REMOTE 2021 SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 18th - 21st October 2021

Page created by Pedro Dean
REMOTE 2021 SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 18th - 21st October 2021
18th - 21st October 2021                  Nearform_HQ        @Nearform/@NodeConfRemote
                                     NodeConf Remote 1
REMOTE 2021 SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 18th - 21st October 2021
About NodeConf

NodeConf Remote is run by the organisers of NodeConf EU - Europe’s
biggest Node.js conference.

In 2020, we held our first ever NodeConf Remote. Over 3,500 attendees
from 96 countries across the globe came together to learn, share insights
and connect with one another. We were overwhelmed with the response to
the conference and thrilled to be able to reach so many people around
the world.

This year, NodeConf Remote will be bigger than before. With a brand new
virtual expo area and additional talks and workshops, the event is set to be
even more engaging and interactive than before. We’re excited to share the
experience with you!

 The Expo                                Conference format

 Platinum and Gold sponsors              Four full days
 will have a virtual Expo booth
 to showcase their products and          •   2 days of talks
 services, with either pre-recorded
                                         •   8 talks each day
 videos or a live video stream
 session in the booth.
                                         •   20 minutes - single track

 Booths have a customisable lead         •   2 days of workshops, a mix of
 generation feature built in for             community and sponsored
 capturing attendee interest.

                                                                NodeConf Remote   2
REMOTE 2021 SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 18th - 21st October 2021
Conference Highlights

     3.5k                                                5.2k

                              14k                     Day 1 - YouTube
                                                     livestream views
                             total views
                            on all videos




                          Day 2 - YouTube
                          livestream views

                                                            NodeConf Remote   3
REMOTE 2021 SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 18th - 21st October 2021
Attendee testimonials from
past NodeConfs

 Everything was cool!                          The talks were really stellar.
 Great for team building                       They were well thought out and
 and networking.                               well delivered. You could tell the
                                               organising committee really
                                               tried to create a diverse series of
                                               informative sessions delivered by
                                               a very diverse team of people.
 Great workshops provided by                   I was enthralled and really
 IBM and Red Hat engineers.                    appreciated this.

                                                The conference was so fun and
 It was such a great conference,
                                                informative!! Huge kudos to the
 a lot of interesting talks, lovely
                                                organisers, speakers, and fellow
 people and really awesome
                                                attendees that made it great.
 location. And especially the talk/
 workshop combination was
 something I would love to see also
 at other conferences.                                    An absolutely amazing
                                                          conference. I will come
                                                          back next year.

                #NodeConfEU is coming to an end, it has been a very
                inspiring conference with lots of great content and
                attention to detail. Congratulations to the @NearForm
                team for putting an unforgettable event together and
                that is for having me sharing my love for @nodejs

                     The people, the best
                     part is meeting lots of
                     like-minded people.

                                                                   NodeConf Remote   4
REMOTE 2021 SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 18th - 21st October 2021

  association                                       Highest
  with the key                                    quality talks
  Node.js event                                  from the Node
   in Europe                                    community’s best

                     Brand exposure
                      before, during
                        and after
                     through promotion
                      and advertising,
                     speaking sessions
                    and lead generation

  with attendees                              Expo booths
  from across the                           have a customisable
       globe                              lead generation feature
                                            built in for capturing
                                             attendee interest

                                                        NodeConf Remote   5
Platinum                                       3 available | Cost: €15,000

•   3 hour workshop slot                   •   Company commercials and messages
                                               can be displayed in between stage
•   Designated Expo vendor booth to            presentations on day 1 and 2 of the
    showcase your products and services,       event
    with either pre-recorded videos or
    a live videostream session in the      •   Large logo added to the conference
    booth. Booths have a customisable          website
    lead generation feature built in for
    capturing attendee interest.           •   Thank you mention on our social
                                               channels, Twitter & LinkedIn
•   A dedicated blog post shared on our
    social channels, Twitter & LinkedIn

Gold                                           3 available | Cost: €10,000

•   20 minute speaking slot                •   Company commercials and messages
                                               can be displayed in between stage
•   Designated Expo vendor booth to            presentations on day 1 and 2 of the
    showcase your products and services,       event
    with either pre-recorded videos or
    a live videostream session in the      •   Medium logo added to the conference
    booth. Booths have a customisable          website
    lead generation feature built in for
    capturing attendee interest.           •   Thank you mention on our social
                                               channels, Twitter & LinkedIn
•   A dedicated blog post shared on our
    social channels, Twitter & LinkedIn

Silver                                          3 available | Cost: €5,000

•   Company commercials and messages       •   Small logo added to the conference
    can be displayed in between stage          website
    presentations on day 1 and 2 of the
    event                                  •   A dedicated blog post shared on our
                                               social channels, Twitter & LinkedIn
•   A dedicated blog post shared on our
    social channels, Twitter & LinkedIn    •   Thank you mention on our social
                                               channels, Twitter & LinkedIn

                                                                      NodeConf Remote   6
Previous Sponsors

                    NodeConf Remote   7

18th - 21st October 2021


  @Nearform/@NodeConfRemote   NodeConf Remote   8
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