82nd Airborne Division Association, Inc.

Page created by Gordon Watson
82nd Airborne Division Association, Inc.
Chartered by
                             82nd Airborne Division Association, Inc.
                             P.O. Box 87482, Fayetteville, NC 28304-7482 (910) 223-1182                 (844) 272-0047 Fax
The United States Congress                                                                    www.82ndairborneassociation.org

                                              JANUARY-FEBUARY 2020
                                                 BULLETIN NO. 690


    1. 82nd AIRBORNE DIVISION KIA AND WIA IN JANUARY 2020: In January 2020 our Division
       suffered the loss of two Troopers, SSG Ian P. McLaughlin and SPC Miguel A. Villalon, from an IED
       strike in Afghanistan. The Association President and a Member of the South Texas Chapter, represented
       the Association at the Funeral for SPC Villalon in Brownsville, TX. The Executive Director and
       Members of the Fayetteville Chapter, represented the Association at the Funeral for SSG McLaughlin,
       and at the Divisions Memorial Ceremony of both of our fallen. The Families were grateful to the
       Association for the floral wreaths sent to the funerals by the Association.

         There were three WIAs in January 2020 and all are back in the U.S. and recovering. The Association
         and our Wounded Warrior Fund have offered support to the Troopers and their Families, if needed.

    2. 74th ANNUAL CONVENTION: Our 74th Annual (2020) Convention will be held in Houston, Texas,
       from 5-9 August 2020 and is sponsored by our Lone Star Chapter. The Lone Star Chapter is already
       hard at work on planning the Convention and has posted the registration at:

         There are also two tours available during the Convention. A tour to the George H.W. Bush Library and
         Museum, and the Houston Space Center. These are two tours that are amazing and you won’t want to
         miss. The Convention will be held at the HOUSTON MARRIOTT WESTCHASE, 2900 Briarpark Drive,
         Houston, TX 77042. You can make your hotel reservation by calling 713-978-7400, and using our Group name:
                                    82nd Airborne Association Group ID # ACAN or you can make your reservation
                                    online at: https://www.marriott.com/event-reservation-

                                         The hotel reservation cutoff date is July 5, 2020,
                                         so make your reservation early. This year’s
                                         Convention will honor the 75th Anniversary of
         the 82 Airborne Divisions contributions to the Victory of World War II, and
         the 30th Anniversary of the Gulf War. Join us as we honor our Divisions’
         Veterans and their sacrifices in securing freedom.

                                             “America’s Guard of Honor”
82nd Airborne Division Association, Inc.
3. ALL AMERICAN WEEK (AAW) 2020: All American Week 2020 will be 18-21 May 2020. As you
   may know, the Airborne Inn lost the Hardy Hall building so that construction of the new Hotel can
   begin. Because of this, there are not enough rooms at Moon Hall for all our guests so we have also
   blocked rooms at the Landmark Inn (this Hotel is also on post) at
   a rate of $79.99 per night. The Hospitality room and Wednesday
   Night Pig Roast dinner will remain at Moon Hall and
   transportation will be available to bring Members back and forth
   between Moon Hall and the Landmark Inn. There will also be
   transportation to the Thursday Night Banquet, and buses will run
   from Moon Hall and the Landmark Inn to all of the Division
   Events for the week. The construction will continue over the next couple of years and we will adapt as
   needed until the new Airborne Inn is completed. We are hoping for it to be completed by AAW 2022,
   but there is no clear date for completion set as of yet.

   The AAW festivities will still be a great event and one you will not want to miss. The All American
   Week online registration, printable registration and Flier are posted at our website at: 82nd Airborne
   Division 2020 All American Week. All of the information and codes for both hotels are available on the
   All American Week flier. We understand that there will be a lot of questions concerning these changes
   and we are working hard to make as much information as possible available, and will post this
   information at the website link above.

4. NATIONAL DIRECTOR NOMINATIONS: If you want to help shape our Association then make a
   difference by running for National Director. Chapter nominations for National Directors must be
   received at the National office by 1 June 2020, either by mail or email. We will notify your Chapter
   when it is received. Chapter nominations must be certified by the Chapter Chairperson and must be in
   compliance with Article V of the Association By-Laws (By-Laws can be viewed at our website at :
   http://www.82ndairborneassociation.org/forms-and-resources.html )

   Nominations should include a brief description, 4-5 sentences, about the nominee. Please include the
   nominee’s qualifications, past accomplishments, as well as what the nominee proposes to do for the
   Association, if elected.

   This year, five (5) Veteran Directors will be elected at the Convention and the following Veteran
   Directors will be Completing their term in office (* indicates that the Director is eligible for nomination
   to a second 2-year term):

   Gary Rezabek                                 *T. Ed Herlihy                         *Randall Johnson
   David Pitman                                  Cletus Slabach

5. ASSOCIATION AWARDS COMMITTEE: The 2020 Awards Committee Chairman will be Past
   President/Director Richard Becker, and he will accept nominations for All American of the Year. Please
   email nominations to becker@82ndairborneassociation.org or mail them to the National Office.

82nd Airborne Division Association, Inc.
6. CHAPTER DELEGATES TO 2020 AAW AND 2020 CONVENTION: If you want the opportunity
   to have your Chapter’s concerns addressed at the Delegates’ meeting, you must send in your Chapter
   delegate certification form. Chapter Officers are reminded to designate their Delegate(s) to attend AAW
   by 1 May 2020 and the Convention by 31 July 2020. Delegate forms can be obtained on our website in
   the Chapter Continuity link, under Forms and Recourses on the Quick Links button. Forms and
   Resources are located at: http://www.82ndairborneassociation.org/forms-and-resources.html

   As outlined in Article IV, Section 6 of the Association By-Laws, the Association President can call a
   Delegates’ meeting sixty (60) days in advance of the Convention date. In the past, Presidents have done
   this because there is ample time during AAW for the Delegates to discuss issues and formalize the
   presentation to be given to the Board of Directors during the Convention. The Delegates’ meeting during
   the National Convention is to refresh everyone’s memory and finalize the presentation. Delegates should
   be familiar with the Association and Education Fund By-Laws, Convention SOP and National Bulletins,
   all of which is available on the Association website. If the Chapters have any issues, please submit a 2-3
   sentence summary to the National Office by 1 May 2020. We will include these in the Delegates’

7. ATTENDANCE OF NATIONAL OFFICERS: Act now to request the attendance of the Association
   President to your Chapter events. Please send invitations by mail or email and send a copy to the
   Executive Director. Requests for participation of National Officers in Chapter or Regional events should
   be coordinated with the respective Officer(s) and submitted in writing to the Executive Director of the
   Association. Please allow as much lead time as possible so that the Officer(s) can plan ahead. Please
   remember that all events can be published in the Paraglide and on the Association website (Events).

8. CURRENT PROJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION: This is a list of some of the Projects the
   Association has approved for working on in 2020:

       a. Support for Families of 82nd Airborne Division KIAs, and WIAs: Providing assistance to the
          82nd Airborne Division Association Wounded Warrior Fund through direct response to needs of
          Families immediately following the loss or injury of an 82nd Trooper.

       b. Recognition of the Jumpmaster, NCO, and Trooper of the Year: Every year our Association
          recognizes the accomplishments of the 82nd Airborne Divisions Jumpmaster, Non Commissioned
          Officer, and Trooper of the Year at our annual dinner during All American Week (AAW). On the
          final evening of AAW, the Leadership and Troopers of the 82nd Airborne Division join the 82nd
          Airborne Division Association Members as we present these outstanding Troopers with awards
          to recognize their accomplishments (accomplished through Association and corporate

82nd Airborne Division Association, Inc.
c. 3rd Annual All American Adventure 2020: Plan is to send twenty 82nd Airborne Division
                                       Troopers on a 4-day resiliency trip to the Catskill Mountains for
                                       fishing, hiking, biking and numerous other activities. Aimed at helping
                                       Troopers in reintegration after deployment, this project uses donations
                                       from Association Members and Chapters, and Corporate sponsorship
                                       to accomplish this project. This trip will take place in June 2020,
                                       provided we are able to secure funding for our Troopers. Help us in
           All American Adventure 2019 providing an avenue to assist our 82nd Troopers in their resiliency
          during their redeployment process.

       d. Support for deployed Troopers of the 82nd Airborne Division: Our Association stands ready
          to provide support to our Deployed Troopers as they protect our Nation. The more donations we
          receive the more we can do to support our Troopers while they are deployed. Help us to show
          these Troopers our gratitude for their sacrifices.

       e. Holiday Troop Support 2020: This year will be our 5th
          Annual “Holiday Troop Support” and we will again provide
          over 1000 meals to young Troopers and their Families over the
          Thanksgiving and Holiday Season to insure the Families of
          young 82nd Troopers have bountiful Holiday meals over the
          Holiday Season.

       f. Honoring the Service of our World War II Veterans: The
          Association will again sponsor attendance of 82nd Airborne
          Division World War II Veterans at our 74th annual Convention
          honoring their service on the 75th Anniversary of the Victory of
          World War II. Please help us to once again honor the service
          of our WW II Veterans by supporting this project with your
          donations. Please give our Members the opportunity to share in
          the experiences of these National Treasures, while we still can, by bringing them to our 74th
          Annual Convention.

9. DONATIONS TO GENERAL FUND: Our Members continuously asked that our Association do more
   to support our 82nd Troopers and Veterans, and over the last few years we have worked hard at doing
   just that, as you can see from the current projects above, and we continue to look for more ways to
   support our Active Duty and Veteran Members. We said we would move the Association to a 501(c) 3
   tax exempt status, and we did just that. Now we have members who are asking us to do even more for
   our Members and we will work to do just that. But, even though we have been successful in obtaining
   support from numerous corporate and individual donors (mostly non-member donors), we still need the
   support of all our Local Chapters and Association Members.

82nd Airborne Division Association, Inc.
Currently the Association funds the annual tax submissions for All Chapters, pays the insurance
   coverage for the entire Association (including All Chapters), provides all the administrative needs for
   Members and Chapters (including membership cards, certificates to new members, maintenance of
   membership and Chapter data), and then provides almost ¼ of the annual membership dues to the local
   Chapter. With what is left we must fund all other administrative needs, and can then work to support our
   Active Duty and Veteran Members. WE NEED YOUR HELP!

   We accomplish all our projects with donations from approximately 10% of the Association Chapters,
   and individual donations from less than 1% of all our members. Imagine this, our Chapters and
   Members continue to ask that we do more, but not more than 1% of the Members even send $1 to
   support these needs. How do we ask others to support us when our own Members are not supporting
   their Association? Our 2019 projects of sending our WW II Veterans back to Normandy and the Annual
   Convention, at no cost to the Veteran, as well as our All American Adventure, were accomplished with
   very little or no help by our Chapters and Members.

   We are not asking for large donations, but any donation that will show your support for the work we are
   doing. We need our Chapters and Members to help support the work the Association is doing. This is
   your Association and its success is dependent on your support. Without your support, we will not be
   able to continue our support of our Active Duty and Veteran Airborne Brothers and Sisters. Please help
   your Association, in our efforts to serve our Airborne Family, by donating any amount to the
   Association General Fund. Every little bit helps. Please support your Association and our Airborne

   To make a donation, PLEASE go to DONATE at http://www.82ndairborneassociation.org/donate.html or
   mail your donation to the National office at: P.O. Box 87482, Fayetteville, NC 28304. Do your part in
   helping the success of the Association.

    SUPPORT” PROJECT: The Associations 2019 Holiday Troop Support project
    was a huge success, providing 1000 meals to our 82nd Troopers and their
    Families over the 2019 Holiday Season. Thank you to all who supported this
    project. Names of all the supports are posted in our Paraglide Magazine.

11. ASSOCIATION 501(c)3 STATUS: Now that the 82nd Airborne Division Association is a 501(c)3
    organization, it is no longer necessary for the Association to go back to check current Member DD-214s
    for their Time In Service dates. We will still need the DD-214 for new Memberships to verify the
    applicant’s eligibility for membership by providing their Character of Service, Airborne status, and or
    their service in the 82nd Airborne Division. As always, the National Office will use the documentation to
    verify eligibility, and will return original copies of DD-214s sent to our office. The Association has

82nd Airborne Division Association, Inc.
submitted all needed documents to the IRS for the Chapters to be designated as 501(c) 3 organizations.
   We hope to have resolution by no later than our Annual Convention.

12. CHANGE IN CHAPTER OFFICERS: When your Chapter elects Officers you must notify the
    National Office so that we can update our records. Elected Chapter Officers must be members in good
    standing and annual members must be current. Please provide Chapter Officers, with contact
    information to National annually so that we can update our files, the Paraglide and the Association
    website. Please send your officer information, EVENIF THERE ARE NOT CHANTES FROM THE
    PREVIOUS YEAR. Please be sure to give any newly elected Chairmen access to the Chapter email
    account. If there are any problems with gaining access, please contact the National Office for assistance.

13. ONLINE SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: The National office has posted documents on our webpage in
    the Quick Links / Forms & Resources folder on our website to assist the Chapters. These include forms
    for Chapter Continuity and Chapter Startup. Please look over these forms and use them as needed.

14. 2019 CHAPTER FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: 2019 Chapter Financial Statements, which are
    required to be furnished by all Association Chapters for inclusion in the Association Group Federal
    Income Tax Return, were emailed to your Chapter email address, from 22-23 January 2020. If your
    Chapter files separately, you must notify the National Office on Chapter letterhead signed by the
    Chapter Chairman, stating that the Chapter has filed their taxes separately from the Association.

15. 2019/2020 CHAPTER ACTIVITIES REPORTS: Per the Association By-Laws, “a report of the dates
    and places of all meetings and activities held or sponsored by the Chapter” throughout the 2019 year,
    and a “tentative” schedule of the Chapter’s meetings and activities for 2020 should arrive at the National
    Headquarters by February 28, 2020. Thank you to those Chapters that have forwarded their reports.
    Thank you for your continued support!

16. CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION AND MERIT: This is the time of year that Chapters
    recognize members or businesses for their support of the goals of the Association. You can request a
    Certificate through the National Office via email. The cost of each Certificate is $5.00, which includes
    shipping and handling.

17. ASSOCIATION SUSPENSES/DEADLINES: Please note the following Association deadlines (all
    information should be sent to the Executive Director, unless otherwise noted):

       a.   2019 Chapter Activities Report and 2020 Chapter Schedule due 28 February 2020
       b.   2019 Chapter report and 2020 Chapter Schedule due 2020
       c.   Delegate Certification for All American Week due 1 May 2020
       d.   Nominations for 2020 National Director due 1 June 2020
       e.   Delegate Certification for National Convention due 31 July 2020

18. 82d AIRBORNE ASSOCIATION USAA CREDIT CARD: Check out the 82nd Airborne Division
    Association’s co-branded cards. These cards display a Paratrooper under the silk on the front. It’s a very
    nice card to have. To get a co-branded Association card, please call 855-755-8263 or go to
    www.usaa.com/82nd . If you use a credit card, please choose the card that supports the Association.

19. E-NEWS BULLETIN: Get Army and Airborne related news directly to your emails! Members who
    insure they shared their email address with the Association will receive our E-news bulletin which
    contains informative articles about the 82nd Airborne Division, the Airborne community, the Military,
    Veterans issues, and even Association related articles, and links to our Bulletins, the Paraglide
    Magazine, and Fliers and Registration forms for Association Event. If you are not receiving the E-news
    bulletin to your email just send us your email address and we will add you to the list. Although we have
    had requests, we are only offering this benefit to our Association members. Sign up today and keep up to
    date on Airborne issues!

20. WITHIN THE DIVISION AND FORT BRAGG: Please visit the following 82d Airborne Division
    websites to find out what is happening within the Division and sign up for our E-News bulletin:
    http://www.dvidshub.net/image and http://www.bragg.army.mil/82nd/pages/default.aspx. Also, don’t
    forget to check out the Division’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/82ndAirborneDivision

21. ASSOCIATION UPCOMING EVENTS: Support our Chapters! Please announce the following
    upcoming regional events at Chapter meetings, via the Chapter newsletter and website. Registration and
    information on these events were published in the Paraglide and/or on the Association’s website at the
    following link www.82ndairborneassociation.org/events.html. If you would like to have the Association
    President or Executive Director attend your event, please send an invitation to the National office in
    enough time for us to plan and we will do our best to attend.

       a. CANCELLED: 8th Annual Airborne Reunion, 27 – 29 February 2020 in Lexington, KY hosted
          by the Kentucky Airborne Chapter has been CANCELLED. Please contact the POC Bill Waller
          at (502) 396-4770 with any concerns.

       b. 2020 Sun City “All Airborne” Fiesta VIII, 1 – 5 July 2020 in El Paso, TX is hosted by the
          Benavidez-Patterson “All Airborne” Chapter. The POC is John Ceballos, 2608 Fort Blvd, El
          Paso, TX 79930-2116. The host hotel is Doubletree Hotel by Hilton, 600 N. El Paso Street, El
          Paso, TX 79901. Hotel reservations 800-445-8667, reservation code ADA

22. 6th ANNUAL ASSOCIATION 50/50 RAFFLE: Let’s make our 6th Annual 50/50 Raffle even more
    successful than the previous years. The drawing will be held on Saturday, 9 August 2020 at the Airborne
    Heritage Banquet during our 74th National Convention. You do not have to be present to win, but you
    do need to enter! Raffle tickets can be found on our website under Events and can be mailed to the
    National Office.

23. FACEBOOK PAGE: ‘Like Us’ at https://www.facebook.com/82ndAssociation/. This is the ONLY
    official Facebook page of the Association. We have no affiliation with any other sites that are using

the Association’s name! We would love to receive pictures or information from the Chapters of events
    that they have hosted to share with our members!

President Rezabek, together with the Past Presidents, Officers and Directors of the
Association and their spouses want to wish to thank all Members for their service and to
wish everyone a very Happy Valentine’s Day!

We especially want to thank all our members for their service and helping the Association have another successful
year. Our success would not be possible without the support and assistance of our members! In addition, we ask that
you continue to keep our Troopers and their families in your prayers. At any given time, there are those of our Armed
Forces deployed to secure our freedom and to help those in need. We wish them a safe return.

                                    Gary Rezabek
                                    National President

Bill Bauer
Executive Director

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