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Reshaping Realities August 7th 2021 Reshaping Realities
Curators Good afternoon, It gives us great pleasure to welcome so many distinguished guests and participants to the 10th annual TEDxGoodenoughCollege event. This year’s theme is ‘Reshaping Realities’. The impact of COVID-19 has unleashed a climate of uncertainty and confusion. As lockdown restrictions have lifted, many of us have been trying to readjust to this new world order and have been asking the question: what comes next? How might we build a more equal, happier, and equitable reality for future generations? Our inspiring speakers will be sharing their ideas on how one goes about reshaping spaces, experiences, relationships and lifestyles. Indeed, this year’s TEDxGoodenoughCollege theme of ‘Reshaping Realities’ allows us to look at the vectors of change and instruments at our disposal - both as an individual, and member of a community - to reshape the realities around us. TEDxGoodenoughCollege is generously supported by Goodenough College, and would not be possible without the contribution of its Members and staff. We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to all who have assisted with making this event happen. We would especially like to thank the organising team, all of whom have been working hard for the past five months in order to create an extraordinary event. We truly appreciate their dedication, especially given the difficult circumstances. Finally, we would like to extend our gratitude to all of our speakers and performers for taking the time to be here with us and to share their groundbreaking ideas. Once again, welcome and thank you for joining us. We hope this event is a memorable one that inspires you to reimagine and reshape your reality. Liat Davis and Mara Wendebourg TEDxGoodenoughCollege 2021
Alice Walpole Director I am delighted to welcome you to this TEDx event at Goodenough College. The 2021 TEDxGoodenoughCollege conference marks the ten-year anniversary of our hosting the event, now established as an annual highlight of the College programme and eagerly anticipated by many Members. Goodenough College is singularly well-placed to host TEDx conferences. Our six hundred international Members are studying a wide range of academic disciplines at Masters, PhD and postdoctoral level at many of London’s universities. Collectively, they represent a remarkable talent pool – well used to exchanging and debating ideas with each other in an atmosphere that encourages mutual respect and common understanding. Through the medium of talks, seminars and conferences, our Members regularly use an interdisciplinary approach to explore key global issues. Our TEDx event therefore fits perfectly with the wider programme of cross- cultural intellectual discourse at the College. I would like to thank Liat Davis, Mara Wendebourg and their dedicated team for their commitment and hard work in organising this event, not least during a time of continuing uncertainty over public health. They have gathered an exciting group of speakers and I am sure you will be inspired, intrigued and challenged by their ideas and arguments. Enjoy the day – and please join us again for next year’s TEDxGoodenoughCollege. Alice Walpole Director Goodenough College
2:00pm - 3:00pm Registration and Opening Performances Programme 3:00pm - 4:00pm Session 1: Reshaping Perception ZARA SLATTERY Drawing Delirium: Understanding Trauma Through Visual Storytelling SYLVIA XUENI PAN Social Interaction in the Era of Virtual Reality GREGORY CLAEYS After Consumerism: Utopianism for a Dying Planet 4:00pm - 4:30pm Break with Drinks and Performances 4:30pm - 5:40pm Session 2: Reshaping Space CHRIS HILDREY Beyond Buildings: Why Architecture Needs to Change to Make a Difference ANYA MARTIN How to Solve the Housing Crisis by Empowering Local Communities SHAJAY BHOOSHAN People Matter - Participatory Urban Futures EMMANUEL ADEGBOYE How Young Entrepreneurs Are Building Africa’s Future 5:40pm - 6:10pm Break with Drinks and Canapés with Performances 6:10pm - 7:20pm Session 3: Reshaping Society KAMEEL KHAN Rethinking Offender Reentry Through Employment and Entrepreneurship RICKY STOCH Simple not Sexy: Designing for the Developing World AINA SALLEH Who Cares? The Gendered Burden of Unpaid Care Work SUE SANDERS ‘ Visibilising and Usualising’ the Full Diversity of the LGBTQ+ Community 7:20pm - 7:30pm Concluding Remarks
ZAR A S L AT T E RY D R AWI NG DE L I RI UM : U N D E R S TA N D IN G T R AU M A T H ROU G H V I S UA L S TO RY T E L L IN G Zara Slattery is a graphic novelist, illustrator and tutor. Her first full length graphic memoir, Coma, was shortlisted for the Myriad First Graphic Novel Competition 2018, The Arts Foundation Futures Awards 2020 and longlisted for the LDComics Awards 2019. Having studied an MA in Design Communication at Manchester Metropolitan University, exploring the interplay between illustration and theatre, Zara has brought her interests together in the form of graphic narratives. Her self-published comics include Two Birds (a graphic short collection with Myfawny Tristram) and Don’t Call Me A Tomboy (A WildSlattern Production with Kirsten Wild). Her work playfully explores identity, art and feminism. Zara’s recently published memoir, Coma, Myriad Editions 2021, is a vivid account of ICU delirium, its universal markers, community and family love. With a focus on accessible art education and practise, Zara teaches drawing and painting online, in-person and works with organisations and public bodies to deliver comic workshops nationally and internationally.
SY LV I A X U E N I PA N S OC I A L I NTE RACT IO N IN T H E E R A OF V I RTUA L RE A L I T Y Dr Sylvia Xueni Pan is a Lecturer in VR at Goldsmiths, University of London. She has a BEng in Computer Science from Beihang University, an MSc in Graphics and PhD in Virtual Reality from UCL (funded by the EPSRC). Before coming to Goldsmiths, she worked as a research fellow in Computer Science at UCL and at the same University’s Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (ICN). Her research interest is the use of Virtual Reality as a medium for real-time social interaction, in particular in the application areas of training and therapy. Dr Pan has developed a unique interdisciplinary research profile, with journal and conference publications on both VR technology and social neuroscience. Her work has been featured on the BBC, in New Scientist magazine and the Wall Street Journal. Her 2017 Coursera VR specialisation attracted over 100,000 registered learners globally. She co-leads the Goldsmiths Social, Empathic, and Embodied VR lab (SeeVR Lab) and the MA/MSc in Virtual and Augmented Reality programme at Goldsmiths Computing.
G R E G O RY CLAEYS AF T E R CO NS UM E RIS M : U TOPI A NI S M FO R A DY IN G P L A N E T Gregory Claeys has been a Professor of History of Political Thought at Royal Holloway University of London since 1992. His teaching covers modern social and political thought from the mid-18th century to the contemporary era, focusing on revolutionary, radical, and socialist reform movements. Over the past decade he has turned his attention to utopian and dystopian narratives, arguing that they can be useful mechanisms for imagining meaningful social and political change. His latest book, Dystopia: A Natural History (2016), won him the Cantemir Prize in 2018 for outstanding contributions to humanistic scholarship. In 2019 at TedxLinz, he spoke on the subject ‘Why are Utopias Important for Human Mankind?”. His talk for TEDxGoodenoughCollege is a response to his forthcoming publication, Utopianism for a Dying Planet (2021) that will address the role utopia can play in preparing us for the inevitable global catastrophe of climate change.
CH R I S HI L D R E Y B E YO ND BUI L DI NG S : W H Y A R C HI TE CTURE NE E D S TO C H A N G E TO M A K E A DI FFE R E N C E Chris Hildrey is an architect and designer from Liverpool, based in London. He is the director of Hildrey Studio: an award-winning creative practice that uses architectural skills to effect change through research, buildings, and services; and the founder of ProxyAddress: a social enterprise which provides stable address details to those facing homelessness and creating access to critical support services. He was named one of The Big Issue’s Top 100 Changemakers in 2020 and his work has received awards including the Royal Institute of British Architects’ President’s Medal for Research, the D&AD Impact Award for Humanitarian Aid, the Innovation in Politics Award for Human Rights, and was named one of the Beazley Designs of the Year in 2019. His works are held in the permanent collection of The Design Museum and have been exhibited and published internationally, including features on the BBC and in publications such as The New York Times, Wired and GQ.
A N YA M A RT I N H OW TO S O LV E THE H O U S IN G C R IS IS B Y EMP OW E RI NG L O C A L C O M M U N IT IE S Anya is director of PricedOut, England’s campaign for housing affordability. PricedOut works to bring down the cost of housing to buy or rent through evidence-based policy solutions. Anya also works as a research and insight manager at a voluntary sector membership body and is a board advisor at London YIMBY, a grassroots campaign to end the housing crisis with the support of local communities. Formerly she worked as a researcher in the social housing sector, publishing a number of reports on housing and welfare issues. She has a master’s degree in social research methods from University College London. She is interested in looking around the world at land use systems and property taxation for lessons on how they can be improved in England.
SH A JAY BH O O S H A N P E OP L E M ATTE R - PA RT IC IPATO RY U R B A N FUTURE S Shajay Bhooshan is a Senior Associate at Zaha Hadid Architects, who is most well-known for co-founding and running CODE, the Computation and Design group. CODE has made significant contributions to computational design and talent recruitment, especially in creating shell structures that can be assembled and disassembled easily. After completing his Bachelor of Architecture at the Indrapastra Open University in India, Shajay pursued his master’s degree at the Design Research Laboratory at the Architectural Association, School of Architecture in London in 2006. He graduated with an MPhil from the University of Bath in 2016 and is currently working on his PhD as part of the Bloch Research Group at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. Shajay is an expert in mathematics and geometry, with a particular interest in industrial robotics, 3D printing, and digital fabrication to construct more innovative and complex architectural morphologies. He is a leading advocate of the benefits of parametric architecture and digital construction to meet the fast-paced and changing nature of modern daily life.
EMMANUEL A D E G B OY E H OW YO UNG E NTREP R E N E U R S A R E BU IL D IN G AF R I CA ’ S FUTURE Emmanuel Adegboye is a 2021 Mo Ibrahim Foundation Academy Fellow with the Africa Programme at Chatham House where his research focuses on urban innovations and economic opportunities for youth in Africa. He is also the Managing Partner of Utopia Lagos and is leading Utopia’s emerging efforts across Africa. Utopia is an urban innovation group that aims to build the urban ecosystem for emerging cities and their slums across Asia, Africa and Latin America. He believes entrepreneurs will build Africa’s future. He is committed to supporting entrepreneurs solving Africa’s biggest challenges, building institutions and advocating for policies that create an enabling environment for entrepreneurship to thrive on the continent. He is a certified Project Management Professional with several years of experience managing diverse programs, projects and developing systems for operational effectiveness. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics, postgraduate degrees in Space Applications and Environmental Management and a Certificate in Disciplined Entrepreneurship from MIT amongst other qualifications.
KAMEEL KHAN R E T H I NK I NG O FFEN D E R R E E N T RY T H RO U G H EMP L OY M E NT A ND E N T R E P R E N E U R S H IP Kameel Khan is a lawyer and former law professor who now sits as a Judge in the UK Tax Court. He taught law at University College, University of London, Reading University and the University of the West Indies and he was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School. Kameel heads the Ex-Offenders Programme at the Prince’s Trust Mosaic, which was created by HRH Prince Charles to provide mentoring and training to young offenders, and to provide employment for ex-offenders through partnerships created with corporations. In addition, Kameel is the founder of Project ReMake, an entrepreneurial training programme for formerly incarcerated people. Kameel was born in Trinidad and Tobago. He studied at the London School of Economics (during which time, he was a Member of Goodenough College) and received a doctorate in law from McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
RICKY S TOC H SI MP L E NOT S E X Y: D E S I G NI NG FO R TH E D E V E L O P IN G WO R L D Ricky is a human-centred designer and consultant specialising in research-based projects at the intersection of visual communication and behavioural design. Through her work she aims to solve problems, change behaviour, democratise information and communicate big ideas. Ricky is an Alumna of the University of Cape Town and Royal College of Art (London). In 2021, she founded Studio Fundi, a human-centred design and product development consultancy based in Johannesburg and London. The company recently launched FebriSol, its flagship product, aimed at increasing treatment adherence to chronic medication.
AINA SALLEH WH O CA RE S ? THE G E N D E R E D BU R D E N OF U NPA I D CA RE WO R K Aina Salleh is currently a Master’s in Public Policy candidate. In her previous life, she wore many hats; she was a prosecuting officer for the capital market regulator for Malaysia. On weekends, she taught children the art of debating and public speaking. As a writer for Malaysia’s first gender discourse platform, Aina believes in the power of conversations in sparking change. Her articles discuss contemporary challenges that women face, all of which were well-received. Her first ever published article was shared over 4,000 times across five countries. Her fascination/frustration with gender issues, specifically unpaid care work motivated her to pursue a Master’s in Public Policy. Motivated to be a change maker, Aina reimagines a reality where unpaid care work no longer holds women back. And it all starts with a conversation.
SUE SANDERS ‘V I S I B I L I S I NG A ND U S UA L IS IN G ’ T H E F U L L D I V E RS I TY O F THE L G B T Q + C O M M U N IT Y Professor Sue Sanders is a British LGBTQ+ and disability rights activist, female and gender studies educator, and charity organiser fighting against the oppression and celebrating the diversity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people for over 40 years. For over 20 years, she has been the Chair of Schools Out UK, a group working for the equality, diversity, and visibility of LGBT+ people in the education system. It was while at Schools Out, she founded LGBT+ History Month in 2004. The intention was to correct the lack of mentioning of LGBT+ people in schools and challenge the culture of homophobia in educational institutions by campaigning for more inclusive and equality-driven local and national curriculums. Also, her immensely popular website, the Classroom, contains free lesson plans for teachers to use to help ‘Usualise’ and ‘Actualise’ LGBT issues for all students. In 2019, Sue was awarded the lifetime achievement award from the Rainbow Honours board. She herself said, ‘My passion has been about making LGBT+ people visible because we know that if we make people visible, people change, the prejudices and stereotypes get blown’.
Master of Ceremonies
HA M Z A TA R I Q CH AU D H RY Hamza obtained an undergraduate degree in international relations from the LSE and a postgraduate degree in International Social and Public Policy. For next two years, he will be a Gleitsman Leadership Fellow for Social Change at the Harvard Kennedy School. He is a competitive debater and won Best Speaker in Europe, participated in the European Debating Championships and was the 5th Best Speaker and Finalist, World Debating Championships. He is the founder of The LSE Public Debate Programmme, interviewing political stakeholders on issues central to public interest such as the head of the Scottish National Party, the head of Hong Kong opposition, and the head of the UK Independence Party. In addition, he worked at the Woodrow Wilson Centre and the Hudson Institute on religious violence and political economy of South Asia. Finally, he hosted and interviewed politicians, policy makers and journalists across South Asia, and hosted the first ever “Global Activist Forum” at LSE.
B ÁR BAR A N I C H O LA S FO LTZ MA S SIM IL IAN O P ER RU PATO M ar ket i ng m anager TROVATO E ve n t m ana g er Speaker manager LU Q I N S U K Y SU TON Y GIN MA R K CHIA KOY E L BASU G E X LER DIAZ MA R I SSA CHAN DOU GLAS TORRES MA R CEL O ROMERO Vounteers: E D M EY E RS M A R A WE N D E B O U R G K ATER IN A De si gne r C ur at or ZAC H AROPOU L O U Speaker manager TH O M A S K E LLY LIAT DAVIS Speaker m anager C ur ator
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