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Natural gas. Good for the catch of the

J U N E 7 - 16 , 2 0 19 / C O M OX VA L L E Y

BCSeafoodFestival.com                    #BCSeafoodFest

                                      Reach For BC Seafood:
                                      Events And Shell-ebrations
                                      At The 13th BC Seafood Festival
                                      On Vancouver Island!
                                             reative chefs, endless
                                             events, and sensational
                                             seafood experiences are
                                      featured at this year’s Signature
                                      Weekend at the BC Seafood
                                      Festival in the Comox Valley.
                                      For those who are a lover of all
                                      things seafood it’s time to mark
                                      your calendars and buy your
                                      tickets to the largest seafood
                                      festival in Western Canada. The
                                      13th annual BC Seafood Festival
                                      is once again being held in the
                                      Comox Valley, Vancouver Island, from         and West coasts in a slurptastic seafood
                                      June 7-16th.                                 boil.
                                      Back by popular demand, the BC               Bounty! Seafood Brunch Cookout – June
                                      Seafood Festival is featuring another        16th The ultimate brunch seafood cook-
                                      fun-filled Signature Weekend, June 14        out offering the best BC seafood the
                                      -16th, a perfect weekend for foodies         West Coast has to offer.
                                      who love to sample, slurp and savor BC       Ceviche! Ceviche! Ceviche! MasterClass
                                      seafood & spirits, music lovers, and fam-    – June 15th Mix together two of the top
                                      ilies who want to explore & learn about      seafood chefs, with a whole lotta suc-
                                      cooking and the benefits of seafood.         culent BC seafood, and this MasterClass
                                      Events and celebrations include: celebri-    will be sure to take your ceviche making
                                      ty chef demonstrations, cooking events,      skills to the next level.
                                      award-winning seafood tastings; inter-       Visitors can enjoy other exciting
                                      active & educational displays; and com-      events, including the return for it’s
                                      petitions all showcasing the bounty of       second year, The BC Seafood Festival
                                      BC seafood on festival stages.               Chef Challenge presented by Garland
                                      The 2019 BC Seafood Festival: Other          Canada and FortisBC and a new Junior
                                      Special Ticket Events include:               Chef Challenge.Families don’t miss
                                      Shucked! Oyster Bar Happy Hour – June        out on the opportunity to devour the
                                      14th. Kicks off the festival in style with   delicious seafood alongside the larg-
                                      the world’s largest oyster bar happy         est Kids Interactive Zone. Here children
                                      hour in Canada featuring delicious oys-      will be able to explore numerous touch
                                      ters from the pristine waters of Comox       tanks, interactive displays and seafood
                                      Valley.                                      cooking classes.Tickets: For a limited
                                      Baked n’ Boiled! Kitchen Party – June        time, the “Limited Release” Signature
                                      15th Brings together the best of the East    Weekend Passes for the BC Seafood
                                                                                          Festival are available for pur-
                                                                                          chase. Tickets prices are $15.00
                                                                                          per Day Pass, $25 for the Weekend
                                                                                          Pass, and the Weekend Pass with
                                                                                          food vouchers is $70. For informa-
                                                                                          tion, Signature Weekend or other
                                                                                          event tickets, and accommoda-
                                                                                          tions, go to BCSeafoodFestival.
                                                                                          com or call the Vancouver
                                                                                          Island Visitors Center 1-855-
                                                                                          400-2882. Inquire about a Free
                                                                                          Signature Weekend Pass with
                                                                                          Stays at participating hotels while
                                                                                          supplies last!

Chefs Chefs Everywhere! With Delicious Seafood
To Eat At This Year’s BC Seafood Festival!
A storm of seafood chefs and        demonstrations, cooking events,                                                          masterpiece and win the judges            Paddy, will be returning in this
cooking competitions are            tastings and competitions, all                                                           over with creativity and deli-            “must-attend” event for oyster
heading to the 13th annual BC       celebrating the bounty of fresh                                                          cious flavours!                           lovers!
Seafood Festival being held in      BC seafood on festival stages.                                                           Other favourite events return             Best Caesar in Town Competition
the Comox Valley, a regional        “We are incredibly excited about                                                         for 2019:                                 – June 16th. Where some of the
well known for its culinary boun-   the chef lineup and seafood                                                              BC Seafood Festival Chef                  best mixolog ists in Br itish
ty and the largest producer of      events at this year’s Seafood                                                            C h a lle n ge – P r e s e n t e d b y    Columbia will showcase their
oysters in Canada.                  Festival,” says Nathan Fong,                                                             FortisBC and Garland Canada               signature competition Caesar.
                                    Chef Producer for BC Seafood                                                             – June 15th and 16th. The ulti-           The Ocean Wise Chowder

      he 2019 BC Seafood            Festival 2019. “The festival                                                             mate seafood challenge using BC           Challenge – June 16 th. Offers
      Festival returns to the       competitions have grown in                                                               seafood ingredients featuring             tastings of delectable,
      Comox Valley, June 7-16th,    popularity and prizes, and this                                                          an exciting line-up of 12 chefs           ocean-friendly seafood chow-
and will showcase an amazing        year more chefs than ever are                                                            who will compete head-to-head             ders where you vote for your
lineup of local and regional        interested in competing. We are                                                          in black-box heats to present             favourite, all in support of sus-
chefs, mixologists and oyster       anticipating fast-paced compe-                                                           unique BC seafood dishes to               tainable seafood. The winning
shuckers. And, visitors to the      tition in the BC Seafood Chef                                                            a group of discerning Judges.             seafood luvin’ Chef will receive
13th annual BC Seafood Festival     Challenge once again, and we                                                             Featuring a top prize of $5,000           a chance to compete in the next
Signature Weekend, June 14          are excited about the new Junior                                                         to the winning chef and a sec-            Ocean Wise Chowder Showdown
– 16 th , will experience more      Chef Challenge featuring cooks                                                           ond prize of $1,500 awarded               in Vancouver.
chef competitions and sea-          from ages 8-12 years old.”                                                               by FortisBC.                              Tickets: For a complete list of
food demonstrations than ever       Over 25 chefs from the Comox                                                             The Fanny Bay Oyster Shucking             participating local and region-
before.                             V a l l e y, I s l a n d a n d L o w e r                                                 C o m p e t i t i o n – J u n e 1 5 th.   al chefs, information, tickets
The BC Seafood Festival             Mainland will be participating in          next crop of aspiring junior                  Showcasing the fastest shuck-             and accommodations, v isit
Signature Weekend 2019 fea-         the Signature Weekend events.              chefs who will test their culinary            ers in BC competing for the               BCSeafoodFestival.com. Or call
tures new and returning chefs       The exciting new 2019 Junior               skills. It will be a race against             top prize. And, Guinness Book             the Vancouver Island Visitors
par t ic ipat ing in numerous       Chef Challenge will host the               the clock to prepare a seafood                World Record Holder, Shucker              Center 1-855-400-2882.

                                                                RECEIVE 2 TICKETS                                           OVER 30+ FESTIVAL CHEFS! FEATURING…
                                                                 TO A 4-COURSE
                                                               WINE PAIRING DINNER
         JUNE 14 - 16, 2019                                        40 KNOTS WINERY AT THE
                                                                    PRIME CHOPHOUSE &
                                                                     WINE BAR ON JUNE 9*
                                                                               *while supplies last

                                                                                                                                Chef Nathan Fong                 Chef Jean-Francis Quaglia
                                                             WHEN YOU BOOK YOUR STAY WITH                                           Fong on Food                       Provence Marinaside
                                                            ONE OF THESE PARTICIPATING HOTELS

                                                                                        + taxes based on double occupancy

                                                                                        + taxes based on double occupancy

                                                                                        + taxes based on double occupancy
                                                                                                                               Chef Andre Durbach
                                                                                                                                      Il Falcone
                                                                                                                                                                           Jinhee Lee
                                                                                                                                                                         Foreign Concept

      Visit BCSeafoodFestival.com to get your event tickets today! #BCSeafoodFest                                                  FOR MORE INFO            1-855-400-2882


Daily Events & Tours From June 7 – 17                                                                                                              TH

@ BC Seafood Festival!
4 HOUR WHALE WATCHING TOUR                 GUIDED WHARF TOUR                             MANATEE HOLDINGS TOUR                      SIP & SAVOUR TOUR: PRESENTED BY
                                                                                                                                    AMBASSADOR TOURS
June 7 - 17, 8:30 AM — 12:30 PM and        June 8-9, 11, 14-16, 10:00 am & 2:00 pm       June 11-15, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
1:15 PM - 5:15 PM                          Price: Free, registration required. All       Price: $10 per person                      June 13, 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Price: Adults: $139; Child: $117           ages welcome.                                 Tour through Manatee’s Royston Hatchery    Price: Adult: $95
Depart from local Comox Valley Hotel       Depart from Comox Harbour Fisherman’s Wharf   This public tour will feature an over-     Get picked up & dropped off from your
Experience the beauty of Desolation        Enjoy a guided walk of the Comox              view of industry best sustainable          hotel or home
Sound and the Salish Sea by boat, in       Valley Harbour Authority Fisherman’s          Seafood Industry practices with a tour     A Comox Valley culinary adventure
search of the biggest and most excit-      Wharf learning about the commercial           of Manatee’s Royston Hatchery opera-       includes appetizers and your choice of
ing marine animals! Full day tours will    fishing industry while stopping at dif-       tion including geoduck, sea cucumbers,     wine or craft beer at 3 different restau-
provide guests with a BBQ lunch and        ferent fishing vessels. Different gear        scallops and oysters.                      rants in one night. Locations are kept
refreshments.                              types and fishing methods will be                                                        secret to maximize the fun and excitement.
                                           discussed as well as costs associated
                                           with being a commercial fisherman and         FANNY BAY OYSTERS PLANT TOURS
DESOLATION SOUND                           benefits the industry provides to the                                                    CRAFT BREWERY TOUR:
YACHT CHARTERS –                           coastal communities.                          June 11 & 13, 10:00 am & 2:00 pm           AMBASSADOR TRANSPORTATION
FISHING CHARTER/DAY TOUR                                                                 Price: $15 per person
                                                                                         Tour through Fanny Bay Oyster’s process-   June 14, 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm
June 8-13 & 15-16, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM                                                     ing plant                                  Price: Adult: $95
                                           LAND & SEA TOUR
Price: $1000 for 2 people                                                                Fanny Bay is home to the world-famous      Depart from Old House
Depart from Comox Marina                   June 8-9, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00          Fanny Bay Oysters; growers, proces-        The Comox Valley Cider and Beer
Enjoy a Guided Fishing Trip or Day         pm – 3:00 pm                                  sors, and exporters of farm-raised         Adventure Tour offers beer, cider, spirit
Tour on the water for 2 people on          Price: $60 per person                         Pacific oysters and Manila clams.          and food lovers an experience they will
board a 2018 20Dv Weldcraft 25′            Depart from Comox Marina                      Attendees will get to see how Fanny        never forget! Our tours include custom
with Desolation Sound Yacht Charters.      Guests will participate in a land and         Bay Oysters processes and ships its        air-conditioned transport, knowledge-
Picnic Lunch & Soft Drinks included.       sea tour provided by Big Animal               shellfish all over the world.              able guides, tasty snacks, generous
                                           Encounters and Ambassador Tours.                                                         tastings and complimentary drinks.
                                           Trips will include a tour through Baynes
7 HOUR BIG ANIMAL                          Sound, with the hopes of encountering         WINE TIME
ENCOUNTER                                  some of the areas large marine sea                                                       NATURE WALK AT GOOSE SPIT
                                           life, as well as a visit to Macs Oyster       June 12, 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
                                                                                         Price: $95 per person                      June 15, 10:00 pm - 12:00 pm
                                           Processing Plant to learn about the
                                                                                         Get picked up from a participating hotel   Price: $0 and great for families!
June 8-13 & 15-16, 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM       shellfish industry.
                                                                                         in the Comox Valley                        Tour through nature rich Goose Spit
Price: Adult: $199; Child: $169                                                          Learn about wine making from grape to      Take a guided Beach walk with a
Depart from local Comox Valley Hotel                                                     glass. Tours will include trips to three   Naturalist and learn more about the nat-
                                           DAILY SAIL – DESOLATION SOUND
Spectacular scenery and a multitude of                                                   featured wineries, access to premium       ural landscape surrounding the ocean
                                           YACHT CHARTERS
wildlife encounters which often include;                                                 wines and a delicious picnic lunch all     and the sea life that lives there.
Killer Whales, Humpbacks, Dolphins,        June 10-16, 10:00 pm – 4:00 pm                within for hours.
Sealions, Harbour Seals, Bald Eagles,      Price: $250 per person – Maximum 4
Colourful Seabirds. Presented by Big       people                                                                                   COMOX VALLEY & GLACIER
Animal Encounters.                         Enjoy a day sail in Comox Bay and the                                                    SEAPLANE TOUR
                                           Straight of Georgia with an experienced
                                                                                                                                    June 15-16, 4:45 pm – 5:20 pm
                                           local skipper.
                                                                                                                                    Price: Adults: $179, Child: $90
                                           Picnic lunch included.
                                                                                                                                    Depart from Comox Marina


                                The Comox Valley produces
                                more than 50% of all BC shellfish.

Enjoy a flight over Strathcona Park and      BC SEAFOOD FESTIVAL                        beyond what you see by vehicle or            DESTINATION SEMINAR –
the Insular Mountains and take in unfor-     SIGNATURE WEEKEND                          by foot. And like all Island Joy Rides       DESOLATION SOUND.
gettable views of the 6,430-foot summit                                                 tours, we’ve sprinkled in tastes of local
                                             June 15-16, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm                                                          June 8 & 9, 2:30 PM
of the ancient Comox Glacier. Flights will                                              food and refreshments at a few of our
                                             Price: Buy a day or Weekend Pass                                                        Tickets: Free
also include aerial vistas of the City of                                               favourite places along the way.
                                             Filberg Heritage Lodge and Park                                                         International yacht training skipper and
Courtenay, Village of Cumberland and
                                             The Signature Weekend (June 14 to 16)                                                   instructor Derek Harvey will talk about
surrounding Comox Valley.
                                             is the jewel in the crown of the entire                                                 Desolation Sound and give out some
                                                                                        BC SALMON FARMERS
                                             Seafood Festival!                                                                       local cruising tips.
                                                                                        ASSOCIATION PUBLIC TOURS
                                             Foodies will love the abundance of fresh
                                             BC seafood and local beer, wine and        June 8 & 15
June 15-16, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm                spirits. Take in action-packed compe-      Tickets: $60.00                              SHUCKED! CANADA’S LARGEST OYS-
Price: Tours range from $49-$210 per         titions including the Fanny Bay Oyster     Departs from Campell River Marina            TER BAR HAPPY HOUR
person                                       Shucking Competition, Best Caesar in       Guests will travel through Strathcona
                                                                                                                                     June 14, 3:30 PM - 6 PM
Depart from the Courtenay Airpark            Town Competition, and the BC Seafood       Park to Gold River by shuttle to meet
                                                                                                                                     Tickets: $45
Enjoy one of three tours that provide an     Festival Chef Challenge, presented by      the water taxi. You’ll travel in a covered
overview of sights in the surrounding        FortisBC and Garland Canada.               boat through beautiful Nootka Sound to
area. The City Tour at $49 per person                                                   the salmon farm.
                                                                                                                                     4 COURSE WINE PAIRING DINNER
includes an overview of Comox and
                                                                                                                                     WITH 40 KNOTS WINERY
Courtenay; the Island Tour at $149           BOUNTY! A BRUNCH SEAFOOD
per person includes a 20-minute tour         COOKOUT                                    HOMALCO WILDLIFE & CULTURAL                  June 9, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
around Hornby and Denman Island; and                                                    TOURS - PEOPLE, WATER, LAND                  Tickets: $85
                                             June 16, 9:30 am – 11:00 am
the Comox Glacier Tour at $210 per per-                                                                                              Enjoy a 4 course dinner paired with
                                             Price: $95 per person                      June 7-9, 14-17
son includes a 30-minute tour over the                                                                                               wines from 40 knots winery.
                                             Filberg Heritage Lodge and Park            8:15 AM - 4:15 PM
Comox Glacier.
                                             Enjoy rubbing chefs with expert sea-       Tickets: Adults & Youth $395.00
                                             food chefs as they guide you through       Minimum Age 12 years
                                                                                                                                     SEAFOOD & BEER
                                             the creation of a delicious seafood        Departs from Campbell River Marina
                                             dish, that you get to enjoy! Expert        The water and land of Bute Inlet             June 12, 6 PM - 7 PM
                                             mixologists will be on hand to whip up     provided the Homalco with                    Tickets: $20
June 15, 9:30 am – 11:00 am                  perfectly paired cocktails to keep the     transportation, food, shelter, medicine      Come sample 30 Seafood bites over 3
Price: $50 per person                        kitchen party going!                       and more. Legends were born here and         courses paired with beer. Money raised
Filberg Heritage Lodge and Park                                                         Homalco stories became interwoven            goes towards the Charity Shore Rider
Two of the province’s top seafood chefs                                                 with characters representing the             Cleanup. This is a 19+ event.
will let you in on the tricks of their       PRIME CHOPHOUSE & WINE BAR                 creatures with whom they shared the
trade for creating a seafood ceviche         SHELLFISH AND SEAFOOD BUFFET               earth and sea. Join us to uncover the
that will be the talk of countless sum-                                                 stories of the bears, the ǰɛnxʷ (salmon),    SLURP! GIN & OYSTER SOCIAL
                                             June 16, 10:30 am – 1:30 pm
mer parties to come!                                                                    the χʷomaɬkʷu people and much more.
                                             Price: $55 per person                                                                   June 12, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
                                                                                        You may even see χawgəs (the Grizzy
                                             Prime Chophouse & Wine Bar, Courtenay                                                   Tickets: $20
                                                                                        Bear) or Mexaɬ (Black Bear) while
                                             Enjoy a Seafood Buffet provided by
BAKED N’ BOILED!                                                                        exploring the Orford estuary.
                                             Courtenay’s Prime Chophouse & Wine
                                             Bar alongside a signature 40 knots                                                      TERROIR MEETS MERROIR LONG
June 15, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm                   Winery Mimosa.                                                                          TABLE DINNER
                                                                                        SAFETY AT SEA SEMINAR – DESOLA-
Price: $85 per person
                                                                                        TION SOUND YACHT CHARTERS                    June 13, 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Filberg Heritage Lodge & Park, Comox
                                                                                                                                     Tickets: $150
                                             DISCOVER THE COMOX VALLEY CYCLE            June 8 & 9, 12:30 PM
                                                                                                                                     Enjoy a special long table dinner and
Break out the fiddles when East-             TOUR                                       Tickets: Free
                                                                                                                                     winery tour of 40 Knots Winery.
coast meets West at a good old-fash-                                                    Comox Marina
ioned seafood boil! Simmering pots           June 8-17th, 1 PM - 5 PM                   International yacht training skipper
will chock-full of local shellfish and       Tickets: Adults $109, Child $89            and instructor Derek Harvey, will go
there’ll be tasty sides to go with. Plus     Starting and finishing at the Comox        over checklists and how to be prepared
craft-spirit tastings and, of course,        Valley Harbour, and weaving our way        before heading out on the water.
plenty of music from The WhiskeyDicks!       through trails surrounded by lush
                                             forests, open roads with expansive
                                             views, and paved paths that will allow
                                             our guests to explore the community

               BC Seafood on Your Plate
             featured Chefs & Restaurants
          Andre               Slone            Frank Pabst                 Richard                      Kevin
          Durbach             Romano           Blue Water                  Benson                       McKellar
          Il Falcone          Atlas Cafe       Cafe                        Ocean7                       Prime
                                                                           Restaurant,                  Chophouse
                                                                           Kingfisher                   and Wine Bar

          Welbert Choi        Bob Hullin       Morgan                      Dai Fukasaku                 Kevin Frisch
          Forage              Avenue Bistro    Wilson                      Fukasaku of                  Toscanos
                                               Q at the                    Prince Rupert                Trattoria

          Alex Lavroff        Chris Andraza    Carmen                      Stephan                      Nigel
          Garden Bistro       Fanny Bay        Ingham                      Halliwell                    McMeans
          @ O’Rourke’s        Oyster Bar       The Pointe                  Martine’s                    Blackfin Pub
          Peak Cellars                         Restaurant                  Bistro

           Mixologists                                        Ronald
                                                              St. Pierre
                                                                                           Jeff Hall
                                                                                           The White
          Amber Bruce         Kumiko                          Locals                       Whale
          The Keefer          Umeno                           Restaurant                   Restaurant
          Bar                 Chicha

                                              Featured Chefs & Restaurants
          Sabrine             Katie Ingram     Aaron Rail                  Bobby                        Jean-Francis
          Dhaliwal            Elisa            Kingfisher                  Milheron                     Quaglia
          Pourhouse                            Oceanside                   West                         Provence
                                               Resort & Spa                Restaurant                   Marinaside
  Charlotte            Eva Chin                   Isabel Chung                Nathan Fong         Tabitha
  Langley              Boulevard                  The                         Fong on Food        Ramsey
  Restaurants          Kitchen &                  Wildflower,                                     Match Eatery
  Canada               Oyster Bar                 Fairmont                                        and Public
                                                  Chateau                                         House

  Ricardo              Lee Cooper                 Hamid                       Shelome             Tim Pawsey
  Valverde             Coquille Fine              Salimian                    Bouvette            Hired Belly
  Ancora               Seafood                    Nextjen                     Chicha

  Matthew              Ned Bell                   Jesse Weimer                Shucker             Jada Berg
  Sullivan             Ocean Wise                 Locals                      Paddy               Private Chef
  Maple Leaf                                      Restaurant                  The Ceili
  Sports &                                                                    Cottage

  Dominic              Juraj Dado                 Rob Schreier                Lesley Stav         Wes Erikson
  Fortin               Bishop’s                   Land and Sea                NVICA, 4TH          NVICA, 4TH
  Q at the             Restaurant                 Brewing                     Generation          Generation
  Empress                                                                     Fishing             Fishing

                       Quang Dang                 Lars                        Sonam               Yolanda
  Derek Bendig
                       Top Table                  Jorgensen                   Pontsang            MacLaren
                       Group                      The                         1410 World          Custom
                                                  William Tell                Bier House          Gourmet
                                                  Restaurant                                      Catering

                                                                              John Carlo          Dominic
                                                                              Felicella           Fortin
                                                                              BC Culinary         Q at the

                                                                              Team                Empress

                                              *Content ends June 16th

                                             FESTIVAL                                                TUESDAY, JUNE 11                 SATURDAY, JUNE 15

                                             AT A GLANCE
                                                                                                     REPEATING EVENTS                 REPEATING EVENTS
                                                                                                     FOR THE DAY                      FOR THE DAY

  REPEATING                                  FRIDAY, JUNE 7              SUNDAY, JUNE 9

                                             REPEATING EVENTS            REPEATING EVENTS                                              HELICOPTER TOURS
                                                                                                      FANNY BAY OYSTERS TOUR
                                             FOR THE DAY                 FOR THE DAY                                                   9 AM – 6 PM
                                                                                                      10 AM / 2 PM
                                                                                                      Fanny Bay Oysters                Courtenay Airpark

  LOOK FOR THESE SYMBOLS IN                                                                          WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12                CEVICHE! CEVICHE! CEVICHE!
  THE ADJACENT CALENDAR FOR                                                                                                            9:30 AM - 11 AM
                                                                                                      REPEATING EVENTS
                                                                                                      FOR THE DAY                      Filberg Heritage Lodge & Park
  ARE OFFERED:                                                            GUIDED FISHING
                                             REPEATING EVENTS             CHARTER                                                      BC SALMON FARMERS
                                             FOR THE DAY                  Check website for times                                      ASSOCIATION PUBLIC
                                                                          CVHA Wharf                                                   FARM TOURS
       4 HOUR WHALE WATCHING TOUR                                                                                                      9:45 AM - 3:30 PM
       8:30 AM - 12:30 PM / 1:15 - 5:15 PM                                LAND & SEA TOUR                                              Departs from Campbell River
                                                                                                      WINE TIME
       Departs from Campbell River                                        10 AM - 12 PM / 1 - 3 PM
                                                                          CVHA Wharf                  11:30 AM - 3:30 PM               NATURE WALK AT
                                                                                                      Multiple venues                  GOOSE SPIT
                                                                          COMOX ISLAND IRON -                                          10 AM - 12 PM
       9:30 AM - 4:30 PM                      GUIDED FISHING CHARTER                                  SLURP! GIN & OYSTER SOCIAL
                                                                          SMALL BOAT START                                             Goose Spit
       Departs from Campbell River            Check website for times                                 3 - 5 PM
                                                                          10:30 AM / CVHA Wharf
                                              CVHA Wharf                                              Comox Marina Park                BC SEAFOOD FESTIVAL
       FISHING CHARTER/DAY TOUR                                           COMOX ISLAND IRON -                                          SIGNATURE WEEKEND
                                              COMOX VALLEY IRON -         SUP TECHNICAL RACE          SEAFOOD BITES & WINE
       9 AM – 4 PM                                                                                                                     11 AM - 5 PM
                                              MIXED/ NOVICE/YOUTH         START                       6 - 7 PM
                                                                                                                                       Filberg Heritage Lodge & Park
       CVHA Wharf                             START                                                   Cascadia Liquor Store
                                                                          10:45 AM / CVHA Wharf
                                              9 AM / CVHA Wharf                                                                        COMOX VALLEY & GLACIER
       DAY SAIL
                                              BC SALMON FARMERS
                                                                          OCEANFEST CONTINUES        THURSDAY, JUNE 13                 SEAPLANE TOUR
       10 AM - 4 PM                                                       11 AM / CVHA Wharf                                           4:45 PM / CVHA Wharf
       CVHA Wharf                             ASSOCIATION PUBLIC                                     REPEATING EVENTS
                                              FARM TOURS                  COMOX ISLAND IRON -        FOR THE DAY                       BAKED N’ BOILED! KITCHEN
                                              9:45 AM - 3:30 PM           KIDS RACE                                                    PARTY
       GUIDED WHARF TOUR                      Departs from Campbell       12 PM / CVHA Wharf                                           6 - 9 PM
       10 AM / 2 PM                           River                                                                                    Filberg Heritage Lodge & Park
       CVHA Wharf                                                         K’ÓMOKS FIRST
                                                                          NATIONS - COOKING
                                              LAND & SEA TOUR
                                              10 AM - 12 PM / 1 - 3 PM    DEMO                                                        SUNDAY, JUNE 16
                                                                                                      FANNY BAY OYSTERS TOUR
       CYCLE TOUR                             CVHA Wharf                  12 PM / CVHA Wharf          10 AM / 2 PM                     REPEATING EVENTS
       1 – 4 PM                                                                                       Fanny Bay Oysters                FOR THE DAY
                                              OCEANFEST - SAIL BOAT       SAFETY AT SEA
       Comox Marina Park                                                  SEMINAR
                                              STADIUM RACING / VAN                                    TERROIR MEETS MERROIR
                                              ISLE TT MATCH RACE          12:30 PM
       HOMALCO WILDLIFE & CULTURAL                                                                    5 – 9 PM
                                              SERIES - FINALS             Comox Marina Park           40 Knots Winery
                                              11 AM / CVHA Wharf
       8:15 AM – 4:15 PM                                                  COMOX ISLAND IRON -         SIP & SAVOUR TOUR
       Departs from Campbell River            COMOX ISLAND IRON -         AWARDS                      5:30 – 9:30 PM                   HELICOPTER TOURS
                                              WOMEN START                 12:45 PM                    Multiple venues                  9 AM – 6 PM
       MANATEE HOLDINGS                       11 AM / CVHA Wharf          Comox Marina Park                                            Courtenay Airpark
                                              COMOX ISLAND IRON -
                                                                          DESTINATION                FRIDAY, JUNE 14                   BOUNTY! A BRUNCH
       11 AM                                                              SEMINAR -                                                    SEAFOOD COOKOUT
       Manatee’s Royston Hatchery             SUP LONG COURSE START                                  REPEATING EVENTS
                                                                          DESOLATION SOUND                                             9:30 - 11 AM
                                              11:15 AM / CVHA Wharf                                  FOR THE DAY
                                                                          2:30 - 3:30 PM                                               Departs from Campbell River
                                              SAFETY AT SEA SEMINAR       Comox Marina Park
                                                                                                                                       SHELLFISH & SEAFOOD
                                              12:30 PM                                                                                 BUFFET
                                                                          4-COURSE WINE
  Check website for                           Comox Marina Park
                                                                          PAIRING DINNER WITH                                          10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
                                                                                                                                       The Prime Chophouse & Wine Bar
                                              COMOX ISLAND IRON -         40 KNOTS WINERY
  detailed schedule                           MEN’S START                 4:30 - 6:30 PM              SHUCKED! CANADA’S                BC SEAFOOD FESTIVAL
                                                                          The Prime Chophouse
  information and to                          1 PM / CVHA Wharf
                                                                          & Wine Bar
                                                                                                      LARGEST OYSTER BAR HAPPY
                                                                                                                                       SIGNATURE WEEKEND
                                                                                                                                       11 AM - 5 PM
  purchase tickets                            SEMINAR - DESOLATION
                                                                         MONDAY, JUNE 10
                                                                                                      3:30 – 6 PM
                                                                                                      Filberg Heritage Lodge & Park
                                                                                                                                       Filberg Heritage Lodge & Park
                                              SOUND                                                                                    COMOX VALLEY & GLACIER
  BCSeafoodFestival.com                       2:30 - 3:30 PM             REPEATING EVENTS             CRAFT BREWERY TOUR               SEAPLANE TOUR
                                              Comox Marina Park          FOR THE DAY                  5:30 – 9:30 PM                   4:45 PM / CVHA Wharf
                                                                                                      Multiple venues
                                              COMOX ISLAND IRON -
                                              AWARDS                                                  GALA DINNER BY THE SEA           *Events accurate at the time of print.
                                              3:30 PM                                                 5:30 – 10 PM                     Please visit our website for updates.
                                              Comox Marina Park                                       Filberg Heritage Lodge & Park    BCSeafoodFestival.com


                        BC produces over 100 different
                        seafood products from our waters.

Treat Dad to an Epic Father’s
Day Featuring a Ton of Delicious Seafood!
                                                                                                         re you looking for great ideas for fami-
                                                                                                         ly fun on Father’s Day? Plan on having
                                                                                                         a seafood adventure with the entire
                                                                                                  family at this year’s BC Seafood Festival in
                                                                                                  the beautiful Comox Valley on Vancouver
                                                                                                  Island. Discover how delicious and healthy
                                                                                                  seafood can be during the 2019 BC Seafood
                                                                                                  Festival Signature Weekend from June 14
                                                                                                  - 16, 2019.
                                                                                                  Cheer on celebrity chefs, mixologists and
                                                                                                  oyster shuckers as they fight their way to
                                                                                                  win prizes including the coveted $5,000
                                                                                                  top prize from the Fortis BC Chef Challenge.
                                                                                                  Signature Weekend ticketholders sample,
                                                                                                  savour and slurp the freshest BC seafood
                                                                                                  while enjoying featured BC wines, ciders
                                                                                                  and live music performances. Tickets for
                                                                                                  kids under 12 are free with the purchase
                                                                                                  of Signature Weekend passes!
                                                                                                  Treat Dad on June 16th to Bounty! A Brunch
                                                                                                  Seafood Cookout! Dads and seafood lovers
                                                                                                  get schooled by top seafood chefs to cook
                                                                                                  brunch during this hands-on intimate VIP
                                                                                                  cooking experience creating AND eating
                                                                                                  a delicious seafood dish. Mixologists will
                                                                                                  prepare cocktails to set-off this brag-worthy
                                                                                                  seafood brunch in style. Have Dad taste
                                                                                                  the weekend away at all the Tasting and
                                                                                                  Beverage stations featuring kelp and sea
                                                                                                  asparagus ice cream, artisan smoked oys-
                                                                                                  ters, wild BC halibut ceviche tacos and
Kids Zone Touch Tanks                                                                             more!
                                                                                                  Family fun in the Kids Interactive Zone
                                                                                                  returns with touch tanks and interactive
                                                                                                  displays. Learn about wildlife rescue, sus-
                                                                                                  tainable seafood and aquaculture. Kids
                                                                                                  can visit the Storytime tent, play games
                                                                                                  and enjoy all things seafood! Get your little
                                                                                                  ones cooking in our Kids Seafood Cooking
                                                                                                  Classes for 5-12 years and 10-15 year olds!
                                                                                                  New for this year, “Learn to Shuck” classes
                                                                                                  for 12-18 year olds with sessions available
                                                                                                  during the Signature Weekend. Classes
                                                                                                  are FREE!
                                                                                                  Sign-up for the new Junior Chef Competition
                                                                                                  for a chance to compete to win an amazing
                                                                                                  $1,000 RESP contribution provided by

                                  Seafood tastings throughout the Signature Weekend!              SEE SIGNATURE WEEKEND | PAGE 10
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9                           (no food) $25, Saturday or Sunday Day Pass
                                                $15. Enter now to win the Shuck-It! Let’s Go!
Mindset Wealth and bragging rights! Four        Geataway contest. This culinary adventure
junior chefs aged 8-15 will be selected         prize getaway for two includes:
to compete. Just like in the big leagues,       • Two roundtrip flights with Air Canada
there will be a twist ingredient the junior          to the Comox Valley Airport (YQQ) from
chefs must incorporate into their dishes.            anywhere in BC,
And what’s a competition without a race         • A three-night stay at the Holiday Inn
against the clock? The junior chefs will have        Express & Suites,
just 45 short minutes to prepare a seafood      • Transportation to all events and activ-
masterpiece and win the judges over with             ities with Ambassador Transportation
their creativity, plate presentation and, of    • Two All-Access Passes to the BC
course, delicious flavours.                          Seafood Festival Signature Weekend
Baked n’Boiled Kitchen Party is a must-at-           June 14 to 16!
tend event for the entire family! Break out     • Half day Wildlife Tour with Big Animal
the fiddles where East coast meets West at a         Encounters
good old fashioned seafood boil! Simmering      • Two $100 dining cards to seafood
pots that are chock-full of local shellfish          restaurants
along with tasty sides are part of the fun      • Two tickets on a Sip and Savour Tour
along with music from The Whiskeydicks!         For more information about the Comox Valley,
BC Seafood Festival 2019 Signature              accommodation, tickets and all the incredible
Weekend pass tickets are now on sale at         events, go to BCSeafoodFestival.com or call
BCSeafoodFestival.com. Weekend Pass             the Vancouver Island Visitors Center 1-855-
with 50 food vouchers $70, Weekend Pass         400-2882.                                       Kids Cooking Classes – FREE!


                                                                                                                                          Learn more at:

Natural gas. Good for
the catch of the day.
Whether you’re grilling, searing or frying, cooking seafood requires a precise heat — so it’s no
surprise that the temperature control offered by natural gas makes it the top choice for restaurants
everywhere. And with natural gas ranges and cooktops, you can bring these professional culinary
standards into your own kitchen.

That’s energy at work.
                                                                                                   Connect with us

   Sample the diverse tastes of BC the next time you’re creating
   in the kitchen. From the finest seafoods, to spicy condiments
   and farm-fresh veggies, BC food products are among the best
   in the world. Reach for BC and feel good about supporting
   local growers, producers and the economy. Pass the kimchi!

BC Seafood Expo 2019 To Showcase Bounty Of Our Oceans
             By SeaWestNews                    industry leaders, international buyers,                Underwater Harvesters Association               International Year of the Salmon – Pacific

      ome of BC’s top chefs will join scores   distributors, and educators for every type             (UHA), a non-profit association formed in       Region.
      of seafood buyers, Seafood Industry      of fish, seafood, and seafood related prod-            1981 to represent the 55 British Columbia       The International Year of the Salmon is
      experts, industry leaders and gov-       ucts and services.                                     geoduck and horse clam licence holders.         a 5-year outreach and research initia-
ernment representatives to network, meet       The program is also packed with educa-                 Association members also include crew           tive of the North Pacific Anadromous
and grow the seafood industry at the 2019      tional sessions covering, seafood busi-                members from the harvesting vessels             Fish Commission and the North Atlantic
edition of the BC Seafood Expo.                ness and leadership, Seafood Industry,                 and the geoduck wholesalers located in          Salmon Conservation Organization, with
The event in Comox Valley on Vancouver         food safety, policy, sustainability, trace-            British Columbia. There are currently 34        a focal year in 2019. The year aims to
Island on June 12 and 13 is one of the         ability and transparency.                              First Nations participating in the fishery.     raise public awareness, gather stake-
largest seafood industry trade events in       “The BC Seafood Expo is a great oppor-                 “We are a big supporter of the Seafood          holders, stimulate science and inspire
the Pacific Northwest.                         tunity to bring everyone together to talk              Expo as it provides a platform to show-         action to protect salmon.
The Expo is wrapped around the 2019 BC         about the business…It is really the only               case to British Columbians the sustain-         The highlight of the two-day Expo is the
Seafood Festival which will be held from       time every year that the entire seafood                ability of our fisheries,” said Grant Dovey,    Flying Fresh Air Freight International
June 7 to 16.                                  business gets together in BC,” said Jeremy             UHA’s executive director.                       Buyers’ Reception.
“The Festival is now the largest seafood       Dunn, director of public affairs for Mowi              “Much of our harvest is exported to Asian       Helmed by Brendan Harnett, Flying Fresh
festival in western Canada and the Expo        Canada West.                                           markets and our primary interest is con-        Air Freight Cargo is Canada’s top perish-
and Trade Show components this year has        The Seafood Expo also brings attention to              necting with international buyers at the        able freight forwarder. Close to 70 per
attracted a record number of exhibitors,       both the farmed and wild fisheries sector              Expo and looking for leads” he said.            cent of its’ business involves seafood
delegates, buyers and suppliers,” said         here in the province, said Dunn                        The buyers’ delegation to this year’s           and the company moves about 16 mil-
John Watson, executive director of the         “Seafood is an incredibly important busi-              expo is the largest of its kind, organizers     lion kilos of Canadian farmed salmon,
Comox Valley Economic Development,             ness for BC, having local, regional and                said. They include buyers from China,           wild fish, lobster, geoduck, halibut and
the organization that collaborates with a      national leaders gain a greater awareness              Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Vietnam and            oysters all around the world.
wide range of seafood organizations and        and understanding is really important.”                Singapore.                                      Award winning food stylist, Nathan
institutions to develop the Expo annually.     he said.                                               Other members of the international dele-        Fong, Fong on Food, is the event’s Chef
“It is an excellent opportunity to show-       As in previous years, Mowi which oper-                 gation, organized by the Ministry of Jobs,      Producer, has brought together a dozen
case your services to a diverse range of       ates salmon farms around Vancouver                     Trade & Technology                              chefs for the International Buyers’
both wild fishery and Seafood Industry         Island, where 600 people produce                       and Global Affairs Canada, hail from USA,       Reception with a wide range of talents
sectors and leaders.”                          45,000 tonnes of sustainable farm-raised               Ukraine, Poland, Uzbekistan, Turkey and         from around the Comox Valley, Vancouver
The expo features dozens of trade show         Atlantic salmon each year, will be staging             Serbia.                                         Island and BC.
exhibitors, leading speakers in their fields   farm tours for buyers and chefs.                       One of the keynote speakers this year
and provides a venue to network with           A n o t h e r o f t h e e x h ib i t o r s i s t h e   will be Mark Saunders, director of the          SEE BC SEAFOOD EXPO | PAGE 15

                                       JUNE 7 - 16                                                                                                          ENTER TO
                                                                                     Atlas Café                  Ocean7 Restaurant &
                                                                                     Courtenay                   AQUA Bistro & Wine Bar

                2019                                                                                                                                        WIN $300
                                                                                     Avenue Bistro
                                                                                     Comox                       O’rourke’s Peak Cellars
                                                                                     Blackfin Pub
                                                                                                                 Lake Country
                                                                                                                 Q at the Empress

         Love Seafood?                                                               Blue Water Café
                                                                                                                 Victoria                                   GIFT CARDS!
                                                                                     Vancouver                   The Prime Chophouse
                                                                                                                                                                 Vote today for your
                                                                                                                 & Wine Bar
                                                                                     Fanny Bay Oyster Bar                                                    favourite restaurant at:
                                                                                     & Shellfish Market
                                               Check out these                       Vancouver                   The Pointe Restaurant
                                               incredible                                                        Tofino
                                                                                     Forage                                                                    Contest Ends June 16th
                                               restaurants                           Vancouver                   The White Whale
                                               proudly                                                           Restaurant
                                               presenting                                                        Courtenay
                                                                                     Prince Rupert                 small usage                               LARGE usage
                                               BC Seafood on                         Il Falcone
                                               Your Plate features                                               Mediterranean Grill
                                                                                     Courtenay                                                                    Proudly supported by:
                                               and specials,                         Locals Restaurant
                                               June 7 - 16, in                       Courtenay
                                               celebration of BC                     Martine’s Bistro
                                               Seafood Month!                        Comox                                                           Natural gas. Good for the catch of the day.


                                  More than 9,000 British Columbians
                                  are employed in the seafood sector.

 Drop By And Meet The 2019 BC Seafood Expo Trade Show Exhibitors
 •    Coastal Sea Products                     •   SOGDA Limited                       •   Poseidon Ocean Systems Ltd.       •   Ocean Wise, Vancouver Aquarium
 •    Business Development Bank of             •   Foodmetrics Laboratories            •   Buy BC                            •   Harbour Authority Association of
      Canada                                   •   Hummingbird Cove Lifestyles Ltd     •   BC Salmon Farmers Association         BC (HAABC)
 •    Coast Capital Savings Credit Union       •   Island Coastal Economic Trust       •   Fisheries and Oceans Canada       •   Vancouver Island University
 •    Creative Salmon Co. Ltd.                     (ICET)                              •   Pacific Sea Cucumber Harvesters   •   truLOCAL
 •    Export Development Canada                •   Mowi (Marine Harvest Canada)            Association                       •   Coastline Market
 •    Farm Credit Canada                       •   MNP                                 •   Pacific Urchin Harvesters         •   BC Shellfish Growers Association
 •    Gindara Sablefish                        •   Traceability Funding Programs           Association                       •   Blundell Seafoods
 •    Great Little Box Company                 •   Underwater Harvesters Association   •   RiverFresh Wild BC Seafood        •   White Box Food
 •    Grieg Seafood                            •   Walcan Seafood Ltd.                 •   Vancouver Island Salt Company     •   Excel Career College
 •    Global Affairs Canada                    •   DB Schenker of Canada               •   AgriMarine                        •   River Select Fisheries
 •    Canadian Kelp Resources. Ltd             •   Cermaq Canada                       •   Export Navigator

Did You Know?
Canada exported a record $6.6 billion in
fish and seafood products in 2016.
Fish and seafood are among Canada’s
largest exports of food products.
Canada’s most valuable species exported
in 2016, were, lobster, Atlantic salmon,
snow (queen) crab and shrimp.
Lobster remains Canada’s top species
exported in terms of value, with over $2
billion worth in 2016.
Aquaculture is the fastest growing food
production activity in the world and a
growing sector in Canada. About 45 spe-
cies of marine and freshwater finfish,
shellfish and aquatic plants are now avail-
In 2015, the Seafood Industry industry
generated over $1 billion in GDP, gener-
ating close to $3 billion in total economic
Approximately 72,000 Canadians make
their living directly from fishing and fish-
ing-related activities.

About BC Seafood Expo Trade Show 2019
The BC Seafood Expo Trade Show 2019
will provide businesses the opportunity
to meet face-to-face and showcase their
products & services to seafood buyers,
exporters, distributors and other provid-
ers from throughout BC and the pacific
For more information and how to register
go to bcseafoodexpo.com

Campbell River Home To Canada’s Largest Commercial Diving School
   DiveSafe International Boasts In-Ocean
         Commercial Dive Training

       AMPBELL RIVER - “DiveSafe
       International is Campbell River’s
       best kept secret.”
So says Kelly Korol, co-owner and Director
of Training at DiveSafe International Ltd.
Founded in 2005 by Kelly and his wife
Catherine, DiveSafe International has
grown to become the nation’s largest
commercial diving school.
Kelly’s deep relationships with Canada’s
dive industry and Island Seafood Industry
companies (built over his over-35-year
diving career), coupled with the institu-      The classroom during a DiveSafe surface supply course in early 2018
tion’s reputation for top-tier training pro-
grams, helps students find job placement
at an astonishingly high rate.
“Right now, we have two companies that
are taking all the divers they can get from
us,” says Kelly. “There will always be a
few students who take our courses out of
general interest, but every graduate who
wants a job can get one almost immediate-
ly. We often have students graduate on a
Friday and starting work at a well-paying
job on Monday of the following week. For
those interested in a career in commercial
diving, we essentially have a 100 per cent
employment rate.”                              DiveSafe’s industry connections and
DiveSafe International offers two main         reputation for high-quality training helps
programs. The five-week Commercial             students find jobs immediately after
Scuba program trains students to work
in scuba equipment down to a maximum
depth of 130 feet. With this international     remain current in diving skills and knowl-     Students are able to hone their skills an ocean environment, getting first-hand training
certification, Commercial Scuba graduates      edge. DiveSafe International is a fully cer-   with tides, current, weather and marine life
have opportunities in a variety of indus-      tified trade training institution, governed
tries, including Seafood Industry, seafood     by the Private Training Institute Board        company to this day. Cathy continues to        students from all over the globe.
harvesting, environmental inspection div-      and the International EQA (Education           co-lead the company with the official title    “We called the company DiveSafe
ing, vessel maintenance, scientific diving,    Quality Assurance Organization).               of CFOO (Chief Financial and Operations        International because we want to have an
the film industry and more.                    “I’ve been a commercial diver since 1984,      Officer).                                      international reach,” says Kelly. “We’ve
The 21-week Surface Supply program pro-        and I’ve worked extensively all over the       “It’s a marriage made in heaven,” says         had a lot of students from countries like
vides students with an internationally-rec-    west coast and Alberta, focussing heav-        Kelly. “She is the administration whiz,        Russia, France, Egypt, Ireland, Mexico,
ognized certification. Graduates acquire       ily on the Vancouver Island area,” says        and my business partner. She handles all       etc.”
an Unrestricted Surface Supply Diver cer-      Kelly. “I’ve worked in almost all aspects      of our administration, dealing with every-     The company is now large enough to look
tification (50m) with Commercial SCUBA         of commercial diving, including Seafood        thing from student loans to liaising with      at expanding outside of Canada. Cathy
& NITROX endorsements. They can work           Industry, construction, hydro dams, sea-       government regulatory bodies. I’m the          and Kelly have already been making
in the industries above, but also have         food harvesting, and more.                     brawn - handling the operations, running       inroads to build their second location in
the certification to work in construction      “In 1997, I began working with North           the boats, and teaching.”                      Costa Rica, and are currently looking at
diving (dams, hydro projects, engineering      Island College as an instructor in their       In 2007, the company added on its              an eventual overseas expansion.
inspections, infrastructure, etc.), confined   commercial diving program. In 2005,            UnRestricted Surface Supply/Underwater         “We are Canada’s largest diving school,”
area diving, offshore oildfield industry,      Cathy and I decided to start our own com-      Welder program. Since then, DiveSafe           concludes Kelly. “We certify more divers
geoduck industry, and underwater weld-         pany, initially offering only the commer-      International has steadily grown, housing      than any other school in Canada, and
ing.                                           cial scuba program.”                           a staff of 10 administrators and instruc-      we do it in an ocean environment, so
All DiveSafe International, instructors        In the beginning, Kelly taught courses         tors. Today, they train more students than     our divers have world-class first-hand
are fully certified commercial divers with     alongside Peter Budden, who began as           any other diving school in the country and     training with tides, current, weather and
years of experience and recognized teach-      a part-time instructor. As the company         are competing on the world stage.              marine life.”
ing certificates. These instructors still      grew, Budden moved into a full-time posi-      DiveSafe International has a growing           Find out more about DiveSafe International
work in the commercial diving industry to      tion, and he remains an integral part of the   international reputation, attracting           programs at www.divesafe.com

Island Aquaculture Feeds Globe, Local Economies
Comox Valley, Campbell River, First Nations Groups Among Industry’s Beneficiaries

       s global demands for sus-
       tainable food sources grow,
       Vancouver Island communi-
ties are benefitting from a thriv-
ing Seafood Industry industry.
According to the United
Nations’ Food and Agriculture
Organization, the world’s pop-
ulation is expected to exceed 9
billion by 2050.
The organizations’ State of World
Fisheries and Aquaculture 2018
draws attention to the role of
fisheries and Seafood Industry
in meeting food, nutrition and
employment needs for millions.
The report states, “Total fish pro-
duction in 2016 reached an all-
time high of 171 million tonnes, of
which 88 percent was utilized for
direct human consumption….This
production resulted in a record-
high per capita consumption of        Aquaculture is a growing industry that’s sending product all around the globe
20.3 kg in 2016.”                     PHOTO: GRIEG SEAFOOD

The report goes on to say that the
annual global growth of fish con-
sumption has been twice as high
as population growth since 1961.
Whereas in 2000, roughly a quar-
ter of global seafood production
came from capture fisheries and
Seafood Industry, by 2016, that
number grew to 46.8 per cent.
With the largest coastline in the
world and a wealth of lakes and
rivers, Canada is well-equipped
to contribute to these global
In December of last year, the
Canadian Aquaculture Industry
Alliance (CAIA) released its State
of Farmed Seafood in Canada 2018      Richard Harry, Executive Director, Aboriginal Aquaculture                           Campbell River is home to offices for three of the world’s largest
report.                               Association                                                                         Seafood Industry companies: Cermaq Canada, Grieg Seafood BC,
Highlights indicated continued        PHOTO CREDIT: HTTP://WWW.SEAFOOD INDUSTRY.CA                                        and Marine Harvest Canada
strength and increased revenues.
In 2017, total farmed seafood         addition, the area produces more                  tenures;                          Show, which will be held from         Strathcona Regional District into
revenues increased to $1.392          oysters than any other community               •  Purchase an established and       June 12-13 this year.                 account, this number jumps to
Billion nationwide, in spite of a     in Canada. In spite of its success,               integrated farm and process-      Campbell River is another major       505 employees, which is 2.55 per
slight decrease in production and     however, the region’s industry is                 ing operation;                    industry hub, housing offices         cent of the region’s total employ-
exports over 2016.                    not yet growing fast enough to                 • Apply for tenure and develop       for three of the world’s leading      ment.
Island communities, including         meet global demand.                               a start-up farm which could       Seafood Industry companies:           In addition, the strength of
the Comox Valley and Campbell         Invest Comox Valley published a                   include the potential to add      Cermaq Canada, Grieg Seafood          C amp b ell R i ve r ’s S e a f o o d
River, are reaping the benefits       list of investment opportunities                  new species in the future;        BC, and Marine Harvest Canada.        Industry industry results in the
of a growing demand for Seafood       currently available to interested              • Develop a seed nursery to          According to the City of Campbell     growth of support service pro-
Industry.                             parties.                                          provide oyster and clam seed      River, the industry provides direct   viders, including transportation
For instance, the Comox Valley        They includes the following:                      to the industry;                  employment to approximately           (e.g. land or sea-based freight),
has grown to become BC’s larg-        • Purchase an existing shell-                  • Develop new input supplies.        385 people in the community,          technical support services, scien-
est producer of shellfish in BC,           fish farming operation;                   One way the Comox Valley pro-        and accounts for almost a quarter     tific and marine support services,
bringing in 51 per cent of the        • Purchase and upgrade small-                  motes this industry is through its   of Seafood Industry employment
province’s annual production. In           er scale or underutilized                 annual BC Seafood Expo & Trade       in the province. Taking the whole     SEE AQUACULTURE | PAGE 18
AQUACULTURE                                   the next five years, and 8,230 additional
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17                        jobs earning over $410 million within 10
equipment, supplies, and processing.          “There’s huge potential for First Nations
2015 statistics indicated that northern       groups to benefit from Seafood Industry,”
Vancouver Island was responsible for          said Richard Harry, Executive Director of
approximately 40 per cent of BC’s annual      the Aboriginal Aquaculture Association
proportion of GDP generated by salmon         (AAA) in a 2018 interview. “A big challenge
farming.                                      to many First Nations is access to capital
Province-wide, Seafood Industry is            and lack of equity, so we work to connect
responsible for the creation of roughly       Aboriginals with the industry, using joint
7,000 jobs. Nation wide, farming and          ventures and partnerships, and building
production activities provide full-time       skills and training.”
jobs for more than 26,000 Canadians, who      Harry and his team are already involved in
earned an estimated $1.2 billion in total     the fin fish side of Seafood Industry, with
wages in 2017.                                various Aboriginal communities generat-
CAIA’s annual report demonstrates that        ing revenue from arrangements facilitated
First Nations groups also reap the benefits   by the AAA.
of a thriving Seafood Industry industry.      The AAA is also working to help First
It states that “more than 40 Indigenous       Nations people break into new and grow-
communities are directly or indirect-         ing Seafood Industry practices. For exam-
ly involved in farming seafood across         ple, as geoduck farming is rising in pop-
Canada….In addition to those Indigenous       ularity, Harry and his organization are
communities already participating in farm-    helping to secure funding and contracts
ing seafood, there are many others whose      that enable First Nations to participate.
traditional territories have the biophysi-    “Some of the economic development
cal capacity to support farmed seafood        funds we need are missing, as many First
development. We estimate that future          Nations are interested in getting involved
growth of the industry in partnership with    in Seafood Industry, especially shell-
Indigenous communities could deliver          fish,” says Harry. “With geoduck farming
3,480 additional jobs for Indigenous                                                        Certain Island Seafood Industry products, like geoduck, are in high demand in Asia
peoples earning $170 million within in        SEE AQUACULTURE | PAGE 19                     PHOTO: GEODUCK.ORG

The Comox Valley has grown to become BC’s largest producer of shellfish in BC, bringing in 51 per cent of the province’s annual production. In addition, the area produces more
oysters than any other community in Canada


AQUACULTURE                                      government was adopting the recommen-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18                           dations of the United Nations Declaration
                                                 on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
specifically, we’re actively searching for       (UNDRIP), which we felt would hopefully
the capital required to initiate some of         have a positive impact on our indigenous
these projects. It’s in its infancy, but we’re   relationships. We created the Indigenous
looking forward to a breakthrough soon.”         & Community Relations division in sup-
Grieg Seafood BC provides one example            port of what we felt would be construc-
of private Seafood Industry companies            tive change with the implementation of
working closely with First Nations com-          UNDRIP principles.”
munities to help them benefit from the           In spite of the enormous economic benefit
economic growth.                                 to Island communities and the growing
Grieg’s Marilyn Hutchinson has been serv-        global demand for farmed seafood, the
ing in the newly created position of direc-      Seafood Industry industry is not without
tor of Indigenous & Community Relations          its critics, particularly surrounding issues
division. Hutchinson suggested the cre-          of environmental protection.
ation of the division in 2018 in order to        Those working in Seafood Industry, how-
develop and maintain strong relationships        ever, contend that much of the coverage
with the communities that are home to            referring to the sustainability of farmed
Grieg Seafood’s farms.                           seafood misrepresents current industry
In a recent interview with writer Bonnie         trends.
Waycott, Hutchinson state, “Building             CAIA’s State of Farmed Seafood in Canada
relationships with local communities has         2018 report emphasized the industries          The industry’s environmental practices are supported by regulations from both federal
been a part of Grieg Seafood for nearly a        efforts to “minimize environmental inter-      and provincial governing bodies, as well as international requirements and third-party
decade now. We saw that our provincial           actions through measures such as proper        sustainability certifications

                                                                                                siting, management of habitat impacts,       shellfish farmers, whose product had been
                                                                                                and escape prevention measures — com-        declared safe for consumption.
                                                                                                pliant with international standards for      “Readers should question the headlines,”
                                                                                                social, environmental and food safety        says Winterburn. “Farmers regularly test
                                                                                                responsibilities.”                           shellfish destined for raw consumption in
                                                                                                The industry’s environmental practices       the retail market and follow regulations
                                                                                                are supported by regulations from both       to minimize hazards related to contam-
                                                                                                federal and provincial governing bodies,     ination of the water in which they farm.
                                                                                                as well as international requirements and    They volunteer their time to participate
                                                                                                third-party sustainability certifications.   in government programs to monitor water
                                                                                                Last year, the Island’s shellfish industry   quality and are proactive in closing farms
                                                                                                suffered from misrepresentation in the       when potential hazards are identified.”
                                                                                                media.                                       According to W interburn, B r it ish
                                                                                                “In the Winter of 2016/17 and again in       Columbians have many misconceptions
                                                                                                the Spring of 2018, industry was doubly      about the Seafood Industry industry.
                                                                                                impacted by outbreaks of norovirus and       “Shellfish farming provides a net gain to
                                                                                                the accompanying media, which spoke          the overall health of surrounding ecosys-
                                                                                                broadly to the product, rather than spe-     tems,” she says. “We do not add food or
                                                                                                cifically to the problem,” said Darlene      chemicals to the water.
                                                                                                Winterburn, Executive Director of the BC     “Shellfish are filter feeders who get their
                                                                                                Shellfish Growers Association (BCSGA) in     nutrition from the water and, in fact,
                                                                                                a Business Examiner interview.               clean the water in which they live as they
                                                                                                “The outcome has been consumer miscon-       feed. Many cities, including New York,
                                                                                                ceptions that subsequently result in lower   and many areas, including Chesapeake
                                                                                                levels of confidence in the product and      Bay, have reintroduced shellfish to
                                                                                                losses in sales.”                            restore water quality and improve local
                                                                                                According to Winterburn, only five farms     ecosystems.”
                                                                                                in a single, small geographic region were    To find out more about the Seafood
Tim Johnson working, Seafood Industry technician on Grieg Seafood BC’s Nootka Sound             closed due to potential contamination        Industry industry, visit www.Seafood
farms in traditional Mowachaht Muchalaht territory off the west coast of Vancouver Island       this Spring. However, incomplete media       Industryassociation.ca, www.bcsga.ca,
PHOTO: GRIEG SEAFOOD                                                                            coverage adversely affected the rest of      or www.bcsalmonfarmers.ca.

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