Confirmed Senate gives Buttigieg bipartisan nod to Cabinet - by Chris Johnson, Page 6 - Dallas Voice

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Confirmed Senate gives Buttigieg bipartisan nod to Cabinet - by Chris Johnson, Page 6 - Dallas Voice
Senate gives Buttigieg bipartisan nod to Cabinet
                                 by Chris Johnson, Page 6
Confirmed Senate gives Buttigieg bipartisan nod to Cabinet - by Chris Johnson, Page 6 - Dallas Voice
2   █   02.05.21
Confirmed Senate gives Buttigieg bipartisan nod to Cabinet - by Chris Johnson, Page 6 - Dallas Voice
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                                                                                                  02.05.21   █   dallasvoice        3
Confirmed Senate gives Buttigieg bipartisan nod to Cabinet - by Chris Johnson, Page 6 - Dallas Voice

                                                                                            Deadline for city elections is Feb. 12
    Texas GOP fires ex-gay Whitt                                                               The deadline to file as a candidate in the May 1 municipal
       The Texas Republican Party has fired ex-gay                                          elections is Feb. 12.
    Dallas resident Kevin Whitt, who was hired Nov.                                            In Dallas, three council members will hit term limits and can’t
    20, 2020, as a field organizer, according to the                                        run in this year’s election: Mayor Pro Tem Adam Medrano, District
    Texas Tribune. Yes, the election was over, so                                           2; Lee Kleinman, District 11, and Jennifer Gates, District 13.
    we’re not sure what he was hired to organize.                                              Medrano chairs the LGBT Task Force.
       Whitt is the one who, in 2019, organized the                                            Two other gay incumbents — Chad West and Omar
    protest against Drag Queen Story Hour at the                                            Narvaez — will run for re-election. At least two other LGBTQ
    Grauwyler branch library in Dallas. You remem-                                          candidates — Jonas Park and Leland Burk — are expected to
    ber that protest; it’s the one where they showed                                        qualify for the ballot.
    up at the wrong library on the wrong day. Obvi-                                                                                              — David Taffet
    ously not the most talented field organizer.
       Whitt was fired after posting a video of                                             Vols needed for vaccination
    himself recorded in Washington, D.C., on Jan.
    6 speaking to, well, no one, claiming to be an                                          registration pop-ups
    ex-transgender, ex-drag queen, ex-prostitute                                                Dallas County Commissioner Elba Garcia, in conjunction
    who had been the victim of sexual abuse as                                              with other elected officials and community leaders, continues
    a child. He claims he wasn’t the victim of a                                            to host pop-up registration sites for the COVID-19 vaccination.
    reparative therapy scam; he just got invited to                                         “It is important that business owners and community members
    church and got saved.                                                                   understand that making the COVID-19 vaccine accessible to all
       What was he doing in D.C.? Why, taking part                                          of our residents in Dallas County is a top priority,” said a press
    in the insurrection at the Capitol, of course. Al-
                                                                                            release from Garcia’s office.
    though he was on the steps, he isn’t accused of
                                                                                                Pop-up registration sites have become “a great success” in
    being among those who broke into the building.
       While in D.C., he visited the pizzeria that’s                                        helping communities register for the vaccine, and volunteers
    known for the Pizzagate conspiracy that alleged                                         are welcome to help process registrations, the press release
    Democrats were running a child sex-traffick-                                            noted. Fluent bilingual volunteers with computer skills are
    ing ring out of the restaurant. In the pizzeria,                                        especially needed.
    he was shouting at employees that they were                                                 Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer at a COVID-19
    pedophiles and refused to leave when asked.                                             registration site can call Garcia’s office at 214-653-6670.
                                      — David Taffet   Kevin Whitt                                                                            — Tammye Nash

4      █    02.05.21
Confirmed Senate gives Buttigieg bipartisan nod to Cabinet - by Chris Johnson, Page 6 - Dallas Voice
Caring for a pet’s pearly whites
                         ienvenidos to my month-                                            First        as the insides of their teeth don’t need to      sure I have a detailed conversation with my
                         ly column! I am super                                           of all, I       be brushed; only the outside of their teeth      clients, setting expectations and talking
                         excited this time around,                                       recommend       needs to be brushed. But do brush all the        about options.
                         because this column                                             visiting the    way to the back of their mouths. Make sure          Our more mature babies can be fragile
                         marks my one year anni-                                         Veterinary      to take it slow and associate this with a        and we need to be cautious about these
                         versary of contributing to                                      Oral Health     good experience, as we want this to be a         procedures, but it all starts with just a simple
                         Dallas Voice as a writer!                                       Council’s       lifelong addition to the care and well being     dental exam and a thorough conversation.
                         It has been such an                                             website         of our dogs and cats.                               If you have a veterinary hospital for your
                         honor to be a part of this                                      (         Now let us be realistic (LOL): Even when     baby, ask for a dental exam, and, if they
                         amazing publication, and                                        This is the     you use this approach, many dogs and cats        recommend a dental cleaning, feel free to
 I look forward to continuing to be a part of it                                         veterinary      will never let you do anything to their teeth.   ask if they have any offer for the month of
 and, hopefully, continuing to change lives.                                             version of      The good thing about toothpastes for dogs        February. If you do not have a veterinarian
     As some of you may know, February is                                                the Ameri-      and cats is that they have enzymes that          or want to visit me in Addison, I will perform
 National Pet Dental Health Month. Dental                                                can Dental      help break down the plaque, so even if you       a thorough exam on your baby and share
 disease is one of the most common diseas-                                               Associa-        cannot brush their teeth, the toothpaste will    the details with you. I will also take my
 es in dogs and cats. In fact, it is so common                                           tion, and       still help break down some of the plaque.        time to make sure all of your questions are
 that it is rare to see an adult dog or cat that                                         this website    You can also give them dental treats to          addressed.
 does not have any signs of dental disease.                                              offers a        help with their oral health, and the VOHC           During the month of February, my hospi-
     Dental disease includes much more                list of products approved for oral care for        website has a good list of the best products     tal is offering a $50 discount on the dental
 than just tartar and gingivitis. With dental         dogs and cats. Choose a toothpaste and             you can use.                                     cleaning fee. We hope you will be able to
 disease, you can also have evidence of bad           toothbrush from the VOHC list and start by             Once they have tartar accumulated on         visit us and have us help you in taking care
 breath, bone loss, tooth root exposure, ab-          offering just a small portion of toothpaste as     their teeth, only an actual dental cleaning      of your baby’s oral health.
 scesses, oral pain and teeth mobility among          a treat every day. Once your baby likes the        can get rid of that. These cleanings are            I am so thankful to be able to share these
 other issues.                                        taste of it, start touching a few of their teeth   usually performed once yearly and under          columns with you, and I am truly looking
     The most important thing we can do as            with the toothpaste on your finger once dai-       anesthesia, as the pet needs to be still in      forward to my continued collaboration with
 pet parents is to aid in preventing dental           ly for about a week or so. Slowly continue         order for a proper cleaning to be performed.     Dallas Voice. Until the next time, abrazos
 disease, and the gold standard prevention            to touch more and more teeth until you can         Some dogs and cats, however, may need            and stay safe!
 will continue to be brushing our babies’             touch almost all teeth without a fight. Once       dental cleanings more or less frequently.           Dr. Josh owns Isla Veterinary Boutique
 teeth. I do realize this is easier said than         you’ve reached this point, then incorporate        These decisions can be made and ad-              Hospital at 14380 Marsh Lane, Ste. 110 in
 done, but I promise that if you approach it          the toothbrush. Make sure to remember that         dressed when your veterinarian performs          Addison (next to Tom Thumb). Contact them
 little by little, it can be done!                    you do not have to open their mouths at all,       an oral exam, and, as a veterinarian, I make     at 972-738-1111 or visit

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                                                                                                                                                                          02.05.21    █   dallasvoice        5
Confirmed Senate gives Buttigieg bipartisan nod to Cabinet - by Chris Johnson, Page 6 - Dallas Voice
Senate confirms
Bipartisan vote marks historic                 his spouse, Chasten Buttigieg, will leave
first for LGBTQ community                      their lives in the Midwest to become
                                               Washington insiders in a script that could
                                               be a play on American filmography, “Mr.
CHRIS JOHNSON | Washington Blade               Buttigieg Goes to Washington.”
Courtesy of National LGBT Media Association       Senate Majority Leader Charles                “America is fortunate to have Pete as      tion as first openly gay person to a Cabi-
                                               Schumer, D-N.Y., said on the Senate floor     their secretary of transportation.”           net-level position is a long overdue vote
                    ete Buttigieg was ap-      prior to the confirmation vote that Butt-        Buttigieg won the historic designation     buttoning up the progress and historic
                    proved by the U.S.         igieg is an “outstanding nominee” who         amid a dispute over whether or not he         confirmations the LGBTQ community
                    Senate on Tuesday,         has “demonstrated an impressive famil-        should be considered the first openly gay     has achieved in recent years.
                    Feb. 2, as Secretary of    iarity with our nation’s entire transporta-   person to serve in a Cabinet role consid-        Another Biden nominee, Rachel
                    Transportation, mark-      tion challenges,” including the proposed      ering Richard Grenell did serve as acting     Levine, may soon achieve another first
                    ing the first time an      gateway tunnel from New Jersey to New         director of national intelligence, a Cab-     for the LGBTQ community if and when
                    openly gay person has      York City.                                    inet-level role, under Trump. Grenell,        she is confirmed as assistant secretary
                    been confirmed to a           “I know that Mr. Buttigieg is com-         however, never sought nor won Senate          of health and becomes the first openly
Cabinet-level position — a long overdue        mitted to working with members from           confirmation for the position, although       transgender person to win Senate confir-
achievement for the LGBTQ community.           both sides to improve rail and transit,       he was confirmed for his concurrent po-       mation.
   The former South Bend mayor, nom-           highways and more in rural communi-           sition as U.S. ambassador to Germany.
inated by President Biden after making         ties, urban centers and everywhere in            James Hormel, who became the first         Praise for Buttigieg
history in the 2020 Democratic primary         between,” Schumer said. “I’m excited to       openly gay ambassador in U.S. history
as an openly gay candidate, was con-           call him ‘Secretary Pete’ by the end of the   in 1999 after former President Clinton           Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich., was among
firmed on a bipartisan vote of 86-13.          day.”                                         designated him in a recess appointment        the senators who took to the Senate floor
   The Democratic caucus was united in            The bipartisan vote reflects the confir-   as U.S. ambassador to Luxembourg, said        in support of Buttigieg, giving a shout-
support for Buttigieg. Among the Re-           mation hearing for Buttigieg, when he         Buttigieg can rightfully claim the title of   out to Chasten Buttigieg in the process:
publicans joining them were Texas Sen.         enjoyed a relatively breezy reception by      first openly gay Cabinet official because     “As a Midwesterner, and as a husband
John Cornyn as well as Joni Ernst of           lawmakers from both parties on the Sen-       of the “acting” nature of Grenell’s role,     to a Michigander who was born and
Iowa, Roger Wicker of Mississippi, John        ate Committee on Commerce, Science            although the Trump White House had in-        raised in Traverse City, Secretary-desig-
Kennedy of Louisiana and Rob Portman           & Transportation, with the exception of       sisted the distinction belongs to Grenell.    nate Buttigieg fully recognizes the need
of Ohio.                                       hostile questions from Cruz.                     Undisputedly, however, Buttigieg is        to protect the Great Lakes,” Peters said.
   Texas’ senator, Ted Cruz, was among            Buttigieg, during his testimony before     the first openly gay person to win Sen-       “I agree with Mayor Pete’s belief that he
the 13 Republicans who voted against           the committee, said renewing Ameri-           ate confirmation specifically for a Cabi-     says, ‘Good transportation policy can
Buttigieg’s confirmation. The others           ca’s infrastructure would be key to his       net-level position.                           play no less a role than making possible
were Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Roger             approach as transportation secretary.            To be sure, other openly gay people        the American Dream.’”
Marshall of Kansas, Rick Scott of Flori-       Buttigieg also said any renewal of the        have won Senate confirmation, just not           Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., also
da, Tommy Tuberville Alabama, Richard          transportation system would be sensi-         for Cabinet-level roles. The first was Ro-    praised Buttigieg on the Senate floor
Shelby of Alabama, Josh Hawley of Mis-         tive to racial equity, which is consistent    berta Achtenberg, who was confirmed           and said she “enthusiastically” supports
souri, Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee,          with President Biden’s campaign pledge        in 1993 as assistant secretary for the De-    Buttigieg because he’s up to facing the
Marco Rubio of Florida, Tim Scott of           to tackle systemic racism.                    partment of Housing & Urban Develop-          nation’s transportation challenges.
South Carolina, James Lankford of Okla-           Annise Parker, CEO of the LGBTQ            ment. The long list includes presidential        “I look forward to the type of focus
homa, Bill Hagerty of Tennessee and Bill       Victory Institute, said in a statement that   appointees, ambassadors and judicial          that he can give to the Department of
Cassidy of Louisiana.                          Buttigieg “shattered a centuries-old po-      nominations, many of them for senior          Transportation,” Cantwell added. “This
   Many of the 13 — including Cruz — are       litical barrier” by winning Senate con-       positions just shy of Cabinet-level roles.    area of our government, right now, needs
considered likely 2024 Republican presi-       firmation to a Cabinet-level role as an          Among them is Fred Hochberg, who           to address the COVID crisis, it needs to
dential contenders. Cruz, Hawley, Tuber-       openly gay person and doing so with           served during the Obama years as head         help us plan for a better transportation
ville and Marshall were among those who        bipartisan support.                           of the Export-Import Bank; Eric Fanning,      system of the future and it needs to un-
objected to certifying the electoral college      “While his confirmation is histor-         confirmed as Secretary of the Army after      derstand that this transportation infra-
ballots, supporting Trump’s lies that the      ic, Pete is focused on the difficult task     a long battle in the Senate in 2016; and      structure and investment in these chang-
2020 election was “stolen” from him.           ahead,” Parker said. “America is in des-      Patrick Bumatay, appointed by Trump to        es in these sectors of cars and planes and
                                               perate need of a revitalized transporta-      the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals       passenger systems are all changing in-
Headed to D.C.                                 tion effort and his two terms as mayor        and now the highest-ranking out federal       dustries, and so our competitiveness will
                                               provide the experience and perspective        judge.                                        be at stake as well.”
    With Tuesday’s vote, Buttigieg and         needed to propose bold solutions.                In many ways, Buttigieg’s confirma-                                 SENATE, Page 11

6        █    02.05.21
Confirmed Senate gives Buttigieg bipartisan nod to Cabinet - by Chris Johnson, Page 6 - Dallas Voice
CFA holds caregiver conference
Alzheimers Association joins                 Alzhei-
Coalition for Aging LGBT for                 mer’s Dis-
                                                                                                        The LGBTQ community and Alzheimer’s
                                             ease and
session on symptoms of and                   dementia                                       Over 400,000 Texans are living with Alzheimer’s, and the LGBTQ community is not immune.
caring for those with dementia               and its im-                                    Nationwide, an estimated 7.4% of the LGBTQ older adult population is living with dementia,
                                                                                            and that number will continue to climb. An estimated 2.7 million LGBTQ people are over the
                                             pact on the                                               age of 50 – and age is the greatest risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease.
DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer           LGBTQ
                                                                                             If you are a caregiver of someone with Alzheimer’s disease, you already know the difficulties                       commu-                                            you face on a day to day basis. Making long-term care and end-of-life care decisions can
                                             nity and                                         be emotional and difficult. Openly discussing these situations with the person with dementia
           thought the main sign of Alz-     will offer                                        while he or she is still able to do so can help ensure you understand his or her wishes and
           heimer’s Disease was simply       a number                                                              prevent stress or disagreements with family later on.
                                                                                             Due to the cognitive decline that occurs as a result of dementia, at some point, the individual
           loss of memory and inabili-       of resourc-                                         will no longer be able to make medical and care decisions. Advance directives are legal
           ty to recognize those around      es     avail-                                      documents that specify preferences regarding these decisions, including end-of-life care.
           them. But my father had Alz-      able to the                                        Regardless of marital status, it is important for all couples to create advance directives to
           heimer’s, and he knew who I       commu-                                            ensure that their wishes are followed. In the absence of advance directives, treatment and
                                                                                            care decisions will be the responsibility of the person’s spouse, or if the person is not married,
           was until the morning he died.    nity.     For Rob Emery                        a blood relative, usually a parent or sibling. This can’t be stressed enough. Alzheimer’s is the
              I noticed something was        eldercare                                                                      most expensive disease in the nation.
wrong one day as we were driving from        professionals, a breakout session will be      Fear of discrimination and a history of negative interactions with health care providers may be
his home in Delray Beach, Fla., toward       offered on cultural competency. Social          an obstacle to seeking care. For example, one survey found that 40% of LGBTQ older adult
I-95 to go to Miami Beach, about 60 miles    workers and licensed professional coun-         respondents say their providers don’t know their sexual orientation. If you’re anxious about
south. As we got on the interstate, my       selors may receive 3.0 CEUs.                       seeing a doctor, a little research and preparation can help you feel more comfortable.
                                                                                              Check for referrals to health care providers from the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association
father got more nervous, and when we            Rob Emery, one of the organizers and        ( or an LGBT community center in your area. You can also visit to find
left Palm Beach County and entered           speakers at the conference, called elder-                                helpful caregiving information and resources.
Broward, he was almost in a panic. But       care an LGBTQ issue. Often, he said, care       If you have questions or just need to talk with someone, you can call the 24/7 Alzheimer’s
once we were in Dade County, he started      for an elderly parent is left to the LGBTQ       Association helpline at 1-800-272-3900 where you will always be immediately connected
calming down.                                child who is seen as the sibling without       with a caring person.For more information, please plan on attending The Dallas & Northeast
   As we crossed the causeway into Mi-       their own children to care for and there-        and the Fort Worth North Central Texas Chapters of the Alzheimer’s Association LGBTQ
                                                                                                                      Alzheimer’s Caregiver conference online,
ami Beach, he was able to give me accu-      fore the one most able to provide care for
rate directions to the building his mother   their parents. Anecdotally, that even hap-                             Friday, February 12, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm.
                                                                                                         Register at 1-800-272-3900 or visit
lived in during the 1960s, a building he     pens in families where the parents reject-
hadn’t seen since.                           ed their gay, lesbian or transgender child.
   On another outing, he directed me to         But Emery said he thinks there’s an-
a Hungarian restaurant in Fort Lauder-       other reason: LGBTQ people are com-
dale that he hadn’t been to in 50 years.     passionate and caring people. When
The directions were accurate down to         we are rejected by our own families, we
how many traffic lights before making a      learn to form our own families of choice
turn into the parking lot and where the      and care for each other. And that was
entrance was. Once inside, he spoke to       never so true as during the AIDS crisis.
the waiters and ordered for us in flu-          In assisted living facilities and nursing
ent Hungarian, the language his family       homes, LGBTQ people are often forced
spoke at home in New Jersey until about      to go back into the closet to protect them-
the time he was about six.                   selves from bullying, neglect or abuse.
   Earlier that day, we had been to the      Emery said that’s why CFA LGBT’s work
Hard Rock Casino on the Seminole Res-        with senior living facilities is so import-
ervation. He kept winning at the slot        ant. If they’re not interested in caring for
machines, but he kept walking off from       LGBTQ people, the community needs to
the machines before taking his winnings.     know that. If a facility wants to provide
My pockets were becoming filled with         care for LGBTQ seniors and is working
coins as I chased behind him.                with the coalition to offer socially rele-
   Panic; bad short-term memory but          vant programming, that’s important in-
good long-term memory; mood swings;          formation to know as well.
discomfort with unfamiliar surround-            Emery said he thinks memory care
ings — all signs of Alzheimer’s.             facilities come under their own catego-
   Taking Care of Our Own is an LGBTQ        ry. People who work in those homes are
caregiver conference that Coalition for      used to hearing just about anything, so
Aging LGBT is presenting in partnership      when an LGBTQ person’s filter is gone,
with the Alzheimer’s Association the         and it isn’t possible for them to mask who
morning of Feb. 12.                          they are, there are rarely repercussions.
   Speakers will give information about                                     CFA, Page 11

                                                                                                                                                              02.05.21    █   dallasvoice        7
Confirmed Senate gives Buttigieg bipartisan nod to Cabinet - by Chris Johnson, Page 6 - Dallas Voice
A guide to Valentine’s Day gifting
in the time of COVID

                           alentine’s Day is
                          now upon us, and
                        it’s going to be an
                                                                                                                                                                                   Puffy B
                      unusual one for sure.
                     But just because it’s
                   going to be different,                                                                          FEED                                   rose prosecco that is the pret-
                  doesn’t mean it isn’t go-                                                                                  Bag                          tiest pale pink. Weed Cellars
                ing to be wonderful. Still,                         Hill House Dress                        Wicked       and                              offers a sparkling rose at a su-
if everything going on is stifling your                                                                     Rent. It’s going to be a                      per affordable price point. (The
creative juices when it comes to the per-       by celebs. If getting chilly is your Val-       spectacular season.                                    name harkens to the lifestyle not
fect gift, here are a few suggestions to get    entine’s MO, the Original Rumpl Puffy                                                            the ingredients.) If beautiful pinot noirs
the ideas flowing again.                        Blanket outdoor blanket is a packable,          Team Quarantine                                  are what you’re on the prowl for, you’ll
                               — Jenny Block    portable blanket that goes everywhere.             If you’re looking for Valentine’s gifts       want to know about Red Electric Arm-
                                                With a ripstop shell and insulation made        that are particularly practical during           strong Vineyard, an Oregon wine from
Dress the Part                                  from 100 percent recycled materials, it’s       this peculiar time, Sanikind is an               the Willamette Valley. Speaking of Or-
   These Nap Dresses from Hill House are        warmer and more durable than ever.              Earth-friendly hand-sanitizer with re-           egon, take a minute to consider Remy
so dreamy, seriously. The fabrics are so           Into every life a little rain must fall,     ally cute refillable containers in lots of       Wines, owned by lesbian winemaker
lovely and soft, and the dresses look and       so if you’re wondering if all of the fuss       cute colors — complete with carabin-             Remy Drabkin, with impressive offer-
feel fabulous on — perfect for quarantine       about the Davek umbrella makes sense,           er for easy attaching! For something             ings from Washington state as well.
lounging in style. And the Bridgerton vibe      the answer is yes. It’s a real smooth op-       that brings a little light in the darkness,
is hard to resist. … The Story Of makes         erator and a beast in the wind. And the         And the People Stayed Home by Kitty              There’s no Place like Home
the dreamiest of dresses out of the most        teeny one is so teeny! And yet still func-      O’Meara is an illustrated poem that is              Since we are spending so much time
heavenly fabrics for anyone who likes to        tional!                                         sure to do the trick.                            at home, we might as well make home
feel like they’re meandering in the tropics,       And since these days we never know              All things beauty have been tricky to         the nicest possible place to be. Nanor
even if the kitchen is as far as the apple of   what we’ll encounter when we leave the          keep up with staying at home. Here are a         candles in scents like Opulent and Am-
your eye is going these days.                   house, prepare the one who holds your           few items that make it a little easier: the      brosial are a no-brainer if you’re looking
   Aryka Randall, filmmaker, author and         heart with this silly but practical gift:       TatBrow Microblade Pen to whip those             for a romantic gift that keeps giving.
founder of TTF Mag, has a line of sweat-        The Original Pickle Box. It’s got a base-       brows in shape; the Nailboo Dip Kit lets         And, although it’s for the body and not
shirts and tees that are irresistible with      ball cap, cotton shopping bag, pair of          you give a manicure that’s dangerously           for the house, I have to mention yummy
bold statements as simple as TOMBOY             sunglasses, lip balm, matches, three face       close to what you get at the salon, and          Nanor’s Rose Scrub, too, which has the
and as FEMME. Trust me, you’ll love             masks, hand sanitizer, toothpicks, twee-        Murad Intense recovery cream and rap-            same effect.
them. A wrap from Bleusault is always           zers, nail clippers, sewing kit, tissues, al-   id dark spot correcting serum will help             The heaven-sent Always Pan should be
a welcome gift because they are made of         cohol wipes and bandages.                       keep your Valentine’s skin from looking          called the Everything Pan because it ba-
the softest fabric ever and can be worn            If you want to give the gift of peace        like it hasn’t seen the inside of a spa for      sically does, well, everything — all with
in more ways then you’ll ever get to try.       of mind and help keep your Valentine’s          the last year. If a tan is part of your love’s   its super-duper non-stick surface, wood
Seeing as we’re all still spending most         phone safe when they have to step away,         beauty routine, they’re going to dig the         spatula, steamer basket and lid. I don’t
of our time at home — or we should be,          the AquaVault PhoneVault Personal Safe          Pure line from Bondi Sands with Hyal-            generally gush about cookware. But I
anyway — jeans that look like they’re for       allows them to do just that.                    uronic Acid, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.            love everything about this pan. And we
going out but feel like they’re for staying        Soon, we’re going to get to leave the                                                         are cooking at home a lot these days.
in are key. Enter Mott & Bow; your Val-         house safely. I promise. Why not give a         Fruit of the Vine                                   And goodness knows we could all
entine will swoon for sure.                     gift of that promise with season tickets          Sometimes the best gift is the simplest        use a good night’s sleep these days. The
                                                to the 2021-2022 Germania Insurance             gift, like a lovely bottle of wine. Nice         Black-lesbian-owned Nap Bar is where
Great Escape                                    Broadway Series, presented by Dallas            Wines is doing a Bouquet of Rosés that           you go for the nap of your life, but while
   When the one you dig does get to             Summer Musicals. The six-show pack-             include a half-dozen impressive dry              it’s closed due to COVID, you can treat
leave the building, if you want to give         age includes Jersey Boys, Hadestown, Jesus      rosés all wrapped up with a pretty red           your sweet to their Perfect Sleep Box,
back and give a gift, the FEED Work Bag         Christ Superstar, Mean Girls, Oklahoma          bow. If you prefer your rose bubbly —            complete with Soy Based Candle, Veg-
is fashionable, functionable and adored         and Frozen, with options to add Hamilton,       or your bubbly a rose — Mionetto has a           an Aromatherapy Pillow Mist, Blackout

8     █   02.05.21
Confirmed Senate gives Buttigieg bipartisan nod to Cabinet - by Chris Johnson, Page 6 - Dallas Voice
                                                                    Cloud Pineapple Party Mask
                                                                    and Cream which is all about           PART OF THE FIGHT
                                                                                                           AGAINST COVID-19!
                                                                   giving you that dewy look
                                                                  that’s all the rage. And if you
                                                                 really want to go all out, check
                                                                out Cle de Peau’s sumptuous Vo-
                                                               lumizing Crème. I won’t say it’s
                                                              magic. But it’s as close as cream in
                                                              a jar can get.
                             Remy                               Maybe innovation is more your
                                    Wines                    Valentine’s cup of tea, in which case
                                                            they’ll really dig the Sola Wave Wand
                                                                  that combines microcurrents,
                                                                                 red light therapy,
      t                                                                                      and vi-
Blanke                                                                                      bration.
                                                                                           insta fa-
                                                                                         cial in the
                                                                                         palm      of
                                                                                        your hand!
                                                                                        And       for
                                                                                                                                                 Want to
                                                                                       a gift that

                                                                                                                                              in a vacc te
        Sleep                  Dallas                                                 looks as good
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        Wave Sounds and one bonus                                                    Dolce & Gab-          STI testing & treatment at our
                                                                                                           location on the Baylor campus
        item.                                                                       bana       Dolce
           And when the one you want to spoil                                     Rose celebrates
        needs to tune in to tune it all out, they’ll the most classic symbol of love — the                  PrEP Services provided with
        love this idea: Every month SkullCandy rose — in sweet luxury.                                       specialty pharmacy on-site
        offers a new Mood Boost Bundle with                                                                   Financial & medication
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        and proceeds from the sale helps “peo-           If your love likes to accessorize, there
        ple find hope and treatment for mental are so many fun things to choose from.                        Prep & HIV Clinical Trials
        health issues through non-profit move- Kendra Scott is doing the sweetest little                              available               CONTAC
        ment, To Write Love on Her Arms.” heart focused pieces, in their Ari Heart
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        Great sound and a great cause.                 collection, including pendant necklac-                                                 vaccine.s
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        pia Provisions now offers Pet Provisions, artsy. The Dusk band with skulls and
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        easily mistaken for the human kind!            has this super chic cardholder with RFID          9301 North Central Expy. Suite 310
                                                       blocking that’s très James Bond and an                        Dallas, TX
        All Things Bright and Beautiful                equally-sleek laptop sleeve that organiz-
           If you want to treat your someone like es all the must-haves.
                                                         If your Valentine would appreciate a
        beauty royal, gift them with a treat from
        Charlotte Tilbury, like her Flawless Fil- pair of readers that look really cool and
        ters, perfect for selfies and Zoom calls, protect their beautiful baby blues (or
        and Hayaluronic Happikiss for color browns or greens or… ) check out Cad-
        and plump. If your person’s more of a dis’ blue blocking stunners. (Obsessed
        skincare kind of person, gift the Fluffy with the Matte Gopher!)                           █

                                                                                                                                                02.05.21   █   dallasvoice   9
Confirmed Senate gives Buttigieg bipartisan nod to Cabinet - by Chris Johnson, Page 6 - Dallas Voice
A daughter’s love, in poetry
                     esléa Newman, best         on his father, and Newman notices her
                     known for the classic      own father turning away in sadness to
                     Heather Has Two Mom-       give the older man his dignity.
                     mies, has also released       Her father continued to work as an at-
                     a book of poetry           torney well into his 80s. One judge tells
                     called I Wish My Fa-       her father to stand near the bench. Obvi-
                     ther, which deals with     ously, her father reasons, the judge made
                     the death of her father.   the request because he was having some
  After her mother died, care for her           trouble hearing.
father mostly fell on Newman, even                 Her father’s pain in selling the home
though she has two brothers. But she            he’d lived in for 60 years is Newman’s
called that responsibility a blessing.          pain as well, as she moves him into as-
  Newman’s poetry tells the story of her        sisted living. He finally agrees to move
father finally retiring as an attorney as he    and give it a year. He died, she notes, 11
approached his 90th birthday. She writes        months and 27 days into his stay at the
with humor and poignancy as she tries           facility.
to see things through her father’s dim-            While each poem carries some sadness
ming eyes.                                      — getting rid of her mother’s clothes
  At a restaurant, an older man at the          that her dad kept in their closet for years
                                                                                               Lesléa Newman
next table recognizes her father’s school       after her death, visiting the neurologist                                                 icling her mother’s death, are wonderful
ring. They went to the same college. He’s       to get a dementia diagnosis, driving —        closer.                                     works for anyone with aging parents or
impressed with the man’s sharp vision.          there’s warmth as each step approach-           I Wish My Father, along with I Carry My   are dealing with their recent loss.
But then the other man’s son puts a bib         ing his death draws father and daughter       Mother, a previous book of poetry chron-                               — David Taffet

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10     █   02.05.21
SENATE, From Page 6                                                                          SMILE with your EYES!
  Alphonso David, president of the Hu-           nation, and this confirmation is a sig-
man Rights Campaign, congratulated               nificant achievement toward that goal,”
Buttigieg for his “historic confirmation”        David said.
in a statement.                                     Ruben Gonzales, executive director of
  “This confirmation breaks through              LGBTQ Victory Institute, said in a state-
a barrier that has existed for too long;         ment Buttigieg’s confirmation is a “tes-
where LGBTQ identity served as an im-            tament” to both Biden’s commitment to
pediment to nomination or confirmation           inclusivity and the American people’s
at the highest level of government,” Da-         “willingness to judge a leader by their
vid said. “Let this important moment for         qualifications, not their sexual orienta-
our movement serve as a reminder to ev-          tion.”
ery LGBTQ young person: You, too, can               “Each new political barrier broken
serve your country in any capacity you           inspires more LGBTQ people to consid-
earn the qualifications to hold.”                er careers in public service, a virtuous
  David also credited President Biden            cycle we will accelerate until equitable
for achieving the historic first for the         representation is achieved,” Gonzales
LGBTQ community, saying Buttigieg’s              added. `			                                █

confirmation follows through on a com-              Chris Johnson is chief political and White
mitment to diversity. “President Biden           House reporter for the Washington Blade
promised to deliver an administration            and a member of the White House Corre-
representative of the diversity of this          spondents’ Association.

           CFA, From Page 7                                                                      Award-winning Contact Lens Specialists
                                                                                                 Optometric Glaucoma Specialists • Therapeutic Optometrist
   Identifying Alzheimer’s is difficult.            At the time, I didn’t know others going      4414 Lemmon Ave. at Herschel
There’s still no test to see if you have         through the same thing, which made it           Dallas, TX 75219 • 214.522-EYES
it. Progress has been made in knowing            more difficult. Not only was I taking his                                           Dr. Allen B. Safir
what causes it — a plaque buildup in the         car and home from him, but I had to take
brain that causes the loss of memory and         away his mail. He couldn’t distinguish
variety of behaviors. But that plaque can        between a bill and a solicitation, which is
only be found during an autopsy.                 how we became members of the Audu-
   So knowing the variety of symptoms is         bon Society and NRA one week, but his
important in diagnosing Alzheimer’s. But         mortgage remained unpaid.
then knowing what you can do for a par-             While CFA’s conference offers infor-
ent, relative or friend is also important.       mation anyone may use, LGBTQ people
   The week I decided, along with my fa-         with elderly parents will find the infor-
ther’s doctor, that my father could no lon-      mation valuable. And the coalition offers
ger drive or live alone was one of the most      a valuable service — that you don’t have
difficult times in my life. I was able to give   to go through the experience alone.
my father a choice — either try the mem-            LGBTQ Caregiver Conference is on Fri-
ory care facility or come live with me in        day, Feb. 12 from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Reg-
Dallas. He wanted to stay in Florida and         ister at 800-272-3900 or
decided to give the place we found a try.        zLGBTQ. 			                              █

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                                                                                                                                                      02.05.21   █   dallasvoice   11
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Leo Cusimano Publisher 114
                                                                 Now that the Trump turmoil is

                                                                                                                                                 distancing     ing between “two men, two women,
editorial                                                                                                                                        can help       three men and a woman.” It didn’t and
Tammye Nash Managing Editor 113       █
                                                                 done, let’s talk about equality                                                 prevent        hasn’t. My being married to Katie hasn’t
David Taffet Senior Staff Writer 125  █
                                                                                                                                                 the spread     changed any other person’s marriage.

Philip Burton Proofreader                                              t’s been a while since I have sent a                                      of      this   Your free practice of religion remains on
Contributors: Chris Azzopardi, Gary Bellomy, Jenny Block,
J. Denton Bricker, Joey Cassiano, Jesus Chairez, Alicia Chang,
                                                                       column to Dallas Voice. That makes                                        deadly         solid ground.
D’Anne Witowski, Lawrence Ferber, Hardy Haberman,                      me a little sad, because I really enjoy                                   pathogen.         I read the Equality Act — all of it. Every
Scott Huffman, Lisa Keen, Mark Lowry, Steven Monacelli,          writing these columns, sharing thoughts                                         (WTF are       word. The word “religion” is mentioned
Cassie Nova, Josh Robbins, Mikey Rox, Howard Lewis Russell,      and questions with the readers. If I can                                        the other      in two ways — as one in a list of protected
James Russell, Terri Schlichenmeyer, Leslie McMurray,
                                                                 provoke thoughtful discourse, that’s a                                          17 percent     classes, like: “race, religion and national
Mathew Shaw, Brandi Amara Skyy, Mark Stokes, Jef Tingley,
Casey Williams                                                   win in my book. The reason I’ve been on                                         think-         origin.” The other time is when it says
                                                                 a self-imposed hiatus is because the Voice                                      ing??)         that the Religious Freedom Restoration
advertising                                                      is published once a week; I would usually                                       But a fol-     Act can’t be used to challenge the rights
Chad Mantooth Advertising Director 131        █

Stephen Mobley MarketPlace Sales 123          █                  write down some thoughts on a Sunday,                                           low-up         listed in the Equality Act.
National Advertising Representative
                                                                 edit the piece after giving it some thought                                     question          In other words, don’t discriminate.
Rivendell Media Inc. 908-232-2021                                on Monday and send it in on Tuesday.            showed that only 51 percent wear a mask        And if your religion requires you to reg-
                                                                    The trouble was, with Trump in the           when in crowded gatherings or out in           ularly assault other American’s human
art                                                              White House, I could write about his            public?                                        rights, that’s a messed up religion. You
Kevin Thomas Art Director       █
                                                                 engaging in a conspiracy to overturn an            HOW?!                                       might want to find another kinder, more
multimedia                                                       election on Sunday, and by Wednesday               Then the corollary: Why is it easier to     compassionate religion. After all, when it
Stephen Mobley Social Media Director              █
Brian Kennedy Video Producer
                                                                 he’d inspired a crowd of violent MAGA           potty train a toddler than it is to teach a    comes to freedom of choice, the ultimate
Israel Luna Video Producer/DVtv host                             zombies to assault the Capitol!                 full grown adult how to properly wear a        choice is deciding which religion you
Brad Pritchett DVtv Host                                            And suddenly, just like that, a semi-        mask?                                          want to follow. You can even change your
Brandi Amara Skyy DVtv Host                                      well crafted column is old news!                   Seriously.                                  mind.
Regina Lyn DVtv Host
                                                                    It has been like this for quite some time.      Every time I’m out (which isn’t often);        But that’s not so with your sexual orien-
circulation                                                         Now that President Biden has taken of-       there are nitwits wearing the mask below       tation or gender identity. Being discrim-
Linda Depriter Circulation Director 120   █
                                                                 fice, many of us have been able to exhale,      the nose. Is your nose magical? Does it        inated against because of those things is
founders                                                         at least little. Inauguration Day featured      prevent virus particles from attaching or      just plain wrong.
Robert Moore Don Ritz
                                                                 me ugly crying happy tears on my couch.         does it not expel them when you breathe           Freedom of religion is just one of the
affiliations/memberships                                         The nation is still sharply divided; there      or sneeze? No, it doesn’t. You aren’t help-    first 10 amendments to the Constitution.
Associated Press - Associate Member                              are a mountain of problems, and we are          ing, and you just look ignorant.               It’s not above or below any of the oth-
National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association                 still near the high point of a deadly pan-         Then there was the guy who wore the         ers. It’s on an even par with free speech,
Certified LGBT Business Enterprise                               demic. But at least the guy at the top has      mask properly, then pulled it down to his      free press and the right of the people to
Founding Member - North Texas LGBT Chamber
                                                                 some compassion and sanity.                     chin, sneezed (!!) and then re-fitted the      peaceably assemble.
Founding Member - National LGBT Media Association
                                                                    Since his inauguration, I’ve yet to wake     mask.                                             So stop acting as if it sits atop all oth-
                                                                 to a tweet of some ridiculous policy an-           Seriously?                                  ers. It doesn’t. It’s also as much about the
                                                                 nounced at 3 a.m.                                  Now that Trump is out of office, the        government not establishing a religion as
                                                                    President Biden seems to respect the         religious wing nuts are getting all riled      the free exercise clause is about practicing
                                                                 truth, which has taken a beating over the       up again. I’m not a religious person, but I    it. But there are prudent limits: If your re-
                                                                 last four years. The nation has been the        have read the Constitution. And it seems       ligion involves human sacrifice, the gov-
                                                                 proverbial “frog in the pot,” never fully       to me that, in that document, both those       ernment is going to want to have a word
                                                                 realizing just how insane things were get-      who are religious and people like me are       with you.
                                                                 ting until the liar-in-chief got on a plane     protected from discrimination, which is           And if your religion is not about help-
© 2020 Voice Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reprint rights are available only by written consent of the
                                                                 to Florida — where he will blend right in,      fair and correct. But saying people like       ing the needy but instead about judging
publisher or managing editor.                                    by the way.                                     me joining the U.S. Army or enjoying           others and discriminating, well then, your
Dallas Voice is published every Friday. Additional copies
may be purchased for $1 each, payable in advance at                 Still, there are a few things that have      the protection of the Equality Act are         religion is one of the reasons we need the
the Dallas Voice office. Dallas Voice may be distributed
only by Dallas Voice authorized independent contractors
                                                                 continued to perplex me; please feel free       infringing on YOUR religious freedom           Equality Act.
or distributors. No person may, without prior written            to reach out if you have answers.               is puzzling to me. Just what is your reli-        You can believe what you want, but
permission of Voice Publishing, take more than one copy of
each Dallas Voice weekly issue.                                     First of all, we have a raging pandemic;     gion, anyway?                                  there have to be limits to your actions.
Subscriptions via First Class Mail are available: Three
months (13 consecutive issues), $65. Six months (26              420,000 Americans have died. I person-             I remember when Katie and I got             And that is as it should be.                █
consecutive issues), $85. One year (52 consecutive issues),
$130. Contact Dallas Voice at 214-754-8710 x123.
                                                                 ally know more people who have been             married. Representatives of organized             Leslie McMurray is transgender educa-
Paid advertising copy represents the claim(s) of the             infected than who have been vaccinat-           religion (not all of them, but some loud-      tion and advocacy associate at Resource Cen-
advertiser. Bring inappropriate claims to the attention
of the publisher. Dallas Voice reserves the right to enforce     ed (and it’s not even close). A survey of       mouths like Tony Perkins and our own           ter in Dallas. She is also a regular columnist
its own judgments regarding the suitability of advertising
copy, illustrations and/or photographs.
                                                                 some 6,000 Americans indicated that 83          Robert Jeffress) thought marriage would        for Dallas Voice. Read more of her blogs at
Unsolicited manuscripts are accepted by email only.              percent understand that masks and social        become meaningless with marriage be- 
To obtain a copy of our guidelines for contributors,
send a request by email to

12                   █       02.05.21
02.05.21   █   dallasvoice   13
     A Mustang for the

2020 Ford Mustang Ecoboost is                 here will find love beyond hardcore
not just for gearheads                        enthusiasts. It runs with an EcoBoost
                                              turbocharged four-cylinder engine,
CASEY WILLIAMS | Auto Reviewer                which proves you don’t need big power                               to enjoy the drive.
                                                 If you just flipped through the pho-
                                              tos, you would never think there’s an
  2020 Ford Mustang EcoBoost                  engine with only four cylinders beneath
  Four-passenger, RWD Coupe
                                              the long sexy hood and behind a classic
  Powertrain: 2.3-liter T4, 6-spd manual
  Output: 310hp/350 lb.-ft. torque            pony-strewn grille. No matter what’s
  Suspension f/r: Ind/Ind                     between the fenders, this is my favorite
  Wheels f/r: 18-inch/18-inch alloy           Mustang design, with an aggressive
  Brakes f/r: disc/disc                       stance accentuated by 18-inch wheels,
  Must-have features: Style, Engine
                                              fastback roofline and wide rump with
  Fuel economy: 21/30 mpg city/hwy
  Assembly: Flat Rock, MI                     triple sequencing tail lamps. LED head-
  Base/As-tested price: $26,670/35,850        lamps, foglamps and triple-lit elements
                                              behind each lens connect the car’s past
                                              to its future. Full-length racing stripes

       ord is relaunching the legendary       and a subtle rear spoiler are perfect
       Mustang Mach 1 for 2021. And           touches.
       I’m excited for it and can’t wait to      Back to that engine: The 2.3-liter
throttle its big powerful V8 engine!          turbo-four delivers 310 horsepower and
  I’m also a fan of the demonic Shelby        350 lb.-ft. of torque through a six-speed
GT500 and its 760 horsepower super-           manual transmission. Not only is it a
charged V8. Both grace the dreams of          joy to click-flick the shifter through the
gearheads, but the Mustang we have            gears, but it also contributes to frugal

14     █   02.05.21
                                                                                                     I NG WIN
                                                                                                   RV R,
                                                                                                 SE EE
                                                                                              O W ,B
                                                                                            N SAS

fuel economy ratings of 21/30-MPG              Beyond chasing acceleration, driving
city/highway.                               this Mustang allows you to focus on the
   It wasn’t that long ago that a Mus-      refinement you might not expect from
tang GT with a V8 barely produced that      a high-revving power coupe. Especially
much power, and it sure as Henry didn’t     with this generation’s independent rear
get compact crossover fuel economy.         suspension, the car has evolved into a
   Choosing a four-cylinder doesn’t         car that hardcore enthusiasts can appre-
mean you have to shop in the bargain        ciate but also one that import intenders
bin of interiors. Our Premium trim          will feel meets their high standards. It’s
comes with heated/cooled leather seats,     more Audi than Cobra.
leather-wrapped steering wheel and             Steering is spot on, and the car feels
stitched coverings for the traditional      planted, no matter the road. It’s a daily
twin-cowl dash. Metallic trim adds flair,   driver that enjoys a good romp on the
and an intuitive touchscreen employs        weekends.
icons for audio, climate, navigation,          Rev it up, shift down, and let it rip.
and apps. Connect devices with Apple           I can’t wait to review the 2021 Mus-
CarPlay, Android Auto and 4G Wi-Fi.         tang Mach 1, but all of that attitude is
Thump the audio and enjoy.                  unnecessary. I would be plenty happy to
   In the lower dash is a push-button       have the EcoBoost in my own driveway.
starter and a series of toggles for the     It drools swagger, goes fast and thor-
stability control, steering and drive       oughly comforts passengers. Best of all,
modes. The last two allow drivers to        efficient fuel economy makes it inexpen-
customize their experience: Select from     sive to operate.
light Comfort to heavy Sport steering.         Mustangs start at just $26,670, but
The other switch primarily configures       our Premium edition came to $35,850.
throttle response and stability control     Competitors include the Chevy Camaro,
intervention when you move through          Dodge Challenger, Subaru WRX, and
Comfort, Normal, Sport and Track            VW GTI. 			                               █

settings. Launch control mode gets you         Send comments to Casey at
cleanly off the line if you want to test; follow him on
your skills on a track.                     YouTube @AutoCasey.

                                                                                                                   02.05.21   █   dallasvoice   15

                                      that way
                                      Brandon Ingram as Arjie and Rehan Mudannayake as Shehan in Funny boy.

                                      Set against Sri Lanka’s 26-year               for a local stage production of The King
                                      civil war, ‘Funny Boy’ holds                  & I, and he gets a part. Meanwhile,
                                      messages for today                            Radha, who has been promised in an ar-
                                                                                    ranged marriage to Toronto-based Rajan
                                      GREGG SHAPIRO | Screen Savor                  (Kanishka Ranabahu) begins a rela-
                                                      tionship with cast member Anil (Ruvin
                                                                                    DeSilva), whose family is Sinhalese.

                                              ased on the acclaimed 1994 novel         The reaction of Radha’s family mem-
                                              of the same name by gay writer        bers, including the matriarch (Seema
                                              Shyam Selvadurai (who co-wrote        Biswas), is an indication of the trou-
                                      the screenplay), Funny Boy (Array) is         bles to come. When Radha is seriously
                                      directed by Deepa Mehta (who co-wrote         injured in a Sinhalese attack on a train
                                      the screenplay with Selvadurai). Mehta,       it’s clear that things are only going to
                                      who is straight, is no stranger to queer      get worse.
                                      material, having written and directed the        By the movie’s early 1980s midpoint,
                                      award-winning 1996 lesbian feature Fire.      teenage Arjie (Brandon Ingram) is
                                         Set in Colombo, Sri Lanka, during the      enrolled in high school. It is there that
                                      mid-1970s and early 1980s, especially         he meets Sinhalese Oscar Wilde-quoting
                                      turbulent years leading up to the begin-      classmate Shehan (Rehan Mudannay-
                                      ning of the civil war between the Tamils      ake). Before long, the teens realize that
                                      and the Sinhalese that lasted for 26          they have many things in common, in-
                                      years, Funny Boy is timely for a variety      cluding being queer as well as a mutual
                                      of reasons. At a time when tensions are       attraction.
                                      particularly high here in the U.S., with         Around the same time, Jegan (Shivan-
                                      our own civil war seemingly looming           tha Wijesinha), the son of a family friend
                                      daily, Funny Boy serves as a kind of          who is involved in the revolutionary
                                      warning. Equally important is the cen-        Tamil Tigers movement, has been sent
                                      tral theme of sexuality and acceptance        to work for Chelva at the beachfront
                                      that propels the story.                       hotel he owns. It is through Jegan that
                                         When we first encounter 8-year-old         we continue to see the deadly cultural
                                      Tamil boy Arjie (Arush Nand), he is           divide become even more dangerous.
                                      dressed as a bride, and his sister Sonali        The dramatic tensions of the story
                                      (Araina Nand) is dressed as a bride-          continue to mount. Arjie and Shehan are
                                      groom. They are having a play wedding         caught in a compromising position by
                                      with cousins and friends. But the fun         Chelva. Jegan is arrested as part of the
                                      is short-lived when the adults, includ-       Prevention of Terrorism Act. Chelva and
                                      ing Arjie’s concerned father Chelva           Nalini’s marriage is straining under the
                                      (Ali Kazmi) and seemingly less upset          pressures. Mobs of Sinhalese attack Tam-
                                      mother Nalini (Nimmi Harasgama), get          ils on the streets and raid their homes.
                                      involved.                                        As previously stated, the timing of
                                         When a relative tells Chelva that Arjie    the release of Funny Boy couldn’t be
                                      is a “funny boy” he is visibly disturbed.     better than at this particular moment. If
                                      Chelva has pinned all of his hopes on         people are able to overlook some of the
                                      his older, more athletically inclined son     issues, including the lack of Tamil actors
                                      Diggy (Avlok Wignaraja).                      among the cast members and issues
                                         Fortunately for Arjie, he has cool and     with the language spoken on screen,
                                      worldly Aunt Radha (Agam Darshi), his         Funny Boy is still worth seeing for its
                                      father’s sister, for support and encour-      various messages of understanding. █
                                      agement. She takes Arjie to an audition          Rating: B-

16   █   02.05.21
                                                                                                                                                   best bets

                                                                                                                                       FRI 02.05
                                                                                                                                       Fort Worth’s Jubilee Theatre kicks
                                                                                                                                       off its 40th season with a streaming
                                                                                                                                       presentation of Katori Hall’s HooDoo
                                                                                                                                       Love, a tale of love, magic, jealousy and
                                                                                                                                       secrets, directed by Wambui Richardson
                                                                                                                                       and starring Jade Massentoff as Toulou,
                                                                                                                                       J.R. Bradford as JIB, Kris Jasper as
                                                                                                                                       Candy Lady and Nathan D. Thurman as
                                                                                                                                       Ace of Spades. Streaming through Feb.
                                                                                                                                       28 at Vimeo. Tickets are $20 to access
                                                                                                                                       the video for a 48-hour period. For details

SUN 02.07                                                                                SUN 02.07
Curbed Vanity: A Contemporary Foil, the first solo museum exhibition for                 It’s time for Super Bowl 55, and the Kansas City Chiefs, led by quarterback Patrick
Booker T. graduate Chris Schanck, pairing Gilded Age silversmithing from the             Mahomes of Texas, are looking for their second consecutive Super Bowl championship.
museum’s collection with pieces built by Schanck out of found objects from the           But they will have to go through the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and their legendary
immediate neighborhood of his Detroit studio. Admission is free. Runs through Aug. 29.   quarterback, six-time Super Bowl winner Tom Brady. Kickoff is at 5:30 p.m. CST on CBS
Dallas Museum of Art, 1717 N. Harwood St.                                       Channel 11 in DFW.

                                                                                                                                                 02.05.21    █   dallasvoice    17
L+S scoop

Jenny Block
                                                    moan the worst of it. We can hold on to the         they do the most mundane things for no              choose to accept and not just make the best
                                                    expectations we’ve had from years passed,           reason other than that they love us. Let’s          of the situation but instead make the day
                                                    or we can do with this holiday what we’ve           be present. Let’s put down our phones and           truly better than ever before.
                                                    had to do with so many other things during          the remote and talk to one another. Let’s be           Let’s make this Valentine’s Day the one
                                                    the pandemic: turn things on their heads and        grateful for someone to care for who cares          where real love takes the front seat, and all
Girl on Girls                                       make something entirely new out of it.
                                                        I mean, maybe it’s a good thing. Valen-
                                                                                                        for us. And let’s show that with our presence
                                                                                                        instead of some grand gesture.
                                                                                                                                                            the trimmings slip into the back. Let’s use it
                                                                                                                                                            as a time to reassess and recommit to loving
                                                    tine’s Day is kind of a tough holiday, anyway.         It’s a day about all kinds of love. So           one another with gratefulness and without
Meeting the challenge of                            It’s a make-believe, card store day. But it’s       whether you’re partnered or not, reach out          distraction.
                                                    almost impossible to not buy into it, to not        to friends and tell them you love them and             The most romantic thing in the world you
Valentine’s Day in a pandemic                       want to create the perfect Valentine’s Day for      are grateful to have them in your life. Grant       can do is make sure your Valentine feels
                                                    your person and to not want the same done           yourself some self-care — some real self-           seen. The rest is just window dressing.
    This is going to be a really weird Valen-
                                                    for you.                                            care — not just candles and a bubble bath,
tine’s Day. I mean there’s lots to love: We
have a president we can be proud of who
loves us and respects us and wants to take
                                                        And if you don’t buy in, people think
                                                    you’re some heart-broken curmudgeon. In
                                                                                                        but the real deal.
                                                                                                           Ask yourself what you really need right           this week’s solution
                                                    other words, you can’t win for losing when it       now: healthy food, a walk around the block,
care of and protect us. There are vaccines
                                                    comes to Valentine’s Day.                           a long call with a close friend or family mem-
for COVID-19 that are slowly but surely
                                                        This year though, we have no choice but         ber, an appointment with a mental health
being administered. And some days feel like
                                                    to take on a new perspective. We can’t have         provider.
spring already, one of the many benefits of
                                                    the same expectations because those ex-                Just like you would care for someone
living in Texas.
                                                    pectations literally cannot possibly be filled.     you love, Valentine’s Day is a great time to
    But it’s still going to be really weird.
                                                    I mean, they could, I suppose. But it would         remember to love ourselves.
    There aren’t going to be fancy dinners in
                                                    be foolish at best and dangerous at worst.             Holidays are full of pressure. But it’s
packed restaurants. No theaters with full
                                                    In a way, Valentine’s Day this year is a forced     pressure we put on ourselves from giving
houses. No romantic movies to be seen
                                                    lesson in managing our expectations.                too much weight to all the outside noise.
shoulder-to-shoulder with other couples.
                                                        What if instead of looking at Valentine’s       You don’t have to buy a card; you can make
    We’re going to have to think differently this
                                                    Day as our chosen one’s one and only real           one. You don’t have to buy a fancy gift; you
year. We’re going to have to opt for picnics
                                                    chance to prove their love to us, we looked         can skip it or craft it or even IOU it. You don’t
and outdoor events. We’ll have to spend the
                                                    at it as a day where we put all of our focus,       have to plan an elaborate surprise; most of
holiday learning how to create new things
                                                    all of our intention on our love or like or fond-   us want little more than our person’s full and
in the kitchen or crafting pretty whatnots.
                                                    ness — whatever you want to call it — for           undivided attention and to be reminded that
We’ll have to go on hikes or kick around the
                                                    that person.                                        we are indeed “the one.”
soccer ball or go horseback riding with our
                                                        Forget the idea of either of you proving a         Do what you might generally forget to do
                                                    thing. Instead, this year, let’s celebrate the      or feel too busy or overwhelmed to do but
    So here’s the thing: This is our moment.
                                                    very existence of love. Let’s remember it and       know that you should do. Pretend like you’re
    Now’s our chance to do something that
                                                    honor it and nurture it.                            courting again. Pay attention. Flirt. Cuddle.
                                                                                                                                                             █     browse                    █      submit
we don’t get to do every day in such a dra-
                                                        Let’s make our person their coffee that         The whole nine yards.
matic fashion. We have the chance to decide                                                                                                                  For a more complete Community   To submit an item for inclusion in
                                                    morning instead of them having to make it.             This year is not just challenging. It’s a                Calendar online, visit    the Community Calendar, visit
if we’re going to make the most of it or be-
                                                    Let’s say thank you — and mean it — when            challenge. It’s a challenge that we can          

18      █    02.05.21
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