YOU BELONG HERE Canton Township - Adopted by Board of Trustees April 12, 2021

Page created by Annette Hernandez
YOU BELONG HERE Canton Township - Adopted by Board of Trustees April 12, 2021
Canton Township               Ado pte d by
                           Board o f Tru stees
YOU                          A pri l 1 2 , 2021
Community Strategic Plan
YOU BELONG HERE Canton Township - Adopted by Board of Trustees April 12, 2021

    Alignment of
    the township’s
    vision and mission
    today provides the
    roadmap to create
    a better tomorrow

     Township Vision                  Township Mission
     To be a forward thinking         To collectively deliver on
     and intentionally inclusive      the community’s priorities
     community.                       ensuring a high quality of life
                                      for all.

    A community strategic plan provides the work plan for the
    Township and guides the Township’s work. It includes strategic
    initiatives with associated objectives, strategies, measures, and
    actions that will be implemented within the community over a
    specific period of time. The strategic elements were derived from
    the Board of Trustees strategy development process and reflect
    the staff’s involvement and feedback throughout the process.
YOU BELONG HERE Canton Township - Adopted by Board of Trustees April 12, 2021
Canton Township Community Strategic Plan

                                     A Message from the Supervisor
                                    Canton Township continues to focus on being a
                                    welcoming community for all as one of its main objectives.

                                    Our objective for a healthy ecosystem includes exceeding
                                    the state goals for carbon footprint reduction by 2035.
                                    Our organizational Climate & Culture objective creates
                                    an empowering and fulfilling work environment for our
                                    employees and ensuring accountability of contracted

                                    Our quality infrastructure objective harnesses technology
                                    to advance Canton into the future and eliminates
                                    communication barriers.
                                    And our final objective of financial stability is a
                                    guarantee of good governance and accountability to our

                                    We will continue to work together and unify our efforts
                                    in the areas identified in this strategic plan and beyond
                                    so that Canton remains a township where many of us are
                                    proud to live, work, play and invest. The Canton Board of
                                    Trustees plan will be implemented during 2021-2024 and
                                    beyond with quarterly progress reports and an annual
  Values                            update to the plan provided to the community.

Commitment to Service
We are dedicated to seeking
solutions for our community.

We demonstrate sound, honest,
truthful, and consistent actions.

We take ownership of our actions
and responsibilities.

All residents are able to fully
and effectively access township
services, influence policy and
direction, and feel a sense of
belonging in Canton.

YOU BELONG HERE Canton Township - Adopted by Board of Trustees April 12, 2021
Your Township Board of Trustees
                   Anne Marie Graham-Hudak                 Ethics and elections Committee and Health Policy
                   Supervisor                              Committee. Dian was also instrumental in pushing
                                                           through legislation to ban smoking in restaurants
                      Anne Marie was elected as Canton     and buildings throughout Michigan, adding Autism
                      Township’s first female Supervisor   to healthcare and removing lifetime-health care to
                      in November, 2020. Prior to          legislators. Her priorities included school funding,
                      becoming Supervisor, she served      government efficiency, and encouraging residents
                      as a Canton Trustee and Planning     to buy local, Michigan-based products. Dian has
                      Commissioner for four years.         volunteered at Plymouth-Canton Community Schools,
                      Anne Marie has an extensive          as a Sunday School teacher at Geneva Presbyterian
                      engineering background,              Church in Canton Township and as a Girl Scout leader
having worked for the automotive industry for 26           for the Huron Valley Council. Dian is also a member
years. Anne Marie represents Canton by serving             of the Northwest Wayne County League of Women
on numerous local and regional boards, including:          Voters and on the board of the Canton Community
Conference of Western Wayne, 35th District Court,          Foundation’s Giving Hope. Dian also worked as a
Western Townships Utilities Authority Board, as well       Respiratory Therapist for Beaumont Hospital in Royal
as on both the SEMCOG Executive Committee and              Oak and Henry Ford Hospital, downtown campus.
Regional Review Committee for the Transportation
Alternatives Program (TAP). Her community service
includes several director positions for the League of
Women Voters, Chair of Plymouth-Canton Citizens                                Michael Siegrist, Clerk
for Diversity and Inclusion (PCCDI), leadership team
                                                                                 Michael has been the Canton
of the Plymouth-Canton Interfaith Community
                                                                                 Clerk since 2016 and is currently
Outreach group (ICO) and board member of
                                                                                 Secretary of the Michigan
the South Asian American Voices for Impact
                                                                                 Association of Municipal Clerks
(SAAVI). Anne Marie’s direct involvement in these
                                                                                 (MAMC) and is Treasurer of the
organizations strengthens Canton’s partnerships and
                                                                                 Association of Wayne County
collaborations on the local, regional and statewide
                                                                                 Clerks. Michael grew up in the
levels. It also gives Canton a voice as projects are
                                                                                 Canton community, graduating
being planned and decisions are being made, as
                                                                                 from Canton High School. He
well as continuing to build a strong, rich, and diverse
                                                                                 attended the University of
                                                           Michigan in Ann Arbor and graduated with a bachelors
                                                           degree in Political Science. While there, he interned
                                                           for Congressman John Dingell and was elected to
                                                           serve on the Canton Public Library Board. Michael was
                     Dian Slavens, Treasurer               elected to the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools
                                                           Board of Education where he served the same school
                     Dian Slavens has been Canton          community he was a product of. As clerk Michael
                     Treasurer since 2016, and is          assisted the Board of Canvassers with two recounts,
                     currently the President of the        was accredited by the Bureau of Elections, certified by
                     Wayne County Treasurers               the Michigan Association of Municipal Clerks (MAMC),
                     Association (WCTA). Dian has          and the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.
                     been a resident of Canton since       After realigning voter precincts, expanding the
                     1987. As Treasurer she was            permanent absentee list, and adding new voting
                     instrumental in developing            locations, Michael helped make it easier to vote,
                     eservice for our residents, bi-       save taxpayer money, and reduce wait times at the
monthly billing and reducing water rates. Dian also        polls. Michael has been appointed to the Legislation
served in the Michigan House of Representatives            Committee and Council of Elected Officials with
from 2008 to 2014. She represented the 21st House          MAMC. In 2020 Michael successfully ran the largest
District, which includes Canton Township, Belleville       turnout of voters and absentee ballots in Canton’s
and Van Buren Township. As State Representative            history and is a leading expert on election matters in
Dian served on the Families, Children and Seniors          Michigan. His office won a Clearinghouse Award from
Committee, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee,        the United States Election Assistance Commission for
                                                           “Outstanding Innovation in Election Cybersecurity and

YOU BELONG HERE Canton Township - Adopted by Board of Trustees April 12, 2021
Kate Borninski, Trustee                                     Tania Ganguly, Trustee
                  Kate Borninski has lived in Canton for                       Tania Ganguly has lived in Canton
                  over 21 years. She previously served                         for more than 17 years and became
                  on the Plymouth-Canton Community                             the first South Asian woman to be
                  Schools (P-CCS) Board of Education,                          elected to the Canton Township
                  where she held various leadership                            board in 2020. Tania works with VCA
                  positions including President, Vice                          North America-an agency under the
                  President and Secretary. She also                            UK Department of Transport and
                  served on the following Board of                             is Finance Manager for Americas.
Education subcommittees: Policy Advisory Committee,        Tania holds an engineering degree from NIT Durgapur
Student Performance and Achievement (SPA), and             in India and a MBA from Ross School of Business at
Communications, Legislation and Partnerships (CLP).        the University of Michigan. She is currently a member
While serving as President of the P-CCS board, budgets     of the Canton Culture, Arts and Heritage Commission,
were balanced, and the Safety & Security package           Canton Inclusion Task Force, the Plymouth-Canton
as well as the Business Academy were approved.             Interfaith Community Outreach group (ICO) and PORCH
During her tenure on the school board, Kate received       volunteer with seniors. Tania has been the President of
the Award of Merit from the Michigan Association of        Swajan a local Indian American nonprofit working to
School Boards (MASB). Kate was also instrumental           build cultural awareness in the community and is the
in the Canton Public Safety Department’s Youth             past President of the Covington Square Homeowners
Diversion Program becoming a reality. In addition, she     Association. She is also a founding member of a South
served on the boards of the Educational Excellence         Asian voter outreach group, a New American Leaders
Foundation and PFLAG Plymouth-Canton. In 2018, Kate        alumnus and 2018 Emerge Michigan Fellow. As a parent
participated in and graduated from Leadership Canton.      in the Plymouth Canton schools, Tania was a co-chair
A graduate of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,       of the parents’ committee for the Plymouth Canton
Kate also did graduate studies at Eastern Michigan         Community Schools Talented and Gifted Program and
University to receive her teacher certification.           assisted in coaching the East Middle School Science
                                                           Olympiad team.

                  Sommer Foster, Trustee
                                                                              Steven Sneideman, Trustee
                    Sommer Foster has lived in Canton
                                                                               Steven Sneideman has lived in
                    since 2003 and is the first African
                                                                               Canton since 1994. Steven has
                    American and the first woman-
                                                                               been a trustee since 2012 and has
                    of-color elected to the Canton
                                                                               been instrumental in passing the
                    Township board in 2016. Sommer is
                                                                               Human Rights ordinance, as well
                    on the Roads Advisory Committee,
                                                                               as the Canton roads program,
                    the Planning Commission, the
                                                                               balancing the township budget,
                    Boards and Commissions Interview
                                                                               and helping residents, faith houses
                    Committee. Sommer is the Co-
                                                                               and businesses interface with
Executive Director of Michigan Voices, a 501c3 non-
                                                           township services. Steven is also in the Canton Hall of
profit organization that provides support to other
                                                           Fame as a resident that has supported the community
non-profits to help them meet their civic engagement,
                                                           for many years. Steven is the Chairman of the Canton
civic access and civic representation goals. She
                                                           Community Foundation and has led the foundation
graduated from Eastern Michigan University where she
                                                           in offering scholarships to students, providing grants
studied Political Science, she has more than 15 years
                                                           to 501©3 organizations for local youth and seniors,
of experience working on public policy, community
                                                           as well as veteran support. Steven has also been on
engagement, and issue advocacy. She is s an NAACP
                                                           the Partnership for the Art board and served on the
Leadership 500 and an Emerge Michigan Fellow.
                                                           Plymouth-Canton school board from 2006-2012, where
Previously, Sommer has served as Co-Chair for the
                                                           he was President for two years. While on the board,
VoteYesPCCS Bond committee (2013), the PCCS Sex
                                                           Steven was instrumental in diversity and inclusion
Education Advisory Committee, and PCCS Community-
                                                           programs at PCCS and adding Chinese Language to
District Equity Leadership Team (C-DELT), the Canton
                                                           the curriculum. Steven is a global program manager
Culture, Arts and Heritage Commission, and Canton
                                                           for AT&T. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in economics
Response to Hate Crimes Coalition, now called Canton
                                                           from Harvard University and a Master of Business
Coalition for Inclusive Communities (CCIC). In 2012
                                                           Administration from New York University.
she was elected to the Canton Library Board, where
she served as vice-chair. In 2014, she won a Canton
Achievers award, in 2019, she was named a “Woman
of Achievement” by Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity,
and in 2021 received an award from Black Women’s
Roundtable for Leadership and Service.                                                                        4
YOU BELONG HERE Canton Township - Adopted by Board of Trustees April 12, 2021
Roles and Responsibilities

Supervisor                                  Treasurer
• Moderates board and annual 		             • Collects property taxes
                                            • Keeps an account of township
• Chief assessing officer (if certified)      receipts (revenues) and expenditures
• Secretary to board of review              • Issues township checks
• Township’s legal agent                    • Deposits township revenues in
                                              approved depositories
• Maintain records of supervisor’s
  office                                    • Invests township funds in approved
• Responsible for tax allocation              investment vehicles
  board budget (if applicable)              • Collects delinquent personal property tax
• Develops township budget                  • Responsible for jeopardy
• Appoints some commission 		                 assessments in collecting property tax
  members                                   • Collects mobile home specific tax
• May call special meetings                 • Must appoint a deputy
• May appoint a deputy                      • Must post a surety bond

   • Maintains custody of all township     • Publishes board meeting minutes
     records                               • Keeps voter registration file and
   • Maintains general ledger                conducts elections
   • Prepares warrants for township        • Keeps township ordinance book
     checks                                • Prepares financial statements
   • Records and maintains township        • Delivers tax certificates to
     meeting minutes                         supervisor and county clerk by
   • Keeps the township book of oaths        September 30
   • Responsible for special meeting       • Must appoint a deputy
     notices                               • Must post a surety bond

YOU BELONG HERE Canton Township - Adopted by Board of Trustees April 12, 2021
                                               •   Township legislators, required to vote
                                                   on all issues
                                               •   Responsible for township’s fiduciary
                                               •   Other duties as assigned by board

Together the Board of Trustees
•   Create a shared vision for the Township
•   Build and strengthen relationships with the community
•   Serve on regional boards on behalf of the Township
•   Represent the community on policy issues
•   Develop strategic goals and objectives to obtain vision
•   Maintain fiscal responsibility
YOU BELONG HERE Canton Township - Adopted by Board of Trustees April 12, 2021
Canton’s decision-making is informed by
focusing on key topics of interest in a manner
 that is inclusive, equitable, barrier-free, and
 recognizes the needs and interests of both
     the community and the Township.

YOU BELONG HERE Canton Township - Adopted by Board of Trustees April 12, 2021
Involving the Community
                            The Canton Township Board of Trustees is committed
                            to creating meaningful interactions with residents and
                            business owners through transparent communication
                            and community involvement that results in a connected
                            and informed community.

                                Implementation Strategy
               The following represents how the programs will be implemented
                         with an emphasis on community involvement

Identify Initiative
• Begins with Board of
  Trustees and Supervisor
• Establish vision and
                                                                        Identify Stakeholders
                                                                          Includes the Supervisor, Board
                                                                       members, partner organizations,
                                                                                  community members,
                                                                  policy/regulatory representatives, etc.

      Assign Team
      • Appoint Directors        3
      • Assemble cross-
        departmental team                                                       Create strategic
                                                                    4            workplans and
                                                                                initiate projects

            Gather stakeholder
            input through
            committees and
            Board meetings                                                               Implement
                                                                                6          Projects

                       Report Project
                       Performance                            7
                       • Follow up with stakeholders
                         and community to share results,
                         outcomes and next steps
YOU BELONG HERE Canton Township - Adopted by Board of Trustees April 12, 2021
Welcoming Community
Program Vision: A township in which all residents can fully and effectively access services,
influence policy and direction, and feel a sense of belonging and safety.

 Objectives                      Strategies                  Actions
 • Provide programs,
                                • Train staff, leadership,   • Expand the Juvenile Diversion
   strategies and activities         and elected              Program
   to increase our ability to       officials on cultural
                                                             • Employ Embedded Social
   deliver excellent service        awareness and
                                                              Workers to support Police
   to our diverse                   servant leadership
   community                                                 • Create cultural competency
                                 • Develop a better            training program for staff
 • Provide unique 			              understanding
                                   of community needs
                                                             • Expand multicultural
   experiences for
                                                              programming in Leisure
   our diverse community           and create
   to engage and learn 		          intentional programs
   with one another                and partnerships          • Strengthen enforceability of
                                   to increase inclusivity     the Human Rights Ordinance
 • Strengthen relationship         and participation
                                                             • Create Police Transparency and
   and develop innovative
                                 • Modernize policing          Guidance Subcommittee
   partnerships within our
   community                       strategies to 		          • Highlight community
                                   prioritize equity, 		      diversity through formal Board
 • Deliver leading levels          fairness and               Resolutions
   of public safety in 		          restorative justice
   which each resident,            model                     • Establish more outreach
   businessperson and                                         programs for marginalized
   government official is 		                                  groups
   contributing to the 		                                    • Implement a Diversity and
   well-being of others                                       Inclusion employee group
                                                             • Create resources for new
                                                              Americans and immigrant
                                                              population in various
                                                              languages                  9
Healthy Ecosystem
Program Vision: An accessible and sustainable environment that affords a high quality of
life while conserving our natural resources. Be known for abundant green space.

 Objectives                        Strategies                      Action
 • Exceed state goals for
                                  • Provide opportunities 		       • Eliminate sidewalk gaps
     carbon footprint 		               to improve the 			            throughout the township
     reduction                         health of the 		            • Develop Patriot Park to become
                                       community, leveraging         a more passive nature area
 •   Expand recycling 		               stakeholders
     program                                                       • Eliminate park deserts
                                   •   Expand and protect 		         throughout township by adding
 •   Create abundant                   our natural resources         pocket parks
     opportunities for 		              and leverage to 			         • Reduce carbon footprint
     stakeholders (citizens 		         address community 		          through alternative energy
     and non-citizens                  health needs                • Promote waste reduction
     to make a difference                                            and recycling while expanding
                                   •   Re-imagine existing           composting
 •   Align and implement 		            assets and expand
     sustainability initiatives        green space
                                                                   • Update Master Plan with
                                                                     Planning Commission
     across programs, 		               throughout the
                                                                     beginning In August 2021
     projects and services             community
                                                                   • Create healthy Ford Road
 •   Township to model             •   Build upon existing 		        landscaping with native plants
     goal we want the                  recycling strategy and 		   • Expand community / butterfly /
     entire community to 		            expand services 			           rain gardens
     achieve                           through innovation
                                                                   • Extend trail system and acquire
                                                                     property along drains, creeks
                                   •   Utilize technology to
                                                                     and streams for additional green
                                       protect and enhance
                                       the natural
                                       environment                 • Establish food truck ordinance
                                                                     and additional outdoor dining in
                                                                     township                         10
Quality Infrastructure
Program Vision: Use a smart city, forward thinking approach, integrating
technology to accelerate, facilitate and transform the ecosystem. Be adaptive,
responsive and always relevant to all those that live, work in and visit the township.

 Objectives                    Strategies                     Action
 • To provide an               • Create more			               • Continue Canton Roads Program
     environment that              accessibility via              including intersection improvement
     enhances the 		               walking, biking and        • Lay foundation for connected
                                                                  and autonomous vehicle
     mental/physical               alternative mobility
                                                                  technology in Ford Road Project
     health and safety             options
                                                              •   Develop and implement
     of our community                                             streamlined communications
     via exceptional 		        •   Improve ease of 		             strategy to residents and employees
     services and capital          access to technology       •   Create virtual dashboard for
     improvements                  and resources. Tailor 		       transparency on budget,
                                   communications 		              infrastructure, pubic safety
 • Increase opportunities          to increase awareness          and roads
    to engage people               and improve ease of 		     •   Ensure all new construction
    with the township              access                         includes infrastructure for future
    government and                                                technology
    community by               •   Employ a 				              •   Create virtual option for conducting
    actively and 		                comprehensive plan 		          all business with the Township and
    effectively                    on road strategy               increase transparency on public
    communicating and                                             documents
    eliminating barriers       •   Utilize improvement 		     •   Create Technology Committee to
                                   plan to repair township        develop electric vehicle charging
                                                                  plan and alternative energy plan
 •   Employ a 		                   roads and leverage
                                                              •   Ensure Township fleet includes
     comprehensive 		              county, state and
                                                                  hybrid or electric vehicles
     plan and partnership          federal resources
                                                              •   Develop program for alternative
     strategy that 		                                             energy generation where possible
     harnesses technology      •   Responsibly source and         on township property
     to advance Canton             contract quality           •   Increase communication from
     into the future                                              elected officials and staff to educate
                               •   Create and implement           residents
                                   a technology
                                   deployment plan                                                    11
Organizational Climate
and Culture
Program Vision: The best and brightest, culturally and organizationally competent
workforce, where employees feel valued and have ownership over the organization’s goals.

 Objectives                 Strategies                       Action
 • Increase community       • Establish and implement        • Conduct an organizational
   satisfaction with the      strategies to understand         impact to determine
   township organization      community needs, embrace         resource requirements in
                              cultural differences and         employee base
 • Create a BIC, 		           create an atmosphere of        • Review organizational
   sustainable Board          inclusivity                      climate and culture for
   model                                                       morale
                            • Assess policies and 		         • Evaluate negotiating process
 • Create an empowering       procedures to prioritize 		      and set goals for future
   and fulfilling work        employee welfare through         contracts
   environment                situational flexibility and    • Develop processes for work-
                              work-life balance                life balance that allows for
 • Foster a performance-                                       flexible scheduling and work
   driven, transparent      • Align organizational 		          from home
   organization focused       structure and processes        • Establish onboarding and
   on continuous 		           to increase efficiency and       communication process for
   improvement                achieve the goals of the         Board
                              organization                   • Create and pass a living
 • Ensure sustainable                                          wage ordinance to
   business practices       • Improve Board relationship,      establish standards for
   and accountability of      communication and 		             compensation
   contracted services        protocol                       • Purposely strive for an
                                                               inclusive workplace through
                            • Implement a responsible          all policies, processes and
                              contracting policy               communications               12
Financial Stability
Program Vision: Direct human and financial resources in ways that cultivate a sense of
community and an ecosystem where families, individuals and businesses thrive.

 Objectives                  Strategies                        Actions
 • Provide financial         • Continue multi-year 		          • Review community
   stability to attract        budgeting with cost-analysis      programs and initiatives
   investment and 		           for all future initiatives        for cost and benefit
   opportunity to our
   community                 • Create a finance committee      • Create finance committee
                               to guide and direct budget        to develop goals to meet
 • Develop long-term           and spending based on 		          these strategic initiatives
   funding models and          strategic priorities
   strategy to support                                         • Develop Ford Road long-
   community goals and       • Pursue alternative 		             term strategy to ensure
   priorities                  funding models (ie; grants,       economic success of
                               partnerships, etc.)               private enterprise
 • Demonstrate good
   governance and 		         • Re-imagine commercial           • Foster strong partnerships
   accountability to our       districts and existing zoning     with business community
   stakeholders                                                  to create a thriving
                             • Share financial goals, 		         economic base
 • Maintain high-quality       priorities and performance
   tax base and revenue        with all stakeholders
The Canton Board of Trustees would like to thank the Canton team for their input:
                                Canton Staff
                Susan Kennedy, Research Strategist, Look See
Canton Township
Community Strategic Plan
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