With Jenny Block An - Dallas Voice

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With Jenny Block An - Dallas Voice
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                             with Jenny Block
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                                        page 10
With Jenny Block An - Dallas Voice
With Jenny Block An - Dallas Voice
In This Issue                                             September 3, 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Volume 38 | Issue 18

           1825 Market Center Blvd., Ste. 240, Dallas, Texas 75207 | 214-754-8710 | dallasvoice.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                           08 | Moderna tests a new mRNA vaccine for HIV
                                            PUBLISHER Leo Cusimano, leo@dallasvoice.com

                               MANAGING EDITOR            Tammye Nash, nash@dallasvoice.com                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    10
                            SENIOR STAFF WRITER           David Taffet, taffet@dallasvoice.com                                                                                                           TRAVEL & LEISURE
                                   STAFF WRITER           Rich Lopez, rich@dallasvoice.com                                                                                                                 10 | A week exploring the Amazon opens a whole new world
                                  PROOF READER            Philip Burton                                                                                                                                    12 | Queer and safe destinations, cruises and land vacations                                                        12
                                 CONTRIBUTORS             Chris Azzopardi, Gary Bellomy, Jenny Block, Joey Casiano,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           14 | The Walkway Over the Hudson was inspired by the Katy Trail
                                                          Jesus Chairez, Lawrence Ferber, Hardy Haberman, Scott
                                                          Huffman, Lisa Keen, Mark Lowry, Cassie Nova, Josh Robbins,                                                                                       18 | Expert tips for the perfect solo road trip
                                                          Howard Lewis Russell, James Russell, Terri Schlichenmeyer,
                                                          Leslie McMurray, Mathew Shaw, David Webb, Casey Williams

                       ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Chad Mantooth, mantooth@dallasvoice.com
                     MARKETPLACE MANAGER Stephen Mobley, mobley@dallasvoice.com                                                                                                                          ON THE COVER
                    NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE National Advertising Representative                                                                                                                                                      BITES FROM OUR BLOG.............4
                                                          Todd Evans, Rivendell Media Inc. 908-232-2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PLAN YOUR WEEK....................25
                                        ART DIRECTOR Kevin Thomas, thomas@dallasvoice.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ROMEO SAN VICENTE..............26
                                         MULTIMEDIA Stephen Mobley, Social Media Director
                                                          Israel Luna, DVtv Video Producer, Host                                                                                                                                     SCENE......................................27
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                          CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Linda Depriter, distribution@dallasvoice.com                                                                                                               Cover photo by Jenny Block
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Design by Kevin Thomas
                                             FOUNDERS Robert Moore | Don Ritz

                   Associated Press - Associate Member
       National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association
                     Certified LGBT Business Enterprise
         Founding Member - North Texas LGBT Chamber
    Founding Member - National LGBT Media Association

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      09.03.21          █        dallasvoice                  3
With Jenny Block An - Dallas Voice
Proud to be one of
       the top HIV researchers                              Bites from our blog
                in the country!                              InstanTEA: DallasVoice.com

                                                            Sean Baugh and the Turtle Creek Chorale

                                          We are P          Chorale tickets now on sale                            Capitol,” Meissner said. “We installed over twice
                                           to be par OUD
                                                               Tickets for the Turtle Creek Chorale’s first big    what we were told were necessary — three in
                                                                                                                   the overhead air ducts, three stand-alones for
                                                            concert “Broadway’s Back, Baby” are on sale

                                          the LGBT f
                                                            now at TurtleCreekChorale.com, and range from          the sides of the bar and one in each of the rest
       STI testing & treatment at our
                                                            $35-$85.                                               rooms.”
       location on the Baylor campus                           This is the chorus’ first Broadway concert             Even after adding the sophisticated air

        PrEP Services provided with                  ity!   in more than a decade. It will be performed on
                                                            Oct. 9 at 7:30 p.m. and Oct. 10 at 2:30 p.m. at
                                                                                                                   treatment, Meissner noted, the Hidden Door still
                                                                                                                   requests that customers wear masks when not
         specialty pharmacy on-site                         SMU’s McFarlin Auditorium.                             drinking inside the bar. Masks are optional on
                                                               Two Dallas natives will join the chorale in the     the Hidden Door patio, “which is the largest in
          Financial & medication                            two performances: Carter High School alum              the Oak Lawn area,” he said.
                                                                                                                                                   — Tammye Nash
            assistance available                            Major Attaway and Patty Breckenridge.
                                                                                                — David Taffet
         Prep & HIV Clinical Trials
                  available                 Contact u                                                              Access to gender-affirming
                                                      s     Restaurants play musical chairs                        health care lowers suicide risk
             Gender affirmation              today to          Start with East Hampton Sandwich Company            in trans people
              hormone therapy             schedule          in Turtle Creek Village. First time there and the
                                                                                                                      As Republicans in the Texas Legislature con-

                                           appointm our
                                                            turkey, bacon and avocado sandwich is divine.          tinue to attack transgender youth with legislation
          Anal Cancer screenings                               East Hampton’s sister company is Lucky’s
                                                                                                                   that would limit their access to healthcare and
                                                            Hot Chicken. They’re opening in the old Ein-           their ability to participate in school sports, the
      We accept most insurance plans!                       stein’s Bagels location on Lemmon Avenue. If           Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law this
                                                            you want a preview before they open in Oak             week released data showing that access to
      MAKE YOUR IN-OFFICE OR                                Lawn, they have a place on Gaston Avenue.
                                                               Einstein’s is going into the former Starbucks
                                                                                                                   gender-affirming care is associated with lower
    TELEHEALTH APPOINTMENT AT                               location on Lemmon and Starbucks is now in
                                                                                                                   suicide risk for transgender people.
                                                                                                                      Transgender people who need and receive
                                                            the Start location on Lemmon. Start’s the one          gender-affirming medical care have a lower
              214.823.2533                                  that’s out of a location in Oak Lawn.
                                                                                                  — David Taffet
                                                                                                                   prevalence of suicide thoughts and attempts
    3409 Worth St. Suite 710 Dallas, TX                                                                            than those who need it but have not received it,
                                                                                                                   according to a new fact sheet released by the
              214.890.1616                                  Hidden Door goes hi-tech                               institute, based on the 2015 U.S. Transgender
                                                                                                                   Survey and other research.
     9301 North Central Expy. Suite 310                     in battling COVID with                                    Research shows that an estimated 5 percent
                 Dallas, TX                                 ActivePure system                                      of transgender people who accessed gender-af-
                                                                                                                   firming care attempted suicide in the past year
                                                               Harvey Meissner, president and general man-
                                                                                                                   compared to 9 percent of those who needed
infectiousdiseases.com                                      ager of The Hidden Door, announced this week
                                                            that the bar has installed ActivePure Technology
                                                                                                                   care but did not receive it. Research also shows
       or ntidc.org                                         that, according to the manufacturer, eliminates
                                                                                                                   that certain adverse experiences, such as
                                                                                                                   discrimination or violence, are associated with
                                                            more than 99.9 percent of the airborne virus that
                                                                                                                   a higher risk of suicide thoughts and attempts
                                                            causes COVID 19.
                                                                                                                   among transgender people. In contrast, af-
                                                               “Over one million ActivePure systems are cur-
                                                                                                                   firming experiences, such as family and social
                                                            rently in use to help safeguard front-line workers
                                                                                                                   support, are associated with lower risks.
                                                            in hospitals, such as the Cleveland Clinic, and in
                                                                                                                                                      — Tammye Nash
                                                            government buildings, including the Texas State

4    dallasvoice.com   █   09.03.21
With Jenny Block An - Dallas Voice
Addressing urinary issues in pets
                                            elcome                                           (happening          Lastly, there are diseases that can lead to      on what’s happening with your baby. Some of
                                           back,                                             when the pet     similar issues, which include diabetes and          these issues may be addressed with behav-
                                           amigos                                            gets excited     another condition called Cushing’s disease.         ioral management or environment control, and
                                          y amigas!                                          or nervous)      These two will typically present increased          some may be addressed with medications
                                         This column                                         and even         frequency of urination, along with increased        or special, prescribed diets. Surgery may be
                                        focuses on                                           changes in       water intake among other symptoms. Cats can         recommended to address some causes of
                                      urinary issues.                                        routine or       also present urinary problems with Idiopathic       abnormal urination. Sadly, major therapy may
                                     It seems many                                           environment      Cystitis (also known as Feline Lower Urinary        be recommended if the cause of the issue is
                                    parents experi-                                          (Some cats       Tract Disease or FLUTD), which is just a            related to cancer.
                                   ence problems                                             and dogs will    fancy term for inflammation of the bladder of          Please be aware that multiple tests may
    with their dogs and cats at least once, when it                                          let you know     unknown cause. This is not a well-understood        be needed to achieve a diagnosis, and there
    comes to inappropriate urination.                                                        they are mad     condition, but we believe it is induced by          will be occasions where nothing is found and
       The term “inappropriate” urination includes                                           at you by        stress or anxiety.                                  a “diagnosis of exclusion” is made, which
    different presentations. The most common                                                 peeing where        Another condition that can present problems      means that because the common causes that
    things we see are straining to pee, blood in the                                         they are not     with urine is, sadly, cancer. The most common-      could be tested for were not diagnosed, we
    urine and increased or decreased frequency of                                            supposed to).    ly affected urinary tract organ we tend to see      assume a specific condition that cannot be
    urination. You may also see larger or smaller                                               Some ba-      with cancer is the bladder, but different parts     tested for is present. Any time you may see
    quantities of urine produced, leaking urine,        bies, especially as they mature, can also suffer      of the urinary tract can be affected by different   any urinary issues with your dog or cat, make
    change in urine scent (stronger, foul smelling),    from urinary incontinence, just like humans           types of cancer.                                    sure you address them with your veterinarian
    licking privates (penis or vulva) and, with cats,   do. We can also see dogs and cats develop                Your doctor may suggest different tests to       right away!
    urinating outside the litter box. Please keep in    urinary tract infections, which tends to be more      find the cause of the inappropriate urination,         As always, I am very thankful for your inter-
    mind that these are usually observed in com-        commonly seen with females.                           usually including urinalysis and blood work at      est in reading my Woof column every month,
    parison to what is normal for each pet.                 More significant causes of urinary issues         the most basic level. Blood work may need           and I hope they are educational! Please be
       There are quite a few different causes of        include formation of crystals and subsequently        to be more specialized if the basic blood           safe out there, get vaccinated if possible, and
    urinary issues. Some can be temporary and/or        bladder stones or grit-like material. These usu-      work shows red flags. Your doctor may also          be kind to one another. The world is “under-
    easily addressed, and some can be alarming          ally cause inflammation of the urinary tract and      suggest imaging, meaning radiographs and/           staffed,” as they say, and we need to help
    and even life-threatening.                          can also be related to bacterial infections, but      or ultrasound, among other modalities. There        each other out as much as we can. ¡¡Abrazos,
       There are some medications — like steroids       they often lead to more serious issues where          will be times that a urine culture and sensitiv-    mi gente linda!!
    — that can cause increased urination. Some          surgery may be needed to resolve the issue.           ity may be recommended to see if there are             Dr. Josh owns Isla Veterinary Boutique
    behavioral problems can lead to inappropriate       If stones or grit material get lodged in the ure-     specific types of bacteria in the urine and what    Hospital at 14380 Marsh Lane, Ste. 110, in
    urination; these include marking territory by an    thra, it can also lead to the inability to urinate,   antibiotic option may be the best to use.           Addison, next to Tom Thumb. Contact him by
    intact male dog or cat, submissive urination        which would be considered an emergency.                  When it comes to treatment, it truly depends     phone at 972-738-1111 or visit IslaVet.com

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                                                                                                                                                                                  09.03.21    █   dallasvoice        5
With Jenny Block An - Dallas Voice

Getting boosted for COVID-19
                                                                                                                                            people who aren’t vaccinated against
                                                                                                                                            COVID-19 are 29.2 times as likely to be
                                                                                                                                            hospitalized due to the coronavirus as
                                                                                                                                            fully vaccinated people. The study also

       eing over 65, I was able to get                                         But the     vaccination, I never doubted I would get         found that infection rates among unvac-
       COVID vaccinations in Janu-                                          phone          a booster if they became available. Voi-         cinated people were nearly five times
       ary. After two shots of Pfizer, I                                    call from      la! Even in Florida, boosters are readily        those of the fully vaccinated.” [Coronavi-
breathed a deep sigh of relief and, over                                    Gerry the      available on one of two conditions for           rus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) | CDC]
time, haltingly returned to “normalcy.”                                     following      people my age: either there’s been an               “A recent study by Johns Hopkins re-
I also began forgetting to take my mask                                     Wednes-        eight-month period between one’s sec-            searchers found that vaccinated immu-
on occasion when I went out — another                                       day was        ond shot and the booster, or it’s been 28        nocompromised people are 485 times
sign of relief.                                                             unexpect-      days since vaccination if you are immu-          more likely to end up in the hospital or
   Reality being what it is though, that                                    ed: “I’ve      nocompromised. I asked at my local Wal-          die from Covid-19 compared to the gen-
limited normalcy was short-lived given                                      tested pos-    greens if COPD was considered “com-              eral population that is vaccinated. Based
the arrival of the Delta variant (which                                     itive    for   promised” and was told yes. That’s one           on an estimate by the CDC, about 9
some here in Florida call the DeSantis                                      COVID          of the upsides of having been diagnosed          million Americans are immunocompro-
Deviant). Masking became SOP again.                                         and can’t      with it a few years ago, yes? Yes!               mised, either because of diseases they
That was ok; I have a most fashionable                                      go to din-        I filled out what I believed to be the nec-   have or medications they take.” [FDA
mask made by my neighbor, Fran (and           ner tonight.” Our dinner outdoors at my      essary paperwork and waited in barely            authorizes additional Covid-19 vaccine dos-
now a bag to go with it!).                    “Cheers bar” and restaurant, Isabelle’s      contained chaos with others standing in          es for certain immunocompromised people,
   On a Friday, two weeks ago, I attend-      Veranda, is a much-loved weekly habit.       multiple lines or just “around” the phar-        CNN]
ed an art opening, masked except when         Still, I was able to get a COVID test last   macy counter, waiting to be vaccinated.             By definition, HIV/AIDS is an immu-
eating noshes or sipping wine. I was de-      Saturday and even more fortunate to get       Then … oops, wrong paperwork! So the            nocompromised condition. Treatments
lighted to see several similarly-vaccinated   “negative” results on Sunday.                pharmacy staff completed it. Did I have          for certain types of cancer also suppress
friends there and left after about an hour.     Despite the politicized debate over        insurance? Yes. Oops, my insurer, Hu-            the immune system. HIV/AIDS and can-
                                                                                           mana, preferred not to cover the booster,        cer continue to ravage the LGBTQ com-

                                                                                           since the government would pay for it.           munity. Both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s two-
                                                                                           Did I have Medicare B? Yes, as part of my        shot sequence are approved for boosters.
                                                                                           Humana coverage. No, I wasn’t carrying           The CDC is still studying whether boost-

                                              into Fashion!
                                                                                           the red, white and blue card that attested       er shots are effective with the Johnson &
                                                                                           to my status.                                    Johnson single-shot vaccine.
                                                                                              Social Security number? Yep. And                 Yes, I am aware of a long list of ob-
                                                      Get Some                             with that I, who was lost in the bowels of       jections to getting vaccinated. Yes, I un-
                                                     Fashionable                           administrivia, was found.                        derstand citing scientific evidence or an
                                                     New Glasses!                             The pharmacy staff was unfailingly
                                                                                           helpful and solicitous, though I had to
                                                                                                                                            emotional appeal supporting vaccina-
                                                                                                                                            tion doesn’t work for everyone. I live
                                                                                           smile when the young woman admin-                in Florida where Gov. Ron DeSantis has
                                                                                           istering shots apologized, saying an “el-        outlawed mask mandates, while 21,000+
                                                                                           derly lady” needed to be seen ahead of           people are diagnosed with COVID every
                                                                                           me. The absence of a wheelchair must             day as Florida takes the tragic role of ac-
                                                                                           have signified I wasn’t “elderly;” I’ll take     counting for one-fifth of all COVID-relat-
                                                                                           that as an affirmation of my vitality!           ed deaths across the US.
                                                                                              I also experienced a Zen kind of accep-          I can’t reach those of you who prefer
                                                                                           tance of the experience — complications,         “personal freedom” and conspiracy lies
                                                                                           chaos and all. Instead of irritation or im-      over community well-being. For every-
                                                                                           patience during the hour I waited, I kept        one else: Please, for your own sake and
                                                                                           feeling appreciation. We were all in the         for the sake of those you love, get vacci-
                                                                                           same leaky boat and doing the best we            nated if you haven’t already. If you are
                                                                                           could. It’s a feeling I want to bottle and       vaccinated, get a booster shot if you can.
                                                                                           keep with me, as reality continues to be         Mask. Socially distance. Take care.
                                                                                           just what it is.                                    You’re the only you we’ve got, and
                                                                                              THAT is the point of this story, actual-      you’re too important to lose to a disease
                                                                                           ly. That, and one more thing: a heartfelt        that is highly contagious and deadly
    Award-winning Contact Lens Specialists
    Optometric Glaucoma Specialists • Therapeutic Optometrist                              appeal to everyone to get vaccinated, if         — and can be avoided by taking basic
                                                                                           you aren’t already, and to get a booster         precautions. If that last sentence sounds
    4414 Lemmon Ave. at Herschel                                                           if you can.                                      like a throwback to the 1990s, by the
    Dallas, TX 75219 • 214.522-EYES                                                           “According to recent CDC studies,             way, it is. 			                          █
    doctoreyecare.com                                            Dr. Allen B. Safir

6    dallasvoice.com    █   09.03.21
With Jenny Block An - Dallas Voice
09.03.21   █   dallasvoice   7
With Jenny Block An - Dallas Voice
New tech, new AIDS vaccine

Can Moderna’s new mRNA
vaccine produce the immune
response needed to prevent
HIV infection?
DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer

                     he new HIV vaccine
                     Moderna is test-
                     ing uses the same
                     mRNA technology
                     the pharmaceutical
                     company uses in its
                     COVID-19 vaccine.
                     And the goal is to
stimulate the patient’s immune system
to create antibodies to the HIV virus.
   The first phase of human trials will
test the vaccine’s safety and see if the
vaccine is producing an immune re-
   An mRNA vaccine uses strands of
mRNA to communicate to the immune
system what to look for on the exterior
surface of the virus that causes AIDS,       Moderna is basing its new HIV vaccine on mRNA technology, the same technology used in its COVID-19 vaccine. Neither vaccine includes any
prompting the immune system to pro-          form of either the coronavirus on HIV. (K.M. Chaudary/Associated Press)
duce antibodies that will fight off HIV in
the future. The vaccine does not contain     mune response. That’s not true for an           COVID that is injected into the upper            made over the years to create a tradition-
living HIV virus and can’t transmit the      mRNA vaccine.                                   arm muscle contains a harmless piece of          al vaccine to protect against HIV. That
disease.                                       “Instead, they teach our cells how to         the spike protein found on the surface           has proven difficult because the virus in-
   According to the Centers for Disease      make a protein — or even just a piece           of the COVID-19 virus. Cells use it to           vades and becomes part of the immune
Control, many vaccines put a weakened        of a protein — that triggers an immune          make the protein piece. After the protein        system’s T-cells so quickly. By using the
or inactivated germ into our bodies          response inside our bodies,” the CDC            piece is made, the cell breaks down the          new mRNA technology, Moderna hopes
to      trig-    ger an              im-     explains on its website. “That immune           instructions and gets rid of what was in-        there will be a great enough immune
                                              response, which produces antibodies, is        jected, according to the CDC.                    response before the HIV virus invades
                                                what protects us from getting infected          Next, those cells display the protein         the immune system and succeeds where
                                                   if the real virus enters our bodies.”     piece on their surfaces. The immune sys-         previous vaccines have failed.
                                                              The COVID-19 mRNA              tem recognizes that the protein doesn’t            A portion of the vaccine has already
                                                             vaccines include those          belong there so it begins the immune re-         been tested without using the mRNA
                                                              made by Moderna and            sponse by making antibodies. That way,           technology. According to Popular Sci-
                                                                   Pfizer. The Johnson       our bodies learn how to protect against          ence, 97 percent of participants devel-
                                                                   & Johnson vaccine         future infection.                                oped an immune response but not the
                                                                     and the AstraZen-          COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can’t give             full response needed to fight off HIV
                                                                      eca (used wide-        someone COVID-19. And they don’t                 infection.
                                                                       ly around the         affect or interact with our DNA in any             Moderna hopes its trial vaccine will
                                                                       world but still       way. The CDC says mRNA never enters              produce a broader response to produce
                                                                          being tested       the nucleus of the cell, which is where          the antibodies needed to prevent HIV
                                                                           in the U.S.) do   our genetic material is kept. The mRNA           by using its mRNA technology. The
                                                                          not use this       is simply a delivery system that the cell        technology is also being tested in can-
                                                                            technology.      breaks down and gets rid of soon af-             cer research in hopes mRNA can trigger
                                                                              The mRNA       ter it is finished using the instructions.       an immune response to specific cancer
                                                                           vaccine for          A number of attempts have been                cells. 				                             █

8   dallasvoice.com      █   09.03.21
With Jenny Block An - Dallas Voice
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                                                                                              09.03.21   █   dallasvoice   9
With Jenny Block An - Dallas Voice
The adventure of a lifetime

A week exploring the Amazon                                                                                                                     heading out in another launch down the
                                                                                                                                                river. We saw monkeys almost imme-
opens a whole new world                                                                                                                         diately — a good omen for the whole
                                                                                                                                                week when it came to wildlife spotting.
JENNY BLOCK | Contributing Writer                                                                                                               We headed back to the boat for lunch,
jennyeblock@icloud.com                                                                                                                          then — as I would each day — I read and
                                                                                                                                                napped before our afternoon launch,
             f you’ve ever wanted to go on                                                                                                      from which we returned just in time
             a truly wild adventure, hiking                                                                                                     for happy hour and dinner. Then it was
             and small boat cruising the                                                                                                        straight to bed at 9 p.m. I knew that the
             Amazon with Amazon Na-                                                                                                             daily 5:30 a.m. wake-up call was going
             ture Tours is it.                                                                                                                  to hit me hard.
                I’m not going to lie: The
             very idea terrified me. I’m not
             particularly athletic or much
of a hiker. I do love an adventure though,                                                                                                         Somehow, I jumped up right at 5:30
and when a longtime friend who had                                                                                                              when the wake-up call came, downing a
taken the trip assured me that I would                                                                                                          quick pre-breakfast of oatmeal or grano-
fall in love with the Amazon, I decided                                                                                                         la and a cup of coffee before heading out
to get my malaria pills and yellow fever                                                                                                        on the first launch. We bird-watched and
shot and head to Brazil.                                                                                                                        looked for monkeys and sloths. I found
  After a long day of travel, I arrived in                                                                                                      myself transfixed by the jungle.
Manaus, Brazil at 3 a.m. on a Friday. I                                                                                                            After a full breakfast of the best eggs
was met by a driver from the travel com-                                                                                                        and manioc pancakes back on the boat,
pany who took me directly to Hotel Mil-                                                                                                         it was time for our first jungle hike. I
lennium Manaus where I would be stay-                                                                                                           went covered from head to toe for fear
ing pre- and post-trip, and I took myself                                                                                                       of bugs.
directly to bed. The good news was I had                                                                                                           It was hot, but I soon forgot my dis-
a whole day before I would be picked up                                                                                                         comfort as I became transfixed by trees
and taken to the boat that would be tak-                                                                                                        and plants like I’ve never seen. The forest
ing me on my journey through the rain-                                                                                                          floor was impossibly dense, with vines
forest.                                                                                                                                         tangled all around. Our guide knew ev-
  My trip began in earnest Saturday                                                                                                             ery tree and leaf and bird and call.
                                                                                                                                                   After lunch back onboard, we visited
                                                                                                                                                a village of 15 families living in what we
                                                                                                                                                would call poverty. But as they played
                                                                                                                                                football, and our crew joined in, it was
                                                                                                                                                hard not to wonder about the “right
                                               Author Jenny Block baits a hook while fishing for piranha (above) and hikes through the jungle   way” or “best way” to live.
                                               (left). (All photos courtesy of Jenny Block)
                                                                                                                                                   Dinner that night was local whole
                                               morning. I was greeted by staff at 6:15           Saturday                                       fish with manioc, followed by our night
                                               a.m. in the lobby and met the other                  The Tucano was enchanting — ab-             launch, where we saw a caiman, an
                                               guests who would be on the trip. Turns            solutely dreamy, simple and classic. I         iguana, dolphins, a kingfisher, herons
                                               out there were only two of them — a               felt like I was in a Hemingway novel. It       and the “Amazon chicken.” Then it was
                                               hilarious, super smart, well-traveled             was full of rich, colored wood with sim-       lights out at 10 p.m. sharp, since we were
                                               older gay couple. Luckily, we hit it off          ple décor and fresh blooms. The rooms          warned that the next day’s jungle walk
                                               right from the start. The other sched-            are small but comfortable and air con-         would be a hard one.
                                               uled guests apparently had some sort              ditioned for sleeping. The shower is a
                                               of emergency and had to cancel at the             head in the ceiling with a curtain to not
                                               last minute. We jumped into the van               soak the toilet just beside/beneath it.
                                               and headed for the dock where we were             The only hot water is in the afternoon.          We were up at 5:30 again to drink cof-
                                               picked up in a launch and taken to our            But tepid water is perfect because it’s so     fee, gear up and head to the launch. We
                                               home away from home for the week, the             hot outside.                                   saw so many monkeys, brown capuchin
                                               Tucano. And so, my journey began ….                  We enjoyed breakfast onboard before         and squirrel, right from the start. There

10   dallasvoice.com     █   09.03.21
We were back on the boat for happy           had jumped straight out of a safari cat-
                                                                                              hour with boiled quail eggs, olives and        alog.
                                                                                              salted peanuts, followed by catfish for           Back on the boat, I had the best show-
                                                                                              dinner. Then we took off for another           er and most delicious lunch; hiking will
                                                                                              night launch where we saw fish-eating          do that for you. Later we took a launch
                                                                                              bats and nightjars, and more kingfishers.      to sand bars. At the first one, we walked
                                                                                                The best part of every night was the         through the shallow water and squished
                                                                                              stars — millions of them. It seemed you        our toes in the sand. On the second one,
                                                                                              could see the whole Milky Way, plus Ju-        the crew played soccer, and I swam in
                                                                                              piter and Scorpio, too. Then there are the     the Rio Negro with Ed as the sun set and
                                                                                              gigantic trees in shadow. It was like am-      dolphins swam past. We laughed as one
                                                                                              bling through a massive topiary garden         of the crew ran towards the flock of birds
                                                                                              as we cruised down the river.                  ’til they took off into the sky.
                                                                                                                                                At Happy Hour that night we ate the
                                                                                              Tuesday                                        piranha we caught the day before, all
                                                                                                                                             fried up and delicious. We pulled off
                                                                                                On our morning launch, we didn’t             their heads and tails and fins and bit into
Sunset on the Amazon, as seen from the deck of the Tucano.
                                                                                              see any monkeys. But the forest and the        the juicy delicious meat. After dinner, it
                                                                                              birds were just spellbinding. The guides       was off to bed early for another big day
are lots of kingfishers and herons, too.        felt amazing and cool, especially back on     made bird and rat and frog calls, and the      ahead. So far, I had learned about swal-
After breakfast, we headed back to the          the water when the rain stopped, and the      animals answered through the tangle of         lows and herons and monkeys and rats.
jungle. We hit much more difficult ter-         air felt cool even in the sun as the launch   jungle on either side of the river.            But above all else, I learned to listen.
rain that day and had to take a different       returned us to the Tucano.                      After breakfast, we headed out for a
path because of a fallen tree. We heard            That afternoon it was time for the         pretty tough hike with a local guide —
rain but didn’t feel it because we were so      main event: piranha fishing! I baited my      required because the land belongs to the
protected by the canopy of the forest.          hook with raw heart and caught one on         locals. It began with a rather steep incline     The next morning, the launch brought
   But then it poured, and we got soaked.       my first go, then another later. Mostly       to get into the forest. I had to laugh as      us to lots of monkeys and then birds and
I didn’t put on my poncho though. It was        though, the piranha just stole the bait       he led us wearing shorts and a polo shirt      jungle scenery that made the world feel
just too hot; it was better to get soaked. It   from my hook.                                 and bare feet while we looked like we                                ADVENTURE, Page 20

                                                                                                                                                        09.03.21    █   dallasvoice   11
Get out!

 LGBTQ travelers show how to                                                                                                              • Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Wait, what?
 travel safely this fall                                                                                                               Yep, this charming Midwestern town is
                                                                                                                                       our top unexpected recommendation.
 ED SALVATO | Contributing Writer                                                                                                      You’ll find historic cultural venues, a
 Courtesy of the National LGBT                                                                                                         walkable entertainment district with
 Media Association                                                                                                                     plenty of topnotch live music and theat-
                                                                                                                                       rical performances, a delectable culinary
              ust when we thought it was                                                                                               scene and a truly warm welcome. Find
              safe to hit the road again,                                                                                              trip-planning recommendations at the
              we were walloped by the                                                                                                  destination’s website (TourismCedarRa-
              COVID-19 Delta variant,                                                                                                  pids.com/LBGTQ).
              the latest plot twist in the
              18-month-and-counting pan-                                                                                               Queer cruises and land
              demic story. The surprising
              data that fully vaccinated
              people could transmit the                                                                                                   Cruises are coming back, and it may
              virus came, shockingly, from                                                                                             be surprising to hear that they are prob-
 Provincetown with a 90 percent vacci-                                                                                                 ably the safest vacation you can take.
 nation rate. Ptown quickly tightened re-                                                                                              According to Randle Roper, CEO at VA-
 strictions requiring masking at all indoor                                                                                            CAYA, an LGBT+ vacation company,
 locations and proof of vaccine at all en-                                                                                             “[w]ith cruise lines soon to mandate that
 tertainment venues — interventions that                                                                                               all guests and crew members must be
 worked. As of press time, the positivity     Provincetown                                                                             vaccinated, cruise ships will be among
 rate there is much lower than much of                                                                                                 the very safest locations on the planet
 the rest of the U.S., and it remains one                                                 ing how safety measures are being im-        — with the entire population vaccinat-
 of our top recommendations this fall and                                                 plemented throughout the community.          ed. Making sensible choices like mask-
 beyond.                                                                                     Puerto Rico is the undisputed LGBTQ       ing and social distancing while ashore,
    Ptown demonstrated a successful re-                                                   capital of the Caribbean, enticing visi-     cruisers can avoid infection altogether.”
 sponse — stressing safety yet continuing                                                 tors with reliably warm, sunny weather          Resort vacations are also safe with sim-
 to deliver a deeply satisfying experience.                                               and a sincere outreach to queer travelers.   ilar universal vaccinations and plenty of
    Read on for our favorite queer-friend-                                                Despite unfortunate, highly-publicized       room for guests to spread out. Remem-
 ly destinations striving to create a safe                                                attacks on local transgender people,         ber, with no children during LGBTQ
 space for you and strategies for navi-                                                   Puerto Rico boasts a visible and vibrant     weeks at mainstream resorts, they offer
 gating the increasingly complex world                                                    trans community and nightlife options        much more space per adult guest.
 of pandemic travel. Safe, beautiful and                                                  that specifically cater to queer and            VACAYA’s big 2021 fall events include
 fun LGBTQ-friendly destinations, ex-                                                     non-binary folx. This helps create a saf-    their all-inclusive Mexico Resort vaca-
 periences and accommodations beckon                                                      er, more comfortable environment than        tion (Oct 30-Nov 6) and their New Or-
 whether you seek to recharge your bat-       Women ProvincetownForWomen.com)             other warm-weather destinations in the       leans Cruise (Nov 14-22). In 2022, there
 teries, deplete them or a little of both.      • Fort Lauderdale and Miami remain
                                              the beating heart of LGBTQ-friendly
                                                                                          Caribbean or Mexico, which lack venues
                                                                                          for a trans community that mostly lives
                                                                                                                                       are only two trips that still have rooms
                                                                                                                                       available as of press time: their Caribbe-    D
 Queer and safe destinations
   • Provincetown, Mass., is our very
                                              Florida, despite the barbaric state-level
                                              pandemic response causing the Sunshine
                                              State to be among the worst-hit in the
                                                                                          in hiding. (Information: Discover Puer-
                                                                                          to Rico at DiscoverPuertoRico.com/
                                                                                                                                       an Cruise (Jan 10-17) and their all-inclu-
                                                                                                                                       sive Costa Rica Resort (Jun 5-12). (Infor-
                                                                                                                                       mation and booking at MyVacaya.com.)
 own home beyond the rainbow, as sug-         U.S. Fort Lauderdale has been world-re-        • Philadelphia, Penn., makes for a           Not only will queer tour companies
 gested by this year’s Carnival theme.        nowned for its authentic and inclusive      fun urban weekend getaway. Once the          get you there and back safely, “They also
 Book far ahead for popular weeks             vibe for all visitors since 1996. More      kids are back in school and the lines at     can ensure your money is being spent          I
 (July 4, Bear Week and Carnival), but        than 1,000 local businesses have taken      the Liberty Bell disappear, you’ll find a    with other welcoming, progressive and         N
 we recommend visiting outside of the         the Safe & Clean Pledge (Sunny.org/         warm, walkable and LGBTQ-welcoming           even queer business and individuals           C
 most popular times for a less frantic,       Travel-Resources/Safe-Clean-Pledge).        city. Find LGBTQ restaurants, safe night-    around the world,” according to Robert        P
 more enjoyable stay. There are diverse       Likewise, Miami has implemented the         life, engaging events and recommenda-        Sharp, founder of Out Adventures (Out-        
 LGBTQ-oriented events almost every           Greater Miami Travel Guidelines and         tions galore at Visit Philly (VisitPhilly.   Adventures.com). “This is even more           

 weekend through New Year’s Eve.              Destination Pledge accessible from the      com/LGBT/). Pro tip: Try to schedule         important,” he continues, “when plan-         P

   (Information: Provincetown Business        destination’s homepage (MiamiAnd-           a half day at the Barnes Foundation          ning travel to countries that are known       E

 Guild, PTown.org, and Provincetown for       Beaches.com/TravelGuidelines), outlin-      (BarnesFoundation.org) art collection.       to be less than queer welcoming.”             S

12   dallasvoice.com    █    09.03.21
Visit their site to read about the New                                                                                                                                            Choose LGBTQ-welcoming accommo-
Year’s Eve trips to Thailand and Cuba                                                                                                                                              dations
and, in 2022, the Iceland Winter trip, and                                                                                                                                           We’ve heard far too many stories of
four back-to-back Croatia small group                                                                                                                                              queer guests receiving a frosty welcome
cruises, which are starting to sell out.                                                                                                                                           (or worse) when checking into a hotel
   R Family Vacations is one of our top                                                                                                                                            or AirBnB. These are our top choices for
recommendations for planning an in-                                                                                                                                                LGBTQ-friendly resources for accommo-
credibly fun and satisfying tour or cruise                                                                                                                                         dations where you can truly relax and be
(big ship and river cruises) in the com-                                                                                                                                           your authentic selves:
pany of other queer travelers and allies.                                                                                                                                            • MisterBnB (MisterBandB.com) in-
You don’t even have to have children to                                                                                                                                            cludes one million LGBTQ-friendly list-
join their trips.                                                                                                                                                                  ings in 200 countries and is primarily
   In 2022, R Family offers land tours in                                                                                                                                          geared towards gay men.
Thailand and Ireland, an LGBTQ group                                                                                                                                                 • FabStayz (FabStayz.com) proudly
on board a cruise in Alaska, and a mag-                                                                                                                                            offers accommodations inclusive of all
ical all-queer full-ship-charter Uniworld                                                                                                                                          the letters of our ever-growing acronym.
river cruise in Northern Italy among oth-                                                 VACAYA has several LGBTQ cruises scheduled                                                 •      Orbitz     Pride    (Orbitz.com/
er trips. (Information: RFamilyVacations.                                                 cruise and safari providers, as well as      advocate when trips are cancelled or re-    lp/LGBTQ-gay-travel-Hotels?p-
com.)                                                                                     destinations and hotels and who under-       scheduled. Best of all clients use travel   waLob=wizard-hotel-pwa-v2)             lists
   Expert LGBTQ travel advisors are                                                       stand innately the needs and concerns of     advisors, like our top picks here, for no   LGBTQ-friendly accommodations.
standing by to help you. And they’re                                                      LGBTQ travelers. They dedicate them-         additional fees:                              • Booking.com (Booking.com) is roll-
free!                                                                                     selves to both LGBTQ travel safety and          • Kelli Carpenter, who also co-owns      ing out an LGBTQ certification program,
   Even in this uncertain time, you can                                                   keeping up with the latest, ever-shifting    R Family Vacations (Kcarpenter@tzell.       including live training and ancillary ma-
enjoy enriching and joyful travel op-                                                     pandemic-era guidance, health proto-         com).                                       terials, for their hotel partners over the
portunities in LGBTQ-friendly environ-                                                    cols, openings and closings. They know          • Jonathan Alder, Travelstore USA        next year. Look for the “Proud Hospitali-
ments in a way that maximizes safety                                                      how to get the best value for your time      (Jonathan.a@jonathanstravels.us).           ty” label on listings.
and minimizes risk. You just have to plan                                                 and money, and, thanks to their global          • Sandie Anders, Bursch Travel (Sand-      NYC-based Ed Salvato is a freelance
a little more.                                                                            connections, they can often score VIP up-    iea@burschtravel.com).                      travel writer, instructor at NYU and the
   We highly recommend using an                                                           grades for you at hotels, on cruise lines,      • Giuseppe Giulio, Gay Friendly Italy    University of Texas at Austin’s NYC
LGBTQ expert travel advisor who keeps                                                     on tours and more.                           (giuseppe@gay.it).                          Center, and an LGBTQ tourism market-
up to date on LGBTQ-friendly tour,                                                          They are also your most important                                                      ing specialist. 			                       █

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                                                                                                                                                                                               09.03.21   █   dallasvoice   13
It’s not always                           bigger in Texas

                                      The Walkway over the Hudson offers a dramatic view of the Hudson Valley
                                      (David Taffet/Dallas Voice)

                                      Did I mention I hate heights?                  down from more than a story or two
                                      Heights make my knees feel                     above the ground, my knees turn to jel-
                                      like jelly                                        And this bridge deck spans the wa-
                                                                                     terway at a height of 212 feet above the
                                      DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer             Hudson River. That’s more than 20 sto-
                                      taffet@dallasvoice.com                         ries in the air.
                                                                                        Completed and open to the public
                                                     fter Dallas turned an old       in 2009, Walkway Over the Hudson is
                                                       rail line into a park —       stable and safe. The bridge was renovat-
                                                        the Katy Trail — it          ed, fortified and rehabilitated. Despite a
                                                          spawned imitators          wind blowing up the river that day, the
                                                            around the country.      path was solid and secure — no vibra-
                                                              Among them is          tion; no swaying; no real reason to feel
                                                               New York’s Rail       queasy.
                                                                Trail.   When           The bridge is located 85 miles north
                                      completed, it will stretch more than 700       of New York City in the foothills of the
                                      miles. I walked one of the most magnif-        Catskills, and the surrounding scenery
                                      icent couple of miles of Rail Trail just       is rural. On the east side of the river is
                                      as the leaves were beginning to change         the historic town of Poughkeepsie. Park
                                      color.                                         and enter the walkway at 61 Parker Ave.
                                        The Poughkeepsie-Highland Rail-                 On the west bank of the river, the
                                      road Bridge, built in 1886, is the oldest      walkway takes you to Highland, a town
                                      surviving steel cantilever bridge in the       about 15 miles north of Newburgh and
                                      world. And I was going to walk a mile-         15 miles south of Kingston. There’s
                                      and-a-half over this rusting, 125-year-        plenty of parking close to the entrance
                                      old span. (Did I mention how much I            to the walkway in Highland.
                                      don’t like heights? I mean, when I look           The most stunning manmade feature

14   dallasvoice.com   █   09.03.21
you’ll see is the Mid Hudson Bridge, just     glacier just 13,000 years ago. On the west
about a mile south of the walkway. But        side of the river are the foothills to the
it’s the natural beauty of the mid-Hud-       Catskill Mountains, and on the east are
son Valley that’s the real reason to visit.   the foothills to Massachusetts’ Berk-
   The Hudson River was carved by a           shires. New York’s most majestic moun-
                                              tains, the Adirondacks, begin north of
                                              Albany more than 100 miles from the
                                              Walkway. These mountains near the
                                              walkway are just tree-covered, rolling
                                              hills in comparison.
                                                 Fall is the best time to walk across the
                                              Hudson, because as the leaves turn col-
                                              ors, the hills turn magnificent yellows,
                                              reds and orange. On my last visit, the
                                              trees were just beginning to turn.
                                                 Why go? There’s really nothing else
                                              like it. At this crossing, the river is more
                                              than a mile across and continues to be
                                              navigable for another 80 miles, just north
                                              of the state capital, Albany.
                                                 Getting there: Take the Metro North
                                              commuter train from Grand Central
                                              Station to its terminus in Poughkeepsie
                                              or Amtrak’s Empire Corridor to Albany
                                              that stops in Poughkeepsie. The station
                                              is directly below the Walkway. Stewart
                                              Airport in Newburgh is the closest air-
                                              port and is 25 miles from the Highland
                                              side of the Walkway. By car from either
                                              the north or south, take Route 9W.        █

                                                                                             09.03.21   █   dallasvoice   15
Head OUT on the

 Expert tips for the perfect solo
 road trip

 MIKEY ROX | Contributing Writer
 Instagram @mikeyroxtravels

                 ixteen months ago, I
                 sold almost everything
                 I owned, hopped in a
                 van outfitted for living
                 and hit the road. I had
                 done a few short solo
                 road trips in the past,
                 but this was different:
 This was permanent. I didn’t have a
 place to call home anymore. Out there
                                             Mikey Rox has spent the last year-plus seeing the country in his specially-outfitted van. (Photos courtesy of Mikey Rox)

18   dallasvoice.com          █   09.03.21
was where I lived now.                        less costly levels of coverage that you can
                                                                                            Rest up and start early                        wise to know where you’ll end up so you
   Nearly a year and a half later, I’ve       purchase to fit your individual needs.           I hate being rushed, and I hate driv-       know where you’re staying the night.
learned a lot about nomad life and solo          Make sure you know where all your          ing long distances, but I often can’t help     You don’t want to travel all day just to
road tripping specifically, especially un-    vehicle’s tools — including the spare         the latter if I have to get from A to B in     pull into a city or town with no vacan-
der the limiting parameters of a pandem-      tire and its change kit — are located,        a short period of time. To allow myself        cies. You’ll be forced to get back on the
ic. Since sharing is caring, here are my      too. I was once driving on New York’s         ample breaks on the road, I leave as early     road and drive farther, and probably out
expert tips on how to plan the best road      back roads late at night with no cell ser-    as I can with sufficient rest from the night   of your way in the dark, to find a safe
trip in the year 2021 AC (After Covid).       vice when I blew a tire. I spent an hour      before. I don’t drive more than two hours      place to sleep. That’s not ideal on any
                                              frightened in the middle of nowhere           straight without taking a reprieve, and I      trip, and certainly not while traveling
Prepare your vehicle                          frantically searching my Volkswagen for       try to find interesting stop-offs along my     queer and solo.
                                              the tire-changing tools before locating it    route that will allow me to stretch my
   Before embarking on any road trip          in a hidden compartment. It’s also crit-      legs and take my mind off driving for a        Add fun stops along the way
that will take you more than a few hours      ical that you learn how to change a flat      bit.
from home, make sure your vehicle is          yourself if you don’t already know how.          Your start time plays an important role        To break up the monotony of driv-
prepared. Change your oil, top off your       Don’t be embarrassed to ask a friend or       in how efficiently you’ll get to where         ing (it’ll get tiresome if you’re traveling
fluids, check your wipers and rotate or       family member to show you. If you want        you’re going. If I’m departing from a          mundane highways with equally unre-
upgrade your tires; the last thing you        to DIY it, YouTube has plenty of videos,      metro area, I always leave after morn-         markable scenery), I choose a few attrac-
want on this mobile vacation is frustrat-     some specific to your vehicle’s make and      ing rush hour to avoid beginning-of-day        tions to stop at along my route.
ing and expensive car trouble. If you’re      model. Or, if you prefer a little eye candy   traffic that will automatically stress me         I love taking an hour or two to explore
not a card-carrying AAA member, con-          with your manual labor tutorials, let one     out. Your road trip should be fun; don’t       a small town’s shops and cafes, peruse an
sider becoming one. (Road trips not-          of the hot bois of TikTok educate you.        put yourself in a position to get flustered    antique mall (great for picking up mean-
withstanding, it’s great coverage to have        Flares also are important to have on       as soon as you leave your driveway.            ingful mementos of your travels), or visit
in an emergency.) Because I’m on the          hand for two reasons: so other vehicles                                                      historic sites, national monuments and
road full time now, often in remote areas,    can see your vehicle in the dark and to       Have a destination in mind                     parks. I have an annual National Parks
I have the premier membership plan that       alert emergency services that you may                                                        pass, available for $80 at USParkPass.
provides me with full benefits, including     need assistance. A police officer will stop     Some road trippers love the element          com, which grants access to more than
up to 200 miles of towing — an import-        to help if they see flares marking your       of surprise on their adventures and end-       2,000 federal recreation sites that fall un-
ant perk if the nearest service center is a   vehicle’s location.                           ing up where they end up. Not me; I like       der the jurisdictions of the National Park
long distance away. But there are lower,                                                    to have a plan and a set destination. It’s
                                                                                                                                                                      HIGHWAY, Page 22

                                                                                                                                                       09.03.21   █    dallasvoice   19
ADVENTURE, From Page 11

                                      Preparing some fresh fish for dinner.

                                      very big and our place in it very small.       Thursday
                                      After breakfast we headed out for our
                                      jungle walk. There was a steep incline            On our last day, it was too rainy and
                                      that I couldn’t have climbed without           windy and there was too much lighten-
                                      the help of my faithful companions.            ing for our morning launch so we slept
                                      There were massive trees and a vine that       late — 6:30 a.m.! After breakfast we went
                                      looked like an anaconda. It was so hot         out on the launch and, thankfully, the
                                      that I was dripping from every pore, but       rain stopped almost immediately. After
                                      the scenery was worth every drop.              lunch, we went for another launch and
                                         That afternoon, we took the launch to       it was amazing. We saw four caimans
                                      visit a local family that builds boats and     and three sloths, along with floating
                                      carves items from wood. I bought a min-        houses and the incredibly magical spot
                                      iature boat and a dolphin and a bracelet       where the rivers meet. You actually see
                                      made of seeds. We visited their dogs and       the distinct line between the two. Happy
                                      pigs and chicken and rooster. Pineap-          hour featured an amazing guitarist and
                                      ples grew from their massive plants and        singer while we enjoyed caipirinhas and
                                      a vast diversity of fruit trees filled their   pre-dinner bites. After a glorious dinner,
                                      primitive property                             we said good-bye to the crew. Since we
                                         Back on the boat, we gathered for a         would have an early morning with only
                                      dazzling sunset and the most incredible        a quick breakfast before disembarking.
                                      empanadas which I washed down with
                                      Guaraná Antarctica, my favorite Brazil-
                                      ian soda. After dinner, we prepared for
                                      our final night launch, but lightening           It was very hot aboard the Tucano for
                                      cancelled our plans.                           our final breakfast after such a remark-

20   dallasvoice.com   █   09.03.21
headed for city tour in the
                                                      cool of the van’s air condi-
                                                      tioning. We went on an inside
                                                      tour of the opera house and
                                                      then a driving tour of the city,
                                                      with a stellar stop at the Mer-
                                                      cado Municipal where there
                                                      was the most incredible ar-
                                                      ray of fish. I drank Açaí with
                                                      honey and swooned at the
                                                      market’s offerings, wishing I
                                                      had a kitchen and a houseful
                                                      of guests to cook for.
                                                         I headed back to the hotel
                                                      for dinner, just in time to ex-
                                                      perience the wildest of storms
                                                      with thunder and lightning
                                                      the likes of which I’ve never

                                                        I caught my flight home
                                                      with my head spinning and
                                                      my heart already longing to
                                                      return to the Amazon. It was

able — dare I say, lifechanging, even —    more magical than I could have ever
week. The food was excellent, and our      imagined, and I know there are still so
guide, Ed, and the crew were the most      many secrets left to discovered beneath
kind and giving people. I only wished      the dark water, deep in the jungle and
I could speak Portuguese so we could       beneath the tangle that covers the forest
have talked more. I loved being on the     floor.
Tucano. It felt like home immediately,        One thing I know for sure, the rain
and I honestly could have stayed aboard    forest and the debt and care we owe it
for weeks more.                            will never be just theoretical for me ever
  But we were off the boat by 7:30 a.m.,   again. 				                             █

                                                                                         09.03.21   █   dallasvoice   21
HIGHWAY, From Page 19
Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,     the road the next day. In lieu of those
Forest Service, US Army Corps of En-         options, I look for bathhouses, cloth-
gineers, Bureau of Land Management,          ing-optional hot springs (I love a good
and Bureau of Reclamation. Some of           naked time), and LGBTQ campgrounds
these sites require entry fees of $30 or     for an opportunity to unwind with
more, which allows the annual pass to        like-minded folx. You’ll be surprised at
pay for itself in a few visits.              how many of these exist when you start
   When setting your GPS, type in na-        searching for them. I can almost guar-
tional monuments to see what’s avail-        antee you’ll find at least one of these
able along the way. I recently traveled      destinations within four hours of your
to Birmingham and Montgomery, Ala.,          home.
and discovered the Freedom Riders               These places are often much less ex-
National Monument, one of the Nation-        pensive than mainstream destinations
al Park Service’s newest installations.      as well. For instance, I stayed in my van
I would have driven right past it if I       at the Oz Campground in Unadilla, Ga.,
hadn’t done the advance research. Plus,      for three nights this spring for around
I got a little civil-rights history lesson   $170 total, and I popped into the El Do-
during my stop — something we can all        rado Hot Springs outside of Phoenix,
use in this day and age.                     Ariz., last year for $30 a night. Day pass-
                                             es are even more affordable if you don’t
Make it a little gay                         plan to overnight. Pop in for a little R&R
                                             and be on your merry gay way.            █

   With gay bars dwindling in number            Mikey Rox is an award-winning journal-
across the country it can be difficult to    ist and LGBT lifestyle expert whose work
find one in less populated areas, and it’s   has been published in more than 100 outlets
not the best decision to get tipsy in an     across the world. Connect with Mikey on In-
unfamiliar area when you have to hit         stagram @mikeyroxtravels
                                                                                           Mikey Rox says always make time to stop and admire the scenery.

22   dallasvoice.com   █    09.03.21
24   dallasvoice.com   █   09.03.21

                                                                                                                                                                            LISTEN HERE
                                                                                                                                                                            Are you a fan of live music?
                                                                                                                                                                            Well Arlington’s Levitt
                                                                                                                                                                            Pavilion is the place to be
                                                                                                                                                                            the weekend of Sept. 3-5,
                                                                                                                                                                            offering up a weekend full not
                                                                                                                                                          only of live music but free live music, starting
                                                                                                                                                          Friday night with the Grammy Award-winning
                                                                                                                                                          legendary Texas band Brave Combo, with
                                                                                                                                                          opening act Meach Pango. The fun continues
                                                                                                                                                          Saturday night with The Texas Gentlemen
                                                                                                                                                          and opening act Josh Fleming. And it all
                                                                                                                                                          wraps up Sunday night with Gina Chavez
                                                                                                                                                          and opening act Almost Jaded. So grab your
                                                                                                                                                          lawn chair, pack your cooler and head to the
                                                                                                                                                          Levitt Pavilion, 100 W. Abram St. in downtown
                                                                                                                                                          Arlington, with concerts from 7-9:30 p.m. each
                                                                                                                                                          evening. Presented by Downtown Arlington.

                                                                                                                                                                           HELP OUT HERE
                                                                                                                                                                           Donna Dumae and The
                                                                                                                                                                           United Court of the Lone
                                                                                                                                                                           Star Empire present the
                                                                                                                                                                           25th annual Friends Help
                                                                                                                                                                           Friends Show: A Salute to
                                                                                                                                                          Great Broadway Shows Saturday night, Sept.
                                                                                                                                                          4, at 7 p.m. Proceeds from the show benefit
                                                                                                                                                          AIDS Services of Dallas. If you can’t make the
                                                                                                                                                          show, you can donate to the cause online at
   The reigning Miss Gay Texas State Candi Carroll and Miss Gay Texas State at Large Gloria Devine will end their reigns and crown their                  DallasCourt.org, via Cashapp @$dallascourt
   successors this weekend at the 2022 Miss Gay Texas State and State at Large Pageant, beginning Friday night, Sept. 3, at 8 p.m. with                   and via Venmo @Dallas-Court.
   the contestant review and continuing Saturday and Sunday nights, Sept. 4 and 5, at 7 p.m. with the competition —
   all at The Urban Cowboy Saloon, 2620 E. Lancaster Ave. in Fort Worth.                                                                                                    SEE GREAT DRAG HERE
                                                                                                                                                                            Kelexis Davenport hosts
  PLAN YOUR WEEK                                                                                                                                                            Ascend to the Heavens:
                                                                                                                                                                            The Rose Room Rising Star
                                                                                                                                                                            Pageant on Thursday, Sept.
   The Gay Agenda is now color-coded:             • Sept. 4: Book signing
                                                                                                                                                                            9, at The Rose Room inside
Red for community events; blue for arts           Doug Gault and his husband Joey Luong,             • Through Sept. 5: Jurassic World:
                                                                                                                                                          S4, 3911 Cedar Springs Road. The pageant
and entertainment; purple for sports; green       owners of Cufflink Art, a small, contemporary      The Exhibition
                                                                                                                                                          will feature Blue Valentine, and contestants
for nightlife and orange for civic events         gallery and fine art book shop in the Near         You’ve seen the films. Now experience them
                                                                                                                                                          will compete in presentation, swimsuit, talent,
and holidays.                                     Southside of Fort Worth, host Hugh Nini            in real life at Jurassic World: The Exhibition.
                                                                                                                                                          evening gown and lip-sync. The fun starts at
                                                  and Neal Treadwell, authors of Loving:             Educational, immersive, interactive and most of
                                                                                                                                                          10 p.m.
                                                  A Photographic History of Men in Love              all, awesome, the Exhibition will thrill audiences
SEPTEMBER                                         1850s-1950s on Saturday, Sept. 4, from 5-7         of all ages as they come face to face with
                                                                                                                                                                             TALK ART HERE
• Sept. 3: Name and gender                        p.m. The authors will give a short presentation    these mighty and sometimes vicious creatures.
                                                                                                                                                                             The Amon Carter Museum
change workshop                                   followed by a Q&A and book signing. Cufflink       Grandscape, 5752 Grandscape Blvd., The
                                                                                                                                                                             of American Art presents its
Lambda Legal discusses what the process           Art, 120 St. Louis Ave., #149, Fort Worth.         Colony. Now extended through Jan. 2.
                                                                                                                                                                             Virtual Artist Talk, featuring
looks like in Texas to secure state and federal   CufflinkArt.com.
                                                                                                                                                                             Natasha Bowdoin, Thursday,
identity documents. Lawyers can receive CLE                                                          • Through Sept. 5: Wicked
                                                                                                                                                                             Sept. 9, from 6-7:30 p.m. via
credit. Meeting via Zoom. LambdaLegal.org.        • Sept. 4-6: Trick the Mini Fest                   Dallas Summer Musicals is back with a
                                                                                                                                                                             Zoom. Bowdoin will talk with
                                                  TRICK the Mini FEST brings DJs, drag shows         return of the musical Wicked, a look at
                                                                                                                                                          curator Shirley Reece-Hughes about her vision
• Sept. 3-5: Miss Gay Texas State                 and Lil Miss Trick Contest that ends with a        what happened in Oz from a different
                                                                                                                                                          for the exhibit In The Night Garden. Tickets are
and State at Large Pageant                        crowning with a Tiara, cash and more. Saturday     angle. The Music Hall at Fair Park.
                                                                                                                                                          $10 per person and free for Carter members,
Contestant review on Friday at 8 p.m. followed    from 5 p.m.-1 a.m.; Sunday and Monday from         DallasSummerMusicals.org.
                                                                                                                                                          available at CarterMuseum.org. Registration is
by two nights of the 2022 Miss Gay Texas State    noon-1 a.m. at 4015 Cedar Springs Road.
                                                                                                                                                          required to access the Zoom link.
and State at Large Pageant at 7 p.m. at Urban                                                        • Sept 8-9: Rooftop Cinema
Cowboy, 2620 E. Lancaster Ave., Fort Worth.       • Sept. 5: Super Clasico USA                       Series of outdoor films at Dallas Heritage
                                                  Club America vs. Chivas de Guadalajara, a          Village, 1515 S. Harwood St. Sept. 8: In the
• Sept. 4: Friends Help Friends                   Mexican soccer rivalry that dates to 1926 at       Heights. Sept. 9: Love & Basketball.
Donna Dumae and the United Court present          4:30 p.m. at the Cotton Bowl in Fair Park.         Tickets at RooftopCinemaClub.com/
the 25th annual Friends Help Friends Show: A      FairParkTix.com.                                   heritagevillage.                                        Have an event coming up? Email your
Salute to Great Broadway Shows at 7 p.m. at                                                                                                                information to Managing Editor Tammye
The Hidden Door, 5025 Bowser Ave.                 • Through Sept. 5: Buddha, Shiva,                  • Sept. 8-Oct. 16: Tiny Beautiful Things               Nash at nash@dallasvoice.com or Senior
                                                  Lotus, Dragon                                      An online advice columnist uses her personal
                                                                                                                                                              Staff Writer David Taffet at taffet@
• Through Sept. 4: Together                       The Kimbell Art Museum presents Buddha,            experiences to help her readers who pour their
                                                                                                                                                            dallasvoice.com by Wednesday at 5 p.m.
The MAC presents its 23rd annual membership       Shiva, Lotus, Dragon: The Mr. and Mrs. John        hearts out to her. Adapted for the stage by
                                                  D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection at Asia Society, a   Nia Vardalos. In rep with Cake Ladies. Dallas                    for that week’s issue.
exhibition, Together, in its new home in The                                                                                                                  Look for extended listings online at
Cedars. The MAC, 1503 S. Ervay St.                collection of sculptures, bronzes, ceramics and    Theater Center, Wyly Theatre. ATTPAC.org.
                                                  metalwork. Kimbell Art Museum, 3333 Camp                                                                              DallasVoice.com
                                                  Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth. KimbellMuseum.org.

                                                                                                                                                                       09.03.21    █   dallasvoice      25
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