Page created by Nelson Francis

     FOR 2023

                           DESTINATION ENTRY FORMS

    We know things might feel a little changeable when it comes to travel at the
     moment which is why we have introduced our new Travel Ready Service.

       We will take care of everything we can when it comes to paperwork –
       including Passenger Locator Forms and NHS vaccination letters. Plus,
     we’ll complete any additional country entry registrations required, so you
      can relax knowing all the details are in hand. And if there are changes to
    requirements while you are on your cruise – we’ll take care of them for you.

      This helpful package currently starts from only £29pp. To add it to your
    cruise, just let us know three weeks before you sail, at which point we will
    have a clear idea of what is required. So you can book with confidence and
                            look forward to your holiday.


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Over the last few months, our Journey Planners have been working hard to put
 together an exciting new programme of sailings for 2023 and early 2024. The
end result is that Bolette, Borealis, Balmoral and Braemar have a sailing schedule
 for next year we think you’ll love, and while we’re putting the finishing touches
on our much-anticipated 2023-2024 brochure, we just couldn’t wait and wanted
        to give you early sight of many of the fleet’s sailings for next year.

Inside this brochure, you’ll find details of a number of new sailings up to October
2023. What’s even more exciting, with our new Launch Offer, we’ll give you free
  on board spend, and if you choose to book a Suite, we’ll double the amount.

  To help you choose, we’ve highlighted a selection of the new sailings on the
 following pages, perfect for showing you the choice that’s on offer. Take your
 pick from scenic or cultural discoveries; short breaks; escapes to the sunshine;
those that are perfectly timed to coincide with local celebrations; or sailings that
                 make the most of our wonderful smaller ships.

 We’ve listed the new departures, along with the full calendar for 2022, on the
            back pages, so our programme is all in one handy place.

             We can’t wait to set sail on these adventures with you.

M I G HT Y WATE R FALL S                                                   R E NAI S SANCE ITALY,
& N O RWEG IAN FJ O R D S                                                  TH E AD R IATIC & AMALF I COAST
B O R E A L I S | Sail from Southampton | 7 nights                         B O R E A L I S | Sail from Liverpool | 25 nights
Saturday 13th May 2023 | Cruise code S2308                                 Monday 22nd May 2023 | Cruise code S2309

                                                  Langfoss Waterfall                                                             Amalfi Coast

T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S                                    T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S
Our itinerary planners have designed this cruise to showcase the           This cruise has been designed to take you on a journey through
fjords in springtime, when nature awakens and the waterfalls are at        centuries of fascinating history and culture along Italy and the
their strongest due to melting mountain ice • Borealis will deviate        Adriatic’s scenic coastline • You can delve into the importance of
away from the direct routes to enter UNESCO-listed Nærøyfjord;             the Renaissance period at its birthplace, Florence, and discover how
and Maurangerfjord, where the ship will make a turn in front of the        the city’s art and architecture were influenced by iconic figures such
sprawling Fureberg Waterfall • From Flåm there’s the chance to             as da Vinci and Michelangelo • In addition to exploring the historic
journey up high into the mountains aboard the Flåm Railway. It’s           landmarks of Venice, visits to Dubrovnik, Split and Zadar afford
considered one of the best train journeys on Earth. You can also           chances to see the architectural stamps left by the Venetians in
tour from Haugesund to the tumbling Langfoss, which is widely              Croatia • Savour the beauty and charms of the Amalfi Coast during
regarded as Norway’s best waterfall                                        scenic cruising and time ashore in Amalfi Town

                                                                           Cruise from £3,999 per person
Cruise from £1,099 per person                                              With free Door-to-door Transfers or
With £100pp free On Board Spend                                            £250pp free On Board Spend

SCE N IC I S LE S ,                                                        S PR I N GTI M E WATE R FALL S
I R I S H LO UG H S & CITI E S                                             & N O RWEG IAN FJ O R D S
B R A E M A R | Sail from Southampton | 10 nights                          B R A E M A R | Sail from Southampton | 8 nights
Sunday 28th May 2023 | Cruise code M2312                                   Wednesday 7th June 2023 | Cruise code M2313

                                                             Giant’s                                                     View over Eidfjord

T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S                                    T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S
A variety of scenic cruising features on this itinerary, with Braemar      Our journey planners have designed this cruise to showcase
sailing past islands, islets, cliffs and historical sites, as well as an   the awe-inspiring natural surroundings of Norway at the end of
Irish lough and a Scottish loch • Braemar can enter the glacial            spring when the waterfalls are at their strongest • Braemar will
fjord of Killary Harbour and dock in Falmouth, both of which are           deviate away from the usual tourist routes to take you on a scenic
only possible on a smaller ship • There will be chances to enjoy           cruising adventure. You will navigate the size-restricted Lysefjord,
cultural experiences synonymous with Irish heritage, from kissing          Karmsund Strait and Åkrafjord – home to the tumbling Langfoss
the Blarney Stone to discovering the lives of famous writers, such         Waterfall – and sail Maurangerfjord to view the sprawling Fureberg
as Oscar Wilde and Bram Stoker • You can also uncover the history          Waterfall • Highlights ashore include a visit to Skjolden, the
of the Titanic in Belfast and Cobh, and perhaps visit the Guinness         innermost cruise port in Norway, and the chance to ramble with a
Storehouse and Trinity College                                             local atop Bergen’s Mount Fløyen to admire fjordland vistas away
                                                                           from the crowds

Cruise from £1,599 per person                                              Cruise from £1,249 per person
With £150pp free On Board Spend                                            With £100pp free On Board Spend

4                                                           New itineraries for 2023
SU N S ET S & CITI E S O F                                             WHALE S , WATE R FALL S
TH E M E D ITE R R AN EAN                                              & G E YS E RS O F ICE L AN D
B R A E M A R | Sail from Southampton | 17 nights                      B O R E A L I S | Sail from Liverpool | 10 nights
Thursday 15th June 2023 | Cruise code M2314                            Friday 16th June 2023 | Cruise code S2310



T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S                                T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S
Taking advantage of Braemar’s size, we have planned this cruise to     Borealis will take you on a journey in search of Iceland’s wonders,
take you closer to hidden gems and iconic destinations in the Med      wildlife and cultural highlights • Marvel at the wild, unspoilt
• Your call into Marseille, gateway to Provence, has been timed to     landscapes of Ísafjörður within the Westfjords • Reykjavik is your
capture the fragrant lavender fields in bloom • Along with being       gateway to the stunning Gullfoss Waterfall, gushing Geysir hot
able to dock in the harbour towns of Mahon, Portoferraio and           springs and the famous Blue Lagoon • Savour scenes of towering
Propriano, Braemar is small enough to berth closer to the likes of     mountains and colourful houses at scenic Seyðisfjörðu, • Witness
the Rock of Gibraltar and the cultural highlights of Lisbon • You      the breathtaking midnight sun and admire the landscapes of
will be able to enjoy the sights from the comfort of your ship too,    verdant Hrisey and mystical Borgarfjordur Eystri • Join a boat
as you cruise the mouth of the River Tagus for views of Lisbon’s       tour and seek out humpback and minke whales, dolphins and
landmarks, and the west coast of Ibiza during sunset                   porpoises living freely in the surrounding waters

Cruise from £2,699 per person                                          Cruise from £1,699 per person
With £250pp free On Board Spend                                        With £150pp free On Board Spend

G E R MAN CITI E S WITH                                                SCE N IC SU M M E RTI M E
KI E L WE E K R EG AT TA                                               N O RWEG IAN FJ O R D S
BA L M O R A L | Sail from Rosyth | 10 nights                          B O L E T T E | Sail from Newcastle | 7 nights
Thursday 22nd June 2023 | Cruise code L2315                            Saturday 24th June 2023 | Cruise code T2317

                                              Balmoral sailing                                                             The Waterfall of
                                              the Kiel Canal                                                                 Seven Sisters

T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S                                T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S
Our team has crafted your itinerary with a focus on maritime           Our team has designed this itinerary to showcase the awe-inspiring
traditions, the centrepiece being an extended call into Kiel, timed    natural surroundings of Norway when spring turns to summer, and
for the final day of Kiel Week. This world-renowned sailing regatta    the waterfalls are at their strongest • Bolette will deviate from the
– where you can enjoy watching sailing events and an evening           tourist trail along waterways such as the size-restricted Lysefjord,
firework display – holds special significance for us as it was here,   wild and rugged Hjørundfjord, and Maurangerfjord, where you will
many years ago, where the iconic Fred. Olsen flag was created          make a turn in front of the sprawling Fureberg Waterfall. There’s
• Other nautical highlights to discover include the International      also a sailing along UNESCO-listed Geirangerfjord, past the Seven
Maritime Museum in Hamburg, Bremen’s U-boat bunker, and a              Sisters Waterfall • From Åndalsnes, you can admire mountainous
decommissioned British submarine-turned-museum in Sassnitz             landscapes during a ride on the Rauma Railway, while a hike up
• Balmoral is small enough to sail the impressive engineering feat     Mount Fløyen with a local will reward you with fjordland vistas
that is the Kiel Canal                                                 away from the crowds

Cruise from £1,499 per person                                          Cruise from £1,099 per person
With £150pp free On Board Spend                                        With £100pp free On Board Spend

                                  We’ll double your On Board Spend amount when you book a Suite*                                              5
EXPE R I E NCE S PAN I S H                                                EXPLORING NORTHERN NORWAY
& P O RTUG U E S E TR AD ITI O N S                                        - THE L AND OF THE MIDNIG HT SUN
BA L M O R A L | Sail from Rosyth | 17 nights                             B O R E A L I S | Sail from Liverpool | 15 nights
Sunday 2nd July 2023 | Cruise code L2316                                  Tuesday 4th July 2023 | Cruise code S2312

                                                                                                                       Mount Storsteinen
                                                                                                                       under the
                                                                                                                       Midnight Sun

                                               Belém Tower

T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S                                   T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S
Experience an in-depth discovery of Spanish and Portuguese                Sailing into the Arctic Circle at this time of year means you can
traditions on this cruise, hand-crafted to visit cities known for their   witness the Midnight Sun, a surreal phenomenon of never-ending
links to renowned cultural and historical gems • Make Pasteis de          daylight • Honningsvåg is your gateway to the rugged landscapes
Nata in Lisbon, visit a family-run grove in Malaga and discover the       of the North Cape plateau, mainland Europe’s northernmost
history of their local olive oil, and dance the Flamenco in Cádiz         point. There will also be an unforgettable sailing past this iconic
with a local Bailaora • Immerse yourself in the history of Valencia       natural landmark • Borealis will deviate from the usual tourist
and enjoy expertly-made paella in the city where the famous dish          routes for scenic cruising past the landscapes of northern Norway.
originates • Explore historical Cartagena and sample a taste of           You will pass Torghatten, a unique mountain with a hole through
authentic Spanish life on the island of Menorca, where sun-kissed         its centre; the Seven Sisters mountain range; Europe’s highest sea
beaches and charming Mahon await                                          cliff, Hornelen, at sunset; and the jagged peaks of Devil’s Jaw

Cruise from £2,599 per person                                             Cruise from £2,499 per person
With £250pp free On Board Spend                                           With £200pp free On Board Spend

SCE N IC I S LE S                                                         RUG G E D & R E M OTE S PIT S B E RG E N
O F SCOTL AN D                                                            WITH TH E M I D N I G HT SU N
B O L E T T E | Sail from Newcastle | 10 nights                           BA L M O R A L | Sail from Rosyth | 15 nights
Saturday 15th July 2023 | Cruise code T2319                               Wednesday 19th July 2023 | Cruise code L2317

                                               Kilt Rock Waterfall                                                     Spitsbergen

T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S                                   T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S
Among the many scenic cruising highlights are the Duncansby               As you would expect, sailing to the isolated lands of Svalbard
sea stacks and the tartan-patterned Kilt Rock • Puffins and               on Balmoral offers many scenic cruising opportunities. We will
guillemots can often be seen at the nature reserves of Marwick            make deviations to show you sights like the Nordenskiöldbreen
Head and Sumburgh Head, reachable from Kirkwall and Lerwick               Glacier, Tempelfjorden’s Temple Mountain and Svartisen (the
respectively, while the Sound of Mull and Skye are great for eagle-       Black Glacier). Balmoral is also small enough to cruise the likes of
spotting. Keep your eyes peeled for dolphins and whales, too, as          the Nærøysundet strait, Nordfjord (Meløy) and the ultra-narrow
you cruise the waters around northern Scotland • Elsewhere, there         Trollfjord • In Spitsbergen, you will have the chance to explore
are Neolithic settlements, ancient stone circles and historic castles     the community of Longyearbyen and the abandoned town of
within reach of your destinations                                         Pyramiden, seemingly frozen in time • We have timed this itinerary
                                                                          for you to experience the Midnight Sun as Balmoral crosses the
                                                                          Arctic Circle

Cruise from £1,599 per person                                             Cruise from £2,799 per person
With £150pp free On Board Spend                                           With £200pp free On Board Spend

6                                                          New itineraries for 2023
SCE N IC R IVE RS O F F R ANCE                                         D I SCOVE R TH E
& I NTO TH E H EART O F S EVI LLE                                      SCAN D I NAVIAN CAPITAL S
B R A E M A R | Sail from Dover | 15 nights                            B O L E T T E | Sail from Newcastle | 12 nights
Thursday 20th July 2023 | Cruise code M2317                            Tuesday 25th July 2023 | Cruise code T2320

                                              Seville                                                                 Copenhagen

T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S                                T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S
You can reap the rewards of Braemar’s smaller dimensions during        Appreciate the beauty and diversity of Scandinavia’s cities and
a sailing of the size-restricted Guadalquivir, Loire and Seine         waterways • Experience scenic cruising through the sprawling
rivers. The latter of which is flanked by quaint French villages and   Stockholm archipelago • Discover the Swedish capital’s
picturesque countryside • Braemar will dock in places out of reach     architectural highlights such as the Royal Palace or perhaps take a
to larger ships, including Seville, where you can admire Moorish       trip on the picturesque canal • Visit historic Visby for a glimpse into
and Gothic architecture and learn the art of flamenco during a         Sweden’s Hanseatic Heritage • Explore Skagen, a town boasting
lesson with a local Bailaora (dancer) • In Rouen, you could explore    beautiful scenery, Danish charm and sweeping white sands • A
the medieval streets and uncover the history of Joan of Arc, or        visit to Copenhagen offers the opportunity to explore the city’s
perhaps enjoy a sightseeing tour of Paris • Elsewhere, Nantes is       famous sites such as the Little Mermaid Statue • Sailing past the
your gateway to the Loire Valley wine region                           Olsen family home on the Oslofjord en route to Oslo will ensure
                                                                       a memorable start to your time in Norway

Cruise from £2,299 per person                                          Cruise from £1,899 per person
With £200pp free On Board Spend                                        With £150pp free On Board Spend

EXPLO R I N G RUG G E D & R E M OTE                                    H I G H LI G HT S & H I D D E N G E M S
G R E E N L AN D & ICE L AN D                                          O F TH E N O RWEG IAN FJ O R D S
B O R E A L I S | Sail from Liverpool | 14 nights                      BA L M O R A L | Sail from Rosyth | 8 nights
Friday 4th August 2023 | Cruise code S2315                             Tuesday 8th August 2023 | Cruise code L2319

                                              Church in                                                               View over
                                              Nanortalik                                                              Hardangerfjord

T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S                                T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S
Along the journey, Borealis will divert into awe-inspiring             The destinations on this itinerary have been specially chosen to
Prins Christiansund – rated Fred. Olsen’s best scenic cruising         bring Norwegian nature to the fore • Tours, such as hiking atop
experience – to marvel at ancient lands surrounded by mountains        Bergen’s Mount Fløyen with a native or joining a local geologist
and glaciers • A rare visit to Narsarsuaq brings the remarkable        in Olden for an insightful visit to the mighty Briksdal Glacier, are
Qooroq Ice Fjord within reach • Experience Greenland’s                 recommended • You will also visit Skjolden, nestled deep within
authentic culture and Norse history in Nanortalik and Qaqortoq         the Lustrafjord; Åndalsnes, gateway to the Rauma Railway; and
• Visit the Godafoss ‘Waterfall of the Gods’ in Iceland • Discover     Eidfjord, where there’s a chance to kayak the Hardangerfjord
the treasures of volcanic gem Heimaey, the largest of the              • Balmoral will make scenic diversions along the size-restricted
Vestmannaeyjar Islands • Reykjavík is your gateway to the Golden       Lysefjord; past Hornelen, Europe’s highest sea cliff; and to admire
Circle, the Gullfoss Waterfall, gushing Geysir hot springs and         views of the Fureberg and Langfoss waterfalls
famous Blue Lagoon

Cruise from £2,599 per person                                          Cruise from £1,299 per person
With £200pp free On Board Spend                                        With £100pp free On Board Spend

                                 We’ll double your On Board Spend amount when you book a Suite*                                               7
WO N D E RS & WI LD LI F E                                                SCE N IC SWE D I S H
O F TH E A ZO R E S & MAD E I R A                                         WATE RWAYS & ARCH I PE L AG O S
B O L E T T E | Sail from Southampton | 12 nights                         BA L M O R A L | Sail from Newcastle | 11 nights
Sunday 13th August 2023 | Cruise code T2322                               Thursday 31st August 2023 | Cruise code L2322A

                                                     Azores Wildlife

                                                                                                                       Balmoral in
                                                                                                                       Stockholm, Sweden

T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S                                   T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S
Encounter the wildlife and natural wonders of the scenic Azores           Enjoy a cocktail of culture and scenery from both land and sea on
archipelago • On São Miguel revel in the colourful lakes and vast         this in-depth discovery of Sweden • Thanks to Balmoral’s smaller
craters of Sete Cidades Volcano • See nature in action at the             size you will get to cruise the fjords of western Sweden, dock
Furnas Valley, where natural hot springs fill the air with steam          within one mile of the centre of Trelleborg, and berth closer to
• View Terceira’s glorious coastline from the water, visit the historic   the city of Gothenburg than larger ships • After an extended stay
UNESCO-listed city of Angra do Heroísmo or take in the views              in the Swedish capital of Stockholm, home to royal palaces and
from atop the Monte Brasil volcano • Absorb the vibrant colours           a historic old town (Gamla Stan), Balmoral will sail between the
and sweet scents of wild flowers, botanical gardens and orchid            rocky, tree-topped islands and islets of the Stockholm Archipelago
farms of Portugal’s ‘Garden Island’ Madeira • Delve into rich             • UNESCO-listed town Visby on the island of Gotland is like a living
maritime history in La Coruña and visit famous Roman Lighthouse           museum, renowned for its well-preserved medieval city walls
Torre de Hercules

Cruise from £1,899 per person                                             Cruise from £1,599 per person
With £150pp free On Board Spend                                           With £150pp free On Board Spend

NATU R AL WO N D E RS                                                     CL AS S IC
O F ICE L AN D                                                            N O RWEG IAN FJ O R D S
B O R E A L I S | Sail from Liverpool | 9 nights                          B R A E M A R | Sail from Dover | 7 nights
Thursday 31st August 2023 | Cruise code S2318                             Thursday 7th September 2023 | Cruise code M2322

                                               Thingvellir National
                                               Park, Iceland                                                           Lovatnet Lake

T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S                                   T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S
Get closer to the awe-inspiring wonders and wildlife of Iceland           Diverting away from well-travelled coastal routes, Braemar will
• Reykjavik is your gateway to the Golden Circle; UNESCO-listed           take you on a journey to show you the changing scenery of
Thingvellir National Park, Gullfoss Waterfall and Geysir hot springs,     Norway’s fjords as summer turns to autumn • Cruising between
and the famous Blue Lagoon • Immerse yourself in the tranquillity         the orchard-covered valleys and mountains of Hardangerfjord
and natural beauty of the Westfjords or take a boat tour to Vigur         provides memorable views, while in Eidfjord there’s the chance to
Island to encounter native puffins • Go in search of whales,              taste seasonal local produce, such as apple juice, cider and brandy
dolphins and porpoises in their natural habitat • Revel in the sight      • Braemar will cruise along Nordfjord, past northern Europe’s
and sounds of glorious glaciers, towering mountains and tumbling          highest sea cliff, Hornelen, and through the narrow, size-restricted
waterfalls in remote Seyðisfjörður • Enjoy a memorable sail by            Karmsund Strait • Join one of the locals in Bergen for a hike up
verdant Hrisey as the sun rises, and watch Dynjandi Waterfall             Mount Fløyen to see the city and surrounding fjordland from a
at sunset                                                                 different perspective

Cruise from £1,499 per person                                             Cruise from £1,149 per person
With £100pp free On Board Spend                                           With £100pp free On Board Spend

8                                                          New itineraries for 2023
WHALE S , WATE R FALL S                                                  D I SCOVE R I N G TH E
& G E YS E RS O F ICE L AN D                                             SCE N IC AMALF I COAST
BA L M O R A L | Sail from Southampton | 13 nights                       B O R E A L I S | Sail from Liverpool | 16 nights
Wednesday 13th September 2023 | Cruise code L2322B                       Sunday 17th September 2023 | Cruise code S2320

                                               The Strokkur                                                                Rome, on tours
                                               Geyser erupting                                                          from Civitavecchia

T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S                                  T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S
You’re in for an unforgettable adventure as we go in search of           Experience the history and unique charm of Italy’s Amalfi
the wonders, wildlife and unique cultural highlights of Iceland’s        Coast as you sail this beautiful region on Borealis • In Amalfi
beautiful landscapes and waterways • From Reykjavik, explore             Town, sample local flavours, such as Limoncello, and wander
the Golden Circle and witness the natural power of the Gullfoss          its ancient narrow streets • Sorrento is the ideal starting point
Waterfall and gushing Geysir hot springs or head to the Blue             for tours to the UNESCO-listed towns of Herculaneum and
Lagoon for a dip in its thermal waters. • Within the Westfjords,         Pompeii, famously destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79
head to Vigur Island from Ísafjörður and watch puffins in their          • Discover lesser-known Roman sites in Cagliari, gain an insight
natural habitat. • For an experience of a lifetime, join a boat tour     into Salerno’s rich Roman heritage and explore ancient Rome
in Akureyri and seek out whales and dolphins living freely in the        from Civitavecchia • What’s more, as you arrive at and depart
surrounding waters                                                       from each destination, you’ll take in unspoilt views of its rugged
                                                                         cliffs, peaks and pretty beaches

Cruise from £1,999 per person                                            Cruise from £2,499 per person
With £200pp free On Board Spend                                          With £250pp free On Board Spend

EXPLO R I N G TH E BALK AN S                                             CANADA
& AD R IATIC WITH VE N ICE                                               I N TH E FALL
B O L E T T E | Sail from Southampton | 26 nights                        B O R E A L I S | Sail from Liverpool | 19 nights
Monday 18th September 2023 | Cruise code T2326                           Tuesday 3rd October 2023 | Cruise code S2321

                                                          Dubrovnik                                                   Mauricie National
                                                                                                                      Park, Quebec

T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S                                  T H E O L S E N WAY H I G H L I G H T S
This cruise has been designed to offer an insight into the fascinating   Join us to discover Canada in its autumnal glory as the landscape
history of a turbulent region shaped by various civilisations and        turns to famous fall hues of brown, yellow and red • Spend four
changing eras • Bolette will head off the beaten track to historically   memorable days in Quebec province, one of the best places to
significant destinations, presenting you with the likes of the           observe Canada’s natural beauty • Enjoy a scenic cruise along
Albanian city of Durrës, the medieval centre of Koper and the            the Saguenay River and take in the fjord-like landscapes from the
fortified town of Kotor – reached via a cruise along the fjord-like      comfort of your ship • Newfoundland is brimming with old world
Bay of Kotor at sunrise. There’s also a call into Neum, gateway to       charm and picturesque countryside and coastlines • In Corner
places influenced by the Ottoman era such as Mostar and Stari Most       Brook, follow in Captain Cook’s footsteps and explore the city’s
• On the Dalmatian leg of your journey, explore Zadar’s Old Town,        shores or opt to tour the vibrant, UNSECO-listed Gros Morne
Diocletian’s Palace in Split and the Walls of Dubrovnik                  National Park

Cruise from £4,099 per person                                            Cruise from £3,399 per person
With £250pp free On Board Spend                                          With £250pp free On Board Spend

                                   We’ll double your On Board Spend amount when you book a Suite*                                            9
F R E D. O L S E N S A I L I N G S 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3
                      We’ve listed our full programme of sailings from April 2022 through to October 2023.
                                          More cruises for 2023 will be announced soon.

DATE           CRUISE NAME                               DEPARTURE              NTS   SHIP       CRUISE     PRICES           FREE ON
                                                         PORT                                    ID         FROM             BOARD
                                                                                                            PER              SPEND PER
                                                                                                            PERSON           PERSON*

APRIL 2022

06 Apr 2022    Classic Norwegian Fjords                  Liverpool               8    Borealis   S2208      Call for price   £100

07 Apr 2022    Classic Norwegian Fjords                  Southampton             7    Bolette    T2206      Call for price   £100

14 Apr 2022    Touring Scenic Ireland in Five Nights     Liverpool               5    Borealis   S2209      Call for price   £50

14 Apr 2022    Discover the Amalfi Coast                 Southampton            15    Bolette    T2207      Call for price   £200

19 Apr 2022    Whales & Volcanoes of Iceland             Liverpool              17    Borealis   S2210      Call for price   £250
               & the Azores

29 Apr 2022    Springtime Tulips & Floriade Expo         Southampton             5    Bolette    T2208      Call for price   £50
               in Five Nights

MAY 2022

02 May 2022    Canaries & Portugal with                  Newcastle              16    Balmoral   L2211      Call for price   £250
               Funchal Flower Parade

04 May 2022    Natural Wonders of Iceland                Southampton            11    Bolette    T2209      Call for price   £150

06 May 2022    Springtime Tulips & Floriade Expo         Liverpool               7    Borealis   S2211      Call for price   £100

13 May 2022    Discover Spanish Traditions               Liverpool              12    Borealis   S2212      Call for price   £150

15 May 2022    Norwegian Fjords & Mighty Waterfalls      Southampton             7    Bolette    T2210      Call for price   £100

18 May 2022    Exploring the Baltic                      Newcastle              14    Balmoral   L2213      Call for price   £200

22 May 2022    Exploring Spain and the French Riviera    Southampton            13    Bolette    T2211      Call for price   £200

25 May 2022    Norwegian Fjords & Mighty Waterfalls      Liverpool               9    Borealis   S2213      £1,499           £100

26 May 2022    Norwegian Fjords & Mighty Waterfalls      Belfast                 9    Borealis   S2213BFS   £1,799           £100

JUNE 2022

01 Jun 2022    Scenic Orkneys & Shetlands in Five Nights Newcastle               5    Balmoral   L2214      £749             £50

03 Jun 2022    Exploring the Scenic Faroe Islands        Liverpool               6    Borealis   S2214      £749             £50

04 Jun 2022    Exploring the Scenic Faroe Islands        Belfast                 6    Borealis   S2214BFS   £749             £50

04 Jun 2022    Scenic Isles of the UK                    Southampton            10    Bolette    T2212      Sold out

06 Jun 2022    Arctic Fjords & Midnight Sun              Newcastle               9    Balmoral   L2215      £1,399           £100

09 Jun 2022    Scenic Isles of Scotland                  Liverpool               8    Borealis   S2215      £1,099           £100

10 Jun 2022    Scenic Isles of Scotland                  Belfast                 8    Borealis   S2215BFS   £1,099           £100

14 Jun 2022    Discovering the Balkans                   Southampton            18    Bolette    T2213      £2,799           £250

15 Jun 2022    Norwegian Fjords & Mighty Waterfalls      Newcastle               7    Balmoral   L2216      £1,099           £100

17 Jun 2022    Whales, Waterfalls & Geysers of Iceland   Liverpool              10    Borealis   S2216      £1,399           £150

18 Jun 2022    Whales, Waterfalls & Geysers of Iceland   Belfast to Liverpool    9    Borealis   S2216BFS   £1,349           £100

22 Jun 2022    Rugged & Remote Spitsbergen               Newcastle              15    Balmoral   L2217      £2,799           £200

27 Jun 2022    Vistas & Volcanoes                        Liverpool              14    Borealis   S2217      £1,799           £200
               of the Azores & Madeira

DATE          CRUISE NAME                               DEPARTURE              NTS   SHIP       CRUISE     PRICES   FREE ON
                                                        PORT                                    ID         FROM     BOARD
                                                                                                           PER      SPEND PER
                                                                                                           PERSON   PERSON*

JULY 2022

02 Jul 2022   Scenic Summertime Norwegian Fjords        Southampton             7    Bolette    T2214      £999     £100

08 Jul 2022   Hidden Gems of the Norwegian Fjords       Rosyth (Edinburgh)      8    Balmoral   L2218A     £1,299   £100

09 Jul 2022   Scenic Isles of Scotland                  Southampton             8    Bolette    T2215      £1,099   £100

11 Jul 2022   Norwegian Fjords,                         Liverpool               8    Borealis   S2218      £1,149   £100
              Glaciers & Mountain Railways

17 Jul 2022   Discover the Amalfi Coast                 Southampton            15    Bolette    T2216      £2,499   £200

19 Jul 2022   Scenic Isles of Scotland                  Liverpool               7    Borealis   S2219      £1,099   £100

20 Jul 2022   Scenic Isles of Scotland                  Belfast                 7    Borealis   S2219BFS   £1,099   £100

26 Jul 2022   Exploring Remote Iceland & Greenland      Liverpool              14    Borealis   S2220      £2,499   £200

27 Jul 2022   Exploring Remote Iceland & Greenland      Belfast to Liverpool   13    Borealis   S2220BEL   £2,399   £200

29 Jul 2022   Summertime Norwegian Fjords               Rosyth (Edinburgh)      5    Balmoral   L2220A     £799     £50


01 Aug 2022   Scenic British Isles                      Southampton            11    Bolette    T2217A     £1,899   £150

03 Aug 2022   Whales, Waterfalls & Geysers of Iceland   Rosyth (Edinburgh)      9    Balmoral   L2221A     £1,499   £100

09 Aug 2022   Rugged & Rural Canada                     Liverpool              15    Borealis   S2221      £2,199   £200

12 Aug 2022   Scenic Summertime Norwegian Fjords        Southampton             7    Bolette    T2218      £1,149   £100

12 Aug 2022   Norway’s Mountains & Scenic Fjords        Rosyth (Edinburgh)      7    Balmoral   L2223A     £1,149   £100

19 Aug 2022   Scenic Isles & Lochs of Scotland          Dover                   8    Bolette    T2219      £1,299   £100

19 Aug 2022   Revisiting Prussia                        Rosyth (Edinburgh)     10    Balmoral   L2224A     £1,899   £150

24 Aug 2022   Touring Scenic Ireland in Five Nights     Liverpool               5    Borealis   S2222      £1,099   £50

27 Aug 2022   Antwerp & Amsterdam                       Dover                   5    Bolette    T2220      £799     £50
              Bank Holiday Weekend

29 Aug 2022   Norway's Mountains & Scenic Fjords        Liverpool               7    Borealis   S2223      £1,099   £100

29 Aug 2022   French Rivers with Bordeaux               Rosyth (Edinburgh)     11    Balmoral   L2225A     £1,599   £150


01 Sep 2022   Vistas & Volcanoes                        Dover                  13    Bolette    T2221      £1,899   £200
              of the Azores & Madeira

05 Sep 2022   Dramatic Coastlines of Iceland            Liverpool              11    Borealis   S2224      £1,799   £150
              & the Faroes

11 Sep 2022   UK Scenic Isles & Celtic Cities           Southampton            12    Balmoral   L2226A     £1,999   £150

14 Sep 2022   Norwegian Fjords                          Dover                   7    Bolette    T2222      £1,149   £100
              & the Home of the Olsens

16 Sep 2022   Discover Spanish Traditions               Liverpool              12    Borealis   S2225      £1,799   £150

21 Sep 2022   Scandinavian City Break                   Dover                   6    Bolette    T2223      £899     £50

23 Sep 2022   France Short Break                        Dover                   4    Balmoral   L2227      £599     £50

27 Sep 2022   Rediscovering the Roman Legacy            Dover                  15    Bolette    T2224      £1,999   £200

28 Sep 2022   Canada in the Fall                        Liverpool              19    Borealis   S2226      £3,599   £250

28 Sep 2022   Canada in the Fall                        Liverpool to Belfast   18    Borealis   S2226BEL   £3,499   £250

DATE          CRUISE NAME                                 DEPARTURE     NTS   SHIP       CRUISE    PRICES    FREE ON
                                                          PORT                           ID        FROM      BOARD
                                                                                                   PER       SPEND PER
                                                                                                   PERSON    PERSON*


12 Oct 2022   Pilgrimage to Northern Spain                Dover          9    Bolette    T2225     £1,199    £100

17 Oct 2022   Scenic Islands of the Azores                Liverpool     11    Borealis   S2227     £1,399    £150

21 Oct 2022   Antwerp & Amsterdam City Break              Tilbury        5    Bolette    T2226     £699      £50
              in Five Nights

25 Oct 2022   French Rivers & Bordeaux                    Dover         10    Balmoral   L2229     £1,099    £150

26 Oct 2022   Vistas & Volcanoes                          Tilbury       14    Bolette    T2227     £1,999    £200
              of the Azores & Madeira


04 Nov 2022   In Search of the Northern Lights            Dover         14    Balmoral   L2230     £1,899    £200

09 Nov 2022   Remembrance Beaches & Battlefields          Tilbury        8    Bolette    T2228     £1,199    £100

13 Nov 2022   In Search of the Northern Lights            Liverpool     11    Borealis   S2228A    £1,599    £150

17 Nov 2022   Ancient Walls of the Med with Malta         Tilbury       15    Bolette    T2229     £1,899    £200

18 Nov 2022   Morocco & Moorish Seville*                  Southampton   14    Balmoral   L2231     £1,799    £200

24 Nov 2022   Discover Portugal with Madeira              Liverpool     11    Borealis   S2230     £1,399    £150


02 Dec 2022   Islands of Cape Verde                       Tilbury       19    Bolette    T2230A    £1,999    £250

02 Dec 2022   European Christmas Markets                  Portsmouth     8    Balmoral   L2232     £999      £100

05 Dec 2022   Explore Western Europe Cities & Rivers      Liverpool      9    Borealis   S2231     £1,099    £100

10 Dec 2022   Festive Spain & Portugal                    Portsmouth    12    Balmoral   L2233     £1,099    £150

14 Dec 2022   Festive Spanish City Break                  Liverpool      8    Borealis   S2232     £999      £100

21 Dec 2022   White Christmas in Norway                   Tilbury       13    Bolette    T2232     £2,399    £200

22 Dec 2022   Christmas Celebrations in the Canaries      Liverpool     14    Borealis   S2233     £2,599    £200

22 Dec 2022   Christmas Celebrations in the Canaries      Portsmouth    14    Balmoral   L2234     £2,599    £200


03 Jan 2023   Winter Warmth in the Canaries               Tilbury       14    Bolette    T2301     £1,799    £200

05 Jan 2023   Exploration of South America                Southampton   78    Balmoral   L2301     £8,999    Up to £400pp
              and the Antarctic

05 Jan 2023   Borealis Searches for the Northern Lights   Liverpool     15    Borealis   S2301     £2,199    £200

17 Jan 2023   Mediterranean Islands with Cyprus           Tilbury       19    Bolette    T2302     £2,399    £250

20 Jan 2023   Winter Warmth in the Canaries               Liverpool     14    Borealis   S2302     £1,899    £200


03 Feb 2023   Civilisations of Cape Verde & Morocco       Liverpool     18    Borealis   S2303     £2,199    £250

05 Feb 2023   Wintertime Norwegian Fjords                 Tilbury        6    Bolette    T2303     £849      £50

11 Feb 2023   In Search of the Northern Lights            Tilbury       12    Bolette    T2304     £1,699    £150

21 Feb 2023   Around the World in 80 Days                 Liverpool     81    Borealis   S230405   £14,849   Up to £500pp

23 Feb 2023   Around the World in 80 Days                 Southampton   79    Borealis   S2305     £14,499   Up to £500pp

DATE          CRUISE NAME                               DEPARTURE     NTS   SHIP       CRUISE   PRICES           FREE ON
                                                        PORT                           ID       FROM             BOARD
                                                                                                PER              SPEND PER
                                                                                                PERSON           PERSON*

MARCH 2023

09 Mar 2023   In Search of the Northern Lights          Newcastle      9    Bolette    T2305    £1,299           £100
              in Nine Nights

18 Mar 2023   In Search of the Northern Lights          Newcastle      9    Bolette    T2306    £1,299           £100
              in Nine Nights

24 Mar 2023   Escape to the Canaries                    Southampton   13    Balmoral   L2305    £1,699           £200

27 Mar 2023   Uncrowded Iceland                         Newcastle     10    Bolette    T2307    £1,499           £150

APRIL 2023

06 Apr 2023   Norwegian Fjords Easter Escape            Newcastle      5    Bolette    T2308    £799             £50

06 Apr 2023   Easter on the River Seine                 Southampton    5    Balmoral   L2306    £699             £50

11 Apr 2023   Exploring the Nordic Capitals             Newcastle     10    Bolette    T2309    £1,399           £150

11 Apr 2023   Cities of Germany via the Kiel Canal      Southampton    8    Balmoral   L2307    £1,099           £100

19 Apr 2023   French Rivers of Normandy and Bordeaux Southampton       9    Balmoral   L2308    £1,199           £100

21 Apr 2023   Classic Norwegian Fjords                  Newcastle      7    Bolette    T2310    £1,099           £100

28 Apr 2023   Bank Holiday Escape to the Netherlands    Southampton    5    Balmoral   L2309    £699             £50

28 Apr 2023   Antwerp & Amsterdam in Five Nights        Newcastle      5    Bolette    T2311    £699             £50

28 Apr 2023   Discover Normandy in Five Nights          Southampton    5    Braemar    M2310    £699             £50

MAY 2023

03 May 2023   Greek Islands and Corinth Canal           Southampton   25    Braemar    M2311    Call for price

03 May 2023   Scenic Isles of Scotland                  Southampton    9    Balmoral   L2310    £1,399           £100

13 May 2023   Scenic Isles and Lochs of Scotland        Newcastle      7    Bolette    T2313    £1,099           £100

13 May 2023   Mighty Waterfalls & Norwegian Fjords      Southampton    7    Borealis   S2308    £1,099           £100

20 May 2023   Classic Norwegian Fjords                  Newcastle      7    Bolette    T2314    £1,099           £100

22 May 2023   Renaissance Italy,                        Liverpool     25    Borealis   S2309    £3,999           £250pp or free door
              the Adriatic & Amalfi Coast                                                                        to door transfer up
                                                                                                                 to 200 (UK mainland)
                                                                                                                 miles each way

26 May 2023   Bank Holiday Escape                       Southampton    5    Balmoral   L2312    £799             £50
              to Cornwall and Scilly Isles

27 May 2023   Norwegian Fjords Bank Holiday Escape      Newcastle      5    Bolette    T2315    £799             £50

28 May 2023   Scenic Isles, Irish Loughs & Cities       Southampton   10    Braemar    M2312    £1,599           £150

JUNE 2023

07 Jun 2023   Springtime Waterfalls & Norwegian Fjords Southampton     8    Braemar    M2313    £1,249           £100

15 Jun 2023   Sunsets & Cities of the                   Southampton   17    Braemar    M2314    £2,699           £250
              Mediterranean Brought Closer

15 Jun 2023   Scenic Isles of Scotland                  Rosyth         7    Balmoral   L2314    £1,099           £100

16 Jun 2023   Whales, Waterfalls & Geysers of Iceland   Liverpool     10    Borealis   S2310    £1,699           £150

22 Jun 2023   German Cities with Kiel Week Regatta      Rosyth        10    Balmoral   L2315    £1,499           £150

24 Jun 2023   Scenic Summertime Norwegian Fjords        Newcastle      7    Bolette    T2317    £1,099           £100

26 Jun 2023   Scenic Isles of Scotland                  Liverpool      8    Borealis   S2311    £1,299           £100

DATE          CRUISE NAME                              DEPARTURE     NTS   SHIP       CRUISE   PRICES   FREE ON
                                                       PORT                           ID       FROM     BOARD
                                                                                               PER      SPEND PER
                                                                                               PERSON   PERSON*

JULY 2023

02 Jul 2023   Denmark with Fredericia Festivities      Dover          8    Braemar    M2315    £1,199   £100
              Brought Closer

02 Jul 2023   Experience Spanish                       Rosyth        17    Balmoral   L2316    £2,599   £250
              & Portuguese Traditions

04 Jul 2023   Exploring Northern Norway -              Liverpool     15    Borealis   S2312    £2,499   £200
              the Land of the Midnight Sun

15 Jul 2023   Scenic Isles of Scotland                 Newcastle     10    Bolette    T2319    £1,599   £150

19 Jul 2023   Scenic Summertime Norwegian Fjords       Liverpool      8    Borealis   S2313    £1,299   £100

19 Jul 2023   Rugged & Remote Spitsbergen              Rosyth        15    Balmoral   L2317    £2,799   £200
              with the Midnight Sun

20 Jul 2023   Scenic Rivers of France                  Dover         15    Braemar    M2317    £2,299   £200
              & Into the Heart of Seville

25 Jul 2023   Discover the Scandinavian Capitals       Newcastle     12    Bolette    T2320    £1,899   £150

27 Jul 2023   Scenic Isles & Cities of Ireland         Liverpool      8    Borealis   S2314    £1,299   £100


03 Aug 2023   Summertime Norwegian Fjords              Rosyth         5    Balmoral   L2318    £799     £50
              in Five Nights

04 Aug 2023   Exploring Rugged & Remote                Liverpool     14    Borealis   S2315    £2,599   £200
              Greenland & Iceland

04 Aug 2023   Scenic Summertime Norwegian Fjords       Dover          7    Braemar    M2318    £1,149   £100

07 Aug 2023   Isles of Scotland & the Faroes           Dover          6    Bolette    T2321    £999     £50

08 Aug 2023   Highlights & Hidden Gems                 Rosyth         8    Balmoral   L2319    £1,299   £100
              of the Norwegian Fjords

11 Aug 2023   Islands, Cities & Archipelagos           Dover         14    Braemar    M2319    £2,099   £200
              of Scandinavia

13 Aug 2023   Wonders & Wildlife of the Azores         Southampton   12    Bolette    T2322    £1,899   £150
              & Madeira

16 Aug 2023   Discovering Scandinavia's Viking Heritage Rosyth        9    Balmoral   L2320    £1,399   £100

18 Aug 2023   Scenic Summertime Norwegian Fjords       Liverpool      8    Borealis   S2316    £1,299   £100

25 Aug 2023   Bank Holiday Break to Spain              Southampton    5    Bolette    T2323    £799     £50

25 Aug 2023   Bank Holiday Devon & Cornwall            Dover          5    Braemar    M2320    £799     £50
              in Five Nights

26 Aug 2023   Bank Holiday Escape to Scenic Scotland   Liverpool      5    Borealis   S2317    £799     £50

26 Aug 2023   Bank Holiday Norwegian Fjords            Newcastle      5    Balmoral   L2321    £799     £50
              in Five Nights

30 Aug 2023   Norway's Mountains & Scenic Fjords       Southampton    8    Bolette    T2324    £1,299   £100

30 Aug 2023   Discovering Edinburgh                    Dover          8    Braemar    M2321    £1,299   £100
              & Historic Isles of Scotland

31 Aug 2023   Natural Wonders of Iceland               Liverpool      9    Borealis   S2318    £1,499   £100

31 Aug 2023   Scenic Swedish Waterways & Archipelagos Newcastle      11    Balmoral   L2322A   £1,599   £150


07 Sep 2023   Scenic British Isles                     Southampton   11    Bolette    T2325    £1,799   £150

07 Sep 2023   Classic Norwegian Fjords                 Dover          7    Braemar    M2322    £1,149   £100

09 Sep 2023   Classic Scenic Norwegian Fjords          Liverpool      8    Borealis   S2319    £1,299   £100

DATE           CRUISE NAME                               DEPARTURE          NTS     SHIP          CRUISE   PRICES   FREE ON
                                                         PORT                                     ID       FROM     BOARD
                                                                                                           PER      SPEND PER
                                                                                                           PERSON   PERSON*

SEPTEMBER 2023 (Continued)

13 Sep 2023    Whales, Waterfalls & Geysers of Iceland   Southampton         13     Balmoral      L2322B   £1,999   £200

14 Sep 2023    French Cities & Cruising                  Dover                11    Braemar       M2323    £1,599   £150
               the Seine & Loire Rivers

17 Sep 2023    Discovering the Scenic Amalfi Coast       Liverpool           16     Borealis      S2320    £2,499   £250

18 Sep 2023    Exploring the Balkans & Adriatic          Southampton         26     Bolette       T2326    £4,099   £250
               with Venice

26 Sep 2023    American Waterways & Canada in the Fall   Southampton         34     Balmoral      L2323    £5,499


03 Oct 2023    Canada in the Fall                        Liverpool           19     Borealis      S2321    £3,399   £250

Call for details of our special offers for solo travellers – available on selected cruises & cabins.
Solo offers not combinable with free on board spend offer.

For more information or to book please call Cruise Select
today on 01234 326758 or email

             For our full terms and conditions please visit
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