Page created by Aaron Jimenez

          Quotation No. PW 2023-11

              AND COMPRESSOR

                February 1, 2023

The Township of North Glengarry is seeking submissions from qualified
 suppliers to provide quotations for a CRACK SEALING TRAILER, ROUTER AND


The quotation must be submitted on the forms provided, which shall be filled out in ink
or by typewriter and shall be duly executed by the signing officer(s) of the corporation.
Quotations may be invalidated if the forms are not properly or fully completed. All blanks
must be legibly and properly filled in on the printed forms supplied for that purpose.

Submissions shall be received by the Township of North Glengarry by email at
pwspecialist@northglengarry.ca, no later than 4:00:00 PM local time on March 2, 2023.


This work includes the supply of all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to
complete the work in accordance with bid documents unless otherwise specified. All
work shall conform to the OPS General Conditions of Contract and Ontario Provincial
Standards and Specifications. A bid and performance bond of 5% is required for work
over $50,000.00 to be waived at the discretion of the Public Works Director. Contractors
confirm they have performed a site visit, accounted for available site conditions, and
confirmed all quantities. Unless otherwise stated all work is to be completed by
November 1st of each year. Ensure that all work be undertaken in strict accordance with
all current editions of all health and safety legislated requirements including, but not
limited to the OHSA and regulations, the Environmental Protection Act, the
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, all applicable acts, regulations, codes,
standards, etc. both general and specific to any given project. Proof of current WSIB
and insurance with $2 million minimum coverage for general liability, automobile, and
property is required within 10 calendar days of quotation acceptance. The contractor will
be responsible for all locates required on this project and all notifications required to
carry out the project. This includes the Ministry of labor Notice of Project if required. Any
public notices required will be sent to the Township for approval 1 business day before it
is needed for release. The contractor must cooperate with any testing requirements
requested by the township reasonably associated with the scope of work. The Township
will retain 10% from each invoice to satisfy appropriated payments to contractors, and
subcontractors. This holdback shall be payable upon final acceptance of the project
work, signed off by the Township Director of Public Works. No work shall start until the
contractor is notified by the Township to begin and the Township reserves the right to
discharge the contractor if unsatisfactory work or material is being supplied in the
opinion of the Director of Public Works or designate. Proceeding with the work
described will be considered acceptance of these conditions.

Quote Submission Form
                             Tender Number:       PW 2023-11
                                                  Quotation for a Crack Sealing Trailer, Router and
                             Closing Date:        March 2, 2023
                             Closing Time:        4:00:00 PM
                             Company Name:

 Specifications and General Conditions of these units shall be the latest models with all
 standard equipment plus all other equipment outlined in this specification, if not standard.

 The preferred specification is for a:

    •    Cimline M2 2020 230 Gallon Crack Seal Trailer Melter Applicator (appendix A)
    •    Cimline 30HP R3 Asphalt Crack Router (Appendix B)
    •    DMAC Diesel Drive D60 Air Compressor including heat lance and compressor wand
         (Appendix C1 and C2)

 These specifications are not intended to be restrictive but are meant to describe the kind and size
 of unit desired to be purchased in detail. If bidder is basing the proposal on equipment other than
 what is specified in these bid documents and wishes the equipment to be considered as an
 "approved equal" they shall submit on a separate sheet, an item-by-item description of that which is


 The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations and to waive irregularities
 at its discretion. The Township reserves the right to accept a proposal other than the lowest price
 without stating the reasons such as delivery date. By the act of submitting its proposal, the bidder
 waives any right to contest, in any legal proceeding or action, the right of the Township to award
 the tender to whomever it chooses, and for whatever reasons the Township deems appropriate.

         Item                            Make, Model           Year           Price (excl. HST)


                                                Total including HST
I/We the undersigned have read and understand this quotation document and agree to perform the
work required in accordance with this quotation form, at the price(s) listed above.

Signed and submitted for and on behalf of:

                               Company Name

               Address                                  City                    Postal Code

Signature of Authorized Signing Officer    Print Name and Title

Date                                       Email Address

Telephone Number                           Fax Number

Cimline M2™                                   230 Gallon Crack Sealing Unit
Detailed Specification                          Trailer Melter/Applicator
                                                        Revision Date: 09/2020
  1.0           Purpose:                                                                                                    Yes    No
          1.1   The crack sealing unit (melter/applicator) must be able to safely melt, agitate, circulate and apply all
                grades of asphalt rubber sealants, specification joint sealants, jet fuel resistant sealants and fiber
                modified asphalt sealants. The machine must be capable of starting at ambient temperature and
                bringing material to pouring temperature in less than one hour. The unit must have continuous
                sealant agitation with internal recirculation of sealant (not hose recirculation) to eliminate
                temperature stratification of sealant being applied. Complete operation manual, parts lists, and
                training video must be furnished with the unit. A factory-trained representative will be available for
                initial startup and training.
          1.2   The equipment being bid must be new, current year production and meet the needs of this
                specification without modification. The model must be currently advertised, have been in production
                for a min. of two years and have a working volume of not less than called for in this specification.
                Hybrid, one-off or prototype equipment is unacceptable.
          1.3   These specifications are not intended to be restrictive, but are meant to describe the kind and size of
                unit desired to be purchased in detail. If bidder is basing the proposal on equipment other than what
                is specified in these bid documents and wishes the equipment to be considered as an "approved
                equal" they shall submit on a separate sheet, an item by item description of that which is proposed.
                The bidder’s specifications must be complete and of sufficient detail to cover all items included in this
                bid specification and in a manner that allows a direct comparison. Any item not covered will be
                deemed as not meeting specifications. Such bidder shall also include, but not as a substitute for the
                above, any manufacturer's literature. In addition, if the bidder takes exception to any item they shall
                note this and describe in detail the exception and how the proposal is an "approved equal". Failure to
                carry out the provisions noted herein may be deemed sufficient reason to reject the bidder's
                proposal. Check yes if demonstration has been performed prior to bid letting.

  2.0           Basic Machine Requirements:                                                                                 Yes    No
          2.1   Double jacketed boiler type material tank design.

          2.2   Trailer mounted and rated for highway class use.

          2.3   Diesel powered and diesel heated.

          2.4   Electric heated sealing hose equipped only.

          2.5   Minimum working capacity of 230 gallons.

          2.6   Two (2) insulated loading doors on machine.

          2.7   LED sealed lighting including stop/turn and clearance lights.

2601 Niagara Lane North                                      Page 1 of 5                                        Toll Free: +1-877-841-0848
Plymouth, MN 55447 U.S.A.                                  www.cimline.com                                            Fax: +1-866-557-1971
3.0             Melting System Minimum Requirements:                                                                      Yes      No
           3.1    The material tank must be of double boiler design and have a minimum working volume of 230
                  gallons. Working volume can be described as the maximum usable amount of sealant that can be
                  contained in the material tank at one time and pumped out of the hose.
           3.2    The material and oil tanks must be constructed of no less than 7 gauge (.179”) steel. The oil tank
                  must hold a maximum of 30 gallons of heat transfer oil (HTO) at ambient temperature. The oil
                  reservoir will be surrounded by a 10 gauge (.134”) air reservoir that will be filled with hot burner
                  gases heating both the bottom and sides of the oil tank for best heat transfer.
           3.3    Tank must be insulated on top, sides and bottom with a min. 1.5” ceramic or FBX insulation.

           3.4    Full sweep vertical direct driven reversible agitator design. Agitator shaft must include auger
                  flighting for best mixing.
           3.5    Minimum 15 x 26 inch, insulated/angled loading door will be curbside and of “splash-free” design.

           3.6    For safety, material loading height will be no more than 48 inches for proper lifting ergonomics.

           3.7    For safety, unit must include a vented HTO expansion tank. Sealed expansion tanks will be
                  considered a fatal deviation.
           3.8    Diesel burner maximum of 290,000 BTU for best fuel efficiency and fastest heat-up.

           3.9    Minimum 6 inch round wand recirculation port located on the rear of the machine is required.

           3.10   The material tank will have a minimum capacity of 230 US gallons.

  4.0             Trailer Minimum Requirements:                                                                             Yes      No
           4.1    The melting unit will be trailer mounted and capable of being towed at safe highway speeds when
                  fully loaded. The frame shall include minimum flat horizontal surface steel fenders to facilitate
                  handling and loading of material blocks. All lighting will be LED.
           4.2    The frame is to be constructed of minimum 6”x 2”x 3/16” gusseted steel tube for safety and
           4.3    A 2-1/2” towing ring that is adjustable in height from 15” to 30” high will be provided.

           4.4    Minimum 12 gauge flat horizontal surface steel fenders to facilitate handling and loading of material
           4.5    A swing-away weight appropriate adjustable screw jack must be provided.

           4.6    To insure towing mobility in both forward and reverse directions, the melter shall have a dual torsion
                  axle system and be rated at a GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) of 7000 lbs
           4.7    Electric brakes, emergency breakaway switch, radial tires, and two 3/8” x 4 foot long safety chains
                  with slip hooks will be included.
           4.8    Oval LED stop, tail, and turn lights will be included. Clearance lighting will also be LED. A lighted
                  license plate bracket will be attached to the fender.
           4.9    The lighting harness will be woven loom with weather proof connectors at all lights. The trailer
                  harness shall use a junction box at the front to allow easy changeover to different types of towing
                  vehicle plugs. A seven (7) pin flat RV round plug will be included.

2601 Niagara Lane North                                       Page 2 of 5                                         Toll Free: +1-877-841-0848
Plymouth, MN 55447 U.S.A.                                   www.cimline.com                                             Fax: +1-866-557-1971
5.0             Pumping and Delivery System Minimum Requirements:                                                          Yes      No
           5.1    A positive displacement pump will provide material flow for sealing and recirculation. The material
                  pump and all related plumbing must be contained within a heated chamber. External oil jacketed
                  pumps are not acceptable. The re-circulation will be confined safely within the interior of the
                  machine (Internal Machine Recirculation). Hose recirculation is not an acceptable alternative.
                  Submerged pumping systems are unacceptable due to their reduction of sealant working volume,
                  their inability to recirculate sealant and their excessive maintenance down time.
           5.2    The pump shall be direct coupled, driven hydraulically and run in either direction to permit cleaning of
                  plumbing system.
           5.3    A minimum 20 gpm is required output. Pump speed will be variable.

           5.4    A maximum of 25 rpm’s is allowed to achieve maximum pump output to provide long pump life.

           5.5    When sealing valve is closed, sealant must be recirculated back to machine to provide fast recovery
                  and heat up time.
           5.6    Sealing hose will be electrically heated. For safety, only floating ground design systems will be
                  acceptable. Due to weight, length and flexibility considerations, Oil or DC heated hoses will not be
                  considered. The hose will be a minimum of 3/4” inner diameter (ID) and no less than 20 feet long.
           5.7    Hose boom(s) will be located at the rear center of the heating chamber. Boom height must be high
                  enough as to allow a 6’ 2” operator to walk under without risk of personal injury. The boom must be
                  supported by heavy duty collar and oilite type maintenance free bushing.
           5.8    The wand will utilize a ball valve attached at the end of the wand to eliminate dripping when valve is
                  shut off. Rubber tips are not an acceptable substitution. Should the wand be accidently dropped, all
                  flow and line pressure must cease.
           5.9    A 2.5" swivel disk will be included.

  6.0             Temperature and Flow Control Minimum Requirements                                                          Yes      No
           6.1    For sealant placement temperature quality, the material temperature will be measured outside of
                  the sealant tank and before the placement hose. The digital control system must be able to operate
                  in manual or automatic mode. Sealant flow will be digitally controlled.
           6.2    The display must have adjustable digital controllers with readout for oil, material and heated hose
                  temperatures. Control must have intervals no greater than 1 degree F and continuously monitor
                  thermocouples. Controllers must be stowed in a wather tight operators box on rear curbside of
           6.3    The control panel will contain (3) LED Status indicators for pump, agitator and hose. When all three
                  indicators are green, operator can begin to work.
           6.4    Digital controllers must display an error code and shut burner down should a thermocouple failure
           6.5    The control system must be able to operate in manual or automatic mode. When in “Auto”, the
                  system will control agitation and pump start up by temperature autmatically. Control is to be placed
                  on outer control box with operator selection for Run / Clean Out / Cool Down / Off
           6.6    Pump forward/reverse and agitator forward/reverse will be electrically controlled from rotary switch
                  on the control station door panel without having to open the weather proof box. A clear cover will
                  allow viewing of status LED’s and digital temperature readout without opening box.
           6.7    A single hydraulic manifold system shall be provided with cartridge valves, which permit
                  maintenance without hose removal. Pressure relief valves included for protection of motors. Nine (9)
                  preset positions are available to adjust sealant flow.

2601 Niagara Lane North                                       Page 3 of 5                                          Toll Free: +1-877-841-0848
Plymouth, MN 55447 U.S.A.                                   www.cimline.com                                              Fax: +1-866-557-1971
6.8    Additional status LED indicators shall provide burner, pump and hose heating status.

           6.9    Additional analog gauges shall be included for agitator and material pump pressure and backup
                  material temperature.

  7.0             Engine, Burner and Hydraulics Minimum Requirements:                                                            Yes     No
           7.1    The unit will be equipped diesel engine with spin-on type oil and fuel filters. It will be joined to the
                  frame with rubber engine mounts to prevent vibration transfer. The management system will be
                  located near the engine for ease of operation and maintenance. A self-igniting diesel fired burner will
                  be included.
           7.2    The unit will be equipped with a 3 cylinder direct injected, 25hp, diesel engine. The engine will have
                  spin-on type oil and fuel filters.
           7.3    The engine will be protected by a digital engine management system including integrated hour
                  meter and also burner failure indicator lamp.
           7.4    Auto shutdown protection will be provided for alternator, oil pressure coolant temperature.

           7.5    The exhaust will exit through a noise reduced cowl muffler.

           7.6    The unit will include a minimum 33 gallon diesel fuel tank. The tank will incorporate a fuel fill cap with
                  integrated fuel gauge. For safety, hose type sight gauges are strictly forbidden.
           7.7    The system will include separate dual spin-on type fuel filters with ball valve shut offs to simplify filter
                  replacement and supply fuel to the burner and engine. Filters will be located near the fuel tank for
                  ease of maintenance.
           7.8    The hydraulic system shall have a minimum 33 gallon reservoir, shall be equipped with a suction
                  strainer and a return filter and a sight level with integrated temperature gauge.
           7.9    One 12 volt 250,000 BTU diesel burner will fire into an angled ceramic lined combustion chamber.
                  The burner will have a self-contained electronic spark igniter and proof of flame protection. To
                  minimize downtime the burner must be self-priming and be equipped with a fuel pressure gauge.

  8.0             Paint and Safety Decals Minimum Requirements:                                                                  Yes     No
           8.1     The unit shall be painted using safety green and black accents. It will be equipped with required
                  safety decals and signage.

  9.0             Warranty Minimum Requirements:                                                                                 Yes     No
           9.1    The manufacturer shall warranty the equipment for a period of one year. Engine must be covered for
                  major components for a period of 2 years or 2000 hours. Bidder warranty policy must be included
                  with bid submittal.

  10.0            Included Options: (if box is "X" items must be included)                                                       Yes     No
                  Insulated noise reducing locking engine cover.

                  Agitator Stop (stops agitator when loading door opens).

                  Single Strobe, mounted on mast.

                  LED directional arrow stick, mounted with controller.

2601 Niagara Lane North                                         Page 4 of 5                                           Toll Free: +1-877-841-0848
Plymouth, MN 55447 U.S.A.                                     www.cimline.com                                               Fax: +1-866-557-1971
Tool box, mounted.

                  10 lb. fire extinguisher, mounted with bracket.

                  Operator horn, audible communication system.

                  Spare tire, mounted on frame.

                  Light weight aluminum sealing wand, 4' with heated hose in lieu of standard wand and heated hose.

  11.0            Machine Upgrades: (if box is "X" items must be included)                                                Yes      No
                  Skid mount air compressor: The unit will be a stand alone skid mounted air compressor with
                  independent engine. Skid mount will fit into or onto standard truck beads and will have a boom with
                  pivot to swing over truck cab to front of vehicle. Will include air hose and cold air lance.
                   A 50 ft. self-retracting hose reel will be included.

  12.0            Air Compressor Heat Lance Upgrade: (if box is "X" item must be included)                                Yes      No
                  Integrated heat lance upgrade: As an upgrade to the skid mount air compressor, the unit shall include
                  an integrated heat lance package including the following: 50ft of 1/2" air line and 1/4" gas line. A
                  heat lance with regulator and a rack for a 40 lb. propane bottle.

2601 Niagara Lane North                                       Page 5 of 5                                       Toll Free: +1-877-841-0848
Plymouth, MN 55447 U.S.A.                                   www.cimline.com                                           Fax: +1-866-557-1971
Appendix B

                                         Asphalt Crack Router

                                            Rev 1 02/2023

1.0         PURPOSE                                                                        Yes   No
      1.1   The crack router needs to be able to create clean cuts in an asphalt
            surface and allow the operator to accurately maintain consistent cut depth
2.0         ENGINE
      2.1   A heavy-duty air cleaner shall be installed on the engine.
      2.2   The engine shall have a full-flow oil filter and oil cooler.
      2.3   The router will be 27HP Kohler or equivalent petrol engine
3.0         FRAME
            The entire assembly of the engine, cutter head, cutter head housing
            and all other part assemblies shall be mounted on a heavy steel
            frame, electrically welded through 100% of the metal thickness at
            each joint for maximum strength and rigidity.
            Must have balanced and integrated lifting points or hooks
            Easy access to the router bit for replacement and maintenance
      4.1   The crack sealer must be ergonomic to use for minimum operator fatigue
      4.2   The crack sealer must be equipped with dust suppression equipment
      4.3   The crack sealer must be ergonomic to use for minimum operator fatigue
      4.4   The crack sealer must be equipped with dust suppression equipment
      4.5   Must have functions for consistent cut depth control, must be able to easily
            reset to the same depth as the last cut
      4.6   Must have anti-kickback equipment installed
      4.7   Must have quick shutdown system
      4.8   Must include one in-person training session with a factory-trained
            representative at equipment’s initial start-up

Appendix C1

                          Skid mount Compressor with wand & heat lance

                                           Rev 1 02/2023

1.0       PURPOSE                                                                         Yes   No
      1.1 The skid mount compressor is to be mounted in the rear of a ¾ ton pick up
          truck that is towing the crack sealing trailer mentioned in this tender to be
          used during a crack sealing operation both to clean and dry the cracks
          before the application of sealant by use of a compressor wand or heat
          Compressor wand to be heavy duty and usable in a standing position
          similar to a calihose cannon
          Heat lance to be useable in a standing position and connect to a standard
          30lb propane tank

Appendix C2

VMAC Diesel Drive D60 – Bid Specifications
These specifications are for bid purposes only and are provided by VMAC.
All specifications are subject to change without notice.

AIR COMPRESSOR, Limited Engine Run Time, 60 CFM Diesel Engine Driven Standalone Above Deck Mounted
Rotary Screw with Engine Standby Mode

60 CFM and 150 PSI rotary screw air compressor system mounted above deck on a truck chassis or skid. Air
compressor output will be to ASME standards.

Compressor Air End:
The air compressor will be an oil flooded rotary screw capable of 100% duty cycle. Compressor will provide 60
CFM and 150 PSI. A high temperature cut off sensor is integrated on the compressor unit. The compressor is
equipped with a low profile integrated air inlet control. The compressor is direct driven from the engine’s fly
wheel without the use of a belt.

The air compressor will be powered by a 3-cylinder diesel, naturally aspirated, Tier Four Final Compliant,
liquid cooled, 23.5 HP engine. The engine will include an automated glow plug control.

Digital Control System:
A 12 volt digital control box with LCD display will be included that will show system hours, service reminders
and safety/functional messages. The control system will integrate with the diesel engine to automatically
start and stop the engine in response to air usage. Adjustable settings within the control system to include
delay to stand-by, air use rate, restart pressure, system pressure, auto-restart disable and system top up
pressure. Compressor and engine over-temperature shutdown, failed temperature probe, fan control, high
idle activation and error messages will all be controlled by the control system. The controller will also provide
for unload and stand-by functions; and auto restart when engine temperature drops below set point or when
battery charge drops below set point.

Air / Oil Separator Tank:
It will be a vertical tank, mounted within the enclosure of the compressor. Material will be of high-grade
aluminum material and will include a spin-on coalescing oil separator element and a replaceable spin on 25-
micron oil filter with safety bypass feature. It will contain an 8 seconds or less integral pneumatically piloted
blow down valve and minimum pressure check valve. A 200 PSI pressure relief valve will be integrated into
the tank.

Air Receiver Tank:
A secondary tank will be installed with a minimum of 5 gallons of capacity, and it will be rated to 150 PSI
working pressure.
Heat Exchanger:
The heat exchanger will be the air-to-liquid type with a 11“ 12 volt electric fan. The fan will cycle on/off to meet
cooling demands of the compressor.

Throttle Control:
Throttle control will be a 2 speed control and will automatically modulate engine RPM with air demand.

The overall package size will be no greater than 18" (w) x 34.5"(l) x 28" (h) – with optional fuel tank adding 5” to
the length. Total dry weight will not exceed 418 lb. The sheet metal enclosure will be aluminum for the base
material and 12 gauge aluminum for the sides and top cover. All sheet metal is to be powder coated.

Fuel Supply Options:
Fuel supply may be supplied by one of two options, the truck’s fuel tank or compressor-mounted fuel tank.

1. Fuel from the truck’s fuel tank requires an optional remote 12 volt activated diesel fuel priming pump.
2. Fuel from a compressor-mounted fuel tank requires an optional 7 gallon fuel tank with low fuel sensor
   and fuel gauge.

Optional Wheel Kit:

An optional factory-installed wheel kit will include three wheels for the package including a front caster wheel
with friction brake. Wheel kit will include factory installed 7 gallon fuel tank and digital display panel. Wheel kit
components will be rated for temperatures between 13°F (-25°C) and 104°F (+40°C).

Safety Features
The air compressor system will include an LED safety light and alarm to notify the user the system is in
standby mode. An alarm will be included to notify the user that the diesel engine and air compressor are
about to re-start. A 200 PSI pressure relief valve will be integrated into the tank and the control system
includes compressor and engine over-temperature shutdown.

Installation of air compressor must be completed only by the factory authorized distributor of the air
compressor manufacturer.
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