Report card Five months on, what scientists now know about the coronavirus. P2-3 - Gulf Times

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Report card Five months on, what scientists now know about the coronavirus. P2-3 - Gulf Times
Friday, April 17, 2020
                                                                                                             Sha’ban 24, 1441 AH

                                                                                                            Doha today 220 - 290

FOCUS: A model of a betacoronavirus, the virus linked to Covid-19.                                                        Reuters

                                                           Report card
                                                                     Five months on, what scientists now
                                                                      know about the coronavirus. P2-3
  Cuisine                                                                        Back Page
  Hot bowl of mac and cheese,                                                    “You are what
  a wholesome backup meal.                                                       you eat”.
                                       Page 6                                                     Page 16
Report card Five months on, what scientists now know about the coronavirus. P2-3 - Gulf Times
2      GULF TIMES Friday, April 17, 2020

             COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                COVER STORY

                                                           All pain, no gain
                                                              Medical researchers have been studying everything we
                                                              know about coronavirus. What have they learned — and
Fajr                                         3.49am
                                                               is it enough to halt the pandemic, asks Robin McKie
Shorooq (sunrise)                             5.11am
Zuhr (noon)                                  11.35am
Asr (afternoon)                              3.04pm
Maghreb (sunset)                             5.59pm
Isha (night)                                 7.29pm


Emergency                                       999
Worldwide Emergency Number                        112
Kahramaa – Electricity and Water                 991
Local Directory                                  180
International Calls Enquires                     150
Hamad International Airport               40106666
Labor Department                 44508111, 44406537
Mowasalat Taxi                             44588888
Qatar Airways                             44496000
Hamad Medical Corporation        44392222, 44393333
Qatar General Electricity and
Water Corporation                44845555, 44845464
Primary Health Care Corporation             44593333
Qatar Assistive Technology

Centre                                     44594050
Qatar News Agency                          44450205
Q-Post – General Postal
Corporation                               44464444

Humanitarian Services Office
(Single window facility for the repatriation of bodies)
Ministry of Interior                40253371, 40253372,
                                                                         It is clear that immune responses
Ministry of Health
                                    40253370, 40253364
                                                                         are being mounted against
Hamad Medical Corporation           40253368, 40253365                   Covid-19 in infected people. And
Qatar Airways                                   40253374
                                                                         the antibodies created by that

                                                                         response will provide protection
                                                                         against future infections — but we
             uote Unquote                                                should note that it is unlikely
            Q                                                            this protection will be for life
                  “Hope is
           being able to see that
          there is light despite all
                                                                         — Mike Skinner, virologist
             of the darkness.”

            — Desmond Tutu                                             oronaviruses have been            continues to spread.                       diagnostic tests are appearing.
                                                                       causing problems for                 That is an extraordinary achievement       The questions are therefore
                                                                       humanity for a long time.         for a spiky ball of genetic material       straightforward: what have we learned
                                                                       Several versions are known        coated in fatty chemicals called lipids,   over the past five months and how
                                                                       to trigger common colds and       and which measures 80 billionths of a      might that knowledge put an end to this
                                                           more recently two types have set off          metre in diameter. Humanity has been       pandemic?
                                                           outbreaks of deadly illnesses: severe acute   brought low by a very humble assailant.
                                                           respiratory syndrome (Sars) and Middle           On the other hand, our knowledge           Where did it come from and how
            Community Editor                               East respiratory syndrome (Mers).             about the Sars-CoV-2, the virus            did it first infect humans?
                                                              But their impact has been mild             that causes Covid-19, is also                 The Sars-CoV-2 virus almost
              Kamran Rehmat                                compared with the global havoc                remarkable. This was an organism           certainly originated in bats, which have
    e-mail:                       unleashed by the coronavirus that is          unknown to science five months ago.        evolved fierce immune responses to
         Telephone: 44466405                               causing the Covid-19 pandemic. In only        Today, it is the subject of study on       viruses, researchers have discovered.
              Fax: 44350474                                a few months it has triggered lockdowns       an unprecedented scale. Vaccines           These defences drive viruses to
                                                           in dozens of nations and claimed more         projects proliferate, antiviral drug       replicate faster so that they can get past
                                                           than 100,000 lives. And the disease           trials have been launched and new          bats’ immune defences. In turn, that
Report card Five months on, what scientists now know about the coronavirus. P2-3 - Gulf Times
Friday, April 17, 2020   GULF TIMES   3

 COVER STORY                                                                                                                     COMMUNITY
transforms the bat into a reservoir      treatment in intensive care.
of rapidly reproducing and highly           Even worse, in some cases, a
transmissible viruses. Then when         person’s immune system goes into
these bat viruses move into other        overdrive, attracting cells to the
mammals, creatures that lack a           lungs in order to attack the virus,
fast-response immune system, the         resulting in inflammation. This
viruses quickly spread into their        process can run out of control,
new hosts. Most evidence suggests        more immune cells pour in, and
that Sars-CoV-2 started infecting        the inflammation gets worse. This
humans via an intermediary               is known as a cytokine storm.
species, such as pangolins.              (In Greek, “cyto” means cell and
    “This virus probably jumped          “kino” means movement.) In some
from a bat into another animal, and      cases, this can kill the patient.
that other animal was probably              Just why cytokine storms occur
near a human, maybe in a market,”        in some patients but not in the vast
says virologist Professor Edward         majority is unclear. One possibility
Holmes of Sydney University. “And        is that some people have versions
so if that wildlife animal has a virus   of Ace-2 receptors that are slightly
it’s picked up from a bat and we’re      more vulnerable to attacks from the
interacting with it, there’s a good      coronavirus than are those of most
chance that the virus will then          people.
spread to the person handling the
animal. Then that person will go            Are we protected for life if we
home and spread it to someone else       get infected?
and we have an outbreak.”                   Doctors examining patients
   As to the transmission of Sars-       recovering from a Covid-19
CoV-2, that occurs when droplets         infection are finding fairly high
of water containing the virus are        levels of neutralising antibodies
expelled by an infected person in a      in their blood. These antibodies
cough or sneeze.                         are made by the immune system,
   Health officials inspect bats         and they coat an invading virus at
to be confiscated in the wake of         specific points, blocking its ability
a coronavirus outbreak at a live         to break into cells.
animal market in Solo, Central Java,        “It is clear that immune
Indonesia.                               responses are being mounted
                                         against Covid-19 in infected
   How does the virus spread             people,” says virologist Mike
and how does it affect people?           Skinner of Imperial College
   Virus-ridden particles are            London. “And the antibodies
inhaled by others and come into          created by that response will
contact with cells lining the throat     provide protection against future
and larynx. These cells have large       infections — but we should note               This remarkable response raises
numbers of receptors — known as          that it is unlikely this protection        hopes that a Covid-19 vaccine could
Ace-2 receptors — on their surfaces.     will be for life.”                         be developed in a fairly short time.
(Cell receptors play a key role in          Instead, most virologists believe       However, vaccines require large-
passing chemicals into cells and in      that immunity against Covid-19             scale safety and efficacy studies.
triggering signals between cells.)       will last only a year or two. “That        Thousands of people would receive
“This virus has a surface protein that   is in line with other coronaviruses        either the vaccine itself or a placebo
is primed to lock on that receptor       that infect humans,” says Skinner.         to determine if the former were
and slip its RNA into the cell,” says    “That means that even if most              effective at preventing infection
virologist Professor Jonathan Ball of    people do eventually become                from the virus which they would
Nottingham University.                   exposed to the virus, it is still likely   have encountered naturally. That,
   Once inside, that RNA inserts         to become endemic – which means            inevitably, is a lengthy process.
itself into the cell’s own replication   we would see seasonal peaks of                As a result, some scientists have
machinery and makes multiple             infection of this disease. We will         proposed a way to speed up the
copies of the virus. These burst         have reached a steady state with           process — by deliberately exposing
out of the cell, and the infection       regard to Covid-19.”                       volunteers to the virus to determine
spreads. Antibodies generated               The virus will be with us for some      a vaccine’s efficacy. “This approach
by the body’s immune system              time, in short. But could it change        is not without risks but has the
eventually target the virus and in       its virulence? Some researchers            potential to expedite candidate
most cases halt its progress.            have suggested that it could become        vaccine testing by many months,”
   “A Covid-19 infection is              less deadly. Others have argued that       says Nir Eyal, a professor of
generally mild, and that really is       it could mutate to become more             bioethics at Rutgers University.
the secret of the virus’s success,”      lethal. Skinner is doubtful. “We              Volunteers would have to be
adds Ball. “Many people don’t even       have got to consider this pandemic         young and healthy, he stresses:
notice they have got an infection        from the virus’s position,” he says.       “Their health would also be closely
and so go around their work, homes       “It is spreading round the world           monitored, and they would have
and supermarkets infecting others.”      very nicely. It is doing OK. Change        access to intensive care and any
   By contrast, Sars — which is also     brings it no benefit.”                     available medicines.” The result
caused by a coronavirus — makes             In the end, it will be the              could be a vaccine that would save
patients much sicker and kills           development and roll-out of an             millions of lives by being ready for
about one in 10 of those infected.       effective vaccine that will free           use in a much shorter time than one
In most cases, these patients are        us from the threat of Covid-19,            that went through standard phase
hospitalised and that stops them         Skinner says.                              three trials.
infecting others — by cutting                                                          But deliberately infecting
the transmission chain. Milder
Covid-19 avoids that issue.
                                            When will we get a vaccine?
                                            On Friday, the journal Nature
                                                                                    people — in particular volunteers
                                                                                    who would be given a placebo             “This approach (of exposing
   Why does the virus
                                         reported that 78 vaccine projects
                                         had been launched round the globe
                                                                                    vaccine as part of the trial — is
                                                                                    controversial. “This will have to be
                                                                                                                             volunteers to Covid-19 to determine
sometimes cause death?                   — with a further 37 in development.        thought through very carefully,”         a vaccine’s efficacy) is not without
   Occasionally, however, the virus      Among the projects that are under          says Professor Adam Finn of Bristol
can cause severe problems. This          way is a vaccine programme that            University. “Young people might          risks but has the potential to expedite
happens when it moves down the
respiratory tract and infects the
                                         is now in phase-one trials at
                                         Oxford University, two others at
                                                                                    jump at the opportunity to join
                                                                                    such a trial but this is a virus that    candidate vaccine testing by many
lungs, which are even richer in cells
with Ace-2 receptors. Many of these
                                         US biotechnology corporations and
                                         three more at Chinese scientific
                                                                                    does kill the odd young person.
                                                                                    We don’t know why yet. However,
cells are destroyed, and lungs become    groups. Many other vaccine                 phase-three trials are still some
congested with bits of broken cell.      developers say they plan to start          way off, so we have time to consider
In these cases, patients will require    human testing this year.                   the idea carefully.” — The Guardian      — Nir Eyal, professor of bioethics
Report card Five months on, what scientists now know about the coronavirus. P2-3 - Gulf Times
4       GULF TIMES Friday, April 17, 2020

              COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                          BODY & MIND

Getting good at waiting
                                     With half the world in lockdown due to Covid-19, we are all
                                    experiencing the agony of waiting, but there are techniques
                                       that make this state more bearable, writes Ruhi Lee

            veryone’s saying it.                                                                                                                                    The same can be said of
            We’ve arrived at a “new                                                                                                                              gardening, exercises of various
            normal”. One in which                                                                                                                                sorts, learning another language
            elbows are our everyday                                                                                                                              and other hobbies you’re trying
            heroes, enabling us to do                                                                                                                            to get better at. For some people,
things that our hands no longer can.                                                                                                                             even cleaning the house can help
Humans have become more like                                                                                                                                     them enter a flow state.
deer, flinching and jerking our heads                                                                                                                               Fortunately for those who have
every time someone near us coughs.                                                                                                                               a whole household of people
A new normal in which everyone can                                                                                                                               waiting with them, flow activities
measure 1.5 metres with a glance.                                                                                                                                can be done collectively – for
   Waiting is a huge part of this new                                                                                                                            example through backyard sports
normal. The world is waiting for the                                                                                                                             or board games that are not only
coronavirus to pass so we can dial                                                                                                                               fun but difficult too.
down the fear and start seeing our                                                                                                                                  “What you want with a flow
family, friends and colleagues again,                                                                                                                            activity is something that
in person. People are waiting for                                                                                                                                challenges you, but not too much,
news of certainty about their jobs,                                                                                                                              and you’re getting feedback
and about the health of their loved                                                                                                                              on your progress ... we know
ones. Countless people are waiting                                                                                                                               this really helps to make the
to move beyond the confines of                                                                                                                                   experience [of waiting] more
their homes, while many others are                                                                                                                               tolerable.” She suggests a good
waiting to just get back to theirs.                                                                                                                              test of whether something can
   Waiting is tough at the best of                                                                                                                               bring you into a flow state is if
times. In the midst of the Covid-19                                                                                                                              “it’s the kind of activity you can’t
pandemic, the exercise of having to                                                                                                                              do if you’ve got to leave the house
wait seems all the more daunting.                                                                                                                                in 15 minutes, because you know
   “These kinds of periods involve                                                                                                                               you will just completely lose track
a really problematic combination        FLOWING STATE: Gardening, exercises of various sorts, learning another language and other hobbies you’re trying to       of time”.
of not knowing what’s coming –          get better at, even cleaning the house can help enter a flow state.                                                         If you think you’ve got your
uncertainty – and not being able to                                                                                                                              anxiety sorted with a steady diet
do much about it – lack of control.                                                                                                                              of television, it might be worth
Those are both pretty uncomfortable                                                                                                                              reassessing. Sweeny says that
states for us,” says Kate Sweeny,                                                                                                                                watching movies and reading
a professor of psychology at the                                                                                                                                 books can be a positive way to
University of California, Riverside                                                                                                                              pass the time if your mind is clear,
and principal investigator at Life                                                                                                                               you’re calm and able to become
Events Lab.                                                                                                                                                      completely absorbed. But chances
   “From an evolutionary                                                                                                                                         are, if you’re struggling with
perspective, if you don’t know                                                                                                                                   anxiety or worry, books and films
what’s coming or you can’t do                                                                                                                                    might not be enough to quieten
anything about what’s coming, in                                                                                                                                 those voices.
both cases that’s a pretty dangerous                                                                                                                                In contrast, activities like
situation ... we are wired to be                                                                                                                                 assembling an elaborate puzzle or
uncomfortable in those situations                                                                                                                                getting engaged in some kind of work
and be motivated to find ways to                                                                                                                                 project are more likely to settle even
resolve our uncertainty or regain                                                                                                                                the noisiest minds quite effectively.
control. When we can’t do that, it’s                                                                                                                                While mindfulness and flow
very challenging,” she says.                                                                                                                                     are skills we can work on, there
   Sweeny has co-authored                                                                                                                                        are other factors that can affect
numerous research papers on                                                                                                                                      our well-being during a period of
navigating uncertain waiting                                                                                                                                     waiting. People who have a lot of
periods. This includes an article                                                                                                                                social support tend to fare better.
that is soon to be published, for                                                                                                                                According to Sweeny, “someone
which her team studied the effects                                                                                                                               who has a very busy schedule might
of mindfulness and flow on the well-                                                                                                                             actually be a bit better at waiting
being of quarantined residents in       SETTLING MIND: Activities such as playing chess and assembling an elaborate puzzle are likely to settle even the         than someone who is left with very
Wuhan, China in February 2020.          noisiest minds quite effectively.                                                                                        little else to do but worry”.
   The results were consistent with                                                                                                                                 So when you’re done with your
their past research, and showed that    thoughts, you’re thinking a lot about   judgment.” If you’ve tried and failed      take a breath’. Video games that      video calls and ticking things off
both mindfulness and flow are solid     the future, maybe thinking back to      at meditation, the good news is            get harder as you improve, reward     your to-do list (now is a good time
approaches to beating the stress of     how life used to be … Mindfulness       that Sweeny and team have found            you when you’re doing well and        to start using one, if you haven’t
uncertain periods.                      is really about turning down the        another approach that has yielded          let you know when you’re doing        already), keep chasing flow. Sign
   “I’m aware of the PR problem         volume on those thoughts, not           positive results: flow states. “Flow       poorly, are a good example. And       up to a bunch of online courses
that mindfulness has right now,”        letting them take you away, and         states are the feeling you get when        they don’t have to be complex         that interest you, cook something
Sweeny says. “But having said           really appreciating what is in          you’re doing an activity that is           games. In their studies, Sweeny       complicated or build a Lego
that, I do think it’s really custom-    the present moment. In a tough          completely captivating of your             and her researchers have found        castle. Find something you can
made for periods of uncertainty         moment like this, that’s hard,          attention,” says Sweeny.                   that even Tetris has proven           use your hands for – it’s time your
when your mind is racing, you’re        but mindfulness teaches you to             Sesame Street’s pandemic advice         effective in helping people achieve   elbows had a break.
dealing with a lot of uncontrollable    accept that and process it without      for parents: ‘Find rituals, be flexible,   a flow state.                                                – The Guardian
Report card Five months on, what scientists now know about the coronavirus. P2-3 - Gulf Times
Friday, April 17, 2020   GULF TIMES                      5

 BODY & MIND                                                                                                                           COMMUNITY

SUPPORT: Research shows that regular, moderate exercise can reduce inflammation and support your immune system’s cells.

Strengthening your immune system
                                         jogging, while more intense exercise                                                                                              of colds among people taking more
By Catherine Marfin                      includes running or other cardio.                                                                                                 than 75mg of zinc per day was 33%
                                                                                                                                                                           shorter than those who didn’t take

                                             Drink plenty of water                                                                                                         zinc. An exception to the supplement
             lthough there is no cure        Staying hydrated isn’t directly                                                                                               rule that most health experts agree
             or specific treatment for   connected to preventing disease, but                                                                                              on is vitamin D, which helps your
             Covid-19, there are some    it can help with your overall health.                                                                                             body fight off infection. You can
             things you can do to            Healthline says you should drink                                                                                              get vitamin D naturally through
             strengthen your immune      enough water each day to make your                                                                                                certain foods, like salmon, or through
system against the coronavirus.          urine a pale yellow, while other health                                                                                           exposing your body to sunlight. Some
  Here are scientifically supported      experts recommend drinking eight                                                                                                  health experts recommend taking a
ways to help fight off illness.          glasses of water a day, or about half                                                                                             vitamin D supplement during winter
                                         a gallon.                                                                                                                         months, when sunlight is harder
   Get enough sleep                                                                                                                                                        to come by. If you’re going to take
   The amount of sleep you’re getting       Manage your stress                                                                                                             supplements, it’s important not
each night can make a big difference        In this age of uncertainty, lowering                                                                                           to take too many. Some health and
in your body’s ability to fight          your stress level is easier said than                                                                                             wellness influencers and YouTubers
infection, health experts say.           done. But health experts say high                                                                                                 have recommended taking extremely
   One 2015 study found that people      stress levels have negative impacts on                                                                                            high doses of supplements in recent
who sleep less than six hours each       your body’s ability to fight off illness.                                                                                         weeks in response to Covid-19.
night were more likely to catch a cold      A series of studies in the 1990s                                                                                               But health experts warn that can
than those who slept seven or more.      led by Sheldon Cohen, a professor           LINK: Staying hydrated isn’t directly connected to preventing disease, but it         be dangerous. Taking high doses
   The US Centres for Disease            of psychology at Carnegie Mellon            can help with your overall health.                                                    can cause dizziness, nausea and
Control and Prevention recommends        University, found that people who                                                                                                 headaches and damage your organs
that adults sleep at least seven         reported higher levels of stress were       guidelines, like eating plenty of fruit,      Be careful about taking                 in more serious cases.
hours each night. Going to bed and       more susceptible to the common              vegetables and protein is a good start.    supplements                                   Healthline recommends taking
waking up at the same time each day,     cold.                                          There are several specific items you       Health experts have differing           supplements that have been tested
sleeping in rooms without electronics       Cohen led another study published        can add to your diet to strengthen         opinions on the use of vitamin and         by a third party, such as United States
or screens, and avoiding large meals,    in 2012 that found psychological            your immune system and overall             other supplements. They can be             Pharmacopeia, NSF International,
caffeine and alcohol before bed are      stress can cause the body to lose its       health.                                    pricey, and they don’t prevent anyone      and ConsumerLab, because
ways to improve your sleep.              ability to regulate its inflammatory           Health experts recommend                from catching a disease, no matter         supplements aren’t regulated by the
                                         response, which may promote the             eating certain foods that are high         how much you take.                         US Food and Drug Administration.
   Exercise regularly                    onset and progression of some               in vitamin C, like red bell peppers,          Health experts say other disease           Immune-strengthening habits are
   Research shows that regular,          diseases.                                   broccoli, strawberries, spinach, and       prevention methods, like frequent          not a replacement for other disease
moderate exercise can reduce                Health experts recommend stress          citrus fruits like oranges, lemons         hand-washing, is going to help you         prevention measures. Practising
inflammation and support your            management techniques such as               and grapefruit. Sunflower seeds            more than any supplement will.             habits to strengthen your health does
immune system’s cells.                   avoiding social media, meditating,          and almonds are recommended                   However, there is some evidence         not mean you should stop following
   Health experts recommend              practising controlled breathing,            because they are high in vitamin E,        that regularly taking certain              other public health guidelines. You
moderate exercise at least 150           doing yoga, or other activities that        while other foods, like yogurt, garlic,    supplements can reduce the duration        should still be social distancing,
minutes each week, or about 20           help you feel relaxed.                      poultry and chickpeas, have other          of certain illnesses.                      avoiding non-essential errands,
minutes a day. You can also do 75                                                    health benefits.                              One 2013 study found that               washing your hands often, wearing
minutes of more intense exercise a          Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables            Ginger, turmeric, green tea,            regularly taking vitamin C reduced         a face mask in public and following
week, or do a combination of both.       and other healthy foods                     papayas, kiwis, shellfish and              the duration of colds in adults by 8%      stay-at-home orders, health experts
   Moderate exercise includes brisk         No one food will prevent                 mushrooms are also good items to           and in children by 14%. A similar          say.
walking, biking, swimming or             infection, but following basic dietary      add to your diet, health experts say.      2017 study found that the duration              – The Dallas Morning News/TNS
Report card Five months on, what scientists now know about the coronavirus. P2-3 - Gulf Times
6       GULF TIMES Friday, April 17, 2020

               COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                  CUISINE

                                                                                                                                                            than al dente, because you will
                                                                                                                                                            bake the pasta, you can make it just
                                                                                                                                                            al dente if you do you not wish to
                                                                                                                                                            bake it
                                                                                                                                                               I use elbow macaroni pasta but
                                                                                                                                                            you can use any available pasta
                                                                                                                                                               I used corn starch to thicken
                                                                                                                                                            the sauce so that it is gluten free,
                                                                                                                                                            People intolerant to gluten can boil
                                                                                                                                                            gluten-free pasta and still enjoy the
                                                                                                                                                            goodness of mac and cheese
                                                                                                                                                               You can also add your choice of
                                                                                                                                                            proteins to make your own gourmet
                                                                                                                                                            mac n cheese.

                                                                                                                                                            Baked Mac and Cheese
                                                                                                                                                              Macaroni pasta 450gm
                                                                                                                                                              Extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp.
                                                                                                                                                              Unsalted butter 4 tbsps.
                                                                                                                                                              Whole milk 3 cup
                                                                                                                                                              Heavy cooking cream 1 cup
COMFORT FOOD: Baked Mac N Cheese is loved by people of all ages and the potential to make everything right with the world.        Photo by the author         Cheddar cheese 2 cup
                                                                                                                                                              Corn starch 4 tbsps.

Hot bowl of mac and cheese,
                                                                                                                                                              Coldwater 1 cup
                                                                                                                                                              Salt to taste
                                                                                                                                                              Pepper to taste
                                                                                                                                                              Panko crumbs 1 cup
                                                                                                                                                              Butter ½ cup

a wholesome backup meal
                                                                                                                                                              Parmesan cheese ½ cup
                                                                                                                                                              Smoked paprika powder ¼ tsp

                                                                                                                                                               Preheat the oven at 180 degree

                                                                                                                                                            Celsius, lightly grease a baking dish
       t is true that tough times do     with the outcome and we all             the available processed cheese and      1954 – Boxes turn blue. For        with butter and keep aside.
       bring out the best in us. One     enjoyed it for lunch. I was expecting   spices like nutmeg and mustard.      almost two decades the initial           For the sauce melt butter in a
       such example of popular           a strange box meal taste, but the       Today, you can find an innumerable   macaroni and cheese dinner boxes      heavy bottom saucepan and add
       comfort food is mac and           taste and overall meal experience       number of gourmet recipes created    came in a predominantly yellow        whole milk and bring to boil over
       cheese. Loved by people of all    exceeded my expectations. I already     by chefs for a variety of cheeses,   box, gives a new look to the box.     medium heat.
ages, a steaming hot bowl of pasta       knew about the origin of these          including Gruyere, smoked Gouda         New launches:                         Once the milk boils, lower the
and melted cheese has the potential      dinner meals in the box but I got       and goat and add on like chicken,       1975 – Macaroni and cheese         heat and add cheddar cheese, salt,
to make everything right with the        even more inspired to read more         shrimps, ground beef, tomatoes,      dinner with spiral-shaped noodles     and pepper, stir to melt the cheese.
world.                                   about and how to encourage my           shallots and many more.                 1984 – Velveeta shells and            Make corn starch slurry in cold
   So let›s find out who came up         readers too to try these meals boxes        So, while no cook can claim      cheese, shell-shaped pasta and        water and gradually add to the
with this cheesy idea to combine         when they get a chance.                 credits to the classic macaroni      cheese                                sauce
elbow macaroni with creamy cheese           Mac and cheese is a staple of        and cheese recipe, everyone has         2006 – Organic mac cheese in          Adjust the consistency of the
to create this simple, yet perfectly     American cuisine, whenever I            a favourite version of the dish.     yellow and white cheddar, for the     cheese sauce to be like a sauce,
complementary concoction?. You           plan to serve mac and cheese for        Whether yours comes in a box         health-conscious consumers            remove from heat and keep aside.
might expect mac and cheese to           the buffet, we have to make it in       or features a medley of gourmet         2006 – Easy mac cups, cutting         In the meanwhile boil macaroni
trace its roots back to Italy, home of   larger proportions than any other       ingredients, there is nothing like   preparation time to 3.5 minutes and   pasta in salted water till al dente,
many culinary delights especially        food option available for the buffet    it for warmth and comfort. Kraft     delighting college students. The      drain the water and add the
the pasta as you will find macaroni      at any given time and day. This         has taken is macaroni and cheese     product is now known as macaroni      macaroni to the prepared sauce.
and cheese recipes from a few            creamy combo made its way to the        dinner brand in several directions   and cheese dinner cups.                  Combine using a spatula to coat
centuries back in Italian history. I     United States courtesy of Thomas        over the years, some successful,        2007 – Macaroni and cheese         the sauce, pour the prepared pasta
am not a big fan of mac and cheese       Jefferson, who, while visiting          some not. Kraft’s easy mac cups      made from 50 percent whole grain,     to the baking dish.
in a box or similar products but still   France, became enamoured of             renamed macaroni and cheese          as a healthier option                    In a separate bowl combine panko
bought it recently when the stay at      fashionable pasta dishes served         dinner cups, launched in 2006           2008 – Macaroni and cheese         bread crumbs, melted cheese,
home crisis started because it is a      there. He brought back noodle           recently surpassed $100 million      crackers, then yanked after failing   parmesan cheese, and paprika
wholesome backup meal which has          recipes and a pasta machine since       in sales. Their Kraft macaroni and   to meet company targets               powder.
a long shelf life, is easy to prepare    this foodstuff was unavailable in       cheese crackers, cheesy, salty,         2010 – Home-style deluxe              Coat the pasta with this prepared
and is liked by the kids who are         the colonies, as president, he served   noodle-shaped crackers launched a    macaroni and cheese dinner with       panko mixture and bake in the oven
the most difficult ones to feed in       macaroni and cheese at an 1802          year later are no longer made.       three flavours – classic, cheddar,    for 20 minutes or until the top is
the house and are picky eaters.          state dinner, which was widely                                               hearty four-cheese sauce and old-     golden brown.
Almost three weeks back when             appreciated. Even since this dish         The timeline associated with       world Italian.                           Remove from oven and serve hot.
my son asked me to prepare boxed         does not need an introduction and       mac and cheese dinner box:
mac and cheese and I was reading         is everyone’s favourite cheesy bowl       1937 – Mac and cheese debuted         Tips and tricks for a better
the cooking instructions, my elder       all over the globe. While original      during the great depression. Some    dish:
son who is 9 years old told me the       homemade recipes include pasta,         50 million boxes were purchased         Use block cheese and shred, you                  l Chef Tarun Kapoor,
steps without reading the label and      butter or cream, and parmesan           during World War II along because    can use a combination of a variety                 Culinary Mastermind,
taught me how to make it in the          cheese, American cooks often            shoppers could get two boxes for     of cheese available at home                   USA. He may be contacted at
microwave. I was super impressed         improvised using cheddar, Colby or      one food ration stamp.                  Cook the pasta to slightly less  
Report card Five months on, what scientists now know about the coronavirus. P2-3 - Gulf Times
Friday, April 17, 2020   GULF TIMES                      7

 PARENTING                                                                                                                       COMMUNITY
 How to talk to your child about grief
  during the coronavirus pandemic
       Children are generally safe from the disease’s physical risks, but many could lose
      a grandparent or someone else who’s important to them. That’s why it’s important
         to be prepared to talk about grief with even young kids, writes Bethany Ao

                                                                                 ADDRESSING THE QUESTIONS: If a child overhears conversations a parent is having with doctors or relatives on the
                                                                                 phone, it’s good to address any questions the child may have afterward.

                                                                                    If a child overhears conversations   opportunity to discuss their feelings,       permission to grieve, to share their
                                                                                 a parent is having with doctors or      and it’s important for parents or            emotions and open up a little more,
                                                                                 relatives on the phone, it’s good to    parental figures to be a role model          and take the stigma out of talking
                                                                                 address any questions the child may     to the child as the family endures           about this in a safe and supportive
                                                                                 have afterward, Jann said.              stress at this time,” Karafin said. “It’s    environment, it can help them
                                                                                    “You can say something like          important to convey to the child             develop resilience.”
SIDE EFFECTS: Children who have problems with processing grief may               ‘Grandma is getting sicker in the       that there is someone there to take             Fitzgerald recommended taking
experience extended periods of depression, inability to sleep, or a sharp drop   hospital and the doctors are trying     care of them, to love them. If their         cues from children about what
in school performance.                                                           very hard to help her,’ “ he said.      parents are very distressed, it’s going      they’re worried about, instead of
                                                                                 “That way, the child has some kind      to increase stress on the child.”            bringing up conversations about

                                                                                 of expectation that all is not going       Instead, she said that                    grief when they’re not ready to talk
            he number of deaths             “The loss of a grandparent           well, even though you’re not giving     conversations should focus on how            about it yet.
            from the coronavirus         creates a kind of loss children are     them the same kind of detail. Don’t     the person who died loved and cared             “You want to be age appropriate,”
            continued to rise in the     unaccustomed to experiencing,” he       send children out of the room,          about the child, so they can move            she said. “As adults, whether we
            United States this week.     said. “They often don’t know how        because it could make things worse.”    forward with a positive mind-set.            are parents or guardians, we should
            By midday Tuesday, more      to deal with feelings they’re having,      One thing parents should                It’s also helpful during those            focus on being reassuring and let
than 25,000 Americans had died           and parents should explain how          keep in mind is that children           conversations to be as open and              kids know what we’re doing to keep
from Covid-19, the highest reported      grieving makes people feel better.”     grieve differently, said Karafin. If    frank as possible without using              them safe.”
death toll in the world.                    According to the American            they’re really young, they might        euphemisms, like saying someone                 Having a small memorial
   According to the Centres of           Academy of Child and Adolescent         not understand the permanence           “went to sleep,” since kids can be           ceremony in a family setting during
Disease Control and Prevention,          Psychiatry, children who have           of death. In that case, calm            extremely literal, Jann said.                a time when traditional funerals are
78% of deaths occurred in those          problems with processing grief may      conversations about how doctors            It’s important to make sure               near-impossible could be helpful for
age 65 and older. Children are           experience extended periods of          are trying very hard to make their      children know they’re not alone              children, Jann said.
generally safe from the disease’s        depression, inability to sleep, or a    grandparents or parents healthy         during the grieving process, said               “It can be very spontaneous, just
physical risks, but many could lose a    sharp drop in school performance.       again can be helpful. But no matter     Mary Fitzgerald, CEO of Eluna                people talking about Grandma or
grandparent or someone else who’s        Having conversations with children      how children react, parents should      Network, a Philadelphia-based non-           Grandpa,” he said. “Like getting
important to them. That’s why it’s       now about the possibility of losing     try to maintain a sense of normalcy     profit that supports children and            some pictures out and talking about
important to be prepared to talk         a close family member can better        and tell them it’s OK to feel the       families affected by grief.                  happy memories. Knowing that
about grief with even young kids,        prepare them emotionally, said          physical effects of worry or sadness       “When kids are kept in the dark,          someone has been memorialized can
said Bob Jann, a child psychologist in   Gail Karafin, a certified school        like stomach-aches or trouble           they have more anxiety and fear,”            help ease that emptiness a little bit.”
Bucks County.                            psychologist based in Doylestown.       sleeping. “Children will need the       Fitzgerald said. “If you give them               – The Philadelphia Inquirer/TNS
Report card Five months on, what scientists now know about the coronavirus. P2-3 - Gulf Times
8   GULF TIMES Friday, April 17, 2020

        COMMUNITY                       PUBLIC SERVIC
Report card Five months on, what scientists now know about the coronavirus. P2-3 - Gulf Times
Friday, April 17, 2020   GULF TIMES   9

Report card Five months on, what scientists now know about the coronavirus. P2-3 - Gulf Times
10 GULF TIMES Friday, April 17, 2020

               COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                  GAMING

 Why not wander around in a video
 game if you need to go for a walk?
                                  Escape the lockdown by losing yourself in the stunning
                                      virtual landscapes of walking simulator games

Melissa Kagen

                  ith the pandemic keeping
                  everyone inside just as
                  spring brings good weather
                  and longer days, many
                  of us are missing simply
wandering outdoors. Fortunately, there are
video games offering beautiful landscapes
where you can lose yourself in (virtual)
nature. You’re in good company if you do –
as film and media professor Alenda Chang
points out in her book, Playing Nature:
“For many people, the hours spent in game
environments vastly outnumber those spent
in wilderness areas”, even without a public
health crisis.
   Replaying favourite games for comfort is
a trend now, and some are revisiting recent
open-world adventures, such as Legend of
Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Horizon Zero Dawn,
and even Far Cry 5 with the guns put away.
But these blockbuster action games tend to
feature enemies — not ideal if all you want is a
peaceful ramble around a beautiful place.
   Luckily, there’s a genre of video games
called walking simulators, where the goal
is simply to wander around an unknown
space. Many of the best-known walking
sims take place in confined indoor spaces
(if you haven’t already, you need to try Gone
Home, The Stanley Parable and What Remains
of Edith Finch), but there are plenty that         ANIMAL MAGIC: A scene from Lost Ember where players are part of a posthuman world.
offer broad, natural landscapes to explore
(Firewatch, Abzû, and Everybody’s Gone to            Lost Ember                                   and friends, bits of your past return to you.   ecospheres, none of which you’ll want to
the Rapture are great examples, and great            You’re a lost soul inhabiting the body of    While the story gradually takes shape, the      leave.
worlds to wander). For some recent and             one animal after another, traversing a post-   most fun is in gasping at the gorgeous vistas
unequivocally comforting virtual walks — all       human world long after those inhabitants       and switching perspectives from majestic          The Longing
friendly to first-time players — try one of        have disappeared.                              wolf to darting fish to adorably rotund           This new idle/adventure game is dark in tone
these.                                               You were once one of them. Sometimes, as     wombat. Each animal’s capabilities show         but the poignant concept and cosy execution
                                                   you come across the shadows of your family     you new ways to explore the flourishing         make it worth exploring. Far beneath the
  A Short Hike                                                                                                                                    ground lives a king who plans to sleep for 400
  You’re a cute teenage bird visiting Aunt                                                                                                        days – real days, which will pass whether or not
May in her seaside village. But mobile                                                                                                            you’re playing. In a plea all too relevant, all the
reception is nonexistent, so you hike up a                                                                                                        king asks of you “is to wait and never to leave
mountain to try and find some. At your own                                                                                                        these caves”. With that, Shade, your elf-like
pace, you can chat with neighbours, collect                                                                                                       character, begins the lonely vigil, trudging
shiny things, and hike, swim and fly up to                                                                                                        around the vast underground network to find
Hawk Peak. The in-game hiking trails make                                                                                                         small treasures. Time becomes a landscape and
this a perfect outdoor escape from being                                                                                                          waiting your tool of exploration, as days and
cooped up inside.                                                                                                                                 weeks of actual time must pass before you can
                                                                                                                                                  continue some excursions. As it passes, Shade
   Eastshade                                                                                                                                      begins to feel like your friend, as small footsteps
   The dappled air of Eastshade sparkles,                                                                                                         patter around in a background window of your
beckoning you into villages brimming                                                                                                              computer. They could really use a friend to pass
with cosy cheer. You’re a travelling                                                                                                              the time with – who couldn’t.
painter whose commissions take you to all
corners of the island: windmill-covered                                                                                                              Walden, a game
cliffs, balloon rides to snow-capped                                                                                                                 Go the woods and play in this
mountaintops, ancient forest paths that                                                                                                           contemplative adaptation of Henry David
lead to the beach. There’s golden light,                                                                                                          Thoreau’s masterpiece. You can perform
supernaturally beautiful eclipses once a                                                                                                          basic tasks – observe all kinds of plants and
day, and low-pressure tasks assigned by                                                                                                           animals, journal about solitude and many
kind anthropomorphic creatures. Playing                                                                                                           other peaceful activities – but above all, you
Eastshade feels like the loveliest respite                                                                                                        can walk around the glorious Walden pond
for anyone who dreams of travelling to                                                                                                            and find inspiration from these thoughtful
a faraway land to drink tea and pursue             OLD LEGEND: The Longing is a point-and-click game about waiting based on an old German         transcendentalist concepts in video game
creative passions.                                 legend about a ruler who goes to sleep in an underground cave.                                 form. — The Guardian
Friday, April 17, 2020   GULF TIMES   11
LEISURE                          COMMUNITY

              Colour by choice

Maze      Connect the dots        Picture crossword
12 GULF TIMES Friday, April 17, 2020

         COMMUNITY                     CARTOON
Friday, April 17, 2020   GULF TIMES                       13
LEISURE                                                                                                                 COMMUNITY
 Super Cryptic Clues                                                       Wordwatch

                                                                          teknonymy or tecnonymy                  (fil-ee-AY-shuhn)                            of Madalena, but there is nothing
                                                                          (tek-NON-uh-mee)                        MEANING:                                     diminutive about supermodel-
                                                                          MEANING:                                noun:                                        actress Monica Belluci.”
                                                                          noun: The custom of naming a            1. The fact of being descended or
                                                                          parent after their child.               derived from someone or something.           ultima Thule
                                                                          ETYMOLOGY:                              2. The act of determining such               (UL-tuh-muh THOO-lee)
                                                                          From Greek teknon (child) + -onym       relationship.                                MEANING:
                                                                          (name). Earliest documented use:        3. Forming of a new branch.                  noun:
                                                                          1888.                                   ETYMOLOGY:                                   1. The northernmost part of the world
                                                                          USAGE:                                  From Latin filius (son). Earliest            believed habitable by the ancients.
                                                                          “Indeed, the taboo against using        documented use: 1529.                        2. A distant or remote goal or place.
                                                                          personal names is so strong, and        USAGE:                                       3. The farthest point.
                                                                          the urge to teknonymy so strong,        “French Foreign Minister Bernard             ETYMOLOGY:
                                                                          that the child in question can be       Kouchner recently asked the German           From Latin ultima (farthest) + Thule,
                                                                          imaginary. Sim cites with disapproval   government to grant citizenship to           a place believed by ancient people
                                                                          the example of a young housewife        French war babies who seek it after          to be the northernmost, variously
                                                                          on a TV gameshow being asked            tracing their filiation.”                    identified as Iceland, Norway,
                                                                          to introduce to the audience the                                                     Greenland, or Shetland Islands.
                                                                          gentleman standing besides her. Her     hypocoristic                                 Earliest documented use: 1771.
                                                                          reply [meant] ‘This is my husband       (hy-puh-kuh-RIS-tik, hip-uh-)                USAGE:
                                                                          (the father of our as-yet-unconceived   MEANING:                                     “On what’s known as the shy-bold
                                                                          child)’.”                               adjective: Relating to a pet name or         continuum of human behaviour,
                                                                          Ho-min Sohn; Korean Language in         diminutive form of a name.                   Unst stands out as an ultima Thule of
                                                                          Culture and Society; University of      noun: A pet name or diminutive form          shyness.”
                                                                          Hawaii Press; 2006.                     of a name.
                                                                                                                  USAGE:                                                        —
                                                                          filiation                               “Malena is the hypocoristic form

                                                                           Sudoku                                                                               Solutions

Across                                Down
1 Christmas visitors can include      1 Code for a TV detective (5)
one conjuror (8)                      2 Going without Oscar, bad actor
5 Some extra money provided           needed material (7)
for a form of transport (4)           3 Native American has left
8 Hair treatment provided by          basket for fisherman (5)
barber in Seville (5)                 4 Scrape a beard off (6)
9 Jewish teacher on back street       6 Regretting destruction by
finding animals (7)                   leader of Goths (5)
11 Poor Alex, he’d expelled air (7)   7 Flower in my control (7)
12 Wild glee when trapping a bird     10 Dim British king on stage (5)
of prey (5)                           13 Clothes line in high road to
13 Paddy is moderate (6)              palace (3,4)
15 Dirty food emptied bakery (6)      14 She is entertained by the
18 Huge cost of soil? (5)             queen somewhere in Surrey (5)
20 Foremost metal in front of         16 Oscar, going to church, tucked
gate (7)                              into cheese roll (7)                                                                                                                Sudoku is a puzzle based
                                                                                                                                                                          on a 9x9 grid.       The
23 Trees seen in middle of            17 Over the moon as family
                                                                                                                                                                          grid is also divided into
Seattle initially (2,5)               members run away (6)
                                                                                                                                                                          nine (3x3) boxes. You
24 One side of paper clergyman        19 First breaks, then splits! (5)
                                                                                                                                                                          are given a selection of
does not finish (5)                   21 See eye to eye in Gretna Green
                                                                                                                                                                          values and to complete
25 Missing lieutenant takes in old    (5)                                                                                                                  the puzzle, you must fill the grid so that
soldiers initially (4)                22 Old coin Rex found in butter!                                                                                     every column, every row and every 3x3
26 Notice present provided by         (5)                                                                                                                  box contains the digits 1 to 9 and none
National Trust supporter (8)                                                                                                                               is repeated.

 Solution                                                                  SERIES TO BINGE WATCH ON NETFLIX
14 GULF TIMES Friday, April 17, 2020

                COMMUNITY                                                                                                                             LIFESTYLE/HOROSCOPE

    Are you 40? Shun bad habits
     now to cut frailty risk later
                  ith uncertain               frailty,” Gordon added. From the
                  times come all              age of 40, or even younger, people
                  kinds of fear and           in ‘pre-frailty’ stages now have
                  if you are in the           the opportunity to avoid poor
                  40-49 age group,            health outcomes and frailty.
start healthy ageing interventions               According to the researchers,
and self-management now and                   people can take matters in their
avoid frailty and high death risk,            own hands by improving a range
suggest researchers.                          of things.
   The study, published in the                   Pre-frailty indicators are
journal BMC Geriatrics, found                 poor dynamic trunk stability
‘pre-frailty’ occurs in 45 per cent           and lower limb strength, poor
of people aged 40-49 – which                  balance, poor foot sensation,
is about the same percentage of               being underweight, pelvic floor
people aged 70-75.                            problems and poor nutrition.
   “You don’t have to be in your                 Pre-frailty to frailty factors is
70s or 80s to be heading down                 poor mental state i.e. living alone,
the path to frailty. Age doesn’t              high psychological distress, poor
matter,” said study researcher                lung function and poor sleep
Sue Gordon, Professor at Flinders             quality.
University in Australia.                         “Many options for improving
   “Successful healthy ageing                 health outcomes are available
interventions and self-                       online,” study researcher
management should commence                    Professor Anthony Maeder.
in at least the fourth decade of life            “People working from home
focusing on these factors which               during the self-isolation period             reassess their health, habits and            their daily routines and homes                 longer in the process,” he added.
contribute to pre-frailty and                 can take the opportunity to                  routines to seek ways to make                better places to live, and live                                            – IANS

             March 21 — April 19
                                                                                         April 20 — May 20
                                                                                                                                                                    May 21 — June 20

This could be a day of technical glitches and malfunctions, Aries.          Today is filled with socialising, with a strong emphasis on the           You might want to make an extra effort to tidy up the house this
It’s frustrating, to be sure, but a little bit funny, too. Everything you   exchange of information. If you’re attending a party this evening,        morning, Gemini. It’s likely that you’ll have some unexpected guests.
touch, from computer to washing machine, seems to groan and                 Taurus, be receptive to anyone you meet. It’s likely that someone         Some neighbours could drop by unannounced, or an old friend
shudder before finally breaking. Apparently, today you have the             new will arrive who will have a significant impact on your life. It       could call from her car and say she’s on her way over. Take it all in
opposite of the Midas touch. Don’t take it personally. Instead, use it      might be that he or she tips you off about a professional opportunity     stride. Even though you had a lot planned for the day, it will be much
as an excuse to do something out of the ordinary with your time.            at work. You never know!                                                  more enjoyable if you spend it socialising with friends.

             June 21 — July 22
                                                                                         July 23 — August 22
                                                                                                                                                                    August 23 — September 22

You’ll have to let go of your usual drill-sergeant manner and simply        You work hard to reach your goal of financial independence, Leo. All      You’re bound to be busy but happy today, Virgo. You’ll likely spend
let the day unfold as it will. Try as you might, even you won’t be          signs indicate that you’re well on your way. Today you could receive      the morning doing chores and generally puttering around the house.
able to direct events today, Cancer. You could find your attention          some news that makes you realise you aren’t there yet. Perhaps a          Don’t be surprised if a friend drops by unexpectedly in the afternoon
diverted from one project to another. It isn’t an unpleasant day but a      relative calls to say you’re no longer his/her sole beneficiary. Maybe    with some important news to share. Your evening could be occupied
disjointed one. Stay open to all possibilities. You could be surprised      your investment statement shows a poor return. This isn’t what you        doing research at the library or on the computer. It seems your
by the way things turn out.                                                 expected, but you’re still on the right track.                            friend’s news piqued your curiosity about a particular subject.

             September 23 — October 22
                                                                                         October 23 — November 21
                                                                                                                                                                    November 22 — December 21

This could be a rather intense day for you, Libra. Your mind is filled      This is one day for you to be as flexible as possible, Scorpio. It may    You can overcome the intensity of today’s planetary energies by
with plots for novels you want to write and ideas for ways to streamline    be that you begin with a specific list of items that absolutely must be   making a conscious effort stay positive, Sagittarius. Distract yourself
production at work. Don’t you have an “pause” switch? You’d benefit         done, but get distracted by some news from a friend or co-worker.         with necessary household chores and errands. Don’t forget to take
from taking some much-needed time off. You’ll find that you can quiet       What had seemed so important is no longer so, and your day shifts         some time out for fun, too. As you work around the house, stop to
your mind simply by sipping some tea and being still for ten minutes.       to accommodate this new piece of information. You’ll be rather            indulge yourself every few hours. A cup of hot chocolate or a chat
Call it meditation or a break, but allow yourself this small indulgence.    surprised by but no less satisfied with how the day turns out.            on the phone will add a welcome grace note to the day.

             December 22 — January 19
                                                                                         January 20 — February 18
                                                                                                                                                                    February 19 — March 20

Don’t take any information you receive today at face value,                 Don’t take anything you read or hear today at face value, Aquarius.       It’s likely that you’ll receive some unpleasant news today, Pisces.
Capricorn. Technical glitches will likely plague you throughout the         It’s possible that you’ll receive some rather distressing news, but       Perhaps there are changes occurring at work that you read about in
day. Your bank statement could be incomprehensible. Bills could             before you react in frustration, read the fine print. The news may not    the morning newspaper. Or it could be that you get a phone call and
show up with an extra zero tacked on. Don’t panic. Make some                really be so bad. In fact, it may not even be true! Take a deep breath    receive some upsetting news about an old friend. You’ll need to take the
phone calls and get all the facts. Whatever you do, don’t let this ruin     and heave a sigh of relief, then get back to your normal routine.         information in stride and not let it ruin your day. With the intensity of the
your day. Everything will get sorted out. Relax, put your feet up.                                                                                    planetary energies at play, you’re at risk of overreacting.
Friday, April 17, 2020   GULF TIMES                15
 SHOWBIZ                                                                                                                       COMMUNITY
    Epidemic bringing out worse,                   railway station on Tuesday demanding
    best in people: Richa                          that they should be given transportation
                                                   to return to their native places
       Actress Richa Chadha feels that the         immediately.
    coronavirus pandemic is bringing out the          The Mumbai Police, in an attempt
    best and worst in people, and she says         to control such a large crowd, resorted
    that it’s the time to come together and        to a mild lathicharge when sections
    help.                                          threatened to go out of control.
       “This epidemic is bringing out the             She said: “Now, these poor migrant
    worst in people and bringing out the best      labourers gathered in Bandra and
    in people. You have people who are going       Surat, and people are criticising them
    out of their way to provide for animals        that they could have led to community
    and human beings, and then there are           transmission. But the thing is these are
    some people who are using this as an           people who are helpless and do not have
    opportunity to treat the poor badly,”          other means to get home and to pay rent.
    Richa said.                                    This is the time to come together and
       Richa then cited the example of the         help. I really hope people get sense from
    3,000 stranded migrants from different         this (epidemic) and make behavioural
    parts of India who thronged at Bandra          changes.” – IANS                                 CANDID: Richa Chadha feels that it is the time to come together and help.

Oprah addresses the toll
coronavirus is taking on
   black Americans
By Chuck Barney
                                                                                                                                                          HELPING HAND: Ellie Goulding believes

                                                                                                                                                          people who are homeless are particularly
              s African-Americans continue to                                                                                                             exposed to and threatened by the
              be infected with, and die from,                                                                                                             pandemic.
              the coronavirus at an alarming
              rate, Oprah Winfrey is addressing                                                                                                           Goulding helps provide
              the situation in a special                                                                                                                  phones to the homeless
presentation on Apple TV+ and OWN.
   In Oprah Talks Covid-19 — The Deadly                                                                                                                      Singer Ellie Goulding has helped source
Impact on Black America, the media mogul                                                                                                                  400 mobile phones, which will be given to
looks to bring attention to the devastating                                                                                                               homeless people to help them through the
impact the pandemic is having on African-                                                                                                                 lockdown amid the ongoing coronavirus
Americans across the country.                                                                                                                             crisis.
   “This coronavirus is shaking up the world,”                                                                                                               The singer, 33, along with her
Winfrey wrote in a Twitter post. “I hope you’ll                                                                                                           management company TaP Music helped
join me to understand why Covid-19 is having                                                                                                              charity Crisis to get the phones, reports
such a deadly impact on African-Americans                                                                                                       
as I speak to leaders in our community and                                                                                                                   She admitted that she is “very worried”
family members who are having to bury their                                                                                                               about how many people still need
dead alone.”                                                                                                                                              support.
   The episode is available now, for free, on                                                                                                                “We’re all worried about coronavirus,
Apple TV+ (no subscription needed).                                                                                                                       but people who are homeless are
   In the special, Winfrey speaks with Van                                                                                                                particularly exposed to and threatened by
Jones, CNN host and CEO of Reform Alliance;                                                                                                               the pandemic,” Goulding said.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot; Dr Aletha                                                                                                                      “Over the last few weeks we have
Maybank, chief health equity officer at the                                                                                                               seen an unprecedented and phenomenal
American Medical Association; and Nikole                                                                                                                  effort to rehouse people sleeping rough
Hannah-Jones, New York Times staff writer                                                                                                                 by the government, local authorities
and founder of 1619 Project, a civil rights-                                                                                                              and homelessness charities, but I have
themed series as part of the New York Times                                                                                                               remained very worried about how many
Magazine.                                                                                                                                                 people will still need support. I’ve been
   Additional guests join the conversation                                                                                                                determined to help keep them connected,”
from their respective remote locations                                                                                                                    she added.
around the country to share how Covid-19 is       CONCERNED: Oprah Winfrey is bringing attention to the devastating impact of the pandemic on                The distribution of the phones began
impacting certain regions, how citizens can       African-Americans across the country.                                                                   on April 15. The phones will go towards
support those most in need and hear personal                                                                                                              people Crisis supports as well as those
experiences from those on the frontline           devastated, is the occupational obligations its      Winfrey went on to emphasise the need for          who are currently staying in hotels across
fighting this pandemic.                           citizens are facing.                              more – and faster – testing and stressed that         London.
   Also featured: A musical performance by           “We as a people, as African-Americans,         it’s vitally important that African-Americans            Meanwhile, the Love me like you do hit-
Jennifer Hudson.                                  have jobs that require us to be at work,” she     understand the urgency of the situation.              maker is currently in self-isolation with
   On Tuesday morning, Winfrey appeared on        said. “For so many African-Americans, there          “It’s taking us out,” she said. “It’s killing      husband Caspar Jopling. She recently
NBC’s Today, where she spoke to Hoda Kotb         isn’t this ability to telecommute.”               your cousins and your friends and your                became the latest star to attempt the
about how the coronavirus is “ravaging” the          “We certainly understand that the              neighbours. And you need to do whatever you           viral T-shirt handstand challenge on
African-American community.                       responsibilities and dynamics of some people’s    can to protect yourself.”                             Instagram.
   “Not only is it serious, but people that you   lives, particularly African-American and brown       Winfrey is backing up her potentially life-           The singer wore a black crop top and
don’t know, but probably will know, are losing    people, do not allow you to be able to stay at    saving message with money. Last week she              matching leggings in the black and white
their loved ones,” she said.                      home,” she continued. “Therefore, they need       announced that she is donating $10 million            clip as she made a successful attempt to
   Winfrey went on to note that, among            masks. For now everybody needs to look out for    to coronavirus relief efforts. – The Mercury          put a T-shirt on while doing a handstand.
the reasons the community has been so             themselves and for their neighbours.”             News/TNS                                              – IANS
16 GULF TIMES Friday, April 17, 2020


       “You are what you eat”
                                             British culinary motivator Julia Toon asks people
                                             to use homebound time to cook and eat healthy
                                                     ingredients, you are in control. I am a great
By Mudassir Raja                                     believer in the 18th century adage which says
                                                     ‘you are what you eat’ and medical science

                                                     now advocates this saying.”
            he coronavirus crisis has led people        Based on her long experience of cooking
            across the world to observe social       and knowledge of food, Julia suggests
            distancing and stay at home. The         consuming as much fresh vegetables and fruits
            homebound time, however, brings          as possible. “My recommendation for good
            certain blessings with it.               health is to always eat fresh fruits, vegetables,
   The challenge has also brought the                salads, whole grains, home-made soups and of
opportunity for many individuals to develop          course, quality cuts of meat or fish.”
their hobbies and materialise their interests as        Sharing healthy food recipes, the culinary
they are forced to spend most of the time with       motivator said: “There are some recipes that
their families.                                      people can try at home with ease. These are
   Cooking can be counted both as a job and as       flatbread salad with warm walnut dressing,
a hobby. The crisis has invoked the culinary         roasted tomato soup, and baked salmon fillet
interests of people as medical experts have          with zingy yoghurt dressing.”
been underlining the need to eat healthy and            For Julia, this home seclusion means
boost immunity to ward off the coronavirus.          she has time to really focus on creating
   British expatriate Julia Toon is a culinary       new and interesting recipes, cooking and
motivator and food influencer. Founder of            photographing them to upload to the website.
Jules of the Kitchen, anthology of her recipes,      “We all now have time to do those hobbies or
Julia boasts of over 40 years of her experience      wants which we kept putting off by saying if
working as a cook for celebrities and                only I had time. The time is now to do these
international business associations.                 things and if cooking is something you really
   “Basically Jules of the Kitchen is a collective   would like to do, learn more about or simply
online hub of my best-loved recipes; secret          enjoy.
gems from my experience working as a cook               “At a time when all of us are housebound,
for celebrities and business associations, or        I believe cooking with or for the family is an
recipes collected from friends and family over       enjoyable traditional pastime suitable for
the years, and presented simply as an easy           everyone of any age.”
reference source for those people who share a           Jules of the Kitchen is also in the
passion for cooking,” said Julia.                    embryonic stage of releasing YouTube
   With the onset of the devastating                 cooking demonstrations. “Via Youtube Jules
coronavirus, it became apparent to Julia that        of the Kitchen, very easy family recipes are
the way forward for her and her family, in           displayed alongside stories and often health
order to help beat this pandemic, is to stay at      giving tips on ingredients etc. The recipes on
home, eat well and work hard to stay healthy.        Jules of the Kitchen are varied and cover all                     “At a time when all of us are
“In brief, take a personal – look after yourself     culinary trends i.e. Mediterranean, family,
– initiative in order to stay healthy and to         organic, gluten free, vegetarian and vegan.                       housebound, I believe cooking
help Qatar in fight against the virus. Well for      The recipes are not over complicated as the
one, it is important to eat well or better to        vision is to create enjoyment and a feeling of                    with or for the family is an
eat as healthily as you can. To me this means        fun whilst cooking in the kitchen. If you are
being in charge of literally what you eat and        a beginner always start with something easy                       enjoyable traditional pastime
therefore, what you cook at home. Stop buying        and challenge yourself as your confidence
the preservative laden commercially prepared         grows. Try to always think healthy and enjoy                      suitable for everyone”
foods, learn to cook and take responsibility for     everything in moderation.”
your health and the health of your loved ones.                           You can visit Julia’s webite at                                                      — Julia Toon
   “When you cook at home you know all the                      

Flatbread salad with warm walnut dressing.                 Roasted tomato soup.                            Baked salmon fillet with zingy yoghurt dressing.
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