Resurrection-Ascension -

Page created by Eduardo King
Resurrection-Ascension -
Resurrection-Ascension                 Our Lady of the Angelus
         Mass Schedule                          Mass Schedule
                                          Monday-Friday: 12:00 pm
  Monday-Saturday: 9:00 am                       Jueves: 7:30 pm Spanish
                                               Saturday: 9:00 am
  Saturday Vigil:    4:00 pm
                                          Saturday Vigil:    5:30 pm
  Sunday:            9:00 am
                                          Sunday:            9:00 am
                    11:00 am
                                                            10:00 am Spanish
                    12:30 pm Spanish                        11:15 am Spanish
                                                            12:30 pm

            Two locations, one Rego Park Catholic family
Resurrection-Ascension -
Letter from our Pastor—Carta de nuestro párroco
Resurrection-Ascension -
Resurrection-Ascension -
Resurrection-Ascension -
         R.A. YOUTH MINISTRY                           O.L.A. YOUTH MINISTRY
            8th to 12th Grade                              7th to 12th Grade
   Sundays 10:45–12:15 in Fr. Feely Hall          Fridays at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall
    CHOIR PRACTICE – in the church                 CHOIR PRACTICE – in the church
      Spanish: Miércoles 6—6:45 pm                   Spanish: Lunes 6:30—7:30 pm
     English: Wednesdays 7:30—9 pm                  English: Mondays 7:30—8:30 pm
          GRUPO DE ORACION                               GRUPO DE ORACION
      Martes - 7 pm en Fr. Feely Hall.          Jueves después de la Misa de las 7:30 pm

      DIVINE MERCY – in the church                 DIVINE MERCY MASS & NOVENA
      Thursdays after the 9 am Mass                      First Fridays at 7 pm

             SOLANUS GUILD                       GRUPO DE ORACION MATRIMONIOS
   Fridays -7 pm Chapel at Fr. Feely Hall               UNIDOS EN EL AMOR
                                                  Primer domingo - 6 pm en la iglesia
      Thursdays after the 9 am Mass                    EUCHARISTIC ADORATION
        and First Fridays at 7 pm                      First Fridays 10 am– 12 pm
                                                3er jueves después de la Misa de 7:30 pm
      GRUPO DE ESTUDIO BIBLICO                        Saturdays after the 9 am Mass
Viernes a las 7 pm en Fr. Feely Garden Room
                                                 DEVOCION AL DIVINO NIÑO JESUS
       KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS                       Misa y Novena segundo viernes - 7 pm
 Second Thursdays at 8 pm -Fr. Feely Hall
                                                          SENIORS GROUP
  DEVOCION AL DIVINO NIÑO JESUS                 Wednesdays, 12:30 pm in the Parish Hall.
 Misa y Novena el primer domingo del mes                    FILIPINO MASS
       de Octubre a Junio -12:30pm                 Third Sunday of the month at 3 pm
           INDONESIAN MASS                           CURSILLOS DE CRISTIANDAD
   Second Sunday of the month at 2 pm            Ultreya jueves - 5 pm en el Parish Hall
               CYO SPORTS                             CENACULOS DE ORACION
        For children—grades K - 8th                Sábados de 7 a 8:30 pm en la Iglesia
             FOOD PANTRY                                    FOOD PANTRY
         Wednesdays 10 am – noon                    2 Saturdays a month 8 am – noon
Please call the rectory to confirm schedule.   Please join us! Los invitamos a participar!

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Resurrection-Ascension -
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           + Lou Iorio, Jr. 1963—2022

On Jan 13th we had the Funeral Mass for Lou Iorio Jr.
Coach Lou as he was known, was a beloved,
dedicated parishioner whose love for God and our
parish was seen in his many, many years of service
in our CYO program. Lou went above and beyond
the call of duty and gave his all to our kids, families
and parish through our Sports Program, among                                  Officer/
other ways.                                                            Religious Education Secretary/Receptionist
                                                                            Salesforce Coordinator/Receptionist
An irreplaceable loss for our parish community.           ——————————————————————————-
Our love and prayers are with his family.                                           -
May our beloved Coach Lou rest in God’s loving

          Our eternal gratitude to you, Lou.                   Your R.A contributions for 1/15 – 16:
             You will forever be missed.                       Sunday Collections:       $4,259
As St Luke’s Gospel says: “Well done, my good and              Online contributions:     $2,025
 faithful servant…come, share your Master’s joy.”                  Thank you for your generosity!
Resurrection-Ascension -
R. A.
                                              Vahide Atlas        Florence Oliveri
    Mass Intentions                          Basil Briguglio     Mary Ellen Lustberg
                                           Virginia Briguglio       Nora Lydon
     for the Week                          Richard DeNardo          Paula Narva
                                            Jorge Fahardo           Zoila Oleas
                                            Ida Fernandes         Grace Radonicic
                                          Msgr. Vincent Fullam    Barbara Ravert
    —        -       -   -                  Margarita Giron        Mary Sammon
             -            -       -          Ursula Impelli      Madeline Silecchia
                                            Narinder Kumar         William Vogts
                                             James Leung

                                           BREAD & WINE AND MEMORIALS







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Resurrection-Ascension -
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               O.L.A Goal: $45,947
               Pledged:    $37,823
               Paid:       $35,548
  Thank you to all who have made a pledge.                Your OLA contributions for 1/15 – 16:
 Almost there! We are $8,124 away from our                Sunday Collections:        $2,795
 goal. Any funds raised above that goal will              Online contributions:      $420
return to our parish. Please help us get there.
Any contribution, no matter how big or small
    helps! Thank you for your generosity.                  Thank you for your generosity!
Resurrection-Ascension -
Please remember in your prayers
    O. L. A.                those who are sick:
Mass Intentions      Margarita Giron, Luis Hurtado
                    Teresa Mendizabal, Segundo Pérez
 for the Week         César Rivera, Melissa Roquez
                  Gustavo Santisteban, Omar Santisteban.

                  Deceased:    Felipe S. Roque
                               Juan Carlos Proto

                            BREAD & WINE
                    Deceased members of the Elias Ortiz
                        Family req by Elias Family.

                            ALTAR CANDLES
                        For the health and intentions
                            of Margarita Giron
                              req by her family.

                        Flowers at the Statue of the
                           Blessed Mother Mary
                  Flowers at the Statue of the Sacred Heart

                     Call the rectory for information.

                    Eucharistic Adoration at OLA
                    Adoración Eucarística en OLA

                    First Fridays –Primer Viernes
                            10 am—12 pm
                    Saturdays after the 9 am Mass
                        Tercer Jueves del mes
                    después de la Misa de 7:30 pm
Resurrection-Ascension -
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