Relish Kid-Approved Nice CATCH! - Reel in our irresistible fast food copycats, like this iconic fi sh sandwich

Page created by Emily Long
Relish Kid-Approved Nice CATCH! - Reel in our irresistible fast food copycats, like this iconic fi sh sandwich
 APRIL 2022
                                                  Snack Hacks!
                                                          page 6

                                              Weeknight WOW
                                                          page 9

Reel in our irresistible
                                                 Hoppin’ Good
                                               Easter Breakfast
                                                         page 10

fast food copycats,
like this iconic
fish sandwich

Crispy Oven-Fried Fish Sandwich, page 8
Relish Kid-Approved Nice CATCH! - Reel in our irresistible fast food copycats, like this iconic fi sh sandwich
First Bite
        APRIL 2022 •

Nestlé Toll House Ready-to-
Bake Brownies ($4, grocery
stores) come in an oven-safe
pan so there’s no prep or ad-
ditional ingredients required. Chocolate lovers will
appreciate the addition of semi-sweet morsels to
the mix.

Cooking more meatless meals? Found
in the refrigerated pasta aisle, plant-
based Buitoni and Impossible Foods
Ravioli are filled with a three-cheese
blend and Impossible Beef or Impossi-
ble Italian Sausage Made From Plants.

                       PET PARENTING SPECIAL
                      Is Fido a little lazy lately? Get

                      moving with these expert tips.
                                                                                                  Spring-fresh asparagus
                      HOOF IT! Use stairs to play fetch
                                                                                                  and sweet cherry tomatoes

                      with your pup, suggests Colleen
                      Demling-Riley, dog behaviorist                                              shine in this simple yet
    5 WAYS TO         for Toss a favorite
                      ball or toy up the stairs and have                                          impressive tart
GET YOUR DOG          her race to get it.

 MOVING             MIX IT UP Change your nor-
                    mal walking route to give your
                    dog more chances to sniff new
                                                            Asparagus, Tomato and Cheese Tart
                                                            Preheat oven to 375°F. Coat a large baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray.
scents. The change of scenery will give him a good          Spread 2 frozen puff pastry sheets, thawed, on baking sheet, connecting them

                                                                                                                                                COVER BY TERESA BLACKBURN; CUTE DOG BY BIA CASON; TART BY KELSEY FOSTER
workout and mental stimulation, says dog trainer            to make a 16 × 9-inch piece. Prick puff pastry all over with a fork, leaving a
Kevin Ryan of                                1-inch border untouched. Bake 10 minutes, then let cool 10 minutes. In a large
                                                            mixing bowl, whisk together ¾ cup whole milk; ¼ cup (½ stick) unsalted
GO SHOPPING Take Fido on your next visit to your fa-
                                                            butter, melted and slightly cooled; 2 large eggs, lightly beaten; 1 clove garlic,
vorite pet-friendly store. This will give him new sights
and smells to discover, says Demling-Riley.                 minced; ½ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon pepper. Stir in ¾ cup shredded Ital-
                                                            ian blend cheese. Spread cheese mixture over center of partially baked puff
HIT THE TREADMILL A standard home treadmill                 pastry. Arrange 22 thin spears asparagus, trimmed, in opposite directions
is just as useful for burning excess energy for your        on top of cheese mixture. Press 14 cherry tomatoes, cut in half lengthwise,
furry friend as it is for their people. Just monitor your   cut sides up, between the asparagus. Bake 20 to 25 minutes, or until cheese
dog and stop if they begin to show signs of distress,       mixture sets and crust puffs slightly and starts to brown in spots, rotating pan
advises Demling-Riley.                                      halfway through. Sprinkle with flaky sea salt. Let sit 5 minutes before slicing
                                                            and serving. Serves 10
SET THE SCENE Create an obstacle course to chal-            Excerpted from Spectacular Spreads: 50 Amazing Food Spreads for Any Occasion.
lenge your dog both physically and mentally. Use            Rock Point, an imprint of The Quarto Group, USA Inc. Text © 2021 by Maegan Brown
household items like footstools to jump over and
shoes or cans to weave around, suggests Claudine            More Recipes and Ideas! Visit
Sievert, veterinary consultant at                     @popkitchen      @popkitchenfromparade         popkitchenfromparade

Relish Kid-Approved Nice CATCH! - Reel in our irresistible fast food copycats, like this iconic fi sh sandwich
Feed them
without holding
 your breath.

      Love them back.

                         ©2022 Mars or Affiliates.
Relish Kid-Approved Nice CATCH! - Reel in our irresistible fast food copycats, like this iconic fi sh sandwich
healthy table

                                  Remake fast-food
        GET UP TO

                                  favorites with

 $                            *
                                  these homemade


                                  Chicken Taco Salad
                                  This low-sodium slow-cooked dish mimics the flavors in Chipotle’s chicken taco salad, a favorite
      Dietitian guidance,         at the fast-casual chain. Tuck any leftovers into tacos, burritos or enchiladas.
       tips, and recipes
                                      3   tsp chili powder                                ½   tsp paprika
                          ®           1   tsp cumin                                       ¼   tsp dried oregano
      Glucerna coupons                1   tsp reduced-sodium seasoned salt                ¼   tsp crushed red pepper flakes
                                      1   tsp pepper                                     1½   lbs boneless, skinless chicken breasts
         Special surprises            ½   tsp white pepper                                1   cup reduced-sodium chicken broth
                                      ½   tsp ground chipotle pepper
      Sign up today at            1. Combine chili powder, cumin, seasoned salt, pepper, white pepper, chipotle pepper, paprika,           oregano and red pepper flakes and rub mixture over chicken.
                                  2. Place chicken in a 3-quart slow cooker and add broth. Cook, covered, on LOW 3 to 4 hours
* Offers may vary.                until chicken is tender. To serve, shred chicken with two forks and layer in bowls with torn
  Valuation based on
  maximum collective              romaine lettuce, shredded cheddar cheese, sliced avocado, chopped tomato, green onions and
  savings of offers
  throughout duration
                                  sour cream or ranch salad dressing. Serves 6
                                                                                                                                               TASTE OF HOME

  of program.
                                  Per serving of chicken: 59 cal, 1g fat, 26mg chol, 10g prot, 1g carbs, 1g sugar, 1g fiber, 329mg sodium
 ©2022 Abbott                     Recipe for Slow Cooker Chicken Taco Salad originally published in Taste of Home Copycat Restaurant
 202210221/January 2022           Favorites Copyright © 2019 by Trusted Media Brands, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                       (Continued on page 8)
Relish Kid-Approved Nice CATCH! - Reel in our irresistible fast food copycats, like this iconic fi sh sandwich


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 ©2021 Abbott 20219650/November 2021 LITHO IN USA
Relish Kid-Approved Nice CATCH! - Reel in our irresistible fast food copycats, like this iconic fi sh sandwich
     family fun

                                                                          ① with
                                                                            MAKE IT COLORFUL Kids eat

    SN A
                                                     Energize little
                                                                                 their eyes first, so keep their
                                                     appetites and          interest with a variety of colors, or

           K !
                                                     introduce new foods

       A C
                                                                            stick to a specific shade, like pink

                                                     with these tips from   or green. Ask your kids to help
                                                                            brainstorm ideas: “What foods
                                                     registered dietitian   are yellow?” They’ll come up with
                                                     nutritionist and mom   answers you haven’t considered!

                                                     of three, Frances
                                                                          ② MAKE      IT BITE-SIZED Kids
                                                                            younger than 5 can be intimidated
                                                                                         by large pieces of food, so a snack
                                                                                         tray can be a great way to share
                                                                                         new choices, like star fruit! There’s
                                                                                         something celebratory and fun
                                                                                         about a snack tray, which can help
                                                                                         picky eaters try things they wouldn’t
                                                                                         normally eat from their own plate.
                                                                                         Try mini skewers with a combo of
                                                                                         cheese, fresh or dried fruit and

                                                                                   ③ often
                                                                                     TAKE A DIP Kids (and adults!)
                                                                                           need encouragement when it
                                                                                         comes to eating their veggies, but
                                                                                         they’re likelier to crunch on more
                                                                                         plants when offered a dip. Ranch
                                                                                         is always a favorite, but other kid-
                                                                                         friendly ideas include hummus,
                                                                                         guacamole or a yogurt-based dip.

                                                                                   ④ MAKE IT SWEET (& SAVORY)
                                                                                         Balance the cookies and treats on
                                                                                         the tray with veggies, cheese, lean
                                                                                         meat and whole grains like popcorn
                                                                                         and whole-grain crackers.

                                                                                   ⑤ OFFER A VARIETY Try to
                                                                                         include an array of textures on
                                                                                         your snack tray to please different
                                                                                         palates. Include creamy, crunchy,
                                                                                         chewy and soft options.

                                                                    Lemon-Herb Yogurt Dip
                                                                    Add any of your favorite herbs to this zippy dip, the
                                                                    perfect dunk for veggies and crackers.
                                                                    In a medium bowl, stir together 1 cup Greek whole-           FRANCES LARGEMAN-ROTH

                                                                    milk yogurt, ¼ cup mayonnaise, juice and zest of 1
                                                                    lemon, 2 tablespoons chopped chives and ¼ tsp salt.
                                                                    Frances Largeman-Roth, RDN, and author of The Smoothie
      APRIL 25-29 is EVERY KID HEALTHY WEEK                         Plan; @FrancesLRothRD;
      Visit for more info
Relish Kid-Approved Nice CATCH! - Reel in our irresistible fast food copycats, like this iconic fi sh sandwich
do come

      since 1903
Relish Kid-Approved Nice CATCH! - Reel in our irresistible fast food copycats, like this iconic fi sh sandwich
(Continued from page 4)

                                                                                                     Crispy Oven-Fried Fish Sandwich
                                                                                                     (on cover)
                                                                                                     A preheated baking sheet delivers ultra-crispy results without
                                                                                                     deep-frying in this tribute to McDonald’s classic Filet-O-Fish.
  HAIR GROWTH                                                                                            1     large egg white               1 tsp garlic powder
                                                                                                         2     cups crushed cornflakes       2 slices American cheese,
FRUIT EXTRACT HELPS                                                                                      1     lb cod, cut into 4 pieces       halved
HAIR COUNT & MORE                                                                                        1
                                                                                                               tsp pepper
                                                                                                               tsp kosher salt
                                                                                                                                             4 sandwich buns

HAIR GROWTH                                                                                          1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Place a               Tartar Sauce
                                                                                                     baking sheet in the oven while it             In a medium bowl,
                                                                                                     heats.                                        stir together ½ cup
                                                                                                     2. Whisk egg white in a flat, shallow         mayonnaise, ¼
                                                                                                     dish until frothy. Place crushed              cup finely chopped
                                                                                                     cornflakes in another shallow dish. Pat       bread & butter
THE FRUIT EXTRACT                                                                                    cod dry with paper towels.                    pickles (patted dry),
Scientists at the University of Kuala                                                                3. Stir together pepper, salt and garlic      1 tsp lemon juice, 1
Lumpur have identified compounds in                                                                  powder and sprinkle mixture evenly            Tbsp minced onion,
palm fruits, called tocotrienols, which                                                              onto both sides of cod.                       2 Tbsp coarsely
significantly help promote hair growth.                                                              4. Dip each piece of cod into egg             chopped parsley
They are thought to reduce inflamma-                                                                 white, then coat all sides in crushed         and 1/8 tsp kosher
tion levels in the scalp, which is com-                                                              cornflakes, pressing gently to help           salt. Makes ¾ cup
monly associated with thin hair.                                                                     stick. Set each one aside on another
                                                                                                     sheet pan lined with parchment or waxed paper as you work.
THE STUDY RESULTS                                                                                    5. Remove hot sheet pan from oven and quickly coat with
A larger study was done to confirm this.                                                             nonstick cooking spray. Place the breaded cod carefully on the
The study group was monitored for the                                                                hot pan and spray the tops of each with nonstick cooking spray.
number of hairs in a pre-determined                                                                  6. Bake fish 15 minutes, or until golden brown, checking with an
scalp area at 0, 4 and 8 months. The                                                                 instant-read thermometer in the thickest part of the fish to make
results were impressive. Hair growth                                                                 sure it reads 145°F. Remove pan from oven and top each piece of
increased significantly as compared to                                                               cod with half of a cheese slice. Layer fish onto buns and top with
the placebo group, recording a 16% in-                                                               tartar sauce (recipe at right). Serves 4
                                                                       The study used a patented
crease at 4 months and a 34.5% increase                                                              Per serving: 465 cal, 7g fat, 64mg chol, 25g prot, 49g carbs, 6g sugar,
                                                                     tocotrienol complex, which in   3g fiber, 749mg sodium
at the end of the 8-months, compared
                                                                       the USA is available in the
to a 0.1% decrease in the control group.                                                             Recipe by Teresa Blackburn
                                                                       product Hair GroTM, sold at
                                                                         Walgreens and other
                                                                         participating retailers
                                                                                                     Creamy Coleslaw
                                                                                                     This dead-ringer for KFC’s well-loved side dish is the only slaw
                                                                                                     recipe you’ll ever need.
                                                                                                           1   lb bag coleslaw mix           ¼   cup 1% milk
                                                                                                           2   Tbsp minced onion             ½   cup light mayonnaise
                                                                                                         1∕3   cup sugar                     ¼   cup low-fat buttermilk
                                                                                                         ½     tsp salt                     1½   Tbsp white vinegar
                                                                                                         1∕8   tsp pepper                   1½   Tbsp lemon juice
                                                                                                     Place coleslaw mix and onion into a large bowl. In a pint-size
  **Tropical Life Sciences Research 2010 “Effects                                                    jar with a tight-fitting lid, shake together the sugar, salt, pepper,
  of Tocotrienol Supplementation on Hair
                                                                                                     milk, mayonnaise, buttermilk, white vinegar and lemon juice
  Growth in Human Volunteers”Beoy, Woei and
  Hay, University Sains Malaysia.                                                                    until blended. Pour over the coleslaw mix in the bowl and toss
                                                                                                     well to coat. Serves 6
                                                                                                     Per serving: 126 cal, 4g fat, 4mg chol, 2g prot, 20g carbs, 16g sugar, 1g
**Results may vary. Please read the information on the box
                                                                                                     fiber, 400mg sodium
to determine if this product is right for you. This product is not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.                                            Recipe adapted from Krista Marshall,

Relish Kid-Approved Nice CATCH! - Reel in our irresistible fast food copycats, like this iconic fi sh sandwich
deadline dinner           Easy Beef Stir-Fry
                                                                            Round out this saucy, Chinese-inspired dish with a hearty serving of
                                                                            rice. Chopped cabbage, asparagus and snow peas also work well in
                                                                            this one-pan meal.
                                                                             2 Tbsp vegetable oil                    ½   cup sliced green onion
                                                                             1 lb beef sirloin or flank steak,       2   cloves garlic, minced
                                                                               cut into 2-inch strips                2   Tbsp low-sodium soy sauce
                                                                            1½ cups broccoli florets                 1   Tbsp brown sugar
                                                                             1 red bell pepper, cut into             1   Tbsp sesame oil
                                                                               strips                                1   tsp sriracha sauce
                                                                             1 cup matchstick carrots                2   Tbsp toasted sesame seeds

                                                       INTERNATIONAL        1. In a large skillet or wok, heat oil over medium-high. Add beef and
                                                                            cook about 4 minutes, until browned.

                                              Skillet Sensation             2. Move beef to side of pan. Add broccoli, bell pepper, carrot and
                                                                            green onion and cook about 3 minutes. Add garlic and cook 30
                                                                            3. Stir in soy sauce and brown sugar. Cook until vegetables reach
                                                                            desired tenderness.

                                                                            4. Drizzle with sesame oil and sriracha. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
                                                                            Serve with brown rice. Serves 4
                                                                            Per serving: 568 cal, 38g fat, 156mg chol, 34g prot,
                                                                            9g carbs, 3g sugar, 3g fiber, 392mg sodium
                                                                            Excerpted from Scrumptious from The Girl
                                                                            Who Ate Everything © 2021 by Christy Denney.
                                                                            Photography © 2021 by Christy Denney.
                                                                            Reproduced by permission of Shadow Mountain.
                                                                            All rights reserved.

                                            ................’s Special
                                            Chicken Fried Rice
                                            1 Long day
                                            1 Hungry partner
                                            1 Ben’s Original Jasmine rice
                                            2 Dashes of secret sauce
                                            2 Clean plates

                                                                                                               Find this recipe and more at
Relish Kid-Approved Nice CATCH! - Reel in our irresistible fast food copycats, like this iconic fi sh sandwich
                                                                                                                         rise ‘n’ shine

                                                                                                                Hoppy EASTER!
If you are feeling exhausted and in need of
revitalization, you should consider a detox                                                                     refrigerated
or cleanse. With Active LiverTM you have the
tool to do this gently and on a daily basis.
                                                                                                                roll dough

Detox your body -
                                                                                                                into a fun
                                                                                                                breakfast to
                                                                                                                share with
all year long                                                                                                   somebunny

E   ach day, our liver is working hard to re-
    move waste products and toxins from
processed foods, unclean air, water and even
our own body. But as we get exposed to in-
creasingly more toxins, the liver struggles to
remove them all and can start storing them
in our body fat. We quickly may notice the
results in our energy levels, in our lack of
youthful appearance – and surprisingly, on
our waistlines.

UNJUNKING YOUR BODY                                                                                             Bunny Cinnamon Rolls
A detox, like a water or juice fast, is an excel-                                                               Feel free to use your favorite pastel-colored holiday candy for the
lent way to rid the body of stored toxins, but                                                                  eyes and nose.
it is often difficult to abide by, and involves                                                                  2 (17.5-oz/5-count) cans jumbo cinnamon rolls with icing
days or even weeks of feeling tired and sick.
                                                                            Active LiverTM is a best selling
                                                                                                                 ¼ cup spring-colored sprinkles
However, there are other ways.
                                                                             Swedish liver supplement           30 pastel-colored Milk Chocolate M&M’s
DETOX WITH ONE TABLET A DAY                                                  with milk thistle, artichoke       1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Separate the cinnamon rolls.
                                                                                and turmeric extracts.
Active LiverTM is a dietary supplement that                                                                     2. Working with one cinnamon roll at a time, use your hands
helps promote a healthy liver and helps you                                                                     to pull the outer end out and up into one bunny ear and then
detox on a daily basis – all year round. With                            The Liver & Your                       another. Press down between the bunny ears and press in on the
just one tablet a day, it gently but effectively                         Waistline                              outsides of the bottoms of the bunny ears to secure them to the
uses known herbal extracts to facilitate de-
                                                                         The liver is an                        round part of the cinnamon roll.
toxing of the body –without the “side effects”.
                                                                         important fat                          3. Transfer to a baking sheet. Repeat with remaining cinnamon
   TEST YOURSELF :                                                       burning organ. If the                  rolls. Reinforce the shapes, if necessary.
                                                      YES NO             liver is sluggish or clogged
   Headaches or brain fog
                                                                         with waste material it will be less    4. Bake 8 minutes. Reinforce the bunny shapes like you did in the
   Hard time losing weight
                                                                         able to work, and fat can start to     previous step with the handle of a spoon and/or carefully with
   Indigestion & bloating                                                build up, under the skin, as belly     your hands as they will be hot.
   I’m tired all the time                                                fat and even inside the internal       5. Return rolls to the oven to finish baking, about 8 minutes, or
   Skin rash or brown spots                                              organs (as in a fatty liver). Making   until golden brown on top. Drizzle with the icing while still warm.
   My tongue is coated                                                   sure your liver is working well will   Immediately top with sprinkles and garnish with 2 M&M’s for the
   Does this sound like you? Then try Active Liver
   as a help to promote your liver health.
                                                                         help you flush fats from the body.     eyes and 1 for the nose. Makes 10 rolls
                                                                                                                Per serving: 358 cal, 12g fat, 0mg chol, 5g prot, 58g carbs, 26g sugar,
                                                                                                                                                                                          KELSEY FOSTER

   Results may vary. Always read and follow instructions prior to use.                                          1g fiber, 522mg sodium
                                                                                                                Excerpted from Spectacular Spreads: 50 Amazing Food Spreads for
                                                                                                                Any Occasion. Rock Point, an imprint of The Quarto Group, USA Inc.
                                                                                                                Text © 2021 by Maegan Brown


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The Next Great                                                                                                   ™

Italian Masterpiece                                                                    ——— Italy
The Argento Byzantine Bracelet
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                                          Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, David by Michelangelo, Madame
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                                 Masterpiece, not mass produced. Because each bracelet is handmade
                                                                                                                     This elegant side dish
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To show exquisite                                   impeccable Italian-made jewelry for a truly amazing
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shown is not
exact size.                                                                                                          Crispy Sour Cream
                                                                                                                and Onion Potatoes
                                                                                                                     Roasted, smashed potatoes
“She loves it and                                                                                                    scattered over a spread of
wears it proudly.                                                                                                    herbed sour cream makes for
The quality is outstanding,                                                                                          special-occasion perfection!
                                                                Argento Byzantine Bracelet                           Finish the dish with a sprinkle of
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                                                                Stunningly well-priced at     $39 + S&P              flaky sea salt.
                                                                                                                     ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil,
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                    • Made in Arezzo, Italy • .925 sterling silver • 7.5" bracelet; lobster clasp                    2 lbs baby Yukon gold potatoes

                                                                                                                                                             TEIGHAN GERARD AND KRISTEN KILPATRICK
                                                                                                                     1 Tbsp, plus ½ tsp kosher salt
                                      Call today. 1-888-444-5949                                                     2 cups sour cream
                                                                                                                     2 Tbsp chopped chives,
          Offer Code: RFJ314-01. You must use the offer code to get our special price.                                 plus more for serving
                                                                                                                     2 tsp onion powder
                          ™   14101 Southcross Drive W., Ste 155, Dept. RFJ314-01, Burnsville, Minnesota 55337       1 tsp garlic powder
                                                                                     1 tsp dried parsley
           A co lle ct ion of impec c a bl e design & c r af ts mans hi p f r om I taly.                                     (Recipe continued on page 14)
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    by Andersen location for details. License number available upon request. Some Renewal by Andersen locations are independently owned and operated. 2Values are based on comparison of Renewal by Andersen® double-hung window
    U-Factor to the U-Factor for clear dual-pane glass non-metal frame default values from the 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, and 2018 International Energy Conservation Code “Glazed Fenestration” Default Tables. “Renewal by Andersen” and all
    other marks where denoted are trademarks of Andersen Corporation. © 2022 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. RBA12968                                                                                             *Using U.S. and imported parts.
(Recipe continued from page 12)
                                                                                                                                                               1 tsp dried dill
A First-of-a-Kind Illuminating
Ornament in Memory
                                               Headline                                                              Here                                      2 Tbsp grated parmesan
                                                                                                                                                                 Fresh herbs, such as parsley
of a Loved One                                                                                                                                                   or dill, for serving
                                                                                                                                                              1. Preheat oven to 450°F. Coat a

“Messenger from
                                                                                                                     • Individually hand-blown                large baking sheet with olive oil.
                                                                                                                         Heirloom Glass with
                                                                                                                       glittering, raised filigree            2. Place potatoes and 1 tablespoon
                                                                                                                                                              salt in a large pot. Add enough
                                                                                                                           swirls and leaves
                                                                                                                                                              water to cover the potatoes by two
                                                                                                                                                              inches. Bring to a boil over high,
                                                                                                                                             Easy-to-set      then reduce to medium. Cook
    Illuminating Heirloom                                                                                                                         Timer       about 15 minutes, until potatoes
        Glass Ornament                                                                                                                         Controls       are fork-tender. Drain and transfer
                                                                                                                                             the Lights!      to the prepared baking sheet. Let
                                                                                                                                                              cool slightly.
                      Four candle holders                                                                                                                     3. Place another baking sheet
                with FREE tealight candles are
                                                                                                                                                              on top of the potatoes, then push
               graced with Thomas Kinkade art
                              •                                                                                                                               down firmly to smash the potatoes.
                                                                                                                                                              Roast 20 to 30 minutes, until
                                                                                                                                                              crispy and golden brown.
                                                                                                                                                              4. In a small bowl, stir together
                                                                                                                                                              sour cream, chives and ¼ tsp salt.
                                                                                                                                                              5. In another small bowl, whisk
                                                                                                                                                              together olive oil, onion powder,
                                                                                                                                                              garlic powder, parsley, dill,
                                                                                                                                                              parmesan, ¼ tsp salt and pepper.
                                                                                                                                                              Pour the oil mixture over the
                                                                                                                                                              roasted potatoes and toss to coat,
Arrives in custom-                          Shown smaller than actual                                                                                         gently breaking up the potatoes.
made presentation case,                     size of appr. 5½ inches tall.
with an accompanying                           With attached hanging                                                                                          6. Spread the seasoned sour cream
poem card                                       cord for easy display.                                                                                        onto a serving plate and add the
                                                                                                                                                              potatoes on top. Sprinkle with
Cardinals are one of the most treasured gifts that                                             A superb value—order today!                                    chives and fresh herbs. Serves 6
nature shares with us during our time on earth.                                      Strong demand is expected, so reserve yours                              Per serving: 439 cal, 31g fat, 39mg
Long associated with Heaven and the promise                                                                                                                   chol, 5g prot, 34g carbs, 4g sugar, 4g
                                                                                     now at the issue price of $39.99*, payable in                            fiber, 648mg sodium
of the spiritual realm, they are believed to be                                      two installments of $19.99, the first due before
messengers from above, the embodiment of loved                                                                                                                                   Reprinted from
                                                                                     shipment. Your satisfaction is guaranteed or your                                           Half Baked
ones who have gone before us. Now, the symbolism                                     money back. To order yours, send no money now;                                              Harvest: Every
of the cardinal and the comfort it brings are                                        just sign and return the Reservation Application                                            Day. Copyright
celebrated in the “Messenger from Heaven”                                                                                                                                        © 2022 by
                                                                                     today.                                                                                      Teighan Gerard.
Illuminating Heirloom Glass Ornament, featuring                                                                                                                                  Photographs
the imagery of artist James Hautman. LED lighting                                                                                        copyright ©
inside the glass illuminates with a celestial glow.                                                                                                                              2022 by Teighan
                                                                                                                                                                                 Gerard and
                                                                                   © James Hautman. Courtesy of MHS Licensing. ©2019 BGE 01-26637-001-ZPAR2
                                                                                                                                                                                 Kristen Kilpatrick.
                                                    SEND NO MONEY NOW                                                                                         Published by Clarkson Potter, an
                                                                                    Mrs. Mr. Ms.                                                              imprint of Random House.
                                                                                                               Name (Please Print Clearly)

                9345 Milwaukee Ave · Niles, IL 60714-1393
                                                                                                                                                               LIKE WHAT WE’RE COOKING?
YES. Please reserve the “Messenger from Heaven”                                     City
Illuminating Glass Ornament for me as described in this
announcement. Please Respond Promptly                                               State                           Zip
                                                                                                                                                                    LET US KNOW!
                                                                                                                                                                Visit to join
*Plus $7.99 shipping and service (see                           Email   (optional)                                                       our exclusive panel and tell us what
Limited-edition presentation restricted to 95 firing days. Please allow 2 weeks after
initial payment for shipment. Sales subject to product availability and order acceptance.                                              E10554                          you think about Relish

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