Dems: Rioters acted on Trump 'orders' - Stripes Lite

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Dems: Rioters acted on Trump ‘orders’
              Associated Press                  Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Mike                 It underscored how dangerously close the
   WASHINGTON — House Democrats                 Pence.                                            rioters came to the nation’s leaders, shifting
prosecuting Donald Trump’s impeachment             Biden said he didn’t watch any of the pre-     the focus of the trial from an academic de-
said Thursday that the Capitol invaders be-     vious day’s proceedings live, but later saw       bate about the Constitution to a raw retell-
lieved they were are acting on “the presi-      news coverage.                                    ing of the assault.
dent’s orders” to storm the building and           The never-before-seen audio and video             Rioters were seen roaming the halls
stop the joint session of Congress that was     released Wednesday is now a key exhibit in        chanting “Hang Mike Pence,” some
certifying Democrat Joe Biden’s election.       Trump’s impeachment trial as lawmakers            equipped with combat gear.
   The prosecutors are wrapping up their        prosecuting the case argue Trump should              Outside, the mob had set up a makeshift
opening presentation, describing in stark,      be convicted of inciting the siege.               gallows. And in one wrenching moment, po-
personal terms the horror they faced that          Democrats used their remaining hours of        lice were shown shooting and killing a San
day and drilling down on the public and ex-     arguments to lay out the physical and men-        Diego woman, Ashli Babbitt, as the mob
plicit instructions Trump gave his support-     tal harm caused by the attack, discuss            tried to break through doors near the House
ers — both in the weeks before the Jan. 6       Trump’s lack of action as it unfolded and do      Chamber.
attack and at his midday rally that un-         a final presentation on the legal issues in-         Pence, who had been presiding over a
leashed the mob on the Capitol. They pre-       volved.                                           session to certify Biden’s election victory
sented videos of rioters, some posted to so-       Videos of the siege have been circulating      over Trump — thus earning Trump’s cen-
cial media by the rioters themselves, talking   since the day of the riot, but the graphic        sure — was shown being rushed to safety,
about how they were doing it all for Trump.     compilation shown to senators Wednesday           where he sheltered in an office with his fam-
   “They truly believed that the whole intru-   amounted to a more complete narrative, a          ily just 100 feet from the rioters. Pelosi was
sion was at the president’s orders,” said       moment-by-moment retelling of one of the          seen being evacuated from the complex as
Rep. Diana DeGette of Colorado. “The pres-      nation’s most alarming days. It offered           her staff hid behind doors in her suite of of-
ident told them to be there.”                   fresh details into the attackers, scenes of po-   fices.
   Trump’s lawyers will launch their de-        lice heroism and staff whispers of despair.          Though most of the Senate jurors seem to
fense on Friday.                                And it showed how close the country came          have made up their minds, making Trump’s
   At the White House, President Joe Biden      to chaos over the certification of Trump’s        acquittal likely, they sat riveted as the jar-
said he believed “some minds may be             defeat to Biden.                                  ring video played in the chamber. Repub-
changed” after senators saw chilling securi-       The footage showed the mob smashing in-        lican Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma
ty video Wednesday of the deadly insurrec-      to the building, rioters engaging in hand-to-     bent his head at one point, with another
tion at the Capitol, including of rioters       hand combat with police and audio of Capi-        GOP colleague putting his hand on his arm
searching menacingly for House Speaker          tol police officers pleading for backup.          in comfort.

Biden launches DOD task force on China strategy
        BY CAITLIN M. KENNEY                    sure the American people win the competi-         tary and push for greater regional and in-
              Stars and Stripes                 tion of the future,” Biden said during the        ternational influence are major concerns
  WASHINGTON — A Defense Depart-                speech to Defense Department personnel.           for the U.S. military, according to the Na-
ment task force will review national securi-       Before his speech, Biden and Vice Presi-       tional Defense Strategy.
ty strategy toward China, President Joe Bi-     dent Kamala Harris met with Defense Sec-             The 15-person Department of Defense
den announced Wednesday during his first        retary Lloyd Austin and other senior mili-        China Task Force will be composed of mil-
visit to the Pentagon as commander in chief.    tary and civilian personnel, and Biden            itary and civilian DOD employees from
  The task force will assess Defense De-        spoke to them about his national security         Austin’s office, the Joint Staff, combatant
partment policies, programs and processes       priorities.                                       commands, the intelligence community and
on China and provide “recommendations              The Pentagon has been focused on Chi-          the military services, according to the fact
on key priorities and decision points to meet   na’s growing influence in the world for the       sheet. It will be led by Ely Ratner, special
the China challenge,” according to a Penta-     past several years. The 2018 National De-         assistant to the defense secretary and an ex-
gon fact sheet.                                 fense Strategy established under the              pert on China.
  “It will require a whole of government ef-    Trump administration shifted the military’s          The task force will study force posture,
fort, bipartisan cooperation in Congress and    focus from counterterrorism operations to         defense relations with China, U.S. alliances
strong alliances and partnerships. That’s       “great power competition” with China and          and partnerships, intelligence and oper-
how we’ll meet the China challenge and en-      Russia. China’s modernization of its mili-        ational concepts.
PAGE 2     • STRIPES LITE •                  Thursday, February 11, 2021

Light vehicles give Marines better tank killer
      BY CHAD GARLAND                      following guidance from Com-                ‘Well, there’s 75 Marines in lo-            sive hardware
         Stars and Stripes                 mandant Gen. David Berger.                  cation X, they’re not a threat,’ ”             Now, tiny drones that can be
   Marine Corps experiments                   Law enforcement, cannon ar-              Smith said, as quoted by USNI               easily purchased and weapon-
show that lightweight vehicles             tillery, infantry and conven-               News. But “if I can sink one of             ized pose the greatest tactical
mounted       with     long-range          tional aircraft units are also be-          your billion-and-a-half-dollar              threat to U.S. forces since the
weapons can take out enemy                 ing cut or restructured, and of-            warships with a one-and-a-half-             roadside bombs began prolifer-
tanks at a distance 15 to 20               ficials expect to cut 12,000 Ma-            million-dollar missile, I am a              ating, Marine Gen. Kenneth
times greater than a Marine                rines from the service’s troop              threat.”                                    McKenzie Jr., head of U.S. Cen-
tank could, a top general said             strength by 2030.                              That kind of capability “may             tral Command, said earlier this
this week.                                    It’s all in preparation for a fu-        change the calculus, if I can do            week.
   The anti-tank mission was               ture battlefield where U.S.                 that and rapidly move using                    The Marines plan to use
one of the examples cited by Lt.           forces expect to face more con-             things like our Joint Light Tac-            more drones and robotics
Gen. Eric Smith, deputy com-               ventional forces with capabili-             tical Vehicle and make it in-               themselves for combat, as well
mandant for combat develop-                ties similar to their own.                  credibly hard for you to find               as for resupplying food, water
ment and integration, for how                 To combat these “near-peer               me,” Smith said. “You have to               and munitions, and as potential
the service is reshaping to cre-           adversaries,” the Marines                   respect that very small unit, of            decoys, Smith said.
ate a “light, lethal and austere”          could employ groups of about                which we will have dozens and                  A nimbler Marine Corps, ca-
force by the end of the decade.            75 Marines on the first island              dozens and dozens placed stra-              pable of hit-and-run style tac-
   Smith’s comments, made                  chain off the coast of mainland             tegically.”                                 tics, would take away the “luxu-
Wednesday at the International             Asia and outfitted with their                  U.S. forces have witnessed               ry” an enemy might have of fo-
Armoured Vehicles Conference               own aircraft and surface ships,             that kind of imbalance first-               cusing its intelligence, surveil-
hosted by Defence IQ, were                 to maneuver quickly and keep                hand over the past 20 years, as             lance and reconnaissance on “a
first reported by USNI News.               their enemy’s resources tied up             insurgents used cheap impro-                few key warships or a few key
   The Marine Corps began div-             trying to hunt them down.                   vised bombs to kill or wound                larger formations who may be
esting its heavy tanks last year,             “In the past, you would think,           troops and disable their expen-             closing in on the area,” he said.

USAF wants to know if key airfield Marine moms have
could disappear under a rising sea 1 year to return to
              BY WYATT OLSON                              waiian Islands.                                            fitness standards
                 Stars and Stripes                           The remote airfield “holds great signifi-                         BY CAITLIN M. KENNEY
   The Air Force is spending $1.75 million to             cance to the Air Force because it serves as a                               Stars and Stripes
gauge the effects of future sea-level rise at             trans-Pacific refueling depot for military mis-               WASHINGTON — The Marine Corps is
Wake Island Airfield, located on a remote Pa-             sions in addition to being a military training             giving women more time to get into physical
cific atoll that is a key asset in America’s mis-         and missile testing location,” the Air Force               shape after childbirth, according to a new
sile defense system.                                      said in a news release in October.                         policy change.
   The “inundation study” was contracted out                 The 9,800-foot runway — described in the                   Once a pregnancy is confirmed, the wom-
by the Pacific Air Forces Regional Support                news release as “the longest in the Pacific Is-            an is exempt from taking a fitness test or
Center in September and is slated for comple-             lands” — has deteriorated after many years of
                                                                                                                     participating in the Body Composition Pro-
tion in March 2022, Pacific Air Forces said in a          use.
                                                                                                                     gram or the Military Appearance Program.
statement provided Wednesday to Stars and                    Roughly 500-600 aircraft use the airfield
                                                                                                                     Those programs are aimed at Marines who
Stripes.                                                  each year, the Air Force said.
                                                                                                                     are not meeting the service’s fitness and ap-
   “The purpose of contracting this study is to              Radar on Wake Island is routinely used in
                                                          tests of America’s ballistic missile defense
                                                                                                                     pearance standards.
gather data and better prepare for future mil-
itary construction projects,” the statement               system.                                                       After the birth of the child, the woman has
said.                                                        “Having the data that this project will yield           at least 12 months to meet fitness and ap-
   Jupiter, a climate analytics firm based in             will enable the Air Force with strategic asset             pearance standards, according to the new
San Mateo, Calif., has been subcontracted to              planning,” Jupiter said in its announcement.               update posted Monday, which goes into ef-
conduct the comprehensive study that will                 “With these data, the Air Force will be able to            fect immediately.
“anticipate future sea-level rise and flooding”           prepare for and mitigate anticipated conse-                   The extension was made in recognition of
on the airfield in Micronesia, the company                quences of severe weather events.”                         the individual circumstances of each Ma-
said in an announcement last week.                           Those steps could include “hardening” air-              rine’s pregnancy and postpartum time, and
   Wake Island is approximately 1,500 miles               field facilities to withstand flooding or relocat-         to alleviate the stress of returning to the ser-
east of Guam and 2,300 miles west of the Ha-              ing them, Jupiter said.                                    vice’s standards.

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Thursday, February 11, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •       PAGE 3

GOP attacks Dems’ $1.9T virus aid bill
              Associated Press                  launched amendments spotlighting what             ing that schools offer in-person classes or
  WASHINGTON — Republicans are at-              they see as the legislation’s soft spots. Their   give the money to parents for education sav-
tacking the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion CO-        themes were clear: Democrats are over-            ings accounts if they remain closed. Still
VID-19 relief package as too costly, eco-       spending, hurting workers and employers’          others would have made sure assistance for
nomically damaging and overtly partisan,        job markets, opening doors to fraud and re-       renters, homeowners and the airline indus-
an all-angles attempt to derail President Joe   warding political allies — allegations that       try didn’t extend long after the pandemic
Biden’s top priority as it starts moving        Democrats dismiss as ludicrous.                   ends, and divided $26 billion for urban
through a Congress his party controls only         The proposals signaled that Biden’s plan       transportation systems between cities and
narrowly.                                       faces solid Republican opposition in a            rural areas, which many Republicans rep-
  Five House committees worked Wednes-          House and Senate where Democrats have             resent.
day on their pieces of sweeping legislation     few votes to spare, while forcing Democrats         “I don’t know if the White House knows
that would send $1,400 payments to some         to take positions that could tee up GOP cam-      this, but you’re supposed to be creating jobs,
Americans. It would also provide hundreds       paign ads for the 2022 elections.                 not killing them,” said Texas Rep. Kevin
of billions for state and local governments        There were amendments to reduce the            Brady, the top Republican on the Ways and
and to boost vaccination efforts, raise tax     $400 extra in weekly jobless benefits Demo-       Means panel. He said that while his party
credits for children and increase unemploy-     crats want to provide through August and          has backed over $3 trillion in earlier pan-
ment benefits. Democratic leaders hope for      exempt the smallest businesses from Dem-          demic relief bills, “whatever this rushed,
House passage later this month, with Senate     ocrats’ plans to gradually raise the mini-        partisan, special interest ‘stimulus’ package
approval and a bill on Biden’s desk by mid-     mum wage to $15 hourly from $7.25.                does, it comes with no bipartisan discussion,
March.                                             Others would put strings on emergency          no opportunity for finding common
  As committees worked, Republicans             funds to help schools reopen safely, requir-      ground.”

GAO: DOD can’t track sexual        Chinese craft
assault reports filed by civilians orbits Mars,
         BY COREY DICKSTEIN                     centralized database, called the Defense
              Stars and Stripes
   WASHINGTON — The Defense Depart-
ment has no ability to track exactly how
                                                Sexual Assault Incident Database, or
                                                DSAID. It also doesn’t mandate that its
                                                components — like agencies outside of the
                                                                                                  joining UAE
many workplace sexual assaults are report-      military services — track such occurrences.                      Associated Press
ed by its civilian population, according to a      “Limited guidance on tracking reported            BEIJING — A Chinese spacecraft went into
new Government Accountability Agency            incidents hinders DOD’s visibility over           orbit around Mars on Wednesday on an expe-
report published amid the military’s high-      such incidents,” the GAO report read.             dition to land a rover on the surface and scout
profile fight against sexual misbehavior        “Moreover, not all DOD components have            for signs of ancient life, authorities announced
among its troops.                               access to the department’s centralized data-      in a landmark step in the country’s most ambi-
   The majority of DOD’s 900,000 civilians      base for the collection and maintenance of        tious deep-space mission yet.
have fewer means of reporting allegations       information regarding reported sexual as-            The arrival of Tianwen-1 after a journey of
of sexual misconduct to authorities than        saults, which limits visibility.”                 seven months and nearly 300 million miles is
their uniformed colleagues, the GAO con-           In fiscal year 2018, for example, the De-      part of an unusual burst of activity at Mars: A
cluded in its report published Tuesday. The     fense Department estimated about 49,700           spacecraft from the United Arab Emirates
Pentagon also lacks universal tools and         of its civilians experienced sexual harass-       swung into orbit around the red planet Tues-
guidance across its massive bureaucracy to      ment at work and about 2,500 experienced          day, and a U.S. rover is set to arrive next week.
fully track reports of sexual assault or ha-    workplace sexual assaults that year, based           China’s space agency said the five-ton com-
rassment involving its civilians, according     on employee surveys. But the DOD tracked          bination orbiter and rover fired its engine to
to the Congress-mandated report.                a total of only 370 civilian work-related sex-    reduce its speed, allowing it to be captured by
   “Without guidance that addresses these       ual assaults through official channels dur-       Mars’ gravity.
areas, DOD does not know the extent to          ing the five-year period from 2012 to 2019.          “Entering orbit has been successful ... mak-
which its civilian workforce has reported          GAO issued 19 recommendations to cor-          ing it our country’s first artificial Mars satel-
work-related sexual assault worldwide,”         rect the problems, including issuing com-         lite,” the agency announced.
GAO concluded.                                  mon guidance across the department to al-            The mission is bold even for a space pro-
   The Pentagon, under pressure to act from     low for comprehensive tracking of work-re-        gram that has racked up a steady stream of
Congress and others, has taken great strides    lated sexual assaults involving its civilians,    achievements and brought prestige to China’s
in recent years to attempt to track every re-   enhancing its anti-harassment training pro-       ruling Communist Party. If all goes as
port of sexual assault among its uniformed      grams for civilian workers and conferring         planned, the rover will separate from the
troops. But it does not track sexual assault    with Congress about expanding civilians’          spacecraft in a few months and touch down
cases involving most of its civilians in its    avenues for reporting sexual assaults.            safely on Mars.
PAGE 4     • STRIPES LITE •             Thursday, February 11, 2021

US jobless claims fall slightly to 793,000
         Associated Press              what’s been happening in other         bar shutdown and other corona-       as 4,000 COVID-19 deaths may
   WASHINGTON — The num-               states where Black populations         virus restrictions in the French     have      been     underreported
ber of Americans seeking unem-         lag far behind white populations       Quarter can apply for five days of   through the state’s reporting sys-
ployment benefits fell slightly        in getting the shot.                   part-time work with the city, the    tem, and those deaths will now be
last week to 793,000, evidence           As of Feb. 3, nearly 2% of resi-     mayor’s office said Wednesday.       added to the state’s tally of deaths
that job cuts remain high despite      dents age 75 years and older who          Bars are being shut down          from the coronavirus during the
a substantial decline in new viral     have received the vaccine were         throughout the city Friday, the      coming week.
infections.                            Black while 59.7% were white,          beginning of what is usually a          Health officials say “process
   Last week’s total declined from     according to the data. Mean-           raucous Mardi Gras weekend.          issues affecting the reconcilia-
812,000 the previous week, the         while, slightly more than 1% were      And there will be limits on auto-    tion and reporting of these
Labor Department said Thurs-           Asian; 2.3% were Hispanic; 6.2%        mobile and pedestrian traffic in     deaths” began in October, with
day. That figure was revised           were mixed-race; and 19.4%             the French Quarter, where bars       most occurring in November and
higher from the previously-re-         were listed as other, which in-        usually cater to shoulder-to-        December. The department
ported figure of 779,000. Before       cludes American Indians, Native        shoulder crowds.                     identified the problem during a
the virus erupted in the United        Alaskans, Native Hawaiians and            In a $100,000 program, the city   routine employee training, offi-
States in March, weekly applica-       Pacific Islanders.                     is offering up to 200 displaced      cials said.
tions for jobless aid had never          According to 2019 U.S. Census        workers jobs that officials say         The department says it will
topped 700,000, even during the        data, 74.6% of Connecticut’s pop-      may include trash and litter pick-   continue working with the audi-
Great Recession.                       ulation is white while 11% is Black    up and mask distribution, ac-        tor of state’s office, which has
   The job market’s improvement        or African-American.                   cording to a news release from       been doing an audit of COVID-19
slowed through the fall and in the                                            Mayor LaToya Cantrell’s admin-       data since September.
past two months has essentially
                                       Iowa                                   istration. Workers selected can         Officials say adding the deaths
stalled. Over the past two months         JOHNSTON — Iowa Gov. Kim            earn up to $100 a day for five       will inflate daily reported death
combined, employers have cut           Reynolds on Wednesday defend-          hours of work a day Friday           counts for two or three days, but
178,000 jobs. Nearly 10 million        ed her decision to end mask re-        through Tuesday.                     the appropriate date of deaths
jobs remain lost to the pandemic.      quirements and other rules de-                                              will be reflected on the state’s
   Though the unemployment             signed to slow the spread of the       Oregon                               COVID-19 dashboard.
rate fell in January to 6.3% from      coronavirus, even as public               PORTLAND — Gov. Kate                 As of Wednesday, the state was
6.7%, that was mainly because          health officials warned against        Brown announced Wednesday            reporting a total of 11,856 con-
many people who had lost jobs          ending the measures when a new         that some outdoor contact sports,    firmed and probable COVID-19
stopped looking for one. The gov-      more contagious variant of the vi-     including high school football,      deaths.
ernment doesn’t count people as        rus is spreading in the U.S.           can resume this week.
unemployed unless they’re ac-             Reynolds announced Friday              In addition, the Oregon Health    Tennessee
tively seeking work.                   that she would lift a partial mask     Authority reported data shows a         Public health officials in east-
   All told, 20.4 million people       requirement, limits on crowd siz-      “sharp decrease” in daily corona-    ern     Tennessee       announced
were receiving unemployment            es and other mitigation mea-           virus cases, hospitalizations and    Wednesday that 975 doses of the
benefits in the week that ended        sures. Asked at a news confer-         deaths from the previous week.       COVID-19 vaccine that went mis-
Jan. 23, the latest period for         ence why she decided to end               Health and safety protocols for   sing were likely thrown out by ac-
which data are available. That’s       those rules, Reynolds repeated         school sports teams are deter-       cident.
up from 17.8 million the week be-      her frequent refrain that Iowa         mined based on the risk level in        Knox County — which encom-
fore.                                  residents can make decisions           the county.                          passes Knoxville — said the
   The job market’s persistent         without government mandates.              In “lower risk” and “moderate     state’s Department of Health
weakness is fueling President             “I’m not saying, ‘Go out there      risk” counties, practices and        confirmed that the doses were
Joe Biden’s push for a $1.9 trillion   and be carefree and not be re-         games for outdoor contact sports     shipped to the region last week,
economic rescue package. Bi-           sponsible.’ I’m saying I trust Io-     can resume. In “high risk” and       but local officials said they have
den’s proposal would extend,           wans to do the right thing,” she       “extreme risk” counties, where       no record of receiving them.
through August, two federal un-        said. “I don’t think they need me      COVID-19 remains more wide-             Knox County Health Depart-
employment benefit programs            to say mandate it.”                    spread, schools and other sports     ment Director Dr. Martha Bu-
that are set to expire in mid-            Since its peak in November, Io-     organizations can opt-in to re-      chanan said that based on GPS
March. His proposal would also         wa has seen significant drops in       suming outdoor contact sports        data, she believes the box con-
raise the federal unemployment         hospitalizations and less robust       with additional protocols in         taining the doses was probably
benefit to $400 a week from the        virus spread. However, it has the      place; On-site COVID-19 testing      discarded by someone who
current $300.                          highest seven-day rolling aver-        for symptomatic individuals,         thought they were throwing out
                                       age positivity rate in the nation at   contact information for contact      dry ice. Due to security reasons,
Connecticut                            just under 26%, according to re-       tracing and a waiver identifying     vaccine doses are shipped with-
  HARTFORD — New and limit-            searchers at Johns Hopkins Uni-        health and safety risks and a com-   out any readily identifiable infor-
ed data released Wednesday             versity.                               mitment to isolation and quaran-     mation attached.
from the Connecticut Depart-                                                  tine if exposed to COVID-19.            “It was a kick in the gut for all
ment of Public Health suggests         Louisiana                                                                   of us,” Buchanan said through
there are racial disparities in the      NEW ORLEANS — Hospitali-             Ohio                                 tears. “I apologize. Vaccinating
administration of the COVID-19         ty industry workers who will lose        COLUMBUS — The Ohio De-            our community is very important
vaccine in the state, mirroring        income because of an upcoming          partment of Health says as many      to us.”
Thursday, February 11, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •       PAGE 5


White tiger figurine                   Eventually, all the cows were      the monster tip left on a $55 tick-   He pleaded not guilty to three
                                     accounted for, Allen said, and       et, the Cincinnati Enquirer           felony charges.
prompts calls to police              no injuries were reported to the     reported.                               Prosecutors alleged that in

MD             ROCKVILLE —
                Police in Maryland
said they received several calls
                                     human onlookers or the cattle.
                                       Police declined to identify the
                                     farmer whose cows had escap-
                                                                             As many as 90 families pooled
                                                                          money to give the tip, Aaron
                                                                          Tritsch, owner of The Birch,
                                                                                                                October 2019, Calleros went to a
                                                                                                                dealership in Orange and drove
                                                                                                                off in a 2015 Chevrolet Silvera-
about a large, life-like figurine    ed.                                  told the newspaper.                   do. Calleros then used another
of a white tiger that was placed       Allen credited the lack of in-        Fans of the teams have left ri-    police officer’s identification to
on the side of Interstate 270.       juries to county police’s car        val tips at more than 20 area res-
                                                                                                                call the LAPD’s Vehicle War-
   The       Washington       Post   take-home program, which al-         taurants since Jan. 9, the news-
                                                                                                                rant Unit to report the stolen
reported that the figurine was       lowed him and Fish to direct         paper reported.
                                                                                                                truck had been recovered, pros-
perched atop a Jersey barrier        traffic quickly and effectively.
on the highway in Rockville.
                                                                          Fire damages historic                 ecutors contend.
   A Rockville police officer
                                     Authorities: Shiv found              Krispy Kreme store                      He also used the California
went to look at the figurine after   in inmate’s nose                                                           Law Enforcement Telecommu-
a 911 call was received.
   Officers from the Montgom-        NY          CAPE VINCENT —
                                                 An inmate is in spe-
                                                                          GA          ATLANTA — A his-
                                                                                      toric Krispy Kreme
                                                                          Doughnuts store owned by Sha-
                                                                                                                nications System to link a li-
                                                                                                                cense plate number belonging
ery County Police Department                                                                                    to a different Silverado to the
                                     cial housing and awaiting disci-     quille O’Neal was engulfed in
removed the tiger. It has since      plinary charges after a correc-      flames this week, heavily da-         stolen truck, according to prose-
been “adopted” by officers of        tional officer found a shiv in his   maging the structure.                 cutors.
the county police department’s       nose, authorities said.                 Battalion Chief Douglas            Man banned from park
first district.                         The officer noticed some-         Hatcher said firefighters saved
   The question of how and why
                                                                                                                after poaching elk
                                     thing in the inmate’s nose dur-      most of the building after the
the figurine came to appear on
the interstate remains a mys-
                                     ing a contraband search Jan. 29
                                     at a New York prison in Cape
                                                                          fire started in the back. No inju-
                                                                          ries were reported. Hatcher           OR          CRATER NATION-
                                                                                                                            AL PARK — An
                                     Vincent, according to the New        said the cause of the fire was un-    Oregon man was banned from
Herd of calves escape                York State Correctional Offi-        der investigation.                    Crater Lake National Park, or-
                                     cers and Police Benevolent As-          The Midtown Krispy Kreme           dered to pay over $40,000 in res-
farm, stroll highway                 sociation, the union that repre-     opened in 1965. It was one of the     titution and sentenced to proba-
                                     sents correctional officers.         first locations established out-
IN         LAPORTE — A herd
           of about 75 Holstein
calves barreled down an Indi-
                                        The inmate, who is serving an
                                     18-year sentence for attempted
                                                                          side the company’s main bases
                                                                          of operations in Winston-Salem,
                                                                                                                tion with a six-month stay at a
                                                                                                                residential reentry center after
                                                                                                                he pleaded guilty to poaching a
ana highway after escaping a         murder, voluntarily removed          N.C., and Nashville, Tenn.            trophy bull elk in the park, pros-
nearby farm.                         the item from his nose, WWNY-           O’Neal bought the store in
                                                                                                                ecutors said.
   Capt. Derek Allen, an off-duty    TV reported. It was a piece of       2016.
                                                                                                                   U.S. Attorney Billy J. Wil-
                                     sharpened ceramic melted into
officer who happened to be
                                     a plastic cap.
                                                                          Police officer charged                liams said the guilty plea and
nearby in his police car, quickly
                                                                          with stealing truck                   sentence came after an investi-
made a U-turn when he saw the        Hoops fans compete                                                         gation into the activities of
cows running by in LaPorte
   “It’s really important to note,
                                     to leave largest tip                 CA         SANTA ANA — A
                                                                                     Los Angeles police
                                                                                                                Adrian Wood, 44. The U.S. Fish
                                                                                                                and Wildlife Service began
these cows weren’t just walking,
they were at a full gallop, if you
                                     OH         CINCINNATI — A
                                                crosstown rivalry
                                     between basketball fans of the
                                                                          officer was charged with steal-
                                                                          ing a truck from an Orange
                                                                          County dealership and using it
                                                                                                                tracking the White City man af-
                                                                                                                ter reports that he was illegally
will,” Allen told the South Bend     University of Cincinnati and         for more than a year, including       hunting in the park in 2014.
Tribune.                             Xavier University has extended       driving it to work, authorities          Federal agents searched
   Allen, along with LaPorte         to leaving tips at restaurants,      said.                                 Wood’s residence and found
County Detective Jim Fish, as        with the largest exceeding             Matthew Calleros, 45, of            specimens of hunted animals
well as a number of volunteer        $4,500.                              Whittier was arrested last No-        including at least 12 deer, a
firefighters and other onlook-         The restaurant The Birch in        vember after a nearly yearlong        black bear and 13 elk, according
ers, began corralling the calves     Terrance Park posted a photo         investigation by the LAPD and         to a DNA analysis.
as they moved south.                 on Facebook of a receipt with        the Orange Police Department.                    — From wire reports
PAGE 6    • STRIPES LITE •            Thursday, February 11, 2021

NASCAR ready for ‘best season ever’
              Associated Press                   driver — 1990 winner Derrike Cope — in            ership. He still drives for Joe Gibbs Racing
   CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Michael Jordan              the Daytona 500.                                  but has partnered with Jordan to create
took his own advice and just did it: Air Jor-       Yet here we are.                               23XI Racing (pronounced twenty-three
dan formed his own NASCAR team and ex-              While NASCAR can hope the racial reck-         eleven) and field a car for Wallace, the only
pects the foundation will be in place to build   oning from last season that led to its Confed-    Black full-time driver at NASCAR’s top lev-
a stock car Dream Team centered around           erate flag ban has eased, concerns that it        el.
Bubba Wallace.                                   can reach the season finale without inter-           Wallace had a tumultuous 2020 as he be-
   Jordan has some company on the celebri-       ruptions to the schedule and drivers falling      came NASCAR’s face for racial justice and
ty starting grid: Pitbull bought his own         ill still linger.                                 change. He successfully pushed NASCAR
piece of a NASCAR team and “Mr. World-              NASCAR last year navigated the pan-            to ban the Confederate flag at its events and
wide” could have fans — up to 30,000 of          demic by first filling the free time with na-     with it came a wave of backlash from tradi-
them at the Daytona 500 — shouting               tionally televised iRacing and found a way        tional fans. Wallace weathered it as best he
“Dale!” at next week’s season opener.            to become one of the first major sports to re-    could — even when NASCAR brought in the
   “There’s no better time to be involved in     sume competition in May. It was the first         FBI to investigate a garage door pull in his
NASCAR,” said Pitbull, who was attracted         sport to complete its full schedule but got to    stall at Talladega that had been fashioned
to the sport by the 1990 movie “Days of          November only by moving races, running            into a noose months earlier — and it ulti-
Thunder” and is now partnered with new           without spectators or limited spectators,         mately led to millions in new sponsorship
team Trackhouse Racing, which along with         and trusting participants to monitor their        dollars that gave Wallace the funding to
Mexican driver Daniel Suarez provides a          own health.                                       help get 23XI Racing off the ground.
platform to reach a broader audience.               At least four drivers tested positive for         Wallace is seeking a balance in trying to
   “In the same way that music is a universal    COVID-19 during the 2020 season, with             be successful with a high-profile team while
language, I also see NASCAR as a universal       Jimmie Johnson, Austin Dillon and Truck           also using his platform to push for diversity.
language,” Pitbull added. “Everybody loves       Series driver Spencer Davis missing races.        If he can do it all with fewer headaches, he’d
a fast car and a great story.”                      NASCAR again won’t test competitors in         be thrilled.
   The fan favorites extend well beyond the      2021 but plans on having rapid tests at the          “I lost 7 pounds through everything that
owner’s box. Chase Elliott, NASCAR’s most        tracks when needed. The bubble has been           happened last year. So much stress and
popular driver, is the reigning champion         widened this season to allow a team owner         pressure, Lord,” Wallace said. “I have a
and three-time Daytona 500 winner Denny          into the garage for the first time since last     goal every year to not be a part of the head-
Hamlin — who helped usher MJ into the            March and NASCAR acknowledged it must             lines. Every year I have that goal. And I’ve
sport — has kids asking about his PJs in a       be “nimble” with its schedule. The second         failed every year.”
national commercial tagline he can’t shake.      race of the season scheduled in Fontana,             23XI with Jordan and Trackhouse with
   The schedule underwent an overdue             Calif., has already been moved to the road        Pitbull are two of three new teams entering
overhaul and now has a whopping seven            course at Daytona because of pandemic re-         the Cup Series this year in anticipation of a
road courses and five new venues. NASCAR         strictions.                                       new car in 2022 that will make NASCAR
is even set for an off-road detour through          Daytona International Speedway can             more affordable for owners.
the dirt at fan-favorite Bristol Motor Speed-    hold more than 100,000 in the grandstands            New teams, new tracks, young drivers
way.                                             and thousands more in the infield, but the        and an abundance of optimism has led
   Perhaps in any other season, NASCAR           speedway will be limited to roughly 30,000        broadcast partner Fox to market the 2021
could raise a glass to what its broadcast        spectators for the Feb. 14 season-opener.         NASCAR campaign as “the best season ev-
partner is billing as “The Best Season Ev-          Hamlin is seeking to become the first          er.” That remains to be seen starting with
er.” But promising “best” anything in a pan-     driver to win three consecutive Daytona           the Daytona 500 and ending with the Nov. 7
demic seems as outlandish as a 62-year-old       500s while also transitioning into team own-      finale at Phoenix.

Bowman, Byron give Hendrick sweep of Daytona front row
        Associated Press            because it powers Ricky Sten-           Bowman posted a lap at              backing Bowman and helping
  DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. —             house Jr., last year’s pole-win-      191.261 mph to earn the top           him develop his brand.
New number, new day, new            ner.                                  starting spot for the second time       Bowman drove his Chevrolet
time, same result for Hendrick         “I think it means a lot to Mr. H   in his career. It’s the fourth con-   more than 1 mph faster than
Motorsports.                        — he wants to win everything,         secutive year Bowman will start       teammate Byron, who qualified
  Alex Bowman and William           like every category, he wants to      from the front row, but he’s got a    second with a lap at 190.219
Byron swept the front row           be top of the list,” Bowman said.     completely new look this time.        mph. Only the front row was set
Wednesday night in qualifying       “Here it really just comes down         Bowman in the offseason was         Wednesday, the first time Day-
for the Daytona 500, giving         to who built the fastest race car.    moved from the No. 88 into the        tona 500 qualifying has been
Hendrick its 14th pole and sixth    And I think it’s important for        No. 48 vacated by seven-time          held at night under a condensed
in the last seven years. Rick       Hendrick Motorsports to come          NASCAR champion Jimmie                Speedweeks schedule.
Hendrick’s      engine-building     up and prove that they’re the         Johnson. He inherited sponsor           It’s the ninth consecutive
wing has seven straight poles       ones that did that.”                  Ally, which has committed to          year Chevrolet won the pole.
Thursday, February 11, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •         PAGE 7

Lakers top Thunder for 3rd straight OT win
              Associated Press                  four games by rallying past Milwaukee.                 Nets 104, Pacers 94: Kyrie Irving had
                                                   The Bucks had their five-game winning            35 points and eight assists and host Brook-
  LOS ANGELES — LeBron James hit the            streak snapped despite getting a season-            lyn was defensively dominant in the first
tying three-pointer late in regulation and      high 47 points from Giannis Antetokounm-            half in shutting down Indiana to snap a
then broke up the Thunder’s final posses-       po. They had a chance to win it on the final        three-game losing streak.
sion in overtime to lead the Los Angeles        possession, but Antetokounmpo missed a                 Clippers 119, Timberwolves 112: Kawhi
Lakers to their sixth consecutive victory,      20-foot jumper at the buzzer.                       Leonard had a season-high 36 points and
114-113 over Oklahoma City on Wednesday            Bulls 129, Pelicans 116: Zach LaVine             Lou Williams added 27 points in Los An-
night.                                          scored a season-high 46 points, hitting nine        geles’ victory at Minnesota.
  James had 25 points, seven assists and six    of a franchise-record 25 three-pointers, and
                                                                                                       Nuggets 133, Cavaliers 95: Paul Millsap
rebounds for the defending NBA cham-            Chicago cooled off visiting New Orleans.
                                                                                                    scored a season-high 22 points, Michael
pions, who survived their third consecutive        Coby White made eight threes and scored
                                                                                                    Porter Jr. added 19 and host Denver routed
overtime game. Montrezl Harrell scored 20       30 points in an impressive show by Chica-
                                                                                                    Cleveland to snap a three-game skid.
points, and Dennis Schröder had 19 points       go’s starting backcourt. The Bulls went 25-
and seven rebounds.                             for-47 from beyond the arc and shot 59%                Raptors 137, Wizards 115: Norman Po-
  Al Horford scored 25 points and Kenrich       (48-for-81) overall.                                well scored 28 points, Pascal Siakam added
Williams had a career-high 24 for the Thun-        Mavericks 118, Hawks 117: Luka Don-              26 and Toronto made 19 three-pointers in its
der, who excelled at Staples Center despite     cic had 28 points, 10 assists and 10 rebounds       victory at Washington.
having just eight available players for back-   and Dallas rallied to win at home, a week af-          Grizzlies 130, Hornets 114: Kyle Ander-
to-back narrow losses to the Lakers.            ter ending a six-game losing streak in Atlan-       son hit a career-high six of Memphis’ fran-
  Suns 125, Bucks 124: Devin Booker             ta.                                                 chise-record 23 three-pointers and scored
scored 30 points, Chris Paul added 28 and          Tim Hardaway Jr. scored 13 of his 16             27 points to help his team beat visiting Char-
host Phoenix extended its winning streak to     points in the fourth quarter.                       lotte to snap a four-game losing streak.

Rebels stay hot, upend Mizzou for 3rd win in a row
        Associated Press           points and 11 assists, and Jer-         61 with 6:01 remaining, but did       ble of the season.
   OXFORD, Miss. — Jarkel          maine Samuels scored 14 for             not hit another field goal.             No. 16 Tennessee 89, Geor­
Joiner scored 21 points to help    Villanova (13-2, 8-1 Big East),            No. 9 Virginia 57, Georgia         gia 81: Jaden Springer scored a
Mississippi beat No. 10 Missouri   which has won 10 of 11. Robin-          Tech 49: Trey Murphy III              career-high 30 points to lead the
80-59 on Wednesday night.          son-Earl made 10 of 11 shots, in-       scored 18 points, Kihei Clark         host Volunteers to a victory over
   Devontae Shuler and Luis Ro-    cluding all five three-point tries,     added 14 and the visiting Cava-       the Bulldogs.
driguez added 15 points apiece     and added eight rebounds.               liers pulled away from the Yel-         Santiago Vescovi added 19
for the Rebels (11-8, 6-6 South-   Dawson Garcia scored 28 points          low Jackets down the stretch.         points, Josiah-Jordan James
eastern Conference), who ex-       and D.J. Carton had 13 for Mar-            Virginia (14-3, 10-1 Atlantic      had 18 points and Keon Johnson
tended their winning streak to     quette (9-11, 5-9). The Golden          Coast Conference) finished on a       scored 11 for Tennessee (14-4,
three games including wins         Eagles, playing the first of five       16-5 run in a game that was tight     7-4 Southeastern Conference).
over No. 16 Tennessee and the      straight road games, have lost          most of the way.                        The Vols were playing with-
No. 10 Tigers.                     five of six.                               Georgia Tech (9-7, 5-5) lost to    out 6-foot-6 senior Yves Pons,
   Ole Miss used a 17-2 run that      No. 8 Houston 82, South              Virginia for the second time this     who is nursing a right knee in-
spanned the final two minutes of   Florida 65: Quentin Grimes              season and missed a chance to         jury.
the first half and the opening     had 29 points and the visiting          give its postseason résumé a big        Pons, a leader in rebounds
three minutes of the second half   Cougars beat the Bulls, spoiling        boost.                                and blocked shots, had scored
to build an insurmountable 51-     their first game in 32 days be-            No. 15 Iowa 79, No. 25 Rutg­       69 points in the last five games.
37 lead. The Rebels led by as      cause of coronavirus interrup-          ers 66: Joe Wieskamp scored             K.D. Johnson scored 20 of his
many as 22 points midway in the    tions.                                  26 points and Luka Garza over-        22 points in the second half to
second half as Missouri never         Tied at 25 at the eight-minute       came a slow start to score 22 as      lead Georgia (12-7, 5-7).
seriously threatened again. Dru    mark, Houston (17-2, 11-2               the host Hawkeyes beat the              No. 21 Wisconsin 61, Ne­
Smith led the Tigers (13-4, 6-4)   American Athletic) shot 58% in          Scarlet Knights.                      braska 48: Jonathan Davis
with 17 points as they snapped a   the first half and led 43-35 at            Iowa (14-6, 8-5 Big Ten),          scored 10 points and made a
three-game winning streak.         halftime. DeJon Jarreau scored          which fell out of the top 10 of the   couple of big baskets to help the
   No. 5 Villanova 96, Mar­        13 of his 17 points in the first half   Associated Press poll this week       visiting Badgers begin pulling
quette 64: Jeremiah Robinson-      and also had eight assists.             for the first time this season,       away after halftime, and they
Earl scored a season-high 27          The Cougars pushed the pace          was coming off a stretch of four      overcame a poor shooting per-
points to lead the host Wildcats   in the second half and outscored        losses in the last five games.        formance to beat the Cornhusk-
to a victory over the Golden Ea-   USF 29-8 in the first 9:18 of the          Wieskamp, who had 16 points        ers.
gles.                              half to take a 72-44 lead. The          in the first half, added 10 re-         Wisconsin (15-6, 9-5 Big Ten)
   Collin Gillespie added 16       Bulls (7-6, 3-4) got as close at 76-    bounds for his third double-dou-      swept the season series.
PAGE 8    • STRIPES LITE •               Thursday, February 11, 2021

Kenin eliminated from Australian Open
         Associated Press                 One person who knows how to              In the preceding match on the      the Australian Open for the first
   MELBOURNE, Australia —              defend a major title is Rafael Na-       main show court, fifth-seeded         time by beating Olga Danilovic
Sofia Kenin knew this would be a       dal, who shares the men’s record         Elina Svitolina beat 16-year-old      6-2, 6-3.
tough test at the Australian Open      of 20 with Roger Federer.                Coco Gauff 6-4, 6-3, knocking the        In an all-American match, No.
and a potentially early end to her        Nadal shrugged off some heck-         youngest player out of the draw.      22 Jennifer Brady beat Madison
first attempt to defend a Grand        ling from a spectator before beat-          Gauff had a breakout major in      Brengle 6-1, 6-2.
Slam title.                            ing 177th-ranked Michael Mmoh            Melbourne last year, reaching            Fifth-seeded Stefanos Tsitsi-
   Upon realizing she would prob-      6-1, 6-4, 6-2 in the last night match,   the round of 16 with wins over        pas was pushed all the way by No.
ably be playing big-hitting veter-     showing no signs of the back sore-       Venus Williams and Naomi Osa-         267-ranked Australian wild-card
an Kaia Kanepi in the second           ness that has bothered him.              ka before losing to Kenin. But Svi-   entry Thanasi Kokkinakis in a 6-7
round, Kenin acknowledged, she            Nadal was serving for the sec-        tolina was just too consistent        (5), 6-4, 6-1, 6-7 (5), 6-4 win. Tsit-
“maybe kind of broke down a lit-       ond set at 5-4 when a woman              when it counted, saving all four      sipas will next play Mikael Ymer,
tle bit.”                              yelled out and made hand ges-            break points she faced and con-       who beat 17-year-old Spanish
   Kenin was right to be worried.      tures as he prepared to serve. She       verting on two of the three she had   qualifier Carlos Alcaraz in the
And, with Kanepi at her best, this     yelled again at 30-0 and stadium         on Gauff’s serve.                     second round.
one was over quickly. Delivering       security escorted her out of Rod            Gauff said she stayed calm and        Also advancing were No. 9
10 aces, Kanepi powered her way        Laver Arena. As the rest of the          was playing at a higher standard      Matteo Berrettini, No. 21 Alex de
past the fourth-seeded Kenin,          crowd started booing the woman,          of tennis than last year, but it      Minaur and Mackenzie McDo-
overwhelming the 2020 cham-            Nadal laughed.                           wasn’t quite enough.                  nald, who beat 22nd-seeded Bor-
pion 6-3, 6-2 in only 64 minutes on       After the brief delay, he hit two        Top-ranked Ash Barty did           na Coric 6-4, 6-2, 4-6, 6-4, and 39-
Thursday.                              aces to finish off the set. He wrap-     manage to avoid a surprise            year-old Feliciano Lopez.
   “I obviously felt like I’m not      ped up the match at 1 hour, 47           Thursday, but she blew a big lead        Russia’s ATP Cup-winning
there 100% — physically, mental-       minutes.                                 in the second set and survived a      teammates Daniil Medevev and
ly, my game. Everything just feels        Nadal said it was a “positive         shaky tiebreaker to get past Daria    Andrey Rublev continued their
real off, obviously. It’s not good,”   evening.” Except for one strange         Gavrilova 6-1, 7-6 (7).               unbeaten starts to the year with
Kenin said at her news confer-         thing.                                      Other women’s winners in-          straight-set wins. The fourth-
ence, where she wiped away                Asked if he knew the unruly           cluded former No. 1 Karolina          seeded Medevev extended his
tears. “I mean, I just — I know I      spectator, Nadal said he didn’t          Pliskova, who beat Danielle Col-      winning streak to 16 by beating
couldn’t really handle the pres-       “and, honestly, I don’t want to          lins 7-5, 6-2, and Shelby Rogers,     Roberto Carballes Baena 6-2, 7-5,
sure.”                                 know.”                                   who reached the third round at        6-1.

Marchand lifts Bruins over Rangers in overtime
         Associated Press              four and points streak to nine           ly good team tonight so it’s going      Maple Leafs 4, Canadiens 2:
  NEW YORK — Brad Mar-                 games at 8-0-1.                          to go a little bit back and forth,    Justin Holl and Ilya Mikheyev
chand scored 36 seconds into              “That’s the mentality we have         but I thought we played with a lot    scored in a 42-second span early
overtime to give the Boston            always had in this room, we are          more speed and a lot more tem-        in the third period to help visit-
Bruins a 3-2 victory over the          one,” Marchand said. “We battle          po today than we did last game.”      ing Toronto beat Montreal.
New York Rangers on Wednes-            adversity together. We win and              The teams will meet again Fri-       Travis Dermott and Zach Hy-
day night in the opener of a two-      lose as a team. We feed off a line       day night.                            man also scored for the Maple
game set at Madison Square             or a guy. Guys are just stepping            Georgiev made his first start      Leafs, Frederik Andersen made
Garden.                                up and making big plays right            following a postgame alterca-         33 saves, Jake Muzzin added
  Marchand beat goalie Alex-           now.”                                    tion with defenseman Tony             three assists and John Tavares
andar Georgiev with a nifty fore-         Julien Gauthier — with his            DeAngelo which came after an          had two. Toronto is 8-0-1 in its
hand-backhand maneuver. De-            first NHL goal — and Kevin               overtime loss to Pittsburgh.          last nine and leads the NHL and
fenseman Charlie McAvoy                Rooney scored for the Rangers,           DeAngelo has since cleared            North Division at 11-2-1.
broke up an odd-man rush and           Brendan Lemieux had two as-              waivers and will not play anoth-        Josh Anderson and Tomas Ta-
set up Marchand.                       sists and Georgiev stopped 29            er game with the Rangers, ac-         tar scored for the Canadiens and
  “You have to take chances at         shots. New York has lost two in a        cording to general manager Jeff       Carey Price stopped 20 shots.
times,” Tuukka Rask said about         row.                                     Gorton.                               The team dropped five points
the 3-on-3 overtime. “Smart               “The way we kind of measure              Rooney evened it at 2 midway       behind the Leafs.
players make smart plays, and I        our game is how fast we play, the        through the third, less than three      Auston Matthews’ career-
think that was the case.”              way we pressure, the way we              minutes after Bjork gave the          high goals streak was snapped at
  Chris Wagner and Anders              forecheck,” Rangers center Mi-           Bruins the lead. Rooney buried a      eight games for Toronto, but he
Bjork also scored and Rask             ka Zibanejad said after his goal         loose puck at the side of the net     extended his points run to 11.
made 33 saves to help the Bruins       drought extended to nine                 after Lemieux redirected a shot       Mitch Marner’s eight-game
extend their winning streak to         games. “We were playing a real-          from Ryan Lindgren.                   points streak ended.
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