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FREE EDITION: Vol. XVII       Madrid in English                 January - February, 2019

                                                      A DAY

Plus Reviews
Reader offers
Whats on and lots more
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2           CONTENTS                                                         January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan

    Front Page Photo
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    2          Contents & Treasure Hunt

                                                      elcome to the latest edition of the Madrid Metropolitan.
    3          A bit of Spanish                       As those familar with us will see we have now moved to
                                                      a new look magazine format which we hope you will find
                                            better and sharper. If you have any comments of how we can make
    4-5        Whats On                     the magazine better still we would love to hear from you. As well as
                                            showing whats on to see and do in Madrid these cold months there
    6          Interview. Richard Vaughan   are also some interesting.
                                            interviews and pieces this edition as well as some great reader offers
                                            that we hope will be of interest.
    7-8        Health and Wellbeing
                                            Thank you again for supporting us and we hope that you enjoy rea-
    9          Excursions                   ding our new look magazine.

                                            The Madrid Metropolitan - your local paper
    10         Opinions
    11-12      Going Out
                                            PUBLISHED BY: IBERIAN METROPOLITAN PRESS
    13-15      Property                     Calle Isabel Colbrand 10
                                            Planta 5 - Oficina 151, 28050 Madrid
    16         Altnernative View            Tomo: 27.630 Folio: 1 Sección: 8 Hoja: M497912
                                            | OLAF CLAYTON | DESIGN & LAYOUT : TOM LYONS | PHO-
                                            TOGRAPHY & FEATURES: JAKE RICHARDSON | JENNY OS-
    17         Book Reviews                 BORNE, STEPHEN JENKINS, CHRIS NEIL, BARRY WALKER,
                                            MELISSA DURA, CHRISTOPHER MILLER, ABI CLARK, ADAM
    18         Film Review                  GARCIA, ANNA CONNOLY, AMY SHIA | FOOD & DRINK: JEMI-
                                            MA BUTLER | ART: BRIAN COLLINS | BUSINESS : ROGER PIKE
                                            | WEBSITE: TOM LYONS |
    19         Recipes
                                            La edición, redacción, impresión, publicación, distribución, venta y
                                            explotación publicitaria de periódicos y revistas con el CNAE 5814
    20-22      Classified Directory         EDICIÓN DE REVISTAS.

                                            Views expressed in Madrid Metropolitan are the opinions of the
                                            writers and are not necessarily endorsed by the publishers. Althou-
                                            gh we make every effort to quote the correct prices and opening
           MADRID TREASURE HUNT             hours for establishments mentioned in the magazine, it is possible
                                            some may have changed since we went to press. All advertisements
                                            are published in good faith.

                                            Madrid Metropolitan cannot accept responsibility for errors or
                                            omis-sions in individual ads or accept responsibility for work, ser-
                                            vices or goods.

                                            Madrid Metropolitan is published by Iberian Metropolitan Press SL.


      ou could be the lucky winner of

      this FC Británico (Madrid Metro-           his 21st century wine estate opens its doors and its world to
      politan sponsored) jersey at the           our readers to begin a journey of the finest of Castillian wine
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secrets of Madrid´s sometime dark and
mysterious past. For those daring rea-      ● Return luxury coach transfer (just 1 hour from Madrid)
ders who wish to discover the hidden        ● Estate tour and visit in English
side of Madrid.                             ● Tasting of 4 wines
                                            ● Picoteo of local fayre
Out of the market into the PLAZA SAN        Date: Sat. 16th of February
MIGUEL. Looking at C/ SANTIAGO              Leaving from Plaza España at
but don’t look up unless you dare - Best    11.00.
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Brought to you by:
Teambuilding events with a Castilian
January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan                             A BIT OF SPANISH   3
4             WHATS ON IN MADRID                                                                                      January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan

      Inverfest 2019. 10th January – 7th February                                 Chinese New Year in Madrid. Until 5th February

                  Teatro Circo Price                                                  nce again, Madrid celebra-          Chinese Associations, sports clubs

       he beginning of the New Year   ned with the busy work schedules,               tes its fourth edition of the       and other educational groups, all
       brings numerous concerts       the good news is that the series                Chinese New Year in the             colourfully dressed in traditional
       and music treats, from big     runs for three weeks, and pro-           city with a festival that is a feast       costume and the elders sporting
names to debut artists promoting      vides everything from flamenco           for the eyes! The Year of the Pig          imperial robes. Additionally, the
their work.                                                 and cabaret        marks the end of the winter and            live music, lion dancers and fire-
January                                                     to the latest      the start of spring, and the brown         crackers on offer vividly represent
offers one of                                               rock’n’roll.       pig in Chinese culture represents          the vibrant blend of colour and
the most ex-                                                Participating      earthiness, but also relaxation and        noise of the celebrations. A fantas-
citing music                                                artists   in-      fun. The fun begins on February            tic fair full of stalls selling traditio-
experiences,                                                clude Rodri-       5th 2019 and will last for the next        nal Chinese food, products and or-
Inverfest                                                   go Cuevas,         three weeks with FREE festivities          naments along with arts and crafts
2019,        a                                              Marta Soto,        including a Dragon parade with             also make the event accessible and
series      of                                              R a y d e n        participants including the many            fun for all.
winter concerts that will bring a     and Chelsea Boots. Expect a huge
variety of music styles to please     number of warm notes to counter
all tastes. For those of you burde-   Madrid’s chilly winter.

     Gastro Festival. 23rd January – 10th February
                   Feria de Madrid

        fter all the stuffing and     the participation of various bars,
        overeating     during  the    restaurants, food markets, museu-
        Christmas holidays                  ms, and bookstores, those
it’s time for new reso-                         supporting the festival
lutions, detox and a                               will also be able to sa-
healthy, delicious va-                              vour films, music,
riety of food. A step                                theatre and fashion.
in the right direction                               Award-winning che-
would be to enjoy                                    fs will be plying their
the amazing offers at                                trade, and all sorts
the 10th edition of the                             of activities, such as              Operación Triunfo 2018 – 8th February
Madrid Gastrofestival,                             workshops, concerts,
an event that promotes                          food tastings and scree-
                                                                                                    WiZink Center

new cuisines and looks to                   nings have been organised
combine food and art. Thanks to       to keep all interests satisfied.               he new season of Opera-              the contestants themselves during
                                                                                     ción Triunfo kicks off with          the programme. If soppy drivle is
                                                                                     concerts across Spain, in-           your thing you are in for a treat.
                  FITUR. 23rd -27th January                                    cluding Madrid where
                                                                               the WiZink Center will
                           IFEMA                                               host the 16 finalists

                                                                               performing their acts
          hat better way to start     as FITUR Shopping and FITUR              and including their
          2019 than a visit to FI-    Health, and for the third year the-      signature group song
          TUR, Madrid’s annual        re will also be an area for FITUR        “Somos”, composed by
tourism fair, which bustles with      LGBTQ, as well as perspectives in
new holiday ideas. The fair serves    the field of technology and energy
as a global meeting point for both    saving.                                           jf-QJm-FLH1stl0meGQxAehgzQCt4YnHW_-nL8
professionals (especially those in
the Ibero-American markets) and
the general public, and can bring                                                  Beyond 2001- the odyssey of intelligence.
together thousands of travel com-
panies, big and small. There are                                                 Until 17th February. Telefonica Building Gran Via
always a huge variety of options,

even beyond the geographic, to                                                            ith the celebration of
respond to market trends such                                                             the fiftieth anniversary
                                                          of the premiere of the
                                                                               film comes the recognition that
                                                                               not only have many of the film’s
               Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week                                      predictions come true, but expec-
                                                                               tations have been exceeded. The
                   24th – 29th January                                         artificial intelligence computer

                                                                               programmes mentioned in the
                                                        reative design is      film are already part of the human
                                                        the buzzword as        routine. The exhibition comes
                                                        Madrid welco-          in three parts - the awakening of
                                                  mes     Mercedes-Benz        human intelligence, human-ma-
                                                  Fashion Week, whe-           chine interaction and the futu-
                                                  re Spanish designers         re of intelligence. The objective
                                                  have the opportunity         of the exhibition is to show the
                                                  to promote their work        evolution of human and artificial
                                                  on an international le-      intelligence from its historical mi-
                                                  vel, with the support of     lestones, current applications and
                                                  major brands such as         future perspectives.
                                                  L’Orèal and Inditex.
January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan                                                                  WHATS ON IN MADRID (cont.)                                              5
             Echo & the Bunnymen. 15th February                                                   Letters from the King. Until 3rd March
                         La Riviera                                                                            Royal Palace

      he legendary 80s British                                                                                                 ship of Primo de Rivera whose
      band embark on a Euro-                                                                                                   fall led to his own in 1931 with the
      pean tour to present their                                                                                               abolition of the monarchy and the
new album The Stars, The Ocean                                                                                                 establishment of the 2nd Republic
& The Moon. A work that con-                                                                                                   as well his subsequent exile. This
tains thirteen of his songs rein-                                                                                              exhibition shows Alfonso in a di-
terpreted and reimagined as The                                                                                                fferent light. That of benefactor
Killing Moon, Nothing Last Fore-                                                                                               and huminatarian specifically in
ver or The Cutter, as well as two                                                                                              the Great War during which Spain
new compositions. The post punk                                                                                                was neutral but in which the King
band has had considerable suc-                                                                                                 was active in peace initiatives and
cess and influenced many groups                                                                                                the establishment of an office for
like Interpol, Oasis or The Killer                                                                                             the co-ordination of relief with
with their melancholy and som-                                                                                                 the Red Cross. The office provi-
ber sound.                                                                                                                     ded relief to more than 200,000
                                                                                                                               prisoners-of-war and evacuated
                                                                                                    nearly 70,000 civilians from un-

                                                                                                                               safe zones. Official Alfonso XIII
   Jurassic World - The Exhibition. Until 17th February                                          istory, has not treated       biographies argue that blunders
                                                                                                 King Alfonso XIII well.       committed by the king during his
                         IFEMA                                                                   His reign beset by diffi-     reign should be offset by his hu-

                                                                                         culties at home and abroad ended      manitarian work during the First
                                                          fter its 2016 inauguration     with his support for the dictator-    World War
                                                          in Melbourne      Jurassic
                                                          World: The Exhibition
                                                   tour comes for a once only stop             diacion-humanitaria-de-alfonso-xiii-en-la-gran-guerra
                                                   in Spain with an immersive expe-
                                                   rience based on the latest film in
                                                   this long running saga Jurassic            Banksy: Genius or Vandal? Until 10th March
                                                   World: The Fallen Kingdom. The
                                                   exhibition begins on board a ferry                      Feria de Madrid
                                                   that takes you to Isla Nublar and

                                                   where you enter through the doors            ove him or hate him Banksy     hibition that aims to get visitors
                                                   and into Jurassic World. And all             is either an urban legend or   into the universe created by this
                                                   that lurks within……                          artistic genius depending on   iconoclastic artist.
                                   whether you consi-
                                                                                         der him an artistic
                                                                                         phenomenon          or
                 I love LEGO. Until 24th February                                        common street ar-
                                                                                         tist. In this unpre-
                          Palacio Gaviria                                                cedented journey

                                                                                         through more than
   n 2015                                                                tion in the     70 original works
   LEGO                                                                  Legoland        – exhibited for the
   over-                                                                 theme with      first time in Spain
took Fe-                                                                 six minia-      - including pain-
rrari to be                                                              ture worlds     tings, sculptures,
considered                                                               created         installations,      vi-
the worl-                                                                with more       deos and photogra-
d´s most                                                                 than one        phs. An immersive
powerful                                                                 million pie-    audiovisual setting
brand and with 100 million users                   ces of LEGO with themes from war,     has been specially
every year its easy to see why. Ar-                urban landscapes, and even Game       created for this ex-
themisia Spain presents this exhibi-               of Thrones.

              Van Gogh Alive. Until 26th February                                             Democracia. 1978 – 2018. Until 17th March
                   Círculo de Bellas Artes                                                               Caixa Forum Madrid

A                                                                                        T
                                                                            with Van           his exhibition coming on
                                                                            G o g h            the 40th anniversary of the
nd the                                                                      pieces             Spanish Constitution of
g r e a t                                                                   through      1978, is designed to allow visitors
painter                                                                     different    to immerse themselves in a direct
d o e s                                                                     m e -        and emotional experience, which
indeed                                                                      diums        makes them part of the route to
come to                                                                     of light,    democracy that was taken after
life   in                                                                   colour,      the death of Franco and the de-
this the                                                                    sound        cisive election of 1977 ( the first
most visited multimedia exhibition                 and and more than 3,000 lar-          free election since the pre-civil
in the world which arrives in Ma-                  ge-scale projected images which       war election of 1936) and which
drid after having toured 40 cities                 immerse the viewer in an authentic    in turn paved the way for the new
on four continents. Visitors can                   multisensory montage.                 constitution.            
6           INTERVIEW                                                                                 January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan

                                           My Day by Richard Vaughan
                                                                 hour of reading, web-surfing             them, but I can feel them. I
                                                                 and thinking. Slow, though-              know they’re there, so it’s easy
                                                                 tful warmups are essential               to smile, provoke and enjoy
                                                                 to high performance. To run              the connection.
                                                                 the 100 meter dash in ten                    Late mornings are devoted
                                                                 seconds, one should slowly               to meetings or to designing
                                                                 build up will and muscles well           teaching content, followed by
                                                                 before the starting gun, and             business lunches half the days
                                                                 the same is true for starting            and lunch at home the other
                                                                 life every day. Those who get            half. The business lunches are
                                                                 up in a rush, run out the door           with people I usually know
                                                                 and have their first coffee once         well and consist of 90 minutes
                                                                 in the office are slaves of their        of fun, enjoyable conversation
                                                                 own destiny, not masters.                ending with five minutes of
                                                                     I begin a daily two-hour             business discussion. At least
                                                                 radio show at 7:30, followed             two days out of every week
                                                                 at 9:30 by a second coffee               I don’t return to work after
                                                                 and emails. Then it’s either             lunch, spending the afternoon
                                                                 back to the radio to record an           and evening doing exerci-
                                                                 additional hour, aired later             se, playing piano or guitar or
                                                                 in the day, or to a television           reading fiction or non-fiction,
                                                                 studio five meters from my               from Plato up through the la-
                                                                 office where I record 26-mi-             test bestsellers. I don’t take
                                                                 nute English class segments              problems home with me and I
                                                                 for Televisión Española or for           lose sleep because of business
                                                                 our own television content.              worries maybe twice a year at
                                                                 This means five minutes pa-              the most. If you can learn to
                                                                 tiently sitting still while one of       find and recruit top-quality
                                                                 my female employees applies              people, it’s easy and perso-
                                                                 makeup and then sitting down             nally empowering to delegate
                                                                 in the center of the set to bear         the day-to-day problems and

                                                                 the bright lights, smile into            challenges to them. This abili-
   get up early, earlier than    to early rising. To be exact,   a naked, impersonal came-                ty is must for any person who
   most. For generations, my     I get up at 5:40 every day,     ra and teach the socks off my            aspires to lead an organiza-
   mother’s side of the family   make a coffee, two poached      students somewhere beyond                tion successfully over the long
has been genetically inclined    eggs and then sit down to an    the camera lens. I can’t see             term.
January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan                                              HEALTH & WELLBEING: HM HOSPITALES                                                                 7
                            New Year, new health habits! Prevention is better than cure!
                                                                                           suspicion of a specific pathology,      PATIENT PROFILE
                                                                                           it is possible to resort to more spe-   People who request the services
                                                                                           cific tests, such as a genetic study,   offered by the Personalized Ear-
                                                                                           when it is considered necessary         ly Prevention Unit have a very
                                                                                           or, in case of cancer, a PET-CT,        mixed profile, although execu-
                                                                                           which allows detecting, even in         tives and middle-aged workers
                                                                                           very early stages, tumor lesions        who have little to no time to per-
                                                                                           that with other diagnostic techni-      form a conventional check-up

                                                                                           ques would go unnoticed.                that requires multiple visits and
     n our HM hospitales group,                         It takes three to four hours to                                            displacements prevail. In addi-
     we are well aware of the im-                  complete a full check-up, the re-           “We seek to optimize the            tion, it is increasingly common
     portance of prevention and,                   sults of which can be ob-tained in      health of our patients, con-            for the international patient,
because of this, we have perso-                    less than 48 hours, so that imme-       tribute to their longevity              temporarily relo-cated in Spain,
nalized medical recognition pro-                   diacy is one of the most obvious        with a good quality of life             to request the services of the Unit
grams.                                             signs of identi-ty of this Unit. The    or, as it is popularly known,           and to undergo an exhaustive
                                                   different categories of check-ups       applying an antiaging con-              check-up.
   IN HM HOSPITALES                                are differentiated by the patient’s     cept of medicine,” says Dr                  The UPPP sees a maximum
WE ARE WELL AWARE                                  gender and age, and those include       Mihic. In this sense, the HM Hos-       of three patients per day and
THAT PROMOTING PRE-                                all the diagnostic tests necessary      pital specialist recalls that early     its main characteristics are the
VENTIVE MEDICINE WITH                              to rule out the most prevalent          pre-vention is key when ensuring        immediacy and exclusivity they
THE PERSONALIZED EAR-                              pathologies. In fact, one of the di-    health.                                 present when carrying out a com-
LY PRE-VENTION UNIT                                fferential elements of the Unit is          There are many diseases in          plete and exhaus-tive check-up
(UPPP IN SPANISH) IS KEY                           that it has at its disposal state-of-   which a timely detection signi-         with all guarantees included. A
TO MAINTAINING GOOD                                the-art technological equipment,        ficantly increases the chances of       multidisciplinary team acts wi-
HEALTH AMONG THE PO-                               with the most advanced diagnos-         cure. “Ultimately, it’s about           thin the Unit formed by an ENT,
PULATION                                           tic tools.                              advancing in early preven-              a cardiologist, an ophthalmolo-
                                                        The check-ups go from blood        tion and establishing heal-             gist and a gynecologist. And, as
      • The UPPP allows to con-                    tests or radiological tests, to elec-   thy life guidelines. We do not          Dr Mi-hic affirms, “it is key that a
      centrate in a short space of                 trocardiograms,        ergome-tries,    only look for the normality             single doctor is responsible for all
      time all the necessary check-                echocardiographies, abdominal           of the patient, but al-so the           areas of health alt-hough several
      ups to prevent possible pa-                  ultrasounds, audiometries, oph-         optimization of his health              specialists intervene”.
      thologies                                    thalmological check-ups, gyne-          status “, states Dr Mihic.
                                                   cological tests, etc. If there is the                                           HM HOSPITALES
      • The Unit has state-of-the-                                                                                                 HM Hospitales is the private
      art diagnostic tools and a                                                                                                   hospital group of national re-
      multidisciplinary   medical                                                                                                  ference that bases its offer on
      team, which not only seeks                                                                                                   healthcare excellence in addition
      the normalcy of the patient,                                                                                                 to research, teaching, constant
      but also the optimization                                                                                                    technological innovation and pu-
      of his health                                                                                                                blication of findings.
                                                                                                                                        It currently has more than
      • The patient profile of this                                                                                                4,000 professionals who concen-
      service ranges from the mi-                                                                                                  trate their efforts on offering a qua-
      ddle-age executive with li-                                                                                                  lity and innovative medicine focu-
      ttle to no time to go to the                                                                                                 sed on the health and wellbeing of
      doctor, to the international                                                                                                 their patients and their families.
      patient                                                                                                                           HM Hospitales is made up of
                                                                                                                                   38 healthcare centers: 14 hospitals,
     HM Hospitales consolidates                                                                                                    3 comprehensive cen-ters speciali-
its commitment to preventive me-                                                                                                   zed in Oncology, Cardiology and
dicine with the Personalized Early                                                                                                 Neurosciences, as well as 21 poly-
Prevention Unit (UPPP in Spani-                                                                                                    clinics. All of them work in a coor-
sh), located at the Hospital Univer-                                                                                               dinated manner to offer a compre-
sitario HM Sanchinarro and which,                                                                                                  hensive management of the needs
led by Dr Niko Mihic, allows three                                                                                                 and requirements of their patients.
different types of check-ups (silver,
gold and platinum), with the aim                                                                                                   More information at: www.
of preventing new pathologies and                                                                                        
optimizing the patient’s health.                                                                                                   Information regarding ma-
     In this way, HM Hospitales is                                                                                                 king appointments:
clearly committed to offering the                                                                                                  INTERNATIONAL DPT.
highest standards of quality care                                                                                                  Tel.: 629 823 493
and the Unit is a faithful reflection                                                                                              E-mail: international@
of it.                                                                                                                   
8             HEALTH & WELLBEING: ESHA                                                                              January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan

                                                                  Common Cold

         lthough Spain enjoys a lot more sunshine than most Northern                Who is most vulnerable to colds?
         European Countries, it doesn’t mean that we are going to free of           Children are generally more vulnerable than adults, an adult will
         catching colds or the flu.                                             catch an average of 3- 4 colds a year, whereas a child could catch as much
     Both are respiratory illnesses and the common cold being known as          as up to 8 colds a year.
the Upper Respiratory Illness (URI), or the common cold, and is the main
reason why people will visit the doctor, A cold is a virus and there are over       How are they diagnosed?
200 cold viruses, the most common one being the rhinovirus.                            Normally a cold is diagnosed by the Doctor from a self-report
     The reason why people are more vulnerable to a virus in                             description of the symptoms.
the winter rather than the summer is the fact that win-
dows are closed more time during the winter months.                                                    Treatment
People tend to go out doors less in the cold and a vi-                                                   Treatment for the common cold is fairly simple
rus loves close proximity where the low humidity                                                       but may vary depending on factors such as:
is a perfect environment for it to spread.
                                                                                                             • Age of the person effected
     Symptoms                                                                                                • Medical history
     Soon after the cold virus has been passed on,                                                           • Family vulnerability to respiratory
the body perceives it as a foreign body and sets in                                                           infections
motion a series of reaction to eliminate it. These                                                          • Allergies and tolerance to medication
     After the virus enters your child’s body, it causes                                                   It is generally accepted that fluid intake be in-
a reaction--the body’s immune system begins to react                                                creased, preventing dehydration and maintaining
to the foreign virus. Producing the following symtoms:                                          mucus tissue such as the interior of the nose moist. Also
                                                                                            staying away from passive smoke and smoky environments
         • An increase in mucus production (a runny nose).                         as these will irritate the respiratory system even further.
         • Swelling of the lining of the nose (making it hard to breath and         If you believe that either you or your child may have a common cold,
          congestion).                                                          then do not hesitate to contact a doctor in your area. See here for all
         • Sneezing (from the irritation in the nose).                          ESHA approved Doctors.
         • Cough (from the increased mucus dripping down the throat).
January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan                                                                                                    EXCURSIONS                          9
                           Why San Lorenzo de El Escorial by Barry Haslam-Walker FRICS

            hy is it that San Lo-                                                                                              dings contained basements with
            renzo de El Escorial is                                                                                            walls and floors built out of gra-
            considered the literary                                                                                            nite. The study revealed the level
centre of Spain. Recognized as a                                                                                               of Radon was higher in enclosed
World Heritage site by UNESCO                                                                                                  basements although dispersed at
in 1984 it attracts artists, writers,                                                                                          ground lever harmlessly into the
poets and painters from all over                                                                                               open air.
the world and hosts a plethora of                                                                                                   Radon has, by the World
literary events, seminars and con-                                                                                             Health Organisation, been re-
ferences.                                                                                                                      cognised as where, in exceptio-
     Undoubtably its location,                                                                                                 nally high concentration levels,
surrounded by forests, clean at-                                                                                               is a contributing factor to one of
mosphere sparkling streams and                                                                                                 the causes of pulmonary cancer.
spectacular views plays a major                         Since June 21, 2006, it has      and, governing the largest Empire,    Some comparisons are made to
part but there is also a somewhat                  been protected by the Community       needed wits, intelligence and crea-   the smoking of average 10 cigare-
sinister element that may play a                   of Madrid as a Property of Cultu-     tivity to maintain his authority.     ttes per day.
contributing part.                                 ral Interest.                              AND did that creativity come          SO whether it is a relaxing
                                                        The history of San Lorenzo de    from his instinct in selecting for    and/or occasional smoke or the
RADON                                              El Escorial is inexorably linked to   his Monastery a location built        ‘perfume’ of the radioactive Ra-
San Lorenzo de El Escorial, also                   the construction of the Monastery     upon the solid mass of granite that   don seeping through the granite
known as El Escorial de Arriba is a                under the orders of Philip !! of      was Mount Abascos.                    rocks it has become a magnet for
town and municipality in the Com-                  Spain, started in 1563 and com-            NOW granite, a very hard         those creative writers, poets and
munity of Madrid, located to the                   pleted in 1584.                       igneous rock has proportionally       artists the reside and visit San
northwest of the region in the south                    The most important parts         higher levels of Radon than other     Lorenzo de El Escorial.
eastern side of the Sierra de Guada-               of the building, include the Pan-     natural minerals and is a colour-          Take a visit, view the magni-
rrama, at the foot of Mount Aban-                  theon of Kings, the Basilica and      less, odourless radioactive gas       ficence of the Monastery and as
tos, 47 kilometres from Madrid.                    Real library. From the sixteenth      that gradually seeps through the      you feel the calming and relaxing
     The settlement is popularly                   century the Escorial Monastery        rocks.                                atmosphere, becoming inspired
called El Escorial de Arriba, to                   has been described as ‘the eighth          A study carried out by Enri-     and creative it may just be down
differentiate it from the neigh-                   wonder of the world’.                 que Rubio of GEOMNIA exami-           to the radioactivity of Radon
bouring village of El Escorial, also                    Philip II was known as Feli-     ned over 55 properties in the El      seeping through the rocks and
known as El Escorial de Abajo.                     pe el Prudente, a cautious thinker    Escorial region where the buil-       ground.
10               OPINIONS                                                                                                              January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan

                    Hello Magazine ‘Would you like a magazine to read?...’ by Anna Connolly

               rashy magazines: pure plea-              Spain it is priced just above some,       Getting to business with an advert,                 This larger than most maga-
               sure. There is nothing more              but below the higher end stuff, pla-      in this case a night cream, they               zine elegantly ploughs on with
               comforting to while away                 ced in the middle of the road, which      follow swiftly with an article on a            it’s celebrity-based topics, all ra-
      the time in this Brexit-limbo than to             is where the tone of views sits wi-       sports personality, accompanied                ther pleasing in tone, showing the
      imbibe glossy gossip about celebrity              thin the inoffensive flutter of these     by a host of beautifully lit images            best side of those who frequent
      shenanigans and their blackheads,                 flattering, non-threatening pages.        of their possessions, namely their             these pages. After a smattering of
      cellulite, and weight fluctuation.                In this epoch of non-experts who          mansion that boasts endless cars,              smaller fairy tales of the rich and
      News about baby rivals, betrayals,                spit out judgements like bland bu-        marble, and slogans like, ‘Kiss me             famous being out and about, typi-
      and surgery exclusives - resistance               bblegum, one can find temporary           like you love me. Fuck me like you             cally appearing at a charity event,
      is futile. In the age of snap-chat ju-            respite in the sunshiny stability         hate me’, written in a shiny silver            we get to the headline story that is
      dgements these magazines provide                  provided by this revista that cordia-     lettering above a pool that could fit          covered in some depth, allowing
      their readership with a godly satis-              lly greets it’s guests right from the     hundreds of refugees. Then we get              for a decent amount of insight, all
      faction that even our pan-partners                off with it’s well-chosen title, as any   to the juicy exclusive that the cover          be it rose-tinted, and all impor-
      can not match. Where else would                   good host, or hairdresser should.         promises: dreamy holiday snaps                 tantly in the words of the celebrity
      you learn that orange peel is not                      It is up there with the most         of a singer and an actress who are             on the front cover. The remaining
      only an ingredient added to dark                  sophisticated literature that can be      now ‘allegedly’ engaged. It is assu-           articles reveal fashion trends, such
      chocolate to make it taste less like              found in a beauty parlour, wi-                             ringly delusional             as accessorising with chunky ethic
      powdered shite? However, once in                  thout resorting to the top end                                        to see the-        jewellery, and planning ahead for
      a while we need a change, to shake                fashion magazines that are                                           se modern           autumnal monochrome. The ha-
      things up, there’s only so much di-               two thirds advert, that trade in                                     day deities         ppily ever after to this formatted
      saster one can stomach. Amongst                   inadequacy and don’t require                                        living      as       froth ends to the tune of a page on
      the rather forlorn array that makes               literacy. The familiar red and                                     normal...             the benefits of the sun and recipes
      up a coiffure’s library, a client can             white branding has an almost                                       except for            for success before finally ending
      always find solace in the handy                   educational air about it’s co-                                    their yachts           with another advert, this time for
      hairdresser classic, ‘Hello’                      ver, reminiscent of a tabloid                                    that excrete            a watch, counting down to the
           Providing weekly specialist ce-              newspaper. ‘Hello’ usually                                       endless       jet       next set of instalments. The ‘Hello’
      lebrity and royal-based news, the                 runs several key celebrity                                      skies, I clear-          echoes on until the next time we
      ‘Hello’ franchise is a firm, interna-             stories, of which include                                      ly have the               need a bit of make believe to catch
                  Media204x152mm.pdf 1 12/12/2018   12:50:24
      tional favourite. Originating from                updates on various royals.                                     wrong friends.            our damp split ends.

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January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan                                                                                                          GOING OUT                        11
                        The Taste Gallery                                                                    Cubiertos de Gloria
                      Plaza de San Miguel, 8                                                                  Calle de Toledo, 28

                                                                                                 ntil now the Cubiertos de       ted, it offers home made cocina
                                                                                                 Gloria has been one of Ma-      castiza dishes that are truly deligh-
                                                                                                 drid´s best kept secrets. It    tful as well as very reasonably pri-
                                                                                        has bucked the trend of traditional      ced. An exquisite range of carefully
                                                                                        restaurants disapearing from the         prepared seasonal offerings that
                                                                                        Casco Antiguo of Madrid by rees-         transend the traditional / modern

                                                                                        tablishing the genre with a modern       divide to give the diner a gastrono-
        he Taste Gallery in Plaza                  a lot more than a restaurant – it    twist. Stylishly Art Deco decora-        mic experience to remember.
        de San Miguel is the per-                  is an experience to savour. In ad-
        fect for a great tapas lunch               dtion to the upstairs restaurant
or more intimate dinner on the                     and bar is the exclusive “Cueva”
town. Varied menu with a range                     downstairs should you be looking
of delicious Spanish and interna-                  for a unique and originally deco-
tional dishes served by attentive                  rated space for events or celeba-
English-Speaking staff. The wine                   tions. Whether for a gathering of
list offers a wide selection of qua-               friends or romantic gettaway the
lity well priced wines to accom-                   Taste Gallery the warmest of wel-
pany. Located just off the Merca-                  comes to readers of the Madrid
do San Miguel the Taste Gallery is                 Metropolitan.

                                                                                      / 913 653 837

             / 917 589 339

             English-Speaking Tours

       Transfers and Travel in Madrid
          w w w. i b e r i a n c h a u f f e u r. c o m
12            GOING OUT (cont.)                                                                                       January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan

                  The Village Tap Room                                                      Madrid to host a
                  Martin de Los Heros 28                                             “Marketing for Artists” workshop

                                                                                      he Spanish capital will host        marketing for artists workshop
                                                                                      a Marketing for Artists             and will be thought by Sergio G.
                                                                                      workshop on Thursday 24             García, publicist, communicator,
                                                                              January, addressed to all those             curator and cultural promoter of
                                                                              artists who want to improve the             Exposia.
                                                                              ability to promote their work and                “The course has been thought
                                                                              to boost their commercial side.             to be a catalyst”, explained Sergio
                                                                              The intensive course (in English)           G. García. “Many artists could get
                                                                              will be held at C/ Goya 22, and             more out of their work in many
                                                                              those interested in attending can           aspects, which can be improved
                                                                              get further information through             with marketing techniques”, he
                                                                     - or by calling             added.
                                                                              692 316 180.                                     Sergio G. García, a professio-
                                                                                   The workshop seeks to pro-             nal with over 18 years experience
                                                                              vide artists with the necessary             in the marketing, press, public
                                                                              tools to promote their work and             relations and cultural promotion

                                                                              to improve their chances for po-            fields, conceived this workshop
    f craft beers are your thing       pressed air system you are guaran-     sitioning themselves in the art             nine years ago when he noticed
    then The Village Tap Room is       teed the perfectly poured pint.        world, thus the dynamic is focu-            the lack of promotional skills
    where you need to be. Over 40           With a fun international crowd    sed on practical ways to achieve            among the artists he came in con-
types of IPAs, lagers, ales, stouts,   the Village Tap Room is a great pla-   this, applying the course subjects          tact with, as a result of the exhibits
pilsners and porters are to be found   ce to meet friends or find new ones.   to conceive a particular project, be        he organizes in various spaces.
amongst many others to make this       In addtion they have regular events    it an exhibit or an special event, so            Over 90 artists have partici-
the beer drinker´s Mecca in Ma-        like “Open Mic” nights on Tues-        that the participants can put to            pated in this activity, in Madrid,
drid. With their unique draft ( the    days at 20:30 and “Writer’s Night”     practice the skills learned during          Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca,
only one in Spain) gas and com-        same time on Wednesday.                the activity.                               Bilbao, Vitoria, Sevilla and Cáce-
                                                                                   The art market, the first steps,       res in Spain; Antwerp y Brussels
                                                                              exhibiting at alternative spaces,           in Belgium, Amsterdam and Bre-
     Reservations: / Tel: 915 500 585
                                                                              curriculum, artistic book, press            da in Holland and Washington
                     Open ´till 0200 on weekends
                                                                              pack, promotion and web site are            DC and Nueva York in the United
                                                                              the subjects to be addressed in the         States.


                                                                                 Financial Advice for Expats in Europe

January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan                                                                                               PROPERTY                        13

            MADRID PROPERTY FOR SALE                                                              MADRID PROPERTY FOR SALE

                         Reference MM422443                                                        Reference MM422518
Magnificent top floor one bedroom apartment boasting 80m2 rooftop te-         Newly refurbished three bedroom apartment near Goya. The property is si-
rrace with stunning views of the surrounding area. The building is situated   tuated on the 6th floor of a portered building with large living room which
near Recoletos in one of the most exclusive streets in Madrid. € 1.4M         leads on to east facing 10m2 balcony. €1.27M

For viewing and more information contact Javier: 91 576 01 01 /               For viewing and more information contact Javier: 91 576 01 01 /                                        

                         Reference MM422864                                                       Reference MM422748
Refurbished second floor two bedroom apartment offerring spacious and         Original and luxurious Goya apartment for sale. Tastefully refurbished offe-
light accommodation within walking distance of Retiro park. Distributed       ring two double bedrooms in spacious 253 square metres of accomodation.
over 117 square metres the property also benefits from a 35 m2 balcony. The
building has inhouse porter and comes with offstreet parking. €890,000        For viewing and more information contact Javier: 91 576 01 01 /
For viewing and more information contact Javier: 91 576 01 01 /
14           PROPERTY (cont.)                                                                               January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan

         MADRID PROPERTY FOR RENT                                                           MADRID PROPERTY FOR RENT

                  Property Ref: MET GOYA                                                  Property Ref: MET ALCALA
                                                                         Top floor ático boasting two balconies and large living room leading to a
Two bedroom furnished apartment on Calle Goya spread over 106 squa-      30 square metre rooftop terrace with amazing views of Alcalá. The buil-
re metres. Newly refurbished with 2 living open plan living rooms, two   ding has concierge and underground garaje included. € 2.200
bathrooms and balcony overlooking Calle Goyal. Central heating and air
conditioning. € 1850 per month                                           For viewing and more information contact Miguel: 91 576 60
                                                                         33 /
For viewing and more information contact Miguel: 91 576 60
33 /

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January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan                                                                        PROPERTY (cont.)                           15

            MADRID PROPERTY FOR RENT                                                      MADRID PROPERTY FOR RENT

                   Property Ref: MET PEÑALVER                                           Property Ref: MET FELIPE
Large and luminous 120 square metre apartment on the corner of Con-    Charming and light two bedroom apartment situated beside Plaza de Fe-
de de Peñalver and Hermosilla overlooking large inner courtyard. The   lipe II. In addition benefits from three balconies, two bathrooms ( one
apartment has two bedrooms ( one with en-suite) and two bathrooms.     with jacuzzi) and fully equiped kitchen. € 1,600 per month.
€ 2.200 per month
                                                                       For viewing and more information contact Miguel: 91 576 60
For viewing and more information contact Miguel: 91 576 60             33 /
33 /
16           ALTERNATIVE VIEW                                                                                      January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan

                                         And so it begins... by Stephen Jenkins

      anuary. A dry month for             For we live in a world where     you ascribe to ludicrous notions            prove that we have treated our
      many. An annual uphill         our innermost insecurities are        of cultural appropriation, or wo-           bodies as temples, or at least as
      slog, following the pagan      little more than niche marketing      rry that you might accidentally             potential high yield commodities
orgy that is the winter solstice,    opportunities. And of course the-     be worshipping Satan. And then              that might have to be cashed in if
recently repackaged as Christmas     re is a whole industry of Wellness    there are the miracle foods, pul-           they become unproductive.
for the modern homo-sapien who       waiting to elevate us. There are      ses, berries and grains, all espe-              Ultimately of course it all
does understand that spring will     even Wellness coaches, smug           cially tempting now that they               comes down to quality of life as
come again, especially now that      bastards perhaps, but they look       have discovered that vitamins,              we goose step our way, lean and
it never goes away, but would        undeniably well. And although         like everything else, will give you         tanned, into a bright new future
like a good gorge anyway. And        “Wellness” is a clumsy trite litt-    cancer. None of them taste very             where everyone looks and smells
here we are in the aftermath, fat    le noun, we who have feasted on       nice but that’s not the point, and          great. Increasingly some people
and useless and bloated on food      sugar and protein, and alcohol,       there’s always Christmas to look            spend most of their lives loo-
and drink and meaningless elec-      nevertheless embrace it, despera-     forward to.                                 king after themselves anyway,
trical devices. And most likely      te to look, and perhaps even one           Essentially however the We-            so January is pretty much like
skint too. The cold hard truth of    day, to feel well again.              llness industry offers us simple            any other month, a horrifying
the mirror confirms how far we            Contemporary life has gifted     variants on the age old wisdom of           thought. And for those of us who
have drifted from the physical       us a dazzling range of Wellness       eating less, doing more exercise,           are too weak, or too decadent,
ideals presented to us by the soft   options. Some of them promise         and not worrying too much. Sta-             to spend our fragile and fleeting
porn clips that pass for perfume     us voyages of self discovery, a       tistically of course we should pro-         existence looking and feeling
adverts. The very same marke-        tantalising prospect for the alter-   bably all be worrying more. The             great, then at least we can draw
teers who urged us on to excess      natively inclined, more than ever     figures show that we are all going          comfort in the fact that time flies,
and indulgence now howl at us to     now that rampant individualism        to die and so is everything on the          especially as you grow old, and
take a good look at our tumescent    has infected arty left wing cultu-    planet, and so is the planet itself.        that January will soon be over,
bodies, to examine our feeble        re as much as it has the world’s      The prognosis is not good. And              and we can all go out and get pis-
minds, and to search our turgid      major financial hubs. Spinning,       the new ethos of personal respon-           sed again. Not me though. I’m
souls and do something about it.     pilates, assorted martial arts,       sibility dictates that in the not too       giving up the booze. And not for
Or sink forever into the swollen     and exotic dancing styles.... all     distant future we may not even              the first time.
ranks of the ugly and the unwell.    of them are valid options unless      get health care , unless we can
January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan                                                          BOOK REVIEW by Adam García                                            17
                                                                                 other characters. One of these is a man who goads Annie into a bet early
                                                                                 on in the story setting the stage for the main plot; ‘pick anyone in the
                                                                                 room, and I will make them Instagram famous in thirty days’. Of course,
                                                                                 they pick the unlikeliest of targets and the story unfolds...
                                                                                      This is a funny
                                                                                 and      heart-war-
                                                                                 ming story of
                                                                                 makeovers,        fa-
                                                                                 lling in love, fa-
                                                                                 lling out of love,
                                                                                 family     dramas,
                                                                                 friendship      and
                                                                                 the documenta-
                                                                                 tion of life throu-
                                                                                 gh social media.
          Sunset Over the Cherry Orchard,                                        Current and mo-
                   by Jo Thomas                                                  dern, there were
                                                                                 many parts that

                                                                                 I    sympathised
        eti Winter has two failed engagements and has decided to fo-
                                                                                 with or connec-
        llow her dream of getting away from the UK and having her
                                                                                 ted to, and the
        own bar in Spain. Five years into her third engagement with
                                                                                 plot and several
Will, they board the place and don’t look back, but not everything goes
                                                                                 twists that kept
to plan.
                                                                                 me hooked right
     Through Beti the reader discovers life on the south coast of Spain
                                                                                 until the end.
and the differences between the harbour where tourists outnumber
                                                                                 Lindsey Kelk creates likeable but above all relatable characters, and
the locals and the cherry orchard up in the hills that is struggling to
                                                                                 writes in a lighthearted way about real life problems that everyone faces;
survive. Beti first discovers the harbour and the bar she has dreamed
                                                                                 love, work and happiness.
of, but it is only by finding work up at the cherry farm that she can ful-
                                                                                      Described by many as a modern twist on ‘My Fair Lady’ updated for
                                                        fil her dreams and
                                                                                 the social media age, this is a feel-good romance that comes highly re-
                                                        also where she
                                                        finds new aspira-
                                                        tions. The grum-
                                                         py owner, Anto-
                                                         nio, slowly warms
                                                         to her due to her
                                                         hard work, how
                                                          she befriends his
                                                          son Miguel who
                                                          has lost his way
                                                          and by doing all
                                                           she can to learn
                                                           flamenco to win
                                                           a bet he makes
                                                           to save the farm.
                                                                 A fun and
                                                            uplifting book
                                                            about how Beti
                                                            overcomes the
                                                            setbacks     that
                                                             life throws at
her and how she discovers both who she is and what she really wants
out of her new life in Spain. It takes her to the point of giving up before
the new friends she makes, her determination to succeed and learning
how to accept life’s challenges head on give her the strength to overco-
me all the obstacles in her path to find new love and happiness.

                           One in a Million,
                            by Lindsey Kelk

        ne in a Million is the engaging new romance by Lindsey Kelk,
        author of the bestselling ‘I Heart’ series. Set in London, it fo-
        llows the story of a young woman, Annie, who is starting out
in business with her best friend. They have launched a digital media
company and are based in a co-working space along with a multitude of
18             FILM REVIEW by Abi Lindsay Clark                                                                     January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan

                Argentinian film director and screen writer Alejo Flah tells us about
                                 his latest film and life in Madrid.

        orn in Buenos Aires in                                                                                          with the Italian people becau-
        1977, Alejo was brought up                                                                                      se there was more immigration
        in the trendy Palermo nei-                                                                                      from there than from Spain but
ghbourhood in the north of the                                                                                          the people here are very similar
city and now resides in Madrid                                                                                          so it is easy for the Argentina
where he has lived since arriving                                                                                       people to live in Spain and also
in the capital to write a TV series                                                                                     for the Spanish people to live in
in 2002 and never left. After                                                                                           argentina”.
studying film in Argentina Alejo                                                                                            Alejo is currently in Seville
began his career as a film editor                                                                                       doing the colour grading of his
enabling him to learn the langua-                                                                                       latest feature film called ´Taxi
ge of cinema and quickly moved                                                                                          to Gibraltar´ with actors Dani
into the world of screen writing,                                                                                       Rovira and Joaquín Furriel de
his first project being Vientos de                                                                                      argentina y Ingrid García, an An-
agua with the Oscar winning film                                                                                        tena 3 and La terraza production
director Juan José Campanella                                                                                           and co production with Argentina
for ‘The secret in their eyes’. A 13                                                                                    and La Zanfoña in Seville, after
episode family saga series about                                                                                        the colour grading they will do
the immigration from Spain to           conde duque.” He also mentio-         Isabel street in Embajadores.             the sound mixing the vfx which
Argentina and vice versa over           ned the Mercado de cebada, since           How about a favourite song           should be completed by January.
time. A 14 year old series which        1875 and one of the largest food      which for you symbolises Ma-              It will premier on march 15th.
people still talk about today. He       markets in Madrid, that has Pe-       drid? “Los planetas have a song               When interviewed following
also wrote the script for the film      ruvian restaurants and different      called ‘un buen día’ (One good            the release of his film Sexo facil
’Septima’ starring Ricardo David        latin food. “Also Naomi the first     day) and it’s a very good way to          películas tristes Alejo told the ci-
and Belen Rueda before embar-           Japanese restaurant in Madrid,”       define for me what one Sunday             nema blog Espinoff Why is not
king on the world of directing          he added. This successful Japa-       in Madrid or one Sunday in any            my life like in the movies? And
with his first film being ’Sexo fa-     nese restaurant located on 14         city of Spain as that song was ac-        in romantic comedies a lot more,
cil, peliculas tristes’ with a Spa-     Avila street opened its doors in      tually written in Granada, but I          why are not my love stories like
nish and Argentinian cast, it was       1974, no less than 44 years ago.      really like the song and the lyrics       in romantic comedies? And I ex-
filmed during 3 weeks in Buenos              His favourite cultural pla-      as they talk about one Sunday in          plain that it came out in a natural
Aires and 3 weeks in Madrid “a          ce in Madrid? “El cine doré or        the city.”                                way to play with this idea of love
film which brings the 2 cities          The Filmoteca where everyday               What are the main diffe-             in reality and love in a romantic
together on the big screen,” ex-        you can watch 3 or 4 feature fil-     rences between Spain and Ar-              comedy and see what happens in
plains Alejo. He also wrote the         ms from different periods, it´s a     gentina? Alejo explained that in          both cases.
script for the film ’La adopcion’       great place, a very beautiful cine-   Argentina there is a lot of immi-
in 2016.                                ma with a lot of very good options    gration from Spain, mostly from           Alejo Flah & Twit-
     We asked Alejo about what          to learn about film history and to    Galicia y Andalusia “so the peo-          ter @alejoflah.
keeps him here in Spain after 17        discover very good movies from        ple aren’t very different although
years and he explained that one         all over the world.” The Doré ci-     maybe we have more similarities
of the things that he loves about       nema is situated on 3 Santa
Madrid is that it is a city with
people from all over, “it’s a very
open city where it is very easy to
feel part of it and also all the peo-
ple are in the street in the bars
and walking around.”
     We asked him to choose a
favourite corner of Madrid but
he felt that it is not easy to choo-
se just one and explained “there
are lot of places that I like, the
parque oeste, conde duque, la
latina and Vistillas, as it is not
as crowded as La latina and it´s
a great part of the city”. There is
one small hidden treasure which
he shared with us; the gardens of
Prince Anglona near La latina on
Paja square. And a favourite res-
taurant? “Not easy to choose one
restaurant but I like the cajita de
nori on guardias de corps plaza in
January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan                                                                                              RECIPES                   19
                                       Catalina Brennan. Personal chef & gastroexperiences

          ello all!! Welcome to this new page, where you will find lots to do with food and great gastro experiences!! Recipes,
          tips, places to go, where to buy ingredients, and a tribe of similar minded people who´ll meet every so often to
          discover Madrid and it´s gastronomy.
We´re in full swing of artichoke season, so, I will give you a recipe and a few tips.
I recommend you buy them in a local market or fruit store, rather than supermarkets. I bought these in my favourite
fruit and veggie stall, Aurelio´s, in Mercado de las Ventas, puesto 140.
These are from Orihuela, Alicante, at the beginning of the season we´ll get them from this area and Murcia. Later on in
the season we can find them from Tudela, Navarra, exquisite, firm and full of flavour.

                                                                                     I had these with Pago del Vicario Petit Verdot, very cold, a
   Peeling suggestion: prepare a container                                           rich and cherry flavoured rosé wine from Castilla la Man-
   with water and lemon juice or parsley, they                                       cha. And, great price quality, around 5€!
   will go brown easily from oxidation. If you                                       As a Chef and foodie, I like to discover new restaurants, talk
   wear gloves, you can avoid stains in your                                         to Chefs and try out new dishes and ingredients. I will share
   hands.                                                                            with you my favourites!
                                                                                     Here´s my pick of the month, the best steak tartar in Ma-
   Cooking suggestions: boil them and                                                drid, for sure:
   sautée in pan with olive oil, garlic and bits
   of ham. If you have leftovers, mash the                                           Askua Barra,
   hearts with salt, olive oil virgen extra and                                      Calle de Arlaban, 7, 28014 Madrid, 91 593 75 07
   a bit of black pepper, you will have a deli-
   cious paté to spread on bread!                                                    What I love about this place is the produce, great stuff!! And
                                                                                     they list their suppliers in the menu, which is very helpful,
   BBQ: insert garlic, white wine and nice                                           you know what you will find. Please, try the grilled kokotxas
   olive oil, opening the central leaves, and                                        and the anchovies, best quality.
   grill, you will get a beautiful result!! Typical                                  Ask for Nacho, he´s co-owner with Jorge, his brother, the
   from Cataluña, where they will grill them                                         Chef and tell him you read the recommendation in Madrid
   with calçots in early spring.                                                     Metropolitan, and book in advance!
                                                                                     Lastly, but not least, let me tell you about our Foodies Club,
   Raw: I discovered this in Sicily, it´s very                                       you might want to join us for a wine or travel with us. Meant
   popular there. You have to peel thorou-                                           for restless souls in search of discovering new gastronomic
   ghly, until you´re only left with the heart,                                      experiences and be part of a tribe of like-minded people.
   rub with lemon, put upside down and cut                                           In Madrid, we try out new places, abroad, we travel and
   thin slices of the heart. Season with lemon                                       meet Chefs, cook with them, accompany them to their mar-
   juice, salt, black pepper and pure olive oil,                                     kets or indulge in great wines and food.
   and eat as an appetizer with a glass of wi-
   ne,or include in a meat carpaccio. Buon                                           Our next travels:
   appetito!!                                                                        • 16th to 19th February, we are going to FEZ!!
                                                                                     Our hostess will be Chef Najat Kaanache www.najatkaa-
   So here´s my recipe for 2, veery easy and                                We will enter her kitchen, eat a wonderful
   yummy. You will need:                                                             menu in her beautiful restaurant Nur in the medina, cook
   • 6 artichokes                                                                    with her, and travel with her to the mountains, where we
   • Lemon                                                                           will discover the magic of Morocco.
   • Olive oil                                                                       • March: Valencia!! Learn to cook paellas with firewood
   • Maldon salt                                                                     in a huerta valenciana, with David Montero from https://
   • Ibérico ham                                                            winner of the prize
                                                                                     for best Paella 2018, and much more.
   Peel thoroughly until you´re left with the                                        • April: Donosti!! We will cook in the oldest Sociedad
   heart, rub lemon juice, turn upside down                                          gastronómica with Xabier Gutiérrez, from Arzak, and fa-
   and cut in slices, 2 cms wide.                                                    mous writer of #noirgastronomico http://xabiergutierrez-
   Sautée in pan with a bit of olive oil until                              and much more.
   tender, add some drops of lemon juice.
   Plate, and while still hot, salt and cover                                        Moreinfo:
   with thin slices of ibérico ham.                                        
                              CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY
     Nov. - Dec., 2018 - The Madrid Metropolitan
                                                                                                                                    January-February, 2019 - The Madrid Metropolitan

                             CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY                                       Conservatives Abroad Madrid - Launched in 2009. We meet at Gran Meliá
     Want to publicise your group, service or event? All listings apart from jobs are   Fénix bar, Plaza Margaret Thatcher, Calle de Hermosilla 2 at 8pm on the first Thurs-
      totally FREE! Add your business or                    day of every month.
     social listing FREE to Madrid´s largest directory of English-Speaking services,
                             businesses and social groups:                              Madrid Cricket Club –

                                                                                        F.C. Británico de Madrid - The number one English speaking football club in
                    BUSINESS & NETWORK GROUPS                                           Madrid. Established since 1972. | | T: 630
                                                                                        680 820 | |
 Spanish Irish Business Network has over 1500 Spanish, Irish and interna-
 tional members from very diverse backgrounds. We are a dynamic group of                                                   CHURCHES
 people that promotes business & cultural links between Spain and Ireland and           Anglican/Episcopalian -
 we host regular events in Madrid. or for more info.          International - / Catholic -

 Australian Spain Business Association (ASBA) en Madrid.                                                                    SERVICES                                                                                                                      English-speaking photogra-
 American Club of Madrid -                                                                                      pher & portraits:
  British Chamber of Commerce -
  Spain – South Africa Chamber
                                                                                                                                         Piano lessons with English
 EuroCitizens is a new association formed by a group of UK
                                                                                                                                         piano teacher. Fun and friend-
 citizens living, working and studying in Spain. We are greatly
                                                                                                                                         ly approach. 15 years experience
 concerned about our future here and that of Spanish citizens
                                                                                                                                         teaching students of all ages
 living in the UK. Twitter @EuroCitizens99
                                                                                                                                         (children and adults). Prepara-
                                                                                                                                         tion for practical / theory exams,
                                                                                                   or playing for fun! Teaching in
                        SOCIAL & SPORTS GROUPS                                                                                           your house, flexible hours and
                                                                                        very reasonable rates. References available. Contact Emily on Whatsapp
 International Newcomers Club of Madrid is a dynamic, English-speaking,
                                                                                        +447903898230 or call on 645936501
 non-profit, non- religious and non-political, international organization that
 began in 1988. Our mission is to facilitate the transition for newcomers to
 Madrid whether they have just moved to the city from overseas or for Spanish           Mercedes Fuster: Accounting and tax services. Self-employerd workers and small
 nationals returning from abroad. So if you would like to learn more about              companies. On-line or in-company services.
 Madrid and Spanish culture, make new friends, practice English and meet locals
 and foreigners alike we invite you to join our vibrant community.                      Currency UK LTD Helping expats and businesses get the best currency exchange
 Get in touch with us at                                             rates to/from Spain. FCA regulated. English (+other) language(s)
 and take a look at our website,                                               Facebook : INC Madrid.
                                                                                        Andrew MacDonald Construction With over 30 years’ experience in the build-
 American Women´s Club of Madrid -                                                      ing and construction industry, I guarantee an estimate for your works and complete
 Open to English-speaking women of all nationalities. For more information,             them in a quick and professional manner. Tel/WhatsApp: 617566936 |
 contact:                                               Facebook: American Women's Club of Madrid
                                                                                        Corinne Kowal Interiors Maximizing your real estate investment and taking
 Madrid Harps GAA -Training every Wed. at 19:45pm and Sat at 14:45pm for                your property to the next level. Renovation project management – Interior Design.
 both men and women. Paseo del Polideportivo, 3 28032 Madrid. Everyone is      - T: +34 608 359 733
 more than welcome.
                                                                                        Sworn Translations and Court Interpreting. Adrian Woods
 St George's Guild international Group - With guest speakers and lively       
 discussions the 1st Tuesday of each month from Oct. to June. All nationalities
 and denominations are welcome.C/ Núñez de Balboa, 43.                                  Cryptocurrency online business opportunity to learn and trade with the fast-                                                            est growing Cryptocurrency at present Onecoin. Please visit my website for more in-
 Madrid Coed Sports: Football + Beer + New Friends = Madrid's coolest new
 sports league. Beer, Drink, and Food specials at every game!                           Qualified Spanish to English translator: | WhatsApp: +1-201-452-8893
                                                                                        Having difficulties finding correct fitting lingerie in Madrid? We’re a spe-
 Tandem at Far Home Atocha There are many exchanges in Madrid, but we                   cialist lingerie and bra-fitting store, stocking sizes up to a K cup. Lottie Lencería.
 propose a unique experience, with two opportunities in one place. We offer you | 656 344 838 | |C/ Francisco de Rojas 9, 2-Izq, Oficina
 a free language exchange, in which you can practice your Spanish or English            6, 28010 Madrid.
 with natives, with offers for drinks and tapas. We also have a special offer to
 attend classes with a teacher, within the same event. For only 10 euros you            TARTESIA is a fine fashion Spanish jewellery brand, offering beautiful contempo-
 can have an hour of class with a native Spanish or English teacher, in a small         rary jewellery with unique stories crafted by artisans. |
 group. Speak languages, meet new people and learn cheaply every week. Free    | 626114429
 drink with each class. Special student deal;E7.50 for an English class and a
 drink. Whatsapp 638650252                               Red hot graphic design and branding.

 English Library & Book Club run by the St. George’s Guild - Annual                     Sterling silver jewellery for sale. Prices from 28€. Various collection of ear-
 subscriptions for unlimited use: 15€. Open Wed. & Sun mornings & 2 Tuesdays            rings, necklaces, bracelets and rings. Call or WhatsApp for more information. Nikki
 a month. C/ Núñez de Balboa, 43. Information: Callie 619288942                         722465591

 Madrid International Choir -                         Get your driving license in English with Driving School LARA. Intensive cours-
                                                                                        es. Special offers. More than 30 centers in Madrid. 619 273 967
 English Conversation Club - Don’t let your English get rusty! Enjoy some
 English conversation with native speakers. Small groups, all levels,                   Trademark, patent & designs registration, strategic IP legal planning, con-
 different areas of Madrid. Info: 690937115                                             tract drafting. Giovanna Girardi -

 Madrid Hash House Harriers - the drinking club with a                                  Digital Marketing. National and international digital marketing strategies for
 running problem.                                    small, medium and large companies. Digital strategies, website monitization, SEO,
                                                                                        Google Adwords, Yahoo/Bing Advertising, Google Analytics, Social Media, Facebook
 Morning/Evening English Conversation Club - Talk in a re-                              Advertising, Twitter Advertising and more. Sinead O’Donovan—
 laxed atmosphere over a cup of tea or coffee near                            
 Pza de España. Information:
                                                                                        ML Design Interior and architectural design. Space planning and detailing, colour
 Club de Conversation en Français - Le Pion Magique (Palacio de Hielo)                  consultation, furniture selection, art selection. Project management, materials, light-
 Tous les mardi et jeudi matins, à partir de 10h. Pour reprendre une langue un          ing, joinery, fabrics, styling. | |T:
 peu oubliée ou pratiquer en vue d’un projet professionnel, venez nous rejoindre        696499952
 autour d’un café! Information: 663 374 184
                                                                                        Nicole Angela Travel & Taste demystifies Spanish wine by offering experiences
 Socratic Dialogue - Do you crave long form, meaningful discussions? This               that take you on a journey from grape to glass. T: 665
 group is for anyone who wants to discuss important questions in a friendly at-         975 950
 mosphere. We follow the Socratic method to come to rational conclusions on
 challenging topics.          is the place for Spanish and expat families to discover every-
                                                                                        thing child-related: theatre, art, music, academies, advice etc.
 Horse riding San Sebastian de los Reyes The Escuela de Equitación San
 Jorge is a family business, dedicated to teaching horse riding at all levels & ages, Want to make a radical change? Get a life coach! Do you
 from beginner to competition level, supervised by qualified instructors.               want to develop your potential, use your hidden skills and start something different,
 Contact: ,                but you don't know how to do it? Hire a professional coach and discover what you
                                                                                        can do to make your dream come true.
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