Amygdala Activity and Flashbacks in PTSD: A Review
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Amygdala Activity and Flashbacks in PTSD: A Review Tania Storm*1, Marianne Engberg2 and Christian Balkenius1 Lund University Cognitive Science 1 2DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture * Reliving symptoms and intrusive recollections are core Osuch et al., 2001) and often cause strong bodily re- symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), actions (Osuch et al., 2001). one of these symptoms is the flashback. Even though Even though the flashback is central in the PTSD they appear in the PTSD diagnosis, the literature does diagnosis, the literature does not clearly define flash- not clearly define flashbacks. And, even though, flash- backs. And even though flashbacks are well described backs are well described in PTSD patients, the neuro- in PTSD patients, the neuro-cognitive mechanisms cognitive mechanisms underlying them are not well underlying them are not well understood and few ex- understood and few experimental reports exist on the perimental reports exist on the workings of these workings of these memories. Amygdala is one of the memories. Accordingly, it is unknown whether flash- brain structures repeatedly targeted in PTSD research backs share any traits with phenomena such as hallu- due to its involvement in implicit and explicit emo- cinations and dissociations. The memory of the trau- tional memory and fear learning. When viewed as an matic event has been suggested to maintain and rein- enhancer for survival-related stimuli, the amygdala force the disorder of PTSD (Rubin et al., 2008). The could theoretically contribute to the generation of question is why the ability to relive past events, gener- flashbacks in several ways. The amygdala modulates ally considered an important component of episodic hippocampal activity, resulting in enhanced memory memory (Daselaar et al., 2008), in PTSD is amplified for specific details of emotional events of high arousal, to a degree where reliving becomes pathological? it influences visual processing areas during encoding Intrusive trauma memories range from mildly dis- and later retrieval, leading to more vivid memories tressing recollections to intense flashbacks. A qualita- and, finally, it influences the prefrontal cortex during tive ranking establishing the boundaries between the the stages of retrieval, resulting in a stronger and different degrees of intrusive memory has so far not more vivid reconstruction of memories. been agreed upon. ‘Flashback’ is throughout this arti- cle defined as the reliving of a past experience, yet, as Keywords – memory; flashbacks; PTSD; Post-traumatic pertinently pinpointed by Berntsen (2009); it is un- stress disorder; amygdala; reliving; emotion; reexperiencing clear exactly how much reliving is required for an or- dinary intrusive memory to qualify for flashback Introduction (Berntsen, 2009, p. 174). Intrusive trauma memories The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioral bring along a repertoire of sensory impressions from Disorders (ICD-10) (WHO, 1992) and The Diagnostic the past. Due to the traumatic nature of the memories, and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM- the intrusions are often escorted by a sense of current 5)(APA, 2013) list persistent reliving/reexperiencing threat (Hackmann et al., 2004). Even though flash- phenomena as one of the diagnostic criteria for Post- backs are mostly related to PTSD (Brewin et al., 2010; traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). As described in the Bryant 2010 et al., 2010) intrusive memories and manuals, the persistent reliving symptoms include a nightmares, have been documented in patients suffer- range of intrusions about the experienced trauma, one ing from other post-trauma disorders (i.e. depression, of these being the flashback. Flashbacks are accompa- phobias and anxiety) (Bryant et al., 2010). Unrelated nied by an intense and convincing ‘nowness’ (Hel- to trauma, distressing intrusions are found across a lawell and Brewin, 2002; Osuch et al., 2001), meaning wide variety of psychological disorders (including de- that the individual perceives the memory as recurring pression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder in the present. The memories are involuntarily trig- (OCD) and eating disorders) (Brewin et al., 2010). gered, provoked by trauma reminders, often engaging Flashbacks have the strength to interrupt a person’s several modalities (Hackmann et al. 2004), they are ongoing mental activity (de Silva and Marks, 1999) emotionally intense (Hellawell and Brewin 2002; and may encompass a physiological response compa- rable to that of a panic attack (Osuch et al., 2001). Lund University Cognitive Studies - LUCS 156 ISSN 1101 - 8453 © 2013 by the authors
Flashbacks (or intrusive trauma memories) have been nal cortices, sensory thalamus, the hippocampus, the proposed to rely on a disintegration from ordinary prefrontal cortex (PFC) and the sensory brainstem. autobiographical memory (see e.g. Brewin et al., 2010; From amygdala projections are sent to, for instance, Brewin, 2005; Hackmann et al., 2004; Ehlers et al., the PFC, the hypothalamus and polymodal association 2002; Nadel and Jacobs, 1998; Brewin, Dalgleish and cortex (LeDoux and Schiller, 2009, plate 2.5 and 2.8). Joseph, 1996; van der Kolk and Fisler, 1995) as well The amygdala is the addressee of exceedingly proc- as an enhanced integration into autobiographical essed sensory input from all modalities (Aggleton and memory (see e.g. Berntsen, 2009; Rubin et al., 2008; Saunders, 2000), not least from the visual system Rubin, 2005; Rubin et al., 2004; Berntsen et al., 2003). (Freese and Amaral, 2009). Whether any of these processes lay the ground for the By influencing e.g. hormonal and autonomic func- intrusive flashbacks is yet to be clarified. tions the structure links sensory information with the Research suggests that brain regions that are acti- modulation of the body’s physiological state (Aggle- vated during encoding are reactivated when the mem- ton and Saunders, 2000). Via a wide range of struc- ory is later retrieved (Danker and Anderson, 2010). In tures, including the hippocampus and the PFC, amyg- the case of PTSD this points to the possible involve- dala links sensory input to cognitive processes (Ad- ment of brain structures such as the amygdala. The olphs, 2003) and through connections to cortical areas, amygdala has been repeatedly targeted in the PTSD the structure modulates memory and attention (Le- research and amygdalar hyperactivity has been pro- Doux and Schiller, 2009). In turn, the medial PFC in- posed as one of the underlying neurological mecha- directly influences the activity of the amygdala nisms of PTSD (Shin, 2009; Rainnie and Ressler, through cortical executive control (LeDoux and Schil- 2009), although such hyperactivity has not been con- ler, 2009). Aside from directly influencing the cortical sistently documented across studies (Liberzon and functions, the amygdala modifies cognitive processing Garfinkel, 2009). The amygdala interacts with multi- by mediating the release of neuromodulators like e.g. ple memory systems and is active in both implicit and norepinephrine and dopamine (LeDoux and Schiller, explicit memory domains, and well known for its par- 2009). ticipation in fear learning (Hamann, 2009). In particu- lar, the structure has been associated with the en- hancement of emotional memories (McGaugh, 2004; Encoding and Consolidation Dolcos et al., 2004). The extreme emotional intensity According to the memory-modulation hypothesis of the flashbacks in PTSD could point to an abnormal- (McGaugh, 2004), emotionally arousing experiences ity in the enhancement process – and the possibility of obtain their privileged status in memory due to amyg- an increased facilitation of this process by amygdala. dala’s modulation of the activity in other brain regions The aim of the current paper is to review the role of during memory encoding and consolidation (Dolcos et amygdala activity in regard to flashbacks. al., 2004). The modulation is carried out by mediating the effects of stress hormones, as highly emotional events trigger the release of adrenal stress hormones - Emotion, Memory and Amygdala a process initiated by the amygdala via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA-axis) result- Stimuli that are emotionally arousing typically leave a ing in a process of neurohormonal memory modula- more profound and persistent mark in memory than tion (LaBar and Cabeza, 2006, p. 55 fig.1). The neutral stimuli (Brohawn et al., 2010; Kensinger, memory-modulation hypothesis proposes that amyg- 2009; LaBar and Cabeza, 2006; Dolcos et al., 2005; dala activity should be required for the enhanced Dolcos et al., 2004; McGaugh, 2004). In addition, the long-term memory associated with emotional arousal process of retrieving stored information about an emo- (Cahill, 2000, p. 431). Thus, the amygdala is thought tional event frequently entails reexperiencing the to influence memory processes when a situation is originally experienced emotional responses (Hamann, adequately rich in emotional arousal (Cahill, 2000). 2009, p. 183), associating the memory with a height- The modulated regions include the hippocampus and ened perception of vividness and confidence relative parahippocampal areas (i.e. entorhinal, perihinal, and to a more emotionally neutral memory (Hamann, parahippocampal cortices) together with other sites in 2009; Phelps and Sharot, 2008). Whether memory for the medial temporal lobe (MTL) memory system an emotional event is enhanced is related to the level (Dolcos et al., 2004). of emotional arousal, not emotional valence (Hamann, The modulation hypothesis has been well con- 2009; LaBar and Cabeza, 2006; McGaugh, 2004). firmed in rat-studies (McGaugh, 2004) and, in particu- And, the degree of amygdala activation during encod- lar, the basolateral complex of the amygdala (BLA) is ing of an emotionally arousing stimulus has been considered a central site with regard to the modulation shown to correlate exceedingly with subsequent recall, of emotional memory. Strong evidence for the for aversive as well as attractive stimuli (McGaugh, memory-modulation hypothesis has also been found in 2004). studies of the human brain; e.g. in terms of a strong The amygdala is situated in the anteromedial tem- correlation between activity in the amygdala and the poral lobe (Adolphs, 2003) and is connected to a wide MTL memory structures during successful encoding of range of brain sites including: the sensory and entorhi- emotionally arousing, relative to neutral stimuli (Dol- 2
cos et al., 2004). Interactions between the amygdala (Hamann, 2009). This may be even more pronounced and the hippocampal structures are thought to be es- for negative than positive or neutral memories (Danker sential in regard to the processes underlying emotional and Anderson, 2010). During the retrieval of emo- memory (Brohawn et al., 2010; Phelps, 2004) - spe- tional memories, many of the brain structures involved cifically, efferent projections from the amygdala to the in the encoding processes are reactivated (Dolcos et hippocampus (Brohawn et al., 2010). However, bidi- al., 2005), and the remembrance process involves lit- rectional interactions, in which the hippocampus erally returning to the brain state that was present modulates the activity of the amygdala, have also been during that episode (Danker and Anderson, 2010, p. suggested (Hamann, 2009; Phelps, 2004). Where the 87). Yet, during retrieval, the contributions of the dif- amygdala is involved in processing the emotional as- ferent brain structures appear to be associated more pects of events (Phelps, 2004) and assignment of emo- with enhancing the subjective experience of remem- tional importance to stimuli; the hippocampus is asso- bering and retrieval of affective characteristics pre- ciated with explicit memory (Phelps, 2004) and with sent during encoding than with enhancing accurate providing stimuli with contextual meaning (Brohawn retrieval (Hamann, 2009, p.191). The enhanced recol- et al., 2010). In the terminology of LeDoux (1999) this lection and re-experience of emotions associated with division is framed as emotional memories (implicit the original event during retrieval may, in part, be at- and amygdala-related) versus memories of emotion tributed to the reactivation of amygdala (Hamann, (explicit and hippocampal-related). 2009). In fact, subjective ratings of emotional intensity In favor of this partition, lesions to the amygdala during retrieval have been directly related to activation have been shown to impair the implicit acquisition of in temporal lobe structures, including the amygdala conditioned fear, but not the mechanism related to fear and hippocampus (Daselaar et al., 2008). Emotional expression and the explicit fear memory (Phelps, memories bring along a strong sense of subjective rec- 2004; LaBar and Cabeza, 2006). On the contrary, stud- ollection and confidence in their accuracy, even ies of hippocampal lesions have shown the individ- though the details of the memories are often erroneous ual’s inability to communicate the stimulus- and inaccurate (Phelps and Sharot, 2008; Kensinger, relationship, while not affecting the ability to acquire 2009; Hamann, 2009). Whereas emotional scenes have conditioned fear (Phelps, 2004; LaBar and Cabeza, been shown to elicit activation in the amygdala; neu- 2006). tral scenes activate the posterior hippocampus (Phelps and Sharot, 2008). Accordingly, the subjective sense of recollection is believed to involve amygdala activa- Attention tion in regard to the retrieval of central aspects or de- Emotional arousal and amygdala activity have an tails for emotional stimuli; and parahippocampal acti- adaptive function on memory, in the sense that atten- vation in relation to the retrieval of contextual details tional focus is limited to areas of relevancy for sur- for neutral stimuli (Phelps and Sharot, 2008). vival. In this manner what is encoded in memory is biologically salient gist information (i.e. few, but cru- cial details) (Hamann, 2009; Phelps and Sharot, 2008) applicable in future situations. By directing and nar- rowing attention to biologically salient information, Box 1 the encoding of emotion-eliciting stimuli is enhanced (Phelps and Sharot, 2008). Some studies suggest that Influences from Amygdala on Emotional Memory the enhancement of certain details has been more Amygdala-related factors include: strongly associated with negative experiences than positive ones (Kensinger, 2009). Lesion studies point •! Enhanced encoding and consolidation of to a weakening of attention to emotional stimuli as a emotionally arousing memories result of amygdala damage (Phelps, 2004), as well as an impairment of the memory for gist information of •! Increased attention to and perception of emotionally arousing events (Phelps and Sharot, survival-related aspects of the scene 2008). Aside from strengthening the encoding and consolidation of memories for biologically salient •! Enhanced encoding of gist information stimuli the structure is involved with the subsequent retrieval. •! Facilitated retrieval of emotionally arousing memories Retrieval In the retrieval of emotional memories, contributions •! Enhanced vividness and re-experience of from the amygdala have been suggested in regard to emotions related to the original event the subjective sense of recollection, as well as to the confidence in emotionally arousing memories (Ha- •! Boosted confidence in the retrieved memory mann, 2009; Phelps and Sharot, 2008). In addition, the amygdala is believed to facilitate the retrieval of the •! Intensification of the recollective experience affective information bound to the time of encoding 3
Even though emotion in general benefits memory, the regions participating in the fear network (i.e. the long-lasting detrimental consequences are sometimes medial PFC, the thalamic and sensory cortical areas, observed, particularly after severe or prolonged stress the hippocampus etc) may result in exaggerated re- (LaBar and Cabeza, 2006, p.54). This is the case in sponse to neutral or weak conditioned stimuli (Rainnie PTSD, where memories of exceedingly emotional and Ressler, 2009). The amygdala’s role in mediating events become intrusive and critically distressing autonomic responses as well as in associating condi- (Brohawn et al., 2010). The involvement of the amyg- tioned and unconditioned stimuli offers an obvious dala in the processes reviewed so far offer interesting target for investigation. aspects in regard to PTSD as the disorder arises from PTSD has been hypothesized to develop as a con- the exposure to an extremely emotionally stressful sequence of the individual’s failure to extinguish event. It is therefore interesting to explore how the learned fear responses (Rogers et al., 2009; Koenigs amygdala-dependent mechanisms reviewed may be and Grafman, 2009). This model might be too simpli- linked to flashbacks.As summarized in Box 1, the re- fied and not capture all aspects of the disorder (Gilboa search reviewed indicates a relation between amygdala et al., 2004) yet some aspects of this representation activity and some of the known features of flashbacks, may be useful. Targeting structural abnormality, a for instance the high degree of vividness, strong sense magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study by Rogers et of current threat, emphasis on certain details opposed al. (2009) suggest a positive correlation between re- to contextual details, lack of spatio-temporal informa- duced density of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) tion, distortion of subjective time, and confidence in (a medial PFC structure) and decreased left amygdala the accuracy of the memory to an extent where it is volume in PTSD. Both structures are associated with believed to be happening in the present. fear extinction (Rogers et al., 2009). It should be noted that acute and chronic stress exposure may have affect Amygdala and PTSD the structures differently. Whereas only one of the sub- The limbic structures (Liberzon et al., 1999) and, par- jects was suffering from PTSD at the time of the study ticularly, the amygdala, hippocampus and PFC (Rain- (the other eight had a PTSD history), all participants nie and Ressler, 2009) have, due to their involvement had been exposed to acute stress – chronic stress ex- in memory, stress, emotion and fear, continuously posure has, on the contrary, been associated with an been addressed in the PTSD research. In this context increase in amygdala volume (Rogers et al., 2009). several imaging studies have found amygdala activity And, more specifically, studies in rodents have associ- in relation to PTSD symptom provocation (Liberzon ated the effects of chronic stress with increased den- and Garfinkel, 2009). PTSD studies have pointed to a sity in the BLA of the amygdala – and only reticent positive correlation between amygdala activation and changes after acute stress exposure (Roozendaal et al., symptom severity, suggesting amygdalar hyperrespon- 2009). sitivity to trauma reminders as well as trauma-neutral Functional imaging studies point to a dysregulation stimuli (Shin et al., 2006; Shin 2009). However, find- of emotional responses due to a decrease or hypoactiv- ings of increased amygdala responsivity or involve- ity of the PFC, combined with hyperactivity of the ment are not concordant across studies (Liberzon and amygdala as one of the underlying mechanisms of Garfinkel, 2009) and exactly how the amygdala is in- PTSD (Koenigs and Grafman, 2009; Shin, 2009; volved in the PTSD pathology remains unclear. Francati et al., 2007; Shin et al., 2006). The PFC is Liberzon et al. (1999) found evidence of increased generally believed to regulate and inhibit the activity Regional Cerebral Blood Flow (rCBF) in the area of of the amygdala in regard to emotion regulation and the left amygdala in individuals suffering from PTSD fear extinction. Hypoactivity of the PFC would result during exposure to traumatic stimuli. However, Liber- in defective inhibition and thereby account for some of zon et al. do note that the activation of the area of the the characteristics of PTSD (Koenigs and Grafman, amygdala could be a consequence of arousal and not 2009). Even though imaging studies have supported the traumatic memory as such. Exaggerated amygdala this standpoint, in particular one lesion study suggest activity has also been documented in the recall of otherwise. negative relative to neutral pictures (Brohawn et al., Koenigs et al. (2008) carried out a large study 2010) and increased activity in both the amygdala and based on The Vietnam Head Injury Study (VHIS) - hippocampus during the construction of negative epi- consisting of 193 combat veterans with lesions in dif- sodic memories, relative to positive memories, has ferent parts of the brain and 52 veterans with no brain been found in PTSD (St. Jacques et al., 2010). injury but matched prevalence of PTSD. Isolated The amygdala is exceedingly involved with fear amygdala lesion conditioning (Dębiec and LeDoux, 2009) as well as accounts for only 15 of cases; still, the results are fear extinction (Francati et al., 2007). It has been sug- interesting: prevalence of PTSD matched with amyg- gested that PTSD symptoms (such as hyperarousal and dala lesion was 0%. Moreover, PTSD prevalence intrusive memories) result from alterations in the fear matched with ventromedial PFC (vmPFC) lesion response system, in that safe stimuli are paired with (n=40) was 18% – considerably lower than in subjects the traumatic experience and thereby perceived as with no brain damage (48%) or lesion in other brain dangerous (Francati et al., 2007). This would support sites (40%) (Koenigs et al., 2008, p. 234). The results the notion that a dysfunction in the amygdala or any of indicate a causal relation between the development of 4
PTSD and the involvement of the vmPFC and amyg- sive memories are one of the key symptoms of PTSD dala. This study suggests that damage to the vmPFC, and amygdala’s participation in many aspects of emo- does not entail a higher prevalence of PTSD - even tional memory has been asserted. Intrusive recollec- though its executive function is severely diminished. tions (here: (recurrent and intrusive distressing recol- Koenigs et al. (2008) suggest that the vmPFC has a lections of cancer-related events (Matsuoko et al., causal role in PTSD, associated with self-reflective 2003, p. 737)) has been suggested to be related to processes and the reactivation of emotional states of smaller amygdala volume in cancer survivors (Mat- the past. In healthy individuals, the medial PFC is as- suoko et al., 2003). However, amygdala’s direct in- sociated with emotion regulation as well as the experi- volvement in PTSD and full-blown flashbacks still ence of emotion as such (St. Jacques et al., 2010) and needs to be addressed. with the interpretation of the self-relatedness and con- textualization of stimuli (Liberzon and Garfinkel, 2009). Contextualization refers to the evaluation of a Flashbacks situation and selection of appropriate response, and a By examining the rCBF related to flashback intensity deficit in these processes could underlie core aspects in individuals suffering from chronic PTSD, Osuch et of PTSD (Liberzon and Garfinkel, 2009) – for exam- al. (2001) found a positive correlation between flash- ple hypervigilance. Finally, and of outmost importance back to our argument, the PFC is suggested a role in reliv- intensity and rCBF in the left hippocampal regions ing (Daselaar et al.,2008). (involved in memory) as well as in the putamen, cere- The hypothesized hypofunction of the PFC com- bellum and somatosensory cortex – all associated with bined with amygdalar hyperactivity in PTSD is chal- motor control. An inverse correlation between rCBF lenged also by the outcome of a functional connec- and flashback intensity was found in the prefrontal, tivity analysis by Gilboa et al. (2004). Results from the medial temporal and the right fusiform cortices the study indicate a correlation in the activity of the (the two latter associated with complex visual or spa- ACC and the amygdala during exposure to trauma tial processing). Osuch et al. suggest that an increase scripts in PTSD. Greater co-activation of the amygdala in flashback intensity may be related to a loss of and the vmPFC in PTSD during retrieval of emotion- higher-order executive functioning normally carried ally negative episodic memories relative to positive or out by the PFC encompassing the temporary loss of neutral memories has also been documented (St. Jac- present-reality orientation (Osuch et al., 2001, p. 251). ques et al. 2010), implying a particular enhancement Liberzon et al. (1997) described one subject experi- of vivid re-experiencing of negative autobiographical encing a flashback, exhibiting an altered cortico- memories. Finally, a lack of PFC influences on the thalamic rCBF pattern and propose that the increased visual cortex has been documented in PTSD patients cortico-thalamic activity may bear witness of a shift of exposed to trauma scripts, together with increased attention away from external stimuli and toward the amygdala influences on these same visual processing internal stimuli of the flashback (Liberzon et al., 1997, areas (Gilboa et al., 2004). These processes may con- p. 149). Altered thalamic activity has been theorized to tribute to vivid re-experiencing phenomena, as a lack be one of the mechanisms triggering the generation of of PFC influences may lead to a lack of discrimination flashbacks (Lanius et al., 2001) in accordance with of the activity in the visual areas. propositions that the thalamus has a function in regard to consciousness, and in the binding of external and Deactivation of Amygdala internal ‘reality’ into one (Lanius et al., 2005). A hy- As the study of Koenigs et al. (2008) points toward, peractive thalamo-cortical ‘closed loop’ network re- disrupting the activity of the amygdala may offer a sulting in direction of the attention to internal imagi- possibility for alleviating PTSD. Targeting the amyg- nation and temporary functional withdrawal from the dala (more precisely the BLA) via Deep Brain Stimu- external world (Huber et al., 2001, p. 134) has also lation (DBS) in traumatized rats has been associated been suggested as the basis for flashback experiences with a reduction in PTSD symptoms (Langevin et al., by Huber et al. (2001). Additionally Huber et al. 2010) as well has pharmacological treatment of the rat (2001) note that the medial dorsal thalamus is in- amygdala (Dębiec and LeDoux, 2006). By targeting volved in gaze control, as well saccades and eye- the lateral nucleus of the amygdala subsequent to fear following movements. The authors hypothesize that conditioning, Dębiec and LeDoux (2006) found that one of the consequences of the treatment method Eye memory consolidation was impaired – and that the Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) procedure had the same effect on memory reconsolida- (Shapiro 1989) is a temporary interruption of the tion if applied after retrieval, thereby offering a possi- closed thalamo-cortical loop, redirecting attention to bility for disrupting fear memories during the recon- reality. solidation process. Evidently, these studies only ad- Results from a functional connectivity analysis of dress limited aspects of the human PTSD sympto- traumatic memory (Lanius et al., 2004) point to a dif- matology, yet they may offer valuable insights into the ference in the activity patterns of subjects with a disorder. PTSD diagnosis and a group of non-PTSD controls. All in all evidence does point to the possibility of During retrieval the PTSD group showed activity in amygdalar involvement in the PTSD pathology. Intru- 5
brain areas related to non-verbal memory; whereas ory narrowing effect onto biologically salient infor- non-PTSD subjects showed activity in areas associated mation. The result of which is that the memories are with the retrieval of verbal episodic memory. Lanius et high in emotional content and low in contextual detail. al. (2004) note that all PTSD subjects experienced the traumatic memories as flashbacks, however, it should Hippocampus and Stress be noted that the definition of flashbacks is somewhat The de-contextualized nature of trauma memories in vague. PTSD has been suggested to result from dys- or hypo- In regard to structural abnormalities, a recent study function of the hippocampus, as a consequence of the (Kroes et al., 2011) found that specifically the severity effects of stress and arousal mediated by the amyg- of reexperiencing - and in particular flashback symp- dala. Contrary to the amygdala, the hippocampus is toms, correlated with reduced brain volume in a num- exceedingly sensitive to stress (Kim and Diamond, ber of areas. Principal areas were the inferior temporal 2002). A U-shaped relation between stress (and the gyrus, associated with the ventral stream of visual release of stresshormones like corticosterone) and hip- processing and the parietal operculum and the insula – pocampal function has been suggested (Nadel and Ja- areas associated with somatosensory processing cobs, 1998; Kim and Diamond, 2002). According to (Kroes et al., 2011). this relation, hippocampal function may be impaired Few experimental reports exist on the neurological by both abnormally high and low levels of cortisol. processes activated during flashbacks in PTSD and the Moreover, chronical hyperarousal has been found to findings do not suggest direct involvement of the affect the hippocampus negatively (Hayes et al. 2010). amygdala during the flashback experience. Yet, amyg- Kim and Diamond (2002) suggest a differentiation in dala may participate in a wide range of processes ulti- the ways stress affects hippocampal activity; stress mately causing past experiences to intrude as flash- enhances hippocampus-dependent fear-related learn- backs. The following sections outline a review of find- ing and memory, and impairs the processing of spatial ings on the interplay of emotion, memory, stress and information that is acquired outside the fear- amygdala activity and suggests critical links between conditioning context (Kim and Diamond, 2002, p. flashbacks generation and amygdala. 456) – a delineation that corresponds well with the flashback characteristics. That the hippocampus may participate in enhancing Flashbacks and Amygdala certain memory aspects is further supported by Dolcos et al. (2005) suggesting a synergistic mechanism in Stress which emotion enhances recollection and recollection Generally, stress facilitates the formation of long-term enhances emotion (Dolcos et al., 2005, p. 2631) and in adaptive responses and enhances memory for emo- which processing of emotional cues related to trau- tionally arousing or stressful events so that important matic events may trigger recollection of traumatic information is stored and easily recalled (Roozendaal memories, which is accompanied by HC [hippocam- et al., 2009). In PTSD these processes have been pro- pus] activity. This, in turn, may intensify AMY [amyg- posed to be permanently altered due to persistent ac- dala] activity associated with emotional (e.g. fear- tivity in the amygdala (Roozendaal et al., 2009). Basi- related) responses (Dolcos et al., 2005, p. 2631). Basi- cally, a traumatic event is inherently extremely stress- cally, during retrieval the hippocampus may empha- ful and emotional which logically influences the size the effects originally orchestrated by amygdala. memory-encoding processes. Rodent studies suggest Co-activation of the amygdala and hippocampus dur- that the BLA of the amygdala (contrary to e.g. the hip- ing emotional arousal has been related to increased pocampus and the PFC) increases its density following plasticity for memory – believed to be reenacted dur- the exposure to chronic stress (Roozendaal et al., ing retrieval (Hamann, 2009). Increased connectivity 2009) indicating that stress has a positive effect on the between the amygdala and hippocampus during re- structure. Amygdala-related memory processes may as trieval of emotional information has been associated a consequence be enhanced by high levels of stress. with an enhanced ability to retrieve specific details of a situation (Kensinger, 2009). Moreover, increased Gist-information and De-contextualization activation of the hippocampus and amygdala in regard Flashbacks have been described as highly emotional to the construction of negative autobiographical and de-contextualized. Directing attention to gist in- memories relative to positive has been found in PTSD, formation is believed to be facilitated by amygdala thereby indicating that enhanced activity may be asso- activity (Phelps and Sharot, 2008), giving emotional ciated with negative valence in PTSD (St. Jacques et arousal a memory-narrowing effect (Kensinger, 2009, al., 2010). p.101). As amygdala directs attention to biologically salient aspects of emotionally arousing situations (Hamann, 2009) – other aspects are necessarily ne- PFC and Retrieval glected. This effect may be even more pronounced in Dysregulation of emotional responses due to amygdala negative experiences, with an even stronger focus on hyperactivity resulting from PFC hypoactivity, has vivid details (Kensinger, 2009). The content of the been suggested as one of the components of the PTSD flashbacks may therefore arise from an extreme mem- pathology (Koenigs and Grafman, 2009; Shin, 2009; 6
Francati et al., 2007; Shin et al., 2006). Aside from the discrimination by the PFC. As mentioned; the PFC results of Koenigs et al. (2008)’s lesion study, this plays a role in contextualization and appropriate re- theoretical standpoint is challenged by other findings sponse to stimuli - deficient contextualization may suggesting greater co-activation of the amygdala and therefore entail a de-contextualization of trauma cues the PFC in PTSD (Gilboa et al., 2004) and in particu- (Liberzon and Garfinkel, 2009) and possibly lead to lar during memory retrieval (St. Jacques et al., 2010), the inappropriate expression of trauma-related memo- suggesting a somewhat causal role of the PFC in ries and emotions (Liberzon and Garfinkel, 2009, p. PTSD – possibly in boosting emotional reliving (Koe- 313). Ultimately, the PFC participates in up-regulating nigs and Grafman, 2009; Koenigs et al., 2008). reliving of the inappropriate and emotionally intense Daselaar et al. (2008) suggest a spatiotemporal experience. separation of the subjective ratings of reliving and Thus, as some theories propose (Shin, 2009; Fran- emotional intensity during the retrieval of autobio- cati et al., 2007; Shin et al., 2006), one may under- graphical memories. This could mean that the respec- stand the activity of the amygdala as uninhibited, as tive contributions of amygdala and the PFC to flash- signals from the amygdala are not critically evaluated backs are temporally dissociable. In the study by by the PFC. However, the reason is not necessarily Daselaar et al. (2008), the actual reliving experience is PFC hypoactivity, but possibly deficient discrimina- understood as occurring after emotional information tion – in the sense that the PFC works to reinforce the has been retrieved. The different temporal stages are uninhibited amygdala signal. believed to be associated with different brain sites, i.e.: the amygdala, hippocampus, somatosensory cortex etc with emotion intensity; and the right and medial PFC, Visual Imagery and Reliving thalamus, cingulated gyrus etc with reliving (Daselaar Studies have found that visual imagery and the degree et al., 2008). Daselaar et al. (2008) outline that the in- of experienced reliving are strongly associated factors volvement of amygdala, hippocampus, somatosensory (Daselaar et al., 2008). Generally, visual information cortex etc before the memory is fully formed indicates has been suggested as an important component of that an early detection of high arousal during retrieval autobiographical memory (Rubin, 2005). Even though may spur and guide efforts at event reconstruction flashbacks have been found to intrude in many differ- (Daselaar et al., 2008, p. 226). Thereby supporting an ent modalities, vision seems to be one of the most interpretation of emotion as an early warning system prominent (Hackmann et al., 2004). As stronger visual (Daselaar et al., 2008, p. 219) preparing the individual imagery as well as emotionality lead to enhanced rec- for action before more conscious processing begins, as ollection (Rubin, 2005), the vividness of flashbacks well as amygdala’s engagement in the intensification may, in part, be attributed these processes. of the recollective experience and confidence in the Amygdala interacts strongly with the visual proc- retrieved memory. essing areas (Brewin, 2005) and may be involved with During memory retrieval in PTSD, the activity of the activity of these areas regarding encoding as well the PFC, and thereby reliving, may be affected by an as retrieval. Amygdala directs attention to biologically extreme enhancement of the amygdala-related proc- salient stimuli, and is also believed to enhance sensory esses surrounding emotional responses and danger and thereby visual perception of these stimuli (Ha- detection. St. Jacques et al. (2010) found evidence for mann, 2009). In this sense, an enhanced amygdala re- greater amygdala and hippocampal activity during the sponse to fear-provoking or emotional stimuli may construction stages relative to the elaboration stages of enhance processing in the visual cortex (Phelps 2004; memory retrieval in a PTSD group compared to a Phelps and Sharot, 2008). Taken that the areas that are group of controls – indicating an enhancement of emo- active during encoding are, in part, reactivated during tional intensity in PTSD early in the retrieval process. retrieval (Danker and Anderson, 2010; Hamann, In the same study negative memories elicited greater 2009), enhanced processing in the visual areas during amygdala-PFC coupling in PTSD – indicating an en- encoding results in a similar enhancement during re- hancement of reliving of these memories in PTSD in trieval. As activity in the visual processing areas of the particular. brain is associated with the reliving experience of One reason why not all studies report amygdala autobiographical memories (Daselaar et al., 2008) it hyperactivity in PTSD or engagement during the can be related to the elaboration stages of retrieval. flashback experience could be ascribed this temporal The amygdala is, as mentioned, associated with the division. Even though amygdala activity is not re- earlier retrieval stages (Daselaar et al., 2008) and may ported during the flashback; amygdala may actually be theorized to enhance processing in the visual areas enforce its occurrence. By enhancing emotional inten- during retrieval, thereby up-regulating the experience sity via interactions with the PFC the experience of of reliving. The enhanced activity during retrieval is reliving is most likely up-regulated, consistent with bound to the initial encoding, and, due to the attention- the suggestion that one of the key ways in which emo- narrowing effects of the amygdala, the memories are tion modulates the memory processes is by intensify- accompanied by a limited amount of accessible visual ing the recollective experience (Phelps and Sharot imagery. It should be noted that the amygdala may 2008). Moreover, exaggerated emotional information interact in similar ways with other modalities, as the sent from amygdala to the PFC may result in deficient structure interacts with all (Aggleton and Saunders, 7
2000). Amygdala might enhance the contribution of all complexity. Within the restrictions that this entails we senses to the vivid flashbacks, making the flashbacks have examined how the amygdala could contribute to rich in perceptual content. the phenomenology, the intensity and extreme reliving qualities of flashbacks. By understanding the amyg- Reconsolidation dala as a catalyst for the encoding, consolidation and Another aspect of importance is the consequences of retrieval of emotionally arousing survival-related in- repetitively retrieving and thereby reconsolidating a formation, flashbacks are theorized to partly result memory – a process involving amygdala activity (La- from an extreme enhancement of these processes. This Bar and Cabeza, 2006). The reactivation of memories enhancement is hypothesized to originate from the is strengthened as a consequence of repeated retrieval exceedingly stressful, emotional and fear-eliciting cir- (Danker and Anderson, 2010) and in PTSD the con- cumstances at the time of trauma.As summarized in stant rehearsal of trauma memories is believed to sus- Box 2 the amygdala is suggested to contribute to tain the disorder (de Quervain and Margraf, 2008). In flashback occurrence in a number of ways. Through regard to flashbacks, amygdala may increase the ac- influences on the MTL memory system, in particular cessibility of the memories by enhancing their the hippocampus, the sensory processing areas – espe- survival-related value, leading to more frequent activa- cially the visual cortex, and the PFC, the amygdala tion and subsequent reconsolidation. The memory facilitates the encoding and consolidation of highly trace is then constantly rehearsed and difficult to for- emotional, vivid, de-contextualized memories for spe- get. Finally, the nowness of the flashbacks may cause cific, biologically salient details of the event. The re- an even stronger reaction from the amygdala, as if the experience of the memory during retrieval is then up- experience was actually happening in the present – regulated due to amygdala reinforcement of the emo- ultimately commingling consolidation and reconsoli- tional importance of the memory. As many of the dation and enhancing both. structures engaged during encoding are reactivated, increased processing occurs in the visual areas, en- hancing vividness and adding to an up-regulation of Discussion the reliving experience. In addition, the hippocampus The interplay of emotion and memory is a complex assists the amygdala in retrieving the highly emotional one and amygdala is a multifaceted structure. The pa- (but somewhat de-contextualized) memory. In that the per at hand only addresses limited aspects of this amygdala enhances the emotional relevancy of the memory in the early stages of the retrieval process, the result is a stronger and more vivid reconstruction of the memory by the PFC – and again an increase in Box 2 reliving. Moreover, the signal from amygdala of the Amygdala's Possible Contributions to Flash- memory’s extreme survival-relevancy may result in backs deficient discrimination from the PFC and the retrieval of the memory in inappropriate or unrelated situations, Encoding: and thereby the somewhat involuntary retrieval of these memories. Finally, the memories are believed to Interactions with hippocampus → enhanced plas- be easily triggered due to the fact that certain proc- ticity for the memory trace + decreased encoding esses work in favor of their relevancy and preserva- of contextual details tion. The constant reactivation of the memories, also partly orchestrated by the amygdala, lead to their on- Interactions with PFC → attention narrowing to going reconsolidation. In sum, the amygdala may con- gist-information tribute to the intensity of flashbacks, the experience of reliving and thereby the distortion of the individual’s Interactions with the visual processing areas → spatiotemportal perception via an up-regulation of enhanced visual perception of survival-related emotional relevancy. stimuli For the time being, reports on experienced flash- Retrieval: backs, and thereby their occurrence, rely largely on subjective ratings and self-report, the neural underpin- Interactions with the hippocampus → enhanced nings are not agreed upon and even though bodily re- retrieval actions have been measured during reliving, no pattern (e.g. a raise in heart rate) has been directly related to Interactions with PFC → up-regulation of reliving flashback experience. 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