the other pair are fitted with                                               everything is 4K. They just turn it on
standard definition video production      XA20x8.5BERM zooms.                                                               in the switcher and they’ve moved
equipment. Rather than simply move         ‘The church was very interested in                                              from SD to 4K in one fell swoop.’
to an HD setup, the church leadership    the Blackmagic camera because of its                                                The cameras are positioned over
team chose to invest in 4K/UHD-          price point,’ said Mr Rose. ‘Churches                                             30m away from the stage. This meant
capable equipment to avoid another       are beginning to see cameras as a                                                 that the lenses needed to be capable
future overhaul.                         four- to six-year investment. They put                                            of covering the distance. ‘Matching
  The decision to upgrade the            more of their money into long-term                                                the 4K image sensor of the Ursa
equipment was made following             investments like lenses.’                                                         camera with the Fujinon lenses is
requests from TBN (Trinity                 Rose Media also installed                                                       just a great combination,’ Mr Rose
Broadcasting Network) and the            Blackmagic switchers and                                                          claimed. ‘The film-type sensor of the
Hillsong Channel, which both             multiviewers, a Renewed Vision                                                    Ursa combines with great lenses
broadcast Pastor Casey Treat’s show      graphics system and new furniture in                                              like these that can maintain focus
Successful Living with Casey Treat,      the church’s new control room.                                                    throughout the zoom range and
for the programme to be produced in        ‘They went from a much older SD                                                 handle any lighting situation.’
HD to match the quality of their other   system and, without any training or
content. Chad Rose, president of         rehearsal, they were running the                                                  www.blackmagicdesign.com
systems integrator Rose Media, was       new cameras and lenses,’ Mr Rose                                                  www.christianfaith.us
called in to oversee the transition,     confirmed. ‘It was truly a seamless                                                www.fujifilmusa.com
which included the deployment of four    transition. While the goal was HD, the                                            www.rosemedia.tv

 Compact speakers complement
 growth at GBI Aruna
                                                                                  with a single IS118 subwoofer at         which was very helpful in fine-
                                                                                  the top of each array. Four ground-      tuning the system to achieve even
                                                                                  stacked E218 subwoofers line the         coverage throughout the seating
                                                                                  front of the stage for additional low-   area. It is such a joy to mix on this
                                                                                  end reinforcement, while a further       system.’
                                                                                  pair of IS7s are deployed at the lip       ‘The IS-Series is purpose-built for
                                                                                  of the stage as front-fills.              install applications like this, offering
                                                                                    ‘The Adamson IS7 is so lightweight     a remarkably easy installation
                                                                                  and compact, it’s amazing to             process, incredible sound and a
                                                                                  experience such powerful sound           sleek, unobtrusive package that
                                                                                  coming from the system,’ said            keeps the congregation’s focus on
                                                                                  Marshall Pins, GBI Aruna’s senior        the words or music being shared,’
                                                                                  sound engineer. ‘Not only that, it       noted Timo Wibianto, senior partner
                                                                                  provides very consistent tonality        at Big Knob Audio.
 Big Knob Audio’s Pongky Prasetyo, GBI Aruna’s Marshall Pins and
 Stevannus Yordan, and Big Knob’s Timo Wibianto                                   from front to back. We worked
                                                                                  with Big Knob on the design using        www.adamsonsystems.com
 INDONESIA: GBI Aruna was added to       demonstrate their systems in             Adamson’s Blueprint AV software,         www.bigknob.net
 the Gereja Bethel Indonesia portfolio   the main sanctuary. Following a
 of churches when it was constructed     comparison, the IS-Series system
 in 2007. The congregation has           comprising IS7 2-way loudspeakers
 consistently grown in the proceeding    and IS118 and E218 subwoofers
 11 years and, to ensure that the up     demonstrated by Big Knob Audio
 to 1,600 worshippers who fill the        was chosen.
 sanctuary can all hear clearly and        ‘There were three criteria that
 enjoy the church’s music ministry,      needed to be met: light weight,
 the pastoral team recently decided      even coverage and, of course, a
 to upgrade the sound system, opting     high degree of musicality,’ explained
 for Adamson IS-Series speakers          Stevannus Yordan, head of the
 acquired from the manufacturer’s        music ministry at GBI Aruna. ‘The IS-
 Indonesian distributor, Big Knob        Series met them all and sounds very
 Audio.                                  luxurious. It reinforces the worship
   The church had invited the            environment like never before.’
 representatives from three                The setup installed is formed of
 loudspeaker manufacturers to            eight IS7 cabinets per side, flown

10 WORSHIP AVL January–February 2019
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 Treating Säter Church
 SWEDEN: When Säter Church was                                                    this coverage using their existing      through the roof, we could use all
 originally built in 1637, and even                                               loudspeaker placement.’                 safety wire, with Cat-6 cabling for
 when it was reconstructed between                                                  Consulting with Renkus-Heinz          the Dante network, Rhaon system
 1778 and 1779, there was no need                                                 on the project, DAT AB installed a      control and 230V power,’ noted Mr
 to consider the acoustic challenges                                              Dante-networked system, enabling        Nilsson. ‘We installed a Dante-
 presented by loudspeaker systems.                                                the SA Series amplifier modules to       enabled Soundcraft Impact mixing
 Until recently, an audio system that                                             drive a trio of Varia VAX101-7 and a    desk and, thanks to our skilled
 had been installed for several years                                             pair of VAX101-22 cabinets. ‘With       employee, Björn Dahlström, we
 failed to deliver even coverage and                                              only three pieces of 16mm pipe          were able to reuse the old sound
 clear, intelligible sound. Therefore,                                                                                    system furniture for the new mixer.’
 the church management enlisted                                                                                             Following installation, a little
 the help of Robert Nilsson of                                                                                            fine-tuning was in order to fully
 systems integrator DAT AB, who                                                                                           solve the acoustic challenges
 provided a solution in the form of                                                                                       inside the sanctuary. ‘During
 Renkus-Heinz Varia Series modular                                                                                        tuning and commissioning, using
 point source line arrays and SA                                                                                          AFMG EASERA and SysTune
 Series modular power amplifiers.                                                                                          audio measurement and analysis
   ‘The church had a reverb time of       The DAT AB team produced an                                                     software, we finally got to the
 around 5s, bad reflections and bad       EASE model of the church to design                                               point where we could identify the
 sound for the choir, even without       a suitable solution. ‘We quickly                                                 frequencies of the reflections,’ Mr
 a PA,’ reflected Mr Nilsson. ‘The        discovered that the Renkus-Heinz                                                 Nilsson concluded. ‘The system is
 only thing that sounded fine was         Varia system was the best system                                                 smooth to work with and allows for
 the organ.                              for our customer,’ Mr Nilsson                                                    custom presets, so we could test
   ‘We could not use acoustic            recalled. ‘We made several [EASE]                                                and tune it to respond as needed,
 treatment, place loudspeakers           Focus calculations so we could see                                               depending on the activity of the
 in new positions, install conduit       that even coverage and smooth                                                    church.’
 or bring in new furniture for the       response could be obtained within
 mixing desk. And the budget was         reasonable limits. The customer                                                  www.dat.se
 tight.’                                 was excited that we could deliver                                                www.renkus-heinz.com

Mixing as is IGodsWill
                                                                                  the time it takes to learn the basics   performers in the God’s Will Praise
                                                                                  is short compared to other digital      worship band.
                                                                                  consoles.’                               ‘dLive is a very stable system in
                                                                                    During rehearsals, the church’s       terms of sound and its connection
                                                                                  pair of monitor engineers use iPads     between the MixRack, S7000
                                                                                  running the dLive MixPad app and        surface and Dante network,’ added
                                                                                  interact with performers during the     Mr Moon. ‘It allows you to easily
                                                                                  sound check to adjust monitor mixes     create your own unique mix, taking
                                                                                  there and then. A PC loaded with the    advantage of the wide range of
                                                                                  dLive Director software is connected    customisation and processing
                                                                                  to the DM48, offering complete          applications.’
                                                                                  control over the mix from the stage.
                                                                                    An ME-U hub is also connected to      www.allen-heath.com
                                                                                  dLive. This distributes audio to six    www.igodswill.org
Taechan Moon with the dLive S7000
                                                                                  ME-1 personal mixers used by the        www.samasound.co.kr
KOREA: IGodsWill Church has              third delivers heavier rock. With an
purchased an Allen & Heath dLive         eclectic mix of music genres, the
digital mixing system and an ME          church required a versatile sound
personal monitoring system. Both         solution, yet something that was still
were supplied by Sama Sound              easy to set up and use for its team
and are used for the Seoul-based         of volunteers.
church’s trio of Sunday services and       The dLive system comprises an
weekly ‘festival’ events.                S7000 surface at FOH with a DX32
  With no permanent home, IGodsWill      expander and Dante card, while
is a mobile church that uses a           a DM48 MixRack is mounted on
local high-school auditorium for its     stage. ‘dLive’s user interface and
three Sunday services. The first          strip layouts are very intuitive,’
service features classical music         commented Taechan Moon, sound
performances, while the second           engineer at IGodsWill Church. ‘Even
serves up 1980s’ pop and the             if you aren’t a professional engineer,

12 WORSHIP AVL January–February 2019
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                                                                                      Word of Life
                                                                                      delivered by local
                                                                                      USA: The Word of Life Christian

 DaVinci attends                                                                      Center in Darrow, Louisiana turned
                                                                                      to a neighbouring manufacturer

 Summer Camp                                                                          for its new sound system. Located
                                                                                      20 miles north of the church is
                                                                                      the Baton Rouge headquarters
                                                                                      of PreSonus, which made the
USA: Student Life runs                       Artiste DaVinci LED mover was an         selection of new audio equipment
interdenominational camps across           integral part of the 2018 Student Life     much easier to make with such
America. For 2018, Nashville-              rig. ‘We chose the DaVinci to function     local support.
based Elite Multimedia Productions         as an LED replacement for 700W               Pastor Leroy Thompson led the
served as the lighting, video and          discharge lamp fixtures,’ said Jason        church’s sound reinforcement
audio vendor, providing an Elation         Jenkins of Elite Multimedia. ‘It has the   upgrade, which included WorxAudio
Professional touring lighting rig          same, if not better, output and similar    and ULT series loudspeakers, a           Amos Singleton
comprising Artiste DaVinci LED             feature sets as the 700W discharge
moving head luminaires.                    fixtures, only with better optics,
  Five teams travel the US to set up       smoother colour mixing and drastically
and manage each camp. ‘We take             reduced power consumption.’
care of all of the details, including        Mr Brantley worked with Chris Kulow
programming and worship, so that           on the lighting design for the 2018
the student pastor can focus on            Student Life Camps. Artiste DaVinci
ministry,’ explained Jake Brantley,        fixtures were used as the main profile
director of production for Student Life    fixture – four were positioned on an
Camp. ‘Our technicians are generally       overhead truss and four were on the
20–22 years old and still in school.       ground. Elation Platinum Seven LED
We take young guys and girls with          moving heads were also used for front
little experience and hand them a          wash and Elation Rayzor 360Z beam/
full-size rig to tour around the country   wash LED moving heads provided
with. Our lighting designs are simple      effects.                                   StudioLive Series III digital console,   centre-fill, while two WorxAudio V5
enough for a beginner to walk in                                                      EarMix 16M AVB networked monitor         compact enclosures to the far left
and successfully run a service, but        www.elationlighting.com                    mixers and a SW5E 5-port AVB             and right serve as side-fills. Low-
complete enough to keep the more           www.elitemultimedia.com                    switch among other PreSonus              frequency support is delivered by a
experienced entertained.’                  www.studentlife.com                        equipment. The sale was managed          pair of WorxAudio TL218SS super
                                                                                      by Guitar Center Professional and        subs. On the stage, PreSonus
                                                                                      the installation was carried out by      ULT10 2-way point source cabinets

 Catharinakerk glows                                                                  I Am Music.
                                                                                        ‘Prior to the new system, the
                                                                                      space used a collection of outdated
                                                                                                                               are used as monitors.
                                                                                                                                 ‘The big issue here was with the
                                                                                                                               layout of the sanctuary, which
 NETHERLANDS: A total of 12                                                           point source loudspeakers that           made even coverage and speech
 Christie D20WU-HS projectors                                                         were both underpowered and failed        intelligibility a huge challenge,’
 were recently used for a video                                                       to provide consistent coverage           recalled Mr Singleton. ‘The
 mapping project on the face of                                                       throughout,’ said Jason Lindgren,        WorxAudio loudspeakers have an
 the 19th-centur y Catharinakerk                                                      account manager at Guitar                extremely wide 160° horizontal
 neo-gothic Roman Catholic                                                            Center Professional. ‘Because            dispersion pattern that made it
 church located in the centre of                                                      of this, church management was           far easier to provide consistent
 Eindhoven as par t of the GLOW                                                       adamant about the ability of             coverage throughout the space.’
 Eindhoven international light                                                        the new system to provide even             The end-to-end PreSonus setup
 ar t festival. The projectors were                                                   coverage, along with a high level        has achieved the church’s desired
 provided by Sahara Benelux.                                                          of speech intelligibility and solid      results. ‘They are totally happy
   The video mapping piece,                                                           music reproduction characteristics.      with the installation and everything
 Confluence by Ocubo, was                                                              This is what ultimately led to           related to the PreSonus gear
 inspired by the confluence of                                                         the deployment of the PreSonus           they purchased,’ Mr Singleton
 rivers and streams in Holland.                                                       equipment.                               confirmed.
 Vir tual dancers and geometric                                                         The I Am Music team, led by
 shapes guided viewers through                                                        president Amos Singleton, flew            www.amossingleton.com
 the film.                                                                             eight WorxAudio XL1i-P line arrays       my.eiwm.org/wolcc
                                                                                      split between left and right clusters.   www.guitarcenter.com/GC-Pro
 www.christiedigital.com                   Image courtesy of Bart van Overbeeke       A WorxAudio X1M provides                 www.presonus.com

14 WORSHIP AVL January–February 2019

 Flexible sound for Sarangsaem Church
                                                                                   sought a solution that would offer      confirmed GyeongHwan Park,
                                                                                   the flexibility to cater to events and   representative minister of
                                                                                   services of contrasting styles in the   the Sarangsaem Church. ‘To
                                                                                   Great Chapel, and opted for JBL         achieve this, we required robust
                                                                                   VRX932LAP line array speakers and       loudspeaker solutions to support
                                                                                   VRX918SP subwoofers.                    a range of activities and functions,
                                                                                     The VRX932LAP was chosen for          including weddings, holiday
                                                                                   its constant curvature waveguide        celebrations and art therapy
                                                                                   and array coherence that make it        sessions for underprivileged
                                                                                   suited for medium-sized venues          children. The JBL systems installed
                                                                                   without long-throw distances, such      by Kinoton are per fectly suited to
                                                                                   as the Great Chapel. JBL PRX812W        serve our needs as a church and
                                                                                   powered speakers were also              as a special events space.’
                                                                                   installed in the Great Chapel. These      Meanwhile, Kinoton Korea
                                                                                   serve as stage monitors and can         equipped the classrooms
                                                                                   be deployed as a portable sound         and meeting rooms with JBL
 KOREA: Sarangsaem Church                 and classroom spaces. The church         system when required.                   Control 25AV, AC26 and AC28
 recently enlisted the services of AV     incorporates elements of local             ‘We wanted to make sure our           loudspeakers.
 systems integrator Kinoton Korea         culture into its services and the site   Great Chapel could be used for a
 to install new sound systems inside      also plays host to a wide variety of     variety of events by our members        www.harman.com
 its Great Chapel, meeting rooms          events. Therefore, Kinoton Korea         and the local community,’               www.kinoton.co.kr

adds Thump
to CSI
INDIA: The CSI Sawday Church in
Kadalur has added Mackie Thump15A
powered loudspeakers and a
ProFX16v2 mixer to its sanctuary in
order to support its dynamic services.
The systems were supplied by
Mackie’s Indian distributor, Sonotone,
and installed by Decibells Acoustics.
                                                                    1/2 ISLAND
  ‘CSI Sawday Church was in the
process of a complete overhaul
and was seeking an efficient and
comprehensive audio package that
would deliver top-quality reinforcement
for speech and music during their
regular services,’ explained Mr Joy
from Decibells Acoustics. ‘We opted
to go for the Mackie Thump15A
powered loudspeakers as we have
deployed them across many other
churches in the area. As for the
Mackie ProFX16v2, the compact
mixing console not only offers clean
sound and unmatched power but also
brilliant stability.’


                                                                                                                January–February 2019 WORSHIP AVL 15

Audio above all at                                                               Equipping the
Christ Fellowship                                                                Jammoum Mosque
USA: Christ Fellowship Church has        ‘The ability for Soundvision to
L-Acoustics sound systems installed      inter face into that process makes it   SAUDI ARABIA: The newly built
within the majority of its eight South   much faster to marry loudspeaker        Jammoum Mosque in Al Jumum
East Florida sanctuaries. While          coverage to architectural details       has been equipped with a Harman
systems integrator Mankin Media          as they are developed and               sound system by systems
recently equipped the church’s           adjusted, as well as being critical     integrator, Ektar International.
new Port St Lucie campus with            to ensuring there are no surprises      Located between Mecca and
another system from the French           when it comes to coordination with      Jeddah, the mosque is the largest
loudspeaker manufacturer, a              theatrical lighting and very large      in Al Jumum, accommodating more
different approach was taken with        LED video canvases,’ said Tim           than 10,000 worshippers and
the system design.                       Corder, senior solutions advisor at     spanning two floors with a 36m x
  An L-Acoustics K2 system was           Mankin.                                 64m footprint.
specified before any other part of          The system installed comprises          Jammoum Mosque’s architecture
the building design process, which       20 K2 and four Arcs II arrays with      has resulted in some highly           Installation of the external horn
then influenced the layout of the         10 K1-SB and four KS28 subs.            reverberant spaces. To take care
sanctuary.                               Designing the room with the audio       of this, the Ektar team, including    four Control 25 speakers provide
                                                                                 executive director Muammar Al         reinforcement in the women’s hall.
                                                                                 Harbi and project manager Khaled        In addition to the speakers, a
                                                                                 Bouajaja, who oversaw the sound       Dynacord CMS 1600 mixer was
                                                                                 design and system installation,       installed along with four PCL 1240T
                                                                                 made use of a frequency analyser      amplifiers that control and power
                                                                                 and a sound meter during the          the sound setup, respectively. Six
                                                                                 design process to increase the        DL 2/918 delay line controllers
                                                                                 sound frequencies and lower           from the t.racks are used for
                                                                                 reverberation times.                  ensuring the delay speakers emit
                                                                                   ‘The audio distribution was         audio without an echo. Meanwhile,
                                                                                 calculated according to the           vocals and speech are captured
                                                                                 architectural materials and forms     by six AKG C535 EB reference
                                                                                 of the mosque, providing direct       handheld condenser microphones,
                                                                                 listening conditions and a unique     three GN30 ESP goosenecks and
                                                                                 “voice” for each zone,’ explained     a pair of PCC170 boundary layer
                                                                                 a spokesperson for Ektar. ‘All        microphones.
                                                                                 speakers face in the same direction     As well as curing the reverberation
                                                                                 and the audio delays are configured    issues inside the mosque, Ektar
                                                                                 to broadcast sound simultaneously.’   International was contracted to
                                                                                   Over the course of seven days,      install a CCTV setup inside and out,
                                                                                 the Ektar team installed a total of   and horn speakers outside. Across
                                                                                 54 JBL Control 25 speakers and        the entire site, the team installed
                                                                                 six CBT 100LA-LS line array column    24 Hikvision CCTV cameras inside
  ‘Anyone who designs and installs       system in mind resulted in the          speakers throughout the facility.     the mosque and 10 outside it.
audio systems for enclosed spaces        need for fewer fill speakers, as         Three of the CBT 100LA-LS columns     Installing horn speakers was a
knows that there are always going        only one X15, two X12 and seven         were placed on the ground floor at     challenge as they were placed up
to be acoustic challenges that go        X8 enclosures were needed for           the front of the mosque with 26       on the minaret at varying heights
along with the room; it’s just the       complete coverage throughout            of the Control 25s. The remaining     with a delay to not muddy their
nature of live audio,’ explained         the 1,900-seat space. The entire        three CBT 100LA-LS cabinets and       intelligibility.
Christ Fellowship’s audio director,      system is powered by 13 LA12X           24 of the Control 25s can be found
Danny Dagher. ‘Mankin helped us          and a pair of LA4X amplified             on the upper level. The additional    www.ektar-avl.com
turn the typical house of worship        controllers.
audio installation on its head.            ‘This was our first project with
Where we would normally be moving        Mankin Media and they were able
PA elements around to make up for        to really understand and act on our
pre-existing acoustical issues within    desire for an audio experience that
the room, in this case, we were able     is best described as “engaging”,’
to make revisions to the seating         concluded Mr Corder. ‘No room
layout and even wall placement           is per fect, but the combination
during the building design phase so      of the room design and the K2 is
that the room would best support         a great balance where the PA is
the PA.’                                 supporting the room and the room
  L-Acoustics’ Soundvision 3D            is supporting the PA.’
acoustic modelling software
was used by the church, the              www.gochristfellowship.com
construction crew and Mankin             www.l-acoustics.com
engineers during the design phase.       www.mankinmedia.com                     AKG GN30 ESP goosenecks

16 WORSHIP AVL January–February 2019
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Amplifying Knoxville’s Most Sacred Heart
USA: The Cathedral of the Most                                                       loudspeakers, and we’ve been             by QSC amplifiers and Biamp DSP.
Sacred Heart of Jesus recently                                                       impressed with the Danley design’s       Speech is amplified by a Bose
opened its doors. Accommodating                                                      ability to deliver a coherent waveform   column array system at the front
more than 1,300 congregants, it                                                      over long distances and its related      of the church coupled with K-array
supersedes Sacred Heart Cathedral                                                    pattern control.’                        micro-format speakers that have
as the cathedral for the Diocese
of Knoxville. Acoustics were not
forgotten during the construction
of the new building, as AV systems         of comparable size might normally
integrator TSAV worked with                have 6–8s of reverb, we brought the
architectural firm BarberMcMurry and        Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart
all other parties involved to ensure       of Jesus down to around 2s when
clear sound within the space. TSAV         empty – enough to really help with
also installed a Danley Sound Labs         intelligibility but not so much as to
J3-64 Jericho Horn and four Danley         spoil the music.’
SM80 loudspeakers for fills to                Mr Reardigan and the TSAV team
reinforce musical content.                 designed the sound reinforcement
  ‘We were brought in early and            system to keep the direct path of
contributed our expertise to               audio confined to listeners, avoiding
programmatic and acoustical design,’       the reflective surfaces in the spacious     A single Danley J3-64 Jericho Horn      been integrated among overhead
said Keith Reardigan, TSAV’s VP of         room. The Danley system was               covers the majority of the seating       lighting fixtures. Both the music and
technology and standards, and senior       installed at the back of the room,        area. This model of speaker is           speech systems are controlled from
systems architect. ‘For example,           hidden below the choir loft.              often used in large stadiums and,        a Yamaha QL console with custom
we were able to suggest acoustical           ‘We knew we didn’t want to excite a     therefore, only one was needed to        Crestron controls.
treatments that would nicely balance       lot of air and surfaces unnecessarily,’   near-fill the cathedral. Two of the
the often-conflicting needs for             he explained. ‘We’ve completed            SM80s are used for near-fill and          www.danleysoundlabs.com
intelligible spoken work and lively        several projects that had that same       the other pair are split between the     www.shcathedral.org
music. Whereas an untreated room           imperative with Danley Sound Labs         two transepts. The system is driven      www.tsav.com

  Wavefront Precision on Mount Hebron
 USA: Mount Hebron Church                                                                                                     videos, and broadcast because the
 in Mobile, Alabama has been                                                                                                  church also streams the services,
 equipped with a Martin Audio                                                                                                 all of which have been more than
 Wavefront Precision line array                                                                                               fulfilled with the WPM system,’ said
 system as part of a recent upgrade                                                                                           Mr Baria.
 project. The system was installed by
 local firm Vision Integration.
   ‘Mount Hebron originally had an
 exploded cluster PA system that
 just wasn’t working for them,’
 explained Gary Baria of Vision
 Integration. ‘The pastor and praise
 team were looking at other systems
 but we recommended Martin
 Audio Wavefront Precision Mini
 line arrays. The WPM system had            The system installed comprises           and right of the stage. On the
 a nice clean look and exceptional         eight flown WPM cabinets on each           stage, four LE200 wedges form the
 intelligibility – something they didn’t   side of the stage with four CDD6          monitoring setup. The entire system
 have with the previous system –           enclosures employed as front- and         is powered by iKON iK42 and iK81           Completing the new audio system
 and gave their audio staff a system       side-fills. Low-frequency noise was        amps.                                    are Allen & Heath dLive consoles
 that sounds great without having to       catered for with two SX218 subs             The church runs contemporary           for FOH, monitors and broadcast.
 do a lot to it.’                          stacked on the ground to the left         worship services with a praise           The video system, meanwhile,
                                                                                     team that consists of two keyboard       comprises a Panasonic 4K premium
                                                                                     players, a guitarist, bass player,       camcorder, three Panasonic 7,200
                                                                                     percussionist and drummer, with          lumen DLP laser projectors and
                                                                                     between eight and 12 vocalists           a PTZ 12x optical zoom camera,
                                                                                     using wireless mics that alternate       while a Blizzard system has been
                                                                                     with a 30-piece choir. ‘The system       implemented for lighting.
                                                                                     had to be multifunctional and work
                                                                                     for music reproduction and speech        www.invisionav.com
                                                                                     for the sermons as well as a special     www.martin-audio.com
                                                                                     day-care service for kids with           www.mthebroncm.org

18 WORSHIP AVL January–February 2019

New wireless coverage across Cherry Hills
USA: Cherry Hills Community Church        said the church’s audio director,                                                 600-capacity atrium got 10 channels
is an Evangelical Presbyterian            Ben Edison. ‘We updated the sound                                                 and the youth group room got 12
megachurch with a mammoth,                system to L-Acoustics Kara speakers.                                              channels, with 10 Duet in-ears.’
¼-mile-wide campus to the south           We upgraded our DiGiCo consoles                                                     In addition, a single WM watertight
of Denver. In order to comply with        to Stealth Core and upgraded our                                                  bodypack transmitter was purchased
the FCC’s (Federal Communications         I/O system to SD-Racks. And now                                                   by the church. ‘We haven’t used it
Commission) new rules regarding           we’ve flipped all our wireless gear to                                             yet,’ Mr Edison admitted. ‘But we do
600MHz band wireless, the church          Lectrosonics.’                                                                    outdoor events in the summer, mainly
upgraded its site with a fully              The Lectrosonics equipment                                                      baptisms, so we’re going to use it in
networked system, investing in            installed at Cherry Hills includes      four locations on campus. The HHa         a baptism tub. Plus, it’s a utility piece
Lectrosonics Digital and Digital Hybrid   Venue 2 receivers, SSM micro            handhelds are all equipped with either    for anyone doing anything in the kid’s
Wireless solutions for integrating        bodypack transmitters, 24 LT            Shure KSM9 or DPA d:facto capsules.       room or needs a device they can get
digital wireless microphone and in-ear    bodypack transmitters, 32 HHa             ‘The number one driving force was       wet. I’m excited to use it.’
monitoring (IEM) systems.                 handheld transmitters and 14            the Duet in-ear monitoring system,’         While the upgrade was triggered
  ‘We’ve been on the update path          channels of Duet IEM systems.           explained Mr Edison. ‘We’ve been          by the loss of the 600MHz band,
since I started a few years ago,’         These have been integrated across       on in-ears for a couple of years, with    Mr Edison notes that the primary
                                                                                  no wedges on stage. We do feature         motivation was the Duet 2 digital IEM
                                                                                  a choir once every other week, and        system. ‘We have two cell towers
                                                                                  we have wedges in the ceiling for the     on our building, and one of them is
                                                                                  choir, but the band is all on in-ears.    T-Mobile, which owns the 600MHz
                                                                                    ‘We knew that if we were going to       band, so we had to make sure and
                                                                                  pull the trigger on new equipment         get out of those frequencies early,’
                                                                                  then we really wanted it to be digital.   he concluded. ‘The Duet 2 digital IEM
                                                                                  You get one chance in 10 years to         system was the big tipping point and
                                                                                  do a big update in a church, so we        made us look into Lectrosonics a lot
                                                                                  wanted to make sure that we adopted       more. After doing a lot of demos and
                                                                                  the technology now. We put in 21          some listening tests, we decided that
                                                                                  channels of Venue 2 and 10 channels       we were definitely going to go Lectro.’
                                                                                  of Duet into the 3,500-seat worship
                                                                                  centre. The chapel, which seats 350,      www.chcc.org
                                                                                  got 10 channels of Venue 2, the           www.lectrosonics.com


                                                                                                                                Next Generation
                                                                                                              January–February 2018
                                                                                                                               2019 WORSHIP AVL 19

DPA Microphones’
House of Worship Tour
The Danish mic manufacturer recently visited a pair of US churches
to educate HOW technicians. James Cooke reports
DPA MICROPHONES RECENTLY                                                                                                     worked with artist and worship leader
deployed a team to deliver                                                                                                   Lindy Conant, as well as the worship
educational seminars at the National                                                                                         band Housefires.
Community Church in Washington,                                                                                                At the Queen City Church session
DC and the Queen City Church in                                                                                              in Charlotte, Daniel Rivera and
Charlotte, North Carolina in what                                                                                            Jarred Venter joined a returning Mr
formed the first leg of its House of                                                                                          McMillan. Mr Rivera works in sales
Worship Tour.                                                                                                                and business development for Meyer
  ‘DPA is an ideal solution for miking                                                                                       Sound, overseeing the HOW market,
worship leaders, speakers, singers                                                                                           while Mr Venter started out as a
and instrumentalists as well as                                                                                              volunteer with Hillsong Church South
live streaming or broadcasting                                                                                               Africa and has served as the FOH
sermons,’ explained Christopher                                                                                              engineer for Christian artists Kari
Spahr, the manufacturer’s VP of                                                                                              Jobe, Lauren Daigle and For King &
sales and marketing. ‘The first leg                                                                                           Country.
of the tour allowed us to travel to                                                                                            ‘We chose to debut the House of
regional churches to educate HOW                                                                                             Worship Tour in DC and Charlotte and
professionals about our solutions
and how our mics can help worship        shown. Shootouts between various
services deliver the best sound for      microphones allowed participants to
any meaningful message.’                 hear the difference between certain
  Attendees at both events were          models. The events concluded with a
taught best practices for miking         DPA Masters Q&A.
drums, guitars and horns, among            ‘DPA is known primarily for making
other instruments and vocals, as         the best-sounding headsets, and
well as troubleshooting techniques.      we are heavily used in houses of
In addition, the entire DPA product      worship,’ said DPA Microphones’
catalogue, including the newly           sales manager, Alan Johnson.
launched subminiature line of d:screet   ‘However, we take that same quality
and d:fine lavalier and headset           and make lots of other microphones
microphones, was on display.             that churches can use. We make
  After an overview of the products on   instrument, choir and vocal mics
show and their applications, those       that I believe can all help support
in attendance at each session were       houses of worship in getting their
treated to live band performances        messages heard. So, we created           the country to give everyone a chance      had more than 45 people come to
with various miking techniques           our House of Worship Tour to give        to experience pure sound.’                 the events,’ Mr Johnson concluded.
employed to better demonstrate the       hands-on education and experience          The National Community Church in         ‘These events are a great place to
microphones in a real-world scenario.    of our products, make it accessible to   America’s capital city was the first        ask questions, meet others and
The attendees were even given the        any HOW audio technician, from the       stop of the tour. Kent Margraves,          learn from industry experts as well
opportunity to get hands-on with the     volunteer to the journeyman to the       Chris McMillan and Kevin Sanchez,          as from each other. We’re excited
kit and to practise the techniques       seasoned engineer, and take it across    three prominent sound engineers            to see what 2019 holds as the tour
                                                                                  with strong ties to worship, were on       continues.’
                                                                                  hand to share their knowledge gained         ‘These sessions were designed
                                                                                  over the course of a combined 60           to be pilot events,’ added Evan
                                                                                  years in the industry. Mr Margraves        MacKenzie, DPA marketing and
                                                                                  has served as an audio director            communications manager. ‘We
                                                                                  for two megachurches, toured as            wanted to learn what the HOW
                                                                                  a concert FOH mixer and currently          market is interested in when it
                                                                                  mixes for several worship artists,         comes to microphone techniques
                                                                                  including Elevation Church. Mr             in worship services and their
                                                                                  McMillan recently finished a four-year      applications of our microphones.
                                                                                  gig handling the live production and       We will embark on next year’s tour
                                                                                  mixing responsibilities for his brother,   with a more specific and targeted
                                                                                  Christian singer–songwriter John Mark      experience for the HOW market
                                                                                  McMillan. Meanwhile, Mr Sanchez is         based on what they have told us.’
                                                                                  an experienced audio engineer, sound
Alan Johnson                                                                      designer and technician, who has           www.dpamicrophones.com

20 WORSHIP AVL January–February 2019
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