Rebranding in progress - ompany news Lippert - Aboutcamp BtoB

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Rebranding in progress - ompany news Lippert - Aboutcamp BtoB
C    ompany news                     Lippert

Rebranding in progress
Lippert Components has announced that it is rebranding its core businesses to “Lippert”. Jarod Lippert,
VP of Marketing & Public Relations, and Joe Thompson, Chief Marketing Officer, explain to Aboutcamp
BtoB the reasons of this strategy
                                                                                                                         Words Giorgio Carpi

      ippert Components is changing its         while the parent company will remain LCI        heavily influenced by the company’s core
      brand image in an effort to create bet-   Industries. The company’s rebranding ini-       values, social impact initiatives, renowned
      ter relationship with its customer and    tiative is driven by in-depth research and      workplace culture, and determination to
better communicate with its end-users. The      third-party customer survey results that in-    improve the customer experience. This new
new name is simply Lippert, so the compa-       dicate the public already widely recognizes     look and feel seeks to inspire consumers
ny can be recognized for its strong values,     the company as Lippert.                         and reinvigorate Lippert team members
                                                Lippert will now represent all of the compa-    with a cohesive identity that creates a sense
                                                ny’s core line of RV and commercial products    of unity, no matter what division, depart-
                             Joe Thompson       formerly branded as Lippert Components.         ment, or state they work in.
                                                Taylor Made, CURT, Lewmar, and all of Lip-      “For the past decade, we have been on an
                                                pert’s other sub brands will be endorsed by     intense journey to become more than just
                                                Lippert in order to reinforce Lippert’s role    a single market component manufacturer,”
                                                as a leading global manufacturer. The first     said Jason Lippert, CEO and President of Lip-
                                                public unveiling of Lippert’s reimagined        pert. “After the great recession, we turned
                                                identity was on display at the NTP/Stag Expo    our strategic focus toward leveraging our
                                                2021 in Orlando, FL last January.               acquisition capabilities, our great people,
                                                                                                manufacturing expertise, and geographies
                                                An updated logo                                 to become a more diverse manufacturing
                                                Along with the change, Lippert is also intro-   and engineering solutions company across
                                                ducing a refreshed brand identity - including   multiple industries. We have succeeded in
                                                an updated logo, color scheme, design, and      that effort, and early last year, we set out
                                                messaging that incorporates the all-new         to redefine our brand strategy which better
                                                brand promise, “Whenever, wherever, we          fits our business today. As we drive toward
                                                make your experience better,” a statement       $3 billion in sales with a significant global

Rebranding in progress - ompany news Lippert - Aboutcamp BtoB
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                                                 er in size. Just in 20 years I have been with    uct brands to emphasize the Lippert name
                                                 Lippert we have acquired and created 100’s       on every product decal. We will still have
                                                 of different brands of varying sizes and com-    product names, but will step away from cre-
                                                 plexity. I will say that our marketing strate-   ating logos for each and every product we
                                                 gies today are more in sync with our execu-      produce. This added to the end-user con-
                                                 tive leadership team than ever before, and       fusion”.
                                                 going forward we will be very cognizant as       Introducing customers and the public to this
                                                 an organization when we think about our          new strategy will not be an easy task. For
                                                 branding as we acquire new companies and         this Lippert is already working to achieve
                                                 launch new products.” Jarod Lippert added.       this goal as quickly as possible. “The new
                                                                                                  brand was launched in mid-January in North
                                                 New consumer programs                            America and it has been a great success thus
                                                 Throughout 2020, Lippert launched several        far! It made its debut at the NTP/Stag Expo,
presence, the time is right to fine tune our     consumer experience initiatives, such as the     the largest RV show that we participate in
branding strategy.”                              Lippert Scouts program, the Lippert Scouts       North America”, Thompson explains. “This
“When we started our rebranding journey,         Community, and the Campground Project            rebranding effort will be a rolling change,
we set out to do several things,” adds Ja-       as well as being involved with multiple RV       so it will not come all at once. Our goal is to
rod Lippert, VP of Marketing & Public Re-        influencers, timed to enhance and acceler-       have all collateral rebranded by the end of
lations. “We knew that most of our cus-          ate the new brand launch. These consum-          this year. We are actively updating websites,
tomers (OEM, dealers and end-users) in           er programs will help instantly cascade the      packaging, product decals, advertisements,
the RV space already called us ‘Lippert’ and     new brand throughout the RV community            catalogs and all other collateral that our
subsequent survey data backed that up, so        to associate an elevated and inspired cus-       brand touches. In Europe, we are working
we knew that changing our name was not           tomer experience with the new brand.             to change as much as we can as fast as we
going to come as a huge surprise to many.        Holding true to the new brand promise,           can, but the real launch of the brand will
But Lippert plays in many spaces and we          Lippert is utilizing the user-generated feed-    be at the Caravan Salon show this August
have many other powerful brands. In the          back and recommendations provided within         in Düsseldorf. Look for a really great booth
very early stages of our rebranding journey,     these programs to enhance its products and       that showcases our brand at its very best!”
we were very cognizant with our third-par-       services in order to further enrich the con-
ty marketing firm to define our markets,         sumer experience.
channels and customers and make very big         Starting January 2021, Lippert begins im-        Jarod Lippert
brand architecture decisions on what ‘mas-       plementing the new brand through packag-
ter brands’ would represent us in non-RV         ing, website updates, marketing collateral,
markets. The decisions we made were pret-        social media channels, signage, and more.
ty easy ones because Lippert has acquired        “We reach over 40,000 end-users a week
some great brands recently, but it was ex-       through email campaigns, social media
tremely important to establish those brand       platforms, ads, and other marketing and
decisions to the rest of the organization”.      sales assets,” says Chief Marketing Officer,
“Taylor Made is Lippert’s master brand in        Joe Thompson. “This rebrand is more than
the North American Marine & Boating In-          a new logo and color scheme, it’s about
dustry. With 100+ years in the market and        creating an identity that can help us better
very favorable survey results among the US       relate to and serve our customers. Every
dealer and consumer base, it was an easy         decision we make as a company rests on
choice to keep Taylor Made as our master         whether or not we’re improving the lives of
marine brand in North America,” Jarod Lip-       our team members, our customers, and our
pert explains. “Lewmar will continue to be       communities; now we have an identity and
our master brand in the European marine          brand strategy that’s fully aligned with that
and boating markets. Finally, CURT will be       mission.”
our master brand worldwide for the auto-         The brand recognition by the end user is
motive truck and towing space. Lippert in-       fundamental. “This recognition is the
vested a lot in this acquisition late in 2019,   entire reason we went through this
one of the main reasons being how strong         rebranding process”, Thompson
the CURT brand is”.                              continues. “Lippert has created
Working closely with Element Three, a mar-       and acquired 100’s of brands
keting consulting group out of Indianapolis,     in the last 20 years. When we
Lippert was able to leverage survey results      began this amazing journey on
from dealers and end-users in both the RV        becoming the largest suppli-
and marine segments. These results rein-         er in the industry, admittedly
forced how the company is perceived and          our brand recognition was
also indicated brand strengths within each       not top of mind. Today we
of the channels Lippert is currently serving.    realize that in order to be
A new brand image sometimes preludes to          recognized as the global
a change in marketing strategies. “We set        leader in our space, we
out as an executive committee in early 2020      really need end-users to
to get very serious about branding. With         think ‘Lippert First’. To
the recent CURT acquisition and our grow-        do this, we are elimi-
ing portfolio of brands, we really believed      nating many of our sub
it was the right time to put branding at the     brands of products and
forefront of Lippert before we got any larg-     simplifying our prod-

Rebranding in progress - ompany news Lippert - Aboutcamp BtoB
C ompany news Lippert

  Virtual Showroom
  The new and innovative Virtual Showroom from Lippert provides a 3D experience with
  graphic animations of the details and functioning of numerous products specifically developed
  for the European recreational vehicle market
                                                                                                             Words Giorgio Carpi

                                    L    ippert has launched a virtual showroom
                                         with 3D graphics on its European web-
                                    site ( so OEMs
                                                                                    products from Lippert and see their different
                                                                                    applications on recreational vehicles.
                                                                                    “We have created a very versatile and easy-
                                    and the aftermarket can explore and discov-     to-use virtual environment,” says Tomma-
                                    er more about its range of RV products.         so Gasparrini, Aftermarket Sales Manager,
                                    Virtual Showroom offers an interactive          Lippert, RV Europe. ”Lippert, in fact, decid-
                                    browsing experience in an environment that      ed not to participate in caravan and mo-
                                    reproduces an exhibition space with some        torhome exhibitions in 2020, but did not
                                    of Lippert’ most famous products, such as       want to interrupt communications with its
                                    the pull-out steps (Steps), variable height     customers. Thus, in addition to launching a
                                    beds (Beds), living area and cabin doors        highly successful European online marketing
                                    (Doors), legs and mechanisms for dinette ta-    campaign, it took the opportunity to create
                                    bles (Table Mechanisms), the famous “Smart      an innovative and useful tool for all of our
                                    Room” slide-out system and the new “Vela”       customers: from the small RV builder to the
                                    lifting roof for campervans (Space On De-       user of the recreational vehicle. Other in-
                                    mand).                                          credible products from our new aftermarket
                                    Clicking on each product provides an explan-    catalogue will soon be added to the Virtual
                                    atory video on the operation of the system,     Showroom,” added Tommaso Gasparrini.
                                    created with 3D graphics and accompanied        The new Virtual Showroom can be reached
                                    by measurements and other essential infor-      from the home page of the European web-
                                    mation. This provides a highly effective tool   site or directly via a dedicated link:
                                    to understand, at a glance, all the mechan-
                                    ical movements possible with the complex        virtualshowroom

Rebranding in progress - ompany news Lippert - Aboutcamp BtoB
R-Bike: the new
Lippert bike carrier
for vans
Research and investment have always characterised the
development activities of Lippert. R-Bike is the trailblazer
of a new family of one-of-a-kind bike carriers that
can be transformed into carry-alls. Brilliantly flexible
in their use, they can be used to mount original
Lippert accessories and can be adapted to
use the most popular fixing systems
                                               Words Enrico Bona

L   ippert is tackling this historic moment
    for the global RV market with a vision
and significant investments dedicated to
                                               tachments on the market can be fitted and
                                               this a solution means that campers do not
                                               have to renew their equipment entirely to
                                                                                                  the gluing system was the subject of a par-
                                                                                                  ticularly accurate study during the design
                                                                                                  phase and makes R-Bike practically non-de-
developing innovative products. The year       install the R-Bike.                                formable.
2021 opened with the introduction of the
R-Bike Ducato, a new line of bike carriers     The structure                                      Range and market
dedicated – at least for the time being – to   From the technical point of view, the bike         In terms of availability to customers, given
the vans built on X290 platform of the Ital-   carrier is made of oxidized and painted alu-       the inevitable logistical problems and sup-
ian car manufacturer that is the undisputed    minium tubes with 30x45 mm oval section.           ply of materials that characterise this peri-
best-seller of the European RV market. In      This solution provides greater structural          od, Lippert wants to be ready for the needs
keeping with the goal to make the life of      strength than that offered by round tubes          of the market in 2021 well in advance. The
campers more comfortable and make sys-         and guarantees the maximum loading ca-             R-Bike line, already included in the Reimo
tems more respondent to their multifarious     pacity of the R-Bike up to the remarkable          and S.I.F.I. catalogues, will be available from
loading and moving needs, Lippert is intro-    weight of 40 kilograms in any configura-           all major Lippert European distributors start-
ducing R-Bike, the bicycle carrier system      tion. The bike carrier can safely and practi-      ing from April 2021. A further and final goal
that by using specifically created acces-      cally transport of two e-bikes or three con-       set by Lippert for this product is to present
sories, such as racks for skis, snowboards     ventional bicycles by adding a third optional      the complete R-Bike range for the vans of
or kite-surfs and external lockers, can be     rail.                                              all the major manufacturers operating in the
turned into a modular carry-all system.                                                           sector at the Caravan Salon 2021 in Düs-
More accessories that are planned and will     Innovations                                        seldorf. “We started from a simple market
be introduced over time. However, other        The finishes include standard silver bare          observation for developing this product. The
accessories using all the other standard at-   aluminium with black and orange Lippert            van segment is displaying a constant growth
                                               plastic components and an interesting and          trend and is increasingly asserting itself as
                                               trendy total black version for owners who          the recreational vehicle of the future on a
                                               are looking for a distinctive design in ad-        commercial level for manufacturers and as
                                               dition to convenience and practicality, to         one of the key reference vehicles for future
                                               make the look of their van unique. With its        customers, who are younger and looking for
                                               loading capacity of 40 kilograms, the R-Bike       agility and practicality. With its innovative
                                               is currently the most competitive bike carrier     design and, above all, for its distinguishing
                                               on the market, also because of its weight,         versatility and multiplicity of use, the R-Bike
                                               which is under 10 kilograms. Lippert has           will raise the quality bar in the field of bike
                                               always stood out on the recreational vehi-         carriers for vans”, said Tommaso Gasparrini,
                                               cle components scene for the great invest-         Aftermarket Sales Manager, Lippert, RV Eu-
                                               ments in research and not by chance they           rope. “We want to be ready for aftermarket
                                               have developed new structural solutions for        customers and, above all, for OEM custom-
                                               the R-Bike, such as the possibility to use of      ers, with this innovative and aesthetically
                                               the bike carrier with a new tailgate bond-         unique range of products. Being able to ef-
                                                     ing system using a single component          fectively exploit the exterior spaces of a van
                                                         polyurethane glue. This solution         is a winner and Lippert has invested a lot
                                                          means that no screws are need-          in the research of appearance and structural
                                                          ed for installing the product and       component, designing and rethinking the
                                                       that no holes are drilled in the vehicle   system from scratch and taking the changes
                                                  bodywork. The distribution of the loads         that occur in the needs of the world of cam-
                                               between the oval structure of the tubes and        pervans users into account”.

Rebranding in progress - ompany news Lippert - Aboutcamp BtoB Rebranding in progress - ompany news Lippert - Aboutcamp BtoB Rebranding in progress - ompany news Lippert - Aboutcamp BtoB Rebranding in progress - ompany news Lippert - Aboutcamp BtoB Rebranding in progress - ompany news Lippert - Aboutcamp BtoB Rebranding in progress - ompany news Lippert - Aboutcamp BtoB
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