RHS Library Summer 2022 Reading Suggestions

Page created by Perry Keller
RHS Library Summer 2022 Reading Suggestions
RHS Library Summer 2022 Reading Suggestions
Below is a list of favorites. There is an assortment of fiction and nonfiction, classic and modern titles for
                                         high school students. Enjoy!
                                                - Mrs. Parente

                       Big Mouth & Ugly Girl by Joyce                                 Divergent by Veronica Roth
                       Carol Oates                                                    In a future Chicago, sixteen-
                       When sixteen-year-old Matt is                                  year-old Beatrice Prior must
                       falsely accused of threatening to                              choose among five
                       blow up his high school and his                                predetermined factions to
                       friends turn against him, an                                   define her identity for the
                       unlikely classmate comes to his                                rest of her life, a decision
                       aid. (Realistic Fiction)                                       made more difficult when
                                                                                      she discovers that she is an
                                                                                      anomaly who does not fit
                                                                                      into any one group, and that
                                                                                      the society she lives in is not
                                                            perfect after all. (Science Fiction)
                   Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi                               Eleanor & Park by Rainbow
                   Adyemi                                                          Rowell
                   Seventeen-year-old Zélie, her older                             Set over the course of one
                   brother Tzain, and rogue princess                               school year in 1986, this is the
                   Amari fight to restore magic to the                             story of two star-crossed
                   land and activate a new generation of                           misfits--smart enough to know
                   magi, but they are ruthlessly pursued                           that first love almost never
                   by the crown prince, who believes the                           lasts, but brave and desperate
                   return of magic will mean the end of                            enough to try. (Realistic
                   the monarchy. (Fantasy)                                         Fiction)

                 Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds                                Fallen Angels by Walter Dean
                 As Will, fifteen, sets out to avenge his                       Myers
                 brother Shawn's fatal shooting, seven                          Seventeen-year-old Richie Perry,
                 ghosts who knew Shawn board the                                just out of his Harlem high
                 elevator and reveal truths Will needs to                       school, enlists in the Army in the
                 know. (Novel in Verse)                                         summer of 1967 and spends a
                                                                                devastating year on active duty in
                                                                                Vietnam. (Historical Fiction)

                  Ender’s Game by Orsen Scott Card                            The 57 Bus by Dashka Slater
                  Ender, who is the result of genetic                         Documents the true story of two
                  experimentation, may be the military                        Oakland high school students, a
                  genius Earth needs in its war against                       white girl from a privileged private
                  an alien enemy. (Classic Science )                          school and a black youth from a
                                                                              school overshadowed by crime,
                                                                              whose fateful interaction triggered
                                                                              devastating consequences for both,
                                                                              garnering national attention and
                                                            raising awareness about hate. (Nonfiction)
RHS Library Summer 2022 Reading Suggestions
Boxers by Gene Luen Yang                                            The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
                     In 1898 during the Boxer Rebellion a                                The personal, often painful,
                     boy named Little Bao recruits an army                               histories of four Chinese
                     of Boxers to rid China of foreign                                   American women who began
                     missionaries and soldiers who bully and                             meeting in San Francisco in
                     rob Chinese peasants. (Graphic Novel)                               1949 to play mah jong are
                                                                                         revealed as the daughter of one
                                                                                         who has died searches for her
                                                                                         sisters in China to tell them
                                                                                         about the mother they never
                                                                    knew. (Historical Fiction)
                             Fifteen-year-old Ari Mendoza is                                 One of Us is Lying by Karen
                            an angry loner with a brother in                                 M. McManus
                            prison, but when he meets Dante                                  When the creator of a high
                            and they become friends, Ari                                     school gossip app
                            starts to ask questions about                                    mysteriously dies in front of
                            himself, his parents and his                                     four high-profile students all
                            family that he has never asked                                   four become suspects. It's up
                            before. (Realistic Fiction)                                      to them to solve the case.

                  You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah                                   I Was Their American Dream : A
                  Johnson                                                                Graphic Memoir by Malaka
                  Liz Lighty has always done her best to                                 Gharib
                  avoid the spotlight in her small, wealthy,                             The daughter of parents with
                  and prom-obsessed midwestern high school,                              unfulfilled dreams themselves,
                  after all, her family is black and rather poor,                        Malaka navigated her childhood
                  especially since her mother died. But when                             chasing her parents' ideals,
                  an independent scholarship falls through,                              learning to code-switch between
she is forced to turn to her school's scholarship for prom                               her family's Filipino and Egyptian
king and queen, which plunges her into the gauntlet of                                   customs, adapting to white culture
social media which she hates and leads her to discoveries           to fit in, crushing on skater boys, and trying to
about her own identity and the value of true friendships.           understand the tension between holding onto cultural
(Realistic Fiction)                                                 values and trying to be an all-American kid. (Graphic
                                                                    Novel Nonfiction)
                      The Natural by Bernard Malamud                                      The Contender by Robert
                      A Pulitzer Prize-winning novel follows                              Lipsyte
                      the career of baseball player Roy                                   After a successful start in a
                      Hobbs, a natural with a bat whose                                   boxing career, a Harlem high
                      dreams of playing in the big leagues                                school dropout decides that
                      are deferred by a youthful indiscretion,                            competing in the ring isn't
                      but who finally becomes a hero.                                     enough of life and resolves to
                      (Classic Sports)                                                    aim for different goals. (Classic
RHS Library Summer 2022 Reading Suggestions
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley          Feed by M.T. Anderson
  A satirical novel about the utopia of     In a future where most people
  the future, a world in which babies are   have computer implants in their
  decanted from bottles and the great       heads to control their
  Ford is worshiped. (Classic Science       environment, a boy meets an
  Fiction)                                  unusual girl who is in serious
                                            trouble. (Science Fiction)

  The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo             The Perks of Being a
  Xiomara Batista feels unheard and           Wallflower by Stephen
  unable to hide in her Harlem                Chbosky
  neighborhood. Ever since her body           Charlie, a freshman in high
  grew into curves, she has learned to        school, explores the dilemmas
  let her fists and her fierceness do the     of growing up through a
  talking. (Novel in Verse)                   collection of letters he sends to
                                              an unknown receiver.
                                              (Realistic Fiction)

 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the      Uglies by Scott Westfeld
 Night-Time by Mark Haddon                   Tally is faced with a difficult
 Despite his overwhelming fear of            choice when her new friend
 interacting with people, Christopher, a     Shay decides to risk life on the
 mathematically-gifted, autistic fifteen-    outside rather than submit to the
 year-old boy, decides to investigate        forced operation that turns
 the murder of a neighbor's dog and          sixteen-year-old girls into
 uncovers secret information about his       gorgeous beauties, and realizes
 mother. (Mystery)                           that there is a whole new side to
                                             the pretty world that she does
                                             not like. (Science Fiction)
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne             Dear Martin by Nic Stone
Frank                                         "Writing letters to the late Dr.
An adolescent Jewish girl chronicles her      Martin Luther King Jr.,
experiences over the years she and            seventeen-year-old college-
several others hid from the Nazis in a        bound Justyce McAllister
secret apartment before being                 struggles to face the reality of
discovered and sent to concentration          race relations today and how
camps. Includes entries previously            they are shaping him.
omitted. (Classic Nonfiction)                 (Realistic Fiction)
RHS Library Summer 2022 Reading Suggestions
This Tender Land by William Kent                              Walk In My Combat Boots: True
                       Krueger                                                       Stories From America's Bravest
                       In the summer of 1932, on the banks                           Warriors by James Patterson and
                       of Minnesota's GileadRiver, Odie                              Matt Eversmann, First Sergeant,
                       O'Banion is an orphan confined to                             USA, Ret. with Chris Mooney
                       the Lincoln Indian Training School, a                         A collection crafted from hundreds
                       pitiless place where his lively nature                        of original interviews by James
                       earns him the superintendent's wrath.                         Patterson and First Sergeant US
                       Forced to flee after committing a                             Army (Ret.) Matt Eversmann.
                       terrible crime, he and his brother,                           These are the brutally honest
                       Albert, their best friend, Mose, and a     stories usually only shared amongst comrades in
                       brokenhearted little girl named            arms. Here is a rare look into what wearing the
Emmy steal away in a canoe, heading for the mighty                uniform, fighting in combat, losing friends and
Mississippi and a place to call their own. (Historical Fiction)   coming home is really like. (Nonfiction)
                     Crossing The Line : A Fearless Team                                The Book Thief by Markus
                     of Brothers and the Sport that                                     Zusak
                     Changed Their Lives Forever by                                     Trying to make sense of the
                     Kareem Rosser                                                      horrors of World War II, Death
                     A memoir of defying the odds from                                  relates the story of Liesel--a
                     Kareem Rosser, captain of the first all-                           young German girl whose book-
                     black squad to win the National                                    stealing and story-telling talents
                     Interscholastic Polo championship.                                 help sustain her family and the
                     (Nonfiction)                                                       Jewish man they are hiding, as
                                                                                        well as their neighbors.
                                                                                        (Historical Fiction)

                      Cosmic Queries: Startalk's Guide to                        Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes,
                      Who We Are, How We Got Here, and                           Remarkable Results: An Easy &
                      Where We're Going by Neil deGrasse                         Proven Way To Build Good Habits &
                      Tyson with James Trefil                                    Break Bad Ones by James Clear
                      An exploration of some of the deepest                      A leading expert on habit formation
                      questions about our place in the                           reveals practical strategies to form
                      universe. (Nonfiction)                                     good habits, break bad ones, and
                                                                                 master the tiny behaviors that lead to
                                                                  remarkable results. (Nonfiction)
RHS Library Summer 2022 Reading Suggestions RHS Library Summer 2022 Reading Suggestions RHS Library Summer 2022 Reading Suggestions RHS Library Summer 2022 Reading Suggestions RHS Library Summer 2022 Reading Suggestions RHS Library Summer 2022 Reading Suggestions
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