Technology trends 2019 - The importance of trust -

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Technology trends 2019 - The importance of trust -
trends 2019
The importance of trust

Part of PwC’s 22nd Annual Global CEO Survey trends series

Technology trends 2019 - The importance of trust -
2   |   Technology trends 2019 Part of PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey trend series

                                                                            companies face
                                                                            digital dilemmas
                                                                            Many technology executives will look back on 2018
                                                                            with ambivalence. Although the hardware, software and
                                                                            online services industries did well on average in terms
                                                                            of profits and growth, there were many new pressures
                                                                            to manage, including those related to politics and
                                                                            technological disruption.
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Beginning in the middle of the year, share
value in many blue-chip tech companies
                                                                 questions about their short-term efficacy
                                                                 and viability. Moreover, technology
                                                                                                                 growth between now and 2021. Their
                                                                                                                 confidence was at the lowest level recorded
                                                                                                                                                               Just 40% of technology
tumbled; these companies are still                               companies continue to compete fiercely          in the past five years.                       leaders said they were
struggling to reclaim their earlier highs.
Concerns about collection and use of
                                                                 and globally for the talent needed to push
                                                                 their innovation strategies further, while      The challenges tech companies face
                                                                                                                                                               ‘very confident’ in their
personal and commercial data have not                            ongoing trade tensions are constraining         arguably are greater, and more complex,       organisation’s revenue
gone away; they’re resurfacing in the form
of new data protection laws, and it’s not yet
                                                                 global trade in new technologies and
                                                                 disrupting supply chains.
                                                                                                                 than any others the industry has come
                                                                                                                 up against recently, in part because
                                                                                                                                                               growth potential over
clear how much trust tech companies have                                                                         some of them go to the heart of their         the next 12 months.
lost — or whether they will be compelled to                      In PwC’s 22nd Annual Global CEO Survey,         relationships with their customers —
change their business models as a result.                        just 40% of technology leaders said they        indeed, to the question of how seriously
At the same time, technologies such as                           were ‘very confident’ in their organisation’s   they take their consumer and business
autonomous vehicles, augmented reality                           revenue growth potential over the next 12       customers’ concerns about privacy and
and 3D printing, among others, are                               months. We also asked tech CEOs about           data safeguards. Paradoxically, these
taking time to produce results, raising                          their longer-term prospects for revenue         challenges are appearing at the same
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time as a new wave of digital disruption:                        systems ‘as a service’, the connected car     to which they are taking jobs away from
the rise of artificial intelligence (AI)-based                   and autonomous driving, among others.         lower-income employees is not clear. Still,
apps and platforms will increase the                             The companies on the front lines of the       the suspicion persists that RPA has a
influence of the tech sector around the                          development of these technologies have        harmful edge.
world. As they reclaim positions in this                         attempted to tap into their commercial
business environment, the leaders of the                         potential. So far, however, the usage         Separately, AI has yet to make real inroads
tech industry will further catalyse change                       examples have not been sufficiently robust    into the world of business operations.
in other industries around the world. Their                      or have not consistently generated a return   Organisations that have implemented it
trustworthiness, competence in innovation                        on investment.                                typically do so only in discrete, siloed,
and ability to manage change — including                                                                       back-office applications such as human
the change they create — will continue to                        In some cases, we appear to be                resources and finance. And they continue
be tested.                                                       approaching limits not in innovation but      to avoid establishing transparent oversight
                                                                 in our ability to make a strong argument      of the decisions made by AI software
Is innovation enough?                                            or provide a clear explanation for how        and the stubborn biases inherent in the
Any number of exciting and promising                             technology beneficially transforms its        algorithms on which the software depends,
technologies have emerged over the past                          environment, be it the workplace or the       especially in areas that touch on social
several years that are expected to have an                       consumer arena. For instance, the use of      and political concerns such as HR, law
outsized impact on the way we live and the                       robots (known broadly as robotic process      enforcement and housing. Because AI
way businesses operate: AI, augmented                            automation, or RPA) has helped to increase    systems evaluate job seekers or
reality, blockchain, drones, the Internet                        efficiency and reduce drudgery in factories   candidates for loans based on historic
of Things (IoT), robotics, virtual reality, 3D                   and offices, but these machines are not       statistical patterns, people may be
printing, cloud-based computing, various                         yet especially intelligent and the degree     turned down because they share certain
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characteristics with those of rejected                           their widespread adoption. From a purely       trumps concerns about individual privacy.
applications in the past — such as gender,                       academic innovation perspective, many of       Yet despite the increased focus on data
race, ethnicity and sexual orientation,                          the remaining questions surrounding these      privacy issues, just 20% of the technology        We believe that
even the neighbourhood they grew
up in — despite the fact that those
                                                                 technologies are addressable with more
                                                                 research and breakthroughs. But business
                                                                                                                CEOs we surveyed said they were ‘extremely
                                                                                                                concerned’ about lack of trust in business
                                                                                                                                                                  better management
characteristics are not indicative of whether                    can’t wait that long. It’s increasingly        as a threat to their revenue prospects.           of technology risk
they should be refused or approved.                              obvious that technology lives or dies by its   This may be shortsighted. As companies
                                                                 impact on people. Technology companies,        both inside and outside the tech sector           and the effort to
Self-driving cars pose a similar problem
for many of the startups that are hoping to
                                                                 and the companies that buy technology,
                                                                 must be willing to be open about the larger
                                                                                                                increasingly pursue digital business models
                                                                                                                dependent on collecting greater amounts of
                                                                                                                                                                  boost trust are
find a lucrative niche in this segment of the                    issues raised by new technologies and          personal data from customers and others,          essential for the
industry. Significant engineering problems
in building true autonomous vehicles (AVs)
                                                                 offer real answers for how these issues
                                                                 should be addressed. In turn, this will help
                                                                                                                weaving their services ever deeper into the
                                                                                                                lives of users and the business activities of
                                                                                                                                                                  industry as a whole.
still remain, but the neural networks and                        new technologies become a valuable and         enterprise customers, the issues surrounding
sensor systems companies have developed                          trustworthy commercial proposition as          trust will only grow in importance — and the
to teach cars to drive themselves have                           they mature.                                   consequences of breaking that trust will likely
already become remarkably sophisticated.                                                                        become more severe.
However, they still make mistakes — even                         Is nothing private?
if they do so just 0.01% of the time                                                                            For one thing, people will become less willing
— mistakes that confound people’s ability                        The public and political pressure on
                                                                                                                to give up their personal data, and enhanced
to mitigate them. And to the public at                           companies such as Facebook and Google
                                                                                                                data concerns about rising technologies
large, a single AV accident is amplified                         to take individual privacy more seriously
                                                                                                                such as AI, AVs, and the IoT and their
well beyond a pileup of traditional cars on                      and protect sensitive customer data is
                                                                                                                impact on information security, privacy, and
the highway, because AVs are viewed as                           an indicator of the changing context for
                                                                                                                personal safety could begin to throttle the
another alien technology coming to                               the entire technology sector. Meanwhile,
                                                                                                                pace of innovation. In addition, corporate
change their lives in ways that are not                          relatively strong measures to secure
                                                                                                                customers may get more skittish, wary that
clearly beneficial.                                              greater privacy for Internet users have
                                                                                                                the technologies they buy and implement will
                                                                 already been enacted in Europe, but this
                                                                                                                behave in ways that put their own reputation
Assuaging concerns about the fairness                            issue has yet to gain traction in the US,
                                                                                                                in danger.
and safety of these technologies will be                         where even in Congress the inclination to
critical to monetising them and vital to                         support commercial success more often
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That’s why we believe that better                                example of how companies are proactively        develop the specific capabilities and           data or seemingly innocuous motorised
management of technology risk and the                            safeguarding digital privacy and guarding       organisational structures needed to             scooters. And they must be able to
effort to boost trust are essential for the                      against the misuse of personal data,            counteract potential risks. These include:      anticipate potential problems and deal
industry as a whole. In this regard, one-                        while extending these protections to                                                            with them openly if they arise.
off and siloed solutions will no longer                          new technologies — such as AI and the           • Reliable governance mechanisms for
work. For instance, focussing solely on                          IoT — that have the potential to dramatically     recognising potential internal risks and     • A board and executive-level team
cybersecurity to the exclusion of issues                         increase the capture and analysis of data of      the operational capacity to manage and         focussed on actively shaping government
such as data use and transparency only                           all kinds.                                        minimise them. Companies need to be            regulations by educating policymakers
highlights for consumers and regulators                                                                            willing to analyse the consequences of         on the use and potential consequences
the negative aspects of digitisation                             If technology companies are to develop a          new technologies and the way in which          of new technologies, and collaborating
and compounds their fears. Instead,                              holistic and sustainable ethics regarding         they are brought to market, whether they       with them on developing sensible
cybersecurity must be presented as an                            issues of data use and trust, they must           are apps that surreptitiously capture user     rules for regulating these technologies’
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                                                                    implementation and preventing their dual   These challenges, too                           intellectual property theft and vulnerability,
                                                                    use. Stonewalling government officials                                                     most visibly in China but also in other
                                                                    and policymakers, as many companies        As the concept of trust gains importance        countries, will shape the deals tech
                                                                    have tried to do when bringing new         throughout the technology industry, two         companies make and their relationships
                                                                    technologies and technology-dependent      other issues will also bedevil the tech         with governments around the world.
                                                                    business models to market, is no way to    sector’s ability to maintain its high pace of   Indeed, more than 80% of technology
of tech company leaders said they                                   boost trust.                               growth and innovation: trade and the war        heads who responded to our CEO Survey
were ‘extremely concerned’ about
                                                                                                               for talent.                                     as ‘extremely concerned’ about trade
finding the talent and skills they need

                                                                  • Encouragement of a corporate culture                                                       conflicts cited US–China conflicts as their
                                                                    in which mistakes are freely admitted      Trade and geopolitics. Trade talks
                                                                                                                                                               primary trade-related concern. Meanwhile,
                                                                    and employees are willing to speak out     with China and the spectre of additional
                                                                                                                                                               the EU’s new data rules are changing how
                                                                    about risky behaviour. A self-protective   tariffs on all kinds of goods are already
                                                                                                                                                               tech companies do business there, adding
                                                                    attitude is typically an endemic problem   affecting where tech companies do
                                                                                                                                                               considerable friction to their operations
                                                                    in older, bureaucratic companies, but      business, and disrupting their supply
                                                                                                                                                               and connections with customers,
of tech company leaders said lack                                   it is becoming an issue increasingly in    chains. Equally crucial to the future of the
                                                                                                                                                               particularly when it comes to maintaining
of talent is adversely affecting their
                                                                    hard-charging technology companies as      tech industry is the increasing attention
companies’ ability to innovate                                                                                                                                 and commercialising data. And regulatory
                                                                    well. Here, reassessing compensation       paid to the protection of intellectual
                                                                                                                                                               issues remain a concern in just about
                                                                    programmes that over-incentivise           property — including company and trade
                                                                                                                                                               every market.
                                                                    taking undue risks can quickly make        secrets, and technological information of
                                                                    a real difference.                         military value. Concerns about firewalls,
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The war for talent. Tech companies are                           It could be said that the technolog industry
already facing considerable difficulties in                      is at a crossroads. The remarkable
finding the talent they need to innovate                         hardware and software produced by this
in areas such as AI, data analytics and                          sector is crossing from simply being an
AVs. It is no surprise that according to our                     adjunct to our lives to actually integrating
22nd Global Annual CEO Survey, 50% of                            into them — our homes, our workplaces,
tech company leaders were ‘extremely                             our social and commercial interactions,
concerned’ about finding the talent and                          our politics, and even the look and feel of
skills they needed, and 55% of these CEOs                        our built environments. As this technology
said lack of talent was adversely affecting                      becomes an increasingly fundamental part
their company’s ability to innovate. And the                     of our lives, issues of trust — and fairness
competition is getting fiercer, as companies                     and accuracy, too — will only grow in
outside the tech sector have joined the                          importance. Thus, the entire technology
hunt for workers with the skills needed to                       ecosystem — tech companies and their
enable their own digital transformation.                         customers and users — needs to be
The spectre of Brexit threatens to stifle                        renewed and enabled through much more
immigration of talented tech people                              far-reaching digital trust initiatives.
into the UK, while tighter immigration
policies in the US are already making it
harder for potential workers to enter the
country in search of new opportunities.
More optimistically, the European Union,
particularly its member country Germany,
has expressed the desire to facilitate the
entry of tech workers from developing
areas in Asia.
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                                                                            It should come as no surprise that cities and citizens     What’s required is a change in the strategies used to

Strategy                                                                    alike are pushing back hard against the many
                                                                            companies currently dumping motorised scooters on
                                                                                                                                       bring new technologies to market. The key element
                                                                                                                                       to focus on is trust — making sure that how these

made real
                                                                            city streets, particularly because these companies         technologies work, how they will be used and what
                                                                            appear to be operating on the principle that it’s          their potential effects on society will be are clearly
                                                                            better to beg forgiveness than ask permission.             understood and communicated to people on the
                                                                            Examples like this, typical of the so-called sharing       receiving end. Tech companies should take three
                                                                            economy, are perceived by people not so much as            factors into account as they develop and implement
What role should technology                                                 technology innovations, but rather as new revenue          new technologies.
companies play in managing the                                              streams for companies that haven’t been thought out
way innovations are perceived by                                            quite well enough.                                         1. Transparency. First, companies need to be
                                                                                                                                          forthcoming about how their new innovations
society at large — for example,                                             It’s becoming increasingly apparent that this                 work. AI is a case in point. Already, concerns
the effect of AI on hiring or the                                           approach will no longer work when it comes to truly           are being raised about the spectre of bias and
impact of autonomous cars                                                   transformative technology innovation. Concerns                unintended consequences in the algorithms that
on mobility? How can these                                                  about technologies such as artificial intelligence,           AI systems use to sort data and draw conclusions,
                                                                            the Internet of Things and autonomous vehicles                in fields as varied as hiring, loan applications
companies continue to advance                                               are growing, and the companies developing these               and criminal justice. Demands are rising that AI
technology while mitigating the                                             technologies cannot afford to take the ‘beg for               systems be ‘explainable’ — transparent in how
hyped or real risks of innovation?                                          forgiveness’ approach to ensuring their acceptance.           they make decisions, and clear in their impact on
                                                                            Resistance among consumers and government                     the people they potentially affect. Tech companies
                                                                            regulators against several big tech companies that            developing and selling these systems must lay the
                                                                            are taking this path only highlights the risks involved.      groundwork needed to satisfy demands for
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       transparency, and work with the organisations                          and regulations that affect their operations.
       to which they sell their systems to make sure                          Simply standing in the way of rational efforts
       they too can assuage concerns about the                                to oversee their activities is already producing
       ‘black box’ nature of their systems.                                   a backlash that may result in excessive
                                                                              regulation. Instead, companies must be
2. Governance. Companies must also work                                       honest about the nature of their innovations
   to refine the mechanisms they use to bring                                 and work closely with policymakers to ensure
   their technology innovations to market. The                                the development of reasonable standards
   reputational risks of unleashing new, often                                of safety, security and privacy that allow the
   unproven, technologies into the world are                                  technology industry to keep innovating while
   becoming more apparent. Companies must                                     reducing concerns about the effect of their
   create a path to market that includes a careful                            work on the individual and society as a whole.
   assessment of the risks involved — not just
   technological and economic risks, but social                             We are poised to enter a world in which digital
   and political ones as well. Then they must                               technologies are becoming more and more
   determine how to mitigate those risks by                                 pervasive and for many, more frightening.
   publicly acknowledging them and by adapting                              Technology companies, and the tech industry as
   their innovations to reduce them. Critical                               a whole, must work to reduce these concerns
   to this effort will be the designing of clear                            through strategies that promote trust and
   governance mechanisms for determining                                    openness, even as they continue to aggressively
   accountability for managing such risks.                                  develop and promote the latest in technology
3. Public policy. Finally, technology companies
   must pursue a more active, positive role in
   the development of governmental policies
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Authors and
 Marcus Gloger                                                             Mark McCaffrey
 EMEA Technology Leader                                                    US TMT Leader
 Partner, PwC Strategy& Germany GmbH                                       Partner, PwC US
 +49-89-5452-5572                                                          +1-408-817-4199                                           

 United States
 Conall Dempsey                                                            Roger Wery
 Global Technology Leader                                                  Global Advisory TMT Leader
 Partner, PwC US                                                           Principal, PwC US
 +1-408-817-5871                                                           +1-415-498-6401                                          
About PwC’s           PwC conducted 3,200 interviews with CEOs in more than 90 territories.
                      There were 224 respondents from the technology sector, and 18% of
                      technology CEOs reported an annual revenue greater than US$1bn.

22nd Annual Global    Notes:

CEO Survey            • Not all figures add up to 100%, as a result of rounding percentages and
                      exclusion of ‘neither/nor’ and ‘don’t know’ responses.

                      • We also conducted face-to-face, in-depth interviews with CEOs and
                      thought leaders from five continents over the second half of 2018. The
                      interviews can be found at

                      • Our global report (which includes responses from 1,378 CEOs)
                      is weighted by national GDP to ensure that CEOs’ views are fairly
                      represented across all major regions.

                      • The research was undertaken by PwC Research, our global centre of
                      excellence for primary research and evidence-based consulting services:

                      You can find other CEO Survey reports here:


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