READ TO THE RHYTHM 2015 Summer Reading Challenge - LOCAL AUTHORS EXPO

Page created by Clifton Williams
READ TO THE RHYTHM 2015 Summer Reading Challenge - LOCAL AUTHORS EXPO
Your Path to Discovery

                                        Summer Newsletter 2015
                                                 June — August

2015 Summer Reading Challenge

LOCAL                 CULTURE SHOCK
                      CHICAGO HIP HOP
READ TO THE RHYTHM 2015 Summer Reading Challenge - LOCAL AUTHORS EXPO
2 | Your Path to Discovery

General                       Thank you to our donors . . .
2-3                           The Focosi Family, Friends of the Tinley Park Public Library, Mollie Rock,
                              Fadi Salem, Mia Smolinski, Veterans of Foreign Wars
                              We thank every one of the vendors who participated
Adults                        in the Tinley Park Public Library’s spring Vendor Fair:
5                             Asea, Ava Anderson Non-Toxic, Avon, Beauti Control, doTerra, Gold Canyon Candles,
                              Jamberry Nails, Juice Plus + Juice Plus Tower Garden, Life’s Abundance,
Computer Classes
                              Mary Kay, Organo Gold, Origami Owl, Pampered Chef, Park Lane, PartyLite Gifts,
6-7                           Pink Zebra, Premier Designs, Scentsy, Tastefully Simple, Thirty-One Gifts,
                              Tupperware and Usborne Books.
Ongoing Adult
Book Discussions

Families & Kids
                              The Summer Reading Challenge Is Here!
Bookmobile                    June 1- August 1
15                            It’s a summer of books and music at the library! You are encouraged to sign up
                              for our summer reading challenge and earn some great prizes along the way.
General                       Don’t miss our lively lineup of upbeat programs and events. For more info, kids
16                            can jump aboard the Bookmobile or stop by the main library’s Youth Services
                              Desk; adults may visit the Adult Reference Desk. See pages 11 & 13 for
7851 Timber Dr.               Teen and Youth Summer Reading Challenge information.
Tinley Park IL 60477
708.532.0160                  Local Businesses Supporting You
                              June 1– August 1                 This summer your Tinley Park Public Library card becomes even more valuable!       With the generous support of many area businesses, we can, once again, add
                              a new and exciting component to your summer reading experience. When you
                              sign up for one of our summer reading challenges between June 1 and August 1,
                              you may take your validated library card to any of our participating area business
                              partners and receive a special offer or discount. A complete list of our participating
                              partners will be available at sign-up and on our website.

Monday – Friday
9 am–9 pm
9 am–5 pm
noon–5 pm
                              The Fortunate Sons
Closed:                       Outdoor Summer Concert
Sat., July 4                  Friday, July 31 from 6:30-8 pm
                              No registration required
                              All ages
                              Groove to the greatest hits of Creedence Clearwater Revival performed by
                              The Fortunate Sons, a CCR tribute band. Using original vintage gear and
                              instruments, accurate costumes, and spot-on musical ability, the Fortunate Sons
                              will instantly conjure up the full experience of CCR in its heyday. Refreshments
                              will be served. Concert will be held on our west lawn and pavilion, weather
                              permitting. In case of inclement weather, this event will be held indoors in our
                              Meeting Room with attendance limited to 150.
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Is Here!

The library now offers a new service called hoopla,
that provides streaming music, movies, TV, and
audiobooks. Visit our website to get started at You will need a Tinley Park
Public Library card and email address to begin. You
may access it via a web browser or download the iOS
or Android mobile app. Find out what all the hoopla     No registration required
is about!                                               All ages
                                                        Meet the faces behind the books at our first ever
                                                        author open house. Support and connect with more
                                                        than 20 local children’s, teen, and adult authors. Books
News from the                                           from a variety of genres and subjects will be available

Bookmobile                                              for purchase and signing.

                                                        Joanne Zienty, award-
                                                        winning author of
                                                        The Things We Save,
                                                        will speak at 2 pm.

                                                        Summer reading challenge participants receive
                                                        an extra ticket for our prize drawings when
                                                        they attend this event.
           Tuesday, August 4 from 5–9 pm
                                                        Here is a list of exciting authors who will be joining us!
Join the Bookmobile at Zabrocki Plaza, 173rd and
Oak Park Avenue. Representatives from the Tinley        Ron Bay, Jr.		                 Memoir
Park Police and Fire Departments, Emergency             Dr. Leslie K. Best		           History
Management Agency, Public Works, and Clerk’s            Pat Camalliere		               Historical Mystery
Office will also be on hand for a meet and greet.       Ruth Hull Chatlien		           Historical Fiction
Select emergency vehicles will be open for viewing.     Dennis Depcik		                Biography/Autobiography
Entertainment and a classic car show on                 Mark Derdzinski		              Science Fiction
Oak Park Avenue round out the evening.                  Linda Dore		                   Self-Help
                                                        L.B. Dunbar		                  Romance
			The Bookmobile                                       Dianne Gallagher		             Crime Fiction/Thriller
                                                        Joseph Thomas Gatrell          Mystery/Political Fiction
			Has Added a                                          Nancy Gee		                    Children's Fiction
			New Stop!                                            Barbara Gregorich		            Multi-genre
                                                        S.M. Hampton		                 Poetry
			                          Beginning June 8, look
                                                        Rosemary Kuhn		                Children's Christian Fiction
			                          for us in the Brookside
                                                        Lennart Lundh		                Aviation History/Poetry
			Glen subdivision at
                                                        Amy Lutchen		                  Urban Fantasy
			                          the corner of Cove Ct.
                                                        Jeanne Meeks		                 Mystery/Adventure
and Brookside Glen Dr. from 4–4:45 pm. We have
                                                        Robert J. Mueller		            Military History/Travel
books, magazines, movies, music, Wii and PS3 games
                                                        Loreen Niewenhuis              Adventure/Memoir
and more for children and adults. Come aboard and
                                                        Helen Osterman		               Cozy Mystery
pick up a schedule; you’re sure to find something you
                                                        Lydia Ponczak		                Mystery
will like.
                                                        Georgann Prochaska             Memoir
                                                        Marty Rose		                   Murder Mystery/Fiction
                                                        Tanja Samardzija		             YA Contemporary Fiction
                                                        Nevien Shaabneh		              Multicultural/Cont. Fiction
                                                        Joan Singleton		               Nonfiction
                                                        Robert Weinberg		              Multi-genre
                                                        Joanne Zienty		                Contemporary Fiction
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                                        The 2015/2016 Sunday
                                        Afternoon Concert Series
                                        			Phil & Amy and
                                        			Lucie too!
                                        		                          Sunday, September 13
                                        		                          at 2 pm
                                        		                          Online registration
                                        			begins Thursday,
                                        			September 3.
                                        			                         Please register by
                                        phone or in person beginning Friday, September 4.
                                        Each person attending the concert must register

                                        Greta Pope - Around the World                              Special Offer
                                        and Back ~ Encore                                          Next time you're in the library . . .
                                        Sunday, October 11                                         Stop by the Checkout Desk, join the Friends of the
                                        at 2 pm                                                    Library, and receive a free Friends book bag.
                                        Online registration
                                        begins Thursday,                                           Drop by the Friends' Book Store and browse
                                        October 1.                                                 a while! You'll find a large selection of novels,
                                        Please register by phone                                   nonfiction, paperbacks, DVDs, music, and much
                                        or in person beginning                                     more, all at "Friendly" prices. Visit often to see
                                        Friday, October 2. Each person                             what's new — items are added every day.
                                        attending the concert must register individually.          We need your support!
                                        We would like to extend a great big thank you to all       If you have gently used books you'd like to
                                        who attended our concerts in the 2014/2015                 donate, please take these to the Checkout Desk.
                                        season. You helped make it a very successful year.         We especially need hardcover novels and history,
                                        We're looking forward to seeing you again in               cooking, and children's books. However, we
                                        September. Look for our concert brochure coming            cannot accept textbooks, encyclopedias,
                                        out in July.                                               outdated reference books, VHS tapes or
                                                                                                   Reader's Digest Condensed Books.
                                        Have a great summer!

                                        ATTENTION                                                  Remembering
                                                                                                   Syvlia M. Koch
                                        Shark Shredding
                                        will be back Saturday,                                     1931—2015
                                        September 26 from                                          Sylvia M. Koch was
                                        9-11 am in the Metra                                       vice president and
                                        parking lot north of                                       member of the Tinley Park Public Library Friends
                                        the 80th Avenue train station. Thank you to the            of the Library Board, contributor to the library’s
                                        430+ who attended our April shredding event.               art collection, and long-time volunteer at the
                                                                                                   Art Institute of Chicago.

                              Name ____________________________________________Phone # (____)____________________________
            m em b er s hip

                              Address __________________________________________________________________________________
f rie nds

                                       (Street Address)				                            (City) 		                		             (ST.)   		        (ZIP)
                              ANNUAL DUES:
                              Please check one:     ___ Adult ($5)        ___ Good Friend ($10)                     ___ Family Friends ($15; list names)
                              		                    ___ Best Friend ($25)				                                       _________________________

                              Please Check One:     ___ New Membership or ___ Membership Renewal _________________________

                              Please make checks payable to:        The Friends of the Tinley Park Public Library
                              				                                  7851 Timber Drive, Tinley Park, IL 60477
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Adult Program Registration
Mark your calendars now…
Registration for all adult programs begins on the 20th of the month for the following month’s
programs, with the exception of Friends of the Library events. You may register online, in person,
or by phone. Register at or call 708.532.0160, x 3.

The Airborne                                                  The Eastland Disaster
                                                              Wednesday, July 8 at 7 pm
on D-Day
Monday, June 1                                                Commemorating the 100th anniversary of one of
at 7 pm                                                       Chicago’s greatest tragedies, members of the
                                                              Eastland Disaster Historical Society share the
Author and lecturer
                                photo source: US Army Corps   history of this horrific event and the life stories
Robert Mueller
                                                              of its participants.
focuses on the
men of the US 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions
who, in the early hours of June 6, 1944, performed
                                                              A 1000-Mile Great Lakes Island
the most hazardous of military operations – the               Adventure
dropping of paratroopers into enemy territory at night.       Monday, July 20 at 7 pm
                                                              Raising important questions about preserving our
Writing the Chapters of Your Life                             wild places and protecting the fragile ecosystems
Wednesday, June 17 at 7 pm                                    of the Great Lakes, author Loreen Niewenhuis takes
Once someone dies, their stories are gone forever.            us to islands in the each of the five Great Lakes and
More than just genealogy, this program is designed            shares photos and stories of her many adventures
to help you preserve the memories and stories of              walking these amazing shorelines.
your parents, grandparents, or your own life, and
have fun doing so.                                            Career
                                                              Monday, August 3
                                                              at 7 pm
                                                              Adults thinking about
                                                              career development are
                                                              invited to learn more about
                                                              programs and services offered at Moraine
                                                              Valley Community College.

                                                              			The Carver of
                                                              			Mt. Rushmore
                                                              			Wednesday, August 19
                                                              			at 7 pm
                                                              Artist and historian Jim Weren presents the incredible
                                                              story of the man who carved the four colossal faces of
                                                              our presidents into the mountains of the Black Hills of
                                                              South Dakota.
Chicago Music Scene of the
60s & 70s                                                     Buying Your
Monday, June 22 at 7 pm                                       First Home
With live music and a vivid slideshow, author                 Wednesday, August 26
Dean Milano recreates two memorable decades                   at 7 pm
in Chicago’s vibrant local music scene.
                                                              This up-to-date workshop
                                                              for first-time homebuyers
The Creation of Wicked                                        includes information on credit scores, new programs
Wednesday, July 1 at 7 pm
                                                              with low down payments, and how to access free
Acclaimed Broadway historian Charles Troy tells               down payment assistance.
the fascinating story behind one of the most
popular Broadway musicals of our time, Wicked.
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                                           Registration begins the 20th of each month for the following month's classes.

                                           Basics                                                   Your Library, Online
                                           Mousercise                                               The New SWAN Library Catalog
                                           Learn how to use a standard two-button mouse.            Learn search strategies to help you find books and
                                           If you have not used a mouse, or if you do not know      more in the library's new online catalog. Learn how
                                           how to copy and paste, we recommend taking this          to create a catalog PIN for managing your library
                                           class before any other.                                  account; search for, request, and renew materials;
                                                                                                    save your checkout history; and more!
                                           Tuesday, June 2 from 10 am-noon. Class size: 6
                                                                                                    Thursday, June 11 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Class size: 6
                                           Introduction to PCs                                      Tuesday, July 7 from 2-4 pm. Class size: 6
                                           Teaches the fundamentals of personal computing,          Thursday, August 13 from 2-4 pm. Class size: 6
                                           covering the desktop, files, folders, and applications
                                           (apps). This class is designed for beginning             Searching vs. Surfing
                                           computer users.                                          Learn how to use the library databases to find
                                                                                                    information that you can't simply Google.
            Ereader and Computer Classes

                                           Thursday, June 4 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Class size: 8
                                                                                                    Tuesday, August 18 from 2-4 pm. Class size: 8
                                           Beginner's Internet I & II
                                           Learn how to find and evaluate information on
                                           the World Wide Web.
                                           Thursday, June 4 & 11 from 2-4 pm. Class size: 6

                                           Introduction to Email
                                           Learn how to register for an email acount, check your
                                           inbox, create an address book, and open attachments.
                                                                                                    Media on Demand Ebooks for
                                                                                                    Android, iOS, & Kindle Fires
                                           Wednesday, June 17 from 10 am-noon. Class size: 6        A hands-on class that shows you how to use the free
                                           Wednesday, July 22 from 2-4 pm. Class size: 6            OverDrive app that enables you to download library
                                                                                                    ebooks, videos, and more from Media on Demand.
                                           Online Security & Privacy
                                           This lecture-based class offers tips to enable you       Tuesday, June 30 from 2-4 pm. Class size: 8
                                           to better protect yourself from online scams, spam,      Tuesday, July 7 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Class size: 8
                                           viruses, and identity theft.                             Tuesday, August 11 from 2-4 pm. Class size: 8

                                           Wednesday, July 22 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Class size: 10
                                                                                                    Media on Demand Ebooks for
                                           Organize Your Digital Files,                             B&W Kindles
                                                                                                    A hands-on class that shows owners of B&W
                                           Folders, & Photos                                        screen Kindle ereaders how to download library
                                           Learn strategies to help you organize your files,
                                                                                                    ebooks from Media on Demand. If you own a
                                           folders & pictures on your computer. Discover
                                                                                                    pre-Fire Kindle ereader (e.g., a keyboard Kindle or
                                           services for sharing and storing your files on the
                                                                                                    Kindle Touch), this class is for you. Please bring
                                           Internet using cloud services.
                                                                                                    your Kindle and Amazon account information to class.
                                           Monday, July 27 from 10 am-noon. Class size: 8
                                                                                                    Tuesday, June 16 from 10 am-noon. Class size: 8
                                                                                                    Thursday, July 2 from 2-4 pm. Class size: 8
                                           Password Management                                      Tuesday, August 25 from 2-4 pm. Class size: 8
                                           Protect your digital life by learning new ways to
                                           create passwords that are harder to hack.
                                           Discover online and offline methods of storing           eRead Illinois Ebooks for Android,
                                           your many passwords.                                     iOS, & Kindle Fires
                                           Thursday, August 20 from 2-4 pm. Class size: 8           A hands-on class that shows you how to use the free
                                                                                                    AxisReader app that enables you to download library
                                                                                                    ebooks from eRead Illinois.
                                                                                                    Thursday, June 18 from 2-4 pm. Class size: 8
                                                                                                    Tuesday, July 28, from 2-4 pm. Class size: 8
                                                                                                    Monday, August 31 from 10 am-noon. Class size: 8
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Register by going to, calling 708.532.0160 x 1, or in person.

Windows 8.1 Basics                                         Word Intermediate*
This hands-on class is for those who are comfortable       Covers handling of lists, charts, and tables; custom
with a personal computer and wish to transition to         table styles and themes; graphic objects options
Microsoft's drastically redesigned operating system.       and modifications; adding quick parts; text flow
Keyboard & mouse skills required.                          configurations; and document templates.

                                                                                                                           Ereader and Computer Classes
Tuesday, June 23, from 2-4 pm. Class size: 10              Thursday, June 18 from 6:30-8:30pm. Class size: 8
Wednesday, July 8 from 10-noon. Class size: 10
Tuesday, August 4 from 10-noon. Class size: 10             * Classes are video-based instructional sessions
                                                             taught by the Virtual Services Librarian.
Microsoft Excel Basics
Learn the fundamentals of Microsoft's
spreadsheet application.

                                                           Job Search
Tuesday, June 16 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Class size: 8

Microsoft Excel Intermediate
In this hands-on class, students will learn how to build
a financial spreadsheet. Familiarity with basic Excel      Introduction to LinkedIn
formulas and functions is a prerequisite.                  How to join LinkedIn, build your profile, make
                                                           connections, add recommendations, and maintain
Wednesday, June 24 from 2-4pm. Class size: 8               and enhance your LinkedIn page. This class is for
                                                           those without existing LinkedIn accounts.
Microsoft Word Basics
Learn the fundamentals of Microsoft's                      Thursday, July 9 from 10-noon. Class size: 6
word-processing software.
                                                           Online Job Searching
Tuesday, June 9, from 6:30-8:30 pm. Class size: 8          Learn how to look for and apply for jobs online
Wednesday, August 12 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Class size: 8      and how to use Microsoft Word to create resumes
                                                           and cover letters.
Excel Basics*
Covers orientation to Excel; working with data;            Friday, June 26, from 10-noon. Class size: 6
worksheet formatting and alterations; handling             Thursday, August 27 from 10 am-noon. Class size: 6
larger workbooks; and printing and sharing.
Thursday, July 9 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Class size: 8
Wednesday, August 5 from 10-noon. Class size: 8

Excel Intermediate*
Covers working with tables, large datasets,
conditional formatting, outlines, and intermediate
formulas and functions.                                    You & iOS
                                                           Learn to organize, customize, back up, and secure
Friday, July 17 from 10-noon. Class size: 8
                                                           your mobile Apple devices. Discover some fun and
Tuesday, August 11 from 10-noon. Class size: 8
                                                           practical apps to get started. Please bring any mobile
                                                           Apple device to class, such as an iPhone, iPad, or iPod
Excel Pivot Tables*                                        touch. Several iPad 2s will be available for those who
Learn how to use pivot tables to summarize key
                                                           do not bring a device.
data from a larger spreadsheet. Registrants should
be familiar with Excel basics.                             Friday, August 7 from 2-4pm. Class size: 10
Monday, June 29, from noon-12:45. Class size: 8
Wednesday, July 29 from noon-12:45. Class size: 8          Hello, Android
Thursday, August 27 from 6:30-7:15pm. Class size: 8        Learn what makes Androids unique and how to
                                                           customize your device to get more done and have
Microsoft PowerPoint Basics                                more fun! Please bring your Android to class.
Learn how to create Microsoft PowerPoint slideshows
with dynamic features to spice up your presentation.       Wednesday, August 26 from 10 am-noon. Class size: 10

Tuesday, July 14 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Class size: 6
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                                Stress Reduction Meditation
                                First Thursday of the month from 7–8:30 pm
                                June 4 and August 6

                                Registration for each class begins on the 20th of
                                the month for the following month’s program.
                                Bring your pillow and yoga mat or blanket to lie on
                                the floor and enjoy this wonderful guided meditation
                                designed to help you let go of stress. Relax, refresh,
                                and renew during this time set aside just for you.
                                Cell phones must be powered down before entering
                                the Meeting Room. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Please
                                arrive no later than 10 minutes before start time
                                to ensure that we can begin promptly at 7 pm. No
                                admittance once the meditation has begun.
                                                                                         Chair Yoga
                                                                                         Second and fourth Thursdays of the month
                                Stitch Club                                              from 11 am–12:30 pm
                                First and third Thursdays of the month                   June 11 and 25
                                from 11 am–1 pm                                          July 9 and 23
                                June 4 and 18                                            August 13 and 27
                                July 2 and 16                                            Registration for each class begins on the
                                August 6 and 20                                          20th of the month for the following month’s programs.
             Ongoing Programs

                                No registration required.
                                                                                         Instructor Kathy Ruiter will guide you in gentle,
                                Open to anyone who wants to meet, mingle,                non-strenuous chair exercises and meditation.
                                or share tips on needlecraft projects.
                                Bring your own supplies.

                                Go Open Game Night
                                Mondays from 6-8:30 pm
                                June 29, July 27, August 24
                                All ages; no registration required.
                                Come learn about the Asian board game Go—
                                a strategy game not unlike chess or Parcheesi.
                                Thousands of years old and wildly popular in
                                China, Japan, and Korea, Go is catching on
                                quickly here in the U.S. Game boards are
                                provided and experienced players are on hand to
                                introduce newbies to the game. Children age 13
                                or younger must be accompanied by an adult.

                                Mah Jongg Club
                                First Tuesday of the month from 10:30 am–1 pm
                                June 2, July 7, August 4                                 Monday Mornings @ the Library
                                No registration required.
                                Whether you are an experienced player or newbie,         Mondays at 11am
                                now is your chance to play mah jongg at the library.     No registration required.
                                Similar to rummy, this popular game of luck and skill    Once a month we’re hosting some of your favorite
                                originated in China. An instructor will be on hand to    presenters and discussing topics that will enrich,
                                teach those new to the game. No registration required.   enlighten, and entertain you. Seating is limited to
                                                                                         100 for these programs.
                                *** Please note, additional meeting dates have been
                                added for this popular program: Mondays from             June 29: Reverse Mortgages
                                6–8 pm: June 29, July 27, and August 24.                 In this informational session, find out if a reverse
                                                                                         mortgage is right for you.
                                Joker’s Wild Card Club
                                Third Tuesday of the month from 10:30 am–1 pm            July 27: Bartholdi’s Lady of Liberty
                                June 16, July 21, August 18                              Artist and historian Jim Weren shares the story of
                                No registration required.                                one of our most treasured American symbols, the
                                                                                         Statue of Liberty.
                                Meet up with others interested in playing various
                                card games. Amusement only; no gambling permitted.       August 24: Life Begins at 50—or Later!
                                                                                         Inspirational speaker Nancy Depcik from
                                                                                         Unshakable Success discusses how we can
                                                                                         embrace our age, learn to take chances,
                                                                                         and have fun.
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Early Bird Flicks                 Movies&Books
Mondays @ 11 am & 2 pm            Saturdays @ 1 pm
Seating is limited to 125.        No registration required.
No registration required.         So many films are made from books these days!
                                  Come watch our selected film and following each
                                  screening, books will be available for check out.
                                  Seating is limited to 125.

			June 15                        June 6
			Into the Woods                 Special Double Feature
			PG, 125 minutes                Jurassic Park at 11 am
			 Based on the Broadway         PG-13, 127 minutes
			 musical, this modern twist    and
			 on several classic fairy      The Lost World at 2 pm
			 tales centers around a        PG-13, 129 minutes
			 baker and his wife who
			 make a deal with a            Books: Jurassic Park
			 vindictive witch in their     and The Lost World
			 effort to start a family.     by Michael Crichton

                                                                                            Ongoing Programs
July 13
PG-13, 128 minutes                			July 18
A chronicle of Martin             			The Imitation Game
Luther King's campaign            			PG-13, 114 minutes
to secure equal voting            			Book: Alan Turing:
rights by means of a              			The Enigma
heroic march from                 			by Andrew Hodges
Selma to Montgomery,
Alabama in 1965.

			August 10
			Big Eyes                       August 8
			PG-13, 105 minutes             Still Alice
			 The story of artist           PG-13, 101 minutes
			 Margaret Keane and her        Book: Still Alice
			tumultuous relationship        by Lisa Genova
			 with her husband Walter,
			 who was launched to
			international fame by
			 taking credit for her work.

                                           Special bonus for
                                           Movies&Books patrons!
                                  Following each movie, you may enter a
                                  drawing for a chance to win a free movie
                                  pass to Marcus Theatres Orland Park.
                                  Program sponsored in part by Marcus Theatres.
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                                          Tinley Tomes                                                 August 12
                                                                                                       Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania
                                          Tinley Tomes comprises two groups that discuss
                                                                                                       by Erik Larson
                                          a variety of fiction and nonfiction books. One group
                                                                                                       One hundred years ago, 11 miles off the coast of
                                          meets at 1:30 pm on the second Wednesday of the
                                                                                                       Ireland, the Cunard superliner Lusitania encountered
                                          month and the other at 7:30 on the fourth Tuesday.
                                                                                                       a German submarine. Within 18 minutes, the
                                          Selections are available at the Adult Reference
                                                                                                       Lusitania sank, taking with it 1200 passengers, many
                                          Desk in hardcover, large print, and audio formats
                                                                                                       of them women and children. Popular historian Larson
                                          one month before the discussion date. Discussions
                                                                                                       brings this maritime disaster to life and probes still-
                                          are held in Meeting Room A.
                                                                                                       unanswered questions: Why was there no naval escort?
                                                                                                       What caused the explosion that likely sank the ship?
                                          Tuesday Tomes Selections – 7:30 pm                           What did First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill
                                                                                                       know and when did he know it?
                                          June 23
                                          The Children Act by Ian McEwan
                                          In this twenty-first-century fable about faith versus        Books with Buzz, our
                                          science and the state, British High Court Justice            bestselling book discussion
                                          Fiona Maye is called upon to decide whether Adam             group, meets on the third
                                          Henry, a Jehovah’s Witness with leukemia, should be          Thursday of every other
                                          forced to undergo a life-saving blood transfusion pro-       month. The July 16
                                          hibited by his faith.                                        selection is Judy Blume’s
                                                                                                       In the Unlikely Event.
                                          July 28		                                                    Please keep an eye on
                                          Mrs. Grant and Madame Jule by Jennifer Chiaverini            our book discussions page
           Adult Book Discussion Groups

                                          A fictional exploration of the decades-long relation-        (
                                          ship between Julia Grant, Civil War general's wife and       discussion-groups) for information about when this title
                                          later first lady, and her house slave Jule, who, upon the    will be available for pickup at the Adult Reference Desk.
                                          signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, claimed her        Also, note that the July discussion meets in the Young
                                          freedom and rose to prominence as a gifted                   Adult Program Room on the Upper Level.
                                          hairdresser and businesswoman in her own right.

                                          August 25
                                          A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler                         Partners In Crime
                                          Brilliant dialog and nuanced insight into the complex        Tuesdays at 7:30 pm
                                          messiness of family relationships are Anne                   Our mystery and suspense thriller
                                          Tyler’s signature gifts. In this, her twentieth novel, she   discussion group. For more information
                                          chronicles the Whitshank clan through three                  about Partners In Crime call
                                          generations in their family homestead in Baltimore,          Fran Heinemann at 708.532.0160, x 5691.
                                          Maryland. The decline of parents Red and Abby
                                          Whitshank triggers a gathering of the clan; sibling          June 2
                                          rivalry, jealousy, avarice, compassion, and generosity       Defending Jacob
                                          vie for dominance among their fractious adult children.      by William Landay
                                                                                                       When a boy is found brutally murdered in the woods,
                                                                                                       a peaceful New England town is shaken to its core.
                                          Wednesday Tomes Selections – 1:30 pm                         District Attorney Andy Barber is determined to find
                                                                                                       the murderer and bring him to justice. In a shocking
                                          June 10                                                      turn of events, his own son Jacob is arrested for the
                                          Nora Webster by Colm Toibin                                  crime. As the tables are turned and his family is put
                                          In a small village in Ireland, Nora must learn to cope       under the microscope, Andy’s world begins to crumble.
                                          with death of her beloved husband — the man who              The author crafts a legal and psychological thriller that
                                          rescued her from the stifling world into which               delves into the heart of family and raises the question
                                          she was born. Nora's struggle to awaken from grief           of how far would you go to protect your loved ones.
                                          and discover her own space are chronicled with
                                          remarkable restraint and sympathy.                           July - No Discussion
                                          July 8		                                                     August 4
                                          Big Little Lies                                              The Lock Artist
                                          by Liane Moriarty                                            by Steve Hamilton
                                          Sometimes the adage “Don’t judge a book by its               Mike is a criminal and he doesn’t deny it. He has a
                                          cover” is just plain bad advice. The exploding lollipop      talent for breaking into locked doors, padlocks with
                                          on that graces the jacket of Big Little Lies reveals a       no combinations, and even an 800-pound safe. He
                                          lot, but not the tantalizing secret of whodunit (and         does each job with professional detachment. But
                                          what sort of violence, exactly, was done) on                 Mike’s life has been marked by tragedy. He was
                                          Trivia Night at Pirree Public School. Feuding parents,       traumatized at a young age and hasn’t spoken a
                                          bullying kids, and mean girls who never grew up are          single word in ten years. As narrator of this innovative
                                          among the volatile ingredients of this suburban noir         thriller, Mike tells his story in chapters that alternate
                                          tale by the popular author of The Husband’s Secret.          between the conflicts of his crime-ridden present
                                                                                                       and his tragic past.
Your Path to Discovery | 11

 Online registration begins on the 20th of each month for the following month’s programs.
 Register at and click on Events. Phone registration begins one day after
 online registration. All programming is for grades entering 6–12 unless otherwise noted.

Dinner and a Movie                                            Magic the Gathering and Hearthstone
Tuesday, June 2 from 6-8 pm                                   Open Play
We will be screening The Lego Movie while feasting on         Tuesdays June 30, July 7, & July 21 from 7-8 pm
a burrito bar from Chipotle. Space is limited so be sure      Play Magic the Gathering or Hearthstone. Magic
to register! Anyone with food concerns should contact         players will need to bring their own cards. Devices will
the library at least one week before the program.             be available for use with the Hearthstone App. Space
                                                              and snacks will be provided but no instructions.
Get Graphic!
Thursdays June 4 and July 23 from 7-8 pm                      "Sew" Simple
Do you like graphic novels, manga, and/or comic               Entering Grades 4-6
books? Then this is the club for you!                         Monday, July 13 from 4-5 pm
June 4: The Avengers                                          Learn some simple stitches and make a cool craft!
July 23: Anime Night
                                                              The Spoon Man
Act Up! Improv edition                                        Thursday, July 16 from 7-8 pm
Rehearsal dates: Mondays June 8, 15, 22, 29 and               The “Spoon Man” program contains several outrageous
July 6, 13, & 20 from 2-4 pm                                  impressions, including a heavy metal spoon player and
Monday, July 20 from 2-5 pm                                   a rap spoon player.
Final performance: Monday, July 20 from 4-5 pm
If you like to act and are on-the-spot funny, have an         LEGO Mindstorm
awesome time learning improv games and writing scripts.       Entering Grades 4-8
A final performance will take place to showcase your new      Monday, July 20 from 7-8 pm
skills to friends and family.                                 Learn how to build and control a LEGO robot!
Act Up! Improv Edition Performance                            The Whodunits in A Superhero Mystery
Monday, July 20 from 4-5 pm                                   Entering Grades 4-8
Attend this performance of improv skits and games             Wednesday, July 29 from 2-3:15 pm
brought to you by the teens from Act Up!                      Several superheroes were last seen at the Tinley Park
Note: The performance is best for 6th grade and up.           Public Library. Eyewitnesses say there was a sudden flash
                                                              and the superheroes lost all of their superpowers! Who is
LEGO & K'Nex Free Build                                       responsible? Help us solve the mystery!
Entering Grades 4-8
Monday, June 8 from 7-8 pm
Let your imagination run wild! Build a LEGO                   Summer Reading Challenge Finale –
or K'Nex creation.                                            Celebrate with Two Fun Events!
                                                              Saturday, August 1, starting at 10:30 am
Café Ole: Summer Edition                                      We are honoring participants of the children's and
Tuesdays, June 9 & 23, July 14 & 28, August 11 & 25           teen summer reading challenges with two events!
from 7-8 pm                                                   All are welcome to attend either or both events.
It's summer! Time to kick back with your friends and
enjoy cookies and a cold drink.                               Culture Shock Chicago Hip Hop
YAC – Youth Advisory Council                                  Dance Troupe
Tuesdays from 6-7 pm                                          10:30-11:30 am
June 9 and July 14                                            Start the morning off with Culture Shock Chicago's
Boss us around! Tell us what YOU want at the library!         high-energy, interactive performance.

Handwriting Analysis                                          Friendly Farms Petting Zoo
Friday, June 12 from 7-8:30 pm                                11 am-1 pm
Find out how people who share certain characteristics         The animals will be getting ready for your visit and
also exhibit similar shapes and forms in their handwriting.   will begin greeting guests beginning in the second
                                                              half of the first show. The Friendly Farms Petting
High Voltage Improv Troupe                                    Zoo's visit is weather-dependent and will be
Tuesday, June 16 from 7-8 pm                                  rescheduled if conditions are extreme.
Andrew High School's Improv Troupe will entertain
with their unique brand of comedy!                            Dinner and a Movie: The Sequel
                                                              Tuesday, August 4 from 6-8 pm
Poetry on the Wild Side!                                      Say good-bye to summer with one last teen program!
Grades: Entering K-6                                          We will be screening Guardians of the Galaxy. Chinese
Friday, June 26 from 10:30-11:20 am                           food will be served. Space is limited so be sure to
Kids will go wild by acting out poems in a show filled        register. Anyone with food concerns should contact the
with music, drama, and feats of whimsy.                       library at least one week before the program.
12 | Your Path to Discovery

                               No registration required.
                               NOTE: If you or your child needs a reasonable accommodation to be successful in a program,
                               please inform a staff member when registering.

                               Bouncing Babies                                        Super Science
                               Storytimes for 3–23-month-olds and parent              Ages: 2–6 years and parent
                               Tuesdays, June 9–July 21                               Monday, June 15 and Thursday, July 23
                               from 10:30–10:50 am                                    from 2:30–3:15 pm
                                                                                      Drop in and test your science skills with hands-on fun!
                               Wee Readers
                               Storytimes for 3–35-month-olds and parent              Make & Take Art
                               Thursdays, June 11–July 23                             Ages: 2–6 years with parent
                               from 6:30–6:50 pm                                      Thursday, June 25 from 2:30–3:15 pm and
                                                                                      Saturday, July 25 from 10–10:45 am
                               Tales for Twos                                         We’ll have the materials, you’ll have the fun! Drop in
                               Storytimes for 2-year-olds and parent                  for family crafting with different crafts each month.
                               Wednesdays, June 10–July 22
                               from 10:30–10:50 am                                    Awesome Games
            Drop-In Programs

                                                                                      Ages: 2–6 years and parents
                               Preschool Stories                                      Saturday, June 13 from 10–10:45 am and
                               Storytimes for 3–5-year-olds and parent                Wednesday, July 29 from 2:30–3:15 pm
                               Thursdays, June 11–July 23                             Drop by to play some awesome indoor games!
                               from 10:30–11 am
                                                                                      Father’s Day Craft
                               Family Pajamarama                                      Ages: 3–8 years and parent
                               Ages: 3–8-year-olds and parent                         Saturday, June 20
                               Fridays, June 12, July 17, and August 14               from 10:30–11:30 am
                               from 7–7:45 pm                                         Drop in anytime between 10:30–11:30 am to
                               You are invited to our nighttime storytime             make a craft for your someone special!
                               with crafts and games! Kids may come
                               dressed for bedtime.                                   Family Movie Night
                                                                                      Ages: All
                               Outdoor Evening Storytime                              Fridays, June 26 How to Train Your Dragon 2 (PG) and
                               Ages: 3–8 years and parent                             July 24 Shrek (PG). Movies begin at 6:30 pm.
                               Mondays, June 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29                     The whole family is invited to movie night!
                               from 6:30–7:15 pm
                               Join us on the west lawn for some summer stories       Movie Matinee
                               and games. Bring your blanket and lawn chair.          Ages: Families
                               This program will be held indoors if there are         Wednesday, June 10 Penguins of Madagascar (PG)
                               weather issues.                                        and Monday, July 6 Spongebob: Sponge Out of
                                                                                      Water (PG). Movies begin at 2:30 pm.
                               Share-a-Language Storytime:
                               Spanish                                                Tween Movie Matinee
                               Ages: 3–8 years and parent                             Grades: Entering 4–5
                               Saturdays, June 27 and July 18                         Thursday June 18 beginning at 2:30 pm
                               from 11–11:45 am                                       Featuring Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
                               Enjoy stories and songs in diverse languages           (PG), the last installment in a funny, exciting series!
                               featuring children’s favorites.
                               Cuentos Compartir-a la-Idioma: Español
                               Edades: 3–8 años con los padres
                               Sábado, 27 de Junio y 18 de Julio de 11–11:45 am
                               Disfrute de cuentos y canciones favoritos en Español
                               que ofrecimos para sus niños.
Your Path to Discovery | 13

Read to the Rhythm Summer                               Fairy Tale Theatre
Reading Challenge                                       Presents The
The Summer Reading Challenge, for kids of               Phantom Tollbooth

                                                                                                                       Registration Required
all ages, runs Monday, June 1 through                   Friday, July 10
Saturday, August 1. Stop by the Youth Services          at 4 and 7 pm
Desk to register and see some of the fabulous           Saturday, July 11
prizes you can win! The Summer Reading                  at 11 am and 2 pm
Challenge is open to residents of Tinley Park           Join Milo and the
and Orland Hills and children who attend a              Watch Dog, Tock, as they journey through strange
Tinley Park or Orland Hills school. The first day       lands in search of Sweet Rhyme and Pure Reason,
to check in your reading log is Monday, June 8.         the princesses. Tickets are free, but should be
                                                        reserved in advance in person at the Youth Services
                                                        Desk starting July 1. This show is best suited for
Getting Excited About Science                           audiences ages 3–9.
Grades: Entering K–6
Thursday, June 4 from 7–8 pm
Using dramatic demonstration, easy-to-see equipment,
humor, music, and audience participation, Steve         The Spoon Man
Belliveau brings down to earth basic ideas about air/   Thursday, July 16 from 7-8 pm
water pressure, magnetism & electricity, friction,      The “Spoon Man” program contains several
chemistry, simple machines, conservation of energy,     outrageous impressions, including a heavy metal
sound, and color.                                       spoon player and a rap spoon player.
The Musical Irish Traveler
Ages: Families                                          Summer Reading Challenge Finale
Friday, June 12 from 10:30–11:30 am                     Celebrate Your Efforts with Two Fun Events!
Laugh, learn, and participate in this show filled       Ages: All
with music, magic, and stories about Ireland. Meet      Saturday, August 1, starting at 10:30 am
a leprechaun, learn an Irish Jig, and much more.        We are honoring participants of the children's and
                                                        teen summer reading challenges with two events!
ScribbleMonster Concert                                 All are welcome to attend either or both events.
Ages: Families
Friday, June 19 from 10:30–11:20 am                     Culture Shock Chicago Hip Hop
Share some creative musical playtime with
ScribbleMonster. ScribbleMonster may be heard
                                                        Dance Troupe
                                                        10:30–11:30 am
nationally on SiriusXM’s Kids Place Live and has
                                                        Start the morning off with Culture Shock Chicago's
been acclaimed by the likes of National Public
                                                        high-energy, interactive performance. The hip hop
Radio and Parenting Magazine. Their award-winning
                                                        dance troupe's performances have included Dance
approach to music, movement, and other activities
                                                        Chicago, the city’s largest annual dance festival,
encourages each child’s own unique creative
                                                        the KISS FM pre-show for the Justin Timberlake
participation. Come sing, think, play, dance, and
                                                        concert, the Chicago Bulls Pre-Game Shows, and
get creative with ScribbleMonster.
                                                        the Millennium Park Workouts and Summer Family
                                                        Fun Stage. Afterwards, you can stick around to visit
Poetry on the Wild Side!                                the petting zoo.
Grades: Entering K–6
Friday, June 26 from 10:30–11:20 am
Kids will go wild by acting out poems in a show
                                                        Friendly Farms Petting Zoo
                                                        11 am–1 pm
filled with music, drama, and feats of whimsy.
                                                        The animals will be getting ready for your visit and
This show will make a poetry lover out of everyone.
                                                        will begin greeting guests beginning in the latter
                                                        half of the first show. Families with young children
                                                        attending only the petting zoo may wish to arrive
Ralph Covert of Ralph's World                           right at 11 am for a quieter experience. Those
Ages: Families                                          attending the Culture Shock Chicago performance
Thursday, July 2 from 6:30–7:20 pm                      will still have plenty of time to spend at the petting
Ralph Covert of Ralph's World, indie rocker,            zoo after the dance show. The Friendly Farms
songwriter, playwright, and children’s book author      Petting Zoo's visit is weather-dependent and will be
will delight families at this outdoor concert.          rescheduled if conditions are extreme.
Ralph engages his young fans with activity songs,
story songs, dancing songs, and a healthy dose of
pure silliness. His upcoming CD features songs
that have been turned into children's books. The
important link between music and reading is
emphasized at this concert as well.
14 | Your Path to Discovery

                                   Online registration begins on the 20th of each month for the next month’s programs at
                          Phone registration begins one day after online registration.
                                   Please register for the following programs.

                                                                  Please arrive a few minutes early to check in
                                                              at the Youth Services Desk for the programs below.

                                                                                              LEGO Night
                                  Ready, Set, Go to Kindergarten                              Grades: Entering 2–3
                                  Grade: Entering Kindergarten                                Thursday, July 16 from 3–4 pm
                                  Session 1: Tuesdays, July 7, 14, and 21 from 1:30–2:30 pm   Use your ideas and the library's LEGOS to build
                                  Session 2: Tuesdays, August 4 and 11 from 6:30–7:30 pm      an awesome creation.
                                  This readiness program, for 5-year-olds entering
                                  kindergarten in the fall, will introduce basic concepts     TAG: Tween Activity Group
                                  through stories and games. Please register for only         Grades: Entering 4–5
                                  one series.                                                 Fridays, June 12 and July 17 from 7–8 pm
                                                                                              We meet once a month for fun activities and games.
                                  First Grade Fun                                             June 12: Bring a Buddy: Trivia Challenge
                                  Grade: Entering Grade 1                                               (Please register both participants.)
                                  Session 1: Tuesdays, July 7, 14, and 21 from 3–4 pm         July 17: Ready, Set, Go!
                                  Session 2: Mondays, August 3 and 10 from 6:30–7:30 pm
                                  Children will be introduced to first grade concepts         Readers Theater
          Registration Required

                                  through children’s literature and games. Please             Grades: Entering 4–5
                                  register for only one series.                               Wednesday, June 17, June 24, July 1, and July 8
                                                                                              from 4–5:15 pm and a dress rehearsal on Wednes-
                                  LEGO Night                                                  day, July 15 at 5:30 pm followed by a performance
                                  Grades: Entering K–1                                        at 7 pm.
                                  Thursday, June 11 from 3–4 pm                               Register for 5 classes of theater fun. No lines to
                                  Use your ideas and the library's LEGOS to build             memorize! Family and friends are invited to the
                                  an awesome creation!                                        performance.
                                  iFun Fridays                                                DIY: Photo Collage Art
                                  Grades: Entering 2–3                                        Grades: Entering 4–5
                                  Fridays, June 19 and July 31 from 7–8 pm                    Tuesday, July 21 from 4–5 pm
                                  Enjoy different activities each month!                      Make a photo collage with glue, glitter, and your
                                  June 19: Move to the Rhythm                                 imagination! You may bring your own photos of you
                                  July 31: Outdoor Fun (Indoor Fun depending on weather)      and your loved ones to use, but images from maga-
                                  Nature Rocks!                                               zines will be available as well.
                                  Grades: Entering 2–3
                                  Monday, June 22 from 4–5 pm                                 “Sew” Simple
                                  Investigate nature and do some gardening here               Grades: Entering 4–6
                                  at the library.                                             Monday, July 13 from 4–5 pm
                                                                                              Learn some simple stitches and make a cool craft!
                                  Creative Crafts
                                  Grades: Entering 2–3                                        LEGO & K’Nex Free Build
                                  Monday, June 29 from 2:30–3:30 pm                           Grades: Entering 4–8
                                  Take a break from the heat to create fun                    Monday, June 8 from 7–8 pm
                                  summer crafts!                                              Let your imagination run wild! Build a LEGO or K'Nex
                                  Minute to Win It Games
                                  Grades: Entering 2–3                                        LEGO Mindstorm
                                  Wednesday, July 15 from 2:30–3:30 pm                        Grades: Entering 4–8
                                  How long is a minute? Find out by playing these             Monday, July 20 from 7–8 pm
                                  challenging team games!                                     Learn how to build and control a LEGO robot!

                                                                                              The Whodunits in A Superhero
                                                                                              Grades: Entering 4–8
                                                                                              Wednesday, July 29 from 2-3:15 pm
                                                                                              Several superheroes were last seen at the Tinley Park
                                                                                              Public Library. Eyewitnesses say there was a sudden
                                                                                              flash and the superheroes lost all of their superpow-
                                                                                              ers! Who is responsible? Help us solve the mystery!
Your Path to Discovery | 15

                                                                 Tinley Park Public Library BOOKMOBILE Schedule
                                                                                             June, July, August 2015

                                                                                                     & Indicates new stop

Route 1 (begins Monday, June 15, 2015)
MONDAY        			                 TUESDAY			                    WEDNESDAY			                 THURSDAY
Tinley Court Retirement Center    Richard M. Gory Park		        Sundale Ridge			             Pines Community
3:00 – 3:45pm			                  4:00 – 4:45pm			              3:00 – 3:45pm			             3:00 – 3:45pm
Buedingen Park			                 Orland Hills – Meadowview Dr. Bristol Park			              Tinley Trails
4:00 – 4:45pm			                  & Marshfield Ln. 			          4:00 – 4:45pm			             4:00 – 4:45pm
John A. Bannes Park		             5:00 – 5:45pm			              Sandalwood			                Brookside Glen –
5:00 – 5:45pm 			                 Orland Hills –     		         5:00 – 5:45pm      		        Southfield Ct.
Orland Hills – 		                 Kelly Park			                 Tinley Downs			              5:00 – 5:45pm
92nd Ave. & 169th St.		           6:00 - 6:45pm			              6:00 – 6:45pm			             Fairfield Glen –
6:00 - 6:45pm											Kilkenny Ave.
												6:00 – 6:45pm

Dates: 6/15 7/6, 7/27, 8/17       Dates: 6/16, 7/7, 7/28, 8/18  Dates: 6/17, 7/8, 7/29, 8/19 Dates: 6/18, 7/9, 7/30, 8/20

Route 2 (begins Monday, June 1, 2015)

Apartments of Orland		            Orland Hills – Hunter		      Fairmont Village			               Edenbridge/Fulton
3:00 – 3:45pm			                  Ridge Apts.			               3:00 – 3:45pm			                  Commons
Tinley Gardens			                 3:00 – 3:45pm			             Veterans Park			                  3:00 – 3:45pm
4:00 – 4:45pm			                  Frank Gasior Park			         4:00 – 4:45pm			                  Memorial School Park
Timbers Pointe                    4:00 – 4:45pm			             German Park			                    4:00 – 4:45pm
5:00 – 5:45pm                     Pottawattomie Park		         5:00 – 5:45pm			                  Rauhoff Park
Brookside Glen South –            5:00 – 5:45pm			             Orland Hills – 89th Ave. &		      5:00 – 5:45pm
Clare Dr.                         Town Pointe			               170th St. 				                    Brookside Glen South –
6:00 – 6:45pm                     6:00 – 6:45pm			             6:00 – 6:45pm			                  Monaghan Dr.
									6:00 – 6:45pm

Dates: 6/1, 6/22, 7/13, 8/3, 8/24 Dates: 6/2, 6/23, 7/14, 8/25 Dates: 6/3, 6/24, 7/15, 8/5, 8/26 Dates: 6/4, 6/25, 7/16, 8/6, 8/27
				CLOSED: 8/4

Route 3 (begins Monday, June 8, 2015)
MONDAY			                        TUESDAY         		Hanover Place			THURSDAY
Brementowne Manor		              Meadow Park Estates		 3:00 – 3:45pm			     Bobbie Noonan
Senior Center			                 3:00 – 3:45pm    m.		 Brookside Glen – 			 3:00 – 3:45pm
3:00 – 3:45pm			                 Radcliffe Place			    Greenview Pl.			     Bobbie Noonan
& Brookside Glen –		             4:00 – 4:45pm			      4:00 – 4:45pm			     4:00 – 4:45pm
Cove Ct.			                      Tinley Terrace			     Brookside Glen –			  Brookside Glen –
4:00 – 4:45pm			                 5:00 – 5:45pm			      Glenbrook Pl.			     7800 block of Glenfield Ave.
Brookside Glen - Bayfield Ct.    Fulton School			      5:00 – 5:45pm			     5:00 – 5:45 pm
5:00 – 5:45pm			                 6:00 - 6:45pm			      Brookside Glen –
Fairfield Glen –							                                Robin Ct.
Fairfield Ln. 							                                  6:00 – 6:45pm
6:00 - 6:45pm

  Dates: 6/8, 6/29, 7/20, 8/10,   Dates: 6/9, 6/30, 7/21, 8/11       Dates: 6/10, 7/1, 7/22, 8/12   Dates: 6/11, 7/2, 7/23, 8/13

                                 In the event of inclement weather or mechanical difficulties, the
                        Tinley Park Public LibraryBookmobile may arrive late or cancel a scheduled stop.
          To inquire if the Bookmobile is running late, if a stop has been cancelled due to weather, or for additional
                            information, call 708.532.0160, x 1, or check our website at
US Postage
                                                                                  PERMIT #1
                                                                             Non-Profit Organization
                                                                                 Tinley Park IL

7851 Timber Dr
Tinley Park IL 60477

                            Residential Customer

Tinley Park Public Library Board of Trustees:      Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
                                                   The Tinley Park Public Library is subject to the
President - Catherine Hannon                       requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of
Vice President - Gina Miller                       1990. Individuals who require an accommodation for a
Treasurer - Darren Meyers                          disability for any library presentation should contact
Secretary - Laura Hess-Wojcik                      the library at 708.532.0160, x 3 at least ten working
Trustees - Nancy Coughlin, Kathy Parker,           days before an event.
Barbara Rose Whalen
                                                   Photo Release Policy
Library Administrator                              The Tinley Park Library staff may take photographs of
Richard Wolff                                      participants, individually or in groups, attending or
                                                   taking part in Library programs and activities. These
Assistant Administrator                            photographs may appear in future Library publications
Susan K. Dienes                                    or other Library publicity. Library patrons may not
                                                   take photographs or videos of other patrons or staff
TPPL Board Dates:                                  without the permission of the Library Administrator
Wednesday, June 24                                 or designated person. Attendees and/or participants
Wednesday, July 22                                 consent to having their photograph taken and used
Wednesday, August 26                               for such purposes.
                                                   If a Library patron does not wish himself/herself or
OHPLD Board Dates:
                                                   his/her child to be photographed, the patron must
Monday, June 15
                                                   notify the Library staff to that effect.
Monday, July 20
Monday, August 17

Newsletter Staff:
                                                   A Reminder:
Karen Beran
                                                   To avoid incurring fines, please return checked out
Susan K. Dienes
                                                   material by the due date. Remember, many items
Robin Lauren
                                                   may be renewed online or by phoning the library at
Kevin Palys
                                                   708.532.0160, x 3.
Rich Wolff
You can also read