Fairness Principles for Public Service Providers Regarding the Use of COVID-19 Vaccine Certification - Conseil canadien des ombudsmans ...

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Fairness Principles for Public Service Providers Regarding the Use of COVID-19 Vaccine Certification - Conseil canadien des ombudsmans ...
Fairness Principles for

                                                        MAY 2021
Public Service Providers
Regarding the Use
of COVID-19 Vaccine

  Canadian Council of       Conseil canadien des
  Parliamentary Ombudsman   ombudsmans parlementaires
Fairness Principles for Public Service Providers Regarding the Use of COVID-19 Vaccine Certification - Conseil canadien des ombudsmans ...
These guidelines are intended for:
3 Provincial/territorial governments
3 Other public bodies under the
  jurisdiction of the Ombudsman

These guidelines are not intended for:
2 Federal government
2 Indigenous governments
2 International travel procedures
2 Private sector

These guidelines are directed to public
organizations and are not intended to
replace public health guidance.

   Canadian Council of       Conseil canadien des
   Parliamentary Ombudsman   ombudsmans parlementaires
Governments around the world are                                           These administrative fairness principles
considering, or are currently in the process                               have been developed by the Canadian
of implementing, vaccine passports                                         Council of Parliamentary Ombudsman
or certificates1 to allow individuals to                                   (CCPO). The CCPO is comprised of
prove vaccination against COVID-19                                         provincial and territorial Ombudsman,
and gain access to certain services.                                       whose mandate is to ensure people are
Should municipal or provincial/territorial                                 treated fairly in the delivery of public
governments in Canada decide to                                            services. By following these fairness
implement vaccine certificates or passports                                principles, those who deliver public
to allow access to public services,                                        services are more likely to achieve fair
the following principles are offered to                                    administration in the use of vaccine
help guide public sector organizations                                     certification should it be introduced
to proactively ensure fairness in their                                    in Canada.
application. As a basic premise, and in
keeping with the principles of administrative
fairness, there should be no oppressive
or unreasonable barriers to accessing
services offered by provincial/territorial
and municipal governments based on a
person’s vaccination status; government
and other public services must be
accessible to all.

    Vaccine passport is the common term used to describe the process for proving vaccination status and confirming immunity against
    communicable diseases such as COVID-19. Other names for such certification may be used in different jurisdictions, such as vaccination
    certificate, immunity passport, or digital proof of vaccination.
Fairness Principles for Public Service Providers Regarding the Use of COVID-19 Vaccine Certification

    1. If vaccine certificates or passports                                    2. Government policy regarding the
       are implemented in Canadian                                                use of vaccination certificates
       provinces and territories,                                                 or passports must be evidence-
       governments must provide clear                                             informed and subject to regular
       direction on their application and                                         review.
       use to all entities providing services
       to the public, either via legislation or
                                                                                    Because the scientific and medical
       publicly available policy.
                                                                                    evidence for each COVID-19
                                                                                    vaccine continues to evolve, and the
       Decisions to restrict an individual’s                                        duration of protective immunity and
       access2 to services based on                                                 vaccine efficacy remains uncertain
       vaccination status must be made fairly                                       at this time, public organizations
       and consistently by public service                                           must make decisions regarding the
       providers. As such, if an individual’s                                       ongoing requirement for vaccination
       vaccination status is considered                                             status based on current advice from
       relevant to the receipt of public                                            appropriate public health officials and
       services, it is critical that government                                     the associated scientific data. There
       provide clear guidance to decision                                           should be a continuous assessment of
       makers through legislation or policy                                         whether there continues to be risk of
       in order to prevent arbitrary, unlawful,                                     transmission by those who have been
       unjust, or unreasonable decisions from                                       vaccinated – and if so, an explanation
       being made. The criteria for obtaining                                       of the rationale for continued use of
       such vaccine certification must be                                           such vaccine certificates or passports.
       clearly established in such legislation                                      Until further information is available
       or policy, communicated to the public,                                       and public health restrictions are lifted
       evidence-based, and subject to review                                        or loosened, public organizations
       or appeal. Provincial or territorial                                         should consider whether they can
       governments may create this legal                                            continue to provide adequate services
       or policy framework for the use of                                           using the same methods employed
       vaccine certificates or passports, but,                                      throughout the pandemic (such as
       in the interests of policy consistency,                                      through telephone and online delivery)
       any such policy should apply to the                                          with no disruption in service delivery.
       broader public sector.

    The term “access” used throughout this document refers specifically to in-person access to public services delivered by municipal, provincial
    and territorial governments in Canada. Remote access to these services should not be affected in any way by a person’s COVID-19
    vaccination status.
Fairness Principles for Public Service Providers Regarding the Use of COVID-19 Vaccine Certification

                                                                  to public health. In addition, if tests
    3. Determining access to public                               for COVID-19 will be required to gain
       services based on vaccination status                       in-person access to a public service,
       cannot be contrary to the pre-existing                     these tests must be free, easily
       laws of the relevant jurisdiction.                         accessible and available to all those
                                                                  who may require them in the pursuit of
                                                                  receiving such service.
       The unprecedented global pandemic
       cannot allow the lessening of legal
       frameworks in place that serve to                      5. Requirements to disclose vaccination
       protect individuals, such as privacy                      status in order to access public
       and human rights law. These laws                          services must be proportionate to the
       must be considered when deciding                          type of service being provided, the
       whether to require proof of vaccination                   associated risk to individuals and the
       for access to a public service, and                       risk posed to public health.
       adequate consultation with relevant
       stakeholders and regulators should be
                                                                  The decision to require vaccination
       conducted in each jurisdiction.
                                                                  status prior to receiving a public
                                                                  service must be proportionate to
    4. If introduced, vaccine certification                       the nature of the service being
       must be made available in a way                            provided and the risk of transmission
       that is equitable and accessible to                        of the COVID-19 virus. Similarly,
       everyone.                                                  where restrictions on an individual’s
                                                                  liberty have been imposed based
                                                                  on their vaccination status (such
       While digital technology such as smart
                                                                  as self-isolation requirements
       phones may be able to provide some
                                                                  for inmates upon admission to a
       individuals with immediate access
                                                                  correctional centre), these must also
       to their personal health information
                                                                  be proportionate to the level of risk
       (including their immunization
                                                                  involved and reviewed regularly to
       records), this information must be
                                                                  determine whether or not they continue
       made accessible in multiple ways.
                                                                  to be necessary, as they could be
       This means ensuring that there are
                                                                  viewed as arbitrary and unfair.
       alternative methods, such as paper
       records, for individuals to prove they
       have been fully vaccinated against
       COVID-19 and pose a reduced risk

Fairness Principles for Public Service Providers Regarding the Use of COVID-19 Vaccine Certification

                                                            standard policy. This guidance
6. Accommodations must be made for                          should ideally include information
   those who have not received the                          about the factors to consider when
   vaccine.                                                 making accommodations, any limits
                                                            to their discretion in determining such
                                                            exceptions to the rule, and contact
   There are many individuals who may
                                                            information for a resource within the
   not be able to receive the COVID-19
                                                            organization where front-line staff can
   vaccine (including as a result of the
                                                            obtain further assistance or advice.
   phased roll-out) and there are also
   those who will choose not to receive
   the vaccine. In these circumstances,                 8. Decisions about restricting access
   public services should not be restricted                to a service based on a person’s
   on the basis of vaccination status.                     vaccination status must be done in a
   Instead, reasonable accommodations                      transparent, procedurally fair manner
   must be made for those individuals                      and be clearly communicated to the
   to receive services, and alternative                    affected person in an accessible way.
   methods of service delivery should be
   available to them.
                                                            Individuals who are denied service or
                                                            have limited access based on their
7. Public organizations should provide                      vaccination status must have the ability
   clear guidance to their staff to assist                  to communicate with a representative
   them in making and communicating                         of the service provider to discuss
   decisions to limit access to services                    the matter and communicate their
   based on vaccination status.                             concerns. To facilitate this, adequate
                                                            notice about the requirement to
                                                            disclose vaccination status to access
   Decisions about limiting access
                                                            the service must be provided to the
   to public services can be complex
                                                            individual in advance. This notice
   and challenging for front-line
                                                            should contain:
   staff, particularly in the rapidly
   changing situation of the pandemic.                        • clear reasons for the requirement
   Organizations should provide                                 to disclose vaccination status;
   proper guidance to their staff to                          • the criteria used to make
   help them exercise discretion fairly                         the decision that led to the
   and allow for some flexibility and                           requirement;
   accommodations to be made to

Fairness Principles for Public Service Providers Regarding the Use of COVID-19 Vaccine Certification

        • the consequences for declining                          clear and meaningful reasons to the
          to provide information about                            affected individual.
          vaccination status;
        • information about how to access                    10. If vaccine certificates or passports
          the service without disclosing                         are implemented, government must
          vaccination status; and                                ensure that independent oversight is
        • the name or title of a contact                         in place.
          person at the organization who can
          answer questions and address any
                                                                  Independent oversight of government
          concerns about the requirement.
                                                                  is an essential aspect of Canada’s
       In addition, general policy regarding                      democratic system. Particularly in
       any requirements to prove vaccination                      times of significant and constant
       status in order to access a service                        change, and when governments
       should be made publicly available on                       are taking such extraordinary steps
       the organization’s website.                                to protect the health of individuals,
                                                                  oversight of government decisions is
                                                                  needed to ensure that government
    9. When decisions are made to deny
                                                                  is accountable to the public it
       or limit public services to those who
                                                                  serves. Furthermore, should vaccine
       may not be able to prove vaccination
                                                                  certification be introduced in Canada,
       status, they must be informed of their
                                                                  municipal, provincial and territorial
       right to appeal and be provided with
                                                                  governments would benefit from
       information about the appeal process
                                                                  proactive engagement with oversight
                                                                  bodies such as the Ombudsman. The
                                                                  members of the CCPO welcome the
       Decisions to limit or restrict services                    opportunity to consult with government
       can have a significant negative impact                     to proactively identify fairness issues
       on individuals. As such, procedural                        that may arise should vaccine
       fairness also requires that those who                      certification be introduced in Canadian
       suffer such an impact be informed                          provincial/territorial jurisdictions.
       of their right to appeal to the service                    Governments may also reference, and
       provider for an exception to the proof                     find useful, the Fairness by Design
       of vaccination requirement based on                        self-assessment guide created by
       their individual circumstances. Any                        the CCPO for public organizations to
       decision made on appeal must provide                       proactively evaluate the fairness of
                                                                  their programs and policies.
Canadian Council of       Conseil canadien des
Parliamentary Ombudsman   ombudsmans parlementaires
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