Page created by Russell Ford
                                                                 Issue 244 / July 2020

Gafta                                                                                                      London Grains
                                                                                                           Week brings trade
President                                                                                                  together – in an
addresses                                                                                                  online format
members                                                                                                    London Grains Week 2020 kicked
                                                                                                           off on Monday 8 June in a format
                                                                                                           that no one expected when
As the Gafta Dinner could not
                                                                                                           planning first began. The global
take place, due to social
                                                                                                           Covid-19 outbreak meant that
distancing rules, Gafta’s President,
                                                                                                           instead of the industry all gathering
Gavin Millar, addressed members
                                                                                                           in London, the four partners had to
via video link on the day of the                                                       Gafta President,    utilise and embrace the digital
intended Dinner, 10 June.                                                                Gavin Millar
                                                                                                           alternatives in order to continue the
Gavin paid tribute to all those involved in the      ePhyto Solution (see page 9). “With Mexico and        vital work that takes place over
vital role of moving food and feed around the        Colombia soon to be operational, there will be even   these five days.
world, and described how the mammoth efforts         more opportunities for our members to be
of his own colleagues at his company Gemcom          involved in case studies to test this facility in     What was going to be an intense succession of
had helped to ensure they didn’t let their           several trade flows.”                                 strategy sessions including a 2-day conference
customers down during lockdown. “It is without                                                             and a black-tie dinner, morphed into a series of
a doubt a privilege to be part of an industry that   Gafta, together with the Global Pulse                 video meetings and online presentations. AHDB,
is so fundamental, and never felt more than at a     Confederation, also reached out to the WTO on         IGC, IGTC and Gafta came together to ensure
time like this. I am sure I am not alone in saying   the need to promote open trade and to avoid           that all essential issues were still discussed so
this experience has given all of us an even          export restrictions which negatively impact           that business can continue to move forward, and
greater sense of purpose to the work we do.”         food prices, hamper trade and impact on food          adjusted timings as far as possible for the many
                                                     security. “We very much welcomed the WTO              time zones that would be affected by the change.
Gafta has worked hard to keep trade flowing,         pledge and the G20 Agriculture Ministers’             The events that took place were the IGC
said Gavin; the Association supported IAFN at        statement supporting the role of international        Conference, IGTC’s strategy session, Council
the very start of the pandemic in raising private    trade,” said Gavin, who also expressed his            session of IGC and meetings of Gafta’s
sector concerns on the need to ensure food and       concern about the forecast increase in the            Arbitration Committee, International Contracts
feed chains are not disrupted. Advocacy at the       number of people facing food insecurity in the        Committee and Council.
EU, in conjunction with CELCAA and                   world to around 265 million. Gafta supports the
                                                                                                           In the middle of the week, the IGC Conference
COCERAL, to maintain trade flows was also            UN Committee on World Food Security which
                                                                                                           merged two days of sessions into one day of
very successful.                                     will discuss this issue at its next session.
                                                                                                           online releases, covering issues such as
                                                     "Closely monitoring stocks and exports will be
                                                                                                           globalisation, climate change, supply chain and
“There have certainly been challenges with           important in the months ahead as food security
                                                                                                           major commodity market developments.
additional quarantine measures in the dispatch       remains a priority."
                                                                                                           Attracting over 350 registrations from over 50
and receipt of shipping documents,” said
                                                                                                           countries, the event was a great success and
Gavin. “Covid-19 has demonstrated how the            Nearly all Gafta services have been maintained
                                                                                                           definitely didn’t suffer from having to go online.
global trade needs to be more flexible, and          in recent months, with online training fully
embrace technology.” Gafta has helped to             available (page 12), remote auditing in place for     London Grains Week next year will take place
promote initiatives taken by exporting               the Approved Registers (page 13) and online           on 7-11 June 2021, and we look forward to
governments around the world with regard to          arbitration procedures. “We are all playing our       seeing you all in person then.
electronic submission of copies of documents         part in helping to keep the world fed,” said
and will continue to encourage these positive        Gavin. “I am very proud, as your President, to
changes. In particular, Gafta supports the           raise a toast to you all, until we meet again,
IGTC’s efforts in raising awareness of the IPPC      which we will.”

To see the video, go to:

Have you seen our lockdown interviews?
Visit our LinkedIn page to see how Gafta Council members and
Arbitrators have been dealing with the new work and trade environment:
“All Supporting Documents” in demurrage
claims – analysis of recent English Law
By Darren Wall, Partner, and Amy Walmsley, Associate, Hill Dickinson
There are a number of historic law reports addressing time-bars in the context of
demurrage claims and, in particular, what is meant by the term “all supporting
documents”. Recently, three judgments issued across four months have
led to further scrutiny of this phrase that is often contained in bespoke
laytime/demurrage provisions in sale contracts and voyage

The first report to touch on this issue was the                    within 90 days of completion of discharge of the                   supporting documents were presented within the
Tiger Shanghai1, an appeal against an Arbitration                  final parcel. There then followed an itemised list                 90-day period, charterers argued that since
Award wherein the tribunal had held that                           of what supporting documents were required,                        copies of the bills of lading were missing, owners
charterers’ claim for return of advanced hire and                  including vessel and/or terminal time logs; NOR;                   had failed to provide all supporting documents
bunkers paid for2 was time-barred. Whilst this                     Pumping Logs and Letters of Protest.                               (the argument being that the charterparty
was a time charterparty, the relevant clause that                                                                                     provisions required demurrage to be calculated
took centre stage on appeal was one that                           Owners had omitted the vessel’s pumping log at                     against the bill of lading quantities). Owners took
required charterers to notify all claims “in detail”               load port and a letter of protest from the Master                  the view that the phrase required only
and “in writing accompanied by all available                       with the submitted claim, although such                            presentation of essential documents, which as a
supporting documents” and appoint an arbitrator                    documents had earlier been supplied to charterers.                 general rule was confined to the statement of
within twelve months from redelivery of the                                                                                           facts (SOF). The arbitral tribunal agreed that the
vessel. Wording that could equally be at home                      In his judgment the judge preferred a construction                 SOF was sufficient for charterers to understand
within a demurrage/time-bar clause and so the                      requiring documents to be submitted that are                       owners’ claim because it recorded the figures
principles can be applied by way of analogy.                       relied on in support of a demurrage claim, or one                  from the bills of lading. The judge disagreed with
                                                                   that at face value established the validity of the                 owners, ruling that the failure to produce bills of
Charterers had indeed appointed an arbitrator                      claim. However, given the subsequent                               lading in support of the demurrage claim barred
and notified owners of a claim within this time.                   mandatory wording itemising four categories of                     the entire claim.
Owners however contended that charterers had                       documentation, it was ultimately decided that
failed to provide “all available supporting                        this second part of the clause required those                      By way of summary, it is clear that importing “all
documents”. In particular, would charterers have                   documents to be provided in support of the claim                   available” within a requirement for supporting
fallen foul of this requirement when attaching a                   – even if they were not relevant. Owners’ claim                    documents in a demurrage claim opens up a
document in its Claim Submissions that did not                     was allowed to proceed on a finding that it was                    more expansive requirement of what one should
form part of the initial claim notification, even                  not necessary for all supporting documents to                      append to a laytime calculation. The authorities
where it had provided other evidence sufficient                    accompany the demurrage claim itself – it was                      are clear that factual corrections can be made at
to particularise liability and quantum at the time                 sufficient if some of the required documents had                   a later date, but the intention of such wording
of notification? Charterers’ appeal was dismissed,                 already been passed to charterers previously.                      requires owners (or a fob buyer/cif seller) to
and it was found that indeed in these                                                                                                 provide all available documents within the time
circumstances owners were able to successfully                     In the MTM Hong Kong4, the relevant provision                      prescribed5.
rely on time-bar – emphasis was placed on the                      contained a 90-day period after completion of
requirement that Charterers provide all                            discharge for presentation by owners of a claim                    Given that the recent line of authorities
supporting evidence.                                               or invoice and “all supporting documents”,                         demonstrates that a time bar argument can be
                                                                   failing which “any claim/invoice … shall be                        raised rather late in the day (as in the first case
In the Amalie Essberger3, charterers contended                     waived and absolutely barred”... The charterparty                  above), the old adage that one needs to pay close
that owners had not submitted the demurrage                        also contained a provision regarding prorating of                  attention to the wording of applicable time bar
claim in accordance with the requirements of the                   demurrage against bill of lading quantities where                  clauses has never been truer. The addition of
charterparty and within the 90-day period set                      loading or discharging operations were carried                     particular words such as “available” and “all”
down for such claims. In this case, the time-bar                   out at the same time as other parcels.                             has the ability to import stricter requirements on
clause obliged owners to make a written claim                                                                                         documentary obligations. In short, one should
with “all supporting calculations and documents”                   Whilst owners’ demurrage invoice and                               always err on the side of caution.

    Gafta and HFW webinar on force majeure
    Gafta held a successful webinar with Gafta members HFW on 11 June, discussing force majeure in relation to the coronavirus pandemic. Chaired by
    Director General Jaine Chisholm Caunt, the session started with Gafta’s General Counsel Jonathan Waters taking attendees through the principles
    behind force majeure and the related clauses in Gafta contracts. HFW Partner Adam Richardson then spoke about current trends in force majeure
    claims and how the industry is responding to the disruption that the outbreak has caused.

    The two presentations were then followed up with a busy Q&A session, which focused on some practical scenarios, plus the potential impact on Gafta
    arbitration in the future.

    Thank you to HFW and everyone who attended for a really interesting morning.

1 MUR Shipping v. Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse SA [2019] EWHC 3240 (Comm). 2 The underlying dispute involved the early termination of the charter due to owners’ alleged unreasonable behaviour in
refusing permission to cut new cement feeder holes into the hatch covers. 3 Amalie Essberger Tankreederei GmbH & Co KG v. Marubeni Corporation [2019] EWHC 3402 (Comm). 4 MTM Trading LLC v. Tricon
Energy Ltd [2020] EWHC 700 (Comm). 5 Such principle can be traced back to The Oltenia [1982] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.448.

    The views and opinions expressed in Gaftaworld are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Gafta

2                                                                             CONTRACTS & ARBITRATION
Argentina – exports
                                             continue despite COVID
                                             disruptions and problems
                                             on the Paraná River
                                             By Gustavo Idigoras, President, CIARA-CEC

                                             Argentina has been affected by the global pandemic like the rest of the world. Based on the early measures taken by the
                                             Argentine government, the contagion curve is low and the health situation is under control. From 16 March a National
                                             Emergency was declared and therefore sanitary authorities were requested to direct their best efforts at avoiding the
                                             spread of Covid-19. From 20 March Argentina set up National Mandatory Isolation and the national government has
                                             now extended these measures until 28 June. Although the national regulation stipulated that agriculture and food value
                                             chains, as well as foreign trade activities, are excluded from the isolation measures, with all of our ports remaining
                                             operative, these measures are affecting and may affect the normal operations to our trade.

                                          All plants and ports have taken preventive sanitary measures to safeguard         exceeding 50M tonnes. Marketing of maize by farmers is fluid. In the case
                                          the health of workers, and no positive cases of Covid-19 have been                of soybeans, the farmers' sales prospects are more limited, taking into
                                          registered at this stage. There have been constant changes with respect to        account the low international prices and high tax burden for exporting soy
                                          Covid-19 requirements applicable to our trade. Here is a brief recap of the       and its by-products.
                                          most important news and drawbacks up to now:
                                                                                                                            Until the end of April, Argentina had exported 28M tonnes of grains from
                                          • SENASA (National Food Safety Authority) has established an online               this campaign (wheat, corn, soybeans, soy by-products, sunflower and by-
                                            validation for copies of phytosanitary certificates                             products, barley, sorghum), reaching an approximate value of 7.7 billion
                                          • Official entities and Chamber of Commerce and Chamber of Exporters              dollars. The total projection is for the Argentine agri-business to reach a
                                            are working with reduced staff and shorter timeframes                           total export value of close to 24 billion dollars for this agricultural
                                          • Banks are reopening slowly, and presentation of CAD documents in                campaign.
                                            Buenos Aires have to be dealt with on a case by case basis between
                                            counterparts                                                                    The global pandemic of Covid-19 should not promote greater barriers to
                                          • Also, release of original Bills of Lading has to be dealt with by maritime      international trade, but rather promote food trade flows to respond to the
                                            agents on a case by case basis                                                  world's greatest food security needs. We must work in a coordinated way so
                                          • Embassies are showing restrictions for legalising documents                     that no country applies new border measures that are not based on science.
                                          • Truck arrivals at loadport have been normalised
                                          • Recent labour agreement with grain receivers’ union has been reached
                                            and they have complied with full working hours from May
                                          • Additional isolation requirements are implemented at Port of Bahia
                                            Blanca for ships arriving from neighbouring countries with less than 14
                                            days of sea travel

                                                  Depth of water in Paraná River (7th day of each month) (metres)
Source: Argentine Ministry of Transport

                                                    Jan         Feb         Mar         Apr         May         Jun
                                                                             2019     2020                                    • The historic downpipe of Paraná River affects intake of vessels
                                                                                                                                upriver. The height of the Paraná River in the port of Rosario has
                                          Furthermore, the historic downpipe of Paraná River affects intake of vessels          dropped to a depth of 0.40 meters, a level that has not been
                                          upriver. The height of the Paraná River in the port of Rosario has dropped to         recorded for almost 50 years.
                                          a depth of 0.40 meters, a level that has not been recorded for almost 50            • This implies logistical, transport and industrialisation problems in
                                          years. This implies logistical, transport and industrialisation problems in the       the first four-month period of 2020
                                          first five-month period of 2020, affecting the navigation and maximum load
                                          of ships and barges at the port terminals of Gran Rosario, the epicenter of         • Rosario Cluster: 80% of Argentina's theoretical daily soy and
                                          the Argentine agri-business.                                                          sunflower processing capacity. 67% of grains, 96% of meal and
                                                                                                                                93% of vegetable oils exported were dispatched from these port
                                          The soybean harvest has seen a reduction of 5M tonnes due to weather                  terminals in 2019.
                                          conditions, reaching 50M tonnes production. The corn campaign is

                                                                                                     TRADE UPDATE                                                                                         3
Q & As with Ted
    McKinney, U.S. Under
    Secretary of Agriculture
    Ted McKinney, U.S. Under Secretary of Agriculture for Trade and Foreign
    Agricultural Affairs, kindly agreed to answer some questions on the key
    trade issues facing Gafta and its members in these challenging times. Mr
    McKinney, who grew up on a family farm in Indiana, previously served
    as Director of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture from 2014 to
    2017, following a career in the agri-sciences industry.

                                                                                                               ANSWER: I am glad you’re following the study.
    QUESTION: Covid-19: As the world adjusts              you see the impact of the non-science based          The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC)
    to the realities of Covid-19 risks and post-          and non-aligned policies impacting on U.S.           is an independent agency that is known for high-
    pandemic precautions, Gafta has been                  exports to key trading blocs such as EU but          quality analysis. The United States has long
    advocating to encourage governments to                now also mirrored in other regions such as           supported science and evidence-based
    avoid imposing new restrictions on                    Asia? Do you see a greater role for                  regulations, and we have been concerned at
    agricultural commodities so that trade can            international standards in addressing these          several countries’ moves toward the
    flow. How do you see your priorities for U.S.         challenges?                                          precautionary principle instead of following
    agricultural trade changing in the months/                                                                 science. Of course, every country has the right to
    years ahead as a result of the coronavirus                                                                 protect its citizens’ health, but countries should
    outbreak?                                           ANSWER: The move away from World Trade                 not set up non-scientific barriers to trade under
                                                        Organization principles, and the proliferation of      the guise of food safety, and the precautionary
                                                        non-tariff barriers to trade, is damaging to           principle is vulnerable to abuse in that way.
ANSWER: After the critical importance of                international trade and domestic economies.            Given the complexity of our agriculture and food
ensuring human and employee health, our                 When trade restrictions are imposed for                systems, it’s difficult to pull together all the strings
number one priority at the U.S. Department of           protectionist reasons, producers find themselves       of cause-and-effect of missing or low pesticide
Agriculture (USDA) is making sure everyone has          unfairly unable to export, and importers in more       MRLs. To date, there has not been a global review
enough safe and nutritious food during this crisis.     restrictive markets are denied the capacity not        of what happens when access is lost through too
This is a national and global responsibility. That is   only to consume, but also to improve their own         low or missing MRLs. No one had told that story,
why it is so important that our trading partners        agricultural production. In short, when countries      and I very much look forward to reading what
not impose new restrictions on trade in food and        restrict trade, it distorts the market and consumers   USITC has discovered.
agricultural products. As many before me have           bear higher costs. To feed the world’s growing
said, the world’s food supply is ample, but food        population, it is critical for the world’s economies   While I can’t speculate on future discussions in
distribution is more fragile. So, we have to work       to make science-based decisions about                  Geneva, I can assure you that there is a big role
harder than ever to ensure that our customers           agricultural trade. The United States invites our      for the private sector to play in supporting MRLs
around the world have access to U.S. products           trading partners to continue working with us to        based on robust risk assessments. We’ve seen a
and do not become victims of reactionary trade          promote science-based, data-driven standards           lot of misinformation in the public sphere – both
policy of importing countries. That means diligent      through international standard setting bodies, in      locally and internationally – about pesticides and
monitoring and enforcement of existing trade            order to set the base for regulations that can         other agricultural technologies. It’s a false
obligations and calling out bad measures when           adequately provide safety, while also facilitating     narrative, but one with such power that many
we see them. But beyond the trade policy space,         trade.                                                 farmers around the world are afraid to speak up.
our job at USDA is also to help our farmers                                                                    I tell all the U.S. commodity groups, growers, and
connect with customers around the world, and                                                                   exporters I engage with to please speak up and
certainly that task is complicated by the                 QUESTION: Specifically, on MRLs: We were             tell their stories. American farmers provide
pandemic. However, we continue working to                 pleased to learn of the U.S. ITC study which         diverse, safe, healthy, and affordable products to
identify new market opportunities as we see shifts        is examining the global economic impact of           consumers and contribute greatly to our larger
in consumer behavior, and we are pursuing                 missing or low pesticide maximum residue             economy – all while being good stewards of the
innovative approaches to remaining engaged                levels on the agricultural commodity trade           environment. They can’t be afraid to share that
with current and potential customers even when            and are awaiting the results at the end of           message.
travel is not feasible.                                   June. Global MRL policies and their impact
                                                          on trade and food security is gaining                At their core, farmers are innovators, and that
                                                          momentum in WTO. What are your views                 creativity and innovation has made U.S.
    QUESTION: Non-tariff barriers and the                 on the future direction of these discussions         agriculture successful. Embracing innovative
    move away from science-based policies are             in Geneva? Do you see a role for the private         technologies allows farmers to become more
    on the increase and they have significant             sector to be more involved?                          efficient, which ultimately improves their bottom
    impacts on the global food trade. How do                                                                   lines by keeping costs low and productivity high.

4                                                                   TRADE POLICY NEWS
The United States’ open-arms approach to innovation enables
American farmers to produce more with fewer resources.
                                                                           China imposes punitive tariffs
Our motto at USDA is to “Do Right and Feed Everyone,” and
innovation is the key to doing that. That’s why, earlier this year, U.S,
Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue launched the Agriculture
                                                                           on Australian barley and bans
Innovation Agenda, with the overall goal being that USDA will
stimulate innovation so that American agriculture can achieve the          hog imports from India
shared goal of increasing production by 40 percent while cutting the
environmental footprint of U.S. agriculture in half by 2050. We will
do this by prioritizing both productivity and conservation of
resources.                                                                            Following an anti-dumping investigation started in November
                                                                                      2018, the Chinese government imposed an 80.5% tariff on
                                                                                     Australian barley imports, starting from 19 May 2020, due to stay
  QUESTION: FTAs have been on the rise and the United States                       in effect for five years. The tariff is composed of a 73.6% dumping
  is an active negotiator on this front: what are priority FTAs for        margin and a 6.9% subsidy margin. China has been a significant importer of
  the U.S. administration over the next few months?                        Australian barley for some years; between July 2019 and March 2020, China
                                                                           imported 837,000t of barley from Australia (accounting for 45% of total
                                                                           barley shipments in that period) and in the same period of the previous
ANSWER: Bilateral trade agreements are important to the United             season, Australia accounted for 73% of all China’s barley imports. Benjamin
States. We currently have 14 FTAs with 20 countries and are actively       Tiller, Head of Trading at CBH Group commented:
pursuing more. Right now, the United States is engaged in trade
negotiations with China, the UK, Japan, Kenya, and the EU. We are          “CBH is deeply disappointed with the implementation of the tariffs by
also thrilled about the new United States-Mexico-Canada                    MOFCOM and their impact on the Australian barley market. The loss in
Agreement, which enters into force in July. Our ultimate goal in all       value to Australian growers, and in particular Western Australian growers, is
of these cases is to secure a level playing field for our producers and    significant. In addition, our longstanding customer relationships in China,
exporters by securing free, fair, and reciprocal trade deals.              particularly in the malting barley market, forged over many years of supply
                                                                           have been disrupted. These are customers that have invested in Australian
                                                                           product over many years but now face significant change in processes to
  QUESTION: China: How is the implementation of the Phase 1                accommodate alternate origin barley and maintain consistency of product.
  U.S.-China agreement going? Do you foresee further
  de-escalation of trade tensions and reduction of tariffs between         Since MOFCOM launched its anti-dumping investigation into Australian
  China and United States this year?                                       barley in late 2018, CBH and industry has been co-operating with the
                                                                           Chinese Government to provide comprehensive and complete information
                                                                           to counter allegations of dumping and continue our longstanding and valued
ANSWER: Implementation of the Phase One U.S.-China Economic                trade relationship with the Chinese barley market. Unfortunately to no avail.
and Trade Agreement has been a real bright spot during this
otherwise difficult time. We at USDA are pleased to see that China         However, we will continue to develop and strengthen relationships with
continues to make progress on implementing its obligations under           alternative customers and markets to ensure maximum value is returned to
the Agreement, and we have highlighted this progress in a series of        Western Australian barley growers in the future.”
press releases over the past few months. We understand that
purchases are behind, but there is still time to catch up. For now, we     At the end of May, China also announced a ban on imports of pigs, wild
are continuing to promote U.S. products and encourage China to             boar and their products from India, citing its continuing effort to prevent
live up to its purchase obligations. As for the reduction of tariffs,                                                      African Swine Fever, which
China’s tariff exclusion process seems to be operating effectively for                                                     had recently been reported in
U.S. agricultural exports and we are optimistic this trend will                                                            the border state of Assam.
continue.                                                                                                                  Alan Ding, of Gafta’s Beijing
                                                                                                                           office told Gaftaworld, “China
  QUESTION: Africa: We note that U.S.-Kenya negotiations                                                                   is the biggest pork consumer
  towards an FTA are due to start. How compatible are these                                                                in the world, but due to
  bilateral discussions with the obligations of Kenya under the                                                            African Swine Fever, China
  East Africa Community Customs Union and the AfCFTA? What                                                                 lost 40% of its live hogs last
  are your negotiating objectives for agricultural trade with Africa?                                                      year. In the first four months of
                                                                                                                           2020, China imported 1.77M
ANSWER: Kenya is a recognized leader on the continent and an                                                               tonnes of pigmeat, an increase
important strategic partner of the United States. In 2019, total U.S-                                                      of 121% compared to the
Kenyan bilateral agricultural trade was $179 million, and we want                                                          same period last year. While
that value to grow. The U.S.-Kenya FTA will serve as a model for                                                           the main exporters to China
other sub-Saharan African nations and will advance the U.S.-Africa                                                         are USA and Canada, this ban
economic relationship while preserving the benefits African                                                                is important to India, as the
countries have traditionally enjoyed through one-way trade                                                                 country has been aiming to
preference programs like the African Growth and Opportunity Act,                                                           open the Chinese meat market
which is set to expire in 2025. The United States applauds the efforts                                                     for years.”
of the African Union and Regional Economic Communities to
strengthen intraregional trade and development and we
enthusiastically support the landmark African Continental Free Trade
agreement. The agreement negotiating objectives were published on                                                          The Chinese malting and
May 22, and the objective for the negotiations is to secure a                                                              brewing industry was a
comprehensive, high-quality agreement with Kenya that will expand                                                          growing market for
U.S. market access to East Africa while ensuring a mutual benefit for                                                      Australian barley
both our agriculture industries.

                                                       TRADE POLICY NEWS                                                                                       5
SACOTA and its role in the
                                      South African grain industry
                                      By Dirk Kok, SA Cereals and Oilseeds Trade Association, South Africa
                                         South Africa is a country on the southernmost tip of the African continent. It
                                            is a fairly large country covering a total area of 1.220 million km2 or
                                             471,000 square miles with a total population of 57 million. It is about
                                              the size of western Europe.

There are 11 official

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Source: International Trade Centre, 2020
languages in South                                                                                                                               SA Agricultural Trade
Africa with English,                                                                                         3,000,000
Afrikaans, Xhosa                                                                         US Dollars ('000)   2,500,000
and Zulu being                                                                                               2,000,000
the most
spoken.                                                                                                        500,000
                                                                                                                           4          1          2          3          4          1         2          3          4          1
South Africa is                                                                                                     17
                                                                                                                  20           20         20         20         20         20        20         20         20         20
often called a
"World in One                                                                                                                                    Imports             Exports          Trade Balance
Country." It is one of
the few countries in the                                                                Figure 1: SA Agricultural Trade Performance (2017 to 2020)
world which can delight visitors
with everything from unspoilt sandy                                                     Agro-processing has particularly strong linkages both up- and downstream:
beaches, snow-blanketed mountain                                                        the sector links to agriculture across a wide variety of farming models and
ranges, ancient deserts teeming with                                                    products; while downstream the sector’s products are marketed across
fascinating wildlife and incredible                                                     wholesale and retail chains, as well as through restaurants, pubs, shebeens
succulents, subtropical rainforests,                                                    and fast-food franchises.
castles and forts, and world-renowned
conservation areas.                                                                     Big emphasis is placed on food security to ensure the availability,
                                                                                        accessibility and affordability of safe and nutritious food at national and
The country offers an investor-friendly                                                 household levels.
environment and the exchange rate is
particularly favourable. And if you are                                                 South African grains and oilseeds sector
doing business anywhere in Africa, this is the                                          The major crops planted are maize (white and yellow), wheat, soybeans and
gateway to the continent.                                                               sunflower seed. The maize industry plays a very important role in the economy
                                                                                        in Southern Africa. It is the largest locally produced field crop for human
South African agricultural sector                                                       and animal consumption in the Southern African Customs Union (SACU).
While 12% of South Africa’s land can be used for crop production, only
22% of this is high-potential arable land. The greatest limitation is the               The primary products derived from white maize, through dry milling, are
availability of water, with uneven and unreliable rainfall. Around 1.3M ha              maize meal, flour and maize grits. Maize meal is a staple food in South
are under irrigation, and around 50% of South Africa’s water is used for                Africa and SACU countries, because of its ability to be stored without
agriculture.                                                                            refrigeration, it is cheap and abundant in all shops and markets and is a high
                                                                                        energy-giving food, containing carbohydrates, protein, fat and fibre. Over
Agricultural activities range from intensive crop production and mixed                  the past five years white maize production averaged 6.9M tonnes compared
farming in winter rainfall and high summer rainfall areas to cattle and sheep           to the average local demand of 5.8M tonnes. White maize exports averaged
farming. Maize is most widely grown, followed by wheat, sugarcane,                      735,000 tonnes over the past four years with the bulk exported to African
soybean and sunflower seed.                                                             countries. It is projected that 1.2M tonnes of white maize are destined for
                                                                                        exports during the 2020/21 season.
South Africa is not only self-sufficient in virtually all major agricultural products
but is also a net food exporter. In the first quarter of the year, which is a period    Yellow maize production averaged 5.9M tonnes over the past five years
before the coronavirus lockdowns were implemented across the globe, South               whilst local demand averaged 5.1M tonnes. For the 2020/21 marketing
Africa’s agricultural trade was vibrant. The country recorded an agricultural           season South Africa expects the second-largest maize harvest on record,
trade surplus of US$749 million as illustrated in Figure 1. This is up by 17%           about 15.6M tonnes (white and yellow maize at 9.1M and 6.5M tonnes,
y/y, with exports having increased at a much higher rate than imports.                  respectively). Therefore, any dynamics on the global maize market will have
Exports were underpinned by grapes, maize, wine, wool, pears, apples,                   minimal implications on South Africa as the country remains a net exporter.
plums, lemons and macadamia nuts, amongst other agricultural products.                  During the 2017/18 and 2019/20 marketing years yellow maize exports
                                                                                        averaged 1.5M tonnes, of which deep sea exports to mainly Japan, South
While the primary agricultural sector contributes about 2-3% to the                     Korea and Vietnam accounted for 85% of the total. According to the South
country’s gross domestic product (GDP), it represents about 7% of formal                African Supply and Demand Estimates Committee, yellow maize exports for
employment. If the entire value chain of agriculture is considered, its                 the 2020/21 season are projected at 1.2M tonnes. A 41,337 tonnes cargo of
contribution to GDP reaches about 12%.                                                  yellow maize departed from the port of Durban to South Korea in the week

6                                                                            CROP UPDATES
ending 29 May, marking the first bulk cargo export of the grain for 18              • We are currently not aware of any barriers that are affecting the trading
                                       months. The outbreak of African Swine Fever in South Africa makes it highly           of grains. Hick-ups have been resolved as soon as SACOTA was made
                                       unlikely that yellow maize will be exported to Japan, that accounted for              aware of them.
                                       60% of deep-sea exports during the 2017/18 season.
                                                                                                                           SACOTA’s role in the Southern African grains and
                                                                       Crop Estimates - Maize                              oilseeds industries
                                                      12,000                                                               SACOTA was established in 1930. SACOTA’s vision is to be a significant
Source: RSA Crop Estimates Committee

                                                                                                                           and respected force in South African agriculture and regional trade.
                                                                                                                           SACOTA’s vision is underpinned by its mission to:
                                        ‘000 tonnes

                                                       6,000                                                               • As the leading trade body, address all commercial issues related to
                                                                                                                             agriculture in South Africa;
                                                                                                                           • Advocate and strive for an efficient, equitable and free trading
                                                       2,000                                                                 environment; and
                                                          0                                                                • Pro-actively engage all industry stakeholders to promote its vision.
                                                               2016      2017          2018            2019        2020
                                                                         White maize          Yellow maize                 SACOTA currently has 21 members that include local trading companies,
                                                                                                                           brokers and local offices of international trading houses such as Bunge,
                                       Figure 2: Crop estimates for maize
                                                                                                                           Cargill, Cofco, ETG, Louis Dreyfus, Olam and Seaboard. SACOTA’s
                                                                                                                           members are collectively engaged in the trade of more than 60% of the
                                       South Africa’s winter rainfall regions have faced weather-related challenges
                                                                                                                           domestic consumption (maize, wheat, sunflower seed and soybeans) and
                                       in recent years, particularly in 2017 when the drought in the Western Cape
                                                                                                                           dominate regional and deep-sea exports.
                                       was so severe that it raised concerns regarding the city of Cape Town’s water
                                       supply. South Africa’s 2020/21 wheat production season is underway, and
                                                                                                                           The SACOTA organisational structure is as follows:
                                       the outlook is not encouraging. Preliminary forecasts indicate a crop of
                                       1.4M tonnes, well below the 5-year average of 1.7M tonnes. South Africa                                         SACOTA Structure
                                       remains a net importer of wheat to satisfy local demand.

                                       South Africa has over the past 10 years seen an increase in the area planted                             Board of Directors                     Secretariat
                                       to soybeans. The introduction of better yielding cultivars contributed to
                                       increased soybean production, and subsequently meant that South Africa is
                                       now able to satisfy demand for the local soybean processing (crushing and
                                       full fat) capacity. Due to favourable logistical costs, imports of soymeal will              Trade             Marketing &
                                       continue to coastal areas. The 2020 crop is estimated at 1.29M tonnes, 10%                                                            Regulatory
                                                                                                                                 Environment          Promotion
                                       higher than the previous year.

                                       Sunflower seed is another major oilseed that saw its production forecast            The matters handled by the Trade Environment Committee and the
                                       lifted by 5% from last month to 765,960 tonnes because of relatively higher         Marketing & Promotion Committee were combined and deal primarily with
                                       yields. This crop is now estimated 13% higher than the 2018/19 harvest.             trade-related matters, membership and the strategic marketing and branding
                                                                                                                           of SACOTA.
                                                         Crop Estimates - Soybeans, Sunflower Seed and Wheat
                                                                                                                           The Regulatory Committee focuses on regulatory matters that need to be
Source: RSA Crop Estimates Committee

                                                                                                                           addressed to ensure an even trading environment for all SACOTA’s members.
                                                                                                                           SACOTA is represented in all the grains and oilseeds fora that deal primarily
                                        ‘000 tonnes

                                                                                                                           with matters that may impact on the relevant grains and oilseeds industries.
                                                      1,000                                                                SACOTA is officially represented in the Agricultural Derivatives Advisory
                                                       500                                                                 Committee of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange that deals with matters to
                                                                                                                           ensure the effective functioning of the Futures Exchange for agricultural
                                                         0                                                                 commodities.
                                                               2016     2017           2018            2019       2020

                                                                         Soybeans      Sunflower       Wheat               Some successes of SACOTA’s involvement in grain trading in South Africa
                                       Figure 3: Crop Estimates for soybeans, sunflower seed, and wheat
                                                                                                                           • Establishment of the Agricultural Derivatives Division on the SA Futures
                                       South Africa grain trade and Covid-19                                                 Exchange in 1995.
                                       South Africa has been in lockdown since 26 March 2020. The current                  • Development of a Standard Contract for the Purchase and Sale of Grain
                                       situation is as follows:                                                              and Oilseeds, that incorporated a mandatory arbitration clause. SAGOS 1
                                       • The food and feed industries have been classified as essential services             Version 9 is the current version.
                                          and operations at storage providers, traders and processing facilities are       • Development of a generic Grain Commodity Passport System to ensure
                                          continuing taking health measures of personnel into account.                       compliance to food safety regulations in the total value chain.
                                       • All ports are open for both imports and exports and the trading of grains         • Development of a guideline document for dealing with grain quality
                                          in the domestic market is continuing.                                              disputes in grain trading.
                                       • Cross-border exports are also continuing. Zimbabwe has waived the
                                          phytosanitary requirements for exports of maize from South Africa.               SACOTA is a member of the International Grains Trade Coalition and relies
                                       • Transporters of grains and oilseeds need to comply with certain permit            heavily on the outcomes of activities such as the Global Low-Level Presence
                                          conditions when transporting grain.                                              Initiative, Plant Breeding Innovation, Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety,
                                       • Overall, the current situation is status quo, as was before the lockdown          ePhyto electronic trading documentation, maximum residue limits and IPPC
                                          period.                                                                          ISPM for the movement of grain.

                                                                         SACOTA, this year, marks its 90th year of existence. We trust that the achievements of the organisation through the combined
                                                                         efforts and active participation of its members and member representatives will continue for the foreseeable future.

                                                                                                              CROP UPDATES                                                                               7
Covantis - Bringing
    efficiency to global trade
    By Petya Sechanova, CEO, Covantis
    Covantis ( emerged as an industry initiative
    founded by six commodity trading companies (ADM, Bunge,
    Cargill, COFCO, Louis Dreyfus Company and Glencore Agriculture)
    to connect and transform the agri industry by gradually moving
    from manual paper-based processes towards full digitalisation.

We are committed to work together with other         provider to build the platform, to identify the            provider - a market-leading Ethereum blockchain
industry players to create a digital platform that   geographical rollout plan.                                 technology company ConsenSys who is developing
will utilise emerging technologies such as                                                                      our transformational platform. We are completing
blockchain to significantly reduce operating risks                                                              the development of the first platform release (a
and increase market efficiency for agri bulk                                                                    subset of the scope). The release was tested with
international trade flows, all while ensuring                                                                   market participants in May 2020 and we received
privacy and data integrity.                                                                                     very positive feedback on its functionalities and
                                                                                                                the value it will bring to the industry.
Even as technology has advanced, the post-trade
execution process for agri bulk international
shipping has remained massively labour intensive
and highly manual; it is consequently a natural
focus for our initiative.

Our current scope envisions a two-phase approach:

Phase 1 is about optimising our current processes                                                           
aiming to:
• Maximise adoption and rollout
                                                     Gathering market and user feedback
• Connect the industry                               We believe that the key success factor for this
• Improve communication (including off platform)     platform will be adoption; the more people who
• Increase visibility, help prioritisation.          use it, the greater the benefits for all the parties
                                                     involved in the agricultural bulk commodities
                                                                                                                Geographical roll out
                                                                                                                The first export trade lane in our roll out plan is the
                                                     By discussing with different stakeholders how they         export of soybeans and corn from Brazil (port of
                                                     would use the platform, we aim to build trust              Santos) to various destinations. We are preparing a
                                                     around our proposed functionalities and enable             pilot release in July involving exporters, shippers
                                                     the development of an industry solution that will          and charterers on that trade lane. The pilot release
                                                     be beneficial to everyone. To that end, we have:           will enable us to gather important feedback on the
Phase 2 is about transforming our current                                                                      platform performance, its functionality, technical
processes aiming to:                                 4 Completed a series of workshops in Geneva,               security and stability to prepare for the operational
• More Standardisation                                  
                                                        Brazil, USA and China to identify the pain              launch later in 2020.
• Process automation (DIs and document                  points and the needs of the industry participants.
• Digitalisation and presentation                    4 Attended numerous industry events and                    Contact us
• Integrations                                          completed 80+ interviews with stakeholders
                                                                                                                 We want to create a solution by the agri
                                                        from the entire agri industry and even beyond
                                                                                                                 industry and for the agri industry. Your input is
                                                        to ensure that our vision and approach to the
                                                                                                                 important to promote, help design, test and
                                                        market was the right one for the entire industry.
                                                                                                                 adopt the future platform to create more value
                                                     This outreach helped us to better understand                and efficiency for the entire industry.
                                                     market reaction to our value proposition and adapt
                                                                                                                 Visit to subscribe to our
                                                    our ideas accordingly to deliver a product the
                                                                                                                 newsletter and receive regular news about the
                                                     industry needs and wants.
                                                                                                                 progress of the Covantis initiative.
Our key achievements to date
                                                     Technology partner                                          Send us your questions or requests at:
Over the past year, we have worked hard to gather
market and user feedback, to select a technology     We have formally selected our technology

8                                                                 TRADE INNOVATION
Electronic trading documentation
                                        – now more than ever!
                                        ePhyto Solution clocks up
                                        90 countries, and more than
                                        320,000 certificates exchanged
                                        By Alejandra Danielson Castillo, Chair of the ePhyto Industry Advisory
                                        Group (IAG) on behalf of the International Grain Trade Coalition (IGTC)

                                        Covid-19 has led to disruptions of global supply chains and highlighted the
                                        need to have systems and processes in place that allow for the safe and efficient
                                        exchange of trade documents.

Now more than ever, work is underway to               ePhyto Solution, champion the global discussion         efficiency and ease of export/import”. No major
implement the ePhyto Solution which we hope           on the Solution, and shared the learnings and best      unintended consequences have been identified.
will be an accessible way for all governments to      practices from industry case studies.
exchange phytosanitary certificates electronically                                                            Additionally, the grain trade has for several years
via a global Hub. It originally brought together 10   Today, the ePhyto Solution has been adopted by          been promoting the need for interoperability of
countries and now around 90 are registered with       around 90 countries and we are embarking on             ePhyto with other digital platforms. This is
over 320,000 certificates exchanged as of 31 May.     case studies with countries that will currently         important for use alongside government-led
The work is being led and supported by the            enable us to do so, meaning Mexico, Argentina,          platforms such as single window automated
International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC),     Chile, the USA, the Netherlands and New Zealand.        systems. The World Customs Organisation (WCO)
the Standards and Trade Development Facility                                                                  is fully supportive of this effort and a “Channel” has
(STDF) and government funders. The United             IAG representatives are working to provide              already been built and has been fully operational
Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)       expertise in the next phase of the ePhyto Solution      with the EU TRACES system since May 2020.
is a supporter of this work and in June 2020, the     by organising case studies. The purpose of the          Efforts are underway to use the channel for other
new Deputy Director General (DDG) of FAO Beth         industry case studies is to identify issues –           Single Windows users, such as Mexico and Brazil.
Bechdol convened an audience with the global          technical, regulatory, business flow, or otherwise –
industry trade associations that are leading on the   and to provide clarity to all parties regarding the     Equally important for smooth trade is
work, including IGTC.                                 ePhyto process and how it can benefit suppliers         interoperability with industry digital platforms.
                                                      and end users. Results from these industry case         That’s why we have volunteered to coordinate tests
Our work as the grain trade on the ePhyto file is     studies will inform best practices for trade to move    of an ePhyto “Channel” that will link up with the
growing as more and more countries adopt the          forward with electronic documents, and eventually       private sector. In June 2020 six companies have
Solution, and there is an increasing focus on         paperless execution.                                    expressed an interest in testing, and the door is
interoperability with the private sector. In 2018,                                                            open for more to be involved if they meet the
IGTC was elected Chair of the International Plant     Since 2018, 13 case studies have been conducted,        baseline technical specifications.
Protection Convention (IPPC)’s global Industry        mainly in the grains sector (Argentina-USA,
Advisory Group (IAG), bringing together industry      Argentina-Chile, USA-New Zealand) but there             This is a strictly non-competitive environment for
representatives from sectors including grains,        have also been a limited number in cotton and           private sector actors to “test” whether their digital
seeds, cut flowers, fresh produce, cotton, wood       seeds. Now there is significant anticipation for case   platforms can interact with the ePhyto Solution and
products and hay and forage. Observers of the IAG     studies between USA and Mexico following                it is important to remember that access to ePhytos,
include the Global Alliance on Trade Facilitation     SENASICA’s efforts to bring the country online, with    just like access to paper phytos, will be
(GATF) that is resourced by the World Economic        six grain trade corporate stakeholders volunteering     administered by governmental National Plant
Forum (WEF).                                          and preparing for this effort. The opportunity for      Protection Organisations (NPPOs). The final
                                                      case studies with the European Union (EU) should        objective is to ensure a Channel component that
In the last five years, the IAG with great support    not be overlooked given that all EU member states       can serve not only the whole grains industry, but
from IGTC, has been able to successfully recruit,     can now interface with ePhyto through the               all plant product sectors that use phytos – this
organise, increase presence at several industry       TRACES mechanism. IGTC has also been asked to           should be a public good!
meetings, capture data and present findings to        volunteer for case studies in other countries that
bodies such as the IPPC, FAO, industry,               have recently come online such as Morocco.              In the face of this global pandemic, we are seeing
governments and trade associations. The IAG also                                                              true advantages and real time benefits that a fully
assisted in the creation of marketing materials to    Up to now, there are positive indications from the      functional and accessible ePhyto Solution has
promote and increase country adoption of the          case studies that “ePhyto contributes to greater        brought for our industries and international trade.

                   To know which countries are sending and receiving on the IPPC ePhyto Solution, go to the following website and click on
                   “registered entities”:

                                                      TRADE INNOVATION                                                                                            9
Gafta has updated and improved its
 distance learning programme (DLP)
 More flexibility for online learning in times of social distancing

 During a time of uncertainty and pressure on the agricultural industry, Gafta is committed to
 finding ways to help our members maintain a sense of normality as well as looking at ways
 we can ensure that learning and training are still accessible. Because of this, Gafta’s                                               September semester now
 Distance Learning Programme has recently undergone a revamp in order to streamline and
                                                                                                                                          open for bookings
 enhance the student experience.
                                                                                                              Gafta’s Distance
                                                                                                              Learning Programme
 The visual representation of the DLP features more interactive and dynamic elements for
                                                                                                              (DLP) is an alternative to Gafta
 presenting course information as well as design improvements to enhance learning retention.                  Professional Development (GPD), designed
 The principal change from this upgrade is the way we assess students. Assignments have                       for students who prefer flexible e-learning
 been transformed into a mixture of self-marking exams, as well as a final written assessment,                opportunities. It currently consists of six modules:
 meaning that students can take charge of their learning much more easily.                                      Introduction to Contracts
                                                                                                                Fulfilling Contractual Obligations
 These new assessment formats give students more flexibility to complete course assessments                     Payment and Risk
 and the ability to balance the courses with their other commitments. Students are also able                    Charterparties and International
 to download the training platform app to allow them to complete their training in any place                    Carriage Regimes
 at any time, giving them greater freedom and flexibility in their learning.                                    What to do in Exceptional
 Gafta is continuously committed to offering our members the highest quality training and                       Problems and How to
 will continue to improve upon the current training available, as well as developing new                        Resolve Them
 content on a regular basis.

 For further information on Gafta online training, please visit                                               For more information visit our website today

 Ukraine restores VAT refund on
 rapeseed and soybean exports
 This follows 2.5 years of continuous lobbying
 By Anna Golodova, Director of Gafta’s Kiev office
 Starting from December 2017, the Ukrainian            level the playing field for all market participants.     President and other state authorities, looking for
 Parliament adopted the so-called “soya edits,”                                                                 clarification on this issue to clear up the
 which canceled VAT reimbursement for soybean          In December 2019, the President of Ukraine               uncertainty for the trade.
 exports from 1 September 2018 to 31 December          called on the Government and Parliament to
 2021, and for rapeseed exports from 1 January         adopt a law supporting domestic producers of             Finally, on 21 May 2020, after 2.5 years of
 2020 to 31 December 2021.                             agricultural products and to abolish the so-             continuous lobbying the President of Ukraine
                                                       called "soya edits." The required legislation went       signed the long expected legislation which
 The Ukrainian Regional Trade Committee, for           through two readings and was adopted by                  cancels the discriminatory rules, the so called
 the past two and a half years, has been actively      Parliament on 16 January 2020. But since then,           “soya edits” which had resulted in the loss of
 involved in lobbying against the unequal              the trade had to wait for a long time for the            hundreds of hryvnias per tonne of soybeans sold
 conditions for market participants through letters    President to finally sign it.                            annually by Ukrainian small and medium
 addressed to the President and state authorities,                                                              agricultural producers. Now, that change in the
 and via joint meetings with state authorities,        At the meeting which was held on 10 April 2020           legislation means that ALL exporters from
 expressing our position and claiming the              the members of the Ukrainian Regional Trade              Ukraine can receive VAT refund on soybeans
 necessity to reinstate the VAT reimbursement to       Committee decided once again to address the              and rapeseed.

         Members of Ukraine's Regional Trade Committee who lobbied hard against the "soya edits"

     Yevgen Morgunov,           Elena Zyrianova,            Ivan Kasynyuk,          Natalia Pylyptseva,             Ruben Beliaev,              Yelena Zamiatina,
     Viking Trading OÜ           Engelhart CTP               AGA Partners           SE Suntrade (Bunge)            ADM Ukraine LLC             Glencore Agriculture
                                  (Ukraine) LLC                                                                                                      Ukraine

10                                                                   GAFTA NEWS
Livestreaming technology implemented
    for Gafta Standard Audits
    Gafta and NSF International have launched online communications technology for livestreamed
    audits to enable new applicants for the Gafta Standards to be assessed, and current members to
    retain their status throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

Gafta’s key priority through the current crisis is to keep         instruments, all labelling, temperature monitoring and so on.
agricultural commodities, feedstuffs and general produce                                                                                   Analysts must be
moving to ensure food security now and minimise any long           “The screen share facility was especially useful which                approved to either the
term effects. Gafta Approved members are crucial to                allowed me to guide the auditor through our LIMS and all                Gafta Standard or
supporting the trade of these essential food and feedstuffs        documentation as if he was sat beside me. The reality is that             ISO17025 by
and those using the services of the Approved Registers need        it was very similar to an audit in person except I couldn’t               31 May 2021
reassurance that standards are being upheld despite the            offer the auditor a cup of tea!”
considerable disruption we are all experiencing.
                                                                   It is felt that this audit regime is sufficiently robust to replace
All physical on-site audits were stopped at the end of March       on-site audits where physical presence is not possible and
as borders closed and overseas travel was halted. Gafta            therefore provides a longer-term solution while the future
audits continued through the existing remote audit protocol        remains uncertain. The cost of a remote audit is also
used for renewal audits, though these are intended as a            reduced - £900 as compared to £1,900 for on-site – thus
follow up to the initial on-site audit. It is likely that travel   providing some financial relief for members at this difficult
will continue to be problematic for some months to come;           time. Whilst it is early days for Gafta audits, those who have
different quarantine and self-isolation rules could impact the     trialled the approach in other schemes believe this could
availability of auditors, and additional time added to air         become another approach to auditing long after the impact of
travel could result in increasing audit costs. Furthermore,        coronavirus, delivering financial and sustainability benefits.
social distancing measures make face-to-face audits difficult.
Therefore, Gafta and NSF have been working together to
develop a longer-term solution to allow audits to continue         How will it work?                                                     Closing date for 2020
without the need for auditors to travel.                           The audit will include ‘livestreaming’ using technology such             Gafta Ring Test
                                                                   as BlueJeans, Skype, Zoom, Teams, Whatsapp or any other                     Round 2:
NSF is one of the certification bodies providing audits for the    technology which works well for the member. A strong and                   1 July 2020
UK’s largest food and farming assurance scheme – Red               consistent internet connection is required, however there are
Tractor – carrying out 30,000 audits per year on farm, often       solutions for poor internet issues on the site or on the day.
within the farmer’s home. Within 72 hours of lockdown in           The livestream will be used to include elements which are
the UK, NSF restarted on-farm audits using livestreaming           normally covered by an on-site visit such as a site tour,
technology through secure video conferencing software,             observing tasks being carried out or speaking to an
BlueJeans. This innovative solution is being used by NSF for       employee about their training.                                        Superintendents must
UKAS accredited certification audits during the Covid-19                                                                                 be approved to either
pandemic where auditors are unable to conduct on-site              Documentation will be shared securely both on the day and             the Gafta Standard or
assessments.                                                       possibly ahead of the audit; members will be given clear                  ISO17020 by
                                                                   instructions when their audit date is agreed. Video calls will            31 May 2021
NSF approached Gafta to offer this solution for audits to the      be used to discuss findings and agree outcomes, in the same
Gafta Standards. Agriculture Director Anita Roberts said           way as the auditor would discuss this in the member’s office
“We recognise that technology is not something everyone is         on site.
comfortable with and we have therefore trained our auditors
and team members to help Gafta members through the                 If a member cannot complete a remote audit for any reason,
process. Members can be reassured that the NSF                     discussions with Gafta and NSF will help to determine
International team will help them through this new process.”       possible solutions but at this current time, the member may
Since agreeing to proceed, NSF and Gafta have reviewed             have to wait until travel restrictions are eased sufficiently for
audit protocols, trained auditors (using online                    an on-site audit to take place.
communications technology) and piloted the scheme with
members who were willing to help.                                  Full support will be available. Gafta has published guidance
                                                                   on its website: and staff
Abigail MacCartney, Analyst member from LiveLab based in           at Gafta and NSF will be on hand to help.
the UK was one of the first to undergo a livestream audit.
Despite being sceptical about how an online audit might            Members who are preparing to proceed with audit to the                  ISO9001 will not
work, she was pleasantly surprised at how well the process         Gafta Standards should apply by email to                                 be accepted for
went, saying “I found the process remarkably easy. I took the Audits are normally
opportunity to bring the auditor into the building as they         arranged within 6-8 weeks of payment; however, we expect
                                                                   demand for audits to increase as we approach the deadline
would if they were here in person, allowing them to see the
reception, security and sign-in process and then we took a         for compliance with the new requirements. Applying early                 - transfer before
tour of the lab using the rear facing camera. It was very easy     will enable us to work within your timescales and meet                     31 May 2021
to guide the auditor around the lab showing them the               your objectives.

                                                       APPROVED REGISTERS                                                                                       11
You can also read