Guide Acceptance and Australia - La Trobe University

Guide Acceptance and Australia - La Trobe University
Acceptance and

  Guide Australia
Guide Acceptance and Australia - La Trobe University
A very warm
A very warm welcome to you from La Trobe University, Australia.
For over 50 years we have welcomed students from across
the globe and today we host over 8 000 international students.
We are proud to have been among the top 350’s on the World
University Rankings 2019.
Studying overseas is a life‑changing experience. This guide
provides you with important information to help you prepare
for this new and exciting time.
We understand that studying in Australia is about more than
just the course you choose. Here at La Trobe, we’re proud to
offer you a wide range of opportunities to develop your global
networks by engaging in leadership development, participating
in volunteering programs and becoming a member of the many
clubs and societies that are a core part of life at all seven of our
vibrant campus locations.
Our graduates are renowned for their employability, for their
deep understanding of the most pressing challenges facing
the global community, and for their ability to address those
challenges intelligently and decisively.
I look forward to seeing you at one of our beautiful campuses
here in Australia and wish you well with your final stages
of preparation.
Thank you for choosing La Trobe University.

Kelly Smith
Pro Vice-Chancellor (International)

ii   Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide
Guide Acceptance and Australia - La Trobe University

Congratulations on choosing La Trobe / 2
Your offer and acceptance / 4
Applying for a student visa / 8
Preparing for departure / 10
Preparing to study / 12
Our locations / 14
About Australia / 18
Living costs / 20
Accommodation / 24
Arrival and settling in / 32
Be smart, be safe, be well / 36
Student support / 38
Information for parents / 40
English language, Foundation Studies
and Diploma programs / 41
Pre-departure and arrival checklist / 42
The final word / 44

                                           La Trobe University   1
Guide Acceptance and Australia - La Trobe University
on choosing La Trobe
By choosing La Trobe, you’re choosing to study with people who are
pushing the boundaries of knowledge. Our graduates transform lives,
professions and communities.

You matter                                   Victoria                                     New South Wales
From day one, we make sure you have          The state of Victoria is a vibrant,          Rich in natural beauty and home to
a broad support network to help you          multicultural destination offering           world-famous beaches and national
get the most out of university. We’ll help   stunning natural beauty, exciting cities     parks, more than a third of Australians
you settle into life in Australia, make      with lively arts and cultural scenes,        live in New South Wales. With an
new friends, succeed in your studies         and a world‑class student experience.        economy larger than Singapore, Malaysia
and prepare for life after university.       The capital city Melbourne was named         or even Hong Kong, the state is home to
You’ll have access to a dedicated team       Australia’s best city for international      around half of Australia’s top 500
of support staff members, a 24-hour          students and in the top three in the world   companies. The state capital Sydney is
student helpline, learning support,          in the 2018 QS Best Student Cities index.    one of the world’s most multicultural
and networking and volunteering                                                           cities, with almost 40% of the population
opportunities. We can also help you plan                                                  born overseas.
your career and find a job, either back
home or in Australia.                        Living in Melbourne
Student life
                                             In the 2018 QS Best Student Cities index,
                                             Melbourne received a perfect score for
                                                                                          Living in Sydney
There is a lot more to experience            student mix, which looks at the city’s       An important hub in the Asia-Pacific region,
at La Trobe than just going to class and     student population, levels of social         Sydney is the business and financial capital
working on assignments. We offer a wide      inclusion and tolerance.                     of Australia. Sydney is also one of the
range of clubs, sporting teams and                                                        world’s safest cities and provides one of the
social events to make your experience                                                     best environments to study, work and live.
a memorable one. At the 2013 Victorian
International Education Awards, we were
recognised for providing an outstanding
student experience.
                                                                                          See you soon
                                                                                          This Pre-departure Guide will help you
                                                                                          with all the necessary preparations
                                                                                          before you leave home. We look forward
                                                                                          to welcoming you to one of our beautiful
                                                                                          campuses and encourage you to get
                                                                                          involved and have the experience
                                                                                          of a lifetime!

2   Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide
Guide Acceptance and Australia - La Trobe University
La Trobe University   3
Guide Acceptance and Australia - La Trobe University
Your offer
and acceptance
Who to contact
Campus                                   Email                                   Telephone

All Victorian campuses
Admissions Admissions, Check-in           +61 3 9479 1199
and Orientation
Airport reception and accommodation     +61 3 9479 1199
Study Abroad and Exchange program              +61 3 9479 2112

Admissions and enrolments               +61 2 9397 7600
Orientation                       +61 2 9397 7600
Study Abroad and Exchange Program              +61 3 9479 2112

Other contact information
English language, Foundation studies           +61 3 9479 2417
and Diploma programs at Melbourne

4   Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide
Guide Acceptance and Australia - La Trobe University
Understanding your                           Advanced Standing (credit)                     Deferring your offer
Letter of Offer                              If Advanced Standing (credit) for your         You might be permitted to defer the
                                             previous studies has been approved,            commencement of your course for
This section includes explanations           you will receive a letter from the
and definitions of terms to help you                                                        a maximum of two semesters, or up
                                             University in addition to your Letter          to one year. You must make this request
understand your Letter of Offer.             of Offer. The course duration shown            in writing – preferably by email, however,
                                             on your Letter of Offer will reflect the       mail is also acceptable. This process
Conditional offers                           amount of Advanced Standing received.          does not apply to study abroad and
If you have received a conditional
                                             If this Advanced Standing is conditional,      exchange students.
offer, note that this is not a full offer.
                                             you must provide evidence that you have        Provide the following information to LTI:
You must fulfil the condition(s) stated
                                             satisfactorily met the condition(s) before
in your Letter of Offer before it can be                                                     Your full name.
                                             or at the time you accept your offer.          ––
changed to a full offer. Examples of
conditions may be: certified documents,      If you did not request assessment for           La Trobe University (LTU) Ref. ID No.
evidence of English test results,            Advanced Standing when you submitted             (located on your Letter of Offer).
evidence of relevant work experience,        your application to study, you can still        The name of the course that you have
translated transcripts, and more.            apply for credit for previous studies or         been offered.
                                             work experience at the time of enrolment.
English language conditions                  Please note that Advanced Standing              The original course commencement date.

If English language conditions apply         usually needs to be finalised within two        Details of your intention to defer.
to your offer, once you have met these       weeks of commencing the relevant subject.        You must submit a personal statement
conditions you need to send your results                                                      and any additional academic
to the relevant La Trobe International                                                        documentation, if applicable, to advise
(LTI) office (see the ‘who to contact’                                                        of studies or activities you plan to
section on page 5). Results that show                                                         undertake during the time you are
                                             If you are given Advanced
you have met this condition need to          Standing after your student visa                 deferring. A revised Letter of Offer
be received before, or at the time, you      has been granted and this results                will then be issued stating your new
accept your offer.                           in the duration of your course being             commencement date.
                                             shortened, the University
English language requirements may                                                            The new commencement date
                                             will notify the Department of Home
be satisfied by showing us evidence          Affais (DHA) of changes                          requested.
of the standards as specified on our         by issuing you a new Confirmation              Forward your request to:
website:       of Enrolment (CoE) with a reduced
how-to-apply/english-and-academic-           course duration.
requirements                                 Courses with quotas
If the course you have been offered          Some courses have a very limited number
                                                                                            No administration fee is required if
a place in has non-standard English          of places available each year. If the course   you are deferring for the first time.
language requirements, these will be         you have been offered has a quota, this
outlined in your Letter of Offer.            will be indicated in your Letter of Offer.     Students are only allowed to defer
                                                                                            for one year. A deferral for a longer
                                             It is important that you accept your offer     period or multiple deferrals will
                                             as soon as possible to secure a place in       require the student to submit a new
                                             the course. Your Letter of Offer will only     application.
English test results must be no              remain valid until all places have been
more than two years old at the               filled. Once a course is full, you will be     If you are studying at our Sydney
course commencement date.                    notified by email and asked if you would       Campus, you must email your
                                             like to be considered for an alternative       request to defer your offer to:
If you plan to meet the English language                                          
                                             course or change the commencement
requirements by studying at our on-campus    date of the course.
college, you must complete a separate
Application for Enrolment and submit
this directly by email:

T +61 3 9479 2417

                                                                                                                La Trobe University   5
Guide Acceptance and Australia - La Trobe University
If you have received an offer but not         Research students                           Making payment
accepted it, you will receive a new,
                                              Research students wishing to defer          You are also required to pay the tuition
deferred offer upon contacting LTI.
                                              should email     fee deposit and Overseas Student Health
If you have accepted your offer but have      including the same information noted        Cover (OSHC) fees as specified in the
not yet been granted your student visa,       in the previous paragraphs. Deferral        Letter of Offer. Information on how to pay
you will receive a new, deferred offer and    may affect the availability of academic     the deposit may be found on page 6 of the
CoE upon contacting LTI. When we defer        supervision and must be approved            Acceptance Form. The easiest method
the commencement of your course we            by the college and the Higher Degree        of payment is via the University’s secure
will also cancel your existing CoE, so you    Committee.                                  payment portal:
must lodge your new CoE with DHA.                                               
If you have accepted your offer and           Accepting your offer                        OneStopWeb/LTInt/menu
your student visa has been granted,           This section provides important             Please ensure you allocate your Tuition
deferring your course may affect your         information on accepting your offer to      fees and Overseas Student Health
visa. You must provide the information        study at La Trobe University.               Cover fees into their relevant categories
listed above, as well as evidence                                                         when making an online payment,
of compassionate or compelling                Your Letter of Offer contains important
                                                                                          and don’t forget to use your unique
circumstances that are preventing you         information, including:
                                                                                          student ID number in any transaction
from enrolling in your course on time.         course duration
                                              ––                                          or communication you have with the
Acceptable circumstances include:                                                         University.
                                               students are advised to arrive at least
 serious illness or injury (medical
––                                             one week in advance prior to their
 certificate required)                         check-in date or two weeks prior to
                                               Orientation day.
 bereavement of close family members
 such as parents or grandparents               indicative annual tuition fee in
                                              ––                                          Tuition fees do not include
 (documentation required)                      Australian dollars                         the cost of textbooks, health
                                                                                          insurance or living expenses
 major political upheaval or natural
––                                             confirmation of whether you have
                                                                                          such as food, accommodation,
 disaster in your home country requiring       been awarded any advanced standing         transport or medical costs.
 emergency travel (evidence this has           (or credit) from prior learning or work
 impacted your ability to study is             experience                                 Studying at our Sydney Campus?
 required)                                                                                Refer to the payment methods
                                               any conditions associated with your
                                              ––                                          listed in your Acceptance
 a traumatic experience, including:
––                                             offer, such as English language            Agreement or on our website:
 involvement in or witnessing of a             capacity.                        
 serious accident (police or psychologist     You should also have been sent an Offer
 report required) or witnessing or being                                                  If you received a Letter of Offer for the
                                              Acceptance Form. Please complete all
 the victim of a serious crime that has                                                   Study Abroad program, you will have your
                                              sections carefully and return to your
 impacted on you (police or psychologist                                                  tuition fee per semester specified.
                                              agent or LTI. Please ensure you include:
 report required)                                                                         For full details on La Trobe University’s
                                               certified evidence of meeting any
 La Trobe University was unable to offer
––                                                                                        Refund Policy and Privacy Statement
                                               conditions specified in your Letter of
 a prerequisite subject (unit)                                                            for international students, visit:
                                               Offer, where applicable.
 failure to meet one or more of the
                                               proof or confirmation of payment.
                                              ––                                          scholarships
 conditions on your Letter of Offer
                                               a Financial Guarantee Letter from your
 delay in the grant of your student visa
                                               sponsoring organisation (if you are a      Need more information
 (dated documentation required).               sponsored student).                        about your course?
If your visa has been granted but your        You may also be required to submit          At La Trobe University, your degree
reason for deferring is not considered a      a completed and signed Applicant            program (e.g. Bachelor of Accounting)
compassionate or compelling reason,           Financial Declaration Form to               is usually referred to as a ‘course’ and
La Trobe University must report your          demonstrate that you have sufficient        the subjects you enrol in within the
status to DHA as a ‘non-commencement’         funds to cover the costs associated with    course are referred to as ‘subjects’.
(i.e. did not start studies). You will need   your studies. Refer to the conditions on    We recommend you read further
to contact DHA for information on how         your Offer Acceptance Form carefully.       information on your course, including
this will affect your student visa. If your
                                                                                          its structure and what subjects you
application for deferral is approved, you
                                                                                          will need to complete in order to
will be issued with a new deferred offer
                                                                                          qualify for your degree by visiting:
and CoE.

6   Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide
Guide Acceptance and Australia - La Trobe University
Inbound Study Abroad                        Overseas Student                              Norwegian, Swedish
and Exchange                                Health Cover                                  and Belgian students
                                                                                          Belgian students do not require OSHC.
As Study Abroad and Exchange                It is a requirement of your student visa
                                                                                          Norwegian students who are covered
programs involve the study of subjects      that you have Overseas Student Health
                                                                                          by the Norwegian National Insurance
over one or two semesters, a full list of   Cover (OSHC) from the date of your
                                                                                          Scheme do not require OSHC. Swedish
pre-approved subjects will be provided      arrival and continuing for the duration
                                                                                          students, whose insurance is provided by
in your Letter of Offer. You must submit    of your studies until your visa expires.
                                                                                          CSN International (or Kammarkollegiet),
a copy of your completed Learning           La Trobe University’s preferred OSHC
                                                                                          also do not need OSHC cover. However,
Agreement when accepting your               provider is Allianz Global Assistance:
                                                                                          Swedish students not covered by the
La Trobe offer.                   
                                                                                          Swedish National Board of Student Aid must
If you wish to add new subjects that        If you obtain cover from another              purchase OSHC by Allianz Global Assistance
you have not received approval for, you     approved provider, you are advised to         to meet their student visa requirements.
may seek approval during enrolment.         contact that provider directly to confirm     La Trobe University will require proof
To enable any changes, please make          when your cover commences and show            of such coverage form the Swedish
sure you bring a copy of your most          evidence to La Trobe University. OSHC         students.
recent academic transcript as well          cover arranged independently must be
as your Letter of Offer on the day          by a DHA approved provider.                   Holders of visas other
of enrolment.                                                                             than student visas
                                            For more information on approved OSHC
                                            to study in Australia, visit:                 You need to organise Overseas Visitor
Exchange opportunities                    Health Cover (OSVC) if you are not a
for international students                  getting-a-visa/visa-listing/student-500/      student visa holder. To find out more,
La Trobe students from all study areas      overseas-student-health-cover                 visit:
have the opportunity to study overseas                                                    our-health-insurance/levels-cover
on exchange at one of more than             Students requiring
150 partner universities. Students on
outbound exchange can receive mobility
                                            Family OSHC cover                             Confirmation of
grants from the University and can
                                            You must indicate this requirement            Enrolment (CoE)
                                            on your Offer Acceptance Form, and
participate in a variety of programs,                                                     After you have accepted your offer,
                                            include the applicable Family OSHC
ranging from six weeks to one year.                                                       you will receive a Confirmation of
                                            premium in your deposit. Once you
Students can also apply for funding                                                       Enrolment (CoE) which you will need
                                            have arrived in Australia, you must make
to go overseas on clinical placements                                                     in order to apply for a student visa
                                            an appointment to see your OSHC by
and practicums. To find out more about                                                    at your nearest Australian Diplomatic
                                            Allianz Global Assistance representative
La Trobe’s exchange opportunities, visit:                                                 Mission (Embassy) or online.
                                            to have your family’s details added to
                                            your OSHC membership.
                                            If you have a child born after your arrival
                                            in Australia, and you only have a single
                                            OSHC policy, you must change to a Dual
                                            or Multi Family policy. If family members
                                            join you after your arrival in Australia,
                                            they will have to prove they have an
                                            OSHC policy for the duration
                                            of their visa.

                                                                                                           La Trobe University   7
Guide Acceptance and Australia - La Trobe University
Applying for
a student visa
Apply for your student visa online at        Key requirements for the student You will need your       visa (subclass 500)
Letter of Offer, CoE and health insurance,                                                  Please note: the Department of
and may also need further supporting         Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE)                Home Affairs (DHA) uses the
documentation such as evidence of                                                           online Document Checklist Tool
                                             The GTE requirement applies to all
your financial capacity. Your student                                                       that indicates the documentary
                                             student visa applicants and considers
visa is issued for the duration of your                                                     evidence of financial capacity
                                             whether the individual circumstances           required. You need to attach these
studies as outlined in your CoE, plus
                                             of the student indicate that their intention   documents to your visa application
a few extra months.
                                             is for a temporary stay in Australia.          prior to lodgement. Failure to do so
Assistance with visa applications is                                                        might result in visa refusal. Find out
available from La Trobe University’s         Financial capacity                             more about the financial capacity
representatives:                                                                            requirement at:
                                             All international students are required
                                             to have sufficient funds to cover              visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/
                                             their course fees and living costs in          student-500/genuine-access-to-
                                             Australia. Under the simplified student        funds
                                             visa framework (SSVF), all student visa
                                             applicants must have sufficient funds          English language proficiency
                                             available for the duration of their stay       You will need to meet the English language
                                             in Australia.                                  requirement to apply for a student visa.
                                             Students associated with higher                Some student visa applicants may
                                             immigration risk, based on their country       need to provide the results of an English
                                             and education provider immigration risk        language test with their visa application.
                                             outcomes, will generally need to provide       You can find out if you are likely to need
                                             documentary evidence of financial              to provide this evidence by using the
                                             capacity with their visa application.          Document Checklist Tool at:

8   Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide
If in the two years before applying for        Family unit members must be declared
the student visa you have successfully         on the initial student visa application,
completed the Senior Secondary                 regardless of whether or not they intend      Students under 18 years
Certificate of Education or studies at the     to join the student in Australia at a later   of age
Certificate IV or higher level, in Australia   stage. Those not declared will not be         If you are under 18 years of age at
and in the English language, you are           eligible for a visa at a later stage.         the commencement of your course,
exempt from providing evidence of              An exception applies to those who             you are required by the DHA to have
your English language proficiency with         became a family member after the
                                                                                             appropriate welfare and accommodation
your visa application.                         primary applicant (student) was granted
                                                                                             arrangements in Australia. You need to
                                               a visa.
                                                                                             provide evidence that you will be living
Health and character                           From 1 July 2016, there will be no            with either a DHA-approved parent,
International students are required to         restrictions on the duration of particular    legal custodian or an eligible relative
be of good character and will generally        courses that the primary applicant            in Australia. Contact your admissions
need to undertake a health examination         (student) must study to be accompanied        officer for more information (refer to key
as part of their student visa application.     by family members, including                  contacts on page 4).
                                               subsequent dependants.
Students must also obtain Overseas
Student Health Cover (OSHC) before             Generally, the same level of evidentiary
a student visa can be granted.                 requirements of financial capacity
                                               applied to the primary applicant (student)     Health
                                                                                             ––       insurance – 8501 – you must
Packaged courses                               would apply to their family members,           maintain adequate arrangements for
                                               including subsequent dependants.               health insurance cover during your
Genuine students will be able to package                                                      entire stay in Australia.
two or more courses on the one student         In all circumstances, our officers have
visa where there is progression from           discretion to ask for evidence of funds,       Change
                                                                                             ––        of address – 8533 – you must
one course to another. The final course        if required.                                   advise the University within seven
that you will undertake as part of your                                                       days of your arrival in Australia of your
package of courses is your main (or            Student visa conditions                        current residential address and of any
principal) course of study. Your main                                                         changes of address within seven days
                                               Your visa is subject to a number of
course of study will be used to determine      conditions that you must comply with.          of each change. You must notify your
your financial and English language            Different visa conditions apply to you         education provider if you have changed
evidentiary requirements.                      and your family members. Breaching             universities or education providers
                                               a visa condition may result in the             within seven days of receiving your CoE
To be granted a visa for the full duration                                                    or evidence of enrolment.
                                               cancellation of your visa. Examples
of the packaged courses, you must              of visa conditions include:
provide confirmation that you are enrolled                                                    Course
                                                                                             ––       matching visa – 8516 –
in all of the courses.                          Work
                                               ––     rights – 8105 – you cannot start        You must continue to satisfy the
                                                paid work until you have commenced            requirements on the basis of which
Extend your student visa                        your course in Australia. You cannot          your visa was granted. This means,
                                                work more than 40 hours per fortnight         for example, that you continue to have
If you are already studying in Australia        (other than work that has been                sufficient financial capacity to support
and would like to enrol in a new course         registered as a part of your course)          your study and stay in Australia.
after the completion of your studies,           when your course is in session.
you should apply for a new student visa         A fortnight means any period of 14           For more information on student visas
before your current visa expires. If your       days commencing on a Monday up               and their conditions, visit:
student visa contains the 8534 or 8535          to the end of the second following 
(‘No Further Stay’) condition, you will         Sunday. Some volunteer and unpaid            already-have-a-visa/check-visa-details-
not be able to renew your student visa          work is also included in the 40 hours        and-conditions
in Australia unless there are exceptional       per fortnight limit. No work limits
circumstances.                                  apply during vacation periods.               Students with school-
                                                No work limits apply if you are              aged children
If you are returning home temporarily           studying a Master’s by research
and would like to renew your visa                                                            If you have school-aged dependants
                                                or Doctorate course in Australia.
offshore (not in Australia), you must                                                        accompanying you to Australia, it
indicate this on your Offer Acceptance          Enrolment
                                               ––           – 8202 – You must remain         is a visa requirement that you enrol
(new students) or CoE Application               enrolled in a registered course (unless      them in primary or secondary school.
                                                you are a Foreign Affairs or Defence         See the ‘students with families’
(continuing students) form to ensure
                                                sponsored student or secondary               section of this guide on page 38
your CoE is issued correctly.
                                                exchange student, in which case you          for more information.
                                                must maintain full-time enrolment
Family members visas                            in your course of study or training).
All family members of existing student
visa holders will need to apply for a           You must maintain enrolment in
Subclass 500 visa if they do not currently      a registered course that is the same
hold a student visa and want to join the        level as, or at a higher level than,
student in Australia.                           the registered course for which you
                                                were granted a visa. You must maintain
                                                satisfactory attendance in your course
                                                and make satisfactory progress for
                                                each study period as required by your
                                                education provider.

                                                                                                              La Trobe University   9
for departure
Preparing yourself                               Online pre-departure                            We invite you to join us on our social
                                                                                                 media networks as this is a great way
Before you arrive in Australia you may           videos                                          to make new friends, meet students
be feeling excited and a little anxious.         After you have accepted your offer, you         from your same country and course and
It may be hard to leave friends and              will receive an email with everything           prepare for a successful transition to life
family behind. You may be worried about          you need to know before you leave and           at La Trobe.
whether you will adjust to Australian            important pre-departure information
life and how you will settle in. This is                                                         Our program will be open before and
                                                 videos from the International Student
perfectly normal, but keep in mind the                                                           after your classes start.
                                                 Services and the Accommodation
following suggestions:                           Services teams.                                 You can join the Facebook group
 Find someone to talk to about how you
––                                                                                               by searching ‘Transition @ La Trobe
                                                 We suggest you watch these videos and
 are feeling. You may want to discuss                                                            – International Welcome group’ on
                                                 read the FAQs with your family before
 your concerns with friends and family,                                                          Facebook.
                                                 your departure.
 particularly those who have also                                                                Join La Trobe’s Weibo group by visiting
 travelled abroad.                               We will also send you an invitation to
                                                 attend a “live chat” with our team via our
 View our Pre-Departure briefing videos
––                                               Facebook Transition @ La Trobe group.
 online to help you prepare in advance.
                                                 The pre-departure videos are designed
                                                                                                 Online pre-departure and
 have-an-offer/leaving/guide, to find the        to help you prepare for study and life in       eFriends scheduled dates
 videos!                                         Australia. Topics covered will include:
                                                 preparing for departure, accommodation,
 Make sure you arrive in time to register,
––                                               living in Australia, and arrival and settling
 enrol and participate in the university         in. If you need to ask us questions online,
 Orientation. This will help you adjust to       join our Transition Facebook groups and         Save the date!
 living in Australia and studying at La Trobe,   you can chat with our eFriends!
 and will assist you academically. You will                                                      To find more information about these
 learn important information, meet staff                                                         programs and the start dates, visit:
 and other students, and make new friends.       Meet our La Trobe                     

 Read about Australian culture
                                                 International e-Friends!                        an-offer/leaving/guide.

 (see page 18).                                  Our e-friends are experienced La Trobe
                                                 students and International Student
 Sign up for La Trobe Times, our
                                                 Services staff members who will be
 international online newspaper:
                                                 active on our Transition @ La Trobe
                                                 Facebook or Weibo groups answering
 Bring some of your favourite things
––                                               any question you may have about
 with you, including photos of family            starting your course at La Trobe.
 and friends, and learn to cook some
 of your favourite dishes.
 Study abroad and exchange students
 must have their timetables planned
 using our online university timetable
 and bring along an official transcript
 for any new subjects:

10   Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide
La Trobe University   11
Preparing to study

The La Trobe University academic            It is important that international students
year is divided into two main semesters,    arrive in time to attend Orientation,
with additional Summer and Winter           which takes place before each semester        Sydney Campus
semesters. The Sydney Campus                begins. Orientation provides new              New students must attend Orientation
operates on a trimester basis and may       commencing students with valuable             Day where you will officially register and
have different commencement dates to        information about campus services             enrol into your course. For details about
our Victorian campuses. Some courses        and facilities, course and subject guides     Orientation and enrolment at the Sydney
may have different commencement             and an opportunity to meet other              Campus, please visit:
dates or non-standard start dates.          students in your course, make friends
Please refer to your Letter of Offer for    and have fun. The International Student       enrol/campus/sydney-campus
your exact start date when booking          Services team has found that students
flights or making holiday arrangements.     who do not attend Orientation miss lots
                                            of important information, which can lead
The dates for international registration,
                                            to academic problems.
enrolment and Orientation are subject
to change. Regularly check our website,
and correspondence from La Trobe
University for confirmation of dates.

                                                                                          La Trobe University
                                                                                          Academic Calendar

                                                                                          To find your Academic Calendar and all
                                                                                          the important dates including start of
                                                                                          classes, orientation, holidays and exams

                                                                                          At the La Trobe University Victorian
                                                                                          campuses, the academic year is divided into
                                                                                          two standard semesters, plus summer and
                                                                                          winter non-standard semesters.
                                                                                          La Trobe University Sydney Campus
                                                                                          operates on three standard trimesters
                                                                                          a year and has a slightly different
                                                                                          academic calendar.

12   Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide
Public holidays

To know when the university will be
closed due to holidays, visit:

Our Sydney Campus will be closed
during all New South Wales (NSW) public
holidays. For a list of public holidays visit:

Non-standard teaching periods
 he University also delivers a number of
non-standard teaching periods through
external providers or to meet special
course requirements.
 he University publishes a comprehensive
list of all teaching periods and associated
subject census dates at:
 on-standard teaching periods appear
in the form WXXYY, for example W0622.            Did you know that Melbourne has different public holidays than Sydney?

 hese indicate the whole weeks of the
T                                                To know the public holidays dates from your campus visit:
teaching period, and run from the first
Monday to the last Sunday.

                                                 To give yourself the best chance at
University Orientation                           succeeding in your studies, make sure
Success in your studies can depend on            you attend as many Orientation sessions
how well you adjust to studying and living       as possible. The presenters of each
in Australia.                                    session are experienced in their field        If you are studying in Victoria, it is
                                                 and are the best people to talk to and        essential that you check in with La Trobe
The Orientation program has been
                                                 to ask questions.                             University upon arrival. You will be
specifically designed to help you make
                                                                                               welcomed by student volunteers and
a smooth transition to life and study            Attending Orientation is your chance
                                                                                               La Trobe staff members. Make sure you
at La Trobe. Orientation is compulsory           to get the best information – all in
                                                                                               book flights in time for your check-in. To
for all new international students and           one convenient place! It’s also an
                                                                                               find out your check-in dates, times, and
provides important information and               invaluable chance to make friends.
                                                                                               location, please visit:
social activities specific to your needs.        Don’t underestimate the importance
The program is designed for all students         of attendance, as when classes start
at La Trobe University and will enable           and students are busy, you might find it
you to make important connections with           harder to make connections among your
your peers, different networks and the           classmates. Having people who know
campus community.                                you from the beginning can make all
                                                 the difference to settling in. Students
You can prepare for university life and
                                                 who attend Orientation sessions usually
study by checking out the Ready4Uni
                                                 have an advantage and are more likely
website, where you will find out about
                                                 to succeed.
Orientation, campus services and how to
make the most of your first few weeks.           Check the Orientation website for details
                                                 of compulsory sessions and additional
                                                 activities at your campus:
                                                 You can also use the online planner
                                                 to design your personalised Orientation

                                                                                                                La Trobe University   13
Our locations
La Trobe is the largest provider of university education in regional Victoria.
Our seven campuses are located in Victoria and New South Wales, in the
heart of Melbourne and Sydney, and in picturesque bushland settings.




                                                                                                           Studying in Melbourne

                                                                                                           If you want to study in a vibrant,
                                                                                                           cosmopolitan city, then Melbourne is the
                                                                                                           place to be. It has been ranked the World’s
                                                                                                           Most Liveable City seven years in a row by
                                                                                                           the Economist Global Liveability Ranking.
                                                                                                           Melbourne residents speak more than 100
                                                                                                           languages, and the city was ranked the
                                                                                                           3rd best for students in the world in 2018
                                                                                                           (according to the 2018 QS Best Student
                                                                                                           Cities Ranking). Whether you’re looking for
                                                                                                           a bustling city scene or a quiet suburban
                                                                                                           feel, Melbourne has a perfect mix of both.

Melbourne Campus
Nestled among 267 hectares of beautiful parkland and waterways, La Trobe’s Melbourne
Campus is one of the largest metropolitan campuses in Australia. Set in Melbourne’s north, just            Modes of transport to campuses*
14 kilometres from the city centre, students from across the world choose to study here to take


advantage of world-class facilities and resources.                                                                                                Train

These include our state-of-the-art science laboratories, media studios,multi-level library, huge
                                                                                                           Melbourne (Bundoora)
Wildlife Sanctuary and more. Within the Campus is a vibrant community bustling with cafes,
restaurants, banks, and our very own post office.                                                                                                                  **
301 shuttle bus
Getting to and from Melbourne Campus is now quicker and easier, with the 301shuttle bus running
between the University and Reservoir station every 10 minutes.                                             Albury-Wodonga


From Melbourne (Bundoora) Campus                                                                           Shepparton

                             Distance     Distance                                                         Melbourne CBD
Destination                  (km)         (mi)                                                             (City Campus)

Macleod Railway Station      1.3          0.8
                                                                                                           *Modes of transport listed refer to travel within
                                                                                                           that city only.
Heidelberg Railway Station   4.6          2.85                                                             ** Sydney Campus doesn’t have car parking facilities
                                                                                                           on campus.
Reservoir Railway Station    3.8          2.35

Bundoora Park                1.3          0.8                                                              Average temperatures
CBD                          14.0         8.7

Melbourne Airport            18.4         11.4

Northland Shopping Centre    2.8          1.7                  Over 26 000 students / 14 km from the CBD   Visit the Australian Bureau of Meteorology at:
                                                                                                  to find the average
                                                                                                           temperatures of your campus.

14   Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide
Bendigo                                                                  Albury-Wodonga

 Over 5 000 students / 3 km to Bendigo city centre                         Over 800 students / 3 km to Wodonga and 12 km to Albury city centre

Bendigo Campus                                                            Albury-Wodonga Campus
Our Bendigo Campus is an integral part of one of Victoria’s fastest-      Albury-Wodonga is Australia’s largest inland regional centre,
growing regional cities and is undergoing a A$50 million upgrade          combining a rich cultural history with amazing natural landmarks.
to offer world-class library, technology and engineering facilities.      Our Albury-Wodonga Campus is just three kilometres from Wodonga
The Campus offers a wide range of study disciplines, including            city and boasts an award-winning library, laboratories, international-
dentistry and health sciences. The clinical teaching building is in the   standard soccer pitch, cafes and student accommodation. The
centre of the city’s new hospital precinct, while the main campus is      Campus is also home to the John Richards Initiative (researching
just three kilometres from the heart of the city. Bendigo is a cultural   ageing and aged care in regional communities) and the Murray-
hub with a vibrant nightlife and welcoming community. The Campus          Darling Freshwater Research Centre.
enjoys great connections to local businesses, festivals, galleries,
sporting teams and the city council. As a student, you’ll reap the
rewards of those connections.

 Over 500 students / Intimate campus setting                               Over 800 students / Brand new building and facilities

Mildura Campus                                                            Shepparton Campus
Our Mildura Campus is strongly connected to the surrounding               A lively city about 180 kilometres from Melbourne, Shepparton has a
community and offers students a more personalised and intimate study      lot to offer. Our Shepparton Campus is positioned within the city centre
experience. Students enjoy opportunities both on campus and in the        and is equipped with excellent teaching, study and communal meeting
community through our strategic partnerships and a number of Work         spaces – including a clinical learning unit with advanced teaching
Integrated Learning (WIL) opportunities. A major fruit and vegetable      technologies. An ever-increasing range of study options are available
growing district, Mildura is a great place to live, study and work. The   to students, including courses in business, health science and
Campus is also home to the Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre.     education.

 Over 800 students / CBD location                                          Over 700 students / CBD location

Sydney Campus                                                             City Campus
Our Sydney Campus is located in the heart of the international            Positioned in the heart of Melbourne, our City Campus combines study
business community, close to public transport as well as work and         with all the excitement and culture that Melbourne has to offer. A suite
internship opportunities. A world-famous city and home to Australian      of Master’s programs is offered at the City Campus, and students
icons like the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney is       benefit from an intimate, service-focused experience along with modern
an exceptional place to study.                                            facilities and resources.

                                                                                                                           La Trobe University   15
At La Trobe University,
we’re ambitious global thinkers.
Since we opened our doors
in 1967, we have equipped more
than 190 000 graduates with
the skills and experience to build
successful careers.

16   Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide
La Trobe University   17
About Australia
                                                                                                Melbourne, Victoria’s capital city, boasts festivals,
                                                                                                events, shopping, plenty of restaurants and cafes,
                                                                                                and a flourishing arts scene.

Australian culture
Australia is home to some of the world’s      There are, however, some values most              In comparison to many other countries,
oldest living cultures, with Aboriginal       Australians consider important. Most              Australia, and especially Melbourne,
communities established nearly                Australians strongly value our society’s          is notable for its diversity and
60,000 years before European settlement.      tolerance of different religions and              multiculturalism. You can maintain
Australia is one of the world’s most          cultures, plus our freedom of speech              your own customs within the community
multicultural countries, rich in Indigenous   and democratic rights. Australians also           and most Australians will understand
and immigrant cultures. Our society           consider it important that people will be         your reasons for not adopting certain
is made up of people from over 210            given a ‘fair go’; that is, you will be treated   local customs if they are different from
different nationalities, so it is difficult   equitably. Australia is often described as        your own.
to define what is ‘typical’ in Australian     an ‘egalitarian’ society. This means that
                                                                                                To do some background reading
culture or social customs.                    class divisions are not so entrenched
                                                                                                on Australia, visit:
                                              in Australia as in some other countries.

18   Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide
Climate                                                                                   Great Ocean Road
                                                                                        Travel the Great Ocean Road and experience one
Victoria is located in the south-east      Victoria, and in particular Melbourne,       of the world’s most scenic coastal drives. See
                                                                                        the towering Twelve Apostles, iconic surf breaks,
corner of Australia and enjoys a           is known for its rapidly-changing weather
                                                                                        misty waterfalls, native wildlife and seaside
temperate climate with four distinct       and variations of temperature, especially    villages. A perfect weekend getaway!
seasons:                                   due to climate change. It is a good idea
                                           to be prepared for ‘four seasons in one
Spring – September to November
                                           day’. If you arrive from summer in the
Summer – December to February              Northern Hemisphere, which would be
                                           for a Semester 2 commencement, we
Autumn – March to May
                                           recommend you have a jacket or coat in
Winter – June to August                    your hand or carry-on luggage for when
The hottest months are January and         you arrive. Visit the Australian Bureau of
February, and the coolest months are       Meteorology at: to find the
usually July and August. In summer,        average temperatures of your campus.
temperatures can reach over 40°C, while    With more than 230 sunny days per year,
in winter, around Victoria, temperatures   Sydney enjoys a more Mediterranean-
range from around 2°C to 15°C.             style climate with warm to hot summers,
The northern and central regions of        mild winters and rainfall spread fairly
Victoria (including Bendigo, Shepparton,   evenly throughout the year.
Mildura and Albury-Wodonga) are usually                                                   Grampians National Park
warmer and drier than the south, with                                                   Enjoy the spectacular natural beauty of this
                                                                                        national park. Explore stunning landscapes,
lower rainfall and higher temperatures
                                                                                        abundant wildlife, majestic waterfalls and
in summer and cooler temperatures                                                       sublime local produce in your semester break
in winter.                                                                              or over the weekend.

                                                                                                            La Trobe University   19
Living costs
Understanding the likely costs incurred while studying at
La Trobe University is an important part of your planning process.
You need to consider a range of
costs in addition to your tuition         Did you know?
fees, including but not limited
                                          Based on advice from the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), you should allow extra accessible
to, accommodation fees, food,             funds per year for living costs, excluding tuition fees. This price does not include any dependents on
telephone and internet, travel and        your visa. Please visit:
of course discretional spending 
As prices changes every year,
we recommend you check the
information below to find out the         IUSEPass
estimated prices associated with
                                          International students in an undergraduate program can be eligible for up to 50 per cent discount on
your studies and living expenses, so      annual public transport fares (excludes Sydney Campus students). For more information and how
that you can prepare in advance.          to apply visit:

Average living costs                      Public Transport
for one student (A$) –                    Exchange students can be eligible for public transport concession cards.
indicative only                           for more information.

To help you plan and prepare your
budget, visit:
where you will find the Australian
Government estimated costs of
living and studying in Australia.

                                                                                                  Students with spouse
                                                                                                  and/or children
                                                                                                  Based on advice from the Department of
                                                                                                  Home Affairs (DHA), if you have a family,
                                                                                                  you should allocate extra funds per year
                                                                                                  for each family member you will bring
                                                                                                  with you. Remember that these amounts
                                                                                                  exclude tuition fees.
                                                                                                  For more information, visit:

                                                                                                  City Campus
                                                                                                  Students at the City Campus should
                                                                                                  refer to the Melbourne Campus
                                                                                                  information. However, generally the
                                                                                                  closer you live to the CBD the more
                                                                                                  expensive your rental costs will be.

20   Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide
La Trobe University   21
Currency and banking                            Money can be withdrawn from ATMs
                                                24 hours a day, and there is usually
Australia’s unit of currency is the             a daily withdrawal limit of around
Australian dollar (A$), which is divided        A$800 – A$1 000. We advise you to
into 100 cents. Coins have values of 5,         only carry as much cash as necessary        Joining e-friends on Facebook or Weibo
10, 20 and 50 cents, and A$1 and A$2;           for a few days at a time and always         is a great way to find out more about
notes have values of A$5, A$10, A$20,           hide from view (cover the area with         living and studying in Australia. See page
A$50 and A$100.                                 your hand) when entering your               10 for more information.
You must declare amounts of A$10 000            Personal Identification Number (PIN).
or more in foreign or Australian currency       Before you leave home, you can open
that you bring into Australia.                  a bank account with:
Major credit and debit cards – Visa and          Pulse Credit Union
                                                ––                                          Internet
MasterCard – are accepted throughout   
Australia. Automatic Teller Machines                                                        Internet and wireless access is
(ATMs, or cash points), with 24-hour             Commonwealth Bank of Australia
                                                ––                                          available at all campuses, to connect
access seven days a week, are available          to your campus wifi red visit latrobe.
in many locations such as shopping               Westpac Bank
centres, petrol stations, convenience             connecting/eduroam. Most on-campus
stores, banks, along main shopping               bank-accounts/moving-to-australia          accommodation and some off-campus
strips, in malls or plazas, and on campus.                                                  accommodation will already have
                                                These banking institutions have offices     arrangements in place to enable internet
Savings or cheque account access cards          at La Trobe University’s Melbourne          access for students, although these
–connected to the Maestro or Cirrus             Campus. The Pulse Credit Union also         may incur a charge. Please check with
electronic networks – can be used in            has facilities at the Albury-Wodonga and    your accommodation provider. You can
ATMs around Australia. If your card does        Bendigo campuses. It is recommended         compare internet service providers at:
not have the Maestro or Cirrus logo on          you open an account before leaving
it, we recommend that before you leave          home (as you will only need your
home you confirm with your financial            passport to withdraw funds when you
institution that you can use your card in       arrive in Australia) rather than carrying   Mobile phones
Australia. Check all terms and conditions       around large amounts of cash, which is      and laptops
and how you can access your funds while         unsafe. Once you open a bank account,       If you plan on bringing your mobile phone
in Australia to ensure that you are aware       you can transfer funds from overseas        with you to Australia, check that your
of the fees associated with your choices.       to be ready for you when you arrive.        mobile phone is compatible (supports
A number of personal identification             When opening a bank account, ask about      GSM) and not blocked for international
documents are required to open bank             student accounts that may attract lower     use or locked to the phone network
accounts in Australia, which can include        or no account-keeping fees.                 you use in your home country. Students
items that identify you as living in                                                        sometimes bring their own laptops
Australia. It is recommended that you                                                       with internal modems only to discover
open a bank account within six weeks
                                                Voltage/electricity                         they are unable to use their modem in
of arrival in Australia as most banking         Domestic electricity in Australia is        Australia. Find out more at:
institutions will accept just your passport     240V/50Hz. The Australian three-pin
and proof of date of arrival. After this time   outlet is different from most other
                                                                                            If you are bringing a mobile phone,
you will be required to take additional         countries, so you may need to purchase
                                                                                            laptop or any communication device,
identification into a bank branch, such         an adaptor plug for any electrical
                                                                                            we suggest that you visit the Australian
as your student card, CoE, credit card,         appliances (such as a laptop computer)
                                                                                            Communications and Media Authority
or lease agreement and other forms of           that you bring with you. Transformers
                                                                                            website to find out what kind of service
identification with your name on it.            and adaptors are easily obtained from
                                                                                            agreements are most suitable for you:
                                                electrical appliance stores or travel
Banks are generally open Monday to                                                
                                                goods stores in Australia, and also
Thursday, 9:30 am – 4 pm and Friday
                                                from the bookshop in the Agora at           Join the transition group on Facebook
9:30 am – 5 pm (closed public holidays).
                                                the Melbourne Campus.                       or Weibo (see page 10 for how to join),
Some banks offer opening hours on
                                                                                            and get tips on the best phone company
Saturdays – check with your bank to
                                                                                            and network to use from experienced
confirm hours of operation.
                                                                                            La Trobe students. Some phone
                                                                                            companies will not supply services
                                                                                            to people who are temporary residents
                                                                                            in Australia, but you can always use a
                                                                                            pre-paid phone system. This also ensures
                                                                                            that you will avoid an unexpectedly high
Handy hint                                                                                  mobile phone bill. Make sure you read
We recommend you bring a small                                                              all the clauses and terms and conditions
amount of Australian dollars in cash                                                        before signing a phone contract. Pre-paid
with you to get you through the first few                                                   mobile phone cards may be purchased at
days on arrival, especially if you arrive                                                   a number of retail outlets.
on a weekend or public holiday when                                                         Compare mobile phone providers at:
banks are closed.                                                                 

22   Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide
La Trobe University   23
Choosing where to live in a new country is a big decision and there are
many factors to consider. Before you start looking for accommodation,
take some time to research your options to find out what fits with your
lifestyle and living needs.

On-campus                                    Living on campus at Melbourne                     The Colleges provide data connections
                                                                                               to each room, with centralised computer
accommodation                                Undergraduate residential colleges                rooms.
All on-campus accommodation is mixed         The three residential colleges – Glenn,
gender. Each of the seven residences                                                           Postgraduate residences
                                             Chisholm and Menzies – are located
offer different lifestyles, facilities and   in the heart of the Melbourne Campus.             These following residences offer a
services depending on your preferences.      They provide single furnished study-              quieter, more independent lifestyle than
There is no on-campus accommodation          bedrooms, a shared kitchen, bathroom              the three colleges. Both are self-catered
at the City Campus and Sydney Campus         and laundry facilities, and communal              and offer single and shared rooms.
Refer to our off-campus data base            recreational and study areas.                     Although limited, there are rooms
for more information
                                                                                               for couples with double beds. Each
accommodation/off-campus.                    All utilities, including water, electricity and
                                                                                               residence has shared lounge areas, fully
                                             internet are included in the residential fees.
For more information about living on                                                           equipped kitchens, self-service laundries
campus at La Trobe and who to contact,       These Colleges are popular with                   and recreational facilities.
visit:                                       undergraduate students, as they run             regular social, sporting and cultural             The University Lodge
campus                                       events and provide academic and                   The University Lodge is housed in
                                             emotional support. Glenn College is               magnificent 1920s-style Edwardian
For a full list of fees for accommodation    catered (breakfast and dinner), while             buildings. Within walking distance is the
facilities, visit:                           Chisholm and Menzies colleges are not.            Macleod train station (with regular train
                                                                                               services to the city) and a small local
                                                                                               shopping centre.

24   Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide
Living on campus at Bendigo                 Living on campus
                                                                                        at Albury-Wodonga
                                            The Units
                                                La Trobe University                                                                    27

                                            Nine units, each with 12 furnished study-   Albury-Wodonga Campus offers two
                                            bedrooms, a semi-equipped kitchen,          types of on-campus accommodation.
                                            two bathrooms and a mezzanine lounge
                                                                                        McFarlane’s Hill Residence
                                            area. The Units are self-catered.
                                                                                        Boasting a modern and spacious design,
                                            The Terraces                                this 28-bed residence is divided into
                                            Twenty-one furnished flats, each with       two separate, two-storey buildings with
                                            eight study-bedrooms, twin bathrooms,       seven beds on each floor. This includes
                                            laundry facilities, kitchen and lounge      fully-furnished shared kitchens, lounge/
                                            areas. The Terraces are self-catered.       dining and laundry facilities. Bedrooms are
                                                                                        spacious and have their own heating and
                                            Hillside Apartments                         cooling. Accommodation options are also
                                            These apartments, which opened in           available for students with a disability.
                                            2012, provide modern, spacious single
                                            rooms, shared kitchen and bathroom          East End Residence
                                            facilities, plus heating and cooling.       (shared with Wodonga TAFE)
                                            There are six three-storey buildings,       Twelve fully-furnished, self-contained units
                                            and each floor has 12 bedrooms.             are available, each with six bedrooms
                                                                                        (with study area), shared lounge or dining
                                            The Villas                                  and kitchen areas, two bathrooms and
Graduate House                              Twenty-eight modern small houses            a laundry. Residences are mixed gender
Graduate House is a friendly collegial-     (villas) each with four study-bedrooms,     and are shared with students from the
style residence located in a residential    a comfortable lounge area, small            Wodonga Institute of TAFE.
area on the northern edge of the Campus.    kitchen, separate laundry and bathroom.     On-campus accommodation numbers
It specialises in accommodation for         The villas are considered ideal for         are limited, so applications should be
mature‑age and postgraduate students,       postgraduate or mature-age students.        made as early as possible.
whether single or a couple. No children
are permitted.                              Orde House                                  Living on campus at Mildura
                                            Located in a quieter, more peaceful
                                                                                        On-campus accommodation is available at
Waterdale Apartments                        setting, Orde House is very popular for
                                                                                        SuniTAFE Student Residences, which offer
Waterdale Apartments offer lower-           mature age and international students.
                                                                                        self-contained single or twin-share study
cost, apartment-style accommodation.        With 24 private rooms, self-catering,
                                                                                        bedrooms with communal kitchens and
Located on the edge of the Campus,          shared bathrooms and laundry,
                                                                                        common areas. The residences are about
each unit contains three single             communal living and kitchen, Orde
                                                                                        a 30 minute walk or a five minute drive
bedrooms, a living area, bathroom and       House is located a two-minute walk
                                                                                        from Mildura’s city centre. For more advice
kitchen for self-catering. The cost of      from the centre of the Campus.
                                                                                        about this accommodation, contact:
utilities such as electricity and gas are
not included in the residential fees.                                                   T +61 3 5022 3721
Barnes Way Apartments
With the exception of five single-bed                                                   Options at Shepparton
studio apartments, these flats are leased
                                                                                        There is no on-campus accommodation
as whole properties (not on a room-by-
                                                                                        available at Shepparton. However there
room basis) to students who apply as
                                                                                        are three university-owned houses
one group. The cost of utilities such as
                                                                                        located off the Campus, each with four
electricity and gas are not included in
                                                                                        bedrooms. For information on availability
the residential fees.
                                                                                        or to find other accommodation, contact
                                                                                        Shepparton Student Services:
                                                                                        T +61 3 5820 8600

                                                                                                         La Trobe University   25
You can also read