Spring Commencement Saturday, May 7, 2022 - University of West Florida

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University of West Florida

   Saturday, May 7, 2022
University of West Florida

   Saturday, May 7, 2022
Letter from the

                                             Dear 2022 Graduates,
                                             Today marks the day you have long anticipated—
                                             graduation. On behalf of everyone at the University of
                                             West Florida, I want to tell you how proud we are of
                                             you. It took hard work and determination, along with
                                             countless hours of study, to get here.
                                             Your degree, whether a bachelor’s, master’s, specialist or
                                             doctorate, marks an important step toward your future
                                             successes. Some of you will be starting the career that
                                             you have dreamed of while others will begin working
                                             towards that next degree. Whichever path you have
                                             chosen, your Argo family will be cheering you on.
                                             Throughout your UWF career, you’ve had a team who
                                             encouraged you and supported your efforts. I want
                                             to thank the parents, spouses, children and friends
                                             of our graduates who helped along the way. They
                                             share a feeling of pride in your accomplishments and
                                             excitement for your journey ahead.
  Martha D. Saunders, Ph.D. President        The word “commencement” signifies moving forward.
                                             You are starting out and blazing a new trail. Your time at
UWF has given you a foundation for your journey. My wish is for you to go with a sense of optimism
and confidence that you can face the challenges you encounter.
You now share in the rich history of UWF. Since our first graduation in June 1968, we have conferred
more than 100,000 degrees to UWF graduates like you. Congratulations on joining that elite group
and thank you for being a part of the Argo story.
As you leave here today, remember these words, Ancora Imparo, which translates to “still I am
learning.” I encourage you to continue learning new ideas and concepts. Seek out ways to gain
knowledge and skills that will enrich your life.
Congratulations. We are proud of you. Go Argos!

Sincerely yours,

Martha D. Saunders, Ph.D.
University of West Florida

Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering
    Usha Kundu, MD College of Health

                    CO M MENCEMENT PROGRAM
                              May 7, 2022, 9:30 a.m.
                        Pensacola Bay Center, Pensacola, Florida

                          The Processional*            UWF Symphonic Band
                                                       Brittan Braddock, Director
          The Presenting of the Colors*                Army ROTC

                    The National Anthem*               UWF Singers
                                                       Peter Steenblik, Director
Greetings from the Board of Trustees                   Suzanne Lewis, BOT Chair

      Opening Remarks, Introductions                   Martha D. Saunders, President
             and Special Recognitions
                Commencement Speaker                   Mona Amadeo, Ph.D.

                        Music Presentation             UWF Singers and UWF Symphonic Band
                                                       Peter Steenblik, Director—Singers
                                                       Brittan Braddock, Director—
                                                       Symphonic Band
                            Student Address            Ruben Gardner, SGA President

              Presentation of Bachelor’s               Hal Marcus College of Science
                     Degree Candidates                 and Engineering
                                                       Jaromy Kuhl, Dean
                                                       Usha Kundu, MD College of Health
                                                       Steven Brown, Interim Dean

                                Alma Mater**           UWF Singers
                                                       Peter Steenblik, Director
                          The Recessional**            UWF Symphonic Band
                                                       Brittan Braddock, Director
                                        Readers        Vannee Cao-Nguyen, Associate Vice
                                                       President, Division of Academic Engagement
                                                       and Student Affairs
                                                       Matthew Schwartz, Associate Vice President,
                                                       Research Administration and Engagement

         *Please rise for the processional and remain standing for the National Anthem.
**Audience will rise for the Alma Mater. Please remain standing until the procession exits the Center.


  Martha D. Saunders                     Michelle Williams                      Melinda Bowers
  President                              Vice Provost                           Dean, Emerald Coast
  George B. Ellenberg                    Jaromy Kuhl                            Stephanie Clark
  Provost and Senior Vice President      Dean, Hal Marcus College of Science    Dean of Libraries
                                         and Engineering
  Betsy Bowers                                                                  Matthew Schwartz
  Vice President,                        Mohamed Khabou                         Associate Vice President, Research
  Finance and Administration             Associate Dean, Hal Marcus College     Administration and Engagement
                                         of Science and Engineering
  Gregory Tomso                                                                 Vannee Cao-Nguyen
  Interim Vice President of Academic     Steven Brown                           Associate Vice President, Division
  Engagement and Student Affairs and     Interim Dean, Usha Kundu, MD           of Academic Engagement and
  Chief Diversity Officer                College of Health                      Student Affairs
  Howard J. Reddy                        Daniel Drost
  Vice President,                        Assistant Dean, Usha Kundu, MD
  University Advancement                 College of Health

                                        B OARD OF TRUSTEES
 Suzanne Lewis, Chair                   Paul Bowers                            Sherry Schneider
 Jill Singer, Vice Chair                Ruben Gardner, SGA President           Faculty Senate President

 Richard Baker                          Dr. Paul Hsu                           Alonzie Scott

 Lewis Bear, Jr.                        Robert L. Jones                        Robert Sires
                                                                               Stephanie White


UNIVERSITY MARSHAL                                          UNDERGRADUATE MARSHAL
Patrick Yang, Educational Research and Administration        Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering
FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATION                                   Moh Alzoubi, Information Technology
                                                             Chasidy Hobbs, Earth and Environmental Sciences
   Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering
   Erica Taylor, Biology                                     Usha Kundu, MD College of Health
                                                             Andi Nelson, Health Sciences and Administration
   Usha Kundu, MD College of Health
                                                             April Schantz, Psychology
   Christopher Dake, Movement Sciences and Health

College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
    College of Business
    College of Education and Professional Studies

                    CO M MENCEMENT PROGRAM
                              May 7, 2022, 1:30 p.m.
                        Pensacola Bay Center, Pensacola, Florida

                          The Processional*            UWF Symphonic Band
                                                       Brittan Braddock, Director
          The Presenting of the Colors*                Army ROTC

                    The National Anthem*               UWF Singers
                                                       Peter Steenblik, Director
Greetings from the Board of Trustees                   Suzanne Lewis, BOT Chair

Opening Remarks and Introductions                      Martha D. Saunders, President

                Commencement Speaker                   Mona Amadeo, Ph.D.

                        Music Presentation             UWF Singers and UWF Symphonic Band
                                                       Peter Steenblik, Director - Singers
                                                       Brittan Braddock, Director –
                                                       Symphonic Band
                            Student Address            Ruben Gardner, SGA President

              Presentation of Bachelor’s               College of Arts, Social Sciences
                     Degree Candidates                 and Humanities
                                                       Steven Brown, Dean
                                                       College of Business
                                                       Richard M. Fountain, Dean
                                                       College of Education and
                                                       Professional Studies
                                                       William Crawley, Dean
                                Alma Mater**           UWF Singers
                                                       Peter Steenblik, Director
                          The Recessional**            UWF Symphonic Band
                                                       Brittan Braddock, Director
                                        Readers        Vannee Cao-Nguyen, Associate Vice
                                                       President, Division of Academic Engagement
                                                       and Student Affairs
                                                       Matthew Schwartz, Associate Vice President,
                                                       Research Administration and Engagement

         *Please rise for the processional and remain standing for the National Anthem.
**Audience will rise for the Alma Mater. Please remain standing until the procession exits the Center.


 Martha D. Saunders                        Steven Brown                             Diane Scott
 President                                 Dean, College of Arts, Social Sciences   Associate Dean, College of Education
                                           and Humanities                           and Professional Studies
 George B. Ellenberg
 Provost and Senior Vice President         Amy Mitchell-Cook 		                     Melinda Bowers
                                           Associate Dean, College of Arts,         Dean, Emerald Coast
 Betsy Bowers
                                           Social Sciences and Humanities
 Vice President,                                                                    Stephanie Clark
 Finance and Administration                Richard M. Fountain                      Dean of Libraries
                                           Dean, College of Business
 Gregory Tomso                                                                      Matthew Schwartz
 Interim Vice President of Academic        Alison Green                             Associate Vice President, Research
 Engagement and Student Affairs and        Associate Dean, College of Business      Administration and Engagement
 Chief Diversity Officer
                                           Melissa Brode                            Vannee Cao-Nguyen
 Howard J. Reddy                           Associate Dean, College of Business      Associate Vice President, Division
 Vice President,                                                                    of Academic Engagement and
                                           William Crawley
 University Advancement                                                             Student Affairs
                                           Dean, College of Education and
 Michelle Williams                         Professional Studies
 Vice Provost

                                           B OARD OF TRUSTEES
 Suzanne Lewis, Chair                      Paul Bowers                              Sherry Schneider
 Jill Singer, Vice Chair                   Ruben Gardner, SGA President             Faculty Senate President

 Richard Baker                             Dr. Paul Hsu                             Alonzie Scott

 Lewis Bear, Jr.                           Robert L. Jones                          Robert Sires
                                                                                    Stephanie White

UNIVERSITY MARSHAL                                                College of Business
Patrick Yang, Educational Research and Administration             Hilmi Atadil, Commerce
                                                                  James Mead, Marketing, Supply Chain Logistics
                                                                  and Economics
   College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
                                                                  College of Education and Professional Studies
   C. Scott Satterwhite, English
                                                                  Chrystina Hoffman, Criminology and Criminal Justice
   College of Business                                            Lauren Ricciardelli, Social Work
   Patrick Lucas, Accounting and Finance

   College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
   Gregory Cook, Anthropology
   Erin Stone, History

Graduate School

                    CO M MENCEMENT PROGRAM
                              May 7, 2022, 5:30 p.m.
                        Pensacola Bay Center, Pensacola, Florida

                          The Processional*

               The Posting of the Colors* Air Force ROTC

                    The National Anthem* Sara Schoch, Theatre, prerecorded

Greetings from the Board of Trustees Suzanne Lewis, BOT Chair

 Opening Remarks and Introductions Martha D. Saunders, President

                 Presentation of Doctoral Kuiyuan Li, Dean, Graduate School
                      Degree Candidates
                Presentation of Specialist Kuiyuan Li, Dean, Graduate School
                      Degree Candidates
                            Student Address Tyler Fezzey, Class of 2022
                                            Master of Business Administration
                 Presentation of Master’s Kuiyuan Li, Dean, Graduate School
                      Degree Candidates
                                Alma Mater** UWF Concert Choir, prerecorded

                          The Recessional**

                                        Readers Vannee Cao-Nguyen, Associate Vice
                                                President, Division of Academic Engagement
                                                and Student Affairs
                                                Matthew Schwartz, Associate Vice President,
                                                Research Administration and Engagement

         *Please rise for the processional and remain standing for the National Anthem.
**Audience will rise for the Alma Mater. Please remain standing until the procession exits the Center.


 Martha D. Saunders                       Amy Mitchell-Cook 		                    Mohamed Khabou
 President                                Associate Dean, College of Arts,        Associate Dean, Hal Marcus College
                                          Social Sciences and Humanities          of Science and Engineering
 George B. Ellenberg
 Provost and Senior Vice President        Richard M. Fountain                     Steven Brown
                                          Dean, College of Business               Interim Dean, Usha Kundu, MD
 Betsy Bowers
                                                                                  College of Health
 Vice President,                          Alison Green
 Finance and Administration               Associate Dean, College of Business     Daniel Drost
                                                                                  Assistant Dean, Usha Kundu, MD
 Gregory Tomso                            Melissa Brode
                                                                                  College of Health
 Interim Vice President of Academic       Associate Dean, College of Business
 Engagement and Student Affairs and                                               Melinda Bowers
                                          William Crawley
 Chief Diversity Officer                                                          Dean, Emerald Coast
                                          Dean, College of Education and
 Howard J. Reddy                          Professional Studies                    Stephanie Clark
 Vice President,                                                                  Dean of Libraries
                                          Diane Scott
 University Advancement
                                          Associate Dean, College of Education    Matthew Schwartz
 Michelle Williams                        and Professional Studies                Associate Vice President, Research
 Vice Provost                                                                     Administration and Engagement
                                          Jaromy Kuhl
 Steven Brown                             Dean, Hal Marcus College of Science     Vannee Cao-Nguyen
 Dean, College of Arts, Social Sciences   and Engineering                         Associate Vice President, Division
 and Humanities                                                                   of Academic Engagement and
                                                                                  Student Affairs

                                          B OARD OF TRUSTEES
 Suzanne Lewis, Chair                     Paul Bowers                             Sherry Schneider
 Jill Singer, Vice Chair                  Ruben Gardner, SGA President            Faculty Senate President

 Richard Baker                            Dr. Paul Hsu                            Alonzie Scott

 Lewis Bear, Jr.                          Robert L. Jones                         Robert Sires
                                                                                  Stephanie White

UNIVERSITY MARSHAL                                               College of Business
Patrick Yang, Educational Research and Administration            Vitaly Brazhkin, Commerce
                                                                 Barbara White, Accounting and Finance
                                                                 College of Education and Professional Studies
   Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering                 Holly Handley, Instructional Design and Technology
   Khagendra Bhattarai, Physics                                  Kathrine Johnson, Criminology and Criminal Justice
   Usha Kundu, MD College of Health                              Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering
   April Schantz, Psychology                                     Tony Al-Abed, Information Technology
                                                                 Amitabh Mishra, Computer Science
                                                                 Usha Kundu, MD, College of Health
   Wisdom Mensah, Educational Research
                                                                 Ludmila Cosio-Lima, Movement Sciences and Health
   and Administration
                                                                 Christopher Wirth, Movement Sciences and Health
   College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
   Christopher Fenner, Communication
   Bre Garrett, Communication

The Chambered Nautilus

By Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

This is the ship of pearl, which, poets feign,
Sails the unshadowed main,—
The venturous bark that flings
On the sweet summer wind its purpled wings
In gulfs enchanted, where the Siren sings,
And coral reefs lie bare,
Where the cold sea-maids rise to sun their streaming hair.

Its webs of living gauze no more unfurl;
Wrecked is the ship of pearl!
And every chambered cell,
Where its dim dreaming life was wont to dwell,
As the frail tenant shaped his growing shell,
Before thee lies revealed,—
Its irised ceiling rent, its sunless crypt unsealed!

Year after year beheld the silent toil
That spread his lustrous coil;
Still, as the spiral grew,
He left the past year’s dwelling for the new,
Stole with soft step its shining archway through,
Built up its idle door,
Stretched in his last-found home, and knew the old no more.

Thanks for the heavenly message brought by thee,
Child of the wandering sea,
Cast from her lap, forlorn!
From thy dead lips a clearer note is born
Than ever Triton blew from wreathèd horn!
While on mine ear it rings,
Through the deep caves of thought I hear a voice that sings:—

Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul,
As the swift seasons roll!
Leave thy low-vaulted past!
Let each new temple, nobler than the last,
Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast,
Till thou at length art free,
Leaving thine outgrown shell by life’s unresting sea!

Candidate Eligibilit y and Honors

      This program includes names of students who are candidates for bachelor’s, master’s and specialist’s
      degrees during Spring and Summer semesters 2022 or who have completed requirements for doctoral
      degrees in Spring 2022. Undergraduate students who earn at least 40 semester hours in graded courses
      in residence at the University of West Florida are eligible to graduate with honors. Honors listings
      in this program are based on the accumulated averages earned during the student’s entire academic
      history for all enrollment periods prior to the current term and are designated as follows:

                                               cum laude* - 3.5+
                                            magna cum laude** - 3.7+
                                           summa cum laude*** - 3.9+

                                     ACADEMIC ABBREVIATIONS
                               Degrees awarded by the University of West Florida

B.A. Bachelor of Arts                                     M.Acc. Master of Accountancy
B.F.A. Bachelor of Fine Arts                              M.B.A. Master of Business Administration
B.G.S. Bachelor of General Studies                        M.Ed. Master of Education
B.M. Bachelor of Music                                    M.H.A. Master of Healthcare Administration
B.M.E. Bachelor of Music Education                        M.P.H. Master of Public Health
B.S. Bachelor of Science                                  M.S. Master of Science
B.S.B.A. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration   M.S.A. Master of Science in Administration
B.S.C.E. Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering      M.S.N.. Master of Science in Nursing
B.S.E.E.. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering   M.S.W. Master of Social Work
B.S.M.E. Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering    Ed.S. Education Specialists
B.S.N. Bachelor of Science in Nursing                     Ed.D. Doctor of Education
B.S.W. Bachelor of Social Work                            Ph.D. Intelligent Systems and Robotics
M.A. Master of Arts

Spring 2022 Degree Graduates
Doctoral Degrees                                          Jay Ayer, M.A.​                        Maria De Jesus Gomez, M.A.​
Cynthia Ambrose-Spano, Ed.D.​                             John Joseph Bachmann, M.S.N.​          Samuel Dalbem De Oliveira, M.B.A.​
  Teacher Self-Efficacy: Including Students with          Allicyn L. Baldwin, M.A.​              Rafael De Sa Lowande, M.S.​
  Emotional Behavior Disability in Mainstream             Baylee Ann Barnette, M.A.​             Jennifer Jo Delaney, M.A.​
  Elementary Classrooms                                   Ashley Bates, M.A.​                    Jackson Delicieux, M.S.​
Kym Yvonne Atwood, Ed.D.​                                 Connor Hamilton Baugh, M.S.​           Robert J. DeRush Jr., M.S.​
  Decontextualized Sill-Cuing: Teaching the Overarm       Terrence Drew Bayly, M.P.H.            Theresa Dieujuste, M.S.​
  Throw to Music with Counts
                                                          Fernandy Beague, M.A.​                 Thanh Dinh, M.P.H.
Michelle Barber, Ed.D.​                                   Julia Bednarski, M.S.N.​               Kristi A. Dixon, M.S.​
  Experiences of Lower Income High School Students in
                                                          Chelsea Lee Benitez, M.S.W​.           Colleen Jenell Dodson, M.S.N.​
  Advancement via Individual Determination
                                                          Elizabeth Marie Berta, M.S.​           Zana Dojnov, M.A.​
Shauntte Butcher, Ed.D.​                                  Michelle Leanna Best, M.A.​            Charleigh Summer Donegan-Falvey, M.A.​
  Developing a Social and Emotional Learning
  Curriculum: Secondary Students’ Perspectives
                                                          Kameron Bethell, M.S.​                 Andre Duncombe, M.S.​
                                                          Nicholas Quinn Billings, M.B.A.​       Kelly Anne Dunn, M.S.​
Jaime Garrett, Ed.D.​                                     Alyssa Hambacher Bingler, M.Ed.​
  Rural High School Graduates’ Experiences with
                                                                                                 Luis Adrian Dunn, M.H.A.
  Dual Enrollment                                         Kimber Ann Boonmast, M.S.N.​           Justin Andrew Dunnam, M.S.​
                                                          William Roger Bradley, M.B.A.​         Jacob Duong, M.P.H.
Scheree J. Martin, Ed.D.​​
  Exploration of Lived Experiences Influencing Efficacy   Alexis Ann Brock, M.B.A.​              Lauren Ebner, M.A.​
  Among Elementary Teachers and School Leaders            Garrett Randolph Lane Brown, M.A.​     Jeffrey Scott Eddy, M.P.H.
Krista M. Promnitz, Ed.D.​                                Jacarius Jaleel Brown, M.B.A.​         Ekaterina Konstantinovna Egorova, M.Acc.​
  The Changing Role of Secondary Educators: Teacher       Nicole L. Broxson, M.S.W​.             Shayna Anne Ellery, M.A.​
  Preparation and Social-Emotional Learning               Ashley Bryan, M.Ed.​                   Shawn Stuart Ellison, M.Ed.​
Raymond Thompson, Ed.D.​                                  Ethan Scott Bryant, M.A.​              Michael Jack Emigh, M.Ed.​
  Transitional Experiences of Mountain Village Students   Sherry Lynn Buchman, M.S.N.​           Alyson Elizabeth Enk, M.A.​
  of Dominican Republic Entering U.S. Schools             Adam Gilmore Buck, M.Ed.​              Shawn Eric Enos, M.S.N.​
Heather Maureen Womersley, Ed.D.​​​                       Eliana Michelle Buss, M.A.​            Valerie Yajaira Espadinha, M.A.​
  Diffusion of Differentiated Instruction in Catholic     Juan Ignacio Cabrera, M.B.A.​          Baylee D. Estep, M.A.​
  School Math Classes                                     Amanda Cain, M.S.​                     Michelle Killian Falco, M.S.N.​
Aletheia Zambesi, Ed.D.​​                                 Joshua Camacho, M.S.​                  Katelyn Nicole Falkner, M.Acc.​
  Examining Relationships Among Undergraduate             Jessica Marie Campbell, M.A.​          Guillermo R. Farre-Martin, M.A.​
  Precalculus Students’ Mathematical Mindsets,            Kaitlyn Carol Campbell, M.S.W​.        Carla Leeanna Faulkner, M.A.​
  Satisfaction and Success
                                                          McKenzie Campbell, M.A.​               Jean Robert Faustin, M.S.​
                                                          Guy Anthony Cappello, M.B.A.​          Evalee P. Fenty-Marseil, M.A.​
Specialist’s Degrees                                      Carla Renee Caprella, M.A.​            Juliana Fernandes Costa, M.Acc.​
Tracy Bowers, Ed.S.​                                      Angela Melissa Carden, M.S.A.​         Cindy Milagros Fernandez Marrero, M.A.​
Luis F. Caro-Zapata, Ed.S.​                               Melissa Ann Carriles, M.Ed.​           Tyler Nicole Abayon Fezzey, M.B.A.​
Jeremiah L. Carter, Ed.S.​                                Shaena Renae Carson, M.S.​             Siuly Aslin Flores, M.A.​
Felicia Diaz, Ed.S.​                                      Lesley Marie Castineiras, M.A.​        Laynie Foskett, M.Ed.​
Michelle Lynne Finley, Ed.S.​                             Kiersten Ursula Cavender, M.S.​        Alexandrea Fox, M.S.​
Michelle Huff, Ed.S.​                                     Edward Joseph Chappe, M.S.​            Amy Xiomara Franco, M.S.W​.
Yvon Joinville, Ed.S.​                                    Tanya Chardon, M.S.​                   Kelly Grace Frappier, M.S.​
Ashley Mamone, Ed.S.​                                     Ann B. Charlot, M.P.H.                 Lauren Michelle Freeman, M.A.​
Jimmy H. Maruri, Ed.S.​                                   Angela K. Cherry, M.B.A.​              Nastassia Friday, M.A.​
Amy Monahan, Ed.S.​                                       Ekaterina Coan, M.S.N.​                Justice Frimpong, M.P.H.
Mercedes Athena Musto, Ed.S.​                             Tommy Cohen, M.S.N.​                   Nadia Christine Gallow, M.A.​
Rebecca Anne Wester, Ed.S.​                               Autumn Combs, M.Acc.​                  David Artemio Garcia, M.A.​
Candice D. Young, Ed.S.​​                                 Samantha Mae Conley, M.Ed.​            Kemeelyt Cobie Garcia, M.S.N.​
                                                          Loren T. Cooper, M.S.W​.               David James Gavin, M.A.​
Master’s Degrees                                          Omar Costa, M.Acc.​                    Milena Ghtait, M.A.​
Lana Abbasi, M.S.W​.                                      Katherine Leigh Coughlin, M.Ed.​       Alainna Vermillion Gill, M.S.N.​
Maria Eugenia Acosta Dominguez, M.A.​                     Joseph Edmund Cox III, M.S.W​.         Hailey Elizabeth Gillam, M.A.​
Robert Ryan Adams Jr., M.S.A.​                            Meghan Taran Cross, M.A.​              Ginger Lee Gilley, M.S.N.​
Terri M. Adams, M.S.A.​                                   Lauren Elizabeth Crummett, M.A.​       Darlene Michelle Glenn, M.A.​
Leticia Cintra de Alencar, M.A.​                          Hannah Gabriele Sunio Cunanan, M.A.​   Melody Medina Godwin, M.S.​
Emily Grace Alexis, M.B.A.​                               Ashley S. Custodio, M.A.​              Erik Raul Gomez, M.A.​
Mona Fouad Algammal, M.P.H.                               Erika Alysse Cutler, M.A.​             Desiree Gonzalez, M.A.​
Nicole Anne Allen, M.A.​                                  Monica Brites Da Silva, M.A.​          Kaitlyn Danielle Goobeck, M.A.​
Brianna Lynn Almeida, M.A.​                               Carrie Elizabeth Daniel, M.S.​         Brookland Abigail Gordon, M.Ed.​
Amy Jo Alvarado, M.A.​                                    Lori Ann Daniels, M.S.W​.              Wesley Ryan Gordon, M.Ed.​
Makade Steed Archibald, M.B.A.​                           Katharina Dauber, M.A.​                Johnathon Robert Graham, M.S.​
Rebecca Louise Ates, M.S.N.​                              Heather Hotchkiss Daugherty, M.Ed.​    Marcus Paul Green, M.S.​
Cori Averaino, M.S.W​.                                    Natalie Danielle Davis, M.S.N.​        Amber D. Greene, M.B.A.​
Brian David Axon, M.Ed.​                                  Samantha Abigale Davis, M.S.N.​        Devon William Greer, M.P.H.

Spring 2022 Degree Graduates

Seth Alexander Gregory, M.A.​             Kristi Carol King, M.S.N.​             Martinez Milord, M.S.​
Kyle Andrew Grosskopf, M.Ed.​             Mariia Kirkland, M.Acc.​               Ashley Jeanell Mitchell, M.P.H.
Kaila Renee Hadden, M.S.N.​               Matthew Alex Klein, M.H.A.             Cory Michael Mohrbacher, M.S.​
Colin MacPhail Hake, M.A.​                Kevin Michael Knight, M.S.​            Marcus R. Monn, M.B.A.​
Sydnee Renae Hammond, M.A.​               Mary Elizabeth Kogge, M.Ed.​           Delise Ngwiekou Moore, M.S.W​.
Di-Anne Torrente Hans, M.A.​              Dustin Thomas Krohn, M.Acc.​           Nicholas A. Moore, M.S.​
Ashley Harricharan, M.A.​                 Caitlin Danielle Kummer, M.S.​         William Garrett Morris, M.S.N.​
Darby Harris, M.A.​                       Jacqueline Kuon, M.Acc.​               William Stewart Morrison III, M.A.​
Shanequea Nicole Harris, M.A.​            Tiara Kailee Kutscherenko, M.S.W​.     Kyra May Morrison, M.S.W​.
Chase Corwin Harrison, M.B.A.​            Brittney Nicole Ellis, M.S.N.​         Juan Manuel Motta, M.B.A.​
Mary Kathryn Harrison, M.Acc.​            Emmy Caroline Ladehoff, M.A.​          Saad Mouadden, M.Acc.​
Jake Thomas Hartnett, M.B.A.​             Alyssa Carina Larson, M.S.​            Julie Haq Mounts, M.Ed.​
Shae M. Harvey, M.S.N.​                   Elisabeth A. Lavinder, M.S.N.​         Michael Thomas Newell, M.H.A.
Shelby Begley Harwood, M.A.​              Kristie Anna Le, M.A.​                 Tereasa Lynn Newman, M.A.​
Rebecca Hatch, M.Ed.​                     Lynna Linh Le, M.S.N.​                 Thuy Nguyen, M.S.​
Jeremy Daniel Hatcher, M.Ed.​             Van Thi Hong Le, M.Acc.​               Christina Marie Nicolas, M.S.N.​
Summer Grace Hearn, M.S.N.​               Kimberley Sue Lee, M.S.N.​             Courtney Marie Nolen, M.S.​
Mindy Lynn Hendrix, M.Ed.​                Jacob Daniel Leiner, M.S.​             Hilliary Mae Norris, M.S.N.​
Hannah Marie Henley, M.Ed.​               Charles Hubert LeMoine III, M.S.N.​    Deborah Novoa, M.A.​
Angelique Hennon, M.S.​                   Derick H. Leonard, M.B.A.​             Ashley Ocker, M.A.​
Kimberly Robynn Hewitt, M.Ed.​            Brittany Nicole Lewis, M.Ed.​          Alexander Falzone Odee, M.B.A.​
Katrice Kathleen Lawanda Hickman, M.A.​   Ana Luiza Garcia Lima, M.A.​           Uchenna Ofodile, M.A.​
Alexis J. Hicks, M.S.W​.                  Leisa Ling, M.B.A.​                    Gabriela Oliveira Araujo, M.S.​
Larry Thomas Hill, M.P.H.                 Ian Brooks Lino, M.B.A.​               Audrey Ann O’Maille, M.S.N.​
Omar Sharif Holligan, M.Ed.​              Elizabeth Moran Lowe, M.Ed.​           Mary Mae Oquendo, M.A.​
James B. Holmes, M.S.​                    Consuelo Gonzalez Lule, M.S.N.​        Hannah Nicole O’Toole, M.A.​
Janice Cooper Holmes, M.A.​               Cynthia Evelyn Marie Lupton, M.S.​     Alyssa Hope Owens, M.A.​
Donald H. Hood, M.S.​                     Heather Lutkins, M.A.​                 Tamara Cheyenne Pacheco, M.S.W​.
Deborah Hoohuli, M.A.​                    Bryan Russell Lutz, M.S.​              John Charles Pagnotti Jr., M.Ed.​
Kailey Elizabeth Hoover, M.Ed.​           Darla Elizabeth Lyon, M.A.​            Quincy Everett Parker Jr., M.Ed.​
Kelsey Blake Hope, M.S.​                  Randall Scott Macey, M.S.W​.           Colleen Kelley Parsons, M.Acc.​
Stephen Michael Hopkins, M.S.​            Cindy Hassia Maiga, M.Ed.​             Tyler Reid Parsons, M.B.A.​
Ramena Means Howard, M.A.​                Regine Claire Marie 		                 Zakiya Pasley, M.A.​
Amber July Hudson, M.Ed.​                   Malebranche-Smith, M.S.N.​           Robert A. Passero Jr., M.B.A.​
Tanisha Salill Hudson, M.S.N.​            Adriana Mallo, M.A.​                   Poonam N. Patel, M.S.N.​
Melissa Robin Hughes, M.Ed.​              Elbert Sevier Maloney III, M.P.H.      Nicole Michelle Paternostro, M.Ed.​
J’Maica Jashua Hunter, M.P.H.             Gloria Margarita Malpica, M.S.N.​      Kendal Brooke Payne, M.S.N.​
Rachel Lynn Hyde, M.A.​                   Yusdemy Marin, M.B.A.​                 John Joe Peña, M.P.H.
Anthony Ibarra, M.A.​                     Elizabeth Kay Marino, M.A.​            Gabriela A. Perez, M.P.H.
Alicia Laura Impastato, M.A.​             Anthony J. Mariscal, M.H.A.            Devon Lee Scott Peyton, M.Acc.​
Luke Perry Jackson, M.A.​                 Rene Alfredo Martinez-Celorio, M.S.​   Venette Pierre, M.S.A.​
Sabrina Jackson, M.S.W​.                  Brett Allen Matzek, M.P.H.             Jaimie Therese Pitt, M.A.​
Tobias Jacob, M.S.​                       Kieran James McCarthy, M.S.​           Rosemary Placzkiewicz, M.Ed.​
Holley Regina Jaxon, M.Ed.​               Wynn Toby McGilberry, M.A.​            Enrique Plasencia, M.A.​
Lindsay Bianca Jimmerson, M.S.A.​         Walter E. McGuire III, M.A.​           Zachary Pohlmann, M.A.​
Schnathan Lee Johnson, M.S.​              Elizabeth Nicole McKenzie, M.A.​       Sushen P. Prashanth, M.S.​
Maria Jolly, M.A.​                        Kristin E. McKinney, M.B.A.​           Portia Robin Willete Price, M.S.W​.
Demetrius Simon Jones, M.A.​              Katherine Ruth McLain, M.B.A.​         Kimberly Rowland Queen, M.S.N.​
Jennifer Jones, M.B.A.​                   Saratessa Nicole Means, M.A.​          Olena Vasylivna Ratushna, M.B.A.​
Michael Raymond Jones, M.S.​              Paereak Meng, M.B.A.​                  Laura Michaele Rawlins, M.A.​
Nicole Elizabeth Jones, M.S.N.​           Alesha Michelle Mercer, M.A.​          Miranda Rehberg, M.A.​
Linda Joo, M.B.A.​                        Ashley L. Mercer, M.A.​                Tyler Rench, M.S.​
Robin Lynn Joyce, M.Ed.​                  Andrew David Merrill, M.S.​            Kelly Dawn Reynolds, M.Ed.​
Garfield Nickel Jugar, M.S.​              Kori Merriman, M.A.​                   Victoria Rose Richards, M.S.N.​
Danielle Jukkala, M.A.​                   Thomas Hadley Merriman, M.S.​          Olivia Paige Rieli, M.S.W​.
Brittany Ann Justice, M.S.N.​             Sunia Zahid Mian, M.S.W​.              Michelle Beatrice Riendeau, M.B.A.​
Benjamin James Kackley, M.Ed.​            Patrick Michaud, M.B.A.​               Tiffany Rene Rivas, M.P.H.
Kelli Elizabeth Kearney, M.Ed.​           Florina Cristina Mickel, M.S.N.​       Estefanía Rivera, M.P.H.
Stacey Lynn Kelley, M.B.A.​               Daniel George Middleton, M.S.​         Lauren Michelle Rivers, M.S.W​.
Patrick Kelly, M.Ed.​                     Bria Monae Miller, M.H.A.              Blake Roberts, M.S.​
Richard Anthony Kemp, M.P.H.              Kelly R. Miller, M.Ed.​                Brittany A. Roberts, M.Acc.​
Claire M’Lynn Lundy Kennedy, M.A.​        Stuart Miller, M.A.​                   Darwin Eugene Robinson II, M.Ed.​
Judy N. Kimani, M.P.H.                    Steve Millon, M.B.A.​                  Brigette Bélanger Robinson, M.P.H.

Spring 2022 Degree Graduates

Carlisa Robinson, M.A.​                   Adam Michael Van Antwerp, M.A.​                Tyler Arp, B.S.B.A.​
Rachel Rodriguez, M.A.​                   Rachel Bethany Van Wart, M.Ed.​                Gabriel Arraes de Almeida, B.S.​
Karla Michelle Rosa Rivera, M.A.​         Juan Carlos Vargas, M.S.​                      Walter Rowe Arrington, B.S.W.
Joshua Taylor Rosato, M.A.​               Qasem Varzideh, M.S.​                          Yvonne S. Asante-Nkansa, B.S.N.​
Samantha Mary Ross, M.A.​                 Amy Jeanette Villachica, M.S.N.​               Meghan Laisel Atkinson, B.S.​
Jessalyn Manise Rushin, M.S.W​.           Chelsea Keen Vrana, M.A.​                      Meagan N. Atwill, B.S.B.A.​
Margaret Lorene Sanders, M.A.​            Kyle William Wagner, M.S.W​.                   Jacob Easley Averitt, B.S.B.A.​
Emily Jane Reichert Sandrowicz, M.S.​     Mary Anne Walauskis, M.S.​                     Adriana Graciela Ayala, B.F.A.**
Tiffany Santiago, M.A.​                   Amy J. Wales, M.Acc.​                          Nicolas Andrew Azar, B.S.M.E.
Roberta E. Sarkodee, M.S.W​.              Taylor Walkup, M.A.​                           Aaron E. Bading-Hickman,
Joshua Dalton Sawyer, M.S.​               Marilyn Lashae Watkins, M.B.A.​                  B.S.C.E.​, B.S.E.E​.**
Rachel Schmalz, M.A.​                     Sarah Lorraine Wayer, M.S.W​.                  Allison K. Bahmer, B.F.A.*
Jenny Patricia Scott, M.S.W​.             Sydney E. West, M.B.A.​                        Gabriel Olan Bailey, B.S.​
Benny Segovia Ruiz, M.S.​                 Megan Melissa Wheatley, M.Ed.​                 Kristina Renae Bailey, B.S.N.​
Breezie Seitz, M.S.W​.                    Angela Ann White, M.A.​                        Olivia Catherine Stewart Baker, B.A.
Brandt Selesky, M.B.A.​                   James Samuel White, M.Acc.​                    Larry Wayne Ball, B.S.B.A.​
Richard M. Selph Jr., M.S.​               Jore Lavette Whiten, M.B.A.​                   Emma Elizabeth Barksdale, B.S.N.​**
Amy Ruth Sequeira, M.S.N.​                Rachael Irene Whitlock, M.S.W​.                Jacob Barlow, B.S.​
Erin Elyssa Shanaughy, M.A.​              Darrel Lee Williams, M.S.​                     Adrianna Ariban Barnard, B.A.
Grayson Francesca Sheets, M.A.​           Dahlen Wilson, M.S.​                           Kelly Marie Barnhill, B.S.W.*
Kendall Elizabeth Sheffler, M.A.​         Jack Lee Wilson, M.B.A.​                       Renee Alison Barrows, B.S.N.​
Hailey Nicole Shepherd, M.H.A.            Joseph Allen Wojciechowski, M.Ed.​             Jerrica N. Barton, B.S.B.A.​
Cheyenne Lea Sherman, M.B.A.​             Michelle Wolf, M.A.​                           Kristin Kerry Bartosik, B.S.​
Tiffany Lynne Shutt, M.Ed.​               Kathryn Letsinger Wright, M.Ed.​               Dari Anne Batova, B.A.
Brandon Duval Simmons, M.S.N.​            George Yeboah, M.Ed.​                          Michael Allen Bauer, B.S.​
Theodore Siren, M.A.​                     Lauren Uilani Yen, M.S.N.​                     Alyssa Rhea Bawcom, B.S.​
Andrew Christopher Smith, M.S.​           Brooke Allison Younce, M.S.​                   Kimberly Marie Baxley, B.S.N.​
Debra Considina Smith, M.S.​              Alexis Marie Young, M.S.W​.                    Ashlynn Kate Beard, B.S.W.**
Jessica Joy Smith, M.S.​                  Lori F. Younge, M.S.​                          Kaya Hendrix Beasley, B.S.M.E.
Lauren Annmarie Smith, M.B.A.​            Sarah Zarn, M.S.​                              Ashley L. Beck, B.A.*
Aisia Jonisa Snow, M.A.​                  Ellyze Zelazny, M.P.H.                         Nicole Suzanne Beck, B.A.
Cory Monroe Snyder, M.B.A.​               Tiffany Feeney Zigo, M.A.​                     Jonathan Taylor Becker, B.A.
Sigrid A. Solgard, M.B.A.​                                                               Natalie Ann Beckham, B.A.*
Veronika Soloveva, M.Acc.​                Bachelor’s Degrees                             Brianna Nicole Beecher, B.S.​
Muskan (Muskaan) Soni, M.S.W​.            Karen Maxeen Abdul, B.S.N.​                    Adiessa A. Bell, B.S.​
Vaneza Sosa, M.A.​                        Stacey Marie Abercrombie, B.S.​                Kaijah Elaine Bell, B.A.
Samuel David Spangrud, M.B.A.​            Julia Abrantes Almeida Ribeiro, B.A.**         Kimberly Laree Bell, B.A.*
Fanny Sara Antonia Starzmann, M.Acc.​     Elaine RoseMary Adams, B.S.B.A.​               Arturo Bello, B.S.B.A.​*
Benjamin Stevens, M.S.​                   Logan Adams, B.S.B.A.​                         Vicky Mirka Bellus Pierre, B.S.N.​
Kimberly Lauren Stierwalt, M.P.H.         Ravyn Christine Adams, B.S.N.​**               Alexis Maria Benard, B.S.W.
Bailey Elizabeth Stokes, M.Ed.​           Addison J. Adkins, B.S.​                       Alan Nicolas Benitez Garcia, B.S.​*
Samantha Stoltz, M.Ed.​                   Kolbe Koray Adsungur, B.S.​**                  Serghei Berezovschi, B.S.​**
David Nathaniel Stone, M.H.A.             Mikaela Joy Aiken, B.A.                        Parth Kirankumar Bhakta, B.G.S.
Ariana Nicole Strasheim, M.A.​            Tristin Michael Albers, B.A.                   Natalie J. Bikakis, B.A.***
Calvin Stubbs Jr., M.S.​                  Jaime Nicole Love Alexander, B.S.N.​           Konner Joseph Bilderback, B.A.*
Kamelie V. Sweeney-Allen, M.S.N.​         Madison Nicole Alexander, B.S.B.A.​            Kayla Rose Bilello, B.A., B.A.**
Normandy Simangan Tanguilan, M.S.​        Eric Jovan Allen II, B.S.B.A.​                 Dortavien A. Billy, B.A.
Marche Renee Tatum, M.B.A.​               Robert C. Allen III, B.F.A.                    Denali Tyquanzia Bishop, B.S.​
Jessica Lauren Tedford, M.P.H.            Kendall Reis Allen, B.A.*                      Kendall Lawerence Blakes, B.S.​
Madarki Tejeda, M.A.​                     Reilly Elizabeth Allman, B.S.​                 Mary Kate Blaylock, B.S.B.A.​
Christopher George Tenney, M.S.​          Bruna Alves Carvalho Martino Pastura, B.S.​*   Morgan Elizabeth Blomberg, B.S.B.A.​
Thomas James Thibaut, M.S.​               Anthony Marquez Anderson, B.S.​                Kiara Elena Bly, B.S.​
Madeline Grace Thomas, M.A.​              Blake Aaron Anderson, B.S.B.A.​*               Madelyn Hope Boatwright, B.A.**
Maria Cristina Thompkins, M.Acc.​         Dexton Scott Anderson, B.S.​                   Kendall Ashlyn Bobbitt, B.S.​**
Emily Suzanne Thornton, M.A.​             Reigine Nicole Anderson, B.S.N.​               Samantha Boehm, B.S.N.​
Jasmine Elise Threatt, M.Ed.​             Samantha King Anderson, B.S.​                  Zachary Bryce Bolton, B.S.M.E.
Kimberly Ann Topper, M.S.W​.              Abbigail Kasandra Andrade, B.S.​               Bayleigh Alicia Bonewit, B.S.B.A.​
Anita Totten, M.P.H.                      Keirsten Nichole Andress, B.A.**               Hannah Louise Boswell, B.S.B.A.​
Leslie Melton Travis, M.Ed.​              Alexis Nicole Andrews, B.A.                    Sheri Lee Boudreaux, B.A.
Allison Tumbelty, M.Ed.​                  Peyton Nicole Anglin, B.S.​**                  Nathan E. Bowcock, B.S.N.​
Zane Russell Turnipseed, M.Ed.​           Marissa M. Armistead, B.S.​                    Malachi Edwin Bowden, B.S.​
Ruffian Marie Tyner, M.H.A.               Audric Anton Albert Arneault, B.S.​            Emily R. Bowers, B.S.​***
Catherine Mana-ay Valenzuela, M.S.N.​                                                    Daniel Alexander Boyd, B.S.​

Spring 2022 Degree Graduates

Megan Marie Boyd, B.S.B.A.​*                Kellie Deeanne Coatney, B.F.A.***         Shane Robert Durepo, B.A., B.A.***
Quinton Cornelius Boyd, B.A.                Jenna N. Cochran, B.S.N.​*                April Joy Dutollo, B.S.​
Teremis Boykin, B.A.                        Anthony Colbassani, B.A.                  Jaclyn Eagan, B.A.
Kenya Laniece Bradley, B.S.​*               Katriel S. Coleman, B.A.*                 Brock Ansel Edmundson, B.S.B.A.​
Deon Starrie Bradshaw, B.S.​                Winifred Eva Frances Collins, B.A.**      Kayla Marie Edwards, B.S.​
Shelby Grace Brasseur, B.S.​*               Ciara N. Mabins, B.A.                     Korri Nicole Edwards, B.A.*
Caitlin Shirley Bridges, B.A.*              Brittany Nichole Comer, B.F.A., B.M.​**   Maya Aileen Edwards, B.S.N.​
Nathan Caleb Bridges, B.A.                  Kallie Anne Cook, B.S.N.​                 Emma Marie Edwins, B.A.**
Joshua A. Briggs, B.S.​                     Alexandria Georgia Cooke, B.S.​           Megan Brianne Ellis, B.S.W.
Kerryann L. Britton, B.A.                   Emilee Leighane Coolidge, B.A.            Brandon Lee Ellison, B.S.​
Sami Lane Brooks, B.S.B.A.​, B.S.B.A.​      Kenisha Lee Corella, B.S.N.​              Charlotte Lucy Ellmore, B.S.B.A.​*
Akhyra L. Brown, B.S.B.A.​                  Jasmine Agabin Corpuz, B.S.​**            Alexander Joseph Emery, B.G.S.
Alyssha Nicole Brown, B.S.​                 Christopher Paul Costello, B.S.​          Kaylynn Elsie Ennis, B.A.
Andrew James Brown, B.S.​*                  Heather Heather Coultas, B.S.N.​*         Joshua A. Enrile, B.A.
Dale Brown, B.S.​                           Kylie Anne Cox, B.S.N.​**                 Maisha Talia Epps, B.S.​*
Fallon Elizabeth Brown, B.A.                Sibyl Erin Cox, B.S.M.E.                  Nicole Esquivel Cordoba, B.F.A.**
Gabrielle Lurene Brown, B.G.S.              Tyler Richard Craig, B.A.                 Autumn Brooke Ethridge, B.A.*
Kaitlyn Rose Brown, B.A.                    Angelia Darlene Cranford, B.S.N.​         Karmann Lynn Evans, B.S.​***
Caroline Mackenzie Bruns, B.M.​*            Brandon Kyle Craver, B.A.                 Tyler Timothy Faist, B.A.
Henry Gavin Bruns, B.S.M.E.                 Jonathan Thomas Creek, B.S.​**            Sabrina Grace Faks, B.S.N.​
Nicholas James Burton, B.S.N.​              Marissa JoAnn Creel, B.S.​                Hosam Samir M Falodah, B.S.N.​
Micaela Maria Budda, B.S.N.​                Joshua Nathan Croley, B.S.B.A.​           Jordan Joseph Fazio, B.S.​
Bailey Michelle Bullion, B.A.**             Blair D. Crosby, B.S.​                    Mikalia Anne Feagans, B.A.
William Tyrone Burch, B.S.​                 Madison Kristina Crum, B.S.W.***          Jennifer Fenger, B.S.B.A.​
Samantha Ann Burke, B.S.​                   Dontell Reshaun Curtis, B.S.​             Carlly Phuong Fenner-Pham, B.A.
Sean Lee Bush, B.F.A.                       Sandra Lee Dalton, B.S.N.​                Brandon B. Fenters, B.S.M.E.*
Matthew Owen Butcher, B.A.                  Jocelyn Daquila, B.S.B.A.​                Richard A. Ferreira Jr., B.S.E.E​.
Rylee Givens Buzbee, B.A.                   Addie Leah Davila, B.A.                   Claire Elyse Field, B.S.​
Jensen Edward Cadenhead, B.M.​              Ashton Nicole Davis, B.S.N.​              Eric Kane Finley, B.S.​
Marie Myrtha Cajuste, B.S.N.​*              Brooke-Ellen Davis, B.S.​                 Samantha Madison FitzGerald, B.S.​
Maria Gabriela Camacho Prieto, B.A.         Heather Leigh Davis, B.A.**               Chyler Ryann Fitzpatrick, B.A.
Jared Matthew Campisi, B.S.​, B.S.​*        Kai Axel Davis, B.A.*                     Austin Taylor Flack, B.S.M.E.*
Vanessa Campos, B.S.N.​                     Ryan Christopher Davis, B.S.M.E.***       Rachel Alexandra Flanders, B.A.
Linzy Mae Cannady, B.A.***                  Ana Beatriz De Alencar 			                Jacob Federico Flanigan, B.A.
Zachary Clark Capehart, B.A.                  De Oliveira Goes, B.A.                  Mae Wynn Flener, B.F.A.
Vanessa Dawn Capera Denton, B.S.​           Addison Nicole Deal, B.A.                 Joseph Matthew Flint, B.S.​
Malia Jane Caraway, B.S.N.​                 Catlin Levi Dean, B.F.A.                  Meagan Leigh Flores, B.S.N.​
Kyrsten Heather Carlson, B.S.B.A.​          Christopher S. Deang, B.F.A.              Raymond Alexander Flores, B.S.​**
William Richardson Carlson, B.S.​           Timothy Allyn Michael Dedmon, B.A.        Makenna Emily Florez, B.S.B.A.​
Winsome Carr, B.S.N.​                       Kelsey Diane DeJesus, B.S.​**             Christopher Ryan Floyd, B.S.​
Tierra Kae Carter, B.S.​                    Kathryn Rose Dekraai, B.A.*               Alexandria Helene Folsom, B.S.N.​
Ryan Andrew Casey, B.S.​**                  Amanda Stettner Del Rio, B.S.N.​          Leamsi Fontanez Bonilla, B.S.B.A.​
William Joseph Casey, B.S.B.A.​             Nicole Ann Elecho Dela Rosa, B.S.B.A.​    Suzan Fora, B.S.W.
Nina Renee Cash, B.A.                       Danielle Rene Della Ratta, B.A.***        Melinda Marie Ford, B.S.N.​
Carolyn Jeanne-Louise Castelin, B.S.N.​**   Selina Janin Detzel, B.S.​                Faith Noelle Forehand, B.S.​**
Tiffany Maria Castillo, B.A.                Alandria Karinn Devaney, B.S.N.​          Joshua D. Fortune, B.A.***
Sara Gail Cato, B.A.**                      Isabelle Scarlette Devoid, B.A.*          Kayla M. Foschia, B.A.
John Thomas Chamblee, B.S.​                 Samantha Hart Dickey, B.A.                Ian V. Foster, B.A.
Ibrahim Mohamed Chami, B.S.E.E​.**          Eric Thomas DiGioacchino, B.S.​           Lauren Danielle Fradejas, B.S.​
Jacie Chandler, B.A.**                      Jasmine J. Dismuke, B.S.B.A.​             Amber Dianne Francis, B.A.
Victoria M. Chanthavong, B.S.​              Sydney Doggrell, B.A.                     Ryan Everett Frank, B.S.B.A.​*
Emerson Davis Cheney, B.S.​***              Hudson Thomas Doran, B.S.B.A.​            Kylie Nicole Friedman, B.S.N.​
Rebecca Chrapkowski, B.S.​                  Wanda Buchanan Dorman, B.F.A.*            Hope Elizabeth Helene Friedrich, B.F.A.
Zackery A. Christensen, B.A.                Alexandra Paige Douglas, B.S.​            Sarah Allison Frymire, B.S.​
Rio Anne Citarella, B.S.N.​**               Victoria Isabelle Drake, B.S.​            Matthew Richard Fulton, B.S.E.E​.*
Kylie Sue Clapper, B.A.                     Megan Breanna Drew, B.S.N.​               Steven M. Fulton, B.S.E.E​.
Christian Napier Clark, B.S.C.E.​           Scott Austin Drueppel, B.A.               Lanie Ritchie Galasso, B.A.
Christina Alexis Clark, B.S.B.A.​**         Eugene John Dugan, B.S.N.​                James Edward Gandy, B.S.​
Wesley Ryan Clark, B.S.B.A.​*               Dagan Christopher Duke, B.S.​             Santos Garcia Jr., B.S.M.E.
Carey Lynn Clarkson, B.A., B.A.             Andrew T. Dunn, B.S.B.A.​                 Jay Erin Antonio Garcia, B.S.​*
Samuel Clement, B.S.​                       Britton Shayne Dunn, B.S.B.A.​***         Emily Mikayla Garner, B.S.N.​
Vonette Clervil, B.A.                       Ryan Nicholas Dunn, B.A.                  Hunter Jackson Garrett, B.S.​, B.S.​
Deshawn Lewis Coates, B.A.                  Natalie Reese Duphiney, B.A.***           Kathleen Elizabeth Garrett, B.S.N.​

Spring 2022 Degree Graduates

Casey J. Gattenio, B.A.                      Madison Martina Hart, B.S.​             Jordan Iserman, B.S.​
Kelly Kathleen Gauthier, B.A.*               Kyle Hunter Harter, B.S.E.E​.           Robby Lynn Ishee, B.S.N.​
Kirby Gehris, B.S.B.A.​                      Evan Joseph Haser, B.S.M.E.             Felipe Izidoro Abreu, B.S.B.A.​
Addison Brooke Geiger, B.S.​                 David Austin Hatler, B.S.​              Jazz Tyler Jackson, B.S.​
Andrew Stephen Gettins, B.A.*                Cole Haus, B.S.​**                      Raina M. Jackson, B.S.​
Christian Daniel Giannoble, B.S.N.​          Alyson N. Hausner, B.A.                 Airi Jacla, B.A.
Shae Ophelia Gibbs, B.S.M.E.                 Christian Anthony Hayden, B.A.          Jeremiah Dakota Jarratt, B.A.
Madelyn Francoise Giberson, B.A.*            Jacob Lawrence Heard, B.A.              Miriah N. Jefferson, B.A.*
Garrett Thomas Gibson, B.S.​*                Jason Ray Hedrick, B.S.W.               Chandra Tiffany Jemmott, B.S.B.A.​
Meghan Grace Gibson, B.A.                    Beatrice Victoria Heggdal, B.S.N.​*     Carrie Jenkins, B.A.*
Mikayle Malynn Gibson, B.S.B.A.​*            Faith Elizabeth Heifner, B.S.​*         Nicholas Ryan Jenkins, B.S.​
Kylie Leanne Giliberto, B.F.A.**             Ashley Nicole Helms, B.A.               Sarah Olivia-Rose Jensen, B.A.
Katelyn Brooke Gillert, B.S.B.A.​**          Marta Paulina Hendel, B.S.N.​*          Aidan Alexander Jimmerson,
Alejandra D. Gilley, B.A.*                   Conner Reed Hendricks, B.S.​              B.S.B.A.​, B.S.B.A.​***
Rylee Noel Glattke, B.S.​*                   Marque Anthony Hendrix III, B.S.B.A.​   Anthony Johnson, B.S.​
Seth Gray Glover, B.A.                       Benjamin Ian Hendrix, B.S.​             Abiona N. Johnson, B.S.N.​
Mercedes Solange Gomez Witt, B.S.B.A.​       Carolyn Henry, B.S.E.E​., B.S.C.E.​*    Alexandra Charlotte Heikes Johnson, B.S.N.​*
Mariliz Michelle Gonzalez Morales, B.S.​     Cheyenne L. Henry, B.A.                 Benjamin Tyler Johnson, B.A.
Jennifer Anne Gough, B.S.N.​*                Nash Weylin Henry, B.S.​                Christian T. Johnson, B.S.​
Brandon Govoni, B.S.B.A.​                    Taylor Nicole Henry, B.S.B.A.​          D’Marques Johnson, B.A.
Rachel Joy Grammer, B.A.                     Kyle L. Hepner, B.A.*                   Jasmine Leann Johnson, B.S.N.​*
Alyssa Faith Granberg, B.A.                  Makailyn Katina Hernandez, B.S.​        Joseph Sergei Johnson, B.S.M.E.
Catalin T. Grant, B.A.**                     Preston E. Herst, B.S.​                 Nicholas Owen Johnson, B.S.B.A.​
Sydney Sierra Grant, B.A.                    Kyla M. Hesters, B.S.W.                 Carolina Patricia Johnson-Villar, B.A.
Jessica Gray, B.S.B.A.​                      Ashley Hexham, B.A.                     Rebekah Elizabeth Johnston, B.S.B.A.​
Genevieve Marie Green, B.A.**                Morgan Terri Hicks, B.S.W.              Bailee Jones, B.A.
Alexa Lauren Hope Greene, B.S.W.             Kelsey Rae Higdon, B.S.N.​              Baillie Marie Jones, B.S.​***
Andrew Gregg, B.M.​***                       Cristy M. Higginbotham, B.S.M.E.*       Calista Anne Jones, B.S.​***
April Charel Gregory, B.A.                   Olivia Hightower, B.A.                  Catera C. Jones, B.S.B.A.​
Cameron J. Grimes, B.S.B.A.​                 Bethany Jillea Hill, B.G.S.             Jessica Erin Jones, B.S.​
Alexis Shae Grizzard, B.S.B.A.​              Hayley Nicole Hill, B.A.                Jessica Nichole Jones, B.S.B.A.​
Kendaisha Franchesca Gross, B.S.​            Hunter Mathew Hill, B.A.***             Stephanie Michelle Jones, B.S.​***
Victoria Ann Gross, B.A.                     Tori Nicole Hill, B.S.N.​               Zamir Jaquan Jones, B.S.B.A.​
Aziah Anthony Gudinez, B.S.B.A.​**           Aric Matthew Hilley, B.A.               Zykeis Sir Nebien Jones, B.S.​**
Samira Caridad Guerra, B.S.N.​               Heather Alyssa Hilton, B.S.B.A.​        Lauren Emily Jonsson, B.S.​***
Krystin M. Gunn, B.A.***                     Jack Elliott Hindle, B.A.*              Hannah Renee Joseph, B.S.​, B.S.​**
Marc Gustin, B.S.​                           Reagan Ashley Hines, B.F.A.*            Wondy Karene Joseph, B.S.​*
Eva Margarita Gutierrez-Cruz, B.S.​          Andrew M. Hitson, B.A.                  Erica Faye Joyner, B.A.*
Paola G. Gutierrez-Cruz, B.S.​               William James Hobbs, B.S.B.A.​          Bailey M. Judson, B.A.
Tatum Yoonhee Hackler, B.S.​                 Kelsey Lyn Hodges, B.S.​***             Adam Maher Kader, B.S.B.A.​
Elijah Jordan Hagedorn, B.S.M.E.             Trinity La’Dine Hoerter, B.A.           Deven M. Kalber, B.S.​
Madison Rivoire Hagler, B.A.***              Brett Hoggatt, B.S.N.​*                 Kelly Catherine Kanter, B.S.​*
Farrah Chaé Hale, B.A.*                      Isabel Loren Holland, B.S.​**           Candace Sue Kaseta, B.S.B.A.​
Jade Christine Halfacre, B.A.*               Kenya Monique Holland, B.S.​*           John Walter Keating II, B.S.B.A.​
Darrell Lynn Hall III, B.S.M.E.              Joshua Adam Holten, B.S.M.E.*           Samuel Carson Kegley, B.F.A.*
Amanda Sue Hall, B.S.N.​                     Richard Andrew Holzknecht, B.S.​        Ellen Mae Kehoe, B.S.​
Emma Hope Hall, B.A.                         Andrea Michelle Gatlin, B.A.            Jessica Marie Keith, B.S.E.E​.*
Larry Hall, B.S.B.A.​                        Alexandria Hoskins, B.S.​               Kimani Keith, B.S.​
Hanna M. Hammac, B.A.                        Camille Hoskins, B.A.                   Brandon M. Kelley, B.S.​, B.S.​
Hannah M. Hammond, B.S.B.A.​                 Branden Houck, B.S.M.E.                 Jessica Dawn Kelley, B.A.
Kayla Abigail Hampton, B.A.                  Amber Noelle Householder, B.A.*         Luke Thomas Kelley, B.S.​
Abagayle Grace Hand, B.S.N.​***              Peyton Thomas Howe, B.S.​***            Rowan Dare Kelley, B.A.*
Ashley Hansen, B.S.​                         Shelby E. Howland, B.S.W.               Jace Kempner, B.S.​
Cole C. Hansen, B.S.M.E.                     Caitlin Mills Hoyt, B.A.                Jason Franklin Kerbelis, B.S.​
Gabrielle Marie Hanssen, B.A.                Keven Matthew Hubbard, B.S.B.A.​        Michael Zachary Kernan, B.S.​
Darien Takota Hardy, B.A.***                 Hannah Marie Huckstep, B.A.*            Anthony B. Kerns, B.G.S.
David Austin Harman, B.A.*                   Cole Robert Hudson, B.F.A.*             Kody Stephen Kimberl, B.S.​, B.S.​***
Brianna Lynn Harriman, B.A.                  Fanny Aleksandra Hulmi, B.S.B.A.​**     Kristofer Javon King, B.S.​*
Amaya Shantel Harris, B.S.B.A.​              Matthew Wade Hulse, B.S.B.A.​           Aaleigah Da’Charnay Knight, B.A.
Najaah Amal Harris, B.A.                     Mary A. Hunt, B.A.                      Karissa Nicole Knight, B.S.​*
Samuel C. Harris, B.A.                       Jeremiah Hunter, B.S.B.A.​              Samantha Knight, B.A.
Julie A. Harrison, B.S.B.A.​**               Haley Hyppa, B.S.​*                     Isabelle Knudsen, B.S.​***
Christian Hart, B.S.​                        Shane Matthew Imm, B.S.E.E​.            Kyra Jordan Kokora, B.A.

Spring 2022 Degree Graduates

Arika Kolar, B.S.N.​                         Dawn Michelle Martin, B.S.B.A.​, B.S.​     Amanda Rae Morgan, B.A.*
Caitlin Paige Koller, B.A.                   Joseph Robert Martin, B.S.​                Hannah Dainelle Morrell, B.S.N.​
John M. Kopala, B.S.M.E., B.A.               Jamie Alexandra Martinez, B.S.​*           Dylan Ray Morris, B.S.​
Hannah Noel Kotick, B.A.                     Sierra T. Mason, B.S.​*                    Emmanuel Stephen Morris, B.S.​
Jake Kovach, B.A.                            Anar Massani, B.S.N.​                      Hunter Nicholas Morrison, B.A.***
Chance Richerson Kruk, B.S.B.A.​**           Sharon Emily Massie, B.A.                  Megan Elizabeth Morris-Webb, B.A.
Christina Marie Kuehn, B.S.B.A.​             Emily RyAnne Massing, B.S.B.A.​**          Azannah Morton, B.S.​
Joseph Edward Kurbec, B.S.B.A.​              Fiama Marie Mastrangelo, B.A.***           Michael Moser, B.F.A.*
Kaitlyn Noelle Kwiecinski, B.S.N.​           Matthew Alexander Masuca, B.A.**           Grace Taylor Mueller, B.A.*
Erik Colin La Brot, B.S.E.E​., B.S.C.E.​     Bria Danielle Mathews, B.S.N.​             Luke Angelo Mueller, B.S.W.
Keith Cameron Lahmann, B.S.​                 Christina Nicole Matis, B.A.***            Samantha Nathalie Mumma, B.F.A.***
Tyla Monét Lane, B.S.​                       Savannah Rejoyce Matthews, B.A.            McKenna Jolene Murphy, B.F.A.
Christian Faith Lanman, B.S.B.A.​            Adelia Elaine Mayfield, B.S.​              Morgan Elaine Musgrove, B.A.***
Morgan Grace Laramore, B.S.​                 Audrey C. Mazaeda, B.S.B.A.​               Joseph Hamerson Neely, B.A.
Hanna Nicole Larmore, B.S.C.E.​*             Mary Olivia McAferty, B.S.W.               Mariana Negreiros Mariano, B.A., B.A.***
Jessica Rose LaRocco, B.S.​**                Donovan Clayton Mcarthur, B.S.B.A.​        Erik A. Nenortas, B.S.B.A.​
Loretta M. Latham, B.S.N.​                   Grant Wynter McClatchey, B.S.​             Thitari Newhall, B.S.C.E.​
Meagan Dixie Lauderdale, B.S.​, B.A.         Meshae Danielle McCoy, B.S.N.​             Katie M. Newton, B.S.W.*
Meghan M. Laughlin, B.A.                     Sydney Renee McDaniel, B.A., B.F.A.        Jeerawan Ngoenraj, B.S.B.A.​
Daniel Matthew Laurent, B.S.​                John Dennis McDonald, B.S.E.E​.            Jasmine Mai Li Nguyen, B.S.B.A.​, B.S.B.A.​
Gael Organizer Laurent, B.S.​                Madison Ryan McFadden, B.A.                Vanessa Lee Nguyen, B.S.​
Brandon Matthew Lauver, B.S.N.​              Evelyn Marie McIntire, B.S.N.​             Hunter J. Nichols, B.S.B.A.​
Patrick B. Lawler, B.S.B.A.​**               Meagan McLaughlin, B.S.​**                 Clarissa A. Nieves, B.S.N.​
Savannah L. Lay, B.A.                        Nadirah Brea Mclean, B.A.                  Kyle Jake Nieves, B.A.
Pio Valdez Lazo, B.S.​                       Connor J. McLemore, B.S.E.E​.              Brandon Devante’ Noye, B.S.​
Faith Kay Le, B.A.**                         Malori Jean Mclemore, B.S.N.​              Hannah Faith Odom, B.S.​
Terelan Kimberly Le, B.S.​**                 Gaige Ailin McMillian, B.A.***             Heather Ann O’Hara, B.A.
Natalie A. Leanza, B.A.*                     Sean N. McNally, B.S.B.A.​, B.S.B.A.​      Emilee JeanAnn Osborne, B.S.N.​
Katelyn Breann Leavins, B.S.B.A.​            Zachary Curtis McQuaid, B.S.N.​            Jacob Cullan O’Shea, B.S.​
Anne Marie Lee, B.A.*                        Sarah Elizabeth McQuiggan, B.A., B.F.A.*   John David Osmialowski, B.S.E.E​.
KaSandra Diane Lee, B.S.B.A.​                Dylan C. Meadows, B.S.​                    Annette Otero, B.S.N.​
Duncan Shannon Leeds, B.S.​                  Baleigh Denae Meeker, B.A.                 Taylor Ann Owens, B.A.
Reese LeForce, B.S.​                         Michaela Claire Megginson, B.A., B.A.**    Samantha Louise Palermo, B.A.**
Sarah Elizabeth Lemon, B.S.N.​               April Mendez, B.S.​*                       Andrew David Palmer, B.S.​**
Madison Nadine Lerman, B.A.***               Kaesaleen Alexa Mendez, B.S.​              Maria Elizabeth Pandolph, B.S.W.
Lorren Leigh X. Levine, B.S.​*               James Wayne Merrett, B.S.E.E​.***          Briana Mikayla Panter, B.S.​**
Trevor Dale Levins, B.S.E.E​.                Emberlee Faith Messer, B.S.​               Sarina N. Paolini, B.M.​
Victor Shelby Leyendecker Sr., B.S.B.A.​     Anna Christine Meyering, B.S.​             Audra Renee Paquet, B.A.
Hunter James Lhotan, B.S.​                   Tracie Leigh Mickler, B.S.N.​              Jessica Leigh Pardue, B.A.*
Asia Lynn Liaw, B.S.B.A.​, B.S.B.A.​**       Alexis Irene Miller, B.A.**                Gavin Turner Parker, B.S.​
Autumn Van Horn Lindquist, B.S.W., B.A.      Aubrey Nicole Miller, B.S.​*               Kyle Matthew Parker, B.S.E.E​.
Patrick Edward Lindsey, B.S.​                Brianna Renee Miller, B.S.​                Gisell Parra, B.S.​
Anna List, B.S.​                             Duncan Damarcus Miller, B.M.E.​, B.M.​     Elizabeth E. Partington, B.A.***
Josiah Michael Little, B.S.​*                Elliott Graham Miller, B.S.​               Maria Corazon Du Pastoral, B.S.N.​*
Shuo Liu, B.S.​                              Mindy Dawn Miller, B.S.B.A.​               Dhanvi Bimalkumar Patel, B.S.​***
Elizabeth Naomi Long, B.A.*                  Shelby Quinn Miller, B.S.E.E​.             Shiv Animesh Patel, B.A.
Mitzi Sherree Longmire, B.S.N.​              Danielle Rae Mills, B.S.N.​                Emily Lee Paulson, B.S.​
Madison Cassidy Lowe, B.A.                   Stefica Milor, B.S.B.A.​*                  Macy L. Peaden, B.A.**
Dawson Craig Lucas, B.S.​                    Dianni de Andrade Minelli, B.A.            Margaret Kathleen Pearce, B.A.
Mariah Yazmine Lucenilla, B.A.               Lluis Miralles Miro, B.S.B.A.​***          Peyton Lynn Peffers, B.S.N.​**
Patrick Flavin Luciani, B.S.​                Sabrina Anne Misleh, B.S.N.​               Stephanie Nicole Pender, B.A.
Reem Lucy, B.F.A.                            Ciara Jenay Mitchell, B.A.                 John Tyler Peppers, B.S.B.A.​
Tyler Thanh Luong, B.A.                      Darian Lee Mitchell, B.S.​                 Joshua Nathanael Perdue, B.S.​
Katie Michelle Lutterbie, B.S.​              Jack Coby Mock, B.S.B.A.​                  Deven Curtis Perez, B.S.M.E.
Maximilian Robert Lynch, B.S.​               Tobias Matthew Monckton, B.S.​*            Jordan Perkins, B.S.N.​
Jerrell Duane Lynchard, B.A.                 Luisa Fernanda Montano Santoyo, B.S.​      Kelvin Perry Jr., B.S.​
Madyson Cai Macko, B.S.​                     Kindall Micheala Montford, B.S.W.          Jasmine Jacqueline Person, B.A.
Ashlyn Brooke Majure, B.S.N.​                Justin Alan Mooney, B.S.​*                 Haley Nicole Peters, B.S.​
Amanda Kate Manrique, B.S.​                  Anastasia Kailani Moore, B.A.**            Lily Que Peterson, B.S.​
Rahjee A. Manuel, B.S.​**                    Desire Mora, B.A.**                        Arieann Adell Pettway, B.A.
Sheba Maps, B.S.N.​                          Carlos Alexis Morales, B.S.​               Gloria Petty, B.S.N.​
Simon Marley Marchetti, B.S.M.E.             Olivia Moree, B.S.​                        My Thi Phan, B.S.​
Harvey Edwin Marshall IV, B.A.               Jeffrey A. Moreland Jr., B.A.              Taylor M. Phillips, B.S.N.​

Spring 2022 Degree Graduates

Sean Michael Philson, B.A.                 Susan Danielle Roberts, B.A.                Christina Kay Simmons, B.G.S.
Daryl James Pickerell, B.S.B.A.​           Janee Nicole David-Rocha, B.S.N.​           Brant Forest Simpson, B.S.M.E.*
Hari Priya Pilla, B.S.​*                   Jasmine Nicole Rodden, B.S.​*               Iryna Slyusar, B.S.​**
Amanda Pineda, B.A.*                       Lillian Denise Rodgers, B.A.                Brian Michael Smith, B.A.
Praweena Baosathorn Pippin, B.S.​          Maegen Nicole Rodriguez, B.S.​              Chelsea Danielle Smith, B.G.S.
Scott Edmond Pitts, B.S.N.​                Orelbis Oscar Rodriguez, B.S.N.​**          Jake Ellison Smith, B.S.​
Chandler Joseph Plourd, B.S.B.A.​          Kimberly Ann Rogers, B.S.​                  Jonathan Neal Smith, B.A.*
Michael Anthony Polazzo, B.A.              Elizabeth Sue Rohrbach, B.S.​               Kenneth Raymond Smith, B.S.B.A.​
Ashley Brooke Polomsky, B.S.N.​**          Maria Romagosa, B.S.N.​*                    Trey Hunter Smith, B.S.​
Breanne Lee Ponack, B.A.                   Rory Rommel Romero, B.A.**                  Unique Tatiana Azellya Smith, B.A.
Lindsey Elaine Poole, B.S.N.​              Christian-Anthony William Rosa, B.S.E.E​.   Anesha Janelle Smoot, B.S.B.A.​
Sophia Cruz Carroll Porter, B.S.​          Krystal Florys Rosario-Rosado, B.A.         Jordan Marie Snell, B.A.
William Gregory Porter, B.S.B.A.​          Gabriel David Rosenblatt, B.A.              JoAnna Deveda Snow, B.S.​
Sarah Virginia Porto, B.A.                 Aubrey Danielle Ross, B.S.​*                Tilena Rene Snyder, B.S.​
Anne Elizabeth Post, B.A.                  Rachel Lynn Ross, B.S.​*                    Mark Hopkins Soha, B.S.C.E.​
Samara Bethany Potter, B.S.E.E​.           Gabriel Alejandro Roura, B.S.E.E​.          Teavon Spencer, B.A.
Geoffrey Andrew Prestridge, B.S.M.E.       Ashley Danielle Rowan, B.S.N.​              Mallory Morgan Spivey, B.A.**
David Andrew Price, B.S.N.​*               James Evan Rowell, B.S.M.E.                 Haley Marie Stairhime, B.S.N.​*
Dana Jeanette Pryce, B.S.N.​               Noemi Ruiz, B.M.E.​                         Mikitha R. Stanberry, B.S.​
Michelle Krystal Puente, B.A.              Delaney Elizabeth Russ, B.A.                Charlotte Lesley Starkey, B.S.N.​
April Pugh, B.S.N.​                        Blake Robert Glennon Russell, B.S.E.E​.     Tyler J. Staub, B.S.​
Brittany Joanna Pugh, B.S.W.               Miranda Kristen Ruth, B.S.​                 Gabriel Hanington Steeves, B.S.N.​**
Ketty Pyram, B.S.N.​                       Ian Davis Ryan, B.S.N.​                     Cora L. Sternberg, B.A.
Max Brennan Quaranta, B.S.​**              Rehan Faisal Saeed, B.S.​                   Brittany Stevens, B.S.​
Billie Quimby, B.S.​**                     Akash Salwan, B.S.N.​                       Christopher Wayne Stevens, B.S.​
Elizabeth Marie Quinlan, B.S.B.A.​***      Aryza Colette Sampson, B.A.                 Michael Alan Stevens, B.S.​
Kathryn Mary Quinn, B.S.​                  Garcelle Christina Sampson, B.S.​           Linda Angela Stillwell, B.S.​
Nicolaus Mihaly Rahman, B.A.**             Vlaun Jevier Samuels, B.S.​                 Kyle Adam Stipp, B.S.C.E.​**
Gregory Blake Ramirez, B.S.N.​             Brooke Elizabeth Sanders, B.S.M.E.***       Melea Grace Stokes, B.S.​*
Amanda Denise Ramos, B.A.                  Gabriel Audrey Santana, B.S.​               Neil B. Strom, B.S.B.A.​
Lauren Elizabeth Rawls, B.S.​***           Laura Santos, B.S.​                         Alexandra Suarez Posada, B.S.​
Anna Faith Ray, B.S.N.​                    Joshua Allen Sauerheber, B.A.               Tiffany Lucia Sulzbach, B.S.​
Samantha Elizabeth Ray, B.A., B.S.W.*      Vanessa Darlene Savage, B.S.N.​             Nathaniel Wayne Sutherland, B.A.**
Gabrielle E. Reboulet, B.A.**              Brent Alexander Sawyer, B.A.                Rachel Marie Swetnam, B.A.**
Irene Recuenco Tarin, B.S.​***             Alisia Nicole Sayles, B.A.                  Aidan J. Swett, B.S.B.A.​
Lauren Elizabeth Redding, B.S.N.​          Jack Edwin Schad, B.S.B.A.​                 Danielle Christine Szucs, B.S.N.​*
Nathan Eric Reece, B.S.​                   Sierra Kiev Schelling, B.S.N.​**            Vanya Tabbitas, B.S.N.​**
Brandy Desiree’ Reese, B.A.*               Elizabeth Marie Schol, B.S.​                Monica Taino, B.S.N.​
Kacy Remley, B.S.N.​                       Betty Renee Schomaker, B.G.S.**             Ronja Elina Taipale, B.A.***
Sapphire Brianna Thomasina Renna, B.A.     David Schroeder, B.S.M.E.                   Bailey TaraBori, B.F.A.***
Ashley Yvonne Renwick, B.S.​               Laura Christine Schroer, B.S.​              Alyssa Marie Tavener, B.A.
Anastasia Louise Reyes, B.S.B.A.​***       Melissa Alison Schumacher, B.S.​***         Madeline Grace Teira, B.A.
Sophia Guilia Ricci, B.S.​                 Lauren Elizabeth Schuster, B.S.N.​          Labrieka Alexis Telfair, B.A.
Makenzie Leigh Rice, B.S.B.A.​             Tomias Lee-Xavier Scott, B.S.​              Caroline Ray Terrell, B.A.
Jessica N. Rich, B.S.​                     Kyle Ramon Sealy, B.S.​                     Melton Pascal Terrell, B.A.
Hannah Leigh Richards, B.A.                Gretchen Lee Seelig, B.S.​                  Simeon J. Thies, B.A.
William Jackson Richards, B.S.​*           Jennifer Nguyen Segovia Ruiz, B.S.​         Marcus DeShields Thomas, B.A.
Jadyn Michelle Richardson, B.F.A.          Baylee Gayle Sellers, B.A.**                Tionne’ N. Thomas, B.S.B.A.​
Clay Taylor Richerson, B.S.​               Melanie Edenfield Sellers, B.S.N.​          Travis Thomas, B.A.
Langdon A. Richter, B.A.                   Chase Lee Selman, B.A.                      Randy Dale Thompson, B.A.
Jaeden Micheal Ridgeway, B.A.              Naomi Elaine Semaan, B.S.​                  Sara Catherine Thompson, B.F.A.
Linda Marie Riggins, B.A.                  Anastasiia Pavlovna Sennikova, B.F.A.**     Joshua Luke Tiller, B.S.​
Rebecca Ann Riggs, B.F.A., B.A.***         Dongha Seo, B.S.​                           Kaylee E. Tomey, B.S.​**
Randy Deontrez Riley Jr., B.S.N.​          Imani Indira Severin, B.M.​*                Patricia Michelle Torrico, B.S.​
Amber Nicole Riley, B.S.​***               Pedro Henrique Sewastjanow                  Andrew S. Townsend, B.S.​*
Kaitlyn T. Ripley, B.S.​                     Cordeiro, B.S.B.A.​***                    Trang Phuong Tran, B.S.​*
Carly B. Ritchie, B.S.E.E​.*               Richard J. Sexton, B.F.A.**                 Caitlin Marie Travis, B.F.A.
Tyffany Rivera, B.S.N.​                    Michael B. Sherrill, B.S.E.E​.              Charles William Travis, B.S.E.E​.
Ester Rizzetto, B.A., B.A.***              Ke’shawn Diante Showers, B.A.               Elisebeth Amber Trelfa, B.S.​
Jenna Kaye Robbins, B.S.​                  Kaylie P. Shultz, B.A.                      Grace Elizabeth Trossbach, B.S.​
Bethany Nicole Roberts, B.A.***            Vallerie Sierra Rojas, B.S.​                Myra Ann Tubb, B.A.
Della Nicole Roberts, B.S.​                Schuyler Ryan Silva, B.S.N.​                Kimberly Ann Tucker, B.S.N.​
Haylie Morgan Roberts, B.S.W.*             Karolina Silwanowicz, B.A.                  Topanga Adelle Tucker, B.S.B.A.​

Spring 2022 Degree Graduates

Shelby Nicole Tudor, B.F.A.                     Samantha Nicole Wallis, B.S.B.A.​       D’iavian Elizabeth Williams, B.A.
Kaitlyn A. Turner, B.S.N.​                      Vivian Rose Walsh, B.A.**               Elizabeth Louise Williams, B.A.
Kari Marie Turner, B.S.N.​                      Jeffrey Hughes Ward Jr., B.S.​          MaryJane Elizabeth Williams, B.S.​
Timothy Turnham, B.A.                           Hayley Fitzgerald Wardwell, B.A.        Joseph Michael Williamson, B.S.B.A.​
Noah Alexander Ulrich, B.S.​**                  Tyler James Warwick, B.A.               Nicholas David Wilson, B.S.​**
Claudia Alyssa Mae Usis, B.S.​                  McKenna Katherine Waters, B.S.N.​       Isabelle MH Winants, B.F.A.
Brenner Rachel Van Horn, B.S.N.​                Trent Daniel Watts, B.A.**              Shelby Renee Winkler, B.A.
Thomas Michael Van Pelt, B.G.S.                 Elena Marie Weaver, B.S.​***            James Daniel Wiseman, B.S.B.A.​**
Kaley Jolynn Vandergriff, B.A.**                Meagan G. Webb, B.A.                    Justice A. Woods, B.A.
Thati Vang, B.S.C.E.​, B.S.E.E​.***             Tyler Scott Weber, B.S.​                Nicole Lauren Woods, B.S.​*
Jessica Vaughn-Clark, B.A.                      Devin Michael Wegeman, B.A.             Brennen H. Wright, B.S.​
Kortnee Paige Vaught, B.S.​                     Connor Weihert, B.A.                    Kari Lynn Wright, B.A.
Tanya Jean Vetter, B.S.​                        Ian Alexander Weimer, B.S.B.A.​         Sarah Nicole Wright, B.A.*
Katherine Vickery, B.S.B.A.​                    Jheri Lanee Weiss, B.S.N.​              Susan Kay Wright, B.A.**
Mallory Ann Vining, B.S.​                       Jeffery Solomon Wells Jr., B.A.         Brandon M. Writch, B.A.
Bryson Nickolas Kalani Viquelia, B.S.N.​        Daniel J. Wentz, B.S.​*                 Peyton K. Xayasone, B.S.B.A.​
Quy Ngoc Vo, B.S.​*                             Sarah Elizabeth Wern, B.A.              Kamila Yessimova, B.S.B.A.​
Stephanie Vonalven, B.S.​                       Ashley Kaye West, B.A.**                Veresia Emari Yon, B.A.**
Jason Matthew Voshell, B.S.B.A.​, B.S.B.A.​     Ashlyn Elizabeth West, B.S.N.​*         Alexander Wesley Young, B.S.B.A.​
Chau Ly Vu, B.S.M.E.***                         Samuel T. West, B.S.​                   Christian Scott Young, B.S.​**
Chloe Christine Wagner, B.A.*                   Julie Anne Wetmore, B.A.***             Laith O. Yousef, B.S.B.A.​
Mattie Wagner, B.S.​                            Brianna Shay White, B.S.B.A.​           Amal F. Zaky, B.S.​
Joseph Simonds Walker, B.S.N.​                  Holly Elizabeth White, B.S.​            Noah Patrick Zalar, B.S.​*
Nathaniel Allen Walker, B.S.​                   Amanda Grace Wiggins, B.S.N.​           Morgan Taylor Zettle, B.S.B.A.​**
Spencer Cheyenne Walker, B.A.                   Joseph Benjamin Wilkerson, B.A.         Vladyslav Zhukov, B.S.M.E.
Angelina Guerrero de Luna Walling, B.A.*        Jenny M. Willenborg, B.S.N.​

                              Summer 2022 Degree Candidates
Specialist’s Degrees                            Heather Maria Buhl-Henderson, M.S.N.​   Liz Laurent Espinosa, M.A.​
Sean Michael Tabor, Ed.S.​                      Brooke Hays Bulman, M.A.​               George Vasile Faklis, M.Acc.​
                                                Joshua Kyle Burghart, M.Ed.​            Elizabeth Huntington Brooks
Master’s Degrees                                Hannah Faith Burkhardt, M.Acc.​           Feinberg, M.Ed.​
Carolina D’angeles Acuna, M.A.​                 Rebecca Diane Busey, M.Ed.​             Brian Michael Ferdman, M.S.​
Katelyn Elizabeth Allen, M.A.​                  Ethan Isaac Butler, M.Acc.​             Frank Joseph Fitzhugh, M.A.​
Yisel Alvarez, M.Ed.​                           Ryan Alton Cain, M.S.​                  Tracey Ann Flaherty, M.Ed.​
Barry William Anderson Jr., M.S.A.​             Angela Denise Carmichael, M.Ed.​        Joseph Che Forbi, M.P.H.
Cody Jackson Anderson, M.Ed.​                   Amber LaRae Carter, M.A.​               DeShala Teshanne Frazier, M.S.N.​
Ashlyn Elissa Anglim, M.A.​                     Adrian Casanellas, M.A.​                Liza R Freeman, M.S.W​.
Alyssa Janae Arterburn, M.Ed.​                  Nicole Ashley Castro, M.A.​             Gabrielle M. Garnier, M.Ed.​
Eric Joseph Avella, M.S.N.​                     Amber Nicole Charbonier, M.Ed.​         Teresa Marie Gee, M.A.​
Jenni Lynn Baggett, M.A.​                       Tu Ngan Mary Chen, M.S.N.​              Alexei-Ann Gabrielle German, M.S.W​.
Michelle Barnett, M.S.N.​                       Anelise Jeanne Cherubini, M.Ed.​        Cody Bryant Goins, M.S.​
Elizabeth Julia Barrera, M.A.​                  Brandon Cecil Choate, M.S.​             Arick Bram Gonzalez, M.B.A.​
Mandi Amber-Rae Beavers, M.P.H.                 Zinger N. Clausell Holley, M.B.A.​      Joseph Grayson Grau II, M.A.​
Miriam Ann Bellamy, M.S.W​.                     Greer Charlotte Coffey, M.Acc.​         Sarah J. Green, M.P.H.
Justin Neel Beloat, M.S.​                       Randell Letroyed Collins, M.S.​         Alycia Mikaila Grieco, M.S.A.​
Mark J. Bikakis, M.S.​                          Ermite Constant, M.Ed.​                 Caitlin Elaine Hall, M.S.​
Alyssa Brianna Borelli, M.S.​                   Tristan Shea Craig, M.S.​               Jeffery Glen Harris Jr., M.Acc.​
Ann Erican Doggett Bos, M.Ed.​                  Kerry Ryan Curran, M.B.A.​              Emilly Renee Hays, M.P.H.
Kaitlyn Anne Bowman, M.S.​                      Rachel Mae Davis, M.H.A.                Sasha Hernandez, M.S.N.​
Sarah Bragdon, M.Ed.​                           Rachel Marie Dellegatto, M.Acc.​        Zhaniece A. Hill, M.B.A.​
Regina R. Bragiel, M.S.N.​                      Tanya Clary Demara, M.S.​               Kyle S. Hofmann, M.Ed.​
Charlene Antoinette Brenneise, M.Ed.​           Amanda Christine Diaz, M.A.​            Courtney Yvonne Holder, M.Ed.​
Casey Mae Brown, M.H.A.                         Briana Marie Diederichsen, M.A.​        Haley Huffman, M.Ed.​
Nathalia R. Brown, M.A.​                        Darla Leighanne Dunn, M.Ed.​            Suzan Camilla Hughes, M.S.N.​
Sean Andrew Brown, M.S.​                        Ashli Tillman Dykes, M.H.A.             Madeleine Annette Hutchison, M.A.​
Gabrielle Reyes Brueckman, M.A.​                Adrienne Elise Eddy, M.S.​              Devin W. Immke, M.S.​
Kali Anne Brux, M.A.​                           Cynthia Elaine Ellis, M.A.​             Holly Suzanne James, M.Ed.​
Christopher M. Bryant, M.P.H.                   Russell James Elser, M.Ed.​             Holley Regina Jaxon, M.S.A.​
Cameron Buchheister, M.A.​                      Samantha Parker Engster, M.S.​          Erica Leigh Jenkins, M.S.N.​

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