RECREATION GUIDE FALL 2021 - Get active, make a new friend, learn a new skill or just have fun. Registration for Spring programs begins on Monday ...

Page created by Joyce Austin
RECREATION GUIDE FALL 2021 - Get active, make a new friend, learn a new skill or just have fun. Registration for Spring programs begins on Monday ...
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   FALL 2021

                                       Get active, make a new
                                       friend, learn a new skill
                                           or just have fun.

                                       Registration for Spring
                                        programs begins on
                                      Monday August 16, 2021.

                                        Hope to see you soon!

                                Rosedale – Moore Park Association
RECREATION GUIDE FALL 2021 - Get active, make a new friend, learn a new skill or just have fun. Registration for Spring programs begins on Monday ...
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                                 146 Crescent Road
                                 Toronto, Ontario
                                 M4W 1V2

                                 Phone                  Email
                                 (416) 922-3714     I

                                                               SEE A PROGRAM YOU WOULD
                                                                                          LIKE TO TRY? NOT SURE IF IT
                                 Current Office Hours                                          IS RIGHT FOR YOU?
                                 September 20 to December 17, 2021                      Try our classes with no obligation –
                                 Monday – Thursday: 8:30am – 8:30pm                       if it doesn’t suit, then the class
                                 Friday:              8:30am – 5:00pm                          is on us. Like the class?
                                 Closed October 10, 2021                                Then join for the rest of the season!
                                                                                        ARE WE MISSING A PROGRAM?
                                 The Rosedale – Moore Park Association                     Let us know! Mooredale is your
                                 operates Mooredale House to provide
                                                                                         community centre. What we offer
                                 recreational, cultural and educational programs
                                                                                         should be a reflection of what our
                                 for our members. A non-profit, charitable
                                                                                        community is interested in. If there
                                 organization, Mooredale strives to be a focal
                                 point in the community.                                 is a program, class or activity that
                                                                                        you would like to lead or participate
                                 Membership at Mooredale enables families
                                 or individuals to enroll in any course, activity         in, speak to the Program Director
                                 or club offered by Mooredale. New members                        Alyse Reichardt .
                                 are welcome whether or not they reside in the                  See you at the House!
                                 boundaries of the Rosedale – Moore Park area.

                                 Mooredale Activities Include:                       Mooredale Staff:
                                 *Popular Fall, Winter and Spring sports for
                                   children and youth                                Program Manager/Camp Director
                                 *Recreational and special interest programs for    Alyse Reichardt – ext 105
                                   children, youth and adults
                                 *Pool Club                                         Preschool Director
                                 *Concerts featuring outstanding artists and our    Carolyn Burgess – ext 113
                                   youth orchestras
                                 *Dynamic Preschool offering a full range of        Soccer & Sport Club Manager
                                   provincially licensed early childhood education   Marti Eleuteri – ext 110
                                   for toddlers 5 years in a home-like atmosphere
                                 *Summer Day Camps for children 2.5 to 12           Executive Assistant: Operations
                                   years of age                                      Joanna Ingram – ext 103
                                 *A Mooredale newsletter published regularly
                                   for members                                       Administrative Assistant: Membership,
                                                                                     Pool, Preschool, and Programs
                                                                                     Catherine Loeffler – ext 102

                                                                                     Executive Director
                                                                                     Paul Buksner – ext 106

2   2021 fall recreation guide
RECREATION GUIDE FALL 2021 - Get active, make a new friend, learn a new skill or just have fun. Registration for Spring programs begins on Monday ...
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How to Register starting August 16, 2021                        Refund Policies
1. Web Registration                                             Full refunds will be given if Mooredale changes the
   Register online starting August 16, 2021 at                  dates or times of the programs.                                            All refund requests must state the reason and be
2. By Fax                                                       submitted in writing to the Mooredale office.
   Fax registration form to 416.922.4523.                       Seasonal Program refunds will be subject to a $50
   Payments must be made by VISA or Mastercard                  admin fee.
3. By Mail                                                      No refunds will be issued after the 3rd class for
   Complete the registration form and mail                      Seasonal Programs.
   it with cheque or credit card payments to:
   Mooredale House, 146 Crescent Road,                          Refund requests received before the 3rd class will
   Toronto, Ontario M4W 1V2                                     be pro-rated.
                                                                A transfer fee of $15 may be charged to transfer
Payment Policies                                                from one program to another.
1. “PAY-PER-TERM” programs must be paid in full at              Refunds will not be issued if the requested cancellation
   the time of registration by debit, credit card, cheque       lowers enrollment to less than the minimum number
   or cash.                                                     required to run the program.
2.	HST is included in all Adult course fees.                   Classes will be cancelled if enrollment is less than
    HST#125590232RT0001                                         the minimum number required to run the program.
                                                                In this case, a full refund will be issued.
Program Reminders
                                                                General Program Policies
You will receive a program reminder by phone or email.
This will be done during the week prior to the class            To maintain the highest safety and quality standards in
start date.                                                     our programs, workshops and clubs, the following policies
                                                                are in effect:
                                                                1. All participants must be current RMPA members
                                                                   throughout the program. Membership Forms
                                                                   available at
                                                                2.	Mooredale reserves the right to:
                                                                    a) Change the time, location or instructor of
                                                                        any activity;
                                                                    b) Cancel any activity due to insufficient
                                                                        registration or instructor availability.
                                                                3. A parent or guardian is required to be available
     Curious about how things                                      by phone throughout the duration of all children’s
   have changed due to COVID-19?                                   programs.
                                                                4. Wait listed participants will remain on the wait list for
                                                                   the duration of the program. They will not automatically
                                                                   roll over to subsequent sessions/seasons.
                                                                5. Mooredale reserves the right to cancel or postpone
                                                                   program as we navigate through COVID-19.

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RECREATION GUIDE FALL 2021 - Get active, make a new friend, learn a new skill or just have fun. Registration for Spring programs begins on Monday ...
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              adult programs                         session dates: September 20 to December 17
 Time        Monday                        Tuesday                         Wednesday                      Thursday                           Friday

 A.M.         9:30 WORKOUT                                                 STRETCH FUSION                                                    9:30 WORKOUT
              9:30 am–10:30 am                                             9:30–10:30am                                                      9:30–10:30am
                                                                           CARDIO DANCE FUSION            CARDIO DANCE FUSION
                                                                           12:00 - 1:00pm                 12:00 - 1:00pm
                                                                           CHESS CLUB
                                                                                                          ADULT KARATE
                                                                                                          MENTAL HEALTH
                                                                                                          FIRST AID
              YOGA                         ESSENTRICS                      PILATES                        SPANISH TRAVEL                     PAINT NIGHT
              7:00–8:00pm                  7:00–8:00pm                     7:45–8:45pm                    LANGUAGE WORKSHOP                  7:00–8:00pm
*All Adult Programs include HST

CARDIO DANCE FUSION                                                               ADULT KARATE - WITH JAMES GREER
Tuesdays/Thursdays September 2 to December 16                                     Thursdays - September 23 - December 16, 2021
12:00 pm–1:00 pm                                                                  5:00pm–6:30pm
13 classes, $351.00                                                               13 classes, $390.00
Studio, Coach House (Capacity: 10)                                                No class Monday Ocrtober 11
Cardio Dance Fusion led by Fraser McCarthy. He has been instructing               Studio, Coach House (Capacity: 8)
Dance and fitness for over 20 years. Join us for a fun easy to follow class,      After many years of teaching karate to the children of Mooredale
set to popular music that gets the heart pumping! Followed by some                members, instructor James Greer from the Cold Mountain School has
calisthenics that focuses on core and stretching.                                 introduced Karate to any interested adult at Mooredale. Trained as a
                                                                                  Second degree black belt, James designs and teaches Karate programs
YOGA WITH JAMES GREER                                                             that will be suitable for any fitness and skill level. Participants will
Mondays – September 20 to December 14                                             progress through traditional Okinawan Karate and self-defence.
7:00 pm–8:00 pm
12 classes, $360.00
Studio, Coach House (Capacity: 8)
He will be teaching an exploratory yoga program for beginners and those
who would like to try other aspects of yoga. This 9 week course is the first
of two parts where students will be introduced to traditional Ashtanga
primary poses, restoration, yin yoga, pranayama and doweling. The aim
is to help students develop and advance their own practices as they
become less stressed, healthy, and strong. Participants can bring their
own yoga mat or one will be provided

Wednesdays – September 22 to December 15
9:30 am–10:30 am
13 classes, $390.00
Studio, Coach House (Capacity: 8)
This class offers a combination of dance and yoga based stretch
movements. If you are looking to include flexibility based training into
your fitness routine, if you are eager to improve your range of motion, or
if you are looking to feel the wonderful sense of ease that an hour spent
mindfully stretching and releasing tightness, this class is for you!

                                                                                      Get certified in mental health first aid this spring – see page 6 for more information

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THE 9:30 WORKOUT – WITH REBECCA BELL                                                SPANISH PRIVATE LESSONS WITH MAGIC LANGUAGES
Mondays & Fridays – September 20 to December 17                                     Monday to Friday – September 20 to December 17
9:30 am–10:30 am                                                                    Varying time slots available
Monday 12 classes, $360                                                             13 classes, $884.00
Friday 13 classes, $390                                                             Our Spanish program is designed for students who want to learn Spanish
No class Monday October 11                                                          in a dynamic way while absorbing the lively culture that comes with the
Studio, Coach House (Capacity: 8)                                                   language. Our private classes are made to meet your needs. We adjust
The 9:30 Workout is an effective and efficient one hour full body workout,          the classes according to your level and your objectives. Whether you want
combining cardiovascular and strength training. The class is led by Rebecca         to focus on casual conversation, professional or business needs. We will
Bell, an experienced personal fitness instructor, who offers effective              work on grammar, writing or technical vocabulary.
personalized attention that draws on her depth of knowledge and passion
for body mechanics. The class includes 30 minutes dedicated to cardio               Lessons will can occur in person at Mooredale or can be scheduled on a
fitness and 30 minutes of focused strength and flexibility training.                joint/semi-private or virtual basis.

BALANCING, SURPRISINGLY CHALLENGING CLASS.                                          Sundays – September 19 to December 19
                                                                                    10:00 am – virtual over Zoom
Wednesdays – September 22 to December 15                                            13 classes, $338.00
7:45 – 8:45pm                                                                       Capacity: 15
13 classes $390.00                                                                  Italian one sheet bake coming soon
Studio, Coach House (Capacity: 8)
                                                                                    Pastry Chef Rita formerly of the Windsor Arms Hotel, began her journey
One of the great attributes of Pilates based training is its inherent goal
                                                                                    at Mooredale with the children’s baking program - One Bowl Bake Club.
of improving movement skills and therefore performance in sports and
                                                                                    Her infectious energy and in-depth baking knowledge make her classes
in life. In this 50 min. class, you will improve your balance and posture,
                                                                                    unique. Now we are happy to offer a class for our adult members – Sweet
strengthen your core muscles, and integrate movement throughout
                                                                                    Joy Bake Club! Participants can look forward to carefully curated lessons
your body. The class includes both standing and mat focused exercise,
                                                                                    with only Rita Giallonardo original recipes. A balance between sweet and
and the addition of foam rollers and other types of equipment helps in
                                                                                    savory while always delicious – join us Sundays virtually or in-person later
building better movement patterns, increased muscle strength, as well
                                                                                    on this spring.
as improving the neural connections involved in that outcome. Body
and Mind working together to help make what you do in your workout                  Chef Rita is also available for private booking or workshops – please
applicable to the rest of your life!                                                enquire with program manager

Wednesdays – September 22 to December 15
1:30 pm–2:30 pm
13 classes, $273.00
Room 1, Main House (Capacity: 8)
Chess Institute of Canada is the only licensed Chess Curriculum in
Canada, it challenges it participants to think differently, solve problems
and to have fun learning the game of Chess. CIC has been a part of the
pre-school for a few years, so now we are offering this program to our
school age and adult community members through a weekly Chess Club.

Monday to Friday – September 13 to December 17                                                                   MUSIC
                                                                                                              LESSONS FOR
4:00 pm–7:00 pm
14 Lessons
30 min lessons: $518.00
60 min lessons: $966.00
Room 4, Main House                                                                                             THE WHOLE
                                                                                                                FAMILY !
Mlle. Juliana Giallonardo is back at Mooredale and is so excited to share
her love of the French language through private lessons. For young
children all the way to adults, Mlle. Juliana will tailor her teaching to each
individual student whether she is helping with homework, prepping for
exams, or just strengthening a French language competency.
                                                                                            We offer a variety
Thursday November 25
                                                                                            of music lessons
7:00 pm–9:00 pm
Room 1, Main House (Capacity: 10)
                                                                                            for all ages.
One-day workshop, $80.00
Join us for an evening full of the beautiful Spanish language. Learn
common travelling phrases and tips and tricks while travelling in Spanish
speaking counties. This workshop is will include language content,
travelling information, photos, media which will make you feel like you are
in Spain. It will also include a small tasting plate of Spanish wines and
cheese for you palette to enjoy. Private booking also available.

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                                                    adult programs (continued)
Tuesdays – September 21 to December 16
7:00 pm–8:00 pm
Rosedale United Church
13 classes $234.00
Essentrics® is a full-body stretching & strengthening
program designed to tone the bod, decompress joints
while rebalancing, lengthening & strengthening all                                 PROGRAM UPDATES FOR FALL 2021
640 muscles. Regular practice boosts our energy
                                                                                   To keep us safe, healthy and complaint with the City of Toronto
& enhances our muscle tone, posture, flexibility &
                                                                                   COVID-19 re-opening guidelines, the following program changes
strength. Join instructor Suzanne Park this spring for an hour workout
                                                                                   were implemented and continue to be enforced for the duration
your body will thank you for.
                                                                                   of Fall 2021 programming session. Please note that all program
                                                                                   times, dates and capacities are subject to change based on our
                                                                                   current direction and stages of reopening given by Toronto Public
                                                                                   Health and the Province.
Thursday November 4, 11, 18 & 25
6:00 pm–9:00 pm                                                                    Due to social distancing program, class capacities have been
Room 2 (Capacity: 8)                                                               limited. The maximum class size is 15.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the support provided to a person who             Room & Building               Capacity
may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental
health crisis. Course participants will learn how to recognize signs that          Room 1, Main House               10
a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a             Room 2, Main House               10
mental health crisis and encourage that person to:                                 Room 4, Main House                3
                                                                                   Room 8, Main Hous                 8
• Talk about declines in their mental well-being                                   Studio, Coach House              15
• Discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery
  to improved mental well-being                                                    There is now a minimum of 15 minutes between classes to allow
• Reach out to these support                                                       for reset time. During this time we will be sanitizing the space to
• Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis                                ensure it is ready for the next class. Please arrive to your class only
• Use MHFA actions to maintain one’s own mental well-being                         1-3 minutes early and please only enter the programming space
                                                                                   until you have been invited in by your instructor.
Steph Kersta registered psychotherapist will be facilitating this course,
to find out more information please visit;                                         Programs with participants over the age of 6 will operate as drop-
                                                                                   off only. We ask that you bring your child to the door and complete                                                                the necessary entrance screening requirements.                                                              Entering the facility:
                                                                                   • Each person entering Mooredale needs a completed waiver. This
                                                                                     waiver will be attached to your program receipt, but can also be
Friday October 15
                                                                                     found on our website
7:00 pm
Room 1, Main House (Capacity: 9)                                                   • Each person entering Mooredale needs a completed waiver.
$50.00                                                                               This waiver will be attached to your program receipt, but can
Saturday November 20                                                                 also be found on our website
2:00 pm                                                                              Mooredale%20House%20COVID-19%20Waiver%20Form.pdf
Virtually – over Zoom                                                              • You and/or the parent or guardian of participant will be asked
$30.00                                                                               screening questions, contact information for tracing and have
Join us for spring paint nights hosted by Painting and Cocktails – either            their temperature(s) taken.
in-person or virtually. If you are joining us in person the supplies are           • All patrons over the age of 2 years are required to wear a mask
provided for you. Included in the in-person paint nights are wine and
                                                                                     while in the facility. This is to comply with the City of Toronto
some snacking options.
                                                                                      Public Health guidelines & By-law 232-2020, 323-2020
                                                                                   A few additional things to note as you look though the guide is the
   SOMETHING                                                                       variety of programming formats we have to offer.
   SMELLS DELICIOUS…                                                               We have many qualified instructors and teachers who are able
   FIND OUT WHAT…                                                                  to provide their classes in private or small group basis. If you
   SUNDAYS AT 10AM                                                                 are interested in a class, but would like a 1 on 1 option for more
                                                                                   individualized attention, or small group option with some of your
   WITH SWEET JOY                                                                  friends and family, please contact me.
   BAKE CLUB                                                                       Thank you,
                                                                                   Alyse “ Toba” Reichardt
                                                                                   Program Manager & Camp Director – Mooredale House

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       children & youth programs (0-17yrs)                                 session dates: Sep. 20 to Dec. 17
Time      Monday              Tuesday                Wednesday              Thursday               Friday                  Saturday
                              SPORTBALL –

A.M.                          SPORTBALL –                                   SPANISH LESSONS        SING WITH               ONE BOWL BAKE
                              PARENT & CHILD                                – 6 MTHS–3 YRS         ROB ROY                 CLUB – VIRTUAL
                              10:45–11:30am                                 10:15–11:00am          10:00–10:45am           10:00–11:00am
                                                                                                   SING WITH ROB JOY
                   1 to 1 Tutoring Options for Math, Science, English, Spanish, SSAT Prep and More with Teachers on Call
          KARATE P&C          ONE BOWL BAKE                                 KARATE P&C
          2:30–3:00pm         CLUB – 3-5 YRS                                2:30–3:00pm
          NATURE              SPORTBALL              LITTLE TRAVELLERS      SPANISH LESSONS        TENNIS
P.M.      EXPLORERS           MULTI-SPORT            3:15–4:00pm            – 3–5 YRS              3:15–4:00pm
          3:15–4:00pm         3:15–4:00pm                                   3:15–4:00pm
                                                     CHESS CLUB
          KARATE                                     PRESCHOOL              KARATE
          PRESCHOOL                                  3:15–4:00pm            PRESCHOOL
          3:15–4:00pm                                                       3:15–4:00pm
                   1 to 1 Tutoring Options for Math, Science, English, Spanish, SSAT Prep and More with Teachers on Call
          LESSONS             LESSONS                LESSONS                LESSONS
          3:30–8:00pm         3:30–8:00pm            3:30–8:00pm            3:30–8:00pm
P.M.      CELLO PRIVATE                              CREATIVE
          LESSONS                                    MOVEMENT –
          3:30–8:00pm                                2.5–4 YRS
                                      PRIVATE TUTORS (1 TO 1) – SK TO GR 12
          INTERMEDIATE        CLUB – 6-8 YRS         LESSONS                – 6–9 YRS              LESSONS
          4:00–5:00 pm        4:00–4:45pm            4:00–7:00pm            4:00–5:00pm            4:00–7:00pm
          LESSONS             LESSONS                4:00–5:00pm            INTERMEDIATE
          4:00–7:00pm         4:00–7:00pm                                   4:00–5:00 pm
P.M.      5:00–6:30pm         5:30–6:30pm            BALLET JK/SK           LESSONS
                                                     4:30–5:15pm            4:00–7:00pm
                                                     PRE-RAD                CODE BREAKERS
                                                     5:30–6:15pm            4:30–5:30pm
                                                     HIP HOP                3D PRINTING
                                                     6:30–7:30pm            5:45–6:45pm
                                                                            PAINT PARTY

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       children & youth programs (0-17yrs)                                             session dates: Sep. 20 to Dec. 17

    Wednesdays – September 22 to December 15
    13 Classes, $390
    Studio, Coach House (Capacity: 8)
    3:45 pm–4:15pm — 21/2-4 years
    4:30 pm–5:15pm — 4-5 years
    5:30 pm–6:15pm — 6-7 years
    We are very excited to Welcome back Ms. Charissa Wilson and
    the Harmony School of Dance. She graduated from the National
    Ballet School and has been instructing since 2004, where her
    connection to the Mooredale community was made. She started her
    own company – Harmony School of Dance in 2011, and has been
    growing a following ever since. Her passion dance, early childhood
    education and live pianist make her classes unique and the perfect
    fit for our pre-school to school age members.

    Enhances listening skills, team work, and the joy of dance and
    • A focus on large muscle and fine motor development improving
      posture and coordination
    • Supports cognitive function by integrating song lyrics with
      coordinated action of movement, enhancing language
    • Promotes listening skills and creative thinking through the use of
      imagination and pretending in an enjoyable environment
    • Ballet positions, technique, musical rhythm and artistic quality
      are introduced and built upon
    • Imaginative visualization is taught and encouraged to help
      children learn and retain ballet technique and coordination
    • Increases physical strength, poise, and grace, fostering positive
      self esteem
    • All classes accompanied by live piano music!

    • Pink leotard
    • Pink tights
    • Pink ballet or gym slippers (no drawstrings preferred on the
    • Matching tutus & skirts are optional. Any brand for all attire,
      we keep it simple!
    • White t-shirt
    • Black track pants or leggings
    • Black or white ballet or gym slippers

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      children & youth programs (0-17yrs)                                          session dates: Sep. 20 to Dec. 17
                                                                               SING WITH ROB JOY
  SPRING BREAK & PA DAY PROGRAMMING                                            Fridays – September 24 to December 17
                                                                               10:00 am and 11:00am
  BABYSITTING COURSE                                                           Studio, Main House (Capacity: 10 – 0-5 years,
  November 19                                                                  Registration is for both Child & Caregiver)
  Full day 9:00 pm–4:00 pm                                                     13 classes $416.00
  Grades 5–8                                                                   Room 8, Mooredale
  1 day, $155                                                                  Rob Joy leads this interactive guitar driven sing-along for children 6
  Rosedale United Church (Capacity: 8)                                         months and older. There is sure to be a song for everyone in this wildly
  *Two 15 min breaks and a 30 min lunch break will be provided.                entertaining program. Wether you join online or outdoors, Rob cannot
                                                                               wait to share his passion for music and maybe a few trusty sidekicks
  This course is designed to teach babysitting, leadership and first aid
                                                                               will be along for the ride.
  skills in a fun and informative way. Students learn how to care for
  infants, toddlers and older children, what questions to ask parents,         Please note this class is subject to our current stages of re-opening –
  how to give first aid and what to do in emergencies. Activity book           allowing for singing indoors.
  activities, role-playing and hands-on practice teach skills and build
  confidence. Each student should bring a doll/stuffed animal to               ONE BOWL BAKING AT MOOREDALE
  the course. Each student will receive a copy of our award winning            Tuesdays – September 21 to December 14
  publication, “What Every Babysitter Should Know” handbook, and               3-5 years           2:45 pm–3:30 pm, 4:0–4:45pm
  upon successful completion, a St. John’s Ambulance Babysitter’s              6+                  5:30 pm–6:30 pm
  attendance certificate. Lunch and snacks provided – please notify            13 classes, $390
  the office in advance of any dietary restrictions.                           Room 8, Main House (Capacity: 8)
                                                                               *All ingredients are provided
                                                                               ONE BOWL BAKING – VIRTUAL
  November 19
  9:00 am–1:00 pm                                                              Saturdays – March 13 to June 12
  Grades 3 and up                                                              10:00 am–11:00 am
  1 day, $105                                                                  12 classes, $264
  Rosedale United Church (Capacity: 8)                                         *All ingredients are provided by participant
  Kidproof’s famous At Home Alone with First Aid workshop helps your           Pastry Chef, Rita Giallonardo (Windsor Arms
  child become ready to be at home alone and prepared for any                  Hotel, featured in HELLO! Magazine and
  emergency with a bonus emergency First Aid section! Does your                mom to Mooredale’s Mlle. Juliana. Rita
  child spend a few hours home alone before or after school due to             is excited to share her passion for pastry
  your work schedule or other commitments? This popular                        with the Rosedale Moore-Park community.
  entertaining workshop is designed to prepare children to look after          Students will take part in creating delicious,
  themselves during these times.                                               home-style treats paired with a secret list of
  Students learn how to stay safe through interactive lessons, role play       ingredients, which will allow students to continue to recreate and perfect
  and hands-on training. Every Kidproof course is non-threatening and          these recipes. Students will learn several fundamental skills such as:
  empowering.                                                                  measuring, pouring, stirring, spreading, following a recipe, etc. Chef Rita
  Lunch and snacks provided – please notify the office in advance of           will experiment with vegan, gluten-free, no-bake and traditional home-style
  any dietary restrictions.                                                    baking recipes, all in one bowl! There will be no sharing of equipment or
                                                                               ingredients and each child will get to take home a treat. Classes may also
                                                                               be booked on a private basis.

Ages 13+                                                                       Create some delicious Holiday treats with Pastry Chef Rita G! Each in-
What is VolunTEEN? It’s an opportunity for our teen members to get             person student will receive their own supplies to mix, bake and decorate
involved in the community on a grass roots level, through varying              3 items to take home. There will be no sharing of supplies and each
community service opportunities. Each month the VolunTEEN group                student will also receive their own spatula and recipe card.
will meet to plan a volunteer event, or go into the community to directly      Each virtual student will receive a recipe card and spatula. However you
provide volunteering services to those who could benefit from it. Some
                                                                               must provide your own ingredients.
examples include; community clean-ups, community gardening, fund-
raising, humane society, food drives etc. Teens will be encouraged to          Saturday December 18
share ideas and get involved.                                                  Studio, Coach House (Capacity: 8)
                                                                               Preschool 4–6 years 9:00 am–10:30 am
This program is completely free and can help our teen members develop
                                                                               School Age 6–9 years 11:30 am–1:00 pm
leadership skills while gaining volunteer hours towards school or for          School Age 9–12 years 1:00 pm–2:30 pm $60.00
resume building.                                                               Sunday December 19
The first meeting will occur in May 2021! To provide feedback monthly          Virtually – Over Zoom
meeting time for your teen please e-mail program manager                       All ages, 10:00 am–11:00 am $25.00

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Wednesdays – September 22 to December 15
3:15–4:00 pm
3-5 years
Room 8, Main House Mooredale
The Little Travelers Club is an exciting
and interactive class that introduces
young children to the world around them.
Over ten weeks, children visit a different
country and learn about its geography,
history, culture and language in a fun
and memorable way. There will be hand
on activities, songs and games. Each
member of the Little Travelers Club will
create their own passport and scrapbook
of their travels to take home with them.
What our Members are saying:
                                                                                 TEACHERS ON CALL: 1-ON-1 TUTORING
  • “one of the BEST programs my child has ever attended, anywhere!“             Subjects: Reading, Writing & Numeracy Skills, Math, Science,
  • “great educational value - and fun, too!“                                    English and more
                                                                                 Grades: JK – Grade 12
  • “each week they “visited” a different country and my daughter came           Availability: Monday–Friday, Saturday & Sunday
    home talking about that country - the food, the flag, the customs,           Sessions: Flexible 30-minute minimums
    something notable and memorable “                                            Costs: Half hour sessions: $34; Forty-five min sessions: $51; Hour
                                                                                 sessions: $68
  • “my daughter is still looking at the scrapbook and “passport”
                                                                                 Location: All tutoring is currently online. Due to the pandemic, in-person
    provided at the end of the program“
                                                                                 tutoring in the home and Mooredale House is currently on hold.
  • “I would highly recommend this program to anyone”
                                                                                 Teachers on Call provides personalized 1-on-1 tutoring by professional
KID PAINT PARTY – 7-12 YEARS                                                     OCT Teachers in all subjects and grades for elementary and high-school
                                                                                 students from K to 12. Online learning and enrichment is offered for
Thursday November 18 – 6:00 pm
Room 1, Main House (Capacity: 9)                                                 Reading, Writing & Numeracy skills, Math, Science, English and more.
$45.00                                                                           Sessions are customized to level of student and start with convenient
Saturday December 11 – 2:00 pm                                                   30-minute slots to capture the attention of young minds. To ensure the
Virtually – over Zoom                                                            best match, there is a thorough orientation call to select a tutor who is the
$30.00                                                                           right fit for your child.
Join us for a winter paint nights hosted by Painting and Cocktails –
either in-person or virtually. If you are joining us in person the supplies      The team of tutors at Teachers on Call are professional teachers who are
are provided for you. Included in the in-person paint nights snacks and          highly qualified in their subject areas and are current with the Ontario
beverages.                                                                       Curriculum and Ministry guidelines. With a relationship-based approach
                                                                                 to tutoring, the same subject tutor will work with your child on a consistent
                                                                                 Teachers on Call has gained a reputation for quality, personalized service,
                                                                                 and unparalleled results, winning the Consumer Choice Award for tutoring
                                                                                 in Toronto for the past 5 years in a row.
                                                                                 Contact Info: 416-519-8335
                                                                                 *Mention Mooredale upon registration

                                                                                 SPANISH LESSONS WITH MAGIC LANGUAGES
                                                                                 Thursdays – September 23 to December 16
                                                                                 6 mths–3 years 10:15 am–11:00 am
                                                                                 3–5 years            3:15 pm–4:00 pm
                                                                                 6–9 years            4:00 pm–5:00 pm
                                                                                 13 classes, $364.00
                                                                                 Mooredale, Main House, Room 8 (Capacity: 8)
                                                                                 The Magic-Languages Spanish program is designed for students who
                                                                                 want to learn Spanish in a fun way, absorbing the artistic, charming
                                                                                 and lively culture that comes with the language. Our themes come to
                                                                                 life through fun activities such as art and crafts, games, puppet shows,
                                                                                 story time, etc. Through these activities, our teachers communicate with
                                                                                 the students in the new language in an engaging way so they become
                                                                                 capable of under-standing and repeating new vocabulary. Our method
                                                                                 is designed to make your children feel the need to communicate and
                                                                                 interact with the teacher and their peers in their new language. Join us in
                                                                                 person, or inquire about Magic languages online classes.

  10        2021 fall recreation guide
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      children & youth programs (0-17yrs)                                             session dates: Sep. 20 to Dec. 17

                      MOOREDALE PROGRAM

                French with
                Mlle. Juliana

             Offering students a variety of tutoring
                formats to suit all our members                                   CELLO PRIVATE LESSONS
                                                                                  Mondays – September 20 to December 20
                 In-person or virtual tutoring                                    3:30 pm–8:00 pm (30 min time slots)
                 Private 1 on 1 or Small group                                    7+ years 30 min lesson: $494.00
                                                                                  9+ years 45 min lesson: $780
                                                                                  13 classes
                                                                                  No class on Monday October 11, 2021
FRENCH PRIVATE LESSONS                                                            A native of Vermont, Jonathan Tortolano has been living and working in
Monday-Friday – September 20 to December 17                                       Toronto since 1999. He studied at New England Conservatory, Oberlin
4:00 pm–7:00 pm                                                                   College and The Cleveland Institute of Music and was often found in the
4 years to Adult                                                                  woods of Quebec attending summer courses at Centre d’Arts Orford
13 Lessons                                                                        with Janos Starker or in the pit of the Teatro Nuovo in Spoleto playing
30 min lessons: $481                                                              opera. Arriving in Canada from Europe, Jonathan has held positions with
60 min lessons: $884                                                              orchestras in Quebec, Spain, Portugal, Canada and the United States.
No class Monday October 11
                                                                                  Chamber music lured him to France, to play with Quatuor Prima Vista,
Room 4, Main House, outdoor, virtual
                                                                                  and Lisbon, as cellist of Quartet Metropolis. Sunflower Music Festival
Mlle. Juliana Giallonardo is back at Mooredale and is so excited to share
                                                                                  has been a highlight of his, as well as Music Niagara each summer.
her love of the French language through private one to one lessons. For
                                                                                  Jonathan teaches cello and chamber music at The Royal Conservatory
young children all the way to adults, Mlle. Juliana will tailor her teaching to
                                                                                  of Music in Toronto and travels through hail, sleet, and snow, to play with
each individual student whether she is helping with homework, prepping
                                                                                  the Pittsburgh Opera. In 2019 Jonathan won the Principal Cello position
for exams, or just strengthening a French language competency.
                                                                                  with the Michigan Opera Theatre at the Detroit Opera House. Jonathan
VIOLIN PRIVATE LESSONS                                                            is married to Polish violinist Janetta Wilczewska. They have a daughter,
                                                                                  Fabia, who thinks all musicians are nuts.
3:30 pm–8:00 pm (30 min time slots)
5-6 years            30 min lesson: $520.00                                       PIANO PRIVATE LESSONS
7+ years             45 min lesson: $884.00                                       Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays – Sep 21 to Dec 17
12 classes                                                                        3:30 pm–8:00 pm (30 min time slots)
No class Monday October 11                                                        Ages 6–Adult
Room 6, Main House, virtual                                                       13 classes, $416.00
Take the opportunity to learn a masterful instrument with an accomplished         Room 6, Main House
instructor, Janetta Wilczewska. She pursued her studies at the University of      Take advantage of the opportunity to enroll in half-hour private lessons
Toronto with Steven Staryk, and later continued at the Royal Conservatory         based on the Royal Conservatory of Music, gain self-confidence and
of Music Training Program. She has played in Germany, Spain, Portugal             develop better coordination, rhythm and memory. Participants will work
and currently plays with the Toronto Philharmonia Orchestra and Sinfonia          towards a performance recital. Nola Moore has over 25 years of teaching
Toronto while continuing to maintain a busy teaching schedule. Janetta is         experience and is a member of the Ontario Music Teacher’s Association.
also the founder of the Upper Canada String Quartet.

                                                                                          2021 fall recreation guide            11
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                                                                                   SPORTBALL JUNIOR
                                                                                   Tuesdays – September 21 to December 16
                                                                                   9:30 am–10:15 am
                                                                                   6–24 months
                                                                                   13 classes, $403.00
                                                                                   Outdoor, Backlawn & Studio, Coach House
                                                                                   Sportball is a unique, non-competitive sports program for young children
                                                                                   based on a philosophy that recognizes the importance of fundamental
                                                                                   movement skills in the early years. Sportball concentrates on the
                                                                                   following seven sports: hockey, baseball, basketball, tennis, soccer,
                                                                                   volleyball and golf. All Sportball coaches are certified in CPR and first aid
                                                                                   and have been fully trained at the Sportball Centre.

                                                                                   SPORTBALL – PARENT & CHILD MULTI-SPORT
                                                                                   Tuesdays – September 21 to December 16
                                                                                   11:15 am–12:00 pm
                                                                                   2–4 years accompanied by a Parent/Guardian
                                                                                   13 classes, $403.00
KARATE                                                                             Outdoor, Back Lawn & Studio, Coach House (Capacity: 6)
Mondays & Thursdays – September 20 to December 16                                  This program will guide you and your toddler through the introductory skills
Monday – 12 classes $348.00                                                        of the 7 Sportball sports. Experienced Sportball instructors will lead each
Thursday – 13 classes $377.00                                                      45min session. There will be no breaks, but parents should feel free to
No class Monday October 11                                                         give their child a drink of water or take them to the washroom if needed.
Studio, Main House (Capacity: 8)
Monday                                                                             SPORTBALL PRIVATE BUBBLE CLASSES
Parent & Child                   2:30–3:15pm                                       Tuesday
Preschool                        3:15–4:00pm                                       Inquire for available spots
Junior/Intermediate              4:00–5:00pm                                       $200 per class – up to 6 participants total
Advanced                         5:00–6:30pm                                       Sportball is excited to offer private bubbles classes to our members.
Thursday                                                                           These classes can be booked on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and
Parent & Child                      2:30–3:15pm                                    Tuesdays afternoon into evening. These classes are designed around
Preschool                           3:15–4:00pm                                    the age and ability of your child or group focusing on developing physical
Junior/Intermediate                 4:00–5:00pm                                    literacy and love for sport. Program details can be determined based on
Adult/Advanced                      5:00–6:15pm                                    interest – please speak with program Manager
Tuesdays – September 21 to December 14                                             TENNIS PRESCHOOL
Beginner – 5+ years                            4:00 pm–4:45 pm                     Fridays – September 25 to December 17
Intermediate/Advanced – 7+ years               5:00 pm–6:00 pm                     3:15–4:00pm
13 classes, $273.00                                                                3–5 years
James Greer from the Cold Mountain School will continue his instruction            13 Classes, $390.00
of Karate at Mooredale. Trained as a Second degree black belt,                     Studio, Coach House
James designs and teaches Karate programs specifically for children.               Instructors from TAC Sports provide a positive and secure environment
Participants will progress through traditional Okinawan Karate. All                where students can learn tennis skills and develop confidence. In
students are required to purchase a karate gi (uniform), which is available        addition, instructors will focus on training every child, with an emphasis
through the instructor. (NOTE: testing will occur throughout the year but          on sportsmanship and positive self-talk. Children will be coached in ways
does not always result in the achievement of a new belt level.)                    that are appropriate for their age and skill level. Junior tennis raquets and
                                                                                   tennis balls will be provided.
Tuesdays – September 21 to December 16
3–6 yrs : 3:15 pm–4:00 pm
13 classes, $403.00
Mooredale, Backlawn & Studio, Coach House (Capacity: 10)
Sportball is a unique, non-competitive sports program for young children
based on a philosophy that recognizes the importance of fundamental
movement skills in the early years. Sportball concentrates on the
following seven sports: hockey, baseball, basketball, tennis, soccer,
volleyball and golf. All Sportball coaches are certified in CPR and first aid
and have been fully trained at the Sportball Centre.
*Not a drop off program for children 4 yrs and under.

  12        2021 fall recreation guide
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     youth programs (0-17yrs)                                 session dates: September 20 to December 17
NATURE EXPLORERS – 3-6 YEARS                                                    CODE BREAKERS
Mondays                                                                         Thursdays
3:15–4:00pm                                                                     4:30–5:30 pm
12 classes, $360.00                                                             7-12 years
No class Monday October 11                                                      13 classes, $364.00
Room 1, Main House and back lawn (Capacity: 10)                                 Room 7, Main House (Capacity: 8)
Does your inquisitive child have a passion for nature? Are they often           Code Breakers teaches students of all ages the fundamentals of coding.
exploring and asking “why”? Rainbow Rhythm Kids is a nature-based               Students use a free online platform called Scratch, developed by the
education, movement and art program that awakens and fosters                    MIT Media Lab. Students build classic games and design movie scenes.
children’s curiosity and compassion for the natural world.                      Within the class, students learn the basic building blocks, proofreading
This multidisciplinary program includes a combination of hands on               their code and are trained to find problems within their own codes or
experiences with animals and animal artifacts, natural materials, stories,      designs and fix them with minimal outside support. Finally, Code Breakers
imaginative play, yoga, creative movement and artistic experiences.             helps students foster critical and analytical thinking through fun and
Your children will have the opportunity to learn about a new animal or          engaging problem solving challenges.
aspect of nature in every class. Children will bring home small art projects
and scavenger hunt lists to encourage your time in nature together.             3D DESIGN: ACCESS THE 3RD DIMENSION
Sarah Hawthorn is a mother, an R.E.C.E with a BA in Early Childhood             Thursdays – September 23 to December 16
Education and nature enthusiast.                                                5:45 – 6:45pm
                                                                                7–12 years
DANCE/HIP-HOP                                                                   13 classes, $390 Room 8, Main House (Capacity 10)
Fridays                                                                         Our 3D Design afterschool program gives students knowledge about 3D
4:30 pm–5:30 pm                                                                 design, 3D printers, and how to design and print a 3D object. Students
7–12 years                                                                      use Tinkercad, an exciting easy-to-use online 3D printing program that
13 classes, $364.00                                                             can be accessed from home at any time. Students create fun projects
Studio, Coach House (Capacity: 8)                                               and can choose one to print to bring home. The perfect introduction to
TAC Sports dance teaches the fundamental skills and progressions of             one of the most exciting new technologies of the future.
hip-hop. Fun choreographed dances are done with a performance at the
end of class. Students build fitness, balance, and learn to work with one
another to create outstanding choreographies. This program is great for
beginners all the way to advanced dancers. Students follow our step-by-
step 5 star development system that keeps them motivated and on track.

Preschool – 3-5 years       3:15 pm–4:00 pm Room 2, Main House
School Age – 6+ years 4:00 pm–5:00 pm Room 7, Main House
13 classes, $364.00
                                                                                        Movies on the
                                                                                         Back Lawn
Main House (Capacity: 8)
Chess Institute of Canada is the only licensed Chess Curriculum in
Canada, it challenges it participants to think differently, solve problems
and to have fun learning the game of Chess. CIC has been a part of the
pre-school for a few years, so now we are offering this program to our                     THURSDAY OCTOBER 28, 2021
school age and adult community members through a weekly Chess Club.

                                                                                        2021 fall recreation guide          13
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                                                                                                       Program Registration Form
                                                                                         Program     Registration
                                                                                            Please return                  Form House"
                                                                                                          with payment to "Mooredale
                                                                                                  146 Crescent Road, Toronto, ON, M4W 1V2
                                                                                                           Phone: 416.922.3714
                                                                      Please return with payment to "Mooredale House"
                                                                            146 Crescent Road, Toronto, ON, M4W 1V2
                                                                                                   Phone: 416.922.3714
                                              Please read the Program Policies before registering
             Payment – Please PRINT CLEARLY
             I will be paying by:      Please read the Program Policies before registering
                                                                                           The amount of: $
          Please 
                   Cheque CLEARLY
                              Debit                  Master Card  Visa Card
I will be paying by:
           Card #:                                                                       Exp:                                  CVV:
     Cash          Cheque          Debit    Master Card            Visa Card                        The amount of:   $
           Full name that appears                                                               Card holder
Card #: on the credit card                                                   Exp:               SIGNATURE           CVV:

Full name FAMILY
          that appearsINFORMATION                                                   Card holder
on the credit
                Name                                                                SIGNATURE
                                                                                       Family Name

     Street Address                                                      Suite                  City                                  Postal Code
First Name                                                                   Family Name
           Phone                                                         Bus. Phone                                                   Ext.
Street Address                                            Suite                     City                                   Postal Code
           Email                                                                                                                      Preferred Contact:
Phone                                                     Bus. Phone                                                       Ext.          Email       Phone

             PARTICIPANT 1: INFORMATION                                                                                    Preferred Contact:
             First Name                                                                  Last Name                            Email       Phone

     Birth date (dd/mm/yy)                                                               Health Card Number
First Name                                                                   Last Name

            1st CProgram Name                                                           Time                                    Fee
Birth date (dd/mm/yy)                                                        Health Card Number

           2nd Program Name                                                              Time                                   Fee
1st CProgram Name                                                            Time                                   Fee

           3rd Program Name
2nd Program Name                                                             Time                                   Fee

            Name                    2: INFORMATION
           First Name                                                                    Last Name

     Birth date (dd/mm/yy)                                                               Health Card Number
First Name                                                                   Last Name

            1st CProgram Name                                                           Time                                    Fee
Birth date (dd/mm/yy)                                                        Health Card Number

           2nd Program Name                                                              Time                                   Fee
1st CProgram Name                                                            Time                                   Fee

           3rd Program Name                                                              Time                                   Fee
2nd Program Name                                                             Time                                   Fee

3rd Program Name                                                             Time                                   Fee
             "I am a member of the Rosedale-Moore Park Association, and consent to the participation of the above-named and
     hereby release the Rosedale-Moore Park Association, its staff, Board of Directors, instructors and authorized guests from
"I am a any
        memberand all
                   of actions, claims, demands
                      the Rosedale-Moore     Park for damages,and
                                                   Association,    lossconsent
                                                                         or injury
                                                                                 tohowsoever     arisingofwhich
                                                                                     the participation            may hereafterand
                                                                                                            the above-named        be sustained by
hereby release the Rosedale-Moore Park Association, its staff, Board of Directors, instructors and authorized guests fromto the
        the  participant  as above-named     in consequence     of participation   in  Association  activities. I also agree  to consent
any anduse   by the Rosedale-Moore
         all actions, claims, demandsPark     Associationloss
                                         for damages,      of the   participant’s
                                                               or injury  howsoeverlikeness  (photographs,
                                                                                        arising               video) forbe
                                                                                                which may hereafter        publicity purposes.
                                                                                                                             sustained  by      I
        have   read and   understood   the refund   policies that  are outlined   in  the Recreation   Guide   and  on
the participant as above-named in consequence of participation in Association activities. I also agree to consent to thethe website
use by the  Rosedale-Moore Park   I authorize  theofRosedale-Moore
                                     Association     the participant’sPark    Association
                                                                         likeness           to communicate
                                                                                    (photographs,    video) forwith  me bypurposes.
                                                                                                                  publicity  email.” I
have read and understood the refund policies that are outlined in the Recreation Guide and on the website
        Signature       I authorize the Rosedale-Moore Park Association   Date to communicate with me by email.”

Signature                                                             Date
You can also read