How to support a subscription business - Powering the recurring revenue model - EnterpriseTalk

Page created by Michael Goodwin
How to support a subscription business - Powering the recurring revenue model - EnterpriseTalk
How to support
a subscription business
Powering the recurring revenue model
How to support a subscription business - Powering the recurring revenue model - EnterpriseTalk
Table of contents

Why subscription business models?            3

Features of a subscription business model    4

  • Moving beyond one-time sales             5

Designing with data                          5

  • Scaling to support revenue growth        6

Removing the hindrances to success           7

  • Finding and closing profit leak points   7

KPIs for a subscription business             8

Conclusion                                   9

  • How do you get started?                  9
How to support a subscription business - Powering the recurring revenue model - EnterpriseTalk
Why subscription
business models?

The subscription economy, consisting of the recurring         For as-a-service providers, the benefits include:
payment for products or services, has been around for
hundreds of years. Decades ago, subscription business           • Steady revenue streams. Revenue and cash flow
models included services like books, newspapers, and             become more predictable, and the cost of sales is
milk delivery. More recently, we’ve seen rapid growth in         spread out over time. Financial planning and reporting
other B2C services, including video streaming, meal box          become easier.
deliveries, and fitness products and services.
                                                                • Less vulnerability to crisis-driven supply chain
But the subscription model is not limited to B2C. In just        disruption (e.g. COVID-19) for certain industries. The
the past few years, we’ve seen an explosion in subscription      relative predictability of subscription models can help
business models in the B2B sector. Software as a Service         you streamline inventory and make smarter decisions
(SaaS) is one of the older (and perhaps the most well-           on how you purchase raw materials.
known) B2B example, but more recently, every sector from
technology to manufacturing has begun to offer products         • Better loyalty and engagement with customers,
as a service. Everything from tractors to medical equipment       leading to stronger relationships and reduced churn.
to jet engines can be served up via subscription offerings.
                                                                • New opportunities for ongoing upselling and cross-
Both customers and providers are seeking a move to               selling, increasing share of wallet within the existing
subscription models. For customers, this model is popular        customer base.
because it lets them:
                                                              Yet, like any other business venture, subscription models
  • Pay only for what they use or consume                     come with challenges. Research indicates that 70%
   (prioritizing usage over ownership).                       of business leaders say subscription business models
                                                              will be key to their future success, but less than 10% are
  • Reduce upfront acquisition costs. B2B subscribers can     generating any significant revenue from them. Why not?
   become asset-light firms; they hold fewer fixed assets     Most often, it’s because the business hasn’t adapted its
   on their balance sheets, which manifests in higher
   return-on-asset ratios.

  • Avoid obsolescence and repair costs.

  • Ensure easy replacement and upgrading.

  • Access a convenient, tailored buying experience.

                                                                                              Supporting a subscription business 3
How to support a subscription business - Powering the recurring revenue model - EnterpriseTalk
processes and mindset to satisfy customer expectations.
Subscription customers aren’t just buying a service; they’re       Features of a
buying an experience. Your customer doesn’t care whether
they’re dealing with the front office or the back office. What
they care about is that the experience is good, fast and
connected across every step in the relationship. Because
of these expectations, subscription business models often          business model
require head-to-toe change. Your entire business must:

• Refocus its culture and go-to-market to support and
 sustain long-term relationships.                                  Subscription management is multidisciplinary: it
                                                                   requires changes across service configuration, selling,
• Reimagine financial systems to support recurring revenue         provisioning, billing, and customer experience. This
 and real-time flexible billing.                                   presents several considerations to think through before
                                                                   you decide what to offer.
• Rework revenue generating and reporting systems and
 processes to support the complete customer lifecycle.
                                                                   Customer experience
It’s not a trivial change, and it takes time. But with the right   Customers want to browse various plans, select
approach, it can bring all the benefits of steady, recurring       what fits them best, and personalize offerings.
revenue and lifelong customers. Let’s look at what you
need to get started on your journey.                               Revenue management
                                                                   Subscriptions often have rates for different tiers of usage,
                                                                   overage fees, and custom plans. This makes tracking and
                                                                   billing difficult to manage with outdated billing systems or
“ In disruptive times, investing in and                            spreadsheets, resulting in revenue leakage and challenges
                                                                   with revenue recovery.
  changing business models can grow
  market share. That calls for companywide                         Contract management
  collaboration—business executives                                Customers want to renew, suspend, and amend their
                                                                   subscriptions at any time during the billing cycle, for any
  must work with financial executives,                             product or service.
  who in turn work with their supply
  chain managers to understand where                               Service management
                                                                   You’ll need a system to monitor and repair products being
  vulnerabilities lie—and where changes                            offered as services that are located at customer sites.
  make sense: new product lines, for
  example, subscription services, or
  digital platforms.”
  2021 planning: New business models, big opportunity
  MIT Technology Review Insights

                                                                                                     Supporting a subscription business 4
How to support a subscription business - Powering the recurring revenue model - EnterpriseTalk
Some questions that companies should ask before
embarking on a subscription model:                                  Designing with data
  • Will my business be sustainable and profitable, given
    the projected recurring revenues and the costs to
    provide the service level I’m committed to?
                                                                    Data is key to designing a subscription-based offering.
  • What price will my customers agree to pay for current           Let’s look at a hypothetical example of how data could be
    and future services?                                            monetized, used as a competitive differentiator, or both:

  • How can I engage with my customers to strengthen                A food service distributor, who sells fresh ingredients to
    our relationship, be more loyal, subscribe to future            hotels, restaurants, and hospitality groups, “grades” all the
    offerings, and consistently renew?                              food they sell, in terms of quality. Because of this grading
                                                                    process, they hold a vast amount of nutritional information.
  • Which new bundled offerings of products and                     The distributor decides to turn this data into a service. Now,
    services do I need to gain market share and beat                their customers still buy food, and they can also subscribe to
    the competition?                                                a service that provides access to the food’s nutritional content
                                                                    (calories, fat, sodium, etc.). This lets the restaurants and other
  • How can I support my products at scale, since                   establishments put this information on their menus and web
    maintenance and support are now part of my                      sites—so diners can make informed decisions about what to
    subscription model duties?                                      order for dinner.

                                                                    Data has value, and when you turn it into the right offering or
                                                                    service, it can add more value. One of the biggest issues that
                                                                    companies face, when trying to move to subscription models,
Moving beyond one-time sales                                        is that their data is locked in silos across the company—
                                                                    difficult to extract, reconcile, and analyze.

                                                                    The power is having all data and interactions in one place:
A 90-year-old telecommunications provider recently transformed
                                                                    applying AI, automation, and analytics to detect and then act
the way it sells its equipment, moving beyond its traditional B2B
                                                                    on changes using the right, timely data.
business and opening new revenue streams by selling directly
to consumers.

Having grown over decades by acquisition, the company had
cobbled together its sales platforms with more than a dozen
different portals—all with different, inconsistent products sets
and pricing—supported behind the scenes by dozens of CRM
and ERP systems.

The company chose Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP and CX to:

  • Replace a 30-year-old custom platform with modern
    solutions for both B2B and B2C sales

  • Accelerate sales by reducing quote cycle time

  • Drive targeted B2B marketing campaigns

  • Shorten time to market for new products and services

  • Introduce new revenue streams

                                                                                                      Supporting a subscription business 5
How to support a subscription business - Powering the recurring revenue model - EnterpriseTalk
Managing subscription revenue is a struggle for businesses
with limited (or no) integration between their front- and back-
office systems. In providing a great customer experience,         Scaling to support revenue growth
you need to consider your ERP and supply chain just as
much as your customer-facing software. There are countless
ways in which the front and back office interact throughout
the customer lifecycle. Here are 6 of the most common    provides objective information that helps U.S. car
interactions that support a subscription business model:          buyers make informed decisions— everything from vehicle history
                                                                  to used car appraisals. It offers 40,000 subscription products to
                                                                  about 26,000 automotive industry customers.

        What customers buy (subscription, one-off product,        Edmunds’ legacy systems took weeks to process billings, hurting
  1     or a mix of the two) affects how your product/service     customer service and revenue growth. The company decided to
        is fulfilled, delivered, billed, paid, and accounted      move from disparate, on-premises systems to Oracle Fusion Cloud
        for. The number of buying options can translate           ERP and Oracle Subscription Management.
        into thousands of consumption choices. Each
        amendment, add-on, cancellation, or other change          Edmunds used to get 400 data mismatches per run; that number
        triggers a vast amount of relevant data that needs to     fell to just one when the system went live. “I can’t recall a single
        flow between different systems.                           case where a customer called us and said their invoice was wrong,”
                                                                  says Edmunds’ director of revenue cycle, Trevor Persaud. They
                                                                  expect the new system to support substantial growth, processing
                                                                  approximately $100 million in annual revenue.
        During customer acquisition, you need to connect
  2     data from sales engagements, product options,
        pricing, and fulfillment.

        When it’s time to bill, you need to pull usage            This means rethinking what it means to engage with
  3     metering, pricing, and contract details, then             customers at every touchpoint. To do this, you need to
        pass that off to billing and payments.                    connect front-office and back-office processes—and the
                                                                  systems that support them.

        Complex sales contracts—particularly those with
 4      mixed goods and services—are subject to a new set
        of revenue recognition standards.

        At renewal time, you need to pull together lifetime
  5     value, pricing, contract details, product options,
        and more choices for upsell/cross-sell.

        Customer lifetime value and churn are new key
  6     performance indicators (more on this below) that
        must be accurately measured and tracked.

Each part of the organization has different areas of
responsibility; the one thread that pulls them all together is
the customer, and how they contribute to overall customer
retention. Processes must be re-organized around the
customer lifecycle: signing them up, provisioning services,
billing them (sometimes based on usage), handling problems
or issues, and turning customers into repeat purchasers and
brand advocates.

                                                                                                      Supporting a subscription business 6
Removing the
hidrances to success

When trying to connect front- and back-office systems, many       This is also a boon to reporting, which becomes much
companies start with the front end and ignore the back. The       faster and boosts confidence in the numbers. When data is
reason is understandable: the front end is what the customer      consistent, reliable, and visible across the business,
sees, and companies want to make a good first impression.         you can:
But all this does is create yet another data silo, with brittle
integrations to back-end (often legacy) systems that                • Gain accurate insights for better decisions
don’t provide the functionality needed to support
a subscription business.                                            • Build a data-supported case for new products
                                                                      and services
A better approach is a connected system that lets data flow
seamlessly (and accurately) from one system to the next.            • Improve the accuracy of your financials
A comprehensive subscription solution should include
support for:                                                        • Measure KPIs and other success indicators

  • Sales and ecommerce                                           This brings us to the final major change required for
                                                                  a subscription business model: measuring success.
  • Configure-price-quote for more complex offerings

  • Order management

  • Supply chain management for product-as-a-service              Finding and closing profit
   offerings                                                      leak points
  • Subscription management
                                                                  A software-as-a-service (SaaS) provider relied on a disparate set of
  • Financials and accounting, including revenue                  systems to support front- and back-office functions. Experiencing
   management for more complex offerings                          about 40% annual growth, the company need a more robust ERP
                                                                  and subscription billing solution to scale efficiently.
  • Field service and logistics, including IoT for more
                                                                  With a unified Oracle Cloud, the company minimized touchpoints
   complex, product-as-a-service offerings (such as
                                                                  between their previous, disparate systems, which required
   tractors that your company might need to repair)
                                                                  manual hand-offs. These manual processes were a potential
                                                                  profit leak point, and a hindrance to gathering data to make
Ideally, you’ll want a connected cloud that uses a common         real-time decisions.
data model across all systems, from ecommerce to
accounting. The benefit of a common data model is that it         Oracle Cloud ERP and Subscription Management helped the
provides one reliable, accurate record of each customer           SaaS provider secure market share against competitors, realize
that you can analyze from multiple points of view. It             significant cost savings, accelerate growth, and increase
                                                                  customer satisfaction.
eliminates the need to integrate and reconcile data from
multiple systems; you’re no longer left guessing which
numbers are right, because they’re the same everywhere.

                                                                                                      Supporting a subscription business 7
KPIs for a
subscription business

Key performance indicators for a subscription business model    Annual recurring revenue (ARR): This represents the yearly
focus on the customer, not on your company. This shift in       revenue of a subscription. This metric is helpful to see year-
view helps you ensure that the customer experience is your      over-year trends and set growth goals. You can also calculate
top objective. Unhappy customers will desert you and might      average MRR or ARR per customer. Streaming video services
write negative reviews online. Happy customers will renew       look at these numbers to determine if they can raise their
and buy more. If you can accomplish the latter, your new        rates without affecting churn.
business model can be successful.
                                                                Churn rate: The number or percentage of customers that
Some of the top KPIs to consider include:                       terminate a subscription during a given billing period. A
                                                                healthy subscription business should always be adding more
Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR). MRR doesn’t include any        customers than it churns. When you see large spikes in
one-time charges (such as activation fees or setup fees) nor    customer churn, it can be a good indication that you need to
does it include any subscriptions that are suspended. You can   make a change. When customers terminate their subscription,
choose to include usage charges; most companies that offer      you can try to gather data points on their reasons for leaving,
services in usage-based or consumption-based models will        and use the insights to retain more customers.
have to estimate the usage for revenue reporting (as per
ASC 606/IFRS15 compliance standards).                           Revenue churn: This KPI expresses the percentage of lost
                                                                revenue from existing subscribers during a given period.
                                                                This is the financial impact of customers terminating their
                                                                subscriptions, so it’s critical to track and monitor.

                                                                Renewal rate is a crucial metric to forecast future growth.
                                                                Typically, subscription businesses should start the renewal
                                                                process at least 30 days in advance. Plan ahead, so you
                                                                can run targeted customer engagements to keep the renewal
                                                                rate healthy.

                                                                Customer lifetime value (CLV) indicates the total revenue
                                                                potential from a customer. For a subscription business to be
                                                                profitable, the CLV should always be higher than the sum of:

                                                                  • The customer acquisition cost

                                                                  • Ongoing sales and marketing expenses

                                                                  • Operating expenses

                                                                  • The cost required to manufacture the products
                                                                   and services the company is selling

                                                                                                 Supporting a subscription business 8

In today’s era of fierce competition, customer loyalty is hard-
won. But the very nature of the subscription model gives
you a head start in the race, because it’s the foundation of
a recurring customer relationship. Subscriptions provide
opportunities for ongoing upselling and cross-selling to
organically grow the business. And new customers often
come by word-of-mouth, as long as you keep existing
customers engaged and recognize that the value of
their investment is the primary factor for business growth.
From there, finance leaders can lay the groundwork for the
ultimate prize: long-lasting and mutually beneficial
customer relationships.

How do you get started?
We’ve created a starter kit for CFOs and other finance leaders
looking to move to subscription business models. It outlines
five steps to get started, as well as some “do’s and don’ts”
to keep in mind along the way. We encourage you to read
the best practices and first steps to succeed with a
subscription business.

                                                                  Supporting a subscription business 9
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