Pvmcitypaper.com ISSUE 550 - PV Mirror

Pvmcitypaper.com ISSUE 550 - PV Mirror

                   7 TO 13 JUNE - 2019   ISSUE 550
Pvmcitypaper.com ISSUE 550 - PV Mirror
You are here, finally!                                                                                         If you’ve been meaning to find a little information on the region, but never
                                                                                                                    quite got around to it, we hope that the following will help. If you look at
     We wish you a warm                                                                                             the maps on this page, you will note that PV (as the locals call it) is on
                                                                                                                    the west coast of Mexico, smack in the middle of the Bay of Banderas -
                  Welcome                                                                                           one of the largest bays in this country - which includes southern part of
                                                                                                                    the state of Nayarit to the north and the northern part of Jalisco to the
                                                                                                                    south. Thanks to its privileged location -sheltered by the Sierra Madre
                                                                                                                    mountains- the Bay is well protected against the hurricanes spawned in
                                                                                                                    the Pacific. Hurricane Kenna did come close on October 25, 2002, but
                                                                                                                    actually touched down in San Blas, Nayarit, some 200 kms north of PV.
                                                                                                                    The town sits on the same parallel as the Hawaiian Islands, thus the
                                                                                                                    similarities in the climate of the two destinations.

    AREA: 1,300 sq. kilometers                                        that can only be boarded there. They have pre-fixed rates                        yet, if you have a “bank card”, withdraw funds from your
    POPULATION: 350,000 inhabitants                                   per passenger. City cabs are yellow or white, and charge by                      account back home. Try to avoid exchanging money at
    CLIMATE: Tropical, humid, with an average of 300 sunny            the ride, not by passenger. When you ask to go downtown,                         your hotel. Traditionally, those offer the worst rates.
days per year. The temperature averages 28°C (82°F) and the           remember that your fare covers the ENTIRE central area, so                           WHAT TO DO: Even if your all-inclusive hotel is everything
rainy season extends from late June to early October.                 make sure you are brought to the main plaza! Pick up a free                      you ever dreamed of, you should experience at least a
    FAUNA: Nearby Sierra Vallejo hosts a great variety                map, and insist on your full value from the driver! Note the                     little of all that Vallarta has to offer - it is truly a condensed
of animal species such as iguana, guacamaya, deer,                    number of your taxi in case of any problem, or if you forget                     version of all that is Mexican and existed before «Planned
raccoon, etc.                                                         something in the cab. Then your hotel or travel rep can help                     Tourist Resorts», such as Cancun, Los Cabos and Ixtapa,
    SANCTUARIES: Bahía de Banderas encloses two Marine                you check it out or lodge a complaint.                                           were developed. Millions have been spent to ensure that
National Parks - Los Arcos and the Marieta Islands - where               Uber has also been available in PV for the past year or so.                   the original “small town” flavor is maintained downtown, in
diving is allowed under certain circumstances but fishing of          Download their app in your smartphone.                                           the Old Town and on the South Side.
any kind is prohibited. Every year, the Bay receives the visit of        TIME ZONE: The entire State of Jalisco is on Central Time,                        DRINKING WATER: The false belief that a Mexican vacation
the humpback whales, dolphins and manta rays in the winter.           as is the area of the State of Nayarit from Lo de Marcos in the                  must inevitably lead to an encounter with Moctezuma’s
During the summer, sea turtles, a protected species, arrive to        north to the Ameca River, i.e.: Nuevo Vallarta, Bucerías, La Cruz                revenge is just that: false. For the 26th year in a row, Puerto
its shores to lay their eggs.                                         de Huanacaxtle, Sayulita, San Pancho, Punta Mita, etc. North                     Vallarta’s water has been awarded a certification of purity for
    ECONOMY: Local economy is based mainly on tourism,                of Lo De Marcos, Guayabitos, La Peñita, San Blas, etc. are on                    human consumption. It is one of only two cities in Mexico that
construction and to a lesser degree, on agriculture,                  Mountain Time, i.e.: one hour behind PV time.                                    can boast of such accomplishment. True, the quality of the
mainly tropical fruit such as mango, papaya, watermelon,                 TELEPHONE CALLS: Always check on the cost of long                             water tested at the purification plant varies greatly from what
pineapple, guanabana, cantaloupe and bananas.                         distance calls from your hotel room. Some establishments                         comes out of the tap at the other end. So do be careful. On
    CURRENCY: The Mexican Peso is the legal currency in               charge as much as U.S. $7.00 per minute!                                         the other hand, most large hotels have their own purification
Mexico although Canadian and American dollars are widely                 CELL PHONES: Most cellular phones from the U.S. and                           equipment and most restaurants use purified water. If you
accepted.                                                             Canada may be programmed for local use, through Telcel and                       want to be doubly sure, you can pick up purified bottled
    BUSES: A system of urban buses with different routes.             IUSAcell, the local carriers. To dial cell to cell, use the prefix 322,          water just about anywhere.
Current fare is $10.00 Pesos per ticket and passengers                then the seven digit number of the person you’re calling. Omit                       EXPORTING PETS: Canadian and American tourists often
must purchase a new ticket every time they board another              the prefix if dialling a land line.                                              fall in love with one of the many stray dogs and cats in Vallarta.
bus. There are no “transfers”.                                           LOCAL CUSTOMS: Tipping is usually 15%-20% of the bill                         Many would like to bring it back with them, but believe that the
    TAXIS: There are set rates within defined zones of the            at restaurants and bars. Tip bellboys, taxis, waiters, maids,                    laws do not allow them to do so. Wrong. If you would like to
town. Do not enter a taxi without agreeing on the price with          etc. depending on the service. Some businesses and offices                       bring a cat or a dog back home, call the local animal shelter for
the driver FIRST. If you are staying in a hotel, you may want         close from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., reopening until 7 p.m. or later. In                 more info: 293-3690.
to check the rates usually posted in the lobby. Also, if you          restaurants, it is considered poor manners to present the                            LOCAL SIGHTSEEING: A good beginning would be to take
know which restaurant you want to go, do not let the driver           check before it is requested, so when you’re ready to leave,                     one of the City Tours offered by the local tour agencies. Before
change your mind. Many restaurateurs pay commissions                  ask «La cuenta, por favor» and your bill will be delivered to you.               boarding, make sure you have a map and take note of the
to taxi drivers and you may end up paying more than you                  MONEY EXCHANGE: Banks will give you a higher rate                             places you want to return to. Then venture off the beaten path.
should, in a second-rate establishment! There are 2 kinds             of exchange than the exchange booths (caja de cambio),                           Explore a little. Go farther than the tour bus takes you. And
of taxi cabs: those at the airport and the maritime port              though not all offer exchange services to foreigners. Better                     don’t worry - this is a safe place.

                                                      Publisher / Editor:                  Graphic Designer:                       Cover Photo:                                                250 words max, full name,
                                                                                                                                                                                               street or e-mail address and/
                                                      Allyna Vineberg                      Leo Robby R.R.                          “Hummingbird”                                               or tel. number for verification
                                                          avineberg@yahoo.com                                                      Courtesy of Vallarta Botanical Garden                       purposes only. If you do not
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                                                                                                                                   comments. Please send them by e-mail to:                    of the PVMIRROR and may be
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                                                      Contributors:                                                                avineberg@yahoo.com                                         publication. The articles in this
                                                                                                                                   PV Mirror es una publicación semanal. Certificados          publication are provided for the
                                                                                                                                   de licitud de título y contenido en tramite.                purpose of entertainment and
                                                                                                                                   Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de su             information only. The PV Mirror
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Pvmcitypaper.com ISSUE 550 - PV Mirror
My friends and I met for lunch at Salud Super Food (534-A Olas
                                                                         Altas), still the very best health(y) foods in Vallarta. Faultless service,
                                                                         unique drinks, incredible meatless hamburgers (and I’m a meat eater!)
                                                                         vegetarian and vegan friendly, smoothies, wraps, salads, sandwiches
                Anna Reisman                                             ...and espresso!
                                                                            We also went to Sapori di Sicilia (414 Olas Altas), right in the
  The Restaurant Week(s) event continues…                                middle of the “funnest” street in town. Luca’s lasagnas are superb, as
until June 10th! Although we’ve only visited a                           are his carpaccios, and penne, and desserts…
small percentage of the dozens of participating                             Okay, enough about restaurants.
restaurants, we’ve also visited some who are not,                           Getting back to the matter of the environment, if you’re on Facebook
but whose fare is just as good – as we recommended                       I’m sure you’re aware by now of the destruction that has begun south
that you do as well.                                                     of town where some developers want to dam rivers that feed a huge
  I’m stating this because we noticed something                          area of varied flora and fauna. If you are a Mexican citizen, GET
that truly pleased us, nearly everywhere we went, especially since       INVOLVED, PLEASE!
Earth Environment Day was this Tuesday, June 5th, 2019: there was           As is nearly always the case, only the voice of the people, united,
only one (very famous) restaurant that did not use biodegradable         can stop the abuse foisted upon it by unscrupulous folks who only care
straws! In case you’re not aware, these are made of avocado seeds!       about their own aggrandizement. Together we can stop this tragedy
  In the same vein, many of them are also using biodegradable            from happening.
containers to use for take-home leftovers, previously known as              As those of you reading us around the Bay of Banderas may be
“doggie bags” (though I wouldn’t give the contents to my furries,        aware already, the state and local authorities have been conducting
too rich, too delicious, and I’m too selfish!)                           safety stops all over the place lately. Vehicles have been impounded,
  More restaurant stuff: Barcelona Tapas (Matamoros, corner of           and over 3,100 tickets/fines were issued in the month of May alone.
31 de diciembre) now has an elevator! Many locals and visitors had       Many have complained, even demonstrating, asking for the removal
to stop frequenting this award-winning restaurant simply because of      of Jalisco’s governor. For my part, I hope the operation continues.
the number of steps they had to climb to get to the dining room or the   There are still way too many motorcyclists slaloming through the cars
new rooftop terrace finished a year and a half ago. Now that owner-      without helmets, too many drivers without seat belts and/or talking
chef William Carballo has totally renovated the ground floor and                                        on their cell phones, etc. etc. A word of
added the elevator, they can all come back to enjoy those delicious                                     warning if you drive around: make sure
tapas.                                                                                                  your car doesn’t have any broken lights,
  My friends and I also went to L’Angolo di Napoli and Tony’s                                           put on your seat belts, and set aside your
Please. The former, located at 128 Morelos, next to the Santander                                       cell phone!
Bank by the bridge, serves some of the very best pizzas on the south                                       The Nazi regime was defeated too late
side of the Rio Cuale. In addition, the Italian owner-chef’s non-                                       to save my grandparents. Never again!
stop bantering and singing is a delightful source of entertainment.                                     Never forget! May the souls of all those
  For its part, family-owned Tony’s Please (440 Lazaro Cardenas,                                        heroes who perished on D-Day, rest in
beneath Adrian Takano’s beautiful mural) has been around for                                            peace.
decades. Tony, his brother and sister, are always there in the                                             I believe the heat has begun. Enjoy,
evenings. I’m one of those boring types that always order the same                                      don’t forget your insect repellent and sun
things, in my case: their unbelievable garlic soup, followed by the                                     block. Hasta la próxima vez!
best chicken livers & onions anywhere.                                                                  sheis@ymail.com

Pvmcitypaper.com ISSUE 550 - PV Mirror
The governor of Jalisco has announced a 30-year master
    development plan for the coastal region of the state known as
      Speaking at an event Saturday at Chalacatepec beach, Enrique
    Alfaro Ramírez said that the plan will guarantee economic growth
    and development in the municipalities of Cabo Corrientes, Tomatlán,
    La Huerta and Cihuatlán during the next three decades.
      A 3.8-billion-peso (US $200-million) highway linking Puerto
    Vallarta to the region will be the centerpiece of the plan, which
    will also include other infrastructure projects such as new schools
    and health clinics. Construction of about 3,000 new hotel rooms —
    mainly five-star — will be permitted within an economic corridor
    that will urbanize just 1.7% of the 743,300 hectares that make up the
    Costalegre region, Alfaro said.
      A governing body made up of members of civil society, state and
    municipal authorities, investors and experts will be responsible
    for drawing up the specific details of the development plan and
    implementing it, he explained.

                                                                              “The intention is that this year we will be able to have a great
                                                                            agreement established with the political, social, economic and
                                                                            academic actors of Costalegre in order to define the direction of this
                                                                            region,” Alfaro said.
                                                                              “This project will have a direct impact on social well-being, the
                                                                            economy, land-use planning and protection of the environment. It’s
                                                                            a historic day because today the Costalegre [region] begins a new
                                                                            stage,” the Citizens’ Movement governor declared.
                                                                              Alfaro said the plan will help to improve the quality of life of
                                                                            Costalegre residents and explained that environmental impact studies
                                                                            for the highway project as well as the process to obtain rights of way
                                                                            will conclude soon, meaning that tendering to find a company to build
                                                                            the new road will take place this year.
                                                                              Once built, travel time between the Puerto Vallarta International
                                                                            Airport and Chalacatepec – a destination sometimes referred to as the
                                                                            new Cancún because of its natural beauty and tourism potential – is
                                                                            expected to be just 50 minutes.
                                                                              Alfaro stressed that the development in the Costalegre region will
                                                                            not be harmful to the environment and that particular care will be
                                                                            taken not to affect sea turtle nesting grounds. “. . . The basic core
                                                                            from which this [development] model will be built is to take care of
                                                                            our environmental assets [and] to look after sustainability . . .”
                                                                              (Sources: mexiconewsdaily.com, El Economista, El Occidental)

Pvmcitypaper.com ISSUE 550 - PV Mirror
      ...with those fabulous, unique pizzas and pastas that
    only Encuentros can prepare. Check out the beautiful
new location at 124 Berlin, between Hamburgo and Aldanaca
Streets in Versalles. Tel.: 222-2598. Open and ready to ‘seduce
         your senses’ from 1 to 10 p.m. Closed Sundays.

Pvmcitypaper.com ISSUE 550 - PV Mirror
President López Obrador officially launched      (EIS) for an oil field, not a refinery, and it
    construction of the new US $8-billion refinery     lacked other required permits as stipulated by
    in Tabasco yesterday even though some              environmental laws.
    studies for the project haven’t been carried         Despite their opposition, Energy Secretary
    out and it lacks all the required permits.         Rocio Nahle said yesterday that the EIS
      The president reiterated his pledge that         approved by the Security, Energy and
    the Dos Bocas refinery will be completed in        Environmental Agency (ASEA) authorizes
    three years and not cost more than 150 billion     the commencement of conditioning work at
    pesos.                                             the site.
      Mexico “depends too much on buying                 “Pemex, IMP [the Mexican Institute of
    foreign gasoline,” López Obrador said,             Petroleum] and the Secretariat of Energy have
    promising that while the refinery is being built   worked constantly with ASEA and Semarnat
    energy costs won’t increase and that when it       [the Secretariat of the Environment] to comply
    has been completed – and the country’s six         with . . . the technical study for the change of
    existing refineries have been rehabilitated –      land use, it’s already pre-approved and this
    they will come down.                               week the final ruling will be presented,” she
      López Obrador announced last month that          said.
    the state oil company will build the refinery        Nahle added that an environmental risk
    on the Gulf of Mexico coast because the bids       assessment and a regional environmental
    made by private companies were too high and        impact statement will be presented to the
    their estimated time frames to complete the        relevant authorities within a period of 17
    project were too long.                             days.
                                                                         At the end of June, she said,
                                                                       “we will be tendering six
                                                                       construction contracts . . . so
                                                                       that all the parts that are under
                                                                       construction can start at the
                                                                       same time and we can finish the
                                                                       refinery in three years.”
                                                                         Construction of the refinery
                                                                       will generate more than
                                                                       100,000 direct and indirect jobs,
                                                                       according to the government,
                                                                       and once in operation will have
                                                                       the capacity to produce 340,000
                                                                       barrels of petroleum a day.
                                                                         However,       experts     have
                                                                       questioned the heavily-indebted
      Last week, he said that his administration       state oil company’s technical capacity to
    has “prior authorization” to begin work.           execute the project while the Mexican
      However, the Mexican Center for                  Institute for Competitiveness, a think tank,
    Environmental Law and Greenpeace warned            warned that the refinery only has a 2% chance
    that construction of the project could not yet     of success.
    legally start because its approval was based
    on a 2012 environmental impact statement            (Sources: mexiconewsdaily.com, Reforma)

Pvmcitypaper.com ISSUE 550 - PV Mirror
Within PV

Pvmcitypaper.com ISSUE 550 - PV Mirror
MOVIES: Got an email from an                                                                                        I can still honestly state that I do
Irishman living in PV with roots                                                                                    not hate the man, only his actions.
in County Antrim. He corrected                                                                                        I can justify hating the man’s
a mistake I made in last week’s                                                                                     actions with a quote from the
column. I wrote – in regards                            Joe Harrington                                              Bible – this as a nod to all the
to my review of John Wick:                                                                                          Evangelists out there. In the
Parabellum - that there was no                                                                                      Bible (Zec. 8:17) it states that
such word as parabellum. I based                                                                                    God hates hypocrisy and lies. It
my conclusion on a quick research                                                                                   does not state that God hates the
with Webster’s Dictionary. The                                                                                      hypocrite and the liar. It is the
word was not there. But there         Even the most devoted supporter         who believe he issued that order.     action that brings the emotion of
are other sources for words than      of Trump can’t turn a blind eye to      Who can blame them? Trump             hate, not the perpetrator.
a normal dictionary. Mr. Robert       his constant deceit. I have gotten      has systematically destroyed any        I freely admit I hate the lies
McMurry (that’s not a typo –          many emails trying to explain           foundation of trust he was once       and the hypocrisy the president
his name is McMurry, not the          away the president’s inability to       initially given - by a constant       has used and demonstrated on so
usual McMurray) pointed out the       tell the truth. Comments in one         barrage of lies.                      many occasions.
following: “There is such a word      form or another like, “You don’t          Yet I do not hate the man. In         A couple of more thoughts on
(and weapon) as a “parabellum” -      understand hyperbole.”           Yes,   some ways I feel sorry for him. He    lying: There’s an old chestnut
I have fired them.”                   I do. Out and out lying is not          could have achieved greatness. I      about the woman who told a lie
  He is right. That word defines      hyperbole.                              have written this before and still    about her neighbor. Her penance
a type of cartridge. I must add         An example: This past week,           stand by every word. What if          was to find everyone who had
Jane’s (Books of everything           Trump tweeted that Russia did           Trump had taken office, thanked       heard her lie and correct the
military) to my research tools.       indeed help him get elected. Less       all who helped him get elected,       mischief. She found the task
  With hope in the famous line, I     than a half hour later, he stood        then kept his mouth shut and          impossible as her lie had spread
can only plead, “To err is human,     in front of reporters and stated        his computer closed, appointed        like the wind to the four corners
to forgive divine.” To which I        categorically that the only one         qualified people to aid him and       of the Earth.
humbly add, “Mea culpa, mea           that helped him get elected was         then – much like Eisenhower did         I leave you with: Life can be
cupla, mea maxima culpa.”             himself. Obviously, one of those        – went and played a lot of golf?      a lot easier if one embraces the
                                      statements can be true, but if it is,   If he had, I think his approval       truth. Or as Abraham Lincoln
   & MADNESS: A reader sent           the other statement is a lie.           rating would be over 65%.             put it: “No man has a good enough
me an email asking, “Why do you         The biggest problem with lying          Sadly, he has not done so. He has   memory to be a successful liar.”
hate Donald Trump so much?”           is it taints all one says. I actually   insulted our allies and embraced
   I don’t hate anyone. Hate is a     believe Trump was telling the           dictators. He has undercut our
useless emotion, like jealousy or     truth when he said he didn’t            intelligence agencies and tried
                                                                                                                    Joe Harrington
envy. It harms the hater more than    order someone to tell the Navy          to politicize the military. He
                                                                                                                    Is an internationally published author and documentary
the object of the hatred. What I      to move the warship named after         has acted like an autocrat rather     filmmaker. He can be reached with a comment or
do not like is liars. They make       three generations of McCain’s.          than the leader of a Democratic       criticism at JoeMovieMadness@Yahoo.com
life much harder than it has to be.   But I do know many people               Republic.                             Artwork by Bob Crabb.

Pvmcitypaper.com ISSUE 550 - PV Mirror

Pvmcitypaper.com ISSUE 550 - PV Mirror
On June 8, the Oficina de Proyectos       Anniversary on Saturday, June 8,
Culturales (OPC - Office of Cultural         2019 at 7 p.m. From the OPC: “Please
Projects), an independent, non-profit        consider a donation on OPC’s five year
organization dedicated to promoting art,     anniversary!
education and culture to Puerto Vallarta       We have come a long way in 5 years!
residents and visitors, will celebrate       The OPC has presented 20 museum-
its 5th anniversary with music, food &       quality exhibitions; free educational
friends.                                     programs to hundreds of youth; and
   Located right in the heart of the         introduced well-known artists, curators,
city, the OPC is a place of meditation,      poets, and architects to the Vallarta
joy, generosity, and simplicity. It is a     community.
place to learn, to reflect, and to open        This past year was fun, educational,
your mind and heart through national         and lively. We were honored with a
and international art exhibitions,           prize from Alfonso Cuaron for our
film screenings, lectures and youth          screening of ROMA. We presented Ai
workshops. But they need your help to        Weiwei with a gift made by a student
continue offering these free events and      from our children’s workshop. We are
services.                                    currently exhibiting Tierras Prometidas,
   The party will start at 7 p.m., and       an incredible and timely exhibition
everyone is invited to come out to           that takes on current political issues.
celebrate and support one of the most        We hosted poetry readings, musical
important cultural institutions in Puerto    performances, film screenings, lectures,
Vallarta. DJ Tellers will be in charge       and exhibitions with internationally
of the entertainment, and El Arrayán,        recognized artists, as well as an
Bar Solar, Cervecería el Terrible, and       exhibition of local creators.
Uncork Mexico will provide delicious           But we need your help to continue
food and drinks.                             with our programming. All funds raised
   All funds raised from the evening’s       here will go directly to producing our
activities, such as an art auction and       dynamic exhibitions and developing
raffles for products and services donated    educational programming for children
by generous local businesses, will           and youth - all workshops are free to
support the OPC’s wide range of always-      the public.”
free art exhibitions, cultural events,         Located at 598 Juarez at the corner of
educational programs and workshops.          Aldama in downtown Puerto Vallarta,
   Since opening its doors on May 28,        the Oficina de Proyectos Culturales
2014, the OPC has hosted numerous            (OPC) is an independent and non-
workshops, lectures, cultural and artistic   profit organization dedicated to the
events, and more than 20 contemporary        promotion of Contemporary Art through
art exhibitions, including ‘Promised         exhibitions, round tables, public art
Lands,’ an exhibition about the global       initiatives and educational services
refugee crisis, which opened February        programs. It was created with the aim
23 and has been extended by popular          of contributing to the reflection on the
demand. This must-see expo, which            contemporary socio-cultural and artistic
includes a video installation, continues     environment, with the vocation to share
through July 27, 2019. Please visit www.     with the inhabitants and visitors of Puerto
banderasnews.com/1902/art-vallarta-          Vallarta. The OPC works with different
opc-exhibition-promised-lands.htm to         creators such as artists, architects,
learn more about this fascinating exhibit.   curators, academics and writers who
   The Oficina de Proyectos Culturales       contribute to the construction of our
is definitely an effort that deserves the    notion of the city and contribute to the
support of everyone who loves Puerto         cultural panorama linked to Puerto
Vallarta, so make plans now to come          Vallarta but of global reach.
out and help them celebrate their 5th          (Source: BanderasNews.com)

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta
Offers personalized advice on these subjects and all health-
related topics. It invites you to visit them for any additional
information you would like. Hospiten is located at 3970
Bvld. Francisco Medina Ascencio, Col. Villa las Flores.
Tel.: 226-2080.

I had a lady walk in this morning                                                                                              in the brain but in cells that are
with Bell’s Palsy-type symptoms                                                                                                  distributed throughout the body,
which the M.D diagnosed as the                                                                                                   and that the traditional separation
result of an ear infection on the                                                                                                of mental processes, including
left side of her face. After a quick                                                                                             emotions, from the body is no
history and look, we discovered she                                   Krystal Frost                                              longer valid.
has emotional body inference with                                                                                                   How can we experience the fact
depression and negative internal                                                                                                 that an emotion is not only stored
dialog. In Traditional Chinese                                                                                                   in the brain? One way is to notice,
Medicine (TCM), this is the root                                                                                                 as we release emotions from the
cause for the deficient immune                                                                                                   body, that we feel physical relief
system that opens one up to all                        integrated circuit, running                                                   first, and later experience mental
sorts of maladies.                                     on biochemicals.”         Once                                                relief. By releasing the harmful
  “What you feel has a big effect                      this is fully understood, it                                                  effects of guilt, fear, anger and
on your immune system,” says                           may provide the medical                                                       depression, we begin to feel
Dr. John Arden, Director of                            profession with totally new                                                   better in many ways.
Training for Mental Health in                          ways to treat illnesses such as                                                  Many other factors determine
Northern California for Kaiser                         allergies, cancer, obesity, etc.                                              who gets sick and who doesn’t.
Permanente and author of The                              Our emotions are also                                                      Beliefs, moods, thoughts, and
Brain Bible: How to Stay Vital,                        influenced by a greater,                                                      emotions affect the mind/body
Productive and Happy for Life.                         spiritual energy field that                                                   in many ways. When doctors
Dr. Candace Pert, Ph.D., author                        encompasses and influences                                                    tell patients, “You will die in
of Molecules of Emotion, stated,                       the entire physical body and        body that help to nourish our cells   six months to a year,” they risk
“emotions are not just in the                          nervous system. Our reactions to    and organs. We are energetic          giving them a death sentence.
brain but are also in the body and                     life are recorded not only in the   beings whose ills may be healed       A terminal prognosis is a death
appear to run the immune system,                       biochemical patterns of memory      not only by surgical procedures       sentence. When patients receive
the glands and the intestines. So                      storage in the brain, but also in   and drugs, but also by different      this kind of ‘programming’, how
your whole body is a single-unit                       the life energy centers of the      forms and frequencies of energy.      can doctors expect them to live
                                                                                           Most psychologists treat the          any longer? Health professionals
                                                                                           emotions as disembodied, a            should take into account a person’s
                                                                                           phenomenon with little or no          ‘fighting’ spirit, commitment
                                                                                           connection to the physical body.      and will to overcome – to re-
                                                                                           Conversely, some physicians treat     create his or her own reality!
                                                                                           the body with no regard to the mind   As a holistic practitioner, I have
                                                                                           or the emotions. But the body and     found a vast majority of health
                                                                                           emotions are not separate, and we     issues have their roots in the
                                                                                           cannot treat one without the other.   emotional component, this would
                                                                                           Having said that…                     include stress, anxiety and, of
                                                                                             ‘Body-mind”, a term first           course, anger and fear issues. I
                                                                                           proposed by Diane Connelly,           have also experienced that once
                                                                                           PhD, (Traditional Acupuncture:        the emotion is released, usually the
                                                                                           The Law of the Five Elements)         pain or problem is gone.
                                                                                           reflects the understanding, derived      Another issue is the access of
                                                                                           from Chinese medicine, that the       mental activity, especially the type
                                                                                           body is inseparable from the          of stimulation by screens. Those
                                                                                           mind. And when we explore the         of you who work at the screen for
                                                                                           role that emotions play in the        a living know who I am talking to.
                                                                                           body, as expressed through the        Keep it down to 4 hours a day in
                                                                                           neuropeptide molecules, it will       one-hour segments, take one hour
                                                                                           become clear how emotions can         of YOUR time for every hour in
                                                                                           be a key to understanding disease.    front of the screen daily.
                                                                                           We know that the immune system,          There ya go…
                                                                                           like the central nervous system,
                                                                                           has memory and the capacity to
                                                                                           learn. Thus, it could be said that
                                                                                                                                 Krystal Frost
                                                                                                                                 For questions and comments - Cell: 322 116-9645,
                                                                                           intelligence is located not only
                                                                                                                                 Email: krystal.frost73@hotmail.com

Is there an addict or alcoholic                                                                                              One helpful attitude is “I’d rather
in your life that you are worried                                                                                            have him angry with me than dead”.
about? Do you feel like you’ve tried                                                                                         The ultimatums are written “If you
everything to convince them they                                                                                             do not accept treatment today, then
have a problem or to get help? Have                                                                                          I will…” … “no longer pay your
they gone to AA/12-step programs                           Giselle Belanger    RN, LCSW
                                                                                                                             rent” or “not allow you to work for
and quit attending because “it”                                                                                              this company any longer” or “file
wasn’t working? Consider holding                                                                                             for divorce and have you move out
an “intervention”.                                                                                                           immediately”. The addict has spent
        Do not wait for them                                                                                                 years manipulating weak boundaries
            to hit bottom!!!              way that encourages the addicted          the addict because it helps them         and has come to expect the person to
  That is an old idea that can be         person to accept help. Instead of         stop enabling by clarifying with the     back down and draw a new line in
fatal. A famous relapse prevention        blaming them or putting them on           addict and themselves what they          the sand.
specialist, Terri Gorski, says that       the defense, they must be made to         will no longer tolerate and what           NOTE: It is very important that
many addicts “learn to live on the        feel safe, loved, and supported.          consequences and ultimatums they         the ultimatums or “bottom lines”
bottom”. He emphasizes that they          The addict hears about how their          are finally ready to set and enforce.    are only shared with the addict if
are not going to “touch” bottom,          addiction has affected the people           “Leverage is a refusal to continue     he chooses not to accept treatment.
instead, their “bottom” will be death.    they love and care about and they         to enable the addict behavior” (Love     Quite often, once the addict hears the
I know so many of you can relate          hear those closest to them will no        First, pg72) Leverage is never a         team’s bottom lines, he changes his
to this either because you are the        longer enable the addiction. The          threat or punishment. It is loving       mind and accepts treatment, which
miserable unhappy addict or you are       family is also educated to understand     limit setting for the addict and for     is why the team must be prepared
the loving desperate spouse, friend       that addiction is a family disease that   yourself. Using leverage to motivate     with each of their ultimatums.
or family member. How many                everyone suffers from and therefore       the addict to accept treatment could       Interventions must be planned
times have you shaken your head           they need to play a vital role in the     save his life and it also motivates        There are basic rules to having a
in bewilderment questioning how           recovery of the addict and of each        the enablers to take actions for their   successful one with specific do’s
they (the addict) survived a certain      family member.                            own good as well. It is empowering.      and don’ts known to be beneficial
situation or how a specific event           How many of you have seen                             One on one,                or detrimental. There are many
isn’t powerful or tragic enough to        the TV show “Intervention”? It                    addiction always wins.           considerations in addition to those
make them stop and change. Such           dramatically and very realistically         Do not confront them or try to         discussed including a) having an
experiences seem incomprehensible         portrays the desperateness of the         convince them alone. You need a          appropriately chosen treatment
to us; we can’t imagine going             family and friends of the addict          group of people acting as a team to      center lined up including a ticket
through one of them let alone ten         as well as the desperate life of          confront the addict at the same time.    to get there, a bag packed, and a
of them, and yet they don’t learn         the addict. It shows many of the          You must choose people who are           chosen escort, b) a location for the
from it; it’s never enough, it’s never    considerations in preparing for an        influential with the addict. Do not      intervention and a time and date
painful enough or shameful enough,        intervention and then conducts one        include someone the addict dislikes;     when you think the addict will be
to get them to stop. Nothing scares       with varying results. Most of the         you want to use love, not disdain        sober, c) confidential agreement
them enough.                              time, the addict agrees to treatment,     or resentment. Include workplace,        between group members not to
  You must raise the bottom. If           but sometimes they don’t. At this         bosses, anyone who cares and who         forewarn addict about intervention;
you cannot wait for them to touch         point, if the addict refuses treatment,   can set convincing consequences          if they know ahead of time, it will
bottom, then what?          You must      at least the family knows they really     that the addicted person cares about     fail, d) having an assigned planner
raise the bottom. You must create         have tried everything and knowing         and respects; people he wouldn’t         and chairperson and following a
the urgency and set the limits. You       that makes it a little easier to live     want to hurt any more than he            checklist. This task can be daunting.
must say when enough is enough.           with whatever happens. (Their web         already has. Choose people he            Hiring a professional therapist to help
You must not wait for the addict to       page is excellent, especially for the     trusts to help and who he wouldn’t       prepare the team and/or to conduct
decide enough is enough because           long list of treatment centers www.       want to lose.                            the intervention is recommended.
that may never happen. In order to        aetv.com/intervention/index.jsp )           Each group member of this                The following web pages are
save yourself, your children, your                      Stop enabling               intervention (even the ones who          excellent resources for planning and
marriage, you have to decide that           “Desperate enabling” occurs as          cannot attend, but are important         conducting an intervention: www.
you aren’t going to take it any longer.   the addiction gets worse; we adjust       influential people to the addict)        lovefirst.net and www.casapalmera.
                Love first                and readjust to the problem. “Our         must come up with consequences           com/admissions/intervention.php
  Another myth is that interventions      bottom line, the things we swear          they are willing to carry out. This
have to be confrontational.         In    we’d never do - keeps receding            can be very difficult because each
the book “Love First” (Jeff Jay           out of a desperate need to save the       person has to be willing to carry
and Debra Jay, 2000, Hazelden             addict from destroying himself.”          out these ultimatums. They must          Giselle Bellanger
Foundation) the authors describe          (Love First, pg 33). This is why          become comfortable with imposing         RN, LCSW (psychotherapist) is available for
how to go about planning and              Interventions are just as much if not     these limits and understand they can     appointments in person, by phone, or by skype webcam.
preparing an intervention in a loving     more, for the people involved with        not back down.                           Contact info: ggbelangerpv@gmail.com
                                                                                                                             Mex cell: 044 (322) 138-9552 or US cell: (312) 914-5203

After seeing a client’s 2-year-                                                                                    Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
old laptop the other day, I thought                                                                                   Several manufacturers introduced
it high time to revisit your device                                                                                   flexible OLED scrren displays on
screens. There’s probably no part of                                                                                  TV’s and for smartphones, that
the computer, tablet or smartphone,                                                                                   allowed the actual shape and curve
that we use more that our screens.                                                                                    of the viewing area to be changed!
As I mentioned previously, my                                                                                         But prices will keep this newer
first desktop computer came with                                                                                      technology out of my living room
a monochrome monitor and I could                                                                                      for quite a while yet!
only dream of the day when I could                                                                                       So, with all these screens that fill
afford a color monitor for my                                                                                         our life now, how do we keep them
1990’s computer investment.                                                                                           clean and take care of them?! I’ve
   The early days of computers           Liquid crystal display technology      This newer generation display         seen too many laptops with a “gray”
had small monochrome monitors.         works by blocking and unblocking       uses an array of light-emitting         mist covering the screen. LEAVE
Some as small as 10 inches with        light dots. Specifically, an LCD is    diodes, which without getting           THE WINDEX FOR YOUR
an orange or green glow of letters.    made of two pieces of polarized        too “geek” on you, is just another      WINDOWS! Do not use ANY
Over the years, monitors have          glass that contain a liquid crystal    step forward in efficiency and the      “window cleaner” on your computer
evolved slowly compared to the         material between them.            A    evolution of screen.                    screen, TV, tablet or smartphone!
computers they were connected          backlight creates light that passes      This same technology has crossed      The harsh chemicals can “burn” the
to. Eventually the monochrome          through the first piece of glass. At   over into televisions. LCD/LED          screen over time, as was the case on
monitor faded away (literally)         the same time, electrical currents     televisions now are the standard.       my client’s laptop, barely 2 years
and color monitors became the          cause the liquid crystal molecules     The industry’s research and             old! She thought she was doing a
standard.                              to allow varying levels of light to    development have invested heavily       good thing by giving the screen a
   These “new” color monitors          pass through to the second piece       in LCD/LED and it’s paying off.         good clean with window cleaner
were called CRTs (Cathode-Ray          of glass and create the colors and     Prices for LED products have            several times a week!
Tube) and were similar to older TV     images that you see.                   come down to a fraction of what            Best to use a clean cloth or paper
tubes, but CRTs were energy hogs         By 2008, LCD monitors and            they were just a few years ago.         towel moistened with plain water.
and heat producers. With age they      display technologies advanced            In many laptops, we’ve seen the       If you can wring out drops of water,
tended to fade and lose sharpness.     to a point where mass production       emerging trend to touch-screens         it’s too wet. All it takes is a couple
The constant background flickering     has become the norm. With this         these last years. Made popular          of drops of water to drip into the
also caused eye strain for many        of course, LCDs came down              on tablets and smartphones for          frame of your screen and you can
people.                                dramatically in price. I waited        years now, manufacturers are            damage or kill it!
   Finally, in the early 2000’s,       until about 2007 to buy my first       trying to convince us to give up the       Using only gentle pressure and
the industry made the leap in          32” LCD TV when the price finally      keyboard/mouse and reach out and        patience, will clean your screen.
technology to LCD monitors             came below $10,000 pesos here in       just reach out and touch!               If you haven’t cleaned a particular
(Liquid Crystal Display) for           paradise. Now in 2019, you can           In the coming years we’re going       screen in a while it may take a
mainstream users. In the early years   pick one up like that for $3000        to see more advancement of the          little longer, but just a plain water-
as with any new technology, LCD’s      pesos on sale – of course!             display screen in both computers and    dampened cloth WILL clean
were very expensive and often the        Over the past few years, another     TV’s. Among them will be Super/         the screen. It may be faster with
monitor would cost as much as the      standard has evolved from the LCD      Ultra HD as manufacturers try to        Windex and its chemicals, but will
computer it was connected to!          family - the LED.                      cram higher and higher resolutions      do more harm to your screen in the
                                                                              into the displays. Now all we need      long run.
                                                                              is content to take advantage of this       That’s all my time for now. If
                                                                              ridiculously high resolution.           you’d like to download this article
                                                                                OLED screen have been in              or previous ones, you can do so at
                                                                              development for a few years now.        www.RonnieBravo.com and click
                                                                              OLED stands for organic light-          on “articles”. See you again next
                                                                              emitting diode and works without        week... until then, remember: only
                                                                              a backlight at all. It’s still an       safe Internet!
                                                                              expensive standard and will take
                                                                              a few more years to advance to
                                                                                                                      Ronnie Bravo
                                                                              where it’s a realistic choice for the
                                                                                                                      Can be found at CANMEX Computers.
                                                                              average home user. Smartphones          www.RonnieBravo.com Sales, Repairs, Data
                                                                              are already getting into this space.    Recovery, Networking, Wi-Fi, hardware upgrades,
                                                                                But the OLED is already evolving      Graphic Design, House-calls available. Cellular 044-
                                                                              as we saw at this year’s Consumer       322-157-0688 or just email to Canmex@Gmail.com

It appears that we’re in a strange                                                                                                when world record Tuna are roaming
pattern where the bait seems to be                                                                                                   this area right now. You can expect
in the bay, so the fish are coming                                                                                                   Yellowfin Tuna to run anywhere
into the bay. What does that do to                                                                                                   now from a minimum of 200 lbs. up
the deep water fishing grounds?                                                                                                      to over 400 lbs. which will get your
Normally, nothing. But for now,                                Stan Gabruk        (Owner of Master Baiter's Sportfishing & Tackle)   picture in the paper… We’ve got
it’s stealing Corbeteña’s thunder,                                                                                                   the most affordable fishing options
we have all sorts of “young baby”                                                                                                    on first class boats. My 60-ft.
baits out there. However, fish don’t                                                                                                 Sportfishing yacht is more affordable
measure what they’ll eat based on                                                                                                    per person than the “stuffed” long
age, just abundance. Right now in                                                                                                    range type boats, high density for
the bay the abundance is there, so                                                                                                   more money than my luxury yacht.
we’re seeing Striped Marlin, Jack                                                                                                    Doesn’t make sense, does it? But
Crevalle have wandered back in                                                                                                       there you are. Contact me for the
and we’ve seen between 20 and 25-                                                                                                    Yellowfin Tuna Experience and
lb Dorado, so it’s not a bad thing.                                                                                                  you’ll never forget the name Master
The “bad” news is: It’s still early for                                                                                              Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle!
the larger species, the good news                                                                                                       Until next week, don´t forget to
is anything you’ll find at the deep                                                                                                  kiss Your Fish!
water fishing grounds is actually                                                                                                       Tuna Season is upon us, Monster
already in the bay. Take advantage                                                                                                   Yellowfin Tuna over 300 lbs. is
of the strength of the bay right now,                                                                                                more likely daily! If this sounds
save money and catch fish! Simple            So this brings us back to the bay       that it is encouraging to see Dorado            good to you, I have the sweetest
formula, affordable and the “bite” is     and the bay is on fire! Frankly, I         this early in the season. Looks like            fishing Deal Puerto Vallarta ever
on, amigos!                               have never seen a stretch where you        the new Mexican laws restricting                had to offer! Our 60-ft. Hatteras
   Again, Corbeteña this week has         see Striped Marlin in the bay like         the export of Dorado is helping the             luxury Sportfishing yacht is the
been what we expect at this time of       we’ve seen for the last three weeks        numbers, but then again, I could be             most comfortable fishing vessel
the year: warming water, changing         now. What I would call “freaky” is         wrong, just ask my daughter…                    targeting Yellowfin tuna in Puerto
currents, waiting for Marlin and          turning almost normal in the bay.            For now, we’re seeing a late                  Vallarta, period! We head out 100
Sailfish. We are in the time frame        Striped Marlin are chasing baby            morning bite, it’s happening at 11              miles north to Puerto Vallarta World
when this can all change in a             Skip Jack Tuna the size of Goggle          a.m. so no need to get up before the            Famous fishing grounds! Arguably
heartbeat, but for this moment in         eyes. Because of that, La Cruz has         chickens. Water temperatures are                some of the best fishing grounds in
time there really isn’t any compelling    turned into fish central - the middle      not moving upwards in too much of               the world when discussing world
reasons to hit Corbeteña. When it         of the bay to the La Cruz area is          a hurry, but we won’t complain as               class Yellowfin Tuna. If you’re
comes to El Banco, I am not getting       what I should say. It’s crazy, last        long as everything stays on a smooth            considering those “high density”
much information on this area, but I      week I was being called names for          change, nothing drastic please. We              types of fishing boats you’d be
don’t suspect it’s much different than    saying Dorado were in the bay, now         haven’t seen any real dirty water from          surprised to learn that for 6 guys, 2.5
Corbeteña. Then again, I’ve been          everyone and their half-brother is         current clashes, this may be coming,            Day trips at $9,800. USD is cheaper
wrong before, just ask my ex-wife!        posting Dorado pics, go figure. The        let’s hope it doesn’t. We’re seeing             than these “Sardine Cans”. Seriously,
   El Moro, Punta Mita and the            good news is Dorado are running 20         water temperatures hover between                there is no comparison when looking
Marieta Islands are pretty much the       to 25 lbs. and that’s perfect sized!       79 and 80 just about everywhere                 for a great experience, value, and of
same as it was last week, amigos.         Stripers are just roaming the area.        so we’re not really seeing swirling             course Cow Tuna in excess of 200
There are a lot of “Could-Be’s”, but      Yes, they seem to be focused on the        currents to stir up the muck! Live              lbs. on a daily basis. As we enter
in reality you can spend your whole       La Cruz area, but they’re all over         bait is naturally still king, but lures         Tuna Season, the sizes on “average”
day chasing fish and moving water         the bay. Sierra Mackerel are still in      are making a difference at times.               will increase dramatically. Mention
but it won’t change the fact the fish     the bay, fish will eat them so don’t       Guacamayas, Iguana lures and live               this article and get a thousand
are thin in the general area. Sailfish    ignore Mackerel bait balls! The            bait, start there then mix it up.               dollars off! This is pure value!
could be north of Sayulita but when       river mouths and Grouper / Bass              We’re in the middle area between
they’re at a six-hour trip, why pay       are history now, that will only last       warm currents and fish coming in
for eight or ten? Still, there are Jack   like six weeks or so and now that          with those currents. We could see               Stan Gabruk
Crevalle to 30 lbs., maybe a Dorado       the water is warming, they’re gone.        changes next week or next month.                Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx ,
since they’re in the area around any      No matter how you cut it, a six-hour       For now we’re just keeping an eye               Local Ph. at: (044) 322 779 7571 or our international
                                                                                                                                     number is: 011 52 322 209-1128, 10 to 9 local time.
floating stumps or trash, etc. Maybe      trip in the bay is your best bang for      on things so we can adapt and adjust.
some Bonito and Sierra Mackerel.          your fishing dollar right now. Great         Yellowfin Tuna Report: Yes, folks,                  www.facebook.com/pages/Master-Baiters-
No sence in wasting article space,        family fishing day and for the guy         I have a new boat heading to the
not the best place to drop a line for     who knows his “stuff”, you won’t           Tuna grounds a hundred miles out.               The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing
                                                                                                                                     and Tackle is protected under trade mark law
now, stay tuned.                          be disappointed either. I will say         We’re also coming into Tuna Season
                                                                                                                                     and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.

Ongoing Events & More...
                                                             Historical Naval Museum
                                                (right next to Los Arcos Amphitheater) $45. Pesos.
                                                     Voladores de Papantla perform @ 6 p.m.
     Emergency Line: 911                        on the Malecon in front of La Bodeguita del Medio.
                                          Tues. to Fri. - 9 & 11 a.m. + 1 & 3 p.m., Sat.: 9 & 11 a.m.
                                          + 1 p.m. - El Salado Estuary Mangroves Tours,
                                          bilingual guides. Reserve at Cell: (322) 201-7361.
     Hospiten               226.2081
                                          Tuesdays & Thursdays - 9:30 a.m. - Humanitarian Tour of
                                          Corazón de Niña, including brunch. Reserve: 224-9209
                                          Wednesdays - 8 p.m. - Practilonga! -
                                          at J&B Dancing Club, Fco. I. Madero 178. Free!
                                          Fridays - Shabbat Services & dinner.
                                          Info & Reservations: Rabbi@chabadvallarta.com
                                          Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays - 9 a.m. to closing - PETCO
                                          Cats & Dogs Adoption Center - next to La Comer

                                         Fridays - 9:30 am - 1:30 pm - Marsol Market - by the pier
                                         Saturday - 9 am - 1 pm - Market at The Big Apple & Co.,
                                                       I.L.Vallarta & Lazaro Cardenas
     178-8999 / Emergency: 911                                      Saturdays
                                          11 a.m.-2 p.m. - AngeliCat & Acopio Pet Adoptions -
     178-8800 / Emergency: 222-1527       at Plaza Caracol
                                          5 p.m. - Bilingual Mass - at Our Lady of Guadalupe
                                          12 noon to 1 p.m. - Center for Spiritual Living - at the
                                          Cuale Cultural Center on Isla Cuale Rev. CorinaScherer
                                           Sundays - 6 to 7 p.m. - Municipal Band,
                                           7 to 8 p.m. - Danzon Music - Dancing in the main square
     In Guadalajara: 01 333 268-2100      SPCA - To find your perfect companion animal rescued by the
         Emergency: 01 555 080-2000                  SPCA, please contact spcapv@gmail.com
     Email: conagencypuertov@state.gov
                                           PLEASE leaf through this issue for the many events that
                                             do not appear here ...and JOIN US ON FACEBOOK!
                                            N.B.: All events are subject to change without notice.
                                             For a comprehensive list of most -if not all- charity groups and
                                         non-profit organizations in and around PV, you may want to check out:

9 a.m. – English Services, also Bilingual Services on Sundays at 10:45 a.m.
                                – at Calvary Chapel (non-denominational) by Hotel Las Palmas
                                9:30 a.m. – English Worship Service – First Baptist Church,
                                next to Park Hidalgo
                                9:30 a.m. - Grace Vineyard Church Bilingual at Westin Resort & Spa
AEROTRON           226-8440
                                in the PV Marina, 9:30 - English, 10 - Español.
AIR CANADA 01 800 719-2827      10 a.m. - Traditional Christian communion service – at the
AIR TRANSAT 01 800 900-1431     Anglican Church Puerto Vallarta (formerly Christ Church by the sea)
                                10 a.m. – English Services w/communion, Anglican/Episcopal –
ALASKA      01 800 252-7522     at Christ Church by the Sea – Plaza Genovesa
AMERICAN 01 800 904-6000        10 a.m. - Amazing Grace Christian Church - Non-Denominational -
                                at Ciao Restaurant, Paseo Cocoteros 35, Nuevo Vallarta.
CONTINENTAL       See United
                                10:30 a.m. — Non-denominational Contemporary Christian Worship
DELTA        01 800 266-0046    Paradise Church at Act II
FRONTIER 01 800 432-1359
INTERJET    01 800 011-2345
SUN COUNTRY 01 800 924-6184
UNITED       01 800 864-8331
US AIRWAYS 01 800 428-4322
AEROMEXICO 01 800 021-4000
SOUTHWEST 01 800 435 9792
WESTJET      01 800 514 7288
VOLARIS      01 551 102-8000

                                                                                                                Animal lovers! These are the
                                                                                                                 Facebook pages of some PV
                                                                                                                non-profits that love them too.
                                                                                                               animalistas de puerto vallarta
                                                                                                                         25,000+ friends
                                                                                                                PV AnimalAc 1,800+ friends
                                                                                                                      PV’s Animal Shelter
                                                                                                                 pv mexico adopt foster and
                                                                                                                flight angels 1,400+ members
                                                                                                                  assists PV’s Animal Shelter
                                                                                                              Friends of Puerto Vallarta Animals
                                                                                                                        8,300+ followers
                                                                                                                  assists PV’s Animal Shelter
                                                                                                                         PuRR Project
                                                                                                                        1,300+ followers
                                                                                                                        8,700+ followers
                               Solution to crossword on page 20           Solution to Sudoku on page 20                  Paraíso Felino
                                                                                                                        1,400+ followers
                                                                                                              Match Dog Com Puerto Vallarta
                                                                                                                        2,500+ followers
                                                                                                                        7,500+ followers
                                                                                                               Colina Spay & Neuter Clinic
                                                                                                                        1,800+ followers
                                                                                                                         Peace Animals
                                                                                                                        6,600+ followers

Fifteen years ago, the waters around Islas                                                              Tourist operators are also invited to
Marietas in Mexico’s Nayarit State were so                                                              participate in the programme #adoptacoral,
abundant with corals that people could see                                                              a new initiative in collaboration with
them for miles.                                                                                         PROZONA AC, where tourists can plant their
  They were hard to avoid, too. “To go and                                                              own coral.
surf in that area, you would have to wear tennis                                                          Boat operators now carry out underwater
shoes because it was full of coral mountains,”                                                          cleaning campaigns, ask tourists not to apply
said Javier Alvarez, a tourist operator and                                                             sunscreen just before going in the water
owner of outdoors shops from Puerto Vallarta,                                                           to protect the corals and insist on people
the nearest mainland city.                                                                              wearing lifejackets to stop corals being taken
  But unregulated tourism chipped away at                                                               as trinkets. The challenges include not having
fragile ecosystems to the extent that it was soon   per cent of all the fragments attaching after       enough people to help with the restoration and
corals that needed protecting from humans,          three months, and a growth rate of around 5         despite the team’s efforts to train operators in
said Alvarez.                                       cm per year for branching corals. This year,        how to plant coral, some show little interest or
  “Some days there were 3,000 tourists coming       the team is providing different protocols for       care in doing so.
every day without any information [on how           restoration of corals.                                “The older guys in town will support this
to behave to protect the area] so they were            Corals from Islas Marietas have shown to         project because before, you could see coral for
just throwing water bottles and diapers and         be high resistance, “super” corals that can         miles and the beaches were great. The fishing
anything you could imagine that was sticking        survive challenging conditions such as the          industry has really been affected and so profits
to the coral,” he said.                             bleaching events that affected coral populations    have plummeted,” said Alvarez.
  Alvarez helped found a project through which      worldwide in recent years - the same ones that        “They never teach you the importance of
marine experts from Guadalajara University          in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef caused the        coral in the ecosystem, so when you see for
came to study the corals and documented the         die-off of more than 90 per cent of the coral.      yourself that the fish that have disappeared
devastation wrought by climate change and              The team has also noted how ecosystems           come back, you have to spread the message,”
poor environmental management. They also            are bouncing back and becoming healthier by         he added.
took steps to plant new corals and protect the      the return of fish and top predators and other        He has not been able to return to Puerta
old ones.                                           wildlife to restored areas.                         Vallarta due to accusations of him wanting
  Their findings led to actions that limited           “What’s good is that we now see sharks,          to invest in the coral restoration project to
the number of tourists and regulated tourism,       something that did not happen a few years           keep the islands for himself. But he believes
despite serious opposition from operators.          ago,” said Rodriguez.                               that community action, coupled with more
  “[Operators] were really angry because in the        An increase in park fees has seen the number     national and international awareness, can help
middle of the study the park closed for three       of visitors drop to around 350 per day, reducing    business and conservation work together and
months,” said Paola Rodriguez, a coral expert       the stress on the corals. At the same time, boat    keep mutually beneficial projects alive, and
at Guadalajara University.                          operators are profiting from better standardized    resources sustainable.
  Despite efforts to get local boat operators on    fees for trips to certain beauty hotspots, which      “You cannot protect what you haven’t seen
board with the project and explain that swarms      in some areas have tripled. Tourists have           and I want to make as much noise as possible
of people trashing beaches and waters would kill    shown they are willing to pay more to visit the     to make people aware that those little rocks
business, while protecting resources was key to     areas that have benefited from better regulation,   are actually corals that make oxygen and give
growth and longevity, local tensions ran high.      protection and restoration.                         us food,” he said.
  “I had to leave Mexico with my family due to         Rodriguez sees the model of tourists paying        Guadalajara University and PROZONA
the pressure, with people basically saying: ‘We     more to enjoy a more controlled and boutique        AC have registered their coral reef project
are going to kill you’. When we closed the site,    experience of a natural park that their money is    as a voluntary commitment to plant 4,000
we let the authorities know how mass tourism        helping to preserve as working in Mexico, like      coral fragments and increase overall coral
was starting to kill the coral and degrade the      it does in other places of outstanding natural      cover by 1 per cent by 2020. The project is
biomass,” said Alvarez.                             beauty and biodiversity such as The Galapagos       part of a Community of Ocean Action (CoA),
  As part of the coral restoration project,         and Hawaii.                                         formed following the United Nations Oceans
the team has planted more 2,900 corals, or             “People are happier, they give better tips,      Conference in 2017.
“fragments of opportunity”.         The project     there are less boats and it is less work to find
quickly proved to be successful, with a 90–95       nice spots,” she said.                               (Source: www.unenvironment.org/)

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