Q1 2021 PAN India - ANAROCK Property Consultants

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Q1 2021 PAN India - ANAROCK Property Consultants

Residential Market Viewpoints

PAN India


     04           06            07             08
     New Launch   Sales         Available      Average
     Supply       Trend         Inventory      Price
Q1 2021 PAN India - ANAROCK Property Consultants
A New Decade - A New Beginning

The year 2020 can be documented in the                Reduced cost multiple of homeownership
history of mankind as a Black Swan event              with rising income levels and declining home
that brought the entire world to a halt and           loan rates enabled buyers to settle for a hard
the global economy being rendered inert.              asset. Stamp duty reduction in states like
While India also faced the brunt of the               Maharashtra followed by Karnataka (for
unprecedented crisis created by the COVID-            affordable housing) made the home buying
19 outbreak and the subsequent lockdown,              propositions more lucrative. Sales
the economy proved to be resilient due to a           registrations in Maharashtra in March 2021
slew of reforms and stimulus packages                 were (approximately 12,700 units) 3.3 times
announced by the government. The revival              the registrations in March 2020. The euphoria
was quick as evident from the economic                on the street is evident from the new records
growth turning positive in a matter of few            achieved by many developers clocking best-
quarters.                                             ever quarterly sales in the recent periods and
                                                      a few major housing finance companies
The real estate sector, particularly the              disbursing the highest volumes of loans.
housing segment demonstrated exceptional
suppleness as cities unlocked and the                 The increasing presence of organized
restrictions began to ease across the country.        developers is re-instating homebuyer
The year gone by was undoubtedly                      confidence. The share of sales by organized
exemplary as it reduced real estate activities        developers has already risen from 17% in
to its all-time low in the decade but within no       FY’17 to 40% in Q3 FY’21.
time the sector sprang back into action
charting a recovery. The segment had                  The pandemic has altered the buyers’
fathomed the bottom and has now begun to              preferences. Their predilections are for
chart a new growth trajectory.                        larger layouts with higher safety, hygiene,
                                                      and captive amenities to ensure safe
The continued trend of rising new launches            distancing yet secure an apartment that
during the current quarter stands testimony           compliments their lifestyle.
to the renewed demand and the confidence
of developers who are optimistic about the            The housing demand is likely to become
future. The top 7 cities recorded an increase         stronger over the period, but the pace may
in launches in Q1 2021 to 62,130 units which is       slow down as the stimuli of the low-interest
18% more than the previous quarter and 51%            rates and stamp duty cuts will soon come to
more on y-o-y basis. Housing sales also               an end. These measures may not be eternal
bounced back to 58,290 units which is 15%             and will either be revised or revoked in the
more on quarterly basis and 29% in a year.            future which will impact the housing demand
                                                      temporarily. However, in the short term,
This stupendous recovery of the housing               markets are likely to be active and it looks
market in the country can be attributed to            almost certain that the housing demand will
several factors that made the sector                  continue to remain upbeat.
attractive. Bottomed-out property prices in
most top cities including MMR following
developer discounts have been instrumental
in triggering demand.

                                                      ANUJ PURI
                                                      Founder & Chairman
                                                      ANAROCK Group

2 | Residential Market Viewpoints PAN India Q1 2021
Q1 2021 PAN India - ANAROCK Property Consultants
Key Highlights
Q1 2021 | PAN India


Launches across the top 7 cities continued to gain momentum
during the first quarter of 2021. All cities, except Hyderabad
exceeded their volumes compared to the last quarter as the
housing demand improved with the after-effects of COVID
outbreak now receding amidst ongoing vaccination drive.

Major cities such as MMR, NCR, Pune and Bengaluru recorded
over 20% rise in launches compared to the previous quarter.

The mid-end segment dominated the launches and accounted
for nearly 43% of the total supply. The affordable segment
made a comeback in Q1 2021, accounting for nearly 30%                              62,130               18%
compared to a share of 25% in the previous quarter.                                Units                Q-o-Q


Sales across the top 7 cities increased by 15% compared to the
previous quarter. The cities recorded growth in the range of
10% to 23%.

MMR and Pune accounted for more than 50% of the total sales
in Q1 2021. The stamp duty waiver has been instrumental in                         58,290               15%
furthering sales in these cities.                                                  Units                Q-o-Q


Supply exceeded the sales marginally in Q1 2021 as well as in
the previous quarter as well, which resulted in the increase in
available inventory.

Chennai recorded the lowest available inventory among the                          641,860              1%
top 7 cities.                                                                      Units                Q-o-Q


City                          New Launches            Sold Units   Available Inventory           Avg. Price (INR/sf)
NCR                                     6,750             8,790                 168,360                          4,650
MMR                                    14,820            20,350                197,040                          10,750
Bengaluru                               7,690             8,670                  58,350                          5,060
Pune                                   13,820            10,550                 96,440                           5,580
Hyderabad                              12,620             4,400                 44,980                           4,240
Chennai                                 4,620             2,850                  36,220                          4,990
Kolkata                                  1,810            2,680                 40,470                          4,400

Budget Segmentation:                                                      PAN India refers to Top 7 cities of India only
Affordable: < INR 40 Lakh                                            Average price in INR/sf as quoted on BSP on BUA
Mid-end: INR 40 Lakh - INR 80 Lakh
High-end: INR 80 Lakh - INR 1.5 Cr
Luxury: INR 1.5 Cr - INR 2.5 Cr
Ultra-luxury: > INR 2.5 Cr

3 | Residential Market Viewpoints PAN India Q1 2021
Q1 2021 PAN India - ANAROCK Property Consultants
New Launch Supply Trend
PAN India

70,000                                                                                                                        Units
50,000                                                                                           lockdown





      Q1 2018   Q2 2018   Q3 2 018   Q4 2018   Q1 2019   Q2 2019   Q3 2 019   Q4 2019   Q1 2020 Q2 202 0 Q3 2 020 Q4 2020    Q1 2021

 1        Launches continued to rise across the top 7 cities in Q1 2021, recording an 18% increase
          from the previous quarter and 51% rise compared to the same period last year.

 2        Most of the cities have recorded significant growth in launches in the range of 15% to 74%.
          MMR, Pune, and NCR together accounted for over 69% of the total launches.

 3        Due to a surge in housing demand amidst the declining threat of COVID outbreak, the
          developers now have a better hold on the future and are looking to launch new projects.

TOP 7 CITIES                                                        City                 Q1-21    Q4-20     Q1-20    Q-o-Q     Y-o-Y
                                                                    NCR                 6,750      5,520     6,190    22%         9%
All cities largely witnessed an increase in                         MMR                 14,820     11,910   10,490    24%        41%
supply over the previous quarter. In fact,                          Bengaluru           7,690     6,400     8,600     20%        -11%
Pune attained a new peak since Q1 2019.                             Pune                13,820    11,200    7,790     23%        77%
                                                                    Hyderabad           12,620    12,820    3,380      -2%     273%
Hyderabad continued to record high volume                           Chennai             4,620      3,930    3,680      17%       26%
of supply albeit marginally short compared                          Kolkata              1,810     1,040     1,090    74%        66%
to last quarter.



4 | Residential Market Viewpoints PAN India Q1 2021
Q1 2021 PAN India - ANAROCK Property Consultants
New Launch Supply Trend
By Budget Segmentation

       2%                  4%         3%        4%        5%           3%          4%          3%                     3%     3%     2%
       4%        6%                                                    4%                                  8%
                           5%         6%        5%                                             6%                     7%     5%     6%
                 4%                                       9%                       8%
      20%                  16%       13%       15%                     16%
                15%                                                                15%         17%                  19%            19%

                31%       33%        40%       32%                    36%                                  67%
                                                                                   32%         36%
                                                         32%                                                        41%            43%

                44%       42%                  44%                     41%         41%
                                     38%                 34%                                   38%
      33%                                                                                                          30%             30%
                                                                                                           25%              25%

     Q1 2018   Q2 2018   Q3 2 018   Q4 2018   Q1 2019   Q2 2019      Q3 2 019   Q4 2019    Q1 2020 Q2 202 0 Q3 2 020 Q4 2020      Q1 2021

 1          While the share of affordable housing increased to 30% in Q1 2021, the share of mid-
            segment remained largely stable from the previous quarter.

 2          MMR, Pune and NCR contributed nearly 71% of the launches in affordable segment across
            the top 7 cities of India.

TOP 7 CITIES – Q1 2021
                                                               1%            1%           3%                     2%        2%
                                                                             4%                                                   5%
                                                               10%                                               9%
Hyderabad and Pune accounted                                                                         21%                   14%    8%
for nearly 89% of the supply in the                                          18%

mid-end and high-end segments in                               21%
                                                                                                                           14%    20%
Q1 2021.
The gap between affordable and                                                                                             18%
                                                                                                     38%         60%
mid-end segment in Kolkata has
narrowed down gradually over the                                                                                                  28%
last 3 years. The mid segment
accounted for only 4% while
affordable segment had a share of                                                        61%
89% in Q1 2018. Currently, the mid-                                          55%                                           52%
segment accounts for 38%
indicating the changing preference                                                                                                38%
of buyers.                                                                                                       29%

In NCR, the share of the luxury                                                           5%
segment increased from 1% in the                          Bengaluru      Che nnai Hyderabad Kolkata              Pune      NCR    MMR
previous quarter to 14% in Q1 2021,
indicating that this segment is
                                                          Budget Segmentation:
back in action.                                                    Affordable: < INR 40 Lakh
                                                                   Mid-end: INR 40 Lakh - INR 80 Lakh
                                                                   High-end: INR 80 Lakh - INR 1.5 Cr
                                                                   Luxury: INR 1.5 Cr - INR 2.5 Cr
                                                                   Ultra-luxury: > INR 2.5 Cr

5 | Residential Market Viewpoints PAN India Q1 2021
Q1 2021 PAN India - ANAROCK Property Consultants
Sales Trend
PAN India


 70,000                                                                                                               58,290
 50,000                                                                                   lockdown





       Q1 2018   Q2 2018 Q3 2 018 Q4 2018     Q1 2019   Q2 2019 Q3 2 019 Q4 2019 Q1 2020 Q2 202 0 Q3 2 020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021

 1         Total sales in Q1 2021 increased by 15% on quarter and 29% on year.

 2         Range-bound prices, improved affordability, employment stability, all-time low home loan
           rates along with the government stimulus of reduced stamp duty enabled sales.

 3         Discounts/offers by developers to liquidate inventory also triggered sales across cities.

 4         While previously buyers preferred only completed projects or those nearing completion to
           mitigate execution risk and project delays, we have noted a renewed interest in new
           launches during the quarter.

TOP 7 CITIES                                                     City              Q1-21    Q4-20    Q1-20    Q-o-Q     Y-o-Y
                                                                 NCR              8,790     7,760    8,150      13%       8%
All cities witnessed an increase in sales to                     MMR             20,350    17,600    13,910    16%       46%
the tune of 10% to 23%, over the previous                        Bengaluru        8,670     7,900    8,630     10%         Nil
quarter as the fear of the pandemic got                          Pune            10,550     9,260    7,200     14%       47%
allayed with the prospects of the vaccine                        Hyderabad        4,400     3,570    2,680     23%       64%
ensuring restoration of employment and                           Chennai          2,850     2,460    2,190     16%       30%
economic activities.                                             Kolkata          2,680     2,350    2,440     14%        10%



6 | Residential Market Viewpoints PAN India Q1 2021
Q1 2021 PAN India - ANAROCK Property Consultants
Available Inventory Trend
PAN India

  700,000                                                                                 lockdown


  660,000                                                                                                          641,860



        Q1 2018   Q2 2018 Q3 2 018 Q4 2018     Q1 2019   Q2 2019 Q3 2 019 Q4 2019 Q1 2020 Q2 202 0 Q3 2 020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021

 1       Available inventory marginally increased by 1% compared to Q4 2020. This increase is
         primarily due to supply exceeding sales for two consecutive quarters. However, it is a
         good indicator of renewed confidence among the developers and brighter prospects for
         the future.

 2       NCR, MMR, Bengaluru and Kolkata recorded marginal reduction in available inventory
         compared to the previous quarter.

TOP 7 CITIES                                                     City             Q1-21    Q4-20     Q1-20    Q-o-Q    Y-o-Y
                                                                 NCR            168,360 170,400     173,120     -1%      -3%
Hyderabad recorded a significant increase of                     MMR            197,040 202,570     213,180    -3%       -8%
22% in available inventory due to high                           Bengaluru       58,350   59,330    62,790     -2%       -7%
volume of launches during the current and                        Pune           96,440     93,180    93,310     4%       3%
the previous quarter.                                            Hyderabad      44,980    36,760     24,910    22%       81%
                                                                 Chennai         36,220   34,450     33,510     5%       8%
Chennai continues to record the lowest
                                                                 Kolkata        40,470     41,340   43,600     -2%       -7%
available inventory across the major cities as
of Q1 2021.

     CHENNAI                                                                                              HYDERABAD

7 | Residential Market Viewpoints PAN India Q1 2021
Q1 2021 PAN India - ANAROCK Property Consultants
Available Inventory Trend
By Budget Segmentation

        5%                                    6%             3%               5%                  5%                3%
                           12%                                                                                      2%
        7%                                                                    7%                  7%
                                              8%             14%                                                    11%

       15%                 12%
                                              28%                                                                   23%

                           22%                35%

                                                                             37%                                    61%

                                              23%                                                24%

       NCR                MMR              Bengaluru         Pune          Hyderabad           Che nnai           Kolkata

 1        The affordable and the mid segments account for the                       Budget Segmentation:
                                                                                             Affordable: < INR 40 Lakh
          highest share of available inventory across the cities.                            Mid-end: INR 40 Lakh - INR 80 Lakh
                                                                                             High-end: INR 80 Lakh - INR 1.5 Cr
                                                                                             Luxury: INR 1.5 Cr - INR 2.5 Cr
 2        Bengaluru recorded a reduction in available inventory                              Ultra-luxury: > INR 2.5 Cr
          despite significant launches in the mid segment during
          the quarter. This may be attributed to the need for
          extra spaces considering that the IT-ITeS
          professionals continue to work from home.

 3        Kolkata has the highest available inventory in the
          affordable segment due to continued supply addition.


                 Avg. Base Selling                 Q-o-Q           Y-o-Y     Inventory              Q-o-Q              Y-o-Y
                    Price (INR/sf)                   (%)             (%)    Overhang*             Change*            Change*
NCR                          4,650                     2%            2%             85                    -3                +35
MMR                           10,750                   1%            1%                47                 -8                +11
Bengaluru                        5,060                 2%            2%                28                 -1                +11
Pune                             5,580                 1%            1%                43                 -5                +12
Hyderabad                        4,240                 1%            1%                53                  1                +31
Chennai                          4,990                 1%            1%                59                 -3                +21
Kolkata                       4,400                    Nil           Nil               66                 -4                +24

                                                                                                                     *In months

Prices increased marginally in Q1 2021 as the housing demand has witnessed a renewed interest.
Also, the inputs costs have increased during the past few months. However, the developers
continue to remain cautious to ensure continuity of sales.

Pan India inventory overhang decreased by 4 months during the quarter as majority of the cities
witnessed an increase in sales.

8 | Residential Market Viewpoints PAN India Q1 2021
Q1 2021 PAN India - ANAROCK Property Consultants
Inventory Overhang v/s New Launch
Supply v/s Available Inventory

                                                                                                                 Note: Size of the circle represents
                            18,000                                                                                available inventory as of Q1 2021

                            16,000                                           MMR

                            14,000                                         Pune

 Launches (No. of Units)






                                0        1
                                     0       10   20        30          40         50            60         70     80           90          100

                                                                   Inventory Overhang (Months)

   1                          Bengaluru seems to be the healthiest market across the top 7 cities with low availability
                              and an inventory overhang on less than 30 months.

 2                            Chennai with the least availability has an inventory overhang of nearly 5 years due to low
                              sales volume.

                           BENGALURU                                                    CHENNAI

9 | Residential Market Viewpoints PAN India Q1 2021
Q1 2021 PAN India - ANAROCK Property Consultants
5 Key Takeaways
Q1 2021

As the prospects the country to get vaccinated becomes a reality, the fear of a second wave is
gripping on us. It is true that the country and the economy has emerged resilient and stronger
from the periods of lockdown experienced last year. However, if such a scenario is to be
repeated, the government may take steps to stimulate the economy as assured. The massive
vaccination drive undertaken may not result in the recurrence of such extreme situations.

The housing market across the major cities have recovered and scaling up once again from a
bottom that was forced. The demand is renewed as evident from the upward trend of launches
and sales. While the prices may continue an upward trend, the rise is expected be gradual. The
stimulus offered in the form of low interest rates to keep the economy buoyant may continue for
some more time till the inflation is manageable. Albeit it may not be sustainable for long.

The time bound measures of reduced stamp duty in Maharashtra and a few other states
stimulated sales in the last quarter. However, as this comes to an end, there may be some
sluggishness in the sales. New project launches may take a breather in the next quarter as there
has been a significant addition in the last few quarters and the momentum is likely to regain
during the festive season.

                                                       1   The regime of low interest rates may
                                                           continue for some time and
                                                           homebuyers may look to benefit from
                                                           the same.

                                                       2   New designs and layouts of functional
                                                           homes are likely to see light of the day
                                                           in new projects that may be launched
                                                           later during the year.

                                                       3   Prices are likely to revise upwards in
                                                           the medium-to-long term.

                                                       4   Affordable and mid segment to
                                                           remain in focus as buyers may remain
                                                           price sensitive even though the
                                                           certainty of employment may improve
                                                           in the future.

                                                       5   The demand is going to be led by
                                                           end-users with the emergence of new
                                                           markets in the tier II & III cities.

10 | Residential Market Viewpoints PAN India Q1 2021

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1002, 10th Floor, B Wing, ONE BKC, Plot No. C-66, G Block
Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai 400 051

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