RELIGION THEN&NOW themuslimreader - Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore

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RELIGION THEN&NOW themuslimreader - Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore
Published by
         Darul Arqam Singapore
         Muslim Converts’
                                    Issue 02
         Association of Singapore   2 0 1 4

        MCI (P) 111/07/2014 ISSN 1793-7752

RELIGION THEN&NOW themuslimreader - Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore
Published by
                   Darul Arqam Singapore
                   Muslim Converts’
                                              Issue 02
                   Association of Singapore   2 0 1 4

                  MCI (P) 111/07/2014 ISSN 1793-7752

YODA Team One
RELIGION THEN&NOW themuslimreader - Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore
Al-Nawwas bin Sam’an (RA) reported that
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:

Righteousness is good character,
and sin is that which wavers in

your heart and which you do not
want people to know about.

Forty Hadith Compiled by Imam Nawawi
Number 27
Related by Muslim
RELIGION THEN&NOW themuslimreader - Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore

Religion, Then and Now

FEATURES                                  REGULARS                                   LEAP OF FAITH
06 Religion, Then and Now                 05 Samara Mosque                           41 Rizq and Baraqah as I
   [by Dr Yamin Cheng]                    14 What Defines the Muslim                    Understand It
17 Why New Zealand Needs                     Business Mentality                         [by Sim Khadijah
   a Foster Home for Muslim                  [by Umar Munshi]                           Mohammed]
   Children                               30 The Growth of the Halal                 47 Being Thankful
   [by David Zachariah                       Trade                                      [by Lee Swaleha Afandi]
   Blocksidge]                               [by Hyder Gulam]                        49 The Ordinary Convert
33 When Caring for the                    57 The First Advice from                      [by Nadia Mak @ Candy
   Environment is Caring for                 Luqman the Wise to His Son                 Mak]
   Ourselves                                 [by Syed Ahmad Semait]
   [by Sharifah Zubaidah A                   [translation by Shaffiq
   Kader Aljunid]                            Selamat]

common terms
 ABBREVIATIONS IN TMR                     DA: Darul Arqam Singapore / The Muslim     SAW: Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wassallam –
 AS: ‘Allayhis Salam –                    Converts’ Association of Singapore         Meaning: Peace be upon him;
 Meaning: Peace be upon him;                                                         Used for Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
 Used for Prophet who came before         RA: Radiyallahu ‘Anhu/‘Anha/‘Anhum –
 Prophet Muhamad (SAW)                    Meaning: May Allah be pleased with him/    SWT: Subhanahu Wa Ta‘ala –
                                          her/them; Used for Companions of Prophet   Meaning: Glorified and Exalted One;
                                          Muhammad (SAW)                             Used for Allah (SWT)

 Alhamdulillah: Praise be to God          Insha’Allah: If God wills                  Arabic terms have been represented
 Amanah: Trust                            Madrasah/Madrassa: Islamic School          by simple Roman alphabets, and their
                                                                                     meanings briefly provided, to ease your
 Da’wah: Invitation to understand Islam   Masha’Allah: God has willed it             reading. For accurate pronunciation and
 Deen: Religion; way of life              Rizq: Sustenance                           detailed meanings, it is highly advised to
 Hadith: Narrations about the words and   Shariah: Islamic Laws                      refer to the original spelling and meanings
 deeds of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)          Shukr: Gratitude                           in Arabic.
 Halal: Permissible                       Sunnah: Practices of Prophet Muhammad
 Haram: Forbidden                         (SAW)                                      TMR contains some of Allah’s names and
 Hijab / Tudung: Headgear that covers     Ummah: Community                           Quranic verses. Please do not dispose in
                                                                                     the trash. Kindly keep, shred or recycle the
 hair and neck                            Ustadz (Ust): Teacher                      magazine.
 Iman: Faith; Belief                      Zakat: Alms-giving

     the muslim reader
01   volume 32 • issue 02/2014
RELIGION THEN&NOW themuslimreader - Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore

LIFESTYLE                                        38       1,001 Things You Never                   HOUSE OF ARQAM
21   Hidden Charm with                                    Knew                                     12    Annual General Meeting
     Flavourful Desserts                                  [by Abdul Ghafar Abdul                         2014
     [by Siti Zubeidah Kadir]                             Kadir]                                         [Photographs by Razali
26   Arabic for Beginners:                       51       Discover Ariff series -                        Tompang]
     The Family                                           Introduce Children to Daily              13    Council Members and Title
     [by As-Souq]                                         Life Lessons                                   of Office for 2014
36   The Importance of Two                                [by Nur Azeemah Kadir]
     Languages                                   63       Remembering Omar (RA)
     [by Nur Azeemah Kadir]                               [by Siti Zubeidah Kadir]

 managing editor              contributors                  special thanks             design & layout               copyright
 aishah hussein               abdul ghafar abdul kadir      sheikh alaa elsayed        adzen touche                  © 2014 darul arqam
                              candy mak @ nadia mak         as-souq                                                  singapore. all rights
                              carol ‘aliya widjaya          david zachariah                                          reserved. the contents
 associate/lifestyle editor   david zachariah               blocksidge                 disclaimer                    of this publication may
 siti zubeidah kadir          blocksidge                    mufti dr fatris bakaram    the publisher and editor      not be reproduced in any
                              hyder gulam                   kristiane backer           are unable to accept          form or by any means,
                              lee swaleha afandi            muhd irfan maslan          any liability for errors or   either in its entirety, or
 consulting editor            nazeera mohamed               pustaka nasional           omissions that may occur      even partially, without the
 dr yamin cheng               nur azeemah kadir             qurrah shumar              and any consequences          documented permission
                              sharifah zubaidah a kader     razali tompang             arising from the use of       of the publisher.
                              aljunid                       yoda                       information contained
 technical advisor            sim khadijah mohammed                                    in this magazine. the
 zainal abidin nordin         siti zubeidah kadir                                      views expressed do not
                              umar munshi                   cover photo                necessarily reflect those
                              dr yamin cheng                muhd irfan maslan          of the publisher and
                                                                                       editor. the publication
                                                                                       of advertisements and
                              printed in singapore by       publisher                  advertorials within
                              khl printing pte ltd          darul arqam singapore      the magazine does
                                                            32 onan road, the galaxy   not constitute any
                              the muslim reader is          singapore 424484           endorsement by the
                              published three times in      phone:    +65 6348 8344    publisher and editor of
                              a year by darul arqam         fax:      +65 6440 6724    the contents therein.

      the muslim reader
02    volume 32 • issue 02/2014
RELIGION THEN&NOW themuslimreader - Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore

HOUSE OF ARQAM                               45 Lectures by Sheikh Alaa       61   Lectures by Kristiane Backer
23   YODA – Champion of SMYD                    Elsayed                            [Photographs by Muhd
     2014                                       [Photographs by Muhd Irfan         Irfan Maslan]
     [Photographs by Muhd                       Maslan]                       62   In Conversation with Mufti
     Irfan Maslan]                           46 Congratulations to the 2013        Dr Fatris Bakaram
24   Singapore Muslim Youth                     Al-Mawrid Essay Winners            [Photographs by Razali
     Debate 2014                             53 YODA Celebrate Cultural            Tompang]
     [Photographs by Muhd                       Diversity
     Irfan Maslan]                              [Text by Nazeerah
                                                Mohamed / Photographs
                                                by Qurrah Shumar]

editorial note
Religion, Then and Now
This edition of TMR features a dual cover - the normal TMR cover moves to the back to make room for the
special front cover that highlights the winning team of debaters who represented the Youths of Darul Arqam
(YODA) Team One this year in the Singapore Muslim Youth Debate (SMYD). In its fifth instalment, SMYD,
which is organised annually by YODA, brought 13 teams from various institutions and organisations on a
national platform to debate on issues relevant to the Singaporean Muslim youths. TMR congratulates YODA
Team One, the Champion of SMYD 2014, as well as the organising committees of SMYD through the years
that worked to bring this event to the community and give the youths the opportunity to openly engage in
debates about Muslim issues with English as the language medium.

TMR, in this edition, looks at the difference in the views on religion that we experience today as compared to
yesterday. In the main feature, Dr Yamin Cheng reminds us of how mankind has been religious all along, since
day one of their existence, regardless of how they may think that religion is only ‘something out of the many
things’ in their lives. If our eyes truly see, Islam is embedded within and around us.

With the call towards positive activism amplified today, TMR brings into focus the efforts of our New Zealand
brothers and sisters who are raising funds to build their first Islamic orphanage and foster home for the
Muslim children. Find out inside on how you can help in their charitable efforts to build a robust community of
Muslims there.

Insha’Allah, may Allah (SWT) bless them (and us) with the strength to be the positive changes of our times.

                                 managing editor
                                 aishah hussein

     the muslim reader
04   volume 32 • issue 02/2014
RELIGION THEN&NOW themuslimreader - Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore
Samara Mosque
                                  Samara Oblast, Russia

                                 Located on the street of Stara Zagora, the Samara Mosque
                                 was opened on 28 November 1999. With an area of
                                 3,600 square metres, it can accommodate about 5,000
                                 worshippers at a time, and includes a Madrassa with a
                                 capacity for 60 students.
                                 Local Samaran architect, named Rasim Valshin, designed
                                 the mosque, with carpets from Tajikistan lining the halls
                                 of the buildings. The minaret stands at 67 metres while an
                                 apple orchard decorates the compounds.
                                 It is claimed that the Samara region of Russia is home to
                                 more than 200,000 Muslims.

     the muslim reader
05   volume 32 • issue 02/2014
RELIGION THEN&NOW themuslimreader - Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore

                           Seeing religion, as it appears to us -
                       a total and complete way of life, no matter
                             in the past or in modern times.
                                   text by YAMIN CHENG

     the muslim reader
06   volume 32 • issue 02/2014
RELIGION THEN&NOW themuslimreader - Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore

                          ALL AT ONCE

             nce upon a time, in        of society as a whole, so that this     dimension of human life, giving us
             many societies of the      behaviour will be the ‘outward          the story of our life - about where
             world, it would appear     sign of inner grace,’ that is to say,   we come from, what we are doing
             strange and awkward        a visible sign of the Protestant        in this world, and where we will
             for someone living in      believer that he has been elected       be going after we die. It is only in
those times to be told that religion    for eternal bliss and avoid eternal     modern times like ours that the
is only one aspect and activity of      damnation in the next life. This        view of religion, as the need of the
the human life. For that person,        understanding of capitalism is so       oppressed, the assurance of the
religion is everything. Religion        unlike today’s understanding of it      weak-minded, and the salvation of
is society, politics, economics,        that when one thinks of capitalism      the hapless, comes about.
culture, education, art, and            today, one thinks of greed and
everything that has to do with          selfishness, rather than austerity      Religion is equated with myth,
human living, all at once. Religion,    and charity.                            superstition, and things primitive. It
Cosmos or Universe, Nature or                                                   is a thing of the past and can never
Environment, Society and Family,        This goes to show that, as some         feature in modern life that hails
Culture and Ethics, Self and the        will argue, modern societies look at    reason and science as liberation
Body are inseparable from one           religion in ways different from those   from religion. Religion is seen as
another. Rather, they are all related   of their forefathers. If at one time,   old things, old ways, and all things
as a web or chain of relationship,      religion is everything and means        outdated and obsolete, and these
becoming mirror reflections of          everything to a person, today,          things, at best, serve only as
one another, and functioning as         religion is only something out of       precious mementos for museum
analogies for thought, feeling, and     many things and is only meaningful      display, reminding us how they have
language. Even today, such as           in time of need.                        come to shape mankind’s
in the Malay language, one finds                                                Dark Ages.
in the peribahasa, or idiom, that       Associations with the Past
someone is an alim-alim kucing,         Religion, for many of us today, is      When we turn to even a modern
a ‘pious-looking cat,’ if he is a       oftentimes associated with the          thinker such as Emile Durkheim,
pretender.                              past, and the past is always more       whom every student of sociology
                                        primitive and less progressive than     knows, we will be astounded to find
Max Weber, a famous German              the present.                            that the way Durkheim describes
sociologist, in his study of the                                                religion is as applicable to modern
relationship between the Protestant     Religion, on its part, has existed      societies as it is to past or even
ethics and capitalism, tries to         from the day our forefathers made       primitive societies.
show how capitalism is basically        their presence in this world. From
a religious behaviour, a behaviour      the time the first human emerged        For Durkheim, the essence of
that encourages a person to             on earth until today, religion          religion is the ‘sacred’, a quality
recycle one’s profit for the benefit    has always featured as a crucial        that holds everything together

      the muslim reader
07    volume 32 • issue 02/2014
RELIGION THEN&NOW themuslimreader - Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore
                                                                                 THE PAST AND
                                                                                 THE PRESENT
                                                                                 MAY APPEAR TO
                                                                                 US AS DIFFERENT
                                                                                 INSTANCES OF
                                                                                 EXISTENCE, ONE
                                                                                 LESS AND THE
                                                                                 OTHER MORE IN

in a unity so that if this quality is   this characteristic of religion. Take,   left religion behind in the name of
lost, then everything will collapse     for example, a football club. The        progress and enlightenment.
and become separate entities that       club’s emblem brings together its
do not have a common identity.          fans into a unity of the club’s image    Religion, if it has been thought of as
For primitive people, the sacred        so that if the emblem is tarnished       a thing of the past, can be thought
appears as the ‘totem’, a name for      in any way, the fans would react         of as a thing of the present, if only
the sacred as the unifying principle    to the incident, sometimes even to       we understand how the connection
and function of whatever there is       the point of going into a fight. This    is made, such as between a mosque
in existence. Because the totem         shows that the emblem is actually        and a restaurant. The restaurant is
cannot be seen or touched, an           a totem and holds a special place        a place of worship the same way
emblem, which is a visual image, is     in the minds and hearts of the fans,     the mosque is a place of worship,
used to represent the totem. This       so special that it acquires a ‘sacred’   because a place of worship is a
emblem usually takes the form of        status to the extent that doing          place where goodness happens,
an animal. If the emblem is a lion,     anything harmful to the emblem           and eating food that is healthy to
then the sacred is visualised as a      means also incurring the wrath of        the body is an act of goodness. To
terrifying and brave power. This        the club and its fans.                   quote what Clifford Geertz says
emblem becomes the emblem                                                        about what planets and pendulums
of a group or clan, so that all the     Common between the past and the          have in common: ‘Look at them
members in that group or clan           present                                  in the proper light, their very
visualise the sacred as a lion.         The past and the present may             differences connect them.’
Following this, the members of          appear to us as different instances
the group or clan also visualise        of existence, one considered less        Many Muslims will find it strange,
themselves as a lion, and their         and the other more in civilizational     and obviously very odd, to regard
behaviour and movement imitate          achievements, but if looked at in        a restaurant as a place where
that of the lion.                       the proper light, there are many         religion happens, the same way
                                        things in common between the past        religion happens in a mosque.
Although modern people no longer        and the present that made religion       This perception is made more
think of religion this way, yet, in     as vibrant and relevant even for         pronounced with the presence of
many ways, their behaviour reflects     those who think the modern has           Western fast-food outlets that have

      the muslim reader
08    volume 32 • issue 02/2014
swarmed Muslim societies. Young        the restaurant should not expect         be nutritious and of good quality,
people like to frequent places         Muslim customers.                        the place has to be hygienic and
like Pizza Hut, Burger King, A&W                                                comfortable, and the services have
and other such places, and eating      Apart from names, as long as             to be prompt and appealing. It
pizzas, hot dogs, and burgers have     the food is halal, or permissible        is these ‘extras’ that made many
become a local habit these days.       from the viewpoint of the Islamic        people, young and old alike, and
But these places carry with them       dietary laws, the restaurant             especially the little ones, to want to
Western names and, historically        can be considered a religious            come to Western-style restaurants
and culturally, Western things are     place for Muslims. There is a            to eat because they have the recipe
foreign to the Muslim experience       misunderstanding however                 to attract people to their places.
of religion. So what have Pizza Hut    regarding what halal is. Halal is not    They have quality control.
and Burger King to do with religion?   pork-free. Whether it is beef or
                                       chicken, halal beef or chicken refers    3 Categories of Daily Living
Names and Identity                     to cows and chickens slaughtered         Muslim scholars, right from the days
Eating outlets with Western names      according to the Islamic rituals for     when Islam blossomed to become
nonetheless can be places where        slaughtering. The writer chanced         a world civilization, have classified
religion happens, the same way a       to visit Sentosa Island many years       Islamic daily living into three broad
Muslim restaurant that has a Muslim    ago and was looking for a halal          categories. These are daruriyyat or
name. While names are important        eatery. Incidentally, he saw two         necessary, hajiyyat or desirable, and
because they reflect what identity     eateries adjacent to one another.        tahsiniyyat or premium lifestyle.
a restaurant carries, as long as       One had this sign: Non-Halal             To be able to savour a piece of
the name is not one that touches       Food Not Permitted Here. That’s          chicken so that one could go on
on the sensitivities of the Muslim     comprehensible enough. The other         living is daruriyyat. But nobody
faith, they should not be a problem.   read: Halal Food Not Permitted           wants to eat just to avoid being
Muslims in Singapore and Malaysia,     Here. Sounds anything?                   hungry. They want to see the
for instance, are sensitive to dogs,                                            chicken properly cooked, tastes
but they have no problem eating        But for a restaurant to be a religious   juicy, the meat is tender, and, of
hot dog. But if the restaurant is      place, it is not enough for the food     course, nice to see and wets the
called ‘Doggy Restaurant’ then         to be halal. The food must also          appetite. This is hajiyyat. But above

                                                                                                     The entrance to
                                                                                                     an Islamic halal
                                                                                                     food restaurant
                                                                                                     in Shanghai,
                                                                                                     China. The
                                                                                                     restaurant caters
                                                                                                     to Shanghai’s
                                                                                                     minority Muslim
                                                                                                     mainly Uighurs
                                                                                                     and some Huis.
                                                                                                     Photo: Imran

     the muslim reader
09   volume 32 • issue 02/2014

                                                                               MEALS AND
                                                                               COULD BE
                                                                               THINGS BECAUSE
                                                                               THEY SERVE OUT
                                                                               THE PURPOSE
                                                                               OF RELIGIOUS

all, the appetite becomes a full      sent but to bring into fruition the    of religion.” In sum, the restaurant
picture of a culture when one sees    noble qualities in human character.”   is something through which we live
what culinary art could do to make                                           our religious existence, fulfil our
the chicken dish something that       For Muslims, religion is everyday,     social meaning, and portray our
trains a person to be a cultured      everywhere, and everything,            human identity.
personality with the way he sits      past and present, traditional and
around the table, how he behaves      modern. For a Muslim, religion         When we put all these things of
towards the food before, during,      occurs even to a restaurant. The       everyday living together, from pen
and after meal, and how he keeps      restaurant can connect him to          to attire to restaurant and to other
his manners when he is eating. This   God. Through the restaurant, he        objects, we will see that they are
is tahsiniyyat.                       is mindful that it is God who gave     linked in such a way as to form a
                                      him his sustenance and therefore       religious matrix connecting these
Therefore, meals and restaurants      becomes careful with what he           things as religious. Only then,
could be religious things because     takes into his body so that the        religion appears to us as a total and
they serve out the purpose of         food becomes his source of health      complete way of life. Mankind has
religious living, which is to make    and energy, and not a cause of his     always been religious from day one
a person conscientious about his      illness and gluttony. Through the      of their existence. It is they who
manners and ethics of everyday        restaurant too, he understands         need to know that they have been
living which would then mould         why hygiene and cleanliness are        religious all along, even in modern
him into a personality desired by     essential to his well-being and        times like ours. TMR
religion, for Prophet Muhammad        comfort, for the Prophet (SAW)
(SAW) had said, “I have not been      had said, “Cleanliness is an aspect

     the muslim reader
10   volume 32 • issue 02/2014
the muslim reader
11   volume 32 • issue 02/2014
house of arqam
                                                                 Darul Arqam’s
                                                                 34th Annual
                                                                 General Meeting
                                                                 (AGM) on 30
                                                                 March 2014

                                              President, Edwin
                                              Ignatious M @
                                              Muhammad Faiz,
                                              addressed the
                                              members who
                                              attended the AGM

The Council lineup for
2014 is listed on the
facing page.

                                                                 PHOTOGRAPHS BY
                                                                 RAZALI TOMPANG

Ust Noor Derus (below) was invited to speak
about seeking knowledge.

      the muslim reader
12    volume 32 • issue 02/2014
The Muslim Converts’ Association of Singapore
                                           COUNCIL MEMBERS
                                           Title of Office for 2014


                                                                             Abdul Jalil Muhammad Tahir
                                                                                           VICE PRESIDENT,
                                                                               CORPORATE AFFAIRS DIVISION
                                                                   Caption               Abdul Razak Isa
                                                                                          COUNCIL MEMBER
                                                                                          Ariff Sultan s/o
                                                   Lily Khoo @ Shahira                    Yousoff Sultan
                                                             Abdullah                       VICE PRESIDENT,
                                                        COUNCIL MEMBER                     DA’WAH DIVISION
                                                     Mohd Ridzuan Ng                  Chew Wan Koon @
                                                      DEPUTY PRESIDENT                      Nur Shafiqa
             Philip Hidayat Ngay                         Moiz Tyebally                   COUNCIL MEMBER
                   COUNCIL MEMBER                   ASST VICE PRESIDENT,            Edwin Ignatious M @
     Radhiah Mohamed Salim                              FINANCE DIVISION               Muhammed Faiz
              COUNCIL MEMBER                        Muhammad Azhar                              PRESIDENT
            Razees Abdul Karim                       Abdullah Cheah                    Fatimah Abdullah
                 COUNCIL MEMBER                       COUNCIL MEMBER                      COUNCIL MEMBER
     Ridzuan Wu Chia Chung                          Muhammad Imran                       Hafidz Abdullah
             COUNCIL MEMBER                             Kuna Abdullah                      VICE PRESIDENT,
                                               VICE PRESIDENT, CONVERTS’                EDUCATION DIVISION
Siti Aisha Abdullah (Bernice)
                                                    DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
               VICE PRESIDENT,                                                      Ilyas Yeow Shih Yeh
              FINANCE DIVISION                   Nazryn Azhar Samat                   ASST VICE PRESIDENT,
                                                      COUNCIL MEMBER            CORPORATE AFFAIRS DIVISION
Syed Ismail Ahmad Alsagoff
             COUNCIL MEMBER                         Nur Fitrah Teng @               Iman Wong Sai Fung
                                                       Teng Chai Ling                    COUNCIL MEMBER
           Wileeza Abdul Gapar
                                                       COUNCIL MEMBER
             ASST VICE PRESIDENT,                                                  Jay Prakash S Rajoo @
                DA’WAH DIVISION                Nur Sumaiya Tan                                      Ishaq
                                    ASST VICE PRESIDENT, CONVERTS’                        COUNCIL MEMBER
     Zin Bo Aung Mohamed
                                             DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                        Ali Yacob                                                   Joy Joanne Shalome
              ASST VICE PRESIDENT,                Nurashikin Lee               Bikarmjeet Singh @ Farah
     the muslim E DUCATION DIVISION
                reader                            COUNCIL MEMBER                          COUNCIL MEMBER
13   volume 32 • issue 02/2014

                 What Defines
      the Muslim Business Mentality
                            The key to a successful Muslim business
                          community is unity but unity based on what?

                                        text by UMAR MUNSHI

            o Muslims in Singapore    businesses. Alarmingly we are          dependent on what He had set
            have the Business gene    even losing the market share in        for us, we tend to subscribe to
            in their DNA?             previously ‘untouchable’ sectors,      the view that material possession
            At one time, Indian and   such as Muslim Wedding catering,       somehow defines success, and
            Arab Muslim migrants      to non-Muslim businesses. This is      even worse, defines ourselves. Our
came to the South-east Asian          happening because Muslims are          fundamental beliefs conflict with
region as traders and merchants,      buying based on merit, and not         this fundamentally flawed valuation
with business expansion as their      that they are produced by Muslims      of life.
primary objective. The local Malays   – these businesses tend to give a
and Peranakan Muslims too had         better deal, in quality or price. We   The Right Business Mentality
a strong culture of business,         have not been able to maintain our     The route forward is thus clear.
characterised by the effervescent     natural dominance in our own niche     We need to revert to doing
spirit of gotong-royong               markets.                               business in accordance with Islamic
(teamwork). This vibrant fraternity                                          principles - and in doing so, revive
resulted in thriving community-       Who is the Muslim Consumer             the soul of commerce. We need
centric businesses that created       The modern consumer, and this          to suppress the profit motive
employment and provided essential     includes the Muslim consumer,          and put it in its rightful place as a
services.                             is sucked into the vicious cycle       secondary priority, one that exists
                                      of working to spend, in order          to incentivise efficiency and ensure
Today, the landscape has become       to pacify (temporarily) our            long-term sustainability - not as
radically different. Singapore has    insatiable desire for worldly          the highest arbitrator of all things.
transformed into a dynamic hub        possessions. This style of living is   The overriding objective for Muslim
for trade and commerce and is         in direct contradiction with Islamic   businessmen must be to seek the
one of the richest countries in       teachings of moderation and shukr      pleasure of our Creator, and how
the world but where does the          (gratitude). This is the paradox of    we run our businesses must be
Muslim community fit into this        the Muslim consumer. While we          in sync with this. The universal
landscape? The services and           acknowledge that the source of         good inherent in Islamic business
brands Singaporeans consume are       all things is Allah (SWT), and that    practices and muamalat (financial
very rarely the product of Muslim     our rizq (sustenance) is entirely      transactions) has tremendous

     the muslim reader
14   volume 32 • issue 02/2014

potential to uplift this depressed       back to the true spirit of Islamic      A United Muslim Business
economy, and bridge yawning gaps         Business. We need to identify the       Community
in living standards.                     main cause of our lackadaisical         The creation of a united Muslim
                                         business performance, and why it        business community needs to
“And Allah gives provision to            deteriorated to this insipid state.     happen at all levels. Individuals
whom He wills without limitations.”      We need to come together and            need to adopt and practise
(Al-Baqarah, 02:212)                     coalesce around shared goals.           this approach to business. The
                                         We need to support and share, to        community needs to support
An encouraging trend is the recent       gather strengths and close gaps         social enterprises and collaborative
revival of youth entrepreneurship.       and weaknesses. Muslim businesses       businesses by patronising them.
Social media has removed                 need to collaborate – in short, we      Institutions and organisations also
traditional barriers to entry and        need Unity.                             have a role to play to educate
a new breed of talented business                                                 and facilitate business matching
leaders has experienced noteworthy       Unity is the key ingredient we lack.    and joint-venture efforts. Specific
success. Many of these businesses        In my entrepreneurial journey, I was    industries and sectors may form
have also successfully crossed over      immersed in a multitude of different    groups and alliances with mutually-
from the virtual realm and continue      business cultures – from tightly-knit   beneficial initiatives for their
to thrive as brick and mortar            circles of Singaporean Chinese, to      members. Between these levels
businesses. This development is a        relationship and connections-based      too, there needs to be a strong flow
potential driver for change. What        Indonesians, to protective family-      of ideas and capital. Technology
is more important than the act of        owned Saudi Arabian businesses.         has immense potential to bring the
being an entrepreneur is developing      The common denominator in their         community together. We have seen
the entrepreneurial mindset.             various forms of success was unity.     web-based open-source platforms,
This mindset views problems as                                                   such as Wikipedia flourish,
opportunities and focuses on             We need to dig deep and exorcise        giving credence to the power of
creating more with less. It stimulates   our business culture of dangerous       technology-enabled collectivism.
risk-taking, creativity, innovation,     mindsets such as jealousy, greed,
and disruptive thinking. We have         revenge, and viewing each other         Collaborative models that
a wave of such youthful talent           with distrust. These diseases of        bring investors and businesses
emerging, and we need to embrace         the heart are not only obstacles,       together have also experienced
them and support them.                   they are also highly destructive.       unprecedented success in recent
                                         We need to acknowledge that             years. Crowd-funding is one such
What we need to do                       these are deep-rooted problems          concept that has taken off in the
Before we can embark on                  that we need to collectively focus      West, with total funds raised hitting
reform, we need to first discard         on removing. A united approach          US$5.1 billion in 2013. These are
regressive old habits and embrace        to removing these mindsets will in      platforms where the community
constructive ones. We need to go         itself bring about greater unity.       collectively invests or donates small

      the muslim reader
15    volume 32 • issue 02/2014
amounts of capital to fund start-ups   businesses collaborate, they are           [his lot] in this world and the next.
and businesses.                        able to immediately increase their         Whosoever shields a Muslim, Allah
                                       scale, which will in turn enhance          will shield him in this world and the
In Singapore, due to a more robust     capabilities and lower costs.              next. Allah will aid a slave [of His] so
regulatory environment, adapted        Businesses will also be able to            long as the slave aids his brother.
models with more controls on the       leverage on each other’s resources         Whosoever follows a path to seek
sourcing of investments are gaining    and competencies, thus be better           knowledge therein, Allah will make
market traction. Such an approach      able to grab fleeting opportunities        easy for him a path to Paradise.
can be Islamic in structure and        in this dynamic and fast-paced             No people gather together in one
spirit, and may be structured as a     world. A lone ranger though will           of the houses of Allah, reciting
mudarabah (joint-venture), where       struggle to find his footing amongst       the Book of Allah and studying it
the financier, or the rabb-ul-mal,     the big businesses that dominate           among themselves, but tranquillity
provides funding for the mudarib,      Singapore’s markets.                       and peace descends upon them,
who is the entrepreneur responsible                                               mercy envelopes them, the angels
for the full management of the         A united Muslim business                   surround them, and Allah makes
business. Our community needs          community is an ideal we should all        mention of them amongst those
to build and support such avenues      strive towards. Some may find this         who are with Him. And whosoever
and platforms so as to efficiently     to be naïve, but I believe that it is in   is slowed down by his actions
link, connect and match resources      fact a necessary evolution we need         will not be hastened forward by his
in the community for inclusive         to embrace. The wisdom in this is          lineage.
growth. This will ensure that small    from our own religious teachings           (Narrated by Abu Hurayrah (RA),
businesses and start-ups have the      spread by Prophet Muhammad                 Sahih Muslim, No 2699)
required capital to grow and create    (SAW) 1,400 years ago.
value for the economy, and their                                                  It is time to come full-circle and
investors will concurrently earn       “The believers are but brothers,           lead modern society in its own
returns on their now-productive        so make settlement between your            game. Success is unlikely to come
capital.                               brothers. And fear Allah that you          quickly, as culture takes time and
                                       may receive mercy.” (Al-Hujurat,           effort to change. Culture, however,
Within our business community,         49:10)                                     is a matter of utilitarian dialectic,
unity is also a key ingredient for                                                and the obvious benefits of being
success in the modern marketplace.     Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said,               united will soon outweigh the
Singapore is highly competitive and    “Whosoever removes a worldly               irrationality of being divided,
globalised, which brings significant   grief from a believer, Allah will          Insha’Allah. TMR
challenges and opportunities. High     remove from him one of the
costs and intense competition are      grieves of the Day of Judgment.
                                                                                  The writer is Head Investor Relations,
two of the most prevalent issues       Whosoever alleviates [the lot of]          Ethis Pte Ltd (Ethical Investments
faced by all businesses. When          a needy person, Allah will alleviate       Southeast Asia)

     the muslim reader
16   volume 32 • issue 02/2014

New Zealand
needs a foster home for
Muslim children

            ountries such as
            Singapore and Malaysia
            are fortunate to have
            well-established Islamic
            infrastructure. Muslims
who die are buried in accordance
with Islamic tradition. Zakat charity
is generally distributed in a fair
and equitable manner. Mosques
are welcoming, non-controversial
places of worship. Orphanages and
foster homes exist to look after
Muslim children in need of such
                                         WTG Volunteers on Eid
This is not the case in many
countries. Take New Zealand.
Despite a Muslim population of          suitable property. Currently there is    The main government agency
about 50,000 and growing fast,          about NZ$40,000 in the account.          responsible for intervention is the
it does not have a dedicated            A suitable multi-bedroom property        Child, Youth and Family (CYF)
orphanage/foster home for Muslim        would cost at least half a million       service of the Ministry of Social
children. God willing, this will        dollars at today’s prices, so there is   Development. They do the best
change.                                 a long way to go.                        they can but need the support of
                                                                                 Muslims to care for Muslim children.
Appeal for Funds launched               What prompted their members to
Just before Ramadhan in 2013, the       act were the sad stories they were       There are many children in need but
Auckland-based charity, Working         hearing from social workers and          it is impossible to obtain accurate
Together Group (WTG), launched          others involved.                         statistics because CYF does not do
an appeal for funds to purchase a                                                a breakdown by religion.

      the muslim reader
17    volume 32 • issue 02/2014
                                 Muslim            Furthermore, many Muslims who
                                                   might otherwise seek help choose
                                 children          to stay below the radar because
                                 placed in non-    they do not want to be “registered”
                                                   or go through “the system”, which
                                 Muslim homes      they see as stigmatising.

                                 have been         “There are scores of such cases
                                 known to play     every year,” says a professional
                                                   social worker from Auckland District
                                 with the family   Health Board. He is also an Islamic
                                 dog. Often they   scholar. Most weeks, he and his wife
                                                   spend many hours in their own time
                                 are not given     counselling some of those who fall
                                                   through the cracks in this way.
                                 halal food.
                                                   An Islamic, dedicated facility would
                                                   cater to the needs of various groups
                                                   of children and youths.

                                                   One example is teenagers who
                                                   have become involved in drugs
                                                   and alcohol. An unfortunate
                                                   consequence of their actions is
                                                   the bad influence they exert on
                                                   their siblings. However, if they are
                                                   removed from their family home
                                                   environment, the problem arises
                                                   of where to place them while they
                                                   get help for their addiction or

                                                   Organisations such as the
                                                   Community Alcohol and Drugs
                                                   Service (CADS) do great work but
                                                   do not cater (quite literally, with no
                                                   halal food on offer) for Muslims, nor
                                                   offer counselling that is appropriate
                                                   from an Islamic perspective.

                                                   Another group that urgently
                                                   needs help is the parents of
                                                   children with disabilities such as
                                                   Down’s syndrome, autism and
                                                   ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).
                                                   Their parents could use respite
                                                   care, which could be government-
                                                   funded, to give themselves a well-
                                                   deserved break every so often.

                                                   Then there are the many victims of
STOCK PHOTO                                        domestic violence, usually a family

     the muslim reader
18   volume 32 • issue 02/2014
member such as the father (or a        Muslim children placed in non-          Islamic environment away from
close male relative) committing        Muslim homes have been known            their parents for a period, such
violence against his children and      to play with the family dog. Often      situations could have had happy
often against his own wife too.        they are not given halal food. One      outcomes.
                                       boy ran away from his foster home
When CYF removes these                 because he was not being fed            Some youngsters end up enjoying
youngsters from their families,        properly. They are not encouraged       their newfound “freedom”. Aishah
even temporarily until things can      to perform their prayers – or not the   and Mohamed can become Mary
be sorted out, the issue is where      prayers of a Muslim, anyway.            and James. Some girls, clearly
to send them. Most end up in                                                   enjoying their “freedom” rather
inappropriate homes, with atheists,    In one Muslim family, the decent        too much, end up prostituting
Hindus or Christians caring for        parents wanted their children to        themselves on Auckland’s notorious
them. This creates all sorts of        read the Quran for half an hour         “K” (for Karangahape) Road.
problems.                              every day. An older child rebelled
                                       and left home, taking his siblings      It is fair to ask why more married-
One girl in her mid-teens – an         with him.                               Muslim couples do not volunteer to
impressionable age – started                                                   take in such children. After all, the
attending church with her Christian    In another family, the nine-year-old    New Zealand government does pay
foster parents. “She was attracted     boy refused to go to the Mosque.        them for doing so.
to Christianity,” explains someone     “I don’t want to be a Muslim,” he
close to the case, “and no longer      said. He was being bullied at school,   Concerned about the problem,
wears the hijab.” It is worth noting   where he had been told: “Your           one of the trustees of a big
that she had initially been placed     religion is violent.”                   mosque in Auckland, printed flyers,
with an uncle but hated it because                                             encouraging parents to sign up
he simply used her for babysitting     In both these cases, if the children    for the necessary CYF training,
his own children.                      could have been placed in an            and to take in children. He handed


     the muslim reader
19   volume 32 • issue 02/2014
out hundreds of the flyers but the
response was nil. “People did not
want to get involved,” he explains.

                                                                     Do you care about "

Some were worried that they might
be visited by resentful or angry                                                                          !

                                                                   the fate of Muslim kids                !

There are valid reasons why most
Muslim families cannot take in such
                                                                      in New Zealand?"                    !


children, and these mainly centre on                                                                          !

the mahram (unmarriageable kin) /                                                                         !


non-mahram issue. That makes the                                                                          !

need for a dedicated facility all the                                                                         !

more pressing.                                                                                            !


WTG is a registered New Zealand
charity (CC11124). They have no                                                                           !

paid staff but a dedicated team                                                                           !!

of volunteers. The trustees are
architect Maan Alzaher, retired                                                                           !

school principal Ismail Waja,                                                                             !

surgeon Habib Rahman and                                                                                      !

accountant Mohamed Nalar.                                                                                 !



WTG presently have three                                                                      !
                                                                                                                            Sahl ibn Sa’d reported:
                                                                                                                          “The Prophet (pbuh) said, "
community projects up and running                                                         !
                                                                                                                          ‘The one who cares for an
                                                                                                                          orphan and myself will be
successfully: the Helping Hand                                                                !
                                                                                                                         in Paradise like this’ and he
                                                                                                                        held his two fingers together.”
food bank, the Janaza Waqf fund                                                                                                (Sahih Bukhari)

and the free Janaza Service. With                                                         !

the support and help of Muslims                                                               !


everywhere, the group can succeed                                                                             !

with the foster home project too.                                                                         !

If you wish to donate, please pay
                                                                     Help establish our first Islamic
direct into Working Together                                          orphanage and foster home."         !


Group’s dedicated Kiwibank                                     !

account: 38-9006-0434628-04.                                   !

Swift code: CITINZ2X. Bank address:                                                                           !


Kiwibank, Level 1, New Zealand                                                                                !

                                        The writer lived in         In New Zealand, abused or at-risk Muslim children are placed in non-Muslim
Post House, 7-27 Waterloo Quay,
                                            Singapore from         homes because almost no Muslim families are able or willing to take them in.
Wellington 6011, New Zealand. Or         1992 to 2009. He           Government agencies like CYFS do the best they can but need our support.
                                                                   We need financial donations to establish a suitable, properly managed home.
mail a cheque or money order to         and his Malay wife         Please pay direct into Working Together Group’s dedicated Kiwibank account: !
Working Together Group, PO Box           Mazlinah now live                                                    !

272 1202, Papakura, Auckland 2244,         in New Zealand.                                        38-9006-0434628-04!
                                         They are active in                                                   !

New Zealand.                                                                       If you would like to know more, please email!
                                        Working Together                         !
                                          Group and other                       !
Sahl ibn Sa’d (RA) reported, “The         Islamic charities.                      !
Prophet (SAW) said, ‘The one who                                                                              !

                                                                                WTG is a registered charity. We are all volunteers.!
cares for an orphan and myself will                                              Donations of $5 or more are NZ tax-deductible.!
be in Paradise like this’ and he held                                             Visit or find us on Facebook.!

his two fingers together.” (Sahih
Bukhari). TMR

      the muslim reader
20    volume 32 • issue 02/2014

            Hidden Charm
 With Flavourful Desserts
                                        text by SITI ZUBEIDAH KADIR

                                                                                   La Marelle Café and Boutique
                                                                                   Where: 25A Baghdad Street,
                                                                                   Singapore 199664
                                                                                   Best For: Its wide range of
                                                                                   beverages from coffee to mocktails,
                                                                                   the pasta, and desserts!

    f Alice took a wrong turn in the     With a gorgeous interior, beckoning,      planning to stay for hours, but
    rabbit hole and ended up in this     almost hypnotic neon lights and           perfect for café hopping. The teas
    particular café, I bet she would     graphics galore, one cannot               and specialty drinks like tropical
    have kept thinking that she was      help but feel like a kid in a candy       sunset or passion sunrise, mocktails
    still in wonderland. Colourful       store. Coffee-drinking, red velvet-       with unique names like Amelie,
and whimsical can be used to             consuming not-quite-kids anymore,         Blanche or Chloe, are large and can
describe this cheery café located on     but still eager to get our hands on       satiate the thirstiest café go-er, or
the second floor of a shophouse on       the pretty little notebooks, pens,        if you are not that thirsty, it will at
Baghdad Street, within the vicinity      bags, posters and oh, everything          least allow you to lounge around for
of Arab Street.                          else that was on the shelf.               a substantially longer period of time
                                                                                   appreciating the ambience.
If you come by at night, when the        While we are not sure whether the
colourful signage on the shop front      choice of decorations and interior        If you are hungry, get the pasta. It
blends into the surroundings, you        design allows La Marelle to be on         is the one (delicious) item on the
might want to keep an eye out for        the list of hipster cafés in Singapore,   menu we would vouch for. Unless
the entrance. Blink and you might        the menu definitely can. La Marelle       you are seriously travel deprived,
miss the dark blue stairs leading        serves a simple menu, designed to         we would advise you to stay
up to the café and boutique where        keep your choices straightforward,        away from the stuffed croissants
Alice herself wouldn’t want to leave.    i.e. starters, main courses and of        from “Mexico, Germany, Italy and
(If you cannot locate it even after      course, dessert.                          France”. We are not sure if it was
pacing up and down Baghdad                                                         a bad batch but the croissant was
Street like we did, we recommend         If you are a coffee person, the           dry, the sausages, tough and almost
keeping an eye out for a group of        menu and range would satisfy the          got lost in the, fortunately, fresh
girls who look like they are in need     most caffeine deprived, although          vegetables and salsa. (We attribute
of a good dessert. It usually works.)    the servings are too small, to say        this to growing pains, since La
                                         the least. Not too ideal for those

      the muslim reader                                                                           the muslim reader
21    volume 32 • issue 02/2014                                                              volume 32 • issue 02/2014   21

Marelle is almost one of the newest
kids on the block.)

And if you couldn’t tell by now, it
is the desserts that are declared
the highlight of the café. If you’re
looking for delicious cakes,
macaroons, tarts and crumbles, this
is the place to go. Unfortunately
enclosed in a drab looking display
case with dismal lighting, the
flavours defied the odds and made
it to my ‘best cafés for desserts’
list. Another plus point were the
staff, who were a delight to talk
to, patiently explaining ingredients
of the drinks and how to actually
consume the coffee (not as easy as
it looks, we tell you).

Overall, this Muslim-owned
establishment was a lovely café to
visit, especially if you have dainty
not-so young children, or are a
young at heart female. We are not
sure whether the guys felt at ease
surrounded by all those bright
colours but we know that once the
pasta and drinks arrived, all became
well for them. TMR

     the muslim reader
22   volume 32 • issue 02/2014
house of arqam
                                                                                                 to YODA Team
                                                                                                 One, Champion of
                                                                                                 Singapore Muslim
                                                                                                 Youth Debate
                                                                                                 (SMYD) 2014

Khairul Ikhwan              Muhd Shahrum Sahid,     Noor Aqilah Noor        Sakina Banu, aged    PHOTOGRAPHS BY
Ridzwan, aged               aged 23, is currently   Azlan, aged 19, is      19, a polytechnic    MUHD IRFAN MASLAN
21, is currently            working at a local      currently studying      graduate, won the
studying in Nanyang         mosque.                 Biological Science at   Best Speaker Award
Technological                                       NTU.                    for the Finals of
University (NTU).                                                           SMYD 2014.

     the muslim reader
23   volume 32 • issue 02/2014
house of arqam
                                                   Singapore Muslim
                                                   Youth Debate
                                                   2014, organised
                                                   by Youths of
                                                   Darul Arqam

Hafifah Hafif, the
Chairperson for
committee, delivered
the welcome
address. (below)

                                                                          Held between May and June 2014, the
                                                                          fifth annual instalment of SMYD received
                                                                          participation from 13 teams of debaters.
                                                                          The youths, aged between 15 and 25,
                                                                          included a non-Muslim, Chinese student
                                                                          who represented the team from NUS.

                           Qari (Quranic
                           Reciter) Muhammad
                           Hanif Salleh, aged
                           16, from Aljunied Al-
                           Islamiah Madrasah,
                           opened the SMYD
                           Finals event. (left)

                                                   On 21 June, the
                                                   grand final of
                                                   SMYD was held
                                                   at Singapore Post
                                                   Theatrette. The
                                                   first runner-up
                                                   for SMYD 2014
                                                   is the team from
                                                   Pergas Student
                                                   Body (Majlis Pelajar
                                                   Pergas, or MPP).

     the muslim reader
24   volume 32 • issue 02/2014
house of arqam
                                             The motion
                                             for the grand
                                             final is “Muslim
                                             community issues
                                             are better tackled
                                             at state level than
                                             community level”.

The grand final of
SMYD 2014 was
streamed ‘live’ on

                                             PHOTOGRAPHS BY
                                             MUHD IRFAN MASLAN

The adjudicators for the grand final
were Ust Saif-ur-Rahman, Sim Khadijah
Mohammed, Nadia Teo, Dr Mohamed
Nawab Mohamed Osman, and Ust Hidayat
Radja Nurul Bahri. (picture on right, from
extreme right to left)

     the muslim reader
25   volume 32 • issue 02/2014
Arabic for Beginners:
The Family


The dialogue
Ahmad: marHaban
Hello / Hi                                        al-Hiwaar
                                                  The dialogue
Khalid: ahlan
Hello / Hi (reply)                                Ahmad: kam shakhSan fii usratik?
                                                  How many persons in your family?
Ahmad: masaa-‘ul khair
Good evening                                      Khalid: fii usratii khamsah ashkhaaS
                                                  There are five persons in my family
Khalid: masaa-‘un nuur
Good evening to you too                           Ahmad: maa-shaa-allah, hal Cindaka akh?
                                                  Wow!(lovely) Do you have a brother?
Ahmad: kaifa Haaluka yaa khaalid?
How are you Khalid?
                                                  Khalid: naCam Cindii akh Saghiir,
Khalid: bikhair,alHamdulillah,wa anta?            ismuhu yuusuf. huwa Taalib.
Fine, praise be to Allah, and you?                Yes I have a small(younger) brother,
                                                  his name is Yusuf. He’s a student.
Ahmad: tamaam. bil-munaasabah,
hal haa-dhihi Suuratu usratika?                   Ahmad: wa hal Cindaka ukht?
Great. By the way, is this your family picture?   And do you have a sister?

Khalid: nacam, haa-dhihi Suuratu usratii.         Khalid: naCam Cindii ukht kabiirah,
Yes, this is my family picture.                   ismuhaa faaTimah, hiya mudarrisah
                                                  Yes, I have a big(elder) sister,
                                                  her name is Fatimah, she’s a teacher
Ahmad: man haa-dhaa?
Who is this?                                      Ahmad: hal Cindaka zawjah?
                                                  Do you have a wife?
Khalid: haa-dha waalidii waliid.
huwa muhandis                                     Khalid: laa, maa Cindii zawjah,
This is my father Walid, he’s an engineer         anaa aczab
                                                  No, I don’t have a wife, I’m a bachelor
Ahmad: wa man haa-dhihi?
And who’s this (f)?                               Ahmad: shukran
Khalid: haa-dhihi waalidatii Maryam.
hiya rabbatu bait                                 Khalid: cafwan
This is my mum Maryam, she’s a housewife          welcome

        the muslim reader
26      volume 32 • issue 02/2014
Words                               Arabic             Combination Word

morning                                                   masaa-‘ul khair
                                                            good evening
khair                                             and the reply is “masaa-‘un nuur”;
goodness (well-being)                            an evening full of light, is a common
                                                reply which would mean wishing that
nuur                                           the person’s evening will be bright and
light                                                          cheerful

great (alright)

with/by                                                  bil-munaasabah

munaasabah                                   A phrase used in Arabic, similar to the
occasion/event                                     topic switch “by the way”

a yes/no question that has the
meaning of is/are/do/does?


haa-dhaa / haa-dhihi
this (m) / this (f)

picture                                                    Suurah usratii
                                               Whenever two nouns or more are
Usrah                                          attached, the arrangement will be
family                                          inverted in Arabic e.g. “My family
                                                 picture” becomes “picture of my
                                             family”, when the “of” structure is used.

lord / master                                              rabbatu bait
                                              this phrase is used for “housewife” in
bait                                          Arabic. Literally means master of the
house                                                          house.

        the muslim reader                                       the muslim reader
27      volume 32 • issue 02/2014                          volume 32 • issue 02/2014   27
Words                                           Arabic             Combination Word

engineer                                                 You can change the gender by adding
                                                            ‫ ة‬/ ‫( ةـ‬ah) at the end of the noun
Taalib                                                                (occupation) e.g.
student                                                    muhandis              (male engineer)
                                                         muhandisah               (female engineer);
mudarris                                                        taalib        (male student)
teacher                                                      taalibah         (female student)

how many?                                                          kam shakhSan?
                                                               How many people/person?
shakhS plural. ashkhaaS

has/have                                                               – cindahu (he has)
                                                                      – cindahaa (she has)
                                                                     – cindaka (you have;m)
                                                                     – cindaki (you have;f)
                                                                         – cindii (I have)
                                                                      – cindanaa (we have)
                                                         In order to negate these words, simply
                                                              add (maa) before them e.g.
                                                                            – I don’t have

small (young)

big (old)





*(m) refers to male and (f) refers to female.

       the muslim reader
28     volume 32 • issue 02/2014
Transliteration & Meanings                                               Transliteration & Meanings
1. al-usrah                                                              2. al-Arqaam Numbers

Family                                                                   waa-Hid
waalid / ab                                                              One

Father                                                                   ith-naan / ith-nain
waalidah / umm                                                           Two

Mother                                                                   tha-laa-thah
  amm                                                                    Three

Paternal uncle                                                           arba- Cah
 ammah                                                                   Four

Paternal auntie                                                          kham-sah
khaal                                                                    Five

Maternal uncle                                                           sit-tah
khaalah                                                                  Six

Maternal auntie                                                          sab- Cah
akh                                                                      Seven

Brother                                                                  tha-maa-niyah
ukht                                                                     Eight

Sister                                                                   tis- Cah
ibn                                                                      Nine

Son                                                                      C
ibnah / bint                                                             Ten

Daughter                                                                 Sifr
jadd                                                                     zero





                                                                                               Page name:
                                                                                               As-Souq (
“Learn Arabic, for it strengthens the intelligence and increases one’s
noble conduct (al-muruu’ah)” - Omar Ibn al-Khattab (RA)                                        Website:

         the muslim reader                                                                                  the muslim reader
29       volume 32 • issue 02/2014                                                                     volume 32 • issue 02/2014   29

The Growth of
Halal Trade
Serving the demands of the Muslim consumers
throughout the world.


        or a multitude of reasons,     which falls under this category is      is very well served by the Islamic
        including growing affluence    permitted for consumption. Most         Religious Council of Singapore
        and greater choices for        food and drinks are considered          (MUIS) as the sole custodian of
        travel and destinations,       Halal unless they are stated            Halal certification in Singapore.
        the Muslim community has       clearly in the Quran and Hadith as      Established in 1978, the MUIS
become a major market for travel,      forbidden or non-Halal.                 Halal certification mark is widely
trade and other Halal segments                                                 recognised in key Halal markets
such as the food supply chain.         b)       Non-Halal. ‘Non-Halal’,        such as Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia
Many businesses are seeing the         also traditionally known as ‘Haram’,    and the Gulf Cooperation Council
demand created by this segment,        means unlawful or unallowable. As       (GCC) countries through MABIMS
including not only banking and         the name implies, any food or drink     (an international organisation
finance, but also in terms of Halal    which is classified as non-Halal        consisting of Brunei, Indonesia,
tours overseas and the like. Never     is prohibited for consumption. In       Malaysia, and Singapore that
before has the Muslim community        general, all harmful things are non-    explains Islam to their communities)
had such an opportunity to partake     Halal. Examples of these include        and GCC-Singapore Free Trade
in these activities, under a Halal     the meat of dead animals and birds,     Agreements.
framework. This article will look at   flesh of swine, intoxicating drugs
these industry segments from a         and alcoholic beverages.                MUIS issues Halal certificates
Singaporean point of view.                                                     based on a set of systems-focused
                                       c)      Syubhah. Any food or drink
                                                                               Halal certification requirements
                                       which lies within the grey area and
Food                                                                           known as the Singapore MUIS
                                       does not fall clearly under the Halal
Using a simplified framework vis-                                              Halal Quality Management System
                                       or non-Halal category is classified
à-vis an Islamic worldview, all food                                           (HalMQ). To date, MUIS offers
                                       as ‘Syubhah’, alternatively called
and drinks can be classified under                                             a number of Halal certification
                                       questionable or dubious.
one of the following categories:                                               schemes that span across the
                                                                               food supply chain. To see and
a)      Halal. ‘Halal’ is an Arabic    In the Singaporean context, when        appreciate the value of MUIS in
word which means lawful or             one examines the Halal food             terms of the food supply chain, one
allowable. Any food or drink           segment, the Muslim community           only needs to examine the trust put

      the muslim reader
30    volume 32 • issue 02/2014

Services such as Halal holidays are booming.

in the Halal certification mark by         The Halal tourism industry also        Islamic Shariah (Legislation) and is
the Muslim consumer in Singapore.          provides flights where no alcohol      free of any substances forbidden
                                           or pork products are served,           by Islam, such as pork and alcohol.
Travel and Tourism                         prayer timings are announced,          Some hotels have employed
Halal Trade and Travel takes the           and religious programmes are           people from the Muslim world
definitions noted above even               broadcast as part of entertainment     to provide translation services
further, and looks at the Halal            offered on board. A Euromonitor        and other assistance that may be
tourism as a subcategory of                International report released at       needed by tourists from Muslim
religious tourism, which is geared         World Travel Market in 2007 in         countries.
towards Muslim families who abide          London says that there is potential
by the rules noted above. The              for a boom in Halal tourism in the     The Economist’s article on Halal
hotels in such destinations do not         Middle East. The report mentions a     Business published on 25 May 2013
serve alcohol and have separate            market for a Halal start-up airline,   states: “It is not just manufactured
swimming pools and spa facilities          which could provide Halal food,        Halal products. Services such as
for men and women. Malaysia,               prayer calls, Quran in seat pockets    Halal holidays are booming, too.
Turkey and many more countries             and provide separate sections for      Crescent Tours, a London-based
are trying to attract Muslim               male and female travellers.            online travel specialist, books
tourists from all over the world,                                                 clients into hotels in Turkey that
offering facilities in accordance          Many international hotels do serve     have separate swimming pools
with the religious beliefs of Muslim       Halal food that is slaughtered in      for men and women, no-alcohol
tourists.                                  accordance with the teachings of       policies and halal restaurants, and

      the muslim reader
31    volume 32 • issue 02/2014
rents out private holiday villas with   and Tunisia. The tiny island state      such as alcohol, pornography,
high walls.”                            touts its man-made attractions,         gaming and tobacco, but also
                                        a vast array of local food, and         industries and businesses which
Malaysia is the world’s friendliest     reputation for cleanliness and          derive their profits primarily
destination for Muslim travellers,      order to travellers. The top ten        from interest or usury such as
according to a survey released          in order were: Malaysia, United         conventional lending institutions.
recently, but Japan has shown most      Arab Emirates, Turkey, Indonesia,
improvement as it ramps up efforts      Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Morocco,       Halal Business is considered
to cash in on a growing market.         Jordan, Qatar and Tunisia.              an alternative approach to
Malaysia was followed by the United                                             conventional methods and is based
Arab Emirates, Turkey, Indonesia        The Crescentrating system rates         on the principles of Islamic Finance.
and Saudi Arabia in this year’s         overall Halal friendliness on a scale   According to Islamic principles,
rankings for “Halal” friendly holiday   of one to seven, with seven being       conventional financial systems are
destinations released by Singapore-     the highest rating. The service         unsustainable because the use of
based Muslim travel specialist          ratings are separated into four         money as a commodity in and of
Crescentrating.                         different areas:                        itself results in an imbalance of
                                                                                wealth at the expense of society
The survey evaluates countries in       •   Halal food facilities               and borrowers.
terms of their attentiveness to the     •   Salat (prayer) facilities
needs of Muslim travellers, including   •   Services during Ramadhan            Some Halal Businesses use an
the presence and accessibility          •   Level of non-Halal activities in    industry screen, where from an
of Halal restaurants with meat              the hotel and additional Halal-     industry perspective, a company is
slaughtered to Islamic standards,           friendly recreational facilities    deemed compliant if the total sum
and the provision of prayer rooms                                               of non-permissible income derived
at airports, shopping malls and         Halal Business                          from the following is less than 5% of
hotels.                                 Halal Business is the practice of       their total revenue. The second step
                                        investing money in a manner that        of the screening process examines
Singapore was placed sixth in the       meets the tenets of Islamic finance.    whether a company is primarily
global rankings, and was the only       A Halal Business, in particular Halal   profiting from interest or usury, or
non-Muslim country in the top 10,       Finance and Investments would           if the business has taken on a large
followed by Morocco, Jordan, Qatar      therefore not only avoid industries     amount of interest-based debt.
                                                                                Specifically, companies will fail Halal
                                                                                parameters if any of the following
                                                                                conditions exist.

                                                                                The use of an Islamic or Shariah
                                                                                Advisory Board is also another
                                                                                way which Halal Businesses are
                                                                                able to provide compliance with
                                                                                their business practices. These
                                                                                boards are generally composed of
                                                                                experts in Islam, Islamic Banking
                                                                                and Finance as well as commercial

                                                                                This short article has attempted
                                                                                to show the burgeoning field of
                                                                                Islamic principles in various industry
                                                                                segments. As it can be seen, it is
                                                                                possible to live a life that is compliant
 The Great Mosque in Sousse, Tunisia.                                           with Islamic principles. TMR

      the muslim reader
32    volume 32 • issue 02/2014
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