Page created by Roger Chan
  REPORT 2020
The global pandemic has brought humanity together in a
desire to build back better. Having advanced our sustainability
performance over recent years, our strategic commitment
to “good chemistry” and a better world in the fundamental
areas of mining, water, food systems and chemicals is already
finding traction in this renewed global call to action.

This Report introduces a revised Sustainability Framework for the Group and provides a brief
update on performance in relation to material environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.
It will in future be part of our Annual Integrated Report, available on our website at
The scope of this Report includes all operations over which we have direct management control
and for which we set and implement policies and standards. Reported information pertains
predominantly to the financial reporting period 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020.
However in some instances, historical data is reflected from 2016 onwards.
The Board reviewed the content of this Report and confirms that it believes it addresses
our material issues as it relates to sustainability and presents a balanced reflection of the
sustainability performance and prospects of the Group.



Mark Dytor


                                              In 2020 we reviewed our strategy and
                                              vision for the next five years in the
                                              context of global megatrends that
                                              include a shift towards a purpose-led
                                              world, where authenticity in creating
                                              harmony between actions is paramount.

Dear Stakeholders                             the environment and consideration for the       we do. This philosophy and associated
                                              community, recognising that its licence to      commitments are captured in our new
In the last century, the world                operate also comes through the approval         purpose of “One AECI, for a better
                                              of stakeholders in the countries in which       world”. The sustainability efforts of every
has seen significant evolution                it operates, and that economic progress of      individual, team and business across
in the approach to all issues                 the present must never be at the expense        the Group will be integral to delivering
relating to sustainability. Often             of future generations.                          this promise. Our revised Sustainability
                                              Although this Report will be tabled as          Framework was developed in this context
changes have been driven by                                                                   and it is my pleasure to share it with you,
                                              AECI’s first Sustainability Report, our
tragedies and, in many cases,                 related journey started decades ago.            together with a brief reflection on how we
                                                                                              are actioning it across the Group.
these events have occurred in                 One milestone on the journey was in
                                              1991 when our then MD, Mike Sander,             In 2020 we reviewed our strategy and
the very industry where we exist              signed the International Chamber of             vision for the next five years in the
and supply. Sadly, AECI too has               Commerce’s Business Charter for                 context of global megatrends that include
                                              Sustainable Development.                        a shift towards a purpose-led world,
experienced tragic events but we
                                              Environmental matters were becoming far         where authenticity in creating harmony
are also proud to have played an                                                              between actions is paramount. This
                                              more prominent at the time and AECI chose
active role in shaping our world, as          to accelerate the thrust needed in this area.   strategy will be commented on in some
                                              Accordingly, we convened a major internal       detail in our upcoming Integrated Report.
it relates to responsible chemical                                                            We recognised the need to enhance our
                                              conference on environmental management
and explosives manufacturing.                 and took the initiative in establishing the     focus on growth by improving customer-
                                              Chemical Industry Environmental Forum.          centricity while helping solve pressing
                                                                                              global challenges like food security and
AECI, then known as African Explosives        In 1994 Mr Sander committed AECI to             water scarcity. The revised strategy places
and Industries was registered as a company    Responsible Care®. At that same time,           “Zero Harm and Sustainability” at its core.
on 21 March 1924, with headquarters in        AECI was a participant in the move
Johannesburg where we are still based         to establish the Chemical and Allied            The urgency needed in addressing the
today. At the time, our operations were       Industries’ Association (CAIA),                 challenges listed above was brought
in Modderfontein (established in 1896),       a solid and effective organisation which is     into sharper focus by the COVID-19
Somerset West (1903) and Umbogintwini         still the custodian of Responsible Care®        pandemic, which has reversed progress
(1908), all in South Africa. Today, our       in South Africa today. In 2020, AECI            on many of the global SDGs. Issues of
operations span 22 countries and while        received several awards from CAIA for           poverty and inequality have taken centre
the manufacture of explosives and the         its performance and commitment to               stage as rich and poor struggle with new
provision of services to the mining           Responsible Care® and initiatives that          realities and loss. Health and wellness
industry remains a key component              support, among other things, the United         have become a priority and it has become
of our activities, we have diversified        Nations Sustainable Development Goals           evident that the challenges we face cannot
significantly. Our Group now includes         (SDGs).                                         be dealt with in isolation.
businesses that focus on a spectrum
                                              As a Group we have much to offer. To            Innovation and collaboration driven by
of sectors such as water treatment,
                                              ensure we’re able to deliver growth and         “good chemistry”, leveraging cross-
agriculture, food and beverage, road
                                              maximise resources to the benefit of            business diversity and in partnership with
infrastructure and general industry.
                                              all stakeholders in a sustainable way,          our customers and suppliers, delivers our
AECI has always been committed to             we have adopted a more collaborative            most significant impact on society and the
conducting its operations with due care for   and integrated approach in everything           SDGs. In safer and more circular mining,


                                              AECI’s sustainable innovation areas
                                              are supported by responsible practices
                                              in our own operations, targeting our
                                              environmental footprint and a range
                                              of commitments under the umbrella
                                              of Zero Harm and Sustainability.

the provision of clean water and through      and thereafter for medical facilities, clinics   By definition, therefore, the process is an
healthy, affordable food and greener          and schools. Assumptions about “how              iterative one.
chemistry, our product and service            we do things” dropped away as our teams
                                                                                               I thank all our stakeholders who have
offering is challenging the assumptions       re-imagined their business, responding
                                                                                               supported us thus far, including our Board,
of the past to evolve the business models     to new needs: near-shoring strategic raw
                                                                                               our management teams, employees,
of the future.                                materials, substituting for unavailable
                                                                                               suppliers, customers, shareholders and
                                              materials and direct sales to smaller
AECI’s sustainable innovation areas                                                            the communities in which we operate.
                                              entrepreneurs who exemplified the agility
are supported by responsible practices                                                         AECI will continue to prosper and make a
                                              demanded by the moment. Without a
in our own operations, targeting our                                                           meaningful contribution but we know we
                                              doubt, the future will require us to draw on
environmental footprint and a range of                                                         cannot do so alone. I am inspired by the
                                              this agility again and again.
commitments under the umbrella of Zero                                                         challenge of continuing to work with you
Harm and Sustainability. As we achieve        Our mining and industrial partners face          to achieve so much more.
internal milestones, we are committed         significant challenges from the global
to extending the impact through our           move towards a circular economy.
influence on the broader value chain.         Large-scale agriculture is under constant
Underpinning the full sustainability          pressure for productivity, which can be at       MARK DYTOR
effort are passionate people who seek         odds with longer-term natural cycles. We         CHIEF EXECUTIVE
expression in a culture of openness,          know that a sustainable future requires us       20 MARCH 2021
learning and accountability.                  to address trade-offs such as these without
                                              further destabilising our economies and
AECI’s organisational culture is based
                                              societies. Without underplaying the
on our BIGGER values of being Bold,
                                              economic realities, our drive remains
Innovative, of Going Green, and of being
                                              positive and aligned with our business risk
Engaged and Responsible. These values
                                              appetite. It is my task as Chief Executive,
are the foundation of our sustainability
                                              more than ever, to create the space for our
effort and central to delivering our
                                              teams to deliver a #ABetterWorld.
goals. Everyone, everywhere, deserves
to be safe and healthy, and to live in a      In this first dedicated Sustainability
world that is free of discrimination and      Report, we present our Sustainability
empowering of positive pursuits.              Framework. We also share how our efforts
                                              are progressing and we encourage you, our
Progress in 2020 was swifter in some
                                              stakeholders, to join us on our journey and
areas than others. Each of our interlocking
                                              hold us to account.
strategic areas – innovation, responsible
operations and passionate people – was        We have finalised a set of targets for
tested over this difficult period. In some    many of our respective goals and others
cases, lockdown restrictions associated       will be set as we progress. In the coming
with the COVID-19 pandemic delayed            months we will go about formulating
trials of our #ABetterWorld initiatives.      the various projects to deliver on these
In others, the interruption presented         improvement areas. Our first milestone
new channels and opportunities. For           is 2025 but we are already looking ahead
example, we quickly converted a number        to 2030. AECI’s sustainability goals will
of our production units to manufacture        continue to be informed by those of the
hand sanitiser and disinfectant for our       United Nations and the needs of the
employees, contractors and their families     individual countries in which we operate.




On 4 February 2020 we initiated       Little did we know just how
                                      much the pandemic would
our very first response to the        change our way of working.
COVID-19 pandemic, in the form of     We went on to produce
                                      12 versions of our response
an international travel cautionary.   plan with the last one still
                                      in place at the time of
                                      publication of this Report.


Task Team to oversee                            RESPONSE PLANS AND PROTOCOLS                     arrangements were introduced for leave
                                                                                                 related to lock-down, working from home,
                                                The AECI response plan was made available
strategic direction                             to the public via our website and social         forced quarantine, self-isolation or in the
                                                                                                 event of an actual positive case. AECI was
and response                                    media pages and provided to the authorities
                                                and to the chemical industry via CAIA. It        fortunate to have most of its operations
                                                was also shared with customers, suppliers        deemed providers of essential products and
In March 2020 a Task Team was formed to         and visitors.                                    services and this required the re-organising
oversee the response to the pandemic. The                                                        of shift patterns, among other things. All
team comprised the full AECI Executive          HUMAN CAPITAL                                    employees who continued to work in our
Committee, supplemented by specialists                                                           operations while others were in lockdown
                                                Communication                                    were given a once-off bonus.
in various fields including Medical, Human
Capital, Stakeholder Relations, IT, SHEQ        Our management response needed to
and Risk. The team met daily until September    be as swift as the pandemic itself. With         Employee tracking
2020 when frequency was reduced as the          the help of rapidly deployed IT solutions        Once the communication channels had
impact of the pandemic declined.                and the establishment of dedicated               been established, the Task Team was able to
                                                communication channels, we instituted            monitor the work arrangements of all staff
The strategic intent of the team was:           daily updates from the Human Capital             on any given day to ensure that protocols
›› To prevent or reduce, as far as              Business Partners, across the globe. This        were being adhered to. All confirmed cases
   possible, the infection of our               spanned 22 countries and the information         of infection were discussed and in the event
   employees, their families, co-workers        was fed directly to the Task Team, based         of a hospitalisation, detailed information
   and others who may come into                 in Johannesburg, on a daily basis.               would flow on the condition of the employee
   contact with them.                           We set up a dedicated mailbox to which           via the Company Occupational Medical
                                                any person could direct a question about         Practitioner.
›› To help reduce the risk of COVID-19
                                                the pandemic or our response. These would
   becoming a community, national or                                                             Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
                                                typically be answered within one day of
   international disaster.
                                                receipt. Direct messages were sent from          An integral part of the response plan was
›› To ensure prompt and adequate                the offices of the CE and Group Human            a documented BCP for each business to
   detection and treatment.                     Capital Executive to all staff on a regular      deal with a scenario of single or multiple
                                                basis. The CE has sent a weekly SMS to all       infections in any of our operations, or a
›› To reduce the level of absenteeism, due to
                                                employees in South Africa, without fail, since   temporary supply chain interruption, or
   direct or indirect effects of COVID-19.
                                                the beginning of the pandemic. Rapid and         permanent closure of a customer. Each
›› To minimise the impact on operations         accurate communication was a key element         business has a detailed plan to minimise
   and ensure AECI can honour                   of our response.                                 the risk of transmission within shifts of
   contractual obligations, and that it                                                          teams. If a positive case was reported, a
   continues to secure its revenue streams.     Benefits, leave and remuneration mattered        decontamination programme commenced
                                                One of the goals set by the Task Team was        immediately. It is pleasing to report that
›› To reduce the spread of COVID-19
                                                to avoid a scenario where salaries could not     there were no outbreaks of infection in the
   and ultimately reduce the strain on
                                                be paid or staff had to be retrenched as a       workplace and we did not interrupt supply
   international healthcare systems.
                                                direct consequence of COVID-19. Special          to any of our customers.
›› To ultimately restore society back to
   “business as usual”, and
›› To increase our readiness for future

A strong emphasis was placed on the
protection of potentially vulnerable staff
due to co-morbidities. All employees
were given the option to disclose their
conditions voluntarily to a Company
Occupational Medicine Practitioner
(doctor) who would assess each
individual and decide on the best way to
accommodate the individuals either at
work or with an alternative arrangement.
All staff, service providers and their
families were provided with critical
information, sanitiser and masks.               Katlehong Primary School was among the beneficiaries who received handwashing stations
                                                and food parcels.


Through innovation and collaboration,
our teams are seeking to deliver on
                                        The AECI Group Sustainability
five priority SDGs:                     Framework centres our effort in pursuit
› SDG 2 Zero hunger
› SDG 6 Clean water
                                        of a better world. It presents 10 goals
  and sanitation                        across the tiers of One AECI, for a
› SDG 8 Decent work
  and economic growth                   better world, Responsible Operations
› SDG 12 Responsible production
  and consumption
                                        and Passionate People.
› SDG 13 Climate action

                                        One AECI, for a better world focuses on the significant opportunity
                                        to deliver Better Mining, Better Water, Better Food Systems and
                                        Better Chemistry in collaboration with our customers and other
                                        partners. Supported by the AECI Growth Office (AECI.GO) and the
                                        ongoing, Group-wide innovation drive, our teams explore new products,
                                        processes and technologies that can be scaled to deliver our purpose.

                                        RESPONSIBLE OPERATIONS focuses on aligning every operational
                                        decision and action with a #ABetterWorld in pursuit of Zero Harm to
                                        people and the environment. Supported by the Group SHEQ function
                                        and SHEQ personnel across our 12 businesses in 22 countries, our
                                        commitments inform the efforts of all our 6 800 employees.

                                        PASSIONATE PEOPLE focuses on high performance and inclusion,
                                        making it easier for AECI teams to contribute, in partnership, to
                                        #ABetterWorld. Supported by the Group Human Capital function and
                                        Human Capital Business Partners, this goal area recognises the value,
                                        rights and responsibilities of every employee and all our stakeholders.


                ONE AECI,        We will drive innovation and growth in support of the
                FOR A BETTER
                     1                           2                        3                         4

BETTER                   BETTER                        BETTER                   BETTER
MINING                   WATER                         FOOD                     CHEMISTRY
Make mining              Provide access                Enhance access           Reduce the
safer and                to clean water                to good food             hazardous nature
more circular            and improve                   through improved         and effects
                         conservation                  farming,                 of chemicals
                                                       and nutrition

                RESPONSIBLE      We will minimise our environmental impact and strive for
                OPERATIONS       Zero Harm across our value chain

REDUCE                      5 REDUCE                            6                                   7
Carbon Intensity               our Water
of our operations              footprint

                PASSIONATE       We will nurture a high-performance culture in an inclusive,
                PEOPLE           purpose-led environment

LIVE                        8 NURTURE                           9 THRIVE                           10
our values in                  our passionate people                in a high-performance
a purpose-led                  and collaborate with                 and inclusive
organisation                   our stakeholders                     culture


                                     Make mining safer and more circular

Globally, miners are facing a        Making mining safer                                BLAST EFFICIENCY AND DESIGN

challenging period. Volatility in                                                       Drawing on precision positioning and digital
                                     REMOTE CHARGING                                    imagery, our engineers are seeking greater
commodity prices necessitates        Although mining provides resources                 control over blasting to reduce ground
stringent cost control and safety    needed for our economy, it remains a high          vibration, air blast (and noise) and fly rock.
                                     risk environment. Where people are in              This research, in partnership with the
concerns have made changes in        the proximity of explosives and blasting           University of Pretoria, has led to measurable
technology, such as automation,      activities, inadequate products and                improvements in blast efficiency and design.
                                     expertise can be extremely dangerous.
a necessity. The mining sector       In open cast mining, miners use emulsion           NEW EXPLOSIVE TECHNOLOGIES
faces a complex transition           explosives to charge holes to be blasted,          Our new emulsion technology for
                                     using a Mobile Manufacturing Unit                  underground mining ensures that a
to a low carbon economy,             (MMU) and manually deploy the                      non-sensitised (meaning a non-explosive)
with growing regulatory and          initiating system. In cases where the              product can be transported and deployed in
                                     temperature of the hole is above a defined         the mine. Consequently, the user and those
stakeholder pressure. AECI                                                              involved in transportation are not handling
                                     threshold, commonly known as a hot
Mining’s world-class capabilities    hole, or in reactive ground or where high          or in close proximity to an active explosive.
                                     walls exist, personnel on the bench are            This greatly reduces the safety risk. Only at
are being applied to the challenge
                                     exposed to additional hazards. We have             the time of deployment into the holes is the
of safer and more circular mining,   embarked on a project to limit exposure            product sensitised. The charging of holes
in partnership with our customers    of personnel by allowing remote and/or             and sensitisation of the product is done with
                                     autonomous charging and deployment                 our portable charging units which we first
and other stakeholders.              of initiating systems on benches where             deployed in 2012. Extensive collaboration
                                     there is increased risk. The system will           with our customers has enhanced both
KEY SDG GOALS                        be integrated into our BLASTiTABLET                safety and environmental parameters
                                     system to record information and provide           through the conversion to emulsion
                                     feedback to mine management. The use               explosive technologies.
                                     of this technology is in testing phase at          In a further partnership, the deployment
                                     pilot sites in Burkina Faso and eMalahleni         of Powergel®X² formulation has helped
                                     in South Africa. Testing was delayed               another key mining customer address
                                     significantly by COVID-19 restrictions on          safety risks when blasting in extreme
                                     economic activity and the movement of              (hot and reactive) conditions.
                                     people but it will resume soon.
                                                                                        VERTICAL DROP
                                     STEMMING TRUCKS                                    Delivering smart systems and solutions
                                     A further development to improve safety            for the underground mining industry
                                     is moving into implementation phase with a         is part of AECI Mining Explosives’
                                     key customer. Stemming is a crucial element        integrated offering. Inherently
                                     in the “drill and blast” mining phase. In this     engineered into its delivery systems is
                                     historically manual and labour-intensive           state-of-the-art technology that enables
                                     process, aggregate is placed on top of             miners to operate more safely and with
                                     explosives in drill holes, locking the expanding   higher efficiency. Our emulsion vertical
                                     gases in the hole and hence enabling more          drop delivery system infrastructure
                                     effective rock-breaking. Stemming trucks           involves a sophisticated system to safely
                                     with single operator functionality will remove     transfer product from surface directly
                                     people from the danger area and enable             to underground storage facilities. This
                                     better controlled blast outcomes.                  enables better and safer management
                                                                                        of products, simplifies compliance
                                                                                        processes and has the potential


AECI Mining’s world-class capabilities are being applied to the
challenge of safer and more circular mining, in partnership with
our customers and other stakeholders.

to streamline shaft delivery times
significantly. It also ensures that at no
time is there sufficient pressure to                   SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (SED) SPOTLIGHT
make the product sensitive to outside
stimuli, change its structure or make
it detonatable.

Making mining
more circular
Sustainability initiatives frequently require
trade-offs. The vast mobile fleets used by
mines generate significant volumes of used
oil which typically require disposal. AECI
Mining Chemicals has developed a process
which allows the introduction of used oil
into the bulk emulsion fuel blend instead
of diesel. Our advanced, robust surfactant
technology permits the use of the oil
without treatment or recycling. Benefits
include reduced diesel fuel consumption,
reduced pollution risk and a decrease in
costs for the customer.

By including AECI Mining’s customers in
our Enterprise and Supplier Development
(ESD) activities in South Africa, we
work towards enabling the integration
of ESD benefits into mining tenders,
to expand our social impact beyond our
own operations and host communities,
and to meet the requirements of the
Department of Mineral Resources’
Mining Charter. In terms of the latter,
AECI Mining Explosives is in the process        Supporting healthcare through Unjani Clinics
of obtaining verification by the SABS
on local content on more than 60 of its         Through our SED funds, we partner with external organisations to
products. To improve alignment with
the Mining Charter and in keeping               help mining customers address social needs in their host communities.
with a national drive to empower Black          In 2019, more than 128 000 patients received primary healthcare
industrialists, the AECI Group currently
                                                services at Unjani Clinics in mining regions across the country. This
spends more than R10 million annually
on sourcing services preferentially from        partnership empowered female nurses to own and run their own
small, local, and Black-owned enterprises.      healthcare practices and provided access to primary healthcare for
These services include, among others,
engineering, transport, cleaning, SHE           people in the most rural and vulnerable communities.
products and blasting accessories.


                                               Provide access to clean water and improve conservation

On the back of multi-year drought              Making clean water                               Making water
conditions in South Africa and with
water stress a growing global concern,         more available                                   conservation easier
the pressures of the global COVID-19           AECI Water partners with municipalities          AECI Water is collaborating with AECI
pandemic have highlighted even further         and water boards in South Africa, Mali,          Plant Health to explore how water treatment
the importance of clean water and              Ghana and Burkina Faso to supply potable         technologies can reduce the volume of
sustainable water use as preconditions         water to communities. Using an ecosystem         water needed for irrigation purposes without
                                               approach and innovative technologies, we         compromising yields. A further collaboration
for addressing a public health crisis.
                                               are improving the delivery of this basic         project with AECI Food & Beverage is
In South Africa, some municipalities           necessity, benefiting both quality of life and   targeting water conservation opportunities
face financial constraints and public          municipal compliance. In water-stressed          in the dairy industry in the Western Cape.
resources are often insufficient to            areas, we are helping to supplement
                                                                                                Precision irrigation should become the
address water challenges at local level.       municipal supplies with water derived from
                                                                                                norm in water-stressed areas, including
Access to water and sanitation in              alternative sources such as boreholes.
                                                                                                in South Africa where irrigation accounts
schools is a particular concern.               Where communities lack adequate                  for 70% of total water consumption.
                                               access to water, additional challenges are       Agricultural exports face particular risk as
Industrial processes and chemical              inevitable. Beyond infrastructure and            some European customers are seeking to
products are known to have negative            purification, our teams explore innovative       track “embedded water” used in upstream
effects on the management of water             financial solutions to address funding           agricultural production. AECI Plant
availability and water quality and             gaps, options to power the system with           Health has secured access to technology
there is consensus on a participatory          solar energy and opportunities to train          from an Israeli-based agri-tech start-up
role for corporates in realising               local community members as operators or          called SupPlant. The technology uses
                                               security personnel at the treatment plant.       artificial intelligence to improve crop health
systemic solutions.
                                               The scale of the challenge is significant        through, inter alia, efficient irrigation while
                                               and fuller solutions will require multi-         increasing yields. Precision sensors placed
KEY SDG GOALS                                                                                   on individual plants reflect exact moisture
                                               stakeholder collaboration and wide
                                               funding nets. We continue to pursue              requirements and feed the data to a control
                                               competitive opportunities and CSI                centre for irrigation. To date, 13 installations
                                               opportunities through AECI’s SED funds           have been placed on customer farms totalling
                                               and are also drawing on our longstanding         435 hectares. The objective is to expand
                                               relationship with South Africa’s National        the offering to 7 000 hectares by 2025.
                                               Business Initiative to explore prospects         Key to the expansion of the installation
                                               for large-scale collaborative solutions.         footprint is the initial investment required.
                                                                                                Our teams are addressing this through a
                                                                                                blend of manual and digital options and
                                                                                                funding models.

Reducing the demand for potable                                       AECI WATER’S                      1 MILLION PEOPLE
                                                                      FIVE-YEAR TARGETS                 in remote areas supplied
water for industrial use                                                                                with potable water

AECI Water is targeting the replacement of over 3 billion litres      50 SCHOOLS                        2 BILLION LITRES
of potable water used in the AECI Group’s process streams with        supplied with potable water       of potable water reduced/replaced
recycled/repurposed water alternatives over the next five years.                                        in the private industrial sector
Another target for AECI Water is to replace over 2 billion litres
                                                                      2 BILLION LITRES                  1 BILLION LITRES
of potable water used in process streams in the mining sector         of potable water reduced/         of liquid effluent discharged by
with recycled acid mine drainage and/or grey water alternatives.      replaced in the mining sector     industry to be reduced/repurposed


AECI Water’s capabilities are being applied cross-functionally,
drawing on our public- and private-sector network to build and
operate better water systems for municipalities and other mandated
authorities, schools, communities, farms, mines and industry.

Purifying water
for re-use                                                WATER FOR SCHOOLS

Many mining operations generate excess
water, known as fissure or seepage water,
which can be treated and used. At Anglo
Platinum’s Dishaba Mine, treated water is
returned to the mine, significantly reducing
the use of potable water. High chemical
oxygen demand (COD) effluents are a
further opportunity. Trials at a pulp and paper
customer have established that bacteria and
enzyme treatments can result in re-use of
up to 60% of waste water if properly applied.
Our teams are currently commercialising and
scaling up these initiatives.
Water re-use is particularly relevant in
water-stressed areas. As climate change
effects result in lower rainfall along South
Africa’s arid West Coast, companies are
exploring desalination options and we
have successfully partnered with several in
recent times.
Not only did these partnerships secure much
needed water but also helped to safeguard
more than 2 000 jobs which were at risk due
to potential factory closure.
The water treatment plants also ensure
that waste water meets specifications for
discharge to sea.
Further, we have started assessing industrial
symbiosis opportunities, where purified
waste water could be made available to
operations located on production sites
neighbouring our own.

                                                  To address the plight of South African learners with inadequate access
                                      25%         to water and sanitation services, we have partnered with the City of
                                 by 2025          Tshwane to deploy decentralised water solutions at five schools in
                                                  Hammanskraal. We aim to expand this programme to provide clean
DISCHARGE                                         water to more than 500 000 people over the next five years.
AND SEA                               20%         We have set ourselves a target of reaching 50 schools over the next five
                                 by 2025          years with projects similar to that delivered in Hammanskraal.



Addressing water shortages in the Western
Cape through desalination
Desalination provides sustainable   Since start-up in April 2018, AECI
water supply to drought stricken    Water’s desalination plants on the west
                                    coast of South Africa have produced
customers in the Western Cape.
                                    more than 1 500 million litres of water.
                                    AECI Water designed, built, installed,
                                    commissioned and operates a number of
                                    desalination plants in the Western Cape. They
                                    are a sustainable and cost-effective solution for
                                    water-stressed environments. Given the high cost
                                    of energy associated with desalination, an Energy
                                    Recovery Device is incorporated into the design.
                                    This technology reduces power consumption in
                                    terms of kW/m3 by 30% – 50%, depending on
                                    the feed source of the water.

                                    The installations at Lucky Star, a division of the
                                    Oceana Group, secured the sustainability of its
                                    fishmeal supply. The 36 m³/h containerised plant at
                                    St Helena Bay, comprising 10 reverse osmosis vessels
                                    and 70 membranes, can produce 864 000 litres of
                                    water a day. The 26 m³/h Amawandle Pelagic plant has
                                    seven reverse osmosis vessels and 49 membranes. Its
                                    daily capacity is 624 000 litres. In both instances, sea
                                    water is sourced from beach wells.

                                    Sea Harvest’s desalination plant in Saldanha
                                    produces a million litres of potable water a day.
                                    It has dissolved air flotation, ultra-filtration and
                                    sea water reverse osmosis (SWRO) systems.
                                    These technologies treat effluent or sea water,
                                    providing the company with all the water it requires.
                                    The quality of the water produced by the plant
                                    conforms to the South African National Standard
                                    (SANS 241-1:2015) as a minimum requirement for
                                    potable water. In time, the SWRO will replace the
                                    current municipal feed with sea water.



                                       FOOD SYSTEMS
                                       Enhance access to good food through improved farming,
                                       productivity and nutrition

According to the United Nations,       Improving yield by                           digital trading platform that makes
                                                                                    it easier for this growing sector of the
one in nine people in the world do     working with nature                          market to connect to commercial
not have enough to eat and one-        New AECI solutions seek to better
                                                                                    off-takers for their produce and source
                                                                                    input supplies, including the full suite of
third of all food produced goes to     complement the ecological processes
                                                                                    plant and soil health products and services
                                       important for sustainable agriculture.
waste. This situation is mirrored in                                                from AECI Plant Health. We have piloted
                                       AECI Plant Health’s NuWay®
                                                                                    this solution through our customer base
Africa where food waste is equally     methodology uses precision analysis,
                                                                                    in South Africa including the Industrial
high, hunger and malnutrition          remote sensing and tailored chemistry        Development Corporation, the Land
                                       to address long-term soil health. This       Bank and ABInBev. The partnerships
persist at alarming levels and diet-   enhances agricultural output and             link to the customers’ own ESD spend
related diseases are among the top     delivers healthier crops. An example of      objectives. The aim is to build an inclusive
                                       the holistic NuWay® offering is Biocult      product and service ecosystem, centred
causes of death. These patterns        which uses mycorrhizae to enhance            on smallholders, that draws on the
have been amplified by the impact      plant nutrition, soil biology and soil       capabilities of our diverse customer base.
                                       chemistry. Application can improve soil      The medium-term objective is to reach
of the COVID-19 pandemic.              carbon sequestration by up to 15% and        50 000 of these farmers, initially in
There are wide economic and            the potential for this product to generate   South Africa. 4 200 of them are already
                                       new revenue streams in the carbon            registered on the Khula platform.
racial inequalities on the African     market is being assessed. Through our
continent in a food system that        R&D capabilities, we are exploring other
                                       opportunities to improve the quantity        Making food healthier
depends heavily on small-scale
food producers yet struggles to
                                       and quality of produce by using treated
                                       water abstracted from dams, boreholes,
                                                                                    and more affordable
                                       and rivers for irrigation purposes.          INGREDIENTS FOR BASIC,
provide a context in which these
                                                                                    AFFORDABLE FOODSTUFFS
small players can thrive.              Making farming                               Lower-income consumers spend a
                                                                                    disproportionally high percentage of their
KEY SDG GOALS                          more inclusive                               total income on food. In partnership with
                                       New “turnkey” and digital agricultural       Chr-Hansen, a principal with whom we
                                       solutions provided by AECI Plant             have built a relationship over 20 years,
                                       Health seek to support emerging- and         we supply a range of specialty cultures
                                       smallholder-farmers’ start-up, enhance       used in the production of Mageu and
                                       their productivity and facilitate their      Amasi. These low-cost, non-alcoholic
                                       access to commercial markets. In             ferments offer affordable on-the-go
                                       Malawi, for example, we have developed       nutrition to consumers in Africa. We
                                       our Nyonga input packs that provide          also source and sell a range of functional
                                       a tailored solution for smallholders.        ingredients used in the production of
                                       The packs include seeds, fertilizer,         low-cost processed meat products which
                                       crop protection products and personal        are favoured across South Africa for
                                       protection equipment for the farmers.        their broad availability, affordability, taste
                                       The packs are distributed through            and protein content. A new project is
                                       multinational companies which have           underway to produce a healthier dairy
                                       contracted smallholder farmers to            fruit juice blend for this target market.
                                       produce tobacco, cotton, maize and           AFFORDABLE ALTERNATIVE
                                       pigeon pea.                                  PROTEINS
                                       The Khula App is another innovative          Global growth in demand for protein,
                                       product for emerging farmers. It is a        coupled with the rising environmental


AECI’s agricultural, nutritional and digital capabilities are being
applied to develop innovative technical solutions that expand
nutritional options and support inclusivity towards establishing
a food system that is more productive and less wasteful.

impact of conventional animal farming
and shifting consumer ethics, has led
                                                of mould in dairy. Additions to the
                                                offering continue to be identified and
                                                                                                     Reducing the need for
to a growing protein gap and increased          assessed. For example, an additive                   chemicals and water
demand for alternatives. Input sources          produced from silkworm silk is being
such as peas and hemp are becoming              investigated as an opportunity for the               as cleaning materials
increasingly popular and AECI Food &            longer term.
Beverage markets a range of novel and                                                                when transporting
functional products from these and
other sources (rice, whey, collagen, and
                                                Redistributing                                       liquid food products
keratin) as healthier protein alternatives      unsold food                                          We are the first to offer a product called
for consumers. For the medium and long
term we are exploring partnerships in           AECI Food & Beverage is currently                    Mega-InLiner® to the South African
a number of opportunities to develop            assisting a non-governmental organisation            market. This is a fully recyclable liner
low-cost microbial protein for the mass         in Cape Town which redistributes unsold
                                                                                                     which allows the liquid product to be
                                                food from retail outlets and fresh fruit
market in Africa.                                                                                    loaded in the liner itself and eliminates
                                                and vegetables to people in need. The
To meet rising consumer demand for              project is being supported as part of our            the need to clean vehicles with chemicals
sugar alternatives, we supply a range of        CSI programme through the donation                   and water. A trial was undertaken recently
healthier alternative sweeteners, including     of flowbins for food deliveries. Greater             with a large beverage company and the
low-kilojoule erythritol and natural sugar      involvement is being considered.                     results are promising.
extracted from coconut. Another offering
is a range of lactase enzymes that reduce
sugar content in dairy products for
individuals who are sensitive to lactose.
These solutions are provided primarily
to food and beverage manufacturers in
southern African markets.

Recent medical research has made a
connection between poor gut health and
a number of chronic health conditions.
Conversely, a healthy gut microbiome
has been linked to improved health and
wellbeing. To support the gut health of
consumers, we provide a range of functional
ingredients and additives, including
clinically-proven Fibersol®, a dietary
juice-fibre, and a range of probiotics.

Reducing food waste
Collective efforts to reduce food
waste at global level are in the spotlight.
AECI Food & Beverage markets natural
alternatives to artificial preservatives that
extend the shelf-life of food products. An
example is Fresh-Q ®, a bio-preservative
which naturally reduces the development         The Mega-InLiner ® is inserted directly into the cavity of a liquid transport vessel.



Witzenburg PALS
With financial support from AECI,             The programme enables support for emerging Black
commercial farmers, local communities and     farmers by partnering with an established commercial
                                              farmer. The commercial farmer acts as a broker, mentor
government are collaborating in the Western   and business partner in an initial joint venture with the
Cape’s Witzenburg District to ensure that     emerging farmer on the redistributed land, followed by
Black-owned farms established through         the emerging farmer having first option to buy all shares
land reform processes emerge as successful    in the venture after a set period. The commercial farmer
enterprises and lead to the economic          underwrites the business plan and stands surety on the
                                              financial obligations for the new Black-owned venture.
transformation envisioned in South Africa’s   The programme has expanded considerably over the last
National Development Plan.                    three years and has attracted widespread attention as a
                                              model for use in other provinces across South Africa.



                                     Reduce the hazardous nature and effects of chemicals

Growing public concerns are          Making personal                               Helping industries
driving changes in legislation and   care greener                                  green their operations
leading to a shift in consumer       With the move towards milder, more            We are trialling the shift to greener
ethics and demand towards the        natural and sulphate-free cosmetics           industrial processes in our own operations
                                     globally, AECI Chemicals is working with      by leveraging our learning and our
sustainable consumption of           key suppliers to develop and source such      established expertise in support of the
healthier, more natural, safer       materials and is actively promoting these     shift to greener industry. As always,
                                     options to customers. We offer safer and      partnerships with our suppliers and
and more protective products.        greener replacements to sulphate and          customers are fundamental to success.
The ingredients, materials and       other harsh ingredients and preservatives
                                     commonly used in the manufacture of           We promote and supply organic
manufacturing processes used to      shampoos, hand washes and shower gels.        pigments as a substitute for the toxic
produce (and package) consumer       Our alternatives are kinder to the skin       lead-chrome pigments used in road
                                     and the environment. Market uptake has        markings. Our green replacement project
goods are being interrogated.        been relatively slow due to higher prices     looks to support the substitution of
Our customers are becoming           of green alternatives and pressure on         environmentally harmful chemicals with
                                     consumers’ disposable income. Almost          softer chemicals in the manufacture
increasingly responsive to this
                                     5 tonnes were sold in 2020 from a zero        of industrial cleaning formulations. To
scrutiny and more aware of the       base in 2018.                                 reduce reliance on non-renewable oil-
economic potential in the sale                                                     derived feedstock, we are experimenting
                                     To support the credible climate change
                                     commitments of product manufacturers          with a renewable oleochemical feedstock
of greener products. In support                                                    to develop an industrial range of epoxy
                                     and brands, we are involved in developing
of this shift, we are leveraging     and supplying emulsifiers that enable         resins and hardeners.
                                     a change from hot to cold production
our chemistry, procurement and
                                     processes for lotions, creams and hair        Developing more natural
customer relations capabilities      products. Without the need for heating,
to develop and offer customer-       manufacturers use less energy and have a      ways to treat waste water
                                     lower carbon footprint.                       To improve water use by mines we are
centricity solutions, chemicals                                                    working with our customers to develop and
and ingredients that embody          Making homecare greener                       implement solutions. We are harnessing
greener chemistry.                                                                 the power of enzymes and bacteria to
                                     To reduce the impact of homecare and
                                     homecare products on water, and in            provide a more natural solution for the
                                     support of the emerging shift to greener      treatment of effluents with high COD.
                                     homes and lifestyles, we are leveraging our   Our initial trial in another sector indicates
                                     customer relationships to promote the use     the potential to re-use 50%-60% of
                                     of greener chemicals in the manufacture       water treated through this method. A trial
                                     of related products. We supply and actively   with a mining customer is underway. The
                                     promote the replacement of nonylphenol        efficacy of this water-saving technology
                                     surfactants with less toxic alternatives      has been proven and commercialisation
                                     and are advancing the uptake of an “easy      plans are well advanced. Our in-house
                                     rinse” technology in washing powders that     flow enhancers also reduce water use,
                                     reduces water-use for home laundry. Again,    have a positive impact on water quality
                                     market uptake has been relatively slow for    and address the issue of sticky ore in
                                     the reasons already outlined above.           underground applications. This helps
                                     Over 4 tonnes were sold in 2020.              extend the life of a mine.


In the context of climate change, COVID-19 has amplified public
concern for the disruption and pollution of the earth’s biosphere
as well as the impact of industrial processes and the accumulation
of toxic substances on human health.


WHO-approved sanitisers
AECI offers a range of protective          set up a micro-lab for in-house product        AECI Schirm, in Germany, rapidly
WHO-approved sanitisers that               testing. Further, we worked with the           deployed the manufacture of hand
protect people against the spread          World Health Organisation (WHO) to             sanitiser and disinfectant to address
of the coronavirus.                        address any misinformation and ensure          the need for such products in efforts to
                                           our sanitiser met credible criteria for        control the spread of the coronavirus.
As the impact of the COVID-19
                                           quality and efficacy.                          Initially, a contract for the supply of
pandemic led to the shutdown of some
                                                                                          1,9 million litres was concluded with
of our customers’ operations, some         The task was significant but we were
                                                                                          the German Department of Interior
of our businesses also slowed down         able to draw on our R&D teams, our
                                                                                          and executed in full. Thereafter, AECI
or suspended their activities. This        networks through employees, suppliers
                                                                                          Schirm launched its own product
unplanned interruption gave us the         and buyers, and our relationships with
                                                                                          range for the German market and,
opportunity to test our capability to      industry bodies and authorities. We
                                                                                          potentially, sales in other Eurozone
respond innovatively and swiftly to an     launched our product publicly and used
                                                                                          countries will follow.
unforeseen challenge. We sought new        digital marketing channels to source
adaptive opportunities and found good      new customers, sell product in bulk and
potential in the production and supply     donate to our employees, contractors
of sanitiser to aid in the response to a   and communities.
global pandemic.
                                           There was nothing typical about this
We took ethical responsibility to source   venture that highlighted AECI’s potential
pharmaceutical grade ingredients, secure   to drive innovation in response to a crisis,
all required permits and permissions and   including alignment with the SDGs.


                                      We will minimise our environmental impact and strive
                                      for Zero Harm across our value chain

AECI’s environmental efforts are
inspired by the circular economy
and our aim is to design waste          WASTE
and harmful emissions out of our
systems. Our approach employs a
                                        USE THE WASTE PROGRESSION ARROW
“progression arrow” to identify key
opportunities across energy, water,
waste and emissions. We profile         ASSESS
                                                                                                       SALE OF
                                        TYPES AND     AND RE-USE       AND RE-SALE      ADAPTION       WASTE
possible solutions from least- to       VOLUMES       OPPORTUNITIES    OPPORTUNITIES    OF WASTE       PRODUCTS
                                                                       WITHIN THE       TO CREATE      AS A SERVICE
most-favoured to guide decision-                                       AECI GROUP       NEW PRODUCTS   LINE
                                                                                        FOR SALE
making and capital allocation
(see example for Waste alongside).
Our social efforts are driven           TO IDENTIFY KEY OPPORTUNITIES

through continual improvement
against our Zero Harm aspirations
for health and safety. Beyond                                           PREVENTION
this, the Group supports inclusive        FAVOURED
                                           OPTION                      MINIMISATION
growth through ESD.

                                            LEAST                     ENERGY RECOVERY

                                                     GOING GREEN
                                                     PL AY YOUR PART IN

                                      For more information see our Going Green booklet available at


Responsible production requires that we align our operations
with the reality of environmental constraints and pressing
social needs.

Towards Zero Harm                              OCCUPATIONAL AND
                                               PROCESS SAFETY
                                                                                            OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH
                                                                                            Through a dynamic set of Occupational
Inspired by our commitment to                  Reducing workplace injuries and illnesses    Health Standards, we actively manage
Responsible Care® and directed by our          has always been the top priority for         exposure to occupational health hazards. In
SHEQ Policy, we are committed as               us. While the final goal is Zero injuries,   partnership with third parties, we provide
follows: “to operate sustainably, without      milestones are agreed with leadership        a suite of services to our employees. These
harm to people, the environment and            teams across the Group, and for the          include medical surveillance, chronic
the communities in which we operate”.          Group as a whole, each year with             medicine management, occupational
Our Zero Harm Strategy was developed           incremental improvements being sought.       hygiene assessments, wellness programmes
to standardise SHEQ best practice and          We conduct annual benchmarking               and a number of employee assistance
drive world-class performance across           against the best performers in our peer      programmes. There has been a reduction
the Group. The Strategy is supported by        group and use this to inform our own         in the rate of occupational illnesses across
12 focus areas for implementation over         milestones. With the launch of our Zero      the Group in recent years. Noise-induced
five to eight years, commencing in 2017.       Harm Strategy, we extended our focus         Hearing Loss remains our most challenging
An immediate deliverable for the Group         to include process safety. The SHEQ          area. One* new occupational illness was
was to eliminate workplace fatalities and      Management system includes a dedicated       recorded in 2020, down from two* in 2019.
other high severity incidents. This gave       risk-based Process Safety Management
rise to a set of “Zero milestones”, aimed      (PSM) system through which we track          PRODUCT TRANSPORTATION
at reducing a range of high severity           and investigate these incidents. AECI        AND STEWARDSHIP
incidents to Zero by the end of 2020.          is well represented at CAIA’s Process        Our products travel thousands of kilometres
The Group was well on track to achieve         Safety fora and this involvement has         across the globe by various modes of
all milestones in 2020 but unfortunately       enabled us to build our own PSM              transportation. This includes extensive
an incident occurred in late December          capabilities and support the development     transport by road across Africa undertaken
which resulted in life-altering injuries to    of PSM in South Africa.                      by heavy-duty vehicles on roads that are not
one of our employees. We are pleased to                                                     always in the best of conditions. Most of the
report that the employee is recovering         The inclusion of data from AECI
                                                                                            Group’s transportation is outsourced but,
well and has commenced his rehabilitation      Schirm and AECI Much Asphalt, once
                                                                                            as part of our commitment to Responsible
process. This was one of our biggest           these acquisitions had been finalised in
                                                                                            Care®, we remain accountable for
disappointments for 2020.                      February and April 2018, respectively,
                                                                                            stewarding the product en route unless the
                                               resulted in a temporary deterioration in
                                                                                            risk is transferred by formal agreement. In
                                               the Group’s overall safety statistics. The
                                                                                            2017 we agreed a Group milestone target:
                                               Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)
           PERFORMANCE                                                                      to reduce major product transportation
           HIGHLIGHTS                          at 31 December 2018 was 0,58* and had
                                                                                            incidents to Zero by 2020. Collaboration
                                               improved to 0,38* in December 2019. The
                                                                                            with our numerous transport partners on
 In 2020 AECI achieved:                        figure dipped as low as 0,34* in January
                                                                                            technological and behavioural solutions
                                               2020 but increased to 0,42* in December
                                                                                            enabled us to achieve this target in 2020.
 ZERO                                          2020, above the interim milestone of
                                               0,36 we set. We have set an aspirational     In 2020 we experienced 13* moderate, 14*
  Fatalities                                   medium-term target to reduce our TRIR        minor and 2* serious product transportation
                                               to less than 0,25 by 2025.                   incidents. The classification criteria used for
  SHE legal directives                                                                      product transportation is an internal one.
  Major or serious                                                                          Both serious incidents occurred in West
  environmental incidents                                                                   Africa, where third party transportation
                                                                             TRIR           companies moving AECI Mining Explosives’
  Major process safety incidents

Further, at the Modderfontein site we’ve                                                                 supply chains and constrain the operations
reclaimed approximately 1,8 million tonnes                    REPURPOSING USED                           of our mining and agricultural customers,
                                                              CHEMICAL CONTAINERS
of ash from waste sites associated with                                                                  in particular. Reducing our carbon intensity
                                                              IN LILONGWE, MALAWI.
historical operations. This ash has been                                                                 helps us manage the risk and opens new
used as input in the manufacture of bricks                                                               opportunities in the global carbon market.
for housing developments.
                                                                                                         While we execute our growth strategy and
In Australia, a partnership between AECI’s                                                               understand the potential expansion of our
Bajool explosives facility and a local recycler                                                          operations, we remain committed to reducing
has enabled the recycling of more than                                                                   our Scope 1 emissions by 20%, by 2025.
70 tonnes of polypropylene bags – cutting
                                                                                                         Building on experience at our own
waste by almost 50%.                                AECI Water designed and built a bespoke
                                                                                                         operations, we see opportunities to extend
                                                    chemical container chipping and cleaning
AECI Much Asphalt has re-engineered                 plant which has been installed at the Farmers        services in carbon reduction across the
its manufacturing process to include up             Organisation Limited (FOL) facility in               broader value chain.
to 40% of reclaimed asphalt in the final            Lilongwe, Malawi. The plant is designed
                                                                                                         In 2007-2008, AECI Mining Explosives
product. Since 2012, this more circular             to chip and clean vessels which were
                                                    originally filled with agricultural products,        implemented Clean Development
process has avoided the impact associated
                                                    manufactured by FOL and sold to farmers.             Mechanism (CDM) projects at both its nitric
with mining 1 015 349 tonnes of aggregate
                                                    The farmers are encouraged to return the             acid plants in Modderfontein to reduce nitrous
and refining 53 439 tonnes of bitumen.
                                                    containers which are then chipped and                oxide (N₂O) emissions through catalytic
Asphalt recycling has been so successful            cleaned of any residual hazardous material.          reduction. The projects have since generated
that the South African Road Federation
                                                    The chipping prevents the containers                 approximately 1,3 million carbon credits which
has included it in its tender requirements.
                                                    from being sold or used for water                    have been sold. We will be exploring other
Historically, our approach to managing air          collection. The certified clean plastic is           carbon credit-generating opportunities in our
emissions has been largely compliance-              then offered to recycling companies to               AECI Agri Health business.
led. AECI Mining Explosives has focused             manufacture non-human consumption
                                                    plastic materials such as irrigation pipes           REDUCING GREENHOUSE
on compliance with the 2020 Minimum
                                                    or plastic sheets for greenhouses.                   GAS EMISSIONS
Emission Standards in South Africa,
                                                                                                         Installation of a secondary catalyst at AECI
investing more than R100 million in air             Through this initiative, FOL is also helping
                                                    address a significant compliance challenge.
                                                                                                         Mining Explosives’ nitric acid plants in
emissions abatement initiatives. 80% of this
                                                    Farmers are required to comply with the              Modderfontein is expected to reduce CO₂e
amount was spent in 2019. Despite being
                                                    Rain Forest Alliance, as an example, but             emissions by approximately 45%. N₂O has a
granted a postponement of compliance
                                                    there are no facilities to handle empty,             greenhouse potency more than 296 times
with some Standards until 2025, we are              contaminated containers.                             that of carbon dioxide. Our investment of
accelerating our related efforts to achieve
                                                    Without cleaning, the containers would               R10 million will deliver a reduction in the
full compliance during 2021.
                                                    be reclassified as hazardous waste and               Group’s footprint from the end of 2021
LAND REMEDIATION                                    additional licensing to handle and store             and support the achievement of our 2025
                                                    them would be required.                              reduction target.
AECI has operated its oldest sites for
well over 100 years. The environmental              The initiative is a win-win for all: it helps deal   As another example, by the introduction
and health risks associated with land and           with a significant waste footprint, addresses        of waste methane gas into the feed for
ground water contaminated by historical             a major compliance issue for farmers and
                                                                                                         steam production at AECI Property
operations intensify as land now surplus to         enables small recycling firms.
                                                                                                         Services at the Umbogintwini Industrial
operational requirements is made available                                                               Complex is reducing both its costs and
for alternative uses, including residential       Somerset West site formerly owned by the
and commercial development. Accordingly,          Group and handover to the developer. The
                                                                                                         carbon dioxide emissions.
we have adopted a risk-based approach, in         Enhanced In-situ Bio-remediation project
alignment with the guiding principles of our      at the Umbogintwini Industrial Complex                 INCREASING ENERGY EFFICIENCY
Land Remediation Strategy for South Africa        has reached its final stage of deployment
                                                                                                         While every lightbulb counts, the biggest
(2019). The focus of the Strategy is on           and development and now moves into the
                                                                                                         energy efficiency opportunities are in
remediating our historical management areas       maintenance phase. Our active remediation
                                                                                                         our production plants. Installation of
impacted by industrial operations over a long     work has shifted to Modderfontein, where 10
                                                                                                         Variable Speed Drive technology on the
period. Before seeking approval for a land        management areas require remediation in line
                                                                                                         cooling towers at AECI Mining Explosives’
remediation proposal from the Department          with the aforementioned strategy. The work
                                                                                                         Modderfontein facility reduced energy
of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries            will be executed within a framework and time
                                                                                                         use by 941 600 kilowatt hours per year.
(DEFF), we follow a formal planning process       agreed with the Regulator.
which includes land characterisation, risk                                                               In January 2020, AECI’s Bajool facility in
assessment and selection of treatment and         Reducing our                                           Australia achieved a reduction in overall
                                                                                                         power usage of 15% by transitioning from
management options.
In 2019, we received an award from the
                                                  carbon intensity                                       mains power to the use of generators on
                                                                                                         demand. This transition has reduced the
DEFF for our contribution to executing            The effects of climate change are material
                                                                                                         facility’s carbon emissions by an estimated
the intent of South Africa’s National             to our business. Extreme or unpredictable
                                                                                                         3,5 tonnes CO₂e per month.
Environmental Management Waste Act                weather events are increasing the frequency,
(2008). Examples of work undertaken               severity and effects of droughts, floods               Renewables will meet an increasing share of
included successful completion of                 and water shortages. These events have                 our energy needs over the next decade. We
remediation of the final portion of the           a real or potential negative impact on our             have already committed to installing four

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