Houston Olympic boxing champion welcomes UHD Gators

Page created by Dwayne Blake
Houston Olympic boxing champion welcomes UHD Gators
Student-run since Volume One

                             VOLUME 67
                              ISSUE 2
                         September 9, 2021

                         Houston Olympic boxing champion welcomes UHD Gators
                         BY MCKENZIE BREWER                 Olympic female boxing                  This means Esparza was
                                                            event, but she also became         only just beginning her box-
                             On Aug. 24, UHD kicked
                                                            the first female to qualify, for   ing career when she brought
                         off “Week of Welcome”
                                                            the U.S. While Esparza took        home a bronze medal for the
                         with the help of some fe-
                                                            photographs and signed auto-       USA team.
                         male power. Gators had the
                                                            graphs with students, one of           After the meet and greet,
                         opportunity to attend one of
                                                            Esparza’s publicists recount-      Esparza shared about the
                         UHD’s main events, a meet
                                                            ed the Olympic medalist’s          pleasures and challenges of
                         and greet with Olympic
                                                            early steps in the world of        becoming a pro boxer. When
                         medalist and World Boxing
                                                            boxing.                            asked how it felt to bring
                         Council Flyweight Champion
                                                                It was the 2012 Olympics       home a medal for the first
                         Marlen Esparza.
                                                            in London where Esparza            time in 2012, Esparza was
                             In addition to a photo
                                                            first began her climb to the       lost for words describing the
                         op and meet and greet with
                                                            top. Contrary to what you          feeling of becoming the first
                         Houston’s own boxing cham-
                                                            might think, boxers in the         female ever to win a medal
                         pion, the Marilyn Davies
                                                            Olympics are not profession-       in Olympic boxing.
                         College of Business hosted
                                                            al boxers, yet.                         “It helped because I tell
                         their open house featuring ta-
                                                                One of the Olympic qual-       everybody that the medal is
                         cos, popcorn, and the chance
                                                            ifications require that boxers     my favorite, but the belt was
                         to enter a raffle to win tickets
                                                            must be amateurs and have          the hardest thing to ever get,”
                         to the Major League Soccer
                                                            not competed professionally        Esparza said about her 2021
                         team, The Houston Dynamo
                                                            in leagues such as the World       WBC female flyweight title.       Olympic medalist and World Boxing Council Fly-
                         Football Club.
                                                            Boxing Council, Interna-                                             weight Champion Marlen Esparza poses with a
                             Not only did Esparza                                              CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
                                                            tional Boxing Federation, or                                         UHD student on Aug. 24 during fall 2021’s Week of
                         compete in the very first
                                                            World Boxing Organization.                                           Welcome. Credit: Mckenzie Brewer

                                                                                               New UHD motto honors Gator grit
                                                                                               BY SHAHERYAR KHAN                 perceived “as the school of                       invites its audiences to meet
                                                                                                                                 first choice among prospec-                       the UHD student—confident,
                                                                                                    At the beginning of the
                                                                                                                                 tive students,” according to                      ambitious, fearless and ready
                                                                                               fall 2021 academic school
                                                                                                                                 Vice President of Advance-                        to change the world,” Olsen
                                                                                               year, UHD steps towards a
                                                                                                                                 ment and University Rela-                         said.
                                                                                               new era, as the university
                                                                                                                                 tions Johanna Wolfe.                                   Olsen further added that
                                                                                               rebrands its slogan to three
                                                                                                                                      The three words that                         “both first-time in college
                                                                                               words that define the Gator
                                                                                                                                 echo the essence of the Gator                     students and returning
                                                                                               community: “Determined.
                                                                                                                                 community have already                            students have looked upon
                                                                                               Dedicated. Downtown.”
                                                                                                                                 made its presence known                           UHD as the perfect universi-
                                                                                                    Initially, the brand
                                                                                                                                 across campus, as there are                       ty to continue their academic
                                                                                               campaign was set to be
                                                                                                                                 banners, posters, and even                        journeys. Its value to future,
                                                                                               unveiled in November 2020.
                                                                                                                                 t-shirts with the new motto                       current and former students
                                                                                               It came to a halt due to the
                                                                                                                                 all over UHD.                                     is reflected within this cam-
Credit: Shaheryar Khan

                                                                                               COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                                                                                      According to Execu-                          paign.”
                                                                                                      The new school motto
                                                                                                                                 tive Director of University                            UHD was founded in
                                                                                               succeeds the previous slo-
                                                                                                                                 Relations Elissa Olsen, the                       1974 and carried out a funda-
                                                                                               gan, “Finish UHD Strong,”
                                                                                                                                 University’s new motto “cel-                      mental goal to meet the needs
                                                                                               enacted in 2017. This previ-
                                                                                                                                 ebrates the tenacious spirits                     of Houston’s ever-so-diverse
                                                                                               ous brand campaign was set
                                                                                                                                 of its students, faculty, staff                   community.
                                                                                               during the 2015-2020 UHD
                                                                                                                                 and alumni.”
                                                                                               Strategic Plan to prove to                                                          CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
                                                                                                                                 “The brand-new initiative
                                                                                               future students that UHD is

                                                                                                                                    INSIDE THIS EDITION
                                                                                                                                    Gator Life..................................2
                                                                                                                                    Arts & Entertainment.............11
                                                                                                                                                                                           FIND US ONLINE!
                         Vaccine Incentive           3      Chase Giddings                6     Earth murals              11
Houston Olympic boxing champion welcomes UHD Gators
2                         GATOR LIFE                      September 9, 2021

UHD implements ‘soft opening’ to kick off first weeks of fall semester
BY CHRIS KEMP 		            Relations. The message      and the Centers for          in feeling less than op-
                            detailed a plan of action   Disease Control and          timal about the degree
     Questions on
                            that was deemed a “soft     Prevention recommend.        to which UHD is being
UHD’s handling of
                            opening.” During this            Philosophy Profes-      proactive in this very
operations at the start
                            soft opening, face-to-      sor Andrew Pavelich,         dynamic situation.
of the fall semester
                            face and hybrid class       Ph.D., who is also                “It’s always a com-
linger amid the ongoing
                            instructors had the         UHD’s Philosophy             promise,” as Pavelich
pandemic. UHD’s “soft
                            option of only meeting      Department chair, ex-        aptly said. As a not-
opening” to the start of
                            once a week for the first   pressed empathy for the      ed public institution
the semester welcomed
                            two weeks of this fall      various approaches to        serving one of the most
more Gators to campus
                            semester.                   responding to our novel      diverse communities
but also drew disagree-
                                 While the message      predicament.                 globally, Gators have
                            sent from the Office of          “I get the soft open-   expressed they expect
     The UHD Facul-
                            the President did not di-   ing as a compromise...       UHD to excel at man-
ty Senate Executive
                            rectly address the open     and what we’re doing         aging turmoil. From the
Committee and UHD
                            letter sent out three       is in the middle,” he        student perspective, The
Staff Council Executive
                            days prior, Blanchard       said. “For a situation       Dateline’s editor Indira
Committee made their
                            promised that he would      like this being in the       Zaldivar said she is
concerns clear prior to
                            communicate with the        middle is probably the       happy to see a lot more
the start of the semester
                            UHD community “as           best choice. There are       people on campus.
in an open letter sent to
                            quickly as possible         very rare times where             The Week of
the UHD community on
                            should UHD need to          you can just say that,       Welcome was a “whole-
Aug. 9.
                            once again pivot in the     ‘okay there is a very        some” experience
     One of the matters
                            face of COVID-19.”          clear choice, there is no    “filled with many fun
conveyed was a request
                                 The president’s        downside, this is what       events that wouldn’t       UHD mascot Ed-U-Gator makes an ap-
that faculty be allot-
                            message notified stu-       we’re going to do.’”         have been as fun with-     pearance at Week of Welcome’ event on
ted more flexibility in
                            dents of the availability        However, not all        out the soft opening.”     Aug. 24, 2021. Credit: Mckenzie Brewer
changing their modes
                            of an on-campus testing     teachers are as will-        “Thanks to vaccines,
of instruction over the                                                                                         that has allowed Gators      through a screen.”
                            site located next to the    ing to address the           first and foremost, and
semester. Presently,                                                                                            since April to schedule           Gators are encour-
                            Student Life Center         situation so warmly.         UHD’s decision to im-
some teachers are still                                                                                         an appointment to get        aged to take care of
                            on Girard Street, open      After innocent elevator      plement a soft opening
locked into agreements                                                                                          vaccinated, COVID-19         themselves and each
                            Monday - Friday from        banter (voices strangely     allowing a lot more
made earlier in the year                                                                                        testing kioks, the new       other by partaking
                            9 a.m. - 5 p.m., and        muffled and somewhat         students on campus, I
that prevent them from                                                                                          vaccination incentive,       in COVID-19 safety
                            announced the Gator         comically elevated on        got to reconnect with
changing.                                                                                                       and abundant hand            precautions available
                            Vaccination Incentive       account of masks), one       friends and meet new
     On Aug. 12,                                                                                                sanitation stations. Let’s   on campus such as
                            Program that rolled out     member of the faculty        Gators,” Zaldivar said.
UHD President Loren                                                                                             prioritize our health        COVID-19 testing
                            on Sept. 3. He encour-      declined to comment on       “UHD has made a great
Blanchard, Ph.D., en-                                                                                           overall by wearing           kiosks and hand san-
                            aged Gators to consider     UHD’s approach to this       effort to maintain the
deavored to address Ga-                                                                                         masks and keeping            itation stations; and
                            wearing face coverings      semester. Considering        UHD community safe
tors’ concerns in a mes-                                                                                        a distance so that we        following the CDC and
                            (vaccinated or not) as      the open letter provid-      through on-campus
sage sent out to students                                                                                       keep getting to see each     DSHS guidelines.
                            the Texas Department        ed by the SGA, the           vaccination events, the
on behalf of University                                                                                         other in person and not
                            of State Health Services    individual is not alone      UTHealth partnership

UHD Campus Activities Board’s Edwin Daniel Mendez Alvarado                            Gators gather UHD spirit merch from UHD Marketing’s table on
tables at Week of Welcome on Aug. 24 to show Gators what                              Aug. 24 during Week of Welcome. Credit: Indira Zaldivar
CAB is about. Credit: Indira Zaldivar
                                                   The University of Houston-Downtown
Houston Olympic boxing champion welcomes UHD Gators
September 9, 2021                                                         GATOR LIFE                                                                                      3
UHD launches vaccine incentive program
BY INDIRA ZALDIVAR                 in the Harris County’s vac-            gift card. Nearly 60% of
                                   cionation incentive program.           eligible county residents are
     On Sept. 3, the voluntary
                                   Harris County launched its             now fully vaccinated and

                                                                                                              THE DATELINE
Gator Vaccine Incentive Pro-
                                   own incentive program in               71% have gotten their first
gram launched and will be
                                   August and extended it to              shot, according to Harris
available through Sept. 30.
                                   Sept. 13. The county rewards           County Judge Lina Hidalgo.
UHD’s first vaccine incentive
                                   residents who get vaccinated                Rodarte will enter both
program against COVID-19,
promises to reward regis-
                                   at any vaccination hub in              the county and university’s        University of Houston-Downtown
tered participants with $30 in
                                   Harris County with a $100              incentive programs.                1 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002
GatorCash and a chance to
                                                                                                             Office: S-260 Phone: 713.221.8275
win other generous monetary                                                                                 editordatelinedowntown@gmail.com
     This program is open to
                                         ARE YOU                                                                           Fall 2021 Staff
UHD students, faculty and
staff. Anyone who has been
vaccinated or will get vaccin-                                                                             Editor.............................................Indira Zaldivar
ated, qualifies to register.             Follow these steps to enter UHD's Gator                           Assistant Editor...............................Aansa Usmani
     Besides the $30 in Ga-              Vaccination Incentive Program (VIP) to win $30                    Social Media Manager.......................Jema Pantoja
torCash, the limited prizes                                                                                Business Manager........................Ann M. Lummus
                                         in GatorCash and a chance to win more rewards.
to students include one year                                                                               Gator Life Section Editor..............Shaheryar Khan
of free tuition and fees, one
                                                                                                           News Section Editor...........................Gean Garcia
semester of free tuition and                      TAKE A PHOTO OF                                          Opinions Section Editor..............Ann M. Lummus
fees, one year of free park-                      YOUR VACCINATION
                                                                                                           A&E Section Editor......................Savannah Mims

ing, one semester of free                         CARD
parking, $100 Amazon gift                                                                                  Faculty Advisor..........................Joe Sample, Ph.D.
card. Faculty and staff should
visit the page to view the                        SCAN THE QR CODE TO                                         The Dateline is the official student newspaper of
limited prizes.                                   LOGIN TO THE VIP

                                                                                                          the University of Houston-Downtown. Since its first
     To register, participants                    PORTAL                                                  issue in 1982, The Dateline is proud to be “Student
must upload a photo of their                                                                              Run since Volume One.” We strive to meet the needs
vaccination card on the vac-                                                                              of a growing university as well as the growing metro-
cination incentive program’s
                                                                                                          politan city that surrounds us.
portal between Sept. 3 and
Sept. 30.
     UHD senior, Karina Ro-                                                                                                  Submission Policy
darte, got her first dose of the                                                                              The Dateline staff consists of students from UHD
COVID-19 vaccine through                                                                                  who complete all tasks required to produce the news-
UHD and HEB’s on-campus                                                                                   paper, which serves all UHD campuses. The opinions
vaccination event on Aug.                                                                                 and commentaries expressed within reflect the views
26. Rodarte, a chemistry
                                                                                                          of the contributing writers. No opinions expressed in
major, is scheduled to receive                     UPLOAD THE PHOTO OF                                    The Dateline reflect the viewpoints of UHD, its ad-
her second dose on Sept. 17.                       YOUR VACCINATION CARD

“The rewards are extremely                         ON THE VIP PORTAL                                      ministration, or students.
generous,” Rodarte said. “I                                                                                   The Dateline reserves the right to edit or modify
didn’t expect a year of free                                                                              submissions for the sake of clarity, content, grammar,
tuition and a semester of free                                                                            or space limitations. All submissions become property
parking to be options. It just                                                                            of The Dateline and may not be returned.
shows how much UHD is                                                                                         All paid writers must be currently enrolled stu-
prioritizing student safety!”                                                                             dents at UHD. All paid writers must also complete
     Seeing her close family                                                                              vendor registration with the University of Houston
members get sick with the                                                                                 System prior to contributing.
first COVID-19 wave back in
                                                                                                              Press releases, story ideas, news tips and sugges-
mid 2020 encouraged her to
get vaccinated.
                                                                                                          tions are always welcomed. We encourage all students
                                         Some participants could win the following                        to contribute. Any student interested in joining The
     “My parents encouraged
all of their kids to get vaccin-         prizes                                                           Dateline staff may request more detailed information
ated since the new variant is                                                                             sending an email to the editor Indira Zaldivar at edi-
much more contagious, pain-               Students                        Faculty & Staff                 tordatelinedowntown@gmail.com.
ful, and difficult to treat,”                    Student Debt Waiver        1 year of free parking
Rodarte added.
     She said the vaccination
incentive program is “very
                                                 (Up to $3,500)
                                                 1 year of Free Tuition
                                                 & Fees
                                                                            1 semester of free
                                                                            $100 Restaurant Gift
                                                                                                          Follow us on Social Media!
reassuring” that UHD is                          1 Semester of Free         Card
“willing to encourage stu-                       Tuition & Fees             $100 Amazon Gift Card
dents to keep themselves and                     1 year of free parking
                                                 1 semester of free
their family safe.”

     Everyone who partici-
                                                 $100 Amazon Gift Card
pated in UHD’s most recent
on-campus vaccination event
is also eligible to participate    Credit: Indira Zaldivar
                                                         The University of Houston-Downtown
Houston Olympic boxing champion welcomes UHD Gators
4                                                              GATOR LIFE                                                           September 9, 2021

Boxing champ at UHD                                  victory.
                                                         “It wasn’t like a
                                                     Rocky movie where it
                                                                                 had to convince herself
                                                                                 first that she was capa-
                                                                                 ble of winning.
                                                                                                            “thick of it” to “just
                                                                                                            keep breathing.”
                                                                                                                “You have to really
                                                                                                                                        for three more pro
                                                                                                                                        belts like the powerful
                                                                                                                                        Marlen Esparza in just
CONTINUED FROM            And, she went for the      was like ‘oh every day           Even the most         believe in yourself,”       18 months, but college
                          toughest one first. Es-    I wake up and I’m so        accomplished profes-       Esparza said. “If you       can definitely feel like
                          parza challenged Ibeth     ready!’”                    sionals struggle with      believe in what you’re      a series of competitive
    In June 2021, Es-     Zamora Silva, a Mexi-          In fact, Esparza        believing in themselves    doing, everything is go-    events.
parza competed in her     can professional boxer     admitted she had faced      and finding the strength   ing to work. It just be-        Even when college
toughest competition,     who defended the title     multiple struggles as       to overcome even the       comes sticking to it and    starts to feel over-
making her Olympic        five times. The newly      she prepared to “over-      hardest of competitions.   really just making the      whelming as the due
event in 2012 just the    pro boxer knew she was     come the battle before           While recounting      worst of it, a process.     dates keep coming and
start of hard work and    up against a stiff com-    the battle happened”        how she overcame           Because it’s going to be    finals creep up ever-so
dedication to succeed     petitor but was ready to   There were tears, and       hardships even when        bad, it’s always diffi-     quietly and deadly, keep
at the highest level of   take on the challenge.     there was a lot of build-   people didn’t believe      cult, it’s always hard to   in mind the wise words
professional boxing.          Esparza speaks         ing that Esparza had to     she could beat a tough     overcome things and         of Esparza, “keep on
    Esparza explained     out about the mental       do to win before win-       competitor such as         try to conquer things in    breathing and you’re
that her 2021 belt was    challenges she encoun-     ning the big title. Like    Zamora Silva, Esparza      life.”                      alright.”
one of four belts a       tered along the road to    anyone who pursues          encouraged Gators who          You might not be
boxer can win as a pro.                              their dreams, Esparza       are going through the      preparing to compete

Installation entitled “Female Power” by award-winning Houston                    World champion Marlen Esparza poses with Director of Student
artist Betirri Bengtson features current World Boxing Council Fly-               Life Eugene Bernard, Dean of Student Affairs Meritza Tamez,
weight World Title Belt Holder Marlen Esparza,and fellow local                   Dean of Marilyn Davies College of Business Charles Engler, and
Olympian Emily Chen. Credit: Mckenzie Brewer                                     UHD mascot. Courtesy: UHD website.

New UHD motto
                                                                  Many students who                         campaign.                   feels a close connection
                                                                  walk the halls of UHD                          “UHD students are      to the challenges many
                                CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
                                                                  are first-generation stu-                 innovative pioneers         Gators face.
                                                                  dents, and just as many                   and leaders. In order to         “Fear of failure,
                                                                  are working individuals                   be this, you have to be     feeling confused, mak-
                                                                  that break the tradition-                 determined, dedicated,      ing endless sacrifices
                                                                  al norms of what an                       and of course, down-        to stay in school just to
                                                                  average college student                   town!”                      name a few,” the Dean
                                                                  is supposed to be. All                         Dean of Students       of Students continued.
                                                                  these hardworking                         Meritza Tamez, Ph.D.,       “Yet like our students,
                                                                  individuals have chosen                   says the new brand          I was determined to
                                                                  UHD as their stepping-                    campaign embodies the       earn my degree because
                                                                  stone for success, right                  students’ grit at UHD.      I knew it was the key
                                                                  in the heart of one of                         “Our students come     to change not only my
                                                                  the largest cities in the                 from different walks        life, but my family’s
                                                                  United States—Hous-                       of life, many facing        life and the lives of
                                                                  ton, Texas.                               challenges and hard-        others like me.”
                                                                       Professor of Com-                    ships along the way, but          “Determined.
                                                                  munication Studies and                    are determined to reach     Dedicated. Downtown”
                                                                  Director of UHD Cen-                      their academic goals in     best suit a UHD Gator.
                                                                  ter for Public Deliber-                   dedication to their per-    The new brand cam-
                                                                  ation, Windy Y. Law-                      sonal success,” Tamez       paign ensures that it
                                                                  rence, Ph.D., has been                    said.                       will continue to pro-
The Dateline’s editor Indira Zaldivar poses with her Week of Wel- a professor at UHD for                         Tamez graduated as     mote excellence that
come t-shirt feauturing the new UHD motto on Sept. 8. Credit:     almost 20 years. This                     a “first-generation stu-    has aspired throughout
                                                                  is what she has to say                    dent from a single par-     the University’s rich
Shaheryar Khan.
                                                                  about the new brand                       ent household,” and she     history.

                                                The University of Houston-Downtown
Houston Olympic boxing champion welcomes UHD Gators
September 9, 2021
UHD Center for Diversity and
Inclusion honors
Hispanic Heritage Month
BY INDIRA ZALDIVAR          come from immigrant
     As part of Nation-     families,” Hudson
al Hispanic Heritage        said. “Our overall
Month, the Center for       message will be that         Credit: Gean
Diversity and Inclu-        ALL are part of the          Garcia
sion will once again        Gator family and de-
host DreamZone Ally         serve to be treated as
raining workshops on        such at all time.
Sept. 10 and 29.            No exceptions.”
     According to CDI
Director John Hudson,
Ph.D., These trainings
provide support, advo-
cacy, resource connec-
tions, and empathetic
listeners for DACA
students, students from
immigrant families, as
well as students who
experience discrimi-
nation and harassment
because they are
perceived to be immi-
     “The goal of these
workshops are to
create opportunities
to educate the cam-
pus community about
DACA and the many
challenges faced by
our students who are
immigrants, perceived
immigrants, or who

Incident on campus starts mental
health discussions
BY AANSA USMANI              Club, Ada Clerigo, re-       to host discussions
                             sponded to the incident      regarding suicide and
     On Sept. 1, the
                             stating,                     preventative methods to
Houston Fire Depart-
                                   “This is a reminder    reduce further harm to
ment , UHD Campus
                             to us to be kind and         oneself.
Police , and other
                             compassionate to one              If you are interest-
emergency authorities
                             another...If [you] need      ed in attending these
responded to a dis-
                             someone to talk to, my       discussions, email Ada
tressed call regarding
                             DM’s [direct messages]       Clerigo at clerigoa1@
an individual that
                             are always welcome           gator.uhd.edu.
jumped from the Main
                             and open.”                        Our thoughts and
Street Bridge.
                                  Clerigo also added,     prayers are with the
     The individual is
                             “[UHD’s] Counseling          victim and their family
not affiliated or associ-
                             services are very wel-       at this time.
ated with the Universi-
                             coming, and your first            Contact Assistant
ty. Further details will
                             five semesterly sessions     Editor Aansa Usmani at
be released via UHD
                             are free of charge.”         usmania6@gator.uhd.
Media Relations.
                                  In light of Suicide     edu if you have devel-
     Representative of
                             Prevention Month, the        oping details. Anonym-
UHD’s Psychology
                             Psychology Club plans        ity can be requested.

                                                                                          Credit: Giselle Oviedo
                                                     The University of Houston-Downtown
Houston Olympic boxing champion welcomes UHD Gators
6                                                                     NEWS                                                            September 9, 2021

                                                                                                                                                                       Credit: Sarah Ramirez
Chase Giddings becomes Spring ISD’s first Black band director
BY SASHA SMITH             directors for being a       of stories and differ-      you have a kid who
                           motivation and inspi-       ent people who have         maybe wants to be a
    The first Black
                           ration, he opened up        shaped us, although         band director or a music
band director at Andy
                           about two individuals,      these specific people       educator or an educa-
Dekaney High School,
                           his parents, whom he        have held the longest       tor period and they see
Chase Giddings, is the
                           normally doesn’t men-       impression.                 an African American
sheer embodiment of
                           tion or credit too often.        Giddings elaborated    leader, they say, ‘well,
a student becoming
                           Despite their passing,      on the fact that from       maybe I can do that.’”
a teacher. As a native
                           he shows gratitude for      an early age, he was             Seeing not only
Houstonian who grew
                           the discipline and intent   always surrounded by        how passionate Chase
up in the Aldine area,
                           of working through          the older generation and    Giddings is about being
Giddings says that mu-
                           things they were able to    subsequently drawn to       an inspiration to these
sic embodied a big part
                           instill within him.         them because of their       children, but also how
of his life.
                                “For a child, the      greater knowledge.          another steppingstone
      He turned this
                           best thing in the world          Speaking on his        in such an influential
passion into a drive as
                           is to make their parents    achievement, Giddings       school district that has
he went into the band in
                           happy and proud,” Gid-      addressed his feelings      become a known trend-
the fifth grade, pursu-
                           dings said.                 about being the face of     setter.
ing a bachelor’s degree
                                “They motivate me      the first African-Amer-          “When you’re the
in music education, a
                           in their death to con-      ican High School Band       first guy, you don’t
master’s degree in mu-
                           tinue to just be a good     Director in Spring ISD.     want to mess up. You
sic conducting at Sam
                           representation of them.”         “To be honest with     don’t want to set the
Houston University, and
                                Giddings also          you, it hasn’t hit me,      wrong precedent,” Gid-
finally returning to the
                           credited his babysitter     and it was not as big of    dings said.
place, Andy Dekaney
                           Dorthy Rae for helping      a deal to me as it was to        Giddings also men-    Dekaney High School Band Director
High School, where
                           raise him. Rae helped       other people,” he said.     tioned a core belief in    Chase Giddings. Courtesy: Spring ISD’s
he fell in love with the
                           Giddings develop his        “To me, it was just a       his faith.                 website.
                           outgoing personality        culmination of doing             “If I get too high,
    Giddings prides                                                                                           mentions he never           roles he plays as direc-
                           and his ability to stand    the job and doing the       just knock me down
himself on the educa-                                                                                         doubted the availability    tor, leader, and father,
                           in front of people,         work and just being         a bit, but if I get too
tion of students and                                                                                          of this position to him     but also as a mentor to
                           allowing his interper-      rewarded for it.”           down, just pick me up.”
creation of an appreci-                                                                                       or a route where this is    these children that he
                           sonal relationships with         “The school dis-            He continues to see
ation of music in their                                                                                       something he would not      teaches.
                           principals and other        trict and the school is     the opportunity of this
lives. He talks about                                                                                         be able to do.                   “If it has to do with
                           school administrators to    majority-minority, so       role and the path he is
what music and bands                                                                                              The Dekaney band        music and it has to do
                           blossom.                    I think it’s great and      setting for those behind
can contribute to one’s                                                                                       director continues to       with kids, I want to be
                                “I’m a guy of his-     it’s always a plus when     him as humbling, never
life.                                                                                                         utilize this platform and   a part of it,” Giddings
                           tory,” Giddings pro-        those students can see      wanting to take it for
    Although Giddings                                                                                         encourages not only         remarked.
                           claimed, reiterating the    themselves in positions     granted.
credited former band                                                                                          himself in the multiple
                           fact we are all built up    of leadership . . . when         However, he also

                                                                                                                             Credit: Jeremy Jones
                                                  The University of Houston-Downtown
Houston Olympic boxing champion welcomes UHD Gators
September 9, 2021                                                        NEWS                                                                                7
Texas strict abortion bill in effect
BY GEAN GARCIA               $10,000.                        Furthermore,
    On Sept. 1, the              Agencies such as        “Abortion providers
Texas state government       abortion clinics are not    in Texas estimate that
approved Senate Bill         the only ones on the        85% of women who
8 the most restrictive       chopping block; Lyft        are seeking an abortion
abortion law in the          drivers may be penal-       are at least six weeks
U.S., to restrict Tex-       ized as well.               pregnant and would be
as women’s right to              The last time any       denied care under the
receive an abortion.         state had a law banning     new state law.”
    SB8 bans all abor-       abortions goes back             In response to this
tions after six weeks,       to 1973, when in Roe        draconian law, abor-
the beginning of a           v. Wade, the Supreme        tion clinics in Texas
woman’s first trimester.     Court ruled that every      shuttered by canceling
However, despite being       American woman has a        their upcoming appoint-
                             right to receive an abor-   ments. Meanwhile, the        Demonstrators protest anti-bortion bill, Senate Bill 8, in front
a law passed by the
State of Texas, the bill     tion up to 24 weeks,        ride-sharing app Lyft,       of the Governor’s Mansion in Austin. Courtesy of Evan L’Roy
will not be enforced by      well into her second        enraged at the recent        via The Texas Tribune.
the state government.        trimester                   accusations, shared a
    Instead, it seeks            In Texas, SB8           statement via email on     Therefore, we have        interact with each other   thing that is clear is that
to deputize private          reduces this period by      Sept. 4.                   created a Driver Legal    should change.”            for a Texas woman to
citizens, even those         eighteen weeks.                 “This law is incom-    Defense Fund to cover         Weighing in, the       receive an abortion af-
outside of Texas, to sue         “By the time a          patible with people’s      100% of legal fees for    Supreme Court ruled        ter six weeks, she will
agencies that perform        pregnant woman misses       basic rights to priva-     drivers sued under SB8    that the Texas law may     have to flee to another
or help a woman get          her period, she is four     cy, our community          while driving on our      remain in effect for       state.
an abortion by giving        weeks pregnant,”            guidelines, the spirit     platform. Riders and      now, but it is unclear
the reporter as much as      reports The New York        of rideshare, and our      Drivers: Nothing about    whether it will remain
                             Times.                      values as a company.       how you drive, ride, or   for good. The only

Supreme Court blocks Biden administration eviction moratorium
BY SERGIO PRESA              the CDC on Aug. 3,          it asserts.”

                                                                                     Deadly earthquake hits Haiti
     The U.S. Supreme        days after the old one           The court’s three
Court has struck down        expired.                    liberal justices, Ste-
the CDC’s eviction               In June, Justice        ven Breyer, Sonia
moratorium, a federal        Brett Kavanaugh             Sotomayor, and Elena
program that protects        wrote an occurrence         Kagan dissented on the
renters from eviction        and joined four other       decision to invalidate
due to economic diffi-       justices in upholding       the moratorium. Justice
culties caused by the        the moratorium. At          Stephen Breyer com-
COVID-19 pandemic.           the time he did it since    pared the injury of the
The court ruled that         the program was set to      landlords to the injury
Congress must decide         expire on July 31.          of the tenants in his
on whether to extend             As of now, land-        dissension. The White
the moratorium.              lords’ groups are           House has also ex-
     However, this is not    accusing Biden’s ad-        pressed disappointment
the first time an evic-      ministration of “games-     in the Supreme Court’s
tion moratorium has          manship” for reviving       ruling.
been addressed to the        the moratorium. Several          The action taken by
nation’s highest court.      administration officials    the Supreme Court on
“If a federal eviction       said that they did not      the moratorium shows
moratorium is to con-        believe the Supreme         that more of Biden ad-
tinue, Congress must         Court would uphold an       ministration’s policies
specifically authorize       extension of the evic-      could face legal chal-
it,” the Supreme Court       tion moratorium due         lenges.
majority wrote.              to Kavanaugh’s occur-            Earlier this year,
     The eight-page          rence.                      the court also ordered
opinion peace stated             The CDC had relied      a revival of the Trump
that Congress “was on        on an old statute to        administration’s Mex-
notice that a further        justify the moratorium,     ico policy when Biden
extension would almost       but the Supreme Court       attempted to end it.
surely require new leg-      dissents, stating that
islation, yet it failed to   the CDC is pointing
act in the several weeks     towards a decree that
leading up to the mora-      “strains credulity to
torium’s expiration.”        believe that this statute
     The moratorium          grants the CDC the
had been rolled out by       sweeping authority that                                                                             Credit: Giselle Oviedo

                                                    The University of Houston-Downtown
Houston Olympic boxing champion welcomes UHD Gators
8                              NEWS                      September 9, 2021

President Biden orders airstrike in Nangahar Province, Afghanistan
BY GEAN GARCIA             Hamid Karzai Interna-       wishes America harm,        the Islamic State         the Middle East.           100,000 people, stuck
                           tional Airport in Kabul,    know this: We will not      movement operating             Additionally, the     to its Aug. 31 with-
    On Aug. 28, the
                           Afghanistan’s capital.      forgive. We will not        in Afghanistan, as        Taliban carry a white      drawal deadline.
ISIS member responsi-
                               The two airport         forget. We will hunt        recognized by the core    flag, whereas ISIS has
ble for coordinating the
                           bombings, carried           you down and make           leadership in Iraq and    a black one.
Kabul Airport bomb-
                           out by ISIS-K suicide       you pay,” Biden vowed       Syria,” reported U.S.         Many western
ings that killed 169
                           bombers, were de-           on Aug. 26.                 journalists Amira Jason   countries, such as the
Afghans and 13 U.S.
                           signed by the Islamic           In retaliation to the   and Andrew Mines.         United Kingdom and
service members was
                           State to terrorize the      terrorist attacks, the          ISIS and the          Canada, are already
killed, per President
                           remaining Americans         U.S. quickly killed a       Taliban are separate      ending their evacua-
Joe Biden’s orders.
                           fleeing Afghanistan,        member of ISIS-K, the       entities; in fact, they   tion efforts and leaving
    Two days prior,
                           CNN reported.               Islamic State Khorasan      are rival groups.         Afghanistan for good.
the terrorists bombed
                               “To those who           Province, on Aug. 28.           They envision dif-        At the same time,
the Abbey Gate and
                           carried out this attack,        ISIS-K is the           ferent implementations    the U.S., having
the Baron Hotel of the
                           as well as anyone who       official affiliate of       of Sharia law across      already evacuated

FDA announces voluntary
COVID-19 third dose,
booster shot
BY AANSA USMANI                  days after the second dose.
                                     According to Smithso-
    On Aug. 12, the Food
                                 nian Magazine, the Biden
and Drug Administration
                                 administration aims to start
announced the voluntary
                                 administrating the boost-
administration of third doses
                                 er shot towards the end of
of Pfizer and Moderna’s
                                 September, beginning with
vaccines in light of growing
                                 healthcare and frontline
COVID-19 cases and vari-
                                 workers and individuals aged
                                 65 and older.
    The FDA also suggested
                                     Dr. Antony Fauci, Direc-
that healthy individuals were
                                 tor of the National Institute
administered a COVID-19
                                 for Allergy and Infectious
booster shot nearly eight
                                 Diseases, spoke to NPR,
months after the admin-
                                 making a case for those with
istration of their second
                                 compromised immune sys-
dose. Despite over half of
the American population
                                     “[It is] so imminent to
being fully vaccinated,
                                 make sure that we get them
data suggests that in people
                                 boosted so that they would
with compromised immune
                                 be in a protected zone.”
systems, the vaccine’s full
                                     Individuals with al-
protection wanes down over
                                 ready-compromised immune
time, especially as new vari-
                                 systems, hoping that many
ants continue to rise.
                                 individuals whom they
    Research on the
                                 socialize with or pass by are
COVID-19 vaccine’s im-
                                 either fully vaccinated or tak-
munity overtime in healthy
                                 ing social-distancing precau-
individuals is still ongoing
                                 tions, rely on herd immunity.
to see if the immunity to
                                     Cases of COVID-19 are
COVID-19 wanes overtime.
                                 rising among the unmasked,
    Additionally, the delta
                                 unvaccinated individuals
variant infects vaccinated
                                 amid in-person schooling
individuals, further spreading
                                 returning, as well as pre-pan-
the disease to others, regard-
                                 demic life events such as
less of vaccination status.
                                 concerts, venues, and other
                                 physical spaces.
patients are a priority and
eligible to receive the third
dose of COVID-19 vaccine
sooner than majority of
healthy Americans, nearly 28

                                                                                                                                   Credit: Sarah Ramirez

                                                       The University of Houston-Downtown
Houston Olympic boxing champion welcomes UHD Gators
September 9, 2021                                                  OPINIONS                                                                                    9
Pronouncing people’s names correctly is important
BY AANSA USMANI             of which were nowhere       accepting the mispro-      my fear stemmed from      significance to my fam-       religion. As I write this
                            like the pronunciation      nunciation, hoping not     social anxiety when       ily’s culture.                my mother chimes in,
    Up until the pan-
                            Áansá.                      to stir up unnecessary     meeting newer people.         Hearing the same          “Pronouncing some-
demic, I have never
                                In the aftermath        drama or tensions              Until the pandemic,   meaning from different        one’s name correctly
been adamant about
                            of 9/11, being Mus-         amongst others.            I remained content with   languages like Urdu,          is a sign of respect,
pronouncing my name
                            lim-American was al-            At one point, it got   the mispronunciations,    Arabic, and Persian           regardless of whether
correctly. But after
                            ready challenging from      so bad I allowed my        believing that those      made me appreciate            they are around.”
seeing the rise of Vice
                            enduring Islamopho-         junior-year math teach-    simple errors would not   my name. In the three             Now, whenever
President Kamala
                            bia. I heard hate from      er to call me Anya for     impact my self-being.     languages, my name            I introduce myself,
Harris, Harris County
                            right-wing pundits, to      a whole semester. The      During the lockdown, I    translates to “unmarried      I always emphasize
Judge Lina Hidalgo,
                            hearing anti-Muslim         only time she realized     began researching my      woman, formal term,”          the pronunciation and
U.S. Rep. Alexandria
                            immigration rhetoric        her mistake was at         South Asian heritage,     meaning it is a title for     correct others whenev-
Ocasio-Cortez, and
                            from political party        the bi-semester, par-      hoping to find a deeper   unmarried/widowed             er they mispronounce
other prominent women
                            leaders.                    ent-teacher conference     connection to my East-    women in formal occa-         or find other ways to
of color, it made me
                                These issues con-       when my biological         ern Roots.                sions/circumstances.          enunciate it. I still have
realize the importance
                            tributed to my need for     father corrected the           Through delving           Learning these            the lingering thought of
of name pronunciation.
                            constant assimilation,      teacher by enunciating     into the internet, it     aspects made me recall        “being a pain” when-
    Growing up, I
                            believing that the more     my name in front of        dawned on me how          my previous struggle of       ever I correct others,
always disliked my Pa-
                            I adopted Western cul-      her.                       my name, despite the      wanting to assimilate         but then again it is
kistani name, wishing
                            ture and traditions, the        Even in college,       special enunciation,      further into Western          better than being called
I had a simpler Eastern
                            least likely there would    I accepted my name         is unique. Instead of     culture, hoping that          “Anya” for a whole se-
name like “Yasmine” or
                            be an opportunity to be     being mispronounced,       having common Paki-       it would eradicate            mester of high school.
“Sara.” In school, my
                            discriminated against.      fearing that correcting    stani or Americanized     negative connotations
name would be pro-
                            This mentality extended     them would make me         Pakistani names, I was    associated with my
nounced as either Ann-
                            to even my namesake,        “a pain to deal with,”     given a name that had     ethnic background and
sa, A-nasa, or On-za, all

                                                                                                                                         Credit: Giselle Oviedo
                                                       The University of Houston-Downtown
Houston Olympic boxing champion welcomes UHD Gators
10                          OPINIONS                         September 9, 2021

Wearing a mask won’t hurt, but not wearing one could put someone at risk
BY NEFERTARI LANE           political, even down       CDC, to maximize pro-       wearing a mask in               What if you just            The truth of the
                            to the existence of the    tection from the delta      crowded outdoor set-        happen to carry the         matter is we do not
    In the article “Your
                            virus itself.              variant and prevent         tings and for activities    virus and pass it on?       know what kind of ails
Guide to Wearing
                                At the beginning of    spreading the virus to      with close contact with     What if someone             our neighbors have, or
Masks,” the Centers for
                            the pandemic, no one       others, everyone in-        others who are not fully    becomes ill or dies as      their medical condi-
Disease Control and
                            knew anything. We          cluding fully vaccinat-     vaccinated. People who      a result? What if you       tions which puts them
Prevention recommends
                            attacked the recom-        ed individuals should       have a condition or are     could save a life just by   at increased risk. But
unvaccinated people
                            mended protocols with      wear a mask indoors         taking medications that     wearing a mask?             what we can do is be
and anyone aged two
                            enthusiasm and vigor!      and in public areas         weaken their immune             True character is       cautious.
or older, should wear
                            But as the pandemic        of substantial or high      system may not be fully     what you do when you            If it is a hoax, what
a mask public indoor
                            continues on and on,       transmission. Wearing       protected even if they      think no one is looking.    will putting on a mask
places. The CDC also
                            many of us are expe-       a mask over the nose        are fully vaccinated.           Anyone can be           hurt? Nothing but our
suggest people do not
                            riencing the effects       and mouth is required       They should continue to     affected. The older lady    feelings and maybe
need to wear a mask
                            of pandemic fatigue.       on planes, buses, trains,   take all precautions rec-   at the grocery store        your pride. I know it
in outdoor settings,
                            We have become lax,        and other forms of          ommended for unvacci-       buying necessities.         is serious every time I
however one should be
                            complacent, defiant,       public transportation       nated people, including         The worker in the       scroll my timeline and
worn when in areas of
                            and sometimes angry,       traveling into, within,     wearing a well-fitted       store who cannot afford     see a RIP of someone
reported high numbers
                            trying to go on with our   or out of the U.S. This     mask until advised to       to miss work, and the       I know. But it is not
of cases.
                            everyday lives.            includes indoors at U.S.    do otherwise by their       various others who are      about me or my com-
    I am not a doctor
                                Looking for infor-     transportation hubs         healthcare provider.        in public out of necessi-   fort.
or any type of expert. I
                            mation I went to the       such as airports and sta-       After seeing these      ty.                             It is about everyone
do not even claim to be
                            CDC’s website. The         tions. Travelers are not    CDC suggestions, I              I cannot rest with      around me, everyone
well-read. I try to exist
                            CDC is a trusted source    required to wear a mask     cannot understand the       the thought that there      they come into contact
in the world and do the
                            to provide solid infor-    in outdoor conveyance       problem with wearing        is a chance that I could    with, and everyone they
right thing. The debate
                            mation. I found the        areas (like on open         a mask. Wearing masks       be the cause of another     come into contact with.
about wearing masks
                            CDC generally recom-       deck areas of a ferry or    has a two-fold purpose.     person’s illness or to      Every time I put on my
has become a polarizing
                            mends wearing masks        the uncovered top deck      The mask protects you       possibly put them at        mask, I am a respon-
discussion. Everything
                            for both vaccinated and    of a bus).                  and others. Regardless      risk of death, when all     sible citizen doing my
about the virus has
                            unvaccinated people.           Consideration           of beliefs we can error     I had to do was wear a      part.
become debatable and
                                According to the       should be given for         on the side of caution.     mask.

Credit: Shaheryar Khan
                                                   The University of Houston-Downtown
September 9, 2021                                     ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT
Top suicide prevention awareness and mental health talks in media
BY JEMA PANTOJA            Markey (Elle Fanning)       to her sister’s death,     out from their parent’s     When Neil’s father,         or mistreated Hannah
                           and Theodore Finch          Violet becomes depres-     high expectations and       Mr. Perry finds out         in some way. Hannah
     September is
                           (Justice Smith) as they     sed. Finch and Violet’s    instead pursue their        the truth, he becomes       chose to take her own
National Suicide
                           develop into an intima-     trauma brings them         dreams and seize the        furious and threatens       life because she felt
Prevention Awareness
                           te relationship, all the    together and helps them    day.                        to send Neil to military    alone in her suffering.
Month, it is a time to
                           while the two struggle      bond but it also makes          As a result of         school.
raise awareness on
                           with emotional scars        them blind to each         Keating’s influence, the         Sure that his family
a sensitive and often
                           from their past.            other’s suffering.         class found the Dead        will never support his
stigmatized topic. It
                                                            The film teaches      Poet’s Society.             dreams, Neil shoots
is important to spread
                                                       that even the smallest                                 himself with his father’s
awareness about suicide
                                                       moments can mean so-                                   revolver. The film
and educate others on
                                                       mething. There’s beauty                                teaches to seize the day
how we can reach out
                                                       and light in the most                                  and that you must strive
and help those in need.
                                                       unexpected places even                                 to find your voice.
Throughout cinema,
                                                       during dark times and                                       “13 Reasons
there have been several
                                                       you can be the bright                                  Why” (2017-2020) is         Courtesy: Netflix
films produced that
                                                       place.                                                 a popular book-to-se-
portray suicide and
                                                            In “Dead Poet’s                                   ries adaptation that            The series teaches
mental health. Unfor-
                           Courtesy: Netflix           Society” (1989), English                               discusses suicide and       compassion and how
tunately, many films                                                              Courtesy: Touch-
                                                       Teacher John Kea-                                      mental health. Season       when people reach out
glamorize or represent                                                            stone Pictures
                                                       ting (Robin Williams)                                  one revolved around         for help we need to take
suicide as a matter of
                               The story is about      teaches at an all-boys          One student, in par-   the suicide of Han-         them seriously.
aesthetics, for example,
                           a girl who heals and        school known for its       ticular, Neil Perry, fol-   nah Baker (Katherine            Other films that
“Heathers” (1988).
                           learns to live from a       archaic traditions and     lows Keating’s advice       Langford). Before her       discuss suicide and
     A film that raises
                           boy who intends to die.     high standards.            to seize the day and        death, Hannah recorded      mental illness are
awareness on suicide
                               Finch is depressed,          Keating’s students    auditions for the role      13 tapes, in which she      “Perks of Being a
and mental illnesses is
                           suicidal, anxious, and      face enormous pressu-      Puck in Shakespeare’s       explains a reason why       Wallflower” (2012)
“All the Bright Places,”
                           suffers from bipolar        res from their parents     “Midsummer Night’s          she chose to take her       and “Girl, Interrupted”
published by Jennifer
                           disorder. Each time he      and the school. With       Dream.” Thanks to the       own life.                   (1999).
Niven in 2015 and later
                           contemplates suicide he     Keating’s help, honor      Dead Poet’s Society              Each tape corres-
adapted into a film in
                           writes down something       student Neil Perry (Ro-    and the play, Neil starts   ponded to a different
2020. The film follows
                           good happens, no            bert Sean Leonard) and     to relish the freedom       person at her high
main characters Violet
                           matter how small. Due       others learn to break      being carefree brings.      school who had bullied

Earth Day murals keep adorning downtown Houston skyscrapers
BY JAMES JUREWICZ          ration is a driving force   background.                     The artists who        the others very well.            Houston, a city
                           behind the event as well         This particularly     contributed are Amol        The murals are spon-        known for industri-
     Nestled within the
                           as the murals.              potent mural with a        Saraf and Usagi Was-        sored by Port Houston       alization, is home to
towering skyscrapers in
                                “Bee Sweet to          strong message jux-        abi, Melissa Aytenfisu,     and Green Mountain          many chemical and
downtown Houston, 13
                           Honeybees” reads one        taposes a peaceful         Meenr, Betirri, Renee       Energy as well as the       oil businesses, which
original artistic murals
                           sign, adorned with the      life in the rainforest     Martinez, Hannah            Citizens’ Environmen-       contributes large parts
adorn the walkway of
                           familiar bear sha-          with the busy towers       Bull, Chelsea Mariah,       tal Coalition.              of the city’s economy
Discovery Green. The
                           ped honey dispenser,        of downtown Hous-          Dual, Gelson D. Lemus            On a sunny day,        and are still important
murals are a representa-
                           flowers and a gigantic      ton.                       (w3r3on3), Empire, Kill     the murals are worth        and relevant.
tion of Houston that the
                           bee all in a familiar            The beautiful         Joy, and Max Guar-          taking a trip over to the        It is still imperative
artists wish for in the
                           Texas style.                artwork was completed      naccia.                     downtown park.              that everyone try to
                                Another mural          by 13 winning app-              Each artist offe-           The murals simul-      maintain a green mind-
     The murals were
                           reads in large, stylized    licants from a grand       red their view of how       taneously blend with        set to ensure the future
introduced to the public
                           lettering “The Earth        total of 111 submitted     Houston will hopefully      the surroundings of the     of humanity as well as
during the Green
                           has music for those who     art pieces is from both    have an environmental-      park while also stan-       the planet we call home.
Mountain Energy
                           listen,” with a painting    an environmental           ly-friendly future.         ding out at Discovery            The Earth Day Mu-
Event, “Earth Day.”
                           of the Earth floating in    standpoint as well as a         The work of art        Green                       rals will be on display
Environmental conside-
                           space looming in the        one of the communities.    relates and matches                                     until Oct. 31.

Mural by Houstonian Gelson D. Lemus                    “Bee Good to Honey Bees” mural by local                Mural by local artist Chelsea Mariah.
(w3r3on3). Credit: James Jurewicz                      Hannah Bull. Credit: James Jurewicz                    Credit: James Jurewicz
12                                   ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT                                                                                       September 9, 2021

‘Tuca and Bertie’ explores toxic relationships
BY VARAH THORNTON            ship of two women             relationship important        more to do with what         despite the challenges             Season 2 culmina-
                             navigating everyday life      and why honesty, or a         she thinks is supposed       we see them face. In          tes in Tuca and Bertie
     “Tuca and Ber-
                             in an overtly animated        lack of it, plays a role in   to happen. The most          Season 2, Bertie is           finally confronting the
tie” Season 2 tackled
                             world.                        how healthy we percei-        poignant exploration of      committed to getting          elephant in the room
the subtleties of toxic
                                  Season one served        ve them to be.                Tuca’s insecurity arises     therapy after Season          while literally fighting
relationships and the
                             mostly to establish the            One of the main          in the form of Kara,         1, which explored the         to save not only their
nuance that therapy has
                             world of Bird Town and        explorations of this          voiced by Sasheer            many personal traumas         friendship, but their
to offer.
                             the various forms of          season is that of Tuca’s      Zamata.                      she has endured across        lives.
     Originally premi-
                             creatures that inhabit it.    love life. At the end of           After two episodes,     her life.                          The voice casting is
ered on Netflix, Tuca
                             Season two challenges         the previous season,          Kara turns out not to be         The show does a           stellar, and the anima-
and Bertie found a new
                             the main characters’          Tiffany Haddish, who          what the audience, or        good job of contras-          tion is just loose enough
home at Adult Swim
                             confidence in themsel-        voices the tucan charac-      Bertie for that matter,      ting the healthy and          to make you wonder
after some behind the
                             ves and the meaningful        ter had become sober          was expecting.               unhealthy ways in             if everything you’re
scenes controversy.
                             relationships they keep.      and was determined to              Speaking of Bertie,     which Tuca and Bertie         seeing is real.
     Similar in tone to
                                  From parental,           find a love of her own.       voiced by Ali Wong,          process their grief and            Tuca and Bertie is
Bo Jack Horseman,
                             romantic and inner                 But Tuca has some        her relationship with        troubles while doling         currently streaming on
the sweet intensity of
                             relationship, the show        pretty high standards         her boyfriend Speckle,       out genuine therapeutic       Netflix and AdultSwim.
Bertie paired with the
                             dissects just what            that have less to do          voiced by Steven Yeun,       advice that viewers can       com.
chaotic nature of Tuca
                             makes each type of            what she wants and            is a healthy comfort         take as they will.
paints a vibrant friend-

Thriller ‘Stillwater:’ mesmerizing gem amid strained film-making
BY JAMES JUREWICZ            His journey starts off        as unhealthy.                 by his mother-in-law,        so as an observer of          almost as if he is finally
                             rocky, as he does not               Bill is a man who is    Sharon (Deanna Duna-         real people rather than a     acclimating to his new
      “Stillwater” staring
                             speak or understand           determined, but unfor-        gan). Allison’s mother       cinematic tool.               life in France.
Matt Damon is
                             French.                       tunately, he insists on       was also an addict and            The performances               “Stillwater” is a
a crime drama from
                                  One day during           doing things his own          died of a drug overdose.     coupled with truly            fantastic film and the
director Tom McCarthy.
                             Bill’s trip, he assists       way. When Bill is accu-       Bill eventually moves        professional production       crime/drama label
There is something un-
                             Maya (Lilou Siauvaud),        sed of sounding like          in with the family.          and post-production           verges on thriller. There
settling about the film
                             a young girl who is           an American when he                The question does       offers a film ripe with       is a sad and determined
trailer for “Stillwater.”
                             locked out of her hotel       relays his only concern       linger as to whether he      verisimilitude. Matt          desperation within the
The viewer is given
                             room. This leads to           is getting his daughter       stays with the family        Damon’s performance           father to save his daug-
enough information to
                             Maya’s mother Vir-            out of prison, his res-       to be with Virgine, or       is fantastic’ and possib-     hter.
be aware of the film’s
                             gine (Camille Cottin)         ponse is “Good, I am.”        to redeem his failed         le Oscar bait.                      The film is long,
premise, but the trai-
                             befriending Bill and                The European cha-       fatherhood nurturing              The authenticity         140 minutes (about two
ler’s tone is enough to
                             offering assistance to a      racters are all curious if    Maya.                        put into the character is     and a half hours) total,
cause audience concern
                             man far removed from          Bill owns any firearms.            Tom McCarthy’s          the product of a con-         but the pacing is swift
for the main character.
                             his element.                  Much to their delight,        directing offers a film      summate professional.         and mesmerizing.
     The film strays far
                                  As far as Bill’s         he owns two, a shotgun        of the plight of a despe-    The accent is consistent            The audience only
from any formula, and
                             acclimation to his new        and a Glock.                  rate man in unfamiliar       and believable and his        spends a brief time
the unpredictability of
                             world, he keeps close               At one point there      territory. The film inter-   posture and movement          in the titular city of
the plot was refreshing.
                             to his American roots.        is a question as to who       sperses his tense search     resemble a man who            Stillwater, Oklahoma.
     Matt Damon as Bill
                             Best Western is his           Bill is more connected        with tender moments in       has lived a life of hard      It is worth seeing for
Baker offers a talented
                             choice of hotels. He still    to between the mother         a makeshift family.          physical work.                Damon’s performance
performance of a bro-
                             eats at Subway instead        and daughter. It is al-            McCarthy is res-             Marseille serves         alone, as “Stillwater”
ken man doing his best
                             of experiencing food          most as if his eventual       ponsible for the anima-      as both the setting and       stands out as a gem in a
to right his past wrongs.
                             from the nation who           romantic relationship         ted tearjerker “UP,” by      filming location and is a     weak summer for mo-
Bill makes it clear to
                             coined the term “cuisi-       with Virgine is only a        Disney. His direction        character in itself. The      vies due to the ongoing
the audience he is ready
                             ne.”                          side effect of his bond       and writing on the 2015      vibrant life of the city is   COVID-19 pandemic
to do anything it takes
                                  Bill also does not       with Maya.                    film “Spotlight” won         apparent in the scenes        and subsequent surge of
to free his daughter.
                             speak French in the                 His fatherly attitude   the Oscars for Best Ori-     filmed on the beautiful       the delta variant.
     A Roughneck from
                             film, nor does it seem        toward the young girl is      ginal Screenplay and         French streets.                     “Stillwater” was
Stillwater Oklahoma,
                             like he is learning. Du-      an apparent attempt to        Best Picture.                     “Stillwater” gives       released on July 30 in
Bill, an oil worker
                             ring a scene where Bill       make up for his absence            McCarthy’s range        the viewer a taste of         theaters as well as onli-
relocates to Marseil-
                             is tasked with making         in his own daughter’s         as a talented writer         the city culture through      ne, on-demand apps for
le, France in order to
                             dinner for Maya and           life.                         and director shows in        an “Olympique de              home theater.
exonerate his daughter
                             her mother Virgine, he              In the film the au-     “Stillwater,” which he       Marseille” match, the
Allison (Abigail Bres-
                             sticks to the American        dience learns that Bill is    also produced. There         city’s local soccer club.
lin) of murdering her
                             staple of hamburgers,         a recovering addict and       are scenes in which the      Bill attends the soccer
roommate and lover.
                             which Virgine regards         his daughter was raised       camera functions more        match with Maya,

                                                          The University of Houston-Downtown
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