Page created by Curtis Holmes


            FRIDAY, MAY 14, 2021
           SATURDAY, MAY 15, 2021
           SUNDAY, MAY 16, 2021

The Ceremony
Order of Exercises .................................................................................... 3

Academic Traditions ............................................................................... 4

Officers of the College ............................................................................. 5

Deans of the College ................................................................................ 6

Student Speakers ..................................................................................... 7

Alumni Banner Presenters ..................................................................... 7

SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence .............................. 7

Possibility Scholars ................................................................................. 8

Military Science ....................................................................................... 8

College Honors Program and Honors Programs ................................. 8

Division of Extended Learning .............................................................. 9

State University of New York Board of Trustees ................................. 10

State University of New York at Oswego College Council ................. 10

SUNY Distinguished Faculty ............................................................... 10

Retiring Faculty and Professional Staff .............................................. 10

Honor Organizations............................................................................. 11

Degree Conferral
Graduate Degree Candidates ................................................................12

Undergraduate Degree Candidates

   College of Liberal Arts and Sciences ................................................15

   School of Business ..............................................................................19       The College Medallion
   School of Communication, Media and the Arts .............................22

   School of Education ...........................................................................24

Class of 2021 Senior Class Gifts .............................................................26

Public Ceremonies Committee .............................................................27

Special Thanks ........................................................................................27

Visitor Information .................................................................................28

Alma Mater ............................................................................... back cover

                                                                                                                      MAY 2021 COMMENCEMENT   1
Land Acknowledgement

        The State University of New York at Oswego would like to recognize with respect the Onondaga Nation,
          the “people of the hills,” or central firekeepers of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Indigenous
                              Peoples on whose ancestral lands SUNY Oswego now stands.

          Please join SUNY Oswego in acknowledging the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and
       Tuscarora Nations, their elders both past and present, as well as the future seven generations yet to come.

             Consistent with the University’s values of diversity and equity, inclusion and social justice, this
          acknowledgement demonstrates a commitment to cultivating relationships with Native American
         communities through academic collaborations, partnerships, historical recognitions, and community
                        service in order to dismantle the legacies of conquest and colonization.

Commencement 2021

Selections from Pomp and Circumstance
Edward Elgar                                                   P L AT F O R M PA R T Y

Convening of the 160th Commencement
Elizabeth Dunne Schmitt                                           Deborah F. Stanley,
National Anthem
Angel Tyler ’21                                                      Scott Furlong,
Accompanied by Mihoko Tsutsumi                                        Provost and
Associate Professor, Music                                 Vice President for Academic Affairs

Welcome                                                              Jerri Howland,
Deborah F. Stanley                                         Vice President for Student Affairs

Student Address                                               Elizabeth Dunne Schmitt,
Trentin Carentz ’20 M ’21                                   Chairperson, Faculty Assembly
Lizeth Ortega Ramirez ’21
                                                              Lizeth Ortega Ramirez ’21,
Greetings                                                   President, Student Association
Hon. Charles E. Schumer
United States Senator, Senate Majority Leader                  Trentin Carentz ’20 M ’21,
Hon. Kathy Hochul                                       Director of Finance, Student Association
Lieutenant Governor, New York
James Malatras
Chancellor, State University of New York
Presentation of Degrees
Scott Furlong
                                                                    Kristin Croyle,
Conferring of Graduates                                    Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Deborah F. Stanley
                                                                    Lisa Glidden,
Recognition of Graduates
                                                                   Political Science
Charge to Graduates
Deborah F. Stanley                                                  Joanne O’Toole,
                                                              Curriculum and Instruction
Passing of the Torch
Deborah F. Stanley                                                 Andrea Pagano,
                                                             Accounting, Finance and Law
Alma Mater
Led by SUNY Oswego Virtual Choir                               Elizabeth Dunne Schmitt,
Adjournment of the 160th Commencement
Scott Furlong                                                        Irene Scruton,
                                                                   School of Business
* Families and guests are requested to hold their
  applause until all names have been read.

                                                                                  MAY 2021 COMMENCEMENT   3
Academic Traditions
    The Commencement Setting — The 2007 ceremonies marked                     The College Medallion is worn by the SUNY Oswego president as a
    the first graduations to take place in Oswego’s Marano Campus             symbol of authority at all official ceremonies such as Commencement
    Center. Located in the heart of campus, the Marano Campus Center          and Honors Convocation. Oswego is represented in the perfect center
    represents the college’s social hub and a gathering place for events      of the medallion by a tiny green and gold circle. The dot is located
    appealing to a wide range of student, faculty and community               properly on an outline of New York state, which itself surmounts a
    interests. This $25.5 million building was the first new construction     globe to show the relationship of our institution to the state and the
    on our lakeside campus in 35 years when it opened in the fall of 2006.    world. Fashioned by Dominic T. DiPasquale of the Art Department
                                                                              for president James Perdue’s 1966 inauguration, the medallion was a
    The Academic Procession — The centuries-old pageantry of                  gift of the Class of 1966 for the occasion.
    the academic procession dates from ancient traditions rooted
                                                                              A wreath of gold leaves surrounds the globe and is circled by a flat
    in the early universities. Since the clergy were in charge of the
                                                                              band bearing the engraved college name and two dates: 1861, the
    first academic ceremonies, they followed the familiar order of
                                                                              college founding; and 1948, the founding of the State University of
    religious processions.
                                                                              which Oswego was a charter unit. On the clasp above the medallion
                                                                              sits a gold lamp of knowledge, emblematic of a seat of learning.
    The Tradition of Academic Attire — Caps, gowns and hoods worn             (Photo, page 1.)
    at college and university functions date from the Middle Ages.
    Monks and students of that time wore them to keep warm in                 The College Mace — In medieval times the mace was a weapon of
    the damp, drafty halls of learning. From these practical origins          offense with the metal head often heavily spiked. Today it appears
    they have developed into the accepted garb which symbolizes               chiefly in ceremonial functions of churches, governments, colleges
    scholarly achievement.                                                    and universities. The head of the Oswego mace holds a jade sphere
    Baccalaureate gowns have a long, pleated front with shirring              symbolizing the university of wisdom and knowledge, surrounded
    across the shoulders and back. They are primarily distinguished           by four silver flanges unfolding petal-like without imprisoning the
    by flowing sleeves pointed at the fingertips. These gowns may be          sphere and representing the potential of disciplined imagination,
    worn open or closed.                                                      the goal of higher education. The richness of the jade and the rose-
                                                                              wood shaft reflect the pomp and solemnity of academic ceremony.
    The master’s gown is worn open and the sleeve is cut so that the
    forearm comes through a slit just above the elbow. The lining of          A gift of the Class of 1969 for President James Perdue’s inauguration,
    the hood is satin and the color represents the school conferring the      the Oswego mace has been in use at Commencement ever since.
    degree. The velvet border color represents the discipline in which        Joseph F. Shoenfelt of the art faculty created its design and silver
    the degree was earned.                                                    work, with the rosewood turning by William D. Todd, formerly of
                                                                              the technology faculty. (Photo, page 21.)
    Doctoral gowns are traditionally worn open, but either open or
    closed is acceptable. They carry broad, velvet panels down the front      Academic Colors
    and three velvet bars on the full, round sleeves. This velvet trim-       Brown.............................. Fine Arts   Peacock Blue ..................... Public
    ming may be either black or the color distinctive of the degree.                                                                             Administration
    Mortarboards or caps worn with baccalaureate and master’s gowns           Citron .................... Social Science
                                                                              Copper ........................ Economics       Pink ..................................... Music
    generally have black tassels. The tassel of the doctoral cap is usually
    made of gold bullion.                                                     Crimson ..................... Journalism        Purple.....................................Law

                                                                              Dark Blue ................... Philosophy        Sage Green...................... Physical
    The doctoral hood gives color and meaning to the academic cos-                                                                                         Education
    tume. Its silk lining bears the color of the institution conferring the   Drab......................... Accountancy,
    degree. The hood is bordered with velvet of a prescribed width and                                          Business      Salmon Pink .......... Public Health
    color to indicate the field of learning to which the degree pertains.     Science Gold......................Science       Scarlet ............................Theology

                                                                              Kelly Green ....................Medicine        Silver .................Oratory (Speech)
    Honor Cords for Military Service — United States veterans and                                                             White ......................... Arts, Letters,
    reserve and active duty military graduating from SUNY Oswego              Lemon ................. Library Science
    are wearing red, white and blue honor cords in recognition of their       Light Blue.................... Education
    service.                                                                  Orange ......................Engineering

Officers of the College
                  Deborah F. Stanley                                                            Scott Furlong
                  President                                                                       Provost; Vice President for Academic Affairs
                  President Stanley is the 10th President of SUNY                                 The college’s chief academic officer, Furlong joined the
                  Oswego. Her tenure has been driven by bold and                                  Oswego family in July 2017. Furlong is responsible for
                  inclusive leadership and a broad vision resulting in                            leadership of all instructional and academic programs,
                  increased academic excellence, campus renewal,                                  overseeing more than 100 academic programs in the
                  and successful fundraising. Under her leadership,                               college’s four schools with more than 550 faculty, as
                  new programs such as electrical and computer                                    well as a range of academic support staff and offerings.
engineering, human-computer interaction, biomedical and health                A renowned public policy scholar and co-author of two books, Furlong
informatics, and the online MBA programs were established. She                has led and championed efforts around student success, integrating
pioneered the Oswego Guarantee and the $300 Graduation Return on              the ideals of a liberal arts education into all curriculum, and facilitating
Investment. Her ambitious campus-wide renewal plan encompasses                activities that bridge curricular and co-curricular learning. He earned his
hundreds of millions of dollars in renovations and construction,              bachelor of arts degree in government from St. Lawrence University, and
including the environmentally designated LEED Gold Shineman                   his master of public administration and Ph.D. in political science from
Center and the modernization of Tyler and Wilber halls. President             American University.
Stanley serves on numerous local and national education, climate and
leadership boards and institutes. She earned a baccalaureate degree with
honors, and a juris doctor degree from Syracuse University.                                     Jerri Howland
                                                                                                 Vice President for Student Affairs
                  Nicholas A. Lyons                                                              Howland was named vice president in 2019 after
                                                                                                 serving as interim vice president in fall 2018. In
                   Vice President for Administration and Finance
                                                                                                 this leadership post, she oversees all student affairs
                   As SUNY Oswego’s officer in charge of financial                               operations and activities. Howland began serving as
                   operations and facilities, Lyons has overseen 18                              associate vice president of student affairs and dean of
                   years of construction and renovation transforming                             students at Oswego in 2014, supervising several units
                   the campus. He has served the State University since       including campus life (student involvement, intramurals and recreation,
                   1978, previously working as assistant vice president       event management) and student conduct. She assisted in enhancing
                   for administration at SUNY New Paltz, as university        student life programming and services on campus to foster increased
internal control officer and in several administrative positions at           student success. Howland previously served as dean of students and
System Administration and the Research Foundation of SUNY. He holds           assistant dean for campus life at Rhode Island School of Design. Her
degrees in business administration from SUNY Morrisville and SUNY             entire career has been dedicated to higher education in various student
Plattsburgh. At Oswego, he oversees finance, budget, student accounts,        life, support and student development positions. She earned a Ph.D. in
human resources, environmental health and safety, University Police,          student affairs administration and research from the University of Iowa;
physical plant, facilities services and construction and purchasing. He       master of arts from Southeast Missouri State University; and bachelor of
also serves as the Oswego College Foundation treasurer.                       science from Frostburg State University.

                  Mary Canale
                   Vice President for Development and Alumni Engagement                         Rodmon C. King
                   Canale came to Oswego in 1996 as the coordinator of                           Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
                   the Oswego State Fall Classic. She later became as-                           King is responsible for implementing the college’s
                   sistant director of development and, in 2002, instituted                      strategic diversity and inclusion goals, while leading
                   the major gifts program before becoming associ-                               the cultivation, enhancement and promotion of an
                   ate vice president for development. A 1981 alumna,                            environment of equity and inclusion for all. Working
                   Canale was integral to the success of both of the                             at Oswego since July 2018, he provides counsel on
college’s comprehensive fundraising campaigns as well as the Path For-                           all matters pertaining to diversity and inclusive
ward, Possibility and Marano Scholars programs. Appointed vice presi-         excellence. King previously excelled as associate vice president for
dent for development and alumni engagement and executive director of          academic affairs and diversity initiatives at Centre College in Kentucky.
the Oswego College Foundation in 2016, Canale serves as the college’s         Prior to that, King was a philosophy faculty member at Hobart and
principal fundraiser and has helped to achieve unprecedented growth in        William Smith Colleges in Geneva. King received his doctorate and
the school’s endowment, which consistently shows stronger returns than        master’s degrees in philosophy from the University of Rochester and
peers. She is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals        a bachelor of art degree in religion and philosophy from Roberts
and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.                     Wesleyan College.

                                                                                                                       MAY 2021 COMMENCEMENT                 5
Deans of the College
                      Kristin Croyle                                                                 Pamela A. Michel
                       Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences                                    Dean, School of Education
                       Prior to joining Oswego in July 2019, Croyle served                           Michel previously served as chair of the curriculum
                       as vice president for student success and professor of                        and instruction department and taught in the graduate
                       psychological sciences at the University of Texas Rio                         literacy program. She earned her bachelor’s in music
                       Grande Valley. In the former role, she spearheaded                            and education from Elmira College and a master’s
                       retention and graduation initiatives, student                                 and Ph.D. in reading and language arts from Syracuse
                       educational outreach, academic advising and student                           University. She is the author of the book “The Child’s
    academic supports, experiential learning initiatives and more. She            View of Reading: Understandings for Teachers and Parents,” as well
    was instrumental in shaping the student success structure, initiatives        as many other publications contributing to the field of literacy. She has
    and staffing at the newly formed multi-campus university to build             presented widely at local, regional, state, national and international levels
    undergraduate student success on all campuses. Croyle’s prior positions       throughout her career on issues related to evaluation of reading difficulties,
    include vice provost for undergraduate education as well as dean of the       future directions of literacy clinics and children’s perceptions of reading.
    University College at the University of Texas-Pan American. She received
    her doctor of philosophy and master of arts in clinical psychology from
    the University of Montana, and a bachelor of science in psychology from                          Jill Pippin
    the University of Utah.                                                                         Dean, Extended Learning
                                                                                                    Before joining Oswego in January 2014, Pippin served
                                                                                                    for eight years as dean for continuing education at
                      Kristen Eichhorn                                                              Jefferson Community College. Her career has spanned
                      Dean, Graduate Studies                                                        both academic and business positions such as director
                      Eichhorn was appointed dean in 2017 after serving                             for graduate services and enrollment, adjunct business
                      the institution in several leadership roles, including                        instructor, director of operations and major accounts
                      Presidential Faculty Fellow, interim dean of extended       manager. Experience in these roles and as an adult student, earning
                      learning, SUNY Faculty Senator and communication            an MBA from Franklin University, has instilled a passion for providing
                      studies chair. Eichhorn was an American Council             access to higher education at all levels of the educational ecosystem.
                      On Education Fellow in 2016-17, spending a year             Previously, the Oswego alumna with a bachelor’s in communication
    in Cornell University’s Office of Provost. Eichhorn has a distinguished       studies led enrollment management and student services for graduate
    record of teaching and research and her publications include co-              students at Franklin University, developed the Jefferson Higher
    authoring the “Interpersonal Communication: Building Rewarding                Education Center, facilitated significant growth of Jefferson’s military
    Relationships” textbook and research papers in multiple international         services on Fort Drum and established other innovative and community-
    journals. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Canisius College,             oriented programs for adult and non-traditional students. In 2013, she
    master’s from West Virginia University and Ph.D. in communication             earned the Continuing Education Association of New York’s Outstanding
    from the University of Miami.                                                 Continuing Educator Award.

                      Prabakar Kothandaraman                                                         Julie Pretzat
                        Dean, School of Business                                                      Dean, School of Communication, Media and the Arts
                        Assuming the role as dean in July 2019,                                       Pretzat became dean in 2015 after serving as the
                        Kothandaraman previously served as chair and                                  school’s first associate dean. Previously she chaired
                        professor of professional sales in the Cotsakos                               Oswego’s music department and served as interim
                        College of Business at William Paterson University,                           chair of theatre. While a music professor, she received
                        and executive director of the Russ Berrie Institute for                       the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in
                        Professional Sales. He spearheaded rolling out the                            Teaching. She has organized and conducted hundreds
    college’s first-ever master’s degree in sales leadership; assembled the       of performances by community and college choral groups and has
    Russ Berrie Institute’s advisory board and graduate program advisory          collaborated with college, community and professional choral, musical
    board; excelled in corporate sponsorships and external training revenue;      theater and opera groups throughout Central New York, and currently is
    and increased corporate engagement through student-centric events             artistic director of the Syracuse Vocal Ensemble. She has done extensive
    leading to job placement. Kothandaraman previously taught at Drexel,          work at the college in accreditation, academic advisement and creating
    Texas A&M and Xavier Institute of Management in Bhubaneswar,                  first-year seminar courses. She holds a bachelor’s from Smith College,
    India. He received his doctorate in business administration from              a master of music from the University of Michigan and a doctor of
    Pennsylvania State University’s Smeal College of Business, an MBA from        musical arts from the College-Conservatory of Music at the University
    the Xavier Institute of Management and a B.E. (with honors) in chemical       of Cincinnati.
    engineering from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science in India.

Student Speakers                                                                                      SUNY Chancellor’s Award
                                                                                                      for Student Excellence
                  Trentin Carentz ’21                              Lizeth Ortega
                   Director of Finance,                            Ramirez ’21                        The highest student recognition through the
                   Student Association                               President, SUNY Oswego           SUNY system, the award recognizes students
                   The director of finance                           Student Association              who earn high grade-point averages and make
                   for the SUNY Oswego                               A human resource major           outstanding contributions to their campus
                   Student Association,                              with a photography               and community.
                   Carentz is completing                             minor from Peru, Ortega
                   his MBA in public                                 previously served SA as
accounting this semester. He earned his          director of gender equity and women’s affairs.                        Christian DiBiase
bachelor’s in accounting from Oswego in          Her priorities include increasing transparency                        Biology major
2020 after graduating from Mohawk Valley         and collaboration with other organizations
Community College with an associate’s            and departments across campus and                                       DiBiase, who holds a
degree in business administration. During        providing resources for students to enhance                             perfect 4.0 grade-point
his time at Oswego, Carentz participated in      their extracurricular experiences. Her previous                         average, has worked on
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance as a tax         campus activities included being Women’s                                four intensive research
coordinator and became a member of Beta          Center vice president, the co-ed community                              projects with faculty
Alpha Psi. As the SA director of finance,        service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega and the           exploring environmental and health-related
he helped ensure economic sustainability         Focus Forward mentor program. In summer
                                                                                                      topics. He presented research at the national
for the organization during the pandemic.        2020, Ortega was a human resource intern at
                                                 Fulton Companies, an American multinational          Sigma Xi conference and the regional
Carentz has worked as an intern for Turning
Stone Casino, Dermody Burke and Brown,           group of companies headquartered in Pulaski.         Rochester Academy of Sciences Conference.
and KPMG. He will start full time at KPMG        She currently serves as senior advisor for the       The Possibility Scholar from Ravena has
in New York City in fall 2021, and is studying   Women’s Center and continues her Fulton              volunteered for the on-campus Student
for the Certified Public Accountant exam.        Companies internship.                                Association Volunteer Ambulance Corps and
                                                                                                      for Oswego Hospital. DiBiase participated
                                                                                                      in SUNY Stands with Puerto Rico, a summer
Alumni Banner Presenters                                                                              experience helping inhabitants rebuild and
                                                                                                      recover from extensive hurricane damage,
                                                                                                      and alternative break activities at an HIV/
                  Colleen Sewall ’21                                Koushank Harinder                 AIDS clinic in New Orleans. He also worked
                   Hailing from                                     Singh Ahuja ’21                   in Washington, D.C. with Food and Friends
                   Baldwinsville, Sewall                            An international student from     to deliver tailored meals to people with
                   is a marketing major                             India, Ahuja is graduating with   chronic illnesses. Next he will relocate
                   and graphic design                               dual degrees in psychology        to attend a graduate physician assistant
                   minor. During her time                           and broadcasting and mass         program at Barry University in Miami.
                   at Oswego, Sewall was a                          communication. He has
                   Laker Leader and Parent                          been involved as a mentor
Laker Leader captain for New Student             in Focus Forward, as well as with Residence
Orientation; an Admissions Office tour           Life and Housing, New Student Orientation,
guide; a resident assistant in Cayuga and        the International Student and Scholar Services
Funnelle halls; a brother of Alpha Phi           Office, Campus Technology Services and the
Omega; and a Future Alumni Network               Lifestyles Center. He also served as president of
student ambassador for the Office of             the International Student Association and as a
Development and Alumni Engagement.               justice for Student Association Supreme Court.
She also served as the coordinator of            He has worked as a peer advisor and research
S.H.O.P. (Students Helping Oz Peers),            assistant with the psychology department, and
the food and clothing pantry that serves         also served on Oswego’s SUNY Chancellor’s
the campus community, and the student            Awards and Distinguished Faculty Selection
representative on the Oswego Alumni              Committee. Ahuja interned for the oldest and
Association’s Board of Directors. After          largest national non-profit assisting the LGBTQ
graduation, Sewall hopes to work in the          and HIV+ communities, Lambda Legal. He
nonprofit sector and eventually earn a           intends to pursue a career in advocating with
master’s in nonprofit management.                and for marginalized communities.

                                                                                                                  MAY 2021 COMMENCEMENT               7
Possibility Scholars                      College Honors Program
    The Possibility Scholars Awards           The Oswego College Honors Program consists of a core of courses in the social
    are presented to the graduating           sciences, humanities, natural sciences, philosophy and history designed to stimulate
    Possibility Scholars in recognition       students’ intellectual growth and develop their analytical abilities. Unlike traditional
    of their accomplishments in the
                                              courses, which present material from a single field of study, Honors Program
    Science, Technology, Engineering,
    and Mathematics fields throughout         courses are multi-disciplinary, drawing ideas and information from many fields
    their four years as a scholar. Such       and addressing concerns common to all the disciplines. In addition to Honors core
    accomplishments include rigorous          requirements and all the requirements in their majors, Honors Program students
    laboratory-based summer research          must also meet requirements in laboratory science and a foreign language and
    projects through the Summer Research      complete an Honors Thesis, in which they explore a topic in some depth.
    Institute and an international service
    learning experience through the           The following students from the Class of 2021 are completing the requirements for the
    Global Laboratory to study real-          SUNY Oswego College Honors Program:
    world problems such as mitigating
    climate change, controlling emerging
    diseases, reducing extreme poverty,                       Max Cameron                                     Gregory Manno
    developing sustainable energy                               Kain Coffey                                     Sophia Moon
    resources, and wisely managing
                                                            Christian DiBiase                                Isaiah Pominville
    water and food systems.
                                                            Kristie Drzewiecki                                Nicholas Proietti
                  Ryan Bailine                              Matthew Grzenda                                  Elizabeth Shannon
                  Emily Carney                                  Maya Herr                                     Lucas Spagnuolo
                   Olivia Colon                                Lok Chi Hon                                      Kaitlyn Stork
                   Jenna Covey                                 Ashley Kent                                 Maria Villatoro Aguilar
                  Lydia Crump
                Christian DiBiase
                   Lok Chi Hon
                                              Honors Programs
                  Waley Zhang
                                              Honors Programs have been instituted for outstanding students in the fields of biology,
                                              chemistry, economics, history, mathematics, meteorology, physics, political science
                                              and psychology. The eligibility requirements for these programs are rigorous and the
    Military Science                          coursework itself is beyond the scope of that of regular classes. The following students from
    The following students from this          this class have completed an Honors Program:
    class have completed the prescribed
    course of study in Military Science         Koushank Harind Singh Ahuja – Psychology                      Trieu Le – Physics
    at the State University of New York                  Ryan Bailine – Chemistry                         Anna Makara – Chemistry
    at Oswego and have or will be
    commissioned by the President of the              Michael Browne – Meteorology                        Taylor Maslin – Chemistry
    United States as Second Lieutenants,               Anthony Chalmers – Physics                     Sophia Moon – Biological Sciences
    United States Army or United States                  Kain Coffey – Psychology                    Lillian Pavord – Biological Sciences
    Air Force. Those students who met
    the criteria for Distinguished Military           Aaron Cole – Biological Sciences                  Christina Scalzo – Chemistry
    Student (DMS) will graduate with                     Olivia Colon – Chemistry                     Elizabeth Schaeffer – Psychology
    departmental honors as Distinguished          Kristie Drzewiecki – Biological Sciences          Caroline Sheldon – Biological Sciences
    Military Graduates (DMG).
                                                 Nivedita Jhunjhunwala – Political Science             Walker Snowden – Meteorology

            Kevin Diedrich – Air Force                   Derek Kuhn – Chemistry                          Elina Van Kempen – Physics

                Joseph Farr – Army                  Charlotte Labrie-Cleary – Chemistry

              Cody Hancock – Army
              Alex Pumm – Air Force
              Naseer Thomas – Army
           John Zammiello – Space Force

Division of Extended Learning
The Division of Extended Learning is committed to providing access to high-quality education to people of all ages and stages of life and career.
The division works with academic departments to create, deliver and support innovative and responsive credit and non-credit programming to
diverse audiences in order to open gateways to new careers, enhance skills or pursue lifelong learning, spanning multiple modalities and locations.
Non-traditional and part-time students earning baccalaureate completion degrees online, in the evening, and in blended programs at our Syracuse
campus receive the same high quality education as on-campus students while maintaining the ability to balance their personal and professional
commitments. Degrees include broadcasting and mass communication, business administration, criminal justice, human development, public
relations and wellness management.

                 Muzammal Ali                                   Hannah Lee Gorman                                  Zachary P. Piczkur
               Dorren Allen-Carr                                     April Grant                                  James Vincent Racona
          Brianna Nicole Archambeault                             Stephen Greeley                                    Chase Randall
               Hannah May Ball                                   Anthony Grimando                                 Taylor Jade Ransburg
                 Jennifer Benz                                   Bridgette A. Guild                                Ashleigh Rose Rausa
              Rebecca Faith Bishop                               Shannan Jean Hall                                Jessica Carol Reynolds
          Caroline Suzanne Boardman                               Kyle James Halm                                     Zachary Rhea
                Jessica J. Boland                                 Unique Henegan                                   Ryan Michael Root
             Mecca Shontay Brooks                                Stephani P. Hutson                                 Tait A. Rundberg
                 Olivia Capone                                   Alexandra Incaudo                             Elizabeth Ann Salm-Barnes
                 Nikki Catania                                 Susan Elizabeth James                                Tyler J. Schlutow
           Shabab Ahmed Chowdhury                             Mallory Micaela Jennings                              Amy Kate Shaffer
          Nicole Madison Christiansen                              Emily M. Jock                                   Brittany Eve Sirota
               Tilia Rose Collins                              Devereaux A. Johansen                                  James Slaven
                 Isaiah J. Colon                                Brianna Renee Jones                                 Sweetie Spratley
             Samantha M. Colonna                                  Michael B. Jones                                 Shawna Brin Stalter
                Erin Julia Corbi                                    Kelly Kancso                                  Troy Thomas Stevens
               Brianna E. Culliton                                  Stanley Karr                                   Justin A. Thompson
             Ayknissa Victoria Davis                               Erin K. Keenan                                 Stephanie R. Toomey
          Angelica Maria Irene Delgado                           Samuel Klintworth                                Daniella Maria Tosto
             Christopher M. Derda                                  Whitney Kmetz                                    Joslyn Marie Utter
               Michael S. Dudley                                Geraldine P. Lafosse                                Joleen M. Vasilik
                Andre A. Duran                                 Ethan Michael Madden                               Kamri Lynn Vazquez
          Christine Danielle Emanuelli                          Emily Martinez-Perez                                Brianne Vecchio
                Taylor S. Ennist                                 Austin A. McCarroll                               Kimberly M. Vickers
             Kayley Frances Fallon                              Christine McFarland                                 John D. Wentling
              Shannon Ann Flynn                                 Sierra Marie Medina                           Katherine Faith Mira Williams
                Bryanna Fransen                                   Gregory J. Meyers                                    Joshua Witt
              Madison Lee French                                Emelysol R. Bortnick                                Ashley Woodward
               Alexander Frohnen                                    Stacey Morse                                    Anthony Zelinsky
             Andrew Scott Furman                             Alexandra Marie Morsman
                Sierra Gaglione                                Celenia R. Neiswonger
              Daniella D. Gallego                                  Jacob T. Nesci
                Timmya L. Gary                                    Chelsie N. Newell
               Annette M. Gokey                                   Noah E. Phillips

                                                                                                                   MAY 2021 COMMENCEMENT              9
State University               State University of New York Distinguished Faculty
     of New York                    The Distinguished Faculty Rank programs encourage an ongoing commitment to excellence,
                                    kindle intellectual vibrancy, elevate the standards of instruction and enrich contributions to
     Board of Trustees              public service. They demonstrate the State University’s pride and gratitude for the consummate
                                    professionalism, the groundbreaking scholarship, the exceptional instruction and the breadth
     Merryl Tisch                   and significance of service contributions of its faculty.
                                    Appointment constitutes a promotion to the highest academic rank, and it is conferred solely by
     Cesar Perales                  the State University Board of Trustees. The list below recognizes SUNY Oswego’s active teaching
                                    faculty recognized by such rank.
     Vice Chairman
                                    Kestutis Bendinskas, 2021                         Alfred Stamm, 2007
     Joseph Belluck
                                    Distinguished Service Professor,                  Distinguished Service Professor,
     Courtney Eagles Burke
                                    Chemistry                                         Atmospheric and Geological Sciences
     Eric Corngold
     Marcos Crespo                  Alfred Frederick, 2010                            Leigh Wilson, 2020
     Robert Duffy                   Distinguished Service Professor,                  Distinguished Service Professor,
     Christy Fogal                  Curriculum and Instruction                        English and Creative Writing
     James Haddon                   Alok Kumar, 2016                                  Harrison Hao Yang, 2021
     Bradley Hershenson             Distinguished Teaching Professor,                 Distinguished Teaching Professor,
     Gwen Kay                       Physics                                           Curriculum and Instruction
     Eunice A. Lewin
     Stanley S. Litow               Tracy Lewis, 2014
     Richard Socarides              Distinguished Teaching Professor,
     Edward Spiro                   Modern Languages and Literatures
     Cary Staller
     Camille Joseph Varlack

     Chancellor of the University   SUNY Oswego Retiring Faculty and Professional Staff
     Jim Malatras
                                    Martha Bruch                                      Peter Rosenbaum
                                    Professor, Chemistry                              Professor, Biology
                                    Initial appointment to Oswego: 1998               Initial appointment to Oswego: 1985
                                    William Canning                                   David Vampola
     SUNY Oswego                    Associate for Educational Communications          Visiting Assistant Professor, Computer Science
     College Council                Initial appointment to Oswego: 1983               Initial appointment to Oswego: 1995
                                    Nicholas Lyons                                    Christine Walsh
     James McMahon                  Vice President for Administration and Finance     Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Education
     Chair                          Initial appointment to Oswego: 2002               Initial appointment to Oswego: 1990
                                    Linda Rae Markert                                 Stephen Wurst
     Darlene Baker
                                    Professor, Educational Administration             Associate Professor, Psychology
     Saleem Cheeks
                                    Initial appointment to Oswego: 1993               Initial appointment to Oswego: 1988
     Richard Farfaglia
     Michael Goldych                Daniel May
     Brian McGrath                  Assistant Chief of University Police
     Kristin Shanley-Graves         Initial appointment to Oswego: 1996

     Lizeth Ortega Ramirez
     Student Representative

Honor Organizations
Alpha Psi Omega National Dramatics Honor Society – an        Gamma Kappa Alpha National Italian Honor Soci-                 Pi Delta Phi French Honor Society – recognizes outstand-
honorary society founded in 1924 that recognizes             ety – formed to acknowledge superior scholastic perfor-        ing scholarship in the French language and literatures,
outstanding student achievement in college and univer-       mance in the field of Italian language, literature and         to increase the knowledge and appreciation of Americans
sity theatre.                                                culture, and is open to membership at institutions of          for the cultural contributions of the French-speaking
Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society for Adult Learn-            higher learning in the United States and Canada. The           world, to stimulate and to encourage French and franco-
ers – recognizes the special achievements of adult           society encourages college students to acquire a greater       phone cultural activities.
students who accomplish academic excellence while            interest in, and a deeper understanding of, Italian culture,   Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honor Society – mem-
facing competing interests of home and work.                 art and history.                                               bers are indicative of superior attainment in music and
Beta Alpha Psi National Business Honor Society – the                                                                        personal qualifications pertaining to an outstanding
                                                             Kappa Delta Pi National Education Honor Society – recog-
international honorary organization for accounting and                                                                      exponent of the art.
                                                             nizes excellence and fosters mutual cooperation, support
finance students and professionals, recognizes academic
                                                             and professional growth for educational professionals.         Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Soci-
excellence and promotes professional development and
                                                                                                                            ety – stimulates scholarship and intelligent interest
service activities among its members.                        Lambda Alpha Anthropology Honor Society – promotes
                                                                                                                            in political science to provide a framework for enriching
Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society – recog-    scholarship and research in anthropology by recognizing
                                                                                                                            the exposure of its members and community to the study
nizes high academic achievement of students in biological    and honoring superior achievement in the discipline            of government and issues of public concern.
sciences. Dedicated to stimulating interest, scholarly       among students, faculty and other persons engaged in
attainment, and investigation in the biological sciences,    the study of anthropology.                                     Psi Chi National Honor Society for Psychology – encour-
as well as promoting research, innovation, and collabora-                                                                   ages, stimulates and maintains excellence in scholarship
tion among students of the life sciences.                    Lambda Pi Eta National Communication Studies Honor             and advancing the science of psychology.
                                                             Society – represents what Aristotle described in his book,
Beta Gamma Sigma International Business Honor Society                                                                       Sigma Delta Pi National Hispanic Honor Society – recog-
                                                             Rhetoric, as the three ingredients of persuasion: Logos
for AACSB Accredited Schools – serving business programs                                                                    nizes excellence in the study of Spanish and provides
accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate          meaning logic, Pathos relating to emotion, and Ethos
                                                                                                                            incentive for Spanish language study, leadership, and
Schools of Business.                                         derived as character, credibility and ethics.                  service. Its motto is the Greek phrase “Spanías Didagéi
Chi Alpha Epsilon Educational Opportunity Program            Mu Beta Psi National Honorary Musical Fraternity – co-ed       Proágomen” meaning “Let’s go forth/continue forth
Honor Society – recognizes the academic achievements of      service fraternity encouraging fellowship among                under the teaching/guidance of the Spanish language.”
students admitted to colleges and universities through       musicians and is devoted to the study and performance          Sigma Iota Rho is an interdisciplinary international
non-traditional criteria and serves EOP students. Pro-       of music.                                                      affairs honor society. Promotes and rewards scholarship
motes continued high academic standards, fosters                                                                            and service among students and practitioners of internal
increased communication among its members, and               Omicron Delta Epsilon International Economics Honor
                                                             Society – recognizes scholastic attainment and honors          studies, international affairs, and global studies. Fosters
honors academic excellence achieved by those students.
                                                             outstanding achievements in economics — establish-             integrity and creative performance in the conduct of
Chi Sigma Iota International Honor Society of Profes-                                                                       world affairs.
                                                             ment of closer ties between students and faculty in eco-
sional Counseling and for Professional Counselors –
established in 1985 to provide recognition for outstand-     nomics.                                                        Sigma Pi Sigma National Physics Honor Society – honors
ing achievement and service within the profession by                                                                        outstanding scholarship in physics; encourages interest in
                                                             Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Soci-
counselors-in-training, counselor educators, and profes-                                                                    physics at all levels; promotes service of its members
                                                             ety – recognizes and encourages superior leadership and
sional counselors whose career commitment is to research                                                                    toward fellow students, colleagues and the public; and
                                                             exemplary character, excellence as students and leaders        provides fellowship of those who excel in physics.
and serve through professional counseling.
                                                             in student groups, organizations, and activities.
Delta Phi Alpha German Honor Society – recognizes ex-                                                                       Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Soci-
cellence in the study of German; promotes higher             Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society – requires      ety – confers distinction for high academic achievement in
scholarship and study of German language, literature and     a high overall GPA and even higher GPA in history, spon-       English and Creative Writing and promotes interest in
civilization; emphasizing aspects of German life and the     soring student trips and outside lecturers.                    literature and writing.
culture of universal value contributing to the eternal       Phi Beta Delta – an international honor society recogniz-      Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society – recognizes scien-
search for peace and truth.
                                                             ing students, faculty, staff and alumni; who possess a deep    tific achievement, enhances health of research enterprise,
Epsilon Pi Tau International Honor Society for Professions   commitment to international affairs, education, and re-        fosters integrity in science and engineering and promotes
in Technology – membership based on high scholastic          search; who have made significant contributions to             the public’s understanding of science for the purpose of
attainment, participation and leadership in Technology in    expanding global engagement and world awareness.               improving the human condition.
the college and in the community, and professional
                                                             Members of this honorary are wearing bronze medallions         Tau Sigma Academic Honor Society – recognizes and
qualifications and promise.
                                                             with red and yellow ribbons.                                   promotes the academic excellence and involvement of
Epsilon Upsilon Eta Sigma Gamma (ESG) National Health
                                                             Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society – promotes supe-          transfer students.
Honorary Society – Established in 1967 is an honorary for
health education known for its rich history of serving       rior scholarship in all academic disciplines, honoring stu-    Vega Junior and Senior Women’s Honor Society – women’s
students and the health profession through teaching,         dents who excel in scholarship in order to stimulate others    junior and senior honor society which places strong value
service, and research.                                       to strive for excellence.                                      on academic leadership and community service.

                                                                                                                                              MAY 2021 COMMENCEMENT                       11
Division of                                    MASTER OF ARTS                                      Kelsey Irene DiCarlo, BS Bryant University
                                                                                                        Justin Nathanial Dietrick, BS ECPI University
     Graduate Studies                               Pedro Henrique Carvalho Boller, BA Pontifical
                                                      Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro             Steven Tyler DiFiglia, BBA Hofstra University
                                                    Breck James Wolfgang Donohue, BA SUNY Oswego        Nicholas Charles Duffy, BS SUNY Oswego
     The Division of Graduate Studies hosts         Sasha Elizabeth Hayes, BA SUNY Oswego               April J. Duwe, BA SUNY Oswego
     more than three dozen graduate programs        Joshua Matthew Braman Hull, BA SUNY Oswego          Linsay Elizabeth Edinger, MS University of Arizona
     across all four colleges and schools.
                                                    Solat Khawaja, BS University of Baltimore           Ashley Marie Edwards, BS SUNY Oswego
     Graduate students are able to access these
     program at our Oswego and Syracuse             Kavyani Reddy Komatireddy, BA National Institute    Dillon W. Emory, BS SUNY Oswego
     campuses, online and at certain work sites       of Fashion Technology                             Michael Christian Feeney, BS Clarkson University
     in the region. We provide an environment       Kyerstan A. Langdon, BS SUNY Oswego                 Marie Caroline Fratto, BA SUNY Stony Brook
     that produces the next generation of           Alexandra Renee Leo, BA SUNY Oswego                   University
     leaders who are interested in a global         Kerisha Ashante Lewis, BA SUNY Oswego               Lauren Lee Freedman, BA University of Washington
     mindset, ethical communication and an
                                                    Jeremy Nolasco, BA SUNY Oswego                      Michael James Frigin, BS SUNY Oswego
     appreciation for diversity and inclusion.
                                                    Chukwuemeka Uchenna Ekenedilichukwu Okere,          Eric John Garofallou, BS SUNY Oswego
                                                      BA The University of Texas at Arlington           Brandan E. Gartland, BS SUNY Oswego
                                                    Vincent A. Oles, BA SUNY Oswego                     Thomas Owen Genese MD MBA FACP, MD Eastern
     Candidates for Master’s Degree                 Pragya Pahari, BFA SUNY Oswego                        Virginia Medical School
     and Certificate of Advanced Study              Joseph William Panzarino, BA SUNY Oswego            Justin Samuel George, BS SUNY Oswego
                                                    Vincent Tauras Preikstas, BA SUNY Oswego            Jorge Granda, MS SUNY Binghamton University
     Subject to completion of all degree require-
                                                    Robert Lee Robbins, BS SUNY Oswego                  Cherisse Green, BS SUNY University at Albany
     ments, degrees will be conferred upon those
     individuals listed herein who have met the     Marie Toni Romano, BS SUNY Oswego                   Katherine M. Grzelka, BA Nazareth College
     requirements of their respective degrees.      Robert Harry Sgroi, BS SUNY Oswego                  Aneudis Gutierrez, BS SUNY Oswego
                                                    Benjamin Farrow Wilson, BA SUNY Oswego              Lila Moniba Ijaz, BBA SUNY Farmingdale
                                                                                                        Linda L. Jackson, BS Southern New Hampshire
                                                    MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING
                                                                                                        Alexys Emilie Jacobs, BS Le Moyne College
                                                    Kimberly Ann Christie, MFA SUNY New Paltz           Mariama Dioulde Kante, BS SUNY Oswego
                                                    Samantha K. Cook, BFA University of Notre Dame      Renee Katafiaz, BS SUNY Geneseo
                                                                                                        Matthew Michael Kensek, BS SUNY Brockport
                                                    MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                   John David Kilkenny, BS SUNY Oswego

                                                    Gatiba Aliyeva, BA Khazar University                Brian Michael Kise, BS SUNY University at Buffalo

                                                    Abigail Alvord, BS SUNY Oswego                      Emily Klock, BS SUNY Oswego

                                                    Thomas J. Amuso, BS Le Moyne College                Jessica Koch, BS SUNY Oswego

                                                    Zachary William Anderson, BS SUNY Potsdam           Luke Andrew Kuczewski, BA SUNY Fredonia

                                                    Jordan Andre, BA Hartwick College                   Katherine Patricia Lawson, BS SUNY College of
                                                                                                          Environmental Science and Forestry
                                                    Bhuwan Basnet, BS SUNY Oswego
                                                                                                        Jacqueline LeClair, BA SUNY Oswego
                                                    Andrea Boulden, BS SUNY University at Buffalo
                                                                                                        Chi Lo, PhD The City University of New York
                                                    Nicole R. Brooker, BS SUNY Oswego
                                                                                                        Keith K. Loh, BS SUNY Oswego
                                                    Kayla Burnett, BS SUNY Plattsburgh
                                                                                                        Boris Lukatskiy, BS Molloy College
                                                    Trentin Cole Carentz, BS SUNY Oswego
                                                                                                        Angelina Lumia, BS SUNY College of Environmental
                                                    Lauren Marie Carr, BS SUNY Oswego                     Science and Forestry
                                                    Christopher Kevin Ciccone, BA Pace University NYC   Shuhong Luo, EDD University of Nebraska-Lincoln
                                                    Destani Dejahne Cleveland, BS SUNY Oswego           Aidan Christopher MacNamara, BS SUNY
                                                    Bryan T. Czarnecki, BS SUNY Oswego                     Binghamton University
                                                    Nathan DeBord, BS SUNY University at Buffalo        Shashank Malik, MS Syracuse University
                                                    Elena Dibona, BS SUNY Oswego                        MacKenzie Maxam, BS SUNY Oswego

Benjamin L. Mayers, BS SUNY Oswego                   Lyndsey Creed, MA Fairleigh Dickinson University      Hannah Noel Kuhn, BA SUNY University at Buffalo
Kassidy Lynn Myers, BS SUNY Oswego                   Alba De los Santos, BS SUNY Brockport                 Graceann M. LaBeff, BS Le Moyne College
Grant Andrew Nadeau, BS SUNY Oswego                  Tessa Jordyn Fellows, BA SUNY Plattsburgh             Emily Louise Lorraine, BA St. Lawrence University
Anthony P. Notaro, BS SUNY Oswego                    Angela Marie Frampton, BA SUNY Oswego                 Mary Adjei Mensah, BA SUNY Plattsburgh
Marah M. O’Connor, BS SUNY Oswego                    Shannon Marjorie France, BA SUNY Oswego               Michelle Julia Mourino, BA SUNY Oswego
Shauna L. O’Flaherty, BS SUNY Oswego                 Maryanne Wamaitha Gachema, BS Jomo Kenyatta           Mia Grace Palone, BA SUNY Oswego
Leanne O’Reilly, BS Mount Saint Mary College           University of Agriculture and Technology            Taylor Christine Rose, BA St. John Fisher College
Philip E. Otterbeck, PhD Downstate Medical Center    Shyju Gopalakrishnan, BS University of Houston        Rebecca Nowyn Wood, BS Susquehanna University
Jessica Pellnitz, BS SUNY Oswego                     Johanna Betty Hernandez, BS SUNY Cortland             Sara Jane Zieniuk, BA SUNY Cortland
Sara Elizabeth Perez, BS Rochester Institute of      Christina Anne Holzhauer, BA SUNY Binghamton
   Technology                                          University
Nicole Patricia Peters, BS SUNY Oswego               Haley Jiming Jackson, BA Hobart and William           MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION
Jordan Pipes, BS SUNY Oswego                           Smith Colleges                                      Anna Altawal, BS SUNY Oswego
Matthew J. Poteralski, BS SUNY Oswego                Jaritza Elizabeth Jara, BA SUNY Oswego                Jennifer Celeste Asitimbay, BS SUNY Oswego
Colette N. Rankine, MPA CUNY Baruch College          Sundip Kaur, BS CUNY John Jay College                 Bridgette Nicole Auyer, BS SUNY Oswego
Lynsey Nicole Roth, BS SUNY Oswego                   Emma K. Kuczkowski, BS SUNY Oswego                    Kaylee Marie Baldwin, BS SUNY Oswego
Blessed Sampa, BS SUNY Oswego                        Ashlyn Marie Leonard, BA SUNY University at Albany    Kyle James Bautista, BS SUNY Oswego
Lisa Kay Sassone, BS SUNY Oswego                     Lazaro Martinez, BS Le Moyne College                  Miranda K. Bundy, BS SUNY Oswego
Adam Dallas Scharf, BS SUNY Oswego                   Carlie A. Morley, BS Nova Southeastern University     Emilie L. Carney, MBA Alfred University
Rebecca Lynn Sessions, BS SUNY Oswego                Colleen Gail O’Dell, BS SUNY Empire State College     Cassidy L. Chainyk, BS SUNY Oswego
Nellie Kathleen Sherlock, BS SUNY Oswego             Domenick Joseph Palmieri, BS Wagner College           Ashley Claris, BS SUNY Oswego
Melanie Roes Sweeney, BS Palm Beach Atlantic         Brittany Noelle Parody, BS SUNY Cortland              Courtney Elizabeth Clark, BS SUNY Oswego
  University                                         Viraj Patel, MA SUNY College at Buffalo               Chelsea Elizabeth Cole, BS SUNY Oswego
Yoko Tajimi, MA New York University                  Crystal A. Patrick, BS CUNY New York City             Marc Fletcher du Moulin, BS Hartwick College
Jorge Torres-Confesor, BS SUNY Oswego                  College of Technology
                                                                                                           Emily R. Fasulo, BS SUNY Oswego
Vishnu S. Unnithan, BS SUNY Oswego                   Alyssa Nicole Rinaldo, BS SUNY Cortland
                                                                                                           Stephanie Lynn Finn, BS Cornell University
Jack Van Pelt, BS SUNY Oswego                        Keren Salcedo, BA SUNY University at Albany
                                                                                                           Alaura May Francis, BS SUNY Oswego
Michael Patrick Vanderhoof, BS Le Moyne College      Samantha Joan Scalise, BS SUNY Fredonia
                                                                                                           Brandi Marie Freytag, BS SUNY Oswego
Caitlyn L. Vasconez, BA SUNY Oswego                  Amy Lynn Schiminske, BA SUNY Oswego
                                                                                                           Nicole Liane Fuoco, BBA University of Pittsburgh
Michaela G. Warner, BS SUNY Oneonta                  Michaela Cathleen Smith, ADVCRT SUNY Oswego
                                                                                                           Lindsay Grazul, BS St. John Fisher College
Matthew R. Watling, BA SUNY Oswego                   Kimberly Valentin, BS SUNY Polytechnic Institute
                                                                                                           Charmaine K. Hamlin, BS SUNY Oneonta
Ashley M. Weibel, BS Allegheny College               Darryl John Webber, BS SUNY Oswego
                                                                                                           Abby May Hartwell, BS Le Moyne College
Christopher David Willis, BS Alfred University       Bharat Sowrya Yaddanapalli, BS Krishna University
                                                                                                           Amber Lynn Hatch, BS Castleton University
Olivia Wood, BS SUNY Oswego                          Andy Yat, BS CUNY New York City College of
                                                                                                           Edward T. Heinrichs, BS SUNY Oswego
Leah Ann Wysocki, BS Le Moyne College                  Technology
                                                                                                           Catherine Anna Kastick, BSED SUNY Oneonta
                                                                                                           Ashley Elizabeth Kent, BT SUNY Cobleskill
MASTER OF SCIENCE                                    MASTER OF SCIENCE AND                                 Olivia R. King, BS SUNY Oswego
Orrette Baker, MS University of the West Indies      CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED STUDY
                                                                                                           Trever Mathew Kruger, BFA Massachusetts College
Julian Clifford Barber, BS SUNY Geneseo              Brooke Batson, BS SUNY Brockport                         of Art and Design
Lindy F. Bearce, BA San Francisco State University   Joshua D. Carney, BA SUNY Oswego                      McKenna B. Loop, BS Ithaca College
Alexys M. Bell, BS Bryant & Stratton College         Kristi Carolyn Carter, BA SUNY Oswego                 Jocelyn Lyon, BS SUNY Oswego
Dipabrata Bhattacharya, BS CUNY Hunter College       John Fitzgerald Daney Jr., BS Syracuse University     Katie Lynn Mannise, BS SUNY Oswego
Concetta Nicole Brown, BS SUNY College at Buffalo    Meghan Elizabeth Harrington, BS SUNY Oneonta          Amanda K. McCullough, BS SUNY Oswego
Sydney Rose Busko, BA Nazareth College               Kali Johnson, BS Cazenovia College                    Chanel Noella Meyer, BS SUNY Oswego
Miracle Oluchi Chinweuba, BS Covenant University     Lindsay Angell Jones, BA SUNY University at Buffalo   Jennifer Jean Muniz, BS SUNY Empire State College

                                                                                                                           MAY 2021 COMMENCEMENT               13
Megan K. Powell, BS SUNY Oswego                     Ethan Noah Plouffe, BA SUNY Oswego                    Laura B. Riley, MS SUNY Oswego
     Autumn Olimpia Proto, BS SUNY Oswego                Lily G. Portorsnok, BA SUNY Cortland                  Amy Elizabeth Rothermel, MSED SUNY University
     Hannah R. Raymond, BT SUNY Cobleskill               Marissa Katherine Rodriguez, BS SUNY Oneonta            at Albany

                                                         Peter R. Scala, BS SUNY College of Environmental      Sara Martha Thomas, MED SUNY Buffalo State
     Alyssa Reed, BS SUNY Cortland
     Anthony M. Regateiro, BS SUNY Oswego                   Science and Forestry
                                                                                                               Caitlin Ashley Wasielewski, MS Syracuse University
     Victoria Elizabeth Rusch, BA Le Moyne College       Serena M. Schaeber, BA SUNY Oswego
                                                                                                               Sarah R. Wolff, MSED SUNY Oswego
     Coleston Robert-Grier Scheik, BS SUNY Cortland      Jonathan Schoonmaker, BS SUNY Brockport

     Holly L. Schoberl, BS SUNY Oswego                   Louis Spagnola III, BS SUNY Oswego

     Amanda Ann Sherman, BS SUNY Oswego                  Moriah Caroline Spencer, BA Nyack College             GRADUATE CERTIFICATE
                                                         Katherine M. Strieter, BA Le Moyne College            Behavioral Forensics
     Nicholas Sousie, BS SUNY Oneonta
                                                         Shanly K. Sullivan, MA University of Iceland          Michaela Cathleen Smith, ADVCRT SUNY Oswego
     Jennifer R. Stace, BS SUNY Cortland
                                                         Megan Elise VanVorce, BS SUNY Oswego
     Lauren B. Stall, BS SUNY Oswego
                                                         Sarah Anne White, BS SUNY Potsdam                     Health and Wellness
     Joseph C. Tofallos, BS SUNY Oswego
                                                         Marissa Nicole Zaremba, BA SUNY Oswego
     Caelan Mary Tracy, MSED SUNY Oswego                                                                       Aimee M. Brunelle, MS Capella University
     Michael C. Urban, BS SUNY Oswego                                                                          Tara Christine Neugebauer, MS/CAS SUNY Oswego
     Krista Leigh Virga, MS University of Rhode Island   CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED STUDY
     Katie Walther, BS SUNY Oswego                       Brianne Lyn Batis, MSED SUNY Cortland                 Health Information Technology
     Nicole A. Wightman, BS SUNY Oswego                  Ellie Bawarski, MSED/CAS SUNY Plattsburgh             Vincent Tauras Preikstas, BA SUNY Oswego
     Erin E. Wilson, BS SUNY Oswego                      Erin Emily Jacqueline Belanger, MSED Syracuse
     Kelsey Anne Winter, BS SUNY Oswego                     University                                         Integrated & Social Media
                                                         Lis Benavides, MST Le Moyne College                   Zachary P. Koons, BA SUNY Oswego
                                                         Jill M. Breon-Milliman, BS Roberts Wesleyan College   Joseph William Panzarino, BA SUNY Oswego
                                                         Lindsey Birdsall Brown, MA SUNY Brockport
     Becky Acevedo, BS Marywood University
                                                         Emily Ann Carpenter, MSED Le Moyne College            Interdisciplinary Trauma Studies
     Hummet Babacan, BS Karadeniz Technical
                                                         Eileen Cieleski, MSED Hofstra University              Christie Anne Blaisdell, BS SUNY Empire State College
                                                         Christopher A. Close, MSED Medaille College           Stacey Autumn Clark, BA SUNY Oswego
     Mark Stephen Bandera, BS SUNY Oswego
                                                         Holly Drahms, MSED Walden University                  Tessa Jordyn Fellows, MS SUNY Oswego
     Yusuf Can Bektas, BSED Middle East Technical
       University                                        Rodney Engels, MA Western Governors University        Johanna Betty Hernandez, BS SUNY Cortland
     Elliott Bruton Jr., BS SUNY Brockport               Kelsey Flanagan, MSED Nazareth College                Amy Lynn Schiminske, BA SUNY Oswego
     John Robert Christopher, BS SUNY Oswego             Jessica M. Fox, MSED SUNY New Paltz                   Diamond A. Small, BA New York University
     Margaret Anne Cummings, BA SUNY Binghamton          Erika Ann Gilbert, MSED SUNY Oswego
       University                                        James M. Hart, MSED Le Moyne College                  Nursing Home Admin Certificate
     Chad Michael Dixon, BS King College                 Ashley Christine Killenbec, MSED SUNY Oswego
                                                                                                               Jessica Marie Brown, BS Saint Petersburg College
     Madison Ann Forcione, BS Syracuse University        Renee E. Kolczynski, MSED Nazareth College            Kiara Lynn Garrand, BBA SUNY Cobleskill
     Zachary E. Frechette, BA SUNY Cortland              Kevin M. Korzeniewski, MSED SUNY Cortland             Theresa MG. Josma, MBA Molloy College
     James Robert Gehring, BA Le Moyne College           Nicholas J. Little, MSED SUNY Oswego                  Taudia Nysha Todmann, MPA CUNY John Jay College
     Adam Matthew Grant I, BA SUNY Oswego                Melissa Sue Marr, MSED Nazareth College               Charlene E. Wilson, BS SUNY Empire State College
     Michael John Edwin Heins, BA Colgate University     James M. Mauro, MS United States Sports Academy
     Julianna Marie Jardin, BS SUNY Oswego               Casandra Musolino, MSED Le Moyne College              Play Therapy
     Hannah Grace Jensen, BA SUNY Oswego                 Lindsay Rachel Nirenberg, MS SUNY Oswego
                                                                                                               Ashlyn Marie Leonard, BA SUNY University at
     Tyler James Kawryga, BA SUNY Oswego                 Emily Ann Nugent, MS Syracuse University                Albany
     Autumn E. Kuhn, BA SUNY University at Albany        Bridgette Pierce, MSED Walden University              Colleen Gail O’Dell, BS SUNY Empire State College
     Briana Lynn Legenhausen, BA SUNY Oswego             Anthony Paul Pignatti, MSED SUNY Oswego               Evelyn Lorena Zevallos, MS SUNY Oswego
     Erica Lopez-Brown, MS/CAS Syracuse University       James M. Reagan, MSED SUNY Oswego
     Hannah Tess Macko, BA SUNY Oswego                   Kimberly Anne Rice, MSED SUNY Oswego

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