REG I Supporting the Journey to Business Excellence - Wayne Oldfield; REG Director Jeffery Devine Rural rep REG Leadership Group
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REG I Supporting the Journey to Business Excellence Wayne Oldfield; REG Director Jeffery Devine Rural rep REG Leadership Group
Todays conversation Working with REG – the role of System Management AMP improvement planning REG Excellence Programme update Building a communicable AMP THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 2
Enabling a step change in sector transport leadership and capability by December 2021. • Improve public confidence and demonstrate greater value for money from transport investment, by • Providing support and resources to the sector. THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 4
Vision – Why we do what we do What’s your purpose? What’s your cause? What’s your belief? ….. Why does your organisation exist? Why do you get out of bed in the morning and why should anyone care?...... “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it” Simon Sinek THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 5
The Role of System Management • Delivery of the next round of NOC contracts to ensure sustainability of the supply chain • Building a partnership with all RCA • Developing and delivering a safe, ‘single’ network for our customers • Promoting the REG objectives THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 6
REG AMP Improvement Framework e men t Plan anag Risk M e ve l Risk L ple te % com N ote s 5 Low ate / s Upd Statu u rce s Re so edium y 10 M sibilit Re spon fr am e Tim e a ger Priori ty Ma n s port Tra n TA IA proa ch & NZ nt ap ve m e High igh Im pro s 15 H is c us ed p to d e ntifi d Id w o rks ho rk. a na g er n o tus a ers hip a mew p ort M re Sta Pa rtn c h a nd fr Tra n s Futu e m e nts proa Im pro v d a nd r ap rk a dopte s . Regula ewo RCA ports High tus fr a m ZTA a nd nt Sta reed N . Su p ther Curre r Ag ed off by ori ng nd NLTP ith o fted fo s ign monit ta ely w ividua l ty p e dra ti n g s a nd rovemen ri ng RCA a b o ra ti v in d proto mee s imp s . Prepa c oll ure ppli e s ework edba c k. nuou W ork . Ens a ger fr a m c onti ion RCAs this a Ma n New a nd fe ondit ea c h regiona l d how a l RCA. s port Act iv it y s ion ing c within ip a n Tra n nt is c us fund 1 NLTP. ments unders ta nd ners h h individ u em e d 2 0 2 ta te o w c rov for lem s etter ea l imp prob rk. B ms a t within giona Tes t etwo a l proble a l High le ti ng re RCA n n loc ct Tit Adop ork loped loc a l le of regio e li nk of other Proje e w en deve ts . c a ro v le vel with ork fr a m e n the s p h to hig A in AMP ti vely . t fr a mew M P ha s b s ta teme le v el. Im v ery b o ra A EMS emen na l A blem loc a l e deli us e of B C c oll a nd N ZT SYST prov Regio giona l pro ra mm ve W ork l RCAs a 1 Im ne of re prog y. Impro na a nd li with g ll y regio f th e BCA s tr a te t NLTP. s te ms fu ic a ti on, o y e x s y if e us e ti vit e of for n s s / AMP c la s s ve th in Ac ra mm e ONRC s e of Impro nnec ti on a nd prog Bus in ted with u co n ped ra , a nd s ight ement Pla d evelo integ f s ervic e ures . ht n a g e n LT P ls o e a s e of s ig Ma . P h a s be ; 2 0 1 8 N nd leve a n ce m 2 Li n s M RC ea rm work na l A e ON ia ti v perfo Regio ra ti ng th new init d to o sa li nke inc orp NRC wa ta rted the O N RC is u s e of O te h a ss w the to da ve h o s work ti on. Impro s s ys tem ra es integ n bus in ti o tegra RC in 3 ON THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 7
ONRC PMRT – Network Performance Functionality RCA & Comparabl e reports Why is my result different? THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 8
ONRC PMRT – Data Quality Functionality Data quality dashboard & reports Why is my result different? THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 9
REG Excellence Programme - providing a robust framework for assessment REG Assessment Framework will use Network Performance: ONRC Data & Asset Management Assessment Classification & Performance Quality Reporting • Self- assessment both quantitative and Measures; including Urban Fit qualitative criteria • Independent assessment based on the REG Pillars of Success Identifies the path to excellence • Current performance Consideration of the wider • Reality check – comparing the self Activity Management Smart Buyer Self- transport system and the assessment to an independent Competencies assessment customer assessment • Identify what excellence is for RCA – fit for purpose • Identify the gaps Working with stakeholders to provide more value and use Improvement Planning & of existing tools/resources Monitoring • Planning & actioning the path for excellence • Monitoring progress • Managing risks • Meeting OAG/Audit obligations and NZTA conditions of co-funding THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 11
A leader with out a follower is a fundamentalist THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 13
The landscape is changing. Are you with us and prepared to take the leap? 7 THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 14
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