Page created by Tina Pena
T H E   G E O R G E   W A S H I N G T O N   U N I V E R S I T Y   S C H O O L   O F   B U S I N E S S

                         BUSINESS                                                        SPRING 2020



2    Message from the Dean

4    GWSB News Briefs

13   Research that Matters

17   Alumni Profiles: Anna N’Jie-Konte

18   The New F. David Fowler Career Center

22   Alumni Profiles: Bhujit Saini

23   Alumni Profiles: Shejal Desai Carpenter

24   The Master of Tourism Administration Program at 45
                                                                              Certificate programs have emerged
28   Customizing Skills for Professional Success                                  as alternate way to fine-tune the
                                                                               talent pool that the business world
34   Passion for Marketing Leads to Career Success                                requires… read more on p. 28

37   Alumni Profiles: Josh Gerben


40   Alumni Profiles: Alicia L’Esperance

     Editor in Chief                 Design                         President                Associate Dean for
     Dan Michaelis                   GW Marketing and               Thomas LeBlanc           Graduate Programs
                                     Creative Services                                       Liesl Riddle
     Copy Editor                                                    Dean
     Mary A. Dempsey                 GWBusiness magazine is         Anuj Mehrotra            Assistant Dean for
                                     published annually by the                               Recruitment and Admissions
     Contributing Writers            George Washington University   Associate Dean for       Jeff Hunter
     Herman Aguinis                  School of Business             Executive Education
     Brian Citizen                                                  George M. Jabbour        Assistant Dean for
     Mary A. Dempsey                 Comments and letters                                    Graduate Programs
     Stuart Levy                     are welcomed.                  Associate Dean for       Cara Richards
     Dan Michaelis                   Please direct all              Undergraduate Programs
                                     correspondence to:             Shivraj Kanungo
     Photographers                   GWBusiness
     Abby Greenawalt                 2201 G Street, NW              Associate Dean for
     Jason Lee                       Funger Hall 216                Faculty and Research
     Carolyn Shipe                   Washington, DC 20052           Vanessa Perry

                                                                                                 | 1
Dear GWSB Community,
                                                                             This issue of GWBusiness magazine provides an overview           courses as MBA electives. Our MBA programs will feature
                                                                             of many of the qualities that make a George Washington           a STEM-enhanced core education, and starting in the Fall
                                                                             University School of Business education a powerful asset         2020 semester, GWSB will offer full-time MBA students the
                                                                             for success. The articles in this issue — detailing some         option of a STEM designation for their Global MBA and
                                                                             of the recent achievements of faculty, students, alumni,         Accelerated MBA programs.
                                                                             and staff — illustrate the reason for the School’s upward
                                                                             trajectory and growing reputation as a world-class               We have made every effort to address the demanding
                                                                             business education institution.                                  schedules of our MBA students by shortening the time to
                                                                                                                                              degree completion. We have also expanded opportunities
                                                                             You have often heard me talk about the GWSB S.P.I.R.I.T.         for our graduate students to learn outside the classroom
                                                                             — putting Students first; working to improve students’           and build their professional networks through an
                                                                             Placement outcomes; International in people, programs,           impressive array of student engagement programs
                                                                             and practice; reputation for Research; educational               and events, including alumni meet-and-greets, industry
                                                                             Innovation; and achieving our mission Together. Given            roundtables, and online happy hours.
                                                                             our accomplishments in the face of the historic challenges
                                                                             caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, I believe the response          Leveraging our location in Washington, D.C., and a
                                                                             of the entire GWSB community has exemplified that                worldwide network of contacts, GWSB has hosted the
                                                                             S.P.I.R.I.T. By working together, we have harnessed our          second and third seasons in the George Talks Business
                                                                             expertise, mutual respect, and resilience as we persevere        interview webcast series with notable alumni and thought
                                                                             in this difficult time.                                          leaders from the business, government and nonprofit
                                                                                                                                              sectors. The series has adapted to the virtual format to
                                                                             Despite the challenges we all share during this time,            provide the GWSB community with access to leading
                                                                             we have not lost sight of our commitment to providing            thinkers sharing expertise on a range of timely topics
                                                                             students with the knowledge and skills they need to              during these “new normal” times. I also invite you to watch
                                                                             compete and succeed in today’s highly competitive and            our new George Talks Business Special Mini Series, which
                                                                             rapidly evolving global business environment.                    features faculty and alumni offering quick insights on
                                                                                                                                              current events.
                                                                             We have introduced significant enhancements to both our
                                                                             undergraduate and MBA programs. These changes were               The hard work and dedication of GWSB faculty and staff
                                                                             guided by extensive input from all GWSB stakeholders:            in our ongoing reimagining of business education has
                                                                             the Dean’s Advisory Council, faculty, staff, alumni, students,   earned recognition in the form of this year’s significant
                                                                             and parents —— and especially from our partners in the           improvements in our rankings in the annual college
                                                                             business community, including the Dean’s Corporate               ratings published by some of the most respected sources,
                                                                             Council. These enhancements have positioned us well for          including the Financial Times, the Princeton Review
                                                                             what may be the post-pandemic new-normal.                        and U.S. News & World Report. We are committed to
                                                                                                                                              continued innovation to position ourselves best for the
                                                                             In recognition of the growing market demand for                  days when the pandemic is behind us.
                                                                             technology and business analytics, beginning in the fall
                        Message from the Dean                                2020 semester, two new STEM degrees will be offered,             While we have demonstrated adaptability and resilience

                       DR. ANUJ
                                                                             a B.S. in Business Analytics and a B.S. in Information           in overcoming our current circumstances, the challenges
                                                                             Systems. In addition, based on feedback indicating that          facing the GW Class of 2020 entering an uncertain job
                                                                             students pursuing non-business degrees can improve               market remain. In recognition of this situation, I am proud
                                                                             their career placement prospects by a having core                to announce GWSB Grants for 2020 GW Graduates, which
                                                                             business education, GWSB will also begin offering a              will provide special tuition grants of 25 to 50 percent on

                                                                             business major for non-business students across the              GWSB graduate business programs. The tuition grants
                                                                             university and a selection of interdisciplinary joint-degree     can be applied to all GWSB specialized master’s degrees
                                                                             programs in cooperation with other GW schools. Our               and credit-bearing graduate certificates. Please see
                                                                             expanded portfolio of undergraduate business degrees             the GWSB Grants for 2020 Graduates page for details
                                                                             will now feature Bachelor of Science degrees that also           and FAQs. I invite 2020 GW graduating seniors who are
                                                                             include accounting, finance, and marketing in addition to        interested in pursuing a graduate business education to
                                                                             a B.S. in business. All our degrees will also have additional    take advantage of this program and continue to learn with
                       “Despite the challenges we all share during this      coursework in technology, enhancing the skills that are          us in the fall semester.
                        time, we have not lost sight of our commitment to    needed for success.

                        providing students with the knowledge and skills     GWSB’s MBA programs have been enhanced to keep
                                                                             pace with —— and in anticipation of —— the changing
                        they need to compete and succeed in today’s highly   demands of the market. New skill-building and                    Anuj Mehrotra, PhD
                                                                             experiential learning courses will be available in fall 2020,
                        competitive and rapidly evolving global business     and students will be able to add at least one graduate
                                                                                                                                              The George Washington University
                        environment.”                                        business certificate to their degrees by taking certificate      School of Business

2 | GWSB Spring 2020                                                                                                                                                                       | 3

                                                                                                                                                                  All About the Benjamin
                                                                                                                                                                  As part of the annual GW Colonials             was in Paris representing the fledgling               the George
                                                                                                                                                                  Weekend celebration, Dean Anuj Mehrotra        United States of America as ambassador                Washington
                                                                                                                                                                  hosted a formal unveiling of a bust of         to France. The bust came to the United                University’s
                                                                                                                                                                  founding father Benjamin Franklin, which       States in 1949 as part of the “Merci Train,”          possession
                                                                                                                                                                  came into GWSB’s possession at the end of a    49 freight cars loaded with gifts from the            when the school
                                                                                                                                                                  long journey that began in France more than    French people in gratitude for U.S. relief aid        merged with GW
                                                                                                                                                                  200 years ago.                                 following World War II. It was presented              in 1987. Long
                                                                                                                                                                    The historic artwork, which dates to 1777,   to Benjamin Franklin School of Accounting             held in storage, the Franklin bust is no on
                                                                                                                                                                  was created by Jean-Jacques Caffieri, court    (which later became part of GWSB) in                  permanent public display in the Dean’s
                                                                                                                                                                  sculptor to Louis XVI, while Dr. Franklin      Washington, D.C. The statue came into                 Lobby on the 6th floor of Duquès Hall.


                                                                                                                                                                  George Talks Business — and Real Estate, and Technology, and Finance, and Higher
                                                                                                                                                                  Ed, and Government, and Fitness, and Baseball . . .
        Capital Markets Program fellows display their national flags. To date, the program has hosted program fellows from 40 countries.                          Since its premiere in 2018, “George Talks
                                                                                                                                                                  Business” — or GTB, for short — a series
Event                                                                                                                                                             of 30-minute interviews has presented an
                                                                                                                                                                  impressive lineup of informative, thought-
Capital Markets Program Fellows Enjoy GWSB Holiday Reception                                                                                                      provoking and entertaining guests. It has
Capital Markets Program fellows from                     and emerging economies, around the world                  of the program’s success, we have added        featured a wide variety of notable GW
more than a dozen nations — as well as                   to study at GWSB.                                         a second cohort, which began in spring         alumni and respected thought leaders from
ambassadors and embassy personnel from                      A unique three-way partnership among                   2020, and welcomed program fellows from        the business, government and nonprofit
their home countries — gathered on the                   GWSB, the International Finance                           Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia,      arenas. GTB has drawn capacity “in-studio”
6th floor of Duquès Hall for a holiday                   Corporation and the Milken Institute,                     Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, the Philippines,        audiences and thousands of online viewers
reception at the end of the fall 2019                    the program has drawn students from 40                    Poland, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania and            who have logged on for the live webcast of
semester. The program brings financial                   different countries, including the 23 fellows             Zambia,” Dean Anuj Mehrotra said.              the program. Topics covered have included
professionals from banks, as well as capital             in the current cohort.                                                                                   technology, leadership, global developments,
markets and governments in developing                       “I am very pleased to report that in light                                                            ethics and other timely areas of interest.
                                                                                                                                                                     The second season of GTB featured a
                                                                                                                                                                  stellar guest roster, including: David M.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 It’s an honor, your honor: Dean Anuj Mehrotra discusses the rewards and challenges of running a city
                                                                                                                                                                  Rubenstein, co-founder and co-executive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 government with Mayor Muriel Bowser. George mascot; Dean Mehrotra warms up for a GTB session with
                                                                        Professor Wins UN Authorization for                                                       chairman of The Carlyle Group; Washington      Peloton COO Tom Cortese. Below, left, George mascot; and right, Dean Mehrotra warms up for a GTB session
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 with Peloton COO Tom Cortese.
                                                                                                                                                                  Nationals principal owner Mark Lerner,
                                                                        ‘International MSME Day’                                                                  whose ballclub won its first World Series      Cortese, BA ’02, co-founder, chief operating
                                                                        The United Nations designated                     and reinforce the achievements of       title shortly after his GTB appearance         officer and head of product at popular
                                                                        June 27, 2019, as “Micro, Small and               humanity. Member states can formally    (coincidence?); Nelson A. Carbonell Jr., GW    fitness equipment and training company
                                                                        Medium Enterprises (MSME) Day” as                 propose International Days, subject     Board of Trustees chairman emeritus; and       Peloton; and to Shanghai for the first
                                                                        a result of a successful lobbying effort          to the approval of the UN General       District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser.      international GTB session with Dr. Xinya
                                                                        by GWSB’s Ayman El Tarabishy,                     Assembly.                                  While George Talks Business sessions        Vivian Wang, founding partner of Beautiful
                                                                        professor of management and                          Dr. El Tarabishy worked with         usually take place on the Foggy Bottom         Mind Capital (BMC), board trustee at Fudan
                                                                        executive director of the International           Argentina’s permanent mission to        Campus, on several occasions the GTB team      University, board director at the School of
                                                                        Center for Small Business (ICSB).                 the UN to draft and introduce the       has gone on the road. On location sessions     Medical Science of Fudan University, and
                                                                           The UN proclaims International                 resolution proposing MSME Day.          have unfolded nearby and halfway around        co-chairman of Fudan University China
                                                                        Days to educate the general public                Dr. El Tarabishy is the first college   the world. In 2019, George Talks Business      Financier Club.
                                                                        on issues of concern, to mobilize                 professor credited with creating a UN   went to New York City to host Charles R.          Visit the GWSB website for a complete
Dr. Ayman El Tarabishy with Ambassador Martín García Moritán,           political will and resources to address           International Day.                      Bendit, BBA ’75, co-chief executive officer    list of George Talks Business sessions and
Argentine Argentina's permanent representative to the UN..
                                                                        global problems, and to celebrate                                                         of Taconic Investment Partners; to Cherry      access to webcasts.
                                                                                                                                                                  Hill, New Jersey, for a session with Tom

4 | GWSB Spring 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | 5
“I’d like to offer                                                                                                                                    graduate Students                                         Faculty                                            Rankings

my personal                                                                                                                                                                                                     Professors Win Best
                                                                                                                                                      C-Suite: ‘MBA Boot Camp’
to our student                                                                                                                                                                                                  Paper Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   POINTS OF PRIDE:
case competition                                                                                                                                                                                                Donna Hoffman and Thomas Novak,
teams… They’ve                                                                                                                                                                                                  professors of marketing and co-directors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GWSB IN THE RANKINGS
done GWSB                                                                                                                                                                                                       of the Center for the Connected                    The college and university rankings issued
proud — against                                                                                                                                                                                                 Consumer, won the American Management              annually by respected publications are among
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the key measuring sticks for higher education.
some very tough                                                                                                                                                                                                 Association’s TechSIG (Technology and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   While criteria and metrics vary from source to
competition.”                                                                                                                                                                                                   Interactivity Special Interest Group)              source, these prominent rankings reflect the
Dr. Anuj Mehrotra,                                                                                                                                                                                              Lazaridis Prize for the “Best Paper for            informed opinions of education journalists
Dean of the GW School                                                                                                                                                                                           Research on the Practice of Marketing as           and peer institutions — and feedback provided
of Business                                                                                                                                           Dean Anuj Mehrotra welcomes students during               it Relates to Innovation, Technology and           by administrators, faculty, students and alumni.
                                                                                                                                                      C-Suite 2019, GWSB’s orientation for new GMBA                                                                   The notable, positive rankings GWSB
                                                                                                                                                      students. The nine-day program included a student
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Interactivity.” The article, “Consumer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   earned in 2019 represent something that we
                                                                                                                                                      services fair, practical labs on resume writing and       and Object Experience in the Internet of
                                                                                                                                                      elevator pitches, an alumni roundtable, a case                                                               achieved together — something of which we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Things: An Assemblage Theory Approach,”            can all be proud.
                                                                                                                                                      competition and several just-for-fun activities,
                                                                                                                                                      including a cookout and a D.C. scavenger hunt.            appeared in the Journal of Consumer Research.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The George Washington University School
                                                                                                                                                       international                                                                                               of Business was ranked 8th in the nation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   among the “Best Undergraduate International
                                                                                                                                                      GW Named UNWTO                                                                                               Business Programs” in U.S. News & World
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Report’s 2020 Best Colleges Rankings,
                                                                                                                                                      Affiliate Member                                                                                             maintaining its position in the top 10. The
                        GWSB case competition contestants collect their winnings.                                                                                                                                                                                  survey ranked GWSB 43rd overall among all
                                                                                                                                                      Don Hawkins (at left), professor emeritus of
                                                                                                                                                      management and tourism studies, was in St.                                                                   undergraduate business programs.
                                                                                                                                                      Petersburg, Russia, last fall to accept GW's
                                                                                                                                                      appointment as first vice chair of the Board of
                        GWSB Shines in Business Case Competitions                                                                                     Affiliate Members of the United Nations World
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ENTREPRENEUR MAGAZINE/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   THE PRINCETON REVIEW
                                                                                                                                                      Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Pictured with Dr.
                        GWSB students impressed the                      Team GW, GWSB MBA and                  GWSB students Pablo                   Hawkins (from left to right) are: Zurab Pololikashvili,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GWSB was ranked among the “Top 25
                        judges — and the competition —                GW Sustainable Urban Planning           Wenhammar, Apsara Sankar,               UNWTO secretary general; Ana Larrañaga, director,                                                            Best Graduate Schools for Entrepreneurs
                        with their business knowledge,                students Ramzi Soueid, Jonathan         Mustaga Ghasletwala and Isabel          Exhibitions Business Unit (Spain) and UNWTO board                                                            in 2020” by Entrepreneur Magazine/The
                                                                                                                                                      chairwoman; and Jens Thraenhart, founding partner,                                                           Princeton Review.
                        strategic thinking and problem-               Fuller, Jeannie Bellina and Fares       Meskers also took third-place           Chameleon Strategies (Thailand) and UNWTO
                        solving ability, taking home                  Al Banna finished third in the          honors at the University of             second vice chairman.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GWSB also earned high marks in the 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   U.S. News & World Report Best Graduate
                        prize money from business case                University of Miami’s “Impact           Pittsburgh and Dick’s Sporting                                                                                                                       Schools Rankings, rising since last year’s
                        competitions in Florida and                   in Investing in Commercial Real         Goods’ “Data Analytics Case             competition                                                                                                  rankings in three key categories: #53 for its
                        Pennsylvania.                                 Estate Case Competition.”               Competition.”                                                                                                                                        full-time MBA (up eight spots from #61 last
                                                                                                                                                      GW Students Notch Impressive Second-Place Finish in                                                          year); #66 for its part-time MBA (up 33 spots
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   from #99 last year); and #8 for international
event                                                              research                                                                           Major Case Competition                                                                                       business (up three spots from #11 last year).
Professor Leipziger Delivers Key-                                 GFLEC-FINRA Financial Knowledge Study                                                                                                         and restructured to embrace and integrate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GW was the only D.C. metro area university
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   to be listed in the top 25.
note at World Bank Conference                                                                                                                                                                                   more open platform models and new power
                                                                  When asked the “Big Three” financial literacy questions, 44%
Danny Leipziger, professor of practice of international                                                                                                                                                         structures to facilitate the organization’s        POETS & QUANTS
                                                                  of active investors, 32% of workplace-only investors and 30% of                                                                                                                                  GWSB came in at #53 in Poets & Quants’
business and managing director of The Growth                      the general population provided correct answers.                                                                                              mission of achieving greater impact at scale?”
Dialogue, delivered the keynote address to 400 World                                                                                                                                                            The teams were given 36 hours to analyze           2019 ranking of MBA programs, up from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   #63 in the 2018 ranking. The Poets & Quants
Bank staffers from around the world at the 2019                   A joint study conducted by GWSB’s Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center       The GW team celebrates its strong finish in the           the case and present unique and sustainable        MBA rankings are based on a cumulative,
                                                                                                                                                      McDonough Business Challenge.
Macroeconomics, Trade and Investment (MTI) Forum.                 (GFLEC) and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, “New Evidence on                                                                         solutions.                                         weighted evaluation of rankings released by
   Dr. Leipziger’s talk, “Development Challenges and              the Financial Knowledge and Characteristics of Investors,” found substantial        A team of GW students — including three                      The GW squad was the only one from a            Businessweek, The Economist, the Financial
the Role of World Bank Staff,” was aimed at motivating            differences in financial knowledge and awareness across different investor types.   from the School of Business — bested                      U.S. school (including host Georgetown) to         Times, Forbes and U.S. News & World Report.
World Bank MTI staff to adjust aspects of their advice               When asked the “Big Three” financial literacy questions, 44 percent of active    students from 20 other schools to finish                  advance to the final round. Congratulations
to reflect changing global circumstances while engaging           investors, 32 percent of workplace-only investors and 30 percent of the general     second in the McDonough Business                          to the team — Jamie Cohen, organizational          FINANCIAL TIMES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The GWSB MBA program was ranked
with developing country officials. Prior to joining the           population provided correct answers. The “Big Three” are used to gauge basic        Strategy Challenge (MBSC), an annual case                 science and economics, ’21; Kyle Farrell, real     #36 among U.S. schools — and #70 worldwide
GWSB faculty, Dr. Leipziger was at the World Bank for             knowledge of financial literacy principles.                                         competition hosted by the Georgetown                      estate and international business, ’21; and Avia   — in the Financial Times' MBA ranking. GWSB
28 years and served as vice president for economic policy            The study was co-authored by Annamaria Lusardi, Denit Trust Chair of             University McDonough School of Business.                  Chaoyi Zhang, international business and           improved by an impressive 20 spots from
under three successive bank presidents.                           Economics and Accountancy and GFLEC academic director.                                 The MBSC tasked student teams with                     accounting, ’20 — and their coach, Milinda         last year’s FT worldwide rankings (#90 in
                                                                                                                                                      providing a recommendation for “how                       Balthrop, manager, community of practice in        2019), and 10 spots among U.S. schools
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (#46 in 2019).
                                                                                                                                                      can CARE International be transformed                     consulting and adjunct lecturer.

6 | GWSB Spring 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | 7
                                                                                                                    faculty                            award                                                                           faculty

                                                                                                                    Professor                          Student Awarded Scholarship to Take                                             Professor Gives Keynote
                                                                                                                    Addresses                          Part in SABR Conference                                                         at Industry Conference
                                                                                                                    Summit in Egypt                                                               received a scholarship award to      Larry Yu, professor of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  attend the event.                    hospitality management and
                                                                                                                    Salah S. Hassan, professor                                                       “Topics covered included          faculty director of the master of
                                                                                                                    of marketing strategic brand                                                  the use of data, analytics in        tourism administration (MTA)
                                                                                                                    management and faculty director                                               broadcasting, swing path             program, delivered a keynote
                                                                                                                    of the graduate certificate                                                   analysis and pitch sequencing,       presentation at the MarketHub
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Professor Larry Yu in Bali, Indonesia.
                                                                                                                    program in marketing and                                                      among others,” Mr. Koehn             Asia Conference held in Bali,
                                                                                                                                                       GWSB junior Justin Koehn (third from
                                                                                                                    brand management, delivered        the left, above) at the 2019 Society for   said. “My favorite panel was a       Indonesia. The conference            moderated a panel discussion
                                                                                                                    a keynote address, “Building       American Baseball Research Baseball        presentation on ‘liquid analytics’   was sponsored by Hotelbeds,          on traveler experience.
                                                                                                                    Sustainable Nation Brand                                                      by former major league first         a leading b2b accommodation            More than 400 delegates
                                                                                                                    Narrative to Achieve Top           Justin Koehn, a GWSB junior                basemen Carlos Pena. In his          and travel ancillary services        from travel services, airlines,
                                                                                                                    Ranking,” at the opening session   with a sports management                   presentation, Pena talked about      wholesaling platform.                destination management
                                                                                                                    of the 4th Narrative Summit,       concentration and a minor                  the use of pitch tunneling and          Dr. Yu’s presentation,            organizations and hotel
                                                                                                                    held in Cairo, Egypt. Other        in statistics, was right in his            effective velocity. In addition      “Strategies for Growth,”             companies in the Asia-Pacific
                                                                                                                    notable opening session speakers   element at the 2019 Society for            to learning more about baseball      focused on innovations               region and Middle East
                                                                                                                    included Dr. Hala El Saeed,        American Baseball Research                 analytics, I had the chance to       in products, services and            attended the event. While at
                                                                                                                    minister of planning, and          (SABR) Baseball Analytics                  meet and talk to famous baseball     technology applications; talent      the conference, Dr. Yu had the
Professor Stuart Levy and Swizzler owner Jesse Konig serve up some gourmet frankfurters.
                                                                                                                    Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin,             Conference, held last spring in            statisticians such as Jonathon       development; and embodied            opportunity to reconnect with
                                                                                                                    senior vice president of the       Phoenix. One of Dr. Lisa Delpy             Judge, as well as employees of       experience for tourist               two MTA alumni currently
 Event                                                                                                              World Bank Group.                  Neirotti’s students, Mr. Koehn             Major League Baseball teams.”        consumption. Dr. Yu also             working at Hotelbeds in China.
                                                                                                                       This conference was
Hot Dog! An Insider’s Guide to Success in the Food
                                                                                                                    presented under the auspices of
Truck Business                                                                                                      Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah     Competition

The new GW Entrepreneurship and Tourism Lunch-and-Learn Series hosted guest speaker Jesse Konig,                    El Sisi, and in cooperation with
co-founder of the popular food truck business Swizzler, who shared his insights about the food truck                the United Nations, the World
                                                                                                                                                       Students Take Gold and Silver in Case Competition
business. He also discussed what he has learned about the skills needed for success as a hospitality                Bank and the European Union.                        Student teams coached by              provided sponsorship for the two                 (GWSB), Shelly Mishra (CCAS), Grace
entrepreneur, including crowdfunding strategies, new concept development and team building.                            The Narrative Summit                             Anna Helm, associate                  undergraduate teams. Team one, “Victoria’s       Wroblewski (GWSB) and Mikayla Brody
  Mr. Konig’s visit was the second in the GW Entrepreneurship and Tourism Lunch-and-Learn Series,                   is the Middle East-North                            teaching professor of                 Unsustainable Secret,” competed in the           (ESIA).
which highlights event, hospitality and tourism entrepreneurship education, while building community                Africa region’s largest annual                      international business and            MBA division and won first place in the             Each team presented three times during
among students and practitioners.                                                                                   PR conference. This year’s                          director of GW-CIBER,                 ethics competition. Team two, “Samsung:          the competition: a 25-minute case overview
  Special thanks to the GWSB Department of Management and the GW Office of Innovation and                           event focused on sustainable                        and David Ruda,                       Putting Conflict in Your Hands,” competed        and general presentation, a 10-minute
Entrepreneurship for sponsoring the series.                                                                         development and nation             GW-CIBER senior research aide, placed                  in the undergraduate division and won            ethics presentation and a 90-second
                                                                                                                    branding, in conjunction with      first and second in the 2019 International             second place in the ethics category.             sustainability pitch. During the trip to Los
                                                                                                                    the League of Arab States’         Business Ethics and Sustainability Case                   Team one included Justin Dembowski            Angeles, students also participated in a mini
                                                                                                                    Sustainable Development Week.      Competition hosted by Loyola Marymount                 (GWSB), Nicole Simos (ESIA), Lauren              career trek focused on sustainable fashion.
                                                                                                                       In his remarks, Dr. Hassan      University in Los Angeles.                             Lamar (ESIA), Max Leo (GWSB) and Olivia          It included site visits to Nature USA, a fair-
GFLEC Launches Online Financial Education Resource
                                                                                                                    stressed that this is the right       GW-CIBER and the GWSB Office of                     Morgan (ESIA). Team two was made up of           trade clothing maker, and Christy Dawn,
                          One in five students lacks           open to everyone but are tailored to high schools    time for Egypt to strategically    Undergraduate Programs and Advising                    Luis Otero-Bravo (GWSB), Will Desautels          a sustainable fashion design house.
                          basic financial literacy,            because available research allowed GFLEC             design and launch a “One Story”
                          according to leading                 to develop effective strategies for those grade      nation-branding strategy with
                          academic research. The               levels. The site is designed for six audiences       an emphasis on sustainability
                          Global Financial Literacy            involved in financial education: teachers, parents   to achieve a top ranking in the
                          Excellence Center                    and guardians, students, school administrators,      country branding index. Further,
                          (GFLEC) at the George                policymakers and community members.                  he stressed that nation branding
Washington University School of Business hopes                    Fast Lane will teach users why financial          is a multi-stakeholder concept
to change that with “Fast Lane,” an online financial           education matters and offer evidence-based           that requires involving not only
education resource. The site is funded by PwC US,              strategies and curricula. For those looking to       the government sector but
one of the largest professional services firm in the           advocate for financial literacy, Fast Lane offers    also the private sector, non-
United States whose partnership was instrumental               tools and worksheets along with external resources   governmental organizations, and
in getting this initiative off the ground.                     on how to write a letter to policymakers and how     the general public at large.
   The resources offered through Fast Lane are                 to build a media campaign.

8 | GWSB Spring 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                | 9
                                                                                                                                                               INTERNATIONAL                                                               event

                                                                                                                                                               2019 University of Chile-GWSB                                               Student Engagement
                                                                                                                                                               MBA Program
                                                                                                                                                                                                Graduates of the 2019 University
                                                                                                                                                                                                of Chile-GWSB MBA Capstone
                                                                                                                                                                                                Program are joined by GW Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                for Latin American Issues Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                Kevin Kellbach (bottom row, far left),
                                                                                                                                                                                                Professor of International Affairs
                                                                                                                                                                                                Sheherazade Rehman (to his right)          The GWSB Graduate Student
                                                                                                                                                                                                and University of Chile Graduate           Engagement team hosts an Industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                School of Economics and Business           Roundtable on the capital markets in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                Professor Leslier Valenzuela Fernández     City View Room of the GW Elliott School
                                                                                                                                                                                                (to Rehman's right). Also present are      of International Affairs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Dean Anuj Mehrotra (bottom, far
                                                                                                                                                                                                right) and Professor Alejandra Haddad      The Office of Graduate Student
                                                                                                                                                                                                Bendekovic (to his left), who is also on   Engagement provides students
                                                                                                                                                                                                the faculty at the University of Chile.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           with a series of forums offering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           important academic and career-
                                                                                                                                                               research                                                                    related information. These                   • Industry Roundtables —
GWSB students and their faculty advisor Rodney Lake (right) in Montreal.                                                                                                                                                                   informative, valuable, outside-                designed to provide students
                                                                                                                                                               Professor Receives National Science                                         the-classroom events have                      the chance to go deeper
                                                                                                                                                               Foundation Grant                                                            proven to be very popular with                 in discussion with alumni,
Undergrads Compete in North-of-the-Border Portfolio Challenge                                                                                                  Katina Sawyer, assistant         research includes interviewing             GWSB grad students.                            members of the board of
The Office of Undergraduate Programs and                 university finance competition, hosted by          challenge in devising an optimal portfolio         professor of management,         both men and women who                        • Meet-and-Greets —                         advisors, employers, and
Advising, along with the GW Investment                   McGill University in Montreal.                     allocation strategy. The strategy had to           received a $185,000 grant        champion gender equity in                       morning (breakfast) or                    industry leaders beyond a
Institute, recently sponsored a team of                    Approximately 340 participants                   implement sustainable investment while             from the National Science        their organizations. It also                    evening (dinner) events                   simple networking/meet-
three GWSB undergraduate students to                     comprising more than 100 teams from                accommodating the competing interests of           Foundation to study gender       includes ethnographic case                      with accomplished GWSB                    and-greet event. It is a
participate in the McGill International                  87 universities participated in the first          the stakeholders involved and taking into          equity and inclusive workplace   studies of gender equitable                     alumni. The Meet-and-                     chance for both discussion
Portfolio Challenge (MIPC). GWSB                         round. The 25 teams that made it to the            consideration climate change risks.                behaviors. The research will     organizations. The study will                   Greets provide students                   leaders and students to
team members were Joseph McCluskey,                      semi-final round and were invited to the              MIPC runs the competition in                    help organizational leaders      help lead to measures and best                  with the opportunity to                   learn about each other,
BBA ’21, Gabrielle Picard, BSF ’21,                      McGill University Desautels Faculty of             partnership with Canada’s leading                  understand the factors that      practices that will drive large-                meet and chat with former                 and for students to get an
Dinesh Prabaharan, BBA ’20, Francisco                    Management to present their proposals              institutional managers, including the              lead to a gender equitable       scale, evidence-based changes                   students and learn from                   in-depth, insider’s look at
Solorzano, MBA ’20 (advisor), and Rodney                 to a panel of Canadian institutional asset         Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, PSP                organization, inclusive          in organizational systems to                    their experiences on-campus               select industry sectors and
Lake, MBA ’03, GW Investment Institute                   management industry leaders.                       Investments, Caisse de dépôt et placement          behaviors and other positive     bring workplace inclusion.                      and in the workplace in an                potential career paths.
director and teaching instructor of finance                The theme of this year’s challenge,              du Québec, CIBC Asset Management,                  workplace outcomes. Her                                                          informal setting.
(faculty advisor).                                       long-term environmental sustainability in          BlackRock, the Canadian Pension Plan
   The McGill International Portfolio                    buy-side finance, centered on a fictional          Investment Board, Société Générale, and
Challenge is the world’s premier buy-side                Canadian province’s asset manager’s                Lombard Odier Group.                                                                                                                                       Conference

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ready, Set, GROW!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Dean Anuj Mehrotra congratulates Raagini Sarkar,
Professor Re-elected to Bank Board                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ’21, vice president of professional development
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       for Alpha Kappa Psi, and Joseph Manzo, ’22, vice
William C. Handorf, professor of finance, was re-elected to the board of directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta, which is a $150                                                                                                                           president of professional activities for Delta Sigma Pi,
billion, SEC-registered wholesale institution.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         for their excellent work in organizing the “Ready, Set,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Grow!” Career Conference. The annual student-run
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       event, presented by the two business fraternities
Event                                                                                  faculty                                                                                                                                                                         and sponsored by KPMG and the GW Student
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Association, attracted approximately 300 students for
I Scream, You Scream . . . GWSB Deans Dish                                             Professor Wins Top Reviewer Award                                                                                                                                               an afternoon of industry-specific panel presentations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and the opportunity to meet with recruiters from
Out Ice Cream!                                                                         Herman Aguinis, Avram Tucker Distinguished Scholar and                                                                                                                          leading companies.
                                                      GWSB students got a very         professor of management, was honored with three awards at the
                                                      nice back-to-school surprise     annual conference of the Academy of Management. Dr. Aguinis
                                                      at the start of the fall 2019
                                                      semester when they were
                                                                                       received the Responsible Research in Management Award and
                                                      greeted with free ice cream      the best reviewer-of-the-year award from the journal Academy of
                                                      in the lobby of Duquès Hall.     Management Learning and Education. He also received runner-up
                                                      Dean Anuj Mehrotra and
                                                      Associate Deans Vanessa          recognition for the Saroj Parasuraman Outstanding Publication
                                                      Perry and Liesl Riddle           Award from the Academy of Management Gender and Diversity in
                                                      demonstrated their good
                                                      humor in serving up the          Organizations Division for his Journal of Applied Psychology article,
                                                      cold treats to students, staff   “Gender productivity gap among star performers in STEM and
                                                      and fellow faculty members.
                                                                                       other scientific fields” (with co-author Young Yi).
10 | GWSB Spring 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | 11

Record Turnout for ‘Pitch George’ Competition
More than 200 students, alumni and staff gathered to participate in      earned an opportunity to work with a mentor and compete in the
the 12th annual “Pitch George” Competition. Seventy-five student         GW New Venture Competition.

teams presented their pitches to more than 50 judges, and the               Dr. Solomon thanked Dean’s Advisory Board members Rich
top 15 teams were selected to compete in the final round. George         DiPippo and Ken Chaletzky, and Amy Millman, president of
Solomon, professor of management and director of the Center for          Springboard Enterprises, for their invaluable support in making
Entrepreneurial Excellence, said this was the largest gathering in the   it possible for a record number of students to participate in the
history of the event.                                                    competition, as well as the judges who gave up their Saturday to
  Dean Anuj Mehrotra attended the final pitches and presented            officiate over the event.

cash awards totaling over $8,000 to the winning teams, who also          Final round contestants get ready to make one more pitch.

                                                                                                                                                              By Herman Aguinis

                                                                              YOU CAN HELP
                                                                              A GW STUDENT
                                                                             Donor generosity helps ensure qualified
                                                                            students, regardless of financial resources,
                                                                             can earn a top-notch education and take
                                                                               full advantage of the GW experience.                               Herman Aguinis is the Avram Tucker Distinguished
                                                                             Philanthropy helps our students’ dreams
                                                                                 grow, and you have the power to                               Scholar, professor of management and chairperson of the
                                                                                         make a difference.
                                                                                                                                               Department of Management. In November 2019 he was
                                                                              Make your gift to the                                            ranked among the top 112 most influential business and
                                                                            GW School of Business today.                                       economics researchers in the world. He has been elected
                                                                                                                 president of the Academy of Management, the oldest
                                                                                         800-789-2611                                           and largest organization for management scholars and
                                                                                                                                                   educators. More information, including many of
                                                                                                                                                 his articles, is available at

12 | GWSB Spring 2020                                                                                                                                                                           | 13
Which are the
                                              The single most critical difference between       on top management teams by Margaret                                                                                                                            .   Some Intriguing
                                              the top business schools and the rest is that     Ormiston, associate professor of
            best business                     they not only disseminate knowledge, but          management.                                                                                                                                                        Questions — and
            schools in the                    they create knowledge. A business school             GWSB also supports academic research                                                                                                                            Research-based
                                              that creates knowledge employs faculty            through more than a dozen research centers,
            world and why?                    who teach evidence-based information              each of which has contributed significantly
            Of course,                        rather than opinion. Also, the research           to the greater good of business and society                                                                                                                        The goal of our most recent research is
the best business schools                     that they create is useful for managers and       at large — as well as the reputation of                                                                                                                            to answer the following questions:
                                              organizations to improve their performance        GWSB — by producing and disseminating
have a lot of financial                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1. How do employees
                                              and enhance employee well-being.                  research that truly matters. Our research
resources, nice buildings,                       In fact, it is also useful for policymakers.   centers are world renowned as thought                                                                                                                                 find meaningfulness
and phenomenal IT                             And, it is the latest research that motivates     leaders in their respective disciplines.                                                                                                                              at work? What is the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      role of corporate social
infrastructure. Also, the best                alumni to remain engaged — precisely              The Center for the Connected Consumer,
                                              because they want to make sure their              headed jointly by Donna Hoffman, Louis                                                                                                                                responsibility? How
business schools attract the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          can organizations
                                              knowledge is current. This is why the best        Rosenfeld Distinguished Scholar and
best professors, students                     business schools are the best. They are not       professor of marketing, and Thomas Novak,                                                                                                                             use corporate social
and staff, and their loyal                    just brokers of knowledge that is produced        Denit Trust Distinguished Scholar and                                                                                                                                 responsibility as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      way to engage their
alumni remain engaged long                    elsewhere. They are the ones who produce          professor of marketing; the Center for
                                              the knowledge themselves — they are the           Real Estate and Urban Analysis (CREUA),                                                                                                                               workforce and reduce turnover?
after graduation. And, the
                                              engines of the 21st-century knowledge             directed by Christopher Leinberger, Louis                                                                                                                          2. 
best business schools have                    economy.                                          Rosenfeld Distinguished Scholar; and the
great global brands and                                                                         Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center
reputations. The question is                    “The single most critical difference
                                                                                                (GFLEC), led by Annamaria Lusardi, Denit
                                                                                                Trust Chair of Economics and Accountancy,
“how did they get there?”                       between the top business schools
                                                                                                have all earned international recognition for
The answer is surprisingly                      and the rest is that they not only
                                                                                                their groundbreaking research.                                                                                                                                     3. 
simple and straight forward:                    disseminate knowledge, but they
                                                create knowledge.”
Research.                                                                                       RESEARCH: WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT?
                                                                                                                             To me, being a
                                                                                                                             researcher is not                                                                                                                     4. 
                                                The George Washington University —                                           something I do,
                                              and the George Washington University                                           but who I am.
                                              School of Business — are well aware of these                                   It is a calling.
                                              facts and place significant value on academic                                  The goal of our
                                              research as a vital component in fulfilling                                    research, and I
                                              their mission as leading educational                                           emphasize our                                                                                                                         5. 
                                                                                                                                                  (Top photo, left to right) Dr. Herman Aguinis and his doctoral students: Isabel Villamor, Hannah Kremer,
                                              institutions. Our faculty members receive                                      research because     Kelly Gabriel, Rui Wang and Soolim Park. Dr. Aguinis’s doctoral students work closely with him and play an
                                              enthusiastic encouragement and full                                            it involves          important role in his research. A number of them have co-authored published research papers with him.
                                              support for their research from Dean Anuj                                      numerous
                                                                                                 Performance Management
                                              Mehrotra and Associate Dean for Faculty            for Dummies, by Herman      GWSB students        data-analytic techniques. We publish results              dissemination and impact of research                   6. 
                                              and Research Vanessa Perry. And we have            Aguinis, Ph.D.              and colleagues, is   of our research in peer-reviewed journals                 generated at GWSB.
                                              responded.                                                                     to help improve      (such as the Journal of Management) but also
                                                I am very proud of the research produced        organizations and society while at the            in publications accessible by thought leaders               “The goal of our research, which
                                              by my GWSB Department of Management               same time enhancing individual well-being.        (such as Business Horizons), the popular                     involves numerous GWSB students
                                              colleagues. It’s a very long list and I           Also, the goal of our research is to create       press (such as The Wall Street Journal) and                  and colleagues, is to help improve                  7. How can we link individual, team,
                                              apologize I cannot name all of them, but,         knowledge that is useful and actionable—          broadcast widely through social media.                       organizations and society and at the                   and firm goals with the purpose of
                                              consider research on leadership by James          that we share in the classroom and in                 Of course, our research is also published                same time enhance individual well-                     achieving a firm’s strategy?
                                              Bailey, Hochberg Professorial Fellow of           organizations and society at large. In our        in books. I am particularly proud that my                    being. Also, to create knowledge that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Are you intrigued? On the next page,
                                              Leadership Development and professor of           research we use databases, data from surveys      most recent book, Performance Management                     is useful and actionable — that we share            I will provide brief summaries of what
In 2019, Dr. Herman Aguinis was ranked
among the top 112 most influential business
                                              management; on virtual teams by N. Sharon         and interviews, experiments and computer          for Dummies, includes the latest research                    in the classroom and in organizations               we found and emphasize how our
and economics researchers in the world.       Hill, associate professor of management; on       simulations. We combine different types of        on the topic, but in a way that is widely                    and society at large..”                             research informs practices.
                                              diversity and inclusion by Katina Sawyer,         research designs, measures and data with          accessible — thereby enhancing the
                                              assistant professor of management; and            state-of-the art quantitative and qualitative

14 | GWSB Spring 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | 15

                                                                                                                                                                     N’JIE-KONTE                                                             MBA ’14

                                                                                                                                                             HELPING YOUNG INVESTORS DARE
                                                                                                                                                             TO DREAM By Mary A. Dempsey
                                                                                                                                                             Anna N’Jie-Konte, MBA ’14, always liked             She became president of the GW              the same class,” said Ms. Diallo. “We were
                                                                                                                                                             her work as a certified financial planner,      African Business Association. Ms. N’Jie-        all full-time working people so our classes
Herman Aguinis, Avram Tucker Distinguished Scholar, professor of management, and chairperson of the GWSB Department of Management                            advising people with net worth between          Konte, who speaks English, Spanish, French      were in the evenings and on Saturdays. She
                                                                                                                                                             $5 million and $20 million on how to build      and some Portuguese, was also president of      and I connected because we both have ties
                                                                                                                                                             their portfolios. When she was ready to         the National Black MBA Association.             to Africa — I am from Guinea — and she
WANT TO BECOME AN INNOVATION                          Journal of Management, March 2019                   performance relation by pitting various            launch her own firm, she stayed in the wealth       Family connections to Africa — both         spoke French.”
LEADER? HERE’S HOW                                   Corporate social responsibility (CSR)                theoretical rationales and mechanisms              management arena but set her sights on          her father and father-in-law grew up in              Ms. Diallo described her classmate
“Innovation leadership: Best-practice                focuses on many types of stakeholders and            against each other. The main finding? As a         a demographic she felt was underserved:         The Gambia — made her and her husband           and friend as “extremely smart, driven and
 recommendations for promoting                       outcomes, including stakeholders outside             leader, it is critically important that you have   younger workers.                                consider ways to build ties to west Africa.     ambitious.” She noted that Ms. N’Jie-Konte
 employee creativity, voice, and knowledge           of the organization and outcomes that go             a very good relationship with your followers           “I want to help first-generation wealth     (Her mother is Puerto Rican.) Ms. N’Jie-        remained dedicated to her classwork even
 sharing” — Hannah Kremer, Isabel Villamor           far beyond financial results. CSR expands            — and this is even more important than your        builders — 30- to 40-somethings,” said Ms.      Konte’s husband works for the U.S.              through a pregnancy.
 and Herman Aguinis, Business Horizons,              the notion of work to go beyond a task, job,         ability to provide them with resources and         N’Jie-Konte. “Traditionally, big firms work     Department of State and frequently travels           “She was in every class. She did her
 February 2019                                       intraindividual, intra-organizational and            rewards.                                           with older people who already have wealth       to Africa.                                      midterms, delivered her baby girl a week
Innovation — the implementation of                   profit perspective, and provides an ideal                                                               and want to grow it more. The fees they             “We have African roots and we have          later and then came back to class so she
creative ideas — is one of the most                  conduit for individuals to seek and find             CONCLUSIONS                                        charge are a percentage of your assets so       three young daughters and we’d like them to     wouldn’t lose the semester,” said Ms. Diallo,
important factors of competitive advantage           meaningfulness through work.                         In an age when so many people talk about           they are most interested in already-wealthy     have a connection to Africa,” Ms. N’Jie-        vice president of Mid-Cap Financial. “She
in 21st century organizations. Yet, leaders do                                                            “fake news,” implementing organizational           people.”                                        Konte said. “That was a huge motivator for      might have made up a class or two in the
not always encourage employee behaviors              HOW TO BE THE TYPE OF                                practices based on research rather than                In August 2019, Ms.N’Jie-Konte opened       me to want to start my own business that        summer but she walked across the stage at
that are critical for innovation. In this            LEADER THAT BRINGS THE                               opinion is more important than ever.               Dare to Dream Financial Planning “to            would allow me to work remotely anywhere        commencement with the rest of us.”
paper, two GWSB doctoral students and                BEST PERFORMANCE OUT OF                              The best business schools are those that           work with people like me, who are the           in the world.”                                       In addition to her new company, Ms.
I integrate existing literature on critical          YOUR EMPLOYEES                                       not only disseminate knowledge, but                first in their families to be educated for a        She currently lives in the D.C. area, but   N’Jie-Konte in February debuted a podcast,
factors that serve as antecedents of creativity      “Leadership behaviors and follower                   more importantly create knowledge.                 profession, people who are trying to find       her husband is likely to have a temporary       First-Gen Realness, that addresses the
and innovation, and offer evidence-based              performance: Deductive and inductive                I am incredibly fortunate to be part of the        the best way to structure their finances and    posting in Nigeria later this year. When that   experiences of first-generation Americans.
recommendations for managers to become                examination of theoretical rationales               GWSB family, which allows me to work with          become the first in their families to build     happens, the family will move to Abuja.         She hoped GWSB students are among those
innovation leaders.                                   and underlying mechanism” — Ryan K.                 talented colleagues, students and alumni in        wealth.”                                             “As an undergraduate, I was a literature   who identify with some of its messages.
                                                      Gottfredson and Herman Aguinis, Journal             identifying challenging questions and then             Much of her expanding client base has       major and I never took a single business             Portfolio management for people with
HOW TO USE CORPORATE SOCIAL                           of Organizational Behavior, May 2017                providing research-based answers that we           come from personal recommendations.             class. So it was in the MBA program that        student loans is one of Ms. N’jie-Konte’s
RESPONSIBILITY TO DO GOOD AND                        There are competing theories and                     use to teach our classes and also inform           Rather than a brick-and-mortar operation,       I learned everything I needed to manage a       special interests. She said it became part of
DO WELL                                              explanations for why the impact of leader            practices and policies with the goals of           she interacts with clients virtually.           business, front to back,” she explained. “I     her repertoire when a clients came to her
“On Corporate Social Responsibility,                 behavior is stronger or weaker on follower           enhancing individual and firm performance              Ms. N’Jie-Konte, who grew up in New         learned how to structure a business, market     with a “staggering” level of student loan
 Sensemaking, and the Search for                     performance. We conducted a large-scale              as well as individual well-being. GWSB             York City, enrolled in GWSB’s Accelerated       myself, create a brand.”                        debt. She began talking about how student
 Meaningfulness through Work”                        study involving more than 900,000 people                                                                MBA program in 2012 with an eye on                  Ms. N’Jie-Konte said “the biggest plus”     loans affect future wealth and is working on
 — Herman Aguinis and AnteGlavas,                    to clarify the leadership behaviors-follower                                                            international business. Owning a business       from her time at GWSB came in the form          getting that message to GWSB students.
                                                                                                                                                             interested her even then, but her focus         of the lasting relationships she built, among        “I see it as a way to give back, by
                                                                                                                                                             wasn’t on wealth management. Rather, she        them her ongoing friendship with Assiatou       talking to graduate students about setting
                                                                                                                                                             was looking at business and investment in       Diallo, MBA ’14.                                themselves up for success with their student
                                                                                                                                                             Africa.                                             “I met Anna in in 2014 when we were in      loans,” she said.

16 | GWSB Spring 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | 17
Ultimately, the renovated career center will serve as a hub for collaboration
     and innovation. But the recent changes…go far beyond interior design.
                                                                                                         GWSB’s F. David Fowler Career Center          What Mr. Strassman discovered during                    The Career Action Plan consists of seven
                                                                                                     (FDFCC) has undergone an impressive             this and similar stops on his “listening tour”         steps:
                                                                                                     makeover. The center’s extensive physical       was that there were students who weren’t                  1. 
                                                                                                     renovation was designed to focus on             aware of the services the career center                   2. Research

                                THE NEW
                                                                                                     openness and collaboration. Private             offered and hadn’t begun to map out a                     3. 
                                                                                                     offices that once faced the hallway now         career plan. This needed to change. Students              4. 
                                                                                                     face inward. Walls that separated the           needed to know that the career center was                 5. 
                                                                                                     career consulting team from the employer        there for them — and they needed a “road                  6. 

                        F. D
                            AVID FOWLER
                                                                                                     relations team have given way to pods and       map” to guide them in how they could best                 7. 
                                                                                                     standing desks designed to spark impromptu      make use of its services.
                                                                                                     meetings and brainstorming sessions. A                                                                    The seven steps serve as building blocks
                                                                                                     spacious conference room will allow career      THE CAREER ACTION PLAN                                 designed to help students identify and
                                                                                                     consultants to provide students with group         Mr. Strassman and his team launched                 pursue a promising career path. Students

                        CAREER CENTER
                                                                                                     coaching, in addition to individual coaching.   an in-house publicity campaign aimed at                receive testing early in their freshman
                                                                                                         Ultimately, the renovated career center     increasing student — as well as faculty,               year to give them a sense of their career
                                                                                                     will serve as a hub for collaboration and       staff and alumni — awareness of the F.                 direction and choice. The self-assessment
                                                                                                     innovation.                                     David Fowler Career Center and set to                  and visioning step of the career action plan is
                                                                                                        But the recent changes at the FDFCC go       work drawing up that road map. The result              fluid and accounts for changes in preferences
                                                                                 By Brian Citizen,   far beyond interior design. The career center   was the Career Action Plan, which is the               as students come into their own. It takes
                                                           Assistant Director, Employer Relations,   has developed a new approach to fulfilling      core of the Fowler Center’s new approach               account of who they are, what they want to
                                                                    F. David Fowler Career Center    its mission of helping GWSB students            to comprehensive career management                     do, how they see themselves and how they
                                                                                                     achieve their career goals. Building on the     services. The plan allows students to track            see themselves using their skills.
                                                                                                     solid foundation left by FDFCC founder          their career search activities on the path to             Once the students have a better
                                                                                                     and former Executive Director Gil Yancey,       employment, while providing the center’s               understanding of who they are and what they
                                                                                                     Mark Strassman, the center’s new executive      career consultants and employer relations              want to do, they then work with the career
                                                                                                     director, and his team have put together        team with a blueprint to assist students in            consultant to research and discover how
                                                                                                     a comprehensive strategy to deliver “red        reaching their goals.                                  their current choices align with that path.
                                                                                                     carpet” career management guidance.

                                                                                                     FINDING OUT WHAT
                                                                                                     STUDENTS WANT AND NEED
                                                                                                     FROM THE CAREER CENTER
                                                                                                        Mr. Strassman spent his first weeks at
                                                                                                     GWSB meeting with students and collecting
                                                                                                     feedback on what students wanted — and
                                                                                                     needed — from the career center. On a
                                                                                                     Monday afternoon during the 2019 fall
                                                                                                     semester, a finance course was interrupted
                                                                                                     for an off-subject presentation. Professor
                                                                                                     Rodney Lake introduced Mr. Strassman to
                                                                                                     his students. The introduction alone would
                                                                                                     have helped students get connected to the
                                                                                                     career center, but Mr. Strassman took it
                                                                                                     a step further and shared a presentation,
                                                                                                     conveying his vision for helping students,
                                                                                                     staff and employers partner to achieve better
                                                                                                     employment outcomes.
                                                                                                                                                     The career center remained open for business throughout its extensive physical renovation

18 | GWSB Spring 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                             | 19
The research step involves a coordinated          Mehrotra’s first principle of always putting
                                                         effort to examine industries, employers           students’ interests first. “We are constantly
                                                         and mentors who can help students find a          asking the question, ‘Is this better for the
                                                         strategic match. Once students have made          students?’” said Mr. Strassman. “If the
                                                         strides in the practical research step, they      answer is yes, then we do it.”
                                                         can put the finishing touches on resumes
                                                         and cover letters to appeal to a very specific    COLLABORATION: THE KEY TO
                                                         audience — potential employers in their           MAKING THE PLAN WORK
                                                         chosen area of career interest.                      Serving a population of more than 3,000
                                                            Students aren’t the only ones researching.     graduate and undergraduate students can
                                                         Employers have more tools than at any point       seem like an overwhelming challenge for
                                                         in history to learn about job candidates.         the relatively small F. David Fowler Career
                                                         As employers evaluate resumes and cover           Center staff, but Mr. Strassman believes
                    Brian Citizen, assistant director,   letters, they are doing their due diligence       his team is more than up to it. The key is a
                    employer relations, F. David
                    Fowler Career Center
                                                         by also perusing candidates’ social media         foundation of collaboration.
                                                         profiles.                                            Mr. Strassman has encouraged a culture
                                                            The fourth step in the career action           that emphasizes mission over task, breaking
                     The key is a                        plan helps students put their best foot           down job-function silos and encouraging
                                                         forward and build a professional brand and        collaborative opportunities. “If you have a
                  foundation of                          reputation to be reflected not just in person,    job, and it’s your sole responsibility to do
                collaboration…                           but on numerous professional social media         that job, you’re lonely and siloed,” said Mr.
                                                                                                                                                           (Clockwise from top left) F. David Fowler Career Center Executive Director Mark Strassman conducts a staff meeting in the FDFCC’s new conference room; Kathleen
                                                                                                                                                           Duffy, FDFCC senior director of graduate and undergraduate career development, and Mark Strassman go over the Career Development Plan; FDFCC Senior Career
                                                         platforms as well.                                Strassman. “One plus one ordinarily equals      Consultant Lawrence Lo (right) provides one-on-one career counseling.
                   a culture that                           Once branded, students are ready to start      more than two. I’ve often found that there
                    emphasizes                           building a network and sharing their stories      is strength in teams and numbers.”                 “Relationships take years to build. Over            ACCESS: ELITE, NOT ELITIST                               to equip students with skills needed for
              mission over task,                         via online and offline channels. Students            The employer relations and student           the years we have built relationships with                Since joining GWSB, Mr .Strassman                     success in today’s marketplace. Alumni
                                                         participate in a series of seminars and hands-    coaching teams still “own” their jobs, but      students, alumni and employers while                   has focused building upon the work of his                are an especially critical component of the
                breaking down                            on tutorials to help them better understand       they are not alone. This philosophy has         priding ourselves on red carpet service,” she          predecessor, and he has readily recognized               CoP’s blueprint. Alumni share industry
              job-function silos                         the intricacies of building and properly          reshaped the career center’s environment,       said. “It’s important to carry that into the           the value of many of the center’s existing               specific knowledge with students in three
                                                         accessing a network. If the preceding steps       generating positive energy through the          future.”                                               programs. Rather than replacing them, he                 ways: skills-training workshops, one-on-one
              and encouraging                            are executed well, students will begin            spirit of collaboration.                          In Mr. Strassman’s view,                             has been committed to taking what has                    mentorship, and sponsoring real world pro
                   collaborative                         receiving interviews.                                                                               collaboration should lead to                         worked well for GWSB students and making                 bono consulting engagements.
                                                            The Fowler Career Center career                BUILDING A TEAM                                   innovation. He knew that in order                    it work even better.                                        “The CoP is a great opportunity for
                 opportunities.                          consultants engage the students in a series          In Mr. Strassman’s view, collaboration         to innovate he needed experienced                       Take for example the Consulting                       alumni to give back and elevate our brand in
                                                         of mock interviews of all types to prepare        should lead to innovation. He knew that in        partners who naturally espoused                      Community of Practice (CoP), a rigorous                  the marketplaces,” said Milinda Balthrop,
                                                         them for their opportunities, no matter the       order to innovate he needed experienced            a positive and collaborative spirit.                two-year program in which students gain                  manager of the Consulting Community of
                                                         industry. Behavioral, case study, online and      partners who naturally espoused a positive                                                             interview and career readiness through                   Practice program. “Through the program,
                                                         in-person team and individual interviews          and collaborative spirit.                          One of Mr. Strassman’s first searches to            immersive experiences. Previously,                       our alumni become a part of a self-
                                                         are all reviewed. This inevitably leads to the       He found a kindred spirit in Kathleen        complete the career services team was for              admission to the program had been highly                 sustaining community in which they help
                                                         seventh and final step where students are         Duffy, who was recently promoted to senior      a senior career consultant to help serve               competitive and highly selective. Mr.                    students succeed and those students return
                                                         prepared to manage the offer process to           director of graduate and undergraduate          GWSB’s growing international population.               Strassman wanted a program that was                      as mentors upon graduation.”
                                                         ensure they are maximizing compensation,          career development. Ms. Duffy’s passion for     He found the perfect candidate in Lawrence             inclusive, not exclusive. Elite, not elitist.
                                                         training and transition opportunities. The        innovation and mentorship initially drew        Lo, who spent the past 16 years in China               Now, every GWSB student has access to the                THE “NEW” F. DAVID FOWLER
                                                         plan, in its totality, allows the career center   her to the career center, where she taps her    providing corporate training and education             program, although each must perform at an                CAREER CENTER IS OPEN FOR
                                                         to build a relationship with students early       experience in building teams in start-up        for Chinese professionals seeking to interact          elite level to maintain access. Mr. Strassman            BUSINESS
                                                         on in their journey, providing clarity at every   environments, leadership development            with Western culture. “For a lot of the                likens the process to every student starting a              With its all-new physical appearance and
                                                         step.                                             and coaching. She was initially recruited       international students, they already have an           class with an A grade — and being required               layout — and a new approach to its mission
                                                            In addition to the Career Action Plan, Mr.     to launch career services for GWSB’s            extra hurdle while looking for jobs in the             to work hard to maintain it over the course              — GWSB’s F. David Fowler Career Center
                                                         Strassman wanted to ensure that the career        undergraduate population. Now, she              market,” Mr. Lo said. “I am trying to help             of a semester.                                           is ready to serve the career management
                                                         center was committed to pursuing its goals        plays a key role in stewarding successful       them have a level playing field.”                         The CoP’s dedication to inclusivity                   needs of its diverse student body. You can
                                                         and fulfilling its mission guided by positive     strategies for undergraduate students while                                                            extends beyond student eligibility. The                  read about the center and its programs
                                                         energy, collaboration, innovation and access      developing new ones for the graduate                                                                   program represents a shared commitment                   online at
                                                         for all — while exemplifying Dean Anuj            students.                                                                                              among students, alumni, faculty and staff                center, or if you’re on campus, please stop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           by and visit. GWSB

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