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Page created by Mitchell Bowman
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                                                             Saturday, September 4, 2021   Vol. 27 No. 01

                                                                                                              Professional air duct
                                                                                                            cleaners and Dryer vents
                                                                                                              Clean mold, dirt and
                                                                                                             mushrooms form your
                                                                                                                   air ducts
                                                                                                                Breathe clean air
                                                                                                                          Covering Montréal & Surrounding Areas

Travelpreuneur Andréanne Tessier at
Domaine Vineterra enjoying the finer
things in life!
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                   NEW 4475 St Jean # 204 D.D.O. asking $410,000
      Central A/C, 2 large bdrms, 2 bathrooms, 1 car garage, facing east(not st Jean)

                                 Lauren Marks Vesely
                                   Courtier immobilier
                                   Real Estate Broker
2                                                   September 4, 2021 •
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This essential rendezvous for all beer lovers will take place outdoors, from October 7 to 10, in Montreal’s Rio Tinto Courtyard.

     Montreal Beer festival is back
The Mondial de la bière is pleased to an-         vintage glass, all for $30 per person (plus        it or if they are unable to sell the minimum
nounce that its event will be back, October       charge and tax). For $20 more, the second          of packages required to make the event vi-
7 to 10, 2021 in the Rio Tinto Courtyard –        package includes 20 more coupons. The              able. If the event is cancelled, ticket holders
Gare Windsor de Montréal! Due to covid            third package, at a cost of $40 includes 20        will have the choice to either be reim-
requirements, the 27th edition of this ren-       tasting coupons and one Mondial de la
dezvous, essential for all beer lovers, will be   bière’s 27th edition collectible glass. Finally,   bursed or to keep their purchase to use at
held entirely outside and will consist of sev-    for an extra $20, the fourth package offers        the next Mondial de la bière to be held
eral sessions, each three hours in length.        20 more coupons. Extra virtual coupons             from May 19 to 22, 2022 at Gare Windsor
 Beers for all tastes, beer experts to meet,      will be sold online and on site. The 4             and Rio Tinto Courtyard.
         all in a festive atmosphere!             ounces (125 ml) tastings will require be-             For more information:
   Over four days, attendants will find close     tween 3 to 7 virtual coupons, depending on      
to 100 different beers on the site, and will      the type of beer.                                  To share this news on social media, please
be able to satisfy their cravings with snack        In order to participate in a 3 hour tasting
foods available on site (cheese, cold cuts,       session, each visitor will need to purchase        use :
pretzels, nuts, malt crackers, sandwiches,        online, in advance, one of the four packages,      Facebook/Mondialbiere // Instagram/mon-
etc.). A mini brunch will also be proposed        then choose a table, give their name, phone                   dialbiere #mondialbiere
on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. and on Sunday, at       number and e-mail address for the visitor             The event is financially supported by the
the 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. sessions.            logbook.                                           Ministère du Tourisme du Québec.
   Visitors will have access to two covered           To comply with the current covid re-                   About the Mondial de la bière
areas (marquees and umbrellas), the latter        quirements, participants will also have to
which is equipped with patio heaters. Par-        present their COVID-19 vaccination pass-           Founded in 1994, the Mondial de la bière is
ticipants will be invited to choose a table       port and one piece of photo identification         a unique and friendly tasting event, it is con-
for 4 in their preferred area (depending on       to be admitted on the site. There will be a        sidered a doorway to the brewing industry
the session, DJ or World music Zone               maximum of 450 visitors per session and            in Quebec and around the world. Over the
and/or Beer Expert Zone). The breweries’          all the usual precautions will be taken            years, it has become the most important
representatives and the Mondial de la             (wearing a mask to move around the site,           international beer festival in America and
bière’s experts will go around the Expert         one way circulation, physical distancing           its reputation extends worldwide. A major
Zone to discuss with tasters who wish to          while waiting in line, etc). However, visitors
learn more about beer.                            will be allowed to arrive and leave anytime        player in the development of the brewing
        An accessible and safe event              during the 3 hour period allotted to them.         industry in Quebec, the Mondial de la bière
Four packages will be offered this fall. The      The Mondial de la bière reserves the right         is a privileged witness of the evolution of
first includes 20 tasting coupons and one         to cancel the event if Public Health requires      consumers taste for beer.
      • September 4, 2021                                                                                               3
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4   September 4, 2021 •
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• Tue les bactéries / kills bacteria • Prévention incendie
                                                                             (sécheuse) Fire prevention (dryer) • Respirer l’air propre /
                                                                                Breath clean air • réduit l'asthme, les allergies à la
                                                                              poussière • Reduces asthma, dust allergies • Gardez votre
                                                                                     famille en sécurité / Keep your family safe

                                                                                   Mtl nettoyage des conduits
                                                                                                                     Vent cleaning
                                                                                                                   à partir de / Staring at

                                                                                                                  399 *
                                                                                                                     $                        plus

    Le Burger                                                                                                         D'UNITÉ SPLIT
                                                                                                                       A/C split coil cleaning

   Week starts in
                                                                                                                                     à partir de /
                                                                                                                                     Staring at

                                                                                                                           199 $

                                                                            *max 900 pieds carrés / square feet
                                                                            * spécial nettoyage de vitres avec contrat de nettoyage de ventilation
It’s that time of the year... It’s     pating restaurants, and 165+         / window cleaning special with vent cleaning contract
burger season! Get your buns           participating restaurants across     ** évent de sécheuse spécial lorsque vous nettoyez votre système de
ready as Le Burger Week, pre-          the province of Quebec!              conduits / dryer vent special when you clean your duct system
sented by Saputo and Sysco and           The food festival’s mission has
delivered through DoorDash, is         always been to empower the
celebrating its milestone 10th         Canadian restaurant commu-
anniversary in a big way. For the      nity of restaurateurs, chefs,
first time ever, Le Burger Week        servers, and foodies – which is
is adding an extra week to the         why they want to give back by
festival. From September 1st to        extending it for an extra week
14th, 2021, burger-lovers can          – it’s Le Burger Weeks!
enjoy not just one, but TWO              Le Burger Week’s overall mis-
WEEKS of delicious burgers!            sion has always been to support
  The official list of participating
                                       local restaurants by increasing
restaurants on can be seen here
                                       their sales and awareness
(please note: the list of partici-
pating restaurants is always up-
dating – make sure to check out
the website to see if your
                                       through festival participation!
                                       As Co-founder Na’eem Adams
                                       explains: “To be able to grow on
                                                                              Call Free
                                                                                   now  estimate over the phone
                                       this mission and continue to

favourite restaurant will be join-
ing in on the fun!)                    help restaurant communities
   This year, the beloved restau-      for 10 years now in some mar-
rant food festival will host an        kets is a dream come true! Let’s
expected 700+ restaurants              celebrate something inclusive,
across the country – making            fun and delicious together all
this the largest burger event          while supporting local restau-
ever held in Canada! In Mon-           rant     communities       across /
treal, we have over 50+ partici-       Canada!”.
      • September 4, 2021                                                                                                     5
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Owned by the
      Mtl Group

3551 boul. St. Charles,
 Suite #547, Kirkland,
  Quebec, H9H 3C4
                                               Quebec vaccine passport is needed to dine in restaurants and many other public activities
ADVERTISING DEADLINE                     Quebec vaccine passport
    (Wednesday at 5 p.m.)
    Managing Editor:
                                          now in effect, but with
          Tom West
                                           doubts from critics
                                     As of this past Wednesday, the             He also expressed his concerns          as possible without the need for
                                     Quebec vaccine passport is in ef-          that Quebec’s passport system may       any debate in the National Assem-
                                     fect. And it will be part of the nec-      present a risk that it could push       bly. He added that he didn’t want to
                                     essary items you carry with you            those unvaccinated individuals to       offer a forum for any conspiracy
                                     every day, such as your keys, wallet,      the margins of society, which in turn   theorists.
                                     cell phone and even your Medicare          could increase tensions between             Although other provinces such
                                     card. However, the passport, which         the public and the government.          as Ontario, Manitoba and British
      Contributors:                  is available in digital and paper for-         “Now, look, is it justified under
                                     mats, and will give fully vaccinated       this difficult emergency that we’re     Columbia are considering to intro-
        • Alyssa De Rosa             Quebecers the ability to partake in        in? I hope it is,” added Mr. Bowman.    duce their own vaccine passport
        • Sergio Martinez            a wide variety of non-essential ac-            Another group of people who         systems in the near future, and
         • Stuart Nulman             tivities, is not without its critics.      are critical of the vaccine passport    countries such as Israel, and some
       • Deborah Rankin                    Although Quebec is the first         system are the three opposition         major American cities like New
     • Martha Shannon                province in Canada to introduce            parties in Quebec’s National As-        York and San Francisco, have re-
                                     and launch such a measure in order         sembly, who stated that they            cently implemented similar vaccina-
                                     to prevent the spread of COVID-            wanted a debate on the matter in        tion credential systems of their
       SUBSCRIPTION                  19, some experts in the public             the assembly, so that experts in the    own, Quebec Health Minister
General subscriptions in Canada: 1   health field have their doubts about       field of science and ethics could
year $150, 2 years $275 Subscrip-                                                                                       Christian Dube still strongly advo-
tion to the U.S. and outside North   the passport system, especially            have offered their opinions on the      cates the need for the vaccination
     America:1 year $250 US          when it deals with some of the ad-         system’s scientific validity and the    passport in the province, saying it’s
All contents of this publication     verse social effects it could cause.       ethics behind it. However, Premier
are sole property of The Mon-
                                     Kerry Bowman, who teaches                  Francois Legault turned down that       like a “passport to freedom”.
treal Times Newspaper. Opin-
ions expressed in this
                                     bioethics and global health at the         suggestion, saying that the new             “People want to be vaccinated
publication are not necessarily
intended to reflect those of the
                                     University of Toronto, said in an in-      rules have been passed by decree.       and they want to have a normal life.
publisher. Any reproduction in
whole or in part and in print or
in electronic form without ex-       terview with CBC News that the             As well, the provincial government      We went through hell in those first
press permission is strictly for-
bidden.      Permission        to    passport could be a form of “coer-         is still operating under a state of     three waves (of the COVID-19 pan-
reproduce selected editorial
may be granted by contacting         cion” to those who have been vac-          emergency, which permits them to        demic),” said Mr. Dube during a re-
the publisher in writing.                                                       introduce any new rule as quickly
                                     cinated, but originally didn’t want to.                                            cent press conference.
6                                                                                                            September 4, 2021 •
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What’s happening in Montreal
On September 23, a fundrais-         traditions. Pre-production of         a life affected by migration,    written notebooks that were
ing golf tournament is going to      season 2 is now underway,             which begins with her grand-     done during a period of con-
be held at the Atlantide Golf        with shooting to start this fall      mother’s journey from her na-    finement.
Club, Don Quichotte Course,          and run until next summer; it         tive China (December 2-4); “A       For more information, or to
in Ile Perrot. Proceeds raised       will take place in the Mi’gmaq        comme Abaya” is a cine-con-      purchase tickets to any of
from the tournament will ben-        communities of Quebec, Nova           cert presentation by spoken      MAI’s shows or presentations
efit Dreams Take Flight, the or-     Scotia and New Brunswick.             word poet Hoda Adra, which       for 2021-2022, go to:
ganization with chapters             ***                                   brings to life over 30 hand
across Canada made up of Air            Foster A Child to Excel in
Canada employees and re-             Society (F.A.C.E.S.), a Montreal
tirees who volunteer their           organization dedicated to
time every year to take chil-        helping foster children in the
dren who are dealing with so-        community by administering
cial, medical, mental, physical or   vital programs to help them
emotional issues for a day of        succeed, is holding their
fun and magical memories at          FACES21 Mini-Putt Tourna-
either Disneyland in Anaheim,        ment and Pasta Gala on Sep-
California or Walt Disney            tember 18, from 11 a.m. – 6
World in Orlando, Florida. As        p.m., at the Dorval Golf Club.
of 2019, Dreams Take Flight          Proceeds raised from the
has provided lots of magical         event will go towards the or-
memories at both Disney              ganization’s mission of helping
theme parks for more than            foster children make a
36,500 Canadian children.            smoother transition into a fos-
    Organized by Louise Arse-        ter, as well as benefit their tu-
nault, a longtime member of
Dreams Take Flight’s Montreal
                                     toring, life skills, job skills and
                                     financial literacy programs.The
                                                                                6 Raison /6 Reasons
Chapter, the tournament costs        prices for the event are $65                pour nettoyer votre évent de
$150 per person, which in-           (adults, golf and dinner), $40                 sécheuse maintenant
cludes the golf game, golf cart,     (children 10-16 years, golf and                to clean your dr yer vent now
and dinner. The game will be         dinner), $30 (adults, golf only),
played shotgun and begins at         $20 (children 10-16 years, golf            • Reduced risk of fire • Risque d'incendie réduit
11 a.m., with the dinner start-      only), $45 (adults, dinner only),               • up to
                                                                                          t 30%              • jusqu'à
                                                                                                               jusqu à 30 %
ing at 5 p.m. The new Quebec         $25 (children 10-16 years, din-             •O
                                                                                  OVVER 18,000 FIRES            • PLUS DE 18 000
vaccine passport is required,        ner only), and $15 (children 0-             ST
                                                                                   ARTED LAST YEAR              FEUX P PA
                                                                                                                        AR ANNÉE
and all players must be vacci-       9 years, dinner only). For more                                         d'économies d'énergie
nated.                               information or to register for                energy savings
                                                                                                           • Durée de vie prolongée
    To receive the registration      the event, go to www.foster-               • Prolonged clothes
                                                                                                                  de la sécheuse
form for this day of fun on the                                dr yer life
links to benefit Dreams Take         ***                                                                   • Empêche la nidification
                                                                                 • Prevve
                                                                                        ents critter              des créatures
Flight, or to register or make a       MAI (Montreal, arts intercul-
donation, please contact Ms.         turels) has recently announced                    nesting              • Les vêtements seront
Arsenault email at:                  its programming line-up for or         the 2021-2022 season. Entitled
call 514-865-9085. Deadline          “432 Hz: The Nature Fre-
for registration is September        quency of the Universe”, MAI
13. For more information             will present 19 productions, 13
about Dreams Take Flight,            world premieres, three ex-
check out their website at           hibits and three associate .
                                     artists featuring works reflect-
                                     ing this upcoming season’s
   The documentary series
“Gespe’Gewa’Gi: The Last
                                     theme through a number of
                                     artistic disciplines.
                                                                                                                   maintenant !
Land”, which can be seen on              Some of the highlights in-                                                      Call now!
the APTN network, has just           clude “Making Revolution: Col-
been green lighted to start          lective Histories, Desired
production for its second sea-       Futures”, which tells the his-
son.                                 tory of insurrection in the
   Produced by Rezolution Pic-       Middle East and North Africa
tures, this 10-part series of 30-    (November 11 – December
minute episodes focusses on          11); “The Future is Another                                               T
the Mi’gmaq communities of           Country”, a play that examines
Quebec, Nova Scotia and New          the future of individualism
Brunswick, their Indigenous-         from the point of view of the
run commercial fisheries, the        widely consumed vegetable                                mtl
Indigenous men and women             that is the potato (September
who work there, and the fish-        28 – October 9); Heather
eries’ connections to the peo-       Mah’s solo play “Pomegranate”
ple, their homeland and their        gives a fragmented portrait of
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Two Cheetahs born at Parc
 Safari now hunting successfully
    on Zimbabwean reserve
An international team of conservationists       the survival of animal species all over the     such as dragging their prey to hide it from
from The Aspinall Foundation, Parc Safari       world," says Jean-Pierre Ranger, President      scavengers and patrolling and marking their
and Imire Rhino & Wildlife Conservation         of Parc Safari.                                 territory established in the east of the re-
are celebrating after two captive-born             "I am so proud of this great achievement     serve.
cheetahs they rewilded are now hunting          : reintroducing two cheetahs into their nat-      “They are vigilant and alert of their envi-
successfully on a Zimbabwean reserve.           ural environment required a high level of       ronment and are also learning some impor-
   The cheetah brothers, Kumbe and Jabari,      international cooperation. Parc Safari’s mis-   tant life lessons when challenged and
were born at Parc Safari in Quebec,             sion has always been the welfare and love       chased away by some of the larger species.”
Canada, and The Aspinall Foundation             of animals. This collaboration is proof that      Before their release, both animals under-
worked closely with the park to rewild the      institutions such as ours can contribute to
animals to Imire Rhino and Wildlife Con-        the survival of animal species all over the     went health checks and were fitted with
servation in Zimbabwe’s Mashonaland East        world," says Jean-Pierre Ranger, President      tracking collars, enabling the Imire manage-
district in February this year. The project     of Parc Safari.                                 ment team and The Aspinall Foundation to
was implemented as part of the Aspinall            Damian Aspinall, chairman of The Aspinall    monitor them on a daily basis.All data gath-
Foundation’s greater rewilding initiative,      Foundation, said: “This is a fantastic out-     ered from the brother’s adaption and
#BackToTheWild.                                 come for The Aspinall Foundation, Parc Sa-      progress will help to implement new
    Following 60 days acclimatising to their    fari and Imire Rhino and Wildlife               strategies for future rewilding.
new environment in a quarantine boma, the       Conservation. We’re thrilled that Kumbe           The brothers represent the first cheetah
dynamic brothers were released in April         and Jabari have acclimatised so quickly and     ever to be translocated from Canada for
onto Imire’s 4,500-hectare reserve, which       are thriving in their new environment. It’s a   rewilding and are simultaneously the first
offered the perfect environment for these       privilege to watch their natural instincts      captive cheetahs to ever be rewilded in
stunning animals to become self-sufficient      kick in and see them living fully as wild       Zimbabwe. The project has been well sup-
predators.                                      cheetahs.                                       ported by the Zimbabwe Government and
   Within 24 hours of their release onto the       “Along with our successful rewilding of      the plans are now to bring an appropriate
reserve, Kumbe and Jabari had made their        two other cheetah in South Africa in 2020,      female to breed with the males, with an aim
first two kills – a waterbuck and a blesbok.    this project proves yet again that rewilding    of actively contributing to the Zimbabwe
Since then, they have successfully fended       these magnificent captive-born cats can         cheetah population.
from themselves, taking down more prey          yield incredible results. We are already
without requiring any supplementary feed-                                                         Kumbe and Jabari join the list of the hun-
                                                working with other organisations to repli-
ing. Cheetahs are the fastest land animals in   cate this trailblazing programme and repop-     dreds of animals The Aspinall Foundation
the world.                                      ulate other reserves with these beautiful       has rewilded, including black rhino and
   "I am so proud of this great achievement     animals.”                                       western lowland gorillas. A world-leader in
: reintroducing two cheetahs into their nat-        Dereck Milburn, Regional Director for       wildlife reintroduction, the Foundation un-
ural environment required a high level of       Southern Africa, added: “It’s very rewarding    dertakes a wide variety of conservation
international cooperation. Parc Safari’s mis-   for our team and the Imire rangers to see       work, encompassing the recovery of
sion has always been the welfare and love       Kumbe and Jabari adapting exceptionally         threatened species and their habitat and
of animals. This collaboration is proof that    well to their new wild home. They are dis-      tackling issues such as the illegal wildlife
institutions such as ours can contribute to     playing great natural instinct and behaviour,   trade.      Photo: Washington Football Team
8                                                                                             September 4, 2021 •
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West Island PoutineFest
                    - Last one of the season!
The Grand PoutineFest is making its last
stop of the season in Pointe-Claire, from
September 10 to 12, for its famous gour-
met festival. Present for the second time
this summer in Pointe-Claire, this edition
will take place this time in a pedestrian ver-
sion to enjoy original and exotic poutines
while respecting the rules of public health.
  At Fairview Pointe-Claire, near the Reno
Depot, six of our famous foodtrucks will
offer twenty different combinations of fries,
gravy and squick-squick cheese, in vegan
versions or topped with ribs, pulled pork,
bacon, sausage, general tao chicken, crispy
tofu and more! In addition to our multitude
of gourmet poutines, refresh yourself with
Archibald products or homemade lemon-
ade. For those with a sweet tooth, the Ca-
bane à chichis will offer its famous churros.     taking advantage of activities for children       Since 2014, the Grand FoodFest has been
   Enjoy your poutine on the terrace              and continuous entertainment by Cirque            offering family and gourmet events where
• The festival site will be divided into 4 ter-   Éloize on Friday and Saturday nights.             a wide variety of poutines are offered by its
races (zones).                                       The entertainment activities will always       street food trucks throughout Quebec,
• Each terrace will be set up to allow peo-       take place in the center of the site in order     with the goal of raising funds for a local
ple to eat and to respect the social distanc-     to respect the social distance and avoid          cause. Over 25 organizations have bene-
ing.                                              contact between festival-goers and the var-       fited from the profits made from the sale
• The festival-goers will be able to order        ious artists. Festival- goers will be able to     of poutines, alcoholic beverages and mer-
from the foodtrucks by themselves.                stay as long as they wish on the festival site.   chandise over the past six years. These fa-
          A festive event in a warm               However, they will not be able to change          mous trucks include Smoking BBQ,
           and family atmosphere                  terraces (zones) since these will be delim-       Charlie's Shack, Cantine chez Henri, Greg's
  On site, festival-goers will be able to cel-    ited.                                             Dinner, Smoking Dragon and Mama
ebrate in a warm and family atmosphere by                  About the Grand FoodFest                 Caliente.


      • September 4, 2021                                                                                            9
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10   September 4, 2021 •
Largest Canadian stamp
                    dealer City Stamp
Montreal-based City Stamp is the largest
philatelic (stamp) dealer in Canada.
Founded by Robert Cooperman some 35
years ago when he was a teenager, the
company has an office on Ste-Catherine
Street W, but today does most of its busi-
ness online, both buying and selling stamps.
We probably do around 5,000 transactions
per year; some with a single stamp for
thousands of dollars and some with five
stamps for $150, says Cooperman who is
now the company president. Overall, we
might buy or sell 15,000 items annually.
Our business focuses on obtaining and sell-
ing the top end of the stamp market.
  We offer a unique opportunity to collec-
tors to have a supplier with a vast and sec-
ond-to-none inventory of the rarest
stamps from Canada, North America, the
British Commonwealth, and in many cases,
the entire world. At the same time, our
buying capabilities are equally as strong. No
collection is too large for us not to pur-
chase outright with immediate payment.
We are always looking to buy the most
sought-after rarities from all countries. We
are known to offer very fair market value.
Collecting Stamps
   Online sales have continued to grow for
City Stamp, now representing 70 percent
of sales. The Montreal market has shrunk
today constituting less than 5 percent of                                City Stamp owner Robert Cooperman
the company's market where the USA              many cases lands up with wealthier busi-       great way to get acquainted with the hobby
dominates with some 40 percent, followed        nesses owners, CEOs, etc.                      and to meet other collectors.
by 30 percent for Canada, and 30 percent           Secured, insured shipping is how City       Unlike some competitors which handle
for the rest of the world. This is how City     Stamp sends purchased stamps to buyers.        other collectibles, City Stamp deals exclu-
Stamp reaches an estimated 60 million           This is either by FedEx® overnight to en-      sively with stamps.The company offices are
stamp collectors worldwide.                     sure safe arrival or via Xpresspost™ or        open 11 AM-4 PM Monday to Friday or by
   Cooperman also attends philatelic shows      registered mail for items valued under         appointment; meanwhile the website is
in Toronto, Ottawa, and other parts of          $250.                                          open 24/7. Payments can be made with Visa,
Canada.                                            Stamp collecting remains a hobby, but if    Mastercard, American Express, and PayPal.
   ost clients whom we meet at stamp trade      quality stamps are purchased at fair market
shows are 50-70 years old and almost all        value, sooner or later they will turn into a             City Stamp
male. But online world clients are much         worthwhile investment, says Cooperman                 1134 Ste-Catherine W. #865
younger, between 30-60 years of age. I be-      when we asked about the rate of return on                 Montreal, H3B 1H4
lieve our clientele includes a great many       a stamp collection.                                         1.800.615.2596
professionals: lawyers, doctors, and tech           Cooperman recommends that novice            
people. The very expensive material in          collectors join clubs, which he says are a      

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                                                                          (514) 363-2760 / (514) 363-4211
   Pina e Franco Ferri owners
                                                              1699 Thierry, LaSalle, Qc. H8N 1H6
     • September 4, 2021                                                                                      11
Montrealer Daniel Tirado
          riding the road to a
      successful career in comedy
From his hometown in Ville St. Laurent,
with stops in Dollard des Ormeaux and
NDG, to studying literature at McGill, to
studying theatre in New York City, to work-
ing as a successful stand-up comic who has
performed at comedy clubs and comedy
festivals across North America, and just re-
cently premiered his first film in nearly two
years, comedian Daniel Tirado is truly part
of the group of fortunate people who can
be placed under the category of “local-boy-

          By Stuart Nulman
  The film in question is a short called “The
Yellow Bicycle”, which recently premiered
at a film festival in Martha’s Vineyard, and
will be screened at two other film festivals
before the end of the summer. “It’s a rom
com (romantic comedy) and a lighthearted
happy film, a summer love story,” said
Tirado during a recent phone interview.
“Although rom coms are not my type of
movie genre – I’m a fan of dramas and mys-       moved to New York City and enrolled at            have the rare capability to work in more
teries – doing ‘The Yellow Bicycle’ has re-      the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the          than one language; in his case it’s English,
energized me and has created a lot of            Theatre, where one of his teachers there          French and Spanish. “When I write jokes, I
positive, happy vibes, which couldn’t have       encouraged him to pursue a more proac-            try to make it as universally-oriented as
come at a better time.”                          tive path.                                        possible,” he said. “However, the French
   “The Yellow Bicycle” is another addition        “I was inspired to choose that path from        style of humour is very different. It has its
to Tirado’s growing resume as a comedian         my teacher at the theatre school, as well as      own different kind of rhythm. When it
and performer. He debuted at Just For            reading a biography of Robin Williams.            comes to Spanish, the Latino comes out of
Laughs in 2005, six months after he started      That’s when I realized stand-up comedy            me, so I make my material Latino-oriented,
his career as a stand-up. This led to per-       was like theatre, with many parallels be-         because it’s a different kind of energy, and
forming at the highly regarded comedy fes-       tween the two.You work with the audience          the audience gets to discover new things
tival numerous times since 2010 not only         through dialogue, you can take charge of          about what it’s like being part of the Latino
in English and French, but in Spanish, too.      your career, you get the opportunity to           community.”
He made his U.S. TV debut on Gotham              create and write your own material, per-             Although he hasn’t worked in stand-up
Comedy Live, which aired on AXS TV, and          form it as much as you can, and you don’t         during the first year of the pandemic,
participated in the NBC Stand Up for Di-         have to depend on anyone,” he stated.             Tirado gradually returned to live perform-
versity competition, and ended up being se-        As to what kind of material goes into his       ances earlier this year by doing a number
lected as one of the top 10 comics from                                                            of corporate gigs this past January and Feb-
                                                 stand-up routine, Tirado admits it takes a        ruary; however, with restrictions starting to
that competition out of a field of 650 par-      different approach to what a comedian typ-
ticipating comics. He also acted in seven                                                          ease up, he is ready to hit the road to per-
                                                 ically utilizes. “I talk about things that most   form on the club circuit again, aside from
major motion pictures.                           comedians don’t usually talk about; basically
   The road to a career comedy sparked                                                             promoting “The Yellow Bicycle”. “I am feel-
                                                 things that I have just experienced and           ing very optimistic about this, and feel
Tirado’s interest after studying literature at
McGill University. “I had a choice of either     want to share with the audience, like the         amazing that everything’s starting to pick
going to pursue a Ph.D or pursue what I          water birth of my second child. It’s edgier,      up again,” he said. “It’s wonderful to go back
want to do,” he said. So at the age of 21, he    but I managed to keep it clean,” he said.         to performing stand-up again.”
                                                 Plus Tirado is one of those comics who
12                                                                                               September 4, 2021 •
Quebec vaccine passport also
      available in print format
Quebec’s vaccine passport that contains
the quick response (QR) for scanning will
be officially launched on September 1 and
will be ready for those who have both
doses in order to get into such places as
movie theatres and restaurants.

                                            is also available. As well, the passport is also   ments, helping applicants get their QR
                                            available in a PDF format with the code;           code, or accompany them to a CLSC to get
                                            however, a photo ID must accompany ei-             their proof of vaccination if they are not
          By Stuart Nulman                  ther version of the passport that you wish         able to have it printed.
                                            to possess.                                          The provincial government has suggested
                         The province’s homeless population, many         that anyone who doesn’t have a printer, in-
   The passport is currently available to   of whom do not own a smartphone nor an             ternet or a smartphone to call Quebec
download for people who have both smart-    android devoice, will be aided by a number         public health at 1-877-644-4545 for help in
phones and android devices. But for those   of organizations and agencies to make sure         getting their vaccination passport.The print
who don’t have either device doesn’t mean   those homeless individuals who are prop-           version of the passport will then be sent to
that they will be without the passport.     erly vaccinated get their passports and QR         them by mail. It is suggested that once they
    According to report by CBC News,        codes. Montreal’s Old Brewery Mission              receive the paper vaccine passport, it
Quebec public health says that a printed    told CBC News is taking a proactive ap-            should be vaccinated as a way to protect it.
version of the passport with the QR code    proach to this, by either printing docu-


  Day : August 30th 2021 and September 27th 2021
  Evening : September 7th 2021 and November 1st
  Teen : English, Spanish, Mandarin and Japanese: September 11th 2021
         and October 23rd

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     • September 4, 2021                                                                                       13
Book Reviews -

                        Inside Comedy
                      by David Steinberg
There are a great deal of people who                                                             ever that has made so many generations of
deeply appreciate comedy in all forms, plus                                                      audiences laugh at their respective unique
the men and women who delivered those                                                            brand of humour.
laughs whether it be in a club, onstage, in                                                          One of my favourite set of anecdotes
the movies, radio,TV and on LP records. As
well, there are many people who have                                                             deal with Steinberg’s favorite (and my fa-
watched, listened to and followed the lives,                                                     vorite) comedian Groucho Marx, which
careers and humour of many of these great                                                        evolved into a friendship after he appeared
names in comedy, and can be either arm-                                                          as a guest on an interview show Steinberg
chair or scholarly experts on the subject.                                                       hosted in 1969-70 called “Music Scene”.
  But there is one type of comedy experts                                                        The one thing that Steinberg treasured
that carries a much more degree of credi-                                                        from that friendship was getting the chance
bility, and it’s those rare few who are com-
edy experts … but are bona fide                                                                  to regularly go to lunch with Groucho at
comedians by trade. It’s their advantageous                                                      the famous Hillcrest Country Club in L.A.,
position of working within the comedy                                                            where during the early 70s, he broke bread
world as a stand-up, actor, writer, producer                                                     and absorbed a great deal of comedy sto-
or director and get that rare chance to be                                                       ries and know-how from such masters as
in contact with their contemporaries or                                                          Milton Berle, Danny Kaye, George Burns,
legendary figures on a regular basis, that                                                       and Danny Thomas.Another favorite Grou-
gives them that advantage which sets them
head and shoulders above your run of the                                                         cho story that he related to Steinberg,
mill comedy maven. In that respect, two                                                          which is featured in the book, was the time
people quickly come to mind when it                          Inside Comedy                       he had an in-person meeting with poet T.S.
comes to the comedian-cum-comedy ex-                 by David Steinberg (Knopf, $40)             Eliot in London, and the only thing he
pert: Judd Apatow and David Steinberg.                                                           wanted to discuss with Groucho was not
   For Apatow, his road to a successful ca-      memoir and “meetings with great comedy
                                                 minds”.We get Steinberg’s beginnings in the     literature, but how the Marx Brothers
reer as a stand-up comedian / writer / di-                                                       pulled off many of their famous routines in
rector / producer had its roots as a teenage     streets of the predominantly Jewish North
comedy fan who used his position with his        Winnipeg neighborhood where he grew up,         their movies.
high school’s radio station (and a lot of guts   his years as an aspiring rabbinical student,      And the catalogue of comedy encounters
and ambition) to line up face-to-face inter-     and his comedy schooling thanks to Second       just begins from there. Inside Comedy also
views with some of the greatest comedians        City and as a regular on The Smothers           offers stories of David Steinberg’s get to-
of all time and of the 1980s, including an       Brothers Comedy Hour, where his sermon
                                                 monologues made him a rising star, and          gethers (personal and career-wise) with an
up-and-coming stand-up comic named                                                               impressive catalogue of comedy gold: Robin
Jerry Seinfeld (and the best of those inter-     rose the ire of CBS (where the Smothers’
views were later compiled and ended up as        show aired) and conservative Middle             Williams, Mel Brooks, Bea Arthur, Julia-
a best selling book called Sick in the Head).    America viewers.                                Louis Dreyfus, John Candy, Bob Newhart,
    The other person in that category is                                                         Bette Midler, Lily Tomlin, Don Rickles,
David Steinberg, the native of Winnipeg                                                          Jonathan Winters, Larry David, Albert
who, while attending rabbinical school in                                                        Brooks, Ellen DeGeneres, Will Ferrell,
Chicago during the early 60s, caught a per-                                                      Jackie Mason and the Smothers Brothers,
formance by legendary Lenny Bruce, and                                                           to name a few.
forever changed his career path from the
synagogue to stand-up comedy. And over                                                              What makes Inside Comedy works so
the next five decades, he carved up a career                                                     well is that it’s not a braggart’s or name
that saw him as a member of the Second                                                           dropper’s inside look at the comedy world.
City troupe, do 140 appearances on Johnny                                                        Steinberg’s decades of diverse comedy ex-
Carson’s Tonight Show, recorded Grammy-                                                          perience gives him the license and credibil-
nominated albums, became a much re-                                                              ity to tell these stories, and give his take on
spected TV director who helmed such                        By Stuart Nulman                      why these many generations of comedy tal-
classic sitcoms as Seinfeld, The Bob
Newhart Show, Designing Women and                                                                ent has contributed so much to the evolu-
                                                                            tion of comedy.
Curb Your Enthusiasm, and hosted his own           But the meat of this book is Steinberg’s
comedy interview show called Inside Com-                                                            Inside Comedy is the book that comedy
                                                 personal, reader-friendly profiles of the nu-
edy, and gets the chance to encounter his        merous comedians he has befriended or           fans deserve. It’s the ideal book about a
share of great comedy legends and popular        worked with, and his uncomplicated analy-       long-lasting form of entertainment by
stand-up comedians.                              ses of their respective styles of humour and    someone who worked his way up in the
    And like Apatow, Steinberg has tran-         contributions to the world of comedy. And       comedy field, and has managed to bridge so
scended this impressive comedy career            these profiles are amply sweetened with a
into book form, and is a definite must-read                                                      many generations by being so open-minded
                                                 wealth of anecdotes that makes us share         to the builders and the men and women
for comedy fans and aficionados every-           with Steinberg how lucky he was to en-
where, which is entitled Inside Comedy.          counter so many of the greatest comedians       who carry their legacies to more and more
   Inside Comedy reads like a combination                                                        people who need the laughs so badly.
14                                                                                             September 4, 2021 •
Everything you need to know to
plan an enjoyable trip to Cuba
A trip to Cuba is a perfect opportunity for
any traveler. Whether you are looking for
culture, adventure, beaches, or all of the
above, this island has something in store for
everyone! However, before you book your
flights and finalize plans with friends, there
are some things that you need to know
about traveling to Cuba.This article will dis-
cuss everything from how much money
you should bring on your trip (and what
type) to tips on booking hotels and trans-
portation. Read on below and get ready to
start planning an enjoyable trip!
              What you need to
        know about traveling to Cuba
    If planning to travel to Cuba, you will
need to know what type of currency is in            Also, it is important to know what is not     there.You will also need to bring toiletries
use (Cuban convertible pesos) and how            allowed into Cuba, such as pork products         such as shampoo, toothpaste, and a towel.
much money to bring. It would be best if         and narcotics, among others.                     You should bring anything you might re-
you also considered bringing a medical kit,            The best way to book your flight           quire, such as any prescriptions you may re-
something that may be required by the air-           You can visit Cuba by boarding a com-        quire or medical supplies (such as an
line during check-in for your flight, as well    mercial or a private flight. You can book        EpiPen) in the event of allergies, insect re-
as any items that are restricted from being      your flight through a travel agency or air-      pellent if necessary. Make sure to pack your
brought into Cuba, such as pork products.        line, either directly or in the form of an in-   clothes accordingly depending on what ac-
You will want to consider the types of           direct flight on another airline that may be     tivities you will do during your stay there,
transportation available in Cuba and how         offering flights to Cuba. You can check on       and try to pack light for your trip as you
you would like to get around during your         the Cuba flight option for the private jet       might have to carry a backpack around.
stay (car, bus, walking). It is also important   and choose your trip, depending on your                   Tips on staying safe in Cuba
for travelers to know what clothing or           travel arrangements. Traveling using a pri-           Like any other place, it is important to
shoes they should pack and any documents         vate jet is much comfortable, and if you         exercise caution and good judgment when
needed, such as a passport and visa if appli-    want to avoid any hassles, this may be your      traveling in Cuba. It is also important for
cable.                                           best option.                                     you to be aware of your surroundings and
          How to get a Cuban Visa                   The last-minute flights for Cuba are much     who may be around you, such as street
          and travel documentation               affordable as compared to the usual flights.     vendors, especially those selling cigars or
    Once you have your flights booked and        You can always book a flight six months be-      similar products, so it's best not to engage
hotel reservations made, it is time to start     fore its departure date or even earlier, de-     with them unless they are authorized by
thinking about what type of visa or permit       pending on the availability of seats. This is    the government, which you can easily iden-
may be needed to enter Cuba.Your specific        because people usually tend to plan their        tify through their official uniforms.
destination may require a Cuban tourist          trips, and this is the best time for booking        While Cuba is a pretty safe place to visit,
card which you can easily obtain at the air-     flights. You can save money by buying your       it's important to exercise caution, especially
port on departure from your home coun-           ticket earlier, unlike the last-minute deals,    when using your credit cards there. It
try. As well as any other documents              which are more expensive as it's a fly now       would be best not to use them as they are
required, such as a passport and visa if ap-     pay later kind of deal.                          often targeted for scams, so you can only
plicable.                                           What clothes and toiletries you should        exchange money in the form of cash if nec-
   You will need to know what documents                          pack for your trip               essary and withdraw some from ATMs in-
you should bring on your trips, such as a             As far as clothes are concerned, you        stead.
valid passport for at least six months after     should pack for your trip depending on the          Cuba is a wonderful place to visit and ex-
the end of your stay (and any extensions)        weather in Cuba. It can be very hot and          plore. You can find delicious food, beautiful
or an expired one needing renewal. Some          humid or a little cold during wintertime, so     beaches, fascinating culture, and friendly
travelers may also be required to present        it is important to check with the locals         people in the country of Cuba. If you are
evidence of sufficient funds for their visit,    what they wear before packing anything           planning on traveling there soon, we hope
along with a return or onward ticket.            that may not be suitable for the climate         that this article has been helpful for you!

                            Get with the Times!

      • September 4, 2021                                                                                          15
Movie Reviews -

The Japanese film "Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes" directed by Junta Yagamuchi and featuring Kasunori Tosa as Kato,
     able to know what will happen two minutes into the future, is the most original of all the movies at Fantasia

                 FANTASIA FESTIVAL:
                  Vampires, talking cars,
                     and time-loops
It has been the first week of the Fantasia                                                  proach to an ecological issue—how cars
Film Festival, and the now primarily on-                                                    impact our environment. In this case, a
line event is once more demonstrating                                                       very peculiar car: it has the ability to
its eclectic format. What was originally                                                    speak. The car in question, long aban-
a showcase for fantasy, action, and hor-                                                    doned after it killed the mother of Uno
ror movies from Asia has diversified, be-                                                   (Jules Elthing), is back in the streets. Still,
coming more internationally varied and
introducing other genres as well.                                                           now it would be instrumental in a con-
    However, horror is still one of the                                                     voluted new plot, where politics, secret
basic ingredients of the festival. One of                                                   groups, and ecological activism get
the movies in that genre came from Ar-                                                      mixed.
gentina, “On the 3rd Day” (“Al tercer                     By Sergio Martinez                  The Japanese movie “Beyond the Infi-
día”), directed by Daniel de la Vega. The                              nite Two Minutes” by Junta Yamaguchi is
unexpected vampire story starts with                                                        the best of the movies so far. Kato
Cecilia (Mariana Anghileri) taking her         cular mutt Roger, just likes to enjoy a      (Kazunori Tosa) finds himself trapped in
child Martin for a last-minute vacation        simple life, certainly with a good dose of   the routine of a mediocre life: the owner
in the country’s south. At the same time,      sex. But Nimfa may be thinking of some-
                                               thing else. Then a rich guy, real estate     of a café where nothing happens. He
Enrique (Gerardo Romano) is preparing                                                       also lives on the second floor of the café.
to make a new mysterious delivery on           mogul Iñigo. Love, deception, and disap-
his truck. While driving at night, Cecilia     pointments, typical ingredients of soap      Everything would drastically change
is involved in a violent collision precisely   operas, are displayed with a sense of hu-    when back at his apartment, his com-
with Enrique’s truck. As a result of the       mour and critical irony.                     puter actually speaks to him. Rather, it is
accident, Cecilia ends up in a hospital          From Singapore, the film “Tiong Bahru      himself on the screen, talking to Kato,
and, the worst is that her son has disap-      Social Club”, directed by Tan Bee Thiam,     but two minutes ahead. Together with
peared. Another woman, a hitchhiker,           also provides an ironic view of a social     the café waitress and some friends, Kato
has also disappeared. However, we later        trend: the search for a communal and         tries to devise ways to use the advan-
learn that she is in Enrique’s hands, now      superficial state of inner peace. All of     tage of the two minutes difference in
looking for Cecilia.                           that, of course, is delivered by a corpo-
                                               ration that combines real estate and var-    their favour. However, their actions are
   In a different genre, the Filipino movie                                                 going to unleash other unpredictable
“Hayop Ka! The Nimfa Dimano Story”             ious activities designed to make the user
directed by Avid Liongoren, takes the          “happy.” Lack of a clear focus, resulting    problems.
spectator in another direction: an ironic      in a loose dramatic development, makes         The Fantasia International Film Festival
look at the plot of soap operas. This an-      this movie the weakest of all the films I    continues online and with some in-per-
imation movie features kitty Nimfa, a          have had the occasion to watch.              son presentations until August 25.To ac-
salesgirl in the perfume section of a de-        “King Car,” a Brazilian film directed by   cess the film descriptions and buy
partment store. Her boyfriend, the mus-        Renata Pinheiro, provides a funny ap-        tickets visit
16                                                                                         September 4, 2021 •
Nail polish for dogs?
                       By Martha Shannon

Masks can pull double duty. The other day I
was able to hide my horror upon seeing this
wee poodle dressed up in a tutu, sailing
around in a bike basket through a mall park-
ing lot. Pink nails to boot. TuTu, fortunately
maskless, seemed to be enjoying her front-
line perch and the admiring stares of
passersby. Her puff ball tail was hidden, but
most likely wagging, as she proudly displayed
a four-paw set of freshly polished hot pink
   That was my horror. Poodles can elicit the
oohs and ahhs on their own merits, but it is
one breed that humans tend to like to doll
up. I grimaced under my mask at TuTu’s nails
smothered in pink aka formaldehyde, dibutyl
phthalate and toluene.
   Formaldehyde used as a preservative, ster-
ilizer and embalmer (and TuTu is still alive!),
dibutyl phthalate as used in nail polish to help
prevent cracking (banned in Europe due to           and catered to. Bicycle man would not             groom them. But on the brighter side
its association with reproductive issues, but       knowingly dress her nails in poison. How to       maybe, just maybe, Bicycle Man bought safe
sadly, still legal in Canada) and toluene which     let him know?                                     nail polish. And TuTu is Ok.
helps to keep the nail polish smooth. No               Apparently, dogs can get headaches. Nail          Buy Toxic Trio free nail polish. Google of-
one wants rough nail polish.                        polish could be a culprit. A listlessness would   fers it. Both you and the TuTu’s will be
   Hopefully, TuTu was not a nail biter. Hope-      set in.                                           pleased.
fully she was painted in a well-ventilated             Bicycle Man did not sport any nail polish         We stand behind our products. We give great
room to avoid breathing in the carcinogenic         that I could see, but for all you dog owners      customer service.Visit us at Subscribe
toxins. Hopefully, she was masked.                  out there who do wear nail polish, don’t let      to our newsletter. ‘La Boutique Earth to Body’, 89
   I wanted to ask TuTu if she felt dizzy at all,   your dog even be in the same room during          Lucerne, Pointe Claire, QC H9R 2V1) Email
or did she have any nausea or eye irritation?       your grooming. Pets should not be breathing We are open again: Store:
If there were any observable side effects, it       in the fumes, of either the nail polish or the    Tues, Wed, Thurs: 10-4 For curbside…Call store
would be the Bicycle Man who would notice.          acetone remover.                                  during store hours 514-428-0444 Outside
It was quite obvious that TuTu is truly loved          Dogs have no say in how we choose to           hours call : 514-694-0705

    89 Lucerne , Pointe Claire,                 Store: Tues, Wed, Thurs: 10-4
    Qc, H9R 2V1
                                                For curbside call store during store
    Outside hours call :
                                                hours : 514-428-0444

       • September 4, 2021                                                                                                 17
18   September 4, 2021 •
Canada Post resumes some pre-
 COVID-19 delivery practices
                                                                                foot (two-metre) distance from customers.
                                                                                For deliveries to apartments, condos and
                                                                                businesses with a common entrance, or for
                                                                                Proof of Identity (POI), Registered Mail™
                                                                                and Xpresspost Certified™ items, agents
                                                                                will leave a delivery notice card (DNC)
                                                                                with the address of a local post office and
                                                                                information about how to pick up the
                                                                                   The health and safety of employees and
                                                                                all Canadians remains Canada Post's high-
                                                                                est priority. To keep our employees and
                                                                                customers safe, we continue to ask all
                                                                                Canadians to practise physical distancing
                                                                                while our employees are out delivering in
                                                                                the community.The company will continue
                                                                                to monitor the COVID-19 situation and
                                                                                follow the expert advice of the Public
                                                                                Health Agency of Canada and local public
                                                                                health authorities for any further changes.
With COVID-19 restrictions easing across
the country, Canada Post is safely resuming
delivery practices for Proof of Age (POA),
Signature items and Customs owing items.
Effective August 30, Canada Post is safely
resuming deliveries of signature items to
the door of homes with their own outdoor
entrance, where delivery agents can stay
outdoors to perform the delivery and cap-
ture a verbal signature. Delivery employees
will wear a face covering and maintain a six-

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             • September 4, 2021                                                                    19

20   September 4, 2021 •
• September 4, 2021   21
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