Page created by Diana Harrington
     FEBRUARY – MARCH 2022

                                                                                                                                                              01-28.02 Challenge STRAVA by Movement
                                                                                                                                                                  05.02 Movement Golden Apple Tracks
                                    Après ski activities
                                     online at                                                                                     10.02 · 17.02 · 24.02 · 03.03 Tournée des Après-Skis
                                                                                                                                                              13-28.02 Fun Park
                                                                                                                                           17.02 · 24.02 · 03.03 · 02.04 Radio Chablais Après Ski
                                                                                                                                                                  19.02 Sledge Race
                                                                                                                                                  20.02 · 27.02 · 06.03 Rivella First Track
                                                                                                                                                                  26.02 Net + NordiX Trophy
                                                                                                                                                              02-05.03 Fairyland Fantasy
                                                                                                                                                                  05.03 En Pistes
                                                                                                                                                                  05.03 ‘Hors Saison’ crime drama premiere
                                                                                                                                                              11-19.03 Rock The Pistes Festival
                                                                                                                                                                  26.03 Harry’s Ride for Research
                                                                                                                                                          26.03-02.04 Welsh Alpine Ski Championships
                                                                                                                                                          28.03-02.04 Maxi-Rires Festival
                                                                                                                                                                  02.04 Banked Slalom
                                                                                                                                                                  09.04 CHÔ Rock Festival
                                                                                                                                                                  09.04 Morgins l’After Saison
                                                                                      •   Prices are in CHF.
                                                                                      •   This programme may be subject to change.                            16-24.04 Fun Park
                                     The 2G Covid Pass (vaccinated or recovered)
                                                                                          Find up-to-date information at
Brochure translated on 25.01.2022

                                     is obligatory for everyone age 16 and up for
                                     all events and activities held indoors*. No      •   Information & registration (by 5 pm the
                                     reimbursement will be accepted for guests            previous day) in the tourist offices or online
                                     who cannot present a valid Pass.
                                     Thank you for your understanding!                Join our community!                                             Winter Sports         Gastronomy              Children
                                     * Subject to modifications in national or can-       Animations - Région Dents du Midi
                                     tonal health and safety measures.                                                                                Après Ski             Fauna & Flora           Art & Culture
                                                                                          Bénévoles - Région Dents du Midi
                                                                                      Auxiliaries & Volunteers ·                        Adventure Games       Well-Being              Events

                                                          10 THURSDAY                                                                        PUPPY LOVE VALENTINES’ DATE
                                                                                                                                   Take a romantic stroll with your sweetheart… and a furry, four-
                                                                                                                                   legged wingman! Your friendly husky guide will accompany you
                                                              SNOW YOGA & BRUNCH                                                   on a magical night-time hike along a trail lit by fairy lights. When
                                                          A ray of sunshine, snowflakes drifting in the frosty air… An alpine      you’re done, you’ll enjoy a frosty glass of champagne and a delicious
                                                          winter yoga session is an immersion in peace and serenity, and a         platter of Valaisan charcuterie.
                                                          good way to work up an appetite for a delicious brunch!
                                                                                                                                   Ranch de Morgins
                                                          Office du Tourisme Val-d’Illiez ∙ 09:30 › 12:30                          Three departure times ∙ 17:00 ∙ 18:00 ∙ 19:00
                                                          Single price (12-15 yrs must be accompanied by an adult): 50.-           Single price (18 + yrs): 250.- (per couple)

                                                               LA TOURNÉE DES APRÈS-SKIS                                                LIGHT PAINTING
                                                          After a long day on the slopes, kick back and rev into party mode
THURSDAYS FROM 10.02 – 03.03                              with live music on the terraces of Région Dents du Midi restaurants.
                                                          Chill vibes and plenty of cold drinks – no ski day is complete without
                                                                                                                                   Let there be light! For this unique artistic activity, you’ll give free
                                                                                                                                   rein to your inner wild child, transforming your movements into a
                                                                                                                                   photographic masterpiece painted with strokes of light.
                                                                                                                                   Chapelle Les Crosets · 17:30 › 19:00
                                                          Times & dates at                                                 Single price (16 + yrs): 25.-
                                                          (The music is free, drinks are extra)

                                                          12 SATURDAY                                                              13 SUNDAY
                                                                                                                                             PUPPY LOVE VALENTINES’ DATE
                                                                    ADVENTURE PHOTO WORKSHOP                                       Take a romantic stroll with your sweetheart… and a furry, four-
                                                          In the course of a single day, you can observe the same view from        legged wingman! Your friendly husky guide will accompany you
                                                          the same angle without it ever being identical. Just imagine if you      on a magical night-time hike along a trail lit by fairy lights. When
                                                          were to visualise that landscape from a location accessible only by      you’re done, you’ll enjoy a frosty glass of champagne and a delicious
                                                          snowshoes or on skins! Learn to take exceptional landscape photos        platter of Valaisan charcuterie.
                                                          on this two-day outing with an overnight bivouac.
                                                                                                                                   Ranch de Morgins
                                                          Office du Tourisme Morgins ∙ 13:00 › 13:00 the next day                  Three departure times : 17:00 ∙ 18:00 ∙ 19:00
                                                          Single price (16 + yrs): 300.-                                           Single price (18 + yrs): 250.- (per couple)

                                                                    GOURMET FAMILY COOKING COURSE
                                                          This culinary workshop is an opportunity to indulge in some delicious    14 MONDAY
                                                          quality time with your loved ones, making desserts and delectable
                                                          snacks to take home and share!
                                                                                                                                        MURDER PARTY
                                                          Centre Culturel Champéry ∙ 16:00 › 17:30                                 There’s a murderer at large in Région Dents du Midi! Will you and
                                                          Adult : 35.- ∙ Child (6-15 yrs must be accompanied by an adult): 20.-    your friends and family be our Sherlock Holmes to the rescue and
                                                                                                                                   help us find out who dunnit?
                                                                                                                                   Salle de la Jeur Morgins ∙ 17:00 › 19:30
                                                                                                                                   Adult : 35.- ∙ Child (13-15 yrs): 25.- ∙ Group 4 people : 110.-

                                                                                  15 TUESDAY                                                                16 WEDNESDAY
                                                                                      SKI TOURING RÉGION DENTS DU MIDI                                           SNOW HORSES
                                                                                  Earn your views! Accompanied by an experienced guide, you’ll              Try your hand at a fun, new activity for the whole family! Originally
                                                                                  skin up the Pointe de Bellevue to take in one of the region’s most        from Norway, skijoring is a sport where skiers or sledgers are pulled
                                                                                  spectacular panoramas!                                                    behind horses. Today’s activities also include sleigh rides and pony
                                                                                  Office du Tourisme Morgins ∙ 09:00 › 16:00                                rides.
                                                                                  Single price (14 + yrs): 80.-                                             Grand Paradis Shelter Champéry ∙ 13:00 › 16:00
                                                                                                                                                            5 + yrs: 5.- per activity (tickets on-site)
                                                                                       MACRAME MAGIC
                                                                                  Any child of the 80’s remembers macramé, but we’re dusting off this            100% NATURE
                                                                                  almost-lost art and giving it a modern twist! Your kids will have a       Mother Nature is the world’s best teacher! Your intrepid little
                                                                                  blast weaving a Tree of Life at this hands-on workshop and you’ll get     adventurers will get back to basics, making soaps and balms from
                                                                                  a special gift to decorate your home.                                     natural products. They’ll bring home a souvenir and even taste a
                                                                                  Le Caveau Champoussin ∙ 15:00 › 17:00                                     magic potion from the forest!
13 - 18 February                                                                  Single price (6-12 yrs): 15.-                                             Le Hameau Les Crosets ∙ 15:00 › 16:30

Palladium de Champéry                                                                  SNOW SURVIVOR
                                                                                                                                                            Single price (6-12 yrs): 15.-

                                                                                  This winter in Région Dents du Midi we’re staging our own version              SNOWSHOEING IN SPACE
20 – 27 February                                                                  of the addictive adventure show ‘Survivor’. You and your friends or
                                                                                  family will step into the role of castaways, forging alliances and
                                                                                                                                                            Strap on your snowshoes and set off into the wilderness, where urban
                                                                                                                                                            light pollution is at a minimum. Your guide will teach you to observe
Salle de la Jeur Morgins                                                          overcoming mental and physical challenges with the ultimate goal
                                                                                  of becoming the Snow Survivor.
                                                                                                                                                            the night sky through a telescope and transport you into outer space!
                                                                                                                                                            Chapelle Les Crosets∙ 17:30 › 20:00
                                                                                  Chapelle Les Crosets∙ 15:00 › 17:00                                       Adult : 55.- ∙ Child (12-15 yrs): 20.-
                                                                                  Adult : 35.-
13h - 18h                                                                         Child (12-15 yrs must be accompanied by an adult): 25.-
                                                                                                                                                                      HUSKY HIKE & FONDUE
                                                                                  Group (4 people): 110.-
                                                                                  Price per additional person (5 - 10 people): 20.-                         Wearing a comfortable belt with a leash attached, let a trusty husky
                                                                                                                                                            tow you along the idyllic They Valley to a delicious, well-earned
                                                                                                                                                            fondue at the quaint Cantine de They.
                                                                                                                                                            Ranch de Morgins ∙ 19:00
                                                                                                                                                            Adult : 90.- ∙ Child (10-15 yrs must be accompanied by an adult): 50.-

                                                                                  16 WEDNESDAY
                                                                                                  CHILDREN’S THEATRE – THE TREASURE OF CALICO JACK
                                                                                             A message in a bottle, bobbing on a stream, leads to an encounter with a pirate who has lost his boat. This is the beginning of
FREE                                                                                         an adventure that will transport your young seafarers from the mountains to the ocean… and beyond!

ENTRY                      Covid Pass required for accompanying adults age 16 +              Salle de la Jeur Morgins ∙ 16:00 › 17:00
                                                                                             Single price (3 + yrs): 10.- (free for accompanying parents)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          17 THURSDAY                                                              18 FRIDAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 AVALANCHE SAFETY SKILLS                                               SKI TOURING RÉGION DENTS DU MIDI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          It’s one thing to carry avalanche safety equipment, but do you know      Earn your summit! La Dent de Valerette is one of the region’s iconic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          how to use it in an emergency? This activity, led by an experienced      peaks, but it helps to go with a guide if you want to find the best
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          guide, will teach you the vital steps to recover an avalanche victim.    powder bowls on your way back down.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Departure from Champéry cable car ∙ 08:45 › 16:00                        Office du Tourisme Val-d’Illiez ∙ 09:00 › 16:00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Adult : 80.- ∙ Child (12-15 yrs must be accompanied by an adult): 35.-   Single price (14 + yrs): 80.-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RADIO CHABLAIS APRÈS SKI                                              SKI JOËRING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Our favourite local radio station, Radio Chablais, will be               Try out a fun, new activity for the whole family! Originally from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          broadcasting live from restaurants in Région Dents du Midi!              Norway, skijoring is a sport where skiers or sledgers are pulled
                                                                                                                                                FixFinder Wil                                                                             Join us for these special après ski shows, with interviews, live         behind horses.
                                                                                                                                           Mit Köpfchen in Bewegung bleiben                                                               entertainment, music and more…
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Grand Paradis Champéry ∙ 13:00 › 14:00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          RED Croix de Culet Champéry ∙ 14:00 › 17:00                              Single price (10 + yrs): 20.-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        AWESOME ART
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SNOWSHOE HIKE & FONDUE                                         Encourage your child’s creativity and let them explore the limits of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Traipsing through the magical winter scenery in the idyllic They         their imagination at this fun workshop. We’ll use buttons, sequins,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Valley, you’ll stop off at the Cantine de They restaurant for a          and beads for a colourful, hands-on activity!
                       Murder Party                                                                        Snow Survivor
                       *                                                                                 *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          delicious fondue. This is Swiss Valais terroir at its best!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Le Hameau Les Crosets ∙ 15:00 › 17:00
                       Who will unmask the murderer terrorizing                                            Just like the famous Survivor TV show,                                                                                         Snowline Shop Morgins ∙ 17:45 › 21:30 approx.                            Single price (6-12 yrs): 15.-
                       Région Dents du Midi?                                                               but in snowy Région Dents du Midi! !                                                                                           Adult : 50.- ∙ Child (up to 12 yrs): 25.-

                                                                                                                                                         Ob spazierend oder laufend – der FixFinder ist
                                                                                                                                                               Spass und Abenteuer für Gross und Klein.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 LA TOURNÉE DES APRÈS-SKIS                                         19 SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          After a long day on the slopes, kick back and rev into party mode
                                                                                               So funktioniert’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          with live music on the terraces of Région Dents du Midi restaurants.               SNOW YOGA & BRUNCH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chill vibes and plenty of cold drinks – no ski day is complete without   A ray of sunshine, snowflakes drifting in the frosty air… An alpine
                                                                                               Mit einer Karte – in der App oder als Ausdruck – wird eine vorgegebene Strecke
                                                                                               absolviert. Unterwegs können die Posten mit der FixFinder-App gelesen werden.
                                                                                               Den Posten sind interessante Informationen hinterlegt. Am Ziel wird die
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the après!                                                               winter yoga session is an immersion in peace and serenity, and a
                                                                                               Streckenzeit angezeigt.                                                                          Jetzt diesen QR-Code

                                                                                               •   App installieren und starten
                                                                                                                                                                                                scannen und loslegen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Times & dates at                                                 good way to work up an appetite for a delicious brunch!
                       Région Dents du Midi                                                               Orienteering
                                                                                               •   Standort und Bahn wählen
                                                                                               •   Abgebildeten QR-Code scannen (Start/Ziel)                                                                                              (The music is free, drinks are extra)                                    Office du Tourisme Val-d’Illiez ∙ 08:00 › 12:30
                       Explor Games                            ®
                                                                                               •   Mit der Karte die Posten aufsuchen und die QR-Codes scannen
                                                                                               •   Im Ziel wiederum den Start / Ziel QR-Code scannen

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Single price (12-15 yrs must be accompanied by an adult): 50.-
 der FixFinder ist
                       Set off for a snowshoe adventure full                                              Are you up for the challenge?                                                                Scannen
ross und Klein.
                       of intrigue and adventure!
                       WALKING TOURS IN WINTER
                                                                                                         FixFinder Wil
                                                                                           Das Projekt wird unterstützt von                                                      App-Download

                                                                                                    Mit Köpfchen in Bewegung bleiben
                                                                                                                                                 FIX CONTROL

etzt diesen QR-Code                                                                                                                           DOWNLOAD
 annen und loslegen.                                                                                                                          THE APP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        *ON RESERVATION

                           THE APP

                                                                                                                Ob spazierend oder laufend – der FixFinder ist

                                                               INFO AT RDDM.CH                                      Spass und Abenteuer für Gross und Klein.

                                                                       So funktioniert’s


                                                                                                  FACE PAINTING FUN                                                        FACE PAINTING FUN
                                                                                             No Carnival costume is complete without the perfect face paint!          No Carnival costume is complete without the perfect face paint!

                                 ­€‚ ƒ ­„
                                                                                             Our expert will show your youngsters how to use face paints for          Our expert will show your youngsters how to use face paints for
                                                                                             maximum effect.                                                          maximum effect.
                                                                                             Salle de la Jeur Morgins ∙ 10:00 › 12:00                                 Centre Culturel Champéry ∙ 10:00 › 12:00
                                                                                             Le Caveau Champoussin ∙ 15:00 › 17:00                                    Le Hameau Les Crosets ∙ 15:00 › 17:00
                                                                                             Single price (6-12 yrs) : 15.-                                           Single price (6-12 yrs) : 15.-

                                                                                                      100% SAPIN !                                                        SKI JOËRING
                                                                                             The majestic fir tree, icon of the alpine forest, provides a wealth of   Try out a fun, new activity for the whole family! Originally from
                                                                                             ingredients for tasty natural recipes and old-fashioned remedies.        Norway, skijoring is a sport where skiers or sledgers are pulled
                                                                                             This workshop will cover everything, from identifying, picking,          behind horses.
                                                                                             tasting, and making wonderful products to take home.
                                                                                                                                                                      Grand Paradis Shelter Champéry ∙ 13:00 › 14:00
                                                                                             Frâchette Shelter Champoussin ∙ 14:00 › 17:00                            Single price (10 + yrs): 20.-
                                                                                             Adult : 45.- ∙ Child (10-15 yrs must be accompanied by an adult): 20.-

                                                                                                                                                                      21 MONDAY
                                                                                             20 SUNDAY
                                                                                                                                                                           LITTLE TRAPPERS MUSHING WORKSHOP
                                                                                                 RIVELLA FIRST TRACK
                                                                                                                                                                      Traverse vast frozen landscapes, toasty warm with the friendly
                                                                                             The early bird gets the corduroy! Hit the slopes before the crowds at    companionship of your furry companions, then take shelter in an
                                                                                             7:30 am, then tuck into a delicious alpine breakfast with a view of      igloo. The Vallon de They is a magical winter wonderland where your

                           Radio Chablais
                                                                                             the Dents du Midi.                                                       young explorers will learn the art of mushing sled dogs.
                                                                                             La Foilleuse chairlift Morgins                                           Lac de Morgins ∙14:00 › 16:00
                                                                                             Grand Conche & Crosets 8 chairlifts Les Crosets                          Single price (8-12 yrs): 100.-
                                                                                             Croix de Culet cable car Champéry
                                          €                                           From 7:30 am                                                                      LITTLE TRACKERS WILDLIFE HIKE
                                                                                             Free with a valid ski pass                                               How does a hare, a squirrel, or a roe deer spend the winter? Follow
                                                                                             Breakfast (& a gift from Rivella) in a partner restaurant: CHF 15.-      your guide through a nature wonderland and find out! You’ll learn
                                                                                                                                                                      to spot and interpret the signs of animal activity and enjoy a tasty
                                                                                  SKI TOURING RÉGION DENTS DU MIDI                                     surprise along the way!

                                                                                             Earn your turns! Follow in the footsteps of our famous Contrebandiers    Restaurant le Virage Champoussin ∙ 15:00 › 17:00
                                                     with a guided ski tour to the iconic Col de Cou pass on the border
                                                                                             with France.
                                                                                                                                                                      Adult : 35.- ∙ Child (5-15 yrs must be accompanied by an adult): 20.-

                                                                                   Office du Tourisme Champéry ∙ 09:00 › 16:00
                                                                                             Single price (dès 14 yrs): 80.-


                                                                       OPEN HOUSE AT THE 7PEAKS CRAFT BREWERY
                                                                                                                                             23 WEDNESDAY
                                                                  Whether you’re a full-on cerevisaphile or a recreational hophead, this
                                                                  is your chance to get behind the scenes at the 7Peaks traditional craft
                                                                                                                                                  SNOW HORSES
                                                                  brewery. And since it’s best not to drink on an empty stomach, we          Try your hand at a fun, new activity for the whole family! Originally
                                                                  invite you to stay for a meal after your beer tasting!                     from Norway, skijoring is a sport where skiers or sledgers are pulled
                                                                                                                                             behind horses. Today’s activities also include sleigh rides and pony
                                                                  Brasserie 7Peaks Morgins ∙ 17:00 › 18:30                                   rides.
                                                                  Single price (16 + yrs): 25.- (visit & tasting)
                                                                  45.- (visit, tasting & meal)                                               Grand Paradis Shelter Champéry ∙ 13:00 › 16:00
                                                                                                                                             5 + yrs: 5.- per activity (tickets on-site)

                                                                  22 TUESDAY                                                                      LITTLE TRAPPERS MUSHING WORKSHOP
                                                                                                                                             Traverse vast frozen landscapes, toasty warm with the friendly
                                                                                                                                             companionship of your furry companions, then take shelter in an
                                                                       LITTLE TRAPPERS MUSHING WORKSHOP                                      igloo. The Vallon de They is a magical winter wonderland where your
                                                                  Traverse vast frozen landscapes, toasty warm with the friendly             young explorers will learn the art of mushing sled dogs.
                                                                  companionship of your furry companions, then take shelter in an
                                                                  igloo. The Vallon de They is a magical winter wonderland where your        Lac de Morgins ∙ 14:00 › 16:00
                                                                  young explorers will learn the art of mushing sled dogs.                   Single price (8-12 yrs): 100.-

                                                                  Lac de Morgins ∙14:00 › 16:00
                                                                  Single price (8-12 yrs): 100.-
                                                                                                                                                  SNOWSHOEING IN SPACE
                                                                                                                                             Strap on your snowshoes and set off into the wilderness, where
                                                                                                                                             urban light pollution is at a minimum. Your guide will teach you
                                                                       MACRAME MAGIC                                                         to observe the night sky through a telescope and transport you into
                                                                  Any child of the 80’s remembers macramé, but we’re dusting off this        outer space!
                                                                  almost-lost art and giving it a modern twist! Your kids will have a
                                                                  blast weaving a Tree of Life at this hands-on workshop and you’ll get      Frâchette Shelter Champoussin ∙ 17:30 › 20:00
                                                                  a special gift to decorate your home.                                      Adult : 55.- ∙ Child (12-15 yrs): 20.-

Fairyland Fantasy
                                                                  Le Hameau Les Crosets ∙ 15:00 › 17:00
                                                                  Single price (6-12 yrs): 15.-
                                                                                                                                                       HUSKY HIKE & FONDUE
                                                                                                                                             Wearing a comfortable belt with a leash attached, let a trusty husky
                                                                                                                                             tow you along the idyllic They Valley to a delicious, well-earned
                                                                       MURDER PARTY                                                          fondue at the quaint Cantine de They.
                                                                  There’s a murderer at large in Région Dents du Midi! Will you and
                                                                  your friends and family be our Sherlock Holmes to the rescue and           Ranch de Morgins ∙ 19:00
                                                                  help us find out who dunnit?                                               Adult : 90.- ∙ Child (10-15 yrs must be accompanied by an adult): 50.-

                                                                  Palladium de Champéry ∙ 17:00 › 19:30

                                                                  Adult : 35.- ∙ Child (13-15 yrs): 25.- ∙ Group 4 people: 110.-
                                                                  23 WEDNESDAY
                                                                   CHILDREN’S THEATRE – A CIRCUS IN SUITCASES
                                                                              A terrible storm has blown away a circus tent and all of the artists with it, leaving nothing but Faustine and a pile of suitcases
                                                                    belonging to the disappeared artists. Lonely Faustine delves into the suitcases, reinventing characters and circus numbers for
                                                                              a show that is both magical, poetic, and totally wacky!
                                                   Hôtel Suisse Champéry seminar room ∙ 15:00 › 16:00
                                                                              Single price (3 + yrs): 10.- (free for accompanying adults)

                                          YOUR OPINION COUNTS
                                                                                                                        24 THURSDAY                                                              25 FRIDAY
Customer satisfaction is our absolute priority. In an ongoing effort to guarantee premium service, tailor-made to our
customers, Région Dents du Midi will be conducting a customer satisfaction survey throughout the 2021-2022 winter              AVALANCHE SAFETY SKILLS                                               SKI JOËRING
season. Will you help us?                                                                                               It’s one thing to carry avalanche safety equipment, but do you know      Try out a fun, new activity for the whole family! Originally from
                                                                                                                        how to use it in an emergency? This activity, led by an experienced      Norway, skijoring is a sport where skiers or sledgers are pulled
                                                                                                                        guide, will teach you the vital steps to recover an avalanche victim.    behind horses.
1. Scan the QR Code below or go to
                                                                                                                        Departure from Champéry cable car ∙ 08:45 › 16:00                        Grand Paradis Shelter Champéry ∙ 13:00 › 14:00
2. Fill in the requested fields
                                                                                                                        Adult : 80.- ∙ Child (12-15 yrs must be accompanied by an adult): 35.-   Single price (10 + yrs): 20.-
3. Check your email inbox for a questionnaire when you get home

                                                                                                                               TAKE CARE OF YOUR SKIN, NATURALLY!                                     LITTLE INUITS IGLOO BUILDING
As a thank you, at the end of the season all participants will be entered into a prize drawing for:                     Using 100% natural organic ingredients and infused plant oils,           Today’s adventure is all about learning survival skills for a winter
                                                                                                                        you will learn how to make your own alpine balm and a deliciously        wilderness. Your little explorers will head out for a snowshoe hike
A 3-NIGHT STAY FOR 2 PEOPLE                                                                                             moisturising face cream. At the end of the workshop, you’ll leave
                                                                                                                        with your creations for a little at-home pampering.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 in search of wild animal tracks, then try their hands at building an
                                                                                                                                                                                                 igloo and setting a campfire!
INCLUDING ACCOMMODATION AND SKI PASS                                                                                    Salle de la Jeur Morgins ∙ 09:00 › 11:00                                 Champeys drag lift ∙ 13:30 › 16:30
                                                                                                                        Adult : 40 .- ∙ Child (12-15 yrs): 20.-                                  Single price (6-12 yrs) : 15.-
(valid winter 2022-2023)
                                                                                                                               RADIO CHABLAIS APRÈS SKI                                               LITTLE TRAPPERS MUSHING WORKSHOP
Good luck, and thank you for your important contribution!                                                               Our favourite local radio station, Radio Chablais, will be               Traverse vast frozen landscapes, toasty warm with the friendly
Région Dents du Midi SA                                                                                                 broadcasting live from restaurants in Région Dents du Midi!              companionship of your furry companions, then take shelter in an
                                                                                                                        Join us for these special après ski shows, with interviews, live         igloo. The Vallon de They is a magical winter wonderland where your
                                                                                                                        entertainment, music and more…                                           young explorers will learn the art of mushing sled dogs.
                                                                                                                        Chez Gaby 1670 Champoussin ∙ 14:00 › 17:00                               Lac de Morgins ∙ 14:00 › 16:00
                                                                                                                        Free                                                                     Single price (8-12 yrs): 100.-

                                                                                                                                  SNOWSHOE HIKE & FONDUE                                              APRÈS -SKI WINING & DINING
                                                                                                                        Traipsing through the magical winter scenery in the idyllic They         The après ski is your reward for a long day on the slopes, and this
                                                                                                                        Valley, you’ll stop off at the Cantine de They restaurant for a          one is designed especially for sporty epicureans. We’ll guide you
                                                                                                                        delicious fondue. This is Swiss Valais terroir at its best!              through the basics of wine tasting with some of our famous Valais
                                                                                                                        Snowline Shop Morgins ∙ 17:45 › 21:30 approx.                            wines while our chef serves up delicious accompanying nibbles.
                                                                                                                        Adult : 50.- ∙ Child (up to 12 yrs): 25.-                                Hôtel des Portes du Soleil Les Crosets ∙ 17:00 › 18:30
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Single price (18 + yrs): 45.-
                                                                                                                               LA TOURNÉE DES APRÈS-SKIS
                                                                                                                        After a long day on the slopes, kick back and rev into party mode                  SNOWSHOE RAMBLE & CARAMEL CONFECTION
                                                                                                                        with live music on the terraces of Région Dents du Midi restaurants.     Just before nightfall, head out for a snowshoe hike through
                                                                                                                        Chill vibes and plenty of cold drinks – no ski day is complete without   slumbering winter landscapes combined with a caramel cooking
                                                                                                                        the après!                                                               workshop. This is a treat for all your senses!
                                                                                                                        Times & dates at                                                 Grand Paradis Shelter Champéry ∙ 18:00 › 20:00
                                                                                                                        (The music is free, drinks are extra)                                    Adult : 40.- ∙ Child (7-15 yrs must be accompanied by an adult): 25.-

FEBRUARY                                                                                                                                        FEBRUARY

26 SATURDAY                                                           27 SUNDAY                                                               28 MONDAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            OPEN HOUSE AT THE 7PEAKS CRAFT BREWERY
         SNOW YOGA & BRUNCH                                               RIVELLA FIRST TRACK                                                      SNOW SURVIVOR
A ray of sunshine, snowflakes drifting in the frosty air… An alpine   The early bird gets the corduroy! Hit the slopes before the crowds at   This winter in Région Dents du Midi we’re staging our own version       Whether you’re a full-on cerevisaphile or a recreational hophead,
winter yoga session is an immersion in peace and serenity, and a      7:30 am, then tuck into a delicious alpine breakfast with a view of     of the addictive adventure show ‘Survivor’. You and your friends or     this is your chance to get behind the scenes at the 7Peaks
good way to work up an appetite for a delicious brunch!               the Dents du Midi..                                                     family will step into the role of castaways, forging alliances and      traditional craft brewery. And since it’s best not to drink on an empty
                                                                                                                                              overcoming mental and physical challenges with the ultimate goal        stomach, we invite you to stay for a meal after your beer tasting!
Office du Tourisme Champéry ∙ 10:00 › 12:45                           La Foilleuse chairlift Morgins                                          of becoming the Snow Survivor.
Single price (12-15 yrs must be accompanied by an adult): 50.-        Grand Conche & Crosets 8 chairlifts Les Crosets                                                                                                 Brasserie 7Peaks Morgins ∙ 17:00 › 18:30
                                                                                                                                              Chapelle de Champoussin ∙ 15:00 › 17:00                                 Single price (from 16 yrs): 25.- (visit & tasting)
                                                                      Croix de Culet cable car Champéry
                                                                                                                                              Adult: 35.- ∙ Child (12-15 yrs must be accompanied by an adult): 25.-   45.- (visit, tasting & meal)
                                                                      From 07:30                                                              Group (4 people): 110.-
While the kids are blowing off steam in the bouncy castle,            Free with a valid ski pass                                              Price per additional person (5 - 10 people): 20.-
grownups can relax nearby with a drink and some merry musical         Breakfast (& a gift from Rivella) in a partner restaurant: CHF 15.-
entertainment. The three best Carnival costumes will win prizes, so
give your creative streak free rein!
                                                                          SKI TOURING RÉGION DENTS DU MIDI
Salle polyvalente Val-d’Illiez ∙ from 14:00
                                                                      Earn your summit! La Dent de Valerette is one of the region’s iconic
Free (food & drinks on-site)                                          peaks, but it helps to go with a guide if you want to find the best
                                                                      powder bowls on your way back down.
                                                                      Office du Tourisme Val-d’Illiez ∙ 09:00 › 16:00
Infos at                                                      Single price (14 + yrs): 80.-

                                                                           CARNABOUM IN VAL-D’ILLIEZ
                                                                      While the kids are blowing off steam in the bouncy castle,
                                                                      grownups can relax nearby with a drink and some merry musical
                                                                      entertainment. The three best Carnival costumes will win prizes, so
                                                                      give your creative streak free rein!
                                                                      Salle polyvalente Val-d’Illiez ∙ From 12:00
                                                                      Free (food & drinks on-site)

                                                                           INGENIOUS IGLOOS
                                                                      How do you build an igloo? How does it work? This workshop is tailor-
                                                                      made for your curious littlies!
                                                                      Chapelle Les Crosets ∙ 13:30 ›15:30
                                                                      Single price (6-12 yrs): 15.-

                                                             01 TUESDAY                                                                02 WEDNESDAY
                                                                    CHILDREN’S CARNIVAL IN VAL-D’ILLIEZ                                       SNOW HORSES
                                                             Spideys and Elsas and lions and tigers and bears, oh my! It’s that        Try your hand at a fun, new activity for the whole family! Originally
                                                             time of year again, with the traditional confetti toss, bouncy castles,   from Norway, skijoring is a sport where skiers or sledgers are pulled
                                                             and costumes, costumes everywhere! We’ve provided a bar and               behind horses. Today’s activities also include sleigh rides and pony
                                                             musical entertainment for frazzled parents...                             rides.
                                                             Salle polyvalente Val-d’Illiez ∙ from 13:30                               Grand Paradis Shelter Champéry ∙ 13:00 › 16:00
                                                             Free                                                                      + 5 yrs: 5.- per activity (tickets on-site)

                                                                    CHILDREN’S CARNIVAL IN MORGINS                                            I’M SNOW MICHELANGELO
                                                             Carnival means costume contests, face painting, children’s shows,         Unleash your inner Michelangelo on a blank block of snow! You and
                                                             and more. This year it’s cooler than ever, coz it’s happening on ice!     your team will have free rein to create an ephemeral masterpiece
                                                                                                                                       and win the hearts of spectators and judges alike.
                                                             Morgins ice rink ∙ 14:30 › 18:30
                                                             Free, 3 + yrs - skate rental free                                         Chapelle Les Crosets ∙ 14:00 › 16:00
                                                                                                                                       Single price (6-12 yrs) : 15.-
                                                                    AWESOME ART
                                                             Encourage your child’s creativity and let them explore the limits of                 GOURMET FAMILY COOKING COURSE
                                                             their imagination at this fun workshop. We’ll use buttons, sequins,       This culinary workshop is an opportunity to indulge in some delicious
                                                             and beads for a colourful, hands-on activity!                             quality time with your loved ones, making desserts and delectable
                                                                                                                                       snacks to take home and share!
                                                             Le Caveau Champoussin ∙ 15:00 › 17:00
                                                             Single price (6-12 yrs): 15.-                                             Salle de la Jeur Morgins ∙ 16:00 › 17:30
                                                                                                                                       Adult : 35.- ∙ Child (7-15 yrs must be accompanied by an adult): 20.-
                                                                       LITTLE TRACKERS WILDLIFE HIKE
                                                             How does a hare, a squirrel, or a roe deer spend the winter? Follow              FAIRYLAND FANTASY
                                                             your guide through a winter wonderland and find out! You’ll learn         Add a little magic, music, and movement to your winter with ‘La
                                                             to spot and interpret the signs of animal activity and enjoy a tasty      Parade Amoureux’ by the company Remue Ménage. Tonight, poetry
                                                             surprise along the way!                                                   and choreography come together to create a mystical dreamland

                              DU 28 MARS AU 2 AVRIL 2022
                                                                                                                                       where giant stags perform sublime dances in a graceful urban
                                                             Cable car parking lot Champéry ∙ 15:00 › 17:00                            ballet...
                                                             Adult : 35.- ∙ Child (5-15 yrs must be accompanied by an adult): 20.-
                                                                                                                                       Morgins ∙18:30 › 20:00
                              Yann Marguet, Alban Ivanov                                                                               Free

                                   Stéphane Guillon          02 WEDNESDAY
                              Yann Lambiel, Gad Elmaleh...                   CHILDREN’S THEATRE ‘CLEMENT’S SECRET GARDEN’
                                                                        We’re hoping the children in the audience will lend a hand and help us repair our magic scarecrow - using some very strange
                                                                        ingredients from a special vegetable garden! This interactive spectacle with a surprise ending showcases nature and the
                                   MAXI-RIRES.CH #MRF22                 rhythm of the seasons.
                                                                        Salle Polyvalente Val-d’Illiez ∙ 14:00 › 15:00
                                                                        Single price (3 + yrs): 10.- (free for accompanying adults)
MARCH                                                                                                                                        MARCH

03 THURSDAY                                                                LA TOURNÉE DES APRÈS-SKIS
                                                                    After a long day on the slopes, kick back and rev into party mode
                                                                                                                                             05 SATURDAY                                                           06 SUNDAY
                                                                    with live music on the terraces of Région Dents du Midi restaurants.
       I’M SNOW MICHELANGELO                                        Chill vibes and plenty of cold drinks – no ski day is complete without          APRÈS -SKI WINING & DINING                                         RIVELLA FIRST TRACK
                                                                    the après!
Unleash your inner Michelangelo on a blank block of snow! You and                                                                            The après ski is your reward for a long day on the slopes, and this   The early bird gets the corduroy! Hit the slopes before the crowds at
your team will have free rein to create an ephemeral masterpiece    Times & dates at                                                 one is designed especially for sporty epicureans. We’ll guide you     7:30 am, then tuck into a delicious alpine breakfast with a view of
and win the hearts of spectators and judges alike.                  (The music is free, drinks are extra)                                    through the basics of wine tasting with some of our famous Valais     the Dents du Midi.
                                                                                                                                             wines while our chef serves up delicious accompanying nibbles.
Chapelle Champoussin ∙ 14:00 › 16:00                                                                                                                                                                               La Foilleuse chairlift Morgins
Single price (6-12 yrs): 15.-
                                                                    04 FRIDAY                                                                Restaurant le Di.Vins Morgins ∙ 17:00 › 18:30
                                                                                                                                             Single price (18 + yrs): 45.-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Grand Conche & Crosets 8 chairlifts Les Crosets
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Croix de Culet cable car Champéry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   From 07:30
Our favourite local radio station, Radio Chablais, will be                 APRÈS -SKI WINING & DINING                                               FAIRYLAND FANTASY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Free with a valid ski pass
broadcasting live from restaurants in Région Dents du Midi!         The après ski is your reward for a long day on the slopes, and this      Add a little magic, music, and movement to your winter with ‘La       Breakfast (& a gift from Rivella) in a partner restaurant: CHF 15.-
Join us for these special après ski shows, with interviews, live    one is designed especially for sporty epicureans. We’ll guide you        Parade Amoureux’ by the company Remue Ménage. Tonight, poetry
entertainment, music and more…                                      through the basics of wine tasting with some of our famous Valais        and choreography come together to create a mystical dreamland
                                                                    wines while our chef serves up delicious accompanying nibbles.           where giant stags perform sublime dances in a graceful urban
Restaurant Là Ô Morgins ∙ 14:00 › 17:00                                                                                                      ballet...
Free                                                                Chalet des Saveurs Champéry ∙ 17:00 › 18:30
                                                                    Single price (18 + yrs): 45.-
                                                                                                                                             Champéry ∙ 18:30 › 20:00
Spend a paw-fect hour making friends with some beautiful Siberian          FAIRYLAND FANTASY
Huskies and learning about mushing.                                 Add a little magic, music, and movement to your winter with ‘La
Chapelle Les Crosets ∙ 15:30 › 16:30                                Parade Amoureux’ by the company Remue Ménage. Tonight, poetry
Single price: 10.- (- 14 yrs free if accompanied by an adult)       and choreography come together to create a mystical dreamland
                                                                    where giant stags perform sublime dances in a graceful urban
          SNOWSHOE HIKE & FONDUE                                                                                                                       Step off the beaten track and into the heart of a winter wilderness!
                                                                    Les Crosets ∙ 18:30 › 20:00

                                                                                                                                                                    Into the wild
Traipsing through the magical winter scenery in the idyllic They
Valley, you’ll stop off at the Cantine de They restaurant for a
delicious fondue. This is Swiss Valais terroir at its best!
Snowline Shop Morgins ∙ 17:45 › 21:30 approx.
Adult : 50.- ∙ Child (up to 12 yrs): 25.-

Add a little magic, music, and movement to your winter with ‘La                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CHF
Parade Amoureux’ by the company Remue Ménage. Tonight, poetry
and choreography come together to create a mystical dreamland                                                                                                                                                                                                 / person per night in hut
where giant stags perform sublime dances in a graceful urban                                                                                                                                                                                                          raclette
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    & breakfast
Champoussin ∙ 18:30 › 20:00
Free                                                                                                                                             Saturdays from 05.02 – 05.03


                                                  Concerts OFF
                                                    in the villages

TRUST, GAËTAN ROUSSEL, 47 TER,                   Cable car parking lot
  IAM, KUNGS & CLUB AZUR                 Friday, March 11 th (16h-22h)
    (UPSILONE, VICTOR FLASH)             16h
                                                  Mister Ted (DJ set Radio Meuh)
                                                  Daddy Gorilla (DJ set Dub & Reggae)
                                         18h30    Trash Tongue (Rock)
                                         20h      Höudi & Funfair Dudez (Rock n Roll)
                                         21h15    Mister Ted (DJ set Radio Meuh)

                                         Saturday, March 12 th (16h-22h)
                                                  Mister Ted (DJ set Radio Meuh)
                                                  Terry Blue (Indie-Folk & New soul)
                                                                                           Place du 6 août
                                         18h15    Sétay (Hip-hop)
                                         19h45    Alison & The Twins (Rock)             Thursday, March 17 th (16h-21h)
                                         21h      Mister Ted (DJ set Radio Meuh)
                                                                                        16h     Alan Junior (DJ set)
                                                                                        17h30   Licking Rainbows (Rock)
                                         Sunday, March 13 th (15h-21h)

       13 19
                                                                                        19h     Alam (Reggae)
                                         15h      Mister Ted (DJ set Radio Meuh)        20h     Alan Junior (DJ set)
                                         16h      Eméa (World soul)
                                         17h15    The Jamborines (Pop Rock)             Friday, March 18 th (16h-22h)
                                         18h45    Sim's (Hip-hop)
                                         20h      Mister Ted (DJ set Radio Meuh)        16h     Alan Junior (DJ set)
                                                                                        17h     Le Band d'Eben-Hézer (Blues Rock)

    MARCH 2022
                                                                                        18h30   Caesaria (Pop Rock)
                                                                                        19h45   After Silence (Rock)
                                                                                        21h     Alan Junior (DJ set)

                                                                                        Saturday, March 19 th (15h-22h)
                                              Free shuttles                             15h     Alan Junior (DJ set)
     POP ROCK CONCERTS                     Champéry ↔ Morgins                           16h     Bigger (Pop)
                                                                                        17h15   SQUAW (Rock)
     ON THE SKI SLOPES                                                                  19h
                                                                                                Spit Reckless (Pop Rock)
                                                                                                Jekyll Wood (Pop Rock)
     AND FOR APRÈS SKI!                                                                 21h30   Alan Junior (DJ set)

                                             Food & drinks available on site ·



Rue du Village 54
1874 Champéry
+41 24 479 05 50

Route du Village
1875 Morgins
+41 24 477 23 61

Place du Village 5
1873 Val-d’Illiez
+41 24 477 20 77
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