User Guide Distributed Cache Service - Date 2020-07-17

Page created by Bradley Wise
User Guide Distributed Cache Service - Date 2020-07-17
Distributed Cache Service

User Guide

Date   2020-07-17
Distributed Cache Service
User Guide                                                                                                                                                                             Contents


1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 DCS............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Application Scenarios............................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Advantages................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Redis Command Compatibility........................................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 DCS Instance Specifications...............................................................................................................................................10
1.6 Accessing DCS........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
1.6.1 How to Access DCS........................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.6.2 Related Services................................................................................................................................................................. 12
1.6.3 User Permissions................................................................................................................................................................ 12

2 Getting Started...................................................................................................................... 14
2.1 Setting Up Environments................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2 Creating a DCS Instance..................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 Accessing a DCS Redis Instance....................................................................................................................................... 18
2.4 Viewing Details of a DCS Instance..................................................................................................................................20

3 Operation Guide.................................................................................................................... 23
3.1 Configuring Redis-Specific Parameters..........................................................................................................................23
3.2 Starting DCS Instances........................................................................................................................................................ 30
3.3 Restarting DCS Instances................................................................................................................................................... 30
3.4 Deleting DCS Instances....................................................................................................................................................... 31
3.5 Modifying DCS Instance Specifications......................................................................................................................... 32
3.6 Changing Instance Passwords.......................................................................................................................................... 34
3.7 Modifying an Instance's Maintenance Time Window.............................................................................................. 35
3.8 Modifying an Instance's Security Group....................................................................................................................... 36
3.9 Backing Up and Restoring DCS Instances.................................................................................................................... 36
3.9.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................................................... 36
3.9.2 Configuring a Backup Policy.......................................................................................................................................... 38
3.9.3 Manually Backing Up a DCS Instance........................................................................................................................ 40
3.9.4 Restoring a DCS Instance................................................................................................................................................40
3.10 Managing Background Tasks..........................................................................................................................................41

4 Monitoring.............................................................................................................................. 43
4.1 DCS Metrics............................................................................................................................................................................. 43

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User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                   Contents

4.2 Viewing DCS Metrics............................................................................................................................................................51
4.3 Setting Alarm Rules for Critical Metrics........................................................................................................................ 51

5 FAQs..........................................................................................................................................54
5.1 Does DCS Support Common Redis Clients Such as Jedis?...................................................................................... 54
5.2 Should I Install Redis If I Already Have a DCS Instance?........................................................................................ 54
5.3 Do I Need to Enter a Password When Accessing a DCS Instance? Where Can I Obtain the Password?
............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 54
5.4 Does Standby Cache Node Remain Synchronized with Master Cache Node?................................................ 54
5.5 Does DCS Support Data Persistence?............................................................................................................................ 55
5.6 Can DCS Be Accessed over Public Networks?............................................................................................................. 55
5.7 Can I Modify Configuration Parameters of DCS Instances?...................................................................................55
5.8 Can I Recover Data from Deleted DCS Instances?.................................................................................................... 55
5.9 What Is the Default Data Eviction Policy?................................................................................................................... 55
5.10 What Should I Do If the Connection Between My Redis Client and the DCS Instance Times Out?..... 56
5.11 Why Is Available Memory of Unused DCS Instances Less Than Total Memory? Why Is Memory Usage
of Unused DCS Instances Greater Than Zero?................................................................................................................... 56
5.12 Does DCS Support Data Read/Write in Multiple Databases?............................................................................. 57
5.13 Why Can't I Back Up or Scale Up My DCS Instances?........................................................................................... 57
5.14 Do DCS Instances in Cluster Mode Support Native Redis Clusters?................................................................. 57
5.15 Why Do My DCS Instances Sometimes Become Unavailable While They Are in Running State?......... 57
5.16 Why Is the Used Instance Memory Displayed on Cloud Eye Console Slightly Higher than the Instance
Available Memory?...................................................................................................................................................................... 58
5.17 How to Select and Configure a Security Group?..................................................................................................... 58
5.18 Do DCS Instances Support Cross-VPC Access?......................................................................................................... 59

A Glossary................................................................................................................................... 60
B Change History...................................................................................................................... 61

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Distributed Cache Service
User Guide                                                                                       1 Introduction

                                                                     1           Introduction

1.1 DCS
                  Distributed Cache Service (DCS) is an online, distributed, in-memory cache service
                  compatible with Redis. It is reliable, scalable, usable out of the box, and easy to
                  manage, meeting your requirements for high read/write performance and fast
                  data access.
                  Clients can access DCS instances only when they are installed on Elastic Cloud
                  Servers (ECSs) and belong to the same virtual private cloud (VPC) as the DCS

                  Figure 1-1 Accessing DCS instances


                      Like clients, DCS instances are also run on ECSs. A client must belong to the same VPC and
                      subnet as the DCS instance it is attempting to access.

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Distributed Cache Service
User Guide                                                                                1 Introduction

DCS Redis
                  DCS uses Redis 3.0, a storage system that supports multiple types of data
                  structures, including key-value pairs. It can be used in scenarios such as caching,
                  event pub/sub, and high-speed queuing. Redis is networked and written in ANSI C.
                  It supports direct read/write of strings, hashes, lists, queues, and sets. Redis works
                  with in-memory datasets and provides persistence. For more information about
                  Redis, visit
                  There are three deployment modes for DCS Redis instances:
                  ●   Single-node
                      Each DCS instance runs on only one cache node. Such DCS instances are
                      mainly used for temporary data storage but are not suitable for high-
                      reliability service scenarios.
                      Single-node DCS instances support intensive concurrent read/write operations,
                      but do not implement data persistence. Data will be deleted after single-node
                      DCS instances are restarted.
                  ●   Master/Standby
                      DCS instances run in master/standby mode, providing higher availability than
                      single-node DCS instances:
                      –     Each DCS instance runs on two cache nodes (one master and one
                            standby), and supports data persistence.
                      –     The standby node is invisible to the client and does not provide data
                            read/write services. It is kept synchronized with the master node through
                            data synchronization.
                      –     The standby node takes over automatically if the master node fails.
                  ●   Proxy Cluster
                      DCS instances run in Proxy Cluster mode, providing higher instance
                      specifications and performance than master/standby DCS instances:
                      –     Each DCS instance has at least three master nodes. Compared with
                            master/standby DCS instances, DCS instances in Proxy Cluster mode
                            support higher instance specifications and concurrency.
                      –     Each master node has a redundant node. If a master node is faulty, the
                            redundant node becomes the master node and provides data read/write
                            services for users.
                      –     Each redundant node is invisible to Redis clients, and it is kept
                            synchronized with its master node through data synchronization.

1.2 Application Scenarios
                  For e-commerce, video sharing, gaming, and other data-intensive applications, it is
                  essential to retrieve data fast. The primary purpose of DCS is to provide fast yet
                  inexpensive data retrieval. With DCS, you can retrieve data from in-memory data
                  stores instead of relying entirely on slower disk-based databases.
                  DCS instances are also fully managed. You no longer need to perform
                  management tasks such as hardware provisioning, software patching, monitoring,
                  or failure recovery. Consider using DCS when you need to cache the following
                  types of data:

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User Guide                                                                             1 Introduction

                  ●   Web pages
                      Caching the content of web pages improves page load times. The cached
                      content can include static data such as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
                      pages, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and images.
                  ●   Status
                      DCS provides quick and simple queries of session status and application-
                      scaling status, enabling easy sharing of status information.
                  ●   Application objects
                      DCS serves as a level-2 cache at the service layer and provides data storage
                      and access for external entities. Storing frequently requested data in DCS
                      instances can off load databases and reduce access latency.
                  ●   Events
                      DCS provides continuous event querying, allowing streams of events to be
                      processed as they occur.

1.3 Advantages
                  The advantages of DCS include:
                  ●   Usability off the shelf
                      You can create DCS instances with just a few clicks on the DCS console or by
                      calling application programming interfaces (APIs). DCS responds to instance
                      creation commands without requiring you to deal with complex underlying
                      software and hardware.
                  ●   Customizable specifications
                      DCS instance specifications range from 2 GB to 512 GB, increasing the
                      flexibility of DCS.
                  ●   Reliability
                      Data persistence, support for master/standby and Proxy Cluster modes, and
                      automatic failover between cache nodes ensure data reliability and service
                  ●   Ease of maintenance
                      You can create, restart, and delete DCS instances with just a few clicks on the
                      DCS console. DCS continuously monitors and maintains DCS instances so that
                      you can focus on application development. Service monitoring metrics include
                      keys, the number of client connections, and processed commands. System
                      monitoring metrics include memory, CPU, and network usage.

1.4 Redis Command Compatibility
                  This section describes DCS's compatibility with Redis commands, including
                  supported commands, disabled commands, unsupported scripts and commands of
                  later Redis versions, and restrictions on command usage.
                  For more information about the command syntax, visit the Redis official website.
                  DCS for Redis instances support most Redis commands. Any client compatible with
                  the Redis protocol can access DCS.

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User Guide                                                                                       1 Introduction

                  ●      For security purposes, some Redis commands are disabled in DCS. For details,
                         see Commands Disabled by DCS for Redis 3.0.
                  ●      Some Redis commands have usage restrictions, which are described in Other
                         Command Usage Restrictions.
                  ●      Some Redis commands are supported by Proxy Cluster DCS instances for
                         multi-key operations in the same slot. For details, see Table 1-4.

Commands Supported by DCS for Redis 3.0
                  The following lists commands supported by DCS for Redis 3.0.


                      Commands available since later Redis versions are not supported by earlier versions. Run a
                      command on redis-cli to check whether it is supported by DCS for Redis. If the message
                      "(error) ERR unknown command" is returned, the command is not supported.

                  Table 1-1 Commands supported by DCS for Redis 3.0

                   Category         Command

                   Key              DEL, DUMP, EXISTS, EXPIRE, MOVE, PERSISI, PTTL, RANDOMKEY,
                                    RENAME, RENAMENX, RESTORE, SORT, TTL, TYPE, SCAN,

                   String           APPEND, BITCOUNT, BITOP, BITPOS, DECR, DECRBY, GET,
                                    GETRANGE, GETSET, INCR, INCRBY, INCRBYFLOAT, MGET, MSET,
                                    MSETNX, PSETEX, SET, SETBIT, SETEX, SETNX, SETRANGE,

                   Hash             HDEL, HEXISTS, HGET, HGETALL, HINCRBY, HINCRBYFLOAT,
                                    HKEYS, HMGET, HMSET, HSET, HSETNX, HVALS, HSCAN

                   List             BLPOP, BRPOP, BRPOPLRUSH, LINDEX, LINSERT, LLEN, LPOP,
                                    LPUSHX, LRANGE, LREM, LSET, LTRIM, RPOP, RPOPLPU,
                                    RPOPLPUSH, RPUSH, RPUSHX
                                     Proxy Cluster Redis 3.0 instances do not support BLPOP, BRPOP, and
                                     BRPOPLRUSH commands.

                   Set              SADD, SCARD, SDIFF, SDIFFSTORE, SINTER, SINTERSTORE,
                                    SISMEMBER, SMEMBERS, SMOVE, SPOP, SRANDMEMBER, SREM,
                                    SUNION, SUNIONSTORE, SSCAN

                   Sorted set       ZADD, ZCARD, ZCOUNT, ZINCRBY, ZRANGE, ZRANGEBYSCORE,
                                    ZRANK, ZREMRANGEBYRANK, ZREMRANGEBYCORE,
                                    ZREVRANGE, ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, ZREVRANK, ZSCORE,
                                    ZUNIONSTORE, ZINTERSTORE, ZSCAN, ZRANGEBYLEX

                   HyperLogLo       PFADD, PFCOUNT, PFMERGE


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User Guide                                                                                 1 Introduction

                   Category      Command

                   Transaction   DISCARD, EXEC, MULTI, UNWATCH, WATCH

                   Connection    AUTH, ECHO, PING, QUIT, SELECT

                   Server        FLUSHALL, FLUSHDB, DBSIZE, TIME, INFO, KEYS, CLIENT KILL,
                                 MONITOR, SLOWLOG, ROLE
                                   ● Proxy Cluster Redis 3.0 instances do not support CLIENT commands,
                                     including CLIENT KILL, CLIENT GETNAME, CLIENT LIST, CLIENT
                                     SETNAME, CLIENT PAUSE, and CLIENT REPLY.
                                   ● Proxy Cluster Redis 3.0 instances do not support the MONITOR

                                 SCRIPT LOAD

                   Geo           GEOADD, GEOHASH, GEOPOS, GEODIST, GEORADIUS,

Commands Disabled by DCS for Redis 3.0
                  Redis APIs of single-node and master/standby DCS instances are compatible with
                  open-source Redis for data access. For ease of use and security purposes, some
                  management operations cannot be initiated from a Redis client. Related
                  commands are listed in Table 1-2.

                  Table 1-2 Redis commands disabled in single-node and master/standby Redis 3.0

                   Command              Description


                   MIGRATE              Transfers a key from one Redis instance to another.


                   SLAVEOF              Changes the replication settings of a replica on the fly.

                   SHUTDOWN             Stops all the clients and quits the Redis process.

                   LASTSAVE             Returns the time of the last successful data persistence to

                   DEBUG commands       Debugging command that should not be used by clients.

                   COMMAND              Returns array reply of details about all Redis commands.

                   SAVE                 Performs a synchronous save on disk, producing a point in
                                        time snapshot of all the data inside the Redis instance, in
                                        the form of an RDB file.

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User Guide                                                                             1 Introduction

                   Command               Description

                   BGSAVE                Asynchronously saves the database on disk.

                   BGREWRITEAOF          Starts an Append Only File (AOF) rewrite process.

                  In additional to these commands, Proxy Cluster Redis 3.0 instances do not support
                  the commands listed in Table 1-3.

                  Table 1-3 Redis commands disabled in Proxy Cluster Redis 3.0 instances
                   Command               Description


                   SYNC                  An internal command used for full replication.

                   PSYNC                 An internal command used for partial replication.

                   MONITOR               Streams back every command processed by the Redis
                                         server for debugging.

                                         SETNAME, CLIENT PAUSE, and CLIENT REPLY.

                   OBJECT                Debugging command that should not be used by clients.

                   ROLE                  Returns the role of the instance node.


                   DISCARD               Flushes all previously queued commands in a transaction.

                   EXEC                  Executes all previously queued commands in a

                   MULTI                 Marks the start of a transaction block.

                   UNWATCH               Flushes all the previously watched keys for a transaction.

                   WATCH                 Marks the given key or keys to be watched. If the key or
                                         keys are modified by other commands before WATCH is
                                         executed, the transaction is interrupted.


                   SELECT                Selects the Redis database. Note: Parameters of the
                                         SELECT command can only be set to 0.


                   MOVE                  Moves key of the currently selected database to the
                                         specified destination database.


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User Guide                                                                                 1 Introduction

                   Command                 Description

                   CLUSTER                 Used for cluster management.

                   codis (Proxy Cluster)

                   TIME                    Returns the current server time.

                   SLOTSINFO               Returns the number of slots and the size of each slot in

                   SLOTSDEL                Deletes all key-value pairs in multiple slots in Redis.

                   SLOTSMGRTSLOT           Randomly migrates a key-value pair in a slot to the

                   SLOTSMGRTONE            Migrates a specified key-value pair to the destination.

                   SLOTSCHECK              Checks whether slots meet the following consistency
                                           ● All the keys in the slots have a corresponding value in
                                             the database.
                                           ● All the keys in the database have a value in the
                                             corresponding slot.

                   SLOTSMGRTTAGSLO         Migrates all key-value pairs with the same tag as a
                   T                       randomly selected key in a slot.

                   SLOTSMGRTTAGON          Migrates all key-value pairs with the same tag as a
                   E                       specified key.


                   BLPOP                   The blocking version of LPOP because it blocks the
                                           connection when there are no elements to pop from any
                                           of the given lists until the specified timeout has expired
                                           or a non-empty element is popped.

                   BRPOP                   The blocking version of RPOP because it blocks the
                                           connection when there are no elements to pop from any
                                           of the given lists until the specified timeout has expired
                                           or a non-empty element is popped.

                   BRPOPLPUSH              The blocking variant of RPOPLPUSH. When source
                                           contains elements, this command behaves exactly like

Restricted Redis Commands
                  Some Redis commands are supported by Proxy Cluster DCS instances for multi-key
                  operations in the same slot. For details, see Table 1-4.

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User Guide                                                                               1 Introduction

                  Table 1-4 Redis commands restricted in Proxy Cluster DCS instances.
                   Category          Description


                   SINTER            Returns the members of the set resulting from the
                                     intersection of all the given sets.

                   SINTERSTORE       Equal to SINTER, but instead of returning the result set, it is
                                     stored in destination.

                   SUNION            Returns the members of the set resulting from the union of
                                     all the given sets.

                   SUNIONSTORE       Equal to SUNION, but instead of returning the result set, it is
                                     stored in destination.

                   SDIFF             Returns the members of the set resulting from the difference
                                     between the first set and all the successive sets.

                   SDIFFSTORE        Equal to SDIFF, but instead of returning the result set, it is
                                     stored in destination.

                   SMOVE             Moves member from the set at source to the set at
                   Sorted Set

                   ZUNIONSTORE       Computes the union of numkeys sorted sets given by the
                                     specified keys.

                   ZINTERSTORE       Computes the intersection of numkeys sorted sets given by
                                     the specified keys.


                   PFCOUNT           Returns the approximated cardinality computed by the
                                     HyperLogLog data structure stored at the specified variable.

                   PFMERGE           Merges multiple HyperLogLog values into a unique value.


                   RENAME            Renames key to newkey.

                   RENAMENX          Renames key to newkey if newkey does not yet exist.

                   BITOP             Performs a bitwise operation between multiple keys
                                     (containing string values) and stores the result in the
                                     destination key.

                   RPOPLPUSH         Returns and removes the last element (tail) of the list stored
                                     at source, and pushes the element at the first element
                                     (head) of the list stored at destination.


                   MSETNX            Sets the given keys to their respective values.

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User Guide                                                                                   1 Introduction


                      While running commands that take a long time to run, such as FLUSHALL, DCS instances
                      may not respond to other commands and may change to the faulty state. After the
                      command finishes executing, the instance will return to normal.

Other Command Usage Restrictions
                  Key commands:

                  In case of a large amount of cached data, running a Keys command may block
                  the execution of other commands for a long time or occupy exceptionally large
                  memory. Therefore, when running a Keys command, describe the exact pattern
                  and do not use fuzzy keys *. keys * can be used during commissioning or when
                  the number of keys does not exceed 5 million. Otherwise, the service cannot run

                  Server commands:

                  ●   While running commands that take a long time to run, such as FLUSHALL,
                      DCS instances may not respond to other commands and change to the faulty
                      state. After the command finishes executing, the instance will return to
                  ●   When the FLUSHDB or FLUSHALL command is run, execution of other service
                      commands may be blocked for a long time in case of a large amount of
                      cached data.

                  EVAL and EVALSHA commands:

                  ●   When the EVAL or EVALSHA command is run, at least one key must be
                      contained in the command parameter. Otherwise, the error message "ERR
                      eval/evalsha numkeys must be bigger than zero in redis cluster mode" is
                  ●   When the EVAL or EVALSHA command is run, a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis
                      instance uses the first key to compute slots. Ensure that the keys to be
                      operated in your code are in the same slot. For details, visit
                  ●   For the EVAL command:
                      –     You are advised to learn the Lua script features of Redis before running
                            the EVAL command. For details, see
                      –     The execution timeout time of a Lua script is 5 seconds. Time-consuming
                            statements such as long-time sleep and large loop statements should be
                      –     When calling a Lua script, do not use random functions to specify keys.
                            Otherwise, the execution results are inconsistent on the master and
                            standby nodes.


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User Guide                                                                                1 Introduction

                  ●     The time limit for executing a Redis command is 15 seconds. To prevent other
                        services from failing, a master/replica switchover will be triggered after the
                        command execution times out.
                  ●     Proxy Cluster DCS Redis instances created before July 10, 2018 must be
                        upgraded to support the following commands:
                        SCRIPT EXISTS, SCRIPT FLUSH.

1.5 DCS Instance Specifications
                  For each single-node DCS Redis instance, the available memory is less than the
                  total memory because some memory is reserved for system overhead, as shown in
                  Table 1-5.

                  Table 1-5 Specifications of single-node DCS Redis 3.0 instances

                   Total Memory       Available         Maximum                Assured/Maximum
                   (GB)               Memory            Connections            Bandwidth
                                      (GB)              Allowed                (Mbit/s)

                   2                  1.5               10,000                 42/512

                   4                  3.2               10,000                 64/1,536

                   8                  6.8               10,000                 64/1,536

                   16                 13.6              10,000                 85/3,072

                   32                 27.2              10,000                 85/3,072

                   64                 58.2              12,000                 128/5,120

                  For each master/standby DCS Redis instance, the available memory is less than
                  that of a single-node DCS Redis instance because some memory is reserved for
                  data persistence, as shown in Table 1-7. The available memory of a master/
                  standby instance can be adjusted to support background tasks such as data
                  persistence and master/standby synchronization.

                  Table 1-6 Specifications of master/standby DCS Redis 3.0 instances

                   Total Memory        Available          Maximum                Assured/Maximum
                   (GB)                Memory             Connections            Bandwidth
                                       (GB)               Allowed                (Mbit/s)

                   2                   1.5                10,000                 42/512

                   4                   3.2                10,000                 64/1,536

                   8                   6.4                10,000                 64/1,536

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                   Total Memory       Available          Maximum               Assured/Maximum
                   (GB)               Memory             Connections           Bandwidth
                                      (GB)               Allowed               (Mbit/s)

                   16                 12.8               10,000                85/3,072

                   32                 25.6               10,000                85/3,072

                   64                 51.2               12,000                128/5,120

                  In addition to larger memory, Proxy Cluster instances feature more connections
                  allowed and higher bandwidth allowed than single-node and master/standby

                  Table 1-7 Specifications of Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instances
                   Total Memory       Available         Maximum                Assured/Maximum
                   (GB)               Memory            Connections            Bandwidth
                                      (GB)              Allowed                (Mbit/s)

                   64                 64                90,000                 600/5,120

                   128                128               180,000                600/5,120

                   256                256               240,000                600/5,120

                   512                512               480,000                600/5,120

1.6 Accessing DCS

1.6.1 How to Access DCS
                  There are two ways to access DCS:
                  ●     Using the management console
                        The DCS provides a web-based management console. To launch the DCS
                        console, create an account on the management console and log in, and then
                        choose Database > Distributed Cache Service on the homepage. On the DCS
                        console, you can create, restart, and delete DCS instances, and change their
                  ●     Using APIs
                        If you want to integrate DCS into a third-party system for secondary
                        development, use APIs to access DCS. For more information about available
                        APIs, see the Distributed Cache Service API Reference.

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User Guide                                                                                1 Introduction

1.6.2 Related Services

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
                  The VPC service enables users to create private, isolated virtual networks. DCS
                  instances run in VPCs and use the IP addresses and bandwidths of VPCs. VPCs are
                  based on security groups. A security group is a set of access control rules that
                  implements access control for mutually trusted ECSs with the same security
                  protection requirements in the same VPC.

Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)
                  The ECS service provides scalable, on-demand cloud servers for secure, flexible,
                  and efficient application environments, ensuring service reliability. After you create
                  DCS instances, you can connect to them through ECSs.

Cloud Trace Service (CTS)
                  CTS provides a history of operations performed on cloud service resources. With
                  CTS, you can query, audit, and review operations. Traces include operation time,
                  resource objects, resource IDs, requesters' IP addresses, resource operation
                  requests, and responses.

                  Currently, CTS records the following operations on DCS instances:

                  ●   Creating, starting, restarting, and deleting DCS instances
                  ●   Configuring Redis-specific parameters
                  ●   Changing instance passwords
                  ●   Modifying basic information

Identity and Access Management (IAM)
                  IAM provides identity authentication and permission management. It is used to
                  authenticate access to DCS.

Cloud Eye
                  Cloud Eye is a secure, scalable monitoring platform. It monitors DCS service
                  metrics and sends notifications if alarms or events occur.

                  For details about DCS metrics, see DCS Metrics.

1.6.3 User Permissions
                  The public cloud system provides two types of user permissions by default: user
                  management and resource management.

                  User management refers to the management of users, user groups, and user
                  group rights.

                  Resource management refers to the control operations that can be performed by
                  users on cloud service resources.

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User Guide                                        1 Introduction

                  For details, see Permissions.

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Distributed Cache Service
User Guide                                                                            2 Getting Started

                                                         2         Getting Started

2.1 Setting Up Environments
                  To access DCS instances through a VPC, create a VPC and configure security
                  groups and subnets for it before using DCS.
                  A VPC provides an isolated, user-configurable, and user-manageable virtual
                  network environment for DCS. Using VPCs enhances resource security and
                  simplifies network deployment.
                  Once you have created a VPC, you can use it for all DCS instances you
                  subsequently create.

         Step 1 Log in to the management console.

         Step 2 Click    in the upper left corner of the management console and select a region
                and a project.
         Step 3 Click Service List, and choose Network > Virtual Private Cloud to launch the
                VPC console.
         Step 4 On the Dashboard page, click Create VPC.
         Step 5 Create a VPC as guided by the VPC console, retaining the default values of the
                VPC parameters unless otherwise required.
                  For more information on how to create a VPC, see the Virtual Private Cloud User
                  After a VPC is created, a subnet is also created in the subnet. If the VPC needs
                  more subnets, go to Step 6. Otherwise, go to 7.
         Step 6 In the navigation pane, choose Virtual Private Cloud. On the Virtual Private
                Cloud page, click the name of the VPC in which you intend to create a subnet. On
                the Subnets tab page, click Create Subnet.
                  Create a subnet as guided by the VPC console, retaining the default values of the
                  subnet parameters unless otherwise required.

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User Guide                                                                            2 Getting Started

                  For more information on how to create a subnet, see the Virtual Private Cloud
                  User Guide.

         Step 7 In the navigation pane, choose Security Group. On the Security Group page, click
                Create Security Group.

                  Create a security group for the VPC, retaining the default values of the security
                  group parameters unless otherwise required.

                  For more information on how to create a security group, see the Virtual Private
                  Cloud User Guide.


2.2 Creating a DCS Instance
                  DCS can be used only after DCS instances are created. DCS supports three types of
                  DCS instances: single-node, master/standby, and Proxy Cluster.


                  DCS does not provide built-in encryption. Encrypt any sensitive data before
                  transmitting or storing it. The purpose, scope, processing method, and time limits
                  of data processed by DCS must comply with local laws and regulations.

                  The VPC where the DCS instance to be created is available. Security groups and
                  subnets have been configured for the VPC.

                  For more information on how to create VPCs, security groups, and subnets, see
                  Setting Up Environments or the Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.

         Step 1 Log in to the management console.

         Step 2 Click    in the upper left corner of the management console and select a region
                and a project.

         Step 3 Click Service List, and choose Database > Distributed Cache Service to launch
                the DCS console.

         Step 4 Click Create DCS Instance.

         Step 5 Specify DCS instance parameters, such as the name, AZ, VPC, security group, and

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                  Table 2-1 DCS instance parameters

                   Parameter      Description

                   Region         Region in which DCS is located. To select a different region, use
                                  the region selector at the upper left of the main menu bar.

                   Cache          Cache engine used. Currently supported: Redis.

                   Version        Currently, only Redis 3.0 is supported.

                   Instance       Type of the DCS instance being created.
                   Type           Single-node, master/standby, and Proxy Cluster types are

                   AZ             AZ in which the new DCS instance resides. If the instance type is
                                  master/standby or Proxy Cluster, this parameter is displayed as
                                  Master AZ.

                   Standby AZ     Standby AZ in which the new DCS instance resides.
                                  If the instance type is master/standby or Proxy Cluster, Standby
                                  AZ is displayed. Select a standby AZ for the standby node of the

                   Instance       Total memory of the new DCS instance.
                   Specificatio   ● 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 GB if the DCS instance is in single-node or
                   n                master/standby mode
                                  ● 64, 128, 256 or 512 GB if the DCS instance is in Proxy Cluster
                                  When creating a DCS instance on the DCS console, available free
                                  memory is listed below the Instance Specification field. If you
                                  need more memory, click Increase quota below the Instance
                                  Specification field and contact customer service.

                   VPC            Select a created VPC, subnet, and specify the IP address.

                   Security       Security group that controls access to the new DCS instance.
                   Group          A security group is a set of access control rules that implements
                                  access control for mutually trusted ECSs with the same security
                                  protection requirements in the same VPC.

                   Password       Password required for accessing the new DCS instance.
                                   For security purposes, the system prompts you to enter an instance-specific
                                   password when you are accessing the DCS instance. Keep your instance
                                   password secure and change it periodically.
                                  Passwords cannot be left unspecified and must:
                                  ● Consist of 8 to 32 characters.
                                  ● Contain at least three of the following character types:
                                    uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special
                                    characters (`~!@#$^&*()-_=+\|{}:,/?).

                   More Settings

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                   Parameter     Description

                   Name          Name of the new DCS instance.
                                 A DCS instance name cannot be left unspecified and must:
                                 ● Consist of 4 to 64 characters.
                                 ● Consist of only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
                                 ● Start with an uppercase or lowercase letter.

                   Description   Description of the new DCS instance.

                   Auto          Data backup policy. This parameter is displayed only when the
                   Backup        instance type is master/standby or Proxy Cluster. For more
                                 information on how to configure a backup policy, see Configuring
                                 a Backup Policy.

                   Maintenanc    Time range for any scheduled maintenance activities to occur for
                   e             cache nodes of this DCS instance.
                                 ● 02:00-06:00
                                 ● 06:00-10:00
                                 ● 10:00-14:00
                                 ● 14:00-18:00
                                 ● 18:00-22:00
                                 ● 22:00-02:00

         Step 6 Click Create Now.
                  The displayed page shows the instance information you have specified.
         Step 7 Confirm the instance information and click Submit.
         Step 8 After the new DCS instance has been created, return to the Cache Manager page
                to view and manage your DCS instances.
                  It takes 5 to 15 minutes to create a DCS instance. However, it will take up to
                  approximately 30 minutes if the DCS instance is in Proxy Cluster mode.
                  After a DCS instance has been successfully created, it enters the Running state by

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                       ● If the new DCS instance failed to be created, delete the unsuccessful instance creation
                         task by following the procedure in Deleting Instance Creation Tasks That Have Failed
                         to Run. Then, create the DCS instance again. If the DCS instance still fails to be created,
                         contact customer service.
                       ● There is the management plane and the tenant plane. The tenant plane is also called
                         the pod zone. During the creation of a DCS instance, a VM is created in the pod zone. If
                         the instance creation fails, the instance status changes to Faulty, and the error message
                         "Failed to connect to the instance. Network exceptions may have occurred in the pod
                         zone." is displayed, indicating that the management plane cannot be connected to the
                         tenant plane.


2.3 Accessing a DCS Redis Instance
                  You can access the created DCS instances through your Redis client.
                  DCS works with multiple types of Redis clients. This section describes how to use
                  the redis-cli and Redis Java (Jedis) clients to access a DCS Redis instance. For more
                  information on how to use other Redis clients, visit

                  ●    The DCS Redis instance you want to access is in the Running state.
                  ●    An ECS has been created to serve as your Redis client.
                       For more information on how to create ECSs, see the Elastic Cloud Server User
                  ●    The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) has been installed on the ECS serving as
                       your Redis client.

                       The ECS serving as your Redis client and the DCS instance to be accessed must belong to
                       the same VPC and can communicate with each other.

         Step 1 Log in to the management console.

         Step 2 Click    in the upper left corner of the management console and select a region
                and a project.
         Step 3 Click Service List, and choose Database > Distributed Cache Service to launch
                the DCS console.
         Step 4 In the navigation pane, choose Cache Manager.
         Step 5 Obtain the IP address:port number of the DCS instance.
                  1.   On the Cache Manager page, click the name of the DCS instance you want to
                  2.   On the Basic Information tab page of the instance, view the Connection
                       Address in the Connection section.

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         Step 6 Access the chosen DCS instance.
                  ●   By using redis-cli
                      a.    Download the source code package of your Redis client from http://
                      b.    Upload the source code package of your Redis client to the ECS serving as
                            your Redis client.
                      c.    Log in to the ECS that serves as your Redis client.
                      d.    Run the following command to decompress the redis-3.0.7 directory from
                            the source code package of your Redis client:
                            tar -xzf redis-3.0.7.tar.gz
                      e.    Run the following commands to go to the redis-3.0.7 directory and
                            compile the source code of your Redis client:
                            cd redis-3.0.7
                      f.    Run the following commands to access the chosen DCS instance:
                            cd src
                            ./redis-cli -h -p 6379
                            In the second command, use the DCS instance IP address and port
                            number obtained in Step 5.
                      g.    On redis-cli, run the following command to authenticate access to the
                            selected DCS instance:
                            auth password
                            In this command, password indicates the password used for login to the
                            chosen DCS instance. This password is defined during DCS Redis instance
                            If information similar to the following is displayed, access to the chosen
                            DCS instance is authenticated, and you can now read from and write to
                            the chosen DCS instance:
                            [root@dcs-vm ~]# ./redis-cli -h -p 6379
                  > auth ******

                            In this example command output:

                            ▪ is an example IP address of DCS instance, which is
                                 obtained in Step 5.

                            ▪    6379 is an example port number of DCS instance, which is obtained
                                 in Step 5.
                  ●   By using Jedis
                      a.    Obtain the source code of the Jedis client from
                      b.    Write code.
                            i.   Example code for a single Jedis connection
                                 //Create a connection
                                  String host = "";
                                  int port = 6379;
                                  String pwd = "passwd";

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                                   Jedis client = new Jedis(host, port);
                                   client.connect(); //Run the set command
                                   String result = client.set("key-string", "Hello, Redis!");
                                   System.out.println( String.format("set command result:%s", result) ); //Run the get
                                   String value = client.get("key-string");
                                   System.out.println( String.format("get command result:%s", value) );


                                       In actual scenarios, replace passwd with the actual ciphertext password of
                                       the Redis instance. Do not hard-code the plaintext password in the code.
                                       This advice also applies to passwd configurations in other steps.
                            ii.   Example code for a Jedis connection pool
                                  //Generate configuration information of a Jedis connection pool
                                   String ip = "";
                                   int port = 6379;
                                   String pwd = "passwd";
                                   GenericObjectPoolConfig config = new GenericObjectPoolConfig();
                                   JedisPool pool = new JedisPool(config, ip, port, 100000, pwd);//Generate a Jedis
                                  connection pool when the client application is being initialized
                                   //Get a Jedis connection from the Jedis connection pool when the client initiates a request
                                   Jedis client = pool.getResource();
                                   try {
                                       //Run commands
                                       String result = client.set("key-string", "Hello, Redis!");
                                       System.out.println( String.format("set command result:%s", result) );
                                       String value = client.get("key-string");
                                       System.out.println( String.format("get command result:%s", value) );
                                   } catch (Exception e) {
                                       // TODO: handle exception
                                   } finally {
                                       //Return the Jedis connection to the Jedis connection pool after the client's request is
                                       if (null != client) {
                                   } // end of try block
                                   //Destroy the Jedis pool when the client application is closed

                      c.    Compile code according to the readme file in the source code of the Jedis
                            client. Run the Jedis client to access the chosen DCS Redis instance.


2.4 Viewing Details of a DCS Instance
                  On the DCS console, you can view details about a DCS instance.

         Step 1 Log in to the management console.

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         Step 2 Click    in the upper left corner of the management console and select a region
                and a project.

         Step 3 Click Service List, and choose Database > Distributed Cache Service to launch
                the DCS console.

         Step 4 In the navigation pane, choose Cache Manager.

         Step 5 On the Cache Manager page, search for DCS instances using any of the following
                  ●   Search by keyword.
                      Enter a keyword to search.
                  ●   Select attributes and enter their keywords to search.
                      Currently, you can search by name, ID, IP address, AZ, status, and instance

                  For more information on how to search, click the question mark to the right of the
                  search box.

         Step 6 On the DCS instance list, click the name of the chosen DCS instance to display
                more details about it.

                  Table 2-2 Parameters on the Basic Information page of a DCS instance

                   Section      Parameter      Description

                   Instance     Name           Name of the chosen instance. To modify the
                   Details                     instance name, click the       icon.

                                Status         State of the chosen instance.

                                ID             ID of the chosen instance.

                                Cache          Cache engine used by the chosen instance.
                                Engine         Currently, only Redis 3.0 is supported.

                                Instance       Type of the selected instance. Currently, supported
                                Type           types include single-node, master/standby, Proxy

                                Cache Size     Specification of the chosen instance.

                                Used/          The used memory space and maximum available
                                Available      memory space of the chosen instance.
                                Memory         The used memory space includes:
                                               ● Size of data stored on the DCS instance
                                               ● Size of Redis-server buffers (including client
                                                 buffer and repl-backlog) and internal data

                                Created        Time at which the chosen instance started to be

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                   Section     Parameter     Description

                               Run           Time at which the instance was created.

                               Maintenanc    Time range for any scheduled maintenance activities
                               e             on cache nodes of this DCS instance. To modify the
                                             time window, click the       icon.

                               Description   Description of the chosen DCS instance. To modify
                                             the description, click the     icon.

                   Connectio   Password      Currently, you must enable password-protected
                   n           Protected     access.

                               Connection    IP address and port number of the chosen instance.

                   Network     AZ            Availability zone in which the node running the
                                             selected DCS instance resides.

                               VPC           VPC in which the chosen instance resides.

                               Subnet        Subnet in which the chosen instance resides.

                               Security      Security group that controls access to the chosen
                               Group         instance. To modify the security group, click the


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                                                           3           Operation Guide

3.1 Configuring Redis-Specific Parameters
                  On the DCS console, you can configure Redis-specific parameters to keep DCS
                  instances performing optimally.


                      The default values are already optimized for typical use cases. Reconfiguring parameters is
                      recommended only when necessary.

                  The DCS instance you want to configure is in the Running state, and the instance
                  type is single-node or master/standby (Redis parameters of DCS instances in Proxy
                  Cluster mode are not modifiable).

         Step 1 Log in to the management console.

         Step 2 Click    in the upper left corner of the management console and select a region
                and a project.
         Step 3 Click Service List, and choose Database > Distributed Cache Service to launch
                the DCS console.
         Step 4 In the navigation pane, choose Cache Manager.
         Step 5 On the Cache Manager page, click the name of the DCS instance you want to
                  A page with details of the DCS instance is displayed.
         Step 6 On the instance details page, click the Parameters tab.
         Step 7 On the Parameters tab page, click Modify.
         Step 8 Modify Redis-specific parameters based on your requirements.

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                      The Redis parameters supported by single-node and master/standby instances are different.
                      The following parameters are only supported by master/standby instances, but are not
                      supported by single-node instances:
                      ● appendfsync
                      ● appendonly
                      ● repl-backlog-size
                      ● repl-backlog-ttl

                  Table 3-1 Redis-specific parameters

                   Param      Description                             Possible Values              Default
                   eter                                                                            Value

                   append     Controls how often fsync()              ● no                         everysec
                   fsync      transfers cached data to the disk.      ● always
                              Note that some OSs will perform
                              a complete data transfer but            ● everysec
                              some others only make a "best-
                              effort" attempt.
                              There are three settings:
                              no: fsync() is never called. The
                              OS will flush data when it is
                              ready. This mode offers the
                              highest performance.
                              always: fsync() is called after
                              every write to the AOF. This
                              mode is very slow, but also very
                              everysec: fsync() is called once
                              per second. This mode provides a
                              compromise between safety and

                   repl-      The replication backlog size            16,384–1,073,741,824         1,048,57
                   backlo     (bytes). The backlog is a buffer                                     6
                   g-size     that accumulates replica data
                              when replicas are disconnected
                              from the master. When a replica
                              reconnects, a partial
                              synchronization is performed to
                              synchronize the data that was
                              missed while replicas were

                   repl-      The amount of time, in seconds,         0–604,800                    3,600
                   backlo     before the backlog buffer is
                   g-ttl      released, starting from the last a
                              replica was disconnected. The
                              value 0 indicates that the
                              backlog is never released.

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                   Param      Description                            Possible Values         Default
                   eter                                                                      Value

                   append     Indicates whether to log each          ● yes                   yes
                   only       modification of the instance. By       ● no
                              default, data is written to disks
                              asynchronously in Redis. If this
                              function is disabled, recently-
                              generated data might be lost in
                              the event of a power failure.
                              yes: enabled
                              no: disabled

                   maxme      How DCS will select what to            volatile-lru            noevictio
                   mory-      remove when maxmemory is               allkeys-lru             n
                   policy     reached.
                              For more information about this
                              parameter, see What Is the             allkeys-random
                              Default Data Eviction Policy?          volatile-ttl

                   hash-      When the number of entries in          1 to 10000              512
                   max-       hashes is less than the value of
                   ziplist-   this parameter, hashes are
                   entries    encoded using a memory
                              efficient data structure.

                   hash-      When the biggest entry in              1 to 10000              64
                   max-       hashes does not exceed the
                   ziplist-   length threshold indicated by
                   value      this parameter, hashes are
                              encoded using a memory
                              efficient data structure.

                   list-      When the number of entries in          1 to 10000              512
                   max-       lists is less than the value of this
                   ziplist-   parameter, lists are encoded
                   entries    using a memory efficient data

                   list-      When the biggest entry in lists        1 to 10000              64
                   max-       does not exceed the length
                   ziplist-   threshold indicated by this
                   value      parameter, lists are encoded
                              using a memory efficient data

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                   Param      Description                           Possible Values          Default
                   eter                                                                      Value

                   set-       When a set is composed entirely       1 to 10000               512
                   max-       of strings that happen to be
                   intset-    integers in radix 10 in the range
                   entries    of 64 bit signed integers, sets are
                              encoded using a memory
                              efficient data structure.

                   zset-      When the number of entries in         1 to 10000               128
                   max-       sorted sets is less than the value
                   ziplist-   of this parameter, sorted sets are
                   entries    encoded using a memory
                              efficient data structure.

                   zset-      When the biggest entry in sorted      1 to 10000               64
                   max-       sets does not exceed the length
                   ziplist-   threshold indicated by this
                   value      parameter, sorted sets are
                              encoded using a memory
                              efficient data structure.

                   latency    Only events that run in more          0 to 86400000 ms         0
                   -          time than the configured
                   monito     latency-monitor-threshold will be
                   r-         logged as latency spikes.
                   thresho    ● If the latency-monitor-
                   ld           threshold is set to 0, latency
                                monitoring is disabled.
                              ● If the latency-monitor-
                                threshold is set to a value
                                greater than 0, all events
                                blocking the server for a time
                                equal to or greater than the
                                configured latency-monitor-
                                threshold will be logged.
                              By running the LATENCY
                              command, you can perform
                              operations related to latency
                              monitoring, such as enabling
                              latency monitoring, reporting the
                              latest latency events logged, and
                              obtaining statistical data.
                              For more information about the
                              latency-monitor-threshold, visit

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                   Param     Description                            Possible Values           Default
                   eter                                                                       Value

                   reserve   Percentage of the maximum              0–80                      0
                   d-        available memory reserved for
                   memor     background processes, such as
                   y-        data persistence and replication.

                   timeou    Connection between the client          0 to 7200 seconds         0
                   t         and server (DCS instance) will be
                             closed if the client is idle for the
                             timeout period (measured in
                             seconds). A timeout period of 0
                             seconds indicates that the
                             timeout function is disabled.

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                   Param     Description                         Possible Values             Default
                   eter                                                                      Value

                   notify-   Keyspace event notification. If     If the parameter value      ""
                   keyspa    this parameter is configured, the   is an empty character
                   ce-       Redis Sub/Pub feature will allow    string, keyspace event
                   events    clients to receive an event when    notification is disabled.
                             a Redis data set is modified.       If the parameter value
                                                                 is a string of multiple
                                                                 characters, keyspace
                                                                 event notification is
                                                                 enabled and each
                                                                 character identifies a
                                                                 class of keyspace
                                                                 events for which Redis
                                                                 will send notifications.
                                                                   ● The parameter value
                                                                     must contain either K
                                                                     or E.
                                                                   ● A is an alias for "g
                                                                     $lshzxe"and cannot
                                                                     be used together
                                                                     with any of the
                                                                     characters "g
                                                                   ● For example, the
                                                                     value Kl means that
                                                                     Redis will notify
                                                                     Pub/Sub clients
                                                                     about keyspace
                                                                     events and list
                                                                     commands. The
                                                                     value AKE means
                                                                     Redis will notify
                                                                     Pub/Sub clients
                                                                     about all events.
                                                                 K: Keyspace events,
                                                                 published with the
                                                                 __keyspace@__ prefix
                                                                 E: Keyevent events,
                                                                 published with
                                                                 __keyevent@__ prefix
                                                                 g: Generic commands
                                                                 (non-type specific)
                                                                 such as DEL, EXPIRE,
                                                                 and RENAME
                                                                 $: String commands
                                                                 l: List commands
                                                                 s: Set commands
                                                                 h: Hash commands

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                   Param      Description                              Possible Values               Default
                   eter                                                                              Value

                                                                       z: Sorted set
                                                                       x: Expired events
                                                                       (events generated
                                                                       every time a key
                                                                       e: Evicted events
                                                                       (events generated
                                                                       when a key is evicted
                                                                       for maxmemory)
                                                                       A: Alias for "g$lshzxe",
                                                                       so that the "AKE"
                                                                       string means all the
                                                                       Note that the
                                                                       parameter value must
                                                                       contain either K or E.

                   slowlog    The maximum amount of time               0–1,000,000                   10,000
                   -log-      allowed, in microseconds, for
                   slower-    command execution. If this
                   than       threshold is exceeded, Redis Slow
                              Log will record the command.

                   slowlog    The maximum allowed length of            0–1,000                       128
                   -max-      the Redis Slow Log logs. Slow
                   len        Log consumes memory, but you
                              can reclaim this memory by
                              running the SLOWLOG RESET


                      ● For more information about Redis-specific parameters, visit
                      ● The latency-monitor-threshold parameter is usually used for fault location. After
                        locating faults based on the latency information collected, change the value of latency-
                        monitor-threshold to 0 to avoid unnecessary latency.

         Step 9 After you have finished setting parameters, click Save.
        Step 10 Click Yes to confirm.


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3.2 Starting DCS Instances
                  On the DCS console, you can start one or multiple DCS instances at a time.


                      This function is not supported by recent instances. You can only start old instances that
                      have been stopped. Once started, these instances can only be restarted and can no longer
                      be stopped or started.

         Step 1 Log in to the management console.

         Step 2 Click    in the upper left corner of the management console and select a region
                and a project.
         Step 3 Click Service List, and choose Database > Distributed Cache Service to launch
                the DCS console.
         Step 4 In the navigation pane, choose Cache Manager.
         Step 5 Click Start in the same row as the instance.
         Step 6 In the Start dialog box, click OK to confirm that you want to start the instances.
                  It takes 1 to 30 minutes to start DCS instances. After DCS instances are started,
                  their status changes from Stopped to Running.


3.3 Restarting DCS Instances
                  On the DCS console, you can restart one or multiple DCS instances at a time.


                  ● While a DCS instance is restarting, it cannot be read from or written to.
                  ● If the DCS instance is a single-node instance, data will also be deleted from it
                    when it is restarted.
                  ● An attempt to restart a DCS instance while it is being backed up may result in a

                  The DCS instances you want to restart are in the Running or Faulty state.

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You can also read