Reel vs Real - Gulf Times

Reel vs Real - Gulf Times
Monday, March 9, 2020
                                                                                         Rajab 14, 1441 AH

                                                                                      Doha today 160 - 260

                                  Reel vs Real
    Contagion will likely freak you out amidst coronavirus fears, but it’s worth it. P4-5
BOLLYWOOD                                       HOLLYWOOD
I refrain from commenting on                    Film directors cancel March
socio-political issues: Divya.                  appearances in Chicago.
                        Page 14                                           Page 15
Reel vs Real - Gulf Times
2     GULF TIMES Monday, March 9, 2020

             COMMUNITY                                                                                                                     ROUND & ABOUT

Fajr                                         4.32am
Shorooq (sunrise)                             5.50am
Zuhr (noon)                                 11.46am
Asr (afternoon)                              3.09pm
Maghreb (sunset)                              5.41pm
Isha (night)                                   7.11pm


                                                             The Call of the Wild                                           exotic wilds of the Alaskan Yukon in the 1890s. As the newest
                                                             CAST: Karen Gillan, Harrison Ford, Cara Gee                    rookie on a mail-delivery dog sled team, Buck experiences the
                                                             DIRECTION: Chris Sanders                                       adventure of a lifetime as he ultimately finds his true place in
                                                             SYNOPSIS: Buck is a big-hearted dog whose blissful             the world.
                                                           domestic life gets turned upside down when he is suddenly
Emergency                                       999        uprooted from his California home and transplanted to the          THEATRE: The Mall
Worldwide Emergency Number                        112
Kahramaa – Electricity and Water                 991
Local Directory                                  180
International Calls Enquires                     150
Hamad International Airport               40106666
Labor Department                 44508111, 44406537
Mowasalat Taxi                             44588888
Qatar Airways                             44496000
Hamad Medical Corporation        44392222, 44393333
Qatar General Electricity and
Water Corporation                44845555, 44845464
Primary Health Care Corporation             44593333
Qatar Assistive Technology
Centre                                     44594050
Qatar News Agency                          44450205
Q-Post – General Postal
Corporation                               44464444

Humanitarian Services Office
(Single window facility for the repatriation of bodies)
Ministry of Interior                40253371, 40253372,
Ministry of Health                  40253370, 40253364
Hamad Medical Corporation           40253368, 40253365       The Way Back                                                   the team starts to win, he may have a reason to confront his
Qatar Airways                                   40253374     CAST: Ben Affleck, Janina Gavankar, Michaela Watkins           old demons. But will it be enough to set him on the road to
                                                             DIRECTION: Gavin O’Connor                                      redemption?
                                                             SYNOPSIS: A former HS basketball phenom, struggling
                                                           with failures, is offered a coaching job at his alma mater. As     THEATRES: Landmark, The Mall, Royal Plaza

             uote Unquote
            Q “The secret
            of getting ahead is
             getting started.”
               – Mark Twain

            Community Editor                                                                                  For movie timings and
              Kamran Rehmat                                                                                 further details please scan
    e-mail:                                                                       the QR code above with your
         Telephone: 44466405                                                                                 mobile phone camera or
              Fax: 44350474
Reel vs Real - Gulf Times
Monday, March 9, 2020   GULF TIMES                        3

 ROUND & ABOUT                                                                                                                 COMMUNITY
                                                                                                     Ballet Lessons                                   and develop leadership skills. For more
                                                                                                     WHERE: Music and Arts Atelier
                                                                                                     WHEN: Ongoing
                                                                                                     TIME: 4pm – 8pm
                                                                                                     For more info e-mail at registration@
                                                                                          or call on 33003839.

                                                                                                                                                      information, 66053485, 33232490 or visit

                                                                                                                                                        Artistic Gymnastic Classes
                                                                                                                                                        WHERE: Qatar Academy Msheireb
                                                                                                                                                        WHEN: Ongoing
  MIA Park Bazaar 2020                             Street Food is the ideal venue for a leisure                                                         TIME: 3:15pm – 4:15pm
  WHERE: MIA Park                                experience for the whole family offering over                                                          The olympic sport using horizontal bar,
  WHEN: Ongoing till April 25                    20 dine-in options and 18-hole World Mini-
  TIME: 2pm — 8pm                                Golf setup.
  MIA Park Bazaar is a modern version of
the Old Souq tradition with vibrant mix of          Hobby Classes                                    Katara Winter Festival & Bazaar
around 120 stalls. You can browse and buy           WHERE: Mamangam Performing Art                   WHERE: Katara Cultural Village
handicrafts, accessories, paintings, clothing,   Centre                                              WHEN: Ongoing till March 14
food, jewellery, photography and art.               WHEN:Wednesday – Monday                          TIME: 10am-10pm
                                                    Mamangam is an art and performance               Katara has an indoor bazaar with more
                                                 centre started with a vision of spreading         than 200 stalls from 18 different countries.
                                                 our knowledge, interests and experience in        You can clothes, perfumes, bags, handicraft,
                                                 various disciplines in arts across different      footwear, other accessories and much more.
                                                 countries for children and adults.                The festival also has a vast playground for
                                                    We offer regular classes in disciplines like   children.
                                                 traditional classical dance, art and craft,
                                                 Bollywood and hip-hop styles, Carnatic               Public Speaking Classes for Adults
                                                 music, robotics, percussion instruments,             WHERE: Sharq Capital, C-Ring Road
                                                 keyboard, yoga, zumba and martial arts               WHEN:Ongoing till July 1
                                                 like Karate, Shaolin Kung Fu and Kalari.             TIME: 6:30pm – 9pm
                                                 For those who wish to register e-mail                Get trained by experts to be a good speaker.
                                                 at or call on               Smedley Toastmasters is conducting a
                                                 33897609/44723680                                 six-month speech-craft programme that              rings and floor exercises on mats for the
                                                                                                   teaches new members to speak confidently            children from age 4 till 16.

                                                                                                      Qatar National Robotics Challenge
                                                                                                      WHERE: Qatar National Library
                                                                                                      WHEN: March 31
                                                                                                      TIME: 8am — 4pm
                                                                                                      The Qatar National Robotics Challenge is an advanced robotics competition in which
                                                                                                    students of Grade VIII-XI design, build, programme and operate robots to compete in a
                                                                                                    head-to-head challenge. The programme is designed to encourage interest in science,
                                                                                                    technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

  Metro Street Food
  WHERE: DECC Metro Station
  WHEN: Ongoing
  TIME: 12:30pm

                                                                                                         Compiled by Nausheen Shaikh. E-mail:, Events and timings subject to change
Reel vs Real - Gulf Times
4   GULF TIMES Monday, March 9, 2020

        COMMUNITY                                                                        COVER STORY

    Nervous waiting game
            Contagion will scare you into soap and water. It makes that precaution
           seem as urgent as the inevitable moment in a horror film when viewers
                   want to yell at the screen, “Get out of the!”

                                                                      By Julie Hinds

                                                                                   fter watching Contagion, you won’t need a
                                       “Our best defence has                       public health official to tell you to wash your
                                                                                   hands often.
                                       been social distancing, no                     The 2011 movie will scare you into soap
                                                                                   and water. It makes that precaution seem as
                                       handshaking, staying home      urgent as the inevitable moment in a horror film when
                                                                      viewers want to yell at the screen, “Get out of the house
                                       when you’re sick, washing      … now!”
                                       your hands frequently,” says      The coronavirus outbreak has turned life in 2020 into
                                                                      a nervous waiting game for updates. What’s the latest
                                       Centers for Disease Control    headline? Which events have been cancelled? Why aren’t
                                                                      there enough test kits? How many states have declared
                                       expert played by Laurence      an emergency?
                                                                         This week, even James Bond went into quarantine, so
                                       Fishburne in the film          to speak. The release of the 007 movie No Time To Die
                                                                      was moved from April to November over worries about
                                                                      theatre closings in Italy, South Korea, China and Japan —
                                                                      all countries hit hard by Covid-19, the abbreviated name
                                                                      for the virus.
Reel vs Real - Gulf Times
Monday, March 9, 2020   GULF TIMES                      5

 COVER STORY                                                                                                                     COMMUNITY
   Anxiety is rising. So is the
number of people watching
Contagion, a well-crafted drama
that until recently was relatively
forgotten. It’s become a hot rental
at online sites like Amazon Prime
and iTunes.
   Why is everyone so eager to see
something that is guaranteed to
freak them out? Maybe it’s the
lure of facing your nightmares. As
director Barry Jenkins (Moonlight)
told The New York Times, “I was
really curious to see how well it
would line up to what is happening
right now, it was shocking. It felt
like I was watching a documentary
that has all these movie stars
playing real people.”
   Nowhere is that more evident
than in a scene where CNN’s Dr
Sanjay Gupta — yes, the real guy did
a cameo — is interviewing a Centers
for Disease Control expert played
by Laurence Fishburne.
   “Our best defence has been
social distancing, no handshaking,
staying home when you’re sick,
washing your hands frequently,”
says Fishburne.
   That sounds like a clip from
every cable news channel right this
   Art imitates life so closely in such
sequences that you may wonder
if the rest of the movie is going to      SPOTLIGHT: The star-studded cast of Contagion.
come true. That’s a frightening
prospect, because the screenplay          airport bar, coughing as she waits     your face — or anything, really.        to investigate the sites.               Elliott Gould blasts Law’s careless
by Scott Z Burns envisions                for a delayed flight. The camera           As clues pop up in Hong                 Meanwhile, rumours multiply          journalistic standards. “Blogging
catastrophic loss.                        pans to all the places her germs are   Kong, London and Tokyo that a           that the virus is actually a military   is not writing,” barks Gould. “It’s
   But Contagion is fiction, and the       spreading: the bowl of nuts that       pandemic is emerging, Fishburne         or industrial weapon. Law touts a       graffiti with punctuation.”
coronavirus, as bad as it’s been,         she’s been eating from, the credit     and his CDC team must scramble          natural cure, forsythia, on his blog       Contagion floats many plot
hasn’t reached the devastation            card she hands to the bartender, the   to identify and contain the virus.      without any solid proof, then brags     twists that echo what is known
levels of the movie’s imaginary           machine where the card is swiped.      They track clusters of infections       about having 12 million unique          about Covid-19, like its connecting
MEV-1 virus.                                 Remember how Jaws kept you out      at health clubs and elementary          visitors to his website. One of the     the origin of the fictional virus to
    In real life, Covid-19, first          of the water? Contagion makes an       schools and, in Winslet’s case, put     movie’s more gratifying scenes is       bats and pigs. Recently, in real life,
detected in Wuhan, China, in              equally fierce case for not touching    their own lives at risk by travelling   when a veteran scientist played by      China banned the wildlife trade
December 2019, has resulted                                                                                                                                      over suspicions that exotic animal
globally in more than 100,000                                                                                                                                    infected humans.
cases and over 3,300 deaths. So far
in America, over 200 cases have
                                          The movie is a master class in creating suspense out                                                                      In the movie, a National Guard
                                                                                                                                                                 armoury is turned into a vast triage
been confirmed, with at least 15           of inanimate objects. Early on, Gywneth Paltrow’s                                                                      centre for bed-ridden patients. In
                                                                                                                                                                 real-world Wuhan, China, where
deaths linked to the virus (but there
are concerns about undiagnosed            character sits in a Chicago airport bar, coughing as she                                                               Covid-19 was first detected, two
cases due to early coronavirus test                                                                                                                              hospitals were constructed in a
shortages).                               waits for a delayed flight. The camera pans to all the                                                                 little over a week’s time to deal with
    In the film, the MEV-1 virus
is unleashed in Minneapolis by
                                          places her germs are spreading: the bowl of nuts that                                                                  the crisis.
                                                                                                                                                                    Yet Contagion takes things to
Gwyneth Paltrow’s character after a       she’s been eating from, the credit card she hands to the                                                               awful extremes. At various points
business trip to Hong Kong. Within                                                                                                                               in the story, rioting and looting
a month, the death toll in America        bartender, the machine where the card is swiped                                                                        breaks out for food and supplies.
is at 2.5 million. The worldwide                                                                                                                                 Quarantines and curfews are
total reaches 26 million.                                                                                                                                        enacted in cities. A grieving Damon
    The coronavirus puts the elderly                                                                                                                             can’t find a funeral home that will
and those with underlying medical                                                                                                                                take his wife’s body. Eventually,
conditions at the most risk. The                                                                                                                                 mass graves are necessary to deal
movie’s virus hits the old, young                                                                                                                                with the fatalities.
and middle-aged like a freight train.                                                                                                                               Contagion feels overwhelming,
Spoiler alert: Paltrow’s death in the                                                                                                                            but don’t mistake it for a
first 20 minutes or so reveals this is                                                                                                                            guidebook. It’s just a creative
no ordinary flu.                                                                                                                                                  exercise that carries a powerful
    Contagion is a worst-case                                                                                                                                    message about fighting fear with
scenario with an A-list cast. Matt                                                                                                                               knowledge.
Damon portrays Paltrow’s husband,                                                                                                                                   The movie will convince you
an everyman dad struggling to                                                                                                                                    that the more facts you have, the
hold things together for his teenage                                                                                                                             better off you are. Now is the time
daughter. Laurence Fishburne, Kate                                                                                                                               to prepare. Learn what preventive
Winslet and Marion Cotillard play                                                                                                                                measures you should be taking.
dedicated public health experts.                                                                                                                                 Seek information from legitimate
Jude Law is intense and reckless as                                                                                                                              sources and avoid the unproven
a conspiracy-chasing blogger, while                                                                                                                              theories and scams littering social
Jennifer Ehle is equally impulsive,                                                                                                                              media.
but in a heroic way, as a CDC                                                                                                                                       This is serious stuff, and it’s not
laboratory scientist racing to find a                                                                                                                             over yet, not by a long shot. You
vaccine.                                                                                                                                                         don’t need to sit through Contagion
    Soderbergh’s 9-year-old movie is                                                                                                                             to know that. But it is one heck of
a master class in creating suspense                                                                                                                              a reminder to keep washing your
out of inanimate objects. Early on,                                                                                                                              hands. — Detroit Free Press/TNS
Paltrow’s character sits in a Chicago     SENSE OF FOREBODING: Gwyneth Paltrow played patient zero of a viral epidemic in Contagion.
Reel vs Real - Gulf Times
6        GULF TIMES Monday, March 9, 2020

  ‘Colour Lab’ exhibition at VCUarts Qatar to explore the depths of colour
  The Gallery at Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar (VCUarts Qatar), a             Amsterdam and Berlin. Her photographs are printed in an analogue colour darkroom with
  Qatar Foundation partner university, is all set to host an exhibition titled, ‘Colour Lab’ by artists      handmade negatives and found light sources, and her artwork has been reviewed in The
  Liz Nielsen, Vanessa Donoso López, and Melanie McClintock.                                                 New Yorker, The Financial Times, The British Journal of Photography, The New York Times,
  Through an interactive collection of artist works and workshops, the exhibition explores the               LensCulture, FOAM magazine, and ArtSlant among others.
  shifting face of colour, inviting the observer to participate in a series of chromatographic               Vanessa Donoso López has exhibited nationally and internationally with recent selected solo
  journeys through chromatography, cyanotypes, photograms, and pigments of provenance,                       exhibitions including, ‘I shall change the way things are ordered’at Kevin Kavanagh Gallery, Dublin;
  sourced and apportioned to denote a sense of place                                                         ‘No fixed colour Continuum’at Candyland, Stockholm; ‘the rain in Spain falls mainly off the plane’in
  During the opening of the event, visitors will have an opportunity to participate in colour                Barcelona; ‘Scientifico-experimental-techno-colour-movement’ at M’ATUVU Project Space, Brussels;
  experiments that will result in a final collaborative work with unique takeaways.                          and ‘Establishing a Mission’ at the Ashford Gallery Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin.
  The opening reception will take place on March 11 at 6pm. The exhibition will run until April              Melanie McClintock’s concepts explore the ideas of time, worthiness, and sense of place. She
  11. The exhibition has been curated by Melanie McClintock, a graduate of VCYarts Richmond,                 received an MFA in Colour and Materials Design from the College for Creative Studies in Detroit,
  Virginia.                                                                                                  Michigan; and a BFA in Fashion Design from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond,
  “When I was asked to curate a show on colour, many potential paths came to mind, so many                   Virginia. While running the Brooklyn-based boutique and gallery, Ai Ai Gasa (2006-08), she
  that I was often simultaneously excited, inspired, and overwhelmed,” McClintock said. “I knew I            curated bi-monthly shows for such local artists including Alex Soto, Bailey Saliwanchik, and
  did not want the show to simply be about the surface of colour. It had to be about the depths              Eun-ha Paek. In 2012, she spearheaded a social art programme in Indonesia, where she curated
  of colour: its materiality, the way it moves, the way it reacts to light, and ultimately, the special      six exhibitions of student work in galleries throughout Java over two years. A few years later, she
  places where colour melds science and art.”                                                                curated a show at the Gallery at VCUarts Qatar for Indonesian graffiti artists, Ismu Ismoyo and
  Liz Nielsen’s works have been exhibited in New York, Chicago, Paris, London, Budapest,                     Tri ‘Vendi’ Effendi, titled ‘Issue Isme.’

AMUAAQ conducts beach clean-up
The Aligarh Muslim University Alumni Association Qatar (AMUAAQ), an associate organisation of ICBF           P N Baburajan, President of ICBF, was the chief guest at the activity. He said that all members should
under the aegis of the embassy of India, in association with Ministry of Municipality and Environment,       come together to fulfil the AMUAAQ mission towards community and alma mater and wished that
recently conducted First Beach Clean-up Activity under the theme of ‘Protect and preserve the natural        AMUAAQ should continue with the same mission towards welfare and other social activities. Avinash
environment and keep the marine habitat safe and trash-free’ at Al Wakra Family Beach. The activity          Gaikwad, General Secretary of ICBF, spoke about the importance of beach clean-up and appreciated
organised under the managing committee of AMUAAQ presided by Jawed Ahmed also featured a                     affiliated AMUAAQ team for marine protection based event.
briefing on coronavirus.                                                                                     Shemi, representative of Corona Task force team, briefed the participants about coronavirus and gave
The activity kicked off with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an, which was followed by beach clean-up tips    protection tips. Dr Ashna Nusrat, also a representative of Corona Task force team, along with other team
by Bader Ali al-Saada, representative from Ministry of Municipality and Environment. Saada mentioned         members, including Mamnoon Ahmad Bangash and Gautam took part in the awareness activity. A quiz
that sustainability is the overall goal of the municipality and Qatar Green Building Council. “Everyone is   competition was also conducted. The winners of the competition, included Neharika, first position; Naz,
working within the same system for the deployment of all the aspects of the culture of sustainability by     second; and Alhena, third.
spreading awareness and knowledge,” he said.                                                                 Mohamed Naim, Adviser of AMUAAQ affiliated body, said “Today we had a great time cleaning up
Jawed Ahmad, President of the AMUAAQ, welcomed the gathering. Speaking on the occasion, he said,             the beach with so many different participants.” Over 110 members of the association along with their
“This clean-up has been organised in an effort to spread awareness about the importance of protecting        families took part in the activity. Various community leaders, including P N Baburajan, Avinash Gaikwad,
the marine life and educating the community about the need of the hour.” He said that over 0.7 million       Ibraiz Khan, Mohamed Naim, Dr Ashna Nusrat, Mohamed Farman Khan, Mohamed Faisal Naseem,
Indian expats are living in Qatar, and even if only Indians expats contribute towards a sustainable          Faiyyaz, Alamgir, Umer, Anjum, Shad, Yawer Hussain, Gautam, Irfanullah, Rizwan Ahmad, Imtiyaz
landscape of Qatar, it will make a difference.                                                               Ahmad, Irfan Ansari attended the clean-up.
Reel vs Real - Gulf Times
Monday, March 9, 2020   GULF TIMES                       7

  NMA marks 143rd Memorial Day of first known martyr of Nepal
  Nepal Magar Association—          Karim Baks Miya, Nepali
  Qatar (NMA) recently              community leaders, also
  organised an event to mark        attended the event. The
  the 143rd Memorial Day            event kicked off with a
  of Captain Lakhan Thapa           candle lighting ceremony,
  Magar, the first known martyr     which was followed by the
  of Nepal. The event was           national anthem of Nepal
  chaired by Bijaya Kumar           and one-minute silence in
  Magar, Chairman of NMA.           the memory of late Captain
  Bharat Budha Magar, Adviser       Thapa.
  of NMA, was the chief             Abhimat Pun Magar, Vice
  guest on the occasion. The        Chairman of NMA, welcomed
  event was attended by the         the gathering. Lok Bahadur
  members and officials of          Sinjali, Secretary of NMA,
  NMA, including Ishwor Rana        spoke about late Captain on
  Magar, Sher Bahadur Roka          the occasion. – Text and
  Magar and Bhim Taramu             photo by Usha Wagle
  Magar. Sarita Bhandari and        Gautam

KSQ elects new office bearers
Karnataka Sangha Qatar (KSQ), an organisation affiliated with Indian Cultural Centre (ICC) under     Cultural Secretary; Sanjay Kudari, Sports Secretary; Kishore V, Joint Secretary; Kumaraswamy
the aegis of Embassy of India, recently elected its new management committee. The new office         C R, Environment and IT Co-ordinator; Susheela Sunil, Ladies Co-ordinator; Rashmi Jayarama,
bearers of KSQ, include Mairpady Nagesh Rao, President; Anil Kumar Boloor, Vice President;           Children and Special Needs Co-ordinator; and Noor Ahmed, Membership and Logistics Co-
Muralidhar Ramanath Rao, General Secretary; Lakkappa Lakkegowda, Treasurer; Akshaya Shetty,          ordinator.

IAF organises get-together
International Artists Forum Qatar (IAF) recently organised a get-together for Doha based local       events to uphold the spirit of social service while popularising our native culture.” He added, “IAF
Nepali artistes in Al Khor. The get-together was attended by artistes from various Nepali cultural   Qatar is a sister organisation of IAF – USA.”
and musical organisations, including Artists Society, International Artists’ Forum, Nepalese Arts    Sandhya Aryal, Nepali artiste who attended the get-together, said, “There are not many options
Centre, Arambha Natya Dabali, Tamu Cultural Society, Fewa Cultural Society, Mithila Arts Centre,     available for single expats, especially workers. Such events give a chance to enjoy and break the
Non-Resident Nepalese Musical Family, Naba Pratibha Cultural Group, Sur Sudha Arts Centre,           boredom from our lives.”
Rhythm Arts Centre, Non Resident Nepali Folk and Duet Academy, and Miteri Films.                     Rajendra Kumar Thapa, Secretary of Nepali Cultural Family, said, “The Nepali community in
Speaking on the occasion, Bhabindra Tamang, President of IAF, said that IAF was established to       Qatar is an encouraging factor to me. The work here is paying me good and the community is
popularise Nepali art and culture across the world. He said, “Our organisation popularised Nepali    encouraging me to get involved in creative activities.”
identity via musical performances and cultural programmes. We feel proud to conduct these                                                                    – Text and photo by Usha Wagle Gautam
Reel vs Real - Gulf Times
8       GULF TIMES Monday, March 9, 2020

               COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                                                   FASH

 Inside story: handbags that m
                                      Delve into the background of bags, and you’ll find they were
                                       just as coveted in the 1500s as they are now. Emma Cook
                                           unpacks the rich inner life of the ultimate accessory
                                                                                                                                                                               navigating the world and getting what
                                                                                                                                                                               matters most to me from A to B.
                                                                                                                                                                                  You see, to truly appreciate a
                                                                                                                                                                               handbag, you have to look beyond
                                                                                                                                                                               its surface, challenging though this
                                                                                                                                                                               can be, to what’s inside and how that
                                                                                                                                                                               shapes and defines you.
                                                                                                                                                                                  It is reassuring to see that the
                                                                                                                                                                               argument I hone for my husband is
                                                                                                                                                                               now the focus of a V&A exhibition
                                                                                                                                                                               next month. Bags: Inside Out, from
                                                                                                                                                                               Margaret Thatcher’s Asprey to Carrie
                                                                                                                                                                               Bradshaw’s Fendi, will look at what
                                                                                                                                                                               we have chosen to carry with us down
                                                                                                                                                                               the centuries. “We normally see bags
                                                                                                                                                                               when they’re closed, but I want to see
                                                                                                                                                                               the insides,” says exhibition curator
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Lucia Savi. While much attention
                                                                                                                                                                               is paid to the exterior – its design,
                                                                                                                                                                               status and, inevitably, its price tag,
                                                                                                                                                                               less scrutiny is paid to this rich and
                                                                                                                                                                               complex internal life and the tension
                                                                                                                                                                               between the two. “It’s only when you
                                                                                                                                                                               leave home that you decide what is
                                                                                                                                                                               important to you – those things you
                                                                                                                                                                               choose to carry with you define you,”
                                                                                                                                                                               she says.
                                                                                                                                                                                  When a woman stepped out in
                                                                                                                                                                               the 1740s, her private belongings
                                                                                                                                                                               would have included a watch, a snuff
                                                                                                                                                                               box, money, jewellery and perhaps
                                                                                                                                                                               some food, according to Savi. These
                                                                                                                                                                               are what she chose to take from her
                                                                                                                                                                               domestic sphere into the world thanks
                                                                                                                                                                               to detachable pockets that were tied
                                                                                                                                                                               around the waist, accessible through
                                                                                                                                                                               openings in the seams of petticoats.
                                                                                                                                                                                  By 1863, she may have included
                                                                                                                                                                               scissors, a purse, a thimble, a
                                                                                                                                                                               miniature notebook and a magnifying
                                                                                                                                                                               glass. These she would have worn in
                                                                                                                                                                               the form of a chatelaine: a series of
                                                                                                                                                                               small purses that were suspended
                                                                                                                                                                               from the waist and highly visible. “It
                                                                                                                                                                               was symbolic of status,” says Savi.
TOP JOB: Margaret Thatcher, former British prime minister, was famous for her love of handbags and was rarely seen without one. Her trusty Asprey is one of the                “Along with that there were reports
many on display at the V&A’s new exhibition.                                                                                                                                   of pickpockets who would cut the
                                                                                                                                                                               ribbons and steal them. It’s the first

       am running along the river,         room in there for more than an iPhone          Last week in a toy shop with my          to really follow through and invest in      signs we see of the attention paid to
       earbuds in, lungs burning, heart    and keys) except, of course, the            eight-year-old daughter I saw a “My         the Only One. It is blingtastic. Italian.   women carrying belongings.”
       racing. No birdsong, thank you      possession itself. In comparison, my        First Handbag for two-year-olds             Intimate blush suede concealed                 What many women carry in their
       very much. Only curated noise       older and bigger version is grounded        and up”. The packaging proclaimed,          beneath tooled black leather and, oh,       bags some three centuries later is
       and introspection. Then I see       at home, bloated, out of time, a            “Little ones will love taking this pretty   the inimitable clunk of an expensive        remarkably unchanged. One friend
her. A woman walking towards me,           lumbering dinosaur. Old bag.                pink handbag on a shopping trip and         gold clasp as it snaps open and shut. Je    lists the contents of her bag at this
her dog a little way ahead. We smile,          How could I have got it so wrong?       pretending to be just like Mum! Take        ne regrette rien.                           moment as: “A book, cosmetics,
briefly, and as we cross one another        I speed up again, start to run in sync      a peek in the mirror and chat on the           I may look and yearn but, when I         phone, keys, reading glasses, spare
she pauses for a moment. I do, too, my     with my shuffle, but the moment has         phone. Playing pretend will boost your      commit, it’s for life. It has to be for     contact lenses and eye drops,
eyes caught. The way it dangles from       gone. The dark pull of material desire      child’s imagination and encourage           the price I paid. My husband is still       ‘emergency’ vegan kit (banana,
her shoulder, the double gold chain        has intruded again. I try to switch off,    them to talk and learn new words.”          appalled; it will always be a purchase      vitamin supplements and, sometimes,
glinting in the sunlight. It is exactly    but it is difficult not to notice. A tote   Like: “Mummy, buy me a Gucci!”              that baffles him. He likes to remind        a small vial of soya milk), paracetamol,
like the one I have at home and yet…       here. A micro bag there. A crossbody        But obsession is never this simple.         me that my bag cost more than his           umbrella, purse, stamps, bank and
so not. Reflexively she flicks her bag       bag everywhere. Handbag envy.               I suspect my interest in handbags           beloved bike (surely the Gucci of bikes,    membership cards, miniature sewing
back and it grazes her hip. I slow to a    Often it is admiration, sometimes,          was more a small act of rebellion           with a custom-steel Italian Dedacciai       kit and/or lingerie tape, spare tights/
walk to get a better look. This version    if I’m honest, there is pity. Michael       than social conditioning, a reaction        frame, he tells me) that gets him to        socks, perfume.”
is newer and smaller. So much smaller      Kors, Kurt Geiger. Really? But how          against my mother’s infinitely sensible      work each day – as if this is a clear          “The content is so crucial,”
than mine. It is shinier, too, infinitely   swiftly admiration turns to envy            handbag choices: natural leather,           win in the battle for most functional       says Savi. “As bank notes came in,
covetable. Undeniably superior in          when there is flawless gold hardware         functional, unembellished. Her              possession.                                 handbags had to be compatible, at
every way. It speaks of lightness,         involved. Can I really be this shallow?     modest choice of accessory was far             I explain, slowly and patiently, that    least bigger than a £5 note. Now
of newfound freedom, of being out          Do I even need to ask? Lusting after        more successful in fuelling my false        mine is not just a thing of beauty, but     we carry cards, it is the phone that
in the morning sunshine with few           something like this makes you a fool.       need than any marketing campaign.           a practical form of transportation,         dictates design. No one will create a
possessions (I calculate there’s no        An unfeminist fool.                            But it took until my 50th birthday       too, for my possessions; my way of          bag that doesn’t fit the largest phone
Reel vs Real - Gulf Times
Monday, March 9, 2020   GULF TIMES                      9

HION                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITY
made history with statement

                                                                                                                                A BAG WITH A MESSAGE: An ‘anti-slavery reticule’ produced in 1825 by the
                                                                                                                                Female Society for Birmingham.

 ROYAL APPROVAL: Burse for the Great Seal of England, 1558-1603.

 on the market. Hard currency has         show, as well as other bags used by        aftermath of a mugging in her local
 shaped bags more than any other          men. Baggage began with men, says          park and the remnants of an emptied
 single possession, epitomised in 2018    Savi, and was mainly for the train.        handbag on the path. “That’s when
 by the appearance of the micro bag.      “Louis Vuitton started with luxury         you see it as a real violation, an act
 There was no more potent symbol of       travel, transferring their leather-        of violence against a person.” I think
 a cashless society than the shrinking    making skills from horses to trains        back to the fleeting, primal panic,
 bag, although Savi is unconvinced by     and then aeroplanes. Hermès started        when my brain calibrates an absence,
 this connection. It’s nothing new. The   with saddlery and they still use those     a lack of weight in what I’m carrying
 frog purse, dating back to the 1600s     techniques in their stitching.”            – I have left my handbag somewhere.
 and intricately made in silk and glass      Now we’re going full circle.            In those moments I feel unmoored,
 beads, is the same size as your hand.    According to Mintel, a quarter of          as if I have lost part of myself. As
 It’s really the micro bag of today.”     men aged 16-24 buy manbags. But            Bancroft says: “How many times have
    More surprising, she says, is         even if the manbag achieves parity, it     you heard a woman say, ‘It is part
 how the most ordinary of bags can        is difficult to imagine it will be quite   of me. My life is in there?’” Maybe
 communicate something about us.          as iconic, as rich in metaphor, as its     that is too much power to invest in a
 “It’s a blank canvas that can tell us    female equivalent. Will the tension        single object. Wouldn’t we feel freer
 all sorts of things: your status, your   between public and private space, that     relying on pockets, or just carrying
 beliefs.” One of her favourite pieces    Savi explores, ever apply to men in        less? But then Savi tells me about
 on show is an “anti-slavery reticule”    quite the same way?                        another highlight in the exhibition
 produced in 1825 by the Female              As Dr Alison Bancroft, fashion          – a beautiful, battered Louis Vuitton
 Society for Birmingham. It is white      theorist and author of Fashion and         trunk from the 1900s that belonged to
 silk with an image of a black woman      Psychoanalysis, says: “The very            Emilie Busbey Grigsby, an American
 breastfeeding while still a slave –      fact that we have to prefix it with         socialite. Her trunk was a symbol of
 displayed on a bag it was a powerful     ‘man’ means it’s not the same. It is       freedom, covered in travel labels of the
 and very public way for a woman to       something different.” She tells me how     places she, and it, had spent a lifetime
 convey her political beliefs at that     a male friend of hers recently asked for   visiting.
 time. “That tells you so much; how       a paracetamol and when she told him            A bag can be whatever you want
 women were proclaiming their beliefs     it was in her handbag, he wouldn’t         it to be. It can offer the promise of a
 and it carries on with examples like     look inside. “Instead he brought           sleek, well-ordered better version
 Anya Hindmarch’s I Am Not A Plastic      the whole bag to me. The handbag           of yourself, a superior mini-you or,
 Bag.”                                    is about a degree of intimacy not          like Emilie, a wonderful souvenir of
    Savi is keen that the exhibition      everyone feels comfortable with.”          your travels. As my friend, who never
 embraces bags in all their glory, not       A handbag can establish boundaries      knowingly underpacks, says: “A bag
 just the female handbag. Which is        and respect, but the flip side is less      isn’t a burden but rather a ticket to
 why Churchill’s despatch box is on       savoury. Bancroft recalls seeing the       ride.” – The Guardian                      TO THE POINT: Tracey Emin for Longchamp, 2004.
Reel vs Real - Gulf Times
10 GULF TIMES Monday, March 9, 2020

               COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                                QUIZ

         Is it safe to travel via air?                                                                                                                               What is Aviophobia, a fear of?
                                                                                                                                                                     Flying. Unlike the nervous flyer
                                                                                                                                                                  who holds the hands of strangers
                                                                                                                                                                  during take-off and landing, people
                                                                                                                                                                  who suffer from aviophobia often
                                                                                                                                                                  have visible physical reactions to
                                                                                                                                                                  either the thought of flying or the
                                                                                                                                                                  experience itself. Jennifer Aniston,
                                                                                                                                                                  Ben Affleck, Kirsten Dunst, Megan
                                                                                                                                                                  Fox, Sandra Bullock, Kate Winslet,
                                                                                                                                                                  Whoopi Goldberg, Britney Spears,
                                                                                                                                                                  etc suffer from aviophobia.

                                                                                                                                                                    It all started on March 8, 1908

               normal takeoff. The                                                                                                                                when 15,000 women marched
               flight departed Kuala                                                                                                                               through the streets of New York
               Lumpur at 00:41on                                                                                                                                  City to demand shorter hours,
               March 8, 2014. Less                                                                                                                                better pay, and the right to vote.
               than an hour later, the                                                                                                                            Which important worldwide
final voice communication from the                                                                                                                                 annual events are we referring
cockpit, “Good night, Malaysian                                                                                                                                   to?
three-seven-zero.”                       STATISTICS: Since 1948, more than 100 other aircraft have gone missing while aloft and have never been found,              International Women’s Day.
   Subang Air Traffic Control Centre     according to records compiled by the Aviation Safety Network.
lost contact with the plane at about                                                                                                                                 On March 9, 1974, Hiroo Onoda
01:22. The plane mysteriously veered     was abducted by aliens. On March         everyone on board was presumed           crashed,” says Raymond, played         was found by a search team in
off course on a flight between Kuala      16, 1962, a Lockheed L-1049 Super        dead, 16 survivors emerged. The          by Dustin Hoffman in Rainman.          the jungle of the Pacific island
Lumpur and Beijing and vanished          Constellation propliner carrying 93      story of how starvation drove them to                                           of Lubang. What was so special
over the Indian Ocean, along with its    US soldiers and 3 South Vietnamese,      eat some of the dead passengers was        Perhaps the most disputed            about him?
239 passengers and crew.                 disappeared in clear weather on          made into the 1993 film “Alive”.          plane disappearance occurred              An Imperial Japanese Army
   The case of Malaysia Airlines         its way to Clark Air Base in the            In 1999, Egyptair Flight 990          at the height of WWII in early         intelligence officer who fought in
Flight 370 fixated people all over        Philippines, prompting an eight-day      from New York to Cairo plummeted         December 1945, when not one            World War II, Hiroo Onoda never
the world. The final report into the      search of more than 200,000 square       into the Atlantic Ocean around 60        but six planes vanished, and           surrendered in 1945. He had been
disappearance of Flight MH370 has        miles. Eye witnesses on a civilian       miles off the US coast. All 217 people   which are yet to be recovered.         hiding there for 29 years, unaware
been published and it is growing         tanker reported seeing an explosion,     died in the crash, but mystery still     On that day, in “average”              that his country had surrendered.
more likely we will never know what      but no remains were ever found.          surrounds its cause. The Egyptian        weather conditions, the United         His former commander travelled
happened to MH370.                          Although his antics never caused      Flight Officer controlling the plane     States Navy dispatched five             from Japan to personally issue orders
   It’s hard to grasp that a plane       an airplane crash, D.B. Cooper’s story   was recorded repeatedly saying “I        torpedo bombers off from their         relieving him from duty in 1974.
could go missing nowadays with           is one of aviation’s wackiest unsolved   rely on God” moments before the          base in Ft. Lauderdale. After
all the technology we have at our        mysteries. In 1971 an unknown            disaster, and a colleague claimed he     experiencing problems with               Who was Agent 17F, not 007,
disposal. While the MH370 case           hijacker took control of a Boeing 727,   crashed the jet as an act of revenge     their compasses, the five planes        when he worked for British Naval
is deeply puzzling, it is far from       forced the crew to land in Seattle,      after being reprimanded by the           lost communication with                Intelligence during WWII?
unprecedented. Since 1948, more          obtained $200,000 in ransom money,       airline for sexual misconduct.           the ground station. A Martin             Ian Fleming. As part of his
than 100 other aircraft have gone        and released all of the passengers          Welcome to ‘Nutty’sInfotainment.      PBM Mariner amphibious                 appointment, Fleming was
missing while aloft and have never       unharmed. He then ordered the pilot      YAYS!’ Your time starts NOW!             search-and-rescue aircraft was         commissioned into the Royal Naval
been found, according to records         to take off and fly low over Mexico,                                               launched to look for the stricken      Volunteer Reserve. His first Bond
compiled by the Aviation Safety          where he parachuted to freedom. No         The third oldest airline               Avengers, but the Mariner soon         novel Casino Royale revolve around
Network.                                 conclusive evidence has emerged          in the world, it was cited in            disappeared as well. What do we        James Bond, an officer in the Secret
   It’s been just over 100 years since   confirming his true identity or           the 1988 film Rain Man as                call this loosely defined region        Intelligence Service, commonly
machines began taking to the skies       subsequent whereabouts, but FBI          an airline to have never had             in the western part of the North       known as MI6.
and since then flying as a means          investigators claimed he would not       an aircraft crash. The airline           Atlantic Ocean, somewhat
of travel has become increasingly        have survived the jump.                  took the top spot in the 2020            famous for eating airplanes?             What do whales feed their
popular and commonplace. More               On October 13, 1972, a Uruguayan      Safest Airlines ranking by                 Bermuda Triangle, also called the    young?
than 8 million people fly every day.      air force plane carrying 40    , which                Devil’s Triangle or Hurricane Alley.     Milk. Being aquatic makes
Flying is still among the safest ways    passengers and five crew members          monitors hundreds of airlines.                                                  breastfeeding considerably harder.
to travel, though: Our chances of        disappeared while crossing the           Name this airline.                          Known by the misnomer
dying in a plane crash are about 11      Andes. Seventy-two days later, after       Qantas. “Qantas. Qantas never          Black Box, a flight recorder or          Nicknamed ‘Masha’, identify
million to 1. And, there have been                                                                                         FDR is an electronic recording         the star from her signature
many testimonies to ocean being far                                                                                        device placed in an aircraft           below. Her middle-name is
from a hospitable place to go down
in an airplane. Unforgiving, it will
swallow an aircraft with ease and
neglect to yield any clues in return.
Their spectacular nature makes it
                                                               Tribe NI.yays                                               for the purpose of facilitating
                                                                                                                           the investigation of aviation
                                                                                                                           accidents and incidents. It
                                                                                                                           is not actually black. What
                                                                                                                           colour is it?
                                                                                                                                                                  Yuryevna and, according to
                                                                                                                                                                  Forbes, she has been named
                                                                                                                                                                  highest-paid female athlete in the
                                                                                                                                                                  world for 11 consecutive years.
                                                                                                                                                                  She was in news recently.
hard to look away.                           1. Which iconic landmark has had Graffiti Zones installed at                     Bright Orange.
   Perhaps one of the most famous          Mutianyu in an attempt to discourage visitors from desecrating
mysteries in all of aviation is the        the World Heritage site?                                                          On February 13, 2017, this
story of Amelia Earhart. As the              Great Wall of China. Mutianyu is a much-visited section of the wall,          American actor and amateur
first woman to cross the Atlantic           about an hour northeast of Beijing.                                             aviator was meant to land his
Ocean in a plane (1928), Amelia              (Christina Griffiths,Tourist, Doha)                                           plane on a runway at John
Earhart proved to people across the                                                                                        Wayne Airport, California, but
globe how high women could go.               2. Which sports star has a misspelt tattoo of his wife’s name                 mistakenly landed on a parallel
However, her story met a mysterious        written in Hindi on his arm? He is no stranger to tattoo parlours,              taxiway, passing right over a
end in July 1937, when, on a trip to       and by now, has as many tats on his body as years on the clock.                 Boeing 737 with 110 passengers
fly around the world, her plane,            Most of his tattoos are a tribute to his beloved wife and children.             and six crew. After the close call,
a twin-engine Lockheed Electra,              David Beckham. The soccer star tattooed his Spice Girl wife’s name,           he asked the air traffic controllers
disappeared near the International         Victoria, on his arm, however the word is misspelled and actually reads         “Was that airliner meant to be
Date Line in the central Pacific            ‘Vihctoria’.                                                                    beneath me?” Back in 2015 he
Ocean. Various reasons have been             (Xavier Mendis,Stafford Sri Lankan School, Doha)                              was seriously injured when he
given for her disappearance. The                                                                                           crashed his WWII era trainer on
theory that she was captured by              Do you have some interesting bytes to share? And, does yourvibe               a Los Angeles Golf Course after
Japanese forces has been suggested;        attract you to the ‘Tribe NI.yays!’ Every week two of your best questions       losing power soon after takeoff.
others believe she faked her own           will be featured here. Please do write to us at               Identify him.                            (Answer next week. Answer to last
death; a few oddballs even claim she                                                                                         Harrison Ford.                       week’s photo-quiz: Tokyo Skytree.)
Monday, March 9, 2020      GULF TIMES                           11

 LIFESTYLE/HOROSCOPE                                                                                                                          COMMUNITY
Depressed rural moms may
 face greater health issues
              esearchers have found           more than one in five adults deal              Both groups of moms, those who
              that chronic depression         with depression, a mood disorder           were depressed, but improving
              is linked with increased        that causes persistent sadness,            as well as those who had chronic
              health problems for             exhaustion and loss of interest,           depression, had similar struggles in
              moms and children in            affecting relationships, work, and         dealing with their children’s health.
poor rural communities.                       emotional and physical health.                But chronically depressed moms
   The findings, published in the                 Women are twice as likely to have       faced greater challenges in dealing
Journal of Family Social Work,                depression as men, and people in           with their children’s emotional
revealed that mothers who were                poverty are three times more likely        and behavioural issues, which were
constantly depressed experienced              to experience it, they said.               often compounded by a lack of
more health problems, distrusted                 Using data from the ongoing,            childcare options, employment,
doctors and had a worse outlook on            multi-state Rural Families                 concerns for delinquent behaviours
their lives, compared with moms               Speak project, the research team           and day-to-day behavioural
whose symptoms improved.                      examined the experiences of 23             management issues.
   The mothers’ depression also               mothers with clinical depression              “We found that children’s health
affected those closest to them, the           across three years.                        — particularly their emotional and
study said.                                      As part of Sano’s research into         behavioural health — is one of the
   “Mothers are one of the main               family relationships through               most challenging contributors to
supports of the family. They’re               Rural Families Speak, she kept             maternal depression. Depression
raising children, paying bills, and           encountering mothers from rural,           doesn’t happen in isolation. It
organising events and when they’re            low-income families who were               happens in a family, community,
depressed, the entire family is               dealing with depression.                   and cultural context,” Sano, said.
impacted,” said study lead author                While much prior research has              The study also found that
Yoshie Sano, Associate Professor              found how depression affects               chronically depressed mothers
at Washington State University in             childhood development, she sought          expressed strong distrust of
the US.                                       to understand the broader context          healthcare professionals and their
   According to the researchers,              of maternal depression.                    prescribed treatments. – IANS

             March 21 — April 19
                                                                                       April 20 — May 20
                                                                                                                                                                 May 21 — June 20

Take action to create a fanciful dream world today, Aries. Indeed,         A strong desire to bring more of the fantasy realm into your own         This is an intense day for you during which the disharmony in
many of the activities of the day will be touched with an air of           reality spurs your actions today, Taurus. You could discover that        different realms of your life crops up and spurs you on to action,
otherworldliness. Even though you generally like to keep your              there is an intense desire to bring a sense of the obscure to the        Gemini. Others may be ridiculously stubborn today, causing tension
feet on the ground, realise that once in a while it’s essential to let     normal, everyday realm. You want to show people that life really         and frustration wherever you turn. Fun is the key to balancing out
go and experience other realms of thought in order to gain new             is just one big comedy act. Encourage others to not take life so         the equation. A jovial frame of mind and playful attitude will help
perspective. Let your hair down and go wild tonight.                       seriously. Be creative in your approach to helping people lighten up.    remedy any situation that comes your way. Have a good time today.

             June 21 — July 22
                                                                                       July 23 — August 22
                                                                                                                                                                 August 23 — September 22

You may find it difficult to take action on any practical matter today,    Take action on well-laid plans today, Leo. Stay level-headed, and seek   Action is the key word for you today, Virgo, so put on some comfortable
Cancer. If you find this is the case, don’t bother pressuring yourself     pleasure by taking things steadily one step at a time. Watch out for     shoes and have a good time. Infuse a bit of non sequitur playfulness in
into making it happen. Today you’re more concerned with the                a forceful, willful, fanciful mindset that will somehow cause conflict   your dealings with others. Find ways to escape reality for a little while.
fanciful side of life. Daydreams can be a wonderful escape for you         with your plans unless you consciously make an effort to keep the        Take the original scenario and add a twist of the bizarre. Opinions
today. Do something that will take you out of your current frame of        daydreaming to a minimum. The lines of reality may be blurred.           will be especially strong today and conflict may arise, but realise that
mind. Go see a movie or play this evening.                                 Make sure you find the lines of distinction before you proceed.          playfulness and lightheartedness will help any situation.

             September 23 — October 22
                                                                                       October 23 — November 21
                                                                                                                                                                 November 22 — December 21

Live your creative fantasies today, Libra, but watch out for the reality   Today is one of those days in which you might be kicking yourself for    Today is a very high-energy day in which you have the physical
police at the border. You may experience a bit of conflict with a          not telling the truth on an earlier occasion, Scorpio. The words that    stamina to accomplish quite a bit, Sagittarius. Take care, however,
stubborn person or in a situation that isn’t very well planned. Think      seemed so harmless then may come back to haunt you now. Today            that you have all the necessary facts before you venture out for
things through before taking action or else you may be lost in a           is a very action-oriented day. Conflict could arise because what was     your day’s activities. It could be that there is a hidden force working,
world of daydreams without any escape route. Set your mind on the          thought to be true then now turns out to be false and counter to the     perhaps within your own mind, to blur the lines of reality about a
positive aspects of the situation and you’ll succeed.                      action being taken at this time.                                         certain issue. Check your sources and proceed with caution.

             December 22 — January 19
                                                                                       January 20 — February 18
                                                                                                                                                                 February 19 — March 20

Plan your moves carefully today, Capricorn, and have patience with the     Your actions may be touched by a very fanciful frame of mind today,      You’re being called upon to take action in many areas today, Pisces.
people around you. If you’re working with others, be sure they’re on       Aquarius. Be careful about indulging in recreational substances that     People may be tugging at you to be with them and participate in their
the same page with your goals and aims and that they aren’t somehow        take you out of reality for a while. Your tendency will be to escape     world of fun and excitement. It could also be that there are many
working counter to your purposes. It could be that someone is acting,      into the cosmos, but sooner or later you’ll have to come down. Deal      projects that catch your attention today, and you’re conflicted about
or reacting, on misinformation that is creating conflict with your         with your issues now before your thinking becomes even more              which ones to put your energy into. Friction may arise as you find
thoughts and feelings. Do a reality check before walking out the door.     clouded than before. Take action with a clear and sober mind.            yourself tearing away from one situation to participate in another.
12 GULF TIMES Monday, March 9, 2020

                                     COMMUNITY                                                    CARTOONS/PUZZLES
                Wordsearch                                                     Adam

                                                                               Pooch Cafe

AGOSTINI                               RUTH                         LEWIS
FANGIO                                 CARNERA                      VIREN
OWENS                                  HOGAN                        EDBERG
ASHE                                   SPITZ                        NURMI
GRAF                                   COMANECI                     ZATOPEK
PALMER                                 LAUDA                        EVERT
BORG                                   TUNNEY                       OVETT
HAGEN                                  DEMPSEY                      WILLIAMS

Every letter of the alphabet is used at least once.
Squares with the same number in have the same letter
in. Work out which number represents which letter.
Puzzles courtesy:



                                                                               Bound And Gagged

                                     Sudoku is a puzzle based
                                     on a 9x9 grid. The grid is
                                     also divided into nine (3x3)
                                     boxes. You are given a
                                     selection of values and to
                                     complete the puzzle, you
                                     must fill the grid so that
                                     every column, every anone
                                     is repeated.
Monday, March 9, 2020   GULF TIMES   13

 PUZZLES                                                                                 COMMUNITY
 Super Cryptic Clues                                                        Colouring

Across                                Down
1 Flowers conceal an area of          1 Animal with dark head and
London (10)                           whiskers (5)
7 Distant object is an old coin (8)   2 I go nuts arranging trips (7)
8 Was a vocalist in Los Angeles?      3 Principal sea (4)
(4)                                   4 British soldier turns up and is
9 Eat some food in earnest (4)        in charge of conceited people (8)
10 Fine porcelain in home is          5 Diana who sings about English
sensible (7)                          flowers (5)
12 Is pate smeared with curds         6 Financial backers in good
when they are thrown? (7,4)           spirits (6)
14 Great boxer associated with        11 Spoil girl in Spanish resort (8)
graduates - or one associated         12 Visit a small opera singer (6)
with thieves (3,4)                    13 Fancy a John Lennon song?
16 Old man’s second exam result       (7)
(4)                                   15 Odd bits of brass in bowl (5)
19 Friends hit back (4)               17 Perfume dispatched, so we
20 Slope did twist - it’s not         hear (5)
straight (8)                          18 Primate embraces son in part
21 Date for betrothal? (10)           of church (4)



                                                                            Wordsearch        Codeword
14 GULF TIMES Monday, March 9, 2020

              COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                         BOLLYWOOD

I refrain from commenting on
  socio-political issues: Divya
                                                  living on social media. Jahaan sirf baaton ki
By Arundhuti Banerjee                             batangad baanti hai, aur kuch nahin (where
                                                  things are blown out of proportion, and litle
                                                  else happens),” Divya said.

             ational Award-winning actress           Whether her role of a housewife in the
             Divya Dutta says that as an          short film Sleeping Partner, a lover in the
             artiste she would rather portray     upcoming short film Sheer Qorma, or an
             different characters on-screen       important role in the upcoming thriller web
             than comment on current              series Special Ops, Divya is putting out a lot
affairs that have no connection with her          of acting assignments on screen.
immediate field of work. She adds that she           Asked what the responsibility of an
rejects the idea of doing most “expected”         actor is, she replied: “(The responsibility
from a celebrity.                                 of an actor is) to play a character where
  “I just do not want to be a popular face        one is very different from the other. As an
who comments on social media just for the         actress, I want to portray characters that
sake of it. We are living in that situation       represent different sections of society.
now where any celebrity, making or not            Recently one of my short films, Sleeping
making comments on current affairs, gets          Partner, addressed the issue of marital rape.
judged by a section of people. If I comment       As an actress, I played a part in that story
on anything political, one section will troll     because I loved the story and felt it was an
me.                                               important one.”
  “If I do not express my opinion that is            “I also play a particular character in
not related to my immediate field, people         the short film Sheer Qorma, and after
will say, ‘phir celeb hone ka kya faida (then     the release of the trailer people said that
what’s the use of being a celeb)?’ Basically      they loved me seeing in it. Again, (it is) an
we are not allowed to practice our choice         important story. The fact of the matter is
without criticism. We always behave in the        I will use my medium to do things that is
way society wants.                                expected of me, to entertain people because        CANDID: Divya Dutta says that she would rather portray different characters on-screen than
  “Now, one extended part of society is           I am an actress,” she signed off. – IANS           comment on current affairs.

  Let the girl discover herself: Anushka
     Actress Anushka Sharma has said she grew up in an
  environment where she was allowed to do whatever
  she wanted, and hopes every girl can be free and
  experience life the way she did.
     “I have grown up in an environment where I was
  allowed to do whatever I wanted. My father gave me
  that. It’s sad that even now in so many homes in India,
  you don’t let the girl just be free,” Anushka said.
     That’s what attracted her to be part of the video of
  the song Kudi nu nachne de from Irrfan Khan’s film
  Angrezi Medium. The song celebrates womenhood.
     “This is what the song is saying, to let the girl make
  mistakes and discover herself. It’s so sad that even                                                                    EXCITED: Kareena Kapoor Khan says she was excited to work with Irrfan
  now in so many homes in India, people don’t let the                                                                     Khan.
  girl just be free and be their truest self. I hope every
  girl can experience that the way I did,” she added.                                                                     Irrfan is the reason I did Angrezi Medium: Kareena
     Kudi nu nachne de is sung by Vishal Dadlani, and
  speaks for equality and respecting a person’s wishes.                                                                      Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan says she signed her upcoming release
  Bollywood’s leading ladies including Anushka,                                                                           Angrezi Medium only because she wanted to work with the film’s lead
  Katrina Kaif, Alia Bhatt, Janhvi Kapoor, Ananya             FREE SPIRIT: Anushka Sharma hopes every girl can be         actor Irrfan Khan.
  Panday and Kiara Advani, got together for the special       free and experience life the way she did.                      “I am very excited for the film because I am working with Irrfan in the
  song.                                                                                                                   film. I got the opportunity to work with a brilliant actor like Irrfan and
     Talking about tune’s relevance, Alia said: “The song     however we want”. Sharing her fondness for the song,        I think, that, for me is the greatest honour,” said Kareena Kapoor at a
  is important for today’s generation. It talks about         Kriti Sanon said: “I absolutely loved the song; it is not   special screening of the upcoming web series Mentalhood that stars her
  letting a girl be, let her dream, let her achieve and       only catchy but also meaningful. I completely relate        elder sister Karisma Kapoor.
  once she does, she will do wonders and take over the        to it. This song is about freedom. That’s one of the           Angrezi Medium marks Irrfan’s comeback after he was diagnosed with
  world. Just let her fly.”                                    reasons I did it.”                                          cancer. He is currently undergoing treatment for the ailment. A few days
     On what the track means to her, Katrina said: “The          Angrezi Medium, revolves around a beautiful              back, Irrfan shared a heartwarming message for fans saying he would not
  song is about celebration of life. Of course, the lyrics    relationship between a single doting father, Irrfan and     be able to promote his upcoming film owing to health condition.
  say ‘Let Her Dance’ but for me dance is an expression       his daughter Radhika Madan. Angrezi Medium also                Kareena recently made her Instagram debut and within a day got over
  of joy. The message of the song is also about letting       stars Kareena Kapoor Khan, Dimple Kapadia, Pankaj           one million followers on the social networking site. She posted a black
  a girl express her true self. Don’t tell the girl how to    Tripathi, Deepak Dobriyal, Ranvir Shorey and others.        and white picture with son Taimur Ali Khan.
  dance, let her express her true self and the world will     The film is presented by Jio studios and Prem Vijan.            “I think fans have pulled me towards this because people were asking
  be a better place.”                                            Radhika feels “the song is about empowerment. Let        me about it constantly. There are so many fan clubs out there of my
     To this, Ananya added: “The song stands for letting      the girl dance, let her be and she will make the world a    name, so, I think we needed to have one point that would be a place
  the girl sway to her own tunes and I am glad that my        magical place”.                                             where they will get to know a lot about me, my films, my brands and
  parents let me groove to my own beat my entire life. I         Director Homi Adajania feels there shouldn’t be just     about my life. Of course, there will be a picture of Taimur once in a
  hope that all parents let their girls dance to their own    one day to celebrate Women’s Day.                           while,” said Kareena, about her Instagram debut.
  wish.”                                                         “It should be celebrated every day,” he added.              Angrezi Medium is directed by Homi Adajania and the film is a spin-off
     Kiara feels the song is “every single girl’s inner          Jio Studios and Prem Vijan present Dinesh Vijan’s        to the 2017 comedy Hindi Medium that also starred Irrfan.
  voice. It talks of girls hoping to change the mindset       Angrezi Medium, a Maddock Films production. It is              The sequel will feature Irrfan and Kareena with Radhika Madan and
  of people, so that they live and let us live, let us be     slated to release on March 13. – IANS                       Deepak Dobriyal. It is scheduled to release on March 13. – IANS
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