Return to Sport Plan - Coquitlam Sharks

Page created by Frances Bauer
Return to Sport Plan - Coquitlam Sharks
Return to Sport Plan
                                        December 2021

            Step 3 of B.C.’s Restart plan is in effect as of July 1

The Coquitlam Sharks Return to Sport Plan is regularly updated to conform with Facili es, City
and Sport regula ons. Parents are advised to review the plan which is posted on the website.

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Return to Sport Plan - Coquitlam Sharks
Table of Content

Coquitlam Sharks Back to Sport Protocols                                     4

    Proof of Vaccina on                                                      4

    Standard Safety Protocols                                                4

    Masking Requirements                                                     4

    Social Distancing Requirements                                           4

    Spectator Policy - All Pools                                             5

    Monitoring                                                               5

    Personal Protec ve Equipment (PPE) and Cleaning Materials                5

    Keeping It Clean                                                         5

    Lifeguarding                                                             6

Health & Safety Protocols - Specific to Ar s c                                7

Health & Safety Protocols - Specific to Water Polo                            7

Health & Safety Protocols - Specific to Speed Swimming                        7

Health & Safety Protocols - Specific to Dive                                  7

Compe     on and TryOut Protocols                                            8

    Capacity                                                                 8

    Masking                                                                  8

    Transi on mes                                                            8

Appendix A -- Illness Policy                                                 9

Appendix B -- Coach Training Framework                                      12

Appendix C -- Facili es Instruc ons                                         13

    Pool Ameni es                                                           13

    Entry/Exit Instruc ons                                                  13

    Spani Pool                                                              14

    Eagle Ridge Pool                                                        15

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Return to Sport Plan - Coquitlam Sharks
Poirier Sport and Leisure Complex (PSLC)            16

   City Centre Aqua c Complex Pool (CCAC)              17

ViaSport Update                                        18

BC's Restart                                           20

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Return to Sport Plan - Coquitlam Sharks
Coquitlam Sharks Back to Sport Protocols

The following plan is designed to follow the viaSPORT of Bri sh Columbia’s Return to Sport Guidelines for
BC and in adherence to current Provincial Health Orders.

Proof of Vaccina on
*Guidelines per BCSSA.

Per viaSport on the applica on of these orders to BCSSA swim clubs, specifically to coaches of adult

    ●   Structured programs supervised by an adult and provided for those under 22 years of age are
        exempt from proof of vaccina on for par cipants and any supervising adults (i.e. coaches)
    ●   Structured programs with swimmers age 22+ are required to provide proof in the form of a
        vaccine card that par cipants have received at least 1 dose (un l Oct. 23, 2021) or 2 doses (as of
        Oct. 24, 2021).
    ●   BCSSA Clubs who employ paid coaches cannot inquire as to an employee’s vaccina on status
        (this is private medical informa on), however, a swimming facility may require proof of
        vaccina on for anyone entering. Volunteer coaches (unpaid) may be asked to provide proof of
        vaccina on.
    ●   Members may be asked to show Proof of Vaccina on (PoV) by the City Staff, Club Execu ves or
        Coaches as required by the Provincial Health Order. Failure to provide PoV will necessitate the
        member to leave the facility.

Standard Safety Protocols
* To be maintained at all mes.
    ●   A endance registra on is a requirement for athletes and coaches in aid of contact tracing.
    ●   Athletes and Coaches will maintain physical distancing.
    ●   Athletes and Coaches will shower at home prior to prac ce.

Masking Requirements
*Mask guidance per BCCDC.
Masks are recommended in indoor public places for all people 12 and older who are not yet
fully vaccinated. The mask mandate order.

Social Distancing Requirements
    ●   During ac va ons - 2m * PHO Requirements for indoor sports
    ●   In the water - 0
    ●   On pool deck – 2m

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Return to Sport Plan - Coquitlam Sharks
Spectator Policy - All Pools
    ●   Members are asked to not wait/watch their athletes from the on-deck sea ng areas
    ●   Members may enter the pool area briefly via the change rooms in order to assist young
        swimmers. Otherwise, the deck is off limits.

*As required by City of Coquitlam Guidelines, Sharks will designate a Sharks coach as a “COVID Safety
Person” who will be responsible for managing the physical distancing guidelines during prac ce and
between groups.
    ● During the start of each program, Sharks sport directors and/or execu ves will assist with the
       management and implementa on of safety protocols with the coaching team.
    ● Coaching team will monitor the safety plan during prac ces.
    ● Illness Policy is listed in Appendix B. If a coach or athlete feels ill during a prac ce, the
       procedures listed in Appendix B will be followed.

Personal Protec ve Equipment (PPE) and Cleaning Materials
    ●   Sharks will follow provincial health guidelines on use and type of PPE and cleaning materials.
    ●   Consulta on with the City of Coquitlam may be required on the type and use of cleaning
        materials at pool facili es.
    ●   PPE such as face shields or goggles will be provided to Sharks lifeguards as recommended by the
        Lifesaving Society.
    ●   Athletes will be required to supply their own mask.

Keeping It Clean
    ●   Common use prac ce equipment will be minimized or eliminated.
    ●   Sharks have mul ple sets of common use kickboards, fins, water polo balls, water polo caps,
        which will allow this hardware to be used once per athlete and cleaned prior to use by another
    ●   Common use diving mats may be used and will follow the procedures outlined under the Sport
        Specific Maintenance of Physical Distancing for Dive dry land training.
    ●   Change rooms will not be used for changing before or a er prac ces. Athletes will shower at
        home and arrive at prac ces in their swim suits ready to enter the water.
    ●   Sharks will follow City of Coquitlam requirements for use of washrooms at pool facili es. If
        required to meet City of Coquitlam requirements, Sharks employ addi onal staff to monitor
        washroom use.
    ●   The City of Coquitlam will be responsible for increased cleaning of high touch points within the

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    ● Sharks lifeguards will a end mandatory outdoor pools in service training provided by the City of
    ● Sharks lifeguards will follow the June 17, 2020 COVID-19: Resuscita on & First Aid
        Recommenda ons of the Lifesaving Society: BC & Yukon Branch in its Guidelines for Reopening
        BC& Yukon Pools and Waterfronts. The Lifesaving Society recommenda ons are located here:
        h ps://

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Health & Safety Protocols - Specific to Ar s c
●   Athletes in ar s c swimming are required to wear goggles during water prac ces.

                Health & Safety Protocols - Specific to Water Polo
●   Athletes in water polo are required to wear goggles during water prac ces. Water polo players
    will remove goggles for passing drills.

            Health & Safety Protocols - Specific to Speed Swimming
●   Athletes in speed swimming are required to wear goggles during water prac ces.

                    Health & Safety Protocols - Specific to Dive

●   Use of gymnas c crash mats for Dive dryland training will follow the following procedures:
       ○ Each diver will bring their own yoga mat to and from prac ce.
       ○ Each diver will place their yoga mat on top of the gymnas c crash mat and perform
            training on their yoga mat.
       ○ Each diver will wear a protec ve mask.
       ○ There will be no spo ng by Sharks coaches.

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Compe        on and TryOut Protocols

Coquitlam Sharks Club protocols for general safety, mask wearing and social distancing will be
maintained during compe on and meets in addi on to mandeates set by ViaSport and the Provincial
Health Order (Stage 3).

*see pages 6-8 of the BC Public Health Order
   ● Outside Event - No more than 5,000 persons, or 50% of the seated opera ng capacity of a place,
       excluding event staff, whichever number is greater, are present.
   ● Outside Event - No more than 50 persons, or 50% of the seated opera ng capacity of the place,
       excluding event staff, whichever number is greater, are present.

*Mask guidance per BCCDC.
   ● Masks are recommended in indoor public places for all people 12 and older who are not
       yet fully vaccinated. The mask mandate order under the Emergency Program Act was
       li ed July 1.

Transi on mes
   ●   Sufficient me will be built into the sport agenda to permit cleaning/sani za on/ven la on
       between events.
   ●   Space has to be cleared of par cipants while undergoing cleaning/sani za on/ven la on.
   ●   Par cipants at an event (example 25 A pool) do not have contact with par cipants in another
       event (example 25 B pool) and that there are separate entrances and exits for each of the
       events. Par cipants leaving one event must not have contact with par cipants arriving for a
       subsequent event. Washrooms are the only excep on.

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Appendix A -- Illness Policy

“Team member” includes an employee, coach, volunteer, par cipant or parent/spectator.

1. Inform an individual in a posi on of authority (coach, sport director, execu ve) immediately if, you
   feel any symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and
   painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, headache, muscle aches, fa gue and
   loss of appe te.

2. Assessment
       a. Team members must review the self-assessment signage located throughout the facility each
          morning before their shi /prac ce/ac vity to a est that they are not feeling any of the
          COVID 19 symptoms.
       b. Coaches, sport directors or execu ves will visually monitor team members to assess any
          early warning signs as to the status of their health and to touch base on how they are
          regarding their personal safety throughout the workday/prac ce/ac vity.
       c. If Team Members are unsure please have them use the self-assessment tool
          h ps:// or through the COVID-19 BC Support App self
          assessment tool.

3. If a Team Member is feeling sick with COVID-19 symptoms:
        a. They should remain at home and contact Health Link BC at 8-1-1.
        b. If they feel sick and /or are showing symptoms while at work, they should be sent home
            immediately and have them contact 8-1-1 or a doctor for further guidance.
        c. No Team Member may par cipate in a prac ce/ac vity if they are symptoma c.

4. If a Team Member tests posi ve for COVID-19:
        a. The Team Member will not be permi ed to return to the workplace/prac ce/facility un l
            they are free of the COVID-19 virus.
        b. Any Team Members who work/play closely with the infected Team Member will also be
            removed from the workplace/prac ce/facility for at least 14 days to ensure the infec on
            does not spread further.
        c. Close off, clean and disinfect their work/prac ce/facility area immediately and any surfaces
            that could have poten ally been infected/touched.

5. If a Team Member has been tested and is wai ng for the results of a COVID-19 Test
        a. As with the confirmed case, the Team Member must be removed from the
            workplace/prac ce/facility.
        b. The Public Health Agency of Canada advises that any person who has even mild symptoms to
            stay home and call the public health authority of B.C.

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c. Other Team Members who may have been exposed will be informed and removed from the
           workplace/prac ce/ac vity for at least 14 days or un l the diagnosis of COVID-19 is ruled
           out by health authori es.
        d. The workspace/prac ce/ac vity space will be closed off, cleaned, and disinfected
           immediately and any other surfaces that could have poten ally been infected/touched.

6.   If a Team Member has come in to contact with someone who is confirmed to have COVID-19:
          a. Team Members must advise their employer/coach if they reasonably believe they have been
             exposed to COVID-19.
          b. Once the contact is confirmed, the Team Member will be removed from the
             workplace/prac ce/ac vity for at least 14 days or as otherwise directed by public health
             authori es. Team Members who may have come into close contact with the Team Member
             will also be removed from the workplace for at least 14 days.
          c. The workspace/ac vity area will be closed off, cleaned, and disinfected immediately and any
             other surfaces that could have poten ally been infected/touched.

7. Quaran ne or Self-Isolate if:
      a. Any Team Member who has travelled outside of Canada or the province within the last 14
         days is not permi ed to enter any part of the facility and must quaran ne and self isolate.
      b. Any Team Member with any symptoms of COVID-19 is not permi ed to enter any part of
         the facility and must quaran ne and self-isolate.
      c. Any Team Member from a household with someone showing symptoms of COVID-19 is not
         permi ed to enter any part of the facility and must quaran ne and self-isolate.
      d. Any Team Member who is in quaran ne or self-isola ng as a result of contact with an
         infected person or in families who are self-isola ng, is not permi ed to enter any part of the

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Appendix A -- Illness Policy (con’t)

                     Procedure for Coaches and Athletes who feel Ill during Prac ces

● Sick athletes will report they are feeling ill (even with mild symptoms) to a coach.
● The coach will put on a mask.
● Sick athletes will be asked to wash or sani ze their hands and will be provided with a mask, and
● The prac ce may be cancelled.
● The athlete’s parents will be contacted by the coach and the athlete will be required to go straight
    home. The Sharks coach will inform the athlete and parent to call 811 for further guidance related
    to COVID tes ng and self-isola on.
● If the athlete is severely ill (e.g., difficulty breathing, chest pain), the coach will call 911 as well as the
    athlete’s parents.
● Sharks coach will clean and disinfect any surfaces that the poten ally ill athlete has contacted.

● Sick coaches will report to the sport director and other coaches on deck they are feeling ill (even
   with mild symptoms).
● The sport director or other coaches on deck will put on masks.
● The prac ce may be cancelled.
● Sick coaches will be asked to wash or sani ze their hands and will be provided with a mask, and
   isolated. Another coach on deck will assist.
● The coaches' parents (if under 19 years old) will be contacted by the sport director and the athlete
   will be required to go straight home. The sport director will inform the athlete and parent to call 811
   for further guidance related to COVID tes ng and self-isola on.
● If the coach is severely ill (e.g., difficulty breathing, chest pain), the sport director or another coach
   on deck will call 911 as well as the athlete’s parents.
● Another Sharks coach will clean and disinfect any surfaces that the poten ally ill coach has

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Appendix B -- Coach Training Framework

Sport Directors will work with the coaching team to implement and monitor the return to sport plan.

This opera onal ac vity includes:
● prac ce set up procedures,
● a endance and entry procedures,
● movement of athletes to and from the pool facili es,
● washroom procedures and cleaning of hard surface procedures.

Scheduling of this training may be done in partnership with the City of Coquitlam since access to the
pool facili es is required.

Sharks coaches will par cipate in City of Coquitlam outdoor pool facility in-service training for lifeguards.

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Appendix C -- Facili es Instruc ons

Pool Ameni es *Proof of Vaccine required.
●   Change Rooms – Open
●   Showers – Open
●   Water Fountains - Closed.
●   Lobbies – Open
●   Viewing Areas – Open

Entry/Exit Instruc ons
Swimmers will enter and exit the pool as directed. Instruc ons may change depending on the City.

●   Athletes on arrival are to marshall/ lined up 2-3 metre apart and health checked in front of the
●   Coaches will escort athletes to Bag Stowage Area where athletes will drop their gear at designated
●   Coaches will con nue escor ng athletes to their designated lanes.
●   At the end of prac ce, Coaches will escort athletes to collect their gear and exit.

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Spani Pool

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Eagle Ridge Pool

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Poirier Sport and Leisure Complex (PSLC)

Normal Entrance/Exit

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City Centre Aqua c Complex Pool (CCAC)

Normal Entrance/Exit

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ViaSport Update

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Page 19 of 20
BC's Restart

Relevant Links

   ●   Step 3 of BC’s Restart: Communicable disease preven on
   ●   BC's Restart: A plan to bring us back together
   ●   Government of BC COVID-19 Restric on Informa on
   ●   COVID-19 (Limits on Ac ons and Proceedings) Regula on
   ●   BC Center for Disease Control
   ●   Mask Mandate Order
   ●   WorkSafeBC
   ●   BC Proof of Vaccine Requirements

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