Pelosi shreds speech after State of the Union - Stripes Lite

Page created by Beatrice Davidson
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Pelosi shreds speech after State of the Union
        Associated Press           years, we have shattered the         ternative.” Vice President Mike     has helped blue-collar workers
                                   mentality of American decline        Pence on Wednesday said that        and the middle class, though
   WASHINGTON — Stand-
                                   and we have rejected the down-       her behavior marked a “new          the period of growth began
ing before a Congress and a
                                   sizing of America’s destiny. We      low.”                               under his predecessor, Barack
nation sharply divided by im-      are moving forward at a pace            Trump, the former reality TV
peachment, President Donald                                                                                 Obama. And what Trump calls
                                   that was unimaginable just           star, added a showbiz flavor to     an unprecedented boom is, by
Trump used his State of the        a short time ago, and we are         the staid event. He had his wife,
Union address to extol a “Great                                                                             many measures, not all that
                                   never going back.”                   Melania, present the Presiden-      different from the solid econo-
American Comeback” on his            Holding out the nation’s           tial Medal of Freedom, the na-
watch, just three years after he                                                                            my he inherited from Obama.
                                   economic success as the chief        tion’s highest civilian honor, to   Economic growth was 2.3%
took office decrying a land of     rationale for a second term,         the divisive conservative radio
“American carnage” under his                                                                                in 2019, matching the average
                                   Trump’s speech resembled a           host Rush Limbaugh, who re-         pace since the Great Reces-
predecessor.                       lower-volume version of his          cently announced that he has
   The partisan discord was on                                                                              sion ended a decade ago in the
                                   campaign rallies, providing          advanced lung cancer.
vivid display Tuesday, as the                                                                               first year of Obama’s eight-year
                                   something for every section of          The president entered the
first president to campaign                                                                                 presidency.
                                   his political base.                  evening on a roll, with his im-
for reelection after being im-       When Trump climbed to              peachment acquittal imminent,          While the White House said
peached made his case for          the House rostrum, he did            his job approval numbers tick-      that the president was offer-
another term: Republican leg-      not take Pelosi’s outstretched       ing upward and Wall Street          ing a message of unity, he also
islators chanted “Four More        hand, though it was not clear        looking strong. He struck a         spent time on issues that have
Years.” House Speaker Nancy        he had seen her gesture. Later,      largely optimistic tone. But in     created great division and res-
Pelosi ripped up her copy of       as Republicans often cheered,        past moments when Trump has         onated with his political base.
Trump’s speech as he ended         she remained in her seat, at         struck a tone of bipartisanship     He attacked Democrats’ health
the address.                       times shaking her head at his        and cooperation, he has con-        care proposals for being too in-
   “America’s enemies are on       remarks.                             sistently returned to harsher       trusive and again highlighted
the run, America’s fortunes are      When Pelosi left, she told         rhetoric within days.               his signature issue — immigra-
on the rise and America’s fu-      reporters that tearing up the           Trump spent much of the          tion — trumpeting the miles
ture is blazing bright,” Trump     speech was “the courteous            speech highlighting the econo-      of border wall that have been
declared. “In just three short     thing to do considering the al-      my’s strength, stressing how it     constructed.

Navy SEAL on trial in nude pictures scheme
  The Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk)    that while pretending to be the      cause she worried that other          But Waddington said that the
                                   dietitian, Howard told a woman       questions which were asked          email address used to create the
  NORFOLK, Va. — A court-
                                   by text message that he could        about SEAL identities could be      text messaging accounts aligns
martial for a member of the
Navy’s SEAL Team 6, who has        provide her a body-fat analysis      a threat, perhaps from a foreign    with another SEAL’s nick-
been charged in connection         if she texted a picture of herself   intelligence service.               name, and that Howard was in
with a scheme to receive nude      naked from the neck down and            Howard’s civilian defense at-    Afghanistan when the original
photographs from a woman he        provided other measurements.         torney countered that while the     email account was created in
worked with, began Tuesday.           “It’s 100% safe,” one text        text messages are real, there’s     Iowa. He said anyone could
  Military prosecutors say that    message said. “You don’t have        no evidence Howard sent them.       have linked that email address
Petty Officer 1st Class Aaron      to worry.”                           Nor are there any nude photos       to Howard’s IP address.
Howard used text messaging            “He was willing to be who-        on his phone or the victim’s          He also tried to cast doubt on
apps that allowed him to use       ever he needed to be to get          phone.                              the NCIS investigation during
a fake phone number and pre-       those photos,” Mike said dur-           “Their case is in shambles,”     opening statements by saying
tend to be someone he is not in    ing opening statements.              Michael Waddington said. “You       that investigators were given
order to request nude pictures.       Eventually, the woman who         pull one string, it falls apart.”   the names of 23 people the
  Lt. Kirwinn Mike, a Navy         was asked for a nude photo-             Mike said that Naval Crimi-      messages could’ve been from,
prosecutor, accused Howard of      graph became suspicious and          nal Investigative Service inves-    but they failed to follow up on
pretending to be a female per-     contacted the person the mes-        tigators were able to trace the     those leads.
formance dietitian who worked      sages were purportedly sent          apps to an Internet Protocol          The court-martial at Naval
for the Naval Special Warfare      from. The real-life dietitian        address registered to Howard’s      Station Norfolk is scheduled to
Development Group. Mike said       then contacted authorities be-       Virginia Beach home.                last through Friday.
Page 2             •ST R I P E S L I T E•                        Wednesday, February 5, 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                  ‘US Navy’
Baghdad tells its military                                                                                                                                                        coveralls sell
                                                                                                                                                                                  out on store’s
to cease reliance on US     Associated Press                                             The Associated Press.
                                                                                                                                                                                         BY CHRISTIAN LOPEZ
                                                                                                                                                                                                Stars and Stripes
   BAGHDAD — The Iraqi government has                                                       The U.S.-led coalition paused its mission to
told its military not to seek assistance from the                                        fight ISIS in Iraq on Jan. 5 in the wake of the                                             A $120 pair of blue “U.S.
U.S.-led coalition forces in operations against                                          strike. That same day Shiite lawmakers, irate                                            Navy” coveralls, the baggy at-
Islamic State, two senior Iraqi military officials                                       by what they called a flagrant violation of sover-                                       tire worn by some sailors at
said. The move comes amid a crisis of mistrust                                           eignty, pushed a non-binding resolution request-                                         work, has sold out on a fast-
tainting U.S.-Iraq ties after an American strike                                         ing that the government cancel legal agreements                                          fashion retailer Urban Outfit-
killed a top Iranian general and Iraqi militia                                           that provide the basis for U.S. troop presence in                                        ters’ website.
commander.                                                                               the country.                                                                                Posted as a “vintage item,”
   Officially, the Iraqi military announced Jan.                                            Outgoing Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi                                              the one pair listed for sale was
30 that it and the coalition resumed joint military                                      has stated publicly that U.S. troops must go, but                                        no longer available Wednesday.
operations after a three-week halt. The pause                                            has stepped back from unilaterally canceling ex-                                            “Only one pair is available
was called amid soaring tensions following the                                                                                                                                    for purchase by one lucky
                                                                                         isting agreements, saying the matter was up to
Jan. 3 U.S. airstrike ordered by President Don-                                                                                                                                   customer, so get them before
                                                                                         the next prime minister to decide. Prime Minis-
ald Trump that killed Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem                                                                                                                                    they’re gone!” Urban Outfitters
                                                                                         ter-designate Mohammed Allawi has not made                                               stated on the sale page. “Please
Soleimani and senior Iraqi militia leader Abu
                                                                                         his policy toward the troop presence known.                                              note, this vintage item is final
Mahdi al-Muhandis.
   But in practice, Iraqis are seeking to minimize                                          U.S. Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, the top                                              sale and cannot be returned or
coalition assistance against ISIS, based on gov-                                         American commander for the Middle East, met                                              exchanged.”
ernment orders, two Iraqi military officials and                                         Tuesday with Iraqi leaders and acknowledged                                                 The mark-up was substan-
one militia official said this week.                                                     that joint military operations and training have                                         tial; a pair of standard-issue
   “After the killing of Soleimani, the Iraqi gov-                                       been scaled back, though he said U.S. special                                            Navy coveralls sells for $27.89
ernment decided to inform us formally not to                                             operations forces are doing some missions with                                           on the Navy Exchange website.
cooperate and not to seek assistance from the                                            Iraqi commandos.                                                                            Navy uniform guidance indi-
U.S.-led international coalition in any opera-                                              “We’re still in a period of turbulence. We’ve                                         cates coveralls are worn at the
tion,” a senior military intelligence official told                                      got a ways to go,” he said.                                                              commander’s discretion and to
                                                                                                                                                                                  avoid soiling other uniforms.
                                                                                                                                                                                  According to regulations, cov-
                                                                                                                                                                                  eralls are worn with black

Army offers $60K bonuses for                                                                                                                                                      boots, black socks, a black belt
                                                                                                                                                                                  with a silver clip, a silver buck-
                                                                                                                                                                                  le and the service member’s

new air defense warrant officers                                                                                                                                                  name on a white fabric tape on
                                                                                                                                                                                  the right of the chest.
                                                                                                                                                                                     People who commented on
                                                                                                                                                                                  the coverall sale page had a
        BY JOHN VANDIVER                                   officer specialties: command                               counterinsurgency operations.
                                                                                                                                                                                  field day.
             Stars and Stripes                             and control systems integrator,                            However, Russia’s military in-
                                                                                                                                                                                     “I’m selling some that come
                                                           air and missile defense tacti-                             tervention in Ukraine in 2014
   STUTTGART, Germany —                                                                                                                                                           in ‘New recruit blue’ and
                                                           cian, and air and missile defense                          and backing of separatists in
The Army is offering big bucks                                                                                                                                                    ‘Working party worn’ for that
                                                           systems technician.                                        the ongoing conflict in the coun-                           ‘distressed’ look,” wrote some-
to lure more warrant officers                                 The $60,000 bonus is open                               try was a turning point for the
into the air defense artillery                                                                                                                                                    one with the username SN_
                                                           just to new defense tacticians                             Army.                                                       Smuckatelli. “Go talk to a Navy
branch, where specialists are                              and technicians, the Army said.                               The war in eastern Ukraine
in high demand to meet an ex-                                                                                                                                                     recruiter, they’ll show you how
                                                              The service added it will ac-                           sparked renewed interest in                                 to get 3 pair for free!”
panding set of global missions.
                                                           cept warrant applicants from                               rebuilding air-defense capabili-                               Another identified as moll15
   The Army said it will pay a
$60,000 bonus in the hopes of                              service members in other                                   ties needed to combat more so-                              added: “I had to go through
attracting new warrant officers                            branches interested in switch-                             phisticated weaponry than what                              bootcamp to get them. If you’re
to fill manning gaps. Sixty-eight                          ing to the Army.                                           troops faced during the wars in                             not ready to commit to the life
new ADA warrant officers are                                  The Army has recently placed                            Iraq and Afghanistan.                                       of a Navy sailor, then don’t wear
needed each year, Chief Warrant                            Short-Range Air Defense capa-                                 The push for more firepower                              our uniforms.”
Officer 4 Jonathon Boone said                              bilities near the top of its priority                      is happening across the Army.                                  In 2017, Forever 21 received
in a recent Army statement.                                list as it seeks to counter adver-                         Three years ago, none of the                                similar criticism for marketing
   “We always need three war-                              saries like Russia and China.                              Army’s 10 active divisions had                              its own brand of military-style
rant officers per (ADA) unit,                                 Most SHORAD units in the                                short-range air defense battal-                             clothing, in this case a “repur-
and 12 warrant officers per bat-                           active Army stood down in the                              ions assigned to them. In 2019,                             posed” Army physical-training
talion,” Boone said.                                       aftermath of the Cold War, as                              the Army said it would add 10                               T-shirt bearing the stylized
   There are three ADA warrant                             the military shifted focus to                              SHORAD units by 2024.                                       graphic “A.”

Stars and Stripes digest is produced by the news desk at our central office in Washington, D.C. The internet address is: You may contact us by calling (202) 886-0003 or by sending an email to Visit Stars and Stripes online at
Page 3      •ST R I P E S L I T E•      Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Buttigieg holds edge in partial Iowa results
        Associated Press             Vermont’s senator — were sep-        Iowa candidates with almost         conference.
                                     arated by 40 years in age, con-      two-thirds of precincts report-        The leading candidates
   DES MOINES, Iowa — Pete
                                     flicting ideology and more.          ing. Biden’s campaign sought        pressed on in New Hampshire,
Buttigieg held a slight lead over
                                        Sanders, 78, a self-described     to play down the caucus results     which votes Tuesday. Bil-
Bernie Sanders in the opening
                                     democratic socialist, has been       even before they were released,     lionaire Michael Bloomberg
contest of the Democratic race
for the presidential nomination,     a progressive powerhouse for         hardly a measure of strength        sensed opportunity after Iowa,
according to partial results re-     decades. For Buttigieg, 38, his      for a high-profile contender        and said that he would double
leased by the Iowa Democratic        early standing cemented his          who has led national polls for      his already massive advertis-
Party.                               transformation from a little-        most of the last year.              ing campaign and expand his
   The results that came out late    known city leader to a legiti-          “We believe we will emerge       sprawling staff focused on a se-
Tuesday followed 24 hours of         mate force in the 2020 contest.      with the delegates we need to       ries of delegate-rich states vot-
caucus chaos. Technical prob-        Buttigieg is also the first openly   continue on our path to nomi-       ing next month.
lems marred the complicated          gay candidate to earn presiden-      nation,” said Symone Sanders,          The caucus crisis was an em-
process, forcing state officials     tial primary delegates.              a senior adviser.                   barrassing twist after months
to apologize and raising ques-          “We don’t know all of the            While all campaigns were         of promoting Iowa as a chance
tions about Iowa’s traditional       numbers, but we know this            eager to spin the Iowa results      for Democrats to find some
place atop the presidential pri-     much: A campaign that start-         to their advantage, there was       clarity in a jumbled field. In-
mary calendar.                       ed a year ago with four staff        little immediate indication that    stead, after a buildup that fea-
   It was too early to call a win-   members, no name recogni-            the incomplete results erased       tured seven rounds of debates,
ner based on the initial results     tion, no money, just a big idea      the confusion and concern that      nearly $1 billion spent nation-
from Monday’s caucuses, but          — a campaign that some said          loomed over the caucuses. It        wide and a year of political
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth         should have no business even         was unclear when the full re-       jockeying, caucus day ended
Warren, former Vice President        making this attempt — has            sults would be released.            with no winner, no official re-
Joe Biden and Minnesota Sen.         taken its place at the front of         During a private conference      sults and many fresh questions
Amy Klobuchar were trailing          this race,” Buttigieg said as he     call with campaigns earlier in      about whether Iowa can retain
in the tally of State Delegate       campaigned in next-up New            the day, the chairman of the        its coveted “first” status.
Equivalents, according to the        Hampshire.                           state party, Troy Price, declined      Price said that he expected
data released nearly a day after        Buttigieg’s early rise was ri-    to answer questions about the       efforts to strip Iowa of its status
voting concluded.                    valed for possible importance        timeline — even whether it          to continue.
   The results reflected 71% of      by the struggle of another mod-      would be days or weeks.                “That conversation takes
precincts in the state.              erate, Biden.                           “We have been working day        place every four years,” Price
   The two early leaders — But-         One of his party’s most ac-       and night to make sure these        told reporters Tuesday. “There’s
tigieg, the former mayor of          complished figures, Biden was        results are accurate,” Price        no doubt that that conversation
South Bend, Ind., and Sanders,       mired in the second tier of          said at a subsequent news           will take place again.”

Judge OKs limited Court hears arguments
release of Pentagon in Ohio gunman case
Papers case records                                                               Associated Press

                                                                             COLUMBUS, Ohio — A
                                                                          school district is before the
                                                                                                                Likewise, media groups seek-
                                                                                                              ing the records’ release say that
                                                                                                              nothing in the laws prevent the
                                                                                                              information’s release.
        Associated Press             seeking the long-secret docu-        state high court fighting the         The Ohio Supreme Court
                                     ments from the 1971 grand ju-        release of student records of a     could next decide to set oral ar-
  BOSTON — The government                                                 gunman who killed nine people
must release some documents          ries, saying that the records                                            guments or simply rule on the
                                                                          in Dayton last year.                case, though no final decision is
that will shed light on two grand    would “fill a significant gap in
                                                                             Lawyers      for   Bellbrook-    expected for several weeks.
juries that sat in Boston nearly     the public’s understanding of        Sugarcreek Local Schools say          The records could shed light
50 years ago to investigate the      the Pentagon Papers episode          that state and federal law pro-     on whether authorities properly
leak of the Pentagon Papers, a       and contribute to contempo-          tecting student privacy bar the     handled early warning signs
federal judge ruled Tuesday.         rary debates over press free-        release of confidential informa-    exhibited by gunman Connor
  The records detailing the          dom and national security.”          tion without consent.               Betts, the media outlets, includ-
probe into the publication of          U.S. District Judge Allison           “There is nothing in the case    ing The Associated Press, have
records that exposed the de-                                              law interpreting those two stat-    argued.
                                     Burroughs said in her written
ceit of American policymakers                                             utes that would advise an Ohio        The Supreme Court took the
during the Vietnam War were          decision that she would grant
                                                                          school administrator that either    case after an appeals court
sought by Jill Lepore, a Har-        a “limited disclosure” of the        protection terminates upon the      ruled in favor of Bellbrook-
vard University professor and        grand jury materials, but not        death of the student,” attorneys    Sugarcreek schools and its
New Yorker staff writer.             allow the “unfettered” access        for the district argued in a Jan.   denial of access to Betts’ high
  Lepore filed a petition in 2018    Lepore sought.                       14 filing.                          school files.
Page 4     •ST R I P E S L I T E•      Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Trial begins for ex-CIA worker in leaking case
            The Washington Post                  U.S. intelligence officers serving overseas     scribed as incompetent CIA management.
                                                 had been exposed and American adversar-         From 2010 to 2016, Schulte worked in the
   NEW YORK — Federal prosecutors
                                                 ies were able to turn cyberweapons devel-       CIA’s Engineering Development Group,
Tuesday opened their case against a former
CIA software engineer they say leaked a          oped by the CIA against the United States.      which produced the computer code pub-
massive trove of the agency’s secret hack-          Schulte has pleaded not guilty to 11         lished by WikiLeaks.
ing tools to take revenge on his former col-     criminal counts.                                   On March 13, 2017, less than a week
leagues and bosses.                                 Over the months that the case has wound      after the original WikiLeaks publication,
   Joshua Schulte, 31, is charged with dis-      its way to trial, Schulte’s lawyers have de-    FBI agents searched Schulte’s apartment
closing classified information to WikiLeaks      scribed the government’s charges as vague       in New York, where he had moved to take a
after allegedly stealing it from a secretive     and overreaching. They also complained          new job after leaving the agency, and found
CIA unit where he worked. In more than           that prosecutors have been slow to share        a computer server and several external
8,000 pages of material published in 2017        information about their case with the de-       drives, as well as notebooks and handwrit-
— known as the Vault 7 leaks — WikiLeaks         fense and placed burdensome rules on the        ten notes, court filings show. Schulte was
showed how the CIA breaks into smart-            handling of classified information.             not arrested and denied to FBI agents that
phones and internet-connected devices,              Sabrina Shroff, Schulte’s lead defense       he had leaked the CIA materials.
including televisions.                           attorney, accused the government of pros-          But in August, Schulte was arrested
   The disclosure “was the single biggest        ecuting Schulte out of embarrassment over       after investigators searching his computer
leak of classified national defense informa-     losing such a huge volume of sensitive in-      found evidence of child pornography, in-
tion in the history of the CIA,” Assistant       formation, and because he was “an easy          cluding more than 10,000 photos and vid-
U.S. Attorney David Denton told jurors.          target.”                                        eos, prosecutors alleged. He has pleaded
Denton said that as a result of the disclo-         Schulte said previously that he was tar-     not guilty to those charges, which will be
sure, CIA operations had “come to a halt,”       geted for speaking out against what he de-      tried separately.

Avalanche in Turkey wipes out team of rescuers
              Associated Press                   Around noon Wednesday, the team was               Video from the scene showed at least
                                                 struck by the second avalanche.                 three overturned vehicles at the bottom of
  ANKARA, Turkey — An avalanche
slammed into a mountain road in eastern             Gov. Mehmet Emin Bilmez said that 23         a hill during a snow storm. Some rescuers
Turkey on Wednesday, wiping out a team           rescuers’ bodies were recovered from the        were climbing a steep incline to get out of
of rescue workers sent to find two people        mass of snow on the steep slope. They in-       the mass of snow, while others dug franti-
missing in an earlier avalanche. Officials       cluded eight military police officers, three    cally into the snow with shovels and pick-
said 23 rescue workers were killed while         government-paid village guards, three fire-     axes. Fog, heavy snow and strong winds
others were still buried under the snow.         fighters and nine volunteers. Emergency         were hampering the rescue efforts.
  Wednesday’s avalanche increased the            teams were searching for other colleagues         The first avalanche buried a snow-clear-
overall death toll from the disaster to 28.      who may still be buried under the snow,         ing vehicle and a minibus. The vehicle’s
  About 300 emergency service workers            Bilmez said. He did not provide a figure        operator and seven passengers escaped
were called to a highway near the town of           Approximately 30 emergency workers           alive. The Anadolu Agency said that the
Bahcesaray in Van province, which bor-           were either rescued or escaped from under       operator, Bahattin Karagulle, was trapped
ders Iran, after an avalanche struck late        the snow and were hospitalized Wednes-          beneath the snow for 25 minutes before he
Tuesday. That snowslide killed five people.      day, the Interior Ministry said.                managed to break a window and escape.

Bid to remove anti-Semitic relic in Germany rejected
              Associated Press                   day’s decision to the Federal Court of Jus-     German and English.
                                                 tice and is prepared to take the case outside      After a court in Dessau rejected Du-
  BERLIN — A German appeals court
                                                 Germany to the European Court of Human          ellmann’s case in May, he took it a higher
Tuesday rejected a Jewish man’s bid to           Rights, if necessary.
force the removal of a 700-year-old anti-                                                        state court in Naumburg. That court said
                                                    Placed on the church about 13 feet above
Semitic statue from a church.                    ground level, the sculpture depicts people      in its ruling Tuesday that he failed to prove
  The “Judensau,” or “Jew pig,” sculpture        identifiable as Jews suckling the teats of      the Town House sculpture must be taken
on the Town Church in Wittenberg is one of       a sow while a rabbi lifts the animal’s tail.    down because “in its current context” it is
more than 20 such relics from the Middle         In 1570, after the Protestant Reformation,      not of “slanderous character” and didn’t
Ages that still adorn churches across Ger-       an inscription referring to an anti-Jewish      violate the plaintiff’s rights.
many and elsewhere in Europe.                    tract by Luther was added.                         The appeals court said that with the addi-
  Plaintiff Michael Duellmann had argued            In 1988, a memorial was set into the
that the sculpture was “a defamation of and                                                      tion of the memorial and information sign,
                                                 ground below, referring to the persecution
insult to the Jewish people” that has “a ter-    of Jews and the 6 million people who died       the statue was now “part of an ensemble
rible effect up to this day.”                    during the Holocaust. In addition, a sign       which speaks for another objective” on the
  Duellmann said he would appeal Tues-           gives information about the sculpture in        part of the parish.
Page 5      •ST R I P E S L I T E•      Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Fight over urination                 her toes.                              “Dr. Vecchione spent years       Day Day is Hazel. The nonprof-
                                       The unnamed woman, 54,            denying any responsibility for      it Friends of Manatee County
ends with man shot                   got a flat tire while driving on    the infections contracted by pa-    Animal Services will cover the
                                     a rural stretch of I-95 Sunday      tients in his care,” said Howard    cost of transporting Hazel to

AL      GRAND BAY — An
        Alabama man con-
fronted a neighbor who was uri-
                                     evening, Colleton County Fire-
                                     Rescue said in a news release. A
                                                                         Pine, Acting Director of the Di-
                                                                         vision of Consumer Affairs.

nating in public and was shot in
                                     jack holding up the car slipped        Vecchione engaged in “pro-       Officials: Virus killing
                                     while the woman was putting         fessional misconduct and gross
the face during a gunfight that      on the spare tire, causing the      negligence” by failing to fol-
                                                                                                             Eurasian collared doves
followed, a sheriff’s office said.   woman’s hands to get stuck be-      low infection control protocols,
   Their fight began as the man
was urinating in a street near
                                     tween the tire and the fender,
                                     the release said.
                                                                         state officials said. The state
                                                                         alleged the Budd Lake den-
                                                                                                             ND        BISMARCK — A
                                                                                                                       virus is killing some
                                                                                                             doves in the Bismarck-Man-
Grand Bay early Sunday morn-           Over the next 35 minutes,         tist failed to use sterile water
ing, Mobile County Sheriff’s         officials said the woman was                                            dan area, state wildlife officials
                                                                         or sterile saline during surgi-
Capt. Paul Burch said. The           able to slide off her shoe, ma-                                         said Monday.
                                                                         cal procedures, improperly
upset neighbor got a gun from        nipulate her cellphone and call                                           North Dakota’s Game and
                                                                         handled and stored single-dose
his car and began firing the         911. Fire-rescue crews arrived                                          Fish Department says it has
                                                                         medication vials and did not
first shots, Burch told news         in less than 10 minutes, the re-                                        received “numerous” reports
                                                                         properly prepare instruments.       since December of dead and
outlets. The other man then got      lease stated.                       The allegations stemmed from
a gun from his own vehicle and                                                                               dying Eurasian collared doves.
                                                                         inspections conducted after         That dove is a nonnative spe-
returned fire, he said.              Man accused of filming              an outbreak of bacterial en-
   His injuries weren’t con-                                                                                 cies that typically does not fly
                                     coworkers at day care               docarditis among Vecchione’s        south for the winter.
sidered life-threatening and                                             patients.
he was flown to a hospital in                                                                                  Officials have confirmed a
Pensacola, Fla., for treatment,
Burch said. Authorities haven’t      FL      ST.    PETERSBURG
                                             — A cafeteria worker
                                     at a Florida child care center
                                                                         Woman sees pet on cans
                                                                                                             virus — paramyxovirus-1 — is
                                                                                                             the cause, The Bismarck Tri-
identified either man involved.                                          promoting shelter dogs              bune reported. Game and Fish
                                     is facing a video voyeurism                                             officials are still working to

                                     charge after his co-workers                                             document the extent of the dis-
FBI offers $10K reward               found a cellphone taped under
                                                                                 BRADENTON — A
                                                                                                             ease outbreak in the area and
                                                                                 Florida brewery that
in ‘Scream’ mask case                the sink and facing the toilet in   recently began placing shelter      whether it’s a problem in other
                                     a bathroom.                         dogs’ faces on beer cans helped     parts of North Dakota.
         $10,000 reward is
being offered by the FBI for
                                       St. Petersburg police ar-
                                     rested Julin Nichols, 30, on
                                     Monday. He had worked at the
                                                                         reunite a Minnesota woman
                                                                         with her dog, Hazel, who went       Police: Mom forced
                                                                         missing three years ago.            son, 13, to vape THC
information about a robbery          Lew Williams Center for Early          Earlier this month, Motor-
suspect in Virginia who often        Learning for a month.               works Brewing in Bradenton
wears a mask from the horror
movie “Scream.”
   WRIC reported Tuesday that
                                       Police didn’t say whether
                                     any children were involved
                                                                         teamed up with the Manatee
                                                                         County Animal Shelter to turn
                                                                                                             NM         ROSWELL — A
                                                                                                                        New Mexico woman
                                                                                                             is facing child abuse charges
                                     in the investigation, or how        beer cans into adoption fly-
the so-called “Scream Bandit”        many people were recorded by                                            after authorities say she forced
                                                                         ers for shelter dogs. Monica
has struck at least six gas sta-     the phone. An investigation is                                          her 13-year-old son to smoke
                                                                         Mathis, of St. Paul, told KSTP
tions in central Virginia in a       continuing.                                                             vape pens containing THC.
                                                                         that she couldn’t believe it when
string of robberies that stretch-      Nichols was released on a                                               KOB-TV reported that Can-
                                                                         she spotted Hazel’s face on a
es back a year.                      surety bond Tuesday.                                                    dace Lindeman was arrested
                                                                         beer can that had been photo-
   The robber has typically en-                                                                              last week following reports
                                                                         graphed and posted on social
tered a business with a semi-        Dentist is suspended                media. Hazel, a terrier mix,        about child abuse. Lindeman’s
automatic gun and ordered that                                                                               son told investigators his moth-
money be put into a bag.             after patients sickened             was among the dogs featured
                                                                                                             er physically abused him and
                                                                         on beer cans called “The Four
                                                                                                             made him smoke vape pens
                                     NJ     NEWARK — A New               Packs.” But the featured dog’s
Hands crushed, woman                        Jersey oral surgeon has      name was Day Day.                   containing 90% THC, and
calls 911 with her toes                                                     Mathis contacted the shelter,    grounded him for weeks if he
                                     agreed to a five-year license
                                                                         which needed proof that Day         refused. THC is the chemical
                                     suspension after 15 patients
                                                                                                             in marijuana that makes users
         woman whose hands
were crushed while she was
                                     were sickened by a bacterial
                                     heart infection and one died.
                                       Dr. John Vecchione on Mon-
                                                                         Day was in fact Hazel.
                                                                            “I sent everything I could
                                                                         find,” Mathis said.
                                                                                                             feel high.
                                                                                                               Lindeman, 29, of Roswell,
changing a tire on the side of       day also agreed to pay $293,500        Mathis said she was living in    faces four counts of child
an interstate in South Carolina      in penalties. He initially had      Iowa when Hazel disappeared.        abuse.
managed to call for help using       fought the allegations.                The shelter confirmed that       From wire reports
Page 6      •ST R I P E S L I T E•     Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Red Sox trade Betts, Price to Dodgers
        Associated Press            but the exact amount was not        the final three years of a $217    his season early. His outfield
                                    yet known.                          million, seven-year deal he        defense is average, but at 23 he
   BOSTON — Banking on
                                       The people spoke to The As-      signed before the 2016 season.     has time to improve.
Mookie Betts to be the missing
                                    sociated Press on condition of      The 2012 AL Cy Young Award            The deal makes sense only in
piece in their World Series pur-    anonymity because the trade,        winner missed time last year       the complicated economics of
suit, the Los Angeles Dodgers       pending the exchange of medi-       with a wrist issue and went 7-5    baseball’s collective bargain-
finally pulled off a blockbluster   cal information, had not been       with a 4.28 ERA in 22 starts.      ing tax, which penalizes a team
deal with the cost-cutting Red      announced.                            The Dodgers finally pulled       for spending over a preset limit
Sox.                                   Betts, who will earn $27 mil-    off the kind of splashy offsea-    — $208 million for 2020. What’s
   Boston agreed to trade the       lion this season, has spurned       son deal that has eluded them      more, a ballclub that surpasses
2018 AL MVP to the Dodgers          nine-figure offers from the         in recent years. They lost out     the threshold in three straight
on Tuesday night, according         Red Sox for a long-term deal        on two primary offseason pur-      years pays a top rate of 95%; on
to two people with knowledge        and expressed eagerness to          suits when pitcher Gerrit Cole     the other hand, if a team goes
of the deal, packaging Betts        test the free agent market. Bos-    signed with the New York Yan-      under the limit for a season,
with left-hander David Price        ton decided to move him now         kees for $324 million over nine    the penalty for their next viola-
in a salary dump designed to        — a century after selling Babe      years and third baseman An-        tion resets to the lowest rate of
save the Red Sox tens of mil-       Ruth to the New York Yankees        thony Rendon signed a $245         20%.
lions of dollars and help them      — rather than let the four-time     million, seven-year contract          This deal is expected to get
dip below baseball’s luxury tax     All-Star walk after the 2020        with the rival Angels.             Boston below that threshold.
threshold.                          season.                               Until now, the Dodgers’ top         Graterol is a hard-throw-
   The Dodgers, eager for a            One of baseball’s best all-      addition this winter was reliev-   ing righty who ranked 83rd on
World Series title after losing     around talents, the popular         er Blake Treinen.        ’s most recent list of
in the 2017 and ’18 Fall Clas-      Betts should fit nicely into a        Adding Betts’ bat to a lineup    the top 100 prospects in base-
sics, are sending outfielder        Dodgers lineup that also in-        that includes Bellinger, Justin    ball. He made his major league
Alex Verdugo back to the Red        cludes reigning NL MVP Cody         Turner, Max Muncy and Corey        debut last season with the
Sox. The deal also involves the     Bellinger. Los Angeles has won      Seager makes the Dodgers           Twins and posted a 4.66 ERA
Minnesota Twins, who are get-       seven straight NL West titles but   even more fearsome. Their of-      in 10 relief appearances. A
ting right-hander Kenta Maeda       hasn’t celebrated a World Se-       fense led the National League      starter in the minors, he faces
from the Dodgers and send-          ries championship since 1988.       with 886 runs and 279 home         questions about his durability
ing pitching prospect Brusdar       They fell in 2018 against Betts     runs last year.                    but could get a chance to pitch
Graterol to Boston. Los Angeles     and the Red Sox, a year after         Verdugo, a left-handed hitter,   in Boston’s rotation. If not, he’s
will also get cash from Boston      being defeated by the Houston       batted .294 with 44 RBIs and 12    thrown as hard as 102 mph and
to offset some of the $123 mil-     Astros in seven games.              home runs in 106 games before      could be an effective late-in-
lion owed to Betts and Price,          Price is due $96 million over    a back injury in August ended      ning reliever.

Michigan State’s Dantonio retires after 13 seasons
        Associated Press            Michigan State’s coach and            “There are times that are          A turning point in his ten-
                                    won Big Ten titles in 2010, 2013    better than other times,” he       ure occurred in 2010, when
                                    and 2015. The last of those         said. “But I think when you’ve     the Spartans memorably beat
— From “pride comes before                                                                                 Notre Dame on a fake field goal
                                    three seasons included a trip       won 114 games, you’re our all-
the fall” to Little Giants, Mark                                                                           in overtime. The trick play was
Dantonio leaves Michigan State      to the College Football Playoff,    time winningest coach, and
                                    but the Spartans declined after     you’ve taken us to the places      called “Little Giants” — and
fans with an abundance of fond                                                                             Dantonio had a heart attack
memories after bringing the         that. They went 7-6 this past       Mark has taken us and you’ve
                                    season.                             set the bar where Mark set it,     in the immediate aftermath
Spartans to heights they hadn’t                                                                            of that victory. He returned to
reached in decades.                    Defensive coordinator Mike       I was comfortable operating
                                    Tressel will be the acting head     on his timeline whatever that      coach his team soon after and
   Dantonio announced his re-                                                                              led Michigan State to a share of
tirement Tuesday, ending a          coach while Michigan State          would be.
                                                                                                           the Big Ten title.
13-year run in which his teams      seeks a replacement for Dan-          “We’ll find a very good
                                                                                                             Michigan State also dominat-
won three Big Ten titles and        tonio, who said qualified candi-    coach.”
                                                                                                           ed its heated rivalry with Mich-
he became the school’s win-         dates would be willing to crawl       The Spartans have fallen         igan for much of Dantonio’s
ningest coach. The 63-year-old      to campus for the job.              from the Big Ten’s elite in re-    tenure. In 2007, his first season
Dantonio called his decision a         Michigan State athletic di-      cent years, but only after Dan-    at the helm, the Spartans lost
difficult one while noting the      rector Bill Beekman said he         tonio brought Michigan State       to the Wolverines. Afterward,
nonstop demands of the job.         will seek Dantonio’s input on       to the top echelon of the league   Michigan’s Mike Hart referred
   “I just found myself never       the search for his successor.       — and the nation — during a        to Michigan State as a little
having the opportunity to come      Dantonio plans to have a role       terrific stretch from 2010-15.     brother. Dantonio responded
up for air, and that can wear on    within the athletic department.     He won at least 11 games five      by warning the Wolverines that
you,” he said Tuesday night at a       Beekman acknowledged the         times in that six-year span —      “pride comes before the fall”
news conference.                    timing isn’t ideal to search for    the first time a Big Ten coach     — and the Spartans won four
   Dantonio went 114-57 as          a new football coach.               had done that.                     straight meetings after that.
Page 7     •ST R I P E S L I T E•      Wednesday, February 5, 2020

NHL roundup

Washington’s Ovechkin reaches 698 goals
        Associated Press             of a ninth Maurice Richard         late deficit to get a needed win.       Canadiens 5, Devils 4 (SO):
   WASHINGTON — Washing-             Trophy, two ahead of Boston’s         Mathew Barzal tied tie score      Ilya Kovalchuk scored the only
ton Capitals star Alex Ovech-        David Pastrnak. The Capitals       with just under four minutes         shootout goal and visiting Mon-
kin doesn’t think he’s ever been     also lead the Bruins by a point    remaining in the third period,       treal rallied from a three-goal
this hot in a 15-year career that    in the race for the President’s    and Anthony Beauvillier scored       deficit to beat New Jersey.
has included eight NHL scor-         Cup.                               his second goal of the game             Ducks 3, Senators 2 (SO):
ing titles.                             And No. 700 could come as       2:52 into overtime to give the       Rickard Rakell scored the
   If he continues at his present    early as Saturday against the      Islanders a win over Dallas.         shootout winner and visiting
pace, he’ll join the 700 career      Philadelphia Flyers.                  “This was a huge two points       Anaheim beat Ottawa.
goal club by this weekend.              Even within this recent run,    for us tonight,” Beauvillier            Blues 6, Hurricanes 3:
   Ovechkin recorded his 27th        Tuesday night’s performance        said. “Lot of character for us       Brayden Schenn had two goals
career hat trick and raised his      to singlehandedly lift Washing-    tonight.”                            and an assist, Zach Sanford
career goal total to 698 during      ton to victory stood out.             Blue Jackets 1, Panthers          scored twice and host St. Louis
a furious five-minute stretch of        With 6:10 remaining, just       0 (OT): Zach Werenski scored         beat Carolina.
the third period, rallying Wash-     over two minutes after the Cap-    1:54 into overtime and host             Wild 3, Blackhawks 2 (OT):
ington to a 4-2 victory over the     itals fell behind, Ovechkin one-   Columbus extended its points
                                                                                                             Matt Dumba scored with 2:39
Los Angeles Kings on Tuesday         timed a feed from T.J. Oshie to    streak to nine games with a win
                                                                                                             remaining in overtime to lift
night.                               tie the game at 2-all. Seventy     over Florida.
                                                                                                             host Minnesota past Chicago.
   With 14 goals in his last seven   seconds later, he rebounded           Lightning 4, Golden Knights
                                     his own miss off goaltender        2: Steven Stamkos tipped in             Predators 2, Jets 1 (OT):
games, he’s closer to becoming
                                     Jonathan Quick’s pads and put      his 24th goal of the season in       Mikael Granlund scored 1:11
the eighth player in an elusive
                                     Washington in front.               the third period and led host        into overtime, lifting visiting
NHL club than many would’ve
suspected a month ago. Though           He added an empty-netter        Tampa Bay over Vegas.                Nashville past Winnipeg.
there isn’t much time to reflect     with 1:46 to play, moving with-       Avalanche 6, Sabres 1:               Coyotes 3, Oilers 0: Conor
on it.                               in 10 goals of Mike Gartner for    Andre Burakovsky had a goal          Garland and Lawson Crouse
   “Not yet,” he said. “I’m still    seventh on the NHL’s all-time      and three assists for a career-      scored two minutes apart in the
playing. But after the year,         goals list.                        best four points in visiting Colo-   second period, Antti Raanta
yeah, I’m pretty sure me and            John Carlson added his 14th     rado’s rout of spiraling Buffalo.    stopped 30 shots and host Ari-
my family and my friends are         goal and 50th and 51st assists        Bruins 4, Canucks 0: Charlie      zona ended a five-game losing
going to talk about it.”             for the Capitals.                  Coyle had a goal and an assist,      streak.
   Ovechkin’s career-best re-           Islanders 4, Stars 3 (OT):      Tuukka Rask stopped 25 shots            Sharks 3, Flames 1: Joe
cent flurry has pushed him to        With its hold on a playoff spot    for his third shutout this season    Thornton had two assists to
40 goals on the season and back      in the Eastern Conference fal-     and host Boston extended its         reach 1,500 career points and
into the top spot in his chase       tering, New York rallied from a    winning streak to four games.        visiting San Jose beat Calgary.

College basketball roundup
No. 22 Penn State wins fifth straight Big Ten game
        Associated Press             the conference during the sec-     Jones scored 14 of his 18 points     depth wore down the host Ra-
                                     ond half of the regular season.    in the second half for the Blue      zorbacks, allowing Auburn to
   EAST LANSING, Mich. —
                                       “It’s great that we’re in the    Devils.                              rally in regulation and hold on
Patrick Chambers is on a quest       position we’re in,” Chambers         No. 9 Maryland 56, Rutgers         in overtime. Samir Doughty
to keep Penn State’s basketball      said. “But if you focus on that,   51: Jalen Smith had 14 points        scored 23 points, hitting two
program hungry and humble            that’s when you start to slip.”    and 15 rebounds, Anthony             free throws in the final seconds
as it surges in a successful           No. 7 Duke 63, Boston Col-       Cowan Jr. scored 17 and the          of overtime.
season.                              lege 55: Vernon Carey Jr. had      host Terrapins used a strong           No. 15 Kentucky 80, Mis-
   Lamar Stevens had 24 points       17 points and 10 rebounds to       second half to beat the Scarlet      sissippi State 72: Nick Rich-
and Myreon Jones made a ca-          lead the visiting Blue Devils      Knights.                             ards scored a career-high 27
reer-high six three-pointers         over the Eagles and give coach       Maryland trailed 25-20 at          points, Immanuel Quickley
and scored 20 points, leading        Mike Krzyzewski his 500th ca-      halftime after shooting 24%.         added 21 and the host Wildcats
the 22nd-ranked Nittany Lions        reer Atlantic Coast Conference     With Smith leading the way, the      beat the Bulldogs for the 14th
to a 75-70 win over No. 16 Mich-     victory.                           Terrapins (18-4, 8-3 Big Ten)        straight time.
igan State on Tuesday night.           Carey made a layup and then      emerged from the break with            Nevada 88, Air Force 54:
   Penn State (17-5, 7-5 Big Ten)    hit two free throws with about     a 14-4 run and held off a late       Jalen Harris scored a career-
has won five straight games in       six minutes left during a 10-0     surge by Rutgers.                    high 38 points and the host
the Big Ten for the first time       run that gave Duke (19-3. 9-         No. 11 Auburn 79, Ar-              Wolf Pack overwhelmed the
and has become a contender in        2 ACC) the lead for good. Tre      kansas 76 (OT): The Tigers’          Falcons.
Page 8      •ST R I P E S L I T E•      Wednesday, February 5, 2020

NBA roundup

LeBron’s run of 3-pointers lifts Lakers
        Associated Press             Davis and Kyle Kuzma had 18         good pictures.”                     34 points and 17 rebounds in
                                     points apiece as the Lakers beat      Bryn Forbes added 13 points,      Milwaukee’s victory at New
                                     San Antonio for the third time,     but one night after the Spurs       Orleans.
James absorbed contact and
                                     sweeping the season series.         blew a late lead in a three-point      Khris Middleton scored 20
tumbled to the court while his                                                                               for the Bucks, who led by 19 in
                                       After the Spurs chipped away      loss to the Clippers, they re-
fifth three-pointer in a three-                                                                              the third quarter before hold-
                                     at the Lakers’ big lead late in     turned to Staples Center and
minute span dropped through                                                                                  ing off a Pelicans rally in the
                                     the third quarter, James and        fell to 0-2 in their eight-game
the net. The Los Angeles Lak-                                                                                fourth.
                                     Kuzma put the game away with        road trip.
ers’ entire roster left the bench                                                                               Brandon Ingram scored 32
                                     a combined seven three-point-         “As a competitor, it’s what you
and crossed the court, gleefully                                                                             points and Zion Williamson
                                     ers in 3 ½ minutes to start the     want to play against,” DeRozan
picking up their leader while a                                                                              had 20 for New Orleans, which
                                     fourth. James’ shots seemed to      said of the LA back-to-back. “I
sellout crowd roared.                                                                                        briefly got as close as seven
                                     increase in difficulty with each    don’t look at it like it’s being
   “That’s what we’re all about,”                                                                            twice in the fourth period be-
James said. “Our team, any-          possession, but he buried them      tough. It’s part of the job, part
                                     all.                                                                    fore Milwaukee stemmed the
time anyone is having success                                            of the game, and as a competi-      tide and improved to 20-4 away
in the game, we cheer like it’s        “When the guy gets hot like
                                                                         tor you want to compete against     from home this season.
our own. So having that ca-          that, it’s always fun to watch
                                                                         the best. You worry about the          Williamson was 5-for-19
maraderie, having that broth-        him,” Davis said, laughing at
                                                                         toll afterwards.”                   shooting and the Pelicans were
                                     the Lakers’ group celebration
erhood, even though they’re                                                Nuggets 127, Trail Blazers        minus-11 with their rookie sen-
                                     after the final three. “It wasn’t
beating you up, it’s just a pretty                                       99: Nikola Jokic finished an        sation on the court.
cool feeling.”                       the plan. We all just kind of
                                     ran over there and jumped on
                                                                         assist shy of a triple-double in       Rockets 125, Hornets 110:
   Nine days after Kobe Bry-                                             just three quarters, and Gary       James Harden had 40 points
ant’s death, the Lakers finally      him.”
                                                                         Harris helped keep hot-shoot-       and 11 assists, and short-hand-
had an evening that felt like a        DeMar DeRozan had 28
                                                                         ing Damian Lillard in check as      ed Houston overcame an early
return to normalcy.                  points, nine rebounds and
                                                                         host Denver routed Portland.        deficit to defeat Charlotte.
   Well, as normal as anything       seven assists in his hometown         Jokic had 29 points and 13           The Rockets won their third
can be when King James is            for the Spurs, who have lost five   rebounds as the Nuggets im-         straight, handing the Hornets
performing feats of basketball       of seven.                           proved to 8-0 against North-        their fourth consecutive loss
brilliance.                            San Antonio was outrebound-       west Division rivals this           and 12th in 13 games.
   James scored 19 of his 36         ed 58-28 by the bigger Lakers,      season. They held Lillard to           Harden finished a rebound
points in the fourth quarter         and the Spurs grabbed only          21 points, ending his string of     shy of a triple-double after also
with that incredible three-point     three rebounds in the fourth        eight straight games with at        scoring 40 points but falling
barrage, propelling the Lakers       quarter while the Lakers went       least 30. Lillard was 8-for-23      one assist short of a triple-dou-
to a 129-102 victory over the        16-for-24 from the field.           from the floor, predominantly       ble in Houston’s last game. He’s
San Antonio Spurs on Tuesday           When asked what the Spurs         with Harris and Torrey Craig        scored at least 35 points in his
night.                               can do when James gets roll-        taking turns shadowing him.         past three games after strug-
   James added nine assists and      ing, coach Gregg Popovich             Bucks 120, Pelicans 108:          gling through a shooting slump
seven rebounds, while Anthony        quipped: “Make sure you get         Giannis Antetokounmpo had           over his previous four.

Sources: Covington, Capela on move in 4-team trade
        Associated Press             the Rockets from Minnesota,         or Thursday. The league’s           roster spot.
                                     Capela and Nene are leaving         trade deadline is Thursday            The biggest takeaway from
   Robert Covington is going to
                                     the Rockets for the Hawks, the      afternoon.                          the deal would seem to be that
the Houston Rockets and Clint        Timberwolves added soon-to-           Also in the deal: Jarred Van-
Capela is going to the Atlanta                                                                               this commits Houston to keep-
                                     be restricted free agents Malik     derbilt is leaving Denver for       ing the small-ball lineup that it
Hawks as the headline moves          Beasley and Juancho Hernan-         Minnesota, and the Nuggets are
in a complicated trade that was                                                                              has employed with much suc-
                                     gomez from Denver and the           getting Keita Bates-Diop and        cess of late. Capela was the only
struck early Wednesday involv-       Nuggets got Shabazz Napier          Noah Vonleh from the Timber-
ing four teams, 12 players and                                                                               center that the Rockets have
                                     from Minnesota plus a first-        wolves as well as Evan Turner
at least three draft picks, ac-                                                                              consistently played this season
                                     round pick from Houston.            from the Hawks. Gerald Green
cording to two people familiar          ESPN and The Athletic first      — who is out with a seasonlong      — and they’re 10-1 in games
with the situation.                  reported the trade, which was       foot injury — also goes to Den-     without him. Houston could still
   Among the key components,         subsequently confirmed by           ver from Houston to help make       look to acquire another big man
according to the people who          other outlets.                      the math work and is likely to      for depth through another trade
spoke on condition of anonym-           It was not immediately clear     be waived once the deal is final.   or potentially after a buyout,
ity because the trade has not        if a call with NBA attorneys to     Atlanta will also have to make      and this trade gives the Rockets
received league approval: Cov-       review and approve the trade        another move to finalize the        some financial flexibility to do
ington and Jordan Bell will join     would happen on Wednesday           trade since it must first clear a   so.
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