Remote Education Provision Self Review February 2021

Page created by Manuel Ortega
Remote Education Provision Self Review February 2021
Remote Education Provision

       Self Review

      February 2021
School leaders have a clear vision and approach for remote education, and maintain awareness of any issues or barriers related to effective delivery.


    1. Identify                        2. Develop and plan                3. Implement            4. Embed                    5. Sustain
Not yet in place or there are   Identified gaps but a plan is   In the process of             Practices and systems are Practices and systems are
major gaps.                     being developed to address      implementing systems and      in place with minor gaps. fully embedded, and there
                                them.                           practices to address this.                              are examples of best

                                                                                                         Score     Potential actions and
             Approach                              Strengths                         Gaps
                                                                                                        (1 to 5) resources if score is 1 or 2
 Remote education plan                  A ‘Remote Education Provision
                                        2020-21’ plan has been compiled                                             To help develop your remote
 There is a plan in place for remote    and made available to all parents,                                          education plan:
 education and a senior leader with     staff and governors via our
 overarching responsibility for the     website, newsletter and various                                             The EdTech Demonstrator
 quality and delivery of remote         meetings.                                                                   Programme provides resources to
 education, including that provision                                                                                support schools and colleges. This
 meets expectations for remote          Joe Brady ( AHT) has overall                                                includes short videos developed by
 education.                             responsibility for Remote                                          4        schools and colleges, and
                                        Education, working closely with                                             guidance on how to embed digital
 The plan is underpinned by high
                                        Graham Kingaby (Network                                                     technology to support remote
 expectations to provide the quality
                                        Manager) and Adrian Brandwood                                               education.
 delivery of a planned curriculum for
                                        (Leader of Strategic Group).
 all (including vulnerable children and                                                                             GOV.UK has brought together
                                        Through all consultations and
 children with SEND), which is                                                                                      school-led webinars to share best
                                        documentation, it is abundantly
 aligned as close as possible to the                                                                                practice in setting up remote
                                        clear we have the highest
 in-school curriculum.                  expectations of all, from all.                                              education.
Remote education plan

There is a plan in place for remote
education and a senior leader with                                                                      For guidance on how to remain
                                                                         Continue to refine the
overarching responsibility for the                                                                      cyber-secure, please refer to
                                      Every subject is delivering the    support provided to SEND
quality and delivery of remote                                                                          Cyber security in schools:
                                      planned curriculum, with the       pupils to enable them to
education, including that provision                                      enjoy and succeed.             questions for governors and
                                      exceptions of PE, Technology and
meets expectations for remote                                                                           trustees.
education.                                                                                          4
                                                                                                        Read the guidance on actions for
The plan is underpinned by high        Teachers are reminded at every                                   schools during the coronavirus
expectations to provide the quality Monday staff meeting about           Continue to monitor and        outbreak and refer to Oak National
delivery of a planned curriculum for appropriate pedagogy associated     support the quality of         Academy for help to deliver a
all (including vulnerable children and with Remote Education.            provision in identified        planned curriculum for all.
children with SEND), which is                                            subjects.
aligned as close as possible to the
in-school curriculum.

                                     All parents know what is
                                     expected of their child and of
                                                                                                        Ensure governors, staff, parents
                                     them as a parent. Parents are
                                                                                                        and carers are aware of the
                                     provided with details re:
                                                                         Collate and discuss all        school’s remote education
Communication                        Contact details                                                    provision by maintaining regular
                                                                         parental replies and e
                                     Attendance                                                         communication and providing
Governors, staff, parents and carers Child’s Timetable                                              5   updates on any changes to the
                                                                         Make adjustments to            provision.
are aware of the school’s approach Timings and Hours
                                                                         arrangements and
and arrangements for remote
                                     Engagement                          organisation as                GOV.UK provides guidance to
                                     Feedback                            appropriate.                   support schools to publish
                                     Help with Technology                                               information about their remote
                                                                                                        education provision on their
                                     Help with FSM vouchers
                                                                                                        websites for parents.
                                     Concerns over COVID.
Communication                        Every parent, member of staff                                        The Education Endowment
                                     and governor receives a                                              Foundation has provided a guide
                                     newsletter every Monday                                              for schools on how to
Governors, staff, parents and carers
                                     which summarises the latest                                          communicate with parents during
are aware of the school’s approach                                                                    5
                                     news re Remote Education.                                            coronavirus (COVID-19).
and arrangements for remote
education.                           In addition, every parent
                                     receives a more personal e
                                     mail from their respective
                                     Progress Leader every Friday.

Monitoring and evaluating          SLT continue to have close
                                   contact with all staff via
The school has systems in place to weekly Teams meetings. Good,      Continue to monitor
monitor the impact of remote       regular communication is          workload with occasional             GOV.UK provides the following
education. This includes:          essential.                        staff questionnaire.                 guidance:

  • understanding the impact       Accurate records are                                                     •   recording attendance in
                                   maintained of staff attendance.                                              relation to coronavirus
     on staff workload and how
                                   Any member of staff who                                                      (COVID-19) during the
     to mitigate against it
                                   highlights workload issues is
  • staffing changes               immediately supported. One                                                   2020 to 2021 academic
  • having access to               subject has made teaching /                                                  year
     appropriate management        grouping changes to                                                      •   actions for schools during
                                   accommodate staff illness.        Wellbeing issues treated
     information (such as staff                                                                                 the coronavirus outbreak
                                                                     seriously and sensitively.
     and pupil sickness and        SLT always discuss                                                       •   remote education good
                                                                     One positive has been
     absence data) to help the Safeguarding/ Staffing                the Remote Parents’                        practice
                                   (welfare) at weekly meeting.
     school respond to changing                                      Evenings and almost
                                    Reference made to EEF
     contexts                                                        universal approval from
                                   resources and GOV.UK
                                                                     staff and parents.
Remote education context and pupil engagement
The school understands the remote education context of pupils, and plans its provision to ensure pupils can remain engaged in education.
        1. Identify                    2. Develop and plan                    3. Implement                          4. Embed                        5. Sustain
Not yet in place or there are   Identified gaps but a plan is being   In the process of implementing         Practices and systems are in   Practices and systems are fully embedded,
major gaps.                     developed to address them.            systems and practices to address this. place with minor gaps.         and there are examples of best practice.

                                                                                                                              Score            Potential actions and
                Approach                                   Strengths                                  Gaps                                   resources if score is 1 or 2
                                                                                                                             (1 to 5)
                                       School has made considerable
                                       improvements in home learning
   Home environment                    since first lockdown. Increased use                                                                   The EdTech Demonstrator
                                       of teams and live lessons has                                                                         Programme’s remote education
   The school is aware of the learning provided pupils with much needed                                                                      roadmap supports schools to adapt
   environment in the home and works routine and ensured that as far a                                                                       their remote education provision
   with parents and families to        possible the curriculum has been                                                                      depending on a pupil’s home
   understand and ensure that pupils followed as it would have been if                                                                       environment.
   will be able to access education at school had been open.                                                                                 Where pupils might lack digital
   home.                                                                                                                                     access to support the school’s
                                                                                         Giving individual feedback is                       remote education provision, schools
                                              Teachers have used a wide variety          a challenge over live lessons.
   The school supports pupils on how          of approaches and these have been                                                              should refer to the get help with
   to self-regulate during remote                                                        A small minority of pupils                          technology during coronavirus
                                              shared during staff meetings and                                                    4
   education, including:                                                                 have struggled with                                 (COVID-19) guidance for support on
                                              departmental meetings.                     motivation during online                            providing pupils with laptops,
    •    understanding their strengths                                                   lessons.                                            tablets and internet.
         and weaknesses to improve            Regular pastoral communication via                                                             The Education Endowment
         their learning                       progress tutors and progress                                                                   Foundation provides a
                                              leaders.                                                                                       metacognition and self-regulation
    •    how to learn from home                                                                                                              toolkit on how schools can support
                                              Parents’ evenings have continued                                                               pupils to plan, monitor, and
    •    how to manage their time             online and have given staff an                                                                 evaluate specific aspects of their
         during periods of isolation          opportunity to discuss issues raised                                                           learning.
                                              during lockdown directly with
Laptops, tablets and internet
                                                                                                                    Where technology is used to
Where digital approaches are used,                                                                                  support remote education, the
leaders are aware of any limitations      Pupils with barriers to accessing                                         EdTech Demonstrator Programme
to access to the internet, and suitable   ICT were identified by a                                                  offers resources on how to set up a
devices, for pupils which impact on       questionnaire and all pupils who    Staff and pupils require              virtual classroom and how to embed
remote education provision. Leaders       needed support now have access      continued and sustained               technology into teaching practice.
have made suitable alternative            to laptop.                          training on use of TEAMS and
arrangements to minimise the impact                                           various associated applications       Where pupils might lack digital
of these limitations, either by           Staff have distributed other        such as the class notebook            access, schools should refer to the
providing pupils with devices and/or      resources to families and ensured   and assignments functions.            get help with technology during
internet access or ensuring               that everyone has access to                                               coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance
appropriate offline provision where       Microsoft teams and Firefly.                                              for support on providing pupils with
pupils without access are considered                                                                                laptops, tablets and internet.
vulnerable and are expected to come
into school.

Supporting children with                  SENDCo has arranged TA support
                                                                                                                    The EdTech Demonstrator
                                          for pupils with additional needs.
additional needs                                                                                                    Programme has made a range of
                                                                                                                    SEND resources available for
Children and young people with high       All staff are informed of needs of                                        schools and colleges, including
needs, including disadvantaged            SEND pupils they are teaching and                                         webinars on how to support pupils
pupils, SEND and vulnerable pupils,       any specific difficulties they may Support videos for parents on
                                                                                                                    with SEND.
have the right structures and             have accessing online work         website on using teams and
provision in place to help remote                                            other useful applications.         4   The guidance on actions for schools
education.                                Suitable technology has been                                              during the coronavirus outbreak
                                          provided to support SEND pupils     Links to relevant staff etc.          provides guidance on how schools
This includes guidance for parents
                                                                                                                    should support pupils with SEND
and carers on how to effectively
                                                                                                                    and vulnerable children.
support remote education, and             SENDCo and Tas have been in
ensuring pupils have access to the        regular contact home including                                            Oak National Academy provides
right hardware and software to            with parents and have updated                                             resources for teachers to support
support their needs.                      EHC plans and carried out pupil                                           children with additional needs.
                                          reviews during lockdown
Advice on how schools should
                                     Attendance to online lessons is                                            monitor engagement is
Monitoring engagement                monitored by the teacher and any     Staff are not always aware of         highlighted in the remote
                                     absences are recorded on a           a pupil who may have a                education expectations guidance.
The school has systems for checking
                                     system that automatically informs    legitimate reason for missing
daily whether pupils are engaging    parents, progress leaders and                                              EdTech Demonstrator networks
                                                                          a session. Explore ways of      4
with their work, and informs parents relevant staff.                                                            have produced a range of
                                                                          enhancing communication
and carers immediately where                                              between home, school and              webinars and tutorials, including
engagement is a concern.                                                  staff.                                sharing advice and top tips on
                                     Progress leaders inform staff if a
                                                                                                                ways to monitor and evaluate
                                     pupil will be absent a lesson.

Pupil digital skills and literacy      SENCO and teaching assistants                                            Where technology is used to
                                       are currently investigating                                              support the school’s remote
The school supports pupils where       software to enable Text – Voice.                                         education provision, schools
                                                                        Support videos on website on
necessary to use technology            Training videos have been placed                                         should consider providing
                                                                        using teams and other useful      3/4
effectively for remote education,      on Firefly on how to use                                                 practical support and guidance to
including assistive technologies for   teams/Firefly and other online                                           pupils on how to use the
pupils with SEND.                      platforms                                                                technology.
Curriculum Planning and Delivery
The school has well-sequenced curricula that support ‘hybrid’ teaching, where some children are taught in class (such as vulnerable
children and children of critical workers) and others at home, and has the relevant resources in place to deliver the curriculum

      1. Identify                      2. Develop and                  3. Implement                 4. Embed                   5. Sustain
 Not yet in place or there are   Identified gaps but a plan is   In the process of            Practices and systems      Practices and systems are fully
 major gaps.                     being developed to address      implementing systems and     are in place with minor    embedded, and there are
                                 them.                           practices to address this.   gaps.                      examples of best practice.

                                                                                                          Score         Potential actions and
            Approach                               Strengths                          Gaps
                                                                                                         (1 to 5)    resources if score is 1 or 2
  Minimum provision

  School sets work that is of
  equivalent length to the core          ‘Normal’ school day …                                                      Remote education expectations are
  teaching pupils would receive in       timings and lengths of
                                                                                                                    highlighted in actions for
  school in an appropriate range of      lessons remain as per normal      At this stage no obvious
                                         timetable and provide clear                                                schools during the coronavirus
  subjects, and as a minimum:                                              gaps in delivery.
                                         structure to support home-        Monitoring of all subjects               outbreak.
                                         schooling.                                                         5
                                                                           indicate that Teams ‘live’
     Key stage 1: 3 hours a day, on                                                                                 GOV.UK has brought together
                                                                           lessons delivered across
     average, across the school                                            the curriculum including                 school-led webinars to share best
                                           All year groups …
     cohort, with less for younger                                         more practical subjects                  practice in setting up remote
                                           5 x 50 – 60 minute ‘live’
     children                              lessons per day.                e.g.                                     education.
     Key stage 2: 4 hours a day                                            PE, Art, Music, Technology.
                                           KS3 4-5 hours per day KS4
     Key stages 3 and 4: 5
                                           5-6 hours per day
     hours a day
Curriculum planning                   Subjects continue to deliver the                                      GOV.UK provides resources on
                                      planned curriculum as if pupils                                       remote education good practice and
The school has a clear, well-         were in school.                                                       how to adapt teaching
sequenced curriculum that supports                                       Obvious modifications              practice for remote education.
pupils both in class and remotely.    The remote curriculum is           applied as required for
                                      identical to the one taught in     subjects delivering
                                      school.                            practical aspects of their   4/5
This could include a remote                                              curriculum e.g.                    The Education Endowment
                                                                         Science, PE, Art, Music,
curriculum that is identical to the                                                                         Foundation provides a support
                                      Critical/key worker pupils in      Technology
one taught in class, one that is      school and pupils working                                             guide for schools designed to help
similar but adapted or one that is    remotely experience the same                                          teachers and school leaders support
completely different.                 curriculum/lessons                                                    their pupils during remote education.
GOV.UK provides:
Curriculum delivery
                                       Survey on department remote
The school has a system in place                                                                                  guidance on accessing
                                       provision, including curriculum-
to support remote education,           aligned resources indicated a                                              and buying resources for
using curriculum-aligned,              wealth of materials and                                                    remote education
resources.                             resources accessed.                                                        resources on remote
                                                                          Ongoing input from staff.               education good practice
                                                                          Continual sharing ideas
                                                                                                                  guidance on how to
                                                                          and best practice to
Where remote education is taking                                          ensure all colleagues                   access and set up online
place, it should include                                                  making good progress,                   digital platforms to
recorded or live, direct               All departments adept in use of    including Teams and                     support delivery
teaching time from the school          Microsoft Teams and able to        other applications e.g.                 Oak National Academy
                                       deliver live lessons, including    Oak National Academy,                   provides resources and
or other educational
                                       direct teaching using OneNote,     SENECA (Premium),           4/5
providers (such Oak National                                                                                      guidance on how to map
                                       visualiser, auditorium etc.
Academy), and time given for                                              OneNote, BBC Bitesize,                  resources to a school’s
pupils to complete tasks and                                              Self-produced videos,                   existing curriculum.
                                                                          PowerPoints and other
assignments independently.                                                resources embedded in             RNIB Bookshare, which was
                                                                          Firefly, Pearson Active
                                                                                                            established through DfE’s pilot
                                                                          Learn, Hegarty Maths,
                                                                          Dr Frost Maths,                   load2learn, is providing on- demand
The school uses a digital platform
                                                                          Mathsteacher hub                  access to over 350,000 accessible
to support effective                   Microsoft Teams is the preferred
                                       digital platform, supported by                                       digital books for schools - free for
communication and accessibility
                                       the school VLE Firefly.                                              any pupil with dyslexia or visual
for all pupils, including those with
Formative assessment
                                                                       and feedback is strong
                                                                       with a variety of
                                                                       resources used e.g.
                                                                       MS Forms
                                                                       Kahoot Hegarty Maths Dr         GOV.UK provides guidance on:
Assessment and feedback                                                Frost Maths
                                                                                    •   assessing pupil progress
The school has a plan in place to     Survey of individual                          and providing feedback in
gauge how well all pupils are         department approach to                                                  the remote education
progressing through the               feedback & assessment
                                                                       tinkercad                              good practice guidance
curriculum using questions and        indicated a variety of
other suitable tasks.                 strategies including in the                        •   assessments and exams
                                      lesson itself and via extended                             3/4
The school provides feedback, at      tasks.                                                            The EdTech Demonstrator
                                                                       Firefly tasks etc.
least weekly, using digitally-                                                                          Programme provides online
                                                                       but the next step is to
facilitated or whole-class feedback                                                                     training videos for schools on
where appropriate.                                                     consider how to best
                                                                                                        effective assessment and
                                                                       undertake summative
                                                                       assessments across all
                                                                       curriculum areas.
Capacity and capability
Schools support staff to deliver high-quality remote education.


       1. Identify                2. Develop and plan                 3. Implement                 4. Embed                  5. Sustain
Not yet in place or there are   Identified gaps but a plan is   In the process of            Practices and systems are Practices and systems are
major gaps.                     being developed to address      implementing systems and     in place with minor gaps. fully embedded, and there
                                them.                           practices to address this.                             are examples of best

                                                                                                       Score     Potential actions and
            Approach                              Strengths                          Gaps
                                                                                                      (1 to 5) resources if score is 1 or 2

                                        SLT familiar with the Review
                                        your remote education provision                                          The Education Endowment
                                        white paper published Jan 2021                                           Foundation provides a support
                                        and have identified the                                                  guide for schools designed to
                                        strengths and areas for                                                  help teachers and school leaders
 Effective practice                     improvement in Broughton’s                                               support their pupils during
                                        remote education provision and                                           remote education.
                                        are aware of resources that can
 Senior leaders are aware of all the    help teachers improve their                                              GOV.UK provides a good practice
 guidance and ensure wider              practice.                                                         4      guide to support schools in their
 teaching/school staff are aware of                                                                              delivery of remote education.
 (and how to access) resources
                                        Collaborative approach                                                   The EdTech Demonstrator
 available to support remote
                                        employed to plan for the
 teaching.                                                                                                       Programme provides guidance on
                                        embedding of a sustainable
                                                                                                                 how to use online platforms and
                                        strategy for remote education
                                        considering all                                                          resources, including for children
                                                                                                                 with SEND.
                                        six categories within the
Remote Education Provision
                                   2020-21 policy produced
                                   providing clarity and
                                   transparency about what to
                                   expect from remote education
                                   when national or local
                                   restrictions require entire
                                   cohorts (or bubbles) to remain
                                   at home.

Effective practice                 Broughton staff guidelines for
                                   remote learning produced                                      4
                                   based on the guidance, shared    Further CPD sessions to
Senior leaders are aware of all
                                   on website and via email         share growing expertise
the guidance and ensure wider
                                   February 2021 (CM/SLT):          amongst teachers.
teaching/school staff are aware
of (and how to access) resources    • Staff Guidelines for Remote
available to support remote            Learning                     Exploration of teacher and
teaching                            • Parent Guidelines for         pupil camera use.
                                       Remote Learning
                                    • Pupil Expectations for
                                       Remote Learning
Further CPD sessions to
                                      CPD sessions on the best use of share growing expertise
                                      Teams for remote learning       amongst teachers.
                                      delivered September 2020 (JP)
                                      and November 2020 (RW)

                                      Firefly training throughout                                    The EdTech Demonstrator
                                      Summer 2020.                                                   Programme provides advice,
                                                                                                     guidance and practical support
Staff capability                                                                                     for teachers on how to deliver
                                      Blended Learning via Teams
                                                                                                     good remote education. This
Staff have access to the digital      document produced and shared
                                                                                                     includes guidance on how to use
resources and tools (for example,     by RW.
                                                                                                     online platforms and resources,
textbooks, workbooks, platforms,                                                                     including for children with SEND.
devices and internet) they need to    Sharing good practice session
teach and support pupils remotely.    delivered for whole staff                                      RNIB Bookshare, which was
                                      January 2021 (SS) outlining                                    established through DfE’s pilot
Where used, staff have the            techniques and useful                                          load2learn, is providing on-
appropriate training and support to   programs.                                                      demand access to over 350,000
use digital tools and resources,                                                                     accessible digital books for
including how to ensure they are                                                                     schools, colleges and universities,
                                      Repeated sharing of good
accessible for pupils with SEND.      practice via staff teams and                                   free for any pupil with dyslexia or
Where possible, the training          email to ensure iterative       Additional equipment           visual impairment.
provided is sustained and iterative   process.                        (visualisers/screens/          pdnet provides free training
to ensure staff continue to support                                   cameras) purchased to          events for teachers and
effective teaching practice           Additional computers/laptop for enable teachers to deliver     professionals on augmentative
remotely.                             pupils to supplement the ones   even better remote             and alternative communication
                                      provided by the Government.                                    technology to support pupils with
                                                                      All pupils to have access to
                                                                      the premium version of
                                                                      SENECA Learning and Year
                                                                      7 to have access to
                                                                      BEDROCK Learning.
Catch-up funding allocated for
                                      subscription to online materials
                                      to enable all staff to deliver all
                                      elements of the planned
                                      curriculum.                          Purchase of diagnostic
Staff capability                                                           online assessments to
                                      Some, including SEND, pupils to
Staff have access to the digital                                           identify starting points,
                                      access catch-up literacy in Years
resources and tools (for example,                                          gaps in knowledge and
                                      7, 8 and Targeted academic
textbooks, workbooks, platforms,                                           understanding, as well as
devices and internet) they need to                                         progress tests.
teach and support pupils remotely.    Teaching Assistant support
                                                                           All relevant data to be
                                      wherever possible identified by
Where used, staff have the                                                 provided to relevant staff
appropriate training and support to                                        to assist with lesson
use digital tools and resources,      Specialist software packages to      planning and
including how to ensure they are      support individual pupils and        intervention/targeted
accessible for pupils with SEND.      suitable technology to assist any    support.
                                      particular SEND pupil who is
Where possible, the training          learning at home.
provided is sustained and iterative
                                      Regular communication with
to ensure staff continue to support
                                      home to monitor progress and
effective teaching practice           areas for improvement.
There are several school-to-school
                                      Each department using              Some use of additional             support networks which you can
                                      recommended subject-specific       tutoring services to address       make use of, including:
                                      software packages.                 gaps.                              •   The EdTech Demonstrator
                                                                                                                Programme for advice and
                                      Use of video/audio recordings      Use of local Maths, English            guidance on remote education,
Strategic partnerships                made by teachers, BBC Bitesize,    and Computing hubs to                  including how to embed
                                      Oak National Academy lessons.      support learning.                      technology into teaching
The school is sharing best practice
and making best use of capacity                                                                                 practice, and how to embed
                                      Use of available websites either                                          practice across MATs
across schools to address any
                                      supporting the teaching of                                        3
known gaps, including via                                                                                   •   Maths hubs to improve maths
                                      specific subjects, e.g. Hegarty
established school-to-school                                                                                    education
                                      Maths or aids to assessment,
support networks like the EdTech      e.g. Bedrock Learning.                                                •   English hubs to improve
Demonstrator Programme and                                                                                      teaching of phonics, early
curriculum hubs.
                                      Sharing of good practice at half                                          language and reading in
                                      termly Teaching School Alliance                                           reception and year 1
                                      meetings.                                                             •   Computing hubs to improve the
                                                                                                                teaching of computing and
                                                                                                                increase participation in
                                                                                                                computer science
The school maintains strong communication with pupils, parents and carers, and continues to work effectively with other third parties.


          1. Identify             2. Develop and plan                 3. Implement                      4. Embed                5. Sustain
Not yet in place or there are   Identified gaps but a plan is   In the process of             Practices and systems are Practices and systems are
major gaps.                     being developed to address      implementing systems and      in place with minor gaps. fully embedded, and there
                                them.                           practices to address this.                              are examples of best

                                                                                                          Score     Potential actions and
            Approach                              Strengths                          Gaps
                                                                                                         (1 to 5) resources if score is 1 or 2
                                                                                                                   Remote education expectations
   Realistic expectations of          Information on the website is                                                are highlighted in the actions for
   pupils, parents and carers         clear and concise. This includes:                                            schools during the coronavirus
                                      • Remote Education Policy
   Parents and carers have clear
   guidance on how to support pupils • Details of Remote Education                                                 GOV.UK has brought together
   at home, and how this is aligned      provision                                                                 school-led webinars to share best
   to the remote education            • Clear expectations of parents                                              practice in setting up remote
   information required to be         • Clear expectations of pupils       Opportunity for                         education.
   published on the school’s website. • Clear expectations of staff        Pupil/Parent questionnaire
                                                                                                            4      The school workload reduction
                                      Regular reminders to parents         on aspects of Remote
                                                                                                                   toolkit provides example
                                      and pupils via weekly newsletter     Education.
                                                                                                                   communication policies and email
   Pupils understand the              and Progress Leader emails.
   expectations on how many hours
   they should be learning and how The ‘Remote Education Provision’                                                The Education Endowment
   to participate in remote education document has also been emailed                                               Foundation has provided a guide
   (for example, how to submit        to all parents.                                                              for schools on how to
   assignments).                                                                                                   communicate with parents during
                                                                                                                   coronavirus (COVID-19).
A weekly newsletter includes
                                       examples of pupils’
                                       work/participation along with
                                       updates of activities taking place
                                       in and out of school.

                                       All pupils are invited/involved in
                                       at least one ‘catch up’ session       Peer interaction is
School community events                                                      especially important to
                                       with their tutor.
Pupils are given regular                                                     pupils.
                                                                             Encourage/extend the use     4
opportunities to attend and            There is regular (weekly)
participate in shared, interactive                                           of the ‘together’ element
                                       communication with pupils and         on Teams enabling
lessons and activities to maintain a   parents from Progress Leaders.        teacher/pupils to interact
sense of community and belonging,
especially disadvantaged and SEND
                                       All pupils are encouraged to be
pupils.                                active participants (via. ‘chat’ or
                                       oral discussions) in all lessons.
                                       Staff are mindful of the need to
                                       encourage and recognise the
                                       contributions from
                                       SEND/Disadvantaged pupils.
Safeguarding and wellbeing
Teachers and leaders understand how to maintain effective safeguarding arrangements whilst also providing high-quality remote education and
supporting pupil wellbeing.


      1. Identify                 2. Develop and plan                 3. Implement                 4. Embed                  5. Sustain
Not yet in place or there are   Identified gaps but a plan is   In the process of            Practices and systems are Practices and systems are
major gaps.                     being developed to address      implementing systems and     in place with minor gaps. fully embedded, and there
                                them.                           practices to address this.                             are examples of best

                                                                                                       Score     Potential actions and
            Approach                              Strengths                          Gaps
                                                                                                      (1 to 5) resources if score is 1 or 2

                                       Safeguarding policy up-to-date
                                       and approved by governors,
                                       including Addendum for COVID
 Ensuring safety                       as recommended by LCC Schools                                             GOV.UK provides guidance on
                                       Safeguarding Team.                                                        safeguarding and remote
 There are clear safeguarding
 protocols in place to ensure          DSL latest update training                                                education during coronavirus
                                       18/1/2021                                                                 (COVID-19).
 pupils are safe during remote                                                                            5
 education. It is essential to have                                                                              Schools should also refer to
 and communicate clear reporting       Regular contact with all parents
                                                                                                                 statutory guidance for schools
 routes so that children, teachers,    and pupils. There is universal
                                                                                                                 and colleges on safeguarding
 parents and carers can raise any      provision for all pupils and
                                       families to ensure every pupil                                            children.
 safeguarding concerns in relation
                                       has been contacted every week
 to remote education.
                                       by Progress Leaders, Progress
Weekly progress tutor TEAMS
                                     meetings with every pupil.
                                     If pupil does not attend that
                                     meeting, referred to PL who
                                     messages pupil.
                                     If no response to that message,
                                     second message/contact to
                                     include parents/carers.
                                     ALL recorded on CPOMS.

                                     Communication channels
                                        • via Firefly messages, to
                                          classes and/or individual
Ensuring safety
                                        • Emails, PL to parents at
There are clear safeguarding              end of each week,
protocols in place to ensure              template so common
                                          format.                        5
pupils are safe during remote
education. It is essential to have      • Phone calls include
and communicate clear reporting           welfare checks, including
routes so that children, teachers,        attendance (includes key
                                          workers/ pupils attending
parents and carers can raise any
                                          school) (BB and LSAs)
safeguarding concerns in relation
to remote education.                    • Newsletter. Message from
                                          Headteacher, regular
                                          reminders about
                                          communication between
                                          school and home. Any
                                          issue, contact him or
                                          appropriate person (if

                                     Pupils and parents have access
                                     to the ‘Where to go for help’ for
                                     external support. This includes
                                     online safety.
This is prominently signposted
                                     on school website and Firefly.
                                     Regular items in school
                                     newsletter about different
                                     agencies / services who offer
                                     help and support in local
                                     community, offering remote

                                     In addition, online safety
                                     newsletter attached to school

                                     Teachers/Support staff are kept
Ensuring safety                      informed any safeguarding/well-
                                     being concerns.
There are clear safeguarding
                                      • SLT, DSL, safeguarding first
protocols in place to ensure
                                          item on agenda at weekly        5
pupils are safe during remote             meetings
education. It is essential to have
                                      • PL meetings weekly, discuss
and communicate clear reporting
                                          any pupils causing concern
routes so that children, teachers,
                                      • Encompass – police
parents and carers can raise any
                                          information, sharing re,
safeguarding concerns in relation
                                          Domestic Violence
to remote education.
                                      • MASH -Multi Agency
                                          Safeguarding Hub – share
                                          concerns re: safeguarding
                                      • Schools Safeguarding Service
                                          advice line – used if advice
                                          sought for individual

                                     CPOMS is used to record all
                                     communication / welfare checks
                                     with pupils and families. Relevant
                                     staff alerted, DSL, PL, HT
TEAMS lessons recorded to
                                     following safeguarding
                                     procedures for staff and pupils

                                     Incidents reported and dealt with
                                     straight away.
                                     • School filtering systems in    Chat areas – pupils having
                                                                      own chats that are not                GOV.UK provides guidance on:
Online safety                                                         linked to lessons.
                                     • IT staff liaise with PLs, SLT
If the school chooses to provide                                      Reminders to staff to                  •   safeguarding and remote
                                         regarding inappropriate use
remote education using live              of IT                        monitor chat and respond                   education during
                                                                      to any misuse                     4
streaming and pre-recorded videos,                                                                               coronavirus (COVID-19)
                                                                      appropriately, for example,
teachers understand how to keep Settings on TEAMS ensure pupils                                              •   teaching online safety in
                                                                      remove from lesson,
children safe whilst they are online. can only enter meetings/lessons
                                                                      contact parents, inform PL,                schools
                                      of their classes.               follow acceptable use of
                                                                      ICT guidance
                                     Staff made aware of how to
                                     ‘keep control’ of lesson and what
                                     actions to take to keep
                                     themselves and pupils safe via
                                     TEAMS briefings, email, video
                                     sharing good practice.
                                     Weekly welfare calls – to           Tutor time catch-ups have
                                     identified groups. (via system      replaced assemblies.
Wellbeing                            described in section 1)             Consider year group
Leaders, teachers and pupils are                                         assemblies to promote
aware of how to spot potential       Tutor meetings and PL weekly        health and well-being –
                                     emails to each year group           share ideas/resources              GOV.UK provides advice on
wellbeing or mental health issues                                                                       4
                                     include options about who to        related to positive thoughts
and how to respond.                                                                                         supporting pupil wellbeing
                                     contact if more personal contact    and activities, ways of
                                                                         managing loneliness                during remote education.
There are regular catch ups with     required (e.g., GD Y10).
pupils, one to one and via
assemblies, particularly for those
                                      ‘Where to go for help?’ includes Explore resources offered
that are most vulnerable.            range of support services both in by KOOTH for staff training
                                     and out of school and how to      and direct work with pupils
                                     access them.
Pupils contacted via
                                     Firefly/emails/PL/PTs if wellbeing
                                     concerns raised.

                                     Pupils have access to Colette for
Leaders, teachers and pupils are     wellbeing support – Counsellor.      Ensure ‘Where to go for
aware of how to spot potential                                            help’ is updated weekly so
wellbeing or mental health issues                                         that pupils and families are
                                     SEND pupils and parents
and how to respond.                                                       signposted to latest local
                                     supported by SENDCO/ LSA’s
                                                                          help offer                     4
                                     and specialist teachers via email,
There are regular catch ups with
                                     chat, ZOOM, TEAMS
pupils, one to one and via                                                Pilot Thinking Reading
assemblies, particularly for those                                        Intervention delivered
that are most vulnerable.            Praise and rewards high priority
                                                                          remotely (HH)
                                     to raise confidence and self-
                                          • ClassCharts
                                          • Praise postcards
                                          • School newsletter

                                                                                                                 GOV.UK provides guidance to
Data management                    The school have an appointed                                                  support schools:
The school has appropriate data    Data Protection Officer to ensure
management systems in place
                                   appropriate data protection                                               •   with data protection activity,
                                   systems are in place. All staff are                                           including compliance with
which comply with the General
                                   updated annually to ensure
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). compliance is in place.                                                       GDPR to be cyber secure
Teachers set out expectations
                                      at the beginning of every
                                      Reinforced by PL through
                                      assemblies/messages using
                                      Incidents of inappropriate
Behaviour and attitude                behaviour are dealt with by
                                      teacher and if necessary,                                         GOV.UK provides guidance on
There are clear rules for behaviour   PL’s/parents informed.          Clarity of expectations for
during remote lessons and                                             remote learning for both      4   behaviour expectations in
                                      Recorded on CPOMS.
activities. Pupils know them and                                      pupils, staff and parents         schools.
teachers monitor and enforce them.
                                      ClassCharts routinely used to
                                      record both negative and
                                      positive behaviour.

                                      Parents/carers informed same
                                      day for non-attendance at
                                      TEAMS lesson via alert from
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