Page created by Gregory Terry
                                SCIENCE   By Jessi Chartier

34  Techniques   October 2017                       
                                  he lack of girls in high school coding classes has dramatic impli-
                                  cations downstream, for college and for the workplace. Women
                                  make up just 18 percent of college computer science majors
                                  (“Science and Engineering,” 2013). And though the computer in-
                                  dustry is a jobs powerhouse — creating new jobs at a rate faster
                 than the national average (“Computer and Information,” 2015) — women will
                 hold only about 20 percent of those jobs by 2025 (“Cracking the Gender Code,”
                 2016) if current trends continue.

                 The Case for Diversity in Computer Science
                 Here’s why the gender imbalance is particularly troubling: Without a diverse
                 group of developers tackling society’s problems, the industry’s field of vision is
                 limited. Gender diversity in coding isn’t just about giving women jobs in the com-
                 puter field. It also means enabling a large, key group of people to better partici-
                 pate in the problem-solving and societal improvement that technology brings.
                    At its core, coding is about solving problems. Increasing opportunities for
                 those underrepresented in the field to learn the tools and skills of technology
                 empowers them to solve problems directly facing them. I always say that I love
                 teaching high school students how to code because they’re solving problems I
                 didn’t know they had. Of course, that insight can be broadened to empower peo-
                 ple of all walks of life to improve their lives and communities.                                                                October 2017   Techniques  35
Coding as a skillset is a pathway to       Census and American Community Sur-             level. A growing number of states recog-
gainful employment. Software developers       veys indicates 40] percent of American         nize computer science toward graduation
make a national average of $63,000 a year,    women are the ones who pay the mort-           credits for math, science and even, in Tex-
(“Software Developer,” n.d.) and for that     gage, who put food on the table (Wang,         as, foreign language (Zinth, 2016). And as
income there is opportunity: Projections      Parker & Taylor, 2013). These (develop-        such, it is the onus of educators to break
point to more than a million unfilled com-    ment positions) are good-paying jobs, and      stigmas and challenge assumptions in
puter jobs in the United States by 2020 ("A   quite frankly, as [more] of the things we      order to drive gender balance in computer
National Talent," 2012) due to a shortage     do become automated, these will be ‘the’       science classes.
of qualified, skilled workers. And yet… The   jobs. So, it’s important to make sure that
number of women taking on computer            women are not left out.”                       Tactics for Diversifying High
science as a major has dropped dramati-          Forty percent is a significant number of
cally in recent decades (“Science and Engi-   women who are primary household earn-          School Computer Science
neering,” 2013).                              ers. Yet they’re being excluded (or exclud-    Many schools recognize there is a need
   Reshma Saujani, CEO of Girls Who           ing themselves) from gainful employment,       for a concerted effort to recruit more
Code, gets to the central essence of the      a quality of life and an industry that is      girls into computer science classes. Still,
issue in a 2017 interview with EdSurge:       starved for developers.                        many lack confident strategies to achieve
“We're living in a time where we're depen-       All said, there’s never been a more crit-   this goal. There’s a lot that can make the
dent on American women as our bread           ical time to address the need for diversity    chronic gender imbalance in computer
winners — [research from the Decennial        in computer science at the high school         science seem insurmountable, but there

36  Techniques   October 2017                                                                                      
are specific tactics career and technical         CTE needs developers to build the            .CSV commands, functions and
educators (CTE) can use to make a differ-      safety algorithms in self-driving cars,         scripting to create dynamic re-
ence and help drive the shift.                 the systems that translate magnetic             ports and data visualizations.
                                               fields into images for doctors, and apps      •• Designers are closer to the code
1. Position computers
                                               for your phone to remember where you
as more than games.                                                                             behind apps and websites than ever
                                               parked. At the heart of this myriad of
In 1983, Wargames hit theaters featuring                                                        before, often working directly with
                                               possibilities are problem-solving, critical
an adolescent boy who saves the world                                                           developers to bring concepts to life.
                                               thinking and coding skills — and they’re
by playing a game against a computer.          becoming applicable, often essential, to      •• Marketers need programming
This shifted the perception of comput-         nearly every industry.                           skills to build campaigns, gener-
ers from computational machines to                                                              ate leads and grow companies.
                                               •• Journalists need CSS and HTML
gaming machines.
                                                  skills to modify their work online.        •• Government employees increasingly
  Of course, there is a place for games. But
                                               •• Audio engineers in music, film and            need data visualization and manage-
when students view computers as tools
                                                  live events need programming skills           ment skills to make decisions.
that solve problems, the technology can
open doors and surface opportunities that         to create the sounds and audiovi-          •• Urban planners need data visu-
even we, in the industry, can’t imagine.          sual spaces their industries want.            alization and manipulation skills
Ask students, “What problem do you want        •• Knowledge workers who use                     to understand the present and
to solve?”                                        spreadsheets need to know basic               future of their communities.                                                                                              October 2017   Techniques  37
•• Collaborates well with others
                                                                                            •• Is able to recognize patterns
                                                                                               (Again, think musicians!)

                                                                                            5. Get the word out with your
       Coding is about solving problems at both                                             school communications team.
       micro and macro levels. But it’s also about                                          Work within your school to promote the
                                                                                            course. You might consider a collaboration
       discovery, collaboration, learning how to                                            with your school’s media class to make a
                                                                                            video about coding, like that which came
       embrace and grow from failure, and building                                          out of Illinois’s Deerfield High featuring the
                                                                                            school’s app development class and inter-
       real solutions to actual problems.                                                   views with its students and their teacher
                                                                                            (“Mobile Makers,” 2016); this encourages
                                                                                            involvement from current CTE program
                                                                                            students and entices others to get involved
                                                                                               The key element is to build interest by
                                                                                            exposing students to what it looks like in
2. Rename your coding classes.                star overnight. It’s all about practice,      the class and in practice. Coding is about
Make computer science curriculum              practice, practice. This is akin to pro-      solving problems at both micro and macro
more tangible, tuned for the audience         gramming: So much entails becoming            levels. But it’s also about discovery, collab-
you’re trying to attract. For example,        comfortable in making mistakes so you         oration, learning how to embrace and grow
demonstrate how programming can               can learn to get better.                      from failure, and building real solutions to
improve community and social envi-              Some schools are making great prog-         actual problems. Try to capture those ele-
ronments by naming your class some-           ress by targeting groups that practice        ments in your messaging.
thing like “Coding for Social Change.”        grit and tackle challenges on a daily
Articulate how computer science helps         basis — like girls’ sports teams or musi-     6. Host a teaser course.
address larger social needs, affecting        cal groups. Approach the coach or club        Give students a taste of what it is like to
real people and solving real problems.        sponsor to coordinate an opportunity          code by hosting a 30-minute workshop over
Consider a few examples:                      to pitch. It’s a direct recruitment tactic,   lunch, before, or after school. Show them
                                              to be sure, but an effective one. Many        how an app is built to demystify the coding
•• Neurocern is a startup in Chicago          times these athletes or musicians may
   that’s helping to improve the efficacy                                                   process. There are a lot of great, free resourc-
                                              not realize how much skill they bring         es you can use to make this happen. Like the
   of caregiving for dementia patients.       to the table when it comes to computer        Hour of Code, a global resource designed to
•• Stop, Breathe, and Think is aimed          programming. CTE educators are en-
                                                                                            provide programming education online to
   at helping improve mental health           couraged to explore how these skills in-
                                                                                            students of all ages, all around the world.
   through mindfulness and meditation.        tersect to find the right messaging that
•• PNC’s Virtual Wallet is designed to help   sparks interest and inspiration.
                                                                                            Final Thought
   you manage your money on the fly.                                                        Everyone needs a seat at the table. Many of
                                              4. Handpick great candidates.
                                                                                            these strategies can also be used to recruit
3. Target girls’ sports                       Nothing beats an endorsement like a vote
                                                                                            other underrepresented groups into your
teams or music clubs.                         of confidence from a teacher. Ask col-
                                                                                            computer science classes. Diversity isn’t just
A cornerstone of many 21st century            leagues and teachers you know to nomi-
                                                                                            a buzzword. We all come from different back-
skills is the ability to solve problems on    nate one or two girls they think would be
                                                                                            grounds, have different experiences, and offer
                                              successful or enjoy a programming class.
the spot and to persevere. Sports are                                                       unique solutions to the today’s problems and
                                              Then, host an open house for those invi-
a great place to cultivate these skills.                                                    those in the future. Technology will unlock
                                              tees and their parents.
Teams focus on practicing a skill over                                                      the solutions to tomorrow’s problems. More
                                                 What qualities make a good computer
and over until the athlete can apply and                                                    than ever, we need to help us turn the key.
                                              science student?
synthesize the skill into action during a
game. The goal isn’t perfect execution,       •• Likes to solve puzzles
but enough practice so you learn. The         •• Enjoys working on a prob-                  Jessi Chartier is director of programs and
                                                 lem until it’s solved                      products at MobileMakersEdu, a division
same is true in learning a musical in-
                                                                                            of the experiential education innovator
strument. No one picks up a recorder          •• Thinks about how to solve a prob-          Uncharted Learning. Email her at jessi@
in elementary school and becomes a               lem with resources at hand       

38  Techniques   October 2017                                                                                        
Accenture. (2016). Cracking the
  gender code. Retrieved from

Madda, M.J. (2017). Girls Who Code
  CEO Reshma Saujani: Why an 'hour
  of code' isn’t enough. EdSurge. Re-
  trieved from https://www.edsurge.

Microsoft. (2012). A national talent strat-
   egy: Ideas for securing US compet-
   itiveness and economic growth. Re-
   trieved from

MobileMakersEdu. (2016). Mobile makers
  at Deerfield High School. Retrieved

National Science Foundation. (2013).
  Science and engineering degrees:
  1966–2010. Retrieved from https://

PayScale Human Capital. (n.d.). Soft-
  ware developer salary. Retrieved

U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of La-
   bor Statistics (2015). Computer and
   information technology occupations.
   Occupational Outlook Handbook. Re-
   trieved from

Wang, W., Parker, K., & Taylor, P. (2013).
  Breadwinner moms. Retrieved
  from http://www.pewsocialtrends.

Zinth, J. (2016). Education trends: Com-
   puter science in high school gradu-
   ation requirements. Retrieved from
   quirements.pdf.                                October 2017   Techniques  39
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