PROMPTER OCTOBER 2021 - The Bushnell

Page created by Mitchell Flores
PROMPTER OCTOBER 2021 - The Bushnell


PROMPTER OCTOBER 2021 - The Bushnell
PROMPTER OCTOBER 2021 - The Bushnell
Message from the President & CEO...................... 3

Escape to Margaritaville........................................ 4

Annual Fund Donor Honor Roll.......................... 16

An Extra Special Thank You................................ 20

The Bushnell Services........................................ 21

     Board of Trustees
     Thomas O. Barnes          John Guy                 David G. Nord            TRUSTEES               Helen B. Gray
     VICE CHAIR                                         VICE CHAIR               EMERITUS
                               Jeffrey S. Hoffman                                                       Virginia S. Hilyard
     Jay S. Benet              VICE CHAIR               Robert E. Patricelli     Robert B. Goldfarb
     IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR                                                                               Maurice Hines
                               Jill J. Hutensky         David Paulson            Maxwell M. Belding*
     James A. Calhoun                                                                                   Fred A. Larson
                               Charles H. Klippel       Carl J. Peterson
     Beth Costello                                                               HONORARY               Alan Lazowski
     CHAIR                     Edison T. Liu, M.D.      Rodney Powell            TRUSTEES               F. Peter Libassi
     Harry A. Dalessio         Rebecca Loree            David M. Roth            Sherry Banks-Cohn
                               VICE CHAIR               VICE CHAIR                                      Thomas M. Marra
     Eric D. Daniels                                                             Jeffrey N. Brown       James D. Morrissey
     SECRETARY                 Karen S. Lynch           Bernard Schilberg
                                                                                 John F. Byrnes         William Peelle
     Jeffrey A. Flaks          Bonnie J. Malley         Edwin Shirley, III
                               VICE CHAIR               ASSISTANT SECRETARY      David E. A. Carson     Susan A. Rottner
     Rohan Freeman
                               Mark N. Mandell          Kevin Smith              Susan B. Clemow
     Marilda Gándara           ASSISTANT TREASURER                                                      *In grateful memory
                                                        Henry M. Zachs           Ronald E. Compton
     Arnold C. Greenberg       Corliss J. Montesi       VICE CHAIR
     TREASURER                                                                   Alfred V. Covello
                               Charles Nelson
     Steven M. Greenspan                                                         Joseph Gianni


     David R. Fay       Patti Jackson       Elizabeth Casasnovas     Yolande Spears         Ric Waldman       Stephanie Fried
     President          Executive Vice      Vice President,          Senior Vice            Vice President,   Associate Vice
     & CEO              President &         Development &            President, Education   Programming       President, CRM
                        Chief Financial     Chief Development        & Community                              & Marketing
                        Officer             Officer                  Initiatives

  A Lasting Gift
                                                                           The Bushnell Legacy Society recognizes with
                                                                      gratitude the generosity of those donors who have
                                                                               included the Center in their estate plans.

  Stanley* and Marilyn M. Alfeld             Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth S. Grant*        Margaret S. Rochford*
  Dorothy Clark Archibald*                   Helen and Harry* Gray                   Mr.* and Mrs. Peter G. Russell
  Tony* and Betty Autorino                   Arnold and Beverly Greenberg            Dr. Alan Schwartz
  Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Bachman             Mary Guiney*                            Carol Scoville and Hans Walzer
  Tom and Melanie Barnes                     Bertha L. Hart*                         Appleton H. Seaverns*
  Betty and Hap Barnes*                      Arman* and Betty Hatsian                Charles B. Seaverns
  Joan K. Berthoud*                          Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Hilyard        Margaret J. Sheehan
  Kristin M. Blanchfield                     Virginia and David Hilyard              Lois and Howard J*. Siegal
  Lori Poggi Bourret and                     Shepherd M. Holcombe*                   Robert* and Barbara Simons
    Robert L. Bourret, Sr.                   Hugh M. and Helen H. Joseloff*          Robert Siskin*
  Joyce C.* and Harold C.                    Karen A. Kelleher*                      Margy and Lewis Steinberg
    Buckingham, Jr.                          Dick and Hazel Koszyca                  Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Stepnowski
  John and Marla Byrnes                      Ann and Fred Larson                     Peter* and Betsy Sturrock
  John Spencer Camp Trust Fund               Margaret and Roger* Lawson              Michael Suisman*
  Jerrie and Bert Clear*                     Eileen R. Learned*                      Allen Weintraub
  Susan and Brian Clemow                     Peter and Mary Fran Libassi             Helen and Alfred Wilke
  Marie Jeanne and David* Coffin             Henry Link, P.E.                        Mary Jane Willms*
  Mary J. Converse                           Jim Lyon*                               Mrs. Helen S. Wills*
  Patricia L. Coombs*                        Cornelia G. Mason                       Louise W. Willson*
  Pamela and James Cronin                    Ruth A. McElraevy                       Mrs. Lisa Wilson-Foley and
  Evelyn L. Crosby*                          Linn and Keith McGlade                     Mr. Brian J. Foley
  Ann M. Curran*                             Ken and Kris Millerd                    Ms. Katharine S. Winter*
  Barbara and Ward Cusati                    Mr.* and Mrs. William F.K. Monks        Mr* and Mrs. Gardiner T. Wood
  Robert* and Mary Darling                   Joan G. Monts                           Margaret L. Woods
  Patricia R. DiLeo                          Edith and John Davis Murphy*            William A. Yandow*
  Germaine and Raymond Drennen               David and Ellen Nattila                 Robert and Kathleen O’Donnell
  Dr. Robert F. and Mrs. Sharon Efron        Seymore S. Newman*                         Yeaton
  David and Rochelle Fierston                Emery and Barbara Olcott                Judith M. and Henry M. Zachs
  Bob Garthwait, Jr.                         The Robert and Margaret Patricelli      Ellen and Michael Zenke
  Evelyn Genovese                               Family Foundation                    Anonymous
  Vanessa and Tom Giannasi                   Frances B. Petersen*
  Bob and Frankie Goldfarb                   Carl and Lisa Peterson                  *In grateful memory
  Julian B. Goldstein*                       Ronna L. Reynolds

  For more information on membership in The Bushnell Legacy Society, please
  contact Ellen Nattila, Senior Major and Planned Gifts Officer at (860) 987-6071.
  Do what Dotha did include The Bushnell in your estate plans.

Welcome Back

                          Broadway is back,        support throughout our challenging closure.
                           and we couldn’t         You stood beside us while we all waited until
                           be more excited to      it was safe to come together once again.
                           share it with you.      Your commitment and loyalty — whether by
                                                   maintaining your subscription, giving to our
                         The 21-22 season          Annual Fund, or engaging with us online and
                       promises to be one of       through virtual performances — made all
                   our most exciting yet! With     the difference and ensured we reached this
more than 10 Broadway shows, dozens of             time, when we could return to our beloved
other performances, including the Hartford         Mortensen Hall, together.
Symphony Orchestra Concert Series, the
compelling conversations brought to us by          While a lot has changed at The Bushnell (I
the Connecticut Forum, and more, there is so       hope you check out our Muse magazine to
much to enjoy at The Bushnell. I hope that         learn more about those changes:
you will take advantage of these incredible        about/muse), our mission remains the same
opportunities.                                     — to present, create, inspire, and share the
                                                   very best in the performing arts. So, let’s begin
Bringing Broadway back to you, after a long        today with a joyful celebration of friends, fun,
20-month absence, feels incredible. We are         and the irresistible music of Jimmy Buffett.
grateful to be able to come together again and
can offer our thanks, in real time, for your       Sincerely,

                                                                  David R. Fay

                                  2021-2022 Season Sponsored by


                                    Book by                                                          Music by

          GREG GARCIA & MIKE O’MALLEY                                                 JIMMY BUFFETT

                           CHRIS CLARK SARAH HINRICHSEN
           Scenic Design by                   Costume Design by                 Lighting Design by                  Sound Design by
       WALT SPANGLER                     PAUL TAZEWELL                     HOWELL BINKLEY &                     BRIAN RONAN &
                                                                             AMANDA ZIEVE                       CRAIG CASSIDY
                         Wigs, Hair & Makeup Design by                                           Casting by
                              LEAH J. LOUKAS                                               BINDER CASTING
                                                                                     CHAD ERIC MURNANE. C.S.A.
                       Orchestrations                     Dance Music Arrangements                        Music Consultant
                  MICHAEL UTLEY                              GARY ADLER                                MAC McANALLY
             Music Director                      Music Coordinator              Production Stage Manager               Company Manager
        WENDELL VAUGHN                          TALITHA FEHR                    EMMA IACOMETTA                      MARK JOHNSON
                  Exclusive Tour Direction             Marketing and Publicity Direction                    Social Media
              THE BOOKING GROUP                    BOND THEATRICAL GROUP                         MARATHON DIGITAL
        Associate Choreographer                 Production Manager                General Managers                  Executive Producer
                                                                         MADELINE M. MCCLUSKEY
                                     Music Supervision & Arrangements and Additional Orchestrations by

                                                    CHRISTOPHER JAHNKE
                                                                  Directed by

                                                 AMY ANDERS CORCORAN
                                                              Choreographed by

                                                         KELLY DE VINE
                                                      Based on the Original Direction by

                                                CHRISTOPHER ASHLEY
Chris           Sarah
                      Clark         Hinrichsen

  Emily     Peter              Rachel        Patrick      Matthew
Qualmann   Michael              Lyn          Cogan         James
           Jordan              Fobbs                      Sherrod

 DeVon     Anthony             Lauren          Fabi        Julia
Buchanan   Cataldo            Celentano     Gallmeister   Grondin

Rachel      Ruby              Georgia      Gabriela E.    Ernesto
 Kay       McCann             Monroe        Moreno         Olivas

  Jake       Kyle              Trent          Emma          Jade
Pedersen   Southern           Soyster        Stricker      Turner

                   Bryce                 Chad
                   Colby                Vaught
                 Vaewsorn                                           5
    Tully. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHRIS CLARK
    Rachel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SARAH HINRICHSEN
    Tammy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EMILY QUALMANN
    Brick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PETER MICHAEL JORDAN
    Marley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RACHEL LYN FOBBS
    J.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PATRICK COGAN
    Jamal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MATTHEW JAMES SHERROD
    Chadd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KYLE SOUTHERN
    Ted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DeVON BUCHANAN
    Ensemble. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DeVON BUCHANAN, ANTHONY CATALDO,
                                                                 LAUREN CELENTANO, FABI GALLMEISTER,
                                             JULIA GRONDIN, RACHEL KAY, GEORGIA MONROE,
                                                                    GABRIELA E. MORENO, ERNESTO OLIVAS,
                                     JAKE PEDERSEN, KYLE SOUTHERN, EMMA STRICKER,

                                          RUBY McCANN, TRENT SOYSTER
                                                           DANCE CAPTAIN
                                                           TRENT SOYSTER

                               Understudies never substitute for the listed players unless
                      a specific posting or announcement is made at the time of the performance.

                                  For Tully: KYLE SOUTHERN;
                   for Rachel: RACHEL LYN FOBBS, GEORGIA MONROE;
                          for Tammy: RACHEL KAY; JADE TURNER:
                                for Brick: ANTHONY CATALDO;
                                    for Marley: JADE TURNER;
                                 for Jamal: DeVON BUCHANAN
                                    Setting: Present Day, The Caribbean & Ohio

                                      THERE WILL BE ONE 15-MINUTE INTERMISSION

                         The taking of photographs, videotaping or other recording of this production is a violation
                                       of the copyright law and an actionable federal offense.

                  (in alphabetical order)

                  A Pirate Looks at Forty
           Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On
       Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes
                 Cheeseburger in Paradise
                    Coast of Marseilles
                    Coconut Telegraph
                       Come Monday
                  Grapefruit - Juicy Fruit
                   Havana Daydreamin’
                      He Went to Paris
              It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere
                        It’s My Job
                    Last Mango in Paris
                      License to Chill
                      Love and Luck
                  One Particular Harbour
                  Son of a Son of a Sailor
                       Three Chords
                      Tin Cup Chalice
     We Are the People Our Parents Warned Us About
                Why Don’t We Get Drunk

     Music Director/Keyboard: WENDELL VAUGHN
     Assistant Music Director/Drums: AVION WRIGHT
           Keyboard Programmer: Randy Cohen
               Music Coordinator: Talitha Fehr

       CHRIS CLARK (Tully) is beyond grateful                (Triad Stage); Louis/Billy Webster: Sunday in the
       to return to the island and finally find that         Park with George (NC Summer Rep). Education:
       lost shaker of salt. Actor, improv/standup            University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
       comedian, personal trainer, pizza/cold brew  @anthonyscataldo
       enthusiast. “I couldn’t have survived the last
       year without my family, Oozma, CGF and my             LAUREN CELENTANO (Ensemble) is
       therapist.” BFA Texas State. @chrisclark55            thrilled to finally be returning to the stage with
                                                             Escape to Margaritaville, making this her second
       SARAH HINRICHSEN (Rachel) has performed               national tour! Lauren’s most recent credit is her
       in a lot of shows, but none more special than this    performance as Ensemble (as well as Assistant
       return to the island! Unending love and thanks to     Dance Captain) in the 2019-2020 National Tour
       Amy, the TROIKA Team, SD, Brrrrick, and of            of A Bronx Tale.
       course M+D. @sare_hin
                                                             FABI GALLMEISTER (Ensemble) Thrilled
       EMILY QUALMANN (Tammy) is ecstatic to                 to return to the island! Regional: Grand Hotel
       make her National Tour debut as Tammy. Off-           (The REV), Mamma Mia! (TBTS), Cats (Rum
       Broadway: The Office!: A Musical Parody (Phyllis      Tum Tugger), Hair (Berger). NYU Steinhardt
       & Others, Michael Scott U/S). The Hartt School        Graduate M.M. “Lots of love to my family, the
       ‘19. Gratitude to the E2M team, The Roster            entire E2M Team, Binder Casting, Lucille, and
       Agency, family, friends, Dmitri, Chet and you, dear   John. @fabigallmeister
       reader. @emilyqualmann
                                                             JULIA GRONDIN (Ensemble) graduated from
       PETER MICHAEL JORDAN (Brick) is                       Pace University where she performed works
       so happy to be polishing off his time on the          by choreographers such as Joshua Bergasse,
       2019/2020 Tour of Escape to Margaritaville in         Latasha Barnes, Dee Caspary, Scott Jovovich,
       ... 2021. He couldn’t have done it without Amy,       and more. She has also performed at the Wolf
       everyone at Troika, scientist Rachel, and the         Trap Theater with Misty Copeland and Tony
       Jordan 4. “Much love.” @latifahpeter                  Yazbeck. She’s so excited for this journey!
       RACHEL LYN FOBBS (Marley, U/S Rachel)                 RACHEL KAY (Ensemble, U/S Tammy) is
       Renewing my License to Chill! Voiceover Artist/       thrilled to be on her first national tour! Regional
       Vocal Coach, Pride & Prejudice (VA Stage              credits include Chicago (Roxie), West Side Story
       Co), Dopesick (HULU), The Good Lord Bird              (Graziella) and Show Boat (u/s Ellie May Chipley).
       (Showtime), Madam President (developmental            B.F.A., Syracuse University. “Endless thanks to
       lab), “GizmoGO!” (CBN). Love to Mum &                 Binder Casting, family, friends and mentors for your
       Dad. Matthew 6:33 @fobbsy                             love and support.” @raykayyy
       PATRICK COGAN (J.D.) was last seen on the        RUBY McCANN(Swing) is thrilled to make her
       First National tour of The Full Monty as Harold. island debut! Regional: Escape to Margaritaville
       Before that, for 14 months, as Daddy Warbucks    (Assistant Director/Choreographer, Ogunquit
       in Annie. He stopped touring to raise his 3      Playhouse), Hairspray (Prudy Pingleton/Dance
       children and 18 years later is back on the road. Captain, Jenny Wiley Theatre). Other: The Wolves
                                                        (Choreographer, Fordham University), Broadway
       MATTHEW JAMES SHERROD (Jamal/U/S Cares. Ruby thanks her mentors and family for
       J.D.) is ecstatic to be performing for audiences their generous love and support! @rubymccann02
       again! Actor/Singer/Songwriter from NYC.
       Favorite credits include Rent (Collins), Shrek GEORGIA MONROE (Ensemble, U/S
       (Donkey), Hair (Male swing) and Godspell Rachel) is stoked to be making her National Tour
       (“All Good Gifts”). “Follow me on TikTok – debut! Her credits include Rock of Ages (PCLO),
       MattyJSH and Instagram – MattyJSongs             The Little Dancer (Theater71, NYC), Evita,
                                                        Showboat (ILST), DDD; Heartbeat (Hershey
       DeVON BUCHANAN (Ted, Ensemble, U/S Park). Alumni of Pace University’s Commercial
       Jamal) alumni of Nashville School of the Arts, Dance Program (BFA). “Massive thanks to my
       would like to thank his agency (About Artists), supportive family!” @georgiaemonroe
       family and friends, and the world opening back
       up … sorta. Insta: divadevo86                    GABRIELA E. MORENO (Ensemble) is
                                                        thrilled to be joining Escape to Margaritaville!
       ANTHONY CATALDO (Ensemble/ U/S Favorite credits include Mamma Mia!, In the
       Brick, J.D.) Curly McClain: Oklahoma!; Mr. Heights, West Side Story. She sends love and
       Wormwood: Matilda; Black Stache: Peter and thanks to her mentors and is grateful to her
       the Starcatcher (Wagon Wheel); Zach: A Chorus parents for their endless love and support.
8 |    Line (The
      BUSHNELL    Wick); Bob McCaffery: South Pacific “¡Si se puede!” IG: @gabriela_e_moreno
ERNESTO OLIVAS (Ensemble) is thrilled to                  The Prom directed by Ryan Murphy. Website:
be joining Escape to Margaritaville! Favorite    Insta: @chadvaught
credits: West Side Story, On Your Feet!, Disney’s
Newsies. He sends love to his mom, Levi, & Ms.            JIMMY BUFFETT (Composer/Lyricist) Singer/
Perez! @ernesto__olivas                                   songwriter/author Jimmy Buffett has become a
                                                          legend of popular culture as the composer of such
JAKE PEDERSEN (Ensemble) He/Him. Tour                     classic songs as “Margaritaville,” “Come Monday”
Debut! Regional: Newsies (Crutchie-NLBP):                 and “Cheeseburger in Paradise.” He has recorded
The Best little Whorehouse in Texas (Totem Pole           over 50 albums, most of which have gone gold,
Playhouse). New work: The Last Day (Sarah                 platinum or multi-platinum. His sold-out concert
Schlesinger, Mike Reid), The Lucky Boy (Kirsten           tours are an annual rite of summer passage for
Childs). 2017 NHSMTA (Jimmy Awards). BFA                  his multigenerational legions of fans, some
Musical Theatre from Penn State. @jake.ped                affectionately known as Parrot Heads, many of                                          whom are professionals by day and who dress
                                                          in spectacular and outrageous tropical outfits
KYLE SOUTHERN (Chadd, Ensemble/ U/S                       and headwear when Jimmy comes to town.
Tully) is an alumni of the School of Stage &              Born in the Gulf Coast town of Pascagoula,
Screen at Western Carolina University. Recent             Mississippi, he was raised in Mobile, Alabama.
Credits include: Kenickie (Grease), Sky (Mamma            He is a fourth-generation sailor and fisherman, a
Mia!), Don Lockwood (Singin’ in the Rain), and            pilot, a surfer and a frequent traveler to remote
Berger (Hair). Representation:          and exotic places of the world, having become
The Price Group. Socials: @kylecsouthern                  addicted to National Geographic magazine
                                                          as a child. The lyrics to many of his songs are
TRENT SOYSTER (Dance Captain, Swing) is                   influenced by his travels all over the globe. As
stoked to return to the island! From Pittsburgh,          a best-selling author, he is one of only nine
PA and now NYC-based, Trent is a recent BFA               authors in the history of The New York Times
Musical Theater grad from Pace University and             Bestseller List to have reached #1 on both their
represented by MSA Agency! Regional: PCLO,                fiction and non-fiction lists. Jimmy has received
The Rev, Interlakes Theater. All love to my family        two Grammy nominations, numerous Country
& friends! More at!                      Music Association awards and was the recipient
                                                          of one of the nation’s highest songwriting
EMMA STRICKER (Ensemble) is so thrilled to                honors when he was inducted into the Nashville
be back on the road! She would like to thank her          Songwriters Hall of Fame. And now Jimmy is
family, friends, and teachers for all of their love and   heading back into the theatre world. The new
support. Regional: A Chorus Line (Connie) at The          musical Escape to Margaritaville features the
Wick Theatre. IAMT! “Dance on!” @emmastricker             music and lifestyle of Jimmy Buffett, from
                                                          an original story, and includes both new songs
JADE TURNER (Ensemble/ U/S Marley, Tammy)                 and the most-loved Buffett classics. Speaking
is thrilled to be rejoining the show! Regional            of Buffett classics, the most famous of them
credits: Asolo Rep’s Ragtime, Roe, and The                all, “Margaritaville” has been inducted into the
Music Man directed by Jeff Calhoun. Film                  2016 Grammy Hall of Fame for its cultural and
credits: Ben Platt’s “Temporary Love” music               historic significance. Only those recordings that
video. University of Tampa’ 17. Love to Mollie,           have influenced and inspired both music creators
and thanks to friends and family. @jayglotay              and fans for generations are considered for this
                                                          most special honor.
National tour debut! Fave regional/NYC credits:           GREG GARCIA (Book) created three back-
Borders, Legally Blonde, West Side Story x 3,             to-back syndicated comedies: “Yes, Dear,” “My
Hello, Dolly!, Fiddler on the Roof. “Gratitude            Name is Earl,” “Raising Hope.” He has written
to my family, friends, Travis, & the E2M team.”           on a variety of other sitcoms, including “Family
B.A. from UC Irvine. @bryce_krispie | Avalon              Matters” and “Family Guy,” and won an Emmy
Artists Group                                             for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series for
                                                          the pilot of “My Name is Earl.” Garcia entered
CHAD VAUGHT (Ensemble, U/S Chadd)                         the world of musical theatre for the sole reason
BFA in dance from New York University’s                   of hoping his oldest son Camden, a very talented
Tisch School of the Arts. Theatre credits:                actor at Boston University, would think he
Dallas Opera’s Samson et Dalila and Carmen;               was cool. When he’s not writing, directing and
Dallas Theater Center’s Hairspray; and Plan-B             producing TV shows, he likes to watch hockey
Entertainments Chicago. Film credits include              with his son Nathan, play board games with his

    son Trace and walk Mabel the dog on the beach Outer Critics Award nominations), Rock of Ages.
    with his amazing wife Kim.                          International: Rocky (Germany), Rock of Ages
                                                        (UK: West End & Tour, Toronto, Australia),
    MIKE O’MALLEY (Book) is the creator of Doctor Zhivago (Australia, Korea). Opera:
    the award-winning television series “Survivor’s Faust (NY Met & London ENO), Wozzeck (San
    Remorse.” O’Malley also was a producer on Diego Opera). Off-Broadway: Rock of Ages,
    Showtime’s “Shameless” for the first four Fat Camp, Frankenstein, Anne Wrecksick. TV:
    seasons. He is currently the showrunner for “Mozart in the Jungle,” “Wormwood,” “Dear
    the Starz wrestling drama “Heels.” As an Dumb Diary.” Film: Detroit (Kathryn Bigelow
    actor, Mike was Emmy nominated for his director); Untouchable (Nicole Kidman and
    groundbreaking portrayal of Burt Hummel on Bryan Cranston); Happy, Texas. Stratford
    “Glee,” and more recently starred in “Wayne,” Shakespeare Festival: Cabaret, Romeo and
    now airing on Amazon. Television acting Juliet. Regionals: Come From Away, Peter
    credits include: “Snowpiercer,” “The Morning and the Starcatcher, Doctor Zhivago, Private
    Show,” “The Good Place,” “Yes, Dear,” “Parks Fittings, Toxic Avenger, A Christmas Story,
    and Recreation,” “Justified,” “My Own Worst Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson.
    Enemy,” “My Name is Earl,” “Welcome to the
    Family” and “The Mike O’Malley Show.” Film AMY ANDERS CORCORAN (Director)
    acting credits include: Sully, Concussion, 28 holds a BA in Psychology with Honors from the
    Days, Deep Impact, Cedar Rapids, Eat Pray University of Kansas and a MFA in Directing from
    Love and Meet Dave. Way back when, he hosted Penn State University. Amy was the associate/
    the Nickelodeon shows “Get the Picture” and resident director of Escape to Margaritaville for
    “Guts.” Mike co-authored the book for the Christopher Ashley on the pre-Broadway tour and
    Broadway musical Jimmy Buffett’s Escape to also on Broadway. She served as Mr. Ashley’s
    Margaritaville and has written two plays that Associate Director on Disney’s Freaky Friday.
    have been published by Samuel French: Three Amy directs mostly new musicals, including the
    Years from Thirty and Diverting Devotion. His NYC Off-Broadway and London premieres last
    play Searching for Certainty was adapted into the year of Unexpected Joy. Amy’s work has also been
    film Certainty, which won the Best Screenplay seen at Asolo Rep, The Guthrie, Goodspeed, and
    award at the Boston Film Festival. Born in Boston, ACT (SF). Favorite directing credits include: 21
    and raised in New Hampshire, Mr. O’Malley Chump Street (European Premiere), I Am My Own
    resides in Los Angeles with his wife Lisa and their Wife (NYC site-specific production), Little Women,
    three children.                                     Smokey Joe’s Cafe, CULT!, and Bhangin’ It. Amy
                                                        received the SDC Noël Coward Fellowship for
    CHRISTOPHER              ASHLEY          (Original Comedic Direction mentored by Mark Rucker.
    Broadway Direction) Artistic Director, La Jolla Proud member of SDC. Grateful for Scott, Lucy,
    Playhouse. Broadway: Come From Away (Tony Mom, Dad, family and the village. Upcoming:
    Award® winner), Memphis (Tony Award® Bhangin’ It at La Jolla Playhouse and a new show
    nomination), Xanadu, Leap of Faith, All on the Disney Wish.
    Shook Up, Rocky Horror Show (Tony Award®
    nomination). West End: Memphis, Come From ANDREW                    TURTELTAUB               (Associate
    Away. NewYork credits include: Blown Sideways Choreographer) Choreography credits include, A
    Through Life, Jeffrey, The Most Fabulous Story Capitol Fourth on PBS 2019, 2021, Broadway
    Ever Told, Valhalla, Regrets Only, Wonder of the Bares TAKE FLIGHT, Fame (Macua
    World, Communicating Doors, Bunny Bunny, International Music Festival), Fame (Capital
    The Night Hank Williams Died, Fires in the Playhouse), commercials for GLICO, Bud
    Mirror (Lucille Lortel Award). Kennedy Center: Light, Trojan and TENA. Break Out In Song.
    Sweeney Todd, Merrily We Roll Along, Lisbon Associate/Assistant credits include Escape
    Traviata. La Jolla Playhouse selected credits: To Margaritaville (Broadway & La Jolla
    A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Darrell Playhouse), Music City (Cape Fear Regional
    Hammond Project, Hollywood, His Girl Friday, Theatre), Katy Keene (CW), Modern
    Glengarry Glen Ross, Restoration. Film/TV: Love               (Amazon),       Mozart        In     The
    Lucky Stiff, Jeffrey, “American Playhouse,” PBS: Jungle (Amazon), Chicago, Forever Plaid,
    “Blown Sideways Through Life.”                      Smokey Joe’s Cafe, Hairspray (New Theatre), A
                                                        Chorus Line (Lenape PAC), DanceBreak (Ailey
    KELLY            DEVINE         (Choreographer) Theatre), Grease (Paper Mill Playhouse), Sweet
    Broadway: Come From Away (Tony, Drama Charity (Broadway workshop), Carnivale (Radio
    Desk and Outer Critics Circle nominations), City Music Hall) and Orpheus (NYC Opera).
    Doctor Zhivago, Rocky (Tony, Drama Desk and Thank you Kelly Devine for this opportunity, and

Lucille DiCampli at LDC Artists. Thank you to Succeed… (2011 Tony nom.), West Side Story
my family & friends for their never-ending love (2009 Tony nom.), In the Heights (2008 Tony
and support!                                     nom.), Jersey Boys (2006 Tony winner), Avenue
                                                 Q, Parade, Kiss of the Spider Woman (1993
CHRISTOPHER              JAHNKE         (Music Tony nom./Olivier and Dora Award Winner).
Supervisor/Vocal & Incidental Music Arranger/ Co-Founder and Resident Lighting Designer for
Additional      Orchestrations)    Orchestrator: Parsons Dance for which he has designed over
(Broadway/London) Porgy and Bess (Tony 85 pieces. 2006 and 2016 Henry Hewes Design
nomination- Best Orchestrations), new Awards for Jersey Boys and Hamilton.
orchestrations for Les Misérables (performed
worldwide since 2006), Legally Blonde, King AMANDA ZIEVE (Lighting Designer) has
Kong, Cry-Baby, Grease (2007), Dessa Rose, collaborated with Howell Binkley on many
A Man of No Importance, Wind in the Willows productions over the last 12 years. She recently
(Stiles & Drewe). Other orchestrations: Do designed Tiny Beautiful Things, Barefoot in the
You Hear the People Sing? (symphonic tour Park, Native Gardens, The Wanderers, and Rich
of Boublil/Schönberg), Tom Jones (Stiles & Girl (The Old Globe), Put Your House in Order
Leigh), Just So (Stiles & Drewe), Lady Gaga (The La Jolla Playhouse), Billy Elliot and Titanic
(“The Sound of Music” - 2015 Oscars, with (Signature Theatre Company), Sweeney Todd
Stephen Oremus), “The Wiz Live!,” Rufus and Roof of the World (Kansas City Repertory
Wainwright, Radio City Rockettes and Emily Theatre) and Approval Junkie (Alliance Theatre).
Bear. Music Supervisor: Memphis. Apprentice
to orchestrator William David Brohn: Sweet
Smell of Success, Ragtime, The Secret Garden, BRIAN RONAN (Sound Designer) Over 40
The Three Musketeers, The Witches of Eastwick, Broadway designs including The Prom, Tootsie,
Mary Poppins and Wicked.                         Mean Girls, Margaritaville, Springsteen on
                                                 Broadway, War Paint, The Last Ship, Beautiful,
WALT SPANGLER (Scenic Designer) Broadway: If/Then, Anything Goes, American Idiot, Next
Tuck Everlasting, A Christmas Story, Desire to Normal, Spring Awakening, Grey Gardens.
Under the Elms, Scandalous, Hollywood Arms. On the West End: Spring Awakening, Book of
Walt has designed for theater, opera and dance Mormon and Beautiful. Off Broadway designs
for many theaters around the nation and around include Bowie’s Lazarus, Giant, Rent, Everyday
the globe.                                       Rapture, Saved, 10 Million Miles, and Bug. He
                                                 is the recipient of Obie, Lucille Lortel, Drama
PAUL TAZEWELL (Costume Designer) Desk, Olivier and Tony awards.
designed the original Broadway production of
the Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award®-winning CRAIG CASSIDY (Sound Designer) has
Hamilton. Other Broadway productions include been providing sound reinforcement for the
In the Heights; The Color Purple; Doctor theater for 25 years. Designing sound for
Zhivago; Memphis; Caroline, or Change; productions in the USA and around the world.
Elaine Stritch at Liberty; Bring in ‘Da Noise, Recent productions include: Spamalot, The
Bring in ‘Da Funk; Russel Simmons’ Def Poetry Color Purple, A Chorus Line, Cirque Dreams
Jam; Lombardi; and Magic/Bird. Broadway Jungle Fantasy, Ring Of Fire, Gypsy, Man of
revivals include Side Show; A Streetcar Named La Mancha, Grease, The Will Rogers Follies,
Desire; Jesus Christ Superstar; Guys and Dolls; Smokey Joe’s Cafe, Fame and Phantom. When
A Raisin in the Sun; and On the Town. For Focus he is not behind a sound console you can find
Features he designed Harriet and the upcoming him sailing the Long Island Sound with his wife
West Side Story directed by Steven Spielberg Dina & daughter Kealy.
for Disney Films. In 2016, Paul received both
a Tony Award® for Hamilton and the Emmy LEAH J. LOUKAS (Wigs, Hair & Makeup
Award® for “The Wiz Live!” on NBC. He also Designer) Broadway: Time and the Conways;
designed The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Marvin’s Room; Natasha, Pierre and the
for HBO Films starring Oprah Winfrey.            Great Comet of 1812; Sweat; Oh, Hello!; The
                                                 Heidi Chronicles, On the Town, A Night with
HOWELL BINKLEY (Lighting Designer) Janis Joplin; Vanya and Sonia and Masha
Ain’t Too Proud - The Life and Times of The and Spike; American Idiot; Irena’s Vow. The
Temptations (2019 Tony nom.), Come From Public Theater: Sweat, Plenty, Barbecue,
Away (2017 Tony nom.), A Bronx Tale, Hamilton Fortress of Solitude. Shakespeare in the Park
(2016 Tony winner/2018 Olivier Award winner), series: Julius Caeser, Taming of the Shrew,
After Midnight (2014 Tony nom.), How to Love’s Labour’s Lost, Into the Woods. Ms.

    Loukas has designed various productions at           TALITHA FEHR (Music Coordinator) has
    many regional theaters including: La Jolla           worked on over 70 national and international
    Playhouse, Paper Mill Playhouse, Dallas              tours and productions. Highlights include: Sister
    Theater Center and The Muny.                         Act, Mamma Mia!, School of Rock, Come Fly
                                                         Away, Love Never Dies and CATS, as well as
    MICHAEL UTLEY (Orchestrator) A multi- the Vancouver Olympic Ceremonies 2010. She
    talented musician/producer/composer, Utley has dedicates her work on Escape to Margaritaville
    spent the last 5 decades producing artists like to the memory of her mentor, Sam Lutfiyya.
    Roy Orbison, Jimmy Buffett, Rita Coolidge and
    Todd Snider, and recording with such legends as EMMA IACOMETTA (Production Stage
    Aretha Franklin and Jackson Browne. In 1973, Manager) is happy to return to the island in her
    Jimmy Buffett asked Utley to play on his first new position, after a season as assistant. Though
    ABC/Dunhill release, A White Sport Coat and she’s missed the road, Emma has enjoyed
    a Pink Crustacean. Utley worked as Arranger spending the last year with her cat. Thanks to all
    and Producer on such records as One Particular of those at TROIKA. Love to Mom.
    Harbour, Floridays, Hot Water, Feeding Frenzy
    and the number one Billboard album License MARK JOHNSON (Company Manager)
    to Chill. Utley began touring full time as a has been managing Broadway, Off-Broadway,
    “Coral Reefer” in 1981 and became the musical National Tours and dance companies for over
    director of the band in 1993. In 2019 Utley was 30 years. Some productions include Cats, Song
    selected as the University of Arkansas Alumni and Dance, Smile, The Music of Andrew Lloyd
    Association Johnson Fellow.                          Webber, Joseph, Chicago, Rent, Buddy, The
                                                         Radio City Christmas Spectacular, Chitty Chitty
    GARY ADLER (Dance Music Arranger) has Bang Bang, Grinch, A Christmas Story, My Fair
    been working as a theater musician in New York Lady, Hair, Guys and Dolls, Dreamgirls, Blast,
    for over 25 years. As a pianist and conductor, Grease, Bring It On, The Producers, The Martha
    his credits include Avenue Q, Kinky Boots, Graham Dancy Company, Edie Izzard, etc. And
    Next to Normal and The Radio City Christmas Mark has loved every minute of it.
    Spectacular. As a writer, he wrote music and
    lyrics for the long-running Off-Broadway DESIREÉ APPLEWHITE (Assistant Stage
    musical Altar Boyz, for which he received two Manager, Assistant Company Manager) is a
    Drama Desk Award nominations. Other writing stage manager who recently graduated from
    credits include Disney Channel’s “Johnny and Northwestern University with a focus on
    the Sprites” and a number of contributions to the theatre management, media arts and game
    “Carols for a Cure” album series.                    design. Her most recent credits include an
                                                         independent production of Death To Sydney
    MAC McANALLY (Music Consultant) is an Black, The Black Monologues (Victory
    award-winning writer, producer, vocalist, multi- Gardens Theater), and Legally Blonde (Wirtz
    instrumentalist and all around musical sage, whose Center of Performing Arts).
    enviable registry of credits includes Roy Orbison,
    Toby Keith, Zac Brown Band, Hank Williams, Jr., BINDER CASTING/
    Amy Grant, Jimmy Buffett, Linda Ronstadt, Mary CHAD ERIC MURNANE, CSA (Casting)
    Chapin Carpenter, Dolly Parton and many more. A Binder Casting, now part of RWS Entertainment
    touring member of Buffett’s “Coral Reefer Band,” Group, was founded by Jay Binder, CSA in
    he has produced several of Buffett’s albums and 1984. Binder Casting has cast over 80 Broadway
    has written many of his songs. McAnally has been productions, dozens of National Tours, off-Broadway
    inducted into the Nashville Songwriters Hall of shows, full seasons for over 25 regional theatres,
    Fame, the Alabama Music Hall of Fame and the as well as feature films, episodic television and
    Mississippi Musicians Hall of Fame. The Country commercials. Binder has cast for Encores! at New
    Music Association has named him Musician of the York City Center since its inception in 1994. The
    Year for an unprecedented 10 years.                  office was also featured in the documentary, Every
                                                         Little Step. Binder Casting is a twelve–time recipient
    WENDELL VAUGHN (Music Director) Hailing of the Artios Award.
    from San Antonio, TX, Wendell is thrilled to be
    driving the Margaritaville bus! Many thanks to BOND THEATRICAL (Marketing &
    Talitha Fehr for believing in me. Love to my better Publicity Direction) is an independently-owned
    half, Bill, who will hold down the fort while I look booking, marketing and publicity company
    for that missing bottle of salt.                     for live entertainment productions. Current
                                                         marketing and publicity shows include 1776,

Anastasia, Dear Evan Hansen, Diana, Escape              and Matt Benton. Used by permission of Coral Reefer
to Margaritaville, Fiddler on the Roof, Jagged          Music (BMI) and Matthew Thornton Betton, Jr. All
Little Pill, Moulin Rouge! The Musical,                 Rights Reserved. COAST OF MARSEILLES. Written by
Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Oklahoma!, The                  Keith Sykes. Used by permission of Keith Sykes Music
Band’s Visit, The Phantom of the Opera on               (BMI). All Rights Reserved. FINS. Written by Jimmy
Broadway, The Prom and Tina: The Tina                   Buffett, Barry Chance, Thomas Corcoran and Deborah
Turner Musical. Current tour marketing and              McColl. Used by permission of Coral Reefer Music
booking shows include 9 to 5: The Musical, A            (BMI) and Songs of Universal, Inc. (BMI). All Rights
Soldier’s Play, An Officer and a Gentleman,             Reserved. HE WENT TO PARIS. Written by Jimmy
Annie, Blue Man Group, CATS, Clue, Clueless,            Buffett. Used by permission of Universal Music Corp.
Company, Diana, Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch               (ASCAP). All Rights Antisia Music Inc. (ASCAP). All
Stole Christmas! The Musical, Dick Clark’s              Rights Reserved. HOLIDAY. Written by Jimmy Buffett,
American Bandstand Rockin’ On, Girl from                William Eaton, Ralph MacDonald, William Salter. Used
the North Country, Jesus Christ Superstar,              by permission of BMG Ruby Songs (ASCAP) o/b/o itself
Kathleen Turner: Finding My Voice, Lempicka,            and Antisia Music Inc. (ASCAP). All Rights Reserved. I
Love Actually Live, The Lehman Trilogy, May             WAVE BYE BYE. Written by Jesse Winchester. Used by
We All, Spamilton, The Brat Pack and What the           permission of BMG Bumblebee (BMI) o/b/o itself and
Constitution Means to Me.                               Musique Chanteclair, Inc. (ASCAP). All Rights Reserved.
                                                        IT’S BEEN A LOVELY CRUISE. Written by Jonathan
THE BOOKING GROUP (Tour Booking                         Baham. Used by permission of Coral Reefer Music
Agency) Since its inception in 1996, The Booking        (BMI) and BMG Songs (ASCAP). All Rights Reserved.
Group has represented 25 Tony Award-winning             IT’S FIVE O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE. Written by Jim
Best Musicals and Plays. Current touring
                                                        Brown and Don Rollins. Used by permission of ClearBox
productions include: Hamilton, Anastasia, The
                                                        Rights, LLC o/b/o Sea Gayle Music LLC (ASCAP), Spirit
Book of Mormon, Come From Away, Dear Evan
Hansen, Fiddler on the Roof, Hello, Dolly!,             Two Nashville o/b/o Spirit Services Holdings, S.A.R.L
Irving Berlin’s White Christmas, Mean Girls,            (ASCAP), and Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp o/b/o
My Fair Lady, Rent: The 20th Anniversary                R. Joseph Publishing (BMI). All Rights Reserved. IT’S
Tour and Waitress. Future productions include:          MY JOB. Written by Lyman “Mac” McAnally, Jr. Used
Hadestown, 1776, The Cher Show, Pretty                  by permission of Universal Music Corp. (BMI). All
Woman, To Kill a Mockingbird and Tootsie.               Rights Reserved. JAMAICA MISTAICA. Written by
                                                        Jimmy Buffett, Russ Kunkel, Roger Guth, Peter Mayer,
TROIKA ENTERTAINMENT (Producer                          Jim Mayer. Used by permission of Coral Reefer Music
& Tour Management) has been an innovator in             (BMI), Universal Music Corp. o/b/o itself and Olas Music
touring musical theater for over three decades.         (ASCAP), BMG Bumblebee (BMI) on behalf of itself
TROIKA Entertainment brings the Broadway                and Little Flock Music (BMI), Alsation Music (BMI) and
experience to communities around the world;             Cliffhanging Music (BMI). All Rights Reserved. JOLLY
uniting, inspiring and celebrating our audiences,       MON SING. Written by Jimmy Buffett, Will Jennings,
our employees, and our partners through the             and Michael Utley. Used by permission of Coral Reefer
magic and energy of live theater. Current               Music (BMI), Coconutley Music (ASCAP), and Irving
productions include CATS, The Phantom of the            Music, Inc. o/b/o Blue Sky Rider Songs (BMI). All Rights
Opera, Escape to Margaritaville, TOOTSIE, My            Reserved. KING OF SOMEWHERE HOT. Written by
Fair Lady, Annie, and Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch         Jimmy Buffett, Robert Greenidge, Ralph MacDonald
Stole Christmas. Please visit us at         and William Salter. Used by permission of Coral Reefer
                                                        Music (BMI), BMG Ruby Songs (ASCAP) o/b/o itself
             MUSIC CREDITS                              and Antisia Music Inc. (ASCAP) and Rogree Music
A PIRATE LOOKS AT FORTY; COME MONDAY; and               (ASCAP). All Rights Reserved. KNEES OF MY HEART.
GRAPEFRUIT-JUICY FRUIT. Written by Jimmy Buffett.       Written by Jimmy Buffett, Will Jennings and Michael
Used by permission of Songs of Universal, Inc. (BMI).   Utley. Used by permission of Coral Reefer Music (BMI),
All Rights Reserved. BOAT DRINKS; CHANGES               Coconutley Music (ASCAP), and Warner-Tamerlane
IN LATITUDES, CHANGES IN ATTITUDES;                     Publishing Corp. (BMI). All Rights Reserved. LA VIE
CHEESEBURGER IN PARADISE; COCONUT                       DANSANTE. Written by Jimmy Buffett, Will Jennings
TELEGRAPH;          HAVANA           DAYDREAMIN’;       and Michael Utley. Used by permission of Coral Reefer
MARGARITAVILLE; MY HEAD HURTS, MY FEET                  Music (BMI) and Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.
OF A SAILOR; THREE CHORDS; and WE ARE THE               Written by Jimmy Buffett, M. Marshall Chapman, Will
PEOPLE OUR PARENTS WARNED US ABOUT.                     Jennings and Mike Utley. Used by permission of Coral
Written by Jimmy Buffett. Used by permission of Coral   Reefer Music (BMI), BMG Bumblebee o/b/o Tall Girl
Reefer Music (BMI). All Rights Reserved. BREATHE IN,    Music (BMI), Irving Music, Inc. o/b/o Blue Sky Rider
BREATHE OUT, MOVE ON. Written by Jimmy Buffett          Songs (BMI), Coconutley Music (ASCAP). All Rights

Reserved. LICENSE TO CHILL. Written by Alan
    Anderson, Jimmy Buffett and Lyman “Mac” McAnally, Jr.
                                                                                   BINDER CASTING
    Used by permission of Coral Reefer Music (BMI), TKO
    Artist Management o/b/o All About The Music (BMI),                   Jay Binder, CSA, Mark Brandon, CSA
    Songs Of Windswept Pacific o/b/o itself and What’s It            Justin Bohon, CSA, Chad Eric Murnane, CSA
    Get Me Music (BMI). All Rights Reserved. LOVE AND                 Kyle Coker, Anthony Pichette, Jarrett Reiche
    LUCK. Written by Jimmy Buffett, Jocelyne Béroard and                   Part of RWS Entertainment Group
    Jean-Claude Naimro. Used by permission of Coral Reefer              Ryan Stana CEO, Bruston Manuel COO
    Music (BMI). All Rights Reserved. OFF TO SEE THE
    LIZARD. Written by Jimmy Buffett and Jay Oliver. Used          MARKETING & PUBLICITY DIRECTION
    by permission of Coral Reefer Music (BMI) and The                   BOND THEATRICAL GROUP
    Royalty Network o/b/o Jay Oliver Music (ASCAP). All              
    Rights Reserved. ONE PARTICULAR HARBOUR.
                                                                     DJ Martin Temah Higgins Mollie Mann
    Written by Jimmy Buffett and Bobby Holcomb. Used
    by permission of Coral Reefer Music (BMI). All Rights                 Marc Viscardi Wendy Roberts
    Reserved. RAGTOP DAY. Written by Jimmy Buffett,                               Phillip Aleman
    Wilbur H. Jennings and Michael Edward Utley. Used by                  Melissa Cohen Steph Kelleher
    permission of Coral Reefer Music (BMI), Coconutley               Jacob Rivera-Sanchez Adrienne Richards
    Music (ASCAP), and Warner-Tamerlane Publishing                      Madison St. Amour Megan Savage
    Corp. (BMI). All Rights Reserved. SOMETHIN’ ’BOUT
    A BOAT. Written by Dave Berg, Patrick Davis, Jeff                       EXCLUSIVE TOUR BOOKING
    Hughes, James Otto, Eric Paslay and Django Walker.                         THE BOOKING GROUP
    Used by permission of Djangold Music (ASCAP), Spirit                            Meredith Blair
    Two Nashville (ASCAP), Downtown Music Publishing                          Brian Brooks Rich Rundle
    o/b/o Bergs Eye View (BMI), Warner-Tamerlane                    
    Publishing Corp. (BMI) o/b/o itself, Eldorotto Music          PRODUCTION STAGE MANAGER. . . . . . . . . . .
    Publishing (BMI) and Pichi Richi Publishing (BMI), and                                           EMMA IACOMETTA
    Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC o/b/o EMI Blackwood             Assistant Stage Manager/
    Music Inc. (BMI) and Patrick Davis Music (BMI). All           Assistant Company Manager. . Desireé Applewhite
    Rights Reserved. THE STORIES WE COULD TELL.
                                                                  Dance Captain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trent Soyster
    Written by John Sebastian. Used by permission of Warner/
                                                                  Assistant Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . Maggie Monahan*
    Chappell Music Publishing o/b/o Warner-Tamerlane
    Publishing Corp. and Downtown Music Publishing o/b/o
                                                                  Assistant Choreographer. . . . . . . . . . . . . Aimee Lane
    Chicken Flats Music Inc. All Rights Reserved. TIN CUP         Assistant Set Designer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yu Shibagaki
    CHALICE; and WHY DON’T WE GET DRUNK.                          Assistant Lighting Designer. . . . . . Matthew Kresch
    Written by Jimmy Buffett. Used by permission of Words         Assistant Sound Designer. . . . . . . Patrick LaChance
    And Music Worldwide o/b/o Big Deal Music, LLC and             Associate Hair/Makeup Design. . . . . Kaitie Adams
    Let There Be Music (ASCAP). All Rights Reserved.              Assistant Hair/Makeup Design. . . . . . Becky Walton
    VOLCANO. Written by Jimmy Buffett, Harry Marshall             Costume Coordinator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarah Smith
    Dailey and Elroy Keith Sykes. Used by permission of           Production Electrician. . . . . . . . . . . . . . RobertVirzera
    Coral Reefer Music (BMI) and Keith Sykes Music (BMI).         ProductionAudio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harry Platt
    All Rights Reserved.                                          Moving Light Programmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . Colin Scott
                   TOUR STAFF                        Flyman/Rigger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Austin Phillips
             GENERAL MANAGEMENT &                    Deck Carpenter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rhys Kiernan
          PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT                      Head Electrician. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chris Lubik
              TROIKA ENTERTAINMENT                   Assistant Electrician/Followspot. . . Josh Peterson
                                                     Head Audio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Matthew P. Davis
                GENERAL MANAGER
                  BRIAN SCHRADER                     Assistant Audio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ethan Fuller
    Associate General Manager..Madeline M. McCluskey Head Props. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Whitney Phelan
                                                     Assistant Props. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kateryna Turkalo
                HEATHER CHOCKLEY                     Wardrobe Supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Albert Paez
               TECHNICAL DIRECTOR                    Assistant Wardrobe Supervisor. . . . Kristin Kreho
                     DAVE BURCH                      Hair and Makeup Supervisor. . . . . . . Karin Craven
                COMPANY MANAGER                      Rehearsal Pianist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave Klodowski
                   MARK JOHNSON                      Rehearsal Drums. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Josh Endlich
                                                     Music Preparation. . . . Anixter Rice Music Service
                                                     Keyboard Programmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randy Cohen
                                                                                           Randy Cohen Keyboards

Guitar Coach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave Feder                             SPECIAL THANKS
Ukulele Coach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cherie B. Tay                        Kevin Aman, Tamara Baldanza-Dekker,
Dialect Coaches. . . Charley Layton, Quentin Moore                                        Melissa L. Bartle, Becky Biegelsen, Debby Buchholz,
Production Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jody Bogner                         Mary Cook, Leah Dagen, Hailey Ferber, Deb Hatch,
                                                                                           Darin Hinson, Don Holder, Lon Hoyt, Jay Johnson,
Social Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marathon Digital                            Heikki Larsen, Mike Ramos, Paul Robb,
            Mike Karns, Melanie Pateiro, Ava Coploff                                          Michael Rudd, Jamila Swaby, Zoe Szczotka,
Insurance. . . . . . The Arts Insurance Program, LLC                                                Rick Van Noy, Scott Wasserman,
                                                                                                   Margaritaville Enterprises and the
Production Photographer. . . . . . . . Matthew Murphy
                                                                                                 Margaritaville Brand Marketing team.
Production B-Roll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HMS Media
                                                                                                Beach Balls provided by Margaritaville.
Payroll Services...Marisa Geropoulos, PEOPLE Inc.
Physical Therapy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kennedy Gray,                       To learn more about the production, please visit
                  NeuroTour Physical Therapy, Inc.                                  
Medical Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cary Jaworski, MD                              Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram:
Merchandising. . . Creative Goods Merchandise LLC                                                          @buffettmusical
Trucking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janco        Technical rehearsals and previews held at
                                                                                               TULSA PERFORMING ARTS CENTER.
      For TROIKA ENTERTAINMENT                                                                           Backstage and Front of the House Employees are
                                                                                                         represented by the International Alliance of Theatrical
Chief Executive Officer. . . . . . . . . . Angela Rowles                                                 Stage Employees (or I.A.T.S.E)
Chief Operating Officer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kori Prior
General Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brian Schrader                                      The Director-Choreographer is a member of the
                                                                                                         STAGE DIRECTORS AND CHOREOGRAPHERS
Associate General Managers...Madeline M. McCluskey                                                       SOCIETY, a national theatrical labor union.
                                                                                                         *SDC Associate Member
                                                         Tegan Meyer
Technical Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave Burch                                   United Scenic Artists represents the designers and
                                                                                                         scenic painters for the American Theatre.
Production Managers. . . . . . . . . . Heather Chockley,
                                                    Gregg Damanti
Production Coordinator. . . . . . . . . . . . Drew Neitzey
Director of Engagements. . . . . . . . . Barrett Newman
Director of Finance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brian Jacob
Production Accounting Manager. . . . Sheila Lewis
Accounting Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electra Walker
Office Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shaquille Stewart

Scenic items and scenic refurbishment of original
and TTS STUDIOS. Lighting equipment provided
by PRG LIGHTING. Audio equipment provided
by PRG AUDIO. Softgoods provided by I. WEISS
and Printing provided by BIG IMAGE SYSTEMS.
Props from BRENBRI PROPS. Original Scenic items
LLC, New Windsor, NY. Additional original
   Production Travel & Housing by ROAD REBEL

ANNUAL FUND                                                                  Horace Bushnell Society

  DONORS                                                               The Bushnell Center Membership

  The Trustees of The Bushnell gratefully acknowledge the generous contributions made by more than 2,500
  Annual Fund contributors. The Busnnell is truly a resource for everyone and Annual Fund donors ensure that
  it will remain so. Gifts of all sizes are not only appreciated, they are necessary. We cordially invite you to
  participate in the Annual Fund. For more information, contact Patrick Langevin at 860-987-6073.

  SPOTLIGHT CIRCLE                 Don and Susan Bossi               Grant Campbell                   Susan and Joel Rottner
  The Robert and Margaret          Ally and Eric Cormier             Mark and Linda Caplan            Sara J. and Douglas K. Russell
   Patricelli Family Foundation    Eric and Patricia Daniels         Elizabeth and Jorge              Patricia Sagal
  David and Linda Roth             Mr.* and Mrs. Louis A.              Casasnovas                     Tina St. Pierre
  Fred Timme                         De Vivo                         Mr. and Mrs. Terry and           Kelly Schenkman
                                   Pauline and Barry Dickstein         Nancy Chabot                   Scruggs Family & Deep River
  BUSHNELL CIRCLE                  Craig and Marilyn Douglas         The Sandra and Arnold              Animal Hospital
  Jay and Jeanne Benet             Ms. Marie H. Dudley                 Chase Family Foundation        Andrea and Sandy Seidman
  Beth and Rick Costello           Parker Elmore                     Susan and Brian Clemow           Laurel Slongwhite
  Bob and Frankie Goldfarb         Peggy and David Fay               Denise and Alex Cosentino        Mr. and Mrs.* Lawrence
  Karl J. Krapek                   Marilda L. Gándara and            The Coulter Family                 C. Starr
                                     Scott O’Keefe                   Kim Curtin                       Ms. Jamie Summers
                                   Goodwin College - Helping Our     Mr. and Mrs. Ward R. Cusati      Dr. Alan Schwartz* and
                                     Students Support the Arts       Mr. Michael Dodge                  Ms. Sheila Sweeny
  Elizabeth Ferry Speer
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Brad M.              D.R. and Valerie Dugan           Nancy Taylor
                                     Hutensky                        Dr. and Mrs. David Epstein       Ms. Renee Tehi and
  Arnold and Beverly Greenberg
                                   Charles H. Klippel                Jim and Martha Fanelli             Mr. Jeffrey Hughes
  Mr. Thomas J. McInerney
                                   Judie and Coleman Levy            David and Rochelle Fierston      Mr. and Mrs. Jay and
  David and Elaine Nord                                                                                 Elisabeth Therrien
                                   Barbara and Clifford Libby        Lorraine A. Garibaldi
  Henri J. Picard                                                                                     Ms. Olga Timofeyeva-Vogt
                                   Dr. and Mrs. Edison Liu           Barry and Rona Gelber
  Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.                                                                             Mr. and Mrs. Michael and
                                   Rebecca and Jim Loree             Eileen and Robert Gilbert
    Stepnowski                                                                                          Linda Walton
                                   Ms. Bonnie J. Malley              Colleen and Mark Gilroy
  Zachs Family Foundation                                                                             Wendy Webber and Family
    (Henry, Judy, Eric, Jessica)   John McKenna                      Lori Goldenberg-Alderman
                                   Mr. Michael Miller                Joshua and Shanna Gottfried      Jeff and Sarah White
                                   Mark and Corliss Montesi          Mark and Deborah Gresens         Helen and Alfred Wilke
  ENCORE CIRCLE                                                                                       Stephen and Mary Woods
                                   Ms. Marjorie E. Morrissey         Michael Grunberg and
  Tom & Melanie Barnes Family                                                                         Mr. and Mrs. James M.
    Fund at the Main Street        Charles P. Nelson                   Tanya Grunberg
                                   Mr. and Mrs. David Paulson        Jean Haines                        Yanosy
    Community Foundation                                                                              Anonymous
  Ms. Cheryl A. Chase and          Ms. Wendy Pearson                 Mrs. Betty Hatsian Sarubbi
    Mr. Stuart Bear                Carl and Lisa Peterson            Professor Warren Hill
  Mark and Merrill Mandell         Rodney Powell                     Virginia and David Hilyard       DIAMOND LEVEL
  Joan Monts                       Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Raffino    Herbert Hirsch                   Michael and Christine Adams
  Mr. and Mrs. Bernard             Dr. Sally Reis and                Jill Hummel                      Robin Aldieri
    Schilberg                        Dr. Joseph Renzulli             Patti and Dave Jackson           Donald and Marilyn Allan
  Jean Walker                      Gene and Anja Rosenberg           Charlotte and Bud Jason          Sharon and Dudley Alleman
                                   Mr. and Mrs. William and          Hyter, Heidi, and CJ Jordan      Dr. Stuart Alpert and
                                     Jane Rucci                      Hugh M. Joseloff and               Dr. Naomi Lubin-Alpert
                                   Nate and Barbara Schilberg          Helen H. Joseloff Fund         J. Anderson
  The Budd Family Fund at
    the Hartford Foundation        Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Shirley, III   Diane Korntheuer and             Laura and Rob Arena
    for Public Giving              Kevin and Marcia Smith              Peter Grzybala                 Ms. Kathleen A. Bagley and
  Mr. and Mrs. James Calhoun       The Vandeventer Foundation        Ann and Fred Larson                Mr. David Powers
  Bob and Judy Chusmir             Andrew and Kathleen               Andrew and Genevieve             Linda Swope Bahrs and
                                     Worthington                       Lattimer                         Kurt Bahrs
  Ron and Nancy Compton
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Peter Youmans        Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. LeClaire   Beverly Buckner Baker
  Harry and Rebecca Dalessio
                                   Anonymous                         Jeanne and Bob Leduc             Steve and Beth Ballentine
  Steven and EJ Greenspan
                                                                     Mr. and Mrs. Richard and         Mr. Clayton Bannock
  Nancy and Jeffrey Hoffman
                                   STARS CIRCLE                        Joyce Leibert                  Carl and Priscilla Bard
  Imagineers Foundation, Inc.
                                   Geno and Kathryn Auriemma         Mark and Liisa Livingston        Bruce and Pamela Barth
  Marcia and Alan Lazowski
                                   Ms. Helen Barnaby-Romeo           Anita and William Mancoll        Michael and Nancy Batista
  Julie and Peter LeBlanc
                                   Dave and Natale Barrett           Thomas and Julia Matulis         Mr. and Mrs. David Begin
  Mrs. Karen Lynch
                                   Nancy P. Bernstein                Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Mayer     Steven and Ann Bennett
  Brian and Kathy MacLean
                                   Whit and Jarre Betts              The Milbrandt Family             George Bickford and
  Mr. and Mrs. William R.                                                                               Sally Kirtley
    Peelle Jr.                     Blueprint Advancement             Greg and Julie Miller
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boos         Michael and Kay Miranda          Pamela H. Bobrowski
  Mr.* and Mrs. Peter G.
    Russell                        Scott and Jenipher Boos           Tom and Lisa Morgillo            Keith Boccuzzi and
                                                                     James D. Morrissey and             Paul Manfredi
  The Saner Family Foundation      Mary-Jane Borcynski
                                                                       Barbara A. Morrissey           Arline Roth Brick
                                   Thomas and Karen Brophy
                                                                     Phillip and Dorothy Mucha        Joyce C.* and Harold C.
  PRODUCERS CIRCLE                 James and Patricia Brown                                             Buckingham, Jr.
                                   Jeffrey and Virginia Brown        David and Ellen Nattila
  Darlene J. Bailey                                                                                   Beth Bunko
                                   Sandy and Steve Brown             Linda and Bichop Nawrot
  Sherry Banks-Cohn                                                                                   John and Carrie Burton
                                   Mrs. Sherry Brown Marfuggi        Arlene and Daniel Neiditz
  Elaine and John Barrasso                                                                            James S. and Heidi L. Bzdyra
                                   Gregory Butler                    Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Plourde
  Dr. Jerold Bell and                                                                                 Eleanor N. Caplan
    Mrs. Candice Bell              John and Marla Byrnes             Tamara and James Ramenda
                                                                     Laura and John Roche             Richard and Lisa Caporaso

ANNUAL FUND                                                                Horace Bushnell Society

DONORS                                                             The Bushnell Center Membership

Joyce Carraway and               Jeanne and Daniel Kleinman      Lawrence and Valerie Santilli    John Elliott
  Jerry L. Cooper                Cecilia Klember                 Hon. Howard Scheinblum           Linda and Robert M. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. David Casey         Jeffrey and Shannon Klenk        and Ms. Susan R. Fierberg       Barbara Fabiani
Albert Cennerazzo and            Richard and Paula Knight        Mr. and Mrs. Max and             Brendan Farrell
  Kevin Roy                      Dr. Mary Kreitzer                Ginny Scheller                  Barbara L. Flynn
Bernie and Andrea Clark          Heidi Lane                      Mike Schilling and               Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P.
Cynthia and George Cooper        Linda LaPointe                   Jordana Starr                     Fredericksen, II
Carol A. Coppa                   John and Corky Larew            Judith Schlagel                  Stephanie and David Fried
Dr. Michael E. Cucka             Margaret and Roger* Lawson      Randall Schug                    Raymond and Beth Galvin
DBL Industries Inc.              Paula and Peter Leibovitz       Kevin Seery                      Cecelia Gerber
Aldo DeDominicis                 Ms. Patricia Levandoski         Margaret Sheehan                 Aaron and Sandra Gersten
  Foundation, Inc.               Edward Lewis                    Patrick and Jane Sheehan         In Memory of John M.
Bill and Joan Delaney            Margaret and Rey Libatique      The Helen Sidney Witty             Gibbons, Jr. MD
Ms. Christine Delaney            Claire Lind                      Foundation                      David and Irene Glissman
Mr. Kurtis L. Denison Sr.        Steven and Sheila Litchfield    Dr. and Mrs. Bolesh J. Skutnik   Bill and Joan Russoniello
Andrea Dennis                    Jane and Roger Loeb             Mark and Linda Sperry              Goba
Ms. Franca L. DeRosa             Mike Long                       Margy and Lewis Steinberg        Mr. and Mrs. Steven Goldaper
Mr. and Mrs. John and            Mr. and Mrs. Neal Lynch         Judy A. Strong                   Blanche and Steven
  Judith Derwin                  Tom and Gwen Marrion            Bob and Pat Stubbs                 Goldenberg
The Doherty Family               Mr. and Mrs. David McElroy      Ms. Nancy J. Summa               Neal and Lorelei Goldstein
Ray and Germaine Drennen         Keith L. and Linn G. McGlade    David and Catherine Vargas       Alan and Cheryl Gosselin
Thomas M. Driscoll and           Mr. and Mrs. William Meier      David L. Watkins                 James and Paula Greenfield
  Patricia A. Teufel                                             Raymond and Gail Weinstein       David Griswold
                                 Michael and Sharon
Mr. and Mrs. Henry and             Michigami                     Greg and Kay Werk                Paul and Amy Guggina
  Joyce Dyson                                                    Allison and David Yaffee         John and Paula Guy
                                 Anita and John Miller
Kevin and Donna Edwards                                          Mr. and Mrs. David A. Yandow     Jon and Tana Handwerk
                                 Mintz & Hoke
Ellen Eichhorn and                                               Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Yeaton    Ms. Linda A. Healy
  Vicki Schaar                   Mr. John G. Mullane and Mrs.
                                   Mary Beth Swindell-Mullane    Craig Yelin and Vanessa          Della Hennelly
John S. Elliott and                                               Guzzardi                        Guillermo and Marcia Herrera
  Joanne Elliott                 Richard and Kathleen
                                   Narowski                      Anonymous                        Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A.
Iris Engel and Margaret                                                                             Hilyard
  Campbell                       Dr. Joseph Nesta
                                 The New London Visual           PLATINUM LEVEL                   Dr. Hillary Huttenhower and
William and Lisa Epperson                                                                           Mr. Justin Mackey
                                   Performing Arts Magnet        Elaine Acker
David and Janice Fedor             School                                                         Susan and Stephen Jackson
                                                                 Karen and Kevin Allen
Michael and Barbara Fedoras      Jill Nowacki                                                     Steve and Myra Johnson
                                                                 Dante Ambrogio and
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Finkel        Jodi and Tony Oh                                                 Bruce R. Jones and
                                                                   Kelly Beauvais
Fluoropolymer Resources          Randel and Molly Osborne                                           Debora Sokolski
                                                                 Brian Amenta
Paul and Victoria Fortier        Melissa Ozols                                                    Dawn Peterson Jones
                                                                 Michael Aronow and
Ms. Darlene Fournier             William and Roseanne Patrick      Meg Chaplin                    Jaime Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and           Walter and Angie Paulekas       Angie and Ted Augustinos         Mr. and Mrs. Rick J. Kaplan
  JoAnn Frye                                                                                      Dr. Susan O. Kennedy
                                 Brewster and Judith Perkins     Barats Design LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Garrity                                                                    Ms. Patricia Kinney
                                 The Persichilli Family          Jeanette and Matthew Becker
Gawlicki-Stanley Foundation                                                                       Steven M. Konover
                                 Charles and Mary J. Petras      Eric and Lisa Besman
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Genest                                                                         Heather Krisolofsky
                                 Mr. Matthew and                 Mr. Andy F. Bessette and
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Gianni      Mrs. Shari Phillips             Mrs. Cheryl Noel-Bessette      Ms. Susan Labieniec
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Goodman        Ms. Frances S. Porter           Jon Blake and                    Ms. Sheila Laing
Douglas M. Gordon and            Dr. Anne-Marie Prabulos           Elizabeth Courtney             Ms. Christine Latino
  Mary Lou Stoneburner             and Christopher Morkan        Mr. and Mrs. Craig and           Steven and Laurel Leibowitz
Michael and Sandi Goss           Steve Rabb                        Annette Bolt                   Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lewis
N.J. Goulet and Melanie          Clifford Reglinski              Andrew and Hannah Brady          Deborah Lievano-Bolin
  Boutwell                                                       The Brezenoff Family
                                 Brian and Anne Reilly                                            Mr. and Mrs. Brian Liistro
John and Cate Grady-Benson                                       Janet and Robert Bruner
                                 James and Laura Reynolds                                         Rene and Mary Ann Lopez
Rebecca W. Grant                                                 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Byrd
                                 Martey S. Rhine                                                  Margaret Lucey
James Grupp                                                      Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cappa
                                 Steve Rickenbacher                                               William Maag
Mr. and Mrs. Burt and                                            Andrea G. Chamberlain
  Arlene Hallisey                Mr. and Mrs Frank and                                            Bill and Diane MacKay
                                   Sheryl Roche                  Donna Collins                    Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and
Dr. and Mrs. David Haviar
                                 Law Office of Aaron J.          Christine Conroy                   Cynthia Malm
Jerry and Barbara Hess             Romano, P.C.                  In Honor of Joyce Conroy         Cornelia G. Mason*
Janet Hilliard Porriello         Virginia Hole and               The Corte Family                 Herrick and Claudia Massie
Ms. Brenda Holbrook                Michael Roscoe                Mr. and Mrs. John Cosentino      Catherine McSweeney
The Hoppa Family                 Brian and Korey Roth            Brian and Lisa Costello          Jonathan and Sheila Mellitz
Christopher Hubbard              Barbara Rubin                   Carol and Tim Covello            Mary and Peter Moon
Kimball and Dorothy “Dorrie”     Ms. Annette J. Rulo             Adam Daniels                     Ania and Markus Muhlhauser
  Hunt                           Mr. Gideon Rutenberg            Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C.        Christine Naktenis
In Honor of Jack Abraham         Mr. Brian Rykowski                Darling                        Judith Norton
                                 Mr. James Salemi and            Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J.          Jane E. Ondovcsik
Franco and Alicia Indomenico       Mr. Kenneth Bartschi            Desantis                       Jack and Beth Pacheco
Gerald and Carol Kardas          Mr. Philip G. Samponaro         Shari and Seth Diamond           Mark and Luanne Paley
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Katz         Mr. and Mrs. R. Jeffrey Sands   Craig and Laura Dolyak           Renee Pallenberg
Cathy and Kevin Keating          Heather Z. Sankey MD            Tom and Tina Dugdale             The Parslow Family
Karen M. Kellems
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