Québec Trauma System: An Integrated Model Promoting Quality Improvement - RedETSA November 2016

Québec Trauma System: An Integrated Model Promoting Quality Improvement - RedETSA November 2016
Québec Trauma System: An
Integrated Model Promoting
Quality Improvement

                                           November 2016

    Catherine Truchon, Ph.D., MSc. Adm.
     Coordinator and Principal Scientist
                Trauma Unit
Québec Trauma System: An Integrated Model Promoting Quality Improvement - RedETSA November 2016

     Trauma Unit Mandate
     Trauma Care Continuum (TCC)
          1.   Designation of facilities
          2.   Consortiums / Centers of expertise
          3.   Services for mild TBI / MTI (musculoskeletal traumatic injuries)
     Keys to success:
          1.   Innovative financial support
          2.   Governance and collaboration structures
          3.   Formal coordination mechanisms
          4.   Continuous quality improvement process
     Conclusion

Québec Trauma System: An Integrated Model Promoting Quality Improvement - RedETSA November 2016
Trauma unit mandate

                     • Assessment and follow-up of the Trauma
                       Care Continuum by monitoring
                       conformity, quality and performance
    TRAUMA CARE        indicators
       UNIT -        • Development of protocols, guidelines and
       INESSS          tools to support clinical practice
                     • Support and guidance of ministerial
                       decisions and orientations from a
                       scientific and clinical standpoint

Québec Trauma System: An Integrated Model Promoting Quality Improvement - RedETSA November 2016
Background history

    Prior to 1990, the mortality rate from severe trauma was over 52% in
    2 significant events:
    •November 1989: Death of the athlete Victor Davis
    •December 1989: Shooting at École Polytechnique

    The MSSS and the SAAQ formed a partnership in 1992, and the Trauma
    Advisory Council was established, leading to the creation of a model for
    organizing trauma services in Québec, namely,

                                     The Trauma Care Continuum (TCC)

Québec Trauma System: An Integrated Model Promoting Quality Improvement - RedETSA November 2016
Background history

    Main objectives for the Trauma Care Continuum:
    • Accessibility
    • Continuity
    • Efficacy
    • Quality of services
    Guiding principles:
    • Time dependence ("golden hour")
    • Reverse burden of proof
    • Regionalization of services

Québec Trauma System: An Integrated Model Promoting Quality Improvement - RedETSA November 2016
Trauma Care Continuum

    PRE-COLLISION    1.     Accident prevention

    COLLISION        2.     Injury prevention

                      3.     First responders (emergency – 911 calls)
                      4.     Centres de communication santé               Pre-hospital
                      5.     First responders – police – extrication
    POST-COLLISION    6.     Ambulance services
                      7.     Medical stabilization services
    IMPACT            8.     Primary trauma care centres                  In-hospital
                      9.     Secondary trauma care centres
                      10.    Tertiary trauma care centres / neurotrauma
                      11.    Expert care centres
                      12.    Inpatient rehabilitation                     and social
                      13.    Outpatient rehabilitation                    integration
                      14.    Community Participation Services

Québec Trauma System: An Integrated Model Promoting Quality Improvement - RedETSA November 2016
Historical perspective (cont’d)

    1987: First agreement between the SAAQ and rehabilitation centres with regard to care and
          services for MS TBI victims

    1992-1995: First cycle of hospital designation process by the Trauma Advisory Council
               (acute care)

    1997: Designation of two centers of expertise (East and West) for care and services       CEBM
          for spinal cord injuries victims; and contract with the SAAQ

    1999: Designation of rehabilitation centres by the Trauma Advisory Council to    Regionalization
          provide care and services for MS TBI victims                               of rehabilitation
    2002-2006: Designation of Consortiums for MS TBI (continuum of care
               and services: acute care and rehabilitation)                    Consortiums

    2004-2005: Designation of two centers of expertise for severe            CEVBG
               burns victims (East and West)

    2010: Designation of a center of expertise for replantations     CEVARMU

Québec Trauma System: An Integrated Model Promoting Quality Improvement - RedETSA November 2016
Designation of Institutions

Québec Trauma System: An Integrated Model Promoting Quality Improvement - RedETSA November 2016
Consortiums / Centers of
    Consortiums moderate to severe TBI:
    • Inter-regional consortiums (5 for adults and 5 for
    • Regional consortiums (7 for adults
     and 2 for children/adolescents)

    Centers of expertise for spinal
    cord injuries victims:                                 Est

    • 1 for western Québec                         Ouest

    • 1 for eastern Québec
Québec Trauma System: An Integrated Model Promoting Quality Improvement - RedETSA November 2016
Integrated trauma system

     Tertiary trauma care centres
     and designated hospitals
     Acute-care hospitals offering
     early rehabilitation services

                                             Inpatient rehabilitation
                                             Intensive functional rehabilitation,
     Outpatient rehabilitation               supraregional mandate
     Regional base, social integration       Specialized and highly specialized
     and participation                       rehabilitation services

Centers of expertise

2 CE for Spinal Cord Injury
                                           CEVBGEQ (9 regions)
2 CE for Severe burns
                                            •   Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus du
                                            •   IRDPQ

     CEVBGOQ (9 regions)
     •   Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal
     •   Villa Médica Rehabilitation

Centers of expertise (cont’d)

      A provincial Center of expertise for victims of traumatic amputation or
     patients requiring emergency microsurgical revascularization (CEVARMU)

      Designated hospital
      Hôpital Notre-Dame
      de Montréal (CHUM)

      Regionalization of
      rehabilitation services

Services for mild TBI / MTI

                                 Services for mild TBI
     •2005-2010 Orientations of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services
     sociaux (MSSS) (to be revised in 2016 – INESSS has been mandated to
     perform a literature review)
     •All the regions of Québec must develop and implement organized
     services for mild TBI, in accordance with MSSS recommendations

              Services for musculoskeletal traumatic injuries (MTI)
     •Multiple diagnoses
     •Rehabilitation receives referrals from several hospitals

Single access
     point in each

Keys to success

Keys to success

     1. Innovative financial support
     2. Governance and collaboration
     3. Formal co-ordination mechanisms   MONITORING

     4. Continuous quality improvement

Innovative financial support

        Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ)

     • Financing model
     • Major commitment during the development and
       implementation of the TCC
     • Standing agreements throughout the phases of the
       service continuum (including consumers associations)
         • no refusal rights;
         • Zero delay for transfers;
         • Zero delay for return to the region

Governance and collaboration

     • Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (Department
       of trauma and critical care, and Department for persons
       with disabilities)

     • Trauma programs in acute-care hospitals and
       rehabilitation centres

     • Regional and inter-regional trauma coordination tables

     • INESSS Trauma Unit


Monitoring conformity and measuring
     quality and performance

Monitoring conformity and measuring
                        quality and performance

                        Quality and performance indicators
     Donabedian Model

Monitoring conformity and measuring
                                          quality and performance

     Quality and perfomance indicators                                                                           MORTALITY

               STRUCTURE                                      PROCESSES

                                                                                                                 LENGTH OF STAY

                                  Processes            Mortality           Readmissions                LOS            Complications
     Structure                        0.29                -0.19                   0.11                 0.19               -0.29
     Processes                                            -0.22                  -0.30                -0.19               -0.48
     Mortality                                                                    0.69                 0.34                  0.74
     Readmissions                                                                                      0.59                  0.67
     LOS                                                                                                                     0.87

     Moore L , Lavoie A , Bourgeois G , Lapointe J.
     Donabedian's structure-process-outcome quality of care model : Validation in an integrated trauma system.
     J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Jun;78(6):1168-75.
Monitoring conformity and measuring
                             quality and performance

                           Conformity of structure elements
     • Governance structure and continuous quality improvement
            o 4 meetings a year          INESSS
            o Continuous quality improvement plan and objectives         INESSS
     •   Formal commitment
            o Agreement protocols         INESSS
            o Letters of commitment from all the sectors (hospitals and rehabilitation
              centres)          INESSS
     •   Dedicated team
     •   Access to complementary expert opinions
     •   Facilities and equipment

Required protocols                                            Yes / No   Location
     Procédure pour le préavis du SPU avec description du rôle de chacun des intervenants et du
     mécanisme de collecte de données (y inclus une communication directe entre le médecin à
     l’urgence et le personnel ambulancier)
     Procédure de mise en tension à trois niveaux avec description du rôle de chacun des intervenants
     Procédure de mise en tension avec description du rôle de chacun des
     Procédure d’intubation difficile avec algorithme
     Procédure pour l’hémopéritoine avec algorithme
     Procédure pour l’échographie à l’urgence respectant le marqueur M30
     Procédure pour accès veineux avec algorithme médical et infirmier
     Procédure pour la stabilisation d’une fracture complexe du bassin avant le transfert
     Procédure de prise en charge d’une patiente traumatisée enceinte
     Procédure de prise en charge d’un traumatisé pédiatrique respectant les corridors de transfert
     Procédure pour l’antibiothérapie prophylactique dans le cas d'une fracture ouverte
     Procédure pour la prise en charge d’un patient présentant un traumatisme pénétrant à la région
     Procédure de clairance de la colonne cervicale
     Procédure de prise en charge avant transfert d’un patient présentant un
     traumatisme craniocérébral modéré ou grave (TCCMG)
     Procédure de dépistage et de gestion du risque de complications médicales graves pour les
     patients ayant subi un TCCL
     Procédure pour le maintien de la normothermie du patient
     Procédure pour la détection du syndrome compartimental
     Procédure pour la décontamination d’un patient
     (biologique, chimique, nucléaire, radiologique)

24   Procédure d’accompagnement pour le déplacement interne du patient
Conformity of required structure
     and process elements

Monitoring conformity and measuring
                  quality and performance


Monitoring conformity and measuring
                             quality and performance
     Surgical delay for long bones fractures < 24 hrs (example)

Monitoring conformity and measuring
                       quality and performance

     Adjusted mortality rate (example)

Monitoring conformity and measuring
                       quality and performance

     Adjusted complication rate (example)

Monitoring conformity and measuring
                               quality and performance

     Institution of TSC                Overall outcomes

         1992                 2002             Fall in the MORTALITY RATE of
                                               severe trauma from 52% to

                                                   Additional 24% decrease in            200 extra
                                                   the mortality rate from all          lives saved
                                                   trauma (all levels of severity)        per year
                   1999           2012
                                                   A 16% decrease in length of stay LOS
                                                   (with no impact on the                Savings of
                                                    complication or readmission         $6.3M / year

         Actuarial study by the SAAQ         Estimated savings of $3 billion since
                    (2006)                   1992


     Continuation … implications and issues:

     • Reconfiguration of the current healthcare network
     • Accountability model is complex and demanding
     • Other priorities and issues (aging, stroke, etc.)

     • Shared responsibility
     • Emphasis on continuous monitoring of indicators
     • Network support provided through tools, protocols, clinical
       practice guidelines


              2535, boulevard Laurier, 5e étage
                   Québec (Québec) G1V 4M3

GRASIAS !   2021, avenue Union, bureau 10.083
                   Montréal (Québec) H3A 2S9
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