Remembering Bill Allison - The warmth of his 'musical spirit' plays on through friends' memories - PageTurnPro

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Remembering Bill Allison - The warmth of his 'musical spirit' plays on through friends' memories - PageTurnPro

                 Bill Allison
                      The warmth of his ‘musical spirit’ plays
                              on through friends’ memories
urge» your weekly community entertainment magazine
Remembering Bill Allison - The warmth of his 'musical spirit' plays on through friends' memories - PageTurnPro
      U                                                                                                                                                            THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022


                                                                                                                                                              PHOTOS COURTESY OF MARK LARSON
Donald Forrest performs in the 2021 production of “Madsummer.”

‘Madsummer’ is a ‘raucous theatrical event’
The Times-Standard                   premier theater work that is a very   is “is a raucous theatrical event      of the founders of Dell’Arte, once       Performances continue Feb.
                                     free, jukebox musical, adaptation     about love and aging in the time       said that “life is 51% comedy and      19 at 8 p.m. and Feb 20 at 2 p.m.,
  Live theater is back … safely!     of “Midsummer Night’s Dream,”         of COVID.”                             49% tragedy, and it is the two push-   as well as Feb. 24 to 26 at 8 p.m.
In a co-production with Dell’Arte,   with all of the lovers over the age      “Madsummer” will be a play          ing against each other that creates    and Feb. 27 at 2 p.m. Tickets are
Longshadr will bring “Madsum-        of 60, set in a care home during      with music. There will be a live       the human comedy.” That will be        available at
mer” to the Carlo Theatre in Blue    a pandemic with the underpaid         band and songs, but also rich char-    “Madsummer,” organizers say.           More information can be found at
Lake, opening Feb. 18 for two        staff of the home “like Cirque on     acters engaged with the human ap-         “Madsummer” opens on Feb 18 or by calling
weeks.                               steroids,” organizers said. Orga-     petites a la the commedia dell’arte.   at 8 p.m. at the Carlo Theatre at      Dell’Arte at 707-668-5663.
  “Madsummer” will be a world        nizers added that the production         Carlo Mazzone Clementi, one         Dell’Arte in Blue Lake.                                   EVENT » PAGE 3
Remembering Bill Allison - The warmth of his 'musical spirit' plays on through friends' memories - PageTurnPro
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022                                                                                                                                                                       TIMES-STANDARD.COM   | Urge | 3


                                                                                                                                       Dayna Stephens Quartet
Urge’s email address has changed
                                                                                                                                       plays at Arcata Playhouse
Please email press releases and photos to                                                                                                               The Times-Standard                 Stephens has worked             and drummer Billy Hart.
                                                                                                                                                                        with everyone from Roy               Tickets are $20 gen-
                                                                                                                                          The Redwood Jazz Alli-        Hargrove to Carlos San-           eral, $15 for students and
                                                                                                                                       ance will present the Dayna      tana, and his soulful me-         seniors and $10 for the
                                                                                                                                       Stephens Quartet for a           lodicism has resonated            livestream. Advance ticket
                                                                        INDEX                                                          Wednesday evening jazz           through such renowned             purchase is required for
                                                                                                                                       performance Feb. 16 at the       venues as the Village Van-        in-person admission via
                                                                        Cover story . . .     .     .    .     . 12                    Arcata Playhouse.                guard, the Blue Note, The
                                                                                                                                          Since his last appear-        Blue Whale, Le Duc des            Audience members are
                                                                        Sudoku . . . . . .    .     .    .     . 18                    ance in Humboldt County,         Lombards, Yoshi’s and SF          required to wear secure fit-
                                                                        Crossword . . . .     .     .    .     . 18                    Stephens has released three      Jazz.                             ting masks and show proof
                                                                                                                                       albums and took first place         For this West Coast tour,       of current COVID-19 vac-

 6                                                                      Bridge . . . . . .
                                                                        TV Movies . . . .
                                                                                                               . 19
                                                                                                                                       in the “Rising Star — Tenor
                                                                                                                                       Saxophone” category of the
                                                                                                                                       2019 DownBeat Critics Poll.
                                                                                                                                                                        Stephens will be accom-
                                                                                                                                                                        panied by pianist Aaron
                                                                                                                                                                        Parks, bassist Rick Rosato
                                                                                                                                                                                                          cination at the door. Audi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ence capacity is restricted
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to 70 people.
                                    COURTESY OF THE ARTIST
Prezident Brown is a Jamaican roots reggae                              Puzzle answers.       .     .    .     .23
artist who carries a universal message of
love, consciousness and righteousness.

                  “Lil Mojo Returns” was created
                  by the students of the 2021-22
                 Professional Training Program at
                                         Dell’Arte.                 7
                               PHOTO BY ALYSSA HUGHLETT

     Bill Allison is pictured performing at The
                                                                                                                                       Performing in the 2021 production of “Madsummer” is Zera Starchild.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          PHOTO COURTESY OF MARK LARSON

  Basement in Arcata in 2019. Allison passed
                             away in December.
                              COURTESY OF ALAN OLMSTEAD
                                                                   12                                                                  Event
                                                                                                                                                                        tion between actors and au-
                                                                                                                                                                        dience is the essential ingre-
                                                                                                                                                                        dient that makes theater …
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ing director of Dell’Arte. It
                                                                                                                                                                                                          is designed by Lynnie Hor-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          rigan with lighting design by
                                                                                                                                       FROM PAGE 2                      theater. It is that live inter-   Michael Foster. The band in-
                                                                                                                                                                        action with the community         cludes Marla Joy, Jeff Kelley,
                                                                                                                                          “Madsummer” has been          around something that mat-        Tim Randles, Mike Labolle
                                                                                                  Serving Eureka and Humboldt County
                                                                                                                                       informed by conversations        ters,” said Michael Fields,       and Rob Diggins. The act-
                                                                   The North Coast’s Daily Newspaper                                   with Life Care Humboldt.         Longshadr director.               ing company includes Zera
                                                                           Founded in 1854                                                A COVID-19 vaccination           He continued, “For those       Starchild, Donald Forrest,
        COMMUNITY                                                                                                                      card will be required for en-    of you who saw the mostly         Jeff Thomas, Wilda Thomp-
     ENTERTAINMENT                                                                                          try. Coronavirus protocols       musical version of ‘Madsum-       son, Jesse March, Kathryn
          MAGAZINE                                                        930 6th Street, Eureka, CA                                   are on the Dell’Arte website.    mer’ last summer, this is the     Cesarz, Susan Abby, Ben
  Urge is distributed to Times-Standard subscribers and                        707-441-0500                                               “We are eager to put the      evolution of that work to a       Clifton, Bob Wells, Scott
  readers at no additional charge. All advertising herein is the
  responsibility of the advertiser. The Times-Stanadr retains      John Richmond: Publisher/General Manager                            ‘live’ back in ‘live theater,’   full theatrical creation.”        Malcolm and Peggy Metzger,
  the publication rights to all content produced or supplied by
  the Times-Stanard. Use of said materials without the written
                                                                       Ruth Schneider: Managing Editor                                 but we want to do it safely. I      “Madsummer” is directed        artistic director of Redwood
  consent of the Times-Standard is prohibited. Copyright 2021.             Heather Shelton: Content                                    believe that the live interac-   by Fields, founding produc-       Curtain Theatre in Eureka.
Remembering Bill Allison - The warmth of his 'musical spirit' plays on through friends' memories - PageTurnPro
      U                                                                                                                                                              THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022


‘Moonfall’ looks for adventure with a silly plot                                                                                                                 young son, Jimmy (Zayn
By Mark Meszoros
                                                                                                                                                                 Maloney); Michelle (Kelly
                                                                                                                                                                 Yu), the exchange stu-
    At some point when you                                                                                                                                       dent living with Jocinda
were a child, someone may                                                                                                                                        and helping to take care
have tried to convince you                                                                                                                                       of Jimmy; and a handful
the moon was made of                                                                                                                                             of others not really worth
cheese.                                                                                                                                                          mentioning.
    That would be almost                                                                                                                                            One who must be
as believable as what you                                                                                                                                        brought up, however, is
discover about the earth’s                                                                                                                                       Donald Sutherland’s Hold-
natural satellite in “Moon-                                                                                                                                      enfield, a mysterious fig-
fall,” the latest unin-                                                                                                                                          ure who provides Jocinda
spired slice of science-fic-                                                                                                                                      with a massive truth
tion-meets-disaster cheese                                                                                                                                       bomb in the movie’s mid-
served by filmmaker Ro-                                                                                                                                           dle. (Remember the char-
land Emmerich, the man                                                                                                                                           acter Sutherland played in
behind “Independence                                                                                                                                             that excellent scene in Ol-
Day,” “2012” and “The Day                                                                                                                                        iver Stone’s 1991 drama
After Tomorrow.” In it, the                                                                                                                                      “JFK”? It’s as if Emmerich
moon begins to fall out                                                                                                                                          asked Sutherland to give
of orbit and rapidly hurls                                                                                                                                       him the poor man’s ver-
toward an unprepared                                                                                                                                             sion of that.)
planet.                                                                                                                                                             Behind the camera, Em-
    Emmerich talks about                                                                                                                                         merich is a constant frus-
how he and co-writers                                                                                                                                            tration. He struggles to
Spenser Cohen and Harald                                                                                                                                         pull the maximum from
Kloser — who, interest-                                                                                                                                          both his character mo-
ingly, also composed the                                                                                                                                         ments and action se-
movie’s score, as he has                                                                                                                                         quences. With the latter, it
done for other Emmerich                                                                                                                                          doesn’t help that “Moon-
efforts — consulted with                                                                                                                                         fall” is chock full of digi-
                                                                                                                       REINER BAJO PHOTO/COURTESY OF LIONSGATE
scientists toward the aim                                                                                                                                        tal effects that never look
of keeping the physics of       Former “Game of Thrones” regular John Bradley stars in “Moonfall.”                                                               real in the way so many
the moon falling to earth                                                                                                                                        of today’s do. (Perhaps his
as believable as possible,      “Moonfall” fails to find the     cinda being unable to back     cerned about the informa-       merich’s 2019 World War           crew was using old com-
according to the movie’s        crucial balance between         up his story, he is termi-     tion he’s obtained.             II drama, “Midway” — are          puters? It’s unclear.)
production notes. While         serious and silly. Given just   nated from NASA, despite          As K.C. sets his mind on     experienced, talented ac-            Before it’s blissfully fin-
there may be some ac-           how ludicrous its plot is, it   his past, heavily lauded he-   meeting Brian and show-         tors, but their characters        ished, “Moonfall” will
tual science crammed into       needed less of the former       roics.                         ing him the data, NASA is       aren’t interesting enough         dabble in the sci-fi sta-
“Moonfall” here and there,      and more of the latter.            In 2022, Jocinda is NA-     seeing it for themselves,       to allow them to impress          ples of advanced alien spe-
it is keeping secrets so out-      The story begins in 2011,    SA’s deputy director, while    leading Jocinda to quickly      all that much. Fortu-             cies and artificial intelli-
landish — secrets heavily       with a satellite-repair mis-    Brian is divorced; es-         put together a space mis-       nately, as K.C. — who’s al-       gence turned against its
hinted at in its trailer, by    sion involving astronauts       tranged from his troubled      sion. It … does not go well,    most as lovable as Brad-          creators. It’s all been done
the way — that the writ-        Jocinda Fowler (Halle           son, Sonny (Charlie Plum-      and soon the moon is a          ley’s “Thrones” character,        much better before, and it
ers probably needed not         Berry) and Brian Harper         mer); and months behind        big, getting-bigger-all-the-    Samwell Tarly, but a bit          will be done better again.
bother taking up the time       (Patrick Wilson) going          on his rent.                   time problem for all of hu-     more assertive — Bradley             Emmerich has said he
of any highly intelligent       horribly wrong. Only mo-           Meanwhile, Bradley’s        manity.                         keeps us mildly invested          originally saw “Moon-
folks.                          ments after Brian is play-      K.C. Houseman is a fast-          At the heart of “Moon-       in what’s happening.              fall” as the first in a tril-
    “Moonfall” is guilty-       fully arguing about the lyr-    food worker who masquer-       fall,” not surprisingly, is a      However, one of the            ogy of movies but that he’s
pleasure entertainment,         ics of Toto hit “Africa” with   ades as a night janitor at a   desperate mission to the        many issues with “Moon-           not so sure he still wants
pure and simple. Only it        Jocinda, his “work wife,”       prestigious California uni-    moon taken on by, you           fall” is its need to jug-         to make the second and
isn’t much of a pleasure.       a mysterious phenomenon         versity to gain access to a    guessed it, Jocinda, Brian      gle an overabundance of           third entries.
    Oh, sure, there are rea-    slams their shuttle, knock-     professor’s computer. He’s     and K.C., who as a child        even less intriguing side            Our guess is this mov-
sonably thrilling moments       ing out Jocinda and lead-       after data pertaining to       longed to be an astro-          characters. In addition to        ie’s performance at the
here and little chuck-          ing to the death of another     the moon’s orbit. K.C. may     naut and has named his          Sonny, there’s his mother,        box office will make the
les there — examples of         crew member.                    run with a wacky crowd,        cat Fuzz Aldrin. (Excellent     Brenda (Carolina Bartc-           choice for him.
the latter often coming            Brian insists the ca-        have a wall covered with       name, by the way.)              zak); her current husband,           “Moonfall” is rated PG-
thanks to the line deliv-       tastrophe can be traced         news clippings and be for-        Berry (“Bruised,” “Mon-      successful car dealer Tom         13 for violence, disaster
eries of longtime “Game         to something emanating          bidden by a court to ap-       ster’s Ball”) and Wilson —      (Michael Pena); Jocinda’s         action, strong language,
of Thrones” cast mem-           from the moon, but, with        proach NASA personnel,         who was a key member in         ex, General Doug David-           and some drug use. Run-
ber John Bradley — but          the then-unconscious Jo-        but he’s right to be con-      the ensemble cast of Em-        son (Eme Ikwuakor); their         time: 2 hours, 4 minutes.
Remembering Bill Allison - The warmth of his 'musical spirit' plays on through friends' memories - PageTurnPro
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                  TIMES-STANDARD.COM       | Urge | 5      U

Weekday Daytime                                                                                                                                                                          FEBRUARY 10, 2022 TO FEBRUARY 16, 2022
                 6 AM      6:30      7 AM      7:30      8 AM      8:30      9 AM      9:30     10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30                         1 PM      1:30      2 PM      2:30 3 PM 3:30                4 PM      4:30       5 PM         5:30
                Redwood             Today                                  Today III     Today With Hoda           Various                                                    The Real       2 Broke NBC              2 Broke    Access     Various
(3.1) KIEM
                Morning News                                                             and Jenna                                                                                           Girls   News             Girls      H.
                Yoga/ W.L.Yog Arthur Wild           Hero         Donkey Curious Clifford Daniel Elinor             Sesame PinkaPet Various Various Various                Various Various Nature Let's Go             Alma's     HomewrOdd      BBCOS/(
(13.1) KEET
                Stretch a/ Sit Fit           Kratts Element      Hodie George            Tiger    Wonde            Street /Homewr                                                            Cat     Luna!            Way              Squad F) News
                CBS Morning         CBS Mornings                        Maury            The Price Is Right        (Th F M) Y &       Various (Th F M) (Th F M) The Talk Let's Make a        Access Daily             Family     FamilyRedwoo Evening
(17.1) KVIQ
                News                                                                                               R/(Tu W) UEFA                B&B                       Deal                                        Feud       Feud  d News News
                (5:00) Daybreak     Good Morning America                 The Drew         The View                 The Kelly          GMA3: What You General Hospital Daily          Judge The Ellen                  Dr. Phil         Ent.     Judge
(23.1) KAEF
                on KAEF                                                  Barrymore Show                            Clarkson Show      Need to Know                        Mail TV Judy       DeGeneres Show                            Tonight Judy
                Dragnet Three       Toon in With Me Leave It    Leave It Perry Mason      Matlock                  In the Heat of the The Waltons      Guns- Guns- Bonanza                   Rifl-   Rifl-            Wagon Train      Adam- Adam-
(23.2) KAEF2
                          Sons                      Beaver      Beaver                                             Night                               moke      moke                        eman    eman                              12       12
                (5:00) The National Desk            25          Funn-    Hot      Hot     Paid     Justice         Judge Mathis       The People's     The Wendy          Tamron Hall        Funn-   25               Your    Your     Two 1/2 Two 1/2
(28.1) KBVU
                                                    Words       yAsk     Bench Bench               for All                            Court            Williams Show                         yAsk    Words            Life    Life     Men      Men
                Paid      Paid      Paid     Paid   Paid        Paid     Movies                    (Tu)            (Th) Movie / (F) Movie / (M) (Tu)   (Th) Movie / (F) Movie / (M) Movie / The Outer Limits          The Outer Limits Farscape
(28.2) KBVU2
                                                                                                   Movie           Movie / (W) Movie            Movie (W) Movie
                Highway Thru      Divorce Judge        Maury             The Steve Wilkos Maury                    The Nick Cannon Paid         Paid   Paid      Paid     Black- Black- Judge Judge                   Divorce    Divorce    The Steve Wilkos
(29.1) KECA
                Hell              Court   Jerry                          Show                                      Show                                                   ish        ish     Jerry   Jerry            Court      Court      Show
                The National Desk                      Relative Relative Paid     Justice The      Supr.-          Ameri- Paid        The First 48     Dateline           Paid       Justice Judge Mathis             Paterni-   Couples    Judge Judge
(29.2) KECA2
                                                       Justice Justice                    Verdict Justice          caCourt                                                           for All                          ty Court   Court      Judy     Judy
      Th        David J. Life        P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars Court C. Court C. Court C. Court C. Taking the Stand Taking the Stand The First 48                              The First 48      The First 48        The First 48
       F        David J. Life        P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars The First 48                     The First 48        The First 48       The First 48         The First 48       Killer    Killer  Cold Case Files Cold Case Files
  A&E M         David J. Life        P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens The First 48                                              The First 48        The First 48
      Tu        David J. Life        P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars Queens Queens Queens Queens S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars
      W         David J. Life        P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars Neighbr Neighbr Neighbr Neighbr Neighbr Neighbr The First 48                                 The First 48       The First 48      The First 48        The First 48
      Th        Paid Program         Paid Program       Paid Program          The Three Stooges/The Three Stooges               (:45)
Remembering Bill Allison - The warmth of his 'musical spirit' plays on through friends' memories - PageTurnPro
      U                            THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022


Prezident Brown brings a message of love
The Times-Standard
                                           Brown is a
   Prezident Brown and                     Jamaican roots
special guests Reggae An-                  reggae artist
gels will perform Saturday                 who carries
at 9:30 p.m. at Humboldt                   a universal
Brews in Arcata.                           message of love,
   Admission is $20 in                     consciousness
advance or $25 at the                      and
door. To purchased tick-                   righteousness.
ets, go to https://tickets.
   These two strong spiri-
tual groups will be backed
by the I Sound Band.
   Brown is a Jamaican
roots reggae artist who
carries a universal mes-
sage of love, conscious-
ness and righteousness.
Brown has been focusing
on his calling as a singer
from an early age. He has
been touring the U.S. con-
sistently for the last two
decades with his I Sound
   Brown, born in Jamaica,
has continued to pioneer
his own direction, devel-
oping his own approach
to deejaying that he calls
“sing chat.”
   The Reggae Angels are
known to deliver high-en-
ergy performances with
a happy sound and a uni-
versal God conscious mes-
sage. Known for their live
shows and their many al-
bums (15 albums), the
Reggae Angels have been
gracing stages for over
three decades around the
   They have done five
U.S. tours backed by Sly
and Robbie and the Taxi
Gang and they have also
toured with other legend-
ary roots reggae artists, in-
cluding Don Carlos, Mar-
cia Griffiths, Bitty Mclean,
Anthony B, Richie Spice
and many others.
   The Reggae Angels re-
leased a new album in
2021 titled “Remember Our
Creator” with Sly and Rob-                 COURTESY OF THE
bie.                                       ARTIST
Remembering Bill Allison - The warmth of his 'musical spirit' plays on through friends' memories - PageTurnPro
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022                                                                                                                        TIMES-STANDARD.COM   | Urge |U    7


                                                                                                                                                                PHOTO BY ALYSSA HUGHLETT
“Lil Mojo Returns” was created by the students of the 2021-22 Professional Training Program at Dell’Arte.

Dell’Arte brings ‘Lil Mojo Returns’ to the stage
The Times-Standard               Masks, mayhem, live        Carlo Theatre in Blue Lake.    la r t/the -     VID-19 vaccination by the        performances in the Carlo
                               music, mag ical ethos,          Tickets are $20 gen-        commedia-showcase-lil-         date of attendance for ac-       Theater.
  “Lil Mojo Returns,” cre-     revolution and madness       eral and $15 with a stu-       mojo-returns/, email info@     cess to the facility, theaters     All Dell’Arte COVID-19
ated by the students of the    abound in this parade of     dent/senior discount — or call and       and outdoor area. Addi-          policies and procedures
2021-22 Professional Train-    human folly and enthusi-     reservations are highly        leave a message at 707-668-    tionally, proof of a nega-       can be found at https://
ing Program at Dell’Arte, is   astic revolt, which takes    encouraged. To purchase        5663.                          tive COVID-19 test within
the zany, farcical story of    place Thursday through       tickets or get more infor-        Dell’Arte’s audience pol-   72 hours of arrival will         arte-international/dai-co-
an uprising.                   Saturday at 8 p.m. in the    mation, visit https://del-     icy requires a complete CO-    also be required to attend       vid-policies-procedures/.
Remembering Bill Allison - The warmth of his 'musical spirit' plays on through friends' memories - PageTurnPro
        U                                                                                                                                                                                                                   THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022

Weekday Daytime                                                                                                                                                                        FEBRUARY 10, 2022 TO FEBRUARY 16, 2022
              6 AM      6:30      7 AM      7:30      8 AM      8:30      9 AM      9:30      10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30                          1 PM      1:30      2 PM      2:30      3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30                     5 PM 5:30
      Th     Morning in Amer In Heat of Night In Heat of Night           In Heat of Night    Blue Bloods         Blue Bloods        Blue Bloods          Blue Bloods         NewsNation          Donlon Report     On Balance            Dan Abrams Live
       F     Morning in Amer In Heat of Night In Heat of Night           In Heat of Night    Blue Bloods         Blue Bloods        Blue Bloods          Blue Bloods         NewsNation          Donlon Report     On Balance            Dan Abrams Live
NEWSN M      Morning in Amer In Heat of Night In Heat of Night           In Heat of Night    Blue Bloods         Blue Bloods        Blue Bloods          Blue Bloods         NewsNation          Donlon Report     On Balance            Dan Abrams Live
      Tu     Morning in Amer In Heat of Night In Heat of Night           In Heat of Night    Blue Bloods         Blue Bloods        Blue Bloods          Blue Bloods         NewsNation          Donlon Report     On Balance            Dan Abrams Live
      W      Morning in Amer In Heat of Night In Heat of Night           In Heat of Night    Blue Bloods         Blue Bloods        Blue Bloods          Blue Bloods         NewsNation          Donlon Report     On Balance            Dan Abrams Live
      Th     Dr. Phil                            Dr. Phil                Dr. Phil            Dr. Phil            Dr. Phil           Dr. Phil             Couples Couples Couples Couples         Couples Couples 20/20 on OWN            20/20 OWN
       F     Dr. Phil                            Dr. Phil                Dr. Phil            Dr. Phil            Dr. Phil           Dr. Phil             Couples Couples Couples Couples         Couples Couples Dr. Phil                Dr. Phil
 OWN M       Dr. Phil                            Dr. Phil                Dr. Phil            Dr. Phil            Dr. Phil           Dr. Phil             Couples Couples Couples Couples         Couples Couples Dr. Phil                Dr. Phil
      Tu     Dr. Phil                            Dr. Phil                Dr. Phil            Dr. Phil            Dr. Phil           Dr. Phil             Couples Couples Couples Couples         Couples Couples Dr. Phil                Dr. Phil
      W      Dr. Phil                            Dr. Phil                Dr. Phil            Dr. Phil            Dr. Phil           Dr. Phil             Couples Couples Couples Couples         Couples Couples 20/20 on OWN            20/20 on OWN
 OXY         Various             Various         Various                 Various             Various             Various            Various              Various             Various             Various           Various               Various
 SYFY        Various Various Various Various Various Various             Various Various     Movies Various      Various Familial Movie Various Various Movie Movie Country                      Various Various Movie (F) Yoga          Figures Movies
 TBN         Creflo Various Osteen Jackson Furtick Kingdom               Jeffress R.Morris   Life     BetterTo   Life     Gospel The 700 Club            David J. Various Various Graham         Various Various Church Various          Various GGospel
 TBS         FamMat Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez                        Various Various     Various Various     Friends Friends Friends Friends Various Friends Friends Friends                 Friends Friends Friends Friends         Various Various
 TCM         Movies Movies Movies Movie (F) (:15) Movie                  Movies Movie        Movie Movies        Movie (F) :45 Movie           Movies             Movies Movie Movie             Movies (Th) Movie / (Tu) Movie          Movies
        Th   Lottery Changed Lottery Changed Lottery Changed             Doubling Down       Doubling Down       Doubling Down I Am Jazz                 I Am Jazz           Darcey & Stacey     Darcey & Stacey Untold Stories          Untold Stories
         F   Addict. Addict. Addict. Addict. Addict. Addict.             Hoarding            Hoarding            Hoarding           Tallest Teens        Bubble Skin Man Save My Skin            Save My Skin      Save My Skin          90 Day Fiancé
 TLC    M    Dress      Dress    Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes         Say Yes Say Yes     Say Yes-Dress       Say Yes-Dress      Say Yes L & A        L&A      L&A        L&A      L&A        90 Day Fiancé     D&A      D&A          D&A       D&A
        Tu   Think You Are       Think You Are   Think You Are           Long Lost Family    Long Lost Family    To Be Announced Untold Stories          Untold Stories      Untold Stories      Obesity Med       The Man With          I Am Shauna Rae
        W    MyCrazy MyCrazy MyCrazy MyCrazy MyCrazy MyCrazy             My 600-lb Life      My 600-lb Life      My 600-lb Life     Sister Wives         SisterW.            SisterW.            Dr. Pimple        Dr. Pimple            Dr. Pimple
 TNT         Charmed             Charmed         Charmed                 Charmed             Supern/ NCIS:NO     Various            Supernat/ NCIS:NO Various Movie Various                      Various NBA.Str Various Various         (F) Movie
TOON         Various EsmeRoy Various Various Various Various             Various Various     Various Various     Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various                 Various Various Various Various         Various Various
       Th    Paid Program        Paid Program    Doomsday                Doomsday            Doomsday            Doomsday           Doomsday             Doomsday            Doomsday            Paranormal        Paranormal            Paranormal
        F    Paid Program        Paid Program    Home. Horror            Home. Horror        Home. Horror        Home. Horror       Home. Horror         Home. Horror        Unexplained:        Unexplained:      Unexplained:          Unexplained:
TRAVEL M     Paid Program        Paid Program    A Haunting              A Haunting          A Haunting          A Haunting         A Haunting           A Haunting          A Haunting          A Haunting        A Haunting            A Haunting
       Tu    Paid Program        Paid Program    Haunted                 Most Haunted        Haunted             Haunted            Haunted              Haunted             Haunted             Haunted           Haunted               Osbourne Believe
       W     Paid Program        Paid Program    Haunted                 Haunted Towns       Haunted Towns       Haunted Towns Haunted Towns Haunted Towns Haunted Towns                         Ghost Adven.      Ghost Adven.          Ghost Adven.
TRUTV        Paid       Paid     Paid     Adam Adam Adam                 Jokers Jokers       Carbon. Carbon.     Carbon. Carbon. Various Jokers Various Jokers Various Jokers                    Various Jokers Various Various          Various Various
 UNI         Como dice dicho Despierta America                                                                   Various Fútbol Noticier Guapos Hoy                          Various Guapos      (Tu) Como dice    Gordo y flaca         Primer impacto
        Th   Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics                                                                                 (:45) Soccer Leic./Liverp’l EPL         (:45) Beijing 2022 Winter      Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics
         F   (9:00) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics                         Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics                                                                                            Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics
 USA    M    (9:00) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics                         Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics                                                                                            Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics
        Tu   (9:00) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics                         Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics                                                                                            Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics
        W    (9:00) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics                         Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics                                                                                            Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics
Remembering Bill Allison - The warmth of his 'musical spirit' plays on through friends' memories - PageTurnPro
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                               TIMES-STANDARD.COM         | Urge | 9     U

Thursday Prime Time                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FEBRUARY 10, 2022
              SL   CC GVL KLA         6 PM               6:30                 7 PM                7:30               8 PM                 8:30                  9 PM                9:30           10 PM                 10:30            11 PM                 11:30
(3.1) KIEM     3   3   3   -    (5:00) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics 'TVG'                                      Beijing 2022        (:35) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics      News (N)           (:05) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics 'TVG'
(13.1) KEET 13 13 13       -    PBS NewsHour (N)                       News                 TravelDarley 2/2   Place/ Home "For Better or Worse"       Masterpiece Classic                    Mary Tyler Moore: A Celebration        Amanpour and Company (N)
(17.1) KVIQ 6 6 6          -    News (N)           Inside Edition (N) Family Feud (N)       Family Feud        Young Sheldon       U.S. of Al          Ghosts              B Positive         Bull "Espionage"                       News (N)             (:35) Colbert
(23.1) KAEF    7 11    -   -    News (N)           News (N)            Wheel (N)            Jeopardy! (N)      JeopardyCol. "Quarterfinals #3" (N)     NFL Honors Recognizing the top NFL players of the season. (N) 'TVG'           News (N)             (:35) J. Kimmel
(23.2) KAEF2 130 188 -     -    Addams Family      Happy Days          M*A*S*H              M*A*S*H            A. Griffith Show    A. Griffith Show    Gomer Pyle          Green Acres        Hogan's Heroes     Hogan's Heroes      Carol Burnett        Perry Mason
(28.1) KBVU 2 2 2          -    Big Bang Theory    Big Bang Theory     Young Sheldon        Modern Family      Joe Millionaire "Ready, set, JOE!" (N) Call Me Kat (N)      Pivoting (N)       News (N)           TMZ (N)             Extra (N)            Modern Family
(28.2) KBVU2 139 190 -     -    Farscape                               Quantum Leap "Freedom"                  Quantum "Good Night, Dear Heart"        Quantum Leap "Pool Hall Blues"         The X-Files "Dreamland II" 2/2         The X-Files
(29.1) KECA 9 7 -          -    The Nick Cannon Show (N)               Family Guy           Family Guy         Walker "Douglas Fir"                    Legacies                               The Goldbergs      The Goldbergs       Bob's Burgers        Bob's Burgers
(29.2) KECA2 5     8   4   -    King of Queens     Last Man St.        The National Desk Get the latest national and local news as it happens. 'TVG'   Dateline "A Perfect Spot"              Chicago P.D. "New Normal"              Imp. Jokers          Dish Nation (N)

   A&E        58 68 18 29 The First 48 "Family First"             The First 48 "Jackpot"                       The First 48                            After First 48 "Chain of Death" (N)    Taking the Stand "Leon Jacob" (N)      (:05) First 48 "The Chase/ One Shot"
  AMC         74 26 35 25 (5:00)
Remembering Bill Allison - The warmth of his 'musical spirit' plays on through friends' memories - PageTurnPro
          U                                                                                                                                                                                                                             THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022

Friday Prime Time                                                                                                                                                                                                                         FEBRUARY 11, 2022
              SL   CC GVL KLA         6 PM               6:30                 7 PM              7:30               8 PM                8:30                9 PM                9:30               10 PM                10:30              11 PM               11:30
(3.1) KIEM     3   3   3   -    (5:00) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics 'TVG'                                   Beijing 2022        (:35) Beijing Biathlon (W) 7.5km Sprint News (N)             (:05) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics 'TVG'
(13.1) KEET 13 13 13       -    PBS NewsHour (N)                     Humboldt            News               Wash. Week (N)      History              Muhammad Ali "Round Three: The Rivalry (1970-1974)" 'TVPG'                      Amanpour and Company (N)
(17.1) KVIQ 6 6 6          -    News (N)           Inside Edition (N) Family Feud (N)    Family Feud        Celebrity Big Brother (N) 'TV14'                                                 Blue Bloods "Times Like These"          News (N)            (:35) Colbert
(23.1) KAEF    7 11    -   -    News (N)           News (N)          Wheel (N)           Jeopardy! (N)      JeopardyCol. "Quarterfinals #4" (N)      20/20 Interviews and hard-hitting investigative reports. 'TVPG'                 News (N)            (:35) J. Kimmel
(23.2) KAEF2 130 188 -     -    Addams Family      Happy Days        M*A*S*H             M*A*S*H            A. Griffith Show    A. Griffith Show     Gomer Pyle          Green Acres         Hogan's Heroes      Hogan's Heroes      Carol Burnett       Perry Mason
(28.1) KBVU 2 2 2          -    Big Bang Theory    Big Bang Theory   Young Sheldon       Modern Family      SmackDown WWE superstars do battle in long-running rivalries. (N) 'TV14'         News (N)            TMZ (N)             Extra (N)           Modern Family
(28.2) KBVU2 139 190 -     -    Farscape "Revenging Angel"           Quantum "Leaping in Without a Net"     Quantum Leap "Maybe Baby"                Quantum "M.I.A." Sam is a detective.    The X-Files "The Rain King"             The X-Files "S.R. 819"
(29.1) KECA 9 7 -          -    The Nick Cannon Show (N)             Family Guy          Family Guy         Penn&Teller "Penn and Tizzle"            Whose Line Is It? Whose Line Is It? The Goldbergs           The Goldbergs       Bob's Burgers       Bob's Burgers
(29.2) KECA2 5     8   4   -    King of Queens     Last Man St.      The National Desk Get the latest national and local news as it happens. 'TVG'   Chicago P.D. "Endings"                  Chicago P.D. "Bad Boys"                 Imp. Jokers         Dish Nation (N)

   A&E        58 68 18 29 Cold Case Files "Missing in Altoona"       Cold Case "Murder by Moonlight"        Cold Case Files "Eyes of a Killer"       Cold Case Files "Dark Angel" (N)        SerialKiller (N)    SerialKiller (N)    (:05) Cold Case "The School Teacher"
  AMC         74 26 35 25 (4:15)
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                        TIMES-STANDARD.COM          | Urge | 11 U

Saturday Daytime                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     FEBRUARY 12, 2022
               6 AM           6:30      7 AM       7:30       8 AM      8:30       9 AM        9:30      10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30                                1 PM       1:30        2 PM      2:30      3 PM        3:30     4 PM        4:30        5 PM       5:30
(3.1) KIEM Saturday Today (N) 'TVG'               OneTeam Earth Od Wild (N) Roots             EPL Soccer MCI/Norw. (L) 'TVG'              Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics 'TVG'                                          Voyager News (N) VetsSav. Minute          Beijing 2022
(13.1) KEET Rogers          Arthur     Molly      Wild K.   J. Weir    To Dine    Kitchen     Cook's     The Wing O.House House           Motor.     Milk St.   TestK     Pro.Fire Lidia       Start Up High          Channel Tunnel       Antiques Rd.         Place Call Home
(17.1) KVIQ (5:00) Morning (N)         Lucky D. Innovate Mission Hope             SB LVI Coun. (N)       NCAA Basketball Okl./Kan. (L) 'TVG'         PGA Golf Phoenix Open Round 3 Site: TPC Scottsdale (L) 'TVG'               JetSet     Castle               Ins. Ed.    News (N)
(23.1) KAEF Oh Baby! Enterpr           GMA Saturday (N) 'TVPG'                    Wildlife Outback Paid              UFC Countdown        UFC Live              NCAA Basketball Mem./Hou. (L) 'TVG'
      U                                                                                                                                                            THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022

Remembering Bill Allison

The warmth of his 'musical spirit'
plays on through friends' memories
By Beti Webb Trauth             forming locally, Bill was
                                a consummate student
                                of singers such as Eddie
   After Bill Allison, one      Jefferson, King Pleasure
of Humboldt’s most gifted       and the groundbreaking
and beloved musicians and       trio of Lambert, Hendricks
educators (and my friend,       & Ross. Alongside his tal-
fellow jazz vocalist and for-   ents as a scat singer, Bill
mer co-worker at Pine Hill      was particularly adept at
Elementary) passed away         the style of singing known
suddenly and unexpectedly       as vocalese and had put
right before Christmas, I       lyrics to numerous jazz
thought of these profound       melodies and jazz impro-
words he once shared with       visations.
me. I think they perfectly         As well as his activity as
capture the “essence” of        a solo singer, Bill also de-
who he “was” to ponder as       veloped a passion for the
we celebrate his life:          magic groups of jazz sing-
   “The word ‘music’ means      ers could create and, dur-
directly from the ‘muse’        ing a decade of living in
(the ‘divine’). We, as hu-      Seattle, he had organized
mans have channeled our         the Seattle Jazz Voices to
                                                                                                                                                              PHOTO COURTESY OF ALAN OLMSTEAD
‘better angels’ with music      perform his many arrange-
— and everyone is enriched      ments for multiple jazz         Bill Allison is pictured performing at The Basement in Arcata in 2019. Allison passed away in December.
and reconnected with this       singers. In the years lead-
ancient practice. For my-       ing up to the pandemic,         compassion and kindness        group and its mission.         learn how to play tenor         woods Jazz Orchestra. It
self, as a musician, music      Bill could be found front-      toward his young charges.         Aside from music, Bill      saxophone for jazz. I no-       truly brought my jazz skills
is the way I interact with      ing his Silverback Jazz         He was also unafraid of in-    was heavily involved in        ticed that jazz orchestra       to a whole new level. I still
my community … my fel-          Quartet as an exciting part     troducing themes of social     the local permaculture         was being taught at Col-        have notes from that class
low musicians and my stu-       of the program of Wine &        justice in his teaching and    and martial arts commu-        lege of the Redwoods. I al-     that I want to use in in-
dents. Or just for listen-      Jazz at the Morris Graves       refused to be kowtowed by      nities among others but        ready knew some things          creasing those skills fur-
ing. It’s how I’ve shared       Museum where his devo-          the timorous voices of pru-    likely put his family above    about tenor saxophone,          ther into the future.
my ‘quality time’ with all      tion to teaching had him        dence.                         all other interests. He was    but felt I wanted to take          I thank Bill Allison for
of the wonderful people         inviting students to par-          As a community musi-        exceedingly proud of his       it a step further by specifi-    his willingness to teach
I’ve met in Humboldt.”          ticipate in the second-half     cian, Bill was well famil-     kids and grandkids and         cally learning how to play      me, despite my relative
   The following responses      jam and urging them on.         iar with the special cir-      was constantly making          tenor saxophone for jazz. I     newness to tenor saxo-
are from some of the peo-          Bill wa s a tireless         cumstances of the genre        trips to Seattle and Sac-      entered the class.              phone jazz playing. He will
ple with whom Bill shared       teacher of his own pri-         and patient and helpful as     ramento catch up on their         Although it was clear        always and forever hold a
that “quality time” — and       vate students, as longtime      a master musician among        development.                   that I was not as experi-       special place in my heart.
what it, and he, meant to       faculty of the Humboldt         learners. At the head of          Bill, you’ll be sorely      enced and skilled as prac-      And I absolutely loved his
them.                           Music Academy and for           the College of the Red-        missed here in our little      tically everyone in the         scat jazz singing!
                                the South Bay Union and         woods Jazz Orchestra, he       piece of heaven.               class for their given instru-      He was such an amaz-
Gregg Moore                     McKinleyville School dis-       gave numerous local musi-                                     ments, Bill took me under       ing music educator with
(musician)                      tricts. And mirroring best      cians an initial experience    Ruben W. Botello               his wing (regardless) and       a wealth of knowledge
                                practices for any teacher,      in that variety of ensem-      (musician)                     let me practice and play        and experience. I am sure,
   My pal, Bill … With the      Bill was a consistent stu-      ble playing and as a trum-                                    with the College of the         wherever he is now, he’s
passing of Bill Allison a       dent himself and was near-      pet player with local activ-     It greatly saddens me to     Redwoods Jazz Orchestra.        giving God the pleasure of
massive hole is left in the     ing completion of a teach-      ists street band, Bandemo-     hear of Bill Allison’s pass-   And I remained with the         listening to his jazz. God
fabric of local jazz, mu-       ing credential.                 nium, Bill was always early    ing. He meant so much to       band for multiple years.        bless Bill Allison forever.
sic education and commu-           Parents of his young stu-    to rehearsals and perfor-      me and so many others.            I had such a fun time        Thank you, Bill. Rest In
nity music. Arguably the        dents never failed to re-       mances and never wavered         For the longest time,        playing (and singing) for       peace, friend.
finest jazz vocalist per-       mark upon his boundless         in his solid support for the   I had always wanted to         the College of the Red-                     ALLISON » PAGE 13
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022                                                                                                                            TIMES-STANDARD.COM   | Urge | 13

                               her voice skills. Bill came to    ing a farm.
Allison                        our home for private voice
                               lessons, and I got to know
                                                                    I’ll miss you, Bill, and I
                                                                 will think of you every time
FROM PAGE 12                   him a little better.              I sit down at my keyboard.
                                  He told us some of his         Fly by the music, my friend.
Danika Lyssand (co-            past mistakes and trage-
worker)                        dies, and about the ways          Gary Storts (former
                               that he persevered and            superintendent South
   I met Bill the year he      overcame them. He shared          Bay Union School
started at South Bay Ele-      stories of his pride for his      District, assistant
mentary School. It was the     children and about their
first year I was to be the      successes. He was always
head cook. During pre-ser-     professional and under-           Eureka City Schools)
vice days, he was setting up   standing when teaching,              Bill was a kind man who
his music room and I was       and as a person.                  loved his students with all
setting up my kitchen. I          I appreciated knowing          his heart and was equally
think we were both equally     Bill and the time he took         loved by his colleagues. I feel
nervous.                       to help his students and          truly blessed that “Mr. Alli-
   Bill came into the          the people around him.            son” was a part of my life.
kitchen with a box full of     His music helped make
recorders, wanting to know     the world a little brighter.      Tim Grimmett
if he could wash and sani-     My deepest condolences to         (principal, Pine Hill
tize them. While we ran the    his family, friends and stu-      Elementary, SBUSD)
instruments through the        dents.
dishwasher, we introduced                                           Bill was a fun-loving
ourselves, chatted about       Zack Glidden                      man, passionate about his
the upcoming school year,      (musician)                        music, students, friends
about music and about our                                        and family. I enjoyed
hometowns. Bill was pleas-        I grew up learning to          laughing and sharing sto-
ant, respectful and kind.      play the piano and the            ries with him every Friday
   His classroom was close     keyboard from my dad. In          afternoon when we’d meet
to my work area and Bill       the prior year, my dad had        to talk about the happen-
would often pass the back      made some phone calls to          ings of the week.                                                                                  COURTESY OF GREGG MOORE
door of the kitchen. He        get me lessons so that I             Inevitably, the conver- Pictured is Bill Allison preparing to participate in the All-Species Parade as part of
would always take a mo-        could continue to progress.       sation always went to Bill Bandemonium for the North Country Fair about five years ago.
ment to say hello, ask how     (I just like to freestyle).       talking about his kids and
I was doing or to compli-         Based on my style of           grandkids, who brought
ment me on how good the        play, Bill was recom-             him so much joy and excite-
food smelled. The cafete-      mended from musicians             ment. Speaking about them
                                                                                                                                         RT LETOWN
                                                                                                                                       MY Since 19
ria is kind of isolated, so
outside of lunch service,
                               all around the county. For
                               whatever reason I kept put-
                                                                 brought out his huge smile
                                                                 and raucous laugh.                                                                63 E
I don’t see a lot of people    ting off contacting Bill to          He was also passionate
during the day. It was nice    set up my lessons.                about teaching and cared
to have a teacher go out of       When my dad passed             deeply about his students.                                             BODY SHOP INC.
their way to acknowledge       away in August of 2018, I         The students he served
me and say hello.              knew it was time to get a         loved “Mr. Allison.” He will
   Bill would also share       hold of Bill. When I told         be greatly missed by all of
gardening tips with me,        Bill that my father had           those lives he touched.
and I would save my empty      passed, he told me some-
five-gallon buckets for him     thing along the lines of          Sarah McClimon
to use for his composting      “our lives can only be            (adjunct faculty,
projects. During his lunch     judged by the smiles we           Department of                                                        2706 Myrtle Ave, Eureka         707-442-3722
break or after school, he      leave behind.”                    Education, Cal Poly
would often play the piano,       Bill left me a lot of smiles
and his music would fill the    and I’m sure that’s true for
                                                                 Humboldt)                                                   The latest digital hearing aid technology
hallways. The day Bill got
his credentials, he came to
                               all of us that are reading
                                                                   I had the pleasure of
                                                                 working with Bill for two
                                                                                                                                   and the best professional care
share the news with me, ex-       Because of all the crap        years as his university su-
cited to have achieved the     I was going through, Bill         pervisor during his teach-                                     Call now for an appointment: 832-4919
next step of his career.       became someone I really           ing credential program at
   My daughter Solveig         admired. We talked about          Humboldt State University.
was a student of Bill’s, and   all kinds of stuff. He had          I had known Bill as a                                                                                             PC
she enjoyed his classes        story upon story of play-         respected local musician,
and teaching style. After      ing alongside of some of          having heard him sing and
she graduated and moved        the musical greats. Bill          play trumpet at Humboldt          Trisha Ostermeier,Au.D.                          Hear what you’ve been missing.
                                                                                                       Doctor of Audiology
on to high school, she be-     taught me how to grow             County events. He gener-
came involved in theater       Shiitake mushrooms and            ously shared his depth of         831 Harris St. (J & Harris) • Eureka •
and wanted to improve          we even had ideas of start-                  ALLISON » PAGE 16
          U                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022

Saturday Prime Time                                                                                                                                                                                                                              FEBRUARY 12, 2022
              SL   CC GVL KLA         6 PM                6:30               7 PM                7:30                8 PM                8:30                9 PM                9:30                  10 PM                10:30                11 PM               11:30
(3.1) KIEM     3   3   3   -    (5:00) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics 'TVG'                                     Beijing 2022        (:35) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics 'TVG'                                                                News (N)            (:35) Beijing 2022
(13.1) KEET 13 13 13       -    Frankie Drake "A History of Violins"   Masterpiece Classic                    RFDS: Royal Flying Doctor Service       Icon Music "On the Net"                     Austin City Limits (N)                  Music California    Songs Center
(17.1) KVIQ 6 6 6          -    Bull "The Exception to the Rule"       SEAL Team "Rules of Engagement"        Magnum P.I. "Texas Wedge"               Blue Bloods "Atonement"                     48 Hours                                Family Feud         Family Feud
(23.1) KAEF    7 11    -   -    (5:30) NBA Basketball Los Angeles Lakers at Golden State Warriors (L) 'TVG'   Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy!              Judge Judy          Judge Judy          Dateline "Final Curtain"                    The Issue Is...     SpotlightAmerica
(23.2) KAEF2 130 188 -     -    Stooge/:20 Stooge (:40) Stooges        Stooge/:20 Stooge (:40) Stooges
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                    TIMES-STANDARD.COM             | Urge | 15 U

Sunday Daytime                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    FEBRUARY 13, 2022
              6 AM         6:30       7 AM       7:30      8 AM        8:30       9 AM       9:30     10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30                               1 PM       1:30       2 PM        2:30     3 PM        3:30        4 PM       4:30       5 PM         5:30
(3.1) KIEM (5:00) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics 'TVG'                            SB Spec. (L)          Super Bowl LVI Pre-game (L) 'TVG'                                                                           NFL Football Super Bowl LVI L.A. Rams vs Cincinnati (L) 'TVG'
(13.1) KEET Rogers        DinoT     Molly      Wild K.    Hero Ele Cyberch. When Disaster St          Operation Maneat News          Bolder     W.House W.Week Contrary Firing             Smoke      The Bozeman Trail 'TVPG'          Roots "Fighters"       O.House House
(17.1) KVIQ Machine Matter          Sunday Morning (N) 'TVPG'        FaceNtn PBR Bull Riding          NCAA Basketball (L) 'TVG'                 PGA Golf Phoenix Open Site: TPC Scottsdale (L) 'TVG'              Pet Vet     All In    Castle                 Matter       News (N)
(23.1) KAEF Heroes        Heroes    GMA/Sunday (N)        This Week (N)         Full Measure          News (N) Count       NBA Basketball Atlanta vs Boston (L) 'TVG'
      U                                                                                                                                                                 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022

                                                                                                                                                                   his voice as he shared with
                                                                                                                                                                   us the birth of his first
                                                                                                                                                                   grandchild. His smile over-
FROM PAGE 13                                                                                                                                                       took the class as he passed
                                                                                                                                                                   his phone around, ensuring
knowledge and genuine                                                                                                                                              everyone got a look at the
care for the students he                                                                                                                                           new baby.
taught at South Bay and                                                                                                                                               After I graduated, I be-
Pine Hill schools every day.                                                                                                                                       gan to take vocal lessons
   Bill had a wonderful rap-                                                                                                                                       with him. He shared with
port with his students and                                                                                                                                         me even more stories of fam-
made them feel valued. Stu-                                                                                                                                        ily, his past and what music
dents shared how much they                                                                                                                                         meant to him. They were al-
loved music in his class,                                                                                                                                          ways overwhelmingly beau-
whether learning to appre-                                                                                                                                         tiful. He would fill my home
ciate music of the world (ev-                                                                                                                                      with tunes of jazz — com-
erything from Indian music                                                                                                                                         forting, yet exciting, delight-
to Brother Iz), singing Amer-                                                                                                                                      ful, yet unpredictable.
ican folk songs or writing                                                                                                                                            He would tell me that
lyrics to a class song about                                                                                                                                       music (and life) were like a
the school community.                                                                                                                                              stream. The rush of the cur-
   Bill overcame many chal-                                                                                                                                        rent would constantly rear-
lenges during pandemic                                                                                                                                             range the stones, and never
teaching, and he graciously                                                                                                                                        again would the water follow
overcame them. Teaching ef-                                                                                                                                        the same path. He taught me
fectively in the online format                                                                                                        COURTESY OF ALAN OLMSTEAD    the beauty of the unique, and
— not an easy feat.               Bill Allison — who died unexpectedly just before Christmas — is pictured during a performance at the Morris Graves               how to honor the moments in
   Students will remember         Museum of Art in Eureka.                                                                                                         music and in life, as you never
his big heart and the wel-                                                                                                                                         will get the same thing twice.
coming musical community          conductor of the CR Jazz Or- “Basement” in Arcata just         kids and loved them dearly.     But, hey, isn’t that why we all      Bill would leave after our
he created, no matter where       chestra that semester.       over two years ago.               Whenever we would meet a        loved Bill so much? He was        lessons, and I would always
he taught his class.                 Barbara and I each had       I created a CD of the eve-     great big hug would be our      always in the loop.               wish for them to continue. It
                                  a series of solos — mostly   ning as well as editing video     greeting. A great loss to our      I will miss you, Bill. I am    almost became hard to prac-
Donna Landry-Rehling              songs of the Big Band era —  selections for YouTube and        community and to me, the        sad that my son never got to      tice on my own without his
(vocalist: The “A” Train,         “Chattanooga Choo Choo,”     designed a website that also      kindness and joy of a fellow    meet you, and hear you play       kind words and expertise.
Swing Set)                        “Beseme Mucho,” “Night       featured a number of his ear-     musician and lover of life.     jazz live. But I am happy that       I remember one day, we
                                  and Day,” “Like Someone in   lier excellent CDs. See www.                                      you get to be with your wife      were practicing a song — him
   I have always admired          Love” and many others. … for         Ngan Ho (artist/art             now. I know, deep down, that      on the piano, me singing, it
Bill’s versatility — as a pia-       He was generous with the  links to all of that.             teacher)                        you really just wanted to be      was going lovely as usual. A
nist, conductor and jazz vo-      “spotlight” and shared his      I was convinced if we                                          with her. Rest easy, my friend.   hummingbird greeted us at
calist. We first met at a Morris   musical knowledge freely. I  could only get him more              Bill and I worked together I’ll see you over the rainbow.      the window and Bill got so
Graves performance in 2008.       continue to work with some   exposure (I had his new           at South Bay Union Schools;                                       excited. He shared with me
He occasionally stopped in at     of the musicians that Bill in-
                                                               CD distributed to Pandora,        he was the music teacher Solveig Lyssand                          his deep love for humming-
my performances at the Eu-        troduced me to in that jazz  Spotify, Amazon and iTunes,       and I, the art teacher. We (student and Danika                    birds. Whenever I see one
reka Inn and other venues         orchestra — Joyce and Jerry  etc.), that he could easily be    bonded on being the under- Lyssand’s daughter)                    now, I always think of him.
through the years.                Carter, Leon Hamilton and    touring Europe every sum-         paid underdogs at work —                                             I feel as if I never got the
   My good friend, Barbara        others.                      mer and find an appreciative       the artsy-fartsy outsiders.        Bill was not only a beloved    chance to express my true
Romero, a longtime vocal-            Thank you, Bill, for your audience (especially there           Enduring the grueling teacher, mentor, and coach,              gratitude to him. He helped
ist, worked with him and          gentle nature and generous   where they love and support       credential program at HSU but he was also a connec-               to water a seed of music in
spoke highly of him. She          spirit. I miss your friendship
                                                               classic jazz more than here,      while simultaneously teach- tion — a bridge to the land           me that has only grown in
and I would seek out his          and musical talents. Many    the place of its origin).         ing during the pandemic, of peace, music and har-                 all my time with him. I am
performances for a nice out-      blessings on the other side.    But COVID put a crimp in       also brought us together. It mony he wanted desperately           eternally grateful for every
ing. He was always gracious                                    those plans. And then, sud-       was challenging, but at least to share. And that he did.          story he told me, every note
about inviting us to set in for   Alan Olmstead (Sirius denly he is gone. I know he’s            we had each other.                 Originally, when I at-         he played and every mem-
a song or two, and his styl-      Studios, Eureka)             jamming with the greats              I (also) had the privi- tended South Bay, he was my            ory he shared with me.
ings on the piano seemed to                                    somewhere in a better place.      lege of making it over to his music teacher. A few times             My heart goes out to the
intentionally showcase our           Bill Allison was a good We will miss you greatly, Bill.     home in Fieldbrook, where a week he would enter our               family in this time of grief,
various styles.                   friend and an amazing and                                      he proudly and enthusiasti- classroom with a spirit so            and I hope that I can con-
   He was respectful of our       authentic jazz “vocalese” Marla Joy (musician)                 cally showed me his love of bright that everyone looked           tribute to his memory in a
musical needs. That was           singer of the classic ’50s      A gentle giant of a man.       permaculture or horticul- forward to his classes and to           way that is a fraction of as
an endearing quality I have       and ’60s era (Eddie Jeffer- He loved learning and shar-        ture. Even when we were no his music.                             warm as his spirit was.
come to appreciate more and       son, Leon Thomas, Jon Hen- ing his knowledge with oth-         longer coworkers, he would         Playing, scatting and             *****************
more.                             dricks, et al).              ers. Bill and I played together   still call me often to check in singing notes of passion he          Thanks to the memories
   In 2011, Bill invited Bar-        I was able to capture a in a few different musical en-      on me and my baby.              wanted to share with all. But     shared by you (and all of
bara and I to participate in      wonderful set he and his sembles. A fabulous singer,              Bill was such a sweet, that wasn’t all he wished to            the others who celebrated
the End of Term Concert of        quartet (with longtime col- pianist and trumpet player         kindhearted, talented, pas- share. He would tell the class        Bill’s life), the warmth of
the College of the Redwoods       laborator and guitarist Dave and mycologist.                   sionate man albeit a bit opin- stories of his career and fam-     his “musical spirit” plays
Jazz Orchestra. Bill was the      Wilson II) performed at the     He was so proud of his         ionated and feisty at times.) ily. I remember the pride in        on.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                               TIMES-STANDARD.COM             | Urge | 17  U

Sunday Prime Time                                                                                                                                                                                                                           FEBRUARY 13, 2022
              SL   CC GVL KLA         6 PM                  6:30              7 PM                7:30              8 PM                  8:30              9 PM                9:30              10 PM                 10:30               11 PM                  11:30
(3.1) KIEM     3   3   3   -    (3:00) NFL Football Super Bowl LVI (L) (:15) Postgame      (:45) Beijing Figure Skating, Speed Skating (W) 500m 'TVG' News (N)           (:35) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics 'TVG'                      Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics
(13.1) KEET 13 13 13       -    Lawrence Welk "Salute to Nashville" Nature "Penguins: Meet the Family"        Masterpiece Classic (N)                Masterpiece Classic (N)                 Vienna Blood "Darkness Rising" (N)        The Real McCoy
(17.1) KVIQ 6 6 6          -    S.W.A.T. "Hoax"                         60 Minutes                            Celebrity Big Brother (N)              The Equalizer "Shooter"                 S.W.A.T. "Sentinel"                       Bull "Thanksgiving"
(23.1) KAEF    7 11    -   -    Entertainment Tonight Weekend           America's Funniest Home Videos        America's Funniest Home Videos         Shark Tank                              Shark Tank                                Full Measure         The Issue Is...
(23.2) KAEF2 130 188 -     -    A. Griffith Show     A. Griffith Show   M*A*S*H            M*A*S*H            Monk "Mr. Monk and the Big Reward" Monk "Mr. Monk and the Astronaut"           Ed Sullivan Show Carol Burnett            Dick Van Dyke        Dick Van Dyke
(28.1) KBVU 2 2 2          -    Big Bang Theory      Big Bang Theory    The Simpsons       Bob's Burgers      The Simpsons       The Great North     Bob's Burgers       Family Guy          Ring of Honor Wrestling                   The Issue Is...      Gametime
(28.2) KBVU2 139 190 -     -    (5:00) < Galaxy (‘86, Sci-Fi)           < Mausoleum (‘83, Hor) Norman Burton, Bobbie Bresee. 'TV14'
      U                                                                                                                                                THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022


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                          Sudoku                                                                Across
                                                                                     1. TV’s “American ___”
                                                                                     5. “Jurassic Park” (1993)
                                                                                        and “Peaky Blinders”
                                                                                                                    36. “Arabian Nights” hero
                                                                                                                    40. Medical drama that
                                                                                                                       stars Matt Czuchry (2)
                                                                                                                    44. Rhino feature
                                                                                                                                                     Spider-Man’s snare
                                                                                                                                                     Sylvester, to Tweety
                                                                                                                                                     Cow food
                                                                                                                                                     Popular music category
                                                                                        star Neill                  45. Legal org.               26. Literature Nobelist
                                                                                     8. Like the distance between   46. Morse code component        Andric
                                                                                        planets                     49. Look like a creep       27. Hollywood and
                                                                                     12. Acclaimed film director    50. H.S. subject                Broadway star
                                                                                        Ephron                      51. Major test                  ___-Manuel Miranda
                                                                                     13. TV schedule abbr.          52. Rehab candidate         28. Archaeological site
                                                                 Fill in the grid    14. 1960s spy series (2)       53. Middling mark           32. Bread maker
                                                                                     15. Pixar film                 54. Container covers        33. “Cheers” offering
                                                               so that every row,                                                               34. “The Simpsons”
                                                                                     16. “Well that’s tasty!”
                                                                 every column,                                                                      grandpa
                                                                                     17. Give the cold shoulder                 Down
                                                               and every 3x3 box     18. 1980s medical drama        1. Part of some co. names   35. 18 Across star Howie
                                                               contains the digits      with a very memorable       2. Scooby-___ (cartoon dog) 37. “Dune” (2021) star
                                                                  1 through 9.          finale (2)                  3. Tolkien monsters             Oscar
                                                                                     21. Make less bitter           4. Taoism founder           38.  Best-selling book
                                                              Solution on page 23
                                                                                     22. A crowd, supposedly        5. “Project Runway” subject 39. Words of wisdom
                                                                                     25. What many HGTV hosts       6. Rough treatment          40. Holier than ___
                                                                                        do                          7. “American Buffalo”       41.  Sty residents
                                                                                     29. Battery size                   playwright              42. First name in mysteries
                                                                                     30. Seven, to Caesar           8. Hindu deity              43. Old sitcom that starred
                                                                                     31. Aggressive, as a           9. Tennis legend Arthur         Judd Hirsch and Danny
                                                                                        personality (2)             10. Cowboy’s boot spike         DeVito
                                                                                     34. Video game that took       11. “Cagney & Lacey” star   47.  Down in the dumps
                                                                                        the world by storm in           Daly                    48.  Initials at sea
                                                                                        2020: ___ Us                19. Female with a wool coat  Solution on page 23
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022                                                  TIMES-STANDARD.COM   | Urge | 19

                                You should obey
                                the rule of law
                                   Once, when playing         South bid seven diamonds,
                                in a tournament in Lon-       East couldn’t wait for his
                                don and sitting North, I      turn. He doubled and im-
                                bid seven diamonds af-        mediately led the diamond
                                ter a competitive auction     ace!
                                in which our opponents           South, realizing that
                                had preempted us out of       seven diamonds was
                                Blackwood. East sacrificed     doomed, retreated to
                                in seven hearts, where-       seven no-trump. Declarer
                                upon West took the dia-       was now permitted to stop
                                mond ace from his hand,       West from leading a dia-
                                licked the back of the card   mond! Smiling to himself,
                                and stuck it to his fore-     West selected the spade
                                head! My partner, West,       five. Expecting West to be
                                the kibitzers and I started   5=7 in the black suits, de-
                                laughing. East, properly      clarer tried to restrict his
                                keeping his eyes on his       losses. He finessed the
                                cards, wondered why.          spade jack at trick one;
                                   If a card is exposed       then, with the aid of three
                                during the auction, it be-    finesses, he took four
                                comes a penalty card, to      heart tricks. Next, South
                                be played at the first le-     played a club to dummy’s
                                gal opportunity. There        king and cashed dummy’s
                                are some other possibili-     spade ace and king. Fi-
                                ties, but they didn’t arise   nally, he led a club to the
                                in this deal. Uncoinciden-    ace, preparing to concede
                                tally, it also features the   down four, when some-
                                diamond ace.                  thing strange happened.
                                   West’s bid of four no-     East, being out of clubs,
                                trump was wild with 4=8       was forced to discard the
                                distribution. Then, when      exposed diamond ace!

      BRIDGE                  PHILLIP
          U                                                                                                                                                                                                                             THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022

Monday Prime Time                                                                                                                                                                                                                         FEBRUARY 14, 2022
              SL   CC GVL KLA         6 PM               6:30                7 PM                7:30                8 PM                8:30               9 PM                  9:30            10 PM                 10:30             11 PM                11:30
(3.1) KIEM     3   3   3   -    (5:00) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics 'TVG'                                                          Beijing 2022       (:05) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics 'TVG'                                       News (N)            (:35) Beijing 2022
(13.1) KEET 13 13 13       -    PBS NewsHour (N)                      News                 Places to Love     Antiques Roadshow (N)                   Antique "Crocker Art Museum Hour 3" Independent Lens "Bulletproof" (N) 'TVPG'                      Amanpour (N)
(17.1) KVIQ 6 6 6          -    News (N)           Inside Edition (N) Family Feud (N)      Family Feud (N)    The Price Is Right (N)                  Celebrity Big Brother (N)              NCIS: Hawai'i "Lost"                    News (N)            (:35) Colbert
(23.1) KAEF    7 11    -   -    News (N)           News (N)           Wheel (N)            Jeopardy! (N)      The Bachelor (N) 'TV14'                                                        Promised "El Regalo (The Gift)" (N)     News (N)            (:35) J. Kimmel
(23.2) KAEF2 130 188 -     -    Addams Family      Happy Days         M*A*S*H              M*A*S*H            A. Griffith Show     A. Griffith Show   Gomer Pyle         Green Acres         Hogan's Heroes      Hogan's Heroes      Carol Burnett       Perry Mason
(28.1) KBVU 2 2 2          -    Big Bang Theory    Big Bang Theory    Young Sheldon        Modern Family      9-1-1: Lone Star "The ATX-Files" (N)    Cleaning Lady "Mother's Mission" (N) News (N)              TMZ (N)             Extra (N)           Modern Family
(28.2) KBVU2 139 190 -     -    Farscape "The Flax"                   Quantum Leap "Catch a Falling Star" Quantum Leap "Sea Bride"                    Quantum Leap "Temptation Eyes"         The X-Files "The Jersey Devil"          The X-Files "3"
(29.1) KECA 9 7 -          -    The Nick Cannon Show (N)              Family Guy           Family Guy         March "The Showdown" (N)                4400 "Present Is Prologue" (SF) (N)    The Goldbergs       The Goldbergs       Bob's Burgers       Bob's Burgers
(29.2) KECA2 5     8   4   -    King of Queens     Last Man St.       The National Desk Get the latest national and local news as it happens. 'TVG'   Law&O: SVU "American Disgrace"         Law&O: SVU "Producer's Backend"         Imp. Jokers         Dish Nation (N)

   A&E        58 68 18 29 The First 48                                Secrets of Playboy                      SecretsPlayboy "The Price of Loyalty" Secrets of Playboy "The Circus" (N)      Adopting "Chewing On His Behalf" (N) (:05) Secrets of Playboy
  AMC         74 26 35 25 (4:) < Black Dog
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                 TIMES-STANDARD.COM           | Urge | 21  U

Tuesday Prime Time                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FEBRUARY 15, 2022
              SL   CC GVL KLA         6 PM                6:30                 7 PM               7:30                 8 PM                8:30               9 PM                 9:30             10 PM                10:30                 11 PM              11:30
(3.1) KIEM     3   3   3   -    (5:00) Beijing Alpine Skiing (M) Slalom, Figure Skating, Speed Skating (M) Team Pursuit (L) 'TVG'   (:35) Beijing 2022 (:05) Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics 'TVG'                                         News (N)            (:35) Beijing 2022
(13.1) KEET 13 13 13       -    PBS NewsHour (N)                        News                Steves' Europe      Your Roots "Forgotten Journeys" (N)     A.Exper. "The American Diplomat" (N) Frontline "American Reckoning" 'TVPG'                          Amanpour (N)
(17.1) KVIQ 6 6 6          -    News (N)            Inside Edition (N) Family Feud (N)      Family Feud (N)     FBI "Charlotte's Web"                   FBO: Int. "Voice of the People"        FBI: Most Wanted "Unhinged"              News (N)            (:35) Colbert
(23.1) KAEF    7 11    -   -    News (N)            News (N)            Wheel (N)           Jeopardy! (N)       JeopardyCol. "Quarterfinals #5" (N)     Abbott (N)          Black-ish (N)      Queens "2022" (SF) (N)                   News (N)            (:35) J. Kimmel
(23.2) KAEF2 130 188 -     -    Addams Family       Happy Days          M*A*S*H             M*A*S*H             A. Griffith Show    A. Griffith Show    Gomer Pyle          Green Acres        Hogan's Heroes      Hogan's Heroes       C. Burnett 2/2      Perry Mason
(28.1) KBVU 2 2 2          -    Big Bang Theory     Big Bang Theory     Young Sheldon       Modern Family       The Resident "Viral" (N)                Real Dancing "Do You Love Me" (N)      News (N)            TMZ (N)              Extra (N)           Modern Family
(28.2) KBVU2 139 190 -     -    Farscape "Fractures"                    Quantum Leap "The Leap Home" 1/2 Quantum Leap "The Leap Home" 2/2 Quantum Leap "Leap of Faith"                         X-Files "Two Fathers" 1/2 cont'd next The X-Files "One Son" 2/2
(29.1) KECA 9 7 -          -    The Nick Cannon Show (N)                Family Guy          Family Guy          SupermanLois "The Ties That Bind"       Naomi "Zero to Sixty"                  The Goldbergs       The Goldbergs        Bob's Burgers       Bob's Burgers
(29.2) KECA2 5     8   4   -    King of Queens      Last Man St.        The National Desk Get the latest national and local news as it happens. 'TVG'   Chicago Fire "A Heavy Weight"          Chicago Fire "A Dark Day"                Imp. Jokers         Dish Nation (N)

   A&E        58 68 18 29 Storage Wars      Storage Wars                Storage Wars        Storage Wars        Storage Wars        Storage Wars        Storage Wars        Storage Wars       Storage Wars        Storage Wars         (:05) Storage W.    (:35) Storage W.
  AMC         74 26 35 25 (4:15)
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