Return to Play 2020-2021 and COVID-19 Protocol - PRINCE EDWARD CURLING CLUB - Prince ...

Page created by Lorraine Frank
Return to Play 2020-2021 and COVID-19 Protocol - PRINCE EDWARD CURLING CLUB - Prince ...

                      Return to Play 2020-2021
                        COVID-19 Protocol

4 September 2020
Message from the Board of Directors ............................................................................................. 3
Summary – How This Season Will Work....................................................................................... 4
Pre-Game Club Entry and Ice Entry ............................................................................................... 5
Ice Preparation Pre-Game ............................................................................................................... 6
Curling - Playing the Games ........................................................................................................... 6
Post-Game Socializing and Club Exit............................................................................................. 9
Operating the Bar ............................................................................................................................ 9
Between Game Cleaning and Sanitizing....................................................................................... 10
APPENDIX 1 – HIGH TOUCH SURFACE SANITIZING CHECKLISTS ............................... 11
   1      Ice Preparation High Touch Surface Cleaning Checklist .................................................. 11
   2      On Ice Post Game Cleaning Checklist ............................................................................... 11
   3      Entry, Lounge and Main Floor Bathroom - High Touch Surface Cleaning Checklist ...... 11
   4      Basement Bathrooms - High Touch Surface Cleaning Checklist ..................................... 11
   5      Bar High Touch Surface Cleaning Checklist ..................................................................... 11
Message from the Board of Directors

There have been comparatively few cases of COVID-19 in Prince Edward County over the last 6
months – we have been very fortunate and the measures put in place to control the spread of the virus
have been effective. However, as we have all seen, outbreaks can develop and spread quickly if
people are not diligent.

Your club’s return to play protocol and plan has been developed with this in mind. As well, there are
a number of requirements – mandated by legislation – which we must adhere to. This includes
Ontario’s Stage 3 Re-Opening Plan, Ontario Regulation 20/364, County Bylaws and the advice and
recommendations of Hastings Prince Edward Public Health. In addition, we have decided to follow
the Guidelines for Return to Play developed by Curling Canada and CurlOn in consultation with the
Ontario Government.

The rules developed for on ice play by Curl Canada mean curling games will be different this year.
As you are all aware, our club is volunteer run, and is also relatively small. These facts, together with
the requirement to wear masks indoors, maintain 2m physical distance, and to sanitize high touch
surfaces frequently mean off-ice activities will also be very different, and far more structured than in
previous years. These changes are necessary to keep members safe, and to comply with legislation,
and are very similar to the approach to this season taken by other curling clubs in Eastern Ontario.

Despite all the new requirements, the Board believes that 2020-2021 will still be an enjoyable and
successful season. We will need your help to make it happen. Please read this Return to Play protocol
carefully so you understand how the club will function this year and what will be required of you.
Keeping your fellow members safe, our club open, and maintaining your curling privileges this
season all depend on following the rules set out in this document.

Finally, members should be aware that our governments and public health officials can and will
change requirements in response to the status of COVID-19 in our area and throughout the province.
PECC’s rules, procedures and policies will be updated to reflect any such changes as required
throughout the season.

Good Curling,

PECC Board of Directors

4 September 2020
Summary – How This Season Will Work

We can all contribute to maintaining a safe environment for our members. All members must follow
regulations and the advice of our Public Health Officials, including:

            o If you are feeling unwell or are sick, STAY HOME!

            o Wash your hands frequently and use the alcohol-based hand sanitizer provided
              throughout the club if soap and water are not available

            o Maintain 2 metre physical distancing as much as possible. Wearing a mask does not
              eliminate the need to physically distance.

            o Masks must be worn at all times inside the club except when curling, or when eating
              or drinking seated in the lounge.

            o High touch surfaces in the club must be sanitized as often as necessary.

Once walkways are included, our club has physical space for 32 members only in the lounge, and
then only if we include plexiglass dividers on the lounge tables. The indoor occupancy limit
mandated by the Government of Ontario is 50 persons – but that limit is subject to the requirement to
physically distance. We do not have the physical space for more than 32 people in the lounge.
As such, only people scheduled to play will be permitted in the club. Spectators will not be permitted
this season.

The 32 person limit also means we have adjusted some game start times to allow members to
complete their game, socialize and then sanitize the high touch surfaces in the club prior to leaving
the facility. Exit times are a maximum of 1 hour after the scheduled game completion. In the recent
past we have scheduled teams to take a turn cleaning up the lounge after games. That practice will
resume this season, with the additional requirement of sanitizing high touch surfaces throughout the
club. If you are not willing to take your turn sanitizing, please do not register for this season.

Locker rooms will be closed this season. They are too small to allow for physical distancing, and
their use would also add a significant extra burden in cleaning and sanitizing. Players should come
ready to play, except for footwear, and put on their curling shoes at an assigned chair in the lounge.

Entry and exit to and from the lounge will be via the wheel chair ramp only, except in the case of
emergency. Equipment will be installed to record and store the name of each person who enters the
club. This information is required for the purpose of contact tracing, will be stored for 30 days, and
be provided to public health officials on request.

Game play will follow the guidelines laid out by Curling Canada / CurlON. These guidelines include
only a single sweeper on all delivered stones, and no sweeping by the skip/vice skip of either team on
either the delivered stone or stones set in motion by the delivered stone. In ice markers indicate
where to stand, in order to maintain 2m distancing, between shots. Physical distancing is a critical
part of safe play, and must be observed by all members.
Members will be scheduled to serve in the bar, and to sanitize it prior to exiting the club.

We aim to commence leagues on Monday, October 19th, weather permitting, and assuming we have
sufficient members to open the doors. We will offer a full slate of leagues, and are planning to hold
bonspiels, but no out-of-club curlers will be permitted to enter the club until further notice. The
Learn-to-Curl program, and club rentals, have also been postponed until further notice. The kitchen is
closed and league specific snacks, meals and shared food will not be allowed.

If any member tests positive for COVID-19, the club will follow the guidance of Hastings Prince
Edward Public Health. That guidance could include shutting the club down for a short or long period
of time. If authorities require the club to be closed for the balance of the season, membership fees
will be refunded on a pro-rata (weeks remaining) basis.

Additional information regarding how this season will work is outlined below. Please read it
carefully. Acknowledgment that you have read and understood, and agreement that you will
follow the procedures outlined will be part of this years’ registration process.

Pre-Game Club Entry and Ice Entry
       Doors to the club will be opened 30 minutes prior to the start of each scheduled game.
        Doors will be locked 5 minutes prior to game start time.
       Due to space limitations, no more than 32 members (excluding staff or members actively
        volunteering) will be permitted in the club at any time. As such, spectators will not be
        permitted at games this year.
       Locker rooms are closed for the 2020-2021 season so players should come to the club
        dressed to play except for footwear.
       Members should leave their outdoor footwear on the shelves at the main entrance (bottom
        of the ramp), and enter the lounge area via the wheel chair access ramp.
       Upon entering the lounge area, members must use the hand sanitizer placed near the door,
        and then register their entry to the club. CurlOn will be providing equipment necessary to
        track entry to the club.
       Members should select a chair at the tables designated for their sheet of ice. Following
        the flow arrows on the floor, members can pass by the notice board to remind themselves
        of their sheet of play.
       Masks must be worn inside the curling club at all times, except when seated at a table for
        the purpose of having a drink or snack, or when on the ice playing the game.
       Members should maintain 2m physical distance from other members in accordance with
        government regulations, even when wearing a mask.
       Members should leave their coats and other belongings at their selected chair.
       The members who have been scheduled to prepare the ice surface for play will announce
        the ice is ready,
   Members should then enter the ice surface, while wearing masks, via the usual door near
      the bar. The teams playing on Sheet A should enter first, followed by Sheet B, then Sheet
      C, then Sheet D. Please be patient and maintain distancing of 2 meters.

Ice Preparation Pre-Game
     Members will be scheduled to prepare ice for games. All other members will remain off
      ice until preparation is done and sanitization of equipment is complete
     Only Ice techs and members scheduled will touch ice maintenance equipment
     For Ice preparation, only one person will use a piece of equipment. Two people will be
      scheduled with the following break-up of tasks, with everything disinfected after prep is
      complete and the cleaning checklist filled out.
          o Person one – mop ice, pebble, mop after nip
          o Person two – Sweep up debris with corn broom, nip, sweep up post nip with corn
              broom and dust pan
     For Ice maintenance, ice teams can break up tasks so that only one person uses a piece of
      equipment. If there are multiples of the same equipment in the room (i.e. corn brooms)
      they will be marked for easy identification between them (i.e. different coloured tape on
     Post ice maintenance, the sanitization checklist in Appendix 1 will be completed, signed
      and placed in the box located in the lounge, indicating who did maintenance and check
      off equipment that was disinfected.

Curling - Playing the Games
            Masks are optional on the ice during play, but must be worn when entering and
             exiting the ice surface
            Social distancing of 2m must be maintained
            Players should only handle their own rocks, and use the same 2 rocks for the
             entire game.
            Last rock will be determined prior to the game start and will be indicated on the
             table for each sheet. The other team gets choice of color.
            Play will follow the guidelines recommended by CurlOn/Curling Canada.
            While their opponent is shooting, players should always stay on southwest side of
             the ice to maintain physical distance (left hand side when facing scoreboard).
            Two small marks will be placed in the ice roughly 4 feet on either side of center
            Play should proceed as follows (see Figure 1 below)
                          Non-Delivering Team: The two sweepers of the non-delivering
                             team should be positioned on the markings near center ice while
                             the other team is throwing.
     The player of the non-delivering team whose turn it is next to
                     deliver should be positioned at hogline on the same side as the two
                 The Skip (or Vice-Skip) will stand on the backboards but no closer
                     than the hack.
                 Delivering Team: The Skip has control of the house. The player
                     whose turn it is to deliver is in the hack.
                 Only one player may sweep each rock. The sweeping player is
                     between the T-Line and hog line.
                 The non-sweeping player is on the backboards.
   Once the stone has been released, the player who delivered the stone proceeds
    down the centre line of the ice until the halfway point to the center ice markings
    or to the hog line if it is their turn next.
   The non-sweeper travels to the halfway mark or the hog line depending on their
    turn to deliver or not.
   After the stone comes to rest, the sweeper proceeds to the halfway markings.
   One sweeper only on all delivered stones. No relaying (second sweeper taking
    over halfway down the sheet).
   The person in charge of the house (skip or vice) is not allowed to sweep under any
   The skip of the non-delivering must remain in the hack area until all stones come
    to rest. They are not allowed to sweep the opposition stone behind the tee-line.
   The skip or vice skip (not both) of non-delivering team must stand at the hack
    until the other team is finished playing and has relinquished control of the house.
   Rocks set in motion by the delivered stone may not be swept by the skip or vice
    skip of either team. The sweeper of the delivering team may sweep their own
    rocks if set in motion.
   Upon completion of the end, the lead and second of the team throwing first will
    return the rocks to the end boards. Rocks should not be handled but maneuvered
    with a broom. Rocks should be lined up “single file” to avoid the need for players
    touching any rock except their own.
   Games must be completed no later than 5 minutes after their scheduled
    completion time. If an end is still in progress at this time, play must be stopped,
    the game is over and the rocks should be returned to the viewing end of the ice.
    The incomplete end will not count in the result.
   Upon completion of their game, members must put on their masks and exit the ice
    surface via the door near sheet D. Distancing of 2m must be maintained during
    the exit. Players should sanitize their hands using the dispenser located near the
    entrance door to the lounge, and return to the same chair they used prior to the
   The skip of the winning team is responsible for assigning a player to sanitize the
    rocks using the Lysol wipes provided at the end of each sheet, and completing the
    cleaning checklist on their sheet prior to exiting the ice surface.
   The scoreboard will not be in use. Skips will be required to keep track of scores
      on paper. The skip from the winning team must transmit the game score to the
      league convener electronically after the game.
     The last person to leave the ice surface is responsible for turning off the lights and
      sanitizing the light switches and door handle, and for completing the associated
      cleaning checklist and placing it in the box in the lounge.

Figure 1 - Playing the Game & Maintaining Distancing on the Ice
Post-Game Socializing and Club Exit
     Upon completion of their game, members should put on their masks and exit the ice
      surface via the door near sheet D. Distancing of 2m should be maintained during the exit.
      Players should sanitize their hands using the dispenser located inside the lounge, and
      return to the same chair they used prior to the game.
     As described in the section on Operating the Bar, a maximum of 2 servers will be behind
      bar (scheduled per night). If more than one server is present, masks will be worn behind
      bar. The door to the bar will be kept closed to keep others out. If 2 working, duties will be
      broken up so that high touch surfaces are not compromised (one serves, one runs cash)
     Members should line up to place their drink orders by table – Sheet A first, followed by
      Sheet B, Sheet C and then Sheet D. (subject of course to teams from any of those sheets
      being still on the ice.) Traffic flow in the club should follow the arrows on the lounge
     Masks must be worn inside the curling club at all times, except when seated at a table
      after the game while enjoying a drink or snack. As per Ontario Regulation 364/20,
      members must remain seated except when ordering a drink, entering or exiting the club,
      using the restroom, or for safety reasons.
     Tables and chairs must not be moved, as physical distancing of 2m is required.
     Members should exit the club no later than 1 hour after the scheduled completion time of
      their game. This will allow time for the club to be sanitized prior to the next draw.
     One team will be assigned per league each week to carry out post-game sanitization of
      high touch surfaces, and completing the associated cleaning checklists. The assigned
      team is accountable for making sure the cleaning is done and the checklists are completed
      and placed in the box in the lounge.

Operating the Bar
     Maximum 2 servers behind bar (scheduled per night). If more than one, masks will be
      worn behind bar. Door to bar will be kept closed to keep others out. If 2 working, duties
      will be broken up so that high touch surfaces are not compromised (one serves, one runs
     A Plexi glass shield will be placed between bar and customers
     Beer and cooler bottles will be opened with openers and not by hand (no direct touch)
     Standard bar opening procedures can be used as all high touch surfaces will be
      disinfected at the end of the game/shift/night. Upon entering the bar, hands will be
      washed or sanitized prior to anything else being done
     If handling cash, sanitize hands regularly
     Upon closing, all glasses will be run through the dishwasher and not left sitting dirty
     Upon completion of game/shift/night all high touch surfaces will be wiped down with
      disinfectant wipes, checklist completed, signed and placed in the box in the lounge.
Between Game Cleaning and Sanitizing
     After each league has completed their days’ draw, the high touch surfaces listed in the
      checklist in Appendix 1 must be cleaned and sanitized.
     One team will be assigned after each draw to be accountable for the sanitization.
     The completed checklists must be signed, dated and placed in the box in the lounge.

  1 Ice Preparation High Touch Surface Cleaning Checklist

  2 On Ice Post Game Cleaning Checklist

  3 Entry, Lounge and Main Floor Bathroom - High Touch Surface Cleaning

  4 Basement Bathrooms - High Touch Surface Cleaning Checklist

  5 Bar High Touch Surface Cleaning Checklist
1. Ice Preparation High Touch Surface Cleaning Checklist

      Ice Room Door Handle
      Main Water Shut off
      Water Temperature Measuring Device
      Pebble fill station taps/hose
      Pebble Can lid and hose
      Corn Brooms
      Dust Pan
      Mop
      Nipper carry handle / push handle
      Garage door lock/lift handle
      Light switches for lights on ice
      Light switches ice room
      Door handles/push pads to enter/exit ice X 2
      Hack Covers (remove before game/wipe down)
      Hand Scraper (if used)

Name (print) and Signature:

Name (print) and Signature:

Date / League:
2. On Ice Post Game Cleaning Checklist

       Rocks and Rock Handles

   Sheet A: Name (print) and Signature:

   Sheet B: Name (print) and Signature:

   Sheet C: Name (print) and Signature:

   Sheet D: Name (print) and Signature:

   Last person to Leave Ice Surface Only

       Light switches
       Exit Door Handle

      Name (print) and Signature:

      Date / League:
3. Entry, Lounge and Main Floor Bathroom - High Touch Surface Cleaning Checklist

      Lounge Door
      Light Switch left near Lounge entry
      Light Switch near television
      Arm Rests and Top of chairs
      Table Tops
      Television Remote Controls
      Thermostat
      Hand Rail Ice Entry Stairs
      Ledge Top of Ice Entry Stairs
      Push Door Lounge Side – Ice Entry

      Door Handles – Lounge Exit to Main Floor Bathroom
      Door Handle Main Floor Bathroom
      Light Switch
      Taps
      Toilet Seat and cover
      Flush Handle
      Soap Dispenser
      Towel Dispenser

      Outdoor door Handle
      Light Switch – Entry Hall
      Hand Rail on Stairs up to Lounge
      CurlOn Club Entry Monitoring Equipment
      Handrails on Ramp
      Light Switches (top and bottom of ramp)

Name (print) and Signature:

Name (print) and Signature:

Date / League:
4. Basement Bathrooms - High Touch Surface Cleaning Checklist

      Hand Rails – Stairs to Men’s Locker Room
      Light Switch – Stairs to Men’s Locker Room
      Hand Rails – Stairs to Women’s Locker Room
      Light Switch – Stairs to Women’s Locker Room
      Door Pull and Push Bar – Stairs to Women’s Locker Room

   Mens Bathroom

      Taps
      Toilet Seats and covers
      Flush Handle
      Urinal Flush Handles
      Soap Dispenser
      Towel Dispenser
      Stall Door Handles

   Womens Bathroom

      Taps
      Toilet Seats and covers
      Flush Handle
      Soap Dispenser
      Towel Dispenser
      Stall Door Handles

Name (print) and Signature:

Name (print) and Signature:

Date / League:
5. Bar High Touch Surface Cleaning Checklist

      Bar door handle
      Light Switch
      Cooler door handles (pop and beer fridges)
      Regular refrigerator
      Draft/cider tap handles and counter top
      Wine bottles/Liquor bottles (if hard liquor served)
      Cash register/cash tray
      Coffee machine controls
      Tap handles on sink
      Handle and controls on dishwasher
      Counter/top of bar
      Door locks on storage cabinets
      Telephone
      All glasses washed

Name (print) and Signature:

Name (print) and Signature:

Date / League:
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